Economic Development MCQS PDF
Economic Development MCQS PDF
Economic Development MCQS PDF
5. The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) combines three indicators. They are
a. infant mortality, life expectancy and adult literacy rate.
b. crime rate, clean environment and quality of housing.
c. air pollution rate, water pollution rate and sanitation.
d. health, education and environment.
Answer: C
6. Infant mortality
a. is defined as the annual number of deaths of infant under 1 year old per 1,000
live births.
b. reflects the availability of primary education, the rights of employment and
social security.
c. is life expectancy up to age 3.
d. reflects the availability of hospitals and childcare facilities, and the parents’
Answer: C
7. The Human Development Index (HDI) summarizes a great deal of social performance in
a single composite index, combining
a. disparity reduction rate, human resource development rate and the composite
b. longevity, education and living standard.
c. minimum schooling, adult literacy and tertiary educational attainment.
d. human resource training, development and R&D.
Answer: A
10. As economic development proceeds, income inequality tends to follow a(n) __________
a. convex.
b. inverted U-shaped.
c. L-shaped.
d. S-Shaped.
Answer: B
11. According to Lewis’s model, the dual economy grows only when
a. the modern sector increases its output share relative to the traditional sector.
b. agricultural sector uses modern equipment.
c. agricultural sector hires labor economically.
d. modern manufacturing sector is labor-intensive.
Answer: D
25. The _______________ is the ratio of the non-working population (under 15 years old and
over 64 years old) to the working-age population.
a. labor force participation rate.
b. per capita population ratio.
c. population transition.
d. dependency ratio.
Answer: D
29. The development of high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of wheat and rice is known as
a. the agribusiness revolution.
b. farming system theory.
c. the Green Revolution.
d. agri-R&D.
Answer: C
34. The emigration of highly-skilled people from the developing countries is known as
a. the brain drain.
b. human capital deterioration.
c. productivity.
d. labor degradation.
Answer: B
35. Which of the following was a socialist country?
I Holland.
II Soviet Union.
III China.
IV India
a. I and II only.
b. II and III only.
c. III and IV only.
d. I and IV only.
Answer: B
36. Joseph Schumpeter is the exceptional economist who links the entrepreneur to
a. oligopolistic capitalism.
b. resource management.
c. innovation.
d. land and labor.
Answer: C
37. Progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs is
a. the tragedy of commons.
b. sustainable development.
c. net primary productivity (NPP).
d. the impossibility theorem.
Answer: B
38. Many environmental resources are public goods, which are characterized by
a. rivalry and exclusion in consumption.
b. nonrivalry and non-exclusion in consumption.
c. rivalry but non exclusion in production.
d. nonrivalry but exclusion in usage.
Answer: B
43. If people with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of income in taxes, the income tax
structure is
a. progressive.
b. regressive.
c. value-added taxes (VAT).
d. excise taxes.
Answer: A
44. When the financial system lacks the capability of making judgements about investment
opportunities due to asymmetric information, leading to potentially bad credit risks lending is
subject to
a. adverse selection.
b. moral hazard.
c. social goods.
d. hyperinflation.
Answer: A
45. An annual summary of a country's international economic and financial transactions is
a. the capital account.
b. the international balance of payments statement.
c. the long term current account.
d. the trade account.
Answer: B
a) The CPI
b) The CBI
c) GDP
d) MPC
Answer: C
48. In a boom:
52. Most of the underdeveloped economies suffer from ____ which do not let the rate of
growth go up from a lower level.
a. High population pressures
b. High infant mortality
c. Hugh monetary mismanagement
d. High level of technological unemployment
Answer: A
59. How many stages of economic growth were defined and analysed by Rostow which all
economies are supposed to pass through in the course of their development?
a. Seven
b. Five
c. Four
d. Three
Answer: B
61. Which growth model inspired the use of capital-output ratio for development planning?
a. The Harrod-Domar model
b. Solow's model
c. Kaldor's model
d. Feldman's model
Answer: A
62. As an aid to development planning, much use is being made today of the input-output
analysis. Who first used it?
