Paragraph Development by Problem and Solution

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Paragraph Development by Problem and


Last week we installed a kitty door so that our cat could come and
go as she pleases. Unfortunately, we ran into a problem. Our cat
was afraid to use the kitty door. We tried pushing her through, and
that caused her to be even more afraid. The kitty door was dark,
and she couldn’t see what was on the other side. The first step we
took in solving this problem was taping the kitty door open. After a
couple of days, she was confidently coming and going through the
open door. However, when we removed the tape and closed the
door, once again, she would not go through. They say you catch
more bees with honey, so we decided to use food as bait. We would
sit next to the kitty door with a can of wet food and click the top of
the can. When kitty came through the closed door, we would open
the can and feed her. It took five days of doing this to make her
unafraid of using the kitty door. Now we have just one last problem:
our kitty controls our lives!
Paragraph Development by Classification

There are three different types of rock music, alternative rock,

classic rock, and hard rock, also known as metal. Alternative rock
features a steady bass drum laying down the beat, with easy
flowing guitar riffs over the top. The bass line is toned town, and
the lyrics are sung with intensity an authority. Depending on the
song, the guitars can either be acoustic guitars or electric guitars.
Classic rock combines a steady driving bass drum sound, with high
snare overtones, steady and often repeating guitar riffs, and an
intensive bass line. The guitars are more often than not all electric
guitars, and distortion is rarely used. The lyrics are sung with style
and enthusiasm. Hard rock, or metal, features a hard rolling bass
drum with an abundant amount of cymbal work. This style of rock
uses several electric guitars with heavy distortion to bring a very
intense sound. A hard, intense, driving bass line rounds out the
style. The lyrics aren’t really sung so much as screamed. It doesn’t
matter what your preference is, each different style of rock music
is unique on its own.

Paragraph Development by Description

Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar
winds. There are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and
twisting, like clouds of balloons caught in a whirlwind. The sun
moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon
races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People
slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still
be done. There is a coolness, a calmness, when the sun does set.
Paragraph Development by Persuasive
The school fair is right around the corner, and tickets have just gone
on sale. We are selling a limited number of tickets at a discount, so
move fast and get yours while they are still available. This is going
to be an event you will not want to miss! First off, the school fair is
a great value when compared with other forms of entertainment.
Also, your ticket purchase will help our school, and when you help
the school, it helps the entire community. But that’s not all! Every
ticket you purchase enters you in a drawing to win fabulous prizes.
And don’t forget, you will have mountains of fun because there are
acres and acres of great rides, fun games, and entertaining
attractions! Spend time with your family and friends at our school
fair. Buy your tickets now!

Paragraph Development by Narrative

Last year was the first time I had ever been the new kid at school.
For the first four days, I was completely alone. I don’t think I even
spoke to a single person. Finally, at lunch on the fifth day, Karen
Watson walked past her usual table and sat down right next to me.
Even though I was new, I had already figured out who Karen
Watson was. She was popular. Pretty soon, all of Karen’s friends
were sitting there right next to me. I never became great friends
with Karen, but after lunch that day, it seemed like all sorts of
people were happy to be my friend. You cannot convince me that
Karen did not know what she was doing. I have a great respect for
her, and I learned a great deal about what it means to be a true
Paragraph Development by Cause and Effect

Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a
person and the people around them. One important effect is the damage you
can do to your body. Drinking can lead to severe illness and even eventual
death; some health consequences to consider might be liver disease, kidney
failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Another
detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving; possibly
causing a fatal car accident for either yourself and/or an innocent by stander.
Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol can destroy. Alcohol
abuse can have very serious affect on a person’s temperament, which can
lead to spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one cause
in divorce and spending time in jail. It can also affect relationships outside of
the family; many people have lost life long friends whether it is due to foolish
arguments and behavior or possibly death. Lastly, drinking has negative
effects on self-esteem and rational thinking. People become more self-
centered, develop low self-esteem, doing things or behaving in ways that
they would not normally. They have little or no regard to the outcomes of
what is said or done when they grow reliant on getting that alcohol high. The
negative effects of alcohol abuse are overwhelming when considering the
many consequences that drinkers and the people around them have to deal
Paragraph Development by Definition

