Power+Electronics+for+Technology+By+Ashfaq+Ahmed+ 1 PDF
Power+Electronics+for+Technology+By+Ashfaq+Ahmed+ 1 PDF
Power+Electronics+for+Technology+By+Ashfaq+Ahmed+ 1 PDF
1 Power Electronics 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 What Is Power Electronics? 2
1.3 Why Power Electronics? 3
1.4 Power Semiconductor Switches 6
1.5 Power Losses in Real Switches 7
1.6 Types of Power Electronics Circuits 13
1.7 Applications of Power Electronics 15
1.8 Problems 15
1.9 Equations 17
2 Power Diodes 18
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 The PN Junction Diode 19
2.3 The Voltage-Current Characteristic of a Diode 19
2.4 The Ideal Diode 20
2.5 The Schottky Diode 21
2.6 Diode Circuit Analysis 22
2.7 Diode Losses 25
2.8 Principal Ratings for Diodes 27
2.9 Diode Protection 28
2.10 Testing a Diode 29
2.11 Series and Parallel Operation of Diodes 29
2.12 Problems 35
2.13 Equations 37
3 Power Transistors 38
3.1 Introduction 39
- 3.2 Power Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) 40
3.3 Power Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect
Transistors (MOSFETs) 52
viii Contents
4 Thyristor Devices 73
4.1 Introduction 74
4.2 The Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) 74
4.3 SCR Characteristic Curves 76
4.4 Testing SCRS 78
4.5 SCR'Ratings 79
4.6 Junction Temperature Rating 90
4.7 Increasing SCR Ratings 90
4.8 Series and Parallel SCR Connections 91
4.9 Power Loss 97
4.10 SCR Protection 99 •
4.11 Gate Circuit Protection 100
4.12 SCR Gate-Triggering Circuits 101
4.13 Triggering SCRs in Series and in Parallel 106
4.14 SCR Turn-Off (Commutation) Circuits 107
4.15 Other Types of Thyristors 111
4.16 Problems 119
4.17 Equations 120
7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers 188
m ... —
7.1 Introduction 189
7.2 Three-Phase Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Rectifiers 189
7.3 Three-Phase Pull-Wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Rectifiers 198
7.4 Twelve-Pulse Rectifier Circuits 210
7.5 Problems 213
7.6 Equations 214
9 DC Choppers 268
9.1 Introduction 269
9.2 The Principles of Basic DC Choppers 269
9.3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 273
9.4 Step-Up (Boost) Choppers 284
9.5 Buck-Boost Choppers 295
9.6 Problems 300
9.7 Equations 302
10 Inverters 304
10.1 Introduction 305
10.2 The Basic Inverter 305
10.3 Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) 307
10.4 Inverter Voltage Control Techniques 318
10.5 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) 321
10.6 Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) Inverters 324
10.7 Other Basic Types of Single-Phase Inverters 328
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI
Inverter 329
10.9 The Ideal Current Source Inverter (CSI) 347
10.10 Problems 350
10.11 Equations 351
index 425
This book introduces the subject of power electronics, that is, the switching
control and conversion of electrical power using semiconductor devices. The
increasing demand for efficient conversion and control of electrical power has
made this area of electrical engineering extremely important and has resulted in
the development of new power devices, circuits, and control schemes that con
tinue to extend power electronics technology to new areas of application.
The main objective of this book is to present an easily understood expla
nation of the principles of power electronics to satisfy the needs of two- and
four-year programs in electrical engineering technology (EET). The book is pri
marily intended to be used as a text in an introductory course about semicon
ductor switches and their applications to power control. Its scope extends from
the fundamental principles and concepts to the general applications of power
Chapter 1 gives an introduction and an overview of power electronics.
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 are devoted to introducing the major power semiconduc
tor devices and their behavior and voltage-current characteristics. Chapters 5 to
12 introduce the reader to the analysis and operation of various power conver
sion circuits—AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, and AC/AC—that have applications at
high power levels. The topics covered focus on the application of power elec
tronics devices in rectifiers, inverters, AC voltage controllers, cycloconverters,
and DC choppers. Emphasis is placed on circuit topology -and function. Voltage
and current waveform analyses of the outputs begin wjith simple resistive loads
and continue to more practical inductive loads. The equations that govern the
behavior of these circuits are formulated to provide the fundamentals for ana
lyzing power electronics circuits.
The text assumes that the students have a good understanding of basic
mathematics as well as a basic background in circuit theory and solid-state elec
tronics fundamentals. The material presented here has been developed from
class notes for a power electronics course taught by the author in the Electrical
Engineering Technology Department at Purdue University-Calumet, Hammond,
Indiana. The text is considered appropriate for a one-semester junior-level
■----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :— :----------------------------------
The author wishes to thank Prentice Hall editor, Charles Stewart, and his assis
tant, Kim Yehle, for their assistance, patience, and flexibility during the progress
of this text. I would like to thank the following reviewers for their invaluable
feedback: Venkata Anandu, Southwest Texas State University; Shamala Chicka-
menahalli, Wayne State University; Mohammad Dabbas, ITT Technical Insti-
tute-Florida; and Alexander E. Emanuel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The
author’s deepest appreciation goes to his wife, Nadira, for her support, under
standing, and encouragement during the many hours of work involved in the
successful completion of this project.
Asbfaq Ahmed, P.E.
Munster, Indiana
Power Electronics
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
2 CHAPTER 1 Power Electronics
1.1 Introduction
Figure 1.1
Power electronics: a combination
of power, electronics and control
1.3 Why Power Electronics? 3
This book will cover the use of power semiconductor devices in applica
tions such as rectification, inversion, frequency conversion, DC and AC drives,
and power supplies. In power electronics, devices such as diodes, transistors,
thyristors, and triacs are used mainly as switches to perform the on-off action
that is basic to power electronics circuits.
Figure 1.2
A rheostat controlling a load
Example 1.1 A DC source of 100 V is supplying a 10-Q resistive load. Find the power deliv
ered to the load (PL), the power loss in the rheostat (PR), the total power sup
plied by the source (F t), and the efficiency 11, if the rheostat is set at:
a) 0 Q
b) 10 £2
c) ioo n
Solution a) voltage across the load VL = 100 V
power supplied to the load PL = 1002/10 = 1 KW
power dissipated in the rheostat PR = 0 W
power supplied by the source PT = Ph + PR = 1 KW
efficiency Pi.
T] = 100 = 8.9%
It is clear from this example that the efficiency of power transfer from the
source to the load is very poor—note that it is only 50% in case (b).
Figure 1.3
A switch controlling a load
Example 1.2 A DC source of 100 V is supplying a 10-0 resistive load through a switch. Find
the power supplied to the load (PL), the power loss in the switch (Ps), and the
total power supplied by the source (PT), if the switch is:
a) closed
b) open
c) closed 50% of the time
d) closed 20% of the time
Solution a) With the switch closed,
voltage across the load VL = 100 V
power delivered to the load PL = 1002/10 = 1 KW
power loss in the switch Ps = 0 W
power supplied by the source PT = 1 KW
With the switch open,
voltage across the load VL = 0 V
power delivered to the load 0 w
power loss in the switch P$ = 0 w
power supplied by the source PT = 0 w
With the switch closed 50% of the time (see Figure 1•4),
average voltage across the load ^L = 50 V
average power delivered to the load • Pi = 502/10 == 250 W
power loss in the switch Ps = 0 W
power supplied by the source PT = 250 W
With the switch closed 20% of the time,
average voltage across the load vL= 20 V
average power delivered to the load Pt = 202/10 == 40 W
power loss in the switch Ps = 0 W
power supplied by the source PT = 40 W
6 CHAPTER 1 Power Electronics
100 V
2T 3T
As this example shows, all the power supplied by the source is delivered to the
load. The efficiency of power transfer is 100%. Of course, in this example the
switch is assumed to be ideal, but when we use a transistor as a switch, the
result is very close to ideal circuit operation.
bipolar junction transistors (BJD
metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET)
insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT)
silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR)
gate-turnoff thyristors (GTO)
MOS-controlled thyristors (MCT)
In power electronics, these devices are operated in the switching mode. These
switches can be made to operate at high frequencies to convert and control
electrical power with high efficiency and high resolution. The power loss in the
switch itself is very small since either the voltage is nearly zero when the switch
is on or the current is nearly zero when the switch is off.
We will treat these switches as ideal (the limitations of an actual switch are
covered in the next section). An ideal switch satisfies the following conditions:
1.5 Power Losses in Real Switches 7
An ideal switch is shown in Figure 1.5. The power loss generated in the switch
is the product of the current through the switch and the voltage across the
switch. When the switch is off, there is no current through it (although there is
a voltage Vs across it), and therefore there is no power dissipation. When the
switch is on, it has a current (^//?L) through it, but there is no voltage drop
across it, so again there is no power loss. We also assume that for an ideal
switch the rise and fall time of the current is zero. That is, the ideal switch
changes from the off state to the on state (and vice versa) instantaneously. The
power loss during switching is therefore zero.
j _ Vs~ V c e ( $ a t ) — Vs , 1 2
C *L
Equation 1.1 gives the power loss due to conduction if the switch remains on
indefinitely. However, to control the power for a given application, the switch
is turned on and off in a periodic manner. Therefore, to find the average powei
loss we must consider the duty cycle:
n _ \r * f * ^OFF 1.4
/ OFF(avg) - ■'S ''LEAK j
Here, the duty cycle d is defined as the percentage of the cycle in which the
switch is on:
*on___ _ kM
ton + Adff T
+ +
Figure 1.6
Power losses in a transistor switch
1.5 Power Losses in Real Switches 9
Figure 1.7
Waveforms during switching operation: (a) voltage across the switch; (b) current
through the switch; (c) power dissipated in the switch
It is interesting to note that the power curve looks essentially like $ rectified
sine wave. The average value of this waveform is
A s im ila r a n a ly s is g i v e s t h e e n e r g y l o s s d u r in g t u r n o f f a s
T h e t o t a l e n e r g y l o s s in o n e c y c l e d u e t o s w it c h in g is g i v e n b y
Wsw = ON + ^ SW OFF + ^CE(max) * -fc(max) * [%W(ON) + ^SW(OFF)]
T h e a v e r a g e p o w e r d is s i p a t i o n in t h e s w it c h w ill b e
i 3sw = - “ = W W */
•Psw = ^CE(max) * -fc(max) * [^SW(ON> + *SW(OFF)] * /
where 7'is the switching period and /is the pulse repetition rate (frequency of
switching). Note that
I f w e le t
th e n
T h e t o t a l p o w e r l o s s in s w i t c h is
Example 1.3 In Figure 1.5, Vs is 50 V, /<*, is 5 £2, and the swjtch is ideal with no switching
loss. If the on-state voltage drop is 1.5 V and the leakage current is 1.5 mA, cal
culate the power loss in the switch when it is:
a) on
b) off
For normal load conditions, the power dissipation during the off state can be
neglected in comparison to the power loss during the on state.
Example 1.4 Calculate the maximum and average power loss for the switch in Example 1.3
if the switching frequency is 500 Hz with a duty cycle of 50%.
Solution switching period T= 1/500 = 2 ms
duty cycle d = 50%
on time /on = 1 ms
off time = 1 ms
average power loss during on state = PON * -^7- = 14.55 * 0.5 = 7.27 W
average power loss during off state = POFF * = 0.075 * 0.5 = 0.037 W
average power loss for one cycle = Powavg) + -POFF(avg) = 7.27 + 0.037 = 7.3 W
Example 1.5 In Figure 1.6, K, is 120 V, RL is 6 £2, and the transistor is ideal with no conduc
tion loss. If tsW(ON) = 4w(off) = 1-5 M-s, calculate the average switching power
loss at a switching frequency of 1 kHz.
S o lu tio n /c(max) = 1 2 0 /6 = 2 0 A
Example 1.6 A transistor switch with the following characteristics controls power to a 25-kW
load, as shown in Figure 1.6:
Crated = 50 A
W d = 500 V
1/CE(SAT) = 1-5 V
turn-on time /swcon) = 1.5 f-iS
turnoff time ^W(off) = 3.0 (4.S
= t>FF = 5 mS
a) on-state power loss = 1.5 * 50 = 75 W
h) total energy loss per cycle = (6.25 + 12.5 + 375 + 2.5) mj = 396.25 mj
l) average power loss = — — -— ^— = 39-6 W
Example 1.7 In Example 1.6, repeat parts (d) through (i) if the switching frequency is
increased to 100 kHz with a 50% duty cycle.
Solution T= 1/(100 * 103) = 10 jiS
Since the period is quite small, we do not neglect ^w(0n> and *sw(off>:
T—tsw(oN) ~ kwcoFF) = (10 —1-5 —3) M-S = 5-5
Therefore, with d - 50%,
It is clear from these examples that at low switching frequency, the on-state
power loss dominates the total losses. As we increase the switching fre
quency, the switching power loss becomes dominant. The average power
dissipation also becomes very high (2033 W) at higher frequency. Obviously,
the 50 A transistor cannot dissipate the heat generated and will overheat.
The maximum frequency at which the switch can operate therefore depends
not only on the power dissipation in the switch but also on the switching
speed. The current rating of the switch must also be increased at higher
Power electronics circuits (or converters, as they are commonly called) can be
divided into the following categories:
Figure 1.8
See Problem 1.9
ioo v > 10 a
16 CHAPTER 1 Power Electronics
Table 1.2
1 kHz 20%
1 kHz 50%
1 kHz 75%
2 kHz 20%
2 kHz 50%
2 kHz 75%
1 .1 3 If the source voltage in Figure 1.6 is 120 V and the load resistance is 10 Q,
calculate switching power loss when %w = 1 (is and the transistor is turned
on and off at a frequency of 5 kHz;
1 .1 4 A rheostat controls power supplied by a 100 V DC source to a 10-£2 resis
tive load. The rheostat resistance is varied in steps from zero to 100 £1.
Write a computer program that calculates the power supplied from the
source, the power dissipated in the rheostat, the power consumed by the
load, and the efficiency. Tabulate and plot your results.
1.9 Equations 17
■---- ;--------------------
1.9 Equations
j _ Ks ~ ^CEfSAT) s-. I s j 2
C A'l
-PoNCavg) = ^CECSAT) * Ic * ~ ^ 7 = ^CE(SAT) * k : * d 1 .3
■PoFF(avg) = Ks * 4 e AK * 1*4
*ON _ JoN j ^
ton + ^OFF 7*
Chapter Outline
2.1 Introduction 2.8.3 Reverse Recovery Time (t„)
2.2 The PN Junction Diode 2.8.4 Maximum Junction Temperature
2.3 The Voltage-Current Characteristic 2.8.5 Maximum Surge Current (/FSM)
of a Diode
2.9 Diode Protection
2.4 The Ideal Diode 2.9.1 Overvoltage
2.5 The Schottky Diode 2.9.2 Overcurrent
2.9.3 Transients
2.6 Diode Circuit Analysis
2.6.1 Diodes in DC Circuits 2.10 Testing a Diode
2.6.2 Diodes in AC Circuits 2.11 Series and Parallel Operation of
2.7 Diode Losses Diodes
2.11.1 Series Connection of Diodes
2.8 Principal Ratings for Diodes
2.11.2 Parallel Connection of Diodes
2.8.1 Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)
2.8.2 Maximum Average Forward 2.12 Problems
Current (/f(avg)max) 2.13 Equations
Learning Objectives
2.3 The Voltage-Current Characteristic of a Diode 19
2.1 Introduction
Power diodes play an important role in power electronics circuits. They are
used mainly in uncontrolled rectifiers to convert AC to fixed DC voltages and as
freew heeling diodes to provide a path for the current flow in inductive loads.
Power diodes are similar in function to ordinary PN junction diodes; however,
power diodes have larger power-, voltage-, and current-handling capabilities.
, Figure 2.1
The structure and symbol of ______
a diode j P | n~|—
(Anode) (Cathode) + VAK ■
(a) PN junction (b) Symbol
Breakdown Voltage
Forward voltage drop
(knee voltage)
Peak Reverse Voltage
-I A
When the diode is reverse-biased, a small amount of current called the reverst
leakage current flows as the voltage from anode to cathode is increased; this
simply indicates that a diode has a very high resistance in the reverse direction
This large resistance characteristic is maintained with increasing reverse voltage
until the reverse breakdown voltage is reached. At breakdown, a diode allows
a large current flow for a small increase in voltage. Again, a current-limiting
resistor must be used in series to prevent destruction of the diode.
In power electronics we deal with high voltages and currents. Therefore, the
detailed characteristic of a diode (for example, Figure 2.2) is not important; we
can treat a diode as an ideal element. Figure 2.3 shows the ideal characteristic
of a diode. Note that when the diode is forward-biased, it has no voltage across
it. The current through the diode then depends on the source voltage and othei
circuit elements. When the diode is reverse-biased, it has no current through it.
The voltage across the diode then depends upon the source voltage and othei
circuit elements.
Zero voltage
Zero voltage
2.5 The Schottky Diode 21
Open switch
- vD + >D ~ 0
(c) Reverse-biased diode (d) Switch-equivalent circuit
Example 2.1 A Schottky diode rated at 40 V and 25 A has ail on-state voltage of 0.5 V and a
reverse leakage current of 50 nA. Find the on-state and off-state power loss at
rated conditions.
Solution on-state power loss = 25 * 0.5 = 12.5 W
off-state power loss = 40 * 50 (10-9) = 2 (XW
CHAPTER 2 Power Diodes
Example 2.2 Repeat Example 2.1 for a PN junction diode rated at 40 V and 25 A, with an on-
state voltage of 1.1 V and a reverse leakage current of 0.5 nA.
Solution on-state power loss = 25 * 1.1 = 27.5 W
off-state power loss = 40 * 0.5 CIO”9) = 0.02 p.W
The on-state power loss of the Schottky diode is less than half that of the PN junc
tion diode, which is quite significant when efficiency is a concern. There is, of
course, a higher power dissipation in the off state due to a higher leakage cur
rent; however, the total power loss is still less than that of the PN junction diode.
Example 2.3 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.5, find the diode current (/D), the diode volt
age (V^), and the voltage across resistor ( Vj{).
Figure 2.5 + vn
See Example 2.3
Solution Since the current established by the source flows in the direction of the diode’s
arrow, the diode is on and can be replaced by a closed switch.
voltage across the diode VD = 0 V
voltage across the resistor VR = Es ~ VD = 20 - 0 = 20 V
current through the diode /D = V^/R = 20/100 = 0.2 A
2.6 Diode Circuit Analysis 23
Example 2.4 Reverse the diode in Figure 2.5 and repeat Example 2.3.
Solution The direction of current is now opposite to the arrow. The diode is off and can
be replaced by an open switch.
current through the diode /D = 0 A
voltage across the resistor V^ = /D* i ? = 0 V
voltage across the diode Vd = 2%- Vr = 20 - 0 = 20 V
Example 2.5 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.6, find the current (/) and voltages V0> Vlt and V2.
Figure 2.6 i + v,
See Example 2.5 AMr
«, = 5k
R2= 2 k < . V 2
£ ,-z^7 20V
Solution The two sources are aiding each other in the closed loop; the diode is on and
can be replaced by a closed switch.
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL),
E, - Vl - V2 + Ei = 0
E1 -K R i) - KR2) + E2 = 0
Solving for I,
r Ei + Ei 25 ■ , r
I - —----- - = —- = 3.5 mA
Ri + 7k
= /*/?! =17.5 V
V2 = /* R2 =»7.0 V
V0 = V2 —Ei = l —5 = 2V
Figure 2.7
Diode in an AC circuit
Example 2.6 Find the switch-equivalent circuit of a diode with an AC source voltage V"s, as
shown in Figure 2.7.
Solution During the positive half-cycle, the anode is more positive than its cathode, and
therefore the diode is forward-biased. We can replace the diode with a closed
During the negative half-cycle, the anode is more negative than its cath
ode, and therefore, the diode is reverse-biased. We can replace the diode with
an open switch.
Example 2.7 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.8, draw the waveforms of the voltage across
the resistor ( 14) and the voltage across the diode (1^).
Figure 2.8
See Example 2.7
3. +
120 V 60 Hz * < l k vR
Solution During the positive half-cycle, the diode is forward-biased and can therefore be
replaced by a closed switch. The voltage across the diode is zero, and the volt
age across the resistor is the same as the source voltage. During the negative
half-cycle, the diode is reverse-biased and can therefore be replaced by an open
switch. The voltage across the resistor is zero, and the voltage across the diode
is the same as the source voltage.
The waveforms of Vr and VD are shown in Figure 2.9.
2.7 Diode Losses 25
Figure 2.9
Waveforms of \/R and VD
toN 2.2
P0N = V F * IF *
* ^OFF 2.3
P q ff — V r * Ir
In these equations,
Vp = forward voltage
/F = forward current
= reverse voltage
CHAPTER 2 Power Diodes
Example 2.8 In the circuit shown in Figure 2.8, Vs = 400 V,/= 10 kHz, d = 50%, and ID= 30 i
If the diode has the following characteristics, find the total power loss in tt
Ff = 1 .1 V
JR = 0.3 mA
tp = 1 us
tR = 0.1 (is
Solution T = 1//= 0.1 ms
T - tON + tp + +
f0 FF
T— — ?R 100 - 1 - 0.1
t< fopF '■ )xs = 49.45 M-s
40 4s (i a-6')
“ON ' 1.1 * 30 * - , \ J = 16.32 W
0.1 (10~3)
4 95 n ft-6')
Pon = 11 * 30 * = 16.32 W
10 (10 )
, 4 95 (10-6)
P(wv : 400 * 0.3(10 ) * ? , ~ = 0-06 W
10 (10 )
i 11 n o 'j
Psw z * 4nn * ♦ - - - - - - - _— = 440 W
6 10 ( 10^ )
PT = 16.32 + 0.06 + 440 = 456.40 W
The total power loss is almost eight times that in Example 2.8.
2.8 Principal Ratings for Diodes 27
Figure 2.10
Reverse recovery
28 CHAPTER 2 Power Diodes
si............ ............ . " ........*.....— —...... ................. ............ .......—.—.......... ....— 1 .... ..
2.9.1 Overvoltage
When a diode is forward-biased, the voltage across it is low and poses no prob
lems. A reverse-biased diode acts like an open circuit. If the voltage across the
diode exceeds its breakover voltage, it breaks down, resulting in a large current
flow. With this high current and large voltage across the diode, it is quite likely
that the power dissipation at the junction will exceed its maximum value,
destroying the diode. It is a common practice to select a diode with a peak
reverse voltage rating that is 1.2 times higher than the expected voltage during
normal operating conditions.
2.9.2 Overcurrent
Manufacturer’s data sheets provide current ratings based on the maximum junc
tion temperatures produced by conduction losses in diodes. In a given circuit,
it is recommended that the diode current be kept below this rated value. Over
current protection is then accomplished by using a fuse to ensure that the diode
2.11 Series and Parallel Operation of Diodes 29
current does not exceed a level that will increase the operating temperature
beyond the maximum value.
2.9.3 Transients
Transients can lead to higher-than-normal voltages across a diode. Protection
against transients usually takes the form of an RC series circuit connected across
the diode. This arrangement, shown in Figure 2.11, snubs or reduces the rate of
change of voltage and is commonly called a snubber circuit.
Figure 2.11
A snubber circuit
Figure 2.13 *D
V-I characteristics of two
r _ ^D1 j . r - r
4 - + jdi - + •'D2
Solving for R,
R= ~ f D2 2.7
*D2 “ b l
The power dissipated in R is
P r = * R + I 2m * R
Figure 2.14
Series connection of diodes
with resistors added
Figure 2.15
Series connection of diodes
with resistors and capacitor
J2 CHAPTER 2 Power Diodes
Example 2.10 Two diodes with voltage ratings of 800 V and reverse leakage currents of 1 mA
are connected in series across an AC source whose peak value is Vscmax) - 980
V. The reverse characteristics, are as. shown in Figure 2.13. Determine
a) the reverse voltage across each diode
b) the value of the voltage-sharing resistor, so that the voltage across any diode
is no more than 55% of V^(ma)0
c) the total source current and power loss in the resistors
Solution a) With no force sharing, the current through the diodes is the leakage current.
Therefore, at 1 mA, from Figure 2.13,
VDl = 700 V
FD2 = 280 V
b) With forced voltage sharing, such that
Vm = 55% * 980 = 539 V
Vm = 900 - 495 = 441 V
We obtain from the graph
/D1 = 0.7 mA
ID2 = 1 .4 mA
Using Equation 2.7,
^ni ~ ^D2
Id2 ~ -fei
= 140 K
c) The current through R is
4 1 = 539/140K = 3.85 mA
/R2 = 441/140K = 3.15 mA
source current = 0.00385 + 0.0007 = 4.55 mA
source current = 0.00315 + 0.0014 = 4.55 mA
The power dissipated in R is
lowest forward voltage drop will try to carry a larger current and can overheat.
Figure 2.17 shows the V-I on-state characteristics of twd diodes. If these two
diodes are connected in parallel at a give voltage, a different current flows in
each diode. The total current flow is the sum of Im and ID2•The total current
rating of the pair is not the sum of the maximum current rating for each but is
a value that can be just larger than the rating of one diode alone.
Figure 2.16
Parallel connection of
xz a,
Parallel diodes can be forced to share current by connecting a very small resis
tor in series-with each diode. In Figure 2.18, the current-sharing resistor R establishes
values of Im and /D2 that are nearly equal. Although current sharing is very effective,
the power loss in the resistors is very high. Furthermore, it causes an increase in volt
age across the combination. Unless using a parallel arrangement is absolutely nec
essary, it is better to use one device with an adequate current rating.
14 CHAPTER 2 Power Diodes
Figure 2.18
Parallel connection of
diodes with added resistors
^ |^D2
'■>»\z>, Dt \ / V»2
Vp2 ~ ^D1
4>i - 4)2
The power dissipated in R is
Example 2.11 Two diodes having the characteristics shown in Figure 2.17 are connected in
parallel. The total current through the diodes is 50 A. To enforce current shar
ing, two resistors are connected in series. Determine:
a) the resistance of the current-sharing resistor, so that the current through any
diode is no more than 55% of I
b) the total power loss in the resistors
c) the voltage across the diode combination (V )
Solution a) With forced current sharing, such that
Im = 55% * 50 = 27.5 A
/D2 = 50 - 27.5 = 22.5 A
2.12 Problems 35
Vdi = 1-3 V
Vm = 1.6 V
V= VD1+ I m ' R = VD2 + Im * R ,
= 1.3 + 27.5 R = 1.6 + 22.5 R
Solving for R,
R = 0.06 £2
b) The power dissipated in R is
= I2m * R + I 2D2 * R = 27.52 * 0.06 + 22.52 * 0.06 = 75.8 W
c) The voltage across the diode combination is
V = V m + Im R = V D2 + ID2R
= 1.3 + 27.5 * 0.06 = 1.6 + 22.5 * 0.06
= 2.95 V
2.12 Problems
2.1 What type o f semiconductor material is used in power diodes?
2.2 What are the main advantages of silicon diodes?
2.3 What condition forward-biases a diode?
2.4 What-condition reverse-bidses a diode?
'• I
2.5 What is the voltage across an ideal diode that is forward-biased?
2.6 Draw the switch-equivalent circuit of a forward-biased diode.
< 2.7 Draw the switch-equivalent circuit of a reverse-biased diode.
2.8 Define the PIV rating of a diode.
2.9 How can a diode be tested using an ohmmeter?
2.10 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.19, find ID. What is the maximum reverse
voltage across the diode?
2.11 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.20, find Ilt I2, /D, and VD.
Figure 2.21
See Problem 2.12
2.13 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.22, drawn the waveform for I.
Figure 2.22
See Problem 2.13
-A M r
io n
D> V . Z X d2
2.14 For the circuit shown in Figure 2.23, find (a) the maximum forward cur
rent that the diode should handle (b) the maximum reverse voltage tha
the diode should withstand.
Figure 2.23
See Problem 2.14
i kn
+ o- -A/W
2.13 Equations 37
2 .1 5 From various manufacturers’ data sheets, obtain the following ratings for
some currently manufactured power diodes: (a) peak reverse voltage (b)
maximum forward current (c) maximum operating junction temperature
(d) maximum on-state voltage drop at rated current (e) maximum reverse
leakage current (0 maximum switching frequency (g) turn-on time (h)
turnoff time
2.16 Write a computer program to plot the V-I characteristic of a diode. '■
2.13 Equations
p — y * T * - S EE. 2.3
OFF — R *R y,
^SW(OFF) = g" ^(MAX) * 4'(MAX) * ^R * f 2.6
y - ._ ^D1
yDl — Hl)2
KD2 2y
4)2 ~~ /^di
4)2 R1
r2 *
PR = 1fI 2R1*
R1 * R + l \R22 * R
+ 1 2.8
Vd i2——
R = —u ~ Vd
o xi 2 .9
d i -—4>2
4>2 ,
=.•I1r22.m * j2
P* *
Di i? R ++ I12D2* R
D2 * i? 2.10
F = VD1 + /D1i?= Vm + I m R 2.11
Power Transistors
Chapter Outline
3.1 Introduction 39
Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
Transistors with high voltage and current ratings are known as power transis-
_ tors. A transistor is a three-layer PNP or NPN semiconductor device with two
junctions. Transistors have two basic types of applications: amplification and
switching. In power electronics, where the main objective is the efficient con
trol of power, transistors are invariably operated as switches. They are mainly
used in chopper and inverter applications.
Diodes are uncontrollable switches having ohly two terminals. They only
respond to switch the voltage across them. Transistors, on the other hand, have
three terminals. Two terminals act like switch contacts, while the third is used
to turn the switch on and off. Thus, the control circuit can be independent-of
the circuit being controlled.
Two types of power transistors are extensively used in power electronics
circuits: the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and the metal-oxide semiconductor
field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Until the development of the power MOSFET,
the BJT was the device of choice Jn~pos£gr electronics applications.
The switching speed of a BJT is many times slower than that of a MOS
FET of similar size and rating. A BJT is a current-controlled device, and a large
base current is required to keep the device in the on state. In addition, to obtain
fast turnoff, a higher reverse base current is required. These limitations make
the base drive circuit design more complex and therefore more expensive than
that of the MOSFET. Power MOSFETs, on the other hand, are voltage-controlled
40 CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Power transistors are available in both NPN and PNP types. However, we will
concentrate on the NPN device, since it has a higher current and voltage rating
than the PNP device. The structure and symbol of an NPN transistor are shown
in Figure 3.1. This type of transistor is called a bipolar junction transistor {BJT).
BJT is usually referred to as a transistor.
A transistor has three terminals: the base (B), the collector (C) and the
emitter (E). The collector and the emitter in a transistor are not reversible. In
fact the transistor’s characteristics and ratings change significantly when these
two terminals are reversed. If the arrowhead on the emitter points toward the
base, the transistor is a PNP1transistor. If the arrow points away from the base,
it is an NPN transistor. t j
When a transistor is used as a switch to control power from the source to
the load, terminals C and E are connected in series with the main power circuit,
while terminals B and E are connected to a driving circuit that controls the on
and off action. A small current through the base-emitter junctions turns on the
collector-to-emitter path. This path may carry many times more current than the
base-emitter junction.
(a) Structure
3.2 Power BJTs 41
Since transistors are used mainly as switches, the idealized transistor character
istic is of prime importance. Figure 3 3 shows the V-I characteristic of a BJT
Figure 3.3
Idealized characteristic of
a transistor
42 CHAPTER 3 Power Trllhsistors
Figure 3.4
Biasing a transistor
Figure 3 5 shows the DC load line, which represents all possible operating
points. Point is the ideal operating point for the switch when it is on. Here
the collector current Ic is equal to VccJR q, and the voltage across the collector-
emitter is zero.
Point P4 is the ideal operating point for the switch when it is off. Here the
collector current 4 is.zero and the voltage across the collector-emitter is equal
to the supply voltage Vcc.
The line drawn between points Px and P4 is the load line. The intersection
of the load line with the base current is the operating point of the transistor.
The operating point is determined by the circuit that is external to the transis
tor, i.e., Vcc and %
Point P2, where the load line intersects the 4 = 0 curve, is the actual oper
ating point at cutoff. At this point, the collector current is the leakage current.
The voltage across the collector-emitter terminal can be found by applying Kir-
choff's voltage law (KVL) around the output loop:
Vce ~ ~ VpE —0
Vat = Vac ~ k R c 3.1
3.2 Power BJTs 43
Point P3, where the load line intersects the /B = /Bfsat) curve, is the actual
operating point when the BJT is on. Point Pi is called the saturation point. An
on transistor has a small voltage drop across its collect-emitter terminals; this
voltage is called the saturation voltage V^E(sat). The collector current is at a max
imum here and is given by
r - A xsa O _ ^CC * st
B~ P “ P *c
where P is the DC current gain given by Ic//B.
Any value of IB higher than the value calculated using Equation 3 3 will
ensure a saturated on state. In fact, to accommodate any changes in Ic above
the required value, it is desirable to use a little higher value of base current than
is obtained by the above formula. A high base current also reduces the turn-on
time and therefore reduces power dissipation. ,
=0.6 A
V'c e ( V )
All operating points between cutoff and saturation are in the active regions
of a transistor. In this region, both /c and VCE are relatively high, resulting in
high power dissipation in the transistor.
Pft = ^BE(SAT) 4
P q = ^CE(SAT) 4
If the base power loss is small compared with the collector power losses,
^ O N * ^CE(SAT) 4 3 *4
w, — —- Jc(mx), t
"(SW -O N ) ~ (J r
where t( is the collector current rise time (typically 1—2 jXs).
Example 3.1 In Figure 3-4, Fcc is 120 V, Rq is 20 Q, and the V-I characteristic of the transis
tor is as shown in Figure 3.5. Find the load current and the power loss for the
following base currents:
a) /B = 0.6 A
b) /B = 0.4 A
c) 4 = 0.2 A
d) /B = 0.0 A
3.2 Power BJTs 45
Example 3.2 In Figure 3.4, Fcc = 208 V, Rc = 20 £2, FCE(SAT5 = 0.9 V, = 1,1 V, and
P = 10. Find:
<0 Ic
b) 4
c) the power loss in the collector (Pc)
d) the power loss in the base (-Pu)
Example 3.3 In Figure 3-4, Vcc = 200 V, Rc = 20 £2, t( = 1.0 fis, and tf = 1.5 |J.S. If the switch
ing frequency is 5 kHz, find:
a) the turn-on energy loss
b) the turnoff energy loss
c) the switching power loss
Solution Jccmax)
CCmax) “ —
^ =—
2 0 = 10 A
a) V , = » f ^ = 3 3 3 .3 , J
b) 09^ 1 .5 6 0 ^ , 500
Figure 3.6
Diode analogy of an NPN
reading suggests an NPN transistor, while a high reading indicates a PNP tran
tor discharges the next time the transistor is on. The resistor limits the peak
value of the discharge current through the transistor.
