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All-in-one Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Non-Destructive Testing of

Concrete Structures
Version 1.2
User Manual

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual
Mod: MDM/011/M2 Rev 5


INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Application field.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Intended readership ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
HOW TO READ THE MANUAL ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Manual Layout ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Glossary & Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Glossary & Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Symbols................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
SAFETY DIRECTIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Description............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Definition of Use ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Reasonably Foreseeable Misuse .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Limits of Use ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.6 Hazard of use ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
C-THRUE HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
4.1.1 C-thrue main body ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.1.2 Antenna ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1.3 Wheels .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.4 Lasers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1.5 Handle........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Batteries .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.3 Battery charger ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.4 Accessories .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.4.1 Reflective Bars for system positioning ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Telescopic Pole ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.4.3 C-thrue external controller ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

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Mod: MDM/011/M2 Rev 5

4.4.4 Marker for augmented reality ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
5.1 Assembling procedure for telescopic pole .........................................................................................................................................................................23
C-thrue GUIDE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
6.1 Starting ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
6.2 Main Menu .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
6.3 Settings ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
6.3.1 Radar Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.3.2 International Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.3 Update Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
6.3.4 Network Menu.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.3.5 About ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
6.4 Single Scan mode ................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
6.4.1 Acquisitions commands ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
6.4.2 Shallow and deep radargrams ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.3 Target Commands ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
6.5 Grid scan mode ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................37
6.5.1 Acquisition mode with LASER and GRID. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.5.2 GRID acquisition mode without LASER ......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.6 Power Detector EM sensor.................................................................................................................................................................................................47
6.7 Survey Explorer ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
6.8 Remote desktop connection and Augmented reality ........................................................................................................................................................48
6.8.1 Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).............................................................................................................................................................................. 49
6.8.2 Augmented reality ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
6.8.3 User Interface and AR App usage ................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
CARE AND TRANSPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
7.1 Cleaning Information ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................57

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Mod: MDM/011/M2 Rev 5

7.2 Battery Removal Information .............................................................................................................................................................................................57

7.3 Periodical Check .................................................................................................................................................................................................................57
7.4 Proper system use ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................57
ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................................................................................................... 59
IDS GEORADAR ON-LINE ASSISTANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
9.1 Download area ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................60
APPENDIX A - Technical Specification................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
APPENDIX B - DISCLAIMER.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
APPENDIX C – WARRANTY CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
APPENDIX D – CONFORMITY TO EUROPEAN REGULATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 66
APPENDIX E - IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THE US CUSTOMER ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
APPENDIX F - IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CANADIAN CUSTOMERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 68
CUSTOMER SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

This document describes the C-thrue radar system, and it refers to the
concepts the user should learn before initiating the utilization of this device.
Therefore, it is mandatory to carefully reading the entire document before
starting the system.

This manual contains a complete description of the C-thrue radar system,

detailing the assembly procedure, and the operating procedures of the

1.1 Purpose
Reading this document will provide all the necessary knowledge relating to:

• System description and set up.

• Safe utilization of the system and instructions for its general
• Use of the acquisition software and managing the results.

1.2 Application field

This system is dedicated to locating rebars, voids, post-tension cables,
cavities, conduits, and any other object embedded into the structure, before
cutting or drilling the concrete. It can be used in every construction sites and
operations including building renovation, overpasses, bridges and tunnels
surveys, as well as for detailed analysis of the original engineering project
and comparison with the as-built structure.

1.3 Intended readership

The intended reader of this manual should be the technician in charge of
using the system that has undergone the IDS GeoRadar training for C-thrue.

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HOW TO READ THE MANUAL Maps: graphics showing the change in received radar signal with respect to
the scanning direction.
2.1 Manual Layout
Survey: the name given to a collection of acquisitions, which together cover
This manual is composed of several parts. After an Introduction, the first part
all the areas of an investigation: typically, an entire job area.
describes the device and its components, with the explanation of the main
features. Scan: a single movement of the system from the beginning to the end of a
pre-established path.
The second part shows the procedure to setup the device and how to
configure it correctly (Assembly Procedure). Setup: initialization of a piece of equipment or a software process.

The third part illustrates the main features of the software, and its use on Encoder: a distance measurement device which constantly signals the
the work field. distance travelled from the start of the scan back to the Control Unit.

Eventually, the maintenance plan, and additional information are illustrated. Transmitter: part of the antenna dedicated to emitting the radar signals.

2.2 Glossary & Acronyms Receiver: part of the antenna dedicated to detecting the radar signals.
DAD: Digital Antenna Driver Receiver: part of the antenna dedicated to detecting the radar signals.
RADAR: RAdio Detection And Ranging
Augmented reality: Digital on-site representation of data and targets through
LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
the external PC.
USB: Universal Serial Bus
GPR: Ground Penetrating Radar
AC: Alternate Current
HF: High Frequency
Q.R: Quick Response Code

2.3 Glossary & Acronyms

Raw data: unprocessed data obtained during a field survey.

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2.4 Symbols For the user’s safety, all safety instructions and safety messages shall be
strictly observed and followed. Therefore, the manual must always be
This manual contains the following symbols with related meanings:
available to all persons performing any tasks described herein.
Type Description DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE are standardized signal words
Indicates an imminently hazardous for identifying levels of hazards and risks related to personal injury and
situation which, if not property damage.
DANGER avoided, will result in death or For your safety it is important to read and fully understand the table below
serious injury. with the different signal words and their definitions. Supplementary safety
Indicates a potentially hazardous information symbols may be placed within a warning message as well as
situation or an unintended
WARNING supplementary text.
use which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation or an unintended
CAUTION use which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate
Important part which must be
adhered to in practice as
To keep on mind they enable the product to be used
in a technically correct and
efficient manner.

Warning messages are an essential part of the safety concept of the

instrument. They appear wherever hazards or hazardous situations can
Warning messages:
• make the user alert about direct and indirect hazards concerning the use
of the product.
• contain general rules of behaviour.

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Environment: Suitable for use in an atmosphere appropriate for permanent
3.1 Description human habitation. Not suitable for use in explosive environments.
The following directions enable the person responsible for the product, and
the person who uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational
hazards. DANGER: Local safety authorities and safety experts must be
The person responsible for the product must ensure that all users contacted before working in hazardous areas, or close to electrical
understand these directions and adhere to them. installations or similar situations by the person in charge of the
3.2 Definition of Use
Intended use:
3.5 Responsibilities
• Concrete inspections. Manufacturer of the product - IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. is responsible for
• Rebars and void detection and mapping.
supplying the product, including the user manual and original accessories,
• Measuring horizontal and vertical position of rebars and void.
in a safe condition.
• Creation of concrete tomography imaging.
Person responsible for the product - The person responsible for the product
3.3 Reasonably Foreseeable Misuse
has the following duties:
• Use of the product without instruction.
• Use outside of the intended use and limits. • To understand the safety instructions on the product and the
• Opening the product using tools, for example screwdriver, unless instructions in the user manual.
this is permitted for certain functions. • To ensure that it is used in accordance with the instructions.
• Modification or conversion of the product. • To be familiar with local regulations relating to safety and
accident prevention.
• Use after misappropriation.
• To inform IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. immediately if the product and
• Use of products with obvious damages or defects. the application becomes unsafe.
• Use with accessories from other manufacturers without the prior • To ensure that the national laws, regulations and conditions for
explicit approval of IDS GeoRadar s.r.l the operation of electromagnetics transmitters are respected.
• Inadequate safeguards at the working site.

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3.6 Hazard of use

CAUTION: If the accessories used with the product are not
CAUTION: Watch out for erroneous measurement results if properly secured and the product is subjected to mechanical
the product has been dropped or has been misused, modified, shock, for example blows or falling, the product may be
stored for long periods or transported. damaged.
Precautions: Precautions:
Periodically carry out test measurements and perform the field When setting-up the product, make sure that the accessories
adjustments indicated in the user manual, particularly after are correctly adapted, fitted, secured, and locked in position.
the product has been subjected to abnormal use and before Avoid subjecting the product to mechanical stress.
and after of important measurements.

DANGER: Because of the risk of electrocution, it is dangerous WARNING: Inadequate securing of the working site can lead to
to use poles and extensions near electrical installations such as dangerous situations, for example in traffic, on building sites,
power cables or electrical railways. and at industrial installations.
Precautions: Precautions:
Keep at a safe distance from electrical installations. If it is Always ensure that the working site is adequately secured.
essential to work in this environment, first contact the safety Adhere to the regulations governing safety and accident
authorities responsible for the electrical installations and prevention and road traffic.
follow their instructions.

WARNING: During dynamic applications, for example stakeout

procedures there is a danger of accidents occurring if the user
does not pay attention to the environmental conditions around,
for example obstacles, excavations or traffic.
The person responsible for the product must make all users fully
aware of the existing dangers.