a. H. Liebenstein
b. W.W.Leontief
c. W.A.Lewis
d. A.O.Hirshman
Answer: B
64. Development with unlimited supplies of labour hypothesis was formulated by:
a. Gustav Ranis
b. W.A.Lewis
c. R. Nurkse
d. J.Schumpeter
Answer: B
67. Which one of the following was given a central place by Schumpeter in his theory of
a. Capital accumulation
b. Role of the Government
c. Need for balanced growth
d. Role of innovations
Answer: D
68. With which of the following kinds of dualism is H. Myint particularly associated with?
a. Technological dualism
b. Geographical dualism
c. Financial dualism
d. Social dualism
Answer: C
69. The second stage of the theory of demographic transition is characterised by:
a. High birth-rate and high death rate
b. High birth-rate and falling death-rate
c. Low birth-rate and low death-rate
d. Falling birth-rate and falling death-rate
Answer: B
70. Which of the following models makes the assumption of constant saving-income ratio?
a. Kaldor model
b. Leontief model
c. Harrod-Domar model
d. Joan Robinson model
Answer: C
71. Identify the model which is concerned with the 'golden age' equilibrium:
a. Kaldor model
b. Joan Robinson model
c. Keynesian model
d. Domar model
Answer: B
73. Marx refers to the concept of organic composition of capital. Which of the following ratios
stands for this capital? Constant capital = C; Variable capital = V; Surplus value = S
a. C/(V+S)
b. C/V
c. C/(C+V)
d. (C+V)/V
Answer: A
74. Marx had given a concept of unemployment in the context of the capitalist system which
keeps wages down or prevents wages from rising even as demand for labour increases. What is
that concept called?
a. Surplus labour
b. Reserve army of labour
c. Under employment
d. Disguised unemployment
Answer: B
76. Which of the following is not part of the Human Development Index?
a. infant mortality
b. life expectancy
c. educational attainment
d. GDP per capita
Answer: A
77. The number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births is the:
79. A graphical technique that can be used to show the degree of inequality that exists between
two variables is the:
a. Lorenz curve
b. median-line bar graph
c. Kuznets curve
d. semantic differential profile
Answer: A
80. The People’s Campaign for Decentralised Planning was launched in 1996 in the Indian
state of:
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Bihar
c. Karnataka
d. Kerala
Answer: D
85. Scarcity of capital , technological backwardness and unemployment are generally found in
a. Developed countries
b. Underdeveloped countries
c. Both
d. None of the above
Answer: B
87. Capital formation in underdeveloped countries is a major bottleneck. The reason can be
a. I only
b. ii only
c. both
d. none
Answer: C
89. Which of the following about strategy of balanced growth is right?
a. Morris D Morris
b. UNO
d. Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Answer: A
a. Morris D Morris
b. Adam Smith
c. Keynes
d. Mahbub Ul Haq
Answer: D
a. Health
b. Education
c. Occupation
d. Standard of living
Answer: C
a. Electricity
b. Nutrition
c. Cooking fuel
d. Profession
Answer: D
a. Population growth
b. Capital formation
c. Technical progress in the global economy
d. All the above
Answer: D
a. Boom
b. Recession
c. Depression
d. Recovery
Answer: B
a. Equal opportunities
b. Financial inclusion
c. equity
d. all the above
Answer: D
a. Existence of capitalism
b. Privatization, liberalization and globalization
c. Existence of both public and private sectors
d. Growing crops along with rearing animals
Answer: C
106. Arrange in the right order the contribution of sectors to the GDP from highest to lowest.
108. The net value of GDP after deducting depreciation from GDP is
111. Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
112. As defined by the 1987 UN World Commission on Environment and Development, which
of the following best describes sustainable development?
a. Health level
b. Education level
c. Living standards
114. Which of the following describes why income inequality is bad for economic
a. Income inequality may threaten political stability, because people are dissatisfied with
their economic situation and place blame on political authorities.
b. Income inequality reduces the pool of people with resources, such as education, to
improve productivity.
c. Income inequality may increase distrust and deter commitment amongst people in the
marketplace, making contracts enforcement difficult.
d. All of these answers
Answer: D
a. Economic growth
b. Reduction of poverty
116. According to the Romer model, if the stock of ideas increases by 15 %, by how much will
output per worker increase, when all else is equal?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
Answer: C
117. Complete the following sentence. Marx believed that economic development should be
led by:
a. religious leaders.
b. capitalists.
c. individual entrepreneurs .
d. the state.
