09 The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitationconcept The State of The Evidence A Narrative Review PDF
09 The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitationconcept The State of The Evidence A Narrative Review PDF
09 The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitationconcept The State of The Evidence A Narrative Review PDF
To cite this article: Fred Smedes, Marianne Heidmann, Carsten Schäfer, Nicola
Fischer & Agnieszka Stępień (2016): The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation-
concept; the state of the evidence, a narrative review, Physical Therapy Reviews, DOI:
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The proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation-concept; the state of the evidence,
a narrative review
Fred Smedes1, Marianne Heidmann2, Carsten Schäfer3, Nicola Fischer4,
Agnieszka Stępień5
Department of Physical Therapy, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands,
Department for Medical Professions, Study Centre BFW Mainz, Diploma European University, Mainz, Germany,
Institute of Physiotherapy, Zurich University of Applied Science, Zurich, Switzerland, 4S-R-H School for Physical
Therapy, Karlsruhe, Germany, 5Department of Rehabilitation, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education,
Warsaw, Poland
ing techniques).
applications, quantitative or qualitative systematic review These motor learning strategies are incorporated in the
was not feasible. This diversity of sources justifies a pres- PNF philosophy.3,9
entation of the results in a narrative type review. In the
sections below, the results are described within the three PNF basic principles and procedures
main categories. The basic principles and procedures as proposed by the
IPNFA have to be regarded as means of facilitation to
PNF philosophy enhance therapy effects.3,4,9 They can be subdivided into
As the primary aim of treatment is to help patients maxi- proprioceptive, exteroceptive and procedural stimuli
mize movement efficiency and achieve their highest level (see Table 1). Twelve publications have been identified
of functioning, principles of motor learning have been describing and/or studying the effects of these stimuli (see
integrated into the PNF-concept as an underlying philoso- Table 2, Part A).
phy. Motor learning is influenced by different factors such Modulation of muscle activity by cutaneous and mus-
as emotion and motivation.5,15 Meaningful tasks for the cular afferents was proposed by Sherrington in 1910.24
patient address these motivations and emotions, which fits Fallon, Bent, McNulty and Macefield (2005) demonstrated
into the PNF philosophy point of ‘functional approach’.4,9 the importance of tactile stimuli on the sole of the foot
Variability of practice, repetition and variation enhances for modulation of gait and posture.25 Resistance is one
the effect of motor learning.16 This variability and repe- of the crucial drivers of increase in muscular strength.26
tition may be achieved in functional tasks with different Muscular adaptations that contribute to strength include
approaches such as blocked training or random training.5,13 hypertrophy, changes in descending neural drive, increase
Shaping a way of enhancing motor learning is defined as in motor unit firing rate, motor unit synchronization and
‘explicit training of limb movement’.17 Shaping is incor- alteration in agonist–antagonist co-activation.26 Resistance
porated into the PNF-concept using PNF basic procedures can be applied in isometric, concentric and eccentric
as well as the techniques: rhythmic initiation, replica- ways, depending on the objectives and intentions of the
tion, and combination of isotonics.4 Practice conditions, patient, such as maintaining a position in space or moving
observational practice, and self-controlled practice are against or with an external force.27 PNF-resisted pattern
emphasized when aiming for motor learning effects.15,18,19 training may result in hypertrophy.28 Kofotolis, Vrabas,
Focus of attention and feedback resulting in knowledge Vamvakoudis, Papanikolaou and Mandroukas (2005)
of results and knowledge of performance are other com- demonstrated alterations in the cross-sectional area of the
ponents that stimulate motor learning.15,20–22 The stages of musculus vastus lateralis (p < 0.05) after a PNF training
motor learning are defined as the cognitive, associative, regimen.28 Resisted pattern activity results in activation of
and autonomous stage.14 Depending on the underlying rea- contralateral homonymous muscles, often referred to as
son for motor impairment, different strategies for motor cross education29 and in activation of synergistic muscles,
learning in rehabilitation are required. Motor adaptation referred to as irradiation.9,30 Activation of contralateral
may relate to the stages as proposed by Fitts and Posner.23 lower limb muscles demonstrated excellent correlation
to resistance applied to upper limb muscles, referred to described with objectives to improve impairments.3,4,9
as irradiation (intra-class correlation of 0.836–0.845).31 In the functional context, the application of techniques
Approximation is appropriate to stimulate stability and will have an effect on disabilities by addressing impair-
is defined as axial compression of joints.27 The effect of ments within the task setting. No studies were found
approximation on weight bearing has been demonstrated concerning the techniques: ‘Stretch at beginning of
in patients with a trans-femoral amputation, and was range of motion’, ‘Stretch through range of motion’
significantly (p < 0.05) more effective than traditional and ‘Rhythmic Stabilization’. For all other techniques
training.32 Traction has been proposed as a facilitator of a separate section is provided (see Table 2, Part B).
movement.4,9 Traction is defined as the elongation of a
segment perpendicular to the highest point of the arc of the Hold relax and contract relax
motion.27 The use of patterns is one of the characteristics To improve range of motion (ROM) and flexibility, the
of the PNF-concept. Patterns are all derived from analysis use of hold relax (HR) and contract relax (CR) has been
of natural physical activities such as in labour and/or in studied in several different settings, addressing different
sports.9 The activation of the nervous system seems to be joints and muscles. We identified 23 studies which inves-
easier with the use of PNF pattern compared to neutral tigated the use of PNF stretching techniques with outcome
movements in starting and executing voluntary movement. measures in relation to ROM, muscle performance and
The motor evoked potentials are larger (p < 0.01) and general activities.
