An Overview of The Kjeldahl

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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry

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An Overview of the Kjeldahl Method of Nitrogen

Determination. Part I. Early History, Chemistry of the
Procedure, and Titrimetric Finish
a b a
Purificación Sáez-Plaza , Tadeusz Michałowski , María José Navas , Agustín García
a b
Asuero & Sławomir Wybraniec
Department of Analytical Chemistry , The University of Seville , Seville , Spain
Faculty of Engineering and Chemical Technology , Technical University of Cracow ,
Crakow , Poland
Published online: 23 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Purificacin Sez-Plaza , Tadeusz Michaowski , Mara Jos Navas , Agustn Garca Asuero & Sawomir Wybraniec
(2013) An Overview of the Kjeldahl Method of Nitrogen Determination. Part I. Early History, Chemistry of the Procedure, and
Titrimetric Finish, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 43:4, 178-223, DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2012.751786

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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 43:178–223, 2013
Copyright c Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1040-8347 print / 1547-6510 online
DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2012.751786

An Overview of the Kjeldahl Method of Nitrogen

Determination. Part I. Early History, Chemistry
of the Procedure, and Titrimetric Finish
Purificación Sáez-Plaza,1 Tadeusz Michałowski,2 Marı́a José Navas,1
Agustı́n Garcı́a Asuero,1 and Sławomir Wybraniec2
Department of Analytical Chemistry, The University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Faculty of Engineering and Chemical Technology, Technical University of Cracow, Crakow, Poland

In 1883 Kjeldahl devised a method for the determination of nitrogen, which has become a
classical measurement in analytical chemistry and has been used extensively over the past
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130 years. In the original method, sulfuric acid alone was used as a digestion medium. The
use of a catalyst in Kjeldahl digestion accelerates oxidation and completes the digestion to
allow the subsequent determination of nitrogen. Mercury (its use being in decline because of
environmental concerns), selenium, and copper are the catalysts of choice, though for certain
applications titanium has found some usage. Short digestion times in association with maximum
nitrogen recovery may be achieved by using a methodology based on experimental design and
response surfaces, with microwave digestion processes, and with the aid of the couple sulfuric
acid-hydrogen peroxide without catalyst. The quantification of distilled ammonia is generally
achieved by titration; the ammonia is absorbed in an excess of boric acid, followed by titration
with standard acid in the presence of a suitable indicator. The Kjeldahl method can be done with
limited resources; nitrogen determination with the Kjeldahl method does not require expensive
devices nor specialized techniques and is precise and accurate. The Kjeldahl method is used
for calibrating other protein assays; it is still the primary reference method for protein analysis
today. The original method as presented by Kjeldahl has been continuously improved. Today’s
digestion systems offer safety both from a personal perspective and from an environmental point
of view. The determination of nitrogen content is a frequently conducted analysis in industry
and commerce, and numerous organizations have official methods. The use of instrumental
finish in Kjeldhal applications will be the subject of the second part of this review.

Keywords Kjeldahl method, early history, chemistry, microwave digestion, titrimetric finish

INTRODUCTION 1983, Veibel, 1949). Within the same year, the method was
Nearly 130 years ago, the Danish chemist Johan Gustav published in the German journal Zeitschrift für Analytische
Christoffer Thorsager Kjeldahl, Head of Chemistry Department Chemie (Kjeldahl, 1883a), and written in French and Danish
of the Carlsberg Foundation Laboratory of the Danish Brewing languages in communications from the Carlsberg Laboratory
Carlsberg Company, introduced a method known later under the (Holter and Møller, 1976; Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1883c; Ottesen,
eponym the Kjeldahl method that basically is still in use. It was 1983). Because of the respect that the founder of the laboratory,
first made public at a meeting of the Danish Chemical Society the Danish brewer J. C. Jacobsen, had for Pasteur and his
(Kemisk Forening) held on March 7, 1883 (Burns, 1984; work for the French wine industry (Burns, 1984), extensive
Johannsen, 1900; McKenzie, 1994; Oesper, 1934;Ottensen, French summaries of the Carlsberg papers were also published.
As an extended summary of the Kjeldahl paper appeared in
This work was supported by the Junta de Andalucı́a (Spain), through Chemical News in August (Kjeldahl, 1883d), the method was
grant excellence research project P06-FQM-02029, for which the au- quickly taken up (Sella, 2008). The Analyst first gave details
thors are grateful. Grateful thanks are also due to Drs. Marı́a Teresa of the method in 1885 “for the benefit of those who may have
Morales Millán and Diego Luis Garcı́a González for providing us with missed the original paper” (Burns, 1984; Editor of The Analyst,
the literature concerning JAOAC.
Address correspondence to Agustı́n G. Asuero, Dept. of Analyti-
1885, p. 127), although the method had been briefly mentioned
cal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Seville 41012, by Blyth (1884), who gave Kjeldahl’s name incorrectly as
Seville, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Vijeldahl. A surprisingly short period went by between the

publication of the Kjeldahl method and the appearance of et al., 2007; Salo-Väänanen and Koivistoinen, 1996). A fun-
publications effecting further improvements (Dyer, 1895; damental change in milk pricing in the U.S. was introduced
Hepburn, 1908; Kebler, 1891; Vickery, 1946a), both in Europe January 1, 2000 with the implementation of producer payments
and the U.S.,due to the tremendous impact that the Kjeldahl in Federal Milk Marketing orders on the basis of the true protein
work had on others, especially in Germany (McKenzie, 1994). content (American Jersey Cattle Association, n.d.; Stephenson
Most of the earlier contributions were discussed by Fresenius et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2010).
in the Zeitschrift, often to a length of several pages (Vickery, The protein content in a foodstuff is estimated by multi-
1946a). Throughout the history of analytical chemistry, none of plying the nitrogen content by a nitrogen-to-protein conversion
the methods has been as widely adopted, in so short a time, as factor, usually set at 6.25 (Comprehensive Review of Scientific
the “Kjeldahl Method” for the estimation of nitrogen, as stated Literature . . . , 2006; Mariotti et al., 2008), which assumes
by Kebler (1891) at the beginning of an annotation in which he the nitrogen content of proteins to be 16%. It is not clear who
compiled references on the estimation of nitrogen by the Kjel- first reported such a factor for use (Moore et al., 2010). This
dahl method (some 60) and by all other methods (about 200). general conversion factor is used for most foods because their
The Kjeldahl method was originally designed for the brew- non-protein content is negligible. However, pure proteins dif-
ing industry as an aid in following protein changes in grain fer in terms of their nitrogen content because of differences in
during germination and fermentation (Bradstreet, 1940; Kjel- their amino acid composition, ranging from 13.4% to 19.3%;
dahl, 1883b); the lower the amount of protein in the mush, different multiplying factors are suitable for samples of differ-
the higher the volume of beer produced. It was Berzelius who ent kinds. The factor 5.7 is applied for wheat and 6.38 for dairy
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suggested the use of the word “protein” in 1838 in a letter to products (O’Sullivan et al., 1999) and 6.394 ± 0.004 for cheddar
Mulder because it was derived from the Greek word meaning cheese, as shown recently (Rouch et al., 2008). The proximate
“to be in the first place” (Zelitch, 1985). The Kjeldahl pro- system where protein is measured as total nitrogen multiplied
tein content is strictly dependent on total organic nitrogen con- by a specific factor clearly dominates food composition stud-
tent (Wong et al., n.d.); i.e., protein structure will not inter- ies (Greenfield and Southgate, 2003). As a matter of fact, most
fere with the accuracy of protein determination. The Kjeldahl cited values for protein in food composition databases derive
method lack of analytical selectivity because do not distinguish from total nitrogen or total organic nitrogen values.
protein-based nitrogen from nonprotein nitrogen. Adulteration A large variety of food proteins, either from animals (milk,
incidents (e.g., adulteration of protein-based foods with mela- meat, eggs, blood, fish) or plants (seeds, cereals), is nowadays
nine and related nonprotein compounds) exploiting this analyt- available in the food industry. The determination of protein in
ical vulnerability have been recently detected (Breidbach et al., foods and food products has important nutritional, functional,
2010; Levinson and Gilbride, 2011; Moore et al., 2010; Tyan and technological significance (Van Camp and Huyghebaert,
et al., 2009) and are new examples of a problem that dates 1996). The protein content determines the market value (Krotz
back to before the Kjeldahl method was introduced (Möller, et al., 2008; Wiles et al., 1998) of major agricultural commodi-
2010a). ties (cereal grains, legumes, flour, oilseeds, milk, and livestock
The presence of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) compounds in feeds). In addition, the quantitative analysis of protein con-
foods (aminoacids, ammonia, urea, trimethylamine oxide) over- tent is necessary for quality control, and also a prerequisite for
estimates their true protein content (Möller, 2010a; van Camp accurate food labeling (Owusu-Apenten, 2002). Protein anal-
and Huyghebaert, 1996; Yuan et al., 2010) as derived from ysis is required for a very wide range of animal and human
the current nitrogen determination methods. Separation of NPN nutrition products. Consumer interest in soy protein products
from true protein nitrogen may be carried out by adding a protein has increased rapidly in Western cultures in recent years. This
precipitating agent such as trichloroacetic acid or perchloric acid trend is due in part to the high-quality protein of soy foods and
(Rowland, 1938a, 1938b). The process conditions applied dur- soy protein ingredients and in part to their associated health
ing protein precipitation, however, affect the composition and benefits (Jung et al., 2003); 25 g of soy protein per day may
the amount of NPN, so it is mandatory to specify the type and improve cardiovascular health (U. S. Food and Drug Admin-
concentration of precipitating agents used in each case. Alter- istration, 1999). Consequently, precise determinations of pro-
native techniques such as dialysis and gel filtration are probably tein content of soy products are very important. Total nitrogen
more accurate in removing the NPN fraction (van Camp and concentration in soils is one of the most frequently measured
Huyghebaert, 1996), but they remain unacceptable for routine nutrients in soil-testing laboratories (Sharifi et al., 2009). De-
analysis. Reviews of NPN determination methods in cow milk, termination of nitrogen content plays a key role in assigning
and on aspects concerning the composition of NPN fraction, are values to insulin reference materials (Anglow et al., 1999). Pri-
given by Wolfschoon-Pombo and Klostermeyer (1981, 1982). marily devised for the determination of protein nitrogen, the
The Kjeldahl method measures what is termed total protein Kjeldahl method has been extended to include the determination
(American Jersey Cattle Association, n.d.). The alternative use of various other forms of nitrogen, e.g., in soils, plant materi-
of true protein (total nitrogen minus the NPN) has been under als, biological tissues, and wastewater matrices (Chemat et al.,
debate for some years (Grappin, 1992; Harding, 1992; Rouch 1998).

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements for plant necessarily to determine the purity and/or adulteration of food
nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to apply reliable methods products. Colorimetric methods of protein determination be-
for N determination in soils. Total nitrogen determination has came available at the beginning of the past century and since then
been applied for geochemical, biochemical, and biogeochemi- have been further developed for the analysis of protein in foods
cal studies of this element in soils, sediments, and sedimentary and food products (van Camp and Dierckx, 2004). In spite of the
rocks. Nitrogen determination is also very important for bio- large number of techniques available for the quantification of
sphere functioning and evolution forecasting studies (Pontes total protein, only a few of them seem to be of interest for protein
et al., 2009). Organic nitrogenous substances in surface waters quantification in food products of different types (e.g., Kjeldahl,
arise mainly from animal and vegetable proteins and from syn- colorimetry, and infrared (IR) spectroscopy). The Kjeldahl, bi-
thetic organic compounds used in agricultural practices or used uret, and dye-binding procedures (Ji, 2011; Li, 2006; Moser and
as dyes in various manufactures (Davi et al., 1993). Nitrogen is Herman, 2011; Sherbon, 1974; Weaver et al., 1977) are classical
one of the specifications in the quality control of nuclear fuels methods that remain important in modern food protein analysis.
(Verma et al., 2007). Ammonium is one of the most widely used The Lowry method is more frequently applied in biochemical
industrial chemicals. It found used as fertilizer (either pure or research than in food analysis, but can be of importance for
as its derivatives) and for the synthesis of fibers, explosives, specific applications where high sensitivity is required. UV ab-
plastics, and animal foods (Meseguer-Lloret et al., 2005). It is sorption (Rukke et al., 2010) is particularly suited when used
also used as a food additive, in insecticides, in the manufacture in combination with a chromatographic separation technique,
of household detergents and cleaners, and as a major commer- while IR spectrophotometry has become increasingly important
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cial refrigerant (Meseguer-Lloret et al., 2005). The ammonia during the past few years as a fast and nondestructive method for
concentration in water systems is regulated by legislation to the quantification of total protein (Rayment et al., 2012; Santos,
guarantee the quality of the water supplied for human consump- 2012) in food products. The best technique for precise determi-
tion; its maximum content is limited to 0.5 to 2 mg/L when nation of plant protein in plant materials is aminoacid analysis
expressed as total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). (Khanizadeh et al., 1995), given the small amount of protein
Table 1 gives the chemical methods most commonly used present and the existence of many interfering substances.
in protein determination. Some of the most significant methods For most methods of protein determination, proteins have
(Dumas, Kjeldahl, and biuret assay) date from the late 1800s, to be solubilized in order to be determined. An exception to
alhough other analytical methodologies for total protein deter- this rule is given by the Kjeldahl method and by near-infrared
mination have been developed since then, relying on methods (NIR) reflection spectrophotometry, which allow the analysis of
taken from biochemistry, biology, and proteomics. Most of these insoluble and eventually almost intact food samples. The use
methods have been developed to address research needs and not of NIR reflectance spectrophotometry for the quantification of

