Topic 13 Papermaking Forming Text PDF
Topic 13 Papermaking Forming Text PDF
Topic 13 Papermaking Forming Text PDF
1. Introduction
(a) (b)
Figure Sankey diagrams showing (a) stock flows and (b) water flows
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2. Headbox
The headbox slice is also known as the nozzle and consists of a top
lip and a bottom lip. The distance between the top lip and the bottom
lip is known as slice opening. Slice opening controls the stock velocity
and the angle of impingement of stock on the wire. The slice opening
is crucial for paper formation and dewatering on wire. The bottom lip
is stationary whereas the top lip is adjustable. A number of slice
arrangements are available depending on the headbox type and the
grade of paper to be manufactured
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Types of Headboxes
One major type of headbox is called an “air pad” headbox. Here stock
flows through two or three slowly rotating perforated rolls. Wake
turbulence from these rolls disperses the pulp and creates mixing to
eliminate streaks from the tube bank. These headboxes have a free
surface, with pressurized air above. The air cushion provides a
dampening effect on pressure fluctuations in the stock flow entering
the headbox. The air pressure is controlled to set the pressure in the
headbox. The jet speed leaving the headbox is determined entirely
from the height of the free surface inside the headbox. Usually
around 10 inches of head on machines running at 500 m/min.
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Figure: Air Cushion or Air Pad headbox
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Figure: Beloit convertflo hydraulic headbox.
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permit close packing. The tubes are places vertically one above the
other, eliminating the problem of basis weight streaks.
The head box has a slice that serves to deliver the jet through a
rectangular well-defined opening which is not deformed by changes
in temperature and pressure. The shape of the slice is controlled to
deliver even basis weight across the machine. The slice is
converging (often 20-30 degrees) and the opening can be regulated
both along the whole machine width and locally. Other requirements
include high rigidity, polished surface and lip adjustment.
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Figure Headbox slice lip.
The scanner sends signal to the machine chest thick stock pump to
vary the flow based on the basis weight set point. Modern scanning
systems perform statistical analysis on standard deviation or variance
in the cross-machine and machine direction. This reflects the
operational stability of the paper machine. The scanner collects the
data from a number of points in the cross-machine direction.
Individual slice screws placed across the width of the headbox control
cross-machine direction basis weight and profile. Position indicators
for these slice screws indicate the slice profile. Remote control of the
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slice screws makes automatic control of the slice opening profile
possible, based on the basis weight profile recorded at the dry end of
the machine.
Dried fibers accumulated on the slice lip will cause fixed streaks
which are detrimental to paper quality. Unstable basis weight profile
is caused by hydrodynamic sources behind the slice area. Plugged
holes in the manifold distributor can cause larger instabilities. The
manifold inlet and outlet pressure should be same to produce a
uniform cross-machine direction basis weight profile. Special care
should be taken a the edges to produce stronger edges. Over
adjustment of slice screws should be avoided to cause deformation in
the slice lip.
3. Formers
Fourdrinier Formers
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roll at the other end. The couch roll is provided with most of the drive
power required to turn the wire along with the returning roll. However,
due to the increasing width and speed of the paper machine the
fourdrinier machine was incapable of providing the dewatering
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mixing forming drainage compaction
direction of travel
Figure showing the four stages of forming
The forming board is installed to get rid of the sagging wire between
the breast roll and the first table roll or hydrofoil. The space between
the first table roll or hydrofoil and the breast roll is critical for paper
formation. The earliest forming boards were single slatted and were
mainly used to support the wire. However with the increasing width of
the paper machine slotted type forming boards with three to six slats
are used. Some forming boards also use a light vacuum to regulate
the initial drainage
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headbox forming table
suction foils
wet flat boxes
forming table suction suction
board rolls foils flat boxes couch roll
roll trays
stretch guide wash drive roll
return rolls
Figure Schematic of Fourdrinier papermachine showing drainage
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Figure showing the pressure caused by a table roll.
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Figure showing a foil blade and the associated pressure produced.
High vacuum boxes or dry suction boxes are flat covers containing
circular holes or slots which increase sheet concentration by using
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vacuum to draw the water from the sheet. The vacuum levels in the
dry suction boxes range from 15-40 kPa. Three to five dry suction
boxes are used on the fourdrinier table and are placed after the
dandy roll and before the couch roll.
Couch roll is the final stage of dewatering in the fourdrinier paper machine.
Most machines use suction couch roll to get a web dryness of 18-20%
leaving the former section. The increase in the dryness increases the tear in
the wet web enabling to apply more pressure in the press section. The couch
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roll is the main drive of the wire in some machines, however, when a turning
roll is present the couch roll acts as a helper drive and the wire turning roll
the principal drive. Water removal in the couch roll is through a suction box
inside the roll. The water flows out of the system through the couch pan. The
design of the pan is such that the water does not enter the sheet on its return.