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WARNING: If the product is improperly disposed of, the

following can happen: WARNING: If the product is used with accessories, you may
• If polymer parts are burnt, poisonous gases are produced increase the risk of being struck by lightning.
which may impair health. Precautions:
• If batteries are damaged or are heated strongly, they can Do not use the product in a thunderstorm.
explode and cause poisoning, burning, corrosion or
environmental contamination.
• By disposing of the product irresponsibly you may enable
unauthorized persons to use it in contravention of the WARNING: High mechanical stress, high ambient temperatures
regulations, exposing themselves and third parties to the risk of or immersion into fluids can cause leakage, fire or explosions of
severe injury and rendering the environment liable to the batteries.
contamination. Precautions:
Precautions: Protect the batteries from mechanical influences and high
ambient temperatures. Do not drop or immerse batteries into

The crossed out wheeled bin symbol shown on the equipment

indicates that the product must be recycled separately from
other waste at the end of its useful life. WARNING: During the transport, shipping or disposal of
Separate waste disposal of this product at the end of its useful batteries it is possible for inappropriate mechanical influences
life will be organised and managed by IDS GeoRadar. When you to constitute a fire hazard.
decide to dispose of the equipment, contact IDS GeoRadar and Precautions:
follow the system that IDS GeoRadar has set up to permit the Before shipping the product or disposing of it, discharge the
separate collection of the apparatus at its life end. batteries by running the product until they are flat.
Adequate separate collection for its subsequent recycling, When transporting or shipping batteries, the person in charge
treatment and environmental friendly disposal contribute of the product must ensure that the applicable national and
towards avoiding any unnecessary effects on the environment international rules and regulations are observed. Before
and to health and favour the reuse or recycling of the materials transportation or shipping contact your local passenger or
that make up the equipment. Unauthorised disposal of this freight transport company.
product as unsorted waste by its possessor will lead to an
administrative penalty foreseen by national regulations.

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

The C-thrue system is composed by the following parts:

WARNING: Only IDS GeoRadar authorized technical service • C-thrue unit.

are entitled to repair this product. • 2 rechargeable, 15 Volts, Li-ion batteries.
• Battery charger (with universal adapter)
• Safety lace to hook the system to the wrist
• Six reflective bars for 2D positioning system
C-THRUE HARDWARE DESCRIPTION • Adhesive gum for 2D positioning system
• USB key including user manual and printable paper sheet
4.1 General
The C-thrue and its accessories are delivered within a dedicated suitcase, The whole system is shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
Fig. 1 :

Fig. 2 – The C-thrue.

4.1.1 C-thrue main body

The main body of the system consists of the following parts (Fig. 3):
• Multi-Touchscreen for the embedded PC.
• Integrated Control unit
Fig. 1 – C –thrue suitcase.

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• 4 wheels for distance measurement and encoder-to-DAD

• Handle
• Battery compartment
• USB port for radar data transfer, software and firmware
updating, Fig. 4.
• Power button to switch on/off the system, Fig. 4.
• Auxiliary connector, Fig. 4. USB port Power button
Fig. 4 – Detail of the USB port, Power button and remote control connector interfaces.
Multi-Touchscreen Handle
The USB port use is intended only for survey folder transfer,
firmware and software updating through USB stick. Do not insert
in the USB port any other type of external device.

4.1.2 Antenna
The C-thrue System is developed with a dual polarization antenna, with a
central frequency of 2 GHz.
Dual polarization permits detection on both first and second levels of rebars.
(Fig. 5). The offset between the deep and shallow antenna centre, is 10 cm
(see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).
4 encoder wheels Battery

Fig. 3 – Image of the C-thrue and its main components.

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10 cm

Center of deep antenna Center of shallow antenna

Fig. 5– C-thrue Internal sketch.
Fig. 6 –Deep and shallow centre position.

Note that, to catch the real position of rebars, the reference system centre
of C-thrue is located in the front of the system. This is the reference point
for position markers and target markers (Fig. 7).

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4.1.3 Wheels
The C-thrue is able, at the same time, to collecting distance and radar data,
both forward and backward, regardless which one of the four wheels is in
direct contact with the surface.
This feature ensures that the distance is correctly registered even in rough
surface when, at times, not all the wheels are in contact with it (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 – Wheel encoder (red arrows).

4.1.4 Lasers
3 laser interfaces are integrated in the main body of the C-thrue.
One is in the front part, and the other two are in the right and left side of
the system (Fig. 9). They are mounted exclusively for the 2-D positioning
system used with reflective bars (Par 4.4.1).
Fig. 7 – Reference point for position marker and target marker.

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4.1.5 Handle
The C-thrue handle (Fig. 10) is ergonomic and designed to operate the
system only with one hand.

Fig. 10 – C-thrue handle.

A safety tie (Fig. 11) is provided to attach the system to the wrist.

Fig. 9 – Lasers position on C-thrue main body.

This is a CLASS 1 Laser. This means that the laser is not detected
by a naked eye, and is not dangerous for the eyes itself.

Fig. 11 – Safety tie.

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The User should make a knot around the C-thrue handle with the slimmest
part of the lace, and then wear the lace on wrist from the wider side of the
lace (Fig. 12).

Fig. 13 – Button for start/stop acquisition and marker positioning (red square) and the
additional button (blue square) for FCC regulations.

Fig. 12 – How to use the lace/tie.

4.2 Batteries
In the upper part of the handle there is a start/stop acquisition and The C-thrue is powered by rechargeable Li-ion Battery (15V-3.2Ah) with 2.5
positioning marker button (Fig. 13, red square) easy to use with the thumb hours runtime (Fig. 14).
(Fig. 13).
The system is supplied with two batteries.
For FCC rules and regulations, there is an
additional button under the handle (blue
square, Fig. 13). It is necessary to hold this
button during the acquisition, release at the
end of it. The acquisition is stopped after about
one second after the release of the button. Use
only the forefinger to use the button.

Fig. 14 – Li-ion batteries for C-thrue.

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The C-thrue Li-Ion Battery is lodged in the rear part of the system, under the 4.3 Battery charger
handle. The battery charger (Fig. 16) must be connected to the electricity mains at
To open the battery compartment cover the user should make a ¼- turn left AC 110/220V.
screw. Turn to the right side to close it. Insert the battery from rear side of
the system as shown in the following pictures (see Fig. 15). It is composed of three parts: an electrical transformer, a cable from
transformer to the main AC, and battery housing. (see Fig. 16).
The battery charging is concluded when the LED turns green.

Green light=100%charge

2 3

Fig. 15 – Battery compartment cover.

Fig. 16 – Battery charger components.

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4.4 Accessories

4.4.1 Reflective Bars for system positioning

The C-thrue is provided with positioning bars kit (Fig. 17) allowing the User
to create a local reference system axis. Thanks to their reflective side (Fig.
18), on board Lasers are able to detect them, measuring distances.

Fig. 19 – Sticky modelling paste.

Fig. 17 – Positioning bars. 4.4.2 Telescopic Pole

In addition to the C-thrue, a telescopic pole is provided (Fig. 20), and this can
be attached to the C- Thrue handle. this allows the user to acquire data on
the hardest surfaces and make the acquisition easier.

Reflective side

Fig. 18 – Reflective side of the bars.

To fix the reflective bars to a wall or pavement surface, an adhesive gum is

provided (Fig. 19).

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• Display 10.1 inch;

• Glove-sensitive touch screen;
• Fully-rugged chassis
• Integrated RFID
• Processor Intel® Core™ i5-
6300U vPro
• Graphic board Intel HD 520
• 8 Mpixel camera
• Windows 10
• Waterproof and dust proof
• Weight 1.1 Kg

Fig. 21 – FZG1 for remote desktop connection and augmented reality

The Panasonic FZ-G1 comes with 2 preinstalled software, called C-THRUE


4.4.4 Marker for augmented reality

In addition, in the system suitcase, the user can find four QR stickers for the
augmented reality. These markers need to be put, in a certain order, on the
investigated surface (Fig. 22). They are used to visualize the results of C-thrue
survey and to allow an operator to mark the examined surface while the
tablet camera frames it. In each sticker, it is indicated where it has to
positioned respect to the reflective bars (Fig. 23).

Fig. 20 – Telescopic pole.

4.4.3 C-thrue external controller

The C-thrue is provided with an external controller (Fig. 21), which allows to
a second user to a real time remote control, data processing and
representation of results in Augmented Reality.

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Fig. 22 – Q.R marker positioning.

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Fig. 23 - QR for augmented reality. The red squares in each sticker indicates each position
respect to the reflective bars.

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3. Inserting the battery, Fig. 26;

The procedure to assemble the C-thrue is straightforward and can be
performed by one person.
To assemble the system the User should follow these steps:
1. removing the radar main body from the luggage, Fig. 24;

Fig. 26 - The battery case.

4. Wearing the safety lace to the wrist, Fig. 27;

Fig. 24- The system and its luggage.