Methods for Food Protein Analysis

Technique/eponym Reference

Dumas method Dumas, 1831; Tronimsdorff, 1832

Nessler reagent Rammelsberg, 1843; Nessler, 1856a, 1956b
Biuret method Wiedemann, 1849; Riegler, 1914; Gornall et al., 1949
Berthelot’s method (alkali-phenol reagent) Berthelot, 1859; Searle, 1984
Kjeldahl method Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1883d
Folin-Ciocalteu Folin and Ciocalteu, 1927
Dye binding Fraenkel-Conrat and Cooper, 1944
Lowry method Wu, 1922; Lowry et al., 1951; Peterson, 1979; Legler et al., 1985
Direct alkaline distillation Developed 1960; Owusu-Apenten, 2002
NIR (near-infrared reflectance) Developed 1960; Owusu-Apenten, 2002
Modified Berthelot reaction 1971; Searle, 1984
Modified Lowry method Chandrarajan and Klein, 1975; Peterson, 1979
Bradford method (Coomassie blue dye-binding method) Bradford, 1976; Compton and Jones, 1985
BCA (bicinchoninic acid method) Smith et al., 1985
3-(4-Carboxy benzyl)quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde You et al., 1997
Some key references: Chen (2000), Khanizadeh et al. (1995), Leca-Bouvier and Blum (2005), Möller (2010a), Moore et al. (2010), Noble and
Bailey (2009), Owusu-Apenten (2002), Roberts and Jones (2008), Sapan et al. (1999), Searle (1984), Simonian and Smith (2006), Wallace and
Fox (1998).

protein in cereals was first reported by Norris, who observed published (Belcher, 1976; Burns, 1984). Some review articles
that cereal grains exhibit specific absorption bands in the NIR on this subject have been published from time to time (Table 3).
region (Ben-Gera and Norris, 1968; Williams, 1974; Williams An excellent book reviewing the Kjeldahl method for total
and Norris, 1978) and suggested that NIR instruments could be organic nitrogen was written by Bradstreet (1965). Because
used to measure grain protein, oil, and moisture. He invented a it is impossible to review all the articles that have appeared
moisture meter based on the NIR principle (Norris, 1964). since then dealing with the Kjeldahl procedure, only the most
However, despite the many methods proposed for protein important ones, in the authors’ opinion, shall be mentioned.
determination in food samples, sample digestion by Kjeldahl’s W. Johannsen (1857–1927), a pharmacist, wrote a Kjeldahl
procedure is still the most frequently used one (Möller, 2009). obituary, first published in German (Johannsen, 1900) and then
Notwithstanding, some requests for environmentally friendly translated into French (Johannsen, 1903) and English (Holter
analytical processes (e.g., green methods) cannot be met by and Møller, 1976). Johannsen, one of the founders of the
the conventional Kjeldahl method, since, for instance, sample science of genetics, was in his beginnings an assistant in the
preparation needs a metal or metalloid catalyst (Hg, Se, or Cu). chemistry department at the Carlsberg Laboratory under the
This fact has contributed to the breakthrough of the Dumas com- chemist Johan Kjeldahl and is well known as the scientist who
bustion method and NIR methods at the turn of 1980s and 1990s. coined the term gene in 1909 (Dunn, 1971; Wilhelm Johannsen,
Modifications of the original Kjeldahl method have increased n.d.). Oesper (1934), Veibel (1949), Szabadváry (1973, 1992),
its versatility, so that analyses of many different sample types Ottesen (1983), Burns (1984), Pérez-Bustamante (2000), and
can now be accomplished (AOAC, 2011; Moore et al., 2010; Sella (2008) have given accounts of the life of Kjeldahl. He was
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Persson et al., 2008). Alhough there are several experimental elected to membership in the scientific academies of Denmark
approaches to evaluating nitrogen content in different kinds of and Christiania and received an honorary doctorate from
samples, the Kjeldahl method still remains the reference method the University of Copenhagen (Burns, 1984; Oesper, 1934).
(Bravo et al., 2009; Lynch and Barbano, 1999), really being the Kjeldahl (like Nessler) has been turned into a verb, an honor
“gold standard” for validating other quantifying methodologies not usually accorded to a chemist (Veibel, 1949). All chemists
in the biopharmaceutical and food industries (Möller, 2010a). understand what it means when it is said that a substance was
Although in the century following publication of the Kjel- kjeldahled (Burns, 1984, Veibel, 1949), or that one kjeldahlizes
dahl method, almost every nitrogen-containing compound in a sample (Hansen, 1993). Kjeldahl was predecessor to S. P. L.
biological fluids, such as blood and urine, can be determined Sörensen as Head of the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen,
separately and quantitatively, the need for estimation of to- who introduced the notation of pH (Hansen, 1993; Rideal,
tal nitrogen is far from obsolete. For the study of nitrogen 1940).
metabolism, total nitrogen determination is an essential tool
(Smit, 1979). Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis is used for both cal- PRIOR TO KJELDAHL
ibration and validation of alternative methods for determin- The value of Kjeldahl’s work becomes apparent when prior
ing protein in various products. In either situation, however, methods are considered. The state of the art in the area of ni-
success depends on the accuracy of the Kjeldahl-derived val- trogen determination in the two decades preceding Kjeldahl’s
ues. Methods that require calibration include mid-infrared spec- work exerted a notable influence on the development of his
troscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform-infrared method (Stephen, 1984). The first method for the quantitative
spectroscopy, and dye binding (Barbano and Lynch, 1992; Frank determination of the nitrogen content of an organic compound
and Birth, 1982; Jarquı́n-Sánchez et al., 2011; Lefier et al., was the absolute method of Dumas, which dates from 1831 and
1996; Möller, 2010b; Rayment et al., 2012; Rodriguez-Otero provided the first scientific apparatus for the determination of
and Hermida, 1996; Santos, 2012; Schaalje and Mundell, 1991; nitrogen in varying samples. However, for some years prior to
Sherbon, 1974). the publication of the Kjeldahl method, the Dumas method was
The Kjeldahl method is applied to nitrogen content mea- rarely used due to the long time required for a determination and
surement (AOAC, 2011; Möller, 2010b; Moore et al., 2010) because of the difficulty in handling large amounts of materials
in foods and many other samples: pharmaceutical, agricultural, with little nitrogen (Christensen and Fulmer, 1927). Moreover,
biological sediments, and wastewater (Table 2). Since its the method was not suitable for use with the volumes of liquid
introduction, the Kjeldahl method has been the subject of used in biological work. As a matter of fact, Dumas’s method
extensive research. The diversity of studies is attributable to the was “a torment for everyone,” as is evident from the contem-
immense usefulness of the method, the need for its modification porary literature, because it was so complicated (Szabadváry,
for applications to various types of organic and inorganic 1973).
compounds, and the search for catalysts to provide such A weighed sample of substance is ignited with copper oxide
modifications and accelerate digestion (Ashraf and Shah, 1963; in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (generated by heating lead
Hiller et al., 1948; McKenzie, 1994). Such a vast literature has carbonate). The carbon is thus oxidized to carbon dioxide and
been generated that it is not surprising that much irrelevant the hydrogen to water, while the nitrogen is liberated as such
material exists, facts get rediscovered, and many potboilers and is determined volumetrically after collection over potassium

Selected application of Kjeldahl methods

Samples Reference

Agricultural products Carson and Ozores-Hampton, 2012; Chemat et al., 1998; Watson and Galliher, 2001
Ammonium perchlorate in solid Ajaz, 1996
Animal feed Etheridge et al., 1998; Figenschou et al., 2000; Guo et al., 2007; Kane, 1984 ; Marco
et al., 2002; Thiex and Manson, 2002; Thiex et al., 2002
Aromatic amines Pacheco et al., 2011
Atmospheric nitrogen depositon González-Benı́tez et al., 2009
(wet, dry, and bulk deposition)
Austenitic stainless steel Ahmed et al., 2011
Barley, malt, beer Buckee, 1994
Bean, soybean products Cheng et al., 2008; Hartwig and Hurburgh, 1991; Jung et al., 2003; Korn et al., 2005;
Schaalje and Mundel, 1991; Sessa, 2003;
Biological materials Fleck and Munro, 1965; Krotz et al., 2008; Lang, 1958; Lange et al., 1979a, 1979b,
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1979c, 1980a, 1980b, 1981, 1983a, 1983b; Quintela et al., 2009; Takatsu et al., 2008;
Bound protein phosphate Dusek et al., 2003
Broiler litter Kpomblekou, 2006
Cereals, oilseeds Beljkaš et al., 2010; Bicsak, 1993; Daun and deClercq, 1994; Horino et al., 1992; Krotz
et al., 2008
Cianobacteria Ci, 2010
Coal Markuszewski, 1986; Norton et al., 1987
Farmyard manure Kemsley et al., 2001
Fish meal Kubota et al., 2011; Martone et al., 1980; Miller et al., 2007; Oehlenschläger, 1997;
Foods and food products Bellomonte et al., 1987; Chemat, 1998; Rossi et al., 2004; Simmone et al., 1997; Suard
et al., 1993; Thompson et al., 2002;
Forages harvested from permanent Valdés et al., 2006
Forest streams and rainwater Holcombe et al., 1986
Geological samples Pontes et al., 2009, 2010
Grain proteins Iverson, 1986
Leaf tissue Ali and Lovat, 1995
Macaroni products Hakoda et al., 2009, 2011
Manure samples Pan et al., 2009
Meat, meat products Benedict, 1987; Hakoda et al., 2010; McGill, 1980; Suhre et al., 1982; Thompson et al.,
Milk, cheese, dairy products Amancharla and Metzger, 2010; Ardo and Gripon, 1995; Botaro et al., 2011; Doultani
et al., 2003; Inácio et al. 2011; Kamizake et al., 2003; Katsiari et al., 2000, 2001; Lynch
and Barbano, 1999; Lynch et al., 1998, 2002; Macedo et al., 1997; O’Sullivan et al.,
1999; Rohm et al., 1996; Wiles et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 2010
Nuclear fuels Rizvi and Natrajan, 1986; Searle, 1984
Oil shale retort waters Jones and Daughton, 1985
Pharmaceutical products Chemat et al., 1998
Plant materials Baethgen and Alley, 1989; Bremmer and Breitenbeck, 1983; Conklin-Brittain et al., 1999;
Khanizadeh et al., 1995
Pulp mill effluents Cook and Frum, 2004
Red wine Smith et al., 2011
Seawater Doval et al., 1997
Sewage sludge Galvez-Sola et al., 2009
(Continued on next page)

Selected application of Kjeldahl methods (Continued)

Samples Reference

Soils Baethgen and Alley, 1989; Bremmer, 1960; Bremmer and Tabatabai, 1972;
Buondonno et al., 1995; Craft et al., 1991; Hood-Nowotny et al., 2010;
Jarquı́n-Sànchez et al., 2011; Kpomblekou and Genus, 2012; Mason et al., 1999;
Moraghan et al., 1983; Pereira et al., 2006; Skjemstad and Reeve, 1976; Sobiecka
et al., 2007; Stark and Hart, 1996; Wickstrøm et al., 2004
Soy sauce Nozawa et al., 2005, 2006, 2007
Tantallum alloys Davis et al., 1971
Taurine Quintela et al., 2009
Tripolyphosphate in meat Jastrzebska, 2006
Vinegar Hashimoto et al., 2009
Waters: waste and environmental water Anderson and Möller, 1995; Bowman and Delfino, 1982; Campins-Falco et al., 2008;
Chemat et al., 1998; Lo et al., 2005; Maher et al., 2002; Meseguer-Lloret et al.,
2006; Morgan et al., 1957; Pehlivanoglu-Mantas and Sedlak, 2006; Ramon et al.,
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2005; Sharma and Gupta, 2004; Worsfold et al., 2008

hydroxide solution; the need for separate absorption of carbon a vessel to measure their volume. Many workers indicated the
dioxide is thus eliminated (Belcher and Godbert, 1945; Sher- difficulties involved with this method later, for example, Dennst-
man, 1912). Any oxides of nitrogen that may be formed are edt, who wrote, “The nitrogen determination was a punishment
reduced to nitrogen by means of a glowing copper spiral (after for everybody, until azotometers were introduced” (Szabadváry,
first activating the copper by heating in a stream of hydrogen). 1992, p. 296). Remember Liebig’s statement (1831, p. 10) con-
In the Dumas method it was very difficult to fill the combustion cerning the nitrogen determination method: “Ich glaube nur,
tube and then transfer the combusted gases over mercury into dass sie unter den schlechten die am wenigsten schlechte ist”
[I just believe that it is among the poor choices, the least bad],
which stresses the difficulties associated with nitrogen deter-
TABLE 3 mination. The history of the convenient azotometer of Schiff
Reviews concerning Kjeldahl method (1868) traces its course from the inverted bell jars of Lavoisier
Kebler, 1891 Neill, 1962 and of Gay Lussac and Thénard, through the graduated cylinders
Dyer, 1895 Ashraf and Shah, 1963 of Liebig and Dumas (Schuette and Oppen, 1935). The Liebig
Hepburn, 1908 Bradstreet, 1965 publication of 1831 in which he introduces a new apparatus
Friedrich et al., 1933 Fleck and Munro, 1965 for the analysis of organic compounds (kaliapparat) is seen as
Oesper, 1934 Jacobs, 1965 a milestone in the development of chemistry (Usselman et al.,
Schuette and Oppen, 1935 Fleck, 1970 2005).
Bradstreet, 1940 Fleck and Davidson, 1974 Historically, the original Dumas combustion method has
Drevon and Roussin, 1940 Lakin, 1978 proven to be time-consuming and laborious, with incomplete
Clark, 1941 Morries, 1983 combustion giving nitrogen oxides and air contamination (Krotz
Frankignoulle, 1942 Gaspar, 1984 et al., 2008). Numerous recent technical breakthroughs have sig-
Vickery, 1946a Jones, 1987 nificantly improved the method’s accuracy, and the adoption of
Vickery, 1946b Scarf, 1988 several automated features has made the method easy to use
Seebold, 1947 Jones, 1991 (Jung et al., 2003), as shown in the second part of this series.
Veibel, 1949 Kuzyk et al., 1995 The inaccuracies and difficulties encountered in the nitro-
Kirk, 1950 Horneck and Miller, 1998 gen combustion determination method turned interest towards
Storvick, 1950 Conklin-Brittain, 1999 the possibility of using a wet method of analysis. When cer-
Middleton and Stuckey, 1951 Lynch and Barbano, 1999 tain organic nitrogen-containing substances were ignited, either
Fontana, 1953 Owuso-Apenten, 2002 alone or in the presence of other substances such as alkalis,
Hadorn et al., 1953 Amin and Flowers, 2004 the nitrogen was split off in the form of ammonia. Ammonia
Bradstreet, 1954 Möller, 2005 determination thus gives the nitrogen content.
Eisses, 1960 Moore et al., 2010 Before the introduction of the Kjeldahl process, the soda
lime method of Will and Varrentrap was commonly used,

