The document describes the process of serving customers in a restaurant and delivering room service orders in a hotel. For restaurant service, the waiter greets guests, seats them, takes their order, serves the courses, and collects payment. For room service, the waiter takes the order by phone, delivers the order to the guest's room, sets up the tray, collects payment, and arranges to clear the dishes. Proper etiquette and polite communication with customers is emphasized throughout the service interactions.
The document describes the process of serving customers in a restaurant and delivering room service orders in a hotel. For restaurant service, the waiter greets guests, seats them, takes their order, serves the courses, and collects payment. For room service, the waiter takes the order by phone, delivers the order to the guest's room, sets up the tray, collects payment, and arranges to clear the dishes. Proper etiquette and polite communication with customers is emphasized throughout the service interactions.
The document describes the process of serving customers in a restaurant and delivering room service orders in a hotel. For restaurant service, the waiter greets guests, seats them, takes their order, serves the courses, and collects payment. For room service, the waiter takes the order by phone, delivers the order to the guest's room, sets up the tray, collects payment, and arranges to clear the dishes. Proper etiquette and polite communication with customers is emphasized throughout the service interactions.
The document describes the process of serving customers in a restaurant and delivering room service orders in a hotel. For restaurant service, the waiter greets guests, seats them, takes their order, serves the courses, and collects payment. For room service, the waiter takes the order by phone, delivers the order to the guest's room, sets up the tray, collects payment, and arranges to clear the dishes. Proper etiquette and polite communication with customers is emphasized throughout the service interactions.
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Waiter : Good morning sir / madam, welcome to our restaurant
Guest : Good morning Waiter : Do you have a reservation before sir / madam Guest : Yes, I have ( atau jika tamu menjawab No, ) Waiter hanya menanyakan nama tamu saja, Who is the name sir/madam? Waiter : Who is the name of your reservation? ( Who is the name sir/madam?) Guest : The Reservation name is Mr. …… Waiter : Ok, Sir and Madam place wait a moment, I would like to cek your reservation Waiter : (Sebelum waiter mempersilakan tamu masuk, waiter mengecek data reservation terlebih dahulu, stelah itu kembali menghampiri tamu ) Ok.. Mr………..The reservation table namber…. Follow me please. Guest : Yes thank you Waiter : Sir / madam this is your table, table namber….. Have a sit please Guest : Thank you Waiter : Excuse me, I would like to introduce my self, my name is ………. I would like to serve you Guest : Oh yes Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam, I would like to serve the napkin Guest : Yes, please Waiter : Excuse me, May I pouring ice water sir / madam, please enjoy your drink Guest : Thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam here you are welcome drink. Please enjoy your drink Guest : Thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam here you are bread and butter. Please enjoy your bread and butter Guest : Thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam here you are the menu, We have the special menu for one set Continental menu Ok Sir/Madam, We have Appatizer for Gado-gado, for Main course Chicken Schnitzel with creamy sauce, weiggess potatoes, sauté vegetable, and for dissert Pudding Mozaik with vanilla sauce. Guest : Thank you Waiter : Excuse me Sir/Madam are you ready to order now ? Guest : Yes, I want two set Continental menu Waiter : Excuse me, Sir/Madam I would like to repeat you order, two set Continental menu, It’s all right Guest : Yes, all right Waiter : Yes, please wait a minute/moment Guest : Ok, thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir/madam I would like to ajusment ( penyesuaian alat-alat cutteleries yang tidak dipergunakan/ clear up alat yg tidak dipergunakan ) Guest : Yes, please Waiter : Excuse me, here you’r appetizer pleace enjoy your meal Guest : Oh nice, thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam if your finished it ? (clear up alat dessert palte) Guest : Oh yes, take it please Waiter : Excuse me, here your Main course, please enjoy your meal Guest : Ok, thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam have you finished it ? (clear up alat dinner plate) Guest : Yes, please Waiter : Excuseme, I would like to clear up (B and B pleat, salt and paper, highball glass) Guest : Yes, please Waiter : Excuse me, sir/madam I would you like the crumbing down ( membersihkan meja dari sisa makanan dari sebelah kiri atau kanan tamu ), sekalian menata cutlery dessert. Guest : Yes, please Waiter : Excuse me, here you’r dessert, pleace enjoy you’r dessert Guest : Ok, thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam, because this’s the last course, I hope enjoy your last course Guest : Oh very nice thank you Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam have your finished it ? (clear up alat dessert pleat) Guest : Yes take it please Waiter : Excuse me, because this’s last course can I take you’r bill Guest : Sure Waiter : Excuse me, sir / madam, all of you the grand total is Rp.300.000. Guest : This the money, I give you Rp.350.000. keep the change….. Waiter : Thank you sir / madam, I hope you back a gain to our restaurant……………, Have a nice trip…… ROOM SERVICE
Waiter : “Good Morning, room service (Name “Eka”) speaking, may I help you?” ( Berbicara perlahan secara jelas ) Guest : Good Morning, I’d like to order something to Breakfast Waiter : Mendengarkan dengan serius, Jangan menyela tamu ketika berbicara (Taking Order) “Sure, what whould you like Sir/Madam? (menulis pesanan) “We have just Indonesian Breakfast Guest : Ok, I would like one set Indonesian Breakfast Waiter : Is there anything else Sir/Madam (Tanyakan kepada tamu jika membutuhkan sesuatu yang lain). Guest : No Thanks. Waiter : Okay, I will repeat your order. Your order is one set Indonesian Breakfast, right Sir/Madam? Guest : Yes, That’s right. Waiter : May I know your name and your room number Sir/Madam? Guest : My name is Mrs Komang and My room number (125.. 135..) Waiter : Well Sir/Madam. Your order will be delivered in … (minutes) thank you for calling room service Sir/Madam. Have a nice day Note: Witer : - Jika ada tambahan, orderan diulang kembali (dan tanyankan kembali) - Jika tidak ada tambahan : Your order will delivered in …..(minute) Sir and Madam - Breakfast 15-20 minute dan Lunch/Dinner 20-30 minute - Thank you for your calling room servise Sir n Madam.. Have a nice day - Lanjutkan dengan memproses orderan ke kitchen
Waiter : Room Service (mengetuk pintu 3X). May I come in? ( Bolehkah saya Masuk) Guest : Yes, sure Waiter : Good Morning, I am (nama waiter “Eka”) your waiter from in dinning room. Where do you want to pleace the tray (Saya Eka waiter dari dinning room, diamanakah tray ini anda ingin tempatkan? Guest : Pleace it near balcon (tolong tempatkan didekat balkon) Waiter : May I take it out and pleace it on the table? (apakah anda ingin menempatkannya di meja) Guest : Yes, Please Waiter : Ok, Sir/Madam this is your order one set Indonesian Breakfast Guest : Ok, Thank you. Waiter : Well, Sir/Madam. May I get your sign on this bill, please! Sir/Madam? (tolong tanda tangan tagihan ini Sir/Madam) Guest : Of Course/( tentu saja) Waiter : Thank you for ordering from dinning room. Is there anything else. What can I do for you? ( Terimakasih telah memesan melalui layanan kamar. Apakah ada hal lain yang anda inginkan?) Guest : No, Thanks (tidak, terima kasih) Waiter : May I Know what time we can clear up your Breakfast/lunch ( Jam brapa kami dapat membersihkan tray makan pagi anda? Guest : At One o’clock Waiter : Please enjoy your Breakfast, Sir/Madam. Have a good meal (silakan menikmati makan pagi Sir/Madam) Guest : Thank you (terima kasih).