Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

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Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

1.0 INTRODUCTION Rule of law

It requires fair legal frameworks that are 1
1.1 Definition of Local Agenda 21 (LA21) enforced impartially. It also requires full
protection of human rights, particularly
The Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Campaign those of minorities.
promotes a participatory, long-term,
strategic planning process that helps Transparency
municipalities identify local sustainability Decisions taken and their enforcement
priorities and implement long-term action are done in a manner that follows rules
plans. It supports good local governance and regulations. It also means that
and mobilizes local governments and their information is freely available and directly
citizens to undertake such multi- accessible to those who will be affected
stakeholder process. The LA21 process by such decisions and their enforcement.
leads to the preparation and
implementation of a long-term, strategic Responsiveness
plan that addresses priority local Good governance requires that
sustainable development concerns. institutions and processes try to serve all
stakeholders within a reasonable
The mission of the Local Agenda 21 timeframe.
Campaign is to build a worldwide
movement of local governments and Consensus oriented
associations dedicated to achieving Good governance requires mediation of
sustainable development through the different interests in society to reach
participatory, multi-stakeholder a broad consensus in society on what is in
sustainable development planning and the best interest of the whole community
the implementation of resulting LA21 and how this can be achieved.
action plans. Local Action 21 is the next
phase of LA21, encouraging and Equity and inclusiveness
supporting a shift from planning to A society’s well being depends on
implementation - a move from "agenda" ensuring that all its members feel that
to "action". they have a stake in it and do not feel
excluded from the mainstream of society.

1.2 Definition of good governance Effectiveness and efficiency

Good governance means that processes
Good governance has 8 major and institutions produce results that meet
characteristics. It assures that corruption the needs of society while making the
is minimized, the views of minorities are best use of resources at their disposal.
taken into account and that the voices of The concept of efficiency also covers the
the most vulnerable in society are heard sustainable use of natural resources and
in decision-making. It is also responsive to the protection of the environment.
the present and future needs of society.
The characteristics are: Accountability
Not only governmental institutions but
Participation also the private sector and civil society
Participation by both men and women is a organizations must be accountable to the
key cornerstone of good governance. public and to their institutional
Participation could be either direct or stakeholders. It cannot be enforced
through legitimate intermediate without transparency and the rule of law.
institutions or representatives.


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

1.3 Purpose of assignment Active, inclusive and safe - Fair, tolerant

and cohesive with a strong local culture 2
This assignment will depict approaches and other shared community activities
done by Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya
(MBPJ) to grasp the LA21. This City Hall is Well run - with effective and inclusive
the leading civil organization in Malaysia participation, representation and
in practicing LA21 under section for local leadership
government. It is to be portrayed and
hope can be an inspiration for other local Environmentally sensitive - providing
government in pursuing LA21 in their places for people to live that are
jurisdiction area. considerate of the environment

Well designed and built - featuring quality

2.0 SELECTED APPROACHED CONCEPTS IN PJ built and natural environment

2.1 Sustainable community Well connected - with good transport

services and communication linking
Definition of a sustainable community: people to jobs,

Sustainable communities are places Thriving - with a flourishing and diverse

where people want to live and work, now local economy
and in the future. They meet the diverse
needs of existing and future residents, are Well served - with public, private,
sensitive to their environment, and community and voluntary services that
contribute to a high quality of life. They are appropriate to people's needs and
are safe and inclusive, well planned, built accessible to all
and run, and offer equality of opportunity
and good services for all. Fair for everyone - including those in other
communities, now and in the future
The components of a sustainable
community: Some events held by government and
community to achieve sustainable
Sustainable communities embody the community
principles of sustainable development.
They do this by: i. Organic Day

balancing and integrating the social, The purpose is to raise awareness about
economic and environmental components organic food leading to the sustainability
of their community living. One of the interesting and
pertinent points for discourse was by
meeting the needs of existing and promoting organic products that locally
future generations produce. The organic farming helps the
respecting the needs of other environment by reducing the use of
communities in the wider region or chemical pesticide and fertilizer, hence
internationally to make their own minimize the chances for food
communities sustainable contamination and environmental
Sustainable communities are diverse,
The first Organic Day was held on 1st
reflecting their local circumstances. There
August 2009 at the Jalan 19/22 field. The
is no standard template to fit them all.
event was opened by YB Elizabeth Wong,
But they should be:


