Daily Lesson Plan Science Year 4
Daily Lesson Plan Science Year 4
Daily Lesson Plan Science Year 4
Class: 4 Kreatif
Date: 3th September 2008
Day: Wednesday
Time: 11.50-12.50pm (60 minutes)
Number of Students: 32 pupils
Theme: Investigating Materials
Learning Area: Natural and Man-Made Materials
Learning Objectives: 1.4 Knowing the importance of reuse, reduce and recycle of materials.
Learning Outcomes:
After the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Practise reusing, reducing and recycling to conserve materials.
2. Give one reason why material need to be conserved
Prior Knowledge:
Recycle is ongoing process. Pupils must have heard about it on the radio and television. They may also involve in recycling
campaigns such as collecting old newspapers. They may have contributed used materials to charitable organizations e.g. for
Tsunami victims.
III. Restructuring 1. Teacher explains the terms by 1. The pupils will copy • Relating
Ideas (25 minutes) giving examples. down the table. • Observing
2. Teacher instructs the pupil to 2. One by one the pupil will • Classify
Reuse (Guna semula) copy down the table. tick which objects that • Making
– use the objects again 3. Teacher asks pupil one by one to can be reuse, reduce inferences
in other way. tick whether the object can be and recycle. • Making
reuse, recycle and reduce. 3. The pupils will correct conclusion
e.g. Plastic bottle to 4. Teacher discussed the answers their friends’ answers.
• Appreciate the
plastic vase and correct if necessary. 4. The pupils will answer
balance of
5. Teacher asks why the need to that they need to reuse,
Reduce practice reuse, recycle and recycle and reduce
• Appreciating
(mengurangkan) – cut reduce. because can make
down the use of money, to prevent and practising
objects. pollution, save the clean and
environment, conserve healthy living.
e.g. Polystyrene natural materials etc. • Well-mannered
containers. and respectful
Recycle (kitar
semula) – reprocess
used materials to
produce new materials.
e.g. Newspaper to
tissue paper
conserve (memulihara)
IV. Application of 1. Teacher distributes worksheets and 1. Pupils complete the • Honesty
Ideas instructs the pupils to answer and worksheets.
(10 minutes) complete it.
V. Reflection / 1. Teacher recall the terms that they 1. The pupils answer that
Closure have learned that day. reuse, reduce and recycle.
(5 minutes)
Teacher gives feedback and comments
where necessary.
Teacher’s Reflection:
Which objects can be Reuse, Reduce and Recycle? Please Tick ( )