almost displacing the Dumas method entirely. In a letter to Gay tion within the tube, were either not caught by the acid or, if
Lussac in 1831, Dumas mentioned that heating certain com- retained, escaped determination by either titration with alkali
pounds with alkali evolves ammonia, suggesting that this gas or precipitation by platinic chloride (Atwater, 1888–1889). A
be volumetrically determined, although no studies in this direc- series of papers was published by Atwater concerning sources
tion were undertaken (Szabadváry, 1992). A similar suggestion of error in the determination of nitrogen in protein compounds
was made later, in October 1840, by Whöler to Liebig: the ni- (especially those of animal origin) by soda lime and means for
trogen might be determined accurately by heating an organic avoiding them (Atwater, 1888–1889; Atwater and Ball, 1888;
compound with slaked lime to form ammonia, which could be Atwater and Woods, 1887–1888). Atwater studied under the
adsorbed in an acid of known strength. Liebig appears to have chemist Samuel W. Johnson, a Leipzig graduate and America’s
passed this information to this assistant, Henrich Will (Brock, leading authority on agricultural chemistry, and spent two years
1997), who with the student Franz Varrentrap perfected and at Leipzig and Berlin (Rosenberg, 1970). In particular, there
published this technique (Varrentrapp and Will, 1841). The is a danger of nitrogen loss if there is not sufficient contact
finely ground substance was heated to redness in a combustion between the gaseous distillation products and the heated soda
tube with a large excess of barium hydroxide and the evolved lime; the tube should be closely packed with soda lime to avoid
ammonia was trapped in hydrochloric acid. The ammonium open spaces. The method of Dumas and Will and Varrentrapp
chloride formed was precipitated in excess platinum chloride required that the compound be in a fine state of division (pul-
as chloroplatinate and weighed. Liebig commented this on this verization and intimate mixture of substance with soda lime);
method: “I do not doubt that it will replace very promptly and solutions had to be evaporated to dryness and the residue finely
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to the satisfaction of all analyses, the processes employed at divided. Both of these methods were extensively modified, but
the present time” (A.G.V., 1842, p. 25). John Lawrence Smith, both required the services of trained and expert chemists, and,
Liebig’s first American pupil (Van Klooster, 1956), arrived at although highly accurate, they were slow and extremely incon-
Giessen in the summer of 1841. In November of that year, Smith venient (Vickery, 1946a).
sent to his country from Giessen a translation of Will and Var- Meulen (1924, 1925) devised a modification of the old soda
rentrapp’s method, accompanying it with notes of his own, and lime process with some real improvement: a catalytic hydro-
once he returned to the U.S. he published a notice of M. Reizet’s genation at 350◦ C with reduced nickel being carried out. He
criticisms (Reizet, 1843) upon the limits of accuracy of this obtained very good results with this method in the analysis
method (Smith, 1843). However, results obtained by the Will of several kinds of flour, coal, oil, cake, casein, gelatin, glue,
and Varrentrapp’s method were usually somewhat low, mainly and other materials, and stated that the analysis required only
due to the air present in the tube (Prehn and Hornberger, 1880), a few minutes. In general, higher results are obtained than by
and were obviated to a great extent by special manipulation. the Kjeldahl method. Colorimetry may also be applied as an-
The Will-Varrentrapp procedure was a refinement of an ear- alytical finish for the microdetermination of nitrogen in the
lier method for organic nitrogen determination (Ihde, 1964) Will-Varrentrapp method (Remi and Pitiot, 1951).
developed by the French industrial chemist Anselme Payen At the University of Edinburgh, Wanklyn improved the Will-
(1795–1801). The method was presented as an alternative to Varrentrapp method for estimation organic nitrogen as ammo-
the laborious and experimentally difficult Dumas combustion nia by adding potassium permanganate to increase the oxidative
process. However, the gravimetric finish was rather tedious, effect of soda lime (Brock, 1976). Organic nitrogenous com-
which limited the widespread adoption of the method in the pounds evolve ammonia when submitted to the action of potas-
more applied areas of analysis. For this reason, Eugene Péligot sium permanganate in strongly alkaline solutions (Wanklyn and
modified this process by using a known amount of standard acid Chapman, 1868; Wanklyn and Gamgee, 1868; Wanklyn et al.,
and then titrating the excess of this acid (Péligot, 1847). The 1867). The ammonia is retained in the distillate and determined
combustion tube was replaced later with a flask and lime water with Nessler’s reagent. At that time, the Wanklyn method filled
(soda lime) used instead of barium hydroxide. In order to in- a great need, and within its limitations performed satisfactorily.
sure the reduction of nitro-compounds or nitrates, this method The method, though severely criticized by Edward Frankland
was modified by the introduction of stannous sulfide, sodium (Stephen, 1984), was claimed to give a measure of the albu-
formate and sodium thiosulfate, or sodium thiosulfate and a minoid (protein) nitrogen and was useful for the rapid assess-
mixture of equal parts of sulfur and powdered sugar or charcoal ment of water quality in domestic water supplies (Wanklyn and
(Sherman, 1912). Goldberg, Arnold, and Ruffle proposed these Chapman, 1874). “The extreme minuteness of the quantities
modifications, respectively, as indicated by Sherman (1912). of substance subjected to quantitative determination is one of
The method is too complicated for use in serial determina- the most striking features of the method” (Wanklyn and Chap-
tions, and it was stated later that was not quite as accurate as man, 1868, p. 501); it was convenient to operate on very small
had previously been imagined, as part of the nitrogen is not quantities of organic matter. Nevertheless, the yield of nitrogen
converted to ammonia but is lost in the form of nitrogen. As generation was incomplete. The method, however, was scarcely
long ago as 1860 Mulder called attention to the danger of loss used outside of England (Kjeldahl, 1883b). Wanklyn, a contro-
by formation of volatile products that, escaping ammonifica- versial figure (Editor of The Analyst, 1876), was a founder of

the Society of Public Analysis in 1874 (Chirnside and Hamence, limiting factor in food control. It is time-consuming and widely
1974) and gained, according to Liebig, a European reputation based on empirical knowledge (Zorgati et al., 2000).
as researcher, but was ignored and despised by British academic The quantitative conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonia
chemists (Brock, 1976). was an obvious goal for chemists to achieve (Stephen, 1984).
The technique of effecting decomposition of an organic sub- To study a subject, as claimed by H. C. Bolton, the first re-
stance with a sulfuric acid and catalyst mixture appears to have quirement is knowledge of the literature of that subject (Bolton,
been first employed by Berzelius (1837); i.e., the decompo- 2004). Kjeldahl (1883b) first used Wanklyn’s method on plant
sition products from various animal and vegetable substances tissues by working with greater amounts so that the ammonia
after digestion with a sulfuric acid-lead peroxide mixture were evolved could be easily determined by ordinary methods, but
investigated, but focusing on the products of distillation from found the yield of nitrogen to be incomplete. Kjeldahl obtained
acid solution. Sulfuric acid digestion, followed by precipitation better results by boiling the sample with potassium perman-
of the resulting ammonia as the chloroplatinate, was first applied ganate and dilute sulfuric acid, making alkaline with a fixed
in 1845 as a method for determination of urea (Heintz, 1845; alkali, distilling into standard acid, and titrating the excess of
Ragsky, 1845, 1846), which presages, in a certain sense, the later acid. Nevertheless, the production of ammonia was still incom-
researches of Folin and colleagues (Schuette and Oppen, 1935), plete. Finally, he heated the substance whose nitrogen content
inasmuch as it was applied to the examination of urine and em- was to be determined with concentrated sulfuric acid and then
ployed no catalyst. Later, Grete (1878) and Dreyfus (1883) gave completely oxidized it with permanganate. Kjeldahl said: “Le
their samples a preliminary treatment with concentrated sulfuric principe de la nouvelle méthode consiste donc à chauffer pen-
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acid and subsequently treated the charred residue according to dant quelque temps la matière à analyser avec une forte pro-
the Will-Varrentrapp method; the decomposition of hair, wool, portion d’acide sulfurique concentré jusqu’à une température
leather, and similar substances could be expedited in this way. voisine du point d’ébullition de l’acide, et à oxyder la dissolu-
However, Wanklyn’s contribution is by no means unimpor- tion ainsi obtenue avec un excès d’hypermanganate de potasse
tant, because it served to prepare the road for Kjeldahl’s own sec en poudre” [The principle of the new method, therefore, is
contribution. If digestion with alkali and permanganate led only to heat the substance in question for some time with a sufficient
to partial success, it was not unreasonable to try an acid and quantity of concentrated sulfuric acid, and then to oxidize the
permanganate treatment. In 1895 Dyer stated that “Kjeldahl’s solution thus obtained with an excess of dry, powdered perman-
method for the determination of nitrogen has, in some one or ganate] (Egli, 2008; Kjeldahl, 1883b, p. 3).
another of its modifications, superseded the well-known soda The Kjeldahl method consists of three steps (Ashraf and
lime process of Varrentrap and Will in most agricultural labora- Shah, 1963; Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1883d; Krotz et al., 2008; McKen-
tories, both in England and on the continent, and to a very large zie, 1994; McKenzie and Wallace, 1954; Owusu-Apenten,
extent in America” (Dyer, 1895, p. 811). 2002):
Alkaline media have found a place again in the sample prepa-
ration field (Sharifi et al., 2009). The employment of an alkaline (1) Wet acidic (conc. H2 SO4 ) digestion (mineralization) of
medium is a good alternative for some analytical tasks, as shown nitrogen-containing sample, in a long-necked digestion
recently by Nobrega and colleagues (2006), and provides fast flask, causing its conversion into NH+ 4 ions. The Kjeldahl
and simple preparation approaches. flask, which he constructed in 1888 to simplify the
method, is still in use today (Kjeldahl, 1888a; Szabadváry,
THE KJELDAHL METHOD’S THREE STEPS 1973). Traditionally, Kjeldahl flasks with a capacity of
Although some analytical techniques allow the direct deter- 500–800 mL and gas or electric heating have been used for
mination of species without sample treatment, it is usually nec- the digestion. The reaction involved can be illustrated by
essary to dissolve the sample prior to analysis (Chemat et al., reference to (Owusu-Apenten, 2002)
1998; Lagha et al., 1999; Namiesnik and Szefer, 2008). The NH2 (CH2 )p COOH + (q + 1)H2 SO4
analytical adage “once the problem is dissolved, the problem
→ (p + 1)CO2 + qSO2 + pH2 O + NH4 HSO4
is solved” clearly denotes this fact. Most analyses are prefer-
entially performed on solution samples, a more homogeneous The digest must contain residual H2 SO4 to retain the NH3 as
analysis sample representative of the bulk properties of a large NH+ 4 . Water is added manually or automatically to prevent
solid sample being thus obtained, improving precision and ac- the digest from solidifying, which also may cause bumping
curacy (Sneddon et al., 2006). Digestion may be defined as (APHA, 1998, 2012), and to avoid mixing concentrated
the process in which a complex substance is decomposed into alkali with concentrated acid during the distillation (Thiex
volatile gases and simple salts that are soluble in dilute acid et al., 2002). The initial digestion procedure, as the most im-
solution (Brayton, 1992). Wet decomposition or acid digestion portant and complex step, is covered in several commercial
involves the use of mineral acid, alone or in combination with sources (Egli, 2008; Labconco, 1998; Persson et al., 2008).
other acids and oxidizing agents, to effect the dissolution of a (2) Transformation of NH+ 4 ions into NH3 (neutralization with
sample (Flores et al., 2007). Sample digestion still remains a alkali) and distillation of the NH3 . The flask is heated after