the electromyographic reaction time (EMG-RT) is shorter
when using PNF-related positions (p < 0.05) compared HR and CR in relation to range of motion
to neutral positions.33 The activation of specific scapular Godges, Matsen-Bell, Thorpe and Shah (2003) inves-
muscles was significantly higher when performing PNF tigated the effect of a PNF–CR treatment in a group
arm patterns compared to maximum voluntary contrac- of shoulder patients. They demonstrated a statistically
tion of the muscles when using manual muscle testing as significant change in ROM (p < 0.0005) and also in
described by Kendall et al.34 McMullen and Uhl (2000) overhead reach distance (p < 0.01).38 Decicco and Fisher
stated that PNF patterns fit in ‘kinetic chain rehabilitation’ (2005) studied the effect of HR and CR in shoulder
since it applies elements of biomechanical and motor con- ROM in overhead athletes, and concluded that they
trol theories in exercise techniques. Using multiple body are equally effective.39 Funk, Swank, Mikla, Fagan and
segments in the exercises, adjacent segments can facilitate Farr (2003) found that PNF is more effective than static
the activation of involved muscles (irradiation) to develop stretching (SS) to increase ROM of hamstrings and
appropriate shoulder motion and function.35 The final facet should be implemented after (sports) activity.40 Wenos
of functional rehabilitation is the inclusion of activities that and Konin (2004) also concluded that HR stretching
mimic (athletic) function. The importance of incorporating in hamstrings is more effective after an active warm-
activities such as PNF pattern exercises, when preparing up programme at 70% of heart rate reserve.41 Youdas,
an athlete for return to competition, has been pointed out, Haeflinger, Kreun, Holloway, Kramer and Hollman
since they mimic (athletic) function.36 Timing is referred (2010) studied the flexibility of hamstrings by apply-
to as being the order of movements or the sequences of ing HR techniques and found a statistically significant
an activity. A specific type of alteration of timing is called change in ROM (p < 0.05). However, they could not
timing for emphasis.9,27 The position of the therapist and establish a lower electromyography (EMG) activity in
the manner of moving is emphasized as a basic procedure: the hamstrings and therefore concluded that ROM gains
‘Body mechanics’. Body mechanics enhance the efficiency were not based upon neurophysiologic factors such as
and effectiveness of the therapist, and improve the neuro- autogenic and reciprocal inhibition.42 Feland and Marin
muscular response of the patient.4,9 A summation of stimuli (2004) studied the effect of the contraction intensity,
is more effective to achieve activation. Regardless of age, and concluded that sub-maximum and maximum volun-
response to multisensory input is significantly faster com- tary contraction have equally good results in increasing
pared to unisensory stimuli (p < 0.01).37 The elderly tend ROM.43 Schuback, Hooper and Salisburg (2004) com-
to respond faster to a combination of somatosensory and pared self-applied and therapist-applied HR techniques.
visual stimuli while younger people tend to respond faster Both are significant in increasing ROM.44 Rowlands,
to a combination of somatosensory and auditory stimuli.37 Marginson and Lee (2003) studied contraction time in
the relaxation techniques. The conclusion was that a
PNF techniques in rehabilitation longer contraction time results in a larger increase in
The IPNFA defined several techniques which are in line ROM.45 In contrast, the results from Bonnar, Deivert
with the description of Maggie Knott.3,4,9 Techniques and Gould (2004) indicated that contraction time of
are selected to pursue specific rehabilitation objec- three or six or 10 seconds is equally effective in increas-
tives which can be defined within the various levels ing ROM.46 Contrary to all of these findings, Davis,
of the ICF (impairments, activity limitations and par- Ashby, Mc Cale, McQuain and Wine (2005) concluded
ticipation restrictions). In general, the techniques are that PNF is not as effective as SS to increase ROM.47
Study, author and year Type of study Focus of PNF issue Population Outcome measure Result
PART A: Publications in relation to PNF basic principles and procedures
Fallon et al. 200125 CT Tactile stimuli 18 healthy subjects EMG recordings of tibialis anterior, Tactile stimulus effects the muscle activity
medial and lateral gastrocnemius about the ankle which are important to control
and soleus muscle. gait.
Gabriel et al. 200626 Review Resistance, motor learning Functional strength Resistance effects neural drive of motor units,
based on motor synchronization and firing
Johnson and Johnson 200227 Descriptive text Approximation, irradiation, timing
Kofotolis et al. 200528 RCT Resistance 24 healthy males Muscle hypertrophy Cross sectional area m. vastus lateralis
Arai et al. 200129 RCT Resistance, patterns and irradi- six post-surgery knee EMG activity contralateral limb and PNF pattern demonstrated a 23% increase in
ation patients torque produced torque in the contralateral limb, while straight
activity in sagittal plane produced not over
Sato and Maruyama 200931 CT Resistance, patterns and irradi- 30 healthy males Extension force contralateral lower The extension force of the lower limbs in-
ation limb creased significantly. Contralateral more than
Yigiter et al. 200232 RCT Approximation 50 unilateral trans-femoral Weight bearing on amputated leg, PNF-based therapy with approximation effect-
amputee patients stride length, step width, cadence ed stance stability.
and velocity
Shimura and Kasai 200233 CT Resistance and patterns seven healthy males Motor evoked potentials and EMG PNF positions superior over neutral positions.
reaction time
Witt et al. 201134 CT PNF Pattern 21 healthy subjects EMG activation of scapula muscle In PNF patterns significantly higher activation.