The perforations in the couch roll are kept clean by showers. The sheet from
the couch roll is transferred to the press section by means of a pick-up roll in
slower machines and a suction pick-up in high –speed machines.
Twin-wire roll forming is used to produce printing paper. The stock jet
is injected into the nip between the two wires wrapping a rotating roll.
Dewatering takes place from both outer and inner wire. The latter
water is kept in the open roll surface and released after the inner wire
has been removed from the roll. The drained water is thereafter led to
the wire pit. The water passing through the outer wire is also led to
the wire pit. Roll formers do not produce sheet with top levels of
formation, however, they give a higher retention values which
eliminate the use of retention aids.
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In a twin wire former, the jet from the headbox is captured between
two moving fabrics and dewatered on both sides
Roll Formers
In this case, the jet is captured in a wedge between to fabrics passing around a
rotating roll, as shown in Figure 2. Pressure is created by imposing a curvature
upon a fabric under tension.
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Figure: Roll former
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The influence of jet to wire speed ratio in roll forming is illustrated by
the energy balance (Bernoulli equation) shown below. This equation
assumes that no energy is added to or taken away from the jet by the
fabric. As shown, to meet this condition, the jet speed must always
exceed the fabric speed. However, because the jet is a real fluid with
viscosity, this velocity difference introduces shear, which transfers
energy from the jet to the fabric, and therefore strictly speaking, the
Bernoulli equation can only approximately represent the case of jet
impingement in roll forming.
Roll formers generally produce poor formation but very good retention
of fines and filler. This is attributed to the “gentle” drainage pressure
P1 P2
Bernoulli Equation:
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u12 P1 u2 2 P2
+ = +
2 ρ 2 ρ
If we assume that the suspension velocity is equal to the wire velocity
at point 2 then
u12 u2 2 T
= +
2 2 ρR
Where T is the tension per unit width
u jet 2 T
= 1+ 2
uwire ρ uwire R
u jet − uwire 2 T
1+ 2 −1
uwire ρ uwire R
To minimize the difference and produce a random sheet of paper, you need to
2 T
ρ uwire
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(Roll) Blade Formers
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Roll blade forming is a combination of dewatering blades, forming
rolls, and blade shoes (forming shoes). If a blade shoe is designed as
a curved surface with parallel slots, pressure pulses will be generated
due to the wire deflections at the blade edges. Different combinations
of blade and roll formers are used. Some twin-wire formers use
blades followed by a blade shoe and roll dewatering. Others use
initial roll dewatering followed by blade shoes. However flow
instabilities in the roll nip cannot be avoided. The formation of the
sheets produced from these formers was low. To avoid these flow
instabilities hybrid formers were developed.
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Pressure (kPa)
DOCTORED -10 -5 0 5 10
FLOW Distance (cm)
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Figure showing blade and measured pressure profile.
The jet thickness and jet velocity determine the flow rate discharging
from the headbox. The jet thickness is determined by the slice
opening and its geometry. The slice creates a “vena contracta”, which
causes the jet thickness to contract to a smaller value than the slice
opening. This is commonly described by a “contraction coefficient”
shown below. The jet pressure falls to zero at the vena contracta.
Both the jet contraction coefficient and its angle of outflow can be
estimated from hydrodynamic potential flow theory.
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Mass Balance:
u1h1 = µ h0u
µ h0
P1 u12 P0 u 2
+ + ρ gh1 = + + ρ gh0
ρ 2 ρ 2
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Note: P0 = 0
P1 u12 u 2
+ = + ρ g ∆H 2
ρ 2 2
2g 1
− ∆H 2
u = 2
1− µ h
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Appendix: Vena-Contraction coefficient
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Figure. Two pictures of paper using transmitted light showing good
formation (left) and bad formation (right).
1. Print unevenness
2. tensile strength
3. cockling (waviness of paper surface)
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Formation is measured using beta radiation absorption or light
absorption. The advantage of beta-radiation is that it can be
relatively independent on fibre type where as optical measurement
rely strongly on fibre type and the treatment of the fibres (for example
by refining). This means that the formation measurements must be
often calibrated.
COV (b) =
Purely random networks
The theory starts with Corte and Kallmes (1960). IF every fibre
randomly and independently is laid down on top of each other then
you get a Poisson process.
N = bA / l f ω f
mf = lf ω f
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N = bA / m f
σb = N mf / A
fN = mf / A
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mass. Note that this analysis assumes that the fibres are all the
same length and have the same mass and the sheet is isotropic (no
ncrowd = π Cl 2f / 6ω f
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High values of N give ppor formation. Kerekes and Schell showed
that a possible threshold number is approximately Ncrowd =60 for the
start of flocculation that leads to formation problems.
If the jet to wire speed is not 1 then shear induces turbulence that
breaks up flocs and the formation can improve. (See figure below).
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Effect on properties
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basis weight areas carry more of the load then the low basis weight
areas of the paper.
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