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Martial Law is the When was Martial Law Martial Law’s purpose is
imposition of direct declared? the imposition of direct
military control of normal military control of
civilian functions by a -Proclamation normal civilian functions
government, especially in No. 1081 was dated 21 by a government,
response to a temporary September 1972 but especially in response to
emergency such as Martial Law was actually a temporary emergency
invasion or major signed on 17 September. such as invasion or
disaster, or in an major disaster, or in an
occupied territory occupied territory.

 What is the purpose of Martial Law?

President Marcos imposed martial law on the

nation from 1972 to 1981 to suppress increasing civil Effects of Martial Law to the people?
strife and the threat of a communist takeover
Some have said that it was made for
following a series of bombings in Manila. ... In this
peace. Filipinos experienced torture,
luncheon, the senator “readily admitted his past ties
killings and violence during martial law.
with the several Communist factions in the
A lot of Filipinos were in pure shock and
trauma, so it was a very melancholic
 Why did Marcos declare Martial Law? event so it was never an advantage for
all, except for the abusive government.
Rebels and violence were uncontrollable, that
is why there was a need for the Filipinos to be
castigated and under control.

 Does Martial Law equates to abuse of power?

On the positive note, martial law was declared

that time in order to promote serenity and order,
to discipline the community and commonwealth,
but the hostile side of the event is that people tend
to abuse the power that they obtain and Martial
Law has made the Philippines and Filipinos what
they became today. How did Martial Law ends?

 What are the impacts of Martial Law in the Martial Law would officially end
country? on January 17, 1981 with Proclamation
No. 2045. Marcos, however, would
Although order was observed, but In those
reserve decree-making powers for
years of martial law, bad things far outweigh the
good things. It can even be summarized as a himself. Today, the 1987 Constitution
failure of democracy is a total failure for country. safeguards our institutions from a repeat
It brought major damage and left a major trauma of Marcos' Martial Law regime.
from the past.

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