CD 123 Geometric Design of At-Grade Priority and Signal-Controlled Junctions

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Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Road Layout

CD 123
Geometric design of at-grade priority and
signal-controlled junctions
(formerly TD 41/95, TD 42/95, TD 40/94, and those parts of TD 50/04 and TD 70/08 relating to
priority and signal-controlled junctions.)

Revision 0

This document provides requirements for the geometric design of at-grade priority and
signal-controlled junctions.

Application by Overseeing Organisations

Any specific requirements for Overseeing Organisations alternative or supplementary to those given in this document
are given in National Application Annexes to this document.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Highways England team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CD 123 Revision 0 Contents

Release notes 3

Foreword 4
Publishing information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Contractual and legal considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Introduction 5
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Abbreviations 6

Terms and definitions 7

1. Scope 10
Aspects covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Use of GG 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2. Junction selection 11
Priority junction selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
WS2+1 roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Dual carriageway roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Major road central treatment selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ghost island central treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Single lane dualling (SLD) central treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Permitted movements at SLD and dual carriageway priority junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Crossroads and staggered junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Signal-controlled junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Direct accesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3. Visibility 19
Minor road approach visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Priority junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Direct accesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Junction visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Measurement of visibility at minor roads and direct accesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Measurement of visibility in the central reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4. Geometric design of direct accesses 26

5. Geometric design of priority junctions 28

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Corner radii and corner radii tapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Carriageway widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Minor road traffic islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Diverge tapers and auxiliary lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Diverge taper and auxiliary lane widths and lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Merging tapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Merging tapers widths and length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

CD 123 Revision 0 Contents

6. Geometric design of major road central treatments 37

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Major road central treatment formation excluding on WS2+1 roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Major road central treatment formation on WS2+1 roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Major road central treatment right turning lane length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Ghost islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Through lane widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Island and right turning lane widths on WS2+1 roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Island and right turning lane widths excluding on WS2+1 roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
SLD and dual carriageway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Through lane widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Island and right turning lane widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Physical central reserve layout on WS2+1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Through lane widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Central island layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Passing bays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctions 49

Visibility at signal-controlled junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Visibility of signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Junction intervisibility zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Entry lanes, exit lanes and storage capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Lane widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Storage length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Exit lane continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Other geometrical elements of signal-controlled junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Swept path and corner radii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Traffic islands (including at left-turn slips) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Right turning traffic movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Location of controller cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

8. Normative references 58

9. Informative references 59

Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layouts and impact on signal operation 60

A1 Opposing right turns at signal-controlled junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A2 Signal-controlled T-junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A2.1 Small urban signal controlled T-junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A2.2 Large urban or larger rural signal-controlled T-junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A3 Signal-controlled crossroads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
A3.1 Urban signal-controlled crossroads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
A3.2 Complex urban / rural signal-controlled crossroads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
A4 Signal-controlled staggered junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A4.1 Operation of signal-controlled staggered junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A4.2 Left/right staggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
A4.3 Right/left staggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
A5 Signal-controlled skew junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
A6 Signal-controlled junctions on one-way roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
A7 Signal-controlled junctions with more than four arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

CD 123 Revision 0 Release notes

Release notes
Version Date Details of amendments
0 Aug 2019 CD 123 replaces TD 41/95 and TD 42/95. CD 123 and CD 122 together
replace TD 40/94. CD 123 and CD 116 together replace TD 50/04. CD 123
also replaces those elements of TD 70/08 relating to priority and
signal-controlled junctions. The relevant content of these documents have
been re-written to comply with the new Highways England drafting rules.

CD 123 Revision 0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England.
This document supersedes TD 41/95 and TD 42/95 which are withdrawn. In combination with CD 122
[Ref 4.N], this documents supersedes TD 40/94, which is withdrawn. In combination with CD 116 [Ref
1.I], this document supersedes TD 50/04, which is withdrawn. This document also supersedes
elements of TD 70/08 that relate to priority and signal-controlled junctions.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents applicable to
their contract.

CD 123 Revision 0 Introduction

This document provides requirements and advice on the geometrical design of at-grade priority and
signal-controlled junctions.
In addition to signal controlled junctions, this document provides a single point of reference for the
geometric design of at-grade priority junctions that has been historically split across a number of
documents. It merges and rationalises the content of TD 41/95 and TD 42/95 and incorporates the
priority junction elements of compact grade separated junctions and wide single 2+1 lanes, which were
previously covered by TD 40/94 and TD 70/08 respectively.
In order to remove duplication across the various types of priority junctions defined by the previous
documents, priority junctions are now formed of two key elements. These two elements are the priority
junction (the layout of the minor road arm) and the major road central treatment (the layout of the major
road aspect of the junction e.g. a ghost island arrangement). This approach allows for flexibility of
varying the form of the layout of the minor road and/or major road while removing the repetition and
ambiguity resulting from the entire junction being treated as a single component in the previous
In order to rationalise and remove duplication between direct access layouts, the definition of a direct
access is now only used for a single field or dwelling. A priority junction is now for anything greater;
however, the requirements/advice for a priority junction differ depending on whether the road provides a
through route or not (i.e. an entrance to a business park or development).
Other notable changes/additions include:
1) advice on permitting particular movements at single lane dualling and dual carriageway priority
junctions (predominantly relating to the right turns out of the minor road);
2) expanded advice on the use of nearside passing bays, including recommended dimensions; and
3) improvements made to the way visibility splays are defined at priority junctions to ensure that a full
splay is provided rather than just a line of visibility from the minor road set back point.

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 6.N] apply to this document.

CD 123 Revision 0 Abbreviations


Abbreviation Definition
AADT Annual average daily traffic
ASL Advance stop-line
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
SLD Single lane dualling
SSD Stopping sight distance
S2 Single carriageway cross-section, 1 lane each direction (see TD 27 [Ref 1.N])
WS2 Wide single carriageway cross-section, 1 lane each direction (see TD 27 [Ref 1.N])
Wide single 2+1 carriageway cross-section, 2 lanes one direction, 1 lane opposing
direction (see TD 70 [Ref 3.N])

CD 123 Revision 0 Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions

Term Definition
An additional lane provided on the nearside of the major road
Auxiliary lane carriageway at junctions to increase merge or diverge
opportunity and/or provide additional space for weaving
A carriageway layout which effects a change in the
Changeover designated use of the middle lane of a WS2+1 road from one
direction of traffic to the opposite direction.
A road separate to the junction which collects other local
Collector road roads and accesses into a link that connects to the minor
road in advance of the junction.
A grade separated junction designed with a two way
unsegregated connector road between the major and minor
Compact grade separated junction
road. The connector road joins the major road via a priority
junction designed to this document.
A short taper following the corner radius provided to
Corner taper
accommodate the swept path of larger vehicles.
For the purpose of this document, crossroad junctions are
where the centre line of a minor road, when extended across
the major road, fits within the carriageway of an opposing
priority junction.
The design vehicle for at-grade priority and signal controlled
Design vehicle
junctions is a 16.5m long articulated Heavy Goods Vehicle.

Desirable minimum stopping sight Desirable minimum stopping sight distance (SSD) is as
distance defined in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
A connection to an all-purpose trunk road providing access
Direct access to a single field or dwelling only that does not provide a
through route.
Where there is more than one primary signal, additional
Duplicate primary signal(s)
signals erected to the offside are duplicate primary signal(s).
A major road central treatment that uses road markings to
create an additional lane to allow traffic waiting to turn right
Ghost island
from the major road into the minor road to do so without
impeding through traffic movement.
An area of road marking hatching used to discourage and/or
Hatched area
channel vehicle movements.
The area within a signal-controlled junction that ensures road
Intervisibility zone users can see other road users (including pedestrians)
between each stop line.
A collective term for the central treatments associated with
Major road central treatment ghost island, single lane dualling or dual carriageway

CD 123 Revision 0 Terms and definitions

Terms (continued)
Term Definition
A road on which traffic has priority of movement over
Major road
adjoining roads.
A road on which traffic concedes priority to traffic on the
Minor road
major road.
Sections of two lane single carriageway where the
combination of horizontal and vertical alignment, visibility
Overtaking sections and or width is such that there are clear opportunities for
overtaking using the opposing lane, as described in TD 9
[Ref 5.N].
The sequence of conditions applied to one or more streams
Phase of vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic which always receive
identical light signal indications.
A light signal erected near the stop line.
Primary signal
NOTE: Where there is more than one signal located near a
stop line, the signal on the nearside is the primary signal.
A junction controlled by a 'Give Way' or 'Stop' arrangement.

NOTE 1: Stop arrangements are only used where there are

Priority junction
severe visibility restrictions.
NOTE 2: Direct accesses can operate in a similar manner
but are not classed as priority junctions.
The length required for queuing between the opposing arms
Reservoir length
of a staggered junction.
Rural roads Rural roads are as defined in TD 9 [Ref 5.N]
Traffic signals located beyond the primary signal, facing the
same direction of traffic flow.

Secondary signal NOTE: The information given by a secondary signal is the

same as that given by the primary signal with which it is
associated, but additional information compatible with that of
the primary can also be given.

Signal-controlled junction A junction that has full or part time signals on one or more of
its arms.
A form of priority junction where there is no major road
Simple priority junction central treatment, such as a ghost island or single lane
dualling, and no merging/diverging tapers or auxiliary lanes.
A single carriageway major road central treatment that uses
physical traffic islands to provide space for right turning
Single lane dualling
movements in and/or out of the minor road in order to not
impede through traffic movement.
The distance along the major road between the centre lines
Stagger distance
of the two minor roads at a staggered junction.