the addition of water and alkali to the digested sample in or- the nitrogen content of flour. This technique involves the re-
der to distill a volume of distillate (variable depending of the lease of ammonia from a Kjeldahl digested sample in a sealed
conditions of study) and collect NH3 in the acidic distillation container. The ammonia diffuses into a trapping solution and
receiver. To carry out the distillation in a proper way, the di- is titrated. Ammonia may thus be retrieved from complex mix-
gestion vessel should not be over one-third filled (Feinberg tures and subsequently measured by several methods of vary-
et al., 1993). Direct steam distillation drastically decreases ing specificity and sensitivity (Friedl, 1972). Numerous samples
the time needed for distillation (Thiex et al., 2002). Ex- may be prepared routinely for simultaneous microdiffusion, and
perimental conditions including rate of steam flow, vigor supervision is not required during the diffusion process (Lin and
of distillation, and volume of solution must be correctly Randolph, 1978).
balanced to ensure efficient removal of ammonia without Large amounts of salts or solids may cause bumping during
any carryover of alkaline spray (Doolan and Belcher, 1978). distillation. If this occurs, more dilution water should be added
(3) Titration of the solution from the distillation receiver. The after digestion. The acid remaining in the test tube is not really
ammonia from the distillation is frequently collected in an critical from an environmental point of view (Persson et al.,
excess of standard acid and determined by back titration 2008) because it is converted to sodium sulfate by the alkali
with standard alkali solution. A more common practice is added during distillation. The major concern is the amount of
the use of boric acid for trapping ammonia. The titration acid that evaporated into the environment. When many sam-
in this case should be carried out as soon as possible after ple digestions are in progress at the same time is advisable to
the distillation is complete, ensuring that the temperature of trap the fumes, dilute them with water, and dispose of them
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the distillate does not exceed 25◦ C. Under these conditions, down drains rather into the atmosphere (Analytical Methods
losses of ammonia are avoided (ISO, 2009a). The refer- Committee, 1960).
ence methods for ammonium determination include other A series of factors such as sample origin, homogeneity,
wet techniques such as colorimetry and ammonia-selective stability, laboratory skillfulness, sample handling procedures,
electrode (Sáez-Plaza et al., submitted). and composition are of critical importance, as are the size of the
test portion taken for analysis and concentration of the titrant
Whereas the latter two steps indicated above are finished after used in the Kjeldahl analysis (Lynch and Barbano, 1999).
only 15 minutes, digestion take at least 20–30 minutes up to Definite specifications by which the method is to be used may
several hours (Chemat el al., 1998), depending on the sample. be outlined by industries or associations representing industries
Digestion is complete when the mixture turns char (light green in order to assure comparative results between various laborato-
color). A further (after boiling) period of heating is necessary ries. Some difficulties arise from the available sample size and a
to ensure quantitative recovery of nitrogen (Amin and Flowers, wide variability of nitrogen content. A relatively large analytical
2004; Belcher, 1976). Jones and colleagues (1991) reported that sample (1–2 g) was used in the original method, requiring
as much as 10% of the organic N may not yet be converted large amounts of acid. Micro Kjeldahl methods are much more
to NH+ 4 at clearing. Experience shows that the decomposition commonly used as they produce a reduced amount of acid fumes
is most efficient when other means of preventing partial dis- and also require less acid and catalyst mixture. Environmental
charge of hot acid are used, such as the extension of the neck considerations exert considerable pressure to ensure the safe
flask (Analytical Mrthods Committee, 1960). Factors in the di- disposal of mercury (when used as catalyst) and, especially, to
gestion process have been controlled or modified by individual minimize acid usage (Greenfield and Southgate, 2003).
researchers (Jacobs, 1964; Middleton and Stuckey, 1951). Steam Many laboratories are required to perform Kjeldahl analysis
distillation, which may be carried out by methods ranging from on a wide range of different sample types, and it is not desir-
macroscale (10–30 mg) to ultramicro scale (4 μg), is the most able or practical for them to optimize each type of procedure.
popular procedure (Fleck and Munro, 1965). Automation of the It is more advisable to have at one’s disposal a single robust
distillation and titration stages works well, but automation of procedure that can be applied to all types of samples (Persson
the digestion has proved quite difficult. The ability to automate et al., 2008). However, little work has been published on the
the digestion process provides increased safety as well as im- development of comprehensive systems that could be used for
proved reproducibility. The micro methods can be automated all classes of samples (Kramme et al., 1973). It is even doubtful
at several levels (Chang, 1998; Egan et al., 1987). Procedures if any digestion method is universally applicable (APHA, 1998,
for the micro-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen require spe- 2012; Kirk, 1950).
cialized equipment and involved techniques. Semiautomation, Kjeldahl originally directed that the substance be heated
automation, and modification for microgram nitrogen determi- with sulfuric acid, with or without the addition of phosphoric
nation (micro Kjeldahl method) were established by AOAC in anhydride, until a clear solution is obtained; then potassium
methods 976.06, 976.05, and 960.52, respectively. permanganate is added in small portions to the hot solution
The distillation of ammonia by the Kjeldahl procedure is until it remains permanently colored, the permanganate being
time-consuming because constant attention is needed. Conway added very cautiously (Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1883d; Sherman,
(1957) developed a microdiffusion technique for determining 1912) because of the danger of a loss of nitrogen if the reaction

becomes too vigorous. Kjeldahl employed small special been improved by the addition of exhaust systems, heat shields,
long-necked flasks (about 100 mL) for the treatment with acid. reagent handling systems, tube racks, etc. (Wang et al., 2004;
The addition of a little granulated zinc prevented bumping Wu et al., 2008). By replacing classical Kjeldahl digestions sys-
during distillation. The ammonia could be determined by direct tems with aluminum block digestors and efficient exhaust heat,
titration of the excess of acid, or, as Kjeldahl himself preferred, most of the environmental issues related to the Kjeldahl method
inasmuch as the titration could be carried out by artificial light, can be minimized.
by an iodometric method (Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1888b). A simple and efficient steam distillation apparatus is
The necessity of carrying out blank determinations was appropriate for micro Kjeldahl analyses (Markham, 1942).
emphasized by Kjeldahl, given the possible impurities in the The distillation used to be tedious but has been much speeded
available reagents, especially sulfuric acid being a sugar blank up by the use of the semiautomated systems now available
digested in this respect. The data that were presented in support (Barlow et al., 1981; Watson and Galliher, 2001). Wide ranges
of the method were remarkable (Vickery, 1946a), 23 aliphatic of block digestion methodologies take less time than classical
and aromatic compounds, as well as naturally occurring bodies. macro Kjeldahl digestions, and bench-top steam distillation
A comparison of a group of proteins and protein-containing ma- units in use are faster than classical distillation (Labconco,
terials analyzed by both the new Kjeldahl method and the Will 1993; Persson et al., 2008). For these reasons, block digestions
and Warrentrapp method, showed complete agreement. Low re- followed by steam distillation are called rapid Kjeldahl. As
sults were obtained only with alkaloids, such as morphine and a result of technical innovations, also available are fully
quinine, and cyanogen and nitro compounds. automated protein analysis systems that are based on the
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The Kjeldahl method has many reported advantages over the classical Kjeldahl procedure (Rhee, 2001). For example, FOSS
soda lime process, not being prone to errors arising from varia- Tecator manufactures a wide range of Kjeldahl equipment in the
tions of temperature in combustion, and obviating the necessity Kjeltec series (FOSS, 2010). In the attempt to reduce the costs
for reducing the substance to a fine state of division (Dyer, involved in large numbers of Kjeldahl determinations there
1895). The greatest advantage of the new method was the speed have been three main approaches: continuous flow digestors,
with which results could be obtained. Kjeldahl was able to carry block digestors, and discrete digestion in flasks with conven-
out as many as 14 determinations a day, without assistance. This tional heating and automated stepwise movement (McKenzie,
was a remarkable achievement compared to the Vill-Varrentrapp 1994).
method, which had a normal output of 4 determinations in
The method rapidly gained acceptance because it over- OR NOT TO USE
came many of the limitations—notably, accuracy, simplicity, Chemical oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, perchloric acid, per-
and speed—of nitrogen determination by combustion analysis sulfates, chromic acid) can be added to the sulfuric acid to
(Dyer, 1895; Rhee, 2001; Szabadváry, 1992). Since its introduc- achieve acceleration and completion of the decomposition step
tion, the Kjeldahl method has been the most widely accepted (Bradstreet, 1965; Gaspar, 1984), which additionally minimizes
method for total protein determinations in feeds, foods, and food foaming. However, there appears to be little advantage in the
ingredients. It first appeared as an official Association of Official use of other acids or oxidants in conjunction with sulfuric acid
Agricultural Chemists (AOAC) method in 1887 for milk protein for Kjeldahl digestion. Phosphoric acid has the disadvantage
determination (Richardson, 1887). Note that AOAC was formed of etching the digestion flask (Hiller et al., 1948), while per-
in 1884 to adopt uniform method of analysis for fertilizers, but chloric acid is an extremely hazardous strong oxidizing agent.
in 1887 it also published a method of analysis for feeds and Sulfuric/phosphoric acid mixtures have been used in semimicro
dairy products (AOAC, n.d.). Kjeldahl procedures (Honda 1962; Skjemstad and Reeve 1976).
The Kjeldahl method has been the subject of many modi- Tsap et al. (1969) and Batey et al. (1974) advocated the use of
fications and improvements; some of them are summarized in an H2 SO4 -HClO4 mixture for Kjeldahl analysis of agrochem-
Table 4. The Kjeldahl procedure and most modifications for ical and plant materials, although the procedure has not been
determining total nitrogen in soil and plants published prior to widely adopted. Kruger (1894) introduced the use of potassium
1950 specified the use of macro Kjeldahl flasks (350–800 mL) dichromate in the Kjeldahl method, though this method also
for digestion and distillation (Amin and Flowers, 2004). The seems not to have been widely adopted. Several other oxidizing
introduction of aluminum blocks for Kjeldahl digestion in the agents (V2 O5 , CrO3 , MnO2 ) have been used, but they did not
early 1970s is a most noteworthy development (Bremner and appear to have any beneficial effect and were even detrimental
Breitenbeck, 1983; Douglas et al., 1980; Stumpe et al., 1985; when added in large amounts.
Wang et al., 2004). The first block digestors were developed by Kjeldahl’s original method added potassium permanganate
Roger Mossberg at Tecator, now FOSS (Thiex et al., 2002). The to complete oxidation of the sample (Kjeldahl, 1883b, 1883d).
block digestors made it possible to improve the speed and accu- The use of permanganate, however, has been the subject of much
racy of the digestion procedure, as well as save space, chemicals, controversy and cannot be recommended. It has a tendency to
and energy (Persson et al., 2008). The digestion system has since cause low results, probably by oxidizing the ammonia (Dyer,

Some milestones in the Kjeldahl method

Year Comment Reference

1883 Original Kjeldahl paper Kjeldahl, 1883b

1885 Application to such compounds as nitrobenzol, anilins, xylidins Dafert, 1885
Metal oxides as catalysts of the oxidation. Mercuric oxide was clearly superior to the Wilfarth, 1885a, 1885b
Both copper and mercury as catalysts; phosphorous pentoxide Arnold, 1885
1886 Sucrose added to the digestion as organic accelerator in some cases and benzoic Von Asboth, 1886
acids in others
Phenol and zinc dust: modifies Kjeldahl’s method for estimating nitrogen in nitrates Jodlbauer, 1886
1887 First appeared as an official AOAC method for milk protein determination Richardson, 1987
1888 Describes a bulb tube for distillation in which the vapors are passed through boiling Kjeldahl, 1888a
water before reaching the condenser
1889 Nesslerization of the distillate from a Kjeldahl determination was advocated as a Drown and Martin, 1889
means to estimate the nitrogen present
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The use of potassium sulfate is first proposed Gunning, 1889

1892 The combination of the Gunning and Arnold methods shorten the time necessary for Arnold and Wedemeyer, 1892
complete digestion
1895 Kjeldahl-Gunning-Arnold-Jodbauer process Dyer, 1895
1913 The use of boric acid as an adsorbent is introduced Winkler, 1913
1920 Hypohalite for the determination of ammonia to the Kjeldahl process applied for the Willard and Cake, 1920
first time
1930 Review of the early work on micro-determination of nitrogen by Kjeldahl method; Pregl, 1930
gives detailed directions for the analytical procedure
1931 Selenium is proposed as catalyst Lauro, 1931
1933 Extension of the general application of the process by employing a preliminary Friedrich, 1933
reduction with hydriodic acid
1935 Study of the effects of metal oxide catalysts Osborn and Wilkie, 1935
1960 Automating the Kjeldadhl nitrogen procedure Ferrari, 1960
1970 FOSS introduced TecatorTM block digestion to replace Bunsen burners and 800 mL Möller, 2009; Persson et al.,
Kjeldahl tubes for digestion; developed by Roger Mossberg 2008; Thiex et al., 2002
1974 Direct steam distillation was introduced with the FOSS Tecator KjeltecTM system Möller, 2009; Persson et al.,
1980s NIR/FT-IR methods for crude protein Osborne and Fearn, 1983
1980 Semiautomated systems are subjected to collaborative study using fish meal Bjarno, 1980
1982 The work of McGill validates the Kjel-Foss instrument for meat product analysis McGill, 1980; Suhre et al., 1982
1990s At the end of the 1990s FOSS developed a new standard method in cooperation with Möller, 2009
the AOAC using block digestion with copper sulfate as catalyst
2009 The latest generation of modern Kjeltec analyzers is introduced Kjeldahl Analysis Goes Online,

1895), unless the quantity used is very moderate. In the early interpretation of ‘immediately’ as used by Kjeldahl in this orig-
days of Kjeldahl’s method it represented an important advance, inal description of the method.”
and, at least historically (Bradstreet, 1965), deserves mention. Collaborative tests on the use of permanganate in the modi-
The addition of solid salt in the final oxidation instead of use of a fied method for nitrates showed variable results (Phelps, 1920).
saturated solution was recommended by Czeczetka (1885). Care It has been pointed out that if the permanganate is added before
must be taken to avoid explosive violence. The time elapsing the digestion is completed, low results will be obtained (Beet,
between cessation of boiling and the addition of permanganate 1934). A semimicro method for nitrogen in coal and other car-
influence the results. As Cochrane (1920, p. 1195) said: “There bonaceous materials has been described (Beet, 1954, 1955a).
is a wide difference of opinion among analysts as to proper For a wide range of substances (cereals, feeding stuffs, coals,

alkaloids) potassium permanganate added gradually to the hot (Bradstreet, 1957). The acid and salt content of the Kjeldahl di-
acid digest has several advantages over the usual catalyst em- gestion reagent is intended to produce a digestion temperature
ployed in the Kjeldahl method on both the semimicro and mi- of about 380◦ C. If the sample contains a very large quantity of
croscale (Beet, 1955b). This permanganate digestion technique salt or inorganic solids that dissolve during digestion, the tem-
has proved to be satisfactory for routine analysis of coffee-leaf perature may rise above 400◦ C, at which point pyrolytic loss of
material (Robinson, 1956). As Belcher (1976, p. 156) has said: nitrogen begins to occur (APHA, 1998, 2012; U. S. Environ-
“It is of interest that the late A. E. Beet, who spent most of his mental Protection Agency, 2001).
life studying this process, after examining many catalysts even- The total amount of acid necessary for the decomposition
tually concluded that the best results were obtained by adding of the sample will vary depending upon the size of the sample,
permanganate. Unfortunately, he had never read the original ease of decomposition, rate of heating, overall time of digestion,
Kjeldahl paper and it was only after he had introduced the per- and use of salicylic acid or related compounds and length of the
manganate method that he discovered that this had been Kjel- boiling period (Amin and Flowers, 2004; Egli, 2008; Labconco,
dahl’s original recommendation.” 1998; Persson et al., 2008). The quantity of ammonia formed
Very low recovery of NH+ 4 -N (attributed to the formation of depends essentially upon the length of the period of digestion;
NCl3 ) was observed in total N determination of (NH4 )2 SO4 in if this is sufficiently long, nearly all nitrogenous bodies will
KCl solutions by a semimicro Kjeldahl method using perman- undergo complete conversion of their nitrogen content into am-
ganate and reduced iron to recover NO− −
3 and NO2 (Mulvaney monia. Data from McKenzie and Wallace show that adding x
et al., 1992). (mg) of potassium sulfate per mL of sulfuric acid increases its
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boiling point according to the relation Y (◦ C) = 55.8x + 331.2