2. Fixing the safety lace to the system, Fig. 25;

Fig. 27- Wearing the safety lace.

Fig. 25- The safety lace.

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5. Switching on the system from the power button, Fig. 28 ;

Fig. 28- The switch button.

5.1 Assembling procedure for telescopic pole

The telescopic rod is composed by two main part: a pivoting head and a
telescopic rod.

To assemble the telescopic pole on the C-thrue, the user has to follow the
following steps: Fig. 29 – Pivoting head mounting.

1. Pass the black-headed screw under the handle. this step must be
done while the pivoting head is not completely resting on the top
of the C-thrue handle (Fig. 29) 2. Once the screw is under the handle, place the pivoting head plate
on the C-thrue handle. At this point, tighten the screw by lifting it
up to the stop and tightening (Fig. 30).

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Fig. 31 – Metal ball and Vertical notch matching

Fig. 30 – pivoting head mounting

3. Insert the rod into the pivoting head hole. to do this, match the
metal ball with the vertical incision on the pivoting head (Fig. 31).
Once inserted, turn the rod 180 degrees clockwise to secure the
grip. Then, close the red level as in Fig. 32.

Fig. 32 – Last step for rod securing

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4. Finally, connect the cable to connector located on the right side of For FCC rules and regulations, there is an
C-thrue handle. This allows the user to control the acquisition as the additional button on the telescopic rod (red
same way of the button on C-thrue handle. button, Fig. 33. It is necessary to hold this
button during the acquisition, release at the
end of it. The acquisition is stopped after about
one second after the release of the button.

Fig. 33 – Telescopic rod final assembling

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C-thrue GUIDE

6.1 Starting 2. GRID SCAN : this command gives the

Switching on the system from the power button under the handle, after a opportunity to acquire radargrams within a grid of 1mx1m,
few seconds the main menu window of the C-thrue software will appear with a scan step of 5 cm. The user can activate also lasers for
(Fig. 34) this mode.

3. OPEN SURVEY : this command permits to visualize

all the previous acquisitions and copy them in a USB stick. It
can contain an additional sub-folder where all the screen
shots eventually catch have been automatically saved.

4. SETTINGS : this command permits to change

system measurements, language, and update firmware and

In the Menu bar at the top of the screen (Fig. 34), 2 icons are present:

Fig. 34- Main Menu.

1. click it to activate/deactivate lasers. This function is
6.2 Main Menu available only in Grid mode. This also shows laser status.
The C-thrue software main menu contains 4 main commands:

2. : click it to activate/deactivate EM sensor; when it is

1. SINGLE SCAN : this command gives the active the icon is coloured, when it is not active the icon is
opportunity to run single or multiple scan, viewing the grey.
radargrams in real time.

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3. : click it to activate/deactivate Wi-Fi link between C-

thrue system and C-thrue Remote Desktop (Panasonic
FZG1). If in one of these devices the wi-fi link is not activated,

the icon will be .

In the bottom right of the main window, the radar battery status is shown.

( )

The battery level displayed on the SW screen sometimes cannot

be indicative of the real remaining charge of the battery, as
instead indicated by the LED on the battery itself. Fig. 35 – Radar Settings.

• Depth Range: this will increase/decrease the full-scale value

(range). The possibilities are Short (shallower), Medium and long
Range (deeper).
6.3 Settings E.g 10cm/nsec of propagation velocity correspond to:
o Short= 40cm – 16 inch
o Medium = 60cm – 24inch
From the main menu (Fig. 34), the user should click on in order to
o Long = 80cm – 31 inch
visualize the settings menu. This is divided in four tabs:
• Aspect Ratio: this will change the ratio between x-axis and y-axis in
1. International settings the radargrams, in Fig. 36 is shown an example of aspect ratio 1:1
2. Update Settings (left picture) and an aspect ratio 3:1 (right picture):

3. About

6.3.1 Radar Settings

In the Radar settings (Fig. 35) the user can change three different

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6.3.2 International Settings

Fig. 36 – Different aspect ratio: 1:1 (left picture), 3:1 (right picture):

• Frequency: this permits to switch from 50 Hz to 60 Hz the detecting

frequency of the electromagnetic fields generated by buried live
power cables.
Fig. 37 – international settings

In the International Settings menu (Fig. 37, ) the user has the
opportunity to change:
• System of measurement: the available systems are metric (meters
and centimetres) and Imperial (inches and feet).
• Languages: select the preferred language in the shown list.

6.3.3 Update Settings

The Update Settings menu ( ) shows the current software version and
firmware (Fig. 38).
When a newer software and/or firmware version are released by IDS
GeoRadar, these can be uploaded in the C-thrue, in order to update the
system. This can be done copying the released software or firmware only on

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a USB stick, connect it to the USB port shown in Fig. 4. Done this, the icon

became coloured, and the list of available updates on the USB stick will
be shown in the white window.
At the end of the installation procedure, the system should be manually

Current software and firmware versions

Available updates
will be shown in
this window Fig. 39 – Network settings menu in C.thrue software

6.3.5 About

The About menu (Fig. 40) ( ) shows:

• C-thrue software version
• Phone and mail Contacts of IDS Customer Care Department.
• End User License Agreement for the C-thrue software
Fig. 38 – Update Settings.

In order to transfer Software and Firmware updates, files must be

in .zip format.

6.3.4 Network Menu

A network settings menu is present, and it has to be managed when a C-
thrue Remote Desktop is present, see Par. 6.8.1.

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Fig. 40 – “About” menu. Fig. 41 – Single scan main window.

6.4 Single Scan mode 6.4.1 Acquisitions commands

In this mode, the user can acquire single or multiple scan. In this mode the In the acquisition window, in the lower part of the screen there is an
only reference system is the distance travelled and recorded by the encoder acquisition commands toolbar (Fig. 42):
wheel, and the user can pull or push the radar (as preferred, the system
automatically recognizes the acquisition direction) for radar data acquisition.

Fig. 42 – acquisition toolbar.

Clicking the single scan command ( ) from the main menu (Fig.
34). The acquisition main window automatically opens as in Fig. 41: Each icon of the toolbar is explained below:

• Clicking on , automatically other 2 icons will appear on the


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I. From every screen of a single scan or Grid mode, 1

using this button it is possible to make a screen shot of
what is currently displayed on the screen (toolbar
excluded). The screen shot will be saved as .jpeg file in a 2
proper folder which will be automatically created in the
survey folder. after saving, a message of “Report
completed” will be shown on the screen (Fig. 43)

Fig. 44 – Propagation velocity evaluation window

Click button to start; the icon will become and a warning

single “beep” sound will be emitted by the system. At the end of a scan, the

user should click it to stop and save the last acquisition ( ). A

warning double “beep” sound will be emitted by the system
Fig. 43 – Advise when a screen shot (Job Report) is completed and saved in the survey folder.
The user can do the same actions just by pressing the button on the handle
(red square in Fig. 45) to start acquisition, then hold the same button at the
end of acquisition.
II. Propagation velocity evaluation: clicking this
button, the user can adjust the propagation velocity of EM
wave by either (Fig. 44):

1. moving the cursor along the horizontal line if the

inspected concrete is wet or dry
2. Entering a known propagation velocity
3. Manually adjusting the dielectric constant
4. Click on OK button to apply the estimated velocity

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Fig. 45 – Standard handles button (red square) and additional button (blue square) for FCC
Fig. 46 – Shallower visualization.
For FCC rules and regulations, there is an
additional button under the handle (blue
square, Fig. 13. Hold this button during the • click this button to see only the deeper radargram:
acquisition, release at the end of it. The
acquisition is stopped after about one second
after the release of the button. Use only the
forefinger to use the button.

• click this button to see only the shallower radargram (Fig. 46):

Fig. 47 – Deeper visualization.

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6.4.2 Shallow and deep radargrams

• Click this in order to rotate 90° the radargrams. This lets the User Thanks to the different configuration of the two antennas present, C-thrue,
adjust the visualization depending on how the system is orientated is capable to investigate the structure at different levels.
and on how the operator prefers to scan.
The shallow antenna provides an excellent quality and clarity of the upper
• Click this to choose different colour palettes for the radar maps part of the concrete and the first layering of irons/cables/tubes underlying
visualization the investigated surface. This antenna better detects those objects that are
arranged in an orthogonal direction with respect to the scanning path.
• Click it to show/hide the target marker already inserted
The deep antenna, allows to investigate in a clearer way the underlying
concrete portion, identifying a possible second layer of rebars, voids and
cavities, again arranged in an orthogonal direction with respect to the
• Click the button to stop the current Project and go back to the scanning path.
Fig. 49 shows the two radargrams in real time, complete with horizontal scale
main menu. In this case, If the acquisition is still running ( ), a
(distance travelled) and vertical scale depth. It’s possible to see clearly a first
message appears as in Fig. 48:
level of metallic rebar with the shallow component. Then, with the deeper
component, it’s possible to locate the second level of rebars.
Distance travelled

Fig. 48 – Exit message if the user is still in acquisition.
2nd level of rebar
Click YES if you want to end survey, click NO if you want to continue with the 1st level of rebar

• status of the battery level Fig. 49 – Shallow and deep radargrams.

