2019 Issue 3 2
2019 Issue 3 2
2019 Issue 3 2
Representing Northeast Indiana P.O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46867
President’s Words And the fall field trips are planned and we
By Cynthia Powers have two birding programs scheduled at Fox
In summer between migrations, birds are busy
raising their chicks and birders finally have What can you do to help Stockbridge promote
time for family events, yard work, and birding?
vacations. You might think we haven’t been
Stockbridge Audubon is now on Instagram!
busy, but in fact a lot has been happening. Follow us at @stockbridgeaudubon (and don't
Terri Gorney helped teach a bird class of over forget to DM us with any Northeast Indiana bird
photos you have taken, and you could be featured).
35 Junior Master Naturalists at Ouabache
State Park. She also presented her talk on
Upcoming Programs and Events
Stockbridge Audubon’s 120th anniversary at
their Lunch & Learn and again at the Sunday, August 11: Juan Velasquez will be
Mississinewa Audubon Club, using updated at the Fox Island nature center at 2 p.m. to
information. And costumed as “Jane Hine,” speak about a winter birding trip he took with
an early naturalist from DeKalb County, she his father. Please see a complete description
talked about birds to a Boys and Girls Club in of the program on page 2 of this newsletter.
Fort Wayne.
Sunday, October 13: join us for the annual
Several members participated in the June Bird Big Sit at the Fox Island nature center. Come
Blitz that covered various ACRES properties. for a little while or all afternoon. There will
be treats to eat and great companionship.
John Winebrenner co-led a bird hike along
ALSO – at 2 p.m., Stockbridge member Eric
with a new seasonal naturalist at Chain
Helfrich will present a program about a
O’Lakes State Park. Seven or eight others
professionally-led birding tour in Eastern
enjoyed the outing as well.
Europe. Starting from Bucharest, Romania to
the Danube Delta at the Black Sea, and the student council. Juan and his siblings also
traversing through the Carpathian Mountains play soccer in the fall and have for the last
to Transylvania (no Dracula, but lots of Vlad five years.
the Impaler), we will move through the
Hungarian Plains to end in Budapest. Lots of We hope you will come to hear Juan present
birds, many of which are rare in the rest of some of the pictures that he took of the winter
Europe, and some of which one must go to rarities of Sax-Zim Bog. This is a family
Alaska to get in North America! friendly event hosted by the Stockbridge
Audubon Society with light refreshments
Save the date! Saturday, December 14, served.
2019: Fort Wayne Christmas Bird Count.
Stockbridge History
Juan Velasquez on Birding Sax-Zim By Terri Gorney
Bog in Winter Arboretum to House Bird Collection Given
By John Velasquez and Terri Gorney Earlham
On Sunday, August 11, 2:00 pm, Juan One of the finest single collections of
Velasquez, 12, will be speaking at Fox Island mounted bird skins in the Midwest, the
at the nature center, on his birding trip with Stockbridge collection, has been given to the
his father, John, to Sax-Zim Bog in Minnesota Joseph Moore Museum of Earlham College
in the heart of winter. He will be presenting by Alathea Stockbridge of Fort Wayne.
the amazing birds of winter and tell of some
of his “lifers” (to birders that is birds that they Miss Stockbridge is the daughter of the late
see for the first time). His “target” bird was Charles A. Stockbridge, distinguished Hoosier
the Great Gray Owl of Northern Minnesota. ornithologist, who collected and mounted the
specimens over a 50-year period.
Juan enjoys leading hikes and attends bird
field trips with the Mississinewa Audubon The unusual collection will be housed in the
Club. He has been a presenter at the last nature center of Hayes Arboretum, which has
several Indiana Young Birders Conferences more storage space than the college museum.
and has led several bird hikes around the state.
He enjoys spending time outside connecting Charles F. McGraw, director of the
with nature and teaching his fellow peers and arboretum, says the arboretum is “delighted to
others about the wonderful beauty of the serve as home for the bird collection.”
birds. “We think that both the general public and the
Juan has a twin sister, Catalina, and a younger Earlham students can enjoy the collection as
brother Luis, 9. He attends Blackford County we display it here,” McGraw explains.
schools: just completed Northside Elementary Arboretum Affiliated
and will begin Jr. High School in August
2019. Juan plays in the school band playing James Cope, director of the Joseph Moore
the clarinet and was recently moved up to museum and also educational director of the
oboe. He is a member of the chess club and arboretum, states that this is a good example
of the close cooperation in educational
programs in the natural science area that was frail as a boy and spent little time in
exists between the arboretum and the college. school. Most of his early years he roamed the
“Our students use the arboretum as a learning fields and woods, learning first-hand from
resource and our majors teach nature classes nature.
to children,” Cope adds.
