Course Overview:
Master of Business Administration (MBA) with dual specialization course is offered by Faculty of Com-
merce and Management Studies working under the aegis of Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Tech-
nology, Jodhpur. The college was established in the year 1965 and is the only UGC approved Autonomous
college of Western Rajasthan, since 2012. The MBA course is affiliated to Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodh-
pur and is recognized by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).
A candidate admitted in Master of Business Administration (MBA) dual specialization course is required to
carry two year full time on campus studies comprising of four semesters. Master of Business Administration
(MBA) dual specialization degree will be awarded to the candidate when he/she passes all the four semester
examination papers including papers for which deficiency, if any, is to be made up.
The business scenario is ever changing in terms of practice and knowledge generation and is leaving a tre-
mendous impact on management education worldwide. Management practitioners and academicians are
striving hard to cope-up with the changing demand of the industry and are coming up with advance and more
need base course content nearer to the requirements of industry. The objective of this course is to impart
modern and relevant management skills to the students which transform them into employable youth of the
*The BOS approved paper number MBA121 is the paper on seminar on Contemporary issues.
Here the faculty members will assign contemporary issues concerning with Corporate sector
like, merger & acquisition, current economic issues, stock market developments, new HR initia-
tives, recent trends in marketing etc.to the students. Students will prepare seminar report un-
der the guidance of assigned faculty members and will submit and present the report in the
Continuous Internal Assessment Examinations (CIA) of 20 marks and will be evaluated by the
internal and external examiners on the same in End Semester Examinations (ESE).
*The BOS approved paper number MBA221 i.e. the paper on major research report & presentation.
Here the students are required to do research work related to the corporate world or different indus-
tries or the issues related to the social science. Students will prepare research report under the guid-
ance of assigned faculty members and will submit and present the report in the Continuous Internal
Assessment Examinations (CIA) of 20 marks and will be evaluated by the internal and external exam-
iners on the same in End Semester Examinations (ESE).
Note: * *In order to gain practical exposure of real life corporate/industrial world students are re-
quired to take Corporate/Industrial training of six weeks after completion of their second semester
examination in any of the industrial unit or business houses approved by the Director. Students are
also required to submit and present a training report on their training/field experience at the time of
**Paper MBA322 Summer Training Project report presentation, Students are required to submit and
present the report in Continuous Internal Assessment Examination (CIA) of 20 marks and will be
evaluated in the same by internal and external examiners in End Semester Examinations (ESE).
***Note: An elective/optional group opted will be open only if it is desired by 1/6 th of the total strength
of the students.
Business Legisla-
MBA411 4 20 80 100 /40
tion II
MBA412 Project Manage- 4 20 80 100/40
MBA421 - - 100 100/ 80
Viva- Voce
*The BOS approved paper number MBA421 Comprehensive Viva-voce examination is based
on the subject knowledge of MBA I to MBA IV Semester and will be jointly examined by the
internal and external examiners.
NOTE: Eligibility and Admission Scheme of Examination, Promotions, Grace Marks etc. will be
as per the rules and regulations of college.
FM101 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
FM102 Management of Financial Services
FM 201 Corporate Taxation
FM 202 Strategic Financial Management
FM203Financial Reporting
FM204 Banking & Insurance
MM101 Consumer Behavior
MM102 Marketing of Services
MM 201 Advertising Management
MM 202 Sales & Distribution Management
MM103 Product& Brand Management
MM104 International Marketing
MM 203 Marketing Research
MM 204 Marketing for non-profit organizations
HRM101Managementof Industrial Relations
HRM 201 Human Resource Planning & Development
HRM 202 Training & Development
HRM103 Labor Legislation
HRM104 Organizational Development
POM101 TotalQuality Management
POM102 AppliedOperationsResearch
POM 201 Production Planning & Control
POM 202 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
POM103 Materials Management
POM104 Service Operations Management
POM203 Technology Management
POM 204 Manufacturing Policy & Implementation
SBE103 New Enterprise Management
SBE104 Entrepreneurial Development
SBE203 Entrepreneurship & Project Management
SBE204 New Venture Creation & Growth Strategy
RUM103 Rural Marketing
RUM104 Rural Business Management
IB101 Export-Import Procedures
IB102 International Business Management
IB201 International Accounting
IB202 International Financial Markets
IB103 International Business Legislation
IB104 Foreign Exchange Markets
IB203 India’s Foreign Trade policy
IB204 Global Human Resource Management
THM101 Legal and Regulatory Framework of Tourism
THM102 Tourism Management
THM201 Tourism Marketing
THM202 Airlines Management
THM103 Hotel Management
THM104 Management of Travel Agency and Tour Management
THM203 Event Management in Tourism
THM204 Tourism Product in India
EEM103 Energy Trading Lab-I
EEM104 Energy Trading Lab-II
Objective: The objective of the section is to develop conceptual understanding of the topic among the
students and comprehend the environment of making of an Entrepreneur.
Unit3: Entrepreneurial Motivation: Meaning and concept of Motivation, Motivation theories, En-
trepreneurship Development Program: Needs and Objectives of EDPs, Phases of EDPs,
Evaluation of EDPs .Role of Government in promoting Entrepreneurship, MSME policy
in India, Agencies for Policy Formulation and Implementation.
Suggested Readings
Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and prin
ciples of management and various behavioral processes in the organisation.
Unit3: Elements of Human Behavior at Work: Definition, Concept, Need, Importance and Foun-
dations of Organizational Behavior, Personality, Perceptual Processes, Management and Be-
havioral applications of Personality, and Perception
Unit4: Psychological Variables and Communication Technology: Learning; Values and Atti-
tudes; Motivation; Management and Behavioral Applications of Attitude and Motivation on
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with basic statistical and
linear programming techniques, with main focus on their application in business decision making.
Unit1: Introduction to Quantitative Techniques. Concept Model Building for Business Deci-
sions. Role and Scope Models in Business and Industry. Matrix Algebra Determina-
tions. Solving linear equations by using matrices.
Unit3: Basics of Probability, Linear Programme, Problem formulation and geometric methods of
solution Simple method, Two phase method, Elementary ideas about duality
Unit4: Decision Theory, Decision making under uncertainty, Criterion of Maximax, Minimax.
Maximin and Minimin and Laplace. Decision making under risk Bayesian approach. Cri-
terion of Maximum likelihood.
Suggested Readings
1. Chandha , N. K. Statistics for Behavioral and Social Scientist, Reliance Publishing House, Delhi
2. Gupta , S P and Gupta, M P. Business Statistics. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1997.
3. Sharma, J K. Fundamentals of Operations Research , Macmillan , New Delhi, 2001.
4. Terry, Sineich. Business Statistics by examples. London, Collier Mac Millian Publishers, 1990.
5. Narag, A S. Linear Programming and Decision Making. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1995.
Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the concept and techniques
used in Micro Economics Theory and to apply this knowledge in business decision making.
Unit1: Nature & scope of Managerial Economics, Fundamental concepts of economics, Utility
Analysis, Consumer Surplus
Unit2: Demand Analysis: Meaning, Law, Exceptions, Elasticity of Demand, Methods for meas-
urement of Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting, Law of Supply: Meaning, Law,
Unit3: Cost &Revenue: Short run and Long run costs, Fixed and Variable Costs, Average, mar-
ginal and Total Cost Curves, Cost Output relationship, Average Marginal and Total Rev-
enue. Production Analysis: meaning, Laws of Returns, Law of Variable Proportions.
Unit4: Market Anal ysi s: Price &o u t p ut det er mi nat i on under Perfect Compet iti on ,
Monopoly and Monopolistic, Oligopoly
Unit5: National I n c o m e , B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t , B u s i n e s s C y c l e , t h e n e w e c o n o -
m y , Inflation
Suggested Readings
1. Dwivedi, D N., Managerial Economics, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1995.
2. Keat, P. Managerial Econimics,7th ed., New Delhi, Pearson Publishing House, 2013.
3. Dean,J. Micro Economics, 4th ed., New Delhi, PHI Learning House, 1993.
4. Douma, S., Economic Approaches to Organization, 5th ed., Pearson Publication House, 2012.
5. Mithani , J., Managerial Economics, 2nd ed., New Delhi, Himalaya Publication House, 1998.
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of the student regarding the
basic accounting concept.
Unit 2: Trial Balance: Meaning, objectives& preparation. Financial Statements: Meaning, Capital
and Revenue Expenditures, Preparation of Trading and Profit and loss account and Balance
Sheet, Adjustments in preparation of Financial Statements.
Unit 3: Accounting for Non-profit organizations; Receipts and Payment Account, Preparation of
Income and Expenditure Accounts and Balance Sheet from Receipt and Payment
Suggested Readings
1. Maheshwari, S N. Advanced Accountancy, 9th ed., New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 2004.
2. Maheshwari, S N. Corporate Accounting for Managers, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 2004.
3. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K. Financial Management, Text, Problems & Cases. 4th ed., New Delhi. , Tata
McGraw Hill Company, 2004.
4. Jain, S P. Financial Accounting, New Delhi, Kalyani Publishers.
5. Bhattacharya, Ashish K. Financial Accounting for Business Managers. Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
Objective: The primary objective of this course is to make the students acquaint with the emerging
trends in business environment.
Unit1: Business Environment: Nature, Concept and Significance of External and Internal. Busi-
ness Environment, Environmental Analysis and Forecasting, Management of Change
Unit3: Political and Social Environment: Types of Political system, Political Tie Ups.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Consumer Rights and Consumerism, Corporate Govern-
ance, Business Ethics, Changing Elements of Indian Socio Cultural Environment.
Unit4: Technological, Legal and Regulatory environment: Industrial Policy, Small Industries, In-
dustrial Sickness, Intellectual Property Rights, Stock Exchange and Regulations, Com-
mercial Banking in India.
Unit5: Global Environment: GATT/WTO, IMF, World Bank, Multinational Corporations, For-
eign Capital in India Development and Regulation of Foreign Trade, FEMA.
Suggested Reading
1. Maheshwari, S.N. and Maheshwari, S.K.. A Manual of Business Law. Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2005.
2. Bedi, Suresh. Business Environment. Excel Books, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Tulsian, P.C. Business Law. Tata McGraw – Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Tuteja, S.K. Law for Managers. Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1998.
5. Bulchandani, K.R.. Business Law for Management. Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an appreciation of different software and
hardware and build up the experience of computer usage in business organizations.
Unit2: Networking: General features. Concept of Concept of LAN, MAN and WAN.
Internet, Net browsing–browsers, websites, webpage, portals, web searching, email, blog-
ging, social net working sites. Concept of virus, prevention and firewalls.
Unit3: Overview of a Management Information System. Computers and information processor, Da-
ta, information systems, Information resource management and decision making, MIS struc-
ture, Structure base on management activity and organization functions.
Unit4: Documentation and communication decision rules. Relevance of decision making. Age of
information and application of information. Type of system and subsystems. Preventing
system sentropy. System stress and system change. System concepts and its use in MIS.
Unit5: E-Commerce: Introduction, need, growth, advantages & limitations. Traditional Commerce v/s
E-Commerce. E-Commerce opportunities for industries, Models: B2C,B2B,C2C.
Suggested Readings
1. Rajaraman, V..Introduction to Information Technology. PHI, 2004.
2. Turban, Rainer and Potter ,Introduction to information technology. John Wiley and sons, 2003.
3. Sinha,P.K., Priti Sinha. Foundation of computing. BPB Publications, 2002.
4. Ram, B. Computer Fundamentals. New Age Publication, 2003.
5. Alexis Leon and Mathew Leon, Fundamental of Information Technology, New Dehli, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Objective: The objective of this course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing
people and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource
Unit1: Human Resource Management- Meaning & Definition, Importance, Role of HR Manager-
Strategic HRM, Human Resource Planning- Meaning & Definition, Objectives, Process,
Forecasting. Job Analysis- Job Description & Job Specification. Recruitment-Meaning &
Definition, Sources of Recruitment, Process, Employer Branding. Selection-Meaning &
Definition, Process. Induction
Suggested Readings
1. DeCenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S. P.. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 8th ed., John
Wiley, 2005.
2. Dessler, G. Human Resource Management. Pearson Education, 2004.
3. Ivancevich, John M. Human Resource Management. Tata McGraw Hill. 2003
4. Monappa, A. and Saiyadain, M. Personnel Management. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
5. Fisher Cythia D., Schoenfeldt F. and James B. Shaw. Human Resource Management. Bizantra, 2004.
Objective: The purpose of this course is to develop and understand of the underlying concepts,
strategies and issues involved in the marketing of products and services.
Unit1: Introduction: Concept, nature, scope and importance of marketing; Marketing concept
and its evolution; Marketing mix; Strategic marketing planning – an overview. Market
Analysis and Selection: Marketing environment – macro and micro components and
their impact on marketing decisions; Market Segmentation – Meaning, Bases for market
segmentation, Targeting and positioning. Consumer behavior: Introduction, types of
consumer, Factors influencing consumer behavior, consumer decision making process.
Unit3: Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions: Nature, functions, and types
of distribution channels; Distribution channel intermediaries; Channel management deci-
sions; Retailing and wholesaling.
Unit4: Marketing Research: Meaning and scope of marketing research; Marketing research pro-
cess. Promotion Decisions: Communication Process; Promotion mix – advertising, per-
sonal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations; Determining advertising
budget; Copy designing and testing; Media selection; Advertising effectiveness; Sales
promotion – tools and techniques.
Unit5: Market Evaluation and Control – Types, processes, and obstacles to marketing control.
Issues and Developments in Marketing: Social, ethical and legal aspects of marketing;
Marketing of services; International marketing; Green marketing; Cyber marketing; Re-
lationship marketing, Co-operative marketing.
Suggested Readings
1. Kotler, P. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation & Control. Prentice Hall of
India, 2003.
2. Michael, J. E., Bruce, J. W. and Williom, J. S. Marketing Management. 13th Ed, Tata McGrawHill,
New Delhi. 24 , 2004.