ACID REQUERIMENTS AND SALT ADDITION: (Owusu-Apenten, 2002). Digestion temperature increases from
THE BLACK JACK GAME 332◦ C with no salts to 371◦ C when potassium sulfate is added
Hot, concentrated sulfuric acid acts as a weak oxidizing at 1 g mL−1 sulfuric acid. Typical initial acid/salt ratios range
agent. The carbon of organic matter should be oxidized without from 1.4 to 2.0. For samples where acid consumption is higher,
oxidizing the liberated ammonia to gaseous nitrogen. A fine bal- e.g., samples with high fat content, initial acid salt ratios may
ance between conditions for oxidation and reduction is needed be in the range 2.5 to 2.8 (Persson et al., 2008). There are large
(Fleck and Munro, 1965), and the oxidation-reduction range, differences in the boiling period after clearing, which is recom-
within which nitrogen is reduced to ammonia, is a narrow one. mended for various semimicro Kjeldahl procedures (Amin and
This may explain the loss of nitrogen that sometimes occurs Flowers, 2004). Selected articles dealing with digestion, salt and
when oxidizing groups or halogens are present in a compound. temperature are summarized in Table 5.
Charring generally takes place in the hot acid, and the resulting
carbon acts as a reducing agent. Oxidized forms of nitrogen are
only partially reduced under these conditions, and are usually THE TEMPERATURE/ DIGESTION PARTNER: NOT TOO
subjected to pretreatment with a suitable reducing agent. An- LITTLE, NO TOO MUCH
other factor to take into account is the temperature, which at all High-temperature digestion ensures recovery of nitrogen
times should be high enough to induce and ensure pyrolytic de- compounds, which do not decompose at the boiling point of
composition of the sample (Bradstreet, 1957, 1965; Lei, 2003; concentrated sulfuric acid, and markedly reduces the time
Morita, 1968). required for complete digestion of samples (Amin and Flowers,
The boiling rate and the total digestion time determine the 2004; Bradstreet, 1965). The temperature range 360◦ –410◦ C
loss of acid during digestion and the boiling period. Self (1912) is optimal for this method (Fleck and Munro, 1965; McKenzie,
and Carpiaux (1912) reported losses of nitrogen when the final 1994). It is possible by appropriate choice of temperature
digest was solid, and Self (1912) noted one earlier reference to obtain rapid digestion and full recovery of nitrogen even
from the Transactions of the Guinness Laboratory of 1903 con- from refractory materials, e.g., tryptophan, lysine, or nicotinic
cerning the loss of nitrogen at higher temperatures (McKenzie, acid (McKenzie, 1994), even mostly nitro and azocompounds
1994). Potassium sulfate was used to elevate the boiling point without reductive pretreatment, as claimed by Morita (1968).
of sulfuric acid and to increase the oxidizing power of the diges- Temperature must be measured in the actual digestion mixture
tion mixture (Table 4) as early as 1889, having proved to be the (not in the digestion heating block). Adequate digestion heaters
most efficient salt to use because of its high solubility in sulfuric affording sufficient energy to give vigorous boiling conditions
acid. Yoshikuni (1992a, 1992b, 1994) employed lithium sulfate are necessary, especially at higher ratios of K2 SO4 /H2 SO4 .
and silver sulfate. A high boiling point reduces sample diges- Because of potential problems of radiation and conduction
tion time. The maximum amount of potassium sulfate that can error in thermocouples and problems concerning temperature
be used without solidification of the digestion mass on cooling standards, small glass-sheathed platinum resistance thermome-
is 10 g per 25 mL of sulfuric acid. Sodium sulfate requires a ters have been used (McKenzie, 1994). The digestion could be
higher ratio of acid to salt than an equivalent amount of potas- made very rapid by careful choice of catalyst, so that conversion
sium sulfate or potassium sulfate-sodium thiosulfate mixture to ammonium bisulfate was speeded up, but the temperatures

Selected applications concerned with digestion, salt, and temperature

Sample Comments Reference

Water Digestion of water for total Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis with Roper et al., 2011
a solution containing copper sulfate, potassium sulfate,
and sulfuric acid to accomplish the conversion of organic
nitrogen to its inorganic form (NH+ 4)
Maize, corn protein powder, corn lees Digestion time is reduced from 1 h to 15 min by using Wang, 2010
concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide
Marine organisms Results for total nitrogen analysis generated by the Hach Barbarino and Lourenço,
method are compared with CHN elemental analysis 2009
Digest time of Kjeldahl determination was reduced from Zhang and Zhang, 2008
2.5–3 h to 1 h. by using sulfuric acid and hydrogen
peroxide. The results obtained are fast, simple, accurate,
and exact
Animal foodstuffs Adding hydrogen peroxide:sulfuric acid 3:2 (volume) can Li et al., 2006
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

effectively speed up the digestion time in the protein

determination of animal foodstuffs
Hay, cabbage powder, Midelney soil Evaluation of Kjeldahl digestion method using three salt Amin and Flowers, 2004
and catalyst mixtures in standard Kjeldahl digestion
method and salicylic acid modification
25 foods with a wide range of protein The N contents by fast method of Hach and the traditional Rossi et al., 2004
and moisture content Kjeldahl method are compared allowing for the influence
of the variation in structure and macronutrient in the food
Soil extracts A high-temperature catalytic oxidation method is evaluated Alavoine and
and compared with the Kjeldahl method for determining Nicolardot, 2001
total dissolved nitrogen.
Feedstuffs The Hach et al. (1987) technique was tested on a number of Figenschou et al., 2000
samples that were also analyzed by a more conventional
Kjeldahl method and by a Dumas method type analyzer
Soil A two-step digestion with H2 O2 /H2 SO4 (peroxy treatment) Buondonno et al., 1995
in the absence of heavy metal catalysts is proposed as
alternative to the Cu/Se-catalyzed digestion process for
the routine determination of soil Kjeldahl-nitrogen
Review of evolution of the Kjeldahl method, toxicity McKenzie, 1994
problems, current status of automated methods, and
microwave digestion
IH-1,2,4 Triazole, 2,4,6 Quantitative decomposition of heterocyclic ring compounds Yoshikuni, 1994
trimethylbenzene-sulfonyl-triazoline, containing N-N bonds in molten acidic lithium sulfate
pyridazine flux containing a catalyst such as silver sulfate
Nitrogen compounds including A comprehensive Kjeldahl digestion method based on the Shirai and Kawashima,
pyridines, pyrazolones, 1,2-diazines, criteria of oxidation number is formulated, resulting in a 1993
and 1,2,3-triazines satisfactory nitrogen determination of almost all types of
organic nitrogen compounds
Pecan, corn, and turnip leaves Influence of catalyst (containing K2 SO4 /Cu/Ti, K2 SO4 /Se, Simmone et al., 1993
or Se alone), sample weight, and digestion blocks on
Kjeldahl-nitrogen determination.
Organic compounds and natural Heterocyclic ring compounds were rapidly decomposed in Yoshikuni, 1992a, 1992b
materials (residual fuel oil and coal) the molten state with mixtures of various ratios of
concentrated sulfuric and lithium sulfate flux–containing
(Continued on next page)

Selected applications concerned with digestion, salt, and temperature (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Pure di- and tripeptides and H2 SO4 + H2 O2 without catalyst or salts Kaltenborn and Hütter,
aminoacids 1992
Complex fermentation media Samples are digested in tubes with sodium selenite (in Guebel et al., 1991
sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixture) plus hydrogen peroxide for
one hour at 380◦ C
20 samples Comparison among the Hach, Kjeltec, and Kjeldahl methods Watkins et al., 1987
Coal Modification of the Hach digestion method was effective in the Norton et al., 1987
rapid determination of total Kjeldahl N
Soybean, fish, and feather meals, Rapid micro Kjeldahl digestion using sulfuric acid and hydrogen Hach et al., 1987
bovine liver (NBS 1577), peroxide as the sole digestion reagents with complete recovery
orchard leaves (NBS 1571), of nitrogen from the refractory compound nicotinic acid
Grain, cereal, and feed samples Kjeldahl nitrogen determination by using peroxymonosulfuric Hach et al., 1985
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

acid (Caro’s acid) as a strong oxidant for rapid sample

decomposition without added salts or metal catalysts, and
rapid colorimetric determination by improved Nessler method
Chickpeas, pigeon peas Use of H2 O2 for the digestion and determination of total Singh et al., 1984
nitrogen, and comparison with mineralization by using
mercury or selenium
A note on the use of H2 O2 for the determination of Kjeldahl Sricar and Chandru,
organic nitrogen 1983
Feedstuffs and biological products Procedure for the determination of nitrogen on a semimicro scale Florence and Milner,
by Kjeldahl digestion with the use of H2 SO4 /H2 O2 without the 1979
use of a catalyst
Kjeldahl digestion time can be reduced to 10 min after clearing Skjemstad and Reeve,
by using a phosphoric-sulfuric acid mixture 1976
Feedstuffs Hydrogen peroxide without catalyst. Results are in good Tomomari et al., 1976
agreement with a standard method except for fishpaste, and a
poor recovery nitrogen for tryptophan was reported
Plants Hydrogen peroxide method and Kjeldahl digestion method. The Hambelton and Noel,
treatment resulted in excessive foaming and loss of sample 1975
from digestion tubes
Many agricultural samples Automatic analyzer for the measurement of total nitrogen after Fiedler et al., 1973
Dumas combustion method in vacuum. Reproducibility and
accuracy compared with those of the Kjeldahl method
Selected forest soils Estimates of total soil nitrogen by a standard Kjeldahl procedure Blackmon, 1971
and a modified procedure employing packets of premixed
digestion salts were closely correlated
Amount of sulfuric acid consumed versus ammonia produced. Morita, 1968
The temperature at the initial stage determines the ratio of
oxidative action of hot concentrated sulfuric acid to reductive
action of sulfur dioxide produced in the system
Biological materials, (containing a Effect of temperature on the digestion of a refractory test Jacobs, 1964
large excess of carbohydrate) substance with concentrated sulfuric acid, in the presence and
absence of efficient catalysts
Grasses Total nitrogen content was determined by the Kjeldahl method Ekpete and Cornfield,
and the more rapid H2 SO4 /H2 O2 method in its original form 1964
and with samples pretreated with salyciylic acid and sodium
(Continued on next page)

Selected applications concerned with digestion, salt, and temperature (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Nicotinamide, histidine, lysine . . . Examination of the effects of concentration of potassium sulfate Baker, 1961
and of 21 single and mixed catalysts on the recovery of
nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method
Organic matter Recommended methods for the destruction of organic matter, Analytical Methods
both wet and dry, with a statement of the type or types of Committee, 1960
organic material to which each may be applied
Amino acids and proteins Study of temperature on the rate of Kjeldahl digestions in the McKenzie and Wallace,
absence of catalyst and oxidizing agent. Micro-apparatus for 1954
the distillation of ammonia from Kjeldahl digestions.
Acidimetric methods for the determination of the ammonia.
A review of limitations of existing procedures for the Kjeldahl Middleton and Stuckey,
determination of nitrogen organic compounds, with a general 1951
method of digestion in mind
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

chosen did not cause pyrolytic loss of nitrogen (APHA, 2012; was published (Table 4), some articles appeared describing cat-
McKenzie, 1994). alysts being added to increase the speed and efficiency of the
Great care must be taken when small volumes of digestion digestion procedure.
mixture are used, the situation becoming particularly complex Nearly all elements of the periodic table have been tried as
for materials such as foods, plants, and fertilizers, where ap- catalysts for Kjeldahl digestion. The order of the effectiveness
preciable amounts of fats and carbohydrates are present. Con- for metal oxide catalyst is Hg > Se > Te > Mo > Fe > Cu > V >
sumption of sulfuric acid in the oxidation may occur to such W > Ag (Ashraf and Shah, 1963; Bradstreet, 1965; Lakin, 1978;
an extent that there is considerable rise in temperature due to Owusu-Apenten, 2002). Results from many investigations have
increase in the K2 SO4 /H2 SO4 ratio. Preliminary oxidation with established mercury as being the most effective catalyst, and it is
an auxiliary oxidant, e.g., hydrogen peroxide, may be required universally used in routine laboratory work. However, it is very
to solve this problem, in order to effect rapid oxidation of fats toxic and expensive to use, and consequently much research has
and carbohydrates and thus avoid an excessive consumption of been undertaken to find an efficient substitute of low toxicity
sulfuric acid. Another alternative involves lowering the K2 SO4 - and cost (Florence and Millner, 1979). Moreover, distillation of
H2 SO4 ratio, with acid being consumed in the preliminary stages ammonia by the sample addition of alkali is incomplete when
thus increasing the K2 SO4 -H2 SO4 ratio in the later stages, with mercury is used as catalyst, due to the fact that mercury forms
resultant higher temperature. a complex (precipitate) with ammonia; sodium sulfide, sodium
The temperature may rise above 400◦ C, as shown above, thiosulfate, or zinc dust must be added then to the digest to
when the sample contains a very large quantity of salts or in- decompose the mercury complex. Mercury and salts of mercury
organic solids that dissolve during digestion. In those cases, are apparently the only commonly used catalysts that require
more H2 SO4 acid is added to maintain the acid-salt balance, treatment before distillation.
in order to avoid pyrolytic loss of nitrogen. In the absence of Selenium, first suggested by Lauro (1931), has considerable
a universally recommended digestion time, its choice relies on merit as a catalyst, although it has been the subject of some
the recommendations of some standard methods for Kjeldahl controversy, generating many reports about erratic results, in-
nitrogen (AFNOR, 1982; APHA, 1998; ISO, 1984). complete recovery, or loss of nitrogen (Ashraf and Shah, 1963;
Davis and Wise, 1933; Seebold, 1947; Tingvall, 1978). In ad-
ACCELERATING THE PROCESS/CHANGING THE dition, selenium is also hazardous to health. A working mixed
CATALYST: “LE MIEUX EST L’ENNEMI DU BIEN” selenium-mercury catalyst can be formulated with potassium
The addition of a neutral substance, such as potassium sul- sulfate (32 g), mercuric sulfate (5 g), and selenium powder
fate, raises the boiling point of the digesting acid and the temper- (1 g). To shorten the time needed for digestion in a Kjeldahl
ature of the reaction, promoting acceleration, as shown above. flask, the selenium reagent mixture (Na2 SO4 , Hg2 SO4 , CuSO4 ,
Because the initial digestion of the sample is slow, many dif- Se) is usually applied (Baker, 1961; McKenzie, 1994). Sulfu-
ferent catalysts have been proposed to speed up the sample ric acid-Se digestion mixtures have been employed for multi-
digestion process. A summary of selected articles is compiled elemental analysis in a simple plant digest (Sahrawat et al.,
in Table 6. In 1885, i.e., only two years after the original method 2002). The optimum amount of selenium in a power catalyst