His first interest in birds was aroused at the
The Stockbridge collection will be one of the age of four when he was given a nature book
attractions for the open house to be held at with illustrations of birds. His training in
Hayes Arboretum Sunday marking the taxidermy, as a 12-year old, consisted of only
reopening of the arboretum which has been two lessons. His collection, Cope and
closed for maintenance work. McGraw say, shows exceptional fine quality
mounting proven by the excellent state of
Charles A. Stockbridge, who died in 1934, preservation of specimens some of which are
was one of the foremost bird students of a century old.
Indiana. The Fort Wayne native, who was
born in 1856, began collecting birds and Stockbridge was president of the Allen
preparing their skins when he was 12 years County Audubon Society for a number of
old. years and an officer of the state society
serving as one of its lecture board members.
From 1909-1933, the Stockbridge collection He gave many talks on birds and did much to
of bird skins, eggs and nests was located in encourage bird study and bird protection
the museum of the Fort Wayne Public Library especially on the part of children.
and from 1933 until this year was housed in
the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical In his later years, the beloved ornithologist
Society Museum. was greatly interested in Boy Scouts and spent
much of his time working with them in their
In the total collection of 235 specimens are bird and nature studies.
representatives of 173 species. Of this
number, 205 specimens of 147 species are Source: Palladium-Item, Richmond Indiana, Friday,
from Indiana. Included in the collection are 13 20 Sep 1968, p. 11.
species of warblers and 15 species of geese
and ducks. Big May Day Bird Count
Saturday, May 11
Among the most interesting and valuable
specimens are the passenger pigeon, now Weather was cool on count day, partly cloudy
extinct, the whooping crane, nearing becoming cloudy, with moderate wind and no
extinction, and the only raven ever found in rain. David Ward in the northeast part of the
the state of Ohio. The raven is now extinct in county had 12 species above the average for
Indiana and Ohio. that territory; the other four territories were
below average. Altogether, we had 131
The influence of early exposure to the species, 12 below average. The total number
wonders of the outdoors is shown by the life of individuals was 5199, below the average of
of Stockbridge, Cope points out. The 6223.
distinguished ornithologist from Fort Wayne
Bird of the day was American White Pelican. Canada Goose
It has appeared in the Allen County count Turkey Vulture
Red-bellied Woodpecker
only once before, in 2014, and then there were
Cedar Waxwing
only two. Eastern Wood Peewee
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
We set or tied 14 records for Allen County:
Downy Woodpecker
American White Pelican 9 (2 in 2014) Warbling Vireo
Turkey Vulture 126 (113 in 2001) Northern Cardinal
Red-shouldered Hawk 4 (3 in 2017) Northern Parula
Sandhill Crane 6 (5 in 2010) Eastern Phoebe
Barred Owl 5 (4 in 1993, 2013, and American Goldfinch
2014) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Red-headed Woodpecker 19 (15 in 1987 and American Crow
1988) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Pileated Woodpecker 5 (ties 2013) Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Northern Parula 47 (33 in 2014) Hairy Woodpecker
American Redstart 112 (ties 1996) Red-eyed Vireo
Prothonotory Warbler 3 (ties 2009) Olive-sided Flycatcher
Eastern Bluebird
The big miss was shorebirds. We average Tufted Titmouse
about 10 species, but this year we had only Chipping Sparrow
three. Yellow Warbler
Barn Swallow
For a complete report, check our website, Carolina Chickadee
under the Events tab. Mallard
White-breasted Nuthatch
Green Heron
2019 Stockbridge Challenge Black and White Warbler
By Stephanie Wagner House Wren
Great Crested Flycatcher
Twelve people met on Saturday morning,
Blue Jay
May 25, to participate in the Stockbridge Red-tailed Hawk
Challenge. Our goal, to find more than 44 Carolina Wren
species of birds in Foster Park to beat the Yellow-throated Warbler
record recorded in Stockbridge Chapter Swainson's Thrush
records from 1938. We were successful in Acadian Flycatcher
Baltimore Oriole
meeting and beating the count in spite of the
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
warm, humid conditions ending our morning European Starling
early around 11:30 with a total of 52 species. Indigo Bunting
Red-headed Woodpecker
The list in order of sighting: Common Grackle
Mourning Dove American Redstart
Chimney Swift House Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird Belted Kingfisher
Gray Catbird Great Blue Heron
American Robin
Sat Aug 31 Eagle Marsh. Meet at 7:30 AM at the BSA Scout parking lot at the end of Olde Canal Place (opposite Lutheran
Hospital campus). Shorebirds, herons, swallows, etc. Up to two miles on flat trails; boots recommended. Finish by
noon. Leader: Ed Powers
Sat Sep 7 Lake Michigan lakefront. Leave at 6:00 AM from north end of Meijer parking lot, 6309 Lima Rd (north of I-69).