McMullen and Uhl 200035 Descriptive text Kinetic chain / pattern
Myers and Lephart 200036 Review Sensory motor system / irradiation Athletic function PNF pattern mimic athletic function.
and pattern
Mahoney et al. 201137 CT Summation of stimuli 18 ‘old’ subjects and 18 Response time to multi-sensory Elderly tend to respond faster to a combination
‘young’ subjects stimuli. of somatosensory and visual stimuli. Younger
people tend to respond faster to a combina-
tion of somatosensory and auditory stimuli.
PART B: Publications in relation to PNF techniques in rehabilitation
Studies in relation to PNF Hold Relax and Contract Relax techniques
Godges et al. 200338 RCT CR 20 shoulder patients ROM for external rotation + over- PNF group improved significantly more than
head reaching. control group.
Decicco and Fisher 200539 RCT HR and CR 30 healthy subjects Difference between HR and CR on HR and CR are equal effective.
Funk et al. 200340 RCT CR vs SS 40 healthy subjects ROM knee extension PNF more effective then SS.
Wenos and Konin 200441 CT HR before and after warming up 24 healthy males ROM hamstrings HR more effective after warming up.
Youdas et al. 201042 CT HR and CR 35 healthy subjects ROM knee extension (hamstrings) Significant change in ROM, no lower EMG
Feland and Marin 200443 RCT HR and CR and contraction 72 healthy males ROM hamstrings Sub maximal and maximal contraction are
intensity equal effective.
Smedes et al. The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation-concept
Table 2 (Continued)
Smedes et al.
Study, author and year Type of study Focus of PNF issue Population Outcome measure Result
Schuback et al. 200444 RCT Self-applied vs therapist applied 42 healthy subjects ROM hip flexion (hamstrings) Both procedures are significantly effective.
Rowlands et al. 200345 RCT HR and CR and contraction time 37 healthy females ROM hamstrings Longer contraction time results in more im-
provement of ROM.
Bonnar et al.200446 RCT HR and CR and contraction time 60 healthy subjects ROM hip flexion (hamstrings) 3, 6 and 10 s contraction time have the same
mance stretching.
Church et al. 200149 CT CR 40 healthy females Vertical jump performance Jump height decreased after PNF stretching.
Marek et al. 200550 CT HR and CR 19 healthy subjects Mean output of muscle perfor- Muscle activity decreased directly after both,
mance PNF and static stretching.
Bradley et al. 200751 CT HR and CR 18 healthy males Vertical jump performance Performance decreased after 10 min of
stretching but was fully recovered after 15 min
of rest.
The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation-concept
Klein et al. 200252 Prospective CT CR (PNF flexibility in elderly) 11 elderly persons ROM shoulder and ankle, Sit to Significant improvement in ROM clinical impor-
Stand and TUGT tant improvement in Sit to Stand and in TUGT.
Ferber et al. 200253 CT HR 32 elderly males ROM knee extension (hamstrings) Significant change in ROM.
Ferber et al. 200254 CT HR 26 elderly males ROM knee extension + EMG activity Significant change in ROM, no reduction of
from the hamstrings EMG activity.
Moore and Kulkulkas 199155 CT HR 16 females H-reflex from M. triceps surae Short time of depressed H-reflex amplitudes.
Olivo and Magee 200656 CT CR 30 healthy subjects EMG activity in masticatory muscles No reduction in EMG activity.
Weerapong et al. 200410 Review HR and CR ROM and muscle performance ROM improves significantly, inconclusive in
muscle performance.
Chalmers 200457 Review HR and CR ROM PNF clearly has a positive influence on ROM,
relaxation unclear.
Sharman et al. 200611 Review HR and CR ROM PNF most effective means for increasing ROM,
mechanism unclear.
Hindle et al. 201212 Review HR and CR ROM and muscle performance Improvement of both, ROM and muscle
Studies on PNF in relation to Rhythmic Initiation and Combination of Isotonics
Cilento et al. 200658 RCT RI and CoI (in elderly) 63 elderly females Sit to Stand, TUGT and functional Patients improved in all more than in the
reach test control group.
Studies in relation to PNF Reversal techniques
Gabriel et al. 200159 RCT DR and SR 26 healthy females Muscle activity in antagonist EMG activity of antagonist was higher after
activation of agonist.
Kamimura et al. 200960 CT DR and SR 10 healthy males Muscle activity in antagonist EMG activity of antagonist was higher after
activation of agonist.
Studies in relation to PNF in stroke patients
Wang 199462 CT RI, DR, CoI on pelvis patterns in 20 stroke patients Gait speed and cadence Speed and cadence both improved signifi-
stroke patients cantly.
Khanal et al. 201363 RCT RI, DR, CoI on pelvis patterns in 30 stroke patients Trunk impairment, balance, gait All outcome measures improved significantly
stroke patients vs conventional speed and gait cadence more in the PNF group then in the control
physiotherapy (truncal exercises) group.