3. Louis, E. and David L. Contemporary Marketing. Harcourt Collye Publishers, 2001.
4. Douglas, J. & Leonard J. Parsons. Marketing Management: Text and Cases. 7th ed. John Wiley and
Sons, 2002.
5. Pride, William, M., and O.C. Ferrell. Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. Biztantra, New Delhi,
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad framework of
financial decision making in a business unit.
Unit1: Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Financial Management, Conflicts in profit ver-
sus value maximization principle, Role of Chief Financial Officer. Time value of money:
compounding and discounting techniques-Concepts of Annuity and perpetuity.
Unit2: Financing Decisions: Cost of Capital, Capital Structure decisions-Capital structure pat-
terns, designing optimum capital structure, Constraints, Various capital structure theories
Business Risk and Financial Risk —operating leverage, financial leverage and Com-
bined Leverage
Unit4: Dividend Policy: concept, theories sand determinants, Different sources of finance: Asset
Based financing-Lease Hire Purchase and Project Financing, Capital Restructuring.
Suggested Readings
1. Maheshwari, S.N. Management Accounting and Financial Control. 14th ed., Sultan Chand &
Sons. 2004.
2. Maheshwari, S.N. Principles of Management Accounting.14th ed., Sultan Chand & Sons, New
Delhi, 2004.
3. Maheshwari, S.N. Corporate Accounting for Managers. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,
4. Narayana Swamy. Financial Accounting a Managerial Perspective. 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of In-
dia, 2005.
Objective: The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting the
operations of a business enterprise.
Unit I: IndianContractAct1872 Contract vs. Agreement, Element of valid contract, Offer and Ac-
ceptance Rules regarding revocation of offer and acceptance, Consideration Essential el-
ements. Exception to the Rule No consideration no contract Privities of contract and con-
sideration, Capacity to contract, Free consent coercion, undue influence, misrepresenta-
tion, fraud. Mistake as to identity, as to subject matter, as to nature of promise
Unit II: Indian Contract Act 1872 Legality of the object, void agreement, voidable agreement,
agreements opposed to public policy, Discharge of contract modes of discharge, by per-
formance, by impossibility, by agreement, by breach,Damages Rules, remoteness of
damages, measure of damages, liquidated damages and penalty, Quasi contractor certain
relations resembling those created by contract, Bailment Duties of bailer & bailee, Law
relating to agency- types of agency, agents responsibility and rights.
Unit III: Sale of Goods Act,1930 Contract of sale, agreement to sell, Conditions and warran-
ties,Hire-Purchase,Passingofproperty,transferofproperty,remedies for breach; rights of
unpaid sellers. Doctrine of caveat emptor
Unit IV: Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 & Consumer Protection Act 2013
Definition and characteristics, promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheque, parties to
negotiable instrument; methods of negotiation of instrument Endorsement and delivery of
a negotiable instrument, negotiation by unauthorized parties. Consumer Protection Act
1986- Consumer, Rights of consumer, Nature and scope of remedies available to the con-
Suggested Readings
1. Desai, T R. Contract Act, Sales of goods and Partnership. S.S.Sarkar & Sons, 2003
2. Kuchhal, M C. Mercantile Law, Vikas Publilshing House, New Delhi,2007.
3. Kapoor, N D. Business Law. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Gogna, P P S, Business Law. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2006.
5. Beaumont, P. B.. The Future of Employment Relations. London: Sage, 1995.
Objective: The course is designed to acquaint the students with the planning and control of produc-
tion and operation function in manufacturing and service industry.
Unit I Nature and Scope of Production Management, Facility Location; Manufacturing Sys-
tems & its types; Layout Planning and Analysis, Material Handling-Principals-
Equipment’s,LineBalancing-Problems,WorkEnvironment& Industrial Safety; Computer
aided Manufacturing (CAM),Artificial Intelligence & expert systems.
Unit III: Material Management-an Overview, Storage and Retrieval System. Inventory Control, JIT
approach. Simulation
Unit IV: Concept of t ot al Quali t y (TQ). International Quality Certification and ot her
standards and their applicability in design manufacturing .Humanistic and Marketing
Aspects of TQ. Introduction and meaning of six sigma concept.
Unit V: ERP and Business process engineering, Maintenance Management, Networking Techniques
Suggested Readings
1. Krajewski & Ritzman. Operation Management – Strategy and Analysis. Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
2. Charry, S N. Production and Operation Management- Concepts , Methods & Strategy. John Willy &
Sons Asia Pvt . Limited. 27 , 2005.
3. Terry Hill , Operation Management. Pal Grave McMillan, 2005.
4. Adam Jr., E and Ebert, R. Production and Operation Management. 1998.
5. Chase, R B., Production and Operation Management, Tata Mac Graw Hill.
Objectives: The course aims at equipping students with an understanding of the research process,
tools and techniques in order to facilitate managerial decision-making.
Unit I: Concept of Scientific Enquiry- Formulation of Research Problem Hypothesis Building
Characteristic and Testing, Review of Literature, Research Design- Exploratory, Descrip-
tive and Experimental research Design. Qualitative Research Design.
Unit II: Data Collection -Sources, Constructing a questionnaire. The Interview, Observation
and Survey. Sampling Decisions, Probability Distributions and Sampling.
Unit III: Parametric and Non parametric test, level of Significance, using software for analy-
Unit IV: One sample test and two sample tests, chi-square and analysis of variance, Non- Paramet-
ric methods- the sign test for paired data, the rank sums test. The Mann- whittney U test,
the one sample Runs test, rank correlation.
Suggested Readings
1. Donald, R. Cooper and Parmela, S. Schindler. Business Research Methods. Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Kothari C.R. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques. Wishwa Prakashan, 2004.
3. Malhotra, Naresh K.. Marketing Research.4th Ed, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2004.
4. Richard, I Levin. Statistics for Management. PHI, Delhi, 2003.
Objective: To make the students aware about the concepts of basic accounting and management.
Unit I: Management Accounting- Introduction. Basic cost terms and concepts.
Process Costing- Concept, Simple process accounts, process accounting of normal and ab-
normal wastage, and gain, process stock accounting , by product and joint product and in-
ter process accounting.
Unit II: Budgeting and Budgetary control- Concept, Type of Budget- Flexible, cash, sale, produc-
tion, master, Zero Base Budgeting, Standard Costing and variance analysis
Unit III: Calculation and Inferences from published financial statements-ratio, cash flow and fund
Unit IV: Marginal Costing: - Application, Cost volume profit relationship, Break Even Point, Deci-
sion Making:- Make or Buy, Key factor, Export order, Shut down or continue, Multi prod-
uct situation, Cost reduction system- Kaizen Costing System, ABC Analysis
Suggested Readings:
Objectives: The Objectives of this course is to develop a holistic perspective of enterprise, critical
from the point of view of the top executives.
Unit 1: Business Policy & Strategic Management: Evolution, Introduction to Business Policy, Un-
derstanding Strategy, Levels of strategy, strategic decision making, issues in strategic deci-
sion making, various schools of thoughts on formation of strategy, introduction to strategic
management, strategic management process.
Unit 2: Establishing Strategic Intent: Understanding strategic intent, concept of stretch, leverage and
fit, vision, mission, business definition, goals and objectives, role of objectives, characteris-
tics of objectives, issues in objective setting, formulation of objective.
Unit 3: Strategy Formulation: Concept of environment, environmental sectors, scanning of the envi-
ronment, environmental appraisal, organizational appraisal, corporate level & business level
Unit 4: Strategic Analysis & Choice: Process of strategic choice, strategic analysis, subjective fac-
tors in strategic choice, contingency strategies.
Suggested Readings
1. Ansoff, H Igor. Implanting Strategic Management. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PH Inc., 1984.
2. Budhiraja, S B and Athreya, M B. Cases in Strategic Management. New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3. Christensen, C Ft. etc. Business Policy 6th ed., Homewood, Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1987.
4. Glueck, William F. Strategic Management & Business Policy. 3rd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
5. Hax,A C & Majluf,N S. Strategic Management. Englewood Cliffs, New jersey, P H Inc., 1984.
Unit 1: Business Ethics: Concept, Importance, Principles Of Personal & Professional Ethics, Theo-
ries Of Business Ethics, Values & Ethics, Secular Versus Spiritual Values In Management,
Ethical Dilemmas, Ethical Decision Making In Business.
Unit 2: Business Ethics and Globalization: Emergence of Global Corporations, Role of MNC’s and
Disadvantages of MNC’s To the Host Country. Corporate Governance: Definition, Concept,
and Benefits of Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility: Nature, Scope &
Unit 3: Ethics in Business Disciplines: Ethics In HRM, Marketing & Finance. Ethics and Infor-
mation Technology. Gandhi’s Approach in Management and Trusteeship
Unit 5: Business Ethics and Environment: Basics of Environment, Pollution, Ozone Depletion and
Climate Change. Environmental Regulation- WTO Environmental Provision, Environmental
Regulation in India.
Suggested Readings
1. Amarchand, D. Government and Business 3rd ed. New Delhi, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996
2. Cherunilam, Francis, Business and Government 8th ed. Bombay, Himalaya, 1995
3. Dassgupta A. and Sengupta, N. Government and Business, New Delhi, Vikas Publication, 1987
4. Marathe, Sharad s. Regulation and Development, New Delhi Sage publication 1986
5. Trivedi M.L., Government and business, Bombay Multitech, 19100
Objective : The objective of this course is to give the students an in-depth knowledge of the theory
and practice of Security Analysis Portfolio Management.
Unit 2: Risk and Return:- Concept , type of risk, calculation of risk and return, calculation of Ex-
pected return, Coefficient of Variation , Risk aversion and risk premium, Risk and Return
Suggested Readings
1. Alexander, Sharpe, William F. Fundamentals of Investments. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice
Hall Inc., 1989.
2. Bhalla, V K. Investment Management:, 8th ed.,Delhi, S. Chand, 2001
3. Portfolio Analysis and Management, Delhi, S.Chand, 2002
4. Elton, Edwin J and Gruber, Martin J. Modem Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis. New York,
John Wiley, 1984.
5. Lee, Cheng F. etc. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Scott, Foresman, 1990.
Objective : The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various financial ser-
vices and their role in the overall financial system.
Unit 1: Indian financial system: an overview of Indian financial institutions, an overview of the dif-
ferent activities performed by a bank. Objectives and Functions of Different Financial Insti-
tutions in India like IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, and LIC Reforms in financial sector.
Unit 2: Financial Services: Meaning, Nature and Types of Financial Services Fund based and Fee
based, Mutual Fund: Concepts and emerging role. Risk in financial services and changing
perception of intermediaries regarding financial services.
Unit 3: Types of Leasing: Concept, Classification, Accounting, Legal and Tax Aspects of
Leasing; Financial Evaluation of leasing. Factoring: Meaning, Characteristics and
Types of Factoring arrangements, Factoring in India, Factoring vs. Forfeiting
Unit 4: Credit Rating: Meaning and Types; Benefits of Credit rating to investors and
companies. Credit Rating Agencies; Objectives and Functions. Credit Cards: Concept and
Unit 5: Venture Capital: Meaning, Modes of Financing. Merchant banking: nature and scope, regu-
lation, overview of current Indian merchant banking scene-structure of merchant banking in-
dustry, Role and Functions of Merchant Bankers
Suggested Readings
1. Bhalla, V K. Management of Financial Services. Anmol, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Bhalla, V K And Dilbag, Singh. International Financial Centres. New Delhi, Anmol, 1997.
3. Ennew.C, Trevor Watkins & Mike Wright: Marketing of Financial Services. Heinemann Professional
4. Gordan.E and K.Natrajan Emerging Scenario of Financial Services.Himalaya Publishing House,1997
5. Meidan, Arthur Brennet, M. Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books.
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to provide an in-depth insight into the concept of
corporate tax planning and to equip the students with a reasonable knowledge of tax
planning devices.
Unit 1: Introduction to Direct Taxes: Income tax, Exempted income. Head of income, Sala-
ry, House property, Business & profession, capital gain & other sources.
Unit 2: Set-off and carry forward of losses. Deductions from gross total income. Calcula-
tion of total income and tax for individual (Salary only). Assessment procedure, Ad-
vance taxes and T. D. S. Introduction to proposed Direct Tax Code.
Unit 3: Introduction to Indirect taxes: Central sales taxes, service tax, Excise duty and
CENVAT. VAT– Introduction. Central Excise Act, 1994 & Excise planning. Cus-
toms Act and Customs duties planning. Tax planning: Concept, Nature, scope and
Unit 4: Corporate income Tax: Tax Concessions and incentives for corporate decisions. Tax
planning for depreciation; Treatment of losses and unabsorbed items; Carry forward
and set-off of losses. Computation of tax on companies. Tax and business reorgani-
zation: Merger and amalgamation, Tax planning regarding employees’ remuneration,
Tax appeals, revision and review.
Unit 5: Wealth Tax: Charge & scope of wealth tax, Deemed assets, exempted assets, Valua-
tion of assets. Computation of net wealth and wealth tax. Collection, recovery and
refund, penalty, Appeal & revision.
Suggested Readings
1. Singhania V. K, Singhania Monica Students Guide To Income Tax (Including Service Tax, Vat)
Taxman allied services 2014-15
2. Ahuja Dr girish, gupta Hari Professional applications to direct taxes Bharat Law
House Pvt.books.New Delhi.
3. Chandra Mahesh, Goyal S.P. and Shukla D.C., Income Tax Law and Practice,
Pragati Prakashan, Delhi.
4. Bangar Dr.Vandana , Bangar Dr. Yogendra Indirect Tax Laws, Aadhya Prakashan.
Objective: To apply financial management theories and techniques for strategic decision making.
Unit 1: Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy: Strategic decision making framework, Inter-
face of Financial Policy and strategic management, Balancing financial goals and
sustainable growth.
