Cocaine in Blood of Coca Chewers
Cocaine in Blood of Coca Chewers
Cocaine in Blood of Coca Chewers
Botantcal Museum, Hat-mm University, Cantbridge, MA 02138 (U.S.A.)
(Recerved August 20,1978)
*A summary of tnis paper appeared in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard Univ., November 1978
**Permanent address: Institute of Plant Biology and Physiology of the University,
CH-1006 Lausanm, Swnzeriand.
***Presenr. adaress: Botany Department, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago,
IL 60605, U.S.A.
*The RV Alpha Helix is a ship owned by the National Science Foundation (U.S.A.) and
administered by Scripps Institute of Oceanography. It accommodates twelve scientists
and has three air-conditioned laboratories. The scientific crew of Phase VII of the Alpha
Helix Amazon Expedition 1976 - 77 (March 15 - May 15, 1977) consisted of botanists,
zoologists, chemists, and medical men. We had at our disposal during the two-month
period a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer for qualitative work on components of
toxic plants and animals. The instrument was also equipped with a multiple ion detector
for quantitative work and was used for the determination of cocaine in blood.
Cocaine hydrochloride was obtained from Karolinska Apoteket, Stock-
holm. Deuterated cocaine was synthesized as previously described (Holmstedt
et al., 1977).
Plant materials
Descriptions of the voucher specimens used in this study are given in
Table 1.
The RV Alpha Helix was anchored during the two-month period at the
small village of Pebas, where the Rio Ampiyacu flows into the Amazon. The
Voucher specimens for chemical analyses and biological experiments
*A = Peru: Dept. Loreto, Prov. Maynas, Rio Ampiyacu. B = Peru: Dept. Cuzco, Pisac.
**Voucher specimens are deposited in the herbaria cited: Economic Herbarium of Oakes
Ames (ECON), Botanical Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Museo de Historia
Natural “Javier Prado”, Universidad National Mayor de San Marcos (USM), Lima, Peru;
U.S. National Herbarium (US), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
surroundmg Indian tribes, Boras and Witotos, both cultivate coca in their
house gardens. The ingredients for the coca experiments were obtained from
the Indians in the upper Ampiyacu.
The use of coca leaves in powdered form is found in several areas of the
northwest Amazon m Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil in a number of
unrelated tribes. The preparation of the powder is essentially the same
throughout the area. The fresh leaves of Erythroxylurn coca are gathered in
the late afternoon and carried to the main “maloca” (communal house). The
leaves are immediately toasted to dryness over a fire in a large hemispherical
ceramic bowl made especially for this purpose or on a flat ceramic “farina”
(Manihot-flour) plate. The leaves are constantly turned by hand to prevent
burning. When completely dried, they are placed in a large wooden mortar
(pildn) and thoroughly pounded to a fine powder with a pestle. At the same
time, fallen dead leaves of Cecropia sciadophylla Martius (or certain other
species of Cecropia or Pouruuma) are gathered into a large pile and burned
to ashes.
The coca powder is removed from the mortar and placed in a cloth bag
for sifting, a little at a time. The bag is shaken in a large bowl or tin can with
a cover to prevent loss of the powder. The powder, sifted through the cloth
to remove any fibrous material, is very fine and light green in color.
The clean grey ash is added to the coca powder little by little until the
right proportions are reached. The ratio of coca powder to ash varies from
1 :l to 2:l. The powder is often chewed after the evening meal by the men.
The greater part is stored in a bamboo tube or tin can for use during work
the following day. As the powder does not keep well, it is usually prepared
each day.
The prepared powder is taken in tablespoonful doses. It is held
between the cheek and the gum for a few minutes until it absorbs sufficient
quantity of saliva to become pasty in consistency. It is then worked with the
tongue into the recesses of the cheeks and gums, where it is allowed to remain
for one to several hours. By the time most of the juices are sucked from the
quid, very little coca powder remains, and the greater part is swallowed gradually.
Indians working in the forest may take coca powder numerous times during a
day. It is often used after the evening meal during discussions and story telling.
In some experiments, the mass spectromet,er was set to det.ect m/e 182 and
185 (base peak) for cocaine and cocaine-da in order to check the accuracy.