The C-thrue allows to ebar

the user the display of two radar ebarsections
• By moving the finger along this bar
simultaneously or only one individually, as explained in the previous par
the user can adjust the contrast of each radargram.
During the first scan, the software uses a very short part of the radar scan
(less than ten centimetres) to evaluate concrete characteristics and to

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calculate the best graphic settings for the visualization of radargrams. position of the interesting point. Here the reference line is respect to the
Following this, the software continuously adjusts those settings for providing front part of the system, this permit to the user an easier marking of the
the best visualization in any condition. concrete.
Thanks to the multi-touch screen, the user can interact with the radargrams This last point is explained in the sketches below (in temporal order):
as follows:
• Starting out with fingers together and then spreading them, the user
can zoom IN the radargrams. On the contrary, with 2 fingers, starting
out separated and then brought together, the user can zoom OUT the
• If the radar section is too long to be displayed at the selected zoom
level, the user can scroll it using the finger on it; the scrolling is
synchronized if the user is visualizing both radar maps.
• Add position markers (Fig. 50) during the acquisition, clicking the
button on top the handle at the selected position (the same button
as start/stop acquisition), or add target marker holding the finger on
the radargram on a point of interest. As shown in the picture, the
same marker will be in a different position in the radargrams, because
is referred to the physical position of shallow and deep antennas in
the system, and so in their respective radargrams.
Target marker

Position marker
Fig. 50 – Position marker and target marker.

After the first passage in a direction (pull or push as the user prefer), the user,
still in acquisition, can return on the acquired path, to see and check the

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6.4.3 Target Commands

Holding a finger on a specific anomaly seen in the radargrams, the user
automatically opens the Place/Modify Target toolbar (red square in Fig. 51).

Fig. 52 – Target type list.

Clicking , the user will activate the automatic recognition. In this way
the software automatically recognizes which kind of anomaly the user has
selected before (between rebar and void category) and put one target
marker from the previous list. If the software is not able to recognize which
Fig. 51 – Place/Modify target toolbar.
kind of anomaly is present, the target will be shown as .

The user should pick and hold the interesting point with high
Clicking the first button on the left ( ), the user can select different type accuracy, especially for automatic detection, in order to avoid
of target shown in the list (Fig. 52): error with target type. Using is zoom is suggested

click this if the user wants to add a target marker connected to the

previous one inserted with .

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6.5 Grid scan mode

click this if the user wants to delete all the target inserted with
6.5.1 Acquisition mode with LASER and GRID.

Click it to set the propagation velocity for the radar map, using the From the main menu window (Fig. 54) first click icon to activate the
hyperbola fitting method. To perform it, follow the procedure below:

1. Find a hyperbola on the radargram on which to perform lasers (the icon must be green), then click icon to select the GRID
the velocity analysis; mode.
2. Press and hold the screen on the hyperbola (Fig. 51), the
software will automatically locate the top and a setting
window will be opened (Fig. 53);
3. Adjust the EM waves propagation velocity to adapt the
synthetic hyperbola to the real one visible in the
radargram (Fig. 53); it is possible to use the slider (1),
insert the Propagation Velocity(cm/ns) (2) or Dielectric
constant value (Ɛ) (3) on the proper window.
4. Click on OK button to apply the estimated velocity. It will
be applied to the entire survey.

2 Fig. 54 – Activation of Lasers.

Before starting the acquisition, the user must position the reflective bars on
3 the wall/pavement/deck (Fig. 55). In the pictures here below is shown how
to do it.

In this modality the acquisition is possible only pulling the radar.

The user must position the system close to the reflective bar and
go backward.
Fig. 53 – Propagation Velocity setting window

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Step 1: on the wall, position the horizontal bar first with the adhesive gum:

Step 2: Position the vertical bar in the corner of the horizontal bar, and be
sure that the internal angle is 90°.
Reflective bars must
be fixed on the wall
with the adhesive

Step 3: add the other reflective bars as the user prefer (six in total). It’s also
possible to rotate the reference system (i.e horizontal bar on top or in the
bottom of the reference system, vertical bar on the left or on the right):

Fig. 55 – sketch representing the real positioning of reflective bars on wall (A) and what the
user will see on the screen. The C-thrue is orientated as in the real situation, thanks to the
lasers that calculate the position in real time respect to the reflective bars.

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Option 1

Option 3

Option 2

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In grid scan mode (Fig. 56), the screen shows B-Scan and C-Scan Once the reflective bars are positioned and the system is positioned on the
C-scan window B-scan window surface ready for the acquisition, click on the acquisition toolbar to
visualize the grid (Fig. 57).

Fig. 56– Grid Scan mode screen

In acquisition with laser and grid, the reflective bars are shown in the x and
y axis, and the lasers automatically recognizes in which grid position the
system is, highlighting the lines in purple.
Fig. 57 – Grid activation

Be careful to respect the measurement mark on the reflective From now on, for this command three modes are available:
bars. If the system is not aligned with one of these, the purple
line will disappear until the correct position is reached.

The user can acquire the radar scans following a predefined grid of 1m x 1m • automatic mode, with all the laser sensors active;
with the spacing between the scans of 5 cm. The spacing between the scans
must be physically respected, to correctly locate targets.
• the laser in opposite side respect to reflecting bars is
deactivated; it is a useful tool in those case in which an obstacle
interferes with the acquisition, activating the laser that should not

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For FCC rules

Repeating a scanand
has already there is an will erase the
been acquired
• all the lasers are deactivated; the position of the system is no additionalswath,
previous button underit with
replacing the the
handle (blue
new one.
longer available and the acquisition is the same of the grid without square, Fig. 13. Hold this button during the
reflecting bars. acquisition, release at the end of it. The
acquisition is stopped after about one second
after the release of the button. Use only the
• Position the system at the corner of reflective bars (Fig. 58) forefinger to use the button.

In grid visualization mode ( ), the toolbar commands and

are related exclusively to which radargram is displayed (shallow or deeper
radargram respectively, just one per time).

Fig. 58 – starting point for Grid plus Laser acquisition. With activated, This allows to the user the visualization of the
tomography map, being this rendered after the interpolation of the single
acquisition lines. (Fig. 59). In this mode, it’s possible to set the visualization
• Click button to start; the icon will become and a warning
mode, choosing between:
single “beep” sound will be emitted by the system. At the end of a
scan, the user should click the icon to stop and save the last
• Tomography and radargram relating to shallow antenna, clicking on
acquisition ( ); a warning double “beep” sound will be
emitted by the system. The user can do the same actions just by
pressing the button on the handle (red square in Fig. 44) to start • Tomography and radargram relating to deep antenna, clicking on
acquisition, then hold the same button at the end of acquisition.
The scan the user is acquiring is highlighted in purple (Fig. 57).

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• Tomography relating to both antennas (shallow + deep), holding

with a finger in blue screen in background of the c-scan window
Furthermore, Activating the icon The user can specify the depth of
the tomography view. To do this, use the vertical bar to the right of the
( ), and clicking on the .
GRID (Fig. 61, Fig. 62, Fig. 63)
This information comes from Data Fusion processing, which generates new
tomography merging data coming from the two antennas: the shallow
antenna will influence the first centimetres of the radargrams and the deep Deactivating the icon ,the entire volume is collapsed in a single view
antenna the remaining portion. and all tomography sections are illuminated (Fig. 60).

Furthermore, Activating the icon The user can specify the depth of
the tomography view. To do this, use the vertical bar to the right of the
GRID (Fig. 61, Fig. 62, Fig. 63)

Deactivating the icon ,the entire volume is collapsed in a single view

and all tomography sections are illuminated (Fig. 60).

Fig. 59 – Tomography in real time.

When many swathes are acquired in the Grid mode, the merge
operation could be slow, that is the screen gets darker. Please
wait until the operation is completed.

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Fig. 60 – All tomography sections are illuminated. Fig. 63– Tomography view at 7 cm.

• Clicking on button, automatically other 3 icons will appear on

the touchscreen:

I. From every screen of a single scan or Grid mode,

through the use of this button it is possible to make a
screen shot; everything that is currently displayed on the
screen (without toolbar) will be saved as .jpeg file, in a
proper folder which will be automatically created in the
Fig. 61 – Tomography section at 5 cm. survey folder. after saving, a message of “Report
completed” will be shown on the screen (Fig. 43)

Fig. 62 – Tomography section at 6 cm.

Fig. 64 – Advise when a screen shot (Job Report) is completed and saved in the survey folder.

Click it to set the propagation velocity for the radar map, using the
hyperbola fitting method. To perform it, follow the procedure below:

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1. Find a hyperbola on the radargram on which to perform

the velocity analysis; • Erase the last swath acquired. This button is available only
2. Press and hold the screen on the hyperbola (Fig. 51), the
software will automatically locate the top and a setting
window will be opened (Fig. 65); when the system is not in acquisition ( ); a message for
3. Adjust the EM waves propagation velocity to adapt the confirmation appear (Fig. 66):
synthetic hyperbola to the real one visible in the
radargram (Fig. 65); it is possible to use the slider (1),
insert the Propagation Velocity(cm/ns) (2) or Dielectric
constant value (Ɛ) (3) on the proper window.
4. Click on OK button to apply the estimated velocity. It will
be applied to the entire survey.
Fig. 66 – Erase swath confirmation message.

• Click this to choose different colour palettes for the radar

2 tomography. This button is enabled only after the visualization of
the tomography.
3 In grid acquisition, the palette can be changed only if the
merge swath is enabled

Fig. 65 – Propagation velocity evaluation window

• Through buttons, it is possible to shift from one scan

to the previous/next, both during acquisition and review mode.

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• Click the button to stop the current Project and go back to the

main menu. In this case, If the acquisition is still running ( ), a

message appears as in Fig. 67:

Fig. 67 – End survey confirmation message

Click yes if you want to end survey, click no if you want to continue.
Fig. 68 – Red cross as reference point for locating rebars/voids.

• Moving the finger along this bar Markers and Bookmarks can be inserted in the grid mode, but
the user can adjust the contrast of each radargram. only in the radar scan view

Once the acquisition is concluded, the user can move the system on the 6.5.2 GRID acquisition mode without LASER
scenario to locate physically on the area the regions of interest (free areas When the Grid button is selected from the main menu (Fig. 34), the Grid
or rebar). acquisition window opens automatically (Fig. 69); before this, be sure that

In fact, the lasers continue to provide and display the current position in
the lasers are disabled ( ).
real time.

The user should use the red cross as reference point, for locating and
In this mode the user can acquire the radar scans following a predefined grid
marking interest point (Fig. 68)
of 1m x 1m with the spacing between the scans of 5 cm. The spacing between
Fundamental is to leave the reflective bars in the same position as during scans must be physically respected, to correctly locate the target.
the acquisition.

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C-scan window The scan the user is acquiring is highlighted in purple (Fig. 69).
B-scan window

In grid visualization mode ( ), the toolbar commands and

are related exclusively to which radargram is displayed (shallow or deeper
radargram respectively, just one per time).

With activated, this allows to the user the visualization of the

tomography map, being this rendered after the interpolation of the single
acquisition lines. (Fig. 70). In this mode, it’s possible to set the visualization
mode, choosing between:

Fig. 69 – main window for GRID mode, without laser.

For FCC rules and regulations, there is an

additional button under the handle (blue
square, Fig. 13. Hold this button during the
acquisition, release at the end of it. The
acquisition is stopped after about one second
after the release of the button. Use only the
forefinger to use the button.

Fig. 70 – Merging data in grid mode

Click button to start; the icon will become and a warning single
“beep” sound will be emitted by the system. At the end of a scan, the user
The other toolbar command of GRID mode are the same as the GRID mode
should click the icon to stop and save the last acquisition ( ); a with lasers, already explained in Par 6.5.1 (pag 40-43).
warning double “beep” sound will be emitted by the system. The user can do
the same actions just by pressing the button on the handle (red square in Fig.
44) to start acquisition, then hold the same button at the end of acquisition.

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6.6 Power Detector EM sensor

From the main menu window (Fig. 71) first click icon in order to
activate the Power Detector (the icon must be green).

Fig. 72 – Undisturbed (flat yellow line) and peak yellow line of EM sensor (live buried cable

When the antennas pass over a live cable, a wave appears on the yellow
line, whose peak is located in correspondence of the buried cable, as is
show in the following in Fig. 72:

The lines are displayable even in review mode.

Fig. 71 – Main menu.
The AC detection performance may vary depending on the
It is a passive sensor used to detect Electromagnetic fields generated by
system’s speed of use. The lower the speed the higher is the
buried live power cables; when it is active, a yellow line will appear accuracy.
superimposed to the radargram, as is shown in Fig. 72:

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6.7 Survey Explorer

The Survey explorer icon in the main menu (Fig. 73) is used to manage the
existing surveys.
To disconnect correctly the usb stick.

To delete permanently an acquired survey.

6.8 Remote desktop connection and Augmented reality

The C-thrue system is provided with an external controller (Fig. 74), which
allows to a second User to follow and operate from remote in all those case
when the site to investigate is of difficult access.

• Display 10.1 inch;

• Glove-sensitive touch screen;
• Fully-rugged chassis
• Intel® Core™ i5 v Pro™
Fig. 73 – Survey Explorer window. • Integrated RFID
• Waterproof and dust proof
To do it, click on the desired survey in the list and then click: • Weight 1.1 Kg

Fig. 74 – C-thrue remote controller specifications

The C-thrue external controller comes with 2 preinstalled software, C-thrue

To opens the survey.

Remote Desktop (RDC) and C-thrue Augmented Reality ( ),

which are described below.

To permit the uploading of a survey from the C-thrue memory to

the USB stick.

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6.8.1 Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)

• Enabling wi-fi in both system, clicking the icon on the top right
part of the main window. The order of this last action is not
C-thrue Remote Desktop ( ) enables the remote desktop If the wi-fi is enabled in one device, while in the other is still off, the icon
connection between FZG1 and C-thrue, connecting the two devices through
a wi-fi network. A wi-fi USB Dongle connected to the FZG1 USB port is will be ( ), as per Fig. 76 . if the devices are wi-fi linked, the icon will be
required (Fig. 75). The maximum wi-fi working distance is about 10m.
in both devices.

Fig. 75 - Wi-fi USB Dongle

Trough C-thrue Remote Desktop it is possible to control all the C-thrue

functions or just monitor the survey carried out by the main User. Wi-Fi connection initialization

In order to link the FZG1 remote device with C-thrue system, the user has to
follow the steps here below:
Fig. 76- C-thrue Remote Desktop main interface.
• Turn on both FZG1 and C-thrue systems
• Insert the Wi-Fi USB dongle in the FZG1 USB port

• Open C-thrue Remote Desktop on FZG1 desktop

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual Settings and data visualization Depth range and frequency of the EM sensor (1,2 in Fig. 77) change
The remote desktop connection allows the user to share the screen, during accordingly in C-thrue and FZG1, while the user can choose a different
the acquisition and software navigation to change settings and survey aspect ratio for each device.

The rule is that everything concerns the radar itself, is synchronized. The International Settings menu ( ) and the About menu ( )
contain the same settings as the C-thrue software. These parameters are not
Is up to the user to change visualisation in each device. synchronized between the devices.

The Network settings Menu ( ) permits to change the network

configuration (Fig. 78).
Referring to Settings (. ) C-thrue remote desktop (Fig. 77):

Fig. 78 – Network Settings

Fig. 77 – Settings in C-thrue Remote Desktop (FZG1)

Every C-thure machine has its own proper network. The default name
network is C-thrueRD-Net.

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In case different C-thrue systems are present on site, with their external
controller, there can be a conflict on the wi-fi connections. Interacting with the icon will affect only C-thrue Remote
To avoid this, it is possible to change the Wi-fi name of each C-thrue, Desktop visulization(Fig. 79).
following the procedures below.

Before starting this procedure, be sure that only one of the

present C-thrue is on.

1) Connect both default wi-fi network ( in both devices)

2) In C-thrue Remote Desktop, go in Settings ( ) → Network setup

( )
3) And change the network name (i.e C-thrueRD-NetRD1)
4) Click Ok

5) Close and restart the wi-fi network on both devices → → Fig. 79 – Single Scan in C-thrue Remote Desktop.
6) Now the user can work on the new wi-fi network.
A new function is present on C-thrue Remote Desktop GRID MODE, clicking
7) To come back to the original wi-fi default name, click on and then
click Defaut network. After this, Close and restart the wi-fi network on and then (Fig. 80). this will allow the user to create time slices
and a Slices.xml saved in the survey folder.
both devices → → .

Both devices are interoperable, so the user can change settings

from each device.
Referring to Single scan mode ( ), if the user wants to interact
The synchronized parameters, can be changed on both devices.
with the radarmaps, adding markers or changing the propagation velocity,
start/stop scan acquisition, these actions will be applied in both devices. Do these procedures only after the systems are connected to
the wi-fi, otherwise the settings will be lost.

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Fig. 81 – C-thrue Remote Desktop “Survey Explorer” interface.

