Firmware Instructions Release Notes Versant 80 32 83
Firmware Instructions Release Notes Versant 80 32 83
Firmware Instructions Release Notes Versant 80 32 83
80 Press
Firmware Download Procedure
Version 80.32.83
© 2017 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox and Design®, Versant®, FreeFlow® and CentreWare® are
trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BR21112
This firmware release contains fixes and features added since the launch of the product in 2015. It
is recommended to load this software for better machine performance.
1. Extract / unzip the .bin file from the zip file you downloaded from to a known location.
a. Access “” and select “Support” on the main page.
b. Select: “Support & Drivers” and enter “Xerox® Versant® 80 Press” in the search field and
c. Select the Associated Product/Digital Front End attached to your printer (no need to select the
Operating System and Language), scroll down to the “Firmware” section and download the zip
file called: “Xerox Color Versant 80 System Software Maintenance Release v80.32.83” to the
location / media of your choice.
2. Depending of the Print Server used with the system, use step a, b or c to access the machines internal
web pages:
a. If the system is using a Xerox® EX 80 Print Server, access the internal web page (Centerware®)
by entering the IP address into the Internet browser. The screen from Fig. 1
will appear.
b. If system is using a Xerox® FreeFlow Print Server, access the internal web page (Centerware®)
by entering the IP address in the Firefox Internet browser. The screen from
Fig. 1 will appear.
c. If system is using a Xerox® 80 EX-i 80 Print Server, you need to access any Internet browser
inside your firewall and type the IP address of the Fiery EX-I controller. Click on the Xerox
CentreWare® link in the lower right corner of the Web tools page to access the machine internal
web page (Centerware®). The screen from Figure 1 will appear.
Figure 1
Figure 2
4. Click on Services Machine Software Upgrades, place a check in the Enabled box and click “Apply”.
See Figure 3 and 4.
Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure 5
6. From the previously saved file in step 1c, unzip the firmware file.
d. Using the “Browse” button, navigate to the file called: “V80_XC_803283_170210.bin” from the
previous step.
7. Select the “Install Software” button.
Note: The User Interface should display that the software download in progress and to not interrupt.
8. The software will download to the device. The upgrade will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The
device’s Local User Interface will indicate that the upgrade is being performed. Once the download is
complete, the device will reboot.
9. A software report sheet will be printed after the reboot, Go to Step 11. If the sheet did not print, access
the following at the printer UI by selecting Machine Status Print Reports Printer Reports
Configuration Report.
10. Ensure that the software version listed on the last page (Table 2) of the configuration report next to
“System” is the software you just installed.
11. Software upgrade is completed.
This software is a maintenance release with all the software bug fixes encountered since the launch of the
product. The following problems/solutions were offered via software patches over the last 2 years and now
part of this software. This list is only the top issues. Several other solutions are included in this release.
Proweb #3763 Fix for Extended “Adjust Image Quality” time after the user printed High Area
Coverage documents.
Proweb #3822 Fix for Incorrect print output when using job builder in copy mode
Proweb #3757 Fix for 124-374 Fault Code when running out of toner with Foreign Interface
Device (FID) fix installed.
Feature Allow the Admin User to now change NVM’s related to FPOT/FCOT when
switching jobs from Color only to mixed B/W & Color.
Bug SIQA > Save button on auto alignment with Matt coated paper is now working as
Feature Paper profile for Image Transfer now include “12”x18”” stock in the paper
Bug RSEP (Remote Services) update for GRS support to include new SHA-2
Reliability Power Saver maximum is now 30 minutes. If the original value is greater than 30
minutes, the UI will continue to display such value until the customer changes it.
In such a case, the Print Engine will enter low/sleep mode at 30 minutes.