CD 123 Revision 0 Terms and definitions

Terms (continued)
Term Definition
A junction arrangement where the major road is continuous
through the junction and two opposing minor roads form
priority junctions that are offset from one another.
Staggered junction
NOTE: Two opposing priority junctions are not staggered
when the layout of any central treatments do not overlap or
the junction spacing is greater than the major road SSD.
Storage length is the length over which vehicles can queue
Storage length without causing obstruction to, or being obstructed by,
vehicles in the adjacent lane.
The swept path of a vehicle is the movement and path of
different parts of a vehicle when that vehicle is undertaking a
Swept path turning manoeuvre. It is the envelope swept out by the sides
of the vehicle body, or any other part of the structure of the
An area of additional carriageway that is tapered to/from the
major road, which is provided on the nearside of the major
Taper merge / diverge
road carriageway at junctions to increase merge or diverge
A road that provides a connection to the wider road network.

Through route NOTE: A road that does not form part of a through route
requires a road user to access and leave a site through the
same junction.
A traffic island is a raised (kerbed) or marked-off area on the
Traffic island
NOTE: A traffic island can be used to accommodate
pedestrian refuges and traffic signals, and as a means of
separating lanes of traffic or opposing traffic flows.
Urban roads Urban roads are as defined in TD 9 [Ref 5.N]
A wide single carriageway road with two lanes of travel in
WS2+1 roads one direction and a single lane in the opposite direction, with
a 1 metre hatch separating opposing traffic flows.

CD 123 Revision 0 1. Scope

1. Scope
Aspects covered
1.1 This document shall be used for the geometric design of at-grade priority junctions and
signal-controlled junctions.
NOTE 1 This document is applicable to both new and improved junctions.
NOTE 2 This document does not cover the general provision of walking, cycling and horse riding facilities at
at-grade priority junctions. Requirements and advice relating to this are provided in TA 68 [Ref 9.N], TA
90 [Ref 10.N], TA 91 [Ref 7.N], TD 36 [Ref 8.N] and IAN 195 [Ref 2.N].
1.2 This document shall be used for the geometric design of the priority junction element of a compact
grade separated junction.
NOTE Requirements for the link road element of a compact grade separated junction are provided in CD 122
[Ref 4.N].

1.3 This document shall be implemented forthwith on all schemes involving the geometric design of
at-grade priority and/or signal controlled junctions on the Overseeing Organisations' all-purpose trunk
roads according to the implementation requirements of GG 101 [Ref 6.N].

Use of GG 101
1.4 The requirements contained in GG 101 [Ref 6.N] shall be followed in respect of activities covered by
this document.

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

2. Junction selection
Priority junction selection
2.1 Priority junctions shall not be used on motorways or all-purpose dual three lane carriageways.
2.1.1 Priority junctions should not be located on a sharp curve on a major road.
NOTE 1 The placement of a priority junction on the inside of a sharp curve is particularly hazardous as this can
restrict visibility to a much greater degree than on the outside of a curve, and is likely to create blind
NOTE 2 The placement of a priority junction on the outside of a sharp curve can result in drivers on the major
road misinterpreting the minor road as the ahead direction. Equally drivers on the minor road could
misinterpret the layout as drivers on the mainline as having to give way.
2.1.2 Priority junctions should only be located on level ground or where any approach that is on a downhill
gradient does not exceed 2% over the applicable desirable minimum stopping sight distance (SSD).
2.1.3 The number of priority junctions providing access to the all-purpose trunk roads should be minimised.
NOTE Minimising the number of junctions on a road can be achieved by connecting side roads and accesses
to a collector road running parallel to the main road.
2.2 Priority junctions that do not form a through route shall not be provided on overtaking sections.
2.3 Simple priority junctions shall only be used on single carriageway roads without a climbing lane.
2.3.1 The selection of priority junction and major road central treatment for single carriageway roads should
be determined based on the standard of major road and traffic flows on both the major and minor
roads. Figure 2.3.1 illustrates approximate levels of provision for varying traffic flows.

Figure 2.3.1 Approximate priority junction provision on single carriageway roads

based on flows only

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

NOTE The 2-way AADT design year flows are used to determine the approximate level of junction provision
prior to more detailed traffic modelling to check capacity.
2.3.2 At junctions where there are high seasonal variations, or short intense peaks in the traffic flows, then
the appropriate seasonal or peak flows should be used.
NOTE 1 Figure 2.3.1 takes into account traffic delays, entry and turning traffic flows and collision costs.
NOTE 2 Seasonal or peak flows need to be extrapolated to determine revised 2-way AADT flows for use in
Figure 2.3.1.
2.4 New priority junctions shall not be sited where they encroach on the visibility requirements of adjacent
priority junctions on major roads with:
1) a speed limit of greater than 40 mph; or
2) a speed limit of 40 mph or less, where the minor road forms part of a through route.
NOTE 1 In England and Wales, on major roads with a speed limit of 40 mph or less, decisions on priority
junctions where the minor road does not form part of a through route, and direct accesses are first dealt
with by the local planning authority.
NOTE 2 The placement of priority junctions in relation to lay-bys is covered in TD 69 [Ref 3.I].

WS2+1 roads
2.5 On WS2+1 roads, priority junctions shall only be;
1) located at changeovers;
2) located at WS2+1 to S2 interfaces; or
3) on the adjoining S2 road, at least 500 metres from the point where the road cross-section changes
from a WS2+1 cross section.
NOTE 1 Priority junctions can be used to facilitate a changeover of overtaking lanes on WS2+1 roads. This is
shown diagrammatically in Figures 2.5N1a to 2.5N1d.

Figure 2.5N1a Priority junction layouts at changeovers - conflicting layout

Figure 2.5N1b Priority junction layouts at changeovers - non-conflicting layout

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Figure 2.5N1c Staggered junction layouts at changeovers - conflicting layout

Figure 2.5N1d Staggered junction layouts at changeovers - non-conflicting layout

NOTE 2 Priority junctions can be used at the interface between WS2+1 roads and S2 single carriageway roads.
This is shown diagrammatically in Figures 2.5N2a to 2.5N2e.

Figure 2.5N2a Right-turn at end of single lane section

Figure 2.5N2b Right-turn at end of overtaking lane section

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Figure 2.5N2c Right-turn at start of single lane section

Figure 2.5N2d Right-turn at start of overtaking lane section

Figure 2.5N2e Staggered junction layouts at WS2+1 interface

2.6 Priority junctions on WS2+1 roads shall include either;

1) a ghost island central treatment; or

2) a physical central reserve to prevent right turn movements.
NOTE At priority junctions the middle lane is dedicated to right-turning traffic, with a single lane provided in
each direction through the junction.
2.7 Left-in/left-out priority junctions shall only be provided on WS2+1 roads where they are included as part
of a compact grade separated junction, with a physical central reserve instead of the middle lane.
2.8 Where there is a physical central reserve on WS2+1 carriageways, u turns shall be prohibited at both
ends of the central island.
2.9 An additional fourth lane for right turning vehicles shall not be provided on WS2+1 roads.

Dual carriageway roads

2.10 At priority junctions on dual carriageways, where right turns in and/or out of the minor road are to be
accommodated, the central reserve shall be widened to provide waiting space for vehicles turning right
(as illustrated in Figure 2.10).

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Figure 2.10 Example of dual carriageway central reserve widening for a priority

NOTE Provision of turning facilities allows vehicles of nearly all lengths turning right from the minor road into
the major road to carry out the manoeuvre in two stages.
2.10.1 Priority junctions should not be provided on rural dual carriageway roads where the minor road flows
exceed 3,000 vehicles AADT 2-way.
2.11 Priority junctions shall be located a minimum of 1 km in both directions from the end of the central
reserve where the carriageway changes from a single carriageway to dual carriageway.
NOTE Priority junctions at changes in carriageway cross section can lead to an increase in accident potential
because of the merging manoeuvres that will be occurring on the major road at this point.

Major road central treatment selection

2.12 Priority junctions shall include a major road central treatment when the minor road flow exceeds 300
vehicles 2-way annual average daily traffic (AADT), or the major road flow exceeds 13,000 vehicles
2-way AADT.
NOTE 1 Priority junctions can be designed as all movement junctions or restricted movement junctions (with
individual movements deterred or prevented).
NOTE 2 Priority junctions can be used in combination with a major road central treatment and as part of a
compact grade separated junction.
NOTE 3 Priority junctions with no major road central treatment are simple priority junctions.

Ghost island central treatment

2.13 Ghost islands shall not be used where overtaking opportunities on adjacent links are restricted.
2.13.1 On new single carriageways where overtaking opportunity is limited, ghost island junctions should be
sited on non-overtaking sections.
2.14 Ghost islands shall only be used where major road traffic flows allow traffic turning right out of the minor
road to do so in one manoeuvre.
2.14.1 On urban roads with a speed limit of 30mph or less, where a ghost island cannot be accommodated, a
passing bay as illustrated in Figure 2.14.1 may be used.

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Figure 2.14.1 Illustrative example of a passing bay

NOTE A passing bay provides space for through vehicles to pass vehicles waiting to turn right into the minor
road but only at low speed.

Single lane dualling (SLD) central treatment

2.15 SLD shall not be used within 3 km of the tip of taper to a dual carriageway.
2.16 SLD shall not be used on WS2+1 or where there is a climbing lane in one direction through the junction.
2.17 SLD layouts shall only be used on roads with hard strips.
2.18 SLD shall be formed by widening the major road to provide a central reservation that includes waiting
space for vehicles turning right.
2.18.1 SLD should be used in preference to ghost islands where overtaking opportunities on adjacent links are
restricted, and/or where traffic turning right out of the minor road would need to make this manoeuvre in
two stages.
2.18.2 On new single carriageways where overtaking opportunity is limited, SLD junctions should be sited on
non-overtaking sections.
NOTE The improved carriageway cross section can result in a tendency for drivers to speed up through the
junction where slow moving vehicles can be crossing or turning.