Ribeiro et al. 201264 RCT PNF gait training and pelvis pat- 23 stroke patients Gait parameters The interventions showed equal results in both
terns vs weight supported treadmill groups.
training in stroke patients
Choi et al. 201365 RCT PNF + taping vs neurodevelop- 30 stroke patients BBS and 10 meter walking speed PNF group improved more than control group.
ment treatment in stroke patients
Pohl et al. 200266 RCT PNF and neurodevelopment treat- 60 stroke patients Gait speed, gait cadence and stride Treadmill training improved more than PNF and
ment vs treadmill training in stroke length neurodevelopment treatment.
Kraft et al. 199267 RCT PNF Resisted training vs electro 18 stroke patients Fugl-Meyer test and in grip strength Electro group improved by 42% PNF by 18%
stimulation and no treatment for no training by 0%
wrist in stroke patients
Duncan et al. 200368 RCT Structured programme PNF includ- 92 stroke patients Knee extension force, BBS, endur- Structured programme exceeds spontaneous
ed vs spontaneous recovery in ance, gait velocity and gait distance recovery.
stroke patients
Studies in relation to PNF in musculoskeletal indications
Kofotolis and Kellis 200669 RCT DR and SR in CLBP 86 females with CLBP Lumbar ROM, muscle endurance, PNF more effective then natural spontaneous
functional ability and pain percep- recovery.
Maicki et al. 201270 RCT CoI and SR in Neck pain patients 80 patients with neck pain Cervical ROM and strength, pain PNF group improved more than manual ther-
vs manual therapy perception and NDI apy group.
Nakra et al. 201371 RCT PNF-based treatment vs con- 30 shoulder patients SPADI and overhead reach height Statistically significant and clinically important
ventional treatment in shoulder improvement in the PNF group.
Studies in relation to PNF in gait disabilities
Mirek et al. 200372 CT PNF gait training in Parkinson three Parkinson patients Step frequency and gait speed Significant improvement of both outcome
patients measures.
Yigiter et al. 200232 RCT PNF gait training vs traditional gait 50 unilateral trans-femoral Weight bearing on amputated leg, PNF-based therapy was superior over tradi-
training in trans-femoral amputee amputee patients stride length, step width, cadence tional therapy.
patients and velocity
Sahay et al. 201373 RCT PNF gait training vs traditional gait 30 unilateral trans-tibial Weight bearing on amputated leg, PNF-based therapy was superior over tradi-
training in trans-tibial amputee amputee patients stride length, step width, cadence tional therapy.
patients and velocity
Caplan et al. 200974 RCT HR vs static stretching in healthy 18 rugby players Gait pattern in stride length and Stride length increased stride rate decreased.
subjects. stride rate
Studies in relation to PNF in vital functions
Cornelius et al. 199575 RCT Systolic and diastolic blood 60 healthy subjects Raise of Systolic and diastolic blood Static contraction will increase blood pressure,
pressure responses during PNF pressure but less than 15 mm Hg above baseline.
Pereira 201276 CT Systolic and diastolic blood 15 elderly inactive females Raise of Systolic and diastolic blood No statistically significant effect on blood
pressure responses during PNF pressure pressure.
strengthening (RI, DR, CoI)
Nitz and Burke 200277 CT PNF breathing vs basal expansion 7 patients with myotonic Respiration rate, heart rate, (TAM) PNF group superior: Respiration declined with
breathing dystrophy thoracal abdominal motion and 30%, heart rate by 4.1%, SpO2 increased by
SpO2 2.6%, TAM by 556%.
Morley and Perrault 201279 Case report Traumatic myositis ossificans in A 13-year-old male rugby ROM, Pain, resuming training All significantly improved and successful
left thigh in a young sportsman. player resuming of training.
Soft tissue mobilization with HR
techniques from PNF
Carlson and Hadlock 200780 Case report Rotator cuff surgery in a post-polio A 48-year-old female Return to independent status All achieved, also in retention test two years
patient. PNF pattern for mobiliza- later.
tion and strengthening
Pasiut et al. 200581 Case report Gait training in 4 cases of stroke 4 individual male stroke VICON measured knee and ankle All improved significantly, retentions was seen
patients facilitated with pattern patients aged between 43 joint angles in gait in 3 months follow up.
training for upper and lower limb in and 67 years
various positions
Luterek et al. 200982 Case report Haemophilia resulting in arthrop- A 44 year old male Strength, Pain, SPPB Improved strength, decreased pain, 9 point
athy of the knee, PNF with RI, SR improvement on the SPPB.
and CoI
Smedes 200683 Case report Secondary impingement, PNF, A 27-year-old female Pain, gleno-humeral stability and Final objective achieved after 5 sessions of
combined with manual therapy. return to work intervention.
PNF for strengthening and func-
tional task training
Smedes 200984 Case report Secondary problems 16 years after A 62-year-old female Strength ROM, gait speed and gait Clinical relevant improved was achieved after a
a total hip replacement with im- distance 6 weeks treatment period.
paired gait. PNF for strengthening
and functional gait training
PNF = Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; RCT = randomized controlled trial; CT = clinical trial; EMG = Electromyography; ROM = range of motion; CR = contract relax; HR = hold relax; SS = static stretching;
RI = rhythmic initiation; CoI = combination of isotonics; DR = dynamic reversals, SR = stabilizing reversals; TUGT = timed up and go test; BBS = Berg balance scale; CLBP = chronic low back pain; SPADI = shoul-
der pain and disability index; TAM = Thoracal abdominal motion; SPPB = short physical performance battery; vs = versus.