Unit 2: Project Planning and Capital budgeting : Feasibility study, Cash flow Projections-
Impact of taxation, depreciation, inflation and working capital; Capital Budgeting
Decisions: Certainty Equivalent approach , Evaluation of Risky Investment pro-
posals , Risk and Return analysis, Simulation and decision tree analysis , Sensitivity
analysis, Capital Rationing, adjusted Net Present Value, Replacement decisions ,
Application of Real options in Capital Budgeting ,Impact of inflation on Capital
Budgeting decisions , preparation of Project Report
Unit 3: Financial Services in India: Investment Banking , Retail Banking, On line share
Trading , Depository Service. Mutual Funds: Regulatory Framework, formulation,
monitoring and evaluation of various schemes of Mutual Funds, Money market mu-
tual funds. Exchange Traded Funds.
Unit 5: Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring: Meaning of Mergers and Acquisition, cat-
egories, purposes, Process of Mergers and acquisition, post – merger integration, le-
gal and regulatory requirements, Merger and acquisition agreement, Reverse merger,
Corporate Takeovers: Cross-border takeovers, Forms of Takeovers, Takeover de-
fenses. Leveraged Buyouts(LBOs), Management Buyouts(MBOs), Spin offs.
Suggested Readings
1. Ram V. Pattabhi, Bala S.D Strategic Financial Manangment, Snow white publication
2. Gupta J.B Strategic Management, Taxmann’s 6th Edition
3. Shridhar A. N Financial Management ,
Objective : The basic objective of this course is to develop and understanding about the consumer
decision-making process and its applications in marketing function of firms.
Unit 1: Introduction to Consumer Behavior: Definition, Importance, Consumer and Customer, De-
velopment of Consumer Behavior Field, Marketing Concept and Consumer Behavior, Disci-
plines Involved in the field of consumer behavior, Determinants of Consumer Behavior.
Market Segmentation: Introduction, Benefits, Limitations, and Process& Bases of segmenta-
tion. Product Positioning: Introduction, Objectives, Elements, Approaches. Consumer Re-
search: Introduction, Importance, Limitations, Motivational Research, Process& Methods.
Unit 3: Social Class Influences: Group Influences and Consumer Behavior; Family influences; So-
cial class and consumer behavior; cultural influences on consumer behavior; cross cultural
consumer analysis.
Unit 4: Consumer Decision Making: House Hold Decision Making, Communication within Group
and Opinion leadership. Models of Consumer decision-making: Nicosia model, Howard-
Sheth model. Situational Influences on Consumer Decision Making Process. Post Purchase
Unit 5: Socio-cultural factors; Gender mainstreaming; Economic factors; Political factors; Buyer
characteristics: Age, Occupation, Economic situation, Lifestyle, personality and psychologi-
cal factors of rural consumers.
Suggested Readings
1. Assael, H. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action. Ohio, South Western, 1995.
2. Engle, J F. etc. Consumer Behaviour. Chicago, Dryden Press, 1993.
3. Howard, John A. etc. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall
Inc., 1989.
4. Hawkins, D I. etc. Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy. Texas, Business, 1995.
5. Mowen, John C. Consumer Behaviour. New York, MacMillan, 1993.
Objective : The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in the service
sector in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the management of services on na-
tional basis.
Unit 2: Service Marketing Mix: Augmented Marketing Mix, Developing the Service Product/ Intan-
gible Product, Service Product Planning, Service Pricing Strategy, Services Promotions,
Service Distributions. Role of Communication in Service Marketing, People and Internal
Communication, Process of Operations and Delivery of Services, Role of Technology in
Services Marketing.
Unit 3: Managing Quality & Productivity in Service Marketing Deciding the Service Quality, Un-
derstanding the Customer Expectations, Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of Financial
Services, Devising Financial Services, Marketing Mix Strategies with Special Reference to
Credit Cards, Home Loans, Insurance and Banking, Marketing of Telecom Services.
Unit 4: Implementing Service Marketing: Building Customer Loyalty, Customer Complaining Be-
havior, Service Recovery- Concept, Customer Response to Effective Customer Recovery,
Principles, Empowerment & Service Recovery, Learning From Customer Feedback
Unit 5: Services in Global Perspective: International Marketing of Services Recent Trends, Principal
Driving Force in Global Marketing of Services, Key Decisions in Global Marketing, Ser-
vices Strategy and Organizing for Global Marketing.
Suggested Readings
1. Lovelock, Christopher H. Managing Services: Marketing Operations and Human Resources. Eng-
lewood Cliffs, New Jersery, Prentice Hall Inc., 1995.
2. Lovelock, Christopher H. Services Marketing. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1993.
3. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A. Marketing Planning for Services. Butterworth, Heinemann, 1996.
4. Newton M P Payne, A. The Essence of Services Marketing. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,1996.
5. Verma, H V. Marketing of Services. New Delhi, Global Business Press, 1993.
6. Zeithaml, V A and Bitner, M J. Services Marketing. New York, McGraw Hill, 1996
Objective :The objective of this course is to develop the understanding about the marketing com-
munication tools and implement them in designing Advertisement strategies.
Unit 1: Advertising objectives and planning - Meaning Definition and objectives of Advertising,
Types of advertising, and the advertising agency: Function & types, Advertising Agency
compensation. Creative strategy - Target market & creative objective, Advertising Appeals,
Creative format & creation stage.
Unit 2: Steps in Advertising Strategies. Creative Strategy-Various appeals and execution Styles,
General idea of What Great Advertising Thinkers say-both Indian and foreign, Print adver-
tising, Electronics advertising, outdoor advertising, direct mail advertising
Suggested Readings
1. Aaker, David A., Rajeev Batra and John G. Mayers, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi
2. Belch. George and Michael Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Mandell, Maurice, Advertising, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Still, Richard R. Edward W. Cundiff and Norman A.P.Govoni, Sales Management: Deci-
sions, Strategies and cases, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with the concepts which are helpful
in developing a sound sales and distribution policy and in organizing and managing sales force and
marketing channels.
Unit 2: Planning the Sales Effort - Sales planning and Budgeting, Estimating Market Potential and
Sales forecasting, Setting the sales territory & quotas, Sales and cost Analysis.
Unit 3: Organizing and directing the sales Force - Recurring and training sales personnel, Design-
ing & compensating sales Personnel, Motivating and Leading the sales force, Evaluating
sales force performance
Unit 4: Distribution Channel Institutions & control- Wholesaling &- Retailing, Channel Infor-
mation systems, Managing & Evaluating Channel Performance Case & future trends in
sales & distribution management
Unit 5: Distribution Management - Managing marketing logistics & channels, Channel Integration
- VMS, HMS, Channel Management, and Marketing channel Policies & legal issue.
Suggested Readings
1. Anderson, R. Professional Sales Management; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,
2. Anderson, R. Professional Personal Selling; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1991.
3. Buskirk, R H and Stanton, WJ Management of Sales Force. Homewood Illinois, Richard D.Irwin,
4. Dalrymple, D J. Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, New York, John Wiley, 1989.
Objective : Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial
relations. This course is an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial
relations at the macro and micro levels.
Unit 1: Meaning , objectives ,Concept, Scope and Approaches to Industrial Relations‐ Unitary, Plu-
ralistic, and Radical Approach; Industrial Relations Systems (IRS); effects of social, techno-
logical , political and economical factors on industrial relations.
Unit 2: Objectives, Concept, structure and function of Trade Union, Union Registration and Recog-
nition, Theories on Trade unionism‐ Selling Pearl man, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Karl
Marx, Robert Hoxie and Mahatma Gandhi, White Collar Trade Unions, Trade Union
Movement in India.
Unit 3: Meaning, Causes, types, methods of settlement of dispute in India, Code of Discipline and
Grievance Management.
Unit 4: Collective Bargaining; Meaning, need, importance, Concept and functions, Types of Bar-
gaining, Process of Bargaining, Emerging Trends in Collective Bargaining, Levels of bar-
gaining and agreements, negotiation techniques and skills.
Suggested Readings
1. Kochan, T.A. & Katz Henry. Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations. 2nd ed. Homewood, Illi-
nois, Richard D Irish, 1988.
2. Mamkoottam, K Trade Unionism. Myth and Reality. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1982.
3. Niland J R. etc. The Future of Industrial Relations. New Delhi, Sage, 1994.4.
4. Papola, T S & Rodgers, G. Labour Institutions and Economic Development in India. Geneva, ILO,
5. Ramaswamy, E A. The Rayon Spinners The Strategic Management of Industrial Relations. New Delhi,
Oxford University Press, 1994.
6. Virmani, B R. Participative Management vs. Collective Bargaining. New Delhi, Vision Books, 1988.7.
Webb, Sidney & Webb, Beatrice. Industrial Democracy. Melbourne, Longman, 1987.
Objectives :To develop basic skills among students to independently handle a wide range of em
ployee counseling and performance counseling.
Unit 2: Roles of Counselors - Counseling values vs. Business values to training for Counselors -
Ethical issues in Counseling stress and Counseling - Impact of
Organizations - Systematic approaches - Organization culture different culture and
Unit 3: Preparation for Counseling - Assessing counseling - contracting for counseling - Termina-
tion counseling - Preparation of employee - Assessment of employee - Contracting / refer-
ring -Enjoying in counseling and termination counseling
Suggested Readings
1. Cormer, L S. and Hackney, H. The Professional Counselor's Process Guide to Helping. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1987.
2. Maclennan, Nigel. Councelling for Managers. Aldershot, Graver, 1996.
3. Moursund, J. The Process of Counseling and Therapy. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice
Hall Inc., 1990.
4. Munro, C A., etc. Counseling: A Skills Approach. Methuen, 1980.
5. Reddy, Michael. Counseling at Work. British Psychological Society and Methuen, London and New
York, 1987.
Objective: To understand the purpose, process and applications of human resource planning in the
context of different organizational strategies. To create a critical appreciation and knowledge of
understanding the determinants of human resource requirements.
Unit 1: Introduction: Definition and Concept of HRP, Benefits, Process and HRP Components.
Unit 3: HR Forecasting: Forecasting Manpower Needs, the Forecasting Process, Inventorying avail-
able talent, Projecting Future Talent Supply, forecasting Staffing Requirements. Index anal-
ysis-expert forecasts-delphi technique-nominal group technique-HR budget and staffing ta-
ble, scenario forecasting, and regression analysis.
Unit 4: Job analysis: Meaning, definition, job analysis process, techniques of job analysis, methods
and practice of job analysis, competency based approach.
Unit 5: Succession Management and Carrier Planning: Definitions, concepts, stages of career devel-
opment process and organizational HR Policies, carrier Anchors – Stages of growth and ca-
reer, career processes Succession management process and Management development pro-
grammes, objectives of MDP’s and challenges of succession management.
Suggested Readings
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of Training
in the HRD, and to enable the course participants to manage the Training systems and processes.
Unit 1: Introduction to Training & Development - Training and Training needs Assessment, Train-
ing Design and Administration, Training methods, Technique & Aids, Training Strategy.
Unit 2: Training and Learning: Types of Training; The learning process, learning curve, principles
of learning, Learning Theories, Learning through Training and Learning Styles, Learning
Unit 3: Training Process: An Overview; Role Responsibility and Challenges to Training Managers;
Organization and Management of Training Function; Training Needs Assessment and Ac-
tion Research; Instruction Objectives and Lesson Planning; Training Climate and Pedagogy;
Developing Training Modules; Trainer as a change agent.
Unit 4: Evaluation of Training - Training evaluation & ROI, Trainer of Training, Measurement
Tools & Technique, Feedback Mechanism.
Unit 5: Training Methods and Techniques: Facilities Planning and Training Aids; Organizing the
training Department, controlling training, Training Communication; Training Evaluation;
Training and Development in India.
Suggested Readings
1. Prior John, Handbook of Training and Development Jaico, Publishing House, Bombay, 1997.
2. Donald F. Michalak and Edwin G. Yager, Making the Training Process Work, Harper and Row,
New York, 1979.
3. Jack J. Phillips, Handbook of Training Evaluation and Measurement Methods, 3 rd Edition, Hou-
ston, Gulf Publishing Co., 1997.
4. Lynton R, Pareek, U, Training for Development, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Vistaar, 1990.
5. Pepper, Allan D, Managing the Training and Development Function, Aldershot, Gower, 1984
Objectives : The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with to make clear to candidates
the basic concept of Total Quality (TQ) from design assurance to service assurance; to give empha-
sis on International Quality Certification Systems - ISO 9000 and other standards and their ap-
plicability in design manufacturing quality control and services, to closely interlink management of
quality, reliability and maintainability for total product assurance; to focus on quality of services in
contemporary environment.
Unit 2: Pre-requisite for TQM: Quality Orientation, Leadership, Employee Involvement, Role of
ISO9000 QMS, Organizing for quality. Quality circles, roles of BPR
Unit 3: SQC/SPC Techniques: Control charts for variables and attributes, Acceptance sampling, Six
Sigma approaches, seven tools of SQC. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Unit 5: Strategic Quality Management: Principles of Quality Management, Linking with strategic
quality management process, TQM Implementation, Continual Improvement/Kiazen
Suggested Readings
1. Carruba, Eugene R and Gorden, Ronald D. Product Assurance Principles: Integrating Design Assur-
ance & Quality Assurance. New York, McGraw Hill, 1991.
2. Grant, Eu-gene L and Leavenworth, Richards. Statistical Quality Control, McGraw Hill, New York,
3. Ireson, W G. and Coombas, C P. Handbook of Reliability Engineering & Management, New York,
McGraw Hill, 1988.