Selected applications involving the use of catalysts

Sample Comments Reference

Water Digestion of water for total Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis with a Roper et al., 2011
solution containing copper sulfate, potassium sulfate, and sulfuric
acid to accomplish the conversion of organic nitrogen to its
inorganic form (NH+ 4)
Protein The optimum quantities of catalyst found by a 3 × 3 orthogonal Wang, 2005
design were 2.5 g CuSO4 5 H2 O, 0.1 g K2 SO4 , and 4.0 mL
sulfuric acid
The use of Se powder as a catalyst for protein determination is Lu et al., 2003b
advocated and results showed that the method was fast and exact
The optimum quantities of a catalyst for quick determination of Lu et al., 2003a
protein determined by a single factor analysis were 1.5 g Se
powder, 1 g K2 SO4 , and 10 mL H2 SO4
Plants Sulfuric acid-Se digestion mixtures for preparing plant materials for Sahrawat et al., 2002
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

manual determination of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in the same digest

Soil extracts A high-temperature catalytic oxidation method evaluated and Alavoine and
compared with the Kjeldahl method for determining total Nicolardot, 2001
dissolved N (to assess soil microbial biomass nitrogen)
Plant tissue Digestion medium of concentrated H2 SO4 and a mixed catalyst of Hu and Barker, 1999
Na2 SO4 for macronutrient analysis
Waste and wastewater 1 mL of saturated solution of titanium dioxide was added to the Anderson and Möller,
digestant mixture, instead of 2 g of mercuric oxide 1995
Meat and meat products Copper catalyst for use in AOAC Method 928.08, Nitrogen in Price et al., 1994
Meat, Kjeldahl Method, was subjected to a collaborative study in
which it was compared to the standard Hg catalyst. Nine
laboratories performed blind duplicate determinations of the
protein content of four samples from each of six products
IH-1,2,4-triazole, 2,4,6 Heterocyclic ring compounds containing nitrogen-nitrogen bonds Yoshikuni, 1994
trimethylben- were completely decomposed in the molten state with mixtures
zenes,sulfonyltriazolide, and of various ratios of concentrated sulfuric acid and lithium sulfate
pyridazine flux containing a catalyst such as silver sulfate (with quantitative
recovery of nitrogen)
Pecan, corn, and turnip leaves Influence of catalyst (containing K2 SO4 /Cu/Ti, K2 SO4 /Se, or Se Simmone et al., 1993
alone), sample weight, and digestion blocks on Kjeldahl-nitrogen
(N) determination
Pyrazine, pyrimidine, purine, Heterocyclic ring compounds are rapidly decomposed in the molten Yoshikuni, 1992a
quinoxaline, quinaxoline, and state with mixtures of various ratios of concentrated sulfuric and
phthalaxine lithium sulfate flux containing catalysts such as cupric sulfate,
elemental selenium powder, selenium dioxide, mercury(II) oxide,
and mercuric sulfate, with quantitative recovery
Organic reagents, residual fuel Organic compounds and natural materials rapidly decomposed in Yoshikuni, 1992b
oil, and coal the melting state with various ratios of a sulfuric acid-lithium
sulfate (v/w) mixture containing catalysts, oxidizing agents, or
reducing agents such as elemental selenium powder, cupric
sulfate, ceric sulfate, and stannous sulfate, with quantitative
Pyridine derivatives Three hours of digestion at approximately 320◦ C using a Oishi and
Pd(II)-Cu(II) catalyst were found to be sufficient for quantitative Komatsuzaki, 1991
liberation of ammonia from pyridines
(Continued on next page)

Selected applications involving the use of catalysts (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Ecological materials Copper sulfate as a catalyst in Kjeldahl digestion can be effective Jones and Bradshaw,
when a salt/acid ratio of 1 g/mL is used. Copper sulfate in 1989
combination with zirconium sulfate is no more effective than
copper sulfate alone
Milk Copper sulfate was substituted for mercury as the catalysts in the Grappin and Horwitz,
International Dairy Federation (IDF) Standard 20A: 1986 method 1988
for the determination of nitrogen content
Procedure for the post-reactive selenium elimination from Kjeldahl Engler et al., 1986
digests for nitrogen determination by using a reductant with a
further step of degradation of its excess to avoid the disturbance
of the ammonium ion analysis
Animal feed A different catalyst combination, CuSO4 -TiO2 , makes 40 min Kane, 1986
digestion feasible
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Sewage effluents, trade Method that uses a block digester and a low-toxicity Croll et al., 1985
effluents, seawage sludges copper-titanium catalyst with results comparable with those
obtained by the widely accepted mercury catalyst method
Wide variety of cheeses Copper sulfate successfully replaces mercury compounds as Florence et al., 1985
catalysts in the Kjeldahl digestion
Fertilizers, feeds, foods and A collaborative study compares the official HgO-catalyzed method Kane, 1984
beverages, animal feeds and an alternative using CuSO4 . Fifty-four samples (blind
duplicates) and results returned by 22 laboratories
Coal and coke K2 SO4 (anhydrous), V2 O5 , and Se finely ground and mixed in Doolan and Belcher,
93:5:2 weight ratio 1978
Short digestion method for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination, using Marshall and Walker,
a trace of selenium as catalyst is described 1978
Foods, protein concentrates, rat Samples digested in a sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixture in glass Hambraeus et al.,
diets, and samples of animal tubes in a thermostated aluminum block using selenium as 1976
or human origin. catalyst. The ammonia liberated was determined colorimetrically
using an alkaline phenol reagent
Barley, malt, and beer TiO2 in mixture with cupric sulfate and potassium sulfate in the Klopper, 1976
ratio 0.3:0.3:10
Lysine-HCl, trypto-phan, NBS Pollution from the Kjeldahl method for crude protein was reduced Rexroad and Cathey,
standards, urea, meals, mixed by substituting a low level of copper (0.04 g CuSO4 ) for the 1976
feed grains, forage mercury (0.7 g HgO) specified in the AOAC official method 2.049
Feed, food, and fertilizer A new mixed catalyst (0.60 g cupric sulfate and 0.20 g zirconium Glowa, 1974
samples dioxide in combination or 0.70 g zirconium dioxide alone) is
recommended to replace the 0.70 g or more of mercuric oxide in
all official macro Kjeldahl methods
Cereal grains Use of titanium dioxide as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl determination Williams, 1973
of total nitrogen, in the place of the efficient but highly toxic
mercuric oxide
Nicotine acid, Effects of concentration of potassium sulfate and of 21 single and Baker, 1961
benzyli-sothiouronium mixed catalysts on the recovery of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl
chloride, and ammonium method
Cereals, feeding stuff, coals, Potassium permanganate added gradually to the hot acid digest has Beet, 1955a
alkaloids several marked advantages over the usual catalysts employed in
the Kjeldahl method
(Continued on next page)

Selected applications involving the use of catalysts (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Effect of temperature on the rate of Kjeldahl digestions in the McKenzie and

absence of catalyst and oxidizing agent and the use of hydrogen Wallace, 1954
peroxide as an oxidant in Kjeldahl digestions.
Total protein prepared from Use of a mercury-containing digest in: (1) macroanalyses, (2) Hiller et al., 1948
plasma microanalyses with distillation and titration of the ammonia, and
(3) microanalyses with gasometric determination of the ammonia
by hypobromite reaction
A review of the literature on the use of selenium as catalyst in the Seebold, 1948
Kjeldahl method
Flour, wheat, cottonseed meal, Use of selenium as catalyst in determination of nitrogen by the Lauro, 1931
cracklings Kjeldahl method.
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

has been determined by single-factor analysis (Lu et al., 2003a, 49 g potassium sulfate) than with mercury catalysts (Bjarno,
2003b). 1980).
Copper was mentioned as an alternate catalyst for the de- The titanium dioxide is incorporated into a catalyst mixture
termination of nitrogen in early editions of the Official and with cupric sulfate and potassium sulfate (Croll et al., 1985;
Tentative Methods of Analysis (AOAC, 1935), and the use of Kane, 1986; Klopper, 1976; Williams, 1973) and well as with
copper sulfate for the determination of nitrogen content in milk copper and selenium (Simmone et al., 1993). The choice of
was first proposed almost 75 years ago by Rowland (1938a). titanium as a catalyst alternative to mercury was shown to be
Replacement of mercury by copper as catalyst has also been excellent (Anderson and Möller, 1995). Titanium occurs natu-
proposed (Florence et al., 1985; Jones and Bradshaw, 1989; rally in soils (0.3 to 6%), and titanium dioxide is a brilliant white
Rexroad and Cathey, 1974, 1976). Copper sulfate has been sub- pigment used in paint, plastics, paper coatings, detergents, and
stituted for mercury as the catalyst in the International Dairy foods. It can be used as either a color stabilizer or a food addi-
Federation (IDF) Standard 20A:1986 method for the determi- tive. Titanium dioxide is used quite safely in large quantities in
nation of nitrogen content in milk (Grappin and Horwitz, 1988). dairy products and bread flour where whiteness is desired; it is
The Kjeldahl method for nitrogen determination in meat and exceptionally nontoxic. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
meat products using copper catalyst was adopted as a first ac- allows titanium dioxide as a food additive up to 1% by weight.
tion by AOAC International (Price et al., 1994). Mixed Na2 SO4 - Catalysts can be purchased as prepared material under the
CuSO4 catalyst has been employed in plant tissue digestion brand names “Kjel-tab,” “Kel tab,” and “Kelmate” distributed
for macronutrient analysis (Hu and Barker, 1999). Alhough by various chemical suppliers.
the copper catalyst exhibited a negative bias when compared
to the mercury catalyst, its magnitude is less than the repro- REFRACTORY COMPOUNDS AND NITRATE NITROGEN
ducibility standard deviation of the methods. The optimum RECOVERY: TAKING EXTREME CONDITIONS
amounts of CuSO4 ·5 H2 O, K2 SO4 , and H2 SO4 in a digestion The ease of digestion varies with the nature of the sam-
measurement method for protein in samples have been eval- ple, i.e., in some proteins it is more difficult to convert the
uated by means of an orthogonal design (Wang, 2005). The organic nitrogen to ammonia. Histidine- and tryptophan-rich
use of a Pd(II)-Cu(II) catalyst allows degrading refractory com- proteins generally require long or harsh digestion conditions
pounds such as pyridine to ammonia (Oishi and Komatsuzaki, (Pomeranz and Meloun, 2002). The simple procedure of diges-
1991). tion with concentrated sulfuric acid in the presence of a catalyst
Zirconium dioxide was found to possess a satisfactory cat- is applicable to amines, amino acids, amides, and their simple
alytic potential for the Kjeldahl determination of total nitrogen. derivatives (Bradstreet, 1965). However, the nitrogen that oc-
The white microcrystalline material is readily soluble in sulfuric curs in organic compounds with N-N and N-O linkages (e.g.,
acid, nontoxic, and reasonably priced, with a 20:1 cost ratio in azo-, nitro-, and nitroso compounds, hydrazines, hydrazones,
favor of zirconium dioxide over mercuric oxide (Glowa, 1974). oximes, pyrazolones, isooxazoles, and dia- and triazines) is not
Repeatability, interlaboratory variation, and variation versus completely recovered. Aromatic compounds are all difficult to
manual Kjeldahl were equal or better with an antimony-based digest; also, removing heterocyclic nitrogen is even more diffi-
catalyst (0.8 g potassium antimonate hemihydrate, 0.16 g zinc cult and entails breaking every molecular bond in the compound
sulfate heptahydrate, 0.02 g cupric sulfate pentahydrate, and (Schöniger, 1960; Suard et al., 1997). It would appear very

desirable that when the Kjeldahl method is used for the analysis the importance of pre-carbonization and multiple additions for
of cyclic nitrogen derivatives, a suitable control analysis with full nitrogen recovery (Miller and Miller, 1948). Sulfuric acid-
pure substances should be carried out. Thus, the Kjeldahl pro- hydrogen peroxide methods in their original form as well as
cedure will not recover 100% of the N in most samples; nitrate in modified forms by pretreatment of samples with salicylic
and nitrite are not recovered unless a predigestion procedure is acid and sodium thiosulfate have been applied to ensure com-
conducted, which reduces NO− +
3 to NH4 (Horneck and Miller, plete recovery of nitrate-N (Ekpete and Cornfield, 1964). Hy-
1998); common areas of usage are fertilizers, soil, and water. drogen peroxide assists in clearing the digests (Parkinson and
The reduction of refractory compounds can be effected in Allen, 1975; Thomas et al., 1967), thereby decreasing digestion
two ways, either by pretreatment before the digestion or during times. However, Nelson and Sommers (1973) obtained poor to-
the digestion itself (Amin and Flowers, 2004). Commonly used tal N recoveries (84%) from plant materials by using sulfuric
reducing agents are chromium, zinc, iron sulfate, hydriodic acid, acid-hydrogen peroxide digestion procedures, without potas-
salicylic acid, and sucrose (Dalal et al., 1984; Goyal and Hafez, sium sulfate or catalysts. Hydrogen peroxide treatment resulted
1990; Pace et al., 1982; Pruden et al., 1985; Wyland et al., in excessive foaming (Hambelton and Noel, 1975) and loss of
1994). Satisfactory results can often be obtained by adding pure sample from digestion tubes. Florence and Milner (1979) re-
glucose to the digestion mixture. Sucrose or glucose is also ported the need to heat the digestive mixture after clarifying
commonly included in digestions of blank samples in order to for full nitrogen recovery. This procedure is preferable to those
get an acid consumption similar to the samples. Practically, it employing highly toxic catalysts (Florence and Milner, 1979;
is preferable to do it during digestion, but many compounds Singh et al., 1984).
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