Smedes et al. The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation-concept
HR and CR in relation to muscle performance be supported as the only explanation for the effect on
Carter, Kinzey, Chitwood and Cole (2000) studied the ROM. They suggested that a change in stretch perception
muscle activity in terms of mean output of EMG activity and stretch tolerance is a much more suitable explanation.11
after PNF stretching techniques and concluded that muscle Hindle, Whitcomb, Briggs and Hong (2012) stated in a
activity decreased.48 Church, Wiggins, Moode and Crist review that PNF stretching techniques improve both ROM
(2001) performed a clinical trial on the effects of warming and muscle performance, when applied consistently and
up procedures which included PNF stretching techniques.49 post exercise.12 The mechanisms that explain the effect are
Vertical jump was measured after the warming up proce- possibly a combination of autogenic inhibition, reciprocal
dures. Performance decreased with PNF stretching. This inhibition, stress relaxation and the gate control theory.12
corresponds with the results of Marek, Cramer, Fincher,
Massey, Dangelmaier, Purkayastha et al. (2005), who also Rhythmic initiation and combination of isotonics in
found a decreased muscle performance.50 Bradley, Olsen relation to elderly
and Portas (2007) also measured vertical jump and found One study was identified concerning Rhythmic initia-
a significantly decreased performance after 10 min of PNF tion (RI) and combination of isotonics (CoI). Cilento, da
stretching (p < 0.05) which fully recovered after 15 min Nóbrega and de Queiroz Campos (2013) applied RI and
of rest.51 CoI in a group of elderly women and compared this to two
other approaches (functional training and strengthening)
HR and CR in elderly and a control group. The PNF group and the functional
Klein, Stone, Phillips, Gangi and Hartman (2002) con- training group both showed a statistically significant
cluded that a PNF flexibility programme in elderly improvement in the sit-to-stand, timed up and go and func-
improved their ROM in shoulder and ankle joints tional reach tests (p < 0.05.) The PNF group improved
(p < 0.05) and increased their strength in hip extension more than the strengthening group and showed similar
and ankle flexion and extension (p < 0.05). This had a improvements to the functional training group.58
significant effect on the sit-to-stand test (p < 0.05) as well
as a clinically important improvement in the timed up and Dynamic reversals and stabilizing reversals in
go test.52 relation to tension and strength
There were two studies identified which explored the
HR and CR in relation to EMG effect of reversal of antagonist known as dynamic reversals
Ferber, Gravelle and Osternig (2002) concluded that in a (DR) or stabilizing reversal (SR).59,60 Both studies found
controlled trial the agonist CR is more effective than CR a greater tension in the antagonist after a contraction of
in increasing knee extension ROM in older adults.53 In the agonist, but the studies differed in the explanation for
a second publication, they concluded in the same target this phenomenon. Kamimura, Yoshioka, Ito and Kusakabe
group (elderly) that CR influenced ROM positively but (2009) identified a neural mechanism,60 whilst Gabriel,
that the EMG activity did not decrease, thus the ROM Basford and An (2001) proposed altered biomechanical
gain was not because of relaxation.54 Moore and Kulkulka properties.59
(1991) however concluded that HR results in a short phase
of relaxation, the H-reflex in calf muscles was reduced Replication in relation to motor control and motor
by maximally one second after HR.55 Olivo and Magee learning
(2006) studied the CR in masticatory muscles and con- One publication was identified in which motor control
cluded that agonistic and antagonistic CR did not decrease improvement as a result of a PNF-based intervention was
EMG activity.56 discussed. Replication was applied while performing a
scapula pattern (as muscle setting exercises) and was advo-
HR and CR in reviews cated to enhance motor control in the dynamic stabilization
Weerapong, Hume and Kolt (2004) stated in a review of the scapula in patients with shoulder dysfunction.61
that the effect of stretching, including PNF stretching,
was inconclusive in terms of increasing performance, but Rehabilitation: stroke
an improvement of ROM was evident.10 Chalmers (2004) Seven studies addressed rehabilitation of patients after
concluded in a review that ROM is clearly positively influ- a stroke. Two studies found a positive effect on gait
enced by PNF stretching techniques; however there is no in hemiplegic patients (p < 0.05).62,63 Both studied the
proof for neuromuscular relaxation.57 Sharman, Cresswell effects of a four-week PNF-based treatment, where PNF
and Riek (2006) concluded in a review that PNF stretching pelvic patterns were utilized. In both studies, the tech-
with the use of HR and CR techniques is the most effec- niques RI, DR and CoI were applied. The demonstrated
tive means of improving ROM, particularly the short-term effects involved gait speed and cadence62 as well as
effects.11 They discussed the explanation for this effect. trunk impairment, balance and gait.63 Ribeiro, Britto,
Literature, however, seems to be unclear on this matter. Oliveira, Silva, Galvio and Lindquist (2012) compared
The proposed autogenic and reciprocal inhibition cannot partial bodyweight-supported treadmill training to PNF
in stroke patients. They concluded that both approaches resulted in statistically significant improvement in the
resulted in an equal statistically significant improve- shoulder pain And disability index (SPADI) (p < 0.0001)
ment of gait parameters (p < 0.05).64 On impairment and in overhead reach height (p < 0.05), which were
level, only the PNF group improved on ROM for dor- defined as clinically important results.71
siflexion of the ankle in swing phase.64 Choi, Nam, Lee
and Park (2013) found that patients with hemiplegia Rehabilitation: gait
after stroke improved on the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Besides the studies that addressed gait in patients after
in 10 m walking speed, and in ROM of ankle dorsiflex- stroke,62,64,65 one study was identified which addressed gait
ion.65 The improvement occurred after a programme in Parkinson patients.72 This study resulted in a statistically
in which PNF was combined with taping. Compared significant improvement (p < 0.05) of step frequency and
to a control group with neurodevelopment treatment, gait speed.72 Two studies addressed gait in patients with
this PNF-based intervention resulted in more statisti- an amputation.32,73 In 50 patients with a trans-femoral