4. Lochner, Robert H. and Matar, Joseph E. Designing for Quality. London, Chapman & Hill, 1990.
5. Pike, John and Barnes, Richard. TQM in Action. London, Chapman & Hill, 1994.
6. Schmidt, Warren H. and Finnigan, Jerome P. TQ Manager. San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 1993.
7. Spenley, Paul. World Class Performance Through TQ, London, Chapman & Hall, 1992.
Objective : The course is designed to introduce the students to the principles of operations research
techniques and their applications in decision making. Students will also be required to use comput-
er packages for data processing purposes
Unit 1: Meaning, Importance, Uses, scope and applications of Operation Research in managerial
Unit 2: Transportation problem: Various method of finding Initial basic feasible solution
and optimal cost, Assignment model: Algorithm and its applications
Unit 3: Introduction to Linear Programming (LP), Illustration of LP Problems, and Formulation ex-
ercises on LP Problems, Graphical Method of solving LPP, Simplex Method, and Artificial
Variables: Big-M Method and Duality Problem,
Unit 4: Project Management: Rules for drawing the network diagram, Application of CPM and
PERT techniques in project planning and control; Crashing and resource leveling of opera-
Unit 5: Game Theory: Concept of game; Two-person zero-sum game; Pure and Mixed Strategy
Games; Saddle Point; Odds Method; Dominance Method and Graphical Method for solving
Mixed Strategy Game
Suggested Readings
Objective: To get acquainted with the basic aspects of Production Management. The course at-
tempts to discuss various important planning, organizing and controlling aspects of
Operations Management.
Unit 3: Capacity Planning & Scheduling : Scheduling: Forms of Schedules, Loading and
Scheduling, Basic scheduling problems: Flow production scheduling; job shop
scheduling. Random order scheduling; product sequencing. Production control of
processes and production activities. Cost control; Dispatching and expediting; Re-
cording progress and feedback information in order to improve future planning.
Unit 5: Material requirement planning, meaning, types, objective, MRP planning & con-
trolling activities (input, inventory record, final requirement),Bill of materials, types
of bill of materials, examples, various terms, material requirement planning process:
Exploding and offsetting, gross & net requirement, releasing orders & low level cod-
ing & netting, Numerical Production activity control: meaning, purpose, Steps, data
requirement (planning files & control files)Manufacturing lead time, Examples, Nu-
Suggested Readings
1. Groover, M. P., Automation, Computer Integrated Manufacturing System,
2. R. B Khanna, Production and operation management by–Pub. PHI
3. Aswathappa & Bhat,Production and operation management- Pub. - HimaLaya pub.
4. Buffa, Modern Production & Operation Management
Objective: To provide student an insight about the supply change management and its relation with
creating value for customers and in pricing along with linking manufacturing unit with
customers also to develop knowledge about the movement of material, warehousing,
transportation and network of material transfer.
Unit 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Management Supply chain – objectives – importance – deci-
sion phases – process view – competitive and supply chain strategies – achieving strategic
fit – supply chain drivers – obstacles – framework – facilities – inventory – transportation –
information – sourcing - pricing .
Unit 2: Designing the supply chain Network Designing the distribution network – role of distribu-
tion – factors influencing distribution – design options – e-business and its impact – distri-
bution networks in practice design in the supply chain – role of network – factors affecting
the network design decisions
Unit 3: Sourcing & pricing Sourcing – In-house or Outsource – 3rd and 4th PLs – supplier scoring
and assessment, selection – design collaboration procurement process – sourcing planning
and analysis. Pricing and revenue management for multiple customers, perishable products,
seasonal demand, bulk and spot contract
Unit 4: Dimensions of Logistics Introduction, Nature and Concepts, Evolution; Supply Chain Man-
agement, Logistical Mission and Objectives; Components and Functions of Logistics
Management; Integrated Logistics Management; Key Distribution-Related issues and
Challenges and Strategic Logistics Management; Total Cost Analysis and Trade-off.
Unit 5: Supply Chain Integration Introduction – push, pull and push–pull systems – push – based
supply chains – pull – based supply chain – push-pull supply chain - identifying the appro-
priate supply chain strategy – implementing a push-pull strategy – demand – driven – strate-
gies – the impact of the internet on supply chain strategies – distribution strategies – direct
shipment – cross docking – trans shipment – centralized versus decentralized control – cen-
tral versus local facilities.
Suggested Readings
1. Sunil Chopra, Supply Chain Management-–Pub: Peter Meindi
2. Badi N V , Supply chain Management- - Pub : Vrindra Publications ( P) Ltd. , Delhi
3. Sunil Sharma , Supply Chain Management- Concept, Practice & Implementation –- Pub: Oxford
Univ. Press
4. V.V Sople- Logistics Management-Pub.- Pearson edition-2013
5. Desai K D – Six Sigma, Pub. Himalaya Publishing house
6. Ray & Ruben- Stores Management, Pub. Himalaya Publishing House
Objectives: The objective of this course is to study the effectiveness of Government policies and
their impact on Business.
Unit 1: State participation in Business and interaction between Government, Business and Different
Chambers and Commerce and Industry in India ñ Indian Planning System.
Unit 2: Public Distribution System ñ Government Control over price and distribution ñ Consumer
Protection Act (CPA) and the Role of Voluntary Organizations in Protecting Consumers
Rights and the responsibilities of business & Government to protect the Environment ñ Gov-
ernment clearance for establishing new Enterprise
Unit 3: Industrial Policy Resolution, New Industrial Policy of the Government Concentration of
Economic Power, Licensing and Compete Act
Unit 4: Role of multinationals, Foreign Capital and Foreign Collaborations ñ Government Policy
with regional to export promotion and import substitution.
Unit 5: Government policy concerning Development and backward areas/regions ñ Policy with re-
gard for SSIs ñ Role of SEBI to regulate the Capital market.
Suggested Readings
1. Amarchand, D. Government and Business 3rd ed. New Delhi, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996
2. Cherunilam, Francis, Business and Government 8th ed. Bombay, Himalaya, 1995
3. Dassgupta A. and Sengupta, N. Government and Business New Delhi, Vikas, 1987
4. Marathe, Sharad s. Regulation and Development, New Delhi Sage 1986
5. Trivedi M.L. Government and business, Bombay Multitech, 19100
Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop in-depth analysis for better understanding of
the nature of competition in changing business environment.
Unit 2: Small business as the seedbed of entrepreneurship in relation to the economy. Entrepreneur-
ship as an interactive process between the individual and the environment. Small business as
the seedbed of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial competencies. Entrepreneurial motivation,
performance and rewards.
Unit 3: Opportunity scouting and idea generation: role of creativity & innovation and
business research. Sources of business ideas. Entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary
business environment, for example opportunities in network-marketing, franchising, busi-
ness process outsourcing in the early 21st century. The process of setting up a small busi-
ness: preliminary screening and aspects of the detailed study of the feasibility of the business
idea and financing/non-financing support agencies.
Unit 4: Managerial roles and functions in a small business. Designing and redesigning
business processes, location, layout, operations planning & control. Basic awareness of the
issues impinging on quality, productivity and environment. Managing business growth.
Unit 5: Issues in small business marketing. The concept and application of product life cycle, adver-
tising & publicity, sales & distribution management. The idea of consortium marketing,
competitive bidding/tender marketing, negotiation with principal customers. The contempo-
rary perspectives on Infrastructure Development, Product and Procurement Reservation,
Marketing Assistance, Subsidies and other Fiscal & Monetary Incentives. National, state
level and grass-root level financial and nonfinancial institutions in support of small business
Suggested Readings
1. Albert, Kenneth J. The Strategic Management Handbook. New York, McGraw Hill, 1983.
2. Allio, Robert J. The Practical Strategist: Business and Corporate Strategy in the 1990s. California,
Ballinger, 1988.
3. Ansoff, H I. Implanting Stratergic Management. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc., 1984.
4. Harnel, Gary and Prahlad, C K. Completing for the future. Boston, Harvard Business School Press,
5. Hax, A C and Majlyf, N S. Readings in Strategic Management. Cambridge, Ballinger, 1984.
Objective: This course provides a better understanding of how a business operates in our modern
environment, how to manage business
Unit 1: Role and importance of small business; defining small business; forms of organisation for
small business.
Unit 2: Challenges of marketing for small businesses; sources of funds for small businesses; Human
resource management issues in small businesses; managing small business operations.
Unit 3: Policy interventions for small sector development- central and state government; Sickness
and challenges before small scale industries
Unit 4: Special Issues for Entrepreneurs: Legal issues – Forming business entity, considerations and
criteria, requirements for formation of a Private/Public Limited Company, Intellectual Prop-
erty Protection- Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights – importance for startups.
Suggested Readings
1. Arora, R. and Sood, S.K. (2003). Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Man-
agement. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
2. Desai, Vasant (1997). Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship. 3/re, Himalayan Publishing
House, Mumbai.
3. Ramachandaran, K. (1993). Managing a New Business Successfully. Global Business Press,
New Delhi. Ministry of small, micro and Medium Enterprise –www. msme.gov.in
4. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment: Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House
Objective: To provide study and analysis that will influence and encourage entrepreneur spirit.
Unit 1: Creativity; creativity Tools and techniques; Lateral thinking, Enablers and barriers to crea-
tivity; Creative Personality; Brainstorming, Entrepreneurial creativity
Unit 4: The Creative Problem – solving Structure - Planning - Task analysis – Springboards –
Speculative thinking exercise – Imaging, metaphor, analogy and excursion – Journey into
absurdity – Selection of springboards – Idea development – Developmental thinking exer-
cise – Next steps – Learning from actual experience
Unit 5: Innovation and the Market – Assessing the Risk - The Innovation Process – Where Are We
Now? – The Diagnosis – The Consultation Group – Selecting a Strategy – Preparing the Or-
ganisation – Setting up the Investment. Evaluating the Costs of the Project – Evaluating the
Impact of the Project - Innovation is a State of Mind – Technology Watch – Acquiring
Technological Innovation – Intellectual Property.
Suggested Readings
Unit 2: Financial Management: Meaning, objectives, importance, sources of long term and short
term finance, sources of rural finance and its importance.
Unit 5: Urban Co-operative Banks – Need for Urban Co-operative Banking, Origin, Role,
Growth, Performance, Regulations and Reforms; Employees Co-operative Credit Societies –
Objectives, functions, role, working, Non-credit activity and suggestions; Industrial Co-
operative Banks
Suggested Readings
Objective: To provide an in-depth understanding of the problems and processes of rural develop-
ment, ecology, resources and other major developmental issues.
Unit 1: Nature and features of rural economy of India. Underdevelopment vis a vis Development,
Workforce and occupational structure; Dimension, dynamics and magnitude of rural popula-
tion (Demographic tradition, Rural-urban-migration.).
Unit 3: Rural poverty and development dimension. Human capital, inequalities – poverty syndrome-
govt. policy; Problems of rural unemployment-specially disguised unemployment causes and
remedies, Livelihood approach
Unit 4: Managing rural development: Procedure, principles and choices; Understanding the views of
Dr. E. F. Schumacher, Dr. Amartya Sen and Dr. Robert Chambers about rural development
Unit 5: Development strategy: Centralization vs. Decentralization: Euro centric vs. eco-centric
Suggested Readings
1. Arora, R. C. "Integrated Rural Development". 1979. S Chand, New Delhi.
2. Bansil P C. "Agricultural Statistics in India". 1974. Arnold Heinemann, New Delhi.
3. Gupta A. "Ecology and Development in the Third World". 1988. Routledge, London.
4. Hanumantha Rao, C. "Agricultural Production" Functions Costs and Returns in India". 1965. Asia,
5. Joshi, PC. "Land Reforms in India". 1975. Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
Objective: The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the export-import procedures, doc-
umentation and logistics.
Unit 1: Introduction: Export documentation; Foreign exchange regulations, Quality control and pre-
shipment inspection, Export trade control, Marine insurance, commercial practices
Unit 2: Export Procedures: Central Excise clearance; Custom clearance, Role of clearing and
forwarding Agents, Shipment of Export Cargo, Export Credit , Export Credit Guarantees and
Policies, Forward Exchange Cover, Finance for export on deferred payment terms, Duty
Unit 3: Importing Procedure: Import licensing policy, Actual user licensing, Replenishment li-
censing/Import/Export passbook, Capital - Goods licensing /Export Houses/ Trading Hous-
Unit 4: Special Issues: Export by post parcel and by Air, GSP Certificates of origin, Custom's
clearance of Import Cargo, Documents - prescribed by Importing countries, Standardized
Export Documentation, Packing.
Unit 5: Import Management in a Developing Economy: Foreign Exchange budgeting, Import pro-
curement, methods, Import financing, Purchase contract, Import Canalization, Import under
counter-trade, Monitoring and follow up of import contracts.
Suggested Readings
Objective : The objective of this paper is to give students an overall view of the international finan-
cial system and how multinational corporations operate.
Unit 1: International Business Environment – Cultural aspects – values and norms –social structure
– religious and ethical systems – language – education –implications of cultural differences
on business. International business environment – Political and legal factors – political sys-
tems – legal systems, International business environment – Economic factors – the determi-
nants of economic development.
Suggested Readings
Objective : The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the accounting needs of in-
ternational financial markets and to analyze the accounting measurement and reporting issues
unique to multinational business transactions.
Unit 2: Managing and Organizing International Information systems – Objectives , Global Prod-
uct Development and Production , Business Challenges , Global Strategies and Business Organiza-
tions , Challenges in Developing Global Systems.
Unit 4: Financial Management of Multinational Entities: Foreign Market Exchange Rates , Cor-
porate Response to Exchange Rate Fluctuations , Risk Management in MNC’s.
Unit 5: Transfer Pricing and International Accounting – International Standards and Multinational
Corporations , International Cash Management.
Suggested Readings
1. Arpon, Jeffrey S and Radebaugh, Lee H. International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises. New
York, John Wiley, 1985.
2. Choi, Frederick D S and Mueller Gerhard G. International Accounting. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall Inc., 1984.
5. Holzer, H Peter. International Accounting. New York, Harper & Row, 1984.
Objective: The objective of this course is to give students an in-depth knowledge of the working of
international financial markets.