Permitted movements at SLD and dual carriageway priority junctions

2.19 Where right turns in or out of a minor road at SLD junctions are restricted by traffic islands, u turns shall
be prohibited at both ends of the central island.
2.19.1 Right turning movements out of the minor road at SLD and dual carriageway junctions should be
restricted by traffic islands where these movements can be accommodated at a subsequent junction,
such as a roundabout.
NOTE 1 Restricting right turn movements out of the minor road at SLD and dual carriageway junctions can
reduce collision risk by:

1) removing interaction between vehicles turning right into the minor road and out of the minor road,
which can cause confusion as to who has priority; and
2) eliminating the need for larger vehicles that cannot be fully sheltered in the central gap having to
undertake the right turn out in one stage or overhanging the through lanes if they decide to
undertake the movement in two stages.

NOTE 2 A round trip of approximately 2 km can be considered an acceptable diversion to eliminate right turn
movements out of the minor road for private accesses, developments and little used minor or
unclassified roads at SLD and dual carriageways junctions.

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Crossroads and staggered junctions

2.20 Where the centre line of a minor road, when extended across the major road, fits within an opposite
priority junction carriageway (as illustrated on Figure 2.20) the junction shall be designed as a
crossroads and not a staggered junction.

Figure 2.20 Crossroad layout

2.21 Crossroads shall only comprise two opposing simple priority junctions.
NOTE 1 As simple priority junctions are not permitted on dual carriageway roads, crossroads can only be used
on single carriageway roads.
NOTE 2 Staggered junctions are safer than crossroads where a significant proportion of the flow on the minor
roads is a cross movement.
2.22 The stagger distance of a junction shall be measured as the distance along the major road between the
centre lines of the two minor roads.
2.22.1 Where staggered junctions are provided they should be right/left staggers (where minor road traffic
crossing the major road first turns right, proceeds along the major road and then turns left).
NOTE Right/left staggers are preferred to left/right staggers because traffic turning between the minor roads is
less likely to have to wait in the centre of the major road.
2.23 The minimum right/left stagger distance shall be:
1) 50 m for a priority junction with no central treatment;
2) 50 m for a ghost island junction;
3) 40 m for a SLD junction; and
4) 60 m for a dual carriageway junction.

2.24 The minimum left/right stagger distance for a priority junction with no central treatment shall be 50
2.25 The minimum left/right stagger distance for a priority junction with central treatments shall be as given
in Table 2.25.

CD 123 Revision 0 2. Junction selection

Table 2.25 Minimum stagger distances for left/right staggered junctions

Stagger distance (metres)
Design speed (kph)
Ghost island Single lane dualling Dual carriageway
50 50 -- 60
60 50 -- 60
70 60 -- 60
85 75 75 75
100 100 100 100
120 -- -- 130

NOTE For higher design speeds, the distance is based on the sum of the two deceleration lengths lying side
by side plus the turning lengths (and queuing lengths, if appropriate) at each end, otherwise it is based
on the manoeuvring requirements of the design vehicle.
2.26 Staggered junctions shall not be used on climbing lane sections.

Signal-controlled junctions
2.27 Where the 85th percentile speed on the approach roads is greater than or equal to 104 kph (65 mph), a
signal-controlled junction shall not be provided.

Direct accesses
2.28 Direct accesses shall not be used on motorways, all-purpose dual three lane carriageways and on
WS2+1 roads.
2.29 Direct accesses shall not be provided on overtaking sections.
2.29.1 Direct accesses should be avoided where possible.
NOTE 1 The primary purpose of the trunk road network is to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of
long distance through traffic. That means strictly limiting the number of direct accesses to trunk roads.
NOTE 2 Direct accesses can be joined together with a link or service road before they join the main carriageway
of the trunk road.
2.29.2 Direct accesses on single carriageway roads should not be positioned facing each other.
2.30 On dual carriageways, gaps in the central reserve to accommodate right turns in and out of a direct
access shall not be provided.
2.31 Direct accesses shall not be provided at locations where the major road gradient is greater than 4%.

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

3. Visibility
Minor road approach visibility
Priority junctions
3.1 On a minor road approach to a priority junction, there shall be unobstructed visibility of the junction from
a distance corresponding to the desirable minimum SSD for the design speed of the minor road,
including the give way sign where present, as illustrated in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Priority junction approach SSD visibility

NOTE SSD is measured from the eye heights and to the object heights given in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
3.2 An approaching road user shall be able to clearly see the junction form, from a minimum distance of 15
metres back along the centreline of the minor road, measured from the continuation of the line of the
nearside edge of the running carriageway of the major road (as illustrated in Figure 3.2a and 3.2b).

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

Figure 3.2a Priority junction approach visibility

Figure 3.2b Priority junction approach visibility (incorporating tapers on the

mainline and traffic island on the minor road)

NOTE 1 The 15 metre measurement is from the continuation of the line of the nearside edge of the running
carriageway not the continuation of the back of the major road hard strip if present.
NOTE 2 Visibility is measured from the eye heights and to the object heights using the envelope of visibility in
TD 9 [Ref 5.N].

Direct accesses
3.3 Where a direct access crosses a footway, a visibility splay shall be provided in accordance with Figure

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

Figure 3.3 Visibility at the back of footway crossing

Junction visibility
Measurement of visibility at minor roads and direct accesses
3.4 Unobstructed visibility shall be provided at all priority junctions and direct accesses by a visibility splay
formed between the following three points, as illustrated in Figure 3.4:
1) a point W corresponding to the intersection point between the minor road centreline and the major
road edge of carriageway;
2) a point X setback along the minor road centreline measured from the continuation of the line of the
nearside edge of the running carriageway of the major road; and
3) a point Y on the major road nearside edge of carriageway, corresponding to the desirable minimum
SSD for the speed of the major road measured along the edge of the major road carriageway from
point W.

Figure 3.4 Priority junction visibility splays

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

NOTE 1 Visibility is measured from the eye heights and to the object heights given in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
NOTE 2 The visibility splays shown are for a junction where left and right splays are required.
NOTE 3 Where there are hard strips on the major road, point X is measured from the continuation of the line of
the nearside edge of the running carriageway of the major road.
NOTE 4 Inappropriate positioning of lay-bys, bus stops, traffic signs and other street furniture can result in
obstruction to visibility splay.
NOTE 5 Parked vehicles can obstruct visibility splays and where necessary restrictions can be introduced to
mitigate this risk.
3.5 The speed of the major road for determining point Y in the visibility splay shall be based on:
1) design speed only for direct accesses and priority junctions on new major roads;
2) design speed only for priority junctions that form part of a through route on existing major roads; and
3) design speed or speed measurement for direct accesses and priority junctions that do not form part
of a through route on existing major roads.
NOTE Speed measurement of an existing major road involves calculating the 85th percentile speed of traffic.
3.6 A visibility splay to the right on the minor road shall be provided:
1) at all priority junctions and direct accesses where minor road traffic can join a 2-way major road; and
2) at all priority junctions and direct accesses where minor road traffic can turn left to join a 1-way major
3.6.1 Visibility splays to the right on the minor road should also be provided at priority junctions and direct
access where minor road traffic can turn right to join a 1-way major road and there are contraflow
provisions (e.g for cyclists).
3.7 A visibility splay to the left on the minor road shall be provided:
1) at all priority junctions and direct accesses where minor road traffic join a 2-way single carriageway
major road;
2) at all priority junctions and direct accesses where minor road traffic can turn right to join a 2-way dual
carriageway road and the central reserve gap is not wide enough to accommodate a waiting design
vehicle; and
3) at priority junctions and direct accesses where minor road traffic can turn right to join a 1-way major
3.7.1 Visibility splays to the left on a one way road should also be provided at priority junctions and direct
access where minor road traffic can turn left to join a 1-way major road and there are contraflow
provisions (e.g for cyclists).
NOTE Where the minor road is one way leading from the major road, no visibility splays for vehicles turning
out of the minor road are required as these movements are not permitted.
3.7.2 On a one-way major road, visibility splays may be provided in both directions for vehicles turning out of
the minor road.
NOTE Visibility splays in both directions at a one-way major road provides a level of future proofing, and
accommodates potential traffic management arrangements.
3.8 The minimum distances used to locate point X and therefore generating the visibility splay shall be:
1) 2 metres for direct accesses;
2) 2.4 metres for simple priority junctions; and
3) 4.5 metres for all other priority junctions.
3.8.1 The distances used to locate point X and therefore generating the visibility splay should be:

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

1) 4.5 metres for direct accesses; and

2) 9 metres for all priority junctions.
3.9 Where the line between points X and Y falls partially within the major road carriageway, an additional
area shall be added to the visibility splay formed by drawing a line from X to a point tangential to the
nearer edge of the major road running carriageway, as illustrated in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 Priority junction visibility splay on a curved major road

3.10 Where a priority junction is located on the outside of a major road curve, an additional area shall be
added to the visibility splay in the verge on the inside of the major road curve, formed by a line between
the following two points, as illustrated in Figure 3.10:
1) a point X at a set back distance of 2.4m; and
2) a point V on the major road offside edge of running carriageway, corresponding to the desirable
minimum SSD for the speed of the major road.

Figure 3.10 Priority junction offside visibility splay on a curved major road

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

NOTE 1 Where there are hard strips on the major road, point V is measured to the nearside edge of the running
carriageway not the back of the major road hard strip.
NOTE 2 Providing the additional visibility in the verge on the inside of a major road curve allows drivers to see
the full extent of the carriageway and approaching vehicles for the desirable minimum SSD.
3.11 The desirable minimum SSD at all priority junctions shall not be available from an X distance greater
than 9 metres.
NOTE In open areas, it can be necessary to artificially restrict the visibility splay to prevent the desirable
minimum SSD being available from an X distance of greater than 9 metres.

Measurement of visibility in the central reserve

3.12 Unobstructed visibility shall be provided in the centre of the major road, on dual carriageway and SLD
junctions where right turns are permitted, by a visibility splay formed between the following three points,
as illustrated in Figure 3.12:
1) the intersection point between the centre of the opening and the offside edge of major road
2) a point 2.4 metre setback along the centre of the opening measured from the continuation of the line
of the offside edge of the running carriageway of the major road; and
3) a point Y on the major road offside edge of carriageway, corresponding to the desirable minimum
SSD for the design speed of the major road measured from the 2.4 metre setback point.

Figure 3.12 Central reserve visibility splays

NOTE Visibility is measured from the eye heights and to the object heights given in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
3.13 Visibility splays in the central reserve of dual carriageways or SLD shall be provided in the following
1) visibility splay A, as illustrated in Figure 3.12, where right turn into the minor road is permitted/and/or;

CD 123 Revision 0 3. Visibility

2) visibility splay B, as illustrated in Figure 3.12, where right turn out of the minor road is permitted.

CD 123 Revision 0 4. Geometric design of direct accesses

4. Geometric design of direct accesses

4.1 Direct accesses shall only be used where access is to a single field or dwelling with less than 50
vehicle movements per week.
4.1.1 A direct access should not be provided on trunk roads where it is feasible to provide an alternative
access onto the local road network.
4.1.2 A priority junction may be provided instead of the direct access.
4.2 The layout in Figure 4.2 shall be provided as the minimum level of provision for a direct access.

Figure 4.2 Direct access layout

NOTE Hardened strips can be provided at field accesses to assist in the removal of mud from tyres and
equipment prior to entering the trunk road.
4.2.1 The width of a direct access for a single dwelling should be a minimum of;

1) 3.1 metres where building regulations apply to the access width;

2) 2.5 metres where building regulations do not apply to the access width.
NOTE A minimum width of 3.1 metres allows access if needed by a typical fire and rescue service vehicle as
detailed in The Building Regulations 2010, Fire Safety, Volume 1 - Dwelling Houses [Ref 2.I].
4.2.2 The width of a direct access for a field access should be a minimum of 3.5 metres.
4.2.3 The entry splays at direct accesses should be a minimum of 1 metre by 1 metre for a single dwelling
and 2 metre by 2 metre for a field access.
4.3 Where entrance gates are provided across a direct access they shall be set back to accommodate one
vehicle in the access, clear of the main running lane and footway if one is present.
NOTE The vehicle to be accommodated is the largest type expected to use the access on a regular basis,
which in the case of farm vehicles can include a trailer.
4.3.1 Gates for direct accesses should open away from the highway.
4.3.2 Where it is not possible to accommodate gates opening away from the highway, the setback should be
increased to accommodate them being fully open without encroaching into the carriageway.
4.4 For direct accesses, the gradient on the approach to the trunk road shall not exceed 10% either uphill
or downhill.
4.5 For direct accesses, the gradient on the access approach shall not exceed 4% over a distance of at
least 5 metres, measured from the edge of the major road carriageway.

CD 123 Revision 0 4. Geometric design of direct accesses

4.5.1 For direct accesses, the gradient not exceeding 4% on the access approach should be provided for a
minimum length of 10 metres, measured from the edge of the major road carriageway.
4.5.2 For direct accesses, the gradient on the access approach should not exceed 2% immediately adjacent
to the trunk road.
NOTE Providing a relatively flat section prevents drivers having to perform a 'hill start', which reduces the risk
of vehicles stalling or inadvertently rolling out into the major road.

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

5. Geometric design of priority junctions

5.1 The road camber on the major road shall be retained through the junction with the minor road graded
into the channel line of the major road.
5.2 Allowance shall be made for the swept turning paths of the worst case design vehicle which is expected
to use the priority junction, unless:
1) the design vehicle is expected to form only a very small percentage of the total number of vehicles
that will use the junction; and
2) any swept path conflicts as a result of the design vehicle encroaching into other lanes will not occur
on bends.

NOTE In cases where hard strips are present, the design vehicle is assumed to use the additional space
during turns and at simple junctions, the design vehicle can encroach into opposing traffic lanes.
5.3 For priority junctions, the gradient on the minor road approach shall not exceed 4% over a distance of
at least 15 metres, measured from the edge of the major road carriageway.
5.3.1 For priority junctions, the gradient on the minor road approach should not exceed 2% over a distance of
at least 15 metres, measured from the edge of the major road carriageway.
NOTE Providing a relatively flat section prevents drivers having to perform a 'hill start', which reduces the risk
of vehicles stalling or inadvertently rolling out into the major road.
5.4 At new priority junctions, the minimum approach angle of the minor road approach, measured over 15
metres from the edge of the major road carriageway, shall be 70 degrees.
NOTE Angles less than 70 degrees can result in drivers having to look excessively over their shoulders or the
major road approach being in a vehicle blind spot.
5.4.1 At new priority junctions, the minimum approach angle of the minor road approach, measured over 15
metres from the edge of the major road carriageway, should be 90 degrees.

Corner radii and corner radii tapers

5.5 At all priority junctions, corner radii shall be provided where the edge of the carriageways or kerb lines
of the major and minor roads intersect at each corner where turning movements need to be
5.6 Corner radii shall be measured for simple priority junctions, and priority junctions with merge/diverge
tapers or auxiliary lanes in accordance with Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 Corner radii

5.6.1 At simple priority junctions where no provision is to be made for the design vehicle, the minimum corner
radii should be:

1) 6 metres in urban areas; and

2) 10 metres in rural areas.
5.6.2 At simple priority junctions where provision is made for the design vehicle, the corner radii should be:

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

1) 10 metres in urban areas followed by a corner taper of 1:5 over a distance of 30 metres;
2) 15 metres in rural areas followed by a corner taper of 1:10 over a distance of 25 metres; and
3) 15 metres followed by a corner taper of 1:8 over a distance of 32 metres, when part of a staggered
junction arrangement.
NOTE 1 Merge and diverge tapers allow mainline traffic to accelerate or decelerate, whereas corner tapers
allow for the swept path of large vehicles while turning round the corner radii.
NOTE 2 For the left turn into the minor road, the corner taper is provided along the minor road and for left turns
out of the minor road the taper is provided along the major road, as illustrated in Figure 5.6.2N2.

Figure 5.6.2N2 Corner radius tapers at priority junctions without diverge tapers or
auxiliary lanes

5.6.3 At ghost island junctions where no diverge or merge tapers are provided the corner radii should be 15
metres followed by a corner taper of 1:6 over a distance of 30 metres.
5.6.4 At ghost island junctions where a diverge taper is provided the corner radii should be:
1) 15 metres followed by a corner taper of 1:6 over a distance of 30 metres at the merge;
2) a minimum of 40 metres at the end of the diverge taper where the major road design speed is
greater than 85 kph;
3) a minimum of 20 metres at the end of the diverge taper where the major road design speed is 85
kph or less.
5.6.5 At SLD, dual carriageway priority junctions, and where there is a mainline physical central island on a
single carriageway road, the diverge corner radii should be:
1) 20 metres where no diverge taper/auxiliary lane is provided; or
2) a minimum of 40 metres at the end of the diverge taper where the major road design speed is
greater than 85 kph; or
3) a minimum of 20 metres at the end of the diverge taper where the major road design speed is 85
kph or less.
NOTE Mainline physical central islands on the single carriageway road are used as part of a compact grade
separated junction layout.
5.6.6 At SLD, dual carriageway priority junctions, and where there is a mainline physical central island on a
single carriageway road, the merge corner radii should be:
1) 20 metres where no merge taper/auxiliary lane is provided; or

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

2) 25 metres where the major road design speed is 85 kph and a merge taper is provided; or
3) 30 metres where the major road design speed is greater than 85 kph and a merge taper is provided.
NOTE Mainline physical central islands on the single carriageway road are used as part of a compact grade
separated junction layout.

Carriageway widths
5.7 Where a physical traffic island is provided on the minor road, the minor road approach lanes shall be
4.0 metres wide at the tip of the associated hatched marking.
NOTE Lane widths do not include hard strips if they are present.
5.7.1 Where no physical traffic island is provided on the minor road, the existing minor road lane width should
at least continue up until the start of the corner radius, or give way line if no corner radius is to be
5.8 Where a physical traffic island is provided on a minor road, the width of the minor road approach lane
adjacent to the island at its furthest point from the major road (as illustrated in Figure 5.8) shall be:
1) 4.0 metres at simple priority and ghost junctions where there is a single lane at the give way line;
2) 4.5 metres at SLD and dual carriageway junctions where there is a single lane at the give way line;
3) 5.5 metres where the approach widens to two lanes at the give way line.

Figure 5.8 Minor road approach and exit lane widths

5.9 Where a physical traffic island is provided on a minor road, the width of the minor road exit lane
adjacent to the island at its furthest point from the major road (as illustrated in Figure 5.8) shall be:

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

1) 4.0 metres at simple priority junctions;

2) 4.5 metres for ghost island junctions; and
3) 5.0 metres for SLD and dual carriageway junctions.

5.10 For curves which have a radius of 90 metres or less, minimum lane widths shall be in accordance with
Table 5.10.

Table 5.10 Lane widening on curves of 90 metre radius or less

Inside curve Single lane carriageway or inside lane of two Outside lane of two lane
radius lane carriageway carriageway
(metres) (metres) (metres)
10 8.4 6.5
15 7.1 6.0
20 6.2 5.6
25 5.7 5.2
30 5.3 5.0
40 4.7 4.6
50 4.4 4.3
75 4.0 4.0
90 3.8 3.8

NOTE 1 Where carriageways are taken around short radius corners added width provides the necessary space
to cater for the swept path of larger vehicles.
NOTE 2 Lane widths for radii greater than 90 metres are given in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
5.11 For actual curve radii that fall between two curve radius values given in Table 5.10, the minimum lane
width shall be interpolated.
5.12 On single lane sections greater than 50 metres in length, there shall be sufficient carriageway space to
allow a broken down vehicle to be passed by other vehicles.
5.12.1 For curves which have a radius of 90 metres or less, hard strips that provide an additional 2.5 metres
minimum of carriageway space should be added to the single lane carriageway widths given in column
2 of Table 5.10 to allow a broken down vehicle to be passed by other vehicles.
NOTE The addition of 2.5 metres carriageway width does not apply to two lane carriageways in column 2 of
Table 5.10.