Standard curves for the determination of cocaine in plasma were obtained
by treating, in the same way as described below, a series of blood-blank plasma
specimens to which known amounts of cocaine (1 - 200 ng/ml) had been
added. The ratio of the peak heights of cocaine and cocaine-da was calculated
and plotted against the known concentration of cocaine in the standard
samples. The m/e 303 and 306 were chosen because a better signal-to-noise
ratio was obtained than with the m/e 182 and 185. Nevertheless, concentra-
tions of cocaine were almost identical with both systems.
Biological experiments
All experiments were performed on Eurasians or Jndians. Mnst sampling
took place on board the Alpha Helix and occasionally in the “malocas” or
communal houses of the Indians. It should be pointed out that the use of
coca leaves and preparations thereof, except for cocaine, is legal in Peru.
Weighed amounts of freshly prepared coca powder (voucher specimen
6663A) mixed with Cecropia leaf ashes (voucher specimen 6664A) or sun-dried
leaves of E. coca (voucher specimen 7113) purchased in the market at Pisac
(Dept. Cuzco, Peru) mixed with Quinua ash (llipta, voucher specimen 7115)
were given orally (time zero) and kept for various times in the cheek. as indi-
cated in Fig. 1. Blood samples were taken by venous puncture at regular
intervals with heparinized green stoppered 10 ml evacuated blood collecting
tubes fitted to a syringe (Venoject, Teruma, Tokyo, Japan).* Physostigmine
(eserine) was added immediately to a final concentration of lo-* M. and the
tube was shaken for 0.5 min. After centrjfugation (5OOOg, 20 min) the plasma
was kept cold (-40 “C, dark) until analysed the next day.
*This commercial brand of collwAion tuhe does not alter the plasma concentmtinn
of drugs as compared with the value ohtnined from the all-glass system (R. H. Cot.ham
and D. Shand, Spuriously low plasma proprannlol concentrations resulting from blond
collect,ion methods, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 18 (1975) 535 - 538).
Ex traction
To 1.0 ml of plasma in a 15 ml glass-stoppered tube 50 ~1 of the internal
standard (400 ng cocaineds/ml in ethanol), 0.1 g sodium bicarbonate, and
2.5 ml of anhydrous diethyl ether were added. The tube was shaken by hand
for 1 min and then centrifuged at 5000g for 10 min. The organic phase, dried
with anhydrous sodium sulphate, was transferred to a 3 ml methanol-washed
glass tube and evaporated to dryness at room temperature under a stream of
nitrogen. The residue was dissolved in 50 ~1 of toluene and 2 - 4 ~1 of this
solution was analysed by mass fragmentography .
Plasma concentrations were used to calculate rate constants for elimi-
nation and absorption by linear regression analysis and the method of resi-
duals (cf. Gibaldi and Perrier, 1975). Absorption was assumed to be more
rapid than elimination, and a simple one-compartment pharmacokinetic
model was used even though the possibility of a second, slower elimination
phase could not be totally excluded.
A bsorp tion
Measurable cocaine levels in plasma found 5 min after chewing started
indicated rapid absorption (see Fig. 1). Some researchers have pointed out that
there may be differences between the use of coca leaves and cocaine. They
refer to the fact that cocaine in the leaves may be destroyed in the gastroin-
testinal tract (Montesinos, 1965; Nieschulz, 1971; Nieschulz and Schmersahl,
1969). Undoubtedly, some cocaine and perhaps even some metabolites are
swallowed and may ultimately be hydrolysed in the gut, but this does not
imply that a certain amount could not be absorbed in the stomach. It is also
conceivable that a certain amount of cocaine in the blood is locally absorbed.
No positive evidence for this exists at the moment but appreciable amounts of
cocaine in solution are known to be absorbed when the substance is used for
5 500
topical application (Jatlow and Bailey, 1975; Van Dyke et al., 1976; Dvorchik
et al., 1977), and synthetic cocaine hydrochloride in a gelatine capsule is not
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract until 30 min after oral administration
(Van Dyke et al., 1978).
The cocaine doses ranged from 15 - 50 mg total in the administered
amount. This dose must be considered low, when compared with the quan-
tities used in topical anaesthesia (Van Dyke et al., 1976), or intravenously
injected (Kogan et al., 1977). Much higher doses are known to be illegally
used: cocaine addicts may use up to 10 g in a day (Jaffe, 1975).