Unit 1: History of the International Financial System – The rise and Fall of Bretton Woods, Global-
isation and the Growth of Derivatives , The Crash of 1994-96 and beyond.
Unit2: Euro-currency Market, Eurobanking and Euro-currency Centers, Deposit Dealing and the
Term Structure of Eurocurrency Rates, Euro-currency Futures and Options, Syndicated Euro-
Unit 3: International Bond Markets - Introduction, New Issue Procedures in the Eurobond Markets,
Eurobond Valuation and Hedging, Interest Rates and Currency Swaps, Pricing Option, Features of
International Bonds.
Unit 4: Forecasting the Image of the Future - Central Banks and the Balance of Payments, The Eu-
ropean Monetary System and Other Regional Artificial Currency Areas, New Instruments in Inter-
national Capital Markets.
Unit 5: International Banking and Country Risk, International Portfolio Diversification, Interna-
tional Transfer Pricing.
Suggested Readings
1. Bhalla, V K. International Financial Management, 2nd ed., New Delhi, Anmol, 2001.
2. Bhalla, V K. Managing International Investment and Finance. New Delhi, Anmol, 1997.
3. Eiteman, David K and Stonehill, Arthur I. Multinational Business Finance. California, Addison-Wesley, 1988.
4. Johnson and Giaccotto. Options and Futures. St. Paul, West, 1995
5. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung. Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. Miami, Florida, 1993.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to study a legal and regulatory framework for the sustaina-
ble development and management of tourism.
Unit 1: Laws relating to accommodation travels agencies land tour operation sector,
Law land regulations related to airlines and airways, laws related to surface transport. DGCA
formalities for business and recreational flying in India.
Unit 2: Law designed for Adventure Tour operation, special permits for rafting, paragliding, helisk-
ing and angling. Peak booking formalities, IMF rules for mountain expeditions, cancellation
of permits and bookings..
Unit 3: Special permits to restricted areas for foreign tourist in India, restricted area in India for for-
eign tourists and related authorities at these places to obtain permits, permits related to vari-
ous monasteries and wild life areas and their procedure.
Unit 4: Safety and security of tourist, Tourist Police, place of Tourism in the Constitution, need of
tourism legislation.
Unit 5: Travel Insurance and consumer protection act, International consumer protection acts in tour-
ism, Evacuation and International insurance business, foreigners act, passport act and visa ex-
tension. Ancient Monument Act, RTI Laws related to environment and wildlife.
Suggested Readings
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the tourism.
Unit 1: Historical perspective: co-relation between trade and travel, travel during Roman
Empire and various evolutionary stages of tourism; Growth of World Tourism:
Important trends and future prospects; Organization of tourism in India, Role
Functions of NTO's Department of Tourism, ITDC, STDC, Tourism Policy of
Unit 3: Motivation: Pleasure; education, cultural ethical; social, historical, religious, health, sports
and business; Resources; Recourses and Mobility: Establishment of priorities, availability of
resources, development strategy.
Unit 5: Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for tourism, concessions granted by Central and State Gov-
ernment’s declaration and consequences of tourism as an industry
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: The course aims at an understanding of marketing Management in Tourism. To define the
different components of marketing and comprehend the various P’s of marketing and rele-
vance to Tourism
Unit 1: Introduction to tourism marketing, Evolution, Definition, nature, process and system ser-
vices & their marketing nature, characteristics of tourism products, its issues and challenges
: Marketing mix.
Unit 2: Tourism Markets: Types, world tourism markets, inbound and outbound markets for India &
Domestic markets: Tourist behavior. Travel purchase and tourist buying process. Tourist
discussion making models.
Unit 3: Market segmentation, Targeting and positioning. Definition of market segmentation, discus-
sions in market segmentation, Market targeting process, product positioning – purpose, pro-
Unit 4: Marking management information system and demand forecasting Introduction, structure of
marketing management, information support system, demand forecasting
Unit 5: Market Research: Definition, research and survey methodologies, application, technology
and trends in tourism marketing, role of government bodies, national, state tourism offices,
local bodies, private organizations, NGO’s in tourism marking..
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: In this course students will learn historical and contemporary issues related to airlines.
Unit 1: Civil Aviation in India: History, present Scenario, Legal and Regulatory Framework; Avia-
tion Policy and Planning.
Unit 3: Airlines Feasibility and Planning: Procedural Requirements, Facilities, Planning and Layout.
Unit 4: Relationship between Civil Aviation and Tourism: Strategies for Development of Civil
Aviation in India
Unit 5: Establishing an Airline Company: Organization and Structure. Operations, Marketing, Avia-
tion Safety, Costing.
Suggested Readings
The list of Books will be recommended by the concern teacher of the subject.
Objective: The main objective of the course is to study basic economic concepts of energy consump-
Unit 1: Introduction: Meaning of Energy, Types of Energy, Overview of Concepts of Natural Re-
sources Use International Energy Supply; Economics Efficiency, Growth & Modeling, Mar-
ket, Price, Efficiencies Energy & Economics Growth, Revenues & Resources, Government
Policy & Regulatory Framework
Unit 2: Energy Industry: Oil & Natural Gas Industries-OPEC & the World Oil Markets, Energy
Utilities , Economics Cross Subsidy: The Demand For Energy, Energy Demand Analysis ,
Elasticity’s Approach, Determinants Of The Demand For Energy
Unit 3: The Supply Of Energy: Energy Availability, Applicability & Acceptability, The Economics
Of Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation- Efficiencies , Conversion , Substitution : Oil
Gas Economy, The Anatomy Of Oil & Gas Prices And Stocks, Refining Economics-
Upstream & Downstream, Petroleum Product Markets, Computing Profitability, Margins
Concepts , Retail Pricing Issue
Unit 4: The Economics Of Electricity: Electricity Markets & Competitions, Regulatory V/S Deregu-
lation Tariffs Energy Forecasting & Sustainability, Natural Resources Scarcity, Trend
Analysis & Input Out Put Analysis
Unit 5: Energy Value Chain & Energy Costs Estimates: Petroleum, Electricity , Nuclear , Gas , Re-
newable Energy
Suggested Readings
1. The New Energy Economics, Author – G. M Pillai, World Institute of Sustainable Energy
2. Energy Economics and Management in Industry; Author – A. Reis, I Smith, K. Stephan & J C
Pense; Publishing - Pengamon Press
3. Energy Economics; Author – Diwan& Shah; Publisher – Pentagon Energy Press
4. Energy Management; Author – Diwan&Yaqoot; Publisher – Pentagon Energy Press
Objective : The main objective of this course is to study energy security, environmental sustainabil-
ity and economic development issues of different energy policies.
Unit 1: Trading Mechanics: Why Trade? Motivation to Trade Introduction to Trading – Physical and
Paper Markets, Regulated and Unregulated Markets (OTC) Development of Energy Markets
– Past, Present and Future
Unit 2: Trading Of Oil: Why Oil Is Traded, Trading Characteristics Of Oil, Structure Of The Oil
Markets, Oil Trading Future Markets; Fundamental Analysis Of Energy Commodities- Oil
Market & Price Determinations , Role Of OPEC, Inventory Dynamics
Unit 3: Technical Analysis: Use Market Generated Data (Price, Volumes, Spreads, Etc) ,Tools Of
Technical Analysis (Bar Charts, Major Tops & Bottoms, Constructing Point & Figure
Charts, Candlesticks, Charting, Market Profile, Volume & Open Interest, Moving Averages,
Sentiments MACD, Etc) Sensitivity Analysis
Unit 4: Petroleum Trading Strategies: Refining Margins & The Crack Spreads, Fracas Spreads, Cal-
endar Spreads, Volumetric Production Payment Contracts, Paper Refinery, Strategy Based
On Price Volatility-Long & Short Straddle , Long Butterfly, Bullish & Bearish Strategies,
Hedging Strategies- Backwardation, Contango Structures, Trend Markets , Monte Carlo
Simulation, Portfolio Risks, Price Risks, Risks Limits, Strategies Used By Speculators &
Unit 5: Gas Trading: Natural Gas Trading & Future Markets, Gas Market Structures & Price Deter-
minations, Short & Long Terms Gas Fundamentals, Gas V/S Power ‘Spark Spreads’
Suggested Readings
1. Energy Futures : Trading Opportunities; Author – John Elting & Treat; Publisher - Pennwell
2. Fundamental of Petroleum Trading; Author – Hossein Razavi & Fereidun Fesharaki; Publisher –
Praegen London.
Unit 1 Energy Management- Definition and Objective of Energy Management Principle of Energy
Management, Energy Management skills, Energy Management Strategies
Unit 3 Energy Monitoring and Target - Definition , Elements of Monitoring and Targeting Sys-
tem ,A rationale for Monitoring, Target and Reporting 3, Data and Information Analysis ,
Relating Energy Consumption and Production , Cumulative ,Case Study
Unit 4 Energy Audit Instruments- Principal and working of electrical measuring instruments,
fual gas analyzer,
Electrical Energy Management - Reactive power management, Energy conservation in
domestic and industrial sectors / Energy conservation in lighting, motors, pumps and fan
Unit 5 Financial and Project Management Financial analysis techniques : simple payback period,
return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return, cash flows and sensitivity
analysis , Financing options, energy performance contracts and role of ESCOs. , Project def-
inition and scope, Technical design and Financing
Suggested Readings:
Wayne C Turner -Energy Management Hand book- Wiley Inter Science Publication.
A. K. Sawhney- Electrical Measurements- Khanna Publications
B.G.A. Skrotzki & W.A. Vopat ,Power Station Engg. & Economy Tata McGraw Hill.
SKROTZI, Bernhardt Power Station Engineering and Economy, 1988, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Energy and Environment
Objective- The unique aspect of the subject is the close examination of the interlinked nature of energy and the
environment as encapsulated by the concept of sustainable development. The subject looks at the current envi-
ronmental challenges that characterize the world, including the organisation of our energy system in the 21st
Unit 1 Ecological principles and energy flow
• Ecological principle of nature
• Concept of ecosystems
• Different types of ecosystems; ecosystem theories
• Energy flow in the ecosystems; biodiversity
Suggested reading:
1. Ristinen RA. Kraushaar JJ. Energy and the Environment, 2nd edition, John Willey & Sons, 2006
2. Banerjee BP. Handbook of Energy and Environment in India, Oxford University Press, 2005, India
3. MC Dass, Fundamentals of Ecology, Tata McGraw Hill, 1994
4. Kaushik ND. Kaushik K. Energy, Ecology & Environment, Capital Publishing, 2004
5. De AK. Environmental Chemistry, New Age International Publishers, 2005
Objective: The course is designed to acquaint the students with the in depth knowledge of various
laws which are responsible for the success of an organization.
Unit 1: Company Law Act 2013: Company Definition, Meaning, Nature and its Characteristics,
The principle of separate legal entity, Lifting or piercing the corporate veil, Classification of
Companies, Incorporation of Companies, MOA- Concept, Content, Alterations, Doctrine of
Ultra Vires, AOA: Concept, Content, Alterations, Doctrine of Constructive notes and Indoor
Management, Alter Ego, Prospectus: meaning, Registration, Contents, Misrepresentations
and their effects, Shelf Prospectus; Information Memorandum, Red herring prospectus
Unit 2 Share: Meaning, type, issue of shares, Share Certificate and Share warrants, Difference be-
tween shares and stock, Share Capital: Meaning, type, Alteration of share capital, reduction
of share capital, Buy-Back of Shares, Bonus Issues; Rights Issues; Issue of Sweat Equity
Shares; Employees Stock Option Scheme; Debenture: Meaning, type, charge and mortgage,
Director: Appointment, Power, Duties, Company Secretary- Meaning, appointment, Posi-
tion, importance, duty and liabilities
Unit 3 Meeting- meaning, type, proxies, minutes, resolutions: meaning, type, Dividend: Meaning,
ascertaining profit, provision, process of payment of dividend, Winding up of Company
Unit 4 Income Tax Act 1961: All the heads of Income are to be discussed, Deduction under section
Unit 5 Indirect Tax- GST, CST, Excise Duty and CENVAT, VAT, IT ACT 2000:- Definitions,
Digital Signature, Acknowledgment and Dispatch of Electronic Records, Duties of Subscrib-
ers, Penalties
Suggested Readings
1. Desai, T R. Contract Act, Sales of goods and Partnership. S.S.Sarkar & Sons, 2003
2. Kuchhal, M C. Mercantile Law, Vikas Publilshing House, New Delhi,2007.
3. Kapoor, N D. Business Law. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Gogna, P P S, Business Law. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2006.
5. Beaumont, P. B.. The Future of Employment Relations. London: Sage, 1995.
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to make the student understand the framework,
planning and management of the projects to be undertaken by the organization.
Unit-2: Project Feasibility Study: Developing a project plan, market and technical analysis, fi-
nancial analysis evaluation of project proposals, Social cost benefit analysis. Project
Planning: fundamentals, project master plan, work breakdown structure & other tools of
project planning, work packages project organization structures & responsibilities, re-
sponsibility matrix.
Unit 3: PERT, CPM, Resource allocation: Tools & techniques for scheduling development,
crashing of networks, time-cost relationship, and resource leveling multiple project
scheduling. Cost Estimating Budgeting: Cost estimating process elements of budgeting,
project cost accounting, cost schedules & forecasts.
Unit 4: Managing Risks in Projects: Risk concept & identification, risk analysis, sensitivity anal-
ysis, risk assessment, risk priority, risk response planning, risk management methods.
Project Control: Information monitoring, internal & external project control, control pro-
cess, performance analysis, variance limits, and issues in project control.
Unit 5: Project Management Information System: Computer based tools, features of PMIS, using
project management software, (MS Projects) Project Evaluation, Reporting & Termina-
tion: Project reviews & reporting, closing the contract.
Suggested Readings
1. Chandra, P. Project management, Tata Mac Graw Hills Publications, New Delhi.
2. Agarwal, R D. Project Management, Tata Mac Graw Hills Publications, New Delhi.
3. Nagrajan, K. Project Management, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Gupta ,R M. Project Management, PHI Pvt Learning Ltd. Delhi.