cannot be reduced by this procedure and must be reduced by Hach et al. (1985, 1987) and Hach Company (1997) out-
other means. lined the peroxy reagent digestion method. The Hach technique
Three modifications of the Kjeldahl method have been used utilizes 5 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid to carbonize the
to recover nitrate and nitrite nitrogen in total nitrogen analysis sample and then uses continuous-flow addition of 10–15 mL
(Amins and Flowers, 2004): (i) the salicylic acid modification of hydrogen peroxide delivered into the digest via a capillary
introduced by Cope, where the sample is preheated with salicylic funnel. This reagent contains peroxymonosulfuric acid (H2 SO5 ,
acid and sodium thiosulfate; (ii) the alkaline reduction modifica- Caro’s acid), which is a more powerful oxidant than hydrogen
tion of Davisson and Parsons in which Devarda’s alloy and alkali peroxide, requiring careful handling and storage in a vented
are used to reduce nitrate and nitrite to ammonia, which is then container (Hach, 1987). It does not seem easy or safe to handle
collected in sulfuric acid and added to the digest; and (iii) the 50% hydrogen peroxide at high temperatures. However, the use
Olsen permanganate-reduced iron modification in which potas- of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing reagent was reported to
sium permanganate is used to oxidize nitrite to nitrate-nitrogen, greatly shorten the digestion period. Various modifications of
which is then reduced to ammonium by reduced iron. the Hach digestion method were shown to be effective in rapid
Nitrogen determination with the Kjeldahl method does not determination by the Kjeldahl method in a variety of samples
require expensive devices or specialized techniques, being in (Barbarino and Lourenço, 2009; Buondonno et al., 1995; Fi-
addition precise and accurate. However, it has been almost ig- genschou et al., 2000; Norton et al., 1987; Rossi et al., 2004;
nored as a means of organic elemental analysis. One reason for Walkins et al., 1987). Hydrogen peroxide is used in the Di-
this may be the difficult degradation of pyridine derivatives to gestahlR apparatus (Brayton, 1992; Hach Company, 1982), in
ammonia (Oishi and Komatsuzaki, 1991). which the digestate is analyzed for ammonia-N by direct ness-
lerization. This makes possible a 10-minute Kjeldahl process
CLEANER DIGESTION: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE possible (Hach Company, 1982; Pomeranz and Meloan, 2002).
Kleemann (1921), Heuss (1923), and Berman (1924) re- Digestion was integrated into a total analytical system based
ported the use of hydrogen peroxide during sample digestion. on spectrophotometric analysis (Brayton, 1992). Treatment of
Hydrogen peroxide has proven to be a rapid and powerful oxi- plant material with a mixture of H2 O2 -H2 SO4 in the absence
dizer of organic matter (Analytical Methods Committee, 1967) of metal catalyst has been proposed as an alternative digestion
and has been used successfully in Kjeldahl digestion to de- procedure for determination of nitrate-nitrogen in plants (Carter
compose organic samples. Kleemann used addition of hydro- and Gregorich, 2006; McGill and Figuerido, 1993). Many other
gen peroxide to the sample followed by digestion with sulfuric elements can also be determined in peroxy digests prepared
acid and potassium sulfate to obtain quick conversion of ni- without mercury or other metal catalyst, like phosphorus, potas-
trogen to ammonia (Kleemann, 1921). Koch and McMeekin sium, calcium, iron. and copper (Brayton, 1992; Carter and
(1924) carbonized the sample in sulfuric acid and then added Gregorich, 2006). Hydrogen peroxide and concentrated sulfuric
hydrogen peroxide dropwise with heating to obtain rapid ox- acid mixed solution has recently been used to digest samples for
idation with complete retention of the nitrogen as ammonia. protein analysis (Li et al., 2006; Wang, 2010; Zhang and Zhang,
Bradstreet (1940) reported on the use of hydrogen peroxide 2008), the digestive time being substantially reduced.
without a catalyst in the macro-digestion of samples taken from Nontoxic Kjeldahl digestion with the aid of hydrogen per-
a variety of products. A careful study of peroxide use proved oxide has also been reported a number of times (Table 5).

Complete acid decomposition must always be achieved before reference samples (Theiller, 1993; Cerdà et al., 1997) by using
adding hydrogen peroxide in order to lessen the risks of possi- focused microwaves in open systems. There are also on-line
ble explosive reactions (Analytical Methods Committee, 1967), analyzers for this purpose, which, however, use pressurized
which are always possible when hydrogen peroxide is added pumps (Cerdà et al., 1997). The advantages of working at
to undecomposed organic matrices. A numerical rating scale atmospheric pressure, including the ability to add reagents
for classifying nitrogen compounds, the digestion index, based sequentially and the safety improvement in avoiding high
on their resistance to decomposition (Brayton, 1992), has been pressures, makes it an attractive alternative (Collins et al.,
devised. It is an arbitrary scale in which zero is assigned to 1996).
compounds not needing digestion (ammonium salts) and ten The closed-vessel microwave digestion method (Lo et al.,
to nicotinic acid, depending on the minimum peroxide reaction 2005; Matusiewicz and Sturgeon, 1989; Sneddon et al., 2006)
time required to obtain full nitrogen recovery relative to nicotinic has the advantages of minimizing contamination and ana-
acid. lyte loss, as well as maintaining the digestion conditions at
specific temperatures and pressures. Moreover, the closed-
OUT OF THE BEAKER AND INTO THE OVEN: vessel method is more suitable for studying the chemical re-
MICROWAVE DIGESTION actions of microwave heating under different operative condi-
In the more recent attempts at developing sample preparation tions. However, though this approach expedites analyses sub-
procedures for the subsequent determination of Kjeldahl nitro- stantially, it has some disadvantages such as the hazards in-
gen, a significant amount of effort has been directed toward volved in working at high pressures and temperatures with
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

the use of microwave irradiation (Hilz et al., 2012). Analyti- organic matrices, the requirement to use small amounts of
cal chemists first began using microwave heating as a means sample, the inability to add reagents between steps of the
of applying energy in 1975 to digest biological samples (Abu- process, and difficult optimization. Ultrasonication has been
Samra et al., 1975). Since then, the microwave oven has been used in analytical chemistry to accelerate many steps of an
introduced to the chemical laboratory as a new way of conduct- analytical procedure, such as the extraction of organic and
ing chemical reactions (Barclay, 2004; de Castro and Priego- inorganic compounds (Luque-Garcı́a and de Castro, 2003).
Capote, 2011; Eskilsson and Björklund, 2000; Kingston and Simultaneous direct irradiation with microwaves and ultra-
Jassie, 1988; Rawa-Adkonis et al., 2003; Zlotorzynski, 1995). sound has also been recently applied in Kjeldahl determina-
The significance of microwave for analytical chemistry grows tion (Chemat et al., 2004; Domini et al., 2009; Lagha et al.,
continuously and rapidly (Kubrakova, 2002; Navas et al., 2012a, 1999).
2012b). This method of electromagnetic heating is a “cold” The development of microwave digestion has given an im-
in situ process based on the direct absorption of energy by portant new dimension to Kjeldahl determinations (McKenzie,
the sample; heat absorption is instantaneous, and, as a con- 1994). The operating conditions for the digestion itself are dif-
sequence, more energy is collected by the solution, decreas- ferent from those of classical methods (Feinberg et al., 1994).
ing digestion time. Thereby, thermal phenomena like conduc- Thus, a fully automated microwave digester can improve both
tion, convection, or radiation play only a secondary role in accuracy and precision of determinations, but consists of more
temperature control and equalization. Microwave ovens have than just an automated sampler or a computer-driven instrument
successfully found a way out of the kitchen, and MEC was control. The analysis in situ of temperature and pressure mea-
recently proposed as a new acronym, standing for microwave- surements allows an understanding of the processes that occur
enhanced chemistry (Nobrega et al., 2002). Dipole rotation and during microwave digestions (Kingston and Jassie, 1988). In
ionic conductance are the two primary mechanisms for the addition, the use of the couple sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide
absorption of microwave energy by a solution (Richter et al., in digestion (Table 7) reduces the Kjeldahl digestion time and
2001). the chemical reagents needed.
Most experiments are carried out using cavity- or focused- Short digestion times in association with maximum nitrogen
microwave systems, usually referred to as closed- or open-vessel recovery were sought using methodology based on experimen-
systems, respectively. Note that the so-called open vessels in tal design and response surfaces, i.e., fractional, complete facto-
focused systems are not completely open. In addition, it is rial designs, and Doehlert designs (Feinberg et al., 1993; Korn
also possible to operate closed vessels in a focused microwave et al., 2005; Mohd et al., 1992; Segade et al., 2003); a rotat-
way. For these reasons that terminology is not totally correct able orthogonal Box-Wilson composite plane design (Ramon
(Nobrega et al., 2002). However, open-focused systems allow et al., 2005); a three-component Schefté simplex-centroid de-
microwave energy to be more efficiently transferred to the sign (Zorgati et al., 2000); Box-Wilson protocol (Ramon et al.,
sample and are safer and easier to automate (Mermet, 1997). 2005); and a Plackett-Burman saturated design (Domini et al.,
Kjeldahl nitrogen has been determined in food (Chemat et al., 2009; Feinberg et al., 1993; Lavilla et al., 1998). Expert database
1998; Collins et al., 1996; Domini et al., 2009; Feinberg, 1999; systems have been devised to assist microwave sample sepa-
Feinberg et al., 1993; Theiller, 1993), industrial wastewater ration (Feinberg et al., 1994; Settle et al., 1989, 1992). Safe
(Ramon et al., 2005), and geological (He et al., 1990) and laboratory procedures should always be used when performing

Microwave-assisted digestion applications

Sample Comments Reference

Animal fodder The crude protein retained in the digestion residues increased by Brodie et al., 2012
19.2% as microwave treatment increased from 0 to 30 min.
Barbano and Clark (1990) method was applied
Amino acids and certified Simultaneous direct irradiation with microwaves and ultrasound Domini et al., 2009
reference materials (peach was used to determine total Kjeldahl nitrogen; two-step
leaves and soil) mineralization with sulfuric acid and oxidation with H2 O2 was
Soil and plant material Conventional Kjeldahl wet digestion followed by steam distillation Yardim, 2009
and titration of ammonium (oxidized forms of nitrogen such as
nitrate and nitrite that might be present in the samples not
Milk Microwave digestion conditions were optimized; relative standard Shen et al., 2009
deviation and recovery were 1.82%, and 98.8–101.7%,
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

Beans Focused-microwave Kjeldahl digestion procedure without metal Korn et al., 2005
catalyst for nitrogen determination. Temperature at which the
decomposition plateau occurs, mass of potassium sulfate, and
volume of either sulfuric acid or hydrogen peroxide were
Sewage and wastewater Closed-vessel microwave digestion process for the determination of Lo et al., 2005
total Kjeldahl nitrogen. Temperature at which the decomposition
plateau occurs, mass of potassium sulfate, and volume of either
sulfuric acid or hydrogen peroxide were optimized
Industrial wastewater Demonstrated the use of a focused microwave method involving Ramon et al., 2005
chemical digestion in two steps, mineralization and oxidation
with H2 O2 , for the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen
Powdered milk, cow’s milk, rice, Simultaneous microwave and ultrasound irradiation as a new Chemat et al., 2004
corn, flour, beef, corned beef technique for digestion of solid and liquid samples (food
products), compared with the classical total Kjeldahl nitrogen
Synthetic foods Scheffé mixture experimental designs were used to detect the Zorgati et al., 2000
influence and variables interactions using focused microwave
Soil Open-vessel single-mode microwave technology applied and the Mason et al., 1999
extracted nitrogen determined colorimetrically in a flow injection
system making use of the Berthelot reaction
Pharmaceutical, agricultural, and Kinetics of microwave and classical Kjeldahl digestion for nitrogen Chemat et al., 1998
food products determination. Effects of reaction conditions (microwave power,
concentration, reaction time) on the microwave Kjeldahl
Amino acids Open-vessel microwave digestion follows the stepwise degradation Suard et al., 1997
of amino acids in the presence of H2 SO4 and H2 O2 . The first step
consists in charring the matrix, the second in oxidizing
Soybeans, miso, wheat flour, rice, Microwave-assisted Kjeldahl digestion of food materials were Suzuki, 1997
loin ham, shiba-shrimp, and successfully accomplished within 35 min at atmospheric pressure
powdered cream using an open-focused system
Tryptophan, bovine liver, oyster Atmospheric pressure microwave digestion method for analysis of Collins et al., 1996
tissue, citrus leaves total phosphorus and Kjeldahl nitrogen in complex matrices (EPA
Method 351.1 for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination)
(Continued on next page)

Microwave-assisted digestion applications (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Fish, chicken, beef, liver, rice, A vessel microwave digestion system carrying out two periods of Feinberg et al.,
butter, paté, soy flour decomposition of the organic matrix with sulfuric acid without 1993
catalyst, and oxidation with hydrogen peroxide
Six samples : flour, milk, meat . . . Use of H2 SO4 and H2 O2 without catalyst for the rapid Suard et al., 1993
mineralization of samples in an interlaboratory study
Natural water On-line microwave digestion of natural water samples with Schmitt et al., 1993
detection of urea as ammonia by colorimetric detection by flow
Implementation of standard methods relies upon analyst expertise Settle et al., 1992
(conversion into usable procedures). Application of software
techniques to standard methods for microwave sample dissolution
Meat products The mineralization is carried out in 20 min. Results agree with the Bermond and
classic method of mineralization Ducauze, 1991
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