A racist is not some one that accepts another person for who they
are, but rather pre judges them based on their appearance or their
skin color. The vast diversity of society makes it nearly impossible
to eliminate all racial tension. A racist usually has no other reason
to hate somebody except for the fact that the other person may look
different or have a different skin color than them. In the long run,
racists are only hurting themselves because they are limiting their
knowledge of different cultures and people and they are not
broadening their horizons. Racists are extremely closed minded
individuals and they strictly adhere to their own set of beliefs and
morals without any regard for other people's belief systems.
Racists are too selfish and not open minded enough to accept
people for the way they are.
Paragraph Development by Comparison and

Although cell phones and regular phones have the same purpose and they
both work the same, they have many differences as well. For example a cell
phone has to have at least six service bars in order to talk an dthe battery
has to have a charge before it will work. The battery needs to charge for
about an hour but it depends on what kind of charger you use. The charger
that comes with the cell phone doesn't take as long to charge the phone as
chargers purchased over the counter. A hard wired phone, one that has to
be installed through wiring within your home, can be used anywhere in your
home and is maintained by telephone servicemen. some of hard wired
phones are cordless, which means they can be used throughout the home
and even in the yard. You can't take your hard wired phone with you in your
vehicle because service is limited to just a short range. A cordless phone has
to be returned to its base periodically to be recharged. With your cell phone,
someone can leave you a message an dyou can get it right on the phone
where as on a home phone, you have to have an answering machine.
Although they have many differences, they also have some similarities. They
both have to be charged in order to keep the battery full an dthe phone
working. You can use both to make an drecieve a call. They also both ring t
tell you that you have an incomming call. A cell phone can be programed for
special rings but a hard wired phone has only one ring tone. Cell phones are
much smaller in apperance than a hard wired phone. Cell phones may have
different apperences and gadgets but they both serve the same purpose.
Name: Marjorie Mae S. Salde Grade 11- HUMSS 2
1. Simple Random Sampling: One of the best probability sampling techniques that
helps in saving time and resources, is the Simple Random Sampling method. It is a
trustworthy method of obtaining information where every single member of a
population is chosen randomly, merely by chance and each individual has the exact
same probability of being chosen to be a part of a sample.
For example, in an organization of 500 employees, if the HR team decides on
conducting team building activities, it is highly likely that they would prefer picking
chits out of a bowl. In this case, each of the 500 employees has an equal opportunity
of being selected.

2. Cluster Sampling: Cluster sampling is a method where the researchers divide the
entire population into sections or clusters that represent a population. Clusters are
identified and included in a sample on the basis of defining demographic
parameters such as age, location, sex etc. which makes it extremely easy for a
survey creator to derive effective inference from the feedback.
For example, if the government of the United States wishes to evaluate the number
of immigrants living in the Mainland US, they can divide it into clusters on the basis
of states such as California, Texas, Florida, Massachusetts, Colorado, Hawaii etc.
This way of conducting a survey will be more effective as the results will be
organized into states and provides insightful immigration data.

3. Systematic Sampling: Using systematic sampling method, members of a sample

are chosen at regular intervals of a population. It requires selection of a starting point
for the sample and sample size that can be repeated at regular intervals. This type
of sampling method has a predefined interval and hence this sampling technique is
the least time-consuming.


For example, a researcher intends to collect a systematic sample of 500 people in a

population of 5000. Each element of the population will be numbered from 1-5000
and every 10th individual will be chosen to be a part of the sample (Total population/
Sample Size = 5000/500 = 10).

4. Stratified Random Sampling: Stratified Random sampling is a method where the

population can be divided into smaller groups, that don’t overlap but represent the
entire population together. While sampling, these groups can be organized and then
draw a sample from each group separately.

For example, a researcher looking to analyze the characteristics of people belonging

to different annual income divisions, will create strata (groups) according to annual
family income such as – Less than $20,000, $21,000 – $30,000, $31,000 to
$40,000, $41,000 to $50,000 etc. and people belonging to different income groups
can be observed to draw conclusions of which income strata have which
characteristics. Marketers can analyze which income groups to target and which
ones to eliminate in order to create a roadmap that would definitely bear fruitful

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