Freedom of The Human Person

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Freedom of the Human Person What makes us free?

How does freedom shape our

What is freedom? What is the essence of freedom?
Two elements that define freedom

Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of 1. Voluntariness

the person
- refers to the ability of a person to act out of his own
- This means that the human person by nature is or her own free will and self- determination. This
a free being. means that a person may decide to act or not to act,
- Human freedom is the ability to make choices and these decisions are made out of his own free will.
and perform actions.
- also means that a person may act even if he or she is
Freedom is rooted in the human person’s self- not required or called to take action.
determination and the exercise of intellect and free
will. 2. Responsibility

- This means that a person’s every action is - refers to the person being accountable for his or her
freely determined and these actions define him actions and their consequences.
or her. - taking responsibility can either mean a person
- Freedom also requires a degree of control from voluntarily taking responsibility for his or her own
the person who exercises it. A person become actions, or being held responsible by other people.
more free when he or she exercises control
over himself or herself. On the other hand , a  Voluntariness and responsibility go hand-in-hand in
person becomes less free when he or she is no determining a person’s freedom.
longer in control of himself or herself and is
instead controlled by other forces. Questions:
1. What should I do?
Kinds of freedom 2. Why should I do it?
1. Physical Freedom 3. What will happen if I do it?
4. How will my actions or behavior affect myself,
- refers to the absence of any physical restraint. The others, and my surroundings?
person has the freedom of mobility to go where he or 5. Will my actions or behavior be considered correct,
she wants to go. proper, beneficial, and moral?

2. Psychological Freedom
Freedom is experienced through the act of making
- is also called freedom of choice. The person is free to choices.
perform actions that he or she considers right and wise. - Although human freedom gives us the ability
A person is also free to act or not to act. to think of countless decisions and possible
actions, we only get to choose to enact one of
3. Moral Freedom
these possible actions or decisions.
- refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds - Having the ability to choose and enact a course
human dignity and goodness. Freedom is not an object of action does not automatically mean that we
that a person may use in whatever way he or she should take action every time.
pleases. - When we make choice to do a particular
action, we can never go back and redo our
Discuss: actions and make another choice. Real life is
not a movie where we can stop and rewind
1. How is freedom an expression of our humanity? events and get as econd take on the situation.
2. How is freedom related to self- determination? Self- reflection is vital in the proper exercise of human
person. As, a person, we cannot allow ourselves to be
3. How can the loss of freedom lead to
slaves to sudden emotions and moods whenever we
act. As free and rational beings, we must recognize the
importance of exercising freedom responsibly.
Discuss - As a rational being, it is natural for us to think
before we act.
1. Why are voluntariness and responsibility important - We use our freedom to act and acquire more
elements of freedom? knowledge, and we use this knowledge in
order to come up with decisions and courses of
2. Is the choice of doing nothing a valid and moral actions when confronted with difficult
choice? In what situation is this choice acceptable? situations.

3. How can self-reflection aid you in exercising We should also recognize and uphold not only
freedom and making choices? our individual freedom but also the freedom of
- This view has led to the assertion that freedom
Summarize your ideas on freedom by completing the is recognized and guaranteed right for all
table. Copy the table and write your responses in each persons.
column. The given and the chosen (refer to philo book page
I am free because… As a free person, I must..

A. Identify the following. Write your answers on a

separate piece of paper.

______ 1. This is the ability to make choices and

How can I exercise my freedom in a responsible and perform actions, and is an intrinsic and essential
beneficial manner? property of the human person.

Human freedom should be exercised with control _______2. This is freedom from any physical restraint.
and a recognition
_______ 3. This is the freedom of choice.
- We set limits to our own freedom and learn to
moderate or control our thoughts, emotions, _______ 4. This is the ability to act out one’s own free
and actions depending on the situation. will and self-determination.

Ex. _______ 5. This refers to the person being accountable

for his or her actions and their consequences.
1. A person may choose not to enter the jeepney
first despite being first in line to give way to B. Put check beside the number of the statement which
elderly woman. shows responsible use of freedom.

2. A young professional may choose not to speak ________ 1. Instead of spending her excess allowance
up in a meeting regarding serious concerns about a on a new pair of shoes, Reyna decides to open a bank
worker, but instead directly confront the person account and start saving up for her future.
concerned in private. ________ 2. Despite the threats made on his life, the
3. You may be angry at your teacher for scolding witness decided to come forward and divulge
you in front of the class but you refrained from important information regarding the crime he
answering back at him or her since it will be witnessed.
considered a disrespectful act. ________ 3. A woman used the Internet to humiliate
4. Citizens may be angry about corruption in the her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd photos of him on
government but they do not go to the streets and social media.
engage in violence just to express their anger. ________ 4. Despite knowing that many of his clients
Instead they find other more reasonable and lawful were poor and desperate, a moneylender continues to
means to express it. impose very high interest rates on loans.
- Limiting our personal freedom requires us to ________ 5. A businessman did not accept a high-
sacrifice certain self interests and accept certain paying position in an overseas firm and instead
realities that are beyond our control. decided to start his own business and spend more time
Freedom should also be exercised with regard with his family.
for knowledge and truth C.,Reflect, Apply refer to the book, page 92

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