Minor road traffic islands

5.13 Physical traffic islands shall have an area of at least 4.5 square metres.
5.13.1 Traffic islands smaller than 4.5 square metres should be defined by road markings.
NOTE Traffic islands can be used to :
a) give guidance to long vehicles carrying out turning movements;
b) channelise intersecting or merging traffic streams to reduce collision risk from overrun;
c) warn drivers on the minor road that a junction is ahead (this can be particularly useful at
crossroads to highlight the need to give way and the location of the give way line);
d) provide shelter for vehicles waiting to carry out manoeuvres such as waiting to turn right;
e) assist pedestrians and/or cyclists.
5.13.2 Physical traffic islands should include features to make them conspicuous, e.g traffic bollards and

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

5.13.3 Traffic islands on minor roads should be physical islands.

5.14 Physical traffic islands shall be used on the minor road where one or more turning movements are
prohibited to prevent or deter such movements.
5.15 Junctions that form part of a compact grade separated junction shall include physical islands to prevent
right turn manoeuvres in to and out of the major road.
5.16 Traffic islands on the minor road shall be setback a minimum of 1 metre from the edge of running
carriageway or in-line with the back of major road hard strip if the hard strip is equal to or greater than 1
metre wide.

Diverge tapers and auxiliary lanes

5.17 Nearside diverging tapers and auxiliary lanes shall not be provided:

1) at simple junctions;
2) where the design speed of the major road is less than 85 kph; and
3) at all other priority junctions that are on the inside of curves.
NOTE Where the minor road is on the inside of a curve, the diverging lane can adversely affect visibility for
drivers emerging from the minor road.
5.18 At non-simple junctions which are not on the inside of a curve, a nearside diverging taper or auxiliary
lane shall be provided in accordance with Table 5.18a and 5.18b.

Table 5.18a Criteria for provision of nearside diverging tapers or auxiliary lanes on A class
major roads with a speed limit of 85kph or greater
A class with a speed limit
=>85 kph
Minor road
Flow =< 7000 Flow > 7000
A and B class road Yes Yes
left turning traffic ≥ 600 AADT; or
left turning traffic ≥ 450, > 20% HGV; or Yes Yes
left turning traffic ≥ 450, > 4% gradient.

Non A or B class left turning traffic ≥ 300 and < 600 AADT;
road or
left turning traffic ≥ 225 and < 450, > 20%
Optional Yes
HGV; or
left turning traffic ≥ 225 and < 450, > 4%

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

Table 5.18b Criteria for provision of nearside diverging tapers or auxiliary lanes all other major
Major roads other than A class with a speed limit
Minor road => 85 kph
Flow =< 7000 AADT Flow > 7000 AADT
left turning traffic ≥ 600 AADT; or
left turning traffic ≥ 450, > 20% HGV; or Yes Yes
left turning traffic ≥ 450, > 4% gradient.
left turning traffic ≥ 300 and < 600 AADT; or
left turning traffic ≥ 225 and < 450, > 20%
HGV; or Optional Yes
left turning traffic ≥ 225 and < 450, > 4%

NOTE Diverging tapers and auxiliary lanes can also be provided on major roads where the speed limit is 85
kph or above, and the minor road flows are below the thresholds described in Tables 5.18a and 5.18b.
5.18.1 Where the major road flow exceeds 7000 AADT, auxiliary lanes should be provided instead of tapers
for diverging traffic.
NOTE Vehicles decelerating on main carriageways can have an effect on the capacity of the through
carriageway by impeding following drivers. The provision of an auxiliary lane allows turning traffic to
perform the majority of its deceleration off the mainline.

Diverge taper and auxiliary lane widths and lengths

5.19 Nearside diverging tapers shall be formed by an increase in width to 3.5 metres at the start of the
corner radii into the minor road.
5.20 Where right turns into the minor road are permitted, a give way line shall be provided at the end of the
diverging taper or auxiliary lane.
5.20.1 Where a give way line is provided, a traffic island should be provided to segregate the give way from
the major road.
5.21 The length of a nearside diverging taper or auxiliary lane shall be measured as the distance from the
beginning of the taper up to the "Give Way" line, as shown in Figure 5.21a and 5.21b.

Figure 5.21a Major/minor priority junctions with nearside diverging taper

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

Figure 5.21b Major/minor priority junction with nearside auxiliary lane

5.22 The minimum length of a nearside diverging taper or auxiliary lane shall be in accordance with Table
Table 5.22 Diverge taper, auxiliary lane and right turn lane lengths for deceleration
Diverge taper or auxiliary lane deceleration lengths (metres)
On up
On down gradient
Design gradient Direct
speed over 4% taper
(kph) 0-4 (metres)
over 0-4 Single carriageway
% Dual
4% % (including ghost islands and SLD
50 25 25 25 25 25 5
60 25 25 25 40 25 5
70 40 25 40 55 40 15
85 55 40 55 80 55 15
100 80 55 80 110 80 25
120 110 80 110 150 110 30

NOTE The gradient is the average for a 500 metre length before the minor road.
5.22.1 For design speeds of 100 kph or less, auxiliary lane lengths should be a minimum of 80 metres, and
sufficient to allow for the speed change from the major road to the turn into the minor road.
NOTE The auxiliary lane length can also be influenced by any need for reservoir space for turning traffic.

Merging tapers
5.23 Merging tapers shall only be used where the major road is a dual carriageway.
5.24 Where the major road is a dual carriageway with a design speed of 85 kph or above, merging tapers
shall be provided where:

1) the volume of left turning traffic in the design year exceeds 600 vehicles AADT;
2) the volume of left turning traffic in the design year exceeds 450 vehicles AADT and the percentage
of HGVs exceeds 20%; or

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

3) the volume of left turning traffic in the design year exceeds 450 vehicles AADT and the merging
taper is for an up-gradient of greater than 4%.
5.24.1 Merge tapers may be provided at dual carriageway priority junctions with lesser flows and/or lesser
HGV percentages.
NOTE Merge tapers can be particularly useful where there is expected to be a high seasonal use by large or
slow moving vehicles.

Merging tapers widths and length

5.25 Merging tapers shall be formed by a decrease in width from 3.5 metres at the end of the corner radii out
of the minor road.
5.25.1 A traffic island should be provided to segregate the turning traffic from the major road prior to the
commencement of the merging taper.

Figure 5.25.1 Major/minor priority junction with nearside merging taper

5.26 The minimum lengths of the merging tapers shall be as given in Table 5.26.
Table 5.26 Merging taper lengths (on dual carriageways)
Merging length (metres)
Design speed
(kph) Priority junctions where the minor road is not a All other priority
through route. junctions
85 70 90
100 90 110
120 110 130

5.26.1 On dual carriageways with a design speed of 120 kph, the merging taper should be preceded by a 40
metres nose, which has a minimum back of nose width of 2 metres (as indicated on Figure 5.26.1).

CD 123 Revision 0 5. Geometric design of priority junctions

Figure 5.26.1 Major/minor priority junction with nearside merging taper (alternative
for dual carriageway with a design speed of 120 kph)

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

6. Geometric design of major road central treatments

Major road central treatment formation excluding on WS2+1 roads
6.1 Carriageway widening for a central reserve treatment shall be formed using physical islands or islands
defined by road markings.
6.1.1 Central treatments for SLD and ghost islands, on single carriageways, should be developed to their
maximum width using the tapers shown in Table 6.1.1.

Table 6.1.1 Tapers for central islands on single carriageways

Design speed
Taper for ghost island and SLD
50 1:20
60 1:20
70 1:20
85 1:25
100 1:30
120 -

6.1.2 The tapers given in Table 6.1.1 on single carriageway roads, should be developed:

1) symmetrically on straight sections of road;

2) asymmetrically towards the outside of the curve on curved sections of road; and
3) asymmetrically away from the climbing lane on climbing lane sections.
6.1.3 For SLD, the central island should be introduced by means of hatched road markings until there is
sufficient width to safely accommodate the keep left arrow traffic sign (at an appropriate size for the
speed of the road) on the nose of the physical island.
6.1.4 Central treatments for dual carriageways should be developed to their maximum width using the tapers
shown in Table 6.1.4.

Table 6.1.4 Tapers for central islands on dual carriageways

Design speed (kph) Taper for dual carriageways
50 1:40
60 1:40
70 1:40
85 1:45
100 1:50
120 1:55

6.1.5 The maximum island width should continue through the junction to the tangent point of the minor road
radius and the edge of the major road carriageway.

Major road central treatment formation on WS2+1 roads

6.2 On WS2+1 roads where compact grade separation is not provided, central treatments shall be formed
as shown in Figures 6.2 a, b and c.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.2a Formation of conflicting central treatment layout on WS2+1 road

Figure 6.2b Formation of non-conflicting central treatment layout on WS2+1 road

Figure 6.2c Formation of WS2+1 interface central treatment layout on WS2+1 road

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.2d Formation of right-turn at end of overtaking lane section on WS2+1 road

Figure 6.2e Formation of right-turn at start of overtaking lane section on WS2+1


Figure 6.2f Formation of right-turn at start of single lane section on WS2+1 road

NOTE Where a junction is located at the interface between a WS2+1 and a single carriageway, requirements
for the carriageway cross-section transition are provided in TD 70 [Ref 3.N].

Major road central treatment right turning lane length

6.3 For all central treatments, the right turning lane shall be comprised of a turning length, deceleration
length and direct taper length as shown in Figures 6.3a to 6.3e.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.3a Major / minor priority junction with a ghost Island on single carriageway

Figure 6.3b Major / minor priority junction with a up-gradient ghost island on
climbing lane

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.3c Major / minor priority junction with a down-gradient ghost island on
climbing lane

Figure 6.3d Major / minor priority junctions with SLD

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.3e Dual carriageway major / minor priority junction

NOTE In Figures 6.3a to 6.3e the labelled dimensions are as indicated below:

1) a is the turning length (plus the queuing length, if required);

2) b is the deceleration length;
3) c is the through lane width;
4) d is the turning lane width; and,
5) e is the direct taper length.

6.4 The turning length shall be a minimum of 10 metres.

NOTE The turning length is provided to allow long vehicles to position themselves correctly for the right turn.
6.5 Where capacity calculations indicate that for significant periods of time there can be vehicles queuing to
turn right from the major road, the turning length shall be increased to accommodate the forecast
maximum queue length.
6.5.1 Where the turning length has been increased to the forecast queue length at a ghost island, physical
islands should be provided within the hatched areas to provide greater protection to turning traffic.
6.6 For right turning lanes, the direct taper length and the minimum deceleration length shall be provided in
accordance with Table 5.22.

Ghost islands
Through lane widths
6.7 At ghost island junctions on WS2+1 roads, the through lane widths in each direction shall be 3.5
metres, exclusive of hard strips.
6.8 At ghost island junctions on roads other than WS2+1 roads, the through lane widths in each direction
shall be a minimum of 3.0 metres and a maximum of 3.65 metres wide, exclusive of hard strips.
6.8.1 At ghost island junctions on climbing lanes, the through lane widths in each direction should be 3.5
metres, exclusive of hard strips.

Island and right turning lane widths on WS2+1 roads

6.9 The width of the right turning lanes on WS2+1 roads shall be 4.5 metres.
NOTE A width of 4.5 metres is utilised to allow the 3.5 metre central lane width and 1 metre hatching to be
continued through the junction.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Island and right turning lane widths excluding on WS2+1 roads

6.10 The width of the right turning lanes for new junctions, excluding WS2+1, shall be a minimum of 3.0
6.10.1 The width of the right turning lane at new and existing junctions should be 3.5 metres.
6.10.2 On rural roads, with design speeds above 85 kph or where hard strips are present, the width of the right
turning lane at new and existing junctions should not exceed 3.65 metres.
NOTE Lane widths greater than 3.65m are inadvisable because wide ghost islands in these situations create a
sense of space that can encourage hazardous overtaking at junctions.
6.11 The width of the right turning lanes for improvements to existing junctions, where space could be
limited, shall be a minimum of 2.5 metres.
NOTE A narrow right turn lane down to 2.5m wide is only for improvements to existing junctions where space
is limited and it is not possible to widen the carriageway cross section e.g. in urban areas where the
carriageway is bounded by buildings.
6.12 On urban roads the width of the right turning lane shall not exceed 5.0 metres.
NOTE Widths between 3.65m and 5.0m can be used where it is considered necessary to provide a degree of
shelter in the centre of the road for large goods vehicles turning out of the minor road to execute the
turn in two separate manoeuvres.
6.13 At left/right staggered junctions, where the deceleration lengths have the potential to overlap, the width
of the ghost island shall not be increased to make them lie side by side.
6.14 At left/right staggered junctions, where the deceleration lengths have the potential to overlap, the
starting points of the right turn lanes shall be joined by a straight road marking, as shown in Figure 6.14.

Figure 6.14 Ghost island configuration at left/right staggered junction

NOTE At higher design speeds, the full width of the turning lane on the ghost island is not developed until the
end of the diverging section (as shown in Figure 6.14).

SLD and dual carriageway

Through lane widths
6.15 At SLD junctions, the through lane in each direction shall be 4.0 metres wide exclusive of hard strips.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

NOTE A 4.0 metre width of the through lane with hard strips allows traffic to pass a stopped vehicle within the
paved width.
6.16 At dual carriageway junctions the through lane widths shall be the same as those either side of the
NOTE For central reserve openings on dual carriageway, the requirements for the through lane cross-sections
are provided in TD 27 [Ref 1.N].

Island and right turning lane widths

6.17 The width of the central island at the opening adjacent to the minor road, shall be a minimum of 10
metres, including central reserve hard strips.

Figure 6.17 Major/minor priority junctions with SLD

6.17.1 Where use by long vehicles is expected, the width of the central island at the opening adjacent to the
minor road, should be 14.0 metres or 16.5 metres including central reserve hard strips to accommodate
the design vehicle and drawbar trailer vehicle respectively.
6.18 The minimum width of any part of an SLD or central reserve island shall be 3.5 metres.
NOTE The narrowest part of the physical island is usually located at the end of the direct taper, (shown in
Figure 6.17).
6.19 The opening in the central reserve at the opening adjacent to the minor road, shall be 15.0 metres
wide, as shown in Figure 6.17.
6.19.1 Sections in the central reserve opening at SLD and dual carriageway junctions should fall towards
rather than away from the minor road.
NOTE 1 Carriageway falling towards rather than away from a minor road is particularly important where there is
super-elevation across the main carriageway.
NOTE 2 Where the carriageway does not fall towards the minor road at a central reserve opening, drivers can

1) fail to see the full width of the furthest carriageway from their position on the minor road;
2) not immediately appreciate the road they are joining is a dual carriageway (particularly with SLD); or
3) attempt to perform the right turn out of the minor road in one stage (by thinking that the width
available in the central reserve appears insufficient to accommodate waiting vehicles).

6.19.2 The deceleration lengths at left/right staggered junctions on an SLD or dual carriageway may lie side by
6.20 Where deceleration lengths at left/right staggered junctions on an SLD or dual carriageway lie side by
side, a physical island shall be provided to separate them, as illustrated in Figure 6.20.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.20a SLD configuration at left/right staggered junction

Figure 6.20b Dual carriageway configuration at left/right staggered junction

Physical central reserve layout on WS2+1

Through lane widths
6.21 The through lane in each direction shall be 3.5 metres wide with a 1 metre wide nearside hard strip, as
illustrated in Figure 6.21.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.21 Through lane and island widths on dualled sections of WS2+1 roads

NOTE The central reserve is formed by terminating the overtaking lane section prior to the junction, so that
one 3.5 metre lane runs in each direction through the junction.

Central island layout

6.22 The central island shall be introduced by means of hatched road markings over a taper of 130 metres
as illustrated in Figure 6.22.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Figure 6.22 Introduction of dualling at grade separated junctions on WS2+1 roads

6.23 The central island shall be 5 metres wide, made up of a 2 metre physical island and 1.5 metre hard
strips either side.
6.24 The central reserve shall extend a minimum of 50 metres at each end, measured from the end of the
nearside radius of the minor road entry lanes, to prevent right turns.
6.24.1 The central reserve may be extended further than 50 metres at either end to further reduce the risk of
right turns and/or u-turns.

Passing bays
6.25 Dimensions for passing bays shall be based on swept path analysis and the number and size of
vehicles expected to be waiting to turn right at a given time.
NOTE 1 Passing bays allow through vehicles to pass vehicles waiting to turn right in the centre of the major
road, albeit at a reduced speed.
NOTE 2 Figure 6.25N2 and Table 6.25N2 provide typical dimensions for passing bays to accommodate different
combinations of waiting vehicles where the major and minor road are both nominally 7.3m wide.

CD 123 Revision 0 6. Geometric design of major road central treatm...

Table 6.25N2 Geometric parameters for a passing bay

Dimensions (metres)
Expected vehicles
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Car and car 18.8 13.0 10.9 5.0 0.8
Car and HGV 28.7 18.5 15.2 5.0 1.35
HGV and HGV 30.5 33.2 15.2 5.0 2.8

Figure 6.25N2 Passing bay dimensions

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctions

Visibility at signal-controlled junctions
Visibility of signals
7.1 Each traffic lane shall have clear visibility of at least one primary signal associated with its particular
movement, from a distance equivalent to the desirable minimum SSD of the approach road.
7.1.1 Duplicate primary signals should be provided on approaches with a speed of 85 kph or above.
7.2 Visibility to the primary signal shall be in accordance with the TD 9 [Ref 5.N] visibility envelope, but with
the high object height amended to incorporate the signal head where this exceeds 2 metres, as
indicated in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2 Visibility requirements on approach to junction

7.2.1 Where multiple lanes are provided on the approach, a signal-controlled junction may have offside
primary, double-headed or overhead additional signals to ensure visibility of the signals from all lanes.
7.2.2 A minimum of 2 signals should be visible from each approach arm and each stop-line.
NOTE The 2 signals usually comprise a primary and a secondary signal.
7.2.3 Additional signal heads may be provided, where a driver's vision of the signal head could be obscured,
for example, by a lorry in the lane adjacent to the signal.
7.2.4 Where separate signalling of turning movements is employed, a minimum of 2 signals should be visible
from each approach lane associated with each of the turning movements and each associated stop-line.
NOTE Where separate signalling of turning movements is employed, a signal post can then display
information applicable to more than one turning movement.
7.2.5 Primary signal heads should be located a minimum of 1 metre beyond the stop-line.
7.2.6 Primary signal heads should be located in advance of crossing studs or marks if pedestrian facilities
are provided.
7.2.7 At junctions with angled approaches, the secondary signal should be displaced a maximum angle of
30o from the driver's line of forward sight, as indicated in Figure 7.2.7.

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

Figure 7.2.7 Locating secondary signals

7.2.8 The distance between the stop-line and an associated secondary signal should not exceed 50 metres.
7.2.9 Where multi phased signal layouts are provided, an additional secondary signal may be utilised.
NOTE Multi phased signal layouts can result in "see through" where road users (at point X) could be confused
by the signal at the next stop-line (point Y), as indicated in Figure 7.2.9N where a displaced pedestrian
crossing is illustrated. In these situations, an additional secondary signal can aid driver understanding.