5. Bhalla, V K. Modern working Capital Management, 2nd ed., New Delhi, Anmol , 1997.
Objective: The objective of this course is to give the students a detailed knowledge of the Inter-
national financial management system.
Unit 2: The International Monetary System. The Balance of Payments: Implication for Exchange
Rates, Financing Decisions of MNCs.
Unit 3: International Parity- Purchasing Power Parity, Covered Interest Parity, Real
Interest Parity, Parity Conditions and Managerial Implications.
Unit 4: Management of Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk, Management of Working Capital:
An International Perspective.
Suggested Readings
Objective: The objective of this course is to give an in depth knowledge of functioning of deriva-
tive securities market.
Unit 2: Forward and Futures: Difference between futures and forward, Contractual
specification, Offsetting in forwards, Futures Pricing: relationship between
futures and spot price (cost of carry and reverse cost of carry), futures on
dividend-paying assets.
Unit 3: Options: Options markets, Options pricing principles, Binomial Models, Black Scholes
Model, Introduction to Option Greeks, Option Trading Strategies.
Unit 4: Interest Rate Derivatives: Introduction, Valuation of interest rate derivatives. Specula-
tion and Arbitrage with T-bills futures
Unit 5: Risk Analysis: Risk Measurement, Option's Sensitivities:-delta, gamma, Vega, theta,
rho. Volatility: Measuring historical volatility and Implied Volatility.
Suggested Readings
1. Chance, Don M. and Robert Brooks. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, Ma-
son, Ohio: Thomson South-Western
2. Dubofsky, David A. Options and Financial Futures New York: McGraw- Hill ,1992.
3. Gupta, S L., Financial Derivatives: Theory, Concepts and Problems prentice hall of India pvt ltd.
4. Hull, J. Options, Futures and other Derivatives Securities,2nd ed.,New Delhi, PHI,1996.
5. Sharpe, William F. etc. Investment. New Delhi, PHI, 1997.
Unit 4: Valuation
(a) Concept of Valuation
(b) Valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets
(c) Valuation of Intangibles including Brand Valuation and Valuation of Goodwill
(d) Valuation of Liabilities
(e) Valuation of Shares
(f) Valuation of Business
Objective: To make students acquaint with Indian Banking system and Insurance Sector.
Unit 1: Management of Banks: The Indian banking system an overview, structure of fi-
nancial institutions, sources of bank funds, uses of funds, credit monitoring, Mon-
etary Policy: Basic concepts, implications for bank management.
Unit 2: Banking Functions and Retail banking: Mandates and power of attorney, retail
banking-trends, emerging issues, Branding and positionin, Technology of Bank-
ing: Concept, evolution and challenges of e-banking.
Unit 4: Indian Insurance Sector: The insurance sector, changing scenario of Life Insur-
ance Sector, IRDA, ECGC.
Suggested Readings
1. Principles and practices of Banking - IIBF, 2/e, Macmillan, New Delhi.
2. Jyothsna Sethi and Nishwan Bhatia, Elements of Banking & Insurance, PHI,
3 Koch W, Timothy, and S. Scott, Bank Management, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
4. Mohapatra and Acharya, Banking and Insurance, Pearson, 2012.
Objective: This course is to impart the knowledge of the various products and the brand man-
agement to the students.
Unit 1: Product Management: Product Development, Product focused organization;
Market focused organization, Factors influencing design of the product, Changes
affecting product management.
Unit 2: Developing Product Strategy: Setting objectives & alternatives, Product strategy
over the life-cycle, Customer analysis, Competitor analysis, Design of manufac-
ture, new product development.
Unit 3: Brand & Brand Management: Commodities Vs Brands, The role of brands, The
brand equity concept, Brand Equity Models– Brand Asset Valuation, Aaker
Model, BRANDZ, Brand Resonance, Building Brand Equity, Brand Identity and
Brand image.
Unit 4: Brand Positioning & Brand Building: Brand knowledge, Brand portfolios and
market segmentation, Steps of brand building, Identifying and establishing brand
positioning, Defining and establishing brand values.
Unit 5: Measuring and Managing Brand Equity: Brand Value chain, Brand Audits, Brand
Tracking, Brand Valuation. Managing Brand Equity: Brand Reinforcement,
Brand Revitalization, and Brand Crisis.
Suggested Readings
1. Batra, R., John G. Myers and David A. Aaker . Advertising Management, 5 th Edition,
Pearson Education,1996.
2. Wells W., Burnet J. and Moriarty S. Advertising: Principles & Practice, Pearson Educa-
tion, 2003.
3. Aaker, David , Managing Brand Equity, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
4. Belch, G. E. & Belch, M. A.. Advertising and Promotion, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
5. Keller K. L., Strategic Brand Management, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
Objectives: The course aims at making students understand the concept and techniques of inter-
national marketing and train them to develop and implement plans and marketing strategies for
entering into international markets and managing overseas operations.
Unit 1: Definition, scope and challenges of international marketing. International trade theories.
Reasons for going international
Unit 5: Introduction of Indian export and import policy, export promotion organizations, export
incentives. Producing for exports, export quality control; export finance, shipment and
procedures thereof. Procedure for export and import, organization and structure of export
and import houses.
Suggested Readings
1. Onkvisit, S. & Shaw, J., International Marketing: Analysis & Strategy, Prentice Hall India.
2. Czinkota,M., Ronkainen, I., Sutton Brady, C. and Beal, T. International Marketing, Thomon
3. Cateora& Graham, International Marketing, McGraw Hill.
4. Daniels, J. International Business, Pearson Education.
5. Joshi Rakesh Mohan, International marketing, Oxford Publishing
OBJECTIVE: The course is designed to inculcate the analytical abilities and research skills among the
Unit 2: Research Design: Introduction, Exploratory Research, Descriptive research, Causal/ Ex-
perimental Research Design, Relationship in between different types of designs.
Unit 3: Data Collection Methods, Primary & Secondary Data, Observation & Questionnaire
Techniques, Analysis & interpretation of Data, Development of questionnaire.
Unit 4: Sample Design, Sample Plan, Probability & Non- Probability Sampling, Sample Size,
etc., Attitude Measurement through different types of scales.
Unit 5: Product Research, Advertising Research – Copy Testing – Test Marketing, Media Selec-
tion, Research Report
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to acquaint students with the application of Marketing
Principles, Tools and Techniques in the Non-Profit Organizations specifically in the context of
developing countries like India.
Unit 1: Introduction- Meaning, Nature, Scope and Applications of Marketing in the context of
Non-profit Organization; Non-Profit Institutions in Indian Market Context (e.g. police,
Public Service, Hospitals etc.)
Unit 5: Pricing Decisions; Distribution and Delivery Strategy; Promotional and Public Relations
Strategy; Role of Institutional Image; Monitoring and Review of Marketing Programme.
Suggested Readings
1. Aaker, David A., Rajeev Batra and John G. Mayers, Advertising Management, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Belch. George and Michael Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Mandell, Maurice, Advertising, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Still, Richard R. Edward W. Cundiff and Norman A.P.Govoni, Sales Management: De-
cisions, Strategies and cases, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Objectives: This course is an attempt to understand the conceptual and practical aspects of em-
ployee relations at the macro and micro levels.
Unit 1: Trade Union Act, 1926; Objective, Scope, Definition , Registration of Trade Union,
Rights and Liabilities of Registered Trade Union, Penalties and procedure, Cognizance of
Unit 2: Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 Scope of Industry, Workmen, Employers, Industrial Dis-
putes, Authorities under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947; Procedure, Power and Duties
of Authorities, Reference of Disputes to Boards, Courts or Tribunals Strike, Lock Out,
Lay Off, Retrenchment and Closure Unfair Labour Practices, Penalties, Offences by
Companies etc. Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946: Objective, Scope,
Definition, Procedure for Submission Of Draft, Procedure for Appeals ,Registration, Cer-
tification, Posting, Duration and Modification of Standing Orders, Payment of Subsist-
ence Allowances, Penalties and Procedures.
Unit 3: Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923: Definitions, Aims & Object, Liability of Employ-
er, Notional Extension & Defences, Determination of Amount of Compensation, Com-
pensation when due-Penalty for default, Contracting Out (Sec.17), Appointment & Pow-
ers of Commissioner (Sec.19-31)
Unit 5: Minimum Wages Act, 1948: Theories and Concept of Wages , Aims & Objects of Act,
Definition, Fixation & Revision of rates of Wages, Working Hours and Determination of
Wages and Claim etc. Payment of Wages Act, 1936: Aims & Object, Responsibility of
Payment of Wages, Time of Payment of Wages & Fixation of Wage Period, Authorized
Deductions (Sec.7 to 13), Appointment & Powers of Inspectors and Authority for Adju-
dication of Claims (Sec.15-18), Penalty for offences under the Act.
Suggested Readings
Objectives: For the organization to survive and remain effective with the changing environment,
the management must continuously evaluate how the organization divides up the work and con-
trols its resources. The given cause appreciate the aspects of challenges of designing organiza-
tion structure and also the use of theory and practice of planned change.
Unit 5: Challenges and Future for the Organization, Future trends in OD, Ethical Issues in Or-
ganizational Development
Suggested Readings
1. Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. Organizational Development and Change Cengage Learn-
ing, 2009.
2. French, W., Cecil, H. Bell & Jr. Organizational Development. Pearson, 2007.
3. Brown, D.R. & Harvey, D. An Experiential Approach to Organization Development Pearson
Education, 2006.
4. Jones, G. R. Organizational Design and Change. Pearson Education, 2008.
5. Srivastava B. Organizational Design and Development- Concepts and Applications Biztan-
tra, 2009.
OBJECTIVE: The course will let the student understand the impact and importance of becoming
a leader, effective leadership behaviour and styles.
Unit 1: The meaning of leadership – leadership as a partnership; leadership vs. management – the
Impact of leadership on organizational performance; leadership roles. Traits, Motives,
and characteristics of leaders: Personality traits of effective leaders; leadership motives-
cognitive factors and leadership.
Unit 2: The leadership continuum: classical leadership styles – the boss-centered vs. employee-
centered leadership continuum – the autocratic participative free rein continuum- the
leadership grid styles – the entrepreneurial leadership style – gender differences in lead-
ership style – selecting the best leadership style.
Unit 3: Groups – Nature, Group Size, Stages of Group Development, Group Roles, Group
Norms, Group Cohesion.Teams – Effective Team Characteristics and Team Building,
Ginnetts Team Effectiveness Leadership Model.
Unit 4: Leadership Skills – Basic Leadership Skills, Building Technical Competency, Advanced
Leadership Skills, Team Building for Work Teams, Building High Performance Teams.
Suggested Readings
1. Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy - Leadership, Enhancing The Lessons of Experience (Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 5th Ed.)
2. Yukl G - Leadership in Organisations (Pearson, 6th Ed.)
3. West Michael - Effective Team Work (Excel Books, 1st Ed.)
4. Sadler Philip - Leadership (Crest Publishing House)
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to introduce the basic concept of performance man-
agement and to widen the knowledge of the students in selecting and implementing the various
performance measurement methods for better designing of reward system associated with it.
Unit 1: Performance Management System; Concept of performance management, Process & el-
ements 0f performance management. Behavioral Performance Management; Definitions
of performance appraisal, Objectives of performance appraisal: Process of performance
appraisal, Performance Appraisal vs Performance Management System
Unit 2: Learning Theories; Principles of Learning: Reinforcement and Punishment, Role of Or-
ganizational Reward Systems, Behavioral Performance Management or OB Mod.
Unit 3: Meaning & need or Performance Planning, Planning Individual Performance, Principles
of Measurement.; Classification of Performance Measures, Measurement issues; Ap-
proaches &: tools to measure organizational performance, Traditional and modern per-
formance appraisal methods
Unit 4: Meaning & objectives of Potential Appraisal, Potential Appraisal & Performance Ap-
praisal, Concept of HRD; Objectives and challenges of HRD, D Mechanisms and HRD
Suggested Readings
1. Dwivedi, R.S. (2000). Managing Human Resources and Personnel Management in India Enter-
prises. Galgotia Publishing Company.
2. Mathis, R. L & Jackson, J. H. (2004). Human Resource Management. Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd.,
3. Dessler, G. (2004). Human Resource Management. Pearson Education Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
4. Michael, Armstrong (1999). Performance Management. Kogan Page.
5. Chadha, P. (2003). Performance Management: It’s About Performing – Not Just Appraising.
McMillan India Ltd.
Objective: The objective of this course is to give insights about the various types of materials,
their purchase, sale, planning and control.
Unit 1: Purchasing Process: Purchasing Objectives and process, Types of Purchases, Types of
Purchasing Strategies. In sourcing and outsourcing: Outsourcing decision process, Total
cost analysis.
Unit 3: Basic Inventory Systems: Functions and types of Inventories, Measures of Inventory per-
formance, Inventory Systems. Distribution Inventory Management: Centralization of In-
ventories, Safety Stocks, Distribution Inventory System.
Unit 4: Aggregate Planning: The nature of the Aggregate Planning decisions, Aggregate planning
Strategies, Aggregate Planning Methods.
Unit 5: Capacity Planning and Control: Long Range Capacity, Medium Range Capacity Planning
and Control, Short Term Capacity Planning and Control. High Volume Production Activ-
ity Control and Just-in-Time Systems: The Production Environment, Controlling Contin-
uous Production, Sequencing and line Balancing Methodologies, Relationship to Aggre-
gate Planning, Batch Processing Techniques, Process Industry Scheduling, Just-in-Time
Suggested Readings
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to make the student aware about the safety and
security issues in an industry.
Unit 1: Safety, Health and Environment Management (SHE), Occupational Safety, Health and
Environmental Safety Management– Principles & practices, Role of Management in In-
dustrial Safety.