Answer: D
118. Complete the following sentence. The Romer model falls into a class of growth models in
which the key determinants of economic growth are.
120. For neo-classical theorists, economic under-development is the product of which of the
a. Inappropriate economic policies and too much state interference in the economy
b. Barriers against free trade
c. Low prices for raw materials
d. Both A and B
Answer: D
121. For Rostow, which of the following constitute pre-conditions for take-off?
122. In the Lewis model, what does the term “surplus labor” refer to?
a. An amount of labor that is so high that it deflates wages throughout the economy
b. Labor that does not have at least a primary level education
c. Labor that can be withdrawn from the low productivity agricultural sector without a
decrease in the total production
d. Labor that is exploited by the capitalist class
Answer: C
123. In the Lewis model, what will cause an expansion in modern sector employment?
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: A
131. Which of the following are not correct assessments of the decades of India's
Five-Year Plans?
1. There has been very low capital formation
2. Growth has favoured the better off
3. Production has increased substantially though often falling short of targets
4. The public sector has contributed nothing to economic growth
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 3 and 4
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: B
(c) 4 3 1 2
A B C D (d) 3 4 2 1
(a) 4 3 2 1
Answer: B
(b) 3 4 1 2
140. The dependency burden is
a. a measure of the degree to which the less developed countries are dependent on the rich
industrial countries.
b. the average number of children that a woman gives birth to during her lifetime.
c. the number of babies born per 1000 persons.
d. the percent of the population that is below 15 and above 65 years of age.
Answer: D
141. Which of the following is not an indicator that is used to compute the Human Development
a. life expectancy at birth.
b. real GDP per capita.
c. infant mortality rate.
d. adult literacy rate.
Answer: C
Answer: C
144.Who among the following have been the Union Finance Ministers of India?
1. P Chidambaram
2. Dr Manmohan Singh
3. Y. Y Reddy
4. Pranab Mukherjee
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, and 4
145.Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the decreasing order of production
(in million tonnes) of the given food grains in India?
(a) Wheat - Rice – Pulses - Coarse cereals
(b) Rice – Wheat - cereals
(c) Wheat - Rice - Coarse cereals - Pulses
(d) Rice - Wheat - Coarse cereals – Pulses
Answer: D
146.Many a times we read about the priority sector in newspapers. Which of the following
is/are considered segment(s) of Priority Sector in India?
(1) Agriculture
(2) Small Scale Industries
(3) Textile industry
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) 1&2
(D) 2&3
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: B
149.The book Wealth of Nations' was written by:
(a) Eric Roll
(b) J.M. Keynes
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Harold Laski
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
154. What is Green Gold?
(a) Tea
(b) Coffee
(c) Gold
(d) Rice
Answer: A
155. What percentage of country's demand for natural rubber is met by indigenous
(a) 80%
(b) 97%
(c) 86%
(d) 100%
Answer: C
156. Buffer stocks of foodgrains have helped the Government to achieve all but one of the
(a) solve food problem
(b) maintain Public Distribution System
(c) implement employment generation programmes
(d) provide balanced diet to masses
Answer: C
157. India is said to be in the second stage of the demographic transition because:
a) birth rate is high but -death rate is declining due to improvement in healthy services
b) death rates and birth rates are declining sharply
c) none of the above
d) both birth and death rates are high
Answer: A
158. Which arrangement of the following would show the correct sequence of
demographic transition as typically associated with economic development?
i. Low birth rate with low death rate
ii. high birth rate with low death rate
iii. high birth rate with high death rate
(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 1, 3, 2
(c) 3,2, 1
(d) 2, 1, 3
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: D
161. Which of the following is/are commodity/ies on which subsidy is given to farmers/poor
in India?
