Column Design Spreadsheet - Main Rft. and Lateral Ties

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Column : Reinforcement Design Spre

Enter following data

Design Pu 7000 kN
Design M2 (minor bending), Muy 120 kN-m
Design M3 (major bending), Mux 200 kN-m
fck = 15 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Width of column, B 650 mm
Depth of column, D 750 mm
Assumed reinforcement , p 1.2 %
Unsupported length of ground floor 5 m
column, L
Unsupported length of other floor 3.5 m
column, L
Ground floor
Choose column type column
Effective length of column, Lex 4 m
Effective length of column, Ley 4 m
Slenderness Ratio
Ley / B = 6.15
Lex / D = 5.33 D
Given column is short column
Minimum Eccentricity
E = (Lex or Ley)/500 +( B or D)/30 or 20mm whichever is maxm.
Ex = 33.00 or 20 mm whichever is My
Ey = 29.67 maximum
nforcement Design Spreadsheet
Moment due to minimum eccentricity
Mx 231.00 kN-m This moment is maxm.
My 207.67 kN-m This moment is maxm.

Mux to be used : 231.0 kN-m Referring interaction chart on next sheet and
Muy to be used : 207.7 kN-m considering d'/D , p/fck , Pu/(fck * B * D );
Using bar diameter 25 mm Mux1 / (fck*B*D^2) = 0.09
Cover to rft. 40 mm Mux1 = 493.59375
d' = 52.5 mm Similarly,
d' / D = 0.070 For major Muy1 / (fck*B^2*D) = 0.083
d' / B = 0.081 For minor Muy1 = 394.50938
where Mux1, Muy1 are maxm. moment
p/fck =
0.08 capacity for axial load Pu
Pu /(fck * B * D) = 0.96 Puz = 0.45*fck*Ac + 0.75*fy*Asc
y-axis Puz = 5071.95
Pu / Puz = 0.64
Mx Alpha, α 1.735
α α
x-axis ( )+( ) ≤

Value <= 1. Hence, column is safe.

B Lateral ties As required = 5850
6 mm @ 300 mm c/c Provide 12 bars of 25 mm diameter
NOTE : Enter values
only in white box.

rt on next sheet and

, Pu/(fck * B * D );


maxm. moment
apacity for axial load Pu 0.2
kN 1

e, column is safe.
25 mm diameter
400 400
450 450
500 500
column type 550 550
Ground floor column 600 600
Other column 650 650
15 250 700 700
12 20 415 750 750
16 40 25 500 800 800
20 45 30 850 850

25 50 35 900 900

32 40 950 950

45 1000 1000
50 1050 1050
55 1100 1100
lateral ties 60 1150 1150
6 1200 1200
6 1250 1250
spacing 1300 1300
(source : Interaction Chart from
d'/D p/fck fy steel 4 2
NUMBER % N/mm2 5 4
0.05 0.26 415
5 6
0.07 0.26 415
0.05 0.24 415
0.07 0.24 415
0.05 0.22 415
0.07 0.22 415
0.05 0.2 415
0.07 0.2 415
0.05 0.18 415
0.07 0.18 415
0.05 0.16 415
0.07 0.16 415
0.05 0.14 415
0.07 0.14 415
0.05 0.12 415
0.07 0.12 415
0.05 0.1 415
0.07 0.1 415
0.05 0.08 415
0.07 0.08 415
0.05 0.06 415
0.07 0.06 415
0.05 0.04 415
0.07 0.04 415
0.07 0.02 415
0.05 0.02 415
0.05 0 415
0.05 0 415
ction Chart from SP 16 for Fe 415 Steel

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