Unit 2: Safety Committee: Structure and functions, Line and Staff Functions for Safety, Health
and Environment. Principles of accident Prevention
Unit 3: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management System, Bureau of Indian
Standards on Safety and Health: 14489 –1998 and 15001- 2000, ILO and EPA Standards.
Unit4: Employee Participation: Purpose, areas of participation, methods. Role of trade union in
Safety Health and Environment Protection. Safety Promotion and Safety Awards and
Suggestion Schemes, Safety Competitions, Safety Incentives Publicity Schemes
Unit 5: Definition: Incident, accident, injury, dangerous, occurrences, unsafe acts, unsafe
conditions, hazards, error, oversight, mistakes etc Accident Prevention and its Principles
Suggested Readings
Unit 1: Introduction :Understanding Technology and its Relationship with Wealth of Nations and
Firms Specific Knowledge; Technology Life Cycles, Technology Acquisition and Ab-
sorption; Technology Exports / Joint venture Abroad. Technological Intelligence and
Forecasting, Global Trends in Technology Management.
Unit 2: Change Management: Understanding the Nature, Importance, Forces, Types of Change;
Diagnosing Organizational Capability to Change-strategy, Structure, Systems and People;
Building Culture and Climate for Change: Role of Leadership; Managing Transfor-
mations. Business Process Reengineering:
Concept of BPR, process of BPR, prerequisites for effective BPR implementation, appli-
cation of BPR in productivity improvement.
Unit 4: Innovations Management: Invention vs. Innovation; Innovation Strategies and Models;
Concurrent Engineering; Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Innovation Manage-
ment. Creative and Lateral Thinking Management: Thinking, Creative Thinking, Prob-
lem Solving, Managing Lateral Thinking.
Unit 5: World class manufacturing Techniques: Historical perspective Bench marks, Bottlenecks
and Best Practices: Concepts of benchmarking, bottleneck and best practices, Best per-
formers - Gaining competitive edge through world class manufacturing - Value added
manufacturing - eliminating waste - Toyota Production System - example. System &
tools for world class manufacturing: Improving Product & Process Design - Lean Pro-
duction, Poka Yoke , 5-S , 3 M, JIT, Optimizing , Total Productive maintenance.
Unit 3: Manufacturing Infrastructure: Facility Planning & location: definition, objective, de-
tailed aspect for location criteria, Layout Criteria, their models Quantitative examples
organization, inventory policies, degree of centralization, Vendor relation: Concept, ob-
jectives, Vendor strategy, Vendor selection criteria, and degree of partnership. Capacity
& Aggregate Planning : Capacity Planning :definition, objectives, Levels of capacity,
Capacity planning Capacity control & Quantitative examples,
Unit 4: Aggregate Planning : Aggregate planning, aggregate strategies with suitable quantitative
examples Vertical Integration: definition, objective, levels of integration, Make or buy
decisions, acquisitions, Mergers, Product Quality Management: Quality concept, objec-
tives of quality, Role of TQM in production, planning & Control.
Unit 5: Six Sigma quality tool: Introduction objective, application, Quality of purchasing goods,
Purchasing strategy, import substitution, terms & conditions of International bidding.
Third party inspection. Innovations & Technology upgradation: Meaning, objective,
type of innovation, competitive advantages, reduction of obsolescence Prize scheme, en-
ergy saving schemes, ISO 14000: meaning, Environment factor in Manufacturing, Ap-
plicability , ISO 14000 elements.
Suggested Readings:
1. Buffa- Modern Production / Operation Management - Pub. Willey
2. Laursen, Business analytics for managers, Pub. –Willey
3. Desai R G – Environmental studies- Himalaya Publishing house
4. Bhagi & Chatwal- Environmental chemistry- Himalaya Publishing house
5. Bal A S – an Introduction to environmental management- Himalaya publishing house
Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the managerial aspects of the
new enterprise and to help them to develop the understanding of its working.
Unit 2: Business Plan: Emerging business opportunities: Sources and assessment. Business plan:
concept, methods, analysis and interpretation. Source of external finance, short term as
well as long term. Informal risk capital and venture capital. Financial statements, BEP,
Ratios and project appraisal criteria’s, Feasibility studies – Financial, Technical, Envi-
ronmental Marketing.
Unit 3: Start Up: Institutional support to start up and incentives for SSI. Statutory obligation in
starting a unit (general like Income tax, VAT, CST or GST, service tax,. excise and cus-
tomers, labor laws, etc ). Start up Strategy. Dealing with outside agencies like consultant,
contractors etc. Key marketing issue of new venture. Starting a Franchising business.
Starting an e-commerce venture. Buying a running business.
Unit 4: Managing Growing Venture Growth, objective and strategy. Managing growth. Access-
ing resource from external sources for financing growth including public issue. Merger,
amalgamation, joint venture, collaboration and selling business.
Suggested Readings
1. Caticts A Dalley. Entrepreneurial Management going all out for results , Mac Graw Hill, 1971.
2. Clelland, D C and Winer, D G. Motivating economic achievement , New York, 1969.
3. Drucker, P. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, East west Press, 1992.
4. Gupta , C B. Entrepreneurial Development in India, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1997.
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students aware about the growth of Entre-
preneurship in developing countries with special reference to India.
Unit 4: Entrepreneurship Development and Government : Role of Central Government and State
Government in promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, subsidies, grants etc.
– with special reference to ‘Export oriented unites’
Role of the following agencies in the Entrepreneurship Development:
1. DIC – District Industrial Center
2. SISI – Small Industries Services Institute
3. EDII – Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
4. NIESBUD – National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Development
5. NEDB – National Entrepreneurship Development Board.
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: This paper is designed to sustain in the competitive environment in order to seek entre-
preneur activity.
Unit 1: Entrepreneurship: need, scope, Entrepreneurial competencies & traits, Factors affecting
entrepreneurial development; Entrepreneurial motivation (Mc Clellend’s Achievement
motivation theory), conceptual model of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur vs. entrepreneur
Classification of entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Development Programmes- their rele-
vance and achievements.
Unit 3: Project: Definition, characteristics, types, steps in identification of projects, project life-
cycle. Project management: meaning, scope & importance, role of project manager; Pro-
ject appraisal: Preparation of a real time project feasibility report containing Technical
appraisal,; Environmental appraisal, Market appraisal (including market survey for fore-
casting future demand and sales) and Managerial appraisal.
Unit 4: Project: Definition, characteristics, types, steps in identification of projects, project life-
cycle. Project management: meaning, scope & importance, role of project manager; Pro-
ject appraisal: Preparation of a real time project feasibility report containing Technical
appraisal,; Environmental appraisal, Market appraisal (including market survey for fore-
casting future demand and sales) and Managerial appraisal..
Suggested Readings
3. C.B. Gupta & N.P. Srinivasan, Entrepreneurial Development, Sultan Chand & Sons New
4. P.Gopala Krishnan & V.E Rama Moorthy , Project Management, MacMillan India
OBJECTIVE: This course aims to provide necessary input for entrepreneurial effort and planning the
start of new venture to enable them to investigate, understand and internalize the process of setting up a
Unit 1: Entrepreneurial revolution and entrepreneurial process, Analyzing and Evaluating Busi-
ness Opportunities, Structural analysis of industries, Criteria for New Venture Screening.
Unit 2: Resources one needs to start a new business, financial issues in New Venture Creation,
New Venture Team: the role of teams in entrepreneurial process. Forms of Business Ven-
tures: Retail, Franchising, Manufacturing, Service Enterprise
Unit 3: Problems and pitfalls in starting new ventures, failure symptoms and management, risk
management, Project Report Preparation; Specimen of Project Report; Project Planning
and Scheduling using Networking Techniques of PERT / CPM; Methods of Project Ap-
Unit 4: Managerial issues in managing a growing organization; Growth – how to manage and
sustain it
Unit 5: Finance – how to institute appropriate disciplines and controls; Executive Leadership –
the role of the founder/MD, Building the Management Team Crisis – how to analyze and
resolve critical situations; Product and market expansion: risks and returns
Suggested Readings
1. Timemons A Jeffry and Spinelli Stephen, New Venture Creation Entrepreneurship for the
21st century, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Kuratko F Donald& Hornsby S Jeffry,New venture Management- The Entrepreneur’s
Roadmap,pearson Education.
3. Sahay A, Sharma V, Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation, Excel Books.
4. Holt, David H., Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation, PHI Learning.
5. Kuratko, D.F., and T. V. Rao, Entrepreneurship: A South-Asian Perspective, Cengage
Objective: The objective of this course is to explore the students to the Rural Market Environ-
ment and the Emerging Challenges In The Globalization of the economies.
Unit 1: Rural Marketing : Characteristics and Dimensions of Rural Markets, Rural Market Pro-
file, Rural Market in India, Size and Scope , Environment and Emerging Profile of Rural
Markets in India , Constraints in Rural Marketing and strategy to overcome the con-
Unit 2: Rural Market Behavior: Rural consumer dimensions, Rural Demand Dimension, Tapping
the Rural Markets, Rural Market Segmentation, Basis and Strategies, Consumer Behavior
in Rural Markets, Approach to Rural Markets of India, Marketing Research.
Unit 3: Marketing Mix for Rural Marketing: Product Planning for Rural Products, Pricing Meth-
ods and Strategies for Products of Rural Markets Product Management in Rural Markets
Unit 4: Channels of Distribution: Distribution pattern and methods in rural markets, Special
characteristics of rural channels, Channel management in rural markets, Managing physi-
cal distribution in rural markets, Storage, warehousing and transportation.
Suggested Readings
1. Kotler, P. and Roberto E., Social Marketing: Strategies for Changing Public Behavior, Free Press,
New York, 2002.
2. Kotler P., Principles of Marketing, PHI, Delhi, 2003.
3. Gupta S. L., Rural Marketing, Wisdom Publication, Delhi, 2004.
4. Gopalaswamy T.P.,Rural Marketing, Wheeler Publishing, Delhi, 2004.
5. Krishnamacharyulu, C.S.G and Rama Krishnan Lalitha, Rural Marketing – Text and Cases, Pear-
son Education, Singapore Pvt. Ltd, 2002.
Objective: The objective of this course is to analyze the management process in a small business
unit specially in rural area.
Unit 1: Introduction to Rural Business: Rural Business and its critical features; Identification of
needs of rural producer organization, enterprises, projects and its people; the rural social
and political scenario. Features of structure dynamics and changes of rural society and
polity in India in post-independence period.
Unit 2: Rural Livelihood System: Overview of the rural resources-land, soil, climate, water and
forests; Overview of the production system containing agriculture, horticulture, sericul-
ture, forestry, animal husbandry and dairying, fisheries, non-farm activities. Concept,
processes and relationship among agro-climate and natural resources, production system
and livelihood of rural people
Unit 4: Creation of Co-operative & their financing: Economic Theory of co-operatives, agency
theory, theory of contracts, transaction cost economics, game theory and their reciprocity,
welfare economics and their co-operatives.
Unit 5: Rural Development Interventions: Concept, measures and determinants of rural develop-
ment; Critique of major rural development approach and strategies; growth vs. equity ori-
ented approach; area vs. group based approach; top down vs. participatory and people
oriented approach to development planning; Contemporary growth and poverty allevia-
tion programme; different interventions for rural social and infrastructure development;
Role of Institutions in rural development-PRIs, NGOs etc; success and sustainability of
rural development interventions.
Suggested Readings
Unit 1: Concepts of community development: Traditional Village Organization, and Rural Insti-
tutions: Panchayat Raj/Local Self Government.
Unit 2: Organization and Administration: Decision making Processes; Committees and recom-
Unit 3: Rural Development; Review of Five Year Plans, Centre-state control; Agrarians Reforms,
Conflicts; Public utilities and access.
Unit 4: Design and Evaluation of Community Development Projects; Participation and involve-
ment, Co-operatives Evolution, Development, Organization, Administration.
Unit 5: Role of State in Cooperatives Development, Role of Financial Institutions; Role of NGOs
in Participatory Development.
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: To review the functions of the Urban Institutions , Organizations and administration and
the role of the local government in the management of Urban community development services.
Unit 1: Urban Community development Concepts and Strategies; Municipal and Urban Admin-
istration; Evolution of Urban Organizations, Functions; Finances. Personnel..
Unit 2: Urban and Metropolitan Growth; central, state and local organizations; Functions and
systems in India.
Unit 3: Urban analysis: Land Policy, Settlement control, Tenant and rent control, Financing of
public utilities and control.
Unit 4: Public Utilities and services, Water Supply, Transport, Energy, Housing, Health Sanita-
tion and Social Welfare.
Unit 5: Employment, Unorganized Labour, Customer and Commercial Services, Law and Order,
and other Social services/utilities. Organization and administration of public utilities-in
slums/unauthorized settlements.
Suggested Readings
1. Bahi, Roy ed. “Urban Government Finance: Emerging Trends”, 1981. Sage, Baverly Hills.
2. Bent, Alan E and Rossum, Ralph A. “Urban Administration: Management, Politics and Chance”,
1976. National University Press.
3. Bhattacharya, M. “Management of Urban Government in India”, 1976.Uppal Books, New Delhi.
4. Culeen, lan,” Applied urban analysis: A critique and synthesis”, 1984. Muthuen, London.
5. Gupta, R P. “Planning and Development of Towns”. 1983. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students aware about the various business
laws prevailing in International Market.
Unit 1: Introduction to International Business, International Law and the World’s Legal Sys-
tems: Introduction to the Course, Overview of Risks of International Business, Interna-
tional Sources of Law, Comparative Law: Civil, Common and Islamic systems
Unit 3: Financing the International Sale of Goods: The International Documentary Sale, Alloca-
tion of Risk of Loss, Bills of Exchange, Letters of Credit. International Trade:
Basic Principals of GATT Law and the WTO
Unit 4: Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing Agreements: Intellectual Property Transfer
Arrangements, International Protection for Intellectual Property Rights
Unit 5: Criminal Liability for Bribery in Foreign Countries and Political Risks of Foreign Direct
Investment: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Enforcement Actions, Nationaliza-
tion, expropriation and privatization
Suggested Readings
1. Richard Schaffer and others, International Business Law and its Environment , Cengage, 2009
2. Leo D arcy, Carole Murray and Barbara clave Schmitthoff s Export Trade The Law and Practice of
International Trade ,2009.