cally significant improvement in all outcome measures amputation, the PNF-based treatment gains were superior
(p < 0.05).65 These results are in contrast to the results (p < 0.05) to those of the control group receiving standard
of a study that compared treadmill training vs. conven- gait training.32 The outcome measures were weight bearing
tional training, defined by techniques from Bobath and on amputated leg, stride length, step width, cadence and
PNF.66 The conventional group was treated by thera- velocity.32 In 30 patients with a trans-tibial amputation, a
pists with additional qualifications in Bobath and PNF- similar result was found.73 In both studies, the PNF group
concepts. Their conclusion was that treadmill training received intervention incorporating specified PNF basic
was more beneficial for stroke patients.66 principles and procedures (approximation, resistance and
Kraft, Fitts and Hammond (1992) studied the recov- pattern) and motor learning was enhanced with specified
ery of hand function by comparing electrical stimulation use of PNF techniques DR and SR. The control group
to PNF resistive treatment and to no treatment. The received the same intervention without the specified PNF
intervention groups both showed statistically signif- programme.
icant improvements in both the Fugl-Meyer test and One study found PNF stretching to be superior over SS
grip strength (p < 0.05).67 The PNF group improved by in alteration of gait pattern.74 Hip flexion and stride length
18% while the electrical stimulation group improved increased (p < 0.05) and stride rate decreased (p < 0.05);
up to 42%.67 Duncan, Studenski, Richards, Gollub, Lai, therefore, the authors advocated stretching after training
Reker et al. (2003) found that after conclusion of the to alter running mechanisms.74
initial post-stroke rehabilitation, further improvement
in a structured progressive programme (including PNF Rehabilitation: vital function and face
patterns) exceeds gains from spontaneous recovery.68 Four studies addressed vital function and facial expres-
The statistically significant improvements occurred in sion. The effect of PNF techniques on systolic and dias-
knee extension force, BBS, endurance, gait velocity and tolic blood pressure has been studied.75,76 Cornelius,
gait distance (p < 0.05).68 Jensen and Odell (1995) found that HR techniques
might increase blood pressure, mainly during the iso-
Rehabilitation: musculoskeletal metric contraction phase. Since improvement in ROM
Three publications were related to musculoskeletal disor- is already evident after one to two trials, a limit of two
ders. In a group of patients with chronic low back pain, subsequent trials of PNF stretching is advocated.75
Kofotolis and Kellis (2006) concluded that PNF pro- Pereira (2012) found that the techniques RI, DR and
grammes with either CoI or SR were more effective for CoI did not increase the blood pressure levels, so it is
improving lumbar ROM, muscle endurance, functional advocated to utilize up to five repetitions of repetition
ability and pain perception (p < 0.05) than natural spon- maximum (RM), since that has been recommended for
taneous recovery.69 In a group of patients with cervical strengthening.76
impairments, Maicki, Trabka, Szwarczyk, Wilk-Franzcuk In patients with myotonic dystrophy, PNF-based
and Figura (2012) concluded that a PNF-based programme breathing therapy was superior to staged basal expansion
including the techniques CoI and SR was more effec- breathing exercises.77 The effects were measured with
tive than a manual therapy-based programme.70 In both oxygen saturation (SpO2, increased by 2.6%), respiratory
groups, a significant improvement of cervical ROM and rate (declined by 30%), heart rate (dropped slightly by
strength as well as a significant reduction in pain percep- 4.1%) and thoraco-abdominal motion (TAM, increased
tion, functional limitations and disabilities of daily life by 556%).77
was achieved. The PNF group improved more than the The facial profile might be considered as a part of facial
manual therapy group.70 aesthetics and expression.78 Namura, Motoyoshi, Namura
The use of PNF patterns was studied in a clinical trial and Shimizu (2008) found a direct effect (p < 0.05) on the
with patients suffering from a shoulder impingement. facial profile after application of PNF-based therapy to the
This clinical trial showed that the PNF-based intervention facial muscles.78
Rehabilitation: case studies present the findings in a narrative review. There is only one
We identified six case studies in which PNF-based physical previous attempt to review the whole PNF-concept – from
therapy was a part of the treatment programme. The case Westwater-Wood, Adams and Kerry (2006).1 This review
studies all used clinical reasoning to explain the choices did not address the complexity and philosophy of the PNF-
that were made. In a case of traumatic myositis ossifi- concept as proposed and advocated by its initiators and
cans, the total programme which incorporated the PNF- successors of PNF. The scope and diversity of articles
concept resulted in a significant improvement of ROM, demonstrate that it is very difficult to study a comprehen-
decrease in pain, and return to recreational activities.79 sive rehabilitation approach, such as the PNF-concept in a
In a patient with post-polio syndrome, a post-operative methodical way, as different components of a concept can
rehabilitation for rotator cuff surgery was discussed.80 It act as confounders when measuring the effects of one spe-
was argued that overuse in the upper extremities might be cific part of that concept. Case studies seem to fit the best
the result of compensation for the lack of lower extrem- to explain the use of the whole concept. In case studies, the
ity strength. Based upon the rare situation, an individual different components of the PNF-concept (as there are the
treatment protocol was defined with dynamic incorpora- basic procedures and principles, and the techniques) are
tion of movement patterns from PNF since these mimic clearly described.82,83 Although, case studies also show that
functional movement. The protocol resulted in a return to PNF was combined with other therapy strategies, such as
independent status with excellent retention even after two manual therapy,83 manual therapy combined with modal-
years.80 Pasiut, Banach, Longawa and Windak (2005) used ities,80 or medication.81 Therefore, it is hard to determine
PNF-based gait training to address impaired walking abil- and explain the main contributing therapy component for
ity in four individuals post stroke.81 The VICON system the effects from these case studies.
(©Vicon Motion Systems Ltd. UK registered No. 1801446) When studying an individual component from the PNF-
was used to measure gait parameters before and after the concept for its specific effect, researchers have to nar-
four-week therapy programme. All patients demonstrated row down the variability that this PNF-concept provides.
significant improvements in gait which were retained at The procedural execution of the PNF techniques follows
a three-month follow-up.81 Haemophilia, a disease with methodical sequences. This means that a technique itself
low prevalence, was studied by an example of seriously can be studied more easily separated from the compre-
disabling arthropathy of the knee as a result of recurring hensive approach of the concept and is then less disturbed
intra-articular bleeding.82 A physical therapy programme by the variations a therapist would apply in individual
using RI, SR and CoI from the PNF-concept resulted in patient treatments. One has to consider that in such a case,
increased muscle strength (Lovett scale), decreased pain research is not conducted in the way therapy is provided.
(visual analogue scale/VAS) and an improvement of nine When discussing physiotherapy concepts for rehabili-
points on the short physical performance battery test tation the use of the ICF is currently the standard to define
(SPPB).82 A female worker experienced shoulder com- clinical problems and set therapeutic objectives.6 The use
plaints resulting from secondary impingement and gle- of the PNF-concept fits in this total approach. Considering
no-humeral instability.83 The treatment strategy which was the PNF philosophy, there is similarity with Antonovsky’s
implemented combined manual therapy and PNF-based salutogenesis, which refers to the analysis and reinforce-
exercise therapy using RI and CoI with specific use of ment of health resources and potentials of the individual.85
the basic procedure timing for emphasis. This resulted in In regard to the ICF, the use of PNF patterns seem to be
pain relief (VAS), improved joint stability (apprehension/ defensible, since they address impairments as well as disa-
relocation test) and return to work after five sessions.83 bilities. Although it is frequently advocated in publications
The relationship between impairments and disabilities in to use PNF patterns since they mimic functional task-ori-
a case 16 years after a total hip replacement was addressed ented activities,35,36 this is frequently ignored in research on
with a treatment strategy of combining manual therapy the specific effects of a technique and/or specific effects on
and PNF-based exercise therapy.84 After a six-week pro- impairments. For example, in the studies of Gabriel et al.