Means of administration
In both preparations studied by us, alkali is typically added. In the
better known method of use (the highland method employed in the Andes),
llipta is taken with the leaves. With the powder (the Amazon method), ash of
Cecropia leaves is used. This contributes to the extraction of the alkaloids
when the material is wetted (unpublished results). The effectiveness of the
addition of alkali to crude drugs has been discovered by widely different
ethnic groups. It occurs among the South American Indians, who mix ashes
with their several intoxicating snuffs (Schultes, 1967) and in the East Indies
when betel is chewed (Hartwich, 1911). It is also reported among the Aus-
tralian aborigines when they chew pituri (Barnard, 1952).
Peak levels
Cocaine was determined in plasma by MF, after addition of physostig-
mine at the earliest step of the extraction procedure (1O-4 M solution final
concentration) in order to inhibit all e&erase activities in vitro (Stewart et al.,
1977). The peak levels obtained amount to a maximum 150 ng/ml for 4.4 g
of leaves and 140 ng/ml for 20 g of powder (see Fimlrej. From t.he limit4
data available, it would appear that whole leaves and ll@tn provide a more
efficient means of administration than the powder-ash mixture. Of more
import,ance are the shape of the curve and the half-lives as reIat,ed to t,he
subjective effects. The volunt.eers were a&cd in a non-prnvocative way how
they felt; in all cases, they reported local anaesthesia in t.he mnllth and a
stimulating effect (“amphetamine-like”, “I feel fine”. “feel much more
awake”, “feel great”, “full of enera”, “feel vi?ornIls”. “fepl stim\llntpd”)
during the rising phase of the blood curve. Durine the falling phase. when
the quid was still in the mouth, less expressive stat.ements could he extracted
from the subjects, but all reported “nn more st.imulat.ion”.
Pharmacokinetic half-lives
This study was not designed as a nharmacokinptic invpstiration. but
some comments can be made on the disnosition nat,tern of oral cocaine in
man. Most of the plasma concentratio&time cur& obtained can he inter-
preted according to a one-compartment model. xsluninrr fir+orrier rate
constants for absorption and elimination. Tt has also to he assumed that the
absorption is more rapid than the elimination. smce the mndel cannot differ-
entiate between these two parameters. These rates have hren approximately
estimated yielding half-lives for the elimination from 1 .O 10 1.9 hours. The
absorption half-life ranged from 0.2 to 0.6 hours. The peak nlnsma cnnren-
tration occurred between 0.4 and 2.0 hours after thr cocaine dc;sa~c was
inserted (Table 2).
Pharmacokinetic data on coca chewin
_. _..~ -- ._ -- _ -. ..-
Subject* Plant material Cocdl~r I:.. &! :‘ ’ ill... i: I?,, t’ l/Z
weight (kg)/ (g) (mg) I!\ :; ,!I’ ! lk~~!~ll , :;l) (h-‘1 (hj
we (w)
__._._.___~ __. __._.__~ ~~__ -.
Experimental evidence on coca chewing gathered scientifically in the
field has not previously been substantiated by measurements of blood levels
of cocaine. We have carried out such experiments and the stimulating effect
obtained seems to be well correlated with the rising concentrations of cocaine
in the blood. The differences in stimulation between using whole coca leaves
or the powder and taking cocaine by local application in the nose or by intra-
venous injection seem to lie essentially in means of administration and dosage
(Van Dyke et al., 1978). There is certainly no need to invoke as an explana-
tion the differences in the formation of metabolites known to be inactive as
euphorics and reaching peak concentrations later than cocaine (Kogan et al.,
There is, consequently, no reason to believe that the stimulating effect
achieved by the use of either coca leaves or powder is not due to cocaine.
As always in pharmacology, effect is dependent upon dose and means of
The Alpha Helix Expedition Phase VII was supported by the National
Science Foundation (Grant No. GB-37130). Support was also obtained from
the Swedish Medical Research Council, the National Institute of Health, the
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Fund, the Wallenberg Foundation, and by
funds from the Karolinska Institute. We wish to thank the Swiss National
Research Foundation for a post-doctoral grant. We are grateful to the Katharine
W. Atkins fund at Harvard University for post-doctoral support (T.P.). We also
express our gratitude to Mr. Fred Schaub and associates of LKB America for
making possible the use of GC-MS equipment on board the RV Alpha Helix.
The help of Peruvian doctors, nurses and sanitarios is gratefully acknowledged.
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