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

Selangor State Exco for Environment. iv. Community Sustainable Initiative - Flat PKNS
Approximately 40 stalls displaying PJS 2 3
different types of produce and products
were set up. The demonstration on Their recycling effort has gone into making
making compost and eco enzyme nature craft with old paper or magazines and
attracted many people. more importantly the nature craft is made by
the women group and for sale. The business
response is very encouraging. They have
prepared the succession plan in which youth
are groomed to take over and initiate
programmes. There is a girl providing tuition
classes during weekend. They have also
looked into the security and beautification
scheme to green their neighborhood.
ii. SMART RANGER pilot project v. Community Sustainable Initiative - Kg
The project involving five schools in PJ is to
educate the students and teachers on They won the 3rd and 2nd prize for the PJ
recycling and sustainability. Many interesting Best Neighborhood Award for year 2007 and
programmes were implemented. These 2009. They have provided free acupuncture
include the campaign for recycling, service since three years ago, especially for
composting, planting, minimizing the use of the needy and poor, initiate many classes in
plastic bag. But, one of the campaigns that education and skill nature for the youth and
generated some interest and debate is the women, participate in many external events
Bringing Your Own Container Campaign. The organized by agencies and organization, plant
campaign urges students to bring their own the herbal trees and to beautify the
container for food. Instead of buying the food surrounding and more.
with plastic wrapping or even the polystyrene,
the students will have them with their vi. Community Sustainable Initiative -
container. The Campaign is getting well Damansara Residence
progressively with the pupils at primary level
but not students at secondary level.

They are the backbone for Friends of Kota

Damansara Community Forest Park. They are
iii. Community Sustainable Initiative - Desa the group who advocating the protection and
Mentari Block 3, PJS 5 gazetting of the 100 years forest from
development. They organized amongst
Inter-ethnic relationship is so cordial that
themselves for security, maintenance of the
there is no separation of color in many of
park and social activities. They proactively
their activities. This is reflected with their
look for ways to enhance quality of their living
agreement on demarcating special zone at the
environment. Amazingly every household
car parking area for specific use. For example,
does not mind to pay RM300 per month for
a zone is reserved for the non Islamic religious


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

vii. PJ Children Forum 2009 development. It is hope that acquiring the

skills will motivate them to initiate sustainable 4
It is truly a forum initiatives together with the children aged 6
for children and years and below within their school
teenagers by the compound. The participants were taught on
young adults. It is sustainable development and Local Agenda
a forum without 21, natural resources, urban ecology, solid
academic waste management, energy conservation as
discourse and well as demonstration on natural craft
theoretical flavor, but lend towards fun-filled making, Eco-enzyme making and tree
exercise for participants to express their views plantings.
and ideas for a child friendly city of Petaling
Jaya via graphic, illustrations, models and It is also heartening to see the involvement of
games. This is the inaugural Children Forum NGOs in this workshop like Ecoknights, GEC,
for Child Friendly City of Petaling Jaya held in CETDEM, DANIDA-SWMC, RT Flat PKNS PJS2,
conjunction with the 3rd Anniversary of PJ May Collection, Beautiful Gate and Justlife
City. partnering with LA 21 MBPJ to conduct the
one-day event.
At the end of the
day, the ideas are
exactly similar to 2.2 Sense of belonging & integrated
the views brought planning
out by the adults
during other i. Interest Groups
occasions, but
with more creativity and innovations. The Many of them do not happy with the
children envision creating a safe, healthy, participatory consultation process over
sustainable, fun, comfortable and futuristic development projects. MBPJ has by virtue of
city from their points of view. For example, the law provision, inviting people aggravate
building a child friendly toilet for the children. by a particular project to submit their
For an inclusive society, we have to listen to objections, if any. Most of the time, this has
all stakeholders especially the children as a limited the prospects to a small portion of
city friendly to children is a friendly city for all. people. Many residents who have resided in
the same neighborhood might not have the
viii. Environmental Education for Kindergarten chance or so call "local standi" to object to a
particular development. In order to hear
Whenever the need for environmental people out, MBPJ welcomes others to submit
education was discussed, focus would be their opinion and to hold open forum for
given to the students from primary and hearing. However, this has also raised
secondary schools, and some time the displeasure from the development project
communities. However, most of them always proponents accusing the whole process is
forgot to be environmental friendly getting out of hand.
immediately after leaving the school.
We are talking about interest group or
Acknowledging this, Environmental Working stakeholders whom people have a stake over
Committee of Local Agenda 21 Petaling Jaya some project, be it direct or indirect. Having
organized the inaugural environment said this, there are interest groups with
education workshop especially for the vested interest or personal agenda. We have
operators and teachers of the kindergarten in to distinguish these groups from the genuine
Petaling Jaya. The workshop is to raise one. In this respect, engaging them with more
awareness, knowledge and skills on scientific discourse and reasoning out the
environment conservation and sustainable objections is required.


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

ii. Public Consultation

Many attended the inaugural dialogue session
between YB Ronnie Liu, Selangor State Exco
for Local Government and Residents on April
26th 2009 at the D'Kelana Hall, Petaling Jaya.
This was part of the roadshow program
hosted by the State Government to gather
information from the residents about the
performance of local authorities. It was done
as many questions raised during the last State
Assembly Meeting were targeted at the
performance of local authorities.

Many touched on the security, shoddy

infrastructure works, traffic congestion, illegal
use of residential buildings, complaints
management system, lack of responses,
ineffective of communication, malpractice,
planning approval for development projects
and other administration problems. These Newspaper cutting on crime base mapping
problems are very much local centric and is
resolvable. Many times, the problems were
accumulated over some time due to inaction ii. ‘Safety of children in public area’
and lack of communication. It is believed with exhibition
some form of urgency, pro activeness and
monitoring, many of the problems can be ’Program Belia Bebas Jenayah’ at
solved. An urban services minor problem will PJS 4 on 28/2/2009
become major if not attended to. Distribution of brochures and
badges on “Sayangi Anak-Anak
2.3 Safe city environment

i. GIS crime base mapping

Data base for the mapping has been

established on 2007 in association with Safe
City Program. Properties crime that been
mapped are:
House robbery
Lorry/van, car, motorcycle theft
Snatch theft
Others iii. Community Policing

The details: It is a philosophy that promotes strategies

Type of crime to address the causes and reduce the fear
Time and date of the occurrence of crime and social disorder through
Place of incident problem-solving tactics and community-
Damage/loss police partnerships.
Crime frequency


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

and operations of a local government. These

include local policy and programme 6
development; planning and management
procedures in local projects, including
preparing of development plans; purchasing
decisions in development and construction of
public projects; development of network and
Briefing on community policing social infrastructure; day-to-day maintenance,
including waste collection and disposal.
iv. Determination of redevelopment site
(Landscape master plan) A local governments' interaction with its
citizens in implementing plans to realize the
goals set forth in its LA21 Plan is key to the
success of the plan. Changes in urban
lifestyles have far reaching consequences,
positive and negative, on the local and global
environment. Thus education and training in
environmental issues; information campaigns
and awareness building - using both formal
and informal channels; monitoring and
evaluation - including opinion surveys,
referendums; action plans involving the civil
society, for example, in the 3Rs - reduce,
reuse and recycle; can be various ways in
which the local government sensitizes its
citizenry towards environmental protection.

There are some actions that local

governments can only influence, but where
the essential decision-making process is
outside their control. Here issues such as
green business practices, product and safety
standards, green tourism, and labor practices
The landscape master plan contains play an important role.
proposals for redevelopment area for ten
years duration to associate safety A key inducer to the greater participation is
characteristics such as lighting, spaces for the formation of community organizations so
activities and easy surveillance. that the collective opinion of the community
can be voiced. This participation of the
community organization is critical for various
3.0 CONCLUSION reasons; representation, participation,
awareness-building, assistance, advocacy and
The preparation of a Local Agenda plan by networking.
local governments requires a thorough
understanding of the contents and processes From the overall, that is what MBPJ is working
of preparing an LA21 Plan. There are out! This compliance with Islamic principle
essentially three categories in which the LA21 where it believes all people are same and
themes can be operationalized. should be treated fairly with inclusive plan of
development. This is to address each
The basic principles laid out in the Agenda 21 individual right for making peace and
can be activated by the many organizations happiness here and hereafter are achievable.


Local Agenda 21 in MBPJ

Next to belief in the Oneness of God and the

truth of the Prophethood is to render justice. 7
Absolute justice means all-embracing, non-
partisan and universal. The implementation of
LA21 may interpret justice practice in local
government and community for achieving
sustainable development. Equity and fairness
– ‘adil and ihsan also simultaneously
incorporated. Justice is a trust on man guided
by a sense of responsibility beyond the
specific rules. Ulul-amr, those in charge of
community affairs or government must be
amanah or justice. This goes to the concept of
good governance explained earlier. As
khalifah on Earth, justice must be adhered in
practicing vicegerency. The implementation of
LA21 helps to fulfill the responsibility of good


http://www.communities.gov.uk retrieved on
0ctober 15, 2009.

retrieved on October 15, 2009.

http://www.iclei.org retrieved on October 15,


http://www.unescap.org retrieved on 0ctober

15, 2009.

Izwan Rozlin. (February 25, 2009). MBPJ, polis

bekerjasama turunkan kadar jenayah. Sinar

Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya.Pelan Tindakan

Keselamatan Di Bawah Inisiatif Local
Agenda 21. (2009).

Syed Qutb. (1954). Social justice in Islam.

Translation by Hardie; J. B.

Wei, T. K. (February 25, 2009). Base mapping

to help fight crime. The Star.


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