3. Motiwal O.P, International Trade Law and Practice ,2009.
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to provide the students with detailed knowledge
about the foreign exchange practices and import- export in international market.
Unit 1: Foreign Exchange Market: Nature, Structure, Types of transactions, Exchange rate quota-
tion &Arbitrage, Spot & Forward, Foreign Exchange Market in India: Nature, Structure,
Operations &Limitations, Exchange Rate Determination: Structural Models of Exchange
Rate Determination, Exchange Rate Forecasting, The Exchange Rate of Rupee.
Unit 2: Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure: Types of Risk, The Risk Management Process: Hedg-
ing, Swaps, Futures, Options, Types of Derivatives, Role of SEBI/RBI.
Unit 3: Theories of Exchange Rate - Purchasing Power Parity, Demand & Supply and
Elasticity in Foreign Exchange Rate determination - Balance of Payment - Historical per-
spective on Exchange Rates.
Unit 4: Exchange Control Regulations - Export Credit Guarantee Corporation – EXIM Bank -
Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association of India - Convertibility - Uniform Customs
&Practices for Documentary Credit - Uniform Rules for Collection - Uniform Rules for
Unit 5: Export Import Financing Mechanism - Buyers' Credit - Suppliers' Credit - Financing in
foreign currency for exports and rupee finance.
Suggested Readings
Objective: To acquaint the students with recent trends in India's foreign trade, and management
and policy related issues in foreign trade in the global context.
Unit 1: India's Foreign Trade in the Global Context, Structure and Equilibrium of India's Bal-
ance of Payments, Recent Trends in India's foreign trade.
Unit 3: Trade Control in India; Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, Import and
Export Control Orders; Import and Export Licensing System; Exchange Control in India; Blan-
ket Permit System; Import Substitution and Export Promotion Policies
Unit 4: Export Incentives: Financial and Fiscal; Deferred Payment System and the Role of EX-
IM Bank of India; Export Credit Insurance; Infrastructure support for Export Promotion; Export
promotion Councils; Commodity Boards/Product Export Development Authorities;
Unit 5: Specific Service Institutions; Role of State Trading Organisations in Foreign Trade, Ex-
port Processing Zones; Export Oriented Units and Export and Trading House Schemes; Multilat-
eralism and Bilateralism in India's International Business.
Suggested Readings
1. Bhalla.V.K. International Business Environment and Management, &" ed., Delhi, Anmol, 2001
3. Khanna, Sri Ram Export Marketintg in India's New Manufacturers, University of Delhi, Delhi,1986
4. Jain, S.K. Export Performance and Export Marketing Strategies, Common wealth Pub., Delhi, 1988
Objective : The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual understanding
of the cultural and related behavioural variables in the management of global organisations.
Unit 1: Global Business; Growth and Evolution; Environmental Variables in Global Business.
Unit 2: Human and Cultural Variables in Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Differences and
Managerial Implications;
Unit 4 : Structural Evolution of Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision
Making; Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation
Suggested Readings
2.Bartlett, C and Ghoshal, S. Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in Cross Border
Management. Chicago, Irwin, 1995.
3.Dowling, P J. etc. International Dimensions of Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. California,
Wadsworth, 1994.
4.Hofstede, G. Cultures Consequence: International Differences in Work Related Values. London, Sage,
5.Marcic, D and Puffer, S M. Management International: Cases, Exercises and Readings. St. Paul, West
Publishing, 1994.
Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize students with evolutionary process of ho-
tels as well as introduce them with various types of hotels that have emerged during last few
decades during extraordinary growth of international and domestic tourism.
Unit 2: Types of hotel, hotel chains in India and abroad, classification of hotels with special
to star ranking, heritage, hotels Ownership and Management, Franchises, Hotel and
Unit 5: Marketing Management: Introduction; Principles and functions and their application to
Hotel industry
Suggested Readings
Objective: This course will familiarize students with key agencies linking potential tourists
spread all over the world with tourism related activities. The students will learn processes as to
how travel agencies and tour operators facilitate management of tourism related activities.
Unit 2: Various types of whole sellers and operators, planning, costing, budgeting &
marketing; Documentation formalities: passport, health, visa, foreign exchange
allowances for business and holiday; International Travel passes- VUSA,
GURAIL, GREYHOUND, DISCOVER INDIA etc; International Sale Indicators;
International Time Calculator; Baggage Allowance, Airline codes; International
Credit Cards; Travel Insurance- Mediclaim
Unit 3: Dealing with Principal Suppliers: Dealing with air travel, tourist transport and Accom
modation Supplier challenges
Unit 5: The Changing nature of travel business: Introduction of high technology, managerial skill
requirements and growing professionalization.
Suggested Readings
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this course is to acquire an in-depth knowledge about the specialized
field of "Event Management" and to become familiar with management techniques and strategies re-
quired for successful planning, promotion, implementation and evaluation of special events.
Unit 1: Conceptual foundations of events; Major characteristics; Five C’s of event management
Conceptualization, Costing, Canvassing, Customization, Carrying out; Advantages of
events- to the Organizer, Event Planner, Participants, Economy and Society; Broad clas-
sification of Events.
Unit 2: Events venues: concept and types; Conference venues- facilities, check-in and check-out
procedures, requirements; conference room lay-outs; Convention manager; inter-related
venues; project planning and development. Introduction to conference facilities in India.
Role and functions of ICPB and ICCA
Unit 3: Trade shows and exhibitions/expositions: types of shows, benefits of exhibitions, partici-
pant decision-making process. Contract negotiations– principles; negotiation with hotels,
airlines and ground handlers.
Unit 4: Incentive tour- characteristics, its organizing and special requirements. Latest meeting
technologies - Video conferencing and Information Communication Technology (ICT;
Factors including ICT affecting future of events business.; Human resource require-
Unit 5: Case studies: Tourism festivals : Ellora Festival, Taj Festival, Khajuraho Festival, Konark
festival, Trade Fairs : World Travel Mart, ITB, TTW, PTM (any one)
Suggested Readings
1. Coleman, Lee & Frankle (1991), Powerhouse Conferences. Educational Institute of AH &
2. Hoyle, Dorf & Jones (1995), Meaning conventions & Group business. Educational institute
of AH & MA
3. Montogmery, R.J. 1994, “Meeting, Conventions and Expositions : VNR, New York
4. Hoyle, L.H., TJA Jones (1995) “Managing Conventions and Group Business”, Educational
Institute of AM & MA.
OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this paper is the incredible products of India and attract huge
revenue in terms of foreign currency and the packages that can be put together to
offer to the tourists. Express the rich heritage of India.
Unit 1: Tourism Products: Definition, Concept and classification. Cultural Heritage of India -
Stages of evolution, continuity. Heritage – Meaning, types, of Heritage Tourism, Heritage
Management Organizations- UNESCO, ASI, ICOMOS, INTACH.
Unit 2: Architectural Heritage of India: glimpses on the prominent architecture style flourished in
different period. Different style of architecture in India - Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic.
Selected case studies of World Heritage Sites in India
Unit 3: Pilgrimage Destinations: Hindu- Charo Dham Yatra, Jyotirlinga Yatra, Devi Yatra Vin-
dhyachal (U.P.) Kamakhya (Assam), Vaishnavadevi, Kashi, Prayag, Gaya, Ayodhya,
Mathura–Vrindavana, Allahabad, Ujjain, Hardwar, Nasik, Gangasagar. Buddhist: Lum-
bini, Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Sharavasti, Sankisa, Vaishali, Rajgriha, Kapilvastu,
Nalanda, Sanchi, Ajanta. Jain: Kashi, Pavapuri, Shatrunjaya, Girnar, Mt. Abu, Shara-
vanbelgola, Palitana Muslim: Ajmer Sharif, Nizamuddin (Delhi), Fatehpur Sikri, and
some important Mazars. Sikh: Patna, Nanded, Guru-kaTal (Agra), Amritsar.
Unit 4: Natural Resources: Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks and Natural Reserves in India
(Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Valley of Flowers, Kanha,
Kaziranga, Sasan Gir, Dachigam, Ranthambhore and Keoladeo Ghana) Hill Stations:
Study of Hill Station attractions and their environs with case studies of Mussoorie, Nain-
ital,Munnar and Ooty. Beaches and Islands: Beaches in Goa, Kerala, Orissa. Andman
Nicobar & Lakshdvip islands.
Unit 5: Important Museum, Art Galleries and Libraries. Performing art of India: classical dances,
folk dances and folk culture. Fairs and Festivals: Social, religious and commercial fairs of
touristic significance. Handicrafts and textiles: important handicraft objects and centres,
craft melas, souvenir industry. Indian cuisine (gastronomy), regional variation.
Suggested Readings
1. Gupta, SP, Lal, K, Bhattacharya, M. Cultural Tourism in India (DK Print 2002)
2. Dixit, M and Sheela, C. Tourism Products (New Royal Book, 2001)
3. Oki Morihiro, Fairs and Festivals, World Friendship Association, Tokyo, 1988.
4. Mitra, Devla, Buddhist Architecture, Calcutta.
Objective: To impart practical knowledge about the trading, exchange and energy transactions.
Unit 3: Commodity Futures – Factoring for Valuation, Evolution of Markets, Myths of Commod-
ity Exchange, Market Structure- Futures and Spot
Unit 4: Regulatory Structure, Structure of Indian Markets, Global Potential of Commodity Mar-
kets, Commodity Exchanges and their Operations, Functions of Exchanges
Unit 5: Major International Exchanges- NYMEX, TOCOM, IPE, CME, Main Indian Exchang-
es- MCX, NCDEX, Trading of Metals , Bullion , Commodities , Oil & Gas , Petrochemi-
Suggested Readings
1. Energy Futures : Trading Opportunities; Author – John Elting& Treat; Publisher - Pennwell
2. Fundamental of Petroleum Trading; Author – HosseinRazavi&FereidunFesharaki; Publisher –
Praegen London.
Objective: To provide knowledge about power trading, electricity market, supply and financial risk about
energy trading.
Unit 1: Power Trading: General overview of trading, Concept and objective of power trading,
Role of it/e-commerce in power trading, Financial and technical aspects of power trading,
Legal and regulatory framework relevant to power trading, Indian and international sce-
nario of power trading, Power pools, wholesale electricity trading hubs and power ex-
changes, Power trading audit, Open access – regulatory and technical challenges, Risk
mgmt. And payment security mechanism
Unit 2: Electricity Markets and Their Regulation: Introduction, Development of Derivative Mar-
kets, Trading Environments, Regulation of Exchange-Traded Derivatives, Regulation of
OTC Derivatives, Electricity Trading & Futures Markets, Power Markets Fundamentals
& Structures
Unit 3: Trading Weather: Weather Measures (Hdds, Cdds), Trading Instruments - Recent Market
Developments, Weather Derivatives Pricing Approaches
Unit 4: Trading Shipping: Shipping Supply & Trading, Trading Shipping Futures, The Baltic
Exchange (Bfi/ Bhi ), Derivatives In Shipping, Shipping Trading – Terms & Conditions,
Delivery Systems- Shipping Future Contract
Unit 5: Emission Trading: The Birth Of Global Emission Market, Green Trading & Global Trad-
ing Schemes, Market Mechanisms For Reducing Emission, Legal Agreement For Emis-
sion Trading, Managing Financial Risk For The Environment, Investment Opportunities
In Emission
Suggested Readings
1. Energy Trading; Author – Diwan&Goel; Publisher – Pentagon Energy Press
2. Energy Price Risk; Author – Tom James; Publisher – Palgrave McMillan
3. Modeling Price in Competitive Electricity Market; Author – Derek W Bunn; Publisher – John
4. Energy Security; Author – Diwan&Sarakar; Publisher – Pentagon Energy Press.
Objective- To impart knowledge about the structure and regulation of electricity sector
Unit 1 Introduction to the Power Scenario, Overview of the Indian Electricity Act 1910, Electricity Sup-
ply Act 1948, Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act 1998,
Unit 2. Energy Conservation Act 2001, The Electricity Act 2003 and Amendments in the Pipeline, CERC,
Tribunal, Electricity Regulatory and Industry Structure in India
Unit 3 National Electricity Policies, National Tariff Policy, Rural Electrification Policy, Captive Power
Policy, Renewable Energy Policy, Policy on Small Hydro
Unit 4 Restructuring and Reforms of Power Sector, Privatization and Implication, National and Interna-
tional Experience in Regulation, Multiyear tariff regulations, Availability Based Tariff
Unit 5 Tariff Regulations, Open access Regulations, Trading regulations and Performance standards for
Distribution Utilities, Guidelines for Rural Franchise – Entrepreneurship -Emerging trends
Suggested Readings:
Objective- The resource that supplies energy is essential to human survival. A living
harmony between equitable availability of energy services to people about prevention of
the earth for future generations. This subject presents an overview of the available ener-
gy source viz. conventional and non conventional source of energy.
Unit 1 Renewable energy sources and key elements, Wind energy technology, wind en-
ergy potential measurement and economics, Systems and regional strategies
Unit 2 Solar thermal power, photovoltaic technology, Biomass Power, Dual fuel cycles,
CO2 reduction potential of Renewable Energy
Unit 3 Ocean power, geothermal energy, Fuel Cell, Mini and Micro Hydel Projects
Unit 4 Social Considerations, Economics and Financing of Renewable Energy systems -
Economic Growth, characteristics of developing countries, structural changes in
the process of development, relationship between agriculture and Industry, energy
planning, input output model, financial and economic evaluation of non-
conventional energy systems.
Suggested Readings: