Cen. Lit
Cen. Lit
Cen. Lit
Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation
D. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
1. situate the text in the context of the region and the nation;
2. interpret the text through its biological, linguistic and sociocultural contexts;
3. explain the theme of the story by noting textual evidences lifted from the text;
4. show importance to OFWs by suggesting ways on how to improve their
situation or to protect their rights
II. CONTENT The Sadness Collector by Merlinda Bobis
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Ramos, J.O.M., & Talisay, J.M.A. (2017). Fundamentals of creative writing.
Resources Novaliches, Quezon City: Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc.
Datu, P.A., Pascua, P.J.A.A., & Olayres, W.D.H. (2017). 21st century literature
from the Philippines and the world. Quezon City: Cronica Bookhaus.
A. Reviewing previous Family Feud!
lesson or presenting the new
lesson Explain the directions to the learners:
1. There are two competing teams.
2. A question will be flashed on the screen. Each group will take turn (3
turns each) in giving possible answers included on the top 10.
3. Toss coin will be used to identify who will answer first.
4. Each correct response has a corresponding score. Each group assigns a
human calculator. The group who has the highest combined score from
round 1 and 2 wins the game.
B. Establishing a purpose for Time to Ponder:
the lesson 1. Do you have relatives working abroad? Where and what is the nature of his/her
2. What are the most common feuds among families with members working
C. Presenting examples/ Let the learners share what they have researched about the biography of Merlinda
instances of the new lesson Bobis.
1. What region does she represent?
2. Who are the other writers and famous personalities from her region?
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the learners to summarize the story.
and practicing new skills #1
1. What literary genre is the given text?
2. What do you think are the elements of this genre?
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss the story with the class through asking comprehension questions.
and practicing new skills #2
Note: Explain biological, linguistic and sociocultural contexts.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
I. Evaluating learning Divide the class into four groups. Ask each group to explain the theme of the story
through textual evidences lifted from the text. The learners shall write their
answers in a light bulb graphic organizer.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
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