gramme, the patient showed improvements in strength, (2001) and Kamimura et al. (2009), it is clearly described
ROM, gait speed and gait distance.84 that they studied the effect of reversal of antagonist on iso-
lated isometric contractions around the elbow joint instead
Discussion of in a kinetic chain like a PNF pattern.59,60
The results demonstrate that the PNF-concept has been The effect of indirect treatment, based on irradiation
applied across a diverse range of patient populations and can be an appropriate choice when voluntary activation of
clinical problems. The literature identified yielded research a limb is not possible. Irradiation (cross education) might
from a variety of levels of evidence, ranging from case have clinical relevance in rehabilitation where health con-
studies over clinical trials and randomized controlled tri- ditions such as acute injuries of the extremities, post-surgi-
als (RCTs) to reviews. As the range of the literature was cal limb immobilization and certain neurological disorders
so broad, with substantial variance in methodology and with mainly unilateral muscle weakness prevent patients
a diverse population, it was deemed most appropriate to from exercising one limb.29,31
The effects of PNF stretching techniques have been the resulted in improved ability of ‘getting up’ and ‘gait’,62–65
subject of the majority of studies. These effects can be listed not only in short-term post-stroke but also after conclu-
either in terms of ROM10,11,57 or muscle performance.12 sion of initial rehabilitation.68 This is consistent with the
While analysing the methods, we detected that the PNF findings in a RCT from Nilsson, Carlsson, Danielsson,
stretching techniques are often studied isolated from the Fugl-Meyer, Hellström, Kristensen et al. (2001),87 who
concept of patterns and further basic principles and pro- concluded that over ground gait training (like PNF can
cedures.38,42,44,46,53 In the studies that focused on ROM for provide) is as effective as bodyweight-supported tread-
hamstrings, different measurement methods were used.42,44 mill training in stroke patients. The results of treatment
All studies used in this review reported positive effects on of hand function in stroke patients as studied by Kraft
ROM from HR and CR.38–47 Only one study indicated PNF et al. (1992) should be considered with caution due to
stretching not to be as effective as SS.47 Neuromuscular participant drop-out, resulting in an intervention group
relaxation of the target muscles has not been consistently only consisting of three participants.67 Specific treatment
demonstrated; therefore, the neuromuscular effect has (manual mobilization and functional task training) for
been doubted and research to explain the effect on ROM impaired wrist ROM in stroke patients has a significant
should be encouraged.11,57 The IPNFA defines the relax- effect on hand function.88 The review of Luke, Dodd and
ation within the HR and CR technique as a methodical Brock (2004) dealt with treatment concepts to improve
component of the technique in which the patient has to arm function in hemiplegic patients; they concluded that
relax consciously after a voluntary contraction.3,9 Through there was no superiority in any studied concept.89 These
this methodical approach, a part of the explanation for the results are similar to those of other studies which con-
increase in ROM might come from fascia release aspects, cluded that no specified therapy-concept is superior over
such as when the combination of contraction and passive another, but rather that different therapy approaches have
stretch influence the mobility of the different fascia layers equal justification,90 or even that a mix of components
against each other.86 Nevertheless, further investigation is from different approaches should be considered.91 Ernst
required into the mechanisms underlying the response to (1990) recommended in their review to use the most cost
these PNF stretching techniques. A critical note towards effective form of treatment in stroke patients.92 It was not
the research conducted in PNF stretching is the fact that specified which treatment concept that would be, but it
mainly healthy subjects have been studied.39–51 Secondly, was outlined to be dependent on the setting of the patient
the main indication for these techniques is improving care. Kwakkel (2006) argued that ‘more therapy’ is bene-
ROM3,4,9 (not specifically increasing vertical jump or other ficial compared to ‘less therapy’ in stroke patients.93 The
motor outputs) so research concerning motor output fur- definition of ‘more’ therapy is not specified in regard to
ther confuses interpretation of the literature. time, frequency and /or intensity. The PNF philosophy of
Muscle performance can be understood to be an mobilization of reserves might be hidden in this additional
effect of strengthening and hypertrophy but also to be an therapy. A motor learning effect is a likely explanation for
improvement of inter-muscular coordination or a possible the effects found in the mentioned studies, which would
motor learning effect, as required in sport performances.28 fit within the PNF philosophy.3,9
The muscle strength can further be influenced using spe- In the musculoskeletal area of health care, only
cific techniques as DR and SR.59,60 These techniques mimic three smaller studies have been identified. 69–71 These
specific tasks such as hand sawing (DR) or holding and three studies focused on three different issues. The
carrying objects (SR) and require inter- and intra-muscular outcomes from Kofotolis and Kellis (2006) and
coordination.9 Maicki et al. (2012) fit into the general guidelines
The effectiveness of PNF therapy has been studied in for non-specific low back pain and non-specific neck
various settings. For motor learning and motor control pain where it is advised to treat general strength,
effects upon functional tasks (e.g. sit-to-stand, functional mobility and activity, rather than pain. 69,70,94 The
reach, etc.), there are clear indications that the elderly can results from Nakra, Quddus, Khan, Kumar and Meena
benefit from a PNF-based training.52,58 The use of different (2013) confirm the ideas of McMullen and Uhl (2000)
techniques in the studies of Klein et al. (2002) and Cilento who emphasized working in a kinetic chain in shoul-
et al. (2013) raise questions about the specific objectives der rehabilitation. 35,71
of these techniques.52,58 Cilento et al. (2013)58 specifically The results of the studies on gait have all shown that
used RI and CoI techniques that are meant to enhance a positive result on step frequency and gait speed was
the motor learning effect and stimulate motor planning.4,9 achieved. Although different patient groups have been
Klein et al. (2002)52 used CR, which aims to improve studied, in all studies, an improvement in this essential
ROM.4,9 In both studies however there was a significant daily activity was achieved. Again, a possible part of the
effect on sit-to-stand activity. All together these techniques explanation of the effects is the motor learning component.
and basic principles and procedures seem to fit into motor Compared to more expensive (weight-supported) treadmill
learning ideas such as shaping, blocked training, feedback training, this basic exercise approach seems to be cost-ef-
and focus of attention. In stroke patients, the PNF-concept fective and is therefore advisable.92
Cornelius et al. (1995) and Pereira (2012) have con- intereste are in physical therapy, motor learning and stroke
cluded that PNF treatment is also safe for patients with low rehabilitation.
cardiac loadability.75,76 Nitz and Burke (2002) concluded Agnieszka Stępień, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher at
that PNF therapy has a basic effect on the vital pulmo- Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw,
nary functions in pulmonary diseases.77 In general, one Poland. Her research interests are in physical therapy,
can state that an active rehabilitation approach increases motor learning, scoliosis and stroke rehabilitation.
general fitness.95 The PNF-concept is able to provide such
a strategy.52–54,58 References
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