1. Fertilizer
2. Kerosene
3. LPG
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Only C
d) A, B and C
Answer: D
162. NITI in the NITI Aayog stands for
a. National Institution for Transferring India
b. National Institution for Transforming India
c. National Income for Transferring India
d. National Institution for Travelling India
Answer: B
Answer: A
165. Dadabhai Naoroji theorised on the drain of wealth from India in his book:
a. Poverty under British Rule in India
b. Poverty in British Rule in India
c. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
d. Poverty of Economic Drain in British India
Answer: C
166. Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the decreasing order of
contribution of different sectors to the Gross Domestic Product of India ?
a. Services-Industry-Agriculture
b. Services-Agriculture-Industry
c. Industry-Services-Agriculture
d. Industry-Agriculture-Services
Answer: A
Answer: B
168. Which three of the following nationalized banks have been merged recently
a. New Bank of India and Bank of India and SBI
b. Central Bank of India and Corporation Bank and Bank of Baroda
c. Karur Bank and Bank of India and Vijaya Bank
d. Bank of baroda and Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank
Answer: D
Answer: B
170. The functions of the Reserve Bank of India are:
1. issuing all notes and coins
Answer: A
171. 'Repo rate' is the rate at which:
a. the Reserve Bank of India lends to State Government
b. the international aid agencies lend to Reserve Bank of India
c. the Reserve Bank of India lends to banks
d. the banks lend to Reserve Bank of India
Answer: C
172. The Securities and Exchange Board of India has been set up to :
1. Protect the interests of investors
2. To regulate the activities of brokers in the stock market
3. to ensure transparency in operation in the stock market.
4. to encourage a healthy growth of the stock market
Choose your answer from:
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: D
173. Which among the following is the oldest Development Financial Institution of India?
a. UTI
Answer: D
174. Which major Indian financial institution has above 50 percent ownership of IDBI
a. UTI
b. LIC
Answer: B
175. Which one of the following Indian banks is not a nationalized bank?
a. Corporation Bank
b. Dena Bank
c. Federal bank
d. Vijaya Bank
Answer: C
176. Which of the following is the 'informal route' of credit in financial sector?
a. Credit cards
b. Loan against gold from financial institute
c. Debit cards
d. Money lender
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: B
181. Since 1951, in India:
a. national income has increased but per capita income has decreased
b. national and per capita incomes have both increased fast
c. national income has increased and per capita income has also increased but at a slower
d. national income and per capita income have increased every year
Answer: C
Answer: C
183. The prices at which the government purchases food grains for maintaining the public
distribution system and for building up buffer stocks are known as :
a. Minimum Support Prices
b. Procurement Prices
b) Issue Prices
c) Ceiling Prices
Answer: A
Answer: A
186. Which of the following are the main causes of slow rate of growth of per capita
income in India?
1)High capital-output ratio
2)High rate of growth of population
3)High rate of capital formation
4)High level of fiscal deficits
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 1, 2, and 4
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
191. Among the structural changes which of the following is not wholly welcome?
a. Increase in the share of construction in the GNP
b. Relative contribution of agriculture to our GNP is declining
c. Marked improvement in the contribution of manufacturing to the GNP
d. Substantial increase in the percentage contribution of public administration and defence to
Answer: B
Answer: B
194. Gross National Income is always more than Net National Income because it includes:
(a) foreign income
(b) capital consumption allowance
(c) indirect taxes
(d) direct taxes
Answer: B
Answer: A
197.National income calculated at current prices in India has shown a tendency to rise at a
faster rate than national income at constant prices. This is because:
a. India's population has been rising fast
b. General price level in the economy has been rising rapidly
c. Statistically manipulations are employed by the Planning
d. Base year chosen is an abnormal year
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: C