Waterfowl, late shorebirds, gulls and terns. Travel mostly by car, with frequent stops and short walks. Return about
6:00-6:30 PM. Leaders: Ed Powers, Stephanie Wagner
Sat Sep 14 Franke Park, 3411 Sherman Blvd. Meet at 8:00 AM at the BMX track. Migrant songbirds. Up to two miles on
somewhat hilly trails. For those wanting a shorter, family and beginner friendly trip, meet us at 10:30 at the Shoaff
Lake parking lot. Done by noon. Leader: Greg Majewski
Sat Sep 21 Salamonie Reservoir. Leave at 7:30 AM from NE corner of Rural King parking lot, 8801 US 24 just W of I-69, or meet
us at 8:00 AM at Forks of the Wabash, SW corner of US 24 and IN 9, Huntington. Hawks, songbirds. Largely birding
by car, but up to three miles on foot; some hills, may be muddy spots. Return around 5:00 PM. Leaders: Sandy
Schacht, Andrew Wolfe
Sat Sep 28 Fox Island County Park. Meet at 8:00 AM at the Vera Dulin Bldg parking lot at Fox Island, 7324 Yohne Rd.
Woodpeckers, woodland songbirds, including migrant warblers. Three or four miles on easy trails; may be some wet
spots. Finish by noon. Leaders: Eric Helfrich, Stephanie Wagner. Park entrance fee of $2 payable at self-serve post
just inside gate or at the Nature Center.
Sat Oct 5 Howard Marsh, Ottawa NWR. Meet at 6:30 at the southeast side of the Meijer lot on Maysville Rd. just W of I-469 at
IN 37. Waterfowl, herons, shorebirds. Return around 6-7 PM. Leaders: John Winebrenner, Margit Codispoti
Sat Oct 12 Eagle Marsh. Meet at 8:30 AM at the BSA Scout parking lot at the end of Olde Canal Place (opposite Lutheran
Hospital campus). Waterfowl, some shorebirds, sparrows, etc. Up to two miles on flat trails. Finish by noon.
Leaders: Ed Powers, John Winebrenner
Sun Oct 13 BIG SIT BIRD COUNT on the back deck of Fox Island Nature Center, 7324 Yohne Rd. All afternoon; come when you
can! No walking, snacks and rest rooms close at hand. BONUS: Eric and Mary Helfrich talk about their trip to
Romania and Hungary.
Sat Oct 26 Pigeon River FWA. Leave at 7:00 AM from north end of Meijer parking lot, 6309 Lima Rd (north of I-69), or meet us
at FWA Hq, about 1/2 mile east of Mongo. Hawks, woodpeckers, songbirds, Sandhill Cranes, maybe owls. Some
easy walking. Return around 5:00 PM. Leaders: Sam Plew, Margit Codispoti
Sun Oct 27 Hurshtown Reservoir. Meet at the reservoir,16000 Roth Rd, 1 mi S of SR 1 (1.5 mi N of Grabill Rd) at 3 PM. Loons,
grebes, ducks, gulls, maybe Snow Buntings. We circle the reservoir by car, stopping occasionally to get out and
scope the water. Finish by 5:00 PM. Leader: Ed Powers
Sat Nov 16 Limberlost Swamp and Loblolly Marsh, Adams and Jay Cos.; leave at 11:00 AM. from E side of Walmart lot (behind
Wendy’s) at Southtown Centre, W side of US 27 South, just S of Tillman Rd., or meet us at Limberlost Historic Site in
Geneva at noon.; return around 7 PM. Waterfowl, shorebirds, hawks; stay til dusk for Short-eared Owls. Leaders:
Margit Codispoti, Stephanie Wagner
Sat Nov 23 Kingsbury FWA or Kankakee FWA (depending on conditions), and Jasper-Pulaski FWA. Leave at 11:30 AM from the
north end of Meijer parking lot, 6309 Lima Rd (north of I-69). Waterfowl and late shorebirds at Kingsbury or
Kankakee, and thousands of Sandhill Cranes at J-P. We customarily stop for supper at a fast-food restaurant in
Winamac. Return about 8:00 PM. Leaders: Eric Helfrich, John Winebrenner
P.O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, IN 46867
We welcome new members using the form below (or apply online). To speed your service and save us postage, mail renewals
directly to National Audubon, using the form that they provide. Any questions relating to membership? Ed Powers, Membership
Chair, will be glad to help!
Mail to: National Audubon Society, 225 Varick St., New York, NY 10014