Name of the
S.No. Citation Topic Ratio
The question for consideration
was whether payment of
premium of life insurance
policy by the insured to agent
of Life Insurance Corporation
of India could be regarded as
payment to the insurer so as to
constitute discharge of liability
Harshad J.
Implied and Express of the insured. Holding that the
Shah and
Authority of Agent, agent had no authority to
Another v.
1) AIR 1997 SC 2459 Doctrine of Apparent collect premium, it was held
L.I.C of India
Authority that there was nothing in the
and others
S.186,187,188,237. case to show that LIC had, by
its conduct, induced
policyholders to believe that
agents were authorised to
receive payments on behalf of
LIC, such a case being neither
pleaded, nor supported with
any material on record.
10) Services South [1998] 3 SCC 247 Section 230 clause 3 an agent is bound by a contract
v. Go Go entered into by his principal
Garments who, though disclosed, cannot
be sued. Here the principle is
“some company in Taiwan
situated far outside the
jurisdiction of the consumer
courts in India”.
The SC did not agree with this
view that the company could
not be held liable therefore the
principle could be sued and
thus the plea was granted in
favour of the respondent.
14) Jacob v. Morris [1902] 1Ch 816 The principle is not liable The plaintiff was a tobacco
for the acts of the agents if merchant in Melbourne, had a
he does them for his firm in London also while
personal purposes being absent in London he
appointed an agent with the
power of attorney and
describing him as of
Melbourne as a tobacco
merchant trading in London.
Therefore, the agent acting
under the said powers obtained
a loan from the defendants who
have had many dealings with
the firm before so they upon
trusting him without reading
the powers entrusted him with
the loan which he subsequently
used for his own purposes. The
plaintiff did not know about it
and later brought an action
against the defendants to stop
them from negotiating the bills
on the grounds that they had
been made without his
The court held that the agent
had only the power to purchase
and not the power to borrow.
The loss of the loan was on the
part of the mistake by the
defendants as they did not as
they neglected to examine the
power vested in him.
A minor cannot appoint an
agent for him by any means
even if it be as a power of
attorney or any other means. If
Shephard v. he does so any such
A minor cannot appoint
15) Cartwright [1953] Ch 728 appointment is void but also
an agent
everything conducted by the
agent on the minor’s behalf is
also void and he will be
incapable to ratify.