Assessment Task1 - Written Questions

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Assessment Task1 – Written Questions

Complete the question below in classroom. Give references of sources.

1. Describe the two ways in which word documents can be formatted.
2. List three key features of using styles.
3. Discuss three uses of formatting to improve the appearance readability of
a document.
4. What factors should influence the length of work break?
5. Why is it important to exercise during breaks and what type of exercises
are optimums?
6. What is a style guide?
7. What is the value of having a style guide
8. List three examples of information that could be included in style guide?
9. What is the purpose of word processing software?
10. List three functions of word processing software?

Assessment Task 2: Prepare to produce text documents

This assessment task requires you to in the role of Administration Office for
Burleigh Accountants to participate in a meeting to discuss the production of
three (03) documents relating to complaint handling. You will need comlaints
register and complaints flow chart that can be provided as an easy reference to
the company’s complaints handling policy and procedure.

At the meeting with the Operations Manager, you will be required to discuss the
documents required to be produced, including purpose, intended audience and p
resentation requirement. Besides, confirm organisational style requirements as p
er the Style Guide. Following the meeting (no need for a complete Agenda), se
nd an email to your assessor confirming the information discussed at the meetin
g including:
a. Summary of documents to be produced
b. Key style requirements as per the style guide
c. Key presentation requirements
d. Confirming production timelines that need to be met.

Assessment Task 3: Safe work practics observation

This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated
work environment.
You do not have to submit anything for task. But your assessor may let you write
important aspects of this task to take as evidence. Your assessor will observe you
completing this task. Complete the following activities:
1. Demonstrate to your assessor that you understand and can apply
ergonomic requirements to your work station by:
a. Positioning your chair at the required height and showing
the correct positioning of feet
b. Demostrating the correct position of the wrists when typing
c. Moving the keyboard and mouse on the desk so that it is in
the correct position
d. Explaining and demonstrating the distance of the screen
from the eye
e. Explaining and demostrating the positioning of the screen
2. When you have completed the above activity, explain to ypur assessor
the requirements for safe work organization including:
a. Required frequency of exercise breaks
b. Why it is important to mix repetivities with other activities
c. Required frequency and length of rest periods
Note: During the observation and discussion, you will be assessed on your
communication skills including asking and responding to questions and
active listening techniques.

Assessment Task 4: Product draft text documents

1. Correct/update/develop the first draft of the following documents as

discussed at the meeting and confirmed in the email from Assessment
Task 2:
a. A complaints form
b. A complaints register
c. A complaints flow chart that can be provided as an easy
reference to the company’s complaints handling policy and
2. Send the final draft of the documents to your assessor, as well as
your completed checklists. Check following:
a. Inclusion of logo
b. Correct font
c. Correct font size
d. Correct heading style
e. Page numbering
3. Give a screen shot of the final folder and files following your completion
of Assessment task 5.
1. Your assessor will need to observe your knowledge in word
i.e. adding and deleting of rows and columns, making of
charts, indexing, arts, shapes etc.
Assessment Task 5: Finalise text document

Complete the following activities:

1. Review the tracked changes and comments to the document
sent to you back by your assessor via email.
2. Make the change required and save a word version of the
document in the relevant file.
3. Before you email the final documents to your assessor, print
off the documents the check the printed style. You should
ensure that you follow the printing guidelines as per the
style guide.
4. Provide the draft printed copy to your assessor with any
changes you made based on seeing the printed version.
5. Send a final version of the completed documents to your
6. Send via email a screen shot of the final folder and files.

Burleigh Accountants Style Guide

The purpose of this document is to help individuals and departments to develop
and file company documentation and this is consistent with Burleigh
Accountants corporate style.

This document explains the style to be applied to company documentation

together with information on typography, and advice for writing and producing
documents, as well as filing documents.

It is recognized that there will be documentation which is outside these

guidelines, but the general format should be followed wherever possible.

Writing style
Composition should be concise, friendly, and professional in keeping with the
mission statement of Burleigh Accountants. Documents should be visually
appealing and use unambiguous language.

Standard Operating Environment

Burleigh Accountants’ standard operating environment (SOE) is Microsoft

Documentation should be produced using Microsoft Word 2007 or higher. This

will ensure portability of files and consistency operation.
Company logo

Burleigh Accountants logo must appear on all documentation. The logo is

included in the header of this document and should be copied and pasted into all

As a registered trademark and symbolic of Burleigh Accountants, neither the

company name nor logo may be varied in any aspect (for example: radio, typeface
or colour).


Hyperlinks may be either:

 Internet hyperlinks which take the reader to a web site if a modem is in
use. Internet hyperlinks must begin with http://
 Word hyperlinks appear as normal text in a printed document, but in an
electronic document are distinguished by the mouse cursor turning into
the “pointing hand” shape


There is no one standard templates for documents at Burligh Accountants and

writers may use their own formats for documents as long as the following stlet g
uide is followed.

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