Fig. 80 – Grid Mode in C-thrue Remote Desktop. The user has the following options: Survey import/export between devices

It is also possible to import/ data from “Open Survey” folder ( )of select a survey clicking on the row, then click on the icon to
one or more C-thrue distinctly. All the import data are saved in a single open it in review
“Survey Explorer” folder of the C-thrue Remote Desktop (Fig. 81).
The import/export possibilities are explained in the table below: Export a survey to the C-thrue device

Import a mission from C-thrue device

Delete a mission

The icons will change accordingly to the location and to the latest
modification of the selected surveys, as in the table below:

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The survey is Both import and

present in both export
Icons coloured= Survey present in C-thrue sw and/or C- devices, with the
same status
thrue Remote Desktop .

The surveys is Both import and

present in both export.
Grey icons= the survey is not present in the device device, but the The user can
one in C-thrue import the
device is the latest
latest modificated modification in
one. C-thrue remote
Coloured icons with star= One of the device has the desktop, or he
most updated survey respect to the other one. can discard the
latest operation
in C-thrue
The following table shows the possible combinations and the meaning of it. clicking export,
and come back
Survey status Related Possibilities to Related Final to the original
icons import/export icons for status of or previous
in both devices the the icon version
import/e after the The surveys is Both import and
xport action present in both export.
between device, but the The user can
devices one in C-thrue export the
The survey is Only import in remote desktop latest
present only in C-thrue remote device is the modification in
the C-thrue desktop latest modificated C-thrue remote
memory one. desktop, or he
can discard the
The survey is Only export in latest operation
present only in C-thrue system. in C-thrue
velta desktop clicking import,
and come back
to the original
or previous

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

6.8.2 Augmented reality The Georadar slices are raster images and represent the radar scans at
different depths. The Georadar images are described in an .xml file. Each
The C-thrue ARApp ( ), is an application developed for the remote raster image represents a surface with area up to 1.20 meters x 1.20
desktop Tablet. It is used to visualize the results of C-thrue Georadar survey meters (Fig. 84).
and to allow an operator to mark the examined surface while the tablet
camera frames it (Fig. 82). In each sticker, it is indicated where it has to positioned respect to the
reflective bars (Fig. 83).
QR code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional
barcode). A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains
information about the item to which it is attached. A QR code uses four
standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and
kanji) to store data efficiently.

By framing an area delimited by markers, the app superimposes the C-thrue

Georadar images over the bounded area.

Fig. 83 – position of the stickers respect to the reflective bars

The tablet camera can recognize from one to four markers and each marker
symbol is unique (top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right).

The user can choose the depth and transparency of the GeoRadar image to
visualize using a slider.

Fig. 82 – Superimposition example

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

Fig. 85 – Open survey and settings window

Click on the Open Survey… button (Fig. 85), from the open dialog choose
the folder where is located the dataset (for dataset details), the slice’s
images are loaded according to Slices.xml dataset description file.

Also, from the menu the following setting can be changed:

• Metric Units: metric units used for Depth slider (cm/inches);

• Language: allows to switch between English and Italian;

Fig. 84 - Georadar slice image

The image (Fig. 86) shows the ArApp interface components:
6.8.3 User Interface and AR App usage

This section details each component of the ArApp main interface.

Fig. 86 - ArApp main interface

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

On the main window is shown the video captured from tablet camera. button is selected the slice’s image will be visualized with colours according
to the jet palette (Fig. 88).
To visualize the slice’s image on the marker a dataset must be loaded, click
on the Menu button. The menu is shown.

The H and V button ( ) are used to choose which slices dataset will
be used:

• H button checked: the dataset Array HH will be used.

• V button checked: the dataset Array VV will be used
• V and H buttons both checked: the dataset Array HH+VV will be used.
Fig. 87 - Black and white palette button

The Depth slider is used to choose which slice’s image in the corresponding
dataset will be visualized on the markers. If the Collapse button is checked (

) the Depth slider will be disabled and the collapsed slice’s image, if
present in the dataset, will be visualized. If the Collapse dataset attribute of

the Slices.xml is set to , the Collapse button will be disabled.

The Transparency slider is used to control the transparency of slice’s image

currently, the value 0 for slider means the slice’s image is completely
Fig. 88 - colour palette button
transparent, while a value of 100 means the slice’s image is visualized
without transparency.

The Take screenshot button is used to store the current visualized image on
png image file in the directory <dataset folder>/pictures, the saved
screenshot image file will have this format:

The Palette Button selects the palette used to visualize the slice’s image on
the markers. If the black and white palette button is selected the slice’s
image will be visualized in grey scale (Fig. 87). While if the colour palette

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

CARE AND TRANSPORT Remove the battery from the compartment (optional) opening the
7.1 Cleaning Information
Before cleaning any external part of the apparatus, make sure that USB port CAUTION: insert the battery under dry conditions
and the battery compartment cover has been closed. If a damp cloth is used,
make sure it is not too wet, to avoid any damage to the electrical
components of the equipment. Wait until the equipment is totally dry before 7.3 Periodical Check
using it. The Operator should periodically check the status of the System

The C-thrue should be cleaned periodically using a damp cloth. 7.4 Proper system use
Do not use solvents or abrasive detergents. • Surface of use: operating the system over very rough or sharp
surface is not recommended.
Do not apply any liquid directly onto the electrical contacts of the • At least one of the 4 wheels must be always in contact to the surface
connectors. during the acquisition, in order to measure correctly the distance
travelled. The best radar image results are reached when all the 4
If a specific spray is used to clean the touchscreen, make sure it is not The following points must be followed to operate in safety
flammable; in any case, do not spray it directly on the screen, instead, spray conditions, to avoid any issues to the system parts and to secure
it onto the cleaning cloth. a long life to the system
wheels are in contact with the surface itself
7.2 Battery Removal Information
• Safety lace: the operator must to use the safety lace secured to wrist
Radar batteries:
and to the system.
Manufacturer: RRC • Under every condition during the acquisition phase, the optimal
height of the system’s antenna is reached when all the 4 wheels are
Type: rechargeable lithium-ion in contact with the surface itself
• Allowed velocity: the system must be pushed/pulled only manually
Characteristics: 15V-3.2Ah
moving it, avoiding abrupt acquisition velocity changes.
Removal instructions: • Moving and correct usage of the system: to transport the system
from one site to the next, always use its suitcase.
Be sure that the system is off.
• Positioning bars: after the acquisition, always remove and safely
Use the ¼ turn left screw to open the battery compartment cover
store the positioning bars.

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

• Positioning bars: use at least 3 squares of sticky modelling paste for

each bar. Do not use any other type of material.
• Positioning bars: if the bars are attached to the ceiling, always use
safety helmet and safety glass, during both system’s set up and data
• For FCC regulations: do not tamper the switch under the handle in
any way.

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING System’ Error How the error is showed Troubleshooting
s part message
If an error or malfuctioning occurs, a pop-up icon, in the bottom right of the
The user has
moved the radar
Radar speed limit
touchscreen, will appear ( ), as in Fig. 89. Clicking on the icon, the user too fast. Please go
can visualize the error/warning message: slowly
One of the antenna
is not working.
Switch off and on
the system. If the
Radar error persist, please
Customer Care
The user should
turn off and on the
system; if the
Laser problem persists
system error
contact the IDS
GeoRadar customer

Please recharge the

Fig. 89– Pop-up message.
battery. In case the
error persists after
Here below the list of possible messages, and applicable troubleshooting: Battery Low battery the charging, a
replacement of the
battery is

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual


9.1 Download area

The Georadar section of the IDS GeoRadar website has a download
area you can access to get the latest update of software, manuals,
guides and other useful tools.
To do this, the first step is to request an account activation in
The request will be handled by the Customer Care of IDS GeoRadar,
after which you will receive an email with your credentials for
accessing the download area during login at

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

APPENDIX A - Technical Specification TFT multi-touch

C-thrue software • Quick start-up
SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS • Real time radar data acquisition,
Antenna Center Frequency 2.0 GHz processing and visualization in B-Scan
• Real time feature marking,
Number of Antennas 4 management and editing tool
Antenna Polarization Horizontal and Vertical • Rebar/Void automatic discrimination
• VirtualPad - Positioning & navigation
Number of Radar Channels 2 system
Scan Interval Up to 10 scans/cm • Visualization of C-scan (radar
Depth Range Up to 80 cm (up to 31.5 in.) • Real time diagnose of radar and the
Display modes B-Scan and C-scan (radar tomography) other devices
• Metric and imperial units
Positioning system “Virtual Pad” (based on 3 High safety - Class 1

laser sensors with reflective bars)
AC Power Conduits Detection EM sensor integrated (50/60 Hz)
Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF)
Battery Li-ion battery, 15V, 3.2Ah, 2-hour runtime Signals: The product is normally operated at more or less 1
Data Storage 32 GB m away from the user. At this distance, the typical power
density level is below 1 µW/cm2 (0.01 W/m2).
Connectivity USB, Wi-Fi
This value is far below the level specified by the current
ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS regulations. When operated in the normal manner of
intended use, this product does not pose health or safety
Operating Temperature -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)
risks regarding radio frequency signals.
Storage Temperature -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F)
Environmental IP65
Dimensions (length x width x 285mm x 200mm x 160mm (11,2in x 8,6in x
height) 6,3in)
Weight 2.4 kg (5 lb) with battery
Display 7.0 inches

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual

special, incidental or consequential damages or injuries, including

APPENDIX B - DISCLAIMER without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, resulting by un-
authorized use of the Products in Public Areas/Roads.
iii. For IBIS Products Family, Buyer/User warrants:
DISCLAIMER • that these Products are not being used, in the design,
development, production or use of chemical, biological,
nuclear ballistic weapons. Buyer/ User will defend, indemnify
i. The present Disclaimer applies to all products (the “Products”)
and hold IDS GeoRadar harmless against any liability
designed, produced and distributed by IDS GeoRadar s.r.l its
(including attorney’s fees) for non-compliance with the terms
Subsidiaries, Affiliated and authorized Distributors. IDS GeoRadar
of this article.
reserves full ownership and intellectual property rights of any
• that no operation or use of the IBIS products shall be started
“Information” contained in this Disclaimer including Trade Marks and
before its designated Operator/s has got the IBIS User
Graphics. No part of this Disclaimer may be used or reproduced in any
Certificate, as defined by IDS GeoRadar specific procedure
forms without the prior written agreement of IDS GeoRadar.
which the Buyer confirms to know and accept.
ii. In the event that any provision of this Disclaimer may be invalid,
iv. For Products which include specific “Operational” software with
unlawful or incapable of being enforced by a rule of law, all other
automatic data processing and analysis “Tools”, i.e. the IBIS Products,
provisions shall, nonetheless, remain in full force and effect. Failure to
User shall be aware that the results provided by these “Tools” may be
either enforce or exercise any right, privilege, or legal remedy at any
not free. User that completely relies on the outcomes provided by these
time, any provision contained in this Disclaimer, shall not be deemed
Tools only, does it at his own risk.
a waiver of such provisions or right, remedy, or privilege.
v. In no event IDS GeoRadar shall be liable for special, direct, indirect,
iii. This Disclaimer shall be interpreted, governed, construed and
incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages including,
enforced in accordance with the laws of Italy. Buyer hereby consents
but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the use of the
to the exclusive jurisdiction of Pisa
Products, either separately or in combination with other products or
relied upon the results provided by the above “Tools”.
Initial Precautions for Setting-up and Use of the Products.
i. The Buyer, for setting-up and using the purchased Products, shall
Disclaimer for the “Use” of the Products.
consult the official documentation provided by IDS GeoRadar for the
i. The User shall follow the instructions provided by IDS GeoRadar in its
Products (“Reference Documentation”) and carefully ascertain the
official “Reference Documentation” for the Product, in particular the
compliance with national laws and requirements, which may limit or
User’s Technical Manual which contains all the specific steps and
even forbid their use.
recommendations for a correct setting-up and use of the Product.
ii. For Products which shall operate by circulation in Public Areas/Roads,
ii. In no event IDS GeoRadar shall be liable for special, direct, indirect,
with or without moving traffic, Buyer/User shall verify the approval of
incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages including,
local authority and/or site’s owner according to their specific
but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the missed or
procedures. IDS GeoRadar shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,

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incomplete observance of the instructions and prescriptions for the use helping User in the monitoring of “the stability conditions” of a specific
of the Products, either separately or in combination with other event.
products, in particular for the following main aspects: ii. Nevertheless, IDS GeoRadar has the obligation to remind the Users that
a. Use of IDS GeoRadar Products outside its limitation of use, the performance of IBIS might be influenced by two main factors
without proper and adequate scientific/technical knowledge which may distort its outcomes, thus giving rise to false or missing
or without specific training. alarms:
b. Use of results/outcomes of the measurements performed by a. the parameters introduced by the operator/s.
the Product aimed to safety aspects without using adequate b. the particular environmental conditions: (even though the
control procedures and assessment by skilled personnel. radar technology employed by IBIS, is deemed among the
c. Opening of the Equipment (for HW Products) without express most reliable for the monitoring of “instable slopes).
written authorization of IDS GeoRadar. iii. Therefore, when IBIS Products are used in “Critical Monitoring for
d. Unauthorized changes and additions to the Products. safety purposes” applications, like real time monitoring of unstable
e. Use of the Products connected to suspected non-working slopes including Opencast Mining, User must be aware that the “the
equipment or with equipment (mainly PC) having assessment of the stability conditions of the observed targets” must be
characteristics non in compliance with the required tasked to skilled and certified operator/s able to understand data
specifications of IDS GeoRadar on not expressly authorized by supplied by either IBIS or other equipment employed to such purpose;
IDS GeoRadar. only operators officially trained and regularly updated by IDS
f. Poor or faulty operation of the electrical and GeoRadar (holding an “IBIS User Certificate” thereof) are allowed to
telecommunication networks not directly managed by IDS use IBIS products.
GeoRadar or its delegates. iv. IDS GeoRadar assumes no liability for any direct, indirect special,
g. Poor or faulty operation Software/Hardware of the third incidental or consequential damages or injuries caused by such reliance
parties connected with IDS GeoRadar Equipment. or for the use of IBIS Products by operator not holding an “IBIS User
h. Poor or faulty operation of the Products due to Software Virus Certificate” issued by IDS GeoRadar. Any Buyer or User that
which infected the Products after their delivery. completely relies on information obtained from the automated data
i. Use of the Products which have encountered suspected processing/analysis tools only does so at his own risk and possible
manumissions, accidents, electrostatic shocks, flashes, fire, damages caused to IBIS products during operations performed by not-
earthquake, flooding or other natural disasters or unexpected certified operators are not covered by the applicable Warranty Terms
events. in force.
j. Use or storage of the Products outside the limits of the
“Operational Temperature Range” specified by IDS GeoRadar.

Disclaimer for the “IBIS Family” Products.

i. IBIS Products include specific “Operational” software with automatic

data processing and analysis which may give outcomes/results for

IDS GeoRadar Srl User Manual MNG/2017/011 Rev. 1.2 63/ 69


APPENDIX C – WARRANTY CONDITIONS 2. The Faulty Parts once received by IDS GeoRadar will be inspected to verify they are eligible for
repair or replacement..
3. Buyer is responsible for ensuring that the Faulty Parts be returned to IDS GeoRadar with a
Warranty Conditions suitable packing (it is recommended that the original packing be saved for a better understand
of the failure cause); IDS GeoRadar will not be obliged to repair or replace Faulty Parts damaged
A. Standard Warranty Conditions from abuse, misuse, negligence, accident loss or damage in transit.
1. IDS GeoRadar s.r.l, warrants that its products shall be free from defects in material and 4. The Shipping costs for Products returned during the warranty period, are as follows:
workmanship, for a period of 12 months from the delivery date duly registered and certified (f) From Buyer Site to Seller site ➔ shipping costs, as per Incoterms CIP, are borne by
(“Effective Date”) in the “Warranty Registration Form” enclosed hereto. IDS GeoRadar shall Buyer
repair or replace Products or parts thereof found faulty (the “Faulty Parts”) which are returned
(g) From Seller Site to Buyer site ➔ shipping cost, as per Incoterms CIP, are borne by
to IDS GeoRadar, and which, at IDS GeoRadar’s judgment, were defective or became defective
during its normal use. Seller’s obligations shall not apply to Faulty Parts that:
5. The warranty period on the repaired or replaced Faulty Parts is 6 (six) months or the unexpired
(a) Buyer do not properly store, install, use, or maintain;
portion of warranty on such Faulty Parts whichever date comes later.
(b) Buyer modify, or perform tests which are not approved in writing by the Seller;
C. Special Warranty Conditions for IBIS Products
(c) Buyer have subjected to any kind of misuse, detrimental exposure beyond its intended
purpose or damaged in an accident or by natural disaster or calamities. Without prejudice to the Warranty terms defined in the above Clauses A and B, the following
special conditions apply to the IBIS products.
(d) Are repaired by other than IDS GeoRadar personnel; in which have been installed
HW/SW accessories not supplied by IDS GeoRadar; are integrated or connected to 1. IDS GeoRadar offers to the Buyer, optionally, special Support and Maintenance Plans to be
equipment different from the ones supplied by IDS GeoRadar (except the PC data performed along the life of the equipment. These plans set forth special Warranty conditions
Logger conform to IDS GeoRadar specifications); which are detailed in the relevant options purchased.
(e) Whose operational software was not installed as per IDS GeoRadar instruction (see 2. IBIS Product Family is subject to export/import regulations as per EU export control regime
IDS GeoRadar User’s Guide for the Data Acquisition Software); Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 and successive amendments. The category of exportation
for IBIS F product family is 6A008.d. Buyer warrants that the IBIS Products to be purchased: a)
2. Seller’s Products may include specific “Operational” software with automatic data processing shall not be re-exported, directly or indirectly, outside Buyer’s country in violation of any law or
and analysis tools (SW) supplied under a License agreement (EULA). While every effort is made regulation or to embargoed or otherwise restricted countries, b) shall not be used, in the design,
to ensure the accuracy of the information/results provided by these tools, they must not be development, production or use of chemical, biological, nuclear ballistic weapons. It is Buyer’s
intended as a substitute for people analysis; rather, they have to be intended as an advisor and responsibility to know the law pertaining to export/import procedures in the country of
the user must not completely rely on the results provided by them. Under no circumstances destination of the Products. Buyer will defend, indemnify and hold Seller harmless against any
does IDS warrant that the SW will operate uninterrupted or error free The SW is provided “as liability (including attorney’s fees) arising out of Buyer’s failure to comply with the terms of this
is” without warranty of any kind. IDS GeoRadar warrants for a period of sixty (60) days from the article. Should the Authorities issue an export restriction which leads to the cancellation of a
Effective date that, under normal use, the SW support media will be free of defects in material purchase order already accepted by IDS GeoRadar, IDS GeoRadar only liability shall be to return
and workmanship; in such case the provisions of above point a) apply to Buyer any account paid without interests. Buyer shall comply with the laws and procedures
3. Any different warranty, granted by the Buyer to its retailers and clients, even as final consumers, in force in the country of destination of the Products.
pursuant to the European Union law in force regarding the rights of the consumers, does not 3. IBIS can be used in Critical Monitoring for safety purposes applications, like real time monitoring
engage IDS GeoRadar in anyway. of unstable slopes including Opencast Mining. Buyer shall be aware and agree that the
4. The above mentioned warranty excludes any other remedies and it has to be considered the assessment of the stability conditions of the observed target must be tasked to skilled and
only and exclusive remedy foreseen for the Buyer and its retailers and clients, with reference to certified operator/s able to understand data supplied by either IBIS or others. The performance
IDS GeoRadar Products purchase, being, expressively understood that any kind of limitation of IBIS can be, in fact, influenced either by the parameters introduced by the operator/s or by
and/or discharge of responsibility provided by the present warranty is referred to both (I) the particular environmental conditions which may distort its outcomes, thus giving rise to false or
responsibility as against any third parties, pursuant to the legislation regarding the producer missing alarms.
responsibility and (II) the warranty provided by the law in force. 4. IDS GeoRadar assumes no liability for any direct, indirect special, incidental or consequential
B. Warranty Procedure damages or injuries caused by such reliance or for the use of IBIS Products by operator who
1. To proceed in the application of warranty terms, Buyer shall have to contact IDS GeoRadar have not achieved a training course certified by IDS GeoRadar. Any person or entity that
Customer Care Office to get the clearance to return the Faulty Parts. completely relies on information obtained from the automated data processing/analysis tools

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only or by operators who have not achieved a training course certified by IDS GeoRadar, does
so at his own risk
D. Limited Liability
Without prejudice to the exclusion of liability stated at the above Clause C.
1. Seller’s sole obligation and liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the repair or
replacement of the Product, or the refund of the purchase price at the Seller’s sole option. This
Article sets forth the sole and exclusive remedies for claims based upon defects or
nonconformity of the Products, whether the claim is on contract, warranty, tort (including
negligence), strict liability, or otherwise.
The cumulative liability of Seller, including its subcontractors or suppliers, for any and all
claims, including but not limited to claims based on Seller’s negligence of any degree, strict
liability, breach of contract, warranty, reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the
information provided by the SW, patents or otherwise, shall not exceed the sums cashed by
IDS GeoRadar for the purchased Products, which give rise to the claim, and any such liability
shall terminate upon the expiration of the warranty period.

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The equipment conforms to the following requirements set by EC regulations,
including subsequent modifications, and to the legislation set by the member states
that implement these regulations:

2014/053/EEC Radio Directive

Warning: this equipment is destined for use in industrial environments (Class A

apparatus). In residential, commercial and light industry environments, this
apparatus may generate radio interference: in this case, the user may be required to
operate while taking appropriate countermeasures.

The apparatus is sensitive to the presence of external electromagnetic fields, which

may reduce its performance.
Receiver test according to EN 302 066 v. 2.1.0

The unit has been tested according to the provision of the EN 302 066 v. 2.1.0.
Specifically, for the receiver test (that tests the influence of an interferer signal to
the device), the following performance criterion has been used (see ETSI TS 103
Performance criterion: The difference D between the Rx signal noise (increased by
an interferer) and the maximum input signal for the Rx in the linear region of
Level of performance: Dmin>30 dB

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(e) The NTIA/FCC coordination report shall include any needed constraints
that apply to day-to-day operations. Such constraints could specify
prohibited areas of operations or areas located near authorized radio
CUSTOMER stations for which additional coordination is required before operation of
the UWB equipment. If additional local coordination is required, a local
FCC ID: UFW-CTHRUE coordination contact will be provided.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules:
(f) The coordination of routine UWB operations shall not take longer than
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
15 business days from the receipt of the coordination request by NTIA.
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
Special temporary operations may be handled with an expedited turn-
2. This device must accept any interference received, Including interference
around time when circumstances warrant. The operation of UWB systems
that may cause undesired operation
in emergency situations involving the safety of life or property may occur
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by
without coordination provided a notification procedure, similar to that
the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to
contained in CFR47 Section 2.405(a)-(e), is followed by the UWB equipment
operate the equipment.
Operation of this device is restricted to law enforcement, fire and rescue
officials, scientific research institutes, commercial mining companies, and
Notice: Use of this device as a Through-wall imaging system
construction companies. Operation by any other party is a violation of 47 system is prohibited by FCC regulations.
U.S.C. § 301 and could subject the operator to serious legal penalties.
Coordination Requirements.
(a) UWB imaging systems require coordination through the FCC before the
equipment may be used. The operator shall comply with any constraints on
equipment usage resulting from this coordination.
(b) The users of UWB imaging devices shall supply detailed operational areas
to the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology who shall coordinate this
information with the Federal Government through the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration. The information
provided by the UWB operator shall include the name, address and other
pertinent contact information of the user, the desired geographical area of
operation, and the FCC ID number and other nomenclature of the UWB
device. This material shall be submitted to the following address:
Frequency Coordination Branch., OET
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
ATTN: UWB Coordination
(d) Users of authorized, coordinated UWB systems may transfer them to
other qualified users and to different locations upon coordination of change
of ownership or location to the FCC and coordination with existing
authorized operations.

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Canadian Requirements of RSS-220 for Hand-held Antennas
Canadian Requirements of RSS-220 for Ground Antennas
This device complies with the requirements of IC Standard RSS-220
IC Certification Number: 8991A-CTHRUE
This In-wall Radar Imaging Device shall be operated where the device is directed at the
This device complies with the requirements of IC Standard RSS-220
wall and in contact with or within 20 cm of the wall surface.
This Ground Penetrating Radar Device shall be operated only when in contact with or
This In-wall Radar Imaging Device shall be operated only by law enforcement agencies,
within 1 m of the ground.
scientific research institutes, commercial mining companies, construction companies,
and emergency rescue or firefighting organizations. This Ground Penetrating Radar Device shall be operated only by law enforcement
agencies, scientific research institutes, commercial mining companies, construction
NOTE IMPORTANTE POUR LES UTILISATEURS CANADIENS companies, and emergency rescue or firefighting organizations.


Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences de la norme RSS IC-220
Numéro de certification : 8991A-CTHRUE
Cet appareil de radar de structure (murs, poutres, dalles…) ne doit être utilisé qu’en
Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences de la norme RSS IC-220
contact avec la structure ou à 20 cm maximum décollé de cette structure.
Cet équipement géoradar doit être utilisé que lorsqu’il est en contact ou à moins de 1
Cet appareil de radar de sol ne doit être utilisé que par les forces de l’ordre, les
mètre du sol.
instituts de recherche scientifiques, les sociétés minières, les sociétés de construction,
et les organisations de secours d’urgence ou de combat du feu. Cet équipement géoradar doit être utilisé que par des organismes d'application de la
loi, des instituts de recherche scientifique, des sociétés minières commerciales, des
CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVE entreprises de construction et de secours d'urgence ou les organisations de lutte
Company Name : Leica Geosystems Ltd contre les incendies.

CN Number : 3177B
Contact Name : Sudha Sachdeva
City : SCARBOROUGH, Ontario M1W3S2
Telephone No : +1 416 497 2463
Email : [email protected]

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C-Thrue – Ver. 1.2 – User Manual
Mod: MDM/011/M2 Rev 5


The IDS GeoRadar Support team is available to answer any question about:

general enquiries

request of advertising material

technical issues

any other business

As well as listening to your suggestions too.

IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. – GeoRadar Division

Via A. Righi, 1-2 – Ospedaletto
56121 PISA - ITALY
Phone: +39.050.8934100
Fax: +39.050.8934105

Customer Care department:

[email protected]
Tel.: +39.050.8934121

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