Figure 7.2.9N Example of a small signal-controlled T-junction multi-phased signal


7.2.10 The desirable minimum SSD should be provided to the back of the queue.
NOTE The back of the queue could be in excess of the immediate approach to the junction as defined in TD 9
[Ref 5.N].

Junction intervisibility zone

7.3 An intervisibility zone shall be provided that incorporates an area that extends across the full

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

carriageway width of each arm from a distance of 2.5 metres back from each stop line, as indicated in
Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3 Junction Intervisibility Zone (without crossings)

7.4 Where an advance stop-line (ASL) is provided, the intervisibility zone shall be measured from a point
2.5m behind the cyclists' stop-line.
7.4.1 Where a staggered pedestrian crossing is provided, the section of the crossing immediately adjacent to
the junction should be included in the junction intervisibility zone.
NOTE The junction intervisibility zone does not need to be extended to incorporate a crossing facility that is
remote from the junction and operates independently of the junction.
7.5 No substantial fixed obstructions shall be located within the intervisibility zone of new junctions.
NOTE Details of what constitutes a substantial fixed obstruction are provided in TD 9 [Ref 5.N].
7.5.1 No substantial fixed obstructions should be located within the intervisibility zone of existing junctions.

Entry lanes, exit lanes and storage capacity

Lane widths
7.6 Straight ahead lane widths shall be a minimum of:
1) 3.0 metres at new junctions;
2) 2.5 metres at existing junctions where the 85th percentile approach speed exceeds 56 kph (35 mph)
and/or it is necessary to make provision for HGVs; and
3) 2.25 metres at existing junctions where the 85th percentile approach speed does not exceed 56 kph
(35 mph) and it is not necessary to make provision for HGVs.

NOTE Existing junctions can be an existing signal controlled junction or an existing priority junction being
7.6.1 At existing junctions, straight ahead lanes with widths of 2.5 metres or less should only be used where
the provision of them will allow for additional lane(s) to be provided on that particular arm.
7.6.2 At existing junctions, straight ahead lanes should be a minimum of 3.0 metres wide.
7.6.3 Straight ahead lanes should be a maximum of 3.65 metres wide.
7.6.4 A minimum width of 4.0 metres should be provided between physical islands where cyclist demand
indicates a need.

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

7.7 Dedicated lanes for left or right turning traffic shall be a minimum of 3 metres wide.
NOTE 1 Junction capacity can be increased by widening the road in the vicinity of the junction to provide
dedicated left or right turn lanes.
NOTE 2 Vehicles in dedicated turning lanes can often move independently to those in other lanes and therefore
lane widths greater than 3 metres are often necessary to allow for this.
7.8 Dedicated lanes for left turning traffic shall be developed with tapers of 1 in 5, as illustrated in Figure 7.8.

Figure 7.8 Dedicated turning lane arrangement for a left-turn approach lane

7.8.1 On single carriageway roads, right turn entry lanes may be accommodated by the provision of a
hatched island, as illustrated in Figure 7.8.2.
7.8.2 On single carriageway roads, hatched islands for right turn lanes should be developed symmetrically
from the centre line of the road with a minimum taper of 1 in 10 and a direct taper of 7.5 metres, as
illustrated in Figure 7.8.2.

Figure 7.8.2 Right turn lane hatched island layout

Storage length
7.9 The storage length shall be measured from the stop line to the furthest point upstream where the total
number of entry lanes are at full width, as illustrated in Figure 7.8.2.
7.9.1 The storage length of the left and right turn entry lanes should be designed:

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

1) to meet the capacity requirements of the junction;

2) to accommodate the longest queue of stopped traffic (to avoid turning traffic blocking the adjacent
lane); and
3) to avoid traffic being prevented from entering the left or right turn lane where there is a high
proportion of straight ahead traffic queuing in the adjacent lane.

Exit lane continuity

7.10 Where it is necessary to reduce the numbers of lanes on an exit, this shall be carried out on either the
nearside or the offside depending on the prevailing traffic flows on the exit arm.
7.10.1 Where it is necessary to reduce the number of lanes on the exit arm, a single lane should be reduced
over a distance of 100 metres starting at or beyond the limit of the junction intervisibility zone, as
illustrated in Figure 7.10.1.

Figure 7.10.1 Lane continuity through junction intervisibility zone

NOTE The use of lane markings within the junction intervisibility zone, can be beneficial to direct traffic
streams and reduce conflict where entry and exit lane widths vary or the alignment through the junction
is not a direct path.

Other geometrical elements of signal-controlled junctions

Swept path and corner radii
7.11 The design of a signal-controlled junction shall allow for the swept turning paths of the design vehicle
where provision is to be made for large goods vehicles.
7.11.1 The design should incorporate turning radii to cater for the swept paths of the worst case vehicle that
can be reasonably expected to use the junction on a frequent basis.
NOTE The worst case vehicle is the vehicle that has the most onerous swept path.
7.11.2 Where no provision is to be made for large goods vehicles, the minimum corner radii should be the
same as for a priority junctions as given in Section 5.
NOTE 1 Where the layout of a signal controlled junction has not generally be designed to cater for large goods
vehicles, these vehicles can have difficulty in completing a manoeuvre without encroaching into
opposing lanes. In such situations, stop-lines (and crossings if present) can be set back to beyond
where such a conflict would occur. This is illustrated in Figure 7.11.2N1.

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

Figure 7.11.2N1 Setting back stop-lines

NOTE 2 When offsetting stop lines as illustrated in Figure 7.11.2N, care will need to be taken to ensure that the
junction intervisibility zone is maintained.
7.12 Where provision is to be made for large goods vehicles, the values for corner radii and associated
tapers shall be the same as for a priority junction.
7.12.1 Stop-lines on adjacent entry lanes should not be staggered.
NOTE At staggered stop-lines, large goods vehicles in the nearside entry lane can prevent vehicles in the
offside entry lane seeing the nearside primary signal or pedestrians.

Traffic islands (including at left-turn slips)

7.13 The nosing of central reserves and pedestrian refuges shall be set back a minimum distance of 1.5m
from the edge of carriageway of the intersecting road.
7.13.1 Pedestrian crossings and any associated refuges should be located beyond the limits of the junction
radii to minimise crossing distance.
7.14 A minimum clearance of 450mm shall be provided between the edge of carriageway and any street
NOTE It can be necessary to provide additional clearance between the edge of carriageway and any street
furniture where the carriageway crossfall is greater than 2.5%
7.15 Traffic islands shall be provided to separate uncontrolled traffic from controlled traffic where left turn slip
lanes are provided.
7.15.1 Traffic islands may be provided to separate two independently controlled lanes of traffic on the same
7.15.2 Left turn slip lanes may be signal-controlled or uncontrolled.
7.15.3 A left turn slip lane should be provided where:
1) the left turn traffic movement is high;

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

2) left turn manoeuvres for large goods vehicles need to be facilitated;

3) delay for left turn vehicles would otherwise be significant;
4) left turn traffic capacity requirements would extend the green time required for the straight ahead
traffic movement phase.

7.15.4 A single pedestrian crossing route through a signal-controlled junction should not include a mix of
controlled and uncontrolled crossing points.
NOTE 1 Pedestrian crossings at uncontrolled left turn slip lanes can be particularly hazardous due to the
potential for higher traffic speeds at these locations. When deciding to site crossings at uncontrolled left
turn slips, it is important to consider the:

1) visibility levels between pedestrians and approaching traffic; and

2) availability of suitable gaps in traffic flow for pedestrians to cross.
NOTE 2 Further design requirements for pedestrian crossings on segregated left turn lanes are provided in CD
116 [Ref 1.I].
NOTE 3 Traffic islands can assist in providing safe crossings for pedestrians whilst improving traffic capacity by
the incorporation of pedestrian call stages.
NOTE 4 Design requirements for pedestrian refuges are provided in TA 68 [Ref 9.N], TA 90 [Ref 10.N], TA 91
[Ref 7.N] and TD 36 [Ref 8.N].

Right turning traffic movements

7.16 On roads with a design speed of 85 kph or higher, right turning lane(s) shall be separately signalled and
segregated from the adjacent ahead-only lane(s) by a traffic island.
NOTE Where opposing right turn lanes can be aligned directly opposite each other, layouts that encourage
traffic to pass in front rather than behind each other can be used to improve traffic flow. They can also
allow a small number of right turning vehicles to wait within the junction intervisibility zone. This is
illustrated in Figures 7.16Na and 7.16Nb.

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

Figure 7.16Na Aligned non-hooking arrangement

Figure 7.16Nb Offset non-hooking arrangement

CD 123 Revision 0 7. Geometric design of signal-controlled junctio...

7.16.1 The central reserves on the major road may be offset to encourage right turning traffic to pass in front
rather than behind each other. This is illustrated in Figure 7.16Nb.
NOTE The inclusion of a separation island as part of a right turning arrangement that encourages traffic to
pass in front rather than behind each other can be useful to deflect traffic where the two arms are offset
from each other. This is illustrated in Figure 7.16.1N.

Figure 7.16.1N Example of existing signal-controlled junction subject to design


7.16.2 Where the 85th percentile approach speed is greater than 72 kph (45 mph), right-turns should be
separately signalled.
NOTE Where the 85th percentile approach speed is greater than 72 kph (45 mph), there is an increased risk
of accidents between right-turning vehicles seeking gaps and on-coming vehicles travelling at speed.

Location of controller cabinets

7.17 The controller cabinet shall not be situated such that it causes either physical or visual obstruction to
road users and pedestrians.
7.17.1 The controller cabinet should be positioned to allow visibility from the controller cabinet to the signal
head and stop-line for each junction arm.
NOTE Access and parking arrangements for the servicing of the signal equipment form part of the junction
layout design.