Figure 3.7
Snubber circuit
Figure 3.8
Safe operating area (SOA)
of a BJT
fulse operation
Saturation - Secondary
limit (3) breakdown limit (6)
------- Voltage
breakdown limit (1)
The SOA is important mainly for power transistors that operate in the
active, region. When used as a switch, a BJT operates in the cutoff and satura
tion region, and the transistor is in the active region only for a short period dur
ing switching. For pulse operation, the SOA is extended to a rectangle within
SO CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Figure 3.9
Secondary breakdown
Figure 3.10
The Darlington connection
3.2 Power BJTs 51
to Q2. The base current needed to drive the pair is much less than what is nec
essary to drive Q2 alone. A smaller base current allows a reduction in the cur
rent rating of the base drive circuit. The pair of transistors can be fabricated on
one chip, or two discrete transistors can be physically connected to form a Dar
lington pair.
The Darlington configuration has two disadvantages. The first is that this
configuration results in a higher on-state voltage drop (Vqecsat))- A Darlington
pair can have an on-state voltage drop between 2 and 5 V, depending on its
current and voltage rating. On-state losses are therefore higher. The second dis
advantage of the Darlington connection is its slower switching speed.
ki 4i
•*B1 %2
•'B2 -'111
h z = h i —k i + 4 i
= P i + P 2 (P i + 1) = P i + P2 + Pi P2
= PiP2
Exam ple 3.5 In Figure 3-10, Qx is rated at 20 A with pi = 20, and Q2 is rated at 100 A with
P2 = 10. Find the base current required to turn the Darlington pair on. What is
the base current requirement if Q2 is used alone?
52 CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Solution Overall,
P = 20 * 10 = 200
‘t = ^C2 = 20 + 100 = 120
Im = /c/p = 120/200 = 0.6 A
If Q2 is used alone,
4 = 100/10 = 10 A
Clearly, the base drive circuit for the Darlington pair will be quite small.
m— ■
—■——----------------------------------------- — ----------------------------- --------
3.3 Power Metai-Oxide Semiconductor
Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs)
A power MOSFET is similar to a small signal MOSFET except for its higher volt
age and current ratings. It is a fast-switching transistor, characterized by a high
input impedance, suited to low-power (up to a few kilowatts), high-frequency
(up to 100 kHZ) applications. It has important applications in switching power
supplies, in which high switching frequency means that components are smaller
and cheaper, and in speed control of small motors using pulse width modulation.
MOSFETs are available in both the N-channel and P-channel type. How
ever, N-channel devices are available with higher current and voltage ratings.
Figure 3.11 shows the symbol of a N-channel MOSFET. It has three terminals:
the gate G, the source S and the drain D. The source is always at the potential
nearest the gate. The drain is connected to the load. To turn the device on, the
drain is made positive with respect to the source and a small positive voltage
(Fgs) is applied to the gate. Having no voltage at the gate turns the switch off;
that is, the gate voltage controls the on and off conditions.
In both the on and the off states, the input resistance is extremely high and
the gate current is essentially zero due to the insulated gate. This allows gate con
trol circuits that are simple and efficient compared with tfyose necessary to drive
a BJT. The MOSFET is capable of faster transitions between the on and off states
than a BJT and thus has replaced it in high switching frequency applications.
3.3 Power MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) 53
___r BVn
Cutoff region
CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
voltage drop across the device when it is in the on state. Once the saturation?
value is reached, a further increase in VDS will only cause an increased voltage^,
drop across the device and increased power dissipation in it, without anr
increase in current.
For a given gate voltage, there are three separate operating regions o n '
the V-I characteristic: the cutoff region, the active region, and the constant- i
resistance (or ohmic, or unsaturated) region.
The cutoff region or off state of the MOSFET exists as long as Vas <
This condition holds for any value of drain-to-source voltage (Vbs) until the
breakdown voltage B V^ss is reached. At this voltage, current can increase *
rapidly and can damage the device. A MOSFET must therefore be operated such (
so that the drain-to-source voltage Vbs is maintained below the value of BV^SS,
For values of Vqs greater than the MOSFET can operate in the active
region or in the ohmic region,
In the active region, the MOSFET is operated as an amplifier. Here Vbs > ^th- '
For a given V^s, the drain current remains nearly constant irrespective of the
drain-source voltage. The drain current (/D) is controlled by Vqs, so the voltage
Vbs and the drain current (/D) can both be high simultaneously. The associated 1
power loss Vm * /D can be large, so this region is not used in power electronics
The region of interest in power electronics is the ohmic region, where the 1
drain current increases in direct proportion to the drain-source voltage and the
MOSFET is in the on state. Here VdS > 0. The ratio of voltage ( FDS) to current >
(/D) in this region is called the on-state drain-to-source resistance (j^scon)), and i
it is almost constant. This region is similar to the saturation region of the BJT. •
'^DS(ON) = -^DS(ON) 4> 3-10
A typical value of i?DS(ON> >s 0.5 £2. To make sure that the MOSFET remains in
the ohmic region for all desired values of /D, it is best to use a higher value of \
VGS than is necessary in the active region. This value is around 10 V. However.
VJjs should not exceed 20 V—if it does, the MOSFET will be destroyed. A sim- ’
pie way to limit Kqs is to connect a 20-V Zener diode across the gate-source ter
3.3.2 The MOSFET Transfer Characteristic
When the MOSFET is used as a switch, its basic function is to control the drain
current by the gate voltage. Figure 3.13 shows the transfer characteristic, which
is a plot of drain current (/D) versus gate voltage ( VGS) at a fixed drain voltage
The actual curve can be approximated by the linearized characteristic indicated
by the dashed line in Figure 3.13- The drain current is zero until we reach the
threshold voltage, then the current increases linearly with voltage. The slope is
the transconductance gm.
Iq —0 for VqS < Vffi
4> = <@mCVqs — I'm) f°r Vqs >
3.3 Power MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) 55
Figure 3.13
> tt
Transfer characteristic
3.3.3 The Ideal MOSFET Characteristic
SS': A MOSFET power switch has the ideal characteristic shown in Figure 3.14. With
VC no signal applied to the gate, the device is off. The drain current (/D) is zero
and the voltage Vbs is equal to the value of the supply voltage. A voltage at the
rH'. gate (V£jS), turns the device on, and the drain current is limited by the load
he resistance. The voltage (VoS) across the MOSFET is zero.
The two MOSFET states correspond to the two states of an on-off switch.
ed; Although a MOSFET is not an ideal switch, it is sufficiently close to the ideal
requirements to be a very useful and practical device.
Figure 3.14
:n( Ideal characteristic
3.3.4 A MOSFET as a Switch
When a power MOSFET is used as a switch and is in the on condition, it is
forced to operate in the ohmic region. This ensures that voltage drop across the
device is low, so that the drain current is determined by the load and the power
air loss in the device is small.
ldi ' The condition for MOSFET operation in the ohmic region is given by:
tedj Vns 5= K:;s ~ ^"TH
th and Vns
ds >
■0 3.11
the; Therefore for switching applications, the on-state resistance CRDS(on)) is a very
; is important parameter, since it determines the conduction power loss for a given
value of the load (drain) current. The lower the value of /?ds(on)> the lower
the on-state voltage drop, the lower the power dissipation, and the higher the
current-carrying capability of the device.
CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
It is important to point out that the total power loss in a MOSFET is higher than
in a BJT at low switching frequency, due to the higher conduction loss of the
MOSFET. However, as the switching frequency is increased, BJT switching
losses increase more than those of the MOSFET. Therefore, for high-frequency
applications, it is desirable to use a MOSFET.
Exam ple 3.6 In Figure 3.15, the DC supply voltage K, is 120 V and the load resistance i?L is
10 Q. The MOSFET parameters are t, = 1.5 jlS and */?ds(on) = 0.1 Q. If the duty
cycle d = 0.6 and the frequency of switching is 25 kHz, find
a) the power loss in the on state
b) the power loss during the turn-on interval
Figure 3.15
See Example 3.6
Example 3.7 A MOSFET has the following parameters: /Dss = 2 mA, /?ds(on) = 0-3 Q., duty
cycle d = 50%, /D = 6 A, V^,s = 100 V, £r = 100 ns, and t{ = 200 ns. If the fre
quency of switching is 40 kHz, find the total power loss.
Solution r= 1/ / = 1/40C103) = 25 \xs
foN = foFF = 12.5 |XS
P .. 62 * 0.3 - 12.5 (IQ-6) ..
PoN“ 25 (10-6) ~ 5'4W
100 * 2(10~3) * 12.5 (10-6)
25 (10-6)
100 * 6 * 100 CIO"9) „
•Pswcon) = ------------ g------------ 40(10 ) = 0.4 W
Example 3.8 Repeat Example 3-7 for a switching frequency of 100 kHz.
Solution T= 1/ / = 1/ 100 Q 0 3) = 10 M-s
k>N = toff = 5 |is (since the duty cycle is still 50%)
A)N and Foff are independent of frequency. Therefore, they remain the same.
P 3W (o n ) = ( 1 Q 9 ) * 1 0 0 ( 1 0 3) = L O W
Pr = 5.4 + 0.1 + 1.0 + 2.0 = 8.5 W (27% more than in Example 3.7)
Figure 3.16 D
Body diode
Go------------ H Overvoltages
Overvoltages do not affect a MOSFET when it is on, since the device acts like
a short circuit. However, in the off state, overvoltages that appear across the
drain-source and across the gate-source affect the MOSFET directly.
In the off state, the MOSFET will operate in the active region if VJXS
exceeds BV^ss- In this region, the voltage (V^s) and the current (ID) can be high
simultaneously, and the associated power loss VDS * ID can damage the MOS
FET. This situation is easily avoided by making sure that the supply voltage is
less than the MOSFETs breakover voltage. Protection against external overvolt
ages is accomplished by connecting a nonlinear resistor called a varistor across
the MOSFET. In case of an overvoltage close to across the MOSFET, the
resistance of the varistor decreases and allows a path for the current flow. Overcurrents
An oVbrcurrent in a power MOSFET will cause the junction temperature to
the exceed its normal value of 150°C. This overheating will eventually cause
no destruction of the MOSFET. One simple means of protection is to ensure that
)de the current flow through the MOSFET does not exceed 75% of its rated value.
- in This method allows a safety factor of about 25% if the source voltage increases
nes or if the load impedance is decreased inadvertently. Some manufacturers use
ure built-in current sensors. An overcurrent that results in a rise in temperature can
■ee- be sensed, and if the temperature exceeds a predetermined level, the MOSFET
can be turned off by removing the gate signal.
m CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Figure 3.17
Safe operating area of a
Example 3.9 In Figure 3-18, find the power dissipated by each MOSFET.
Figure 3.18
See Example 3.9
[max - t r * 10 = 6.67 A
J U = 10 - 6.67 = 3.33 A
P\ = /max
'max2 * ^ i n = 6.67" * 0.1 = 4.45 W
p2 = /min2 * i^ax = 3-332 * 0.2 = 2.22 W
CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
The Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) combines the low on-state voltage
drop and high off-state voltage characteristics of the BJT with the excellent
switching characteristics, simple gate-drive circuit, and high input impedance of
the MOSFET, IGBTs are available in current and voltage ratings well beyond
what is normally available for power MOSFETs. For example, the POWEREX
IGBT CM 1000HA-28H has a voltage -rating of 1400 V and current rating of
1000A. IGBTs are replacing MOSFETs in high-voltage applications where con
duction losses must be kept low. Although the switching speeds of IGBTs are
higher (up to 50 kHz) than those of BJTs, they are lower than those of MOS
FETs. Therefore, the maximum switching frequencies possible with IGBTs are
between those of BJTs and MOSFETs. Unlike the MOSFET, the IGBT has no
internal reverse diode, so its reverse-voltage blocking capability is very poor.
The maximum reverse voltage it can withstand is less than 10 V.
Figure 3-19 shows the circuit symbol of an N-channel IGBT and its equiv
alent connection of MOSFET and BJT. An IGBT has three terminals: the gate,
the collector, and the emitter.
Figure 3.20
IGBT V-I characteristic
Figure 3.21 ic
Ideal IGBT V-I characteristic
CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Example 3.10 In Figure 3.22, the source voltage is 220 V and the load resistance is 5 O. The
IGBT is operated at a frequency of 1 kHz. Find the on time for the pulse if the
power required to the load is 5 kW.
Figure 3.22
See Example 3.10
Solution T = 1/ / = 1 ms
1/ _ ^ON
1/ 2
p _ Jk ay g
L Ri
p _ ^ fc)N
L R iJ
.5.M OO r^
ON Ks2 220
Example 3.11 In Figure 3.22, Fs = 220 V, Rt = 10 Q, f sw = 1 kHz, and d = 0.6. If the IGBT has
the following data:
toN = 2.5 |-lS, Zqpf = 1 (AS, and T^cecsat) = 2-0 V
a) average load current
b) conduction power loss
c) switching power loss during turn-on
d) switching power loss during turnoff
, . 103 , 0,8v
(Base 2)
(Base 1)
(a) (b)
Figure 3.23
The UJT (a) structure; (b) schematic symbol; (c) characteristic
n = *BL = _ _ & L _ 3 .2 2
Rr Rbi + Rbi
The value of T| lies between 0.5 and 0.8. A typical value for most UJTs is 0.6.
Figure 3.24
Biasing a UJT B,
3.5 Unijunction Transistors (UJT) 67
Figure 3.25
Equivalent circuits for a UJT:
(a) on; (b) off
(a) (b)
1. Bx to B2 (tfB)
2. E to Bt with D forward-biased Q?B1F)
2. E to Bj with D reverse-biased (/s’BW)
4. E to B2 with D forward-biased (i?B2F)
5. E to B2 with D reverse-biased (RB2r)
Rb1r and RB2R should be extremely large compared with the other three resis
tances. Rb is the same in either direction; it is the third-largest resistance (about
5-10 kQ for most UJT). RB1F and KH2r have the smallest values. These resis
tances vary widely since the resistance of a forward-biased diode depends on
the current through it. Assuming equal current flow, Rb2¥ is about 20% smaller
than i?B1F.
&8 CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
Figure 3.26
A UJT circuit for triggering
a thyristor
Example 3.12 A 15-V source is connected across B2-Bj. If tj = 0.6, find the emitter voltage
needed to turn the silicon UJT on.
Solution The voltage across Rm is
.V rbi = 0.6 * 15 = 9 V
3.5 Unijunction Transistors (UJT) 69
Example 3.13 In Figure 3.26, FBB = 15 V, R = 45 kO, C= 0.1 flF, R2 = 270 O, = 90 £2, t| = 0.6,
and the device is silicon.
a) Draw the output waveform.
b) Find the frequency.
Solution a) The voltage-divider circuit of R2, Rx, and the UJTs Rm and Rm set up 0.6 *
15 = 9 V at the UJT’s t) point. When’ the capacitor charges to a voltage
greater than 9-7 V, the UJT turns on. This places the resistance across C\
and it quickly discharges, turning off the UJT. C begins to charge again, and
the cycle repeats. The voltage across the capacitor Vc is shown in Figure
3.27. Its sawtooth waveform is caused by relatively slow charging and quick
discharging. During the quick discharge, a large current through Rx causes a
voltage spike at the output VOX}T, as shown in Figure 3-27.
Figure 3.27
Output waveform vc
b) / = RC 222 Hz
45C103) * 0.1(10“6)
CHAPTER 3 Power Transistors
3 .6 Problem s
3.16 An IGBT switch controls power to a 15-0 resistive load. The DC source
voltage = 440 V, Vcecsat) = 1-5 V, the switching frequency = 2 kHz,
toN = 20 ns, and the duty cycle = 0.6. Find
(a) the IGBT minimum current rating
(b) the on-state power loss
(c) the turn-on power loss
3.7 Equations
^CF. — Vcc ~ 3 .1
T ■ VCC ~ ^CE(SAT) ^CC ,
■'C(SAT) - _ ~ ,,
t — la s x n _ ^cc -» -x
P “ P*: 3-3
/o N “ ^CECSAT) Jc 3 .4
^OFF = Vce * I c ~ ^CC * leakage 3 -5
117 — ^CC ^C(rnax) f -2 s
**(SW -O N) ~ ft T
^ D S (O N ) = /'O S (O N ) 4 ) 3.10
^ds — 'I'gs ~ ^th and VJ)S > 0 3 -1 1
PqS > 0 an d VqS < Vj^ 3 -1 2
/ o n = 4 )2 ^ b s (O N ) 3 .1 3
/o ff - ^DS(max) kss ^ 3-14
P DN — ^ O N * 7SW
« _ jS m . _ ___^£1___
i?B -^Bl + ^B2
^RBl = "H ^BB
Vp = Vh + l\ Vm
f = 1/7*
r=i?CIn— — » £<7
1 -T1
Thyristor Devices
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
4.1 Introduction
" '
Thyristors are four-layer PNPN power semiconductor devices used as electronic
switches. Their main advantage is that they can convert and control large
amounts of power in AC or DC systems while using very low power for con- *:
trol. This chapter will introduce the thyristor family, which includes the silicon
controlled rectifier (SCR), the gate-turnoff thyristor (GTO), the triac, the diac, the J
silicon controlled switch (SCS), and the MOS-controlled thyristor (MCT). The
SCR is the most important member of the family and is emphasized in this chap- ;
ter. SCRs are widely used in such applications as regulated power supplies, sta-
tic switches, choppers, inverters, cycloconverters, heaters, lighting, and motor E
: 4.2.1 Description
The structure of an SCR is shown in Figure 4.1(a), and Figure 4.1(b) shows
J the electrical symbol. It has three terminals: the anode (A) and the cathode
f (K) are its power terminals, and the gate (G) is the control terminal. When
! the SCR is forward-biased, that is, w hen the anode is made /positive with
; respect to the cathode, a positive voltage on the gate with respect to the
? cathode turns on (triggers) the SCR. However, the current through the SCR
cannot be turned off using the gate. It is turned off by interrupting the anode
current. In a manner similar to that of a diode, the SCR blocks current in the
! reverse direction.
G c
(a) (b)
?6 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
allows current through the NPN collector (the PNP base). If the SCR anode is
positive, the PNP emitter-base junction is forward-biased, turning it on. After the
PNP transistor is turned on, it in turn supplies the NPN with base current. This
regenerative process, called latching, continues until both transistors are driven ‘
into saturation. Removal of the gate voltage will not turn the SCR off. Qi sup
plies Q2 with base current and Q2 supplies Q1 with base current. The SCR [
remains on until its principal current (current from anode to cathode) is inter- i
rupted. I
It is important to note that to turn the thyristor on, the gate requires a |
small-magnitude positive pulse for only a short period of time. Once the device |
is on, the gate signal serves no useful purpose and can be removed. f
H------------ :-------------------------------------
4.3 SCR Characteristic Curves
The volt-ampere characteristic of an SCR is shown in Figure 4.3. When the SCR
is forward-biased, a small forward current called the off-state current flows
through the device. This region of the curve is known as the forward blocking
region. However, if the forward bias is increased until the anode voltage
reaches a critical limit called the forw ard breakover voltage ( Vmo), the SCR turns
on. The voltage across the SCR then drops to a low value, the on-state voltage
(1-3 V), and the current increases sharply, limited only by the components in
series with the SCR.
As can be seen from the three characteristic curves, the value of Vmo can
be controlled by the level of the gate current. If the gate-cathode junction is
Reverse breakdown
4.3 SCR Characteristic Curves 77
forward-biased, the SCR is turned on at a lower breakover voltage than with the
gate open (/G = 0). As the gate current is increased, the breakover voltage is
decreased and the SCR characteristic closely resembles that of an ordinary
diode. The only difference in the three curves is in the forward-blocking region.
The Iq = 0 curve shows that the SCR can be turned on with no gate current, but
this is not a desirable characteristic in SCRs. In practice, the SCR is made to
switch on by applying a gate signal. At a low gate current Ggi), the SCR turns
on at a lower forward-anode voltage. At a higher gate current (/G2), the SCR
fires at a still lower value of forward-anode voltage.
The reverse characteristic is similar to that of a common PN junction
diode. When the SCR is reverse-biased (that is, when the anode is made nega
tive with respect to the cathode), there is a small reverse leakage current (4). If
the reverse voltage is increased until the voltage reaches the reverse breakdown
voltage ( V(BR)R), the reverse current will increase sharply. If the current is not
limited to a safe value, the device can be destroyed. Care must be taken to
make sure that the maximum reverse voltage across an SCR does not exceed its
breakdown voltage.
Essentially, the SCR acts like a switch. When the applied voltage is below
the breakover point, the switch is off. When the applied voltage reaches the
breakover point or if a positive signal is applied to the gate, the switch is on.
The SCR remains on as long as its anode current IA stays above a certain value
called the holding current (/H).
After the SCR has been turned on, the gate loses control, that is, even if
the gate current is reduced to zero, the SCR remains on. The SCR can only be
turned off by removing the supply voltage, or reducing the anode current to a
level below the holding current. If the source is AC, the SCR is reverse-biased
during the negative half-cycle and therefore turns off “naturally.”
: Idealized characteristic
of an SCR
Forward conduction
On state
switches the SCR from the forward blocking state to the forward conducting |f
state. The ideal SCR behaves like a diode after it has been turned on. $
An SCR can be tested by forward-biasing it, supplying the gate with a trigger
voltage, and noting whether the SCR stays on after the gate-voltage is removed.
Small SCRs that have low holding currents can be tested easily with a digital
Figure 4.5 shows how to test an SCR with an ohmmeter. To test the SCR,
connect the positive ohmmeter lead to the anode and the negative lead to the
cathode. This forward-biases the SCR. However, the ohmmeter should give a
very high reading since the SCR is off. Then short the gate to the anode. This
supplies the trigger signal to the gate, and the SCR should turn on. The resis
tance should decrease and should stay low even after the gate lead is removed
from the anode. During the test, the anode and cathode must remain connected
to the ohmmeter.
Figure 4.5 A
Testing an SCR with an
If the SCR turns on before the gate voltage is applied, it is shorted from
anode to cathode. If it does not turn on after the gate voltage is applied, it is
open. If it turns on during a gate trigger but turns off immediately when the
gate lead is removed, its condition is doubtful. The current supplied by the
ohmmeter may not be sufficient to keep the SCR ab6 ve its holding current level
Reverse-bias the SCR by connecting the cathode to the positive ohmmeter
lead and the anode to the negative lead. The ohmmeter should show an infi
nite reading. If the gate is shorted to the anode, the ohmmeter should still indi
cate infinity.
Care must be taken with this method of testing. If the voltage applied by the
ohmmeter to the gate-cathode junction is too high, the device may be destroyed.
SCRs can be tested more reliably by using a curve tracer to give the exact
values of certain voltages or currents. Nevertheless, for a quick check of an SCR,
an ohmmeter works quite well.
4.5 SCR Ratings 79
*—---------- :------------:------- 'I.. ....:------— —
4.5 SCR Ratings
The ratings of a semiconductor device give the values for the various conditions
that a manufacturer recommends for reliable operation of the device. The use
of a device beyond the limits defined by its ratings usually leads to destruction.
Therefore, a device should never be used beyond its rating limits.
A anode or ambient
AVE average
c case
D forward blocking region (no gate voltage)
F forward
G gate
H holding current
j junction
K cathode
L latching
M maximum
O open third terminal (for example, gate open)
pk peak
R reverse (when used as the first subscript) repetitive (when used as the
second subscript)
S shorted (when used as the first subscript) surge (when used as a second
T total or maximum (when used as the first subscript) triggered (when used
as a second subscript)
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
easy to measure and control directly. However, we can easily, measure and I
control the SCR voltages and currents that contribute to Tj. The largest contrib-' ;
utor to 7] is repetitive RMS on-state current IT(rms).
The RMS (or effective) current is used to rate the device, sihce it deter
mines the heat dissipation. However, the DC or average current delivered to the
load is usually more important. Therefore, manufacturers give their data ini
terms of average current ( / tcave>)> which is called rated average on-state current.
/•ixave) is the maximum average current value that can be carried by the SCR in
its on state. Average current is equal to RMS current in a pure DC circuit. How
ever, the average value of a pulse is much lower than its RMS value.
Determining the RMS value of a npnsinusoidal waveform like the one
shown in Figure 4.6 is quite difficult. We can simplify the calculations by
approximating the nonsinusoidal waveform by a rectangular waveform whose
height is equal to the peak value and whose width is equal to the pulse dura
tion. This approximation will give a higher RMS value, but it leaves a slight
safety factor.
Figure 4.6
Approximation of the SCR
waveform (a) actual
waveform (b) approximation
After approximating, the RMS value of the current can be found from
r -----
_ 11m h
1 4.1
where tQis the pulse duration, T is the pulse-repetition time, and /m is maximum
current. The average value of the pulse is given by
The fo rm factor (fa) is defined as the ratio of the RMS current to the average ' !
fo 4.3 i
4.5 SCR Ratings 81
20° 5.0
40° 3.5
60° 2.7
80° 2.3
100° 2.0
120° 1.8
140° 1.6
180° 1.3
If we know the form factor for a given waveform, the RMS current can be eas
ily obtained from
4mS = fo^AVe) 4.4
The given current rating of a particular SCR is usually its maximum repetitive
RMS current (/trms)- Care should be exercised if the current rating given is DC
or average. The RMS rating /TRMS is then
^T(RMS).= ■/jC^rcAVE)) 4.5
Table 4-2 gives the form factor as a function of conduction angle (0). The con
duction angle is the duration for which the SCR is on. It is measured as shown
in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7 lh
Conduction angle
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Example 4.1 Find the form factor of the waveform shown in Figure 4.8(a).
•'RMS ■
(10)2 ,
= V 333
= 5.8 A
Using Equation 4.2
r _ /m.fft.
•*AVE “ j,
_ ( 10)2
= 3.3 A
Using Equation 4.3,
f _ ^RMS
Jo — „
U ve
= 1.7
Example 4.2 Find the RMS current in an SCR circuit when a DC ammeter reads
conduction angle of 60 °
4.5 SCR Ratings S3
Solution For a conduction angle of 60°, the form factor from Table 4—2 is
fo = 2.7
Using Equation 4.4,
4 ms = 2.7 (100) = 270 A
Example 4.3 'Find the maximum value of the load resistor that ensures SCR conduction in the
circuit shown in Figure 4.9. The SCR has a holding current of 200 mA.
Figure 4.9
See Example 4.3
Vs = 208 V - ± r
Solution In order for the SCR to remain on, the anode current must not fall below 200'-?!
mA. Therefore,
W = -^ = ^ - 1040 0
Figure 4.10
See Example 4.4
? orl
ig h - f
86 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Vp = V 2 (208) = 294 V
Using Equation 4.6,
I - ----- =14 j
> _____ UKM
i?L RiCdv/df)max
Figure 4.11
A snubber circuit to reduce
4.5 SCR Ratings 87
When the SCR is off, the capacitor charges up in a positive direction up to the
instant of SCR turn-on. When the SCR is triggered on, the capacitor discharges
and adds to the di/dt presented by the original circuit. Therefore, a small resis-
,tor (Bs) is added in series with the capacitor to slow the capacitor discharge and
limit the current transient at turn-on.
An approximate value of iS, can b e obtained from Equation 4.9. This equa
tion actually gives the minimum resistance required, so a value greater than this
is usually used. A suitable value w ould be 100 Q.
^DRM 4.9
lat«. (di/dt)„
•yet,; Although the addition of Rs protects the SCR from high values of di/dt, it low
turn ers the dv/dt capability of the SCR. To extend dv/dt, a small diode Ds is con
ater’ nected across Rs. During times when dv/dt is high, the diode shorts Rs, but dur
>• h> ing times of high di/dt, the diode is off.
Example 4.5 An SCR has FDRM = 600 V, (dv/dt) nmx = 25 V/|iS, and ( d i / d t ) = 30 A/(xS. It is
can used to energize a 100-Q resistive load. Find the minimum values for an RC
i in.
snubber circuit to avoid unintentional triggering.
/ice. Solution Using Equation 4.7,
, 600 V
led-J 24 (is
osk “ 25 V/ns ~
rate| Using Equation 4.8,
iingf 24 x 10 -6
C= 0.24 (.IF
Example 4.6 In Figure 4.12, the source voltage is 120 V and the load resistance is 10 i l The
SCR can withstand a dv/dt value of 40 V/(iS. If the snubber discharge current
must be limited to 3 A, find the value of the snubber resistor and capacitor.
Figure 4.12
See Example 4.6
88 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
If the SCR is turned on at the instant the source voltage is at its peak value, tjf
voltage across the capacitor is 169.7 V. To limit the snubber discharge currei£
to 3 A, the value of Rs is ‘I
* =i ^ = 42 .4 a
3 s
4.5.6 Gate Parameters
There are six important gate ratings, classified in terms of current and volti
The following four are maximum gate ratings. When any of these are exceed
the SCR may be destroyed.
Example 4.7 For the circuit in Figure 4.13 what is the minimum yoltage (VjN) that will fire the
SCR, if the gate current needed to fire the SCR is 15 mA.
Figure 4.13
See Example 4.7
Solution Since there is a regular PN junction between the gate and cathode, the gate-
cathode voltage must be slightly greater than 0.6 V to forward-bias the junction.
Let us assume a forward-bias voltage V0 of 0.7 V. Then
= IoT (100) + 0.7
= (15 * 10“3)(100) + 0.7
= 1.5 + 0.7 = 2.2 V
4.7 Increasing SCR Ratings
To ensure that SCR maximum ratings are not exceeded, an SCR with sufficient
ratings must be chosen. We can increase SCR ratings by using external cooling
to remove the heat produced by losses in the SCR. Adding external circuitry can
also increase the voltage- and current-handling capabilities, and ratings can be
extended by connecting SCRs in series and in parallel.
The reliability and life of semiconductor devices often depend on how
well they are cooled. The power wasted as heat in t)ie device also lowers effi
ciency. Usually SCRs dissipate about 1% of the total power. SCRs should be
located in well-ventilated, cool places away from other heat-generating devices.
In most situations, the SCR case is not effective in carrying away the heat
from the junction, so suitable heat dissipation devices like heat sinks should be
provided. A heat sink is made of a metal, normally copper or aluminum, that is
a good conductor of heat. It is quite thick where it contacts the SCR and thin
where it contacts the air. This design provides a large surface area from which
the heat can pass by convection and radiation to the surrounding air. To help
heat conduction, silicon grease infused with metallic oxides is normally used
between the adjoining surfaces of the SCR and the heat sink. The outside sur
face normally has parallel fins to let convection currents of air flow freely. For
cooling larger SCRs, the.convection flow can be further improved by using a fan
or forced air. Water cooling is also used with very high power dissipating
4.8 Series and Parallel SCR Connections 91
Figure 4.14
The sharing of voltages
si between tw</series-
l { connected SCRs, SCR-, and
SCR2 .
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
( Vi) is higher than that across SCR2 ( V2) because the leakage current for SCRi is
smaller than that of SCR2 for the same voltage. Therefore, the two SCRs do not 1
share the supply voltage equally. The maximum voltage that the SCRs can block
is only V\ + V2, not 2Vbo. To use the full forward blocking capabilities of each
SCR, the forward blocking voltage must be equally distributed.
A nearly equal distribution of voltages during blocking is easily accom
plished by connecting voltage-equalizing resistors Ri and R2 (Figure 4.15(a)) in
parallel with each SCR such that each parallel combination has the same resis
tance. However, when a num ber of SCRs are connected in series, this method
becomes uneconomical. A second approach, which permits a reasonably uni
form distribution of voltages, is to use the same value resistance in parallel with
each SCR. This allows a different but fixed voltage to appear across each SCR.
In this arrangement (Figure 4.15(b)), the SCR with the lower leakage current will
have a greater portion of the blocking voltage than the SCR with the higher
leakage current.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.15
(a) Resistance equalization (b) voltage equalization
Let us assume that the leakage current of SCR](/SCRi) is greater than the leakage
current of SCR2 (Isckz)- SCR2 will be required to have the larger voltage ( VJ.
V2 = I2R
The voltage across the series combination is
Vm = V 2 + ItR
Applying Kirchoff s current law (KCL) to the middle node,
kcm + h = 4cr2 + h
h e m + 4 cr2 = h ~ h = A /
4.8 Series and Parallel SCR Connection 93
k = h - A/
Vm - V2 + C li- A/)J?
= V2 + I2R - A I R
= V2 + V2 - AIR
= 2 V2 - AIR
Unequal voltage distribution among SCRs in series also occurs during turn-ons
and turnoffs. One SCR may turn on or turn off before the other. The off SCR
will then be subjected to the full source voltage. Shunt capacitors are very effec
tive in equalizing voltages during switching. The capacitor also forces voltage
sharing during sudden changes in supply voltage. A resistor is added in series
with the capacitor to limit the current and di/dt (due to discharge of the capac
itor through SCR) during turn-on. This Cs and 7^ combination, shown in Figure
4.16, is essentially a snubber circuit. A diode (D) connected across #s shunts it
for forward voltages.
Figure 4.16
RC equalization for SCRs
connected in series
Example 4.9 The voltages across two SCRs connected in series are 200 V and 180 V. Calcu
late the value of the required equalizing resistor if the SCRs have a maximum
difference of 1 mA in latching current. Also find the power dissipated by the
blocking resistors.
94 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Matched-pair SCRs are generally available for parallel connection, but they are
very expensive. With unmatched SCRs, equal current sharing is enforced by
adding a low-value resistor or inductor in series with each SCR. Forced current
sharing using equal-value resistors is shown in Figure 4.18. The basic require
ment is to make current lx close to I2; a maximum difference of 20% is accept
able. If we assume the voltage Vx across SCR! to be greater than the voltage V2
across SCR2, the value of R can be obtained from
1XR+ V = I2R+ V2
Example 4.10 In the circuit in Figure 4.18, the source voltage is 500 V and the load resistance
is 5 £1 Two SCRs with the characteristic shown in Figure 4.17(b), each rated at
70 A, are connected in parallel'to share the load current. Find the value of the
resistor that will give the proper current sharing. Also find the voltage drop
across the parallel combination and the power dissipated by the current-sharing
h ~h 6 5 -3 5
The voltage drops across the two resistors are:
ItR= 35 (0.0033) = 0.12 V
I2R= 65 (0.0033) = 0.22 V
The voltage drop across the parallel branch, is
Vx + I XR= V2 + I2R
= 1.6 + 0.12 = 1.5 + 0.22 = 1.72 V
The power loss in the resistor is
I*r = 352 (0.0033) = 4.1 W
?2r = 652 (0.0033) = 14.1 W
Equalization using resistors is inefficient due to the extra power loss in the resis
tor. Moreover, resistors do not compensate for unequal SCR turn-on or turnoff
times. One of the SCRs may turn on or turn off before the other. In either case,
the on SCR must carry the full-load current momentarily until both are switched,
and it can easily be damaged due to overloading. Figure 4.19 shows a center-
tapped reactor in which die SCR carrying the greater current will induce a volt
age proportional to the imbalance in current and with the polarity shown. Volt
age in reactor Z, opposes the flow of current, and voltage in L2 causes an
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Figure 4.19
Current sharing in SCRs w ith
parallel reactors
Example 4. 11 For the circuit in Figure 4.18, find the value of the current shari g ^ ^n(j
Vs = 1000 V, Rt - 1 and the rated current of each SCR is
pow er loss in the resistors.
Solution Choose
1.55 V
Vi = 1.45 V
4 =1000/1 = 1000 A
Let one thyristor carry
h - 400 A
/2 = 1000 - 400 = 600 A
1.55 - 1,45 : 0.5
P LOSS ; (600)2(0.0005) + (400)2(0.0005) - 260 W
4.9 Power Loss 97
The off-state power loss when the SCR is blocking in either direction and trig
gering losses is small enough to be ignored under normal operating conditions.
For low operating frequencies (below 400 Hz), the switching loss is also small.
Therefore, the main source of power loss is the on-state power loss. This loss can
be calculated by multiplying the on-stage voltage by the on-state current.
Switching power losses increase in high-frequency operations, particularly
at turn on. Switching loss can be found by multiplying the instantaneous volt
age by the instantaneous current.
At the higher switching frequency, the total power dissipation increases to 1.6 kW,
the switching power loss being the dominant factor. The 50-A SCR obviously
cannot dissipate the enormous amount of heat that is generated. The higher the
switching frequency, the higher the power dissipation during switching—this
power dissipation limits the maximum frequency of operation. Furthermore, the
current rating of the device must be increased at higher frequencies.
The limiting frequency above which the switching power loss becomes a
dominant factor can usually be estimated from:
on-state + off-state power loss averaged over a cycle ^ ^
energy dissipated during switching per cycle
Example 4.14 Find the limiting switching frequency of the SCR in Example 4.12.
Solution With a 50% duty cycle, the on-state + off-state power loss averaged over a cycle is
= 37.625 W
energy dissipated during switching per cycle is: (5.2 + 26) mj = 0.03 J
limiting frequency = 37.625/0.03 « 1250 Hz
4.10 SCR Protection 99
Example 4.15 Find the PIV rating of an SCR connected across a 220-V AC source. Use a safety
factor of 1.5.
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
= V 2 * 220 = 311 V
V''pp ee a
a kk ■
KF = — - = 1.5
PIV= 1.5 * 311 =466.5 V
4.10.3 f t Rating
The energy that must be dissipated by a fuse comes from either the power
source or the energy stored in the inductive components of the circuit. The heat
energy to be dissipated by the fuse is equal to f t . Therefore, the I2t rating
defines the thermal capacity of fuses and is used in the protection of SCRs. Dur
ing overloads, faults, and short circuits, the SCR must withstand conditions lead
ing to high junction temperatures. The f t rating for the SCR allows selection of
the correct protection to avoid overheating the junction.
Manufacturers of fuses and SCRs specify in their data the f t ratings of
their devices. The f t rating of the SCR is based on the device operating at max
imum rated current and maximum junction temperature. Because fuses and
SCRs are rated on a common basis, it is only necessary to select a fuse with an
f t rating less than the f t rating of the SCR for proper protection. I is the RMS
value of the current, and t is the time in seconds.
For proper operation of circuits using SCRs, the trigger circuits should supply the
firing signal at precisely the correct time to assure turn-on when required. In gen
eral, the firing circuit used to trigger an SCR must meet the following criteria:
4.12.1 DC Signals
Figure 4.20(a) shows a simple circuit that applies a DC signal from an external
trigger circuit. The switch S is closed to turn the SCR on. Closing the switch
applies a DC current to the gate of the SCR, which is forward-biased by the
source (Vs)- Once the SCR is conducting, the switch can be opened to remove
the gate signal. Diode D limits the magnitude of a negative gate signal to ~ 1 V,
and the resistor i<b is used to limit the gate current. Figure 4.20(b) shows an
alternative circuit that provides the gate signal internally from the main power
source. The two circuits operate in essentially the same way.
Applying a constant DC gate signal is not desirable because of the gate
power dissipation, which would be present at all times. Also, DC gate signals
are not used for triggering SCRs in AC applications, because the presence of a
positive signal at the gate during the negative half-cycle would increase the
reverse anode current and possibly destroy the device.
102 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Figure 4.26-
DC gating signals (a) from a separate source (b) from the same source
Example 4.16 The SCR in Figure 4.20(a) has a maximum gate current of 100 mA and a maxi
mum VGK of 2 V. If Eq is 15 V, find the value of KG that will provide sufficient
current for tum-on, Also find the power dissipated by the gate.
Solution Applying KVL around the input loop,
E c - h * Rg - V gk = 0
ig * rg = eg - vgk
^ _ Ec ~ VgK 15
130 £1
Any value of Rq greater than 130 O will satisfy the gate current require
ment for turn-on. However, Fq cannot be made infinitely large since the mini
mum gate current requirement must also be satisfied,
The power dissipated by the gate is
Pc, » VGK * IG
= 2 * 100(10~3)
= 0.200 W
Example 4.17 The SCR in Figure 4.21 has a minimum gate current o f 100 mA and a minimum
VGK of 2 V, If jRs s? 20 Q and J?G == 30 Q,. find the value of the trigger voltage
( ^trig) that will provide sufficient current for turn-on.
Solution Applying KVL around the input loop,
^ tr ig t Is * ~ Vg k — Q
Vxrig = /s * Rs + VGK
4.12 SCR Gate-Triggering Circuits 103
Figure 4.21
See Example 4.17
''t r i g = + + VGK
= (— + 0 .1 ) 2 0 + 2
A 30 )
= 5.33 V
(a) (b )'
Figure 4.22 a
SCR trigger circuits using a UJT oscillator m
The operation of the circuit shown in Figure 4,2203) is similar. The width
and rise time of the pulse can be improved by using the output across Rx to drive
a transistor Q connected in series with the transformer primary. When the pulse
from the UJT is applied to the base of Q, the transistor saturates and the supply
voltage Vs is applied across the primary. This induces a voltage pulse at the sec
ondary of the pulse transformer, which is applied to the SCR. Wheti the pulse to
the base of Q is removed, it turns off. The current paused by the collapsing mag
netic field in the transformer induces a voltage of opposite polarity across ithe pri
mary winding. Diode D provides a path for current flow during this time.
- ..... „— g— ^
+ Ir
p c ;
r Vc r
Figure 4.23
(a) An SCR trigger circuit using a diac (b) waveforms
4.12 SCR Gate-Triggering Circuits 105
A similar circuit using a diac (Figure 4.23 (a)) charges a capacitor slowly
over a period of time determined by the RC time constant. After the capacitor
has been charged to a voltage equal to the breakover voltage of the diac, it
switches the diac into conduction. The capacitor is then rapidly discharged into
the gate terminal of the SCR. After a short interval, the diac turns off and the
cycle repeats. This arrangement requires a relatively low power to charge the
capacitor from the DC source, but it supplies a large power for a short time for
reliable SCR turn-on. The waveforms are shown in Figure 4.23 (b).
The trigger circuit in Figure 4.24 uses an optocoupler to obtain electrical
isolation between the control circuitry and the load. Triggering via optocoupler
also prevents false triggering from noise or transients. This triggering technique
is especially popular in solid-state relays.
Figure 4.24
An SCR trigger circuit using
an optocoupler
4.12.3 AC Signals
The most common method of controlling SCRs in AC applications is to derive
the firing signal from the same AC source and to control its point of application
to the SCR during the positive half-cycle. A simple resistive trigger circuit is
shown in Figure 4.25(a). During the positive half-cycle, the SCR is in the for-
Figure 4.25
AC signals (a) resistive phase control (b) RC phase control
106 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
ward blocking state. At some value of Fs, the gate current is high enough to
turn the SCR on. The exact moment of firing of the SCR is controlled by rhjeo-
stat R2. Diode D ensures that only positive current is applied to the gate. In Fig
ure 4.25(b), an /?<? circuit produces the gating signal. The voltage across Clags
the supply voltage by an amount that depends on the value of (Rx + R2) and C.
Increasing Il2 increases the time it takes for the voltage Vc to reach a level at
which there is sufficient gate current to turn on the SCR.
Example 4.18 A gate-triggering circuit for an SCR provides a train of pulses with a frequency
of 100 Hz and a pulse width of 2 ms. If the pulse has a peak power of 2 W,
find the average power dissipated by the gate.
Solution pulse period T = 1 //= 1/100 = 10 ms
duty c 4 l^ jrf= Ton/T = 2/10 = 0.2 ',
P a o » J = 9-2 * 2 = 0.4 W
SCRs connected in series or parallel should be triggered from the same source
and at the same instant. This can be achieved by using a relatively high gate-
trigger vbltage that fires the SCRs faster resulting in a uniform turn-on time. A
pulse transformer is used to ensure that all gates are triggered simultaneously.
Figure 4.26 shows a gate-trigger pulse transformer with properly insulated mul
tiple secondary' windings. The transformer also provides electrical isolation so
-—| Load |— o
Trigger Firing
pulse pulse
Figure 4.26
Simultaneous triggering o f SCRs (a) triggering SCRs in series (b) triggering SCRs in
4.14 SCR Turnoff (Commutation) Circuits 107
• > that the trigger source is not loaded heavily, thus preventing other SCRs in the
group from firing.
SCR is on, the transistor is in the off state. To turn the SCR off, a positive pulse '
is applied to the base of Q, turning it on. The anode current is diverted to the *
transistor. When the anode current falls below the holding current, the SCR t,
turns off. The transistor is held on just long enough to turn off the SCR. This is
not a useful method for repetitive on-off operations since the SCR Is not actu- :
ally reverse-biased and turnoff is therefore slow.
Figure 4.27 R
SCR turnoff circuits using a ----W vr
transistor switch
Off pulse
In another method, the SCR can be turned off by applying a reverse bias
for enough time to allow the SCR to recover its forward blocking ability. A typ
ical commutation circuit includes a commutation capacitor C and an auxiliary
SCR2, as shown in Figure 4.28. When the main SCR! is conducting, capacitor C
charges to the source voltage Vs through Ru initially with the polarity shown.
At this instant, SCR2 is off. To turn SCRj off, SCR2 is triggered. When SCR2 turns
on, the capacitor is switched across SCRi, applying a reverse voltage across it.
If SCRi is reverse-biased long enough, it will turn off.
Figure 4.28
SCR turnoff circuits using a
commutation capacitor
To ensure successful commutation, the value of the capacitance C can be
determined by:
C> 4.14
0.693 Ri.
Example 4.19 In the circuit in Figure 4.28, the source voltage is 220 V and the load resistance
is 10 £1 If the turnoff time for the SCR is 10 (is, find the minimum value of
capacitance that will ensure commutation.
Solution The minimum value of C is:
c = — km.— = IP J10._) _ 144
0.0693 Rl 0.693 * 10 ^
A suitable value of C would be 1.5 (xF.
---- ►
\ \ .
..... 7 vs
.... n
(a) (b)
Figure 4.29
Commutation by external source (a) circuit (b) waveforms
When the SCR is triggered by applying a gate signal, current flows through
the SCR, the secondary of the pulse transformer, and the load. To turn the SCR
off, a positive pulse from the pulse transformer is applied to the cathode of the
SCR. The capacitor is charged to only about 1 V and can be considered a short
circuit for the duration of commutation.
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
Figure 4.30
Series resonant turnoff SCR
The parallel resonance commutation circuit shown in Figure 4.31 can also
be used to turn an SCR off. The capacitor C is initially charged during the SCR
off period to the source voltage with the polarity indicated. When the SCR is
turned on, the capacitor discharges through the LC resonant circuit and applies
a reverse voltage across the SCR to turn it off. Once the SCR is turned on, it
conducts till the capacitor charges again to Vs and starts discharging through the
SCR and L, Then it automatically turns off.
Figure 4.31
Parallel resonant turnoff
during the negative half-cycle of the input voltage. With zero gate signal the
SCR will turn off if the turnoff time of the SCR is less than the duration of the
half-cycle, that is, for a period 772, The maximum frequency at which this cir
cuit can operate depends on the turnoff time of the SCR.
Figure 4.32
AC line commutation
4.15 Other Types of Thyristors
We have now discussed the standard thyristor, the silicon controlled rectifier, in
some detail. The other important members of the thyristor family are the gate
turnoff GTO thyristor and the triac. There are also several low-power devices
belonging to this family that are mainly used in trigger circuits to turn the thyris
tor on, The principal ones are the silicon controlled switch (SCS) and the diac.
The MOS-controlled thyristor (MCT) is a new but very promising switching
Cathode 0 P Gate (AG)
Gate (KG) I<
Cathode (K)
(a) (b)
Figure 4.34 shows the electrical equivalent circuit. As shown, both transis
tor bases are accessible for applying gate pulses. Like an SCR, an SCS can be
turned on by applying a positive pulse at the cathode gate. The device can also
be turned on by applying a negative gate pulse at the anode gate. If the SCS is
on, a positive pulse at the anode gate or a negative pulse at the cathode gate
is required to turn it off. Usually, the turn-on anode gate current is larger in
magnitude than the required cathode gate current.
Figure 4.34
Equivalent circuit for an SCS
the device are therefore controlled by the gate current. A second very important
characteristic of the GTO is its improved switching characteristics. The turn-on
time is similar to that of the SCR, but the turnoff time is much smaller. This
allows the use of GTOs in high-speed applications. However, the voltage a n d ,
current ratings of available GTOs are lower than those of SCRs. GTOs also have
higher on-state voltage drops and less leakage current. GTOs are used in motor
drives, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), static volt amperes reactive (VAR)
compensators, choppers, and inverters at high power levels.
The structure of a GTO, shown in Figure 4.35(a), is essentially the same
as that of an SCR. The symbol for the GTO is shown in Figure 4.35(b). If the
anode (A) is made positive with respect to the cathode (K) and a positive gate
signal is applied to the gate, the GTO turns on. It remains on until the anode
. current falls to a value below the holding current. To turn the device off, a neg
ative gate signal is applied to the gate.
Gate o -
The ideal V-I characteristic of the GTO is shown in Figure 4.36. If there is
no gate signal, the device remains off for either polarity of anode-cathode volt
age. In the forward direction, if a positive signal7G is applied to the gate, the
Figure 4-36
GTO ideal V-I characteristic
114 CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices
GTO turns on. It remains on, even if the gate signal is rem oved if -
signal -I G is applied to the gate, the GTO turns off. It. stays off Untij ne
gate signal is reapplied. Like an SCR, the GTO can still be turned off l
ing the anode current to a value below the holding current. r
The major disadvantage of the GTO is the increase in the m a » •
the gate current required to turn on or turn off the device, compared ■
SCR. Usually, more gate current is needed to turn off the device than
on. The GTO also has reduced reverse voltage blocking capability Th
an inverse diode must be used across the SCR (as shown in Figure 4 3 7 ) j[e
is likelihood thdt a high reverse voltage may appear across the devic >*
power losses are also somewhat higher than those of the SCR due to '
conduction loss. However, these disadvantages far outweigh its conve-f
when used in DC applications that would require additional components 11
off the device if an SCR were used.
Figure 4.37
GTO snubber circuit
- Snublvr
GTOs are subjected, to large power losses w hen a sharp rise voltage'
applied. To prevent this, a polarized snubber consisting of capacitors, resin/
and a diode is connected in parallel with the GTO (see Figure 4.37). The s-
ber circuit also limits d v /d t across the GTO during turnoff.
—---- J p.1
P2 f
Anode 2 Anode 2
(a) (b)
4.15 Other Types of Thyristors 115
Figure 4.39
V-I characteristic of a diac
Main terminal 1
— JL
~N \P / ' N >G
Gate (G) o
Main terminal 2
m t2
m t2
Figure 4.40
The Triac (a) structure (b) symbol (c) SCR equivalent circuit
nitude of the gate signal increases, the breakover point of the triac decreases,
Once the triac turns on, the gate signal can be removed, and just like an SCR,
the triac remains on until the main current falls below the holding current. The
four operating modes for turn-on are summarized in Table 4-3.
Figure 4.41 /
Triac V-I characteristic
MT2 positive
MT2 negative
A triac is more economical and easy to control, but if the power to be regulated
is greater than the triac’s rating, a pair of SCRs can be used, In fact, due to the
higher dv/dt capabilities and lower turnoff times of the SCR, high-power circuits
normally employ two SCRs to achieve the function of a triac.
One limitation of the triac is its slow speed, which limits the operating fre
quency to a few hundred hertz, Triacs are therefore exclusively used to regulate
4.15 Other Types o f Thyristors 117
Positive Positive
Positive Negative
Negative Positive
Negative Negative
Figure 4.42 A
The MCT (a) symbol
(b) equivalent circuit. A
CHAPTER 4 Thyristor Devices |
Unlike a GTO, which is turned on and off by establishing a gate current, M
the MCT is switched by establishing the proper voltage from gate to anode. J
When the gate-to-anode voltage is approximately -5V, Qon turns on and sup-'f
plies gate current to the SCR. This turns on the SCR. The MCT is turned off by fj
applying a gate-to-anode voltage of approximately +10V, which turns Qqfp on. |
This shunts current away from the SCR and turns it off.
Figure 4.43
MCT V-I characteristic
If the cathode (K) is made positive with respect to the anode (A) with
either positive or negative voltage applied to the gate, the MCT breaks down at
a low voltage. This situation is to be avoided.
The normal way to turn the device on is to forward-bias the MCT by mak
ing the anode positive with respect to the cathode and. applying a negative volt
age to the gate and anode. When on, the voltage drop across the MCT (VqN) is
very small (about 1 V) and the anode current is limited only by the load resis
tance. Once the MCT turns on, removal of the gate voltage will not turn it off.
If the MCT is on, the application of a positive voltage to the gate turns the
device off until a negative voltage is applied to the gate again.
4.16 Problems 119
4.16 Problems
4.1 What is the main difference between a diode and an SCR?
4.2 What two conditions must be met to cause an SCR to turn on?
4.3 After an SCR is turned on, what effect does the gate current have on
the SCR?
4.4 How does the breakover voltage vary with the gate current?
4.5 How can an SCR be turned on with its gate terminal open?
4.6 What requirements should be satisfied by a gate trigger?
4.7 Explain the operation of an SCR using the twO-trarisistor model.
4.8 Find the average and RMS values of the current waveform shown in Fig
ure 4.6, using the approximation method. Im is 80 A, tQ is 4 ms, and T is
20 ms.
4.9 Find the RMS current of an SCR if the average DC current is 80 A, with a
conduction angle 0 of 20°.
4.10 Find the RMS current of an SCR if the average DC current is 120 A, with
a conduction angle 0 of 40°.
4.11 Sketch the output-current waveform of an SCR controlling a load when
Vdrm is slightly exceeded, causing breakover with no gate trigger.
4.12 When is the holding current of an SCR greater, at -30°C or +30°C?
4.13 Define Ih. When does the holding current pose a problem?
4.14 Explain the meaning of the di/dt rating of an SCR. What is likely to happen
to an SCR when (di/di)„m is exceeded? How can the effects be reduced?
4.15 Explain the meaning of the dv/dt rating of an SCR. What is likely to happen
to an SCR when (dv/dt),m>, is exceeded? How can the effects be reduced?
4.16 Find the minimum value of the series inductanqe L required to protect an
SCR from excessive di/dt. The SCR has a di/dt rating of 10 A/^is, and the
AC source voltage is 220 V.
4.17 Why is a snubber required across a thyristor? Sketch a snubber circuit and
explain how it works.
4.18 Find values of an RC snubber circuit,-if the SCR has the following ratings:
Kdrm = 200 V
(dv/di)m2lX = 200 V/fis
(di/dt) = 100 A/|i.s
Rl = 10. Q
4.20 Draw four SCRs in series and external circuitry to equalize voltages.
4.21 Describe the various m ethods used to turn on an SCR,
4.22 Describe the various m ethods used to turn off SCRs in DC circuits.
4.23 Draw the symbol of a triac and identify its terminals.
4.24 Sketch the V-I characteristic of a triac.
4.25 List the four operating m odes of a triac.
4.26 Draw the symbol of a diac and identify its terminals.
4.27 Sketch the V-I characteristic of a diac.
4.28 Describe the operation of a GTO.
4.29 What is the main advantage of a GTO over a conventional SCR?
4.30 Draw the symbol of an MCT and identify its terminals,
4.J1 Describe the operation of an MCT.
4.32 Sketch the V-I characteristic of an MCT.
4.17 Equations
(' d I , / ''/O n ,a x
2V2 - Vm
4.17 Equations 121
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
5.1 Introduction
Rectification is the process of converting alternating current or voltage into
direct current or voltage. An uncontrolled rectifier uses only diodes as the rec
tifying elements. The DC output voltage is fixed in magnitude by the amplitude
of the AC supply voltage. However, the DC output is not pure—it contains sig
nificant AC components called ripple. To eliminate this ripple, a filter is inserted
after the rectifier.
In this chapter, we will study single-phase, uncontrolled rectifiers ranging
from a simple half-wave rectifier using a single diode to more complex full-
wave bridge rectifiers using several diodes. We will assume that the diodes used
have the same ideal characteristics as those in Figure 2.3.
= v jft 5-1
= 0,318 Vm
V$ = the RMS value of supply voltage
Vm = the maximum value of supply voltage.
24 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
+ vD .
-f o- —O j !o
AC supply
Figure 5.1
Half-wave rectifier with resistive load (a) circuit (b) wavefornrts
The current waveform has the same shape as the voltage waveform, so a rela
tion similar to Equation 5.1 holds for the average load current
^o(avg ) “ 4 / r c
= 0.318 Im 5.2
where Jm = VJR,
The root-mean square CRMS) current is given by:
U 2 5.3
The result in Equation 5 3 is characteristic of the half-wave circuit waveform.
The waveform of the diode voltage (Figure 5-1 (b)> shows that the diode
must be able to withstand a reverse voltage that is equal to the peak source
5.2 The Hslf-Wave Rectifier (Orte-Pulse Rectlfifer) 125
voltage. This voltage is used to select the proper diode in a given circuit. The
PIV (or PRV) rating for the diode is therefore given by:
PIV rating: > 5.4
The purpose of a rectifier is to convert AC power into DC power. Since we are
assuming ideal devices, with no pow er loss ini the rectifier the net power flow
at the AC input terminal avetaged over a full cycle must equal the DC power
output. The DC (average) power output to the load is given by:
P hC - ^R M S * 4 m s i
p V
- _rn « iTn . ----Lm
V * V
----e g V2
AC 2 2 4 *R 4R
The rectifier efficiency is defined as the ratio of DC output power to AC input
io c -a i 5.7
r hC
The form factor is a measure of the goodness of the shape of the output volt
age. Ideally, the DC output voltage of a rectifier should be constant. In practice,
rectifiers provide outputs that are incomplete sing waves. The form factor is
defined as the ratio of the RMS output voltage to the average value of output
The ripple factor is the ratio o f the RMS value of the AC component to the DC
ripple factor =
4 dc l*
Ideally the ripple factor should be zero.. The ripple factor can be determined by
first finding the power dissipated in the load resistor R:
P, = 4msR = I2nc.R+ ilcR
J ac_ _ /12HMS _
/2 r2 r2
•*DC ■'DC *DC
■'RMS _
S '
RF = 1m s - - 1 5.10
p p _ JjbBMS. VJ2
**-=- = n/2 = 1.57
1) ripple factor RF
- JV W
JDC - - 1
V (it/2 )2 - 1
m) conduction angle
Example 5.2 In Figure 5.1(a), the source voltage is 120 V with a resistive load of 10 £2. Find
a) the maximum load current
b) the average load voltage
c) the average load current
d) the RMS load current
e) the power absorbed by the load
f) the power factor
g) the PIV rating for the diode
CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
a) As in the case of a resistive load, the diode turns on when its anode
becomes positive with respect to the cathode. The voltage across the load is
therefore the same as the positive half-cycle of the AC source.
b) During this time, energy is transferred from the AC source and is stored in
the magnetic field surrounding the inductor.
c) The current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously. Therefore the
current increases gradually until it reaches its maximum value. Note that the
current does not reach its peak when the voltage is at its maximum. This is
consistent with the fact that the current through an inductor lags the voltage.
d) When the source voltage decreases, the current starts decreasing gradually,
becoming zero when all the energy stored by the inductor is released to the
circuit. The load current therefore exists for a little more than half the entire
e) At the same time, the collapsing magnetic field links with the inductor and
induces a voltage that opposes the decrease in the applied voltage.
f) As soon as the current is zero, the diode is reverse-biased, The diode then
remains off for the rest of the negative cycle. Figure 5.2(b) shov s the wave
During the interval from 0 to jc/2 , the source voltage increases from
zero to its positive maximum, while the voltage induced, across the inductor
Vi opposes the change of current through the load. In the time interval jc/ 2
to Tt, the source voltage decreases from its positive maximum value to zero.
At the same time, the induced voltage has reversed polarity and opposes the
decrease in current; that is, it now aids the diode forward current.
5.2 The Half-Wave Rectifier (One-Pulse Rectifier) 129
Figure 5.2
Half-wave rectifier with inductive load (a) circuit diagram (b) voltage and current
At K, the source voltage reverses and starts to increase to its negative
maximum value. However, the voltage induced'across the inductor is still
positive and will sustain forward conduction of the diode until the induced
voltage decreases to zero, at which point the diode blocks. Note that
although the diode is reverse-biased, there is a current flow through the
diode until the angle 0 = rt + <J> is reached. This is the result of the energy
stored in the magnetic field being returned to the Source.
The waveform of voltage across the resistor is the same as the wave
form o f = ia K). The difference between and va is the voltage across
the inductor (see Figure 5.2(b)).
g) If we increase the load inductance Z, the diode will conduct current for more
time during the cycle.
If we assume L to be infinite, the current that flows through the diode would
be completely smooth and therefore continuous. In this situation, the diode
would be on for the full cycle, the voltage across the diode would be zero, and
130 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
the values of vs arid v0 would be equal. The circuit would no longer rectify, so ;
the current would be alternating. This is not possible, therefore the output cur
rent must be zero for some duration that is less than half a cycle. The aversi ■■
output voltage therefore depends on the relative inductance and resistance of -
the load. The waveforms show n in Figure 5.2(b) are drawn for the case in
which the average output voltage is not zero and the current is therefore not
The average value of the load voltage is given by;
For high-power applications, one-pulse circuits have limited practical use due to
their low output voltage and the large ripple that is contained in the DC output
Figure 5.3
Inductive load with a FWD (a) circuit diagram (b) typical Waveforms with large
inductive load
Example S.3 In the circuit shown in Figure 5.3, Vs = 240 V and 7?= 10 £2. If the load induc
tance is large, find
a) the average load voltage
b) the average load current
c) the RMS value of load current
d) the power supplied to the load
e) the ripple factor
f ) the power factor
Vm = V 2 (240) = 339.4 V
a) average load voltage
V W ) = °-318 * 339.4 = 108 V
132 CHAPTER S Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
A single-phase, half-wave rectifier is not very practical due to its low average
output voltage, poor efficiency, and high ripple factor. These limitations can be
overcome by full-wave rectification. Full-wave rectifiers are more commonly
used than half-wave rectifiers, due to their higher average voltages and currents,
higher efficiency, and reduced ripple factor.
1:2 1:2
Vs * 'o vs
-AAAr* A /W
-V q +
+ •“
Figure 5.4
Full-wave center-tap rectifier (a) circuit (b) equivalent circuit during the positive
half-cycle (c) equivalent circuit during the negative half-cycle
5.3 Full-Wave Center-Tapped Transformer Rectifier (Two-Pulse Rectifier) 133
Figure 5.4
(d) Voltage and current
4 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
load, causing a positive drop. During the negative half-cycle (Figure 5.4(c)),
diode D2 conducts and D, turns off. Current flows through J?. maintaining the
same polarity for the voltage across the load (see Figure 5.4(d)). Therefore, the
load voltage waveform consists of successive half-cycles of a sine wave, result
ing in a higher average value and higher ripple frequency.
Average and RMS values are similar tot hose for the half-wave case:
K xavg.) = (2 vm)/it = 0 .6 3 6 Vm 5.13
Note that the full-wave average is twice the half-wave average—this is obvious
by inspecting the two graphs of voltage versus time. Similarly, the average load
current is given by the same factor, so
4 (a v g .) = (2 I J / n = 0 . 6 3 6 7m = ^ 5.14
The RMS output current is given by
■'oRMS 1 = 0.707 4 5.15
The graph of the voltage across the diode in Figure 5.4(d) shows that each
diode must withstand a reverse voltage equal to 2Vm. The PIV rating for the
diodes used in this circuit is therefore given by:
PIV rating for diodes: > 2 Vm 5.16
The average diode current is
•^DlCavg.) ~ ^D2(avg.) “ ^o(avg.)/2 ” /m/ 5*17
The RMS diode current is
4>rms = -4/2 5.18
The average or DC power delivered to the load is given by
•^oCavg.) = ^o(avg,) 4avg.)
2 Vm + 2 Im 4 V m *Vm
n n n2 * R
_ i_ Z L 5.19
n2 * R
The AC power input is given by
P\C — I^RMS * •*RMS
* rW.,
V 2
2 * R
— y2
~ 2R
5.3 Full-Wave Center-Tapped Transformer Rectifier (Two-Pulse Rectifier) 135
Example 5.4 The full-wave rectifier shown in Figure 5.4(a) is supplied from a 120 V, 60 Hz
source. If the load resistance is 10 ft, find
a) the maximum load current
b) the average load voltage
c) the average load current
d) the average diode current
e) the RMS load current
f) the power to the load
g) the PIV rating for the diode
h) the ripple frequency
Solution ' Peak voltage:
Vm = V 2 Frms = (1.414X120) = 169.7 V .
a) maximum load current
4, = V JR = 169.7/10-s 16.97 A
b) average load voltage
K,(avg.) = 0.636 r m = 0.636 * 169.7 = 108 V
c) average load current
U avg.) = 0.636 Jm = 0.636 * 16.97 = 10.8 A
d) average diode current
^DKavg.) —^D2(avg,) —4(avg.)/2 —10.8/2 = 5.4A
e) RMS load current
/ orms = 4 / V 2 = 16.97/V2 = 12.0 A
f) power to the load
I 2 R = 122 (10) = 1440 W
g) PIV rating for diode = 2 Vm = 339.4 V
h) Since two cycles of output occurs for every cycle of1input,
ripple frequency = 2 * frequency of the ac input = 2 * 60 Hz = 120 Hz
Example 5.5 The full-wave rectifier shown in Figure 5.4(a) is supplied from a 50 V source. If
the load resistance is 100 £2, find
a) the average load voltage
b) the maximum load current
c) the average load current
d) the RMS value of load current
e) the PIV rating for the diode-
■f) the average power delivered to the load
g) the AC power input
h) the rectifier efficiency
CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
_ 4 (70 7)2
rt2 * 100
= 20.25 W
g) AC power input Pac = = 25 W
2 2 * 100
p p __ ■w.iw.s;
*o(KMS~) __ .ix.
50 - u i
0 form factor
Kxavg) 45
fundamental ripple frequency _ 12 q/60
j) pulse number p-. AC source frequency
or fi =2
lm 0
k) ripple factor r2
/ (0.45)2
= 0.484
5.3 Full-Wave Center-Tapped Transformer Rectifier (Two-Pulse Rectifier) 137
‘s 1:2 *1
+ o- -tx -
_ _ ^ / w --------- onrp-
Figure 5.5
Center-tap rectifier with an inductive load (a) circuit diagram (b) voltage and
current waveform
138 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
the load current is at its maximum when the source voltage (fs) is zero. When
vs increases in magnitude during the interval from 0 to n/2, the inductor
opposes the flow of current and stores energy in its magnetic fields. At n/2,
when va has reached its maximum, the load current is at its minimum. In the
interval between n/2 and n, where the source voltage decreases in magnitude, .
the induced voltage across the inductor opposes ainy decrease in the load cm-
rent by aiding the source voltage. Therefore, the load current increases to a •
maximum value when vs = 0. The process continues for every half-cycle of the
rectified sine wave, The load current, never reduces to zero since the eneitjv
stored in the magnetic field maintains the current flow.
The equations are similar to those for the center-tap rectifier with a resis
tive load. The average value of the load voltage is:
W ) = (2 W * = 0-636 Vm 5.21
Figure 5.6
Current Waveforms for a
highly inductive load
D, on D2 on D, on
5.3 Full-Wave Center-Tapped Transformer Rectifier (Two-Pulse Rectifier) 139
If the load inductance is sufficiently large, the load current is nearly constant, as
shown in Figure 5.6.
The RMS value of the load current is:
/ q(RMS) ^o(avg.) I'oC avg.)/-^ 5.23
■'D(RMS) ~
~ 5.24
Example 5.6 The full-wave rectifier shown in Figure 5.5(a) is supplied from a 115 V source.
If the load resistance is 100 £1, find
a) the output DC voltage
b) the average load current
c) the power delivered to the load
d) the AC input power
e) the rectifier efficiency
f) the ripple factor
g) the form factor
Solution The peak voltage is
> m= V 2 (115) = 162.6 V
a) The output DC voltage is
* W ) = °-636 Vm = 0.636 * 162.6 = 103.4 V
b) The average load current is
4( avg .) = 103.4/100 = 1.03 A
c) power delivered to the load
Pl I’oCavg.) -fc(avg.)
= 103.4 * 1.03
= 107 W
d) AC input power
P ac — I 'r m s * 4 m s
_ ( 162.6)2
2 ( 100)
= 132.2 W
e) rectifier efficiency r|
140 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
f) ripple factor
RF =
= 0.48
g) form factor
5.4 The Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier
Figure 5 8 (b) shows the full-wave bridge circuit during the negative half
cycle of the source voltage. Now diodes Dj and D^are forward-biased and can,
therefore be replaced by closed switches. The load current path is now through
D4, through R, and then through D'i to the source. The current path through R
is in the same direction as before, so there is a positive drop across R during
both half-cycles. Thus the full-wave bridge rectifier causes the load current to
flow during both half-cycles. Figure 5.9 shows the appropriate waveforms.
The average and RMS values of voltage and current are similar to those for
the full-wave center-tap case. However, the waveform of the voltage across the
diode in Figure 5.9 shows that each diode must withstand a reverse voltage
equal to only.
5.4 Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier 141
Figure 5.8
Bridge rectifier (a) positive half-cycle
(b) negative half-cycle
Figure 5.9
Bridge rectifier waveforms
142 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
Example 5.7 The full-wave bridge rectifier of Figure 5.7 is supplied by a 120 V source. If the
load resistance is 10.8 Q., find
a) the peak load voltage
b) the DC voltage across the load
c) the DC load current
d) the average current in each diode
e) the average output power
f) the rectifier efficiency
g) the ripple factor
h) the power factor
Solution a) peak load voltage Vm V 2 Krms = (1.414X120) = 170 V
b) DC voltage across the load K.(avg.) = 0.636 * 170 = 108 V
c) DC load current -fc(avg.) 108/10.8 = 10 A
d) average current in each diode Since the diodes carry the load current on
alternate half-cycles, '
4>(avg.) = 4(avg,)/2 = 1 0 /2 = 5 A
e) average output power r o(avg.) ^o(avg.) * ^o(avg.) ' 108 * 10 = 1080 W
f) rectifier efficiency Tj = 8/m2 = 0.81 or 81%
Vm ts r i2 o n
g) ripple factor RF 2- 1 = 2 - 1 = 0.482
L ^D cJ V LioaJ
Example 5.8 The full-wave bridge rectifier of Figure 5.7 is supplied by a 120 V, 60 Hz source.
If the load resistance is 10 find
a) the average load voltage
b) the maximum load current
c) the average load current
d) the RMS load current
e) the power to the load
f) the PIV rating for the diodes
g) the average diode current
h) the ripple frequency
5.4 Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier 143
Example 5.9 The full-wave bridge rectifier of Figure 5.7 is supplied by a 50 V source. If the
load resistance is 100 Q, find
a) the average voltage across the load
b) 'the average load current
c) the RMS current
d) the pulse number
e) the conduction angle
f) the PIV rating for diodes
g) the form factor
h) the ripple factor
Solution The peak load voltage is: = V 2 KRMS = 1.414 * 50 = 70.7 V
a) average voltage across the load K>(avg.) =* 0.636 * 70.7 = 45 V
b) average load current /o(avg.> - 45/100 = 0.45 A
d) pulse number p = 2 •
e) conduction angle 0 = 180°
f) PIV rating PIV = Km = 70.7 V
Figure 5.10
Bridge rectifier circuit
(alternative drawing) with
inductive load
where % is the voltage across the resistive portion of the load and i\_ is the
induced voltage across the inductance. In periodic operation, t i (avg), the aver
age voltage across an inductor, must be zero. Therefore
^RCavg.) Vo(avg.) ~ (2 Vjn ) /7 T
= 0.636 Vm 5.29
The average load voltage is the same as for the'resistive case. The average load
current can be determined from
4(avg.) — ^R(avg .} / R
= 0.636 ( V J ® 5.30
Since the load current now is essentially constant, its RMS, maximum, and aver
age values are the same:
/rMS ~ A>(max ) ~ 4(avg.) 5*31
Since the diodes in the bridge conduct on alternate half-cycles, the average cur
rent ir\ each diode is
Axavg.) " 4(avg.)/2 5 32
and the RMS current in each diode is
/D(RMS) = - ^ f 5.33
Example 5.10 A full-wave bridge rectifier with an RL load is connected to a 120 V source. If
the load resistance is 10 £2 ajndZ » R, find
a) the average load voltage 1 1i
b) the average load current
c) the maximum load current
d) the RMS value of load current
e) the average current in each diode
f) the RMS current in each diode
g) the power supplied to the load
Solution The peak load voltage is
Vm = V 2 V^s = (1.414X120) = 170 V
a) average load voltage Kxavg.) = 0.636 * 170 = 108 V
b) average load current Vo(ivg)/R = 108/10 = 10.8 A /
c) maximum load current = average load current = 10.8 A
d) RMS value of load current = average load current = 10.8 A
e) average current in each diode 4>(avg.) = 4(avg./2 - 10.8/2 - 5.4 A
5.4 Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier 147
5,5 Problems
5.1 Define a rectifier.
5.2 Sketch the schematic of a half-wave rectifier and explain its operation.
5.3 A half-wave rectifier has an average output voltage of 120 V. Find the PIV
rating required for the diode.
5.4 A half-wave rectifier has a source voltage of 120 V. If the load resistance
is 20 Q, find
(a) the average load voltage
(b) the maximum diode current
(c) the average diode current
(d) the PIV rating for diode
(e) the average load power
(f) the ripple factor
(g) the form factor
5.5 A half-wave rectifier with an inductive load and a FWD has an input volt
age of 120 V, a load resistance of 5 £2, and a load inductance of 20 mH.
(a) the average load voltage
(b) the average load current
(c) the diode current and voltage ratings
5.6 What are the main advantages of a full-wave rectifier over a half-wave rec
5.7 In a full-wave center-tap rectifier, Vs = 208 V and the load resistance R =
100 £1. Find
(a) the maximum load voltage
(b) the average load voltage
(c) the maximum diode current
fd) the average diode current
(e) the PIV rating for diode
(f) the RMS valup of the output voltage
(g) the. ripple factor
5.8 A 2:1 step-down transformer supplies a full-wave center-tap rectifier from
a 400 V source. If the load resistance R = 500 Q and L = 1 H, find
(a) the average load voltage
(b) the average load current
148 CHAPTER 5 Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
5.6 Equations
■ m. 5.6
5.6 Equations 149
t, =■£**>• 5.7
RF = .. 5 10
yl i l c - 1 5
^o(avg.) = -£H.l-CO S 0 ) 5 .1 1
4 avg.) = 0) 5*12
laR M S = = 0 .7 0 7 4 5 .1 5
/o(avg.) = ^ = 0 .6 3 6 - ^ _ 5 .2 2 .
W ) =^ 5.33
Chapter Outline
6.1 Introduction 6.4 Full-W ave Controlled Bridge Rectifiers
6.2 H alf-W ave Controlled Rectifiers 6.4.1 With a Resistive Load
6.2.1 With Resistive Load 6.4.2 With an Inductive (RL) Load
6.2.2 With an Inductive (RL) Load 6.4.3 With a Freewheeling Diode
6.2.3 With a Freewheeling Diode 6.5 H alf-C ontrolled or Sem icontrolled
6.3 Full-W ave Controlled Center-Tap Bridge Rectifiers
Rectifiers 6.6 D ual Converters
6.3.1 With a Resistive Load
6.7 Problems
6.3.2 With an Inductive (RL) Load
6.3.3 W ith a Freewheeling Diode 6.8 Equations
Learning Objectives
A fte r com pleting this chapter, th e student should be able to
6.2 Half-Wave Controlled Rectifiers 151
6.1 Introduction
> To build a controlled rectifier or a phase-controlled rectifier, the diodes in the
rectifier circuit in Chapter 5 are replaced by SCRs. These circuits produce a vari
able DC output voltage whose magnitude is varied by phase control, that is, by
controlling the duration of the conduction period by varying the point at which
a gate signal is applied to the SCR.
Unlike a diode, an SCR will not automatically conduct when the anode-to-
cathode voltage becomes positive— a gate pulse must be provided. If we adjust
the delay time of the gate pulse, and if this process is done repeatedly, then the
rectifiers output can be controlled. This process is called p h ase control.
Controlled rectifiers, or converters, as they are generally called, are broadly
classified into full-controlled and half-controlled types. The full-controlled or
two-quadrant type uses SCRs as the rectifying devices. The DC current is unidi
rectional, but the DC voltage may have either polarity. With one polarity, the
flow of power is from the AC source to the DC load—this is called rectification.
With a reversal of the DC voltage by the load, the flow of power is from the
DC source to the AC supply; this process is called inversion.
If we replace half of the SCRs with diodes, the circuit is classified as a half
controlled or semiconverter circuit. Such a circuit also allows the average value
of the DC output voltage to be varied by phase control of the SCR. However,
the polarity of the DC output voltage and the direction of current cannot
change, that is, the flow of power is from the AC source to the DC load. Con
verters of this type are also called on e-qu adran t converters.
Controlled rectifiers provide DC power for various applications, such as
DC motor speed control, battery charging, and high-voltage DC transmission.
Phase control is suited for frequencies less than 400 Hz, typically 60 Hz. The
main drawback of phase control is radio frequ en cy interference (KFI). The
chopped half-sine wave produces strong harmonics that interfere with radio,
television, and other communication equipment. -
In this chapter we will study controlled rectifiers, ranging from the sim
plest configuration, the half-wave rectifier (which is seldom used in power elec
tronics applications because of the high ripple voltage content of its output), to
the center-tap and the bridge rectifier circuit.
voltage. At time t = %, the current falls naturally to zero, since the SCR ls
reverse-biased. During the negative half-cycle, the SCR blocks the flow <>l cur.
rent, and no voltage is applied to the load. The SCR stays off until the gate Mg.,
nal is applied again at (t0 + 2n). The period from 0 to tQ in Figure 6.1(b) rep.
resents the time in the positive half-cycle when the SCR is off. This angl^
(measured in degrees) is called the firin g angle or delay angle (a). The SCR
conducts from ta to 7t; this angle is called the conduction angle (0).
The average or DC value of the load voltage is given by
1 ^ ,( 1 + cos op
VoD(avg.) ' 6.1
2 rc
5p*r^- *
Figure 6.1
Half-wave controlled rectifier (a) circuit (b) voltage and current waveforms
6.2 Half-Wave Controlled Rectifiers 153
Vm = maximum value of the AC source voltage = V 2 K,
Vs = RMS value of the AC source voltage
Similarly, the average output current is
7m(l + cos a)
2 it
1 4 ,(1 + cos a)
2k R
The RMS value of the load current is given by
cc sin 2 a
4 ms — 6.3
n 2it
These equations tell us that the magnitude of the output voltage is controlled
by the firing angle. Increasing a by firing the SCR later in the cycle lowers the
voltage, and vice versa. The maximum output voltage, V^o = occurs when
a = 0°. This is the same voltage as for a half-wave diode circuit. Therefore, if
the SCR is fired at a = 0°, the circuit acts like a diode rectifier.
The normalized average voltage is
V J l + cos a)/2 k 1 + cos a
“ ^ o fa v g .)/ K :lo 6.4
V jn
Vn as a function of a is known as the control characteristic of the rectifier and
is shown in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2
Control characteristic for a
half-wave rectifier
Example 6.1 A half-wave controlled rectifier is supplied from a 120 V source. If the load
resistance is 1 0 £2 , find the load voltage arid power to the load for the follow
ing delay angles;
a) a = 0 °
b) a = 45°
154 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Cohtrolled Rectifiers
c) a = 90°
d) a = 135°
e) a = 180°
average 1load u
voltage = —“ ( 1 + cos a)
a) For a = 0°, we get
W 1 7 0 1 34, V
W ) = 7-92 V
PL = 6.3 W
e) a = 180°, we get
W ) =0 v
pL = o w
Therefore, the power can be varied from zero to a maximum of 293 W.
_ ( 2 1 .2 ) /L 30 ■, sin 6 0 '
2 VL 180 2 it
= 10.5 A
e) power supplied to the load = 7rMS R = 10.52 (10) = 1094 W
f) conduction angle
6 . = 180° - q = 180° - 30° = 150°
g) ripple frequency
f r - input supply frequency = 60 Hz
h) 5 = Fs * /rmS = 150 * 10.5 = 1575 VA
Example 6.3 A half-wave controlled rectifier is connected to a 120 V source. Calculate the fir
ing angle necessary to deliver 1 5 0 W of power to a 1 0 Q load.
^ _ Vm( 1 + cos q)
°<av8-) " 2n
vm( 1 + cos q) = 2 Jt Kofavgj
Vm s=V 2 * 120 = 170 V
CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
p — ^ ° (a v g .)
avg ~ R
Vo(avg.) = -Pavg. *R = 150 * 10 = 1500 ,
= V l5 0 0 = 38.7 V
2% 38.7
a = cos 1 - 1
= 64.5°
Figure 6.3
Half-wave rectifier with an RL load (a) circuit (b) waveforms for voltage and current
6.2 Half-Wave Controlled Rectifiers 157
rent continues to flow until (3 (called the ad v an ce angle), when the SCR turns
off; The voltage across the inductor then changes polarity, and the voltage
across the load becomes negative. As a result, the average output voltage
becomes less than it would be with a purely resistive* load. The waveforms for
output voltage and current are shown in Figure 6.3 (b); they contain a signifi
cant amount of ripples.
The average load voltage is given by:
!/m(cos a - cos P)
K>(avg.) = 2Jt 6.5
Figure 6.4
RL load with FWD (a) circuit (b) waveforms
158 CHAPTERS Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
current that was flowing from the source to the load through the SCR now fi
wheels between the load and the diode, Note that the current continues to f]0T
in the load after the SCR is turned off, due to the energy stored in the indi
The output voltage is the same as in a circuit with a resistive load. The averag|
value of the output voltage is given again by Equation 6.1.
... . ... -
Figure 6.6
Full wave center-tap
rectifier waveforms with a
resistive load
Figure 6.7 shows the waveforms for voltage and current, assuming a highly
inductive load so that the load current is continuous (i.e., present at all times).
SCR! conducts for 180° from a to (n + a), and the load voltage follows the input
voltage. At (it + a), SCR2 is fired. SCR1 now turns off, since the supply voltage
immediately appears across it and applies a reverse bias. SCR2 now conducts for
180° from (it + a) to (2 jt + a ) and supplies power to the load.
The average value of the load voltage is given by
^o(avg.) “ . - I'm COS Ct 6.8
The output voltage is at its maximum when a = 0°, zero when a = 90°, and
its negative maximum when a = 180°. The normalized average output volt
age is:
y _ ^o(ayg)
n 1/
■cos a 6.9
ISO CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 6,7
Full wave center-tap
rectifier waveforms with an
RL load
Figure 6.8
Control characteristic for a
center-tap rectifier
6.3 Full-Wave Controlled Center-Tap Rectifiers 161
Example 6.4 Explain with the help of waveforms the operation of a full-wave center-tap rec
tifier with RL load for the following firing angles:
a) 0 °' ,
b) 45°
c) 9 0 °
d) 135°
e) 180° ,
Solution (a) Figure 6.9 shows the waveforms for voltage and current, assuming a highly
inductive load, with a firing angle o f 0 °.
During the positive half-cycle o f the source voltage, SCR] is forward-
biased and SCR2 is reverse-biased. The voltage across the load i s f 8. During
the negative half-cycle, SCR2 is forward-biased and SCR! is reverse-biased. The
voltage across the load is vs. The application of a gate pulse with a zero fir-
ing-delay angle results in an output similar to that of an uncontrolled rectifier.
Each SCR conducts for 180° and supplies current to the load for this period.
b) If we increase the firing angle, the average DC output voltage decreases as
shown in Figure 6.10, which contains the voltage and current waveforms
with a = 45°. If SCR! is triggered at 45°, SCR2 will conduct up to this point,
even though the source voltage is negative, due to the highly inductive
nature of the load. When SCR, turns on, SCR2 is reverse-biased and turns off.
The off SCR is subjected to twice the source voltage in the negative direc
tion (see the z%CRi waveform). The current to the load is supplied in turn by
SCRj and SCR2, each conducting for 180°.
c) If we increase the firing angle a to 90°, the two SCRs still remains in con
duction for i80° as shown in Figure 6.11. However, the average DC voltage
becomes zero, so there is no transfer of power from the AC source to the
DC load.
In summary, as the firing angle is increased from 0 to 90°, the power
supplied to the DC load decreases, becoming zero when a = 90°,
d) If wfe, increase the firing angle a beyond 90°, load current can flow only if
there is a negative source of voltage at the DC load side. This is possible, for
example, in a DC motor under regenerative conditions. When a = 135°, the
average DC voltage ( V^(avg)), as shown in Figure 6.12, is negative. The load
current still flow in each SCR for 180° in its original direction, but the load
voltage has changed polarity. The power now flows from the DC load to the
AC source. This circuit acts like an inverter,
e) If we increase the firing angle a to 180°, the average DC voltage reaches its
maximum negative value. The SCRs remain in conduction for 180° (Figure
162 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 6.13
Voltage and current
waveforms for a = 180°
Example 6.5 Show the direction of power flow and the operating mode (rectifying or inver
sion) of the center-tap converter circuit with the following firing angles: (
............ a) a > 0 °
b) a < 9 0 ° j
c) a > 9 0 °
d) a < 180°
Solution a, b) For firing angles in the range 0° < a < 90°, the average output voltage is
positive and the converter operates in the rectifying mode. In this mode,
the power to the load is positive, that is, power flow is from the AC
source to the DC load.
6.3 Full-Wave Controlled Center Tap Rectifiers 165
c, d) For firing angles in the range 90° < a < 180°, the output voltage is nega
tive and the converter operates in the inversion mode. In this mode, the
power to the load is negative, that is, power flow is from the DC load to
the AC source. i
Figure 6.14
Center-tap rectifier with RL loaid and FWD (a) circuit (b) voltage and current
i CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
The freewheeling diode carries the load current during the delay period a wi
the SCRs are off. Therefore, the current through the FWD(D) is given by:
a _ VJ..I
ym + cos a ) a
'it 7t R
Vm (1 + cos a )a
Jt2 R
The SCRs are controlled and fire in pairs with a delay angle of a. The current
and voltage waveforms become full-wave, as shown in Figure 6.16.
Figure 6.15
Full-wave bridge rectifier
"R v.
_/ *3 *2 -{
F t t f
6.4 Full-Wave Controlled Bridge Rectifier? 16
Figure 6.16
Waveforms of the bridge
rectifier with a resistive load
8 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
The average values for voltage and current are again twice those of the
half-wave case. Therefore, from Equations 6.1 and 6.2,
Example 6.6 The full-wave bridge rectifier shown in Figure 6.15 is supplied from a 150 V
source with a load resistance o f 10 £2. If the firing angle a is 30°, find:
a) the average load voltage
b) the average load current
c) the maximum load current
d) the RMS load current
e) the power supplied to the load
f) the ripple frequency
g) the power factor
Vm = V 2 (150) = 212 V
= 14.8 A
f) ripple frequency
g> V 4m s = 1 5 0 * 1 4 .8 = 2 2 2 0 VA
jP 2182
PF ■ 0 .9 8
s' 2220
Figure 6.17
Bridge rectifier with an RL
When the inductance is small or the delay angle a is kept large, the DC
output current reaches zero every half cycle at (ji + p), as shown in Figure 6.18.
During this period, neither pair of SCRs is on, and therefore the current is said
to be discontinuous.
The average value of the output voltage is:
' V
to C av E ) = (C O S a - COS p )
If the load inductance is assumed to be large or a becomes small, the load cur
rent cannot reach zero and it flows continuously, as shown in Figure 6.19.
Therefore, one pair of SCRs is conducting at all times. The current is said to be
During the positive half-cycle, SCRj and SCR4 conduct. Applying KVL
around the loop containing, Vs, SCRj and SCR2 at an instant when is > 0
(between a and (ft + a)) gives
Vs — % ; r i ~ VSCR2
Here, ySCR1 = 0 since SCRj is conducting. Therefore t>SCR2 -v,, which means
that SCR2 is reverse-biased. ■ H
170 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
6.4 Full-Wave Controlled Bridge Rectifiers 171
During the negative half-cycle, the source voltage vs < 0. The preceding
equations do not change form, although some of the quantities change sign.
Now, since vs is negative, SCR2 and SCR3 are forward-biased and will turn on
when they receive a gate signal. Load current still flows in the same path
through SCRj and SCR4 until SCR2 and SCR3 are triggered. Therefore, from n to
(n + a), the load voltage is negative since v5 < 0. At (it + a), SCR2 and SCR3 are
triggered, which supplies a voltage V0 = - v s to the load.
The average value of this output voltage varies with a:
The RMS output voltage is constant, independent of the firing angle, and equals
the RMS value of the supply voltage if the output current is continuous:
^max 6.20
oCRMS) ' ^S(RMS)
The average current is still V^avg//?, so
For a = 0° (no phase control), these equations reduce to those for the diode case:
^SCR(avg.) :
J5tt. 6.22
n R
4 cr (rms) : 6.23
The normalized voltage Vn = K, (a v 8 )/Fdo = Cos a. The control characteristic (a
plot o f Vn as a function of a ) is shown in Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.20
Control characteristic for a
bridge rectifier
72 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Note that when a becomes larger than 90°, the average value of output
voltage becomes negative. This means that from 90 to 180°, power flows fromf
the DC load side to the AC source side and the circuit operates as an inverter,'
When rectification and inversion are obtained from one converter, the process"
is called tw o-quadrant operation and the converter is called a fu ll converter
Example 6.7 A full-wave controlled rectifier with an inductive load is connected to a 230 V
source. The resistive portion o f the load is equal to 0.5 Q. If the voltage across
the load is 200 V, find the firing angle a.
Solution From Equation 6.19,
^o(avg.) ~ Kn COS (X
. it
a = 15°
Example 6.8 A full-wave controlled rectifier with an inductive load is connected to a 120 V
source. The resistive portion of the load is equal to 10 Q. If,the delay angle a
is 3 0 °, find
a) the average load voltage
b) the average load current
c) the maximum load current ;
d) the RMS load current
e) the average current in each SCR ;
f) the power supplied to the load
g) the form Factor
h) the ripple Factor
i) the rectifier efficiency
Vm = V 2 (120) = 208 V
a) average load voltage
^o(avg.) ” ^ ^in COS (X
= — (208)(cos 30)
= 115 V
b) average load current
— •> 11 <
6,4 Full-Wave Controlled Bridge Rectifiers 173
} W = 5.75 A
h) ripple factor
RF = V F F 2 - 1 = V l.0 4 2 - 1 = 0 .3
i) rectifier efficiency
T1 = ^o(avg.)/ ^o(RMS) = 1 1 5 / 1 2 0 = 0 .9 6
Figure 6.22
Voltage and current
waveforms for Figure 6.21
For the negative portion when vs < 0, the FWD is on and v0 = 0. Therefore,
The average value of the output voltage can be varied from 0 to 2 Vm/n as a
increases from 0 to it, This voltage is never negative.
The current in the FWD is the same as the load current from 0 to a and
from n to (n + a), while it is zero for the remaining time. The average current
in the FWD is given by:
Example 6.9 A full-wave bridge rectifier with a freewheeling diode supplies an RL load. The
source voltage is 120 V and the resistive portion of the load is 10 Q. If the delay
angle a = 30°, find
a) the average load voltage
b) the average load current
c) the maximum load current
d) the RMS load current
e) the average current in each SCR
f) the power supplied to the load
g) the average current in the FWD
V 2 (120) = 208 V
a) average load voltage
Vm (1 + cos a)
(1 + cos 30)
124 V
o(avg.) __ 1 2 4
b) average load current 12.4 A
R 10
c) maximum load current = average load current = 12,4 A
d) RMS load current = average load current = 12.4 A
e) Since the SCRs in the bridge conduct on alternate half-cycles for (180° - 30°);
150°, the average SCR current is
(1 2 .4 )1 1 M = 5 2 A
f) power supplied to the load = /rMS^ = 12.4Z(10) = 1538 W
g) From Equation 6.25,
Figure 6.23
Full-wave semicontrolled
bridge rectifier circuit
Figure 6.24
Waveform for a semi
controlled bridge rectifier
with an inductive load
n 27t 3i
r\ r\ /
1t +a
/ r \
27t + a
i ,
a n +a 2n + a
(X rc + a 27t + a
r h
n 2it
------ 1
h :
i it 2rc ! 371
i ; . :
-a 2n 1
a % ^ ___ j 2n + a
There are various applications that require power flow only from the AC
source to the DC load and therefore are operated in only the rectifying mode.
This is accomplished in bridge rectifiers by replacing half of the SCRs with
diodes. These circuits are called on e-qu adran t or sem icontrolled bridge rectifiers..
An alternative method of obtaining one-quadrant operation in bridge rectifiers is
to connect a freewheeling diode across the output terminals of the rectifier.
A basic semicontrolled bridge circuit is shown in Figure 6.23. Its operation
is the same as that of a fully controlled bridge rectifier With a resistive load.
When the source voltage is positive, SCRt and D4 are forward-biased. If we trig-
^ ger SCRj at a, current will flow through D4, the load, and SCR^ SCRj turns off
at Jt when the source reverses. The load voltage is the same as the input volt
age during this period (a to ft). At (ft + a), SCR2 is triggered, causing current to
flow through D3 and the load. At time 2ft, SCR2 turns off and the cycle repeats.
Figure 6.25
Semicontrolled bridge rectifier with FWD (a) circuit (b) waveform
8 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Example 6.10 Draw the output voltage waveform for a full-wave semicontrolled rectifier like
the one shown in Figure 6.23 for the following delay angles:
a) a = 0 °
b) a = 45°
c) a = 90° r
Solution a) a = 0°. During the positive half-cycle, SCRj and D4 are conducting, and dur
ing the negative half-cycle, SCR2 and D3 are conducting. The output voltage
is the same as that of a diode bridge rectifier (Figure 6.26(a)).
b) a = 45°. During the positive half-cycle, the voltage across the load is zero-,,
until SCRj is turned on at 45°. The load current flows through SCR! and D„
and the source voltage is applied to the load. During the negative half-cycle, j,
SCRi becomes reverse-biased at it. If we assume an inductive load, SCRj.
maintain conduction until SCR2 is turned on. The load current will freewheel
through SCRi and D3.
When SCR2 is turned on at (it + 45°), SCRi turns off and the load i ur-
rent flows through SCR2 and D3 until SCR2 and D 3 are reverse-biased. At this
point, SCR2 remains in conduction and the load current freewheels through
SCR2 and D4. During the period when the load current is freewheeling, no
current is supplied from the AC source.
6.5 Half-Controlled or Semicontrolled Bridge Rectifier 179
Figure 6.26
Output voltage waveforms for (a) a = 0°, (b) a = 45°
(c) a = 90°
Both SCRs remain in Conduction for 180°. Figure 6.26(b) shows the
Output voltage waveform,
c) a = 90°. The operation is exactly the same as in the case when a = 45° (see
Figure 6.26(c)).
the SCRs decreases. The SCRs now block for a full 180°. The waveforms are ihc
same as in Figure 6.24.
Figure 6.27
Semicontrolled bridge
converter, an alternative
circuit configuration
Figure 6.28 SC R ’
> Semicontrolled bridge
converter, alternative
load. One converter causes the load current to flow in one direction, while the
other converter causes the flow of load current in the reverse direction.
Figure 6.29
Dual converters
6.7 Problems
6.1 Draw the waveforms for load voltage, load current, and voltage across the
SCR for a half-wave controlled rectifier for the following cases:
(a) a resistive load with a firing angle of 45°
(b) a resistive load with a firing angle of 135°
(c) an inductive load with a firing angle of 0 °
(d) an inductive load with a firing angle of 90°
6.2 A half-wave controlled rectifier (Figure 6.1(a)) supplied from a 120 V
source is used to control the power to a 15 £2 load. If the delay angle is
75°, find
(a) the power supplied to the load
(b) the maximum SCR current
(c) the average SCR current
(d) the SCR maximum reverse voltage
6.3 A half-wave controlled rectifier with a resistive load is fed from a 45. V
AC source. For the given delay angles, calculate K>(avg.) and tabulate
the results in Table 6.1. Also plot the control characteristic in Figure 6.30.
( Vn = K,o = Tofrv*) With a = 0 °)
Table 6-1
0 " 30° 60“ 90° 120 150° 180°
182 CHAPTER 6 Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 6.30
Plot of V„ vs. a
Table 6-2
a 30' 60' 90- 120° 15C° 180
Vp *
6.7 Problems 183
Figure 6.31
Plot of Vn vs a
J ____ L I I I.........I.
0 ° 30° 60 ° 90 ° 120 ° 150“ 180 °
Table 6-3
a 30° 60° 90° 120° 150'
Figure 6.32
Plot of Vn vs a
6.17 A bridge rectifier is supplied from a 120 V source With a resistive load /f Of
10 £2. If the firing angle a is 30°, find the average value of the load voltage.
6.18 Repeat problem 6.17 with an RL load. •
6.19 A bridge rectifier is connected to an RL load. The source voltage is 220 V
and the load resistance R is 10 £2. If the firing angle is 45°, find the aver
age value of the load voltage.
6.20 Repeat problem 6.19, if an FWD is connected across the load.
6.21 Draw the waveforms for the single-phase, semicontrolled converters
shown in Figure 6.28.
6.22 Draw the waveforms for load voltage and load current for a semicon
trolled bridge rectifier for the following cases:
(a) a resistive load with a firing angle of 140°
(b) an inductive load with a firing angle of 140°
6.23 A semicontrolled bridge rectifier with a resistive load is fed from a 45 V
AC source. For the given delay angles, calculate ^ avg.) and tabulate the
results in Table 6-4. Also plot the control characteristic in Figure 6.33.
Table 6-4
Figure 6.33
Plot of Vn vs a
i i
o° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180°
6.8 Equations
Vm(\ + cos a)
oCavg.) ' 6.1 Si
2 7t
Vm( l + cos a)
■"oCavg.) 6.2
4 ms — 1 _ — + sin 2 a 6.3
n 2n
Vm(\ + cos q)/2 re 1 + cos q
Ki ” ^o(avg.)/Kdo ' 6.4
FmCcos q - COS 3)
^o(avg.) ' 6.5
Vm( l + cos q)
K>(avg.) ' 6.6
I - — + sin 2 01
K 2k
1 _ — + sin 2 a 6.14
'V 2 n 2k
Vm(X + cos q)
K>(avg.) ' 6.15
Vm( l + cos q)
Io(avg.) ‘ 6.16
7t R
^o(avg.) ~ ^ “ (COS OC — COS p)
*o(avg.) = ~ Vm cos a
*o(RMS) - = t/S(RMS) 6 20
/ _ ( 2 )(K n
-'o(avg.) — ——) COS Cl ,
rc 7? 6.21
/ _ ik
^SCR(avg.) - — r
517? 6 .2 2
r ^SCRCavg.)
',CR(RM« = ^ T T " 6 2 3
yo(avg.) —
- J i £ L ± c—° s----° 0—
7t 6.24
r ^>Cavg.)(cO
4>(avg.) - -------
Jt 6.25
K>(avg.) = —“K l + c o s a )
7t 6.26
Kkavg.) = + GOS a )
Uncontrolled Rectifiers
Chapter Outline
» --------------------------------
Learning Objectives
m discuss the advantages of three-phase ■ describe with the help of waveforms the
rectifiers over single-phase rectifiers operation of a six-pulse uncontrolled
a describe with the help of waveforms the rectifier with resistive and inductive
operation of a three-pulse uncontrolled loads
rectifier with resistive and inductive ■ explain the operation of a twelve-pulse
loads uncontrolled rectifier
7.2 Three-Phase Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Rectifier 189
7.1 Introduction
Single-phase rectifiers are relatively simple in construction, but they have limited
power-handling capabilities and generate significant ripples in the DC output
voltage. Three-phase rectifiers provide a smoother DC output, so the output fil
tering is done more easily, The filter components of large power rectifiers are
large and expensive, so a reduction or elimination of filters is important. There
fore, for high-power applications, using three-phase rectifiers is desirable. All the
single-phase rectifier circuits discussed in Chapter 5 have corresponding three-
phase versions. The circuits covered in this chapter can also be used with SCRs
in three-phase controlled rectifier circuits (see Chapter 8 ).
Three-phase rectifiers have the following advantages compared with single
phase rectifiers:
Three-phase rectifiers use either three, six, or twelve diodes. Using more
diodes reduces the cost by distributing the load, thus allowing the use of lower
rated devices.
this interval, the voltage across Dt is vAC and that across D2 is i%c. Diodes D2
and D 3 are therefore reverse-biased. From 30° to 150°, the most positive volt
age is yAN; it turns diode Dj on and appears across R as vQ. At 150°, the instan
taneous voltage of f BN becomes greater than yAN. Diode Dt becomes reverse-
biased and turns off as diode D 2 becomes forward-biased and begin to conduct.
This applies ^Bn across R from 150° to 270°. At 270°, fCN again becomes the
most positive and D3 turns on. Diode D3 connects yCN across R from 270°. The
cycle is then repeated.
The output voltage across the load va follows the peaks of the input sup
ply voltage and pulsates between Vmm and 0,5 Vmax. This circuit is called a
three-pulse rectifier, since the output repeats itself three times in every cycle of
vs. The ripple voltage is smaller than that produced by a single-phase rectifier.
The ripple frequency (jQ of the output voltage is
7.2 three-Phase Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Rectifier 191
n = pulse number or number o f diodes = 3
f s = AC supply frequency
f r= 3 * 60 = 180 Hz
Filtering is thus easier since the size of the filter is reduced as the ripple fre
quency increases.
A general expression for the average load voltage is
= 0.827 /m 7.6
Im = V j R
The average current in each diode is only one-third the load current:
^D(avg.) ” ^o(avg.)/^ — -fc(avg.)/3 7.7
The maximum load current and maximum diode current are obviously the
same, and because the load is resistive,
Figure 7.3
Current waveforms
= 0 ;4 0 8 7m 7.9
In general, the ripple factor is given by
n2 - 1
32 - 1
= 0 .1 7 7 7.10
and the form factor by
FF = V n
= V3
= 1 .7 3 2 7.11
7.2 Three-Phase Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Rectifier 193
Table 7-1
Table 7-1 shows the voltage across the diodes for various 120° intervals.
The voltage across any diode can therefore be plotted by first plotting the
waveform for the line voltages and then picking the appropriate voltage from
Table 7-1. The waveforms are shown in Figure 7.4. Note that the line voltages
are shown leading their respective phase voltages by 30°.
Figure 7.4
Voltage across the diodes
■M CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
Figure 7 .4
Voltage across th e diodes
(b) va2
Figure 7.4
Voltage across the diodes
(c) vD3
*~) 4(max) 9 A
f) PIV 2: FLCm) = 311 V
36 CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
8) W g .) = = 7 .4 /3 = 2 .5 A
h) FF =, Vn = VS = 1.732
0 P=3
)) 0 = 120 °
Figure 7.5
The three-pulse rectifier
with an RL load (a) circuit
7.2 Three-Phase Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Rectifier 197
Figure 7.5
The three-pulse rectifier
with an RL load (b) voltage
and current waveforms
Example 7.2 If the load in Example 7.1 has a large inductance added to it, find
a) the maximum load voltage
b) the average load voltage
c) the average load current
d) the maximum load current
138 CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
^ocavg,) = 148.5 V
c) from Example 7.1(c),
-fc(avg-) — 7 .4 A
4 (RMS) = 4(avg.) = 7 .4 A
PIV >311 V
h) from Example 7.1(g),
•focavg.) = 2 .5 A
Figure 7.6
Full-wave bridge rectifier circuit diagram
1. Two series diodes are always conducting, while the other four are
2. One of the conducting diodes is an odd numbered (D: , D3, or D5),
while the other is even-numbered (D2, D4, or D6).
3. Each diode conducts for 120°, or one-third of a cycle.
4. Current flows out from the most positive source terminal, through an
odd-numbered diode, through the load, through an even-numbered
diode, and then back to the most negative source terminal.
The current flow at any given time can therefore' be determined by find
ing the highest positive and the highest negative source terminals. The most
positive terminal will forWard-bias its respective odd-numbered diode and turn
it on. The most negative terminal will forward-bias its respective even-numbered
diode and turn it on.
>r- To find out the most positive and the most negative source terminals, we
can plot any two line voltages with respect to a common reference terminal. We
a arbitrarily choose terminal B as the reference. The two line Voltages are fAB and
as vCii, as shown in Figure 7.7(b). vCB is actually the inverse of (see Figure
ia- 7.7(a)).
ge The condition of the diodes can be found easily from Figure 7.7(b). During
he the interval 0° to 60°, the voltage at terminal C is the highest. Thus, from Figure
>le 7.6, the anode of D5 is at the most positive voltage in the circuit. This forward-
biases D5, turning it on. From 60° to 180°, terminal A becomes the most positive;
therefore, Dl is forward-biased and turns on. At 180°, terminal A voltage goes
CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
Figure 7 .7
Three-phase AC source
voltage waveforms (a) line
voltages with ABC phase
sequence (b) line voltages
vAB and vCB
below the voltage at terminal B. Now the voltage at terminal B is the most posi
tive, and this turn D3 on. At 300°, the voltage at terminal C is again the most pos
itive, turning D5 on.
Similarly, the state of the even-numbered diodes can be determined fr<>in
Figure 7.7(b) by finding the most negative terminal voltage. From 0° to 120°,
terminal B is most negative; from 120° to 240°, terminal C is most negative; and
from 240° to 360°, terminal A is most negative, The results are summarized in
Table 7-2.
We can use Table 7-2 to draw the simplified equivalent circuits of the .six-
pulse rectifier shown in Figure 7.8. From these circuits, we can easily determine
the output voltage for each 60° period. Figure 7.9(a) shows the three line volt
ages and their inverse voltages; for each 60° interval, a portion of the volt:i^e
from Figure 7.9(a) is redrawn as v0 in Figure 7.9(b) to obtain the complete out
put voltage waveform.
The output voltage fluctuates between 1.414 and 1.225 Vs, where K, is
the RMS value of the line voltage. The average DC load voltage is twice that of
a half-wave rectifier, and its value is given by
^o(avg) = 1-654 Vm 7 .1 5
Table 7-2
Highest positive Highest negative %
voltage ■ voltage' ,
B rT : ■Wd-numberei®
0 to 60° C B Ds d6
60 to 120° A B D, d6
120 to 180° A c D, d2
180 to 240° B c d3 d2
240 to 300° B A D3 d4
300 to 360° C A Ds d4
MJ 1
+ » <p
<i > + > cp <
i B< 2
v0 A o—
B <>~^ C<>“
> <
/?<> vQ
B o— C o~
<!> ►
6 J 2
4 6
< ( it.- j> <?
o > <i (j>
(d)v0Q =~ v, (e) vn
O =s v.BA
(Ovn = v(
VBC 0 “ kc a
Figure 7.8
Equivalent circuits of the six-pulse rectifier
202 CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
; Igure 7.9
{ ) Source voltages ■X
including th e three inverted
voltages (b) output voltage !*
waveforms of th e bridge
where Vm is the maximum value of the phase voltage. In terms of line voltage,
the average load voltage is given by
The current through the diodes is shown in Figure 7.10. Each diode still con
ducts for 120°. The line currents iA, %, ic supplied by the transformer can be
obtained from Kirchoffs current law:
*a = h ~ h
% —h ~
ic = u, —i2
The line currents are also plotted in Figure 7.10. Note that the three line cur
rents consist of identical waves that are 120° out of phase.
The average load current is given by
7.3 Three-Phase Full-Wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Rectifiers 203
Figure 7.10
The diode and line current
l I*
204 CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
The average current in one o f the diodes is only one-third the load current: . -A
■i)(avg.) ~ -fccavg.)/ 3 ’ 7 .1 8 V
fr = 6 fs 7 .2 ]
Table 7-3 shows the voltage across the diodes for various 60° intervals.
The voltage across any diode can therefore be plotted by first drawing the
waveform for the line voltages (see Figure 7.11) and then picking the volt.ige
from Table 7-3.
Table 7-3
Va c Vb c
7.3 Three-Phase Full-Wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Rectifiers 205
Figure 7.11
B Voltage across the diodes +v,U rn)
1 (a), (b), and (c)
206 €HAPTI R 7 Three-Phase Uncohtrolled Rectifiers t
Figure 7.11
Voltage across the diodes
(d), (e), and (f)
7.3 Three Phase Full Wave,(Six?Rulfg)4i1idg$ Rectifies, |jO|'
i) pulse number ,
P= 6
Figure 7.12
Bridge rectifier current
waveforms with an
inductive load
240° 360°
0° 360°
120° 240°
-.0 :2 3 5 '
- R 7 .2 5
The diode conducts for one third of the cycle. Therefore, the average diode cur
rent is
4>(RM S) - y ^ o f a v g .) > 7 .2 7
V 2
The RMS value of the line currents ( iA, iB or 0 is -^7j/ o(avg) = 0.82 /o(avg.)
Note that there is little difference between the average and the RMS values of
the load current because the current waveform has a very small ripple.
The PIV across each element is
■ K (m ) = V 2 Fs ' . 7 .2 9
d) /d(3v8.) = ■ % a l - 5 .9 4 / 3 = 2 .0 7 A
0 *
e) /D(m) = Im = V JR = 3 1 1 /5 0 = 6 .2 2 A
4(rm s) = 0 .9 5 6 * /,„ = 0 .9 5 6 » 6 .2 2 = 5 .9 5 A
(close to the average load current since the ripple is very small)
f) RMS diode current
1 r 5.94
-"DORMS) ; y ^ 4 (a v g .) j y j - 3 .4 3 A
Pi = /ocrms) R= 5 -9 5 2 * 5 0 = 1 7 7 0 W
To further reduce the ripple voltage in the DC output and increase the ripple
frequency, we can increase the pulse number from six to twelve. A twelve-pulse -
rectifier can be constructed by connecting two six-pulse rectifiers in series, as”
shown in Figure 7 -1 3 . The three-phase AC sources supplying these two bridges
are shifted by 3 0 ° with respect to one another. This can be achieved easily hj
phase shifting the AC sources using two three-phase transformers, one of which
is Y-connected and the other A-connected on the secondary side. On the pri-.'
mary side, both transformers are connected in Y to the same three-ph.ise
source. With this connection, the secondary side phase voltages of the A trans
former are shifted in phase by 30°, so all the secondary phase voltages of one
transformer will be shifted in phase by the same 3 0 ° with respect to the corre
sponding phases in the other. There will also be a difference in the magnitude
of the secondary phase voltage. The secondary voltage of the A transformer will
be less by a factor of 3 than that of the Y transformer. However, this can he
taken care of by having a different, turn’s ratio (a V 3 for Y-A transformer). In
this way, the secondary voltages can be identical in magnitude.
The resulting secondary line voltages and vaV are displaced by 30 ° as
a result of the transformer connection. Because each of the six-pulse bridges
operates independently, the output voltage vQ is the sum of vol and vo2. Figure'
7 .1 4 shows the waveform of the output voltage. As shown, vQ is the twelvc-
pulse output, with a ripple frequency twelve times the source frequency.
7.4 Twelve-Pilse Rectifier Circuits 211
Figure 7,13
A twelve-pulse rectifier
Figure 7.14
Output voltage waveform
Figure 7.15
Input current waveforrhs for
a twelve-pulse rectifier
7.5 Problems 213
7.5 Problems
7.1 What are the advantages of a six-pulse rectifier over a three-phase rectifier?
7.2 Draw the waveform for the output voltage if the diodes in Figure 7.1 are
7.3 A three-pulse rectifier delivers 20 A to a resistive load. If th£ load voltage
is 120 V DC, find
a) the average diode current
b) the PIV rating of each diode
c) the RMS diode current
7.4 A six-pulse rectifier supplies 8.8 kW to a resistive load. If the load voltage
is 220 V DC, find
a) the average diode current
b) the PIV rating of each diode
c) the RMS diode currfnt ,
7.5 A three-pulse rectifier supplies a resistive load of 10 £2 from a 220 V
source. Find
a) the average load voltage
b) the average load current
c) the maximum load current
d) the PIV rating of the diode
e) the maximum diode current
f) the average load power , _
7 .6 Repeat problem 7.5 after adding a large inductance in series with the load
7.7 A three-pulse rectifier is connected to a 220 V source. If the rectifier sup
plies an average load current of 50 A, find
a) the DC load voltage
,; b) the diode average current
: c) the maximum current in each diode
d) the RMS value of the line current :■
7.8 The six-pulse rectifier in Figure 7.6 is connected to a 220 V source. If the
rectifier supplies an average load current of 50 A, find
a) the DC load voltage
b) the diode average current
c) the maximum current in each diode
d) the RMS value of the line current
214 CHAPTER 7 Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers
7.6 Equations
ft = n fs 7.1
W ) = 0.827 Vm 7.3
Kxavgj = 0.477 Vl(m) 7.4
*= 0.827 /m 7.6
A x a v g ) — ^ j(a v g .)/^ "^ ^o(avg.^/3 7.7
^o(m) 1.21 loCavg.) 7.8
s , 1 . 2%
4(R M S) - If „ . — + — sin - 7.9
2n \3 2
V5 '
RF : 7.1C
n2 - 1 ;
FF = Vw 7.11
PIV rating > K(m) 7.12
^o(R M S) " " ^ o (a v g ) 7.13
A xm ax) = ^oCm a x ) — ^ lX a v g .) 7.14
K>(avg.) = 1*654 Vjn 7.1!
^ofavg.) —0.955 H(m> 7.11
r _A ik 7.17-
0<av8)~7t R ■ ' !->l
A){avgj "■ /ifavgj/3 7.1*
, 1 f ■
MXRMS) ~ *\/3 *o(avg.) 7.15
7.6 Equations 215
W ) = ~ Vi'»" ’ ' ' C V> ' ■ " 'J " ■■ ' " " 7.24
v . ; 3, v v >1::
‘oCavg.) ^
4>(avg.) “ 4>(avg.)/3 7 .2 6
4(RMS) — y/j 4>(avg.) 7.27
4 ms = 0.956 4 , 28
PIV > V«m) . ‘ 7 29
peak-to-peak ripple = 0.189 Vs 7,30
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, the student should be able to
8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 217
#............................................................................................................................. ....... . ■
....... . .............
8,1 Introduction
Figure 8.1
Half-wave controlled rectifier (a) circuit diagram (b) waveforms for voltage and
current with cx = 0° (c) waveforms with a small delay angle
put voltage waveform will also be delayed by the angle a, but the output wil
still have three pulses, The waveforms of the output voltage and current as
function of time for a < 30° are shown in Figure 8.1(c). As shown, the phase
SCR remains conducting until the phase B SCR is turned on. The output voltage
and output current do not go to zeio at any time; however, the average oulpu
voltage is decreased compared with the .0° case,
8.2 Half-Wava (Crhwe^PulSe) Controlled Rectifiers 219
3 V 3 v„
cos a ”* : 8.2
2 71 . R
/The; average SCR current is
4(avg.> A V-3 V„
W g )* "5 COS <X 8.3
3 ~ 2W R
The RMS SCR current is
" •■'SCRCavg.)' 1 l ',n „ /
4cr(rms) - = 2 Jf R C° S a
— o r 123° ' . 8 . 6
3 i ,
The ripple frequency is
f = 3 * AC supply frequency 8.7
Figure 8.2
Half-wave controlled
rectifier waveforms (30° S a
5 150°)
8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 221
When a becomes larger, 30° < a < 150°, the output current decreases to zero
at some time and then tends to become negative. This is not possible with a
resistive load, so the output current and voltage both remain Zero until the next
SCR is turned on, Figure 8,2 shows the voltage and current waveforms. The
average output voltage is
Figure 8.3
Waveforms with inductive
(RL) load and continuous
r 8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 223
3 V3
K)(avg.) : VL cos a 0 ° £ a S 180°
2 Jt
0.827 Vm cos a 8.9
This equation is the same as in the resistive case, but it is no longer limited to
a < 30°. The earlier case was limited because the output voltage altered its
shape for a > 30° with a resistive load. Now the output voltage continues along
the same portion Of the sinusoid for a > 30°.
The maximum average output voltage occurs at a = 0°:
Figure 8.4
Control characteristic of the
DCoutput voltage
Figure 8.5
Voltage and current waveforms for Example 8.3 (a) a = 0°
8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 225
Example 8.3 For a three-pulse controlled rectifier with an RL load, plot the waveforms of the
output voltage, the voltage across SCRi, and the current through each SCR if the
i; output current firing angle i s ,
a) 0°
b) 45°
c) 90° , ' \
d) 135°
e) 180°
Figure 8.5
Voltage and current
waveform for Example 8.3
(b) a = 45°
226 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Solution a) When a = 0°, the AC input voltage with the highest instantaneous value is./
applied to the'output terminal. The average output voltage is therefore at its -:
positive maximum. Each SCR conducts current for a duration of 120p.
When SCRj is conducting, t%CRi - 0 V. When SCR2 is conducting, SCR,
and SCR3 are off, and t>S CR1 Is therefore vAK. When SCR3 is conducting, thes
voltage across SCRj is vAC. The plot is shown in Figure 8.5(a).
b) When a = 45°, the SCRs block forward voltage for 45°, and the average out
put voltage is reduced. Figure 8.5(b) shows the waveforms.
c) As the delay angle is increased to 90°, the SCRs block the forward and reveise
voltage for equal periods and the average voltage is zero (see Figure 8.50 >)
Figure 8.5
Voltage and current
waveform for Example 8.3
(c) ct = 90°
8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 227
d) To operate With delay angles greater than 90°, we should have a counter-
emf source as a load, for example, a DC motor under braking conditions.
With a = 135°, the SCRs block in the forward direction and the average out
put voltage becomes negative. This does not produce a negative current,
since the SCRs can conduct only in the forward direction. The reversal of
voltage polarity with the direction of current flow unchanged indicates a
reversal of power flow. Under this condition, the circuit becomes an inverter,
supplying power from the DC load side to the AC source side (see Figure
Figure 8.5
Voltage and current
waveform for Example 8.3
(d) a = 135°
228 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers ■
e) When a = 180p, the SCRs block forward voltage for the entire duration aqf e
the output voltage is at its negative maximum (.Figure 8.5(e)), v|-
From this example, it is clear that when 0° < a <> 90°, the circuit operates!'
in the rectifying mode, and for 90° < a < 180°, it operates in the inverting mode,j|
Figure 8.5
Voltage and current
waveform for Example 8.3
(e) a =180°
8.2 Half-Wave (Three-Pulse) Controlled Rectifiers 229
! a
s + scr2-
*—OTiTT^ ••'
+ scr3-
(i— — • . p>k^-
DA ill
current that would otherwise have to flow through the rectifier. The average
output voltage is given by Equation 8.7 for 30° < a < 150°. In this range of a,
the FWD provides a path for the output current during three intervals in each
cycle, Figure 8.6(b) shows the waveform for oc = 75°. In phase A, SCRj conducts
from an angle of 105° (75° + 30°) to 180°. The FWD conducts from 180° to the
time when SCR2 conducts at an angle of 225° (75° + 150°). As shown in the fig
ure, the total conduction time for the SCR and one FWD period is still 120°.
A delay angle greater than 150° would suggest a negative output voltage,
which is not possible if an FWD is present.
Figure 8.6
(b) voltage and current
waveforms for a = 75°
Figure 8.7
Six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier circuit
instant when the voltage tends to become positive in the forward direction, then
the circuit will function in the same way as the diode bridge rectifier. The firing
delay angle a o f each SCR i$ measured from the crossover point of its respec
tive phase voltage.
Consider the interval from 0° to 120°. In the positive group of SCRs con
nected to terminal 1, SCRj is/connected to the most positive phase voltage, vAS
With a = 0°, SCRj will turn on and connect point 1 to A. In a similar manner,
from 120° to 240°, SCR3 turns on and connects point 1 to B. Over the interval
240° to 360°, point 1 is tied to C, and the cycle repeats. The voltage fiNis there
fore the positive peak of the phase voltages i>AN, %N, and fCN.
In the negative group of SCRs connected to terminal 2, SCR4 is connecti-d
to the most negative phase vohage during the interval from 180° to 300°. SCR,
conducts and connects point 2 to A. Similarly, from 300° to 420° (or 60°), SCR,,
Table 8-1
0° to 60" A B AB
60° to 120p A C AC
120° to 180° B C BC
180° to 240' B A BA
240* to 300" S- A CA
300° to 360" e B CB
360" to 420" A B AB
8.3 Full-wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 233
turns on and connects point 2 to B. Over the interval from 60° to 180°, point 2
is tied to C. The voltage t^Nis therefore the negative peak of the phase voltages
^an» Wbn, and z;CN. The output voltage va (= vX2) is simply t>1N - z^N. Table 8-1
summarizes these results. . ,
The output voltage waveform (see Figure 8.8) is smoother, consisting of
?ix pulses of the input line voltages. The frequency of the output ripple voltage
is six times the AC line frequency, and the magnitude is double that of a three-
pulse rectifier. Each SCR conducts for 120° and blocks for 240° of each cycle.
There are at least two SCRs always in conduction at the same time. With an ABC
phase sequence, the firing order of the SCRs is SCRs 1 and 2, SCRs 2 and 3,
SCRs 3 and 4, SCRs 4 and 5, and SCRs 5 and 6, and so forth, and the gate sig
nals to the SCRs are 60° apart.
Figure 8.8
Output voltage waveforms
i .. of. the bridge circuit with a
'4f =0°
,= V3v,❖(max)
The voltage across the SCRs is easily determined from Table 8-1. For
example, suppose the voltage across SCRj is needed. First note that t%CR1 is sim
ply vA1. Therefore, from 0° to 120°, vA1 = 0 since SCRj is conducting. From 120°
to 240°, i\i = yAB since 1 is tied to B, and from 240° to 360° vAl = vAC since 1
is tied to C. The results are given In Table 8.2.
234 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Tsbtfi 8-2
0° to 60° 0 BA CA AB 0 CB |
60° to 120° 0 BA CA BC
120" to 180" AB 0 CB ’ „ AC , BC
0 1
180° to 240° AB 0 CB 0 BA CA J
■240° to 300° AC BC 0 0 BA CA f
300° to 360° AC BC 0 ■ AB 0 CB
Figure 8.9(a) shows the voltage across SCR!. As shown, the maximifrii'
reverse voltage that can occur across an, SCR is equal to the maximum instarfl#
neouS magnitude of the AC line voltage. It is important to note that the SCR
should also be able to block forward voltages. The magnitude of this voltage"
depends on the firing angle. The larger the firing angle, the larger will be thfjj
forward voltage that the SCR must block.
The current in each SCR can also be determined from Table 8-1. The litilf
currents are then obtained by applying KCL:
iA = h - iA
tB = ki
ic = H - h
The current waveforms are shown in Figure 8 9(b).
The SCR conduction now may be delayed by an angle a measured liom
the normal point of commutation. The average output voltage is then reduced,
The circuit can operate in two different modes depending on the value nt the,
delay angle. In the range 0 ° S a < 60°, the output voltage and current are con
tinuous and the average output voltage is
3V3 ’
' K*av8.) = --------Vm cos a for 0° < a < 60° 8.13
When the delay angle exceeds 60° (for 60° < a < 120°), the output voltage has
a negative portion. If the inductive component of the load is sufficiently large,
the current continues to flow. If the load is purely resistive or if an FWD is con-'
nected across an RL load, the negative portion of the output voltage is held to'
zero. The average value of the output voltage is then
Vo(avg.) '~ Kn 1 + cos a + for 60° < a < 120° 8.14
* 8.3 Full-wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 235
I Figure 8.9
| Voltage and current
waveforms for bridge
| circuit (a) voltage across
SCRr (b) current waveforms
236 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Note that when a = 60°, Equations 8.13 and 8.14 give identical results. At
a = 120°, the average output voltage becomes zero.
Vo(avg.) = 0 V for 120° < a < 180° 9 .H
At a = 0°, V^ g) is at its maximum, 1.65 Vm. The normalized average output;1;
voltage is "ft
V o ( a v g ) / V o (a v g .)m a x - 1 + CO S I (X +
Figure 8.10
Control characteristic
^SCR(avg ) ~ 4 ( a v g .) / 3 8.16
The RMS or effective value of the output current is
V 3V m V2rc + 3 'V 3 c o s 2 a
4(RMS) for 0° S a £ 120° 8.1
2 R " .... "• n ..........
V 3 Vm V 4n - 6 a - 3 sin (2a - 60°)
4 crms) = for 60° < a < 120° 8.1
2R jc
The RMS value of the source line currents for both modes of operation is given I
4(R M S) ** V 2 7 5 * 4 (a v g .) ■8 * 1
If the output current is an ideal constant DC waveform, /C(rms) ; 4(avg.)> and the
ripple factor is zero.
The power dissipated in the load is
Pq — ^ o (R M S ) R 8.22
peak reverse voltage rating of the SCRs < T O 8.23
conduction period for each SCR = 120° 8.24
Example 8.5 For the six-pulse controlled-bridge rectifier with a delay angle of 0°, show the
conduction path by drawing the equivalent circuit for each 60° interval.
Solution Figure 8.11 shows the waveform of the output voltage with a = 0°.
Figure 8.11
Waveforms of a bridge
circuit with a = 0°
Period Is At 0°, SCRj is turned oh, causing SCR5 to turn off. From 0° to
60°, the largest line voltage is vm . Therefore, SCRs 1 and 6
will conduct at this time. vm appears across the load through
SCRS 6 and 1.
Period 2: At 60°, SCR2 is turned on, causing SCR^ to turn off. From 60° to
120°, vAC has the largest voltage; therefore, SCRs 1 and 2 will
conduct. vA£ appears across the load through SCRs 1 and 2.
Period 3: At 120°, SCR3 is turned on, causing SCRj to turn off. From 120p
to 180°, VbC appears across the load through SCRs 2 and 3.
Figure 8,12
Changes in circuit configuration as the SCRs are switched sequentially (a) current path during period 1 J
(b) current path during period 2 (c) current path durihg period 3 (d) current path during period 4
(e) current path durihg period 5 (f) current path during period 6
8.3 Full-wav< (Six Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 239
Period 4: At 180°, SCR4 is turned on, causing SCR2 to turn off. From 180°
to 240°, VaA appears across the load through SCRs 3 and 4.
Period 5: At 240°, SCR, is turned on, causing SCR, to turn off. From 240°
to 300°, vCa appears across the load through SCRs 4 and 5.
Period 6: At 300°, SCR6 is turned on, causing SCR4 to turn off. From 300°
to 360°, vcn appears across the load through SCRs 5 and 6 .
At 360°, the cycle is completed. SCR, is turned on, causing
SCR5 to turn off, and the sequence is repeated
Figure 8.12 shows the output current paths in the circuit for each of these
Example 8.6 Sketch the waveforms for output voltage, voltage across SCR SCR currents i
and iA, and line current iA for the six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier supplying
a purely resistive load with a delay angle of:
a) 30°
b) 6 0 °
c) 90°
Assume ABC phase sequence.
Solution a) The output voltage waveform is shown in Figure 8.13(a) With a = 30°
SCRi is forward-biased at M = 0°. However, since the firing angle is 30°
it does not turn on until (at = 0 ° + a = 30°, and then it continues to con
duct for 60°. Before this instant, SCR^ was turned on. Therefore, during
the interval from 30° to 90°, SCRs 1 and 6 conduct the output current and
the OUtjput terminals are connected to phase A and B (see Figure 8 14(a))
The output voltage is therefore equal to vA$. At m = 60° + a = 90° SCR
_ is fired and voltage vCB immediately appears across SCR6, which reverse-
biases it and turns it off. The current from SCR6 is transferred to SCR (see
Figure 8.14(b)) for a further 60° interval. The output terminals are con
nected to phase A through SCR, and phase C through SCRZ, making the
output voltage equal to VAC. At (at = 150°, SCR, is turned off by switching
on SCR*. Here, the line current iA becomes zero, so the output current
path is now provided by SCRs 2 and 3 for a further 60° interval. When
cot = 210°, the most positive line voltage is ^ SCR2 is reverse-biased,
and Conduction continues through the newly fired SCR4 (see Figure
8.14(c)). The source current iA now flows in the opposite direction. After
a further 60°, at cot = 270°, the most positive voltage is vCA and SCR, is
turned on, causing SCR3 to turn off. SCRs 4 and 5. then provide the path
for the load current, which flows from phase C to phase A through the
load (see Figure 8.14(d)). At (at = 330°, the line current becomes zero so
the output current path is now provided by SCRs 2 and 3 for a further
6 0 ° interval.
240 CHAPTER S Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
— * «o
8.3 Full-wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 241
Note that the triggering delay does not reduce the conduction period
for each SCR, which is still 120° (one-third of a cycle), and each voltage seg
ment has a duration of 60°. The current waveforms are shown in Figure
8.13(b). The line current iA has a pulse width of 120°.
b) For a S 60°, the current becomes discontinuous, as shown in Figure 8.15(a).
Figure 8.15
Voltage and current
waveforms for Example 8.6
(parts (b) and (c)) (a) a = 60°
30‘ ! f
) ll
CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 8.15
(b)ct-90° AB AC ’'B C BA CA kCB ‘'A B
s / \ /\ / \ / V / V > r .\
'/ V V V '/
Va ! VA 1
i. V*.
A i VA- i VA i! V
A ■
i A tV
A iS
! /
1^1 0? i1 ...m _ m
31jI 4j .5] ,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
/' I /V I /\ t /\
^ _,K . X - X . - - K . x . - K . X - X
0° (^0° 1^0° 1^0° 2jK)° 3(jX)0 3^0° 420° 480°
i i
i i
M Jv i
i i i
i i
I i
i » m> i
c) When the firing angle is increased to a = 90°, the average output voltage
decreases further, as shown in Figure 8.15(b).
Figure 8.16
Output voltage and voltage
across SCR, for a firing
angle a =45°
As before, each SCR begins conducting 45° later than it would if the rec
tifying devices were diodes, Bach SCR conducts for a 60° interval, as in the sim
ilar situation without phase control. Therefore, the average output voltage is
3 V3
^ o (a v g .) H r, C O S (X
3 „
- “ Hem) cos a- <
and oower flow is from the AC source to the DC load. If the delay angle a is
furthei increased, the DC output voltage will change signs and the circuit will
operate as an inverter. The output voltage reaches its negative maximum at a
firing angle of 180°, When the delay angle lies in the range 90° < a < 180°, the
bridge circuit operates as an inverter, transferring power from the I)C load to
the AC source side. Therefore, a bridge rectifier with sufficient load'inductance
can operate as a rectifier or as an inverter with proper choice of firing angle.
The variation of the normalized average voltage with the firing angle is>
shown in Figure 8.17.
Figure 8.17
Average output voltage
versus delay angle for
continuous output current
If the load has sufficient inductance, the output current essentially remains
constant during the conduction period. The SCR currents have the same shape
as the diode currents in Chapter 7, although they are shifted by an angle a to
the right, Only the magnitude of the output current is Changed due to the addi
tion of cos a term for average voltage.
The average value of the output current is found by dividing the average
output voltage by the load resistance:
■fc(RMS) = -fc(a v g .)
8.3 Full-wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 245
= 4(avg.)/3
4 cR (R M S ) 8.29
peak reverse,voltage rating = VUm) or V 3 Vm 8.30
The RMS value of the output voltage is
1 3 V3
K>CRMS) ~ 2 ^LCm) - + - — - cos 2 a 8.31
4 8n
Example 8.7 Determine the firing sequence in which the gate pulses must be applied for the
six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier shown in Figure 8.7. Assume an ABC phase
Solution There are six SCRs, so at every 60° interval an SCR is> fired in a particular
sequence that keeps the source currents in balance. The output voltage at any
instant is equal to one of the six line voltages vAB, vAC, i%c , t%A, vCA, or vCB. Thus
two SCRs— one in the positive group (SCRi, SCR3, SCR5) and one in the nega
tive group (SCR4 , SCR^, SCR2 )—must be triggered simultaneously. Let us assign
a pair of SCRs for each phase of the source: SCRs 1 and 4 for phase A, SCRs 3
and 6 for phase B, and SCRs 5 and 2 for phase C. If we apply the gate pulse
' to SCRr aroc, then SCR3 .must be. fired 120° later at a + 120° and SCR5 at a +
240°. '
Now SCR4 must be fired 180° later than SCRX, that is, at a + 180°. SCRg is
then fired 120e later than SCR4 , at a + 180° + 120° = a + 300°. Similarly, SCR2
is fired at a + 180° + 240° or a + 60°. Figure 8.18 shows the firing sequence as
1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6 , 1, . . . .
( a + 180°+ 240°)
= a + 60°
This scheme has one drawback. Since two SCRs, one in the negative
group and the other in the positive group, must conduct for the output current
to flow, the firing pulses will not be sufficient for starting the bridge, In oiir
scheme, only one SCR receives the trigger pulse at a time. Therefore, when the
CHAPTER 8 Three Phase Controlled Rectifiers
first gate signal is received by SCRj, for example, it cannot turn on the bridge,.
since the other SCR (SCR2) has not received its gate signal. After 60Q, when SCR^-
does get the gate signal, its own signal is removed. One method to solve this'
problem is to provide pulses o f long duration, so that a pulse applied to an SCR'
gate does not end before the next pulse arrives on the gate of the SCR in the ■.
other group. The second method is to provide double pulses to each SCR—(he-
idea is to simultaneously provide a pulse to the conducting partner in the oppo
site group whenever a pulse is given to any SCR. This method is shown m tig.
ure 8.19 for the negative and positive group, respectively. Every SCR is provided^
with two successive pulses, the second one timed 60° after the first.
SCRs 2,3
(06+ 120°) SCRs 6,1 (a)
SCRs 1,2
( a + 180°+ 240°)
= a + 60°
Exam ple 8.8 A six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier is connected to a three-phase 220 V AC
supply. If the load resistance is 20 Q with a large inductive component and the
delay angle is 30°, find
a) the. average output voltage
b) the average output current
c) the RMS output current
d) the average SCR Current
e) the RMS SCR current
f) the voltage rating of the SCRs
g) the average output power '
Solution a) FL(m) = V 2 * 220 = 311 V .
Using Equation 8.25
Kxavg.) = 0,955 VUm) cos a
= 0.955 * 311 * cos 30
• = 257 V
b) W » = 257/20 = 12.9 A
c) 4(RMS) ” 4(avg,) 12.9 A
8.3 Full-Wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier 247
Example 8.9 For a six-pulse controlled rectifier with an RL load, plot the waveform for the
output voltage if the firing angle is
a) 15°
b) 60°
i* h
f*6, l-*<~1,2~»*2,3-*^3,4-M,5-'*5,6^
^ 4
a = 60°' T\ 1 /\ 1\\ /
A1 ' /
/|'v 7! '
1 V / 1 V ,
V 1V I XIX! x'
/ \ i / \ i / v / \i ' '
■ '
60° 120' 180° 240° 300° 360° 420° 480°
s, A ___ L ___L ___ k K k K
6 11 [2 |3 |4 15 16 i
On SCRs 1*5,6 4 --6 ,1-4-1,2-4<-2,3-*^3,4*j-4,5*J*5,6^6,l*
248 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers J|
Solution Since the delay angle is £ 60°, the output voltage waveform is the sanle for nther
a purely resistive load, a purely inductive load, or any combination of RL loads,
Example 8.10 For a six-pulse controlled rectifier with an RL load, plot the waveforms for (he
output current and the line currents iAt %, and ic if the firing angle is:
a) 0° . . ;
b) 30°
c) 60°
Solution The SCR currents iu i2, %, 4. %, and % flow for 120° with peak values of /o(av
The AC line currents can be easily determined by applying KCL at the appro-
priate nodes. Therefore, line currents iA, zB and ic are
;< ;<
\ A 'y<\ A A A A /"\ xv/ x
i j l j l X j l ... -X .. x ....x ;
COt (01
M 41 >
Hi *\\ !l\ »i
I t i* til ft I
** *
* »*
i \ *• »*
I %#«
/ i \ *r{ y* j » '1/ 'i, 'wi
M, \** '1ii# x**#
1- 't* '
V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 '/ 1 V * V 1 V ‘ '
/\! /\l /\ ! /\! / \!./\! t \! /\I / x /1\x / i /p. \/ 1'. x 11', x t :
•I I v' I V I V I v' I
60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360° 420° 480°
1 I I I I I I •
(a) (b)
Figure 8.21
Voltage and current waveforms in the bridge rectifier (a) a = 0° (b) a = 30°
» -
8.3 Full-wave (Six-Pulse) Bridge Controlled Rectifier .{249
Figure 8.21
(c) a = 60° .
iK = tx — t4 , , . .
h■ ■■ T
*g = *5 ~ h
These line currents also have peak values of JocSVg.)» but they flow in positive
and negative pulses of 120°.
The output current and line currents are plotted in Figure 8.21, The out
put current is continuous for all values of a. With a smooth output current,
there is no ripple component at all and the current ripple factor is ideally zero.
Example 8.11 A six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier with an RL load is fed from a three-phase
220 V AC source. If the load resistance is 10 Q, calculate the average output
voltage and power dissipation if the firing angle is
a) 30° '■
b) 60°
2.50 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
* W ) = 4(avg.) R= = ^ = 6 6 56 W
b) Vo(avg.) = 149 V
P(avg.) = 2216 W
Figure 8.22
Output voltage waveforms
for a = 90°
^ofavg.)/^o(avg.)max 1 COS | Ct
Figure 8.23
Gontrol characteristic
For the case of an inductive load without an FWD, the SCR average cur
rent is given by
where 4 (avg.) is the average output current (assuming negligible ripple current
in the output). If a is greater than 60° and an FWD is present, the FWD allows
a path for the output current for the angle a - 60 ° twice in each 120° period.
The SCR therefore conducts for the period 120° - 2(a - 60°) or for the period
240° - 2 a. The average SCR current is given by
(240° - 2 a )
-*SCR(avg.) — 360° ° ( av8-) 8.34
With a delay angle a less than 60° or when no FWD is present, the line current
includes both a positive and a negative pulse equal to the output current for
120° periods. These pulses are separated by two 60° periods of zero value. The
RMS value of the line current is given by
0.816 L'o(avg.y 8.35
For a delay angle a greater than 60° with an FWD present, the line current
includes two positive pulses, both of 120 ° - a duration and two similar nega
tive pulses. The remaining periods are zero. The RMS value of the line current
is given by
J e m 1 a)
*RMS ' M o(avg.)) 8.36
2S2 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Example 8.12 For a six-pulse controlled rectifier, plot the waveforms for the output voltag
the voltage across SCRj, the current through SCRs 1 and 4, and line current
if the firing angle is
a) 75°
b) 120 °
c) 135°
d) 150°
. . / . L/ \ * . • I• I' , • , < *!
, * i ifv V <V i / ii V tV
//\\ .1/\\/a \ Ap \ J \ //
a = 75° x V**
* *>c»r^^>Ci ^>c*r * r r **>£«r**>c *
| 60° i 120°! 180°! 240°! 300°! 360°! 420°'. 480° |
* * * I I I
k k k k k k
*SC R 1
a = 75°
8.3 253
Figure 8.24
(b) cx = 120°
Solution An increase in a beyond 60° results in the output voltage becoming negative,
with a negative maximum at a = 180°. The circuit operates in the inversion
mode if there is a source of negative voltage at the load. Figure 8.24 shows the
waveforms for the various firing angles.
From this example, we can conclude that when 0° <, a < 906, the circuit
operates in the rectifying mode. For 90° S a < 180°; the circuit operates in the
inverting mode if a source of negative voltage is present at the load.
CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 8,24
(c) a = 35° jjgj
Figure 8.24
(d) a = 150°
circuit is required to operate only in the rectifying mode, that is, to convert AC
power to DC power. Converters that operate in this manner are called half
controlled or semiconverters.
, Figure 8.25(a) shows a half-controlled converter circuit. The circuit
includes a freewheeling diode to help sustain continuous output current. A cost
advantage is obtained by using diodes instead of SCRs in the lower half of the
bridge; however, the output ripple frequency is only three times the line fre-
CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
qiiency. The output voltage includes a contribution from the controlled upper '
half-bridge plus a contribution from the uncontrolled lower half-bridge. The
SCRs turn on when fired and are turned off either by firing another SCR or by
the action of the FWD. \)Wth a delay angle a < 60°, the output voltage wave
form contains six pulses per cycle. The output current is always continuous, the
voltage never becomes negative, and the FWD plays no part. The output volt-
age waveform is equal to yAB or vAC whenever SCR! is on, The firing sequence
and the voltage and current waveforms, assuming a large inductive load, are
shown in Figure 8.25(b). Each SCR and diode pair conducts for a full 120°. The
ripple frequency is only three times the AC source frequency—this is a draw
back of a semiconverter as compared with a fully-controlled bridge, which has
a ripple frequency six times the source frequency.
For delay greater than 60°, the output voltage tends to become negative
during part of the cycle. The freewheeling diode acts to make the output volt
age zero for this period and turns off the conducting SCR and diode pair. Con
tinuous output current can still flow through the FWD path. Figure 8.25(c;
shows the voltage and current waveforms. The firing sequence of the SCRs and
the period of conduction of the diodes is also shown.
Assume that the output current is continuous and ripple-free. At 30° + a,
SCRj turns on and SCRX and D2 conduct the output current, making the output
voltage equal to vAC. When the output voltage tends to be negative, the free
wheeling diode is forward-biased and starts conducting. The Output current will
now freewheel through the FWD, making the output voltage zero. When SCR3
is turned on, the output current conducts through SCR3 and D4, making the out
put voltage equal to VqA. The process is repeated every 120° whenever an SCR
is turned on.
The average value of the output voltage is
Figure 8.25
(a) Half-controlled bridge
1 2 fs c R , '312 C~SCR3'5 (T c r 5 ,d j 'o
”R +
G — w. *r ]L -
I 1 '6\ | D6 ‘y D,
8.4 Full-Wave Half-Controlled Bridge Rectifiers with FWD 257
Figure 8.25
(b) voltage and current waveforms for a small firing angle (c) waveforms for large
firing angle
258 CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
The variation of the normalized average output, voltage with a is shown in Fig. ‘
ure 8.26. Note that the output voltage cannot be negative, therefore the semi-'
converter cannot operate in the inverting mode.
Figure 8.26
Average output voltage
versus delay angles for
continuous output current
- 4 c R ( a v g .) “ a v g .v 'S ■»
v<lUvil) 2n
1 + cos a = ■"___ ' 1— = 1,62
3 V,L(m)
cos a = 0 .6 2 '
a = 52°
Maximum DC voltage is obtained with a = 0°
Example 8.14 Sketch the waveforms for Output voltage and the input line current iA for a half-
controlled rectifier with a delay angle of
a) 0 °
b) 60 °
c) 120°
Also find the ripple frequency in each case if the source frequency is 60 Hz.
Solution a) With a = 0°, the output is at a maximum as it is for a full-controlled bridge.
Each SCR conducts for 120°, and the input line current consists of alternat
ing components of rectangular pulses of 120° durations. Figure 8.27(a)
shows the waveforms.
The ripple frequency is
6 /= 6 *6 0 = 360 Hz
Figure 8.27
Voltage waveforms for Example 8.14 (a) ct = 0° (b) a = 60°
’.SO CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
Figure 8.27
(c) a= 120°
b) With a = 60°, the average output voltage is the difference in voltage between
the positive and negative group. The input line current is delayed by 60° and
then flows for a duration of 120°. Figure 8.27(b) show the waveforms.
The ripple frequency is
3 / = 3 * 6 0 = 180 Hz
c) Figure 8.27(c) Shows the waveforms for a = 120°.
The ripple frequency is
3 / = 3 * 60 = 180 Hz
Figure 8.28
Twelve-pulse connection using two six-pulse bridges (a) series (b) parallel
262 CHAPTER 8 sthfee^Phase Controlled Rectifiers
figure 8.28
(c) output voltage
waveforms for the series-
connected bridge
pulse output. Due to the series connection, the same output current flows
through the two converters.
The equations for output voltage for a resistive load are:
Vo„(avg.) ’ V 2 V,L(m) — sin a for 0° < a < 15° 8.43
8.6 Problems
8.1 A three-pulse rectifier is supplied from a 208 V source. If the load current
is 10 A and the firing angle is 0°, find
a) the average output voltage ,
b) the maximum output current
c) the peak reverse voltage rating of the SCRs
d) (he power dissipation in each SCR, if the forward voltage drop is 1.1 V
8.2 Repeat problem 8.1 for a firing angle of 30°.
8.6 Problems 263
8.3 For a three-pulse controlled rectifier with a resistive load, plot the wave
forms for the output voltage, the output current, and the voltage across the
SCRs if the firing angle is ,
a).. 30° , . '
b) 90° •
c) 120°
8.4 For a three-pulse controlled rectifier with an inductive load, plot the wave-
fcrms fur the output voltage, the output, current, and the voltage across the
SCRs if the firing angle is 100°. ,
8.5 For a three-pulse controlled rectifier with an RL load, plot the waveforms
for the output voltage, the output current, and the voltage across the SCRs
if the firing angle is 100 °.
8 .6 For a three-pulse controlled rectifier with an RL load, plot the waveforms
for the output voltage if the firing angle, is 175°.
8.7 A six-pulse bridge rectifier is connected to a three-phase 220 V AC source.
Calculate the DC output voltage if the firing angle is 30°.
8 .8 For a six-pulse bridge rectifier with a resistive load, plot the waveforms for
the output voltage, the output current, and the voltage across SCRs 1 and
3 if the firing angle is:
a) 0 °
b) 60 °
c) ,90°
d) 120 °
8.9 For a six-pulse bridge rectifier with a resistive load, plot the waveforms for
the line currents iA, iB, and and the current through each SCR if the fir
ing angle is
a)0 °
• b) 90 ° ' "
8.10 A six-pulse bridge circuit is connected to a three-phase 208 V AC source.
a) the average output voltage if the delay angle is 75°
b) the delay angle required to produce 75 V DC when the circuit is oper
ating in thesrectifier mode ' '
c) the delay, angle required to produce 75 V DC when the circuit is oper
ating in the inyerter mofje
8.11 For a half-controlled six-pulse bridge rectifier with a freewheeling diode
across the resistive load, plot the waveforms for the output voltage and
output current if the firing angle is
a) 0 °
b) 60°
; c) 90°
d) 120 °
CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
+ sc r 2 -
8 .1 6 A six-pulse rectifier is shown in Figure 8.30. Plot the waveform for the out
put voltage if the delay angle is 30 °.
Figure 8.30
See problem 8,16
• -8.7 Equations 26$
8.17 A six-pulse bridge circuit is connected to a 3-8 KV source. The load draws
a current of 100 A. If the delay angle is 60 °, find
a) the average output voltage '1 ’ • "
b) the active power input
c) the reactive power absorbed by the circuit
8.18 A six-pulse bridge circuit is fed from a 220 V source. The load draws a
current o f 100 A. If the delay angle Is 60°, find
a) the average output voltage
b) the active power input
c) the reactive power absorbed by the circuit
8.19 A six-pulse bridge converter connected to a three-phase 120 V AC s ° ^ c e
is operating in the inverting mode. The load consists of a 1 , .
having an internal resistance of 0.1 £2 . If the battery de ivers a con
current of 70 A, find
a) the delay angle . ,v
b) the active power supplied to the source
c) the reactive power a b s o r b e d by the converter
d) the peak reverse voltage rating of the SCR
e) the average current through the SCR
8.20 A 5 HP separately-excited DC shunt motor rated at 120 V, 1800 rpm is fed
from a fully controlled six-pulse bridge converter, The converter is sup
plied from a 208-V AC source. If the rated armature current is 20 A and
the armature resistance is 0 . 1; £2 find .
a) the delay angle for the motor to operate at the rate oa
b) the delay angle if the starting current, is limited to 25 A
c) the reactive power absorbed by the converter when operating at rated
load -j I >
d) the SCR voltage rating '
8.21 For a six-pulse controlled bridge rectifier with a resistive load, find the rip
ple factor when a = 60 °i
8.7 Equations
8 .4
CHAPTER 8 Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers
V , J W l _ = cos a
-kcR(RMS) = 4(avg.)/3
3 V3
^oCavg.) = Vm COS-a for 0° < a < 60°
. ri
3 V3
Ko(avg.)>= ^ ^ Knl 1 + cos
- - ,( a- + -j-
2 11 for 60 ° < a < 120 °
RF = l&SUSL _ 1
\ ^o(avg.)
P q — ^oCRMS) R
PRV rating of SCRs = V^(m)
conduction period for each SCR = 120°
3 V 3 Ty
K)(avg.) 25 _ ^OS OC
-4>(avg.) ” ^oCavg,)/-^
-^SCRCavg.) “ ^o(avg.)/^
^ j(RMS) ~ ^o(avg.)
4 c K(RMS) = -^oCavg./V^
PRV rating = V 3 Vm
8.7 Equations 267
K>(RMS) — 2 K (m )
±1 + 3 V 3 cos 2a 8.31
4 8n
K x rm s) = V u m ) ~4 ^ ( K ~~a + ]> s i n 2 a
for 0 ° < a < 180° 8 .40
Chapter Outline
H--------------------------------------- ----------------------
Learning Objectives
■ explain vi/hat the term ch o pp er means ■ describe the basic operation of a ste
(boost) chopper
■ discuss the principle of basic DC
choppers ■ explain the operating principle of a
buck-boost chopper
■ describe the basic operation of a step-
down (buck) chopper
9.2 The Principles of Basic DC Choppers 269
.1 introduction
A DC-to-DC c o n v e rte r or chopper, as it is commonly called, is used to obtain a
variable DC voltage from a constant-voltage DC source. The average value of
the output voltage is varied by changing the proportion of the time during
which th e output is connected to the input. This conversion can be achieved
with a co m b in a tio n of an inductor or/and capacitor and a solid-state device
operated in a high-frequency switching mode. In high-voltage and high-current
aoolications, the switching devices used in chopper circuits are thyristors. When
power transistors (BJTs, or MOSFETS) or GTO thyristors are used, they can be
turned off easily by controlling the base or gate current. Thyristors used in DC
circuits must be turned off using forced commutation since they la c k the facil
ity of natural commutation that is available in AC circuits.
The switching technique used in DC choppers is called pu lse-w idth m od
ulation (PWM). There are two fundamental kinds of chopper circuits: the step-
down or buck chopper and the step-up or boost chopper. The buck chopper
produces an output voltage that is less than or equal to the input voltage; the
boost chopper provides an output voltage that is greater than or equal to the
Ideally, the power loss in the chopper is zero, so the output power is
equal to the input power:
t t r — X /T 9-1
270 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
Figure 9.1
Basic DC chopper
VQ= average output voltage
Vi = input voltage
4 = average output current
4 = average input current
We assume that the output voltage is adjustable in a certain range from zero to
the input level. Let us operate the switch so that it is on (closed) for a time To,
and off (open) for a time 7oFF in each cycle with a fixed period T. The result
ing output voltage waveform (shown in Figure 9.2) is a train of rectangular
pulses of duration TON.
Figure 9-2 shows that the instantaneous voltage across the load is either
zero (S off) or V, (S on). The average (DC) output voltage over a cycle is given bv
v ------ -------- v .
Ton + ^off ' . .
v =
° J 1 v1
where 7"is the period (TON + TOPF). The chopper switching frequency is/= 1/71
If we use the idea of duty cycle id ), which is the ratio of the pulse width
Ton to the period of the waveform,
9.2 The Principles of Basie DC Choppers 271
V0 = dV { 9.4
From Equation 9.4, it is obvious that the output voltage varies linearly with the'
duty cycle. Figure 9-3 shows the output voltage as d varies from zero to one. It
is therefore possible to control the output voltage in the range zero to V-.
Figure 9.3
Output voltage v0 as a
function of duty cycle
If the switch S is a transistor, the base current will control the on and off
period of the tranSistof switch. If the switch is a GTO thyristor, a positive gate
pulse will turn it on and a negative gate pulse will turn it off. If the switch is
an SCR, a commutation circuit is required to turn it off-
The load current waveform is similar to Figure 9-2, and its average value
is given by
ia . 9.5
The effective (RMS) value of the output voltage is
^ r ON
VoD(R M S)
'O N 9.6
= Vi V d
The average output voltage can be varied in one of the following ways:
F igure 9.4
Output voltage waveforms
with fixed switching
! ^OFF
Medium d
Small d
Figure 9.5
Output voltage waveforms
with variable switching
For either PWM or PFM control, the output voltage is zero when switch S is
- open, and it is equal to the input voltage when the switch1is closed for a lime
longer than the normal switching cycle.
In the PFM method, it is necessary to reduce the chopper switching fre
quency to obtain a lower output voltage. This may result in discontinuity at
low frequencies. Moreover, a reduction in frequency increases the output cur
rent ripple, thereby increasing losses and heating in the load. On the other
hand, the losses in the components become very high at higher frequencies.
The PWM method has the advantage of low ripple, which means smaller filter
I 9.3 Step-DoWh (Butk) Chbpper*; 273
9.3 Step-Down (Bulk) Choppers
The DC chopper circuit of Figure 9.1 is not very practical. It is suitable only for-
supplying resistive loads where a smooth output current is not required. A
much more practical arrangement (shown in Figure 9.6(a) includes an inductor
L and a diode D, which are added to eliminate current pulsations. This circuit
provides a smooth DC current to practical loads like a DC motor.
When the switch S is closed, the diode D is off, since it is reverse-biased.
It will stay off as long as S remains on. The equivalent circuit configuration is
shown in Figure 9.6(b). The input current builds up exponentially and flows
through the inductor L and the load. The output voltage is equal to VJ. The
switch S is kept on for a time TON and then turned off.
When the switch is opened, .the current through the inductor starts decay
ing to zero (it cannot change instantaneously). This causes an induced voltage
with opposite polarity across the inductor. The ihductor voltage forward-biases
the diode, and the current flowing through the inductor now freewheels
through the diode D and the load. The purpose of the diode therefore is. to
provide a path for the load current when S is off. Therefore, turning off S
vo ■ v
R < R
't Figure 9.6
e (a) Basic step-down chopper circuit (b) equivalent circuit for the on state
(c) equivalent circuit for the off state
74 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
Figure 9.7(a) shows the waveform of the voltage across the load, which is also,
the voltage appearing across the FWD(D). This voltage is equal to the inpjt
voltage Vi when the switch is on and diode D is reverse-biased.'"When ihe
switch is open, the output voltage is held at zero by the action of the FWD,
which provides a path fo r the load current, As the average voltage across induc
tor L is negligible when it has no resistive component, the output voltage must-,
be the average voltage across the diode. Therefore, Equation 9.2 also applies
Figure 9.7(b) shows the diode current. It is the same as the load current
(Figure 9.7(d)) during TOPe. During 7qn, the output current ia is the same as the
input current v When the switch is open (Z^ffX the load current falls from its
maximum value 7max to a final value 7min. During this interval, current flows
through the inductor, the load, and the FWD. When the current has fallen to a
value 7min, the switch closes. The current in the diode immediately stops flow
ing, and the current supplied by the source is now 7min. The current then starts
increasing, and when it reaches the value 7max, after a time TON, the switch
reopens. The FWD again provides a path for the load current, and the cycle
repeats. The load current therefore oscillates between 7max and 7min. The ripple
included in the output current reduces as the chopper switching frequency
increases. The average value of the inductor current is given by:
j _ ^tnax ^inin (j y
■ / W - Jo .
4 - 4 - R
•»max 1 Jrmn
2 R
Vo .
9,3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 275
^ K) —Andx —fmin jr ^OFF 9*9
2^ + 2 k ^off
/max - R
^ + 22 ZL ?OFF
/D= ^ , 9.13
Although the load current of a chopper is basically constant, the input current
still consists of a train of sharp pulses. Figure 9.7(c) shows the waveform for the
source current. A capacitor filter is often used in parallel with the input power
source to smooth the input current.
The current and voltage waveforms shown in Figure 9 7 assume a switch
ing frequency and a load such that T « t. Here x is the circu it tim e constant,
‘ which depends on the ratio L/R.'Note that the output current variation is linear
and the ripple is quite small due to the large time constant. The output current
ia is always present, so this mode of operation is called the continuous current
m ode of operation. The output current is continuous since the inductor absorbs
energy during TON and discharges during TOFF. As a result, the average voltage
across L becomes zero in steady state, and the voltage across the load resistor
must be equal to Vr„<avK.>
2/6 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
Figure 9.7
Voltage and current
waveforms for TqN~ T0fF
and T « x (a) output
voltage (b) FWD current
(c) source current (d) load
current (e) voltage across
the inductor
The average values of output voltage, output power, and input power are
given by
V.d 9.14
Pa = Va I Q
Since We are considering ideal elements (with no losses), the DC power drawn
from the source must equal the DC power absorbed by the load.
V J0 = VA
4= 9.15
9.3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 277
Equations 9.14 and 9.15 are very similar to the basic transformer equations,
where the duty cycle d corresponds to the turns ratio a of the transformer.
Therefore, a DC chopper achieves in DC circuits what a transformer does in AG
circuits. By changing the duty cycle in a step-down chopper, we can obtain out-,
put voltages that are less than or equal to the input voltage. Furthermore, the
output current is stepped up when we step down the voltage.
For low values of d, especially with low inductance, the load current decreases
and may fall to zero during the part o f each cycle when the switch is off. The
current again builds up from zero when the switch turns on in the next cycle.
The load current is said to be discontinuous.
Figure 9-8 shows the current and voltage waveforms when 7qn is approx
imately equal to x (x = L/R). The voltage waveform va is the same as in Figure
9 .2 ; however, the output current % cannot jump to VJR due to the inductive
nature of the load L—instead it rises exponentially to V-JR, Similarly, when the
transistor is off, the same current, flowing through the freewheeling diode,
decays to zero.
Figure 9.8
Voltage and current S ON d o n s o n d o n s o n d o n s o n d o n
waveforms with 70N < T0ff v,
and Tqn k t
! Just continous
As can be seen in Figure 9-8, the load current flows in pulses and the chopper
operates in the discontinuous mode. Such an operation is usually undesirable.
This mode of operation can be avoided by a proper choice of chopping fre
quency or by choosing a suitable value of inductance. The minimum value of
278 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
L - Toff • R
Therefore, having a high inductance in the load is desirable to avoid the dis
continuous mode. Moreover, the peak-to-peak ripple of the load curren:
decreases as the value of the inductance increases. When the load inductance
ideally becomes infinite, we get a current that is ripple-free (pure DC).
Exam ple 9.1 In Figure 9.6, the switching frequency is 25 Hz and TON = 3 ms. If the average
value of the output current is 40 A, determine the average source current.
Solution Rearranging Equation 9.15,
h * d la
i =___ Sas__^
Ton + ^off
_ Joa r
y* °
= Ton fJ o
= 0.003 * 25 * 40
= 3A
Example 9.2 in Figure 9,6, the input voltage V[ = 100 V, the load resistance R = 10 Q, and
L = 100 mH. The switching frequency is / = 1 KHZ and the on time is 0.5 ms.
If the average source current is 1 A,, determine
a) the average load voltage
b) the output current ,
c) the output power
d) the minimum value of L required
Solution a) The duty cycle is
9.3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 279
Example 9.3 A DC buck chopper operates at a frequency of 1 KHz from a 100 V DC source
supplying a 10 £2 resistive load. The inductive component of the load is 50 mH.
If the average output voltage is 50 V, find
a) the duty cycle
b) ?on
c) the RMS value of the load voltage
d) the average value of the load current
■^max and In
f) the input power
g) the peak-to-peak ripple current
h) the peak-to-peak ripple current if the frequency is increased to 5 kHz
i) the peak-to-peak ripple current1if the inductance is increased to 250 mH
Solution a) V0 = d Vt
The duty cycle is
, Vn 50
= 0.5 or 50%
v;- ioo
b) The period T is
. m
280 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
e) Im, = 1 +^ ^
=/o+i i roFF
= 5 + 50 * 0 5 (10~3)2 = 5 + qi25 = 5 ,25 A
This example shows that we can reduce the ripple current by either increasing
the chopping frequency or increasing the value of the inductor. In practice, a
higher switching frequency is favored since it reduces the size of the filler
inductance for the same ripple magnitude. However, higher switching frequen
cies would increase the power losses m the switches. With present-day ctevic es
typical switching frequencies used in DC chopper applications range from 20 to"
50 kHz,
Exam ple 9.4 The chopper shown in Figure 9-9 operates at a frequency of 100 HZ with an on
time of 4 ms. The average value of the load current is 20 A, with a peak-to-peak
ripple of 4 A. Calculate the average value of the source and diode currents and
plot the two waveforms.
9.3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 281
7qn —4 ms
7qpp = T - rON = (10 - 4)ms = 6 ms
Figure 9.9 L
See Example 9.4 Q
Y 500 raH
o A f/D r
4 10 14
Example 9.5 A step-down chopper operates at a frequency of 4 KHz from a 25 V DC source
supplying a 5 Q resistive load. If the output voltage is 15 V and the current is
discontinuous, find
a) the duty cycle
b) the minimum value of L required
c) the power from the source
d) the power to the load
& ^max and n
9.3 Step-Down (Buck) Choppers 283
Solution a) VQ= d Vf
d = 15/25 = 0.6
b) L = rOFF * P/ 2
d = rON/r = o,6
rON = T* 0.6 = 0 .6 / / = 0.6/4C103) = 150 |xs
r= rON+ rOFF = 250 us
Tqff = 100 |Xs
L = 100 (10-6) * 5 /2 = 0.25 mH
c) The average source current is
A= 4 d
I0 = V JR = 15/5 = 3 A
4 = 3 * 0 .6 = 1.8 A
e) j _ / + r F0 100 (10~6) * 15 , .
e; /max 4 + /o ff 2z ■ 2 * 0 .25 (10"3) ~ ~
/min = 4 ~ / off = 3 - 3 = 0 A since the current is discontinuous.
Example 9.6 A step-down chopper operates at a fixed frequency of 100 Hz from a 220 V DC
source supplying a, load with 1 £1 resistance and 10 mH inductance. If the out
put voltage is 60 V, find
a) T o n *
b) 7ofF
c) the average output current
and draw the waveforms of i0 and iD.
Solution a) V0 = d Vi
d = 60/220 = 0.27
W / ’= 0.27
roN = 0.27//= 0.27/100 = 2.7 ms
b) f OPF = T - rON= 10C10"3) - 2.7C10”3) = 7.3 ms
284 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
c) 4oivg.) 60/1 = 60 A
60 + 7 . 3 ( 1 0 ) * 6 0 ‘ 60 + 21.9 = 81.9 A
2 * 10 ( 10~3)
4in = 60 - 21.9 = 38.1 A
Plots of iQ and iD are shown in Figure 9.12.
In the step-up circuit, the output voltage can be varied from the source voltage
up to several times the source voltage. The basic circuit of the step-up chopper
is shown in Figure 9-13- Inductor L is used to.provide a smooth input current
Figure 9.13
Basic step-up chopper circuit
9.4 Step-Down (Boost) Choppers 285
Figure 9.14
Step-up chopper equivalen* —
circuit (a) on state (b) off
state V;-1 . 1
-p *S W T
R Vn
Figure 9.15
Voltage' and current
waveforms (d = 0,5) for
step-up chopper.
Won = ^ r QN
Similarly, assuming that the capacitance is large enough to neglect the voltage
ripple, the output voltage vQcan be considered constant. During the time ( T0n)
that the chopper is off, the energy transferred by the inductor to the load is'
Since we are neglecting lo|sses, the energy transferred by inductance during Totp
must equal the energy gained by it during the period 7^N.
Won = Woff
W on = <To - W off
or va = Vi = V r3®-
F0 = H+
_ Toff + Ton
= K-
Toc f f
= Vil
! _ iQ li
14 “ 11( w ) »•“
If the switch is open ( d = 0), output voltage is equal to input voltage. As d
increases, the output voltage becomes larger than the input voltage. Therefore,
the output or load voltage is always higher than the input voltage if the switch
S is operated at an appropriately high frequency.
The average value of source current can be obtained from:
Pi = P0 neglecting losses
R 9 .19
l - jLV2
s l * _1
Vi R
Capacitor C in Figure 9.13 reduces the ripple in the output voltage and
smoothes the current supplied to the load. If the capacitor is large enough, the
output current will have a negligible ripple component and will equal the time
288 CHAPTERS DC Choppers
average of the diode current.. Therefore, the average value of the current 70 from
Figure 9-15 is given by
Equations 9-18 and 9.20 clearly show that the circuit functions as a step-up DC
transformer. As d (or TON) approaches zero,.the output voltage V0 equals Vb the
source voltage. On the other hand, when d approaches unity (or TON = T ), the
output voltage approaches infinity. In practice, however, the maximum voltage
cannot be infinite due to the power loss associated with the nonideal compo
nents. Because of these practical limitations, the output voltage is limited to
around five times the input voltage.
The chopping frequency is limited by the SCR and the forced commuta
tion circuit. A higher chopper frequency can be achieved by using power tran
sistors or gate-turnoff thyristor (GTOs).
Let us determine the equations for the maximum and minimum input
The input power is
P0 = Vl/R
Neglecting losses, the output power must be the same as the power supplied
by the source:
j —— :—llL_—
1 (1 - d f R
Now, IL = 7j
9.4 Step-Down (Boost) Choppers 289
t t = Vt * L 4 L
dt. L
With the switch closed (7"ON),
Alt —~^Ton
■‘m a x - /1m in ~ ^ t
1 ON 9.2 3
2 4ax = 2 iS + - ^
9 .2 4
J£ + “t^tTon
(1 - d f R ' 2 L
Vk T— —
+ Ton
Similarly, I„^n is given by
1 . _ ■‘ O N
■4ain ~ V\ 9 .25
R iX -d f 2L
The peak-to-peak ripple in the input current is given by
V{ ^ON
Ip-p ~ -^max -4tiin 9.26
R C l-d)2 2L
Solving for L,
L = R Jp & a _ d)2 9 .2 7
290 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
Example 9.7 The step-up chopper shown in Figure 9-13 is supplied from a 110 V DC source.
The voltage required by the load is 440 V. If the switch is turned on for 0.25 ms,
find the chopper frequency.
Solution = T4
1 -1 d
440 = 110 (1/1 - d)
1 - d = 110/440 = 0.25
d - 1 - 0.25 = 0.75
d= ton/ t = rON * /
f = d/Ton = 0.75/0.25 (10~3) = 3 kHz
Example 9.8 The step-up chopper shown in Figure 9.13 operates at a frequency of 1 kHz.
The source voltage is 100 V DC and the load resistance is 2 Q. If the average
value of the load current is 100 A, find
a) the power dissipated by the IBad resistor
b) the duty cycle
c) the average value of source current
d) the average value of the switch current
Solution a) The average power dissipated by the load is
PQ= I20R = 100z(2) = 20 kW
b) From Equation 9-18,
Pi = VI * h
The average source current is
Ii = PJV\
If we neglect losses,
Pi = P0 = 20 kW
9.4 Step-Down (Boost) Choppers 291
/i = 20 (1 0 3)/1 0 0 = 200 A
d) The average diode cuirent is th© same jas average load current, since the
average capacitor current is zero.
/D = 4 = 100 A
The current through the switch can be found by applying KCL:
^ = 4w + k
Example 9.9 In Figure 9.13, Vt = 50 V, VQ= 75 V, I = 2 mH, i?= 2 Q, and Ton = 1 ms-
a) Determine the duty cycle.
b) Determine the switching frequency.
c) Determine 4 o n > and 4 c o n >
d) Plot the waveform for %w and
Solution a) From Equation 9-18,
75 _ 1
50 1-d
1.5 - 1 . 5 d = 1
-1.5 d = ~.5
d = i/3
= 0.33
b> rf=TON/ r
1 * 10“3
0.33 = - —
T= 3 m s
/• = !
= 3 * 10"3
= 333.3 HZ
i CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
50 2
= 56.25 A
and from Equation 9.20,
4 = Ii (1 - d)
= 56.25 (1 - 0.33)
= 37.7 A
d) Plots of and iD are shown in Figure 9.16.
t i= VI = 1 di-Jdt
i i =i i
dt L
A i._ J i
At L
Example 9.10 The step-up chopper shown in Figure 9-13 supplies power to a 20 £2 resistive
load at 120 V. The source voltage is 40 V DC, and the load inductance is 0.2 mH.
If the chopper frequency is 4 kHz, find
a) the duty cycle ■
b) the average value of the source current
c) ?ON
Z n in .
f) the average value of the diode current
Solution a) From Equation 9.18,
1 - d = 40/120 = 0.33
d = 0.67
c) T= l//c = 250 ^
rON/r = o,67
7qn - 0.67 * 250 (10-6) = 167.5 *is
7 = V,
1 -‘ O N
d) 'm a x vi
R (1 - d f 2L
1 167.5 (IQ-6)
= 40
20 (1 - 0.67) 2 2 * 0.2(10~3)
= 40 [0.46 + 0.42] = 35.2 A
____1__ _ _ Jsm.
R (1 - d )2 2 L
= 40 [0.46 - 0.42] = 1.6 A
f) The average diode current is the same: as the average load cu :.the
average capacitor cuirent is zero.
:■ ■■■■■ ' "
Therefore, ,
h =4
= Vo/R
= 120/20
234 ■ CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
Example 9.11 The step-up chopper shown in Figure 9.13 supplies power to a load having
1.5 & resistance and 0.8 mH inductance. The source voltage is 50 V DC and the
load voltage is 75 V. If the on time is 1.5 ms, find
a) the chopper switching frequency
b) the average value of the source current
c) liaax
d) Ifcati
Then draw the waveforms of voltage across the inductor ti and current through
the inductor
Solution a) From Equation 9.18,
1 - d = 50/75
= 0.67
d = 0.33
W r = 0.33
= 1.5(10“3)/0.33
= 4.5 ms
The chopper switching frequency is
/ = 1/4.5C10"3) = 222 HZ
Figure 9.17
Plots of vL and /| (not to
9.5 Biick-Boost Choppers 295
c) Vi
RC1 - d f
1 i .5 (ic r3)
= 50
1.5(1 - 0.33) 2 * 0 .8(10 )
= 50 (1.48 + 0.937) = 120.85 A
1 . _ ^ON
d) ■*min
R i1 - d f 2 L
= 50 (1.48 - 0.937)
= 27.4 A '
e) Plots of and are shown in Figure 9.17.
Figure 9.18
(a) Buck-boost DC chopper
(b) equivalent circuit with
switch on (c) equivalent
circuit with switch off
296 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
WbN= V^Ton
Figure 9.19
Voltage and current I
waveforms for buck-boost
Switch | Switch
closed ' ODen
9 5 Buek-Boost Choppers 297
Wqff - Va A Toff
Ignoring losses,
Won - Wqff
VATon= V0IvT0?v
Now, d =
= T (l-d )
Substituting in V0,
The output voltage can be controlled by changing the duty cycle d. Depending
on the value of d, the output voltage Can be higher than, equal to, or lower
than the input voltage. When d > 0.5, the output voltage is greater than the
input voltage and the circuit operates in the step-up mode. If d < 0.5, the out
put voltage is less than the input voltage and the circuit acts like a step-down
chopper. The buck-boost chopper can transfer from operating in the step-down
mode to operating in the step-up mode very smoothly and quickly by changing
only the control signals for switch S.
Now, from Equation 9.7,
If we neglect power losses, the; power input must equal the power output:
2 Vi
IJmax +
' I■*m■
Substituting Va from Equation 9.28,
2 d 2 V2j 2 dVt
R d il-d fV i R (l-d ?
With the switch closed (Ton).
Alt = ~~^T0h
2/„ 2^ +y ,d T
r {i - d f
I*max = V
• vi d
R (\ -df 2L
Similarly, 7mln is given by
• ri 9.32
R il-d f 21
The peak-to-peak ripple in the input current 7| is given by
j -j
■*p-p **"' -*max -*111111- M jA
_7 9.33
For continuous current conditions, the minimum value of the inductance required
is obtained by setting Equation 9 32 equal to zero;
4un = o= v;
R il-d f 2L
R (1 - df - ~ 2 L
Solving for L,
R T d Cl - d ) 2
9.5 Buck-Boobt Choppers 299
Example 9.12 The buck-boost chopper shown in Figure 9-18 supplies power to a load having
1,5 £1 resistance and 0.8 mH inductance. The source voltage is 50 V DC and the
load voltage is 75, V. If the on time is 1.5 ms, find
a) the chopper switching frequency
tO ^tnax '
c) 4im
d) the average value of the input current
e) the average value of the diode Current
f) the peak-to-peak ripple in the input current
g) the minimum inductance required for continuous current operation
.1 - d
75 = 50
d = 0.6
= 0.06 :
T?=l ^ l =25ms
/ = 1 / T - 400 Hz
b) from Equation 9-31,
o <n
. 2.5 ( 10 ^)
1 ------------------- i
---- ,--- 0.6 .
_1.5 (1 —0 .6)2 2 * 0.8 ( 10~3)
= 50 (4.2 + 1.6) 0.6
= 144 A
c) 4u« = 50 (4.2 - 1.6) 0.6 = 78 A
d) Ij = + 4.inj O j L t ? 8) Q6 = 6 6 a
9.6 Problems
9.1 What is meant by tlie tern| chopper! Give some typical applications. }~
9.2 Explain the basic operating principle of a step-down chopper.
9-3 Explain the basic operating principle of a step-up chopper.
9.4 For a step-down chopper circuit, the following information is available;,
Vi = 120 V, L = 0.8 mH, R = 0.1 £2, T= 2 ms, and TON = 1 ms. If the <hop.
per operates in the continuous current mode, find
a) the average output voltage
b) the average output current
c) the maximum value o f the output current
d) the minimum value o f the output current
e) the minimum value of the current if the current is discontinuous
9.5 A buck chopper circuit is operating with a frequency of 1 kHz. The source
voltage is 110 V, and the load voltage is 75 V, Calculate Ton and T( )!■] ■
9.6 A buck chopper circuit is connected to 100 V DC source and has a load
voltage of 50 V, If the average output current is 10 A, find
a) the duty cycle
b) the average and RMS values of the input current
c) the average dnd RMS values of the current through the diode
d) the peak-to-peak ripple
9.7 The battery charger circuit shown in Figure 9.20 operates at a frequency
of 2 KHZ. Find.
a) the duty cycle and the on time
b) the average value of 4 iD, and \
c) the power delivered to the 12 V battery
Figure 9.20
See Problem 9.7
9-9 Referring to Figure 9-6, calculate V0, Ib /D, and P6 if V{ = 500 V, T= 15 ms,
7qff = 10 ms> and R = 1 £2 , -
9 .1 0 A step-down chopper circuit operating at 8 kHz supplies 100 W at 15 V to
a load resistor. If the source voltage is 25 V, find the value of L required
for continuous current.
9 .1 1 Referring to Figure 9.7, show that the average or DC value of
a) the load current is
t _ ^max -^min
7 _ I qN Umax h\\[n^
' T 2
9 .1 2 In Figure 9.6, = 100 V, L = 10 mH, R = 2 a , T= 10 ms, and TON =* 5 ms.
Plot the load current exactly and show that it is discontinuous.
9 .1 3 Repeat problem 9.12 with TON = 0.1 ms and show that the current is Con
9 .1 4 For a step-up chopper circuit, the following information is available: V{ =
20 V, L = 10 p.II, R = 0.1 Q, T= 10 (is, and d = 0.4. If the chopper oper
ates in the continuous mode, find
a) the average output voltage
b) the maximum value of the output current
c) the minimum value of the output current
9-15 A boost chopper circuit is operating with a frequency of 10 kHz. The
source voltage is 50 V and the load voltage is 70 V. Calculate Ton and
Toff- ' >•■
9 .1 6 A boost chopper circuit is connected to a 30 V DC source, and the load
voltage is 50 V. If switching frequency is 50 kHz, find
a) the duty cycle
b) the minimum value of L to ensure a continuous inductor current
9.17 A buck-boost chopper supplied from a 20 V source is operating at a fre
quency of 50 kHz with a duty cycle of 0.40. If the load resistance is 20 £2,
a) the output voltage
b) the minimum value of L for a continuous inductor current
9 .1 8 Referring to Figure 9.18, calculate K», 4«.x. 4 ,in, anti the value of L for con
tinuous inductor current if VJ = 50 V, T= 15 (is, and TOFP = 10 [is.
9 .1 9 A buck-boost chopper circuit operating at 8 kHz supplies 100 W at 25 V
to a load resistor. If the source voltage is 15 V, find the value of L required
for continuous current.
302 CHAPTER 9 DC Choppers
9.7 Equations
Volo = VA 9.x
Vo = -= ^ r - v{ 9.2
-'O N " r * O F F
VQ= d V i 9.4
7 = -^ = ^ - ' 95
° 7? 7?
Kxrms) = Vi V d 9.6
^max ^min
9.7 Equations 303
Tmax 7mjn —
J ,i 7 qn 9 -2 3
i ln = V> ( R ( l _ 9 '2 5
/ = -*m
Jp-p / ax —/
•‘min = ^ ^ Q 26
^ l 21 (1 - d ? 9.27
V o ^ -7 ~ V i 9*28
1- d
7 + / ____l d V j _ ■
max min R ( \ - d ? J
i r
4 in = H ~~— \d 9.32
/<■(1 - d r 2L
^p-p ^max ^mm T 9.33
L=R T d i^ d f 9M
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
: -
10.2 The Basic Inverter 305
1 3 .
; -
; t explain the operation of half-bridge and ■ describe the basic principle of three-
full-bridge voltage source inverters phase inverters
jl t describe inverter voltage control ■ describe the basic operation of single-
I techniques phase and three-phase current source
{ g describe the principle of pulse width inverters
'i modulation
* i describe the principle of sinusoidal pulse
width modulation
Inverters are static circuits (that is, they have no moving parts) that convert DC
power into AC power at a desired output voltage or current and frequency. The
output voltage of an inverter has a periodic waveform that is not sinusoidal but
can be made to closely approximate this desired waveform. There are many
types of inverters, and they are classified according to number of phases, use of
power semiconductor devices, commutation principles, and output waveforms.
We will first look at the single-phase inverter. Secondly, we will discuss voltage
source inverters (VSI) and current source inverters (C!5I), and; finally we will
cover the principles of three-phase inverters. Inverters are used in many indus
trial applications, including speed control of induction and synchronous motors,
induction heating, aircraft power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS),
and high-voltage DC transmission.
Figure 10.1
Basic circuit for half-bridge
306 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
"fable 10.1
^ apt
State ' Output voltage-'
1 ' +E
2 - 0
3 - + , -E ...
4 + + 0
Since each switch has positive and negative terminals, the combination of the
two switche&J j)rovides*the four states shown in T^ble 10.1. i
When states 1 and 3 are repeated alternately, a square-w ave voltage is
generated across the load, as shown in figure 10.2(a). If states 2 and 4, which
makes the load voltage zero, are used, the step-wave or quasi-square-wate
waveform of Figure 10.2(b) is obtained.
Figure 10.2
Switching sequence in the
H-bridge inverter (a) square-
wave output (b) step-wave
output +£
10.3 Voltage Source Inverters (VSl) 307
A voltage source inverter (VSI) is the most commonly used type of inverter. In
a VSI the input DC voltage source is essentially constant and independent of the
load current drawn. The input DC voltage may be from an independent source
such as a battery or may be the output o f a controlled rectifier. A large capaci
tor is placed across the DC input line to the inverter. The capacitor ensures that
any switching events within the inverter do not significantly change the DC
input voltage. The capacitor charges and discharges as necessary to provide a
stable output. The inverter converts the input DC voltage into a square-wave AC
output source.
Figure 10.3, s,
Half-bridge voltage source
inverter (a) circuit diagram
(b) output waveforms with
an R load (c) waveform with
an RL loa<3 '
S! Sl
0 T T
2 s2 -
7 ON ’
If switches Si and S2 are each closed for an interval Ton! the half-wave'.
average output voltage is given by
" ..rf . .".-1.5' . •■
!-.V i . ..*1
"'f.’y ; < ' f-! <f . 1; ■ 2
' • ■
. •'
^ v 8) = ^ = 2 f i ^ i - 2 2 ?a 10.2
P 10.7
If the load is inductive, the output currefit cannot reverse at the same instant
that the output voltage changes its polarity, so the freewheeling diode provides
a path for the load current to flow in the same direction. The voltage and cur
rent waveforms with an RL load are shown in Figure 10.3(c). The output cur
rent iQ lags the output voltage. During the interval 0 to 772, the output voltage
vQis positive. Therefore, either Sx or Di is conducting during this interval. How
ever, during the interval 0 to tu the output current iQ is negative, indicating that
Dj must be conducting during this interval. Now, during the interval tx to 772,
ia is positive, so Si must be conducting. At 772, Sj is turned off and the current
transfers to D2. At t2, D 2 turns off and S 2 is turned on to take over conduction
from t2 to T, The cycle then repeats. Figure 10.3(c) also* shows the conducting
devices during the various intervals. Note that the freewheeling diodes conduct
only when voltage and current are of opposite polarities.
The DC source currents ii and ^ can be obtained from the output current
waveform.£S shown in Figure 10.3(c). During the positive half-period of the
output voltage, the current is supplied by the upper section of the DC source,
and during the negative half-period it is supplied by'the lower section.
Example 10.1 The single-phase half-bridge inverter shown in Figure 10.4(a) produces a step-
wave output across a resistive load. E = 100 V, d — 50%, and load resistance
R = 1 £1
a) Plot the waveforms for the output voltage (t^), the voltages across the SCRs
(% :ri and ^scr2), and the source currents (i\ and i2).
b) find the maximum forward voltage that the switch must withstand.
c) Find the average load current.
d)-find the average switch current.
e) Find the power delivered to the load.
Solution a) The waveforms are shown in Figure 10.4(b). If we turn on SCR] at t = 0 for
an interval Toni the load current flows from the source to the load. At time
t = 772, while SCRj remains off, SCR2 is turned on to conduct load current
in the reverse direction. SCR2 remains on for an interval TON before it is
• •
Figure 10.4
(a) Circuit diagram for 'si | | D1
Example 10.1 (b) waveforms SCR1$
of voltage and current J,
- vO+ J o
-m ^ = -
‘S2 D2
E s c r 2iz A d,
IX .
'O N ' ‘ OFF"
E 11=
h ~ ‘si
‘2 “ S2
10.3 Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) 311
turned off. SCRi and SCR2 remain o ff for the rest of the period T. The cycle
is then repeated. The output voltage has an alternating rectangular waveform
of amplitude E. Since the load'is resistive, the output current is also rectan
gular in shape With a magnitude of E/R.
b) The voltage across the open switch is
2 * DC supply voltage = 2 (100) = 200 V
c) The average load voltage over a half-cycle is
^ocavg.) = 2 E d = 2 (100)(0.5) = 100 V
The average load current is
Figure 10.5
Full-bridge voltage source
A ‘o B
312 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Figure 10.6
Switching sequence and
output voltage waveform +E
for the bridge inverter
(a) squarewave output
(b) step-wave output
-s „ s 4 -s2, s3- -s,.s4-
Comparing the waveforms of Figure 10.6(a) and 10.3(b) shows that the
output voltage waveforms of the half-bridge and full bridge inverter are identi
cal. Therefore, the same equations apply.
When the switching state is changed while going from one state to the
other, both pairs of switches must be in the off state for a short time to avoid the
possibility of short-circuiting the DC source in the transient- state in which the wo
switches can be simultaneously closing. Therefore, switching from the on Male to
the off must be done as quickly as possible, while the switching from off to on
must be carried out with an appropriate delay and take a definite time.
On Off On
1 Off
2 off On On Off •, -E .
3 On Off Off On E
4 Off On On Off -E
10.3 Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) 313
l On Off Off On - +E
.2 On ' Off Off ■■ • On +E
3 On Off On Off 0
. 4 Off On On Off -E
5 Off On on Off -E
6 Off On Off On 0 „
7 On Off Off On +E
8 On Off ,,, Off On +E
We can control the AC voltage by using a third switch state during which
the output Voltage is zero. The output waveform is the step wave shown in Fig
ure 10.6(b). In the third switch state, switches Sj and S3 or S2 and S4 close for
a time 8 , during which v0 *= 0. The switching sequence is given in Table 10.3-
The average value of the output voltage is given by
K xr.m .sj - E J 1“ j.
10.3 Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) 315
the DC source. When the output current reaches zero, Dj and D4 turn off and
SCR* and SCRj turn on. The output voltage and output current are both posi
tive, producing positive power. The current continues to grow and reaches its
maximum value at, t = 772, when SCRj and SCR* are turned off. The output volt
age reverses but the output current continues to flow in the same direction. The
output current can flow only through diodes D 2 and D3, which connect the DC
source to the load, giving a reverse voltage. The energy stored in the inductor
returns to the DC source, and the output current now falls from its maximum
value and decays to zero. Once the load current stops, SCR2 and SCR3 can con
duct to supply power to the load. The current reaches its negative maximum
value at f = T, and the cycle repeats. Figure 10.7(b) shows the voltage and cur
rent waveforms. Also shown on the waveforms are the devices that conduct
during the various intervals. Note from the source current waveform that the
source current is positive when the switches conduct current and power is
delivered by the source. The source Current is negative when the diodes con
duct current and power is absorbed by the source,
Example 10.2 A single-phase full-bridge inverter (Figure 10.7(a)) produces a step-wave output,
as shown in Figure 10.8(a), across a resistive load. E = 200 V, d = 50%, and load
resistancfe R - 2 Q.
a) Plot the waveforms for the output current (i0), the voltages across the SCRs
( Vsciwi ^ scR 2 > ^ 5 0 0 ! and VSCr 4), the SCR currents ( f e c t iii % c r 2 > % c r 3 > and is c m )
and the source current ( 0 .
b) Find the maximum forward voltage that the switch must withstand,
c) Find the average load current.
d) Find the average switch current.
e) Find the power delivered to the load,
f) Find the average source current.
Solution a) if each diagonal pair of SCRs is turned on alternately for an interval T0N over
a period T, the voltage and current waveforms areas shown in Figure 10.8(b).
If we close (turn on) SCR] and SCR4, at t - 0 for an interval 7qN, the load
current flows from the source to the load. At time t= 772, While SCR! and
SCR/, remain off, SCR2 and SCR3 are closed to conduct load current in the
reverse direction. SCR2 and SCR3 remain on for an interval TON before they
are turned off for the rest of the period T. The cycle is then repeated. The
output voltage is an alternating rectangular waveform with an amplitude E =
200 V. Since the load is resistive, the output current is also rectangular in
shape with a magnitude of E/R = 100 A.
b) When either pair of switches is on, both the switches in the other noncon
ducting pair must block the full supply voltage F When all the switches are
off, each switch must block half the supply voltage.
The maximum forward voltage that the switches must withstand is E =
200 V.
316 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Figure 10.8 vo
Voltage and current I.
waveforms for Example 10.2 +E
I l
sc r 4o n ,SCR4OFF.
SCR2, l
l i l I I (b)
E I i
E_ SCRj , I SCR-,. I SCR2’ L _j
2 SCR3 O F F lS C R j ON sc r 3o ff 1
—.,Tlv.rr. I ,,1';,--,,^—
i iS4 = £*
‘S2* ‘S3 = *
Figure 10.9
5ir\gle-phase bridge inverter
with an RL load (a) step-
wave output (b) current and
voltage waveforms
318 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
f) The power supplied by the source is the same as the power delivered to~\
load: '
Ps = Pl = E I s
20 ( 10 3)
200 A
s 200
Example 10.3 A single-phase bridge inverter (Figure 10.7(a)) produces a step-wave outputf|
across an RL load. Plot the waveforms for output voltage, output current, sv jtch *
current, 4 i°de currents, and source current.
Solution A step-wave output is shown in Figure 10.9(a). Here, the operation of the second
leg, in which SCR2 and SCR3 are present, is delayed by 8 ° from the operation of
the first leg, where SCRj and SCR4 are present. By varying the delay angle S, the
output pulse width can be controlled, thereby controlling the output voltage.
At the instant on the output voltage waveform when SCR2 is turned on,
the output current transfers to diode D2, but because switch SCR4 is still on, the
output current follows a path through diode D2 and SCR4, effectively shorting
the load and giving zero output voltage.
When SCR3 is turned on, the only path for the output current is through
. diode D3; this connects the DC source to the output with opposite polarity.
SCR3 and SCR2 turn on immediately after the output current becomes zero The'!
SCR currents in the first arm ( % C r i and % CR 2) and the second arm ( % C R3 and i^cm)
are not identical, as can be seen ,in Figure 10.9(b), The same is true for the -r
diode currents.
Figure 10.10 vo
PWM output voltage
waveform E = 100 V
* - 1 .5 —
3 4.5 ■t (ms)
0.5 2.0 2.5
Example 10.4 The output voltage waveform of a PWM inverter feeding a resistive load is
shown in Figure 10.10. Determine the RMS value of the output voltage. Also
find the new duty cycle required to reduce the output voltage by 75%.
Solution The duty cycle of the pulse is
d = rON/r = i.5 (io~3)/5 do-3) = 0.3
The mean square value of the output voltage is
1m . - 2 e 2 'ON 2 E2 * d
The RMS value o f the output voltage is
The duty cycle required to cut the output voltage to 0.75 (77.5) = 58.1 V is
V 21 = V°<mS}
^o(RMS) _ 981 _ „
d~ 2 E2 ~ 2(1002) ~
Figure 10.11 Va
Single pulse-width
modulation output +E
waveforms (a) without
modulation (b) modulated SI S2 SI S2 SI S2
S4 S3 S4 S3 S4 S3
i i T— ^
vO=vA -vB i i I
i i'- *w
S I ,4 S2, 3 SI, 4 S 2 ,3 S I ,4 S2 ,3
SI S2 SI S2 SI ' S2
■/.I i i i 1 . 1- . - ,, 1
■ i ... . i ' i ' ■ 1 r
—M ■, :| l- • !*
a = 90° i ■ 1' :'T i
+E ' ‘ - .- 1 1___ _ ___ J • . L___ 1___ t ’
I: l
S3 S4 S3 S4 S3
—t— —T—
- ’ VB
i- I
10,5 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) 321
The three most commonly used methods for pulse-width modulation fall into
the following groups:
ra p
i +E
2n 2n
m m
Figure 10.12 Figure 10.13
Multiple pulse-width modulation waveforms Variable duty cycle with fixed m = 5
(a) m = 2 (b) m = 3
Figure 10 . 12(a) shows the output voltage waveform for m = 2. The pulse width
tw should be lesl than n/2. In Figure 10.12(b), for m = 3, it is clear that tw <
Jt/3, In general, the pulse width tw < %/m.
An alternative approach for controlling the magnitude of the output volt
age is to keep m constant and vary the pulse width tw (see Figure 10.13).
Figure 10.14
Sinusoidal pulse-width
modulation pattern
10.5 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) 323
wave vc(i) with an amplitude Vc and frequency / is compared with the refer
ence sine wave. The Switching points are determined by the intersection of the
vc(i) and Vnii) waves. The pulse width tw is determined by the time during
which vc(j) < vR(i) in the positive half-cycle of %(£> and vc(t) > v^t) in the neg
ative half-cycle of %(f).
Two control parameters that regulate the output voltage are the chopping
ratio and the modulation index. The frequency ratio f c/fm is known as the chop
ping carrier ratio N. It determines the number of pulses in each half-cycle Of the
inverter output voltage. The ratio Vm/Vc is called the modulation index M (0 <
M < 1). It determines the width of the pulses and therefore the RMS value of
the inverter output voltage. M is usually' adjusted by varying the amplitude of
the reference wave while keeping the carrier wave amplitude fixed. The
inverter output frequency is varied by varying the reference wave frequency.
Figure 10.15(a) is drawn for N = 6 and M = 1. Maximum output voltage occurs
with M - 1; when M - 0.5, the output is halved (Figure 10;15(b)).
Rather than using a triangular carrier wave with an alternating offset, as
shown in Figure 10.15, a triangular carrier without an offset can be used. In this
Figure 10.15
Sinusoidal pulse width
modulation waveforms
(a) M = 1 (b) M = 0.5
i he
324 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
case, a triangular carrier wave of frequency f c and a reference modulating sin e's
wave of frequency f m (the same as the required output frequency of the«%
inverter) are used to regulate the output voltage. Varying the amplitude of the f*;
reference sine wave Varies the pulse width and controls the effective magni-'f
tude of the output waveform. , .
The carrier wave and the sinusoidal reference wave are shown in Figure -5
10.16(a). The output voltage waveform vn is drawn in Figure 10.16(b). Note that >-
the number of output pulses in one full cycle is six. There are also six carrier
voltage waves during this period. Therefore, the pulse repetition frequency o f"
the inverter is the same as the earner frequency.
Figure 10.16 V
by varying the pulse width of each cycle of the output voltage. Figure 10.17(a)
shows a single-phase bridge inverter using BJTs as switches. Switches Q 3 and
Q 4 of the right leg of the inverter are turned on after an angle a with respect
to the turning-on of switches Qj and Q2 of the left leg of the inverter. The
switching sequence is shown in Table 10.4. The resulting output voltage vQ,
shown in Figure 10.17(b), has a pulse width tw of a. By changing the shift angle
a, the inverter output voltage can be changed.
Inverters using transistors or GTO thyristors can operate at much higher
switching frequencies than inverters using conventional SCRs and therefore are
used in pulse-width modulated inverters. In a pulse-width modulated inverter
operating at a high switching frequency, the switching losses will be relatively
high, reducing efficiency and creating heat-removal problems.
Figure 10.17
Basic pulse-width
modulated waveform J—
(a) circuit diagram (b) PWM
output waveform
E- Load
‘o + vn
0, On O ff On Off
' '
q2 Off On Off . On
Q4 On Off On |Off On
■*— a —*
• ■ r, .1 '
vo • ■
' -
c h a p te r 10 inverters
Table 10.4
Qi q2 Qa 04 u° M
j ...........
On Off Off * On +i: i
On Off On Off 0
Off On On Off -E
Off On Off On 0
On Off Off On +E
On Off On Off 0
Figure 10.18
Pulse-width modulation in
a half-bridge inverter
Figure 10.19
Sinusoidal pulse-width
modulation in a half-bridge
Example 10.5 A single-phase full-bridge inverter uses PWM for voltage control. Plot the out
put voltage waveform if the carrier frequency is a sawtooth voltage waveform
synchronized to the fundamental and the reference wave is a DC voltage level.
I igure 10.20
P v v m waveforms for
full-bridge inverter
328 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Solution The PWM output is obtained by comparing the DC level with the sawtooth volt-
age waveforms. The magnitude of the DC voltage determines the pulse width
of the output voltage. The output pulses shown in Figure 10.20 have equal
The H-bridge inverter, which uses four switching devices, is the most common
type of inverter. Other types of inverters are shown in Figure 10.21.
Figure 10.21
Single-phase inverter
(a) center-tap inverter
(b) center-tap inverter in
series (c) with a large
V +c
He 1*0
.A, Load
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter 329
Figure 10.22
principle of the single-phase
inverter of Figure 10.21(c)
(a) St is on and S2 is off
(b) S, is off and S2 oh
freewheeling diodes. The switches are opened and closed periodically in the*
proper sequence to produce the desired output waveform. The rate of switch-
ing determines the output frequency of the inverter. Many sequences, for oper-?
ating these three switches are possible, but there are two fundamental modes I
that complete one cycle with six switching^ one is known as the 120 ° conduc
tion type and the other, the 180° conduction type.
Figure 10.23
Three-phase bridge inverter
circuit diagram
/ /
S4 / D4 S6 f £ D6
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter 331
(a) 0-60° (d) 180°-240°
(b) 60°-120° (e) 240°-300°
Figure 10.24
Three-phase bridge inverter equivalent circuits
312 CHAPTER TO ^Irivirters;
Table 10.5
---- — .
fjk'rjfej - 111
interval s, Sa
va b = Va n ' 10.9
Vb c ~ V b n ' VCN 10.1?
VCK = yCN ‘ VAN lo .ii
The three line voltages are also shown in Figure 10.25. The step-wave 1
voltage waveforms are identical in shape but are displaced from each o
by 120 °.
Each switch is on for a duration of 120° in sequence. When Si is on at
0, terminal A is connected to the positive side of the PC source. When S< is. i
at (at - rt, terminal A is connected to the negative side of the DC source, f
When the load is inductive, the waveform will vary from those s!
because the terminal voltage in the off period will be affected by the transii
current behavior. ,
With a balanced Y-connected resistive load, the output power is giveft
(m y (m y
R R 10.
E2/2 R 'm
. 1
• 1
180° 360° 540°
s, s2 s3 S4 S5 si S2 S, s4 s5
S6 S2 S3 S4 S5 Si s3 S4
Figure 10.25
Circuit voltage waveforms for 120® conduction
34 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Jq(RM S) ^ V l ^witchCRMS)
Example 10.6 For a three-phase bridge inverter with a Y-connected resistive load,
three output currents and the six switch currents for the 120° conduction’ i"
Solution The waveforms of the output current are shown in Figure 10.26. The .JU
currents are step-waves, with each switch conducting the load current for 1
The three currents are displaced by 120 °.
Figure 10.26
Waveforms for currents of a E
three-phase bridge inverter 2R
with 120° conduction and a
120 ° 180° 300° !360"
resistive load
120 ° ;240°
t=rl ym
240° 360°;
' 120°
60° i 180°
120 ° 240°
180° 300°
240° 1360°
Example 10.7 For a three-phase bridge inverter with a A-connected resistive load, plo
three output voltages for 120 ° conduction mode.
Solution Figure 10,27 shows the switching sequence necessary to obtain the three-p
output voltage shoWn in Figure 10,28. In Figure 10.27(a), which shows
equivalent circuit from 0° to 60°, Sx connects the positive terminal of E to A
336 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Switching for this type is carried out without an off period, that is, each switch
is always on either the positive or negative terminal, but the situation to avoid
is having all three on the positive or negative terminal sijnultaneously. At any
given instant, three switches are conducting, say S1( S2, and S3. After a period of
60°, S2, S3, and S4 will be conducting. The conduction period for each switch is
180°, so that no two switches in the same, leg conduct simultaneously.
Six distinct 609 intervals exist for one output cycle, and the rate of
sequencing these intervals specifies the inverter output frequency. The complete
switching pattern for the six intervals ,is shown in Table 10.6, The, six-step
sequence creates a cyclic pattern; l- i- 3 , 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5 -6 - 1 , 6 - 1-2 , . . . .
It can be seen that each switch conducts for a period of 180°.
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter 337
Table 10.6
The three output voltage waveforms can now be derived by assuming a bal
anced, Y-connected resistive load R. The phase voltages for the various 60°
intervals can be obtained by considering the equivalent circuit for each interval,
as shown in Figure 10.29. From these equivalent circuits, the voltages associated
with each phase of the load can be determined. A summary of the results is
given in Table 10.7. The phase voltages waveforms shown in Figure 10.30 are
identical but are displaced by 120°. They are not pure sine waves, but they do
show some resemblance. The phase voltages have six discontinuities per cycle,
Corresponding to the six switching points per cycle.
The line voltages can be obtained from the following relationships:
t>AB= ^an — ttoi « 10 .1 8
% c = %n —Mcn " ’ ■ ;5 ■ - ' 10.19
VCA = *;CN — VAN 10.20
Table 10.7
■............ . .....
Interval Van V SN VCN ' |«}«r'VBC vca
A c
Figure 10.29
Three-phase bridge inverter equivalent circuits
The line voltages for the six intervals are also shown in Table 10.7 and plotted
in Figure 10.30. The three line voltages are also displaced by 120°. Basically, the
line or phase voltage waveforms dre independent of the load characteristics,
which may have any combination of resistance, inductance," and capacitance,
balanced or unbalanced. If the load is resistive, the load current has the same
waveform as the phase voltage.
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter 339
(e) 240-300°
tN —
0 6 180° 240° 300° 360° >
- 3 • ■
L ■
+E —
-E •
” s7 ’ ’ V ’ V ” v
On switches
^6 ■
S1 *2 s4
*5 *6 S4
10.8 The Basic Principle Of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter ? 341 i
where R is the resistance per phase. Note that the power output here is 1.33
times the power output in the 120 ° conduction mode. •. . •*'("> iv{< > v.- «><< n,»
The RMS current through the switch is w ;. v *>. >*u
> ! n ‘u t ' f t ' 'A-ifa-'-i'i.'- ' ? sS. "f yW h-\i
Jo “ -4witch(RMS) 10.23
reverse voltage rating for the switch = E 10.24
The RMS value of the output line voltage is
V2 E
1 ^LCRMS) — i 10.25
^ph(RMS) — J a ^ 10.28
Example 10.8 For a three-phase bridge inverter with a Y-connected resistive load, plot the
three output currents and the six switch currents for the 180° conduction mode.
Solution The waveforms of the output Currents, iA, % and v;, are shown in Figure 10.31.
The output current waveforms are stepped, with each switch conducting the
load curreni fui 180°. The three currents are displaced by 120°. The switch cur
rents can b( l t la ned easily by referring to Fig. 10.29. For example, isl = iA for
0 - 180° and isl = 0 for the rest of the cycle.
342 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Example 10.9 A three-phase bridge inverter supplies a Y-connected load with 10 £} resistance
per phase. The DC source voltage is 440 V and the inverter operates in the 180°
conduction mode. Find • > ,
a) the source current
b) the average power absorbed by the load
c) the RMS value of the output phase voltage
d) the RMS value of the output line voltage
Solution a) At any instant the equivalent circuit of the three-phase bridge inverter is as
shown in Figure 10.32. The total resistance seen by the source is; .
Rr = CJ? ||R) + R = R/2 + R = 1.5 R = 1.5 (10) = 15 0 '
The source current is constant given by ,
Is = E/Rt = 440/15 = 29.33 A
Figure 10.32
Equivalent circuit
for Example 10.9
b) The power delivered to die load can be determined from Figure 10.32 by
adding the power consumed by each leg:
Fl - C29.332 * 10) + (14.662 * 10) + (14.662 * 10)
= 8602.5 + 2150.6 + 2150.6
= 12904 W
Note that the power input from the source (Ps = £ * /, 440 * 29.33
12905 W) equals the power to the load.
The load power per phase is
Pph. = P J 3 = 4301 W
344 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Figure 10.33
Output waveforms with a
A-connected resistive load
in 180° operation
10.8 The Basic Principle of the Three-Phase Bridge VSI Inverter 345
Example 10.10 Plot the three output voltages for the 180° conduction mode of a three-phase
bridge inverter with a A-connected resistive load.
Solution The voltage waveforms of the three output terminals, A, B, and C, are shown
in Figure 10.33. From these three waveforms we can obtain the three output
line voltages for the inverter.
Example 10.11 The reference sine wave waveform, v#a ), vR(Sh and vR(C), for a three-phase
bridge inverter with sinusoidal pulse-width modulation are shown in Figure
10.34(a). Plot the output line voltage yAB.
Solution In contrast to the single-phase bridge inverter, the output voltage of a three-
phase bridge inverter cannot be controlled by varying the duty cycle. In this
case, a pulse-width modulation technique in which the output voltage closely
resembles a sine wave is commonly applied.
To implement sinusoidal pulse-width modulation, we need three reference
sine waves, % A), % B>, and % C)> one for each leg of the inverter. The three
sinusoidal reference voltages are displaced from each other by an angle of 120 °.
These voltages are compared with the carrier triangular wave to find the switch
ing points for the switch pairs S1 and S4, S} and S6, and S5 and S2.
One of the two switches in each leg is conducting at all times, connecting
the output terminal to either the positive or the negative side of the DC source.
For example, suppose iA is positive and Si is conducting. Then when S4 is
turned oil, Sj turns off and the output current transfers to diode D4. However,
if iA is negative, diode Dx would be conducting and when S4 is turned on, it
would take the load current immediately.
The output Voltages vA, v^, and vc with, respect to the DC source hypo
thetical midpoint are shown in Figure 10.34(b). The line voltages are:
^ab — Pa ~ Vb ■ , •:
Vbc = Vb ~ vC
Vc k = vc - v h
The line voltage vAB is shown in Figure 10.34(c).
CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Figure 10.34
Sinusoidal pulse-width modulated waveforms for a three-phase bridge inverter
10.9 the Ideal Current Source Inverter (CSI) 347
A current source inverter is one in which the input current from the DC source
is maintained at a constant level, regardless of the DC input voltage variation.
In practice, this is achieved by inserting a large inductor in series with the DC
voltage source. This arrangement prevents sudden changes in current and effec
tively maintains a constant level of supply current. The inverter converts the
input DC current into a rectangular wave AC output Current.
Figure 10.35(a) shows a single-phase current source bridge inverter. Unlike the
voltage source inverter, it does not require freewheeling diodes, and the current
flows unidirectionally through each SCR. The SCRs are turned on in pairs, SCR,
Current source
180° 360°
■ . . ( b )
Figure 10.36
Three-phase current source inverter (a) circuit diagram (b) current waveforms
10.9 the Ideal Current Source Inverter (CSI) 349
and SCR2 and then SCR3 and SCR4, at a constant frequency. The resulting out
put current, shown in Figure 10.35(b), is an AC rectangular wave whose
magnitude is equal to the DC input current Each switch conducts for a period
of 180°. ,
Example 10.12 Show the switching scheme for each 60° interval of a three-phase current source
inverter supplying a balanced three-phase resistive load.
Solution The operation of the circuit Can be divided into six modes in each cycle. The
Switches are turned on in pairs for 60° intervals. Table 10.8 shows the conduct
ing switches in each of the six modes.
3S0 CHAPTER 10 Inverters
Table 10.8
Interval s, Si «. S4 1 s5 s6 ‘ /a k 'c
0 to 60° On Off Off Off Off On +1 -I 0
10.10 Problems
Figure 10.37
See Problem 10.3
■--- --------------------
10.11 Equations
Vo(avg.) = £ ( l - - y ) 10.8
t r E ' «
*/URMS) ” 10.14
^ph(RMS) = ~~Z E 10.26
Vlorms) — a E . 10.27
^ph(RMS) - ~~T~ a E 10.28
3 V2
I\ = -------- Io cos 0 10.29
3 V2
Ii = .... ...- a IQ cos 0 10.30
4(rms) = - ^ 1 10.31
, _ V 2_
-*oph(RMS) — o ■* 10*32
E - V 6 Vph cos 8 10.33
AC Voltage Controller
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
'54 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
11.1 Introduction
Figure 11.1 sc r ,
Basic AC power coritroller
circuits (a) an SCR circuit
(b) a triac circuit
-(b) ;
11.2 AC Power Control
There are two basic methods for controlling the load power; integral cycle con
trol or o n -o ff control and p h ase control. The first method is suitable for systems
with a large time constant, such as a temperature control system. The load
11.2 AC Power Control 355
power can be controlled by connecting the source to the load for a few com
plete cycles then disconnecting the source from the load for another number of
cycles, and repeating the switching cycle. The relative duration of the on and
off periods, i.e., the duty cycle d, is adjusted so that the average power deliv
ered to the load meets some particular objective. Figure 11.2 shows a typical
pattern. In ideal circumstances, the average power to the load can be controlled
from 0 % through 1 0 0 %.
Figure 11.2
Integral cycle control
Integral cycle control is not suitable for loads with a short time constant.
Phase control can be used in these situations. In phase control, the switch
connects the load to the source for part of each cycle of input voltage. The
graphs in Figure 11.3 illustrate waveforms for phase control with a resistive
load. The voltage at thd load can be varied by altering the firing angle for each
half-cycle of a period. If a = 0, the output voltage is maximum ( v0 = v{). When
a = tc, the output voltage Is minimum ( va = 0). Therefore, the output voltage
can be controlled to any value between zero and the source voltage. This
process produces a phase-controlled alternating output that is suitable for appli
cations such as lighting control and motor-speed control.
156 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
Figure 11.3
AC phase control waveforms
with a resistive load
Exam ple 11.1 For the following applications, choose integral cycle control or phase angle con
trol and justify your choice.
a) lighting control
b) motor speed control
c) heating loads
Solution a) Due to the system frequency (60 Hz), integral cycle control is not practical
for the brightness control of an incandescent lamp. If we assume a minimum
possible off time of one cycle (i.e. , Tore = 1 ), the lamp will flicker once
every two cycles with a frequency of 30 Hz. If We increase the off time for
lighting control, the frequency will decrease. A flicker of less than 30 Hz is
both noticeable and annoying. Therefore, integral cycle control is unsuitable
for this application.
With phase control, there is an off interval in every half-cycle of the
load voltage. The fluctuation of current thus has a frequency of 120 Hz on
a 60 Hz system. A flicker of 120 Hz is barely noticeable to a human eye.
Lamp dimmers usually use phase control circuits.
b) With an assumed minimum off time of one cycle, integral cycle control could
cause severe current variation in motors, resulting in pulsating torque and
speed oscillations, especially if the system inertia is low. Consequently, inte
gral cycle control is not suitable for the speed control of motors. Phase con
trol is appropriate since the off time is much shorter—usually some fraction
of a half-cycle. However, this method of motor speed control is suitable only
for variable torque loads; such as fans and pumps, in which the torque
varies as the square of the speed,
11.3 Integral Cycle Control 357
V o ^ ^ J^ ^ V iV d - 11-2
Vm = maximum value of input voltage
Vj - RMS value of input voltage ~ VtJ\ Z l
Because T0 n can be varied only as an integer, the average value of the load
power is not a continuous function but has only discrete levels. The number of
steps available for regulating the average power depends on the total number
of cycles included in the repeat pattern.
iSB CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller m
Power conversion is the ratio of the average power output (Po(avg•>) to the
maximum possible power output (P0(max)). P„(avg.)/Po(<mx) is equal to the duty
cycled !
d — T0 ^/CT0 n + 2 oFF) — Tqm/T
T = time period — ?on + 5qff
The source current is always in time phase with the source voltage. However,
this does not mean that an integral cycle control circuit operates at unity power
factor—for part of the time, the source current is not present at all and there
fore is not in phase with the source voltage.
The power factor is given by
pf = V y r = V d 1 1 .3
It is clear from Equation 11.3 that a power factor of one will result when ^)N ~
T, which would result in sinusoidal operation.
A closed-loop control system can be used to vary the value of TON to
maintain some variable close to a selected set point: Such a system would
depend on sufficient energy storage in the controlled system to smooth varia
tions that result from the on-off nature of the control. Integral cycle control has
the advantage of fewer switching operations and low radio frequency interfer
ence (RFI) due to control during the zero crossing of the AC voltage, that is, in
this method, switching occurs only at zero voltage for resistive loads. The rate
of change of the load current depends on the system frequency, which is small,
so there is low electrical noise compared with other control methods.
Example 11.2 A single-phase 120 V AC source controls power to a 5 Q resistive load using
integral cycle control. Find
a) the average value of output current
b) the maximum switch current
c) the maximum power produced
d) the duty cycle and the value of TON to produce 1 kW power
e) the power factor for part (d)
Solution a) The average value of the output current over any number of complete con
duction cycles is 0 .
b) -^o(rms) ^ 120/5 = 24 A
/m = V 2 (24) = 33.9 A
c) Maximum power will be produced when the switch is always on.
= 120 * 24 = 2880 W
d) For PcKavg.) = 1000 W,
Tq n _ -fo l'a v c .’) 1000
■ o (m a x ) 2880
114 AC Phase Control 359
Table 11.1
■ fo (a v g .) — ^ o C R M S )/ -^
Evaluating output voltage and power for successive values of the delay angle
gives the results shown in Table 11.1.
The control characteristic, K>(rms>/K and -Po(avg.)/-Po(max) versus a, for a resis
tive load is plotted in Figure 11.4.
_ ^o(RMS>
Substituting Equation 11.4, we obtain
Example 11.3 A single-phase 120 V AC source controls power to a 5 resistive load using
integral cyde control. If TON = 2 cycles and T= 4 cycles, find
a) the output power
b) the delay angle required if the phase control method is used to produce the
same power
c) the output power, if the load is always connected to the source
Solution a) From Equation 11.1,
n _ ZiZoN. _ 120^2
^ o (a v g ) ^ y, j. ^ w
W ^oCavg.j — ^o(RMS) R
From Equation 11.5.,
ive- R it 2n J
362 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
z± _a sin 2a
■^oCavg.) = 1440 W
R % 2%
The required value is a = 90°.
Vf 120
c) o(avg.) = 2880 W
Figure 11.5
AC phase control waveforms
for a resistive load, for delay
angles varying from 30° to
11.4 AC Phase Control 363
Example 11.4 A single-phase power controller as shown in Figure 11.1(a) is supplying a resis
tive load. Plot the waveform of the output voltage if the delay angle is
a) 30°
b) 90°
c) 120°
d) 150°
Solution The voltage waveforms for a resistive load and the given delay angles are
shown in Figure 11.5.
Example 11.5 A single-phase power controller fed from a 120 V supply is supplying a 25 £2
resistive load. Find the RMS value of the output current and the power factor if
the delay angle is:
a) 0°
b) 30°
c) 60°
d) 90°
e) 120°
f) 150°
g) 180°
Solution The RMS value of output current is given by Equation 11.5 as
J/7 " act sin. 9rv
2 « 11/2
4(R M S)
R it 2%
W R = 120/25 = 4.8 A
Table 11.2
W ms)(A) '..I - PF
(a) 0 ° 4.8 ° 1.0
Example 11.6 A single-phase power controller as shown in Figure 11.1(a) is supplying a 100 Q
resistive load through a 50 V source. Plot the waveforms for output voltage, out
put current, voltages across SCRj and SCR2, and current through SCRX and SCR2
if the delay angle is 60°.
Solution The waveforms are shown in Figure 11.6.
Figure 11.6
Waveforms for resistive load and a delay angle of 60°
11.4 AC Phase Control 365
Example 11.7 A single-phase 110 V AC source controls power to a 10 Q resistive load, using
the circuit shown in figure 11.1(a). If a = 30°, find
a) the maximum output current
b) the average output power
c) the peak reverse voltage
d) the RMS value of the input current
e) the circuit power factor
f) the RMS value of the SCR current
Solution a) Vm = V 2 (110) = 155.5 V
j _ ik _ m 5 A
4 " R ~ 10 " 155 A
b) From Equation 11.5,
-4(rms) = 10.8 A
PoCavg.) = RMS) R = C10.8)2 10 = 1175 w
c) The switch must block the maximum source voltage Vm of 155.5 V.
d) The RMS value of the input current is
e) P F = ^ S l = , 1 1 7 5 ... = o.99
V& 1 1 0 * 1 0 .8
Example 11.8 A 120 V source controls power to a 5 £2 resistive load using a phase-control
switch. If the load power required is 1 kW, find
a) the maximum load current
b) the RMS value of the load current
c) the delay angle a
d) the RMS value pf the switch current, if the switch is a triac
e) the average current in each of the two SCRs if the switch is like that in Fig
ure 11.1(a)
f) the peak reverse voltage rating of the switch
g) the power factor
Solution a) = V 2 (120) = 170 V
jm, i k = lZO = 34A
R 5
b) For Pa(avg,) = 1000 W,
1000 = I2oirms) * 5
4crms) = 14.14 A
Figure 11.7
(a) AC phase-control circuit with an RL load (b) voltage and current waveform with
an RL load
11.4 AC Phase Control 367
f) The switch must block at least the maximum source voltage, 170 V.
Consider the AC voltage controller circuit in which the load now consists of
resistor R in series with an inductor L. The circuit is shown in Figure 11.7(a) and
the corresponding waveforms in Figure 11.7(b). SCR, is triggered at a and SCR2
is triggered at tc + a. When SCRj turns on, the source voltage is connected to
the load, making the output voltage va = vr The output current ix> builds up at
a . However, it does not become zero at n but continues to flow until (3, which
is known as the extinction angle. The interval during which SCRj conducts is
called the conduction angle y (y = (3 - a). When SCR2 turns on, a reverse cur
rent flows in the load.
Note in the graph that the onset of output current coincides With the firing
anj le that is, the load phase angle 0 ( 0 = tan-1 X JR ), the angle by which the
output current lags the voltage, is equal to a. Under this condition, full output
voltage i ; obtained. Furthermore, due to the .load inductance, current flow is
maintained thfrbugh the SCR even after the input voltage has reversed polarity
and goes negative. At the time when the output current decays to zero, the volt
age across the switch has an ideal discontinuity. The output voltage is equal to
the source voltage when either SCR conducts. The output voltage waveform has
the shape of a sinusoid with a vertical portion removed. The missing portion of
the output voltage waveform forms the voltage drop across the SCR switch.
The RMS value of the output current is given by
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 369
c) 1 2 0 °
d) 150°
Solution For an inductive load, the output current lags the output voltage. If the load is
purely inductive, the phase angle is 90°. Therefore, if the delay angle is less
than 90°, the current will not be symmetrical. With a delay angle of 30°, the
waveform shown in Figure 11.8(a) results, where conduction in SCRj lasts for
more than 180° and SCR2 does not conduct at all because it does not experi
ence forward voltage when it receives its firing pulse at it + 30°. The output cur
rent is therefore unidirectional. To avoid this condition, the firing angle should
be at least 90° (see Figure 11.8(b)). When it is between 90° and 180°, the wave
forms are of the form shown in Figure 11.8(c) and (d). Thus for inductive loads,
a is limited to the range 90° to 180°.
P ■ oCavg.) _ o (a v g .)
d) PF 0.5
K 4 crm s)
(d) (e)
Figure 11.9
AC phase control, three-phase switch (a) line-controlled Y connection (b) line^,
controlled A connection (c) branch A connection (d) neutral point switching using
six SCRs (e) neutral point switching using three SCRs
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phale Control 371
1. For a given power, circuits 11.9(a) and (b) give lower voltages (V3/2
times the supply phase voltage or half the line voltage) and higher cur
rents in the SCR. Two SCR pairs are always required in series to block
voltage or conduct current.
2. Circuit 11.9(c) gives higher voltages and lower currents in the SCRs.
Each SCR can conduct current independently of the other.
3- Circuit 11.9(d) is functionally similar to Figure 11.9(a). It produces iden
tical output voltage waveforms, but since each SCR is part of only one
current path instead of two, the average SCR current is halved. In addi
tion, as in circuit 11.9(c), each SCR can conduct current independently
of other.
4. For circuit 11.9(e), control of 3 $ output voltage is also possible by
using 3 SCRs instead of six. The waveform corresponds to the six
SCR current of Fig. 11.9(d), however the SCR current ratings must be
Figure 11.10
Circuit configurations to
obtain the output voltage in
Figure 11.9(a) with a
balanced load
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 373
Table 11.3
Output voltage
Circuit Conducting Nonconducting •
configuration lines < * V lines;/*" V Phase ( O Line (vBb)
a All None V,kn= V^b/V3 VAB
c B, C A 0 (l/2)vcn
conducting paths. This means that each SCR must receive two firing pulses sep
arated by 60° in each cycle, as shown in Figure 11.11(d) and (e). If a reaches
150°, the current in each line falls to zero, giving zero output. Thus, the oper
ating range for the delay angle is from 0 ° to 150°.
The preceding analysis can be summarized into the following three possi
ble modes .ok operation for the circuit in Figure 11.9(a):
Mode I ft) < a < 60°) One device in each line conducts, in other words, three
devices conduct simultaneously, and normal three-phase theory applies. Full
output occurs when a = 0. When a < 60° and all three devices are in conduc
tion, the load currents are the same as for an uncontrolled three-phase resistive
load. The RMS value of the output current is given by:
4 (R M S )
. 3. a sin 2 a
‘ R 2 it 4n
Mode n (60° < a < 90°) One device conducts in each of two AC lines, that is,
a total of only two SCRs are conducting, and two lines act as a single-phase
supply to the load.
During the intervals when one of the line currents is zero, the remaining
two phases are effectively in series and form a single-phase load connected to
two of the three lines of the voltage source. The phase voltage is equal to half
the line voltage. The conduction pattern during any 6 0 ° interval is repeated dur
ing the following 6 0 ° interval with a permutation in phases and the sign of the
current. For example, the current variation for Phase A during a given 60° inter
val is repeated during the next 60° for Phase C, except for a change in the alge
braic sign of the current. •
The RMS value of the output current is given by
374 CHARTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
Figure 11,11
Output voltage waveforms for the circuit in Figure 11.9(a) with delay angles of
(a) 0°
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 375
Figure 11.11
(b) 30'
376 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
(c) 60°
Figure 11.11
(d) 90*
378 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
Figure 11.11
(e) 120°
11-5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 379
Mode HI (90° <, a <, 150°) No more than two SCRs conduct at any one time.
At times none of the devices conduct. For a > 90°, when all three devices are off,
a zero output period develops. The output voltage becomes zero for a = 150°.
The equation for the RMS value o the output current is
il _5__ _a_ V 3 cos 2 a sin 2 a 11.14
''o(RMS) :
R 12 2 ti 8 n 8n
rJA B — % W + v bn — 0
= ^AB + vbn
^bn ^
A suitable rating for the switching device would therefore be at least equal to
Exam ple 11.11 The three-phase power controller shown in Figure 11.13 is supplying a balanced
A-connected resistive load. If the delay angle is 45°, plot the waveform of the out
put voltage across any one phase and the voltage across any pair of SCRs.
Exam ple 11.12 Repeat Example 11.11 for a balanced Y-connected resistive load.
Solution The waveforms are shown in Figure 11.15.
Example 11.13 The three-phase power controller shown in Figure 11.9(c) supplies a balanced
resistive load. Plot the waveforms of the output voltage, the output current, and
the voltage across the SCR, for the following delay angles;
a) 0 ° ,
b) 30°
c) 6 0 °
d) 90°
e) 1 2 0 °
f) 150°
g) 180°
Solution The voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 11.16. The output current wave
forms are identical to the output voltage waveforms, since the current follows
the voltage for a resistive load,
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 381
Figure 11.14
Voltage waveforms for a A-connected resistive, load
Example 11.14 The three-phase power controller shown in Figure 11.9(a) supplies a balanced
tesistive load. Plot the waveform of the three output phase voltages for the fol
lowing delay angles: .
a) (X < 60° ,
b) 60° < a < 9 0 °
c) a > 9 0 °
82 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
Figure 11.15
Voltage waveforms for a Y-connected resistive load -
Solution Figure 11,17 shows the phase voltage waveforms for different delay angles.
Example 11.15 The three-phase power controller shown in Figure 11.9(a) Supplies a balanced
resistive load. Plot the waveforms of the line current 4, the output line voltage
24 b, and the voltage across the SCR when the delay angle a is 100°.
Solution Figure 11.18 shows the waveforms for resistive load at a delay angle of 100°.
11.5 Three-Phase AC Phase Control 383
Figure 11.16
Waveforms for a balanced resistive load
384 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
Figure 11.16
Waveforms for a balanced
resistive load
Figure 11.17
Phase voltage waveforms across the load (a) a < 60° (b) 60° < a <90° (c) a > 90s
386 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
figure 11.18
Waveforms for resistive load
at a delay angle of 100°
Example 11.16 The three-phase power controller shown in Tigure 1 1 .9 (c) supplies a balanced
inductive load. Plot the waveform of the output voltage, the voltage across the
SCR, and the phase and line currents for the following delay angles:
a) 90°
b) 1 2 0 ° •
c) 150°
11.6 Half-Controlled AC Voltage Controllers 387
Figure 11.19
Waveforms for an inductive
load with a delay angle of
d) 165°
e) 180°
Solution The waveforms are shown in Figure 11.20.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.20
Waveform for a balanced RL load (a) a = 90° (b) a = 120°
Figure 11.20
Waveforms for a balanced RL load (c) a = 150°(d) a = 165°
Example 11.17 The three-phase half-wave power controller shown in Fij, r ; 11.21(a) supplies
a balanced resistive load. Plot the waveform of the output phase voltage for the
following delay angles:
a) 45°
b) 75°
CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
c ) ' 105°
d) 135°
Solution The waveforms are shown in Figure 11.23.
Example 11.18 A thiee phase half-wave power controller as shown in figure 11.21(a) supplies
a balanced resistive load. Plot the waveform of the line current for the follow
ing delay angles:
a) 20°
b) 170°
Solution The line current waveforms for a half-controlled load are shown in Figure 11.24,
11.6 Half-Controlled AC Voltage Controllers 391
Figure 11.22
Three-phase half-wave AC voltage controller phase voltage and line voltages for
delay angles of (a) 30°
'9 2 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
F irin g p u lse s!
C onducting lines
Figure 11.22
(b) 90°
11.7 Cycloconverters 393
(c) •
Figure 11.22
(c) 150°
394 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
an ym
Figure 11.23
Phase voltage waveforms for four different delay angles (a) 45° (b) 75° (c) 105°
(d) 135°
11.7 Cydoconverters
Figure 11.24
Line current waveforms for
two different delay angles
(a) 20° (b) 170°
direct method is to produce the desired output frequency in one stage by using
a cycloconverter. A cycloconverter is basically a dual converter (see Section 6 ,6 )
operated in such a way as to produce an alternating output voltage. For effi
cient operation, cycloconverters are usually operated in the frequency range of
zero to less than dne-third the source frequency.
Cycloconverter systems can provide reverse operation and regeneration.
They are used in low-speed AC drives, where the motor drive is started by
reducing the input voltage and frequency. They are also used in variable-speed
constant-frequency (VSCF) generator systems in aircraft to provide a regulated
output voltage at constant frequency regardless of speed changes in the prime
396 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
»igure 11.25
Single-phase to single-phase
cycjoconverter (a) circuit
diagram with a resistive
load (b) output voltage and
input current waveforms
with full conduction of each
R vo
11.7 Cycloconverters 397
Figure 11.25
(c) waveforms when phase control is used on each SCR
A . A A A
fX f\£ )d cW 1 (d)
Figure 11.26
Single-phase cycloconverter (a) circuit diagram (b) waveforms for a = 0°
(c) waveforms for a = 60° (d) waveforms at different values of a
: M
100 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller y:
. 'N — ------ —— — —
Figure 11.27
Synthesis of sinusoidal output voltage (a) controlled rectifier circuit (b) output
voltage synthesis
shows the output voltage waveform for a resistive load. The SCRs are triggered
at such angles as to follow the fundamental sine wave as closely as possible.
Note that the output voltage has the same maximum value as the source volt
age and therefore has the same RMS value.
The maximum output voltage is the same as the average (DC) voltage, so
V .M V „v V,
1 1 ------------------------- _ i ---
I i i
t i
i i
i i
\ 1
1 i . ' '
A 1 ‘4 1
\r v
f \
Figure 11.28
The three-phase to single-phase cycloconverter (b) output voltage waveform
Figure 11.29
Three-pulse to three-phase cycloconverter
404 CHAPTER 11 AC Voltage Controller
(N)) produces output voltage during the negative half-cycle. In this way, the
two converters can provide an alternating output. The circuit converts the input
frequency to a lower output frequency. The output frequency depends <<n the
length of time during, which the positive and negative groups operate. The
switches are opened and closed at various instants to generate the output fre
quency out of selected small segments of the input frequency. The segments are
determined by the gate firing of the SCRs. The output frequency can then be fil-
tered to provide a smooth waveform.
Carte must be taken to make sure that the SCRs from the positive and neg
ative group are not conducting simultaneously, as this would short-circuit the
source. To avoid this possibility, the gate-firing circuitry should contain an inter
locking function that makes it impossible to give gate pulses to both conveners
Figure 11.30 shows the voltage waveform for a resistive load across one
phase of the output. The other two voltages have identical waveforms except
for the usual 120° phase shift. The output frequency is one-third of source fre
quency, or 20 Hz from a 60-Hz source. The output voltage is determined by the
firing angle a and is given by Equation 11.20.
Figure 11.30
Output voltage waveform across one phase
for a three-phase cycloconverter
Exam ple 11.19 A cycloconverter is supplied from a threerphase 440 V, 60 Hz AC source. If the
cycloconverter supplies a resistive load with a current of .16 A, determine the
maximum and RMS values of the load voltage for firing angles of
a) 0 °
b) 45°
c) 6 0 °
11.8 Problems 405
K<RMs) = i ^ = “ 7 ^ = 364 V
b) a = 45°
V W .) = 0.827 * 622:3 * cos 45 = 364 V
c) a = 60°
^oCmax.) = 0.827 * 622.3 * cos 60 = 257 V
^o(RMs> = J ^ Li = ^ - = 1 8 2 V
11.8 Problems
1 1 .6 For the output voltage waveforms shown in Figure 11.32, find the out
put power if the source voltage is 120 V and (he load resistance is 20 Q,
Figure 11.32
Integral cycle control using
a triac
Figure 1133
Single-phase full-wave AC
voltage controller AC
Load D C
11.8 Problems 407
Figure 11.34
Single-phase full-wave AC
voltage controller
J Load
11.15 An SCR with a diode bridge is shown in Figure 11.35. Draw the wave
form of the voltage across the load if the, firing angle is 30°.
Figure 11.35
SCR with diode bridge
+ v0 _ Di * A D3
+ O- Load V SCR
11.9 Equations
•V? j i 11.1
•oCavg.) : o(m ax)
PF * \ -% N/7'= V d 11.3
1- a sin 2a
o(RMS) ■ V, -------H------ -—*- 11.4
rc 2rc
a sin 2a'
/o(RM S) : 11.5
■^TCRMS) = ix R M S )
4 c r (rm s) = 4 crm s )/ "'v//2 11.7
/ ’oCavg.) = ( / o r m s ) 2 ( # or v:oCRMS>,/i? 11.8
11.9 Equations 409
a . sin 2a 1/2
+ 11.9
M(m) 11.10
a 1/2
J i I4 / 2 1\ 6 .
4 (R M S ) =
cos a + -r + — sin a cos a 11.11
R [ \ K 2
a sin 2a
/o(RM S) =
=il 11.12
2it 4n
i _ 3 sin ,2a V 3 cos 2a 11/2
4 (R M S ) = 11.13
6 8n 8n
_5_ _ J L + V 3 cos 2 a sin 2 a |1/2
4 (R M S ) = 11.14
12 2tc 8n 8rc J
K>(RMS) - V 3 4 (rm s) ^ 11.15
ySW=f 1-5 fphase 11.16
-K . f i _ a sin 2a
-'oCRMS) — 11.17
/? [3 4jt 8 ji
vi r i i a
4 crm s ) = 11.18
£ 24 2tc
JL 7 ct V 3 cos 2 a t sin 2a 11/2
4 (R M S ) — 11.19
R 24 4jc l6n l6rc
■-------------------------------------- :--------------------
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
12.2 Comparison of Semiconductor and Mechanical Switches 411
1. Due to reverse leakage current when off, it does not allow the load to
be Completely isolated from the source.
2. It is likely to fail when subjected to overvoltage and overcurrent situ
ations unless protected by an RC snubber circuit.
■112 CHAPTER 12 Static Switches
Figure 12.1
Single-phase static AC
switch using two SCRs in
antiparallel connection
Vm = maximum value of source voltage,
a = firing delay angle (0° for maximum output)
The RMS line current is the same as the RMS load current and is given by.
4 ms - /m/ V 2 1 2 .2
■SCR(avg.) - V 2 /rms/^ — 0 .4 5 / rms 12.4
Therefore, it is essential to select SCRs with current ratings at least 0.45 times
the load current.
The RMS value of the SCR current is
4crcrm s) — 2 12.5
The forward blocking voltage VFB must be at least equal to the maximum value
of the source voltage, that is,
To reduce distortion of the load waveforms due to switching, the SCRs must be
turned on at the zero crossing o f each half-cycle of the AC source voltage. Fig
ure 12.2(a) shows the load voltage and current waveforms for a pure resistive
load where the gate signal is applied at a = 0.
With an RL load, the current lags the voltage by a phase angle O due to
the inductance. For highly inductive loads, becomes greater than the width
of the trigger pulse and the SCR will not trigger. To ensure reliable triggering,
the gate signal needs a wide pulse width from 0 to 7t. The load voltage and cur
rent waveforms for a pure inductor are shown in Figure 12.2(b).
Triacs are not yet available with voltage, current, and frequency ratings as high
as those already available in SCRs. However, for low-power applications, pro
vided the current'rating is not exceeded, a single triac is more economical to
use than a pair of SCRs. A triac also eliminates the need for a second firing cir-
ciiit. Figure 12.3 shows an AC switch using a triac. The triac can be turned on
by either a positive or a negative trigger pulse and can carry current in both
directions. Like an SCR, once the triac has turned on, the gate loses control over
the switching. It regains control after the current has fallen to zero, and another
gate pulse is needed to turn the device on again.
Figure 12.2
Load voltage and current
waveforms (a) resistive load
(b) inductive load
Figure 12.3
Single-phase AC static switch
using a triac
416 CHAPTER 12 Static Switches
reauires only one SCR to control both halves of the AC cycle. The SCR is con
nected across the DC terminals of a full-wave diode bridge rectifier. The positive
current path is through diodes Db I)4, and the SCR, while negative current flows
through D2 . D3, and the SCR. The current is AC through the load and DC through
the SCR. The load, may be resistive or inductive. The gate-firing circuit is simple
since there is only one SCR to be fired for both the positive and the negative
half-cycle. However, since the current has to flow through three devices, the
power loss is higher due to the forward voltage drop of the devices.
In Figure 12.4(b), SCRX and diode D2 conduct for the positive half-cycle,
and SCR2 and diode Dx conduct for the negative half-cycle. Since the two SCR
cathodes are common in this scheme, the two gates can be tied together to pro
vide a common gate-firing cpntrol. The current has to flow through an SCR and
a diode, causing added power loss.
(a) (b)
Figure 12.4
Single-phase AC static switch alternative arrangement (a) using a single SCR (b) using
an SCR-diode bridge
Figure 12.5
Three-phase AG static switches (a) line
switches in series, Y-connected load
(b) line switches in series, A-connected
load (c) series switching, A-connected load
(d) half-controlled three-phase switch
(e) two-phase control (f) polygon
connection with six SCRs (g) polygon
connection with three SCRs (g)
this circuit, the switch is in series with the load, and this combination is con
nected in A. The current in each switch is V 3 times less than the line current.
Therefore, the current rating of the SCR is less than that required for the previ
ous two circuits.
In a three-phase system without the neutral, we can reduce the cost by
substituting a diode for an SCR in each of the antiparallel-connected circuits
of Figure 12.5(a) and (b). The circuit shown in Figure 12.5(d)' is called a half-
controlled switch. If unbalanced voltage operation is permitted, costs can be
further reduced by removing one pair of SCRs, as shown in Figure 12.5(e).
The polygon connection o f Figure 12.5(0 uses six SCRs connected in A
through the three-phase load. The six SCRs can be reduced to three as shown
in Figure 12.5(g). However, the voltage and current duty of each SCR would be \
more severe. The current rating of the SCRs is 1.5 times greater than that of the j
other connections in Figure 12.5. ‘ '■ |
Static switches are often used in applications where high switching frequencies
are required, for example, in reversing connections where AG machines are
switched from one direction of rotation to the other by reversing the rotating
field. The circuit shown in Figure 12.6 reverses the three phase power supplied
to the load. When switches Sj, S2, and S3 are on, line A feeds a, line B feeds b,
and line C feeds c for one direction of rotation. Turning off switches S2 and S3
Figure 12.6
Three-phase reversing
12.6 The Solid State Relay (SSR) 419
and turning on S4 and S5 results in line A feeding a, line B feeding c, and line
C feeding b, thus achieving a reversal of phase sequence of the voltages sup
plied to the load. Care must be taken to ensure that S2 and S5 are never turned
on simultaneously, or else a short circuit will occur across lines B and C. The
same applies to switches 3 and 4. Also note that in this circuit all switches must
be SCRs, because diodes would cause short circuits between main phases.
Figure 12.7
Hybrid switch Isolating
— —• |
a c Load
Figure 12.9(a) shows a single-phase tap changer in which the tapped voltage
supply is provided by a tapped transformer. The technique involves tap chang
ing of the transformer using static switches and continuous adjustment by phase
control between taps. Ideally, the output voltage can be adjusted from zero to
the maximum secondary voltage. If only SCR3 and SCR4 are fired, the output
voltage is V2•If only SCRi and SCR2 are fired, then the output voltage is vx.
By phase control using SCRj and SCR2, the output voltage can be adjusted
from zero to the full voltage vx of this tap. Further increases in voltage can be
obtained by increasing the voltage during parts of each half-cycle using SCR3 and
SCR4 , As shown in Figure 12.9(b), SCRi is turned on at tu which is the zero volt
age crossing of the positive half-cycle. SCR3 is triggered with a phase delay at t2.
Since v% is more positive than vY, SCR3 will start conducting and this will auto
matically turn off SCRi. At %, SCR2 is turned on, and finally SCR4 is fired at t4.
12.8 The Static VAR Controller (SVC) 421
Figure 12.9
Static tap changer (a) circuit
(b) current and voltage
most practical loads, being inductive in nature, also draw lagging VARs from the
source. These loads require capacitive or leading VARs to compensate for the
lagging power factor.
A thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC) (shown in Figure 12.10(b)) uses
capacitors to generate leading VARs. However, if the firing angle is arbitrarily
varied to control the VARs, the current through the AC switch flows in large pul
sations as the capacitor voltage equalizes with the source voltage. These pulses
can easily damage the switching device. Therefore, firing must be synchronized
to occur when the instantaneous source voltage is equal to the capacitor volt
age. VAR control is achieved by splitting the capacitors into banks and control
ling each bank with a separate AC switch. Capacitor banks are turned on as
required to provide necessary VARs, This circuit has the disadvantage of requir
ing an AC switch and its associated firing circuit for each bank, Also, since the
capacitor bank can be switched only in steps, VAR compensation is achieved in
discrete steps rather than by continuous control. Therefore, a TSC arrangement
is suitable only if the load requires a fixed VAR adjustment,
Figure 12.10
Types of VAR controllers (a) thyristor-controlled inductor (b) thyristor-switched
capacitor (c) thyristor-controlled inductor with unswitched capacitor
12.9 Problems 423
Figure 12.11
Static VAR controller
12.9 Problems
12.1 What is a static switch? List some devices that the static switch has
12.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a static switch ver
sus an electromechanical switch?
12.3 What is an SSR?
424 CHAPTER 12 Static Switches
12,10 Equations
a , sin 2a
^oCRMS) = - f y
---------------------------------- • _
rt 2tc
RMS ' /m/V2 12.2
■'SCR(avg) —
— in 12.3
4 c R (a v g .) = V 2 Iu m s / K = 0 . 4 5 /rmS 12.4
j _ Irn. 12.*T
•'SCRCRMS) “ 2
Triggering circuits, 101 full-wave center-tap, 132 Voltage source inverters (VSI),
Twelve-pulse rectifier circuits, full-wave bridge, 140 307
210 three-phase, 188 half-bridge VSI, 307
Twelve-pulse, bridge circuits, half-wave bridge, 189 full-bride VSI, 311
260 full-wave, 198 three-phase bridge VSI, 329
twelve pulse, 210 120° conduction type, 330
Uncontrolled rectifier, 122 Unijunction transistor, 65 180° conduction type, 336
single-phase, 122 biasing, 66
half-wave, 123 testing, 67