CD 123 Revision 0 8. Normative references

8. Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. TD 27, 'Cross-Sections and Headrooms'

Ref 2.N Highways England. IAN 195, 'Cycle Traffic and the Strategic Road Network'
Ref 3.N Highways England. TD 70, 'Design of Wide Single 2+1 Roads'
Ref 4.N Highways England. CD 122, 'Geometric design of grade separated junctions'
Ref 5.N Highways England. TD 9, 'Highway Link Design'
Ref 6.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and
Ref 7.N Highways England. TA 91, 'Provision for Non-Motorised Users'
Ref 8.N Highways England. TD 36, 'Subways for Pedestrians and Pedal Cyclists. Layout and
Dimensions '
Ref 9.N Highways England. TA 68, 'The Assessment and Design of Pedestrian Crossings'
Ref 10.N Highways England. TA 90, 'The Geometric Design of Pedestrian, Cycle and
Equestrian Routes'

CD 123 Revision 0 9. Informative references

9. Informative references
The following documents are informative references for this document and provide supporting

Ref 1.I Highways England. CD 116, 'Geometric design of roundabouts'

Ref 2.I HM Government. 'The Building Regulations 2010, Fire safety, Volume 1
Ref 3.I Highways England. TD 69, 'The Location and Layout of Lay-bys and Rest Areas'

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layouts and impact on

signal operation
A1 Opposing right turns at signal-controlled junctions
Collisions at signal-controlled junctions can occur as a result of conflicts arising from right turning traffic
movements. To mitigate this risk,opposing right turns should run separate phases or with a late start
wherever the signal timings, junction capacity and geometric layout can facilitate this.

A2 Signal-controlled T-junctions
A2.1 Small urban signal controlled T-junction
Figure A.1 illustrates a simple, small urban signal-controlled T-junction, typical of a situation where
available road space is restricted and the usage by large goods vehicles is expected to be low.
For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that the low pedestrian movements combined with the
necessity to provide a right turn from Arm C to Arm B have led to a decision not to provide a pedestrian
crossing on Arm C.
The following specific design features are incorporated into the example:
1) circular corner radii without tapers (no provision for swept paths of large goods vehicles);
2) a 'displaced' pedestrian crossing on Arm B linked to the junction signals; and
3) an in-line pedestrian crossing on Arm A.

Figure A.1 Example of a small signal-controlled T-junction

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

A2.2 Large urban or larger rural signal-controlled T-junction

Figure A.2 indicates an example of a large urban or larger rural signal-controlled T-junction between
two dual carriageways, typical of a situation where available road space is not severely restricted, and
a significant proportion of large goods vehicles is anticipated on all arms. It is assumed that a
pedestrian crossing cannot be provided on Arm A due to localised physical constraints.
The following specific design features are incorporated into the example:
1) signal-controlled left turn slip lanes and separation islands (Arm A to B and B to C);
2) larger corner radii with tapers (provision for swept paths of large goods vehicles);
3) all staggered pedestrian crossings are indicated in the preferred orientation; and
4) road markings provided to channelise traffic.

Figure A.2 Example of a large signal-controlled T-junction

A3 Signal-controlled crossroads
A3.1 Urban signal-controlled crossroads
Figure A.3 illustrates an example of an urban signal-controlled crossroads, typical of a situation where
available road space is restricted but there is sufficient width to provide a localised central reserve on
the major road. The presence of large goods vehicles in significant proportions is not expected and the
major road is an important bus route. The following design features are incorporated into the example:
1) localised widening on the major road to facilitate a staggered pedestrian crossing facility;
2) circular corner radii without tapers (no provision for large goods vehicles); and
3) bus lane discontinued on approach to junction (Arm A).

In Figure A.3, the bus lane has been terminated in advance of the junction intervisibility zone and the
associated pedestrian crossing. In this example, the staggered pedestrian crossing, which is part of the
junction signal operation, is not in the preferred orientation.

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Figure A.3 Example of a signal-controlled crossroads with a staggered pedestrian


A3.2 Complex urban / rural signal-controlled crossroads

Figure A.4 illustrates an example of a larger, more complex urban or rural signal-controlled crossroad
junction between two major dual carriageways. This example is intended to illustrate a situation where,
although available road space is not generally restricted, there are some physical constraints which
impose limitations on the turning provisions, junction intervisibility and the orientation of the staggered
pedestrian crossings. The following design features are incorporated into the example:
1) uncontrolled left turn slip lane (A to B);
2) circular radius without tapers (Arm B to C);
3) controlled left turn slip lane (C to D);
4) left turn ban (Arm D to A);
5) due to the constraints imposed by the separation island, the staggered pedestrian crossing on Arm
C is not the preferred orientation; and
6) the staggered pedestrian crossing on Arm D is in the preferred orientation.
In Figure A.4, the left turn from Arm D to Arm A is prohibited.

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Figure A.4 Example of a large signal-controlled crossroad

A4 Signal-controlled staggered junctions

A4.1 Operation of signal-controlled staggered junctions
A large stagger may result in the need to treat the layout as two separately signal-controlled junctions,
whereas a small stagger, possibly with a banned turn, may allow the junction to be treated as a simple
signal-controlled crossroad. The stagger distances will usually determine the phasing, stages and
timing of the traffic signals.
Where the stagger distance is greater than 250 metres the junctions should normally be considered as
two separate independent signal-controlled T-junctions.
Where the stagger distance is between 75 metres and 250 metres the junctions should normally be
treated as two separate, signal-controlled T-junctions with local linking of the signals to favour the major
flows of traffic through the junction.

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Where the stagger distance is below 75 metres the junction should normally be considered as a single
signal-controlled staggered junction, provided there is sufficient reservoir length.
As the stagger distance reduces below 75 metres, it becomes more difficult to provide for the inner stop
lines, pedestrian crossing facilities and associated signals. The shortest effective reservoir length is 15
metres. With a reservoir length below 15 metres, the junction should be treated as a signal-controlled
crossroad with special account being taken of longer clearance distances.
Staggered signal-controlled junctions with short stagger distances could suffer from junction blocking
due to a limited reservoir length between the two staggered arms.

A4.2 Left/right staggers

Figure A.5 illustrates an example of an urban left/right staggered signal-controlled junction, typical of a
situation where the stagger distance is less than 75 metres, the reservoir length is greater than 15
metres and the presence of large goods vehicles in significant proportions is not expected. The
following design features are incorporated in the example illustrated:
a) two lane approach and departure on all arms;
b) circular corner radii without tapers (no provision for large goods vehicles); and
c) inner stop lines.
A left/right stagger will usually have more onerous signal control due to the greater level of right turn
traffic than a right/left stagger.
If a left/right staggered junction with less than a 75 metre stagger is signal-controlled using a 2-stage
control (i.e. both the staggered arms run together), there will be a conflict as the traffic emerging from
one of the arms turns right across the path of vehicles turning right into the same arm (refer to the
points marked "X" marked Figure A.6). This could be hazardous if there is no intervisibility approaching
the conflict point. Unless these movements are very low in volume and the length of stagger is small, it
is recommended that 3-stage signalling be used with separate stages for each of the staggered

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Figure A.5 Example of a left/right staggered junction

A4.3 Right/left staggers

Figure A.6 illustrates an example of an urban right/left staggered junction, typical of a situation where
the stagger distance is less than 75 metres, the reservoir length is greater than 15 metres and the
presence of large goods vehicles in significant proportions is not expected. The following design
features are incorporated into the example illustrated:

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

1) two lane approach and departure on all arms;

2) circular corner radii without tapers (no provision for large goods vehicles); and
3) inner stop-lines.

With a stagger distance of 75 metres or greater, the inner stop-lines (marked "Y" on Figure A.6) should
be included to eliminate the very long clearance distances and extended inter-green periods which
would otherwise be necessary.
Where a significant volume of pedestrian movement is anticipated, it could be beneficial to provide
pedestrian facilities at each stop-line as illustrated on Arms A, C and D of the lower half of Figure A.6.
Where no pedestrian desire lines exist, and the stagger distance is not great, a reduced number of
pedestrian crossing facilities could be justified, as indicated on Arms B and C of the upper half of Figure
In Figure A.6, the left turn from Arm B to Arm C is prohibited.

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Figure A.6 Example of a right/left staggered junction

A5 Signal-controlled skew junctions

Figure A.7 illustrates an example of an existing urban signal-controlled skew junction between two
single carriageways intersecting at 70 degrees, typical of a situation where available road space is
restricted and the presence of large goods vehicles in significant proportions is not expected. The
following specific design features are incorporated into the example:

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

a) single lane approach and departure on all arms;

b) circular corner radii without tapers (no provision for large goods vehicles);
c) a simple left turn slip lane and priority junction (Arm D to A); and
d) left turn movements from Arm B to C are prohibited due to the tight corner radius.
Where the roads intersect at angles other than 90 degrees, the following problems can be encountered:

1) priority might not be obvious to drivers;

2) intervisibility could be adversely effected;
3) the possibility of high speed turning movements on the obtuse angles of the junction;
4) difficultly for drivers to turn around the acute angles of the junction (particularly those of larger
vehicles); and
5) difficulty in locating secondary signals..

Turning radii can be improved by the introduction of left turn slip lanes. It may also be beneficial to set
stop-lines back by a reasonable distance to accommodate the junction corner radii, any left turn slip
lanes and to assist in locating secondary signals.
In Figure A.7, the left left turn from Arm B to Arm C is prohibited.

Figure A.7 Example of a signal-controlled skew junction

A6 Signal-controlled junctions on one-way roads

Figure A.8 illustrates an example of a signal-controlled junction between two one-way roads (Arms A
and B) and a two-way road (Arm C) incorporating a traffic island and pedestrian crossing facilities.

CD 123 Revision 0 Appendix A. Examples of signal-controlled junction layout...

Figure A.8 Example of signal-controlled junction on one-way roads

A7 Signal-controlled junctions with more than four arms

When signal-controlled junctions have more than 4 arms, efficient signalling is difficult to design. The
banning of one or more right turns or directing traffic away from the junction will assist in alleviating
these difficulties.

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