Soil Microwave digestion procedure proposed for total N analysis by He et al., 1990
using HF-HCl, H3 BO3 , and H2 O2 , giving much lower values than
conventional Kjeldahl digestion
Milk Microwave digestion using within-laboratory study and the Barbano and Clark,
Kjel-FAST (CEM Corp.) in four stages. Total digestion plus 1990
dilution and cool-down time was about 8 min
Wheat flour matrix Expert system assists the analyst in the identification of four Settle et al., 1989
analytical descriptors necessary to develop procedures for sample
preparation, with a PC-AT microcomputer and commercially
available software
Essential amino acids, vegetables, Efficiency of the microwave method of sample treatment in regard Alvarado et al.,
milk products, seafood, canned to the speed of the dissolution process and the precision and 1988
meat accuracy of the nitrogen determination

the microwave sample preparation methods described (Collins and Neuwirth, 1957; Schwab and Schwab-Agadillis, 1951,
et al., 1996), and care will be needed in the choice of materials 1953).
for digestion vessels and in adequate monitoring of the safety of Microwave digestion studies carried out with sulfuric acid
the equipment with respect to microwave emission and potential and hydrogen peroxide show that two steps are involved in the
explosion. Commercial microwave digestion systems (both of digestion process (Alvarado et al., 1988; Feinberg, 1999; Fein-
closed- and open-vessel types) are being marketed by a number berg et al., 1993; Ramón et al., 2005): (a) mineralization, by
of companies. Optimization, validation, and automation of this which organic matter in the sample is decomposed in the pres-
atmospheric pressure single-mode microwave method have led ence of sulfuric acid, and the nitrogen in a difficult-to-degrade
to its incorporation in the French AFNOR (1992) method, as an form is released; and (b) oxidation with hydrogen peroxide,
alternative sample preparation procedure (Collins et al., 1996; which cleaves the bonds resisting acid attack (Colina and Gar-
McKenzie, 1994). diner, 1999; Collins et al., 1996; Nobrega et al., 2002; Ramon
et al., 2005). Some amino acids contain two different kinds of ni-
MECHANISM: THE FORGOTTEN TOPIC trogen atoms, with their transformation into ammonium sulfate
Comparatively few articles has been published on the mecha- in the presence of sulfuric acid, easy and difficult, respectively
nism of the Kjeldahl reaction. The actual decomposition reaction (Kell and Steinhart, 1990). For several amino acids, only a sto-
is mainly oxidation accompanied by reduction, dehydration, hy- ichiometric fraction of nitrogen (called the easy fraction) is di-
drolysis, substitution, and other complicated reactions, and can- gested then when sulfuric acid is used alone. The other, difficult,
not be simply expressed by a single equation (Morita, 1968). fraction is totally dissolved when hydrogen peroxide is added
The decomposition reaction is extremely complicated and only (Suard et al., 1993, 1997). The digestion kinetic curves differ
very few studies concerning kinetics have been made (Bredig enormously between classical Kjeldahl and microwave meth-
and Brown, 1903; Schwab and Caramanos, 1955; Schwab ods. The conventional Kjeldahl method gives a kinetic curve

related to second-order reaction, whereas the microwave diges- results of titrations are obtained directly. When a strong acid
tion seems to be a first-order reaction (Chemat et al., 1998), as (HCl or H2 SO4 ) is applied in the receiver (i.e., in the titrand),
it is derived from kinetic study of the arginine digestion. two standard solutions are needed: (1) titrant (NaOH solution)
and (2) the strong acid in the receiver; in (2), the results are ob-
AMMONIA DETERMINATION: TITRIMETRIC FINISH tained in an indirect manner. Other adsorbents have been used,
Transformation of NH+ 4 into NH3 , caused by addition of
e.g., Doyle and Omoto (1950) used, with good results, a solu-
NaOH (pH growth) into a Pregl-Parnas-Wagner (Parnas and tion of KHSO4 instead of boric acid to trap ammonia. Blom
Wagner, 1921) (semimicro distillation) apparatus (Andraos, and Schwarz (1949) used NiSO4 ·(NH4 )2 SO4 ·6 H2 O, and Urban
n.d.; ASTM, 2011; Hakoda et al., 2009; Hoskins, 1944; Pregl, (1971) suggested a solution of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
1899, 1930; Scandrett, 1953; Sheers and Cole, 1953; Steyer- There were some proposals involving the choice of a proper
mark and McGee, 1960; Steyermark et al., 1951) results from indicator applied in these (visual) titrations. For example,
the equation mixtures of methyl red and tetrabromophenol blue (Stover and
Sandin, 1931), or methyl red and methylene blue (2:1) (Sobel
[NH3 ] et al., 1937) or methyl red alone (Meeker and Wagner, 1933;
 +  = 10pH−pK1
NH4 Wagner, 1940) were suggested (Ma and Zuazaga, 1942); the
latter changes its color at about pH 5.2 (Sher, 1955). Alcohol
where pK1 = −logK1 ; K1 refers to reaction NH+ +
4 = H + NH3 ,
◦ (ethanol or methanol) solution containing a mixture of methyl
pK1 = 9.35 at 20 C.
red and methylene blue was known later as the Tashiro indicator.
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After collection in an acid solution, ammonia may be titrated

After addition of HCl, the Tashiro indicator changes its color
with strong base or strong acid, depending on whether strong
from green to violet. Knowing the number of milliliters of the
acid (HCl or H2 SO4 ) or boric acid (H3 BO3 ) is applied in the
standardized acid used in the titration, the amount of ammonia
distillation receiver; H3 BO3 is commonly used to trap ammonia
neutralized with boric acid can be calculated; alternatively, a pH
(Beljkaš et al., 2010; Meeker, and Wagner, 1933; Stover and
titration with end-point (Ve ) at pH = 5.0 is also done. A mixed
Sandin, 1931; Takatsu et al., 2008; Thiex et al., 2002), although
indicator (bromocresol green and methyl red) has been recently
some reports claimed that collection of ammonia in H2 SO4 and
used by Beljkaš and colleagues (2010) to locate the end-point.
subsequent titration of an excess acid with standard alkali gives
Three drawbacks of the usual Kjeldahl receiving solution
better results (Fleck and Munro, 1965). Optionally, a titration
(standard sulfuric or hydrochloric acid) are that it must be quan-
with sulfamic acid (as primary standard) solution was also sug-
titatively standardized and quantitatively measured into the re-
gested (Milner and Zahner, 1960).
ceiving flask, and that additional titrations and calculations are
After distillation, the excess of standard acid may be deter-
required if a blank is run. Also, when using this solution, it is
mined iodometrically, according to consecutive reactions:
necessary to have on hand standard sodium hydroxide solution
IO− − +
3 + 5I + 6H = 3I2 + 3H2 O
(which can be difficult to keep) for forward titration to the methyl
I2 + 2S2 O−2 − −2 red end-point. Two drawbacks of the boric acid solutions that
3 = 2I + S4 O6
are frequently used are that boric acid is volatile, introducing an
The high precision of the titration with starch as an indicator error due to acid evaporation, and that additional titrations and
enabled Kjeldahl to work with small samples of material or to calculations are required if a blank is run.
aliquot the distillate before titration. Nevertheless, as carbon A new standard method was developed by FOSS at the end
dioxide is usually present in the distillate, it is advisable to boil of 1990s, in cooperation with the AOAC (Möller, 2009), us-
the solution prior to the addition of the standard iodide-iodate ing block digestion with copper sulfate catalysts, a minimum
solution (Wilson and Mattingley, 1926). For this reason, this amount of sulfuric acid, a digestion time of 1 hour, steam distilla-
method is seldom used. However, it has been stated that the tion into boric acid receiver solution, and simultaneous titration
iodometric method applied to the microdetermination of nitro- with photometric end-point. The distillation plus titration time
gen is to be preferred to the acidimetric method because the risk was reduced to some 3–4 minutes. It has been recommended that
of a displacement of the end-point by carbon dioxide absorption 1% H3 BO3 as an optimal alternative to 4% boric acid trapping
is much lower (Bradstreet, 1965; MacInnes and Granick, 1958; solution be allowed for automatic titrators that titrate through the
Michaelis and Maeda, 1923). distillation (Thiex et al., 2002). This standard was later adopted,
Titration of ammonia absorbed in H3 BO3 solution was pro- first in 2005, by ISO and the European Committee for Standard-
posed first by Winkler (1913, p. 231), who noted, “Boric acid ization (CEN) as EN ISO 5983–2 (ISO, 2009b), establishing a
is indeed such a week acid, that its solution does not cause a global standard for protein determination. An analogous pro-
noticeable color change of certain indicators. Ammonia is, how- cedure with copper sulfate/titanium oxide catalyst was adopted
ever, completely fixed by it, provided that a suitable excess of in EN ISO 20483 (ISO, 2006) for the determination of the ni-
acid is present.” One of the advantages of such a choice is that trogen content and calculation of crude protein in cereals and
only one standardized solution (e.g., HCl or H2 SO4 ) is needed pulses. The Kjeldahl method has been widely used for protein
(as titrant) for this purpose (Ma and Zuazaga, 1942), and the estimation in cereals (Vivek et al., 2008) because: (i) it allows

quantifying nitrogen from either soluble or insoluble samples, disadvantages: (i) the amount of NH3 is obtained as a difference
(ii) the nitrogen from cereal samples is mainly derived from pro- and (ii) two standard solutions are required.
tein, and (iii) the amino acid composition of endosperm protein Preferably, the distilled ammonia can be absorbed into a
is constant enough to have a relatively fixed nitrogen:protein solution of boric acid (Winkler, 1913) or other weak acid
ratio within a given cereal. (Laitinen and Harris, 1975). Boric acid is sufficiently acidic to
Selected applications of titrimetric methods applied in Kjel- react with ammonia and prevent loss by volatilization, but it is
dahl analysis are shown in Table 8. The distillation titration too weak an acid to interfere with the titration of ammonium
method is a standard procedure used by most laboratories to borate with diluted hydrochloric acid. When boric acid is
measure ammonium (NH+ 4 )-nitrogen (N) in the total Kjeldahl used instead of standard acid as the recipient of the distillate,
nitrogen digests of various kinds of agricultural and environ- the use of a weak standard alkaline solution is avoided. The
mental samples, as shown recently by Saha et al. (2012). alkaline solution is vulnerable to the absorption of atmospheric
Conductivity measurements have also been the subject of carbon dioxide with subsequent changes in molarity. Neither
study for the analytical finish of the Kjeldahl method. Hendricks the amount nor the concentration (about 4%) of boric acid in
and Thomas (1942) described a vacuum distillation procedure the receiving bottle has to be precise.
in which the ammonia was collected in boric or sulfuric acid Then, in the Winkler modification, the NH3 is caught in an
and determined by the change in conductivity of the acid. The unmeasured excess of boric acid:
conductivity of boric acid is very small and practically inde-
pendent of its concentration, whereas ammonium borate has the NH3 + H3 BO3 = NH+ −
4 + H2 BO3 [1]
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conductivity of a well-ionized salt. Shaw and Staddon (1958) The borate formed is determined by titration with standard
used, in a same way, a diffusion cell to transfer ammonia from HCl, one mole of HCl being required for each mole of NH3 :
the sample to sulfuric acid for its subsequent determination by
conductivity. Sarudi and Siska (1970) carried out the analysis of H2 BO− +
3 + H = H3 BO3 [2]
ammonium salts from the protein Kjeldahl method by measur-
The solution at the equivalence point contains H3 BO3 and
ing the specific conductance of the solution once the ammonia
NH4 Cl, a mixture of two weak acids, so that an indicator tran-
was separated from samples by distillation and collected in boric
siting in the acid region (pH 5–6) is satisfactory (Blaedel and
acid solution.
Meloche, 1957).
Friedl (1972) determined ammonia from the rate of change
The equilibrium constant of Equation (1) is given by
in conductivity of a small volume of sulfuric acid as it absorbed
ammonia from a sample in a diffusion cell. Carlson (1978) K1,H3 BO3 10−9,24
collected Kjeldahl digests into a solution, the gaseous ammonia Keq = = = 1.288 [3]
K1,NH+4 10−9.35
evaporated by the addition of sodium hydroxide was re-collected
through a porous silicon membrane tube into deionized water Although this equilibrium constant is low, the fraction of
inside the porous membrane tube, and the conductivity was ammonia converted into ammonium ion increases with increas-
then measured. The performance of the diffusion conductiv- ing the difference of concentrations between boric acid and
ity method in measuring NH+ 4 -N in the total Kjeldahl nitrogen ammonia. However, hydrochloric acid titrates the borate ion
digest of 29 different samples (surface water, lagoons, manure, from the above reaction (Equation (2)) as well as the ammonia,
poultry litter, and environmental wastes) was recently compared which is not converted into ammonium ion in Equation (1), i.e.,
with that of the colorimetric method with the distillation titration H2 BO− + + +
3 + H = H3 BO3 ; NH3 + H = NH4 (the sum of both
method (Saha et al., 2012). being equivalent to the ammonia distilled).
Equations for drawing the rigorous and complete titration
curves corresponding to back and direct ammonia titrations have
BASE OR ACID AS TITRANT: THAT IS THE QUESTION been recently derived (Michałowski et al., 2013), together with
Ammonia can be distilled into an excess of standard H2 SO4 their corresponding derivative curves. Details are too lengthy
or HCl, and the excess determined by back titration with a stan- to include here. The pHeq increases in the back titration of
dard base. Since the solution at the equivalence point contains ammonia (trapped in either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid) with
(NH4 )2 SO4 , or NH4 Cl, which hydrolyzes, methyl red (transition sodium hydroxide, as the ammonia concentration decreases,
range 4.4–6.2) is used as an indicator (Blaedel and Meloche, reaching a value of 7, corresponding to the titration of a strong
1957). A mistake appears in Bradstreet (1965, p. 152): “in the acid with a strong base, when the ammonia concentration is zero.
case of back titration of a distillate, the equivalence point will The pHeq in the titration with hydrochloric acid of ammonia
occur at pH 7, since this is the point of neutralization of a strong trapped in boric acid remains practically unchanged and close
acid by a strong base. Any indicator, therefore, changing color to 5.2.
at or close to pH 7 is suitable.” The millimoles of NH3 in the Two standardized solutions (trapping and titrant) are required
sample are equal to the total millimoles of HCl added minus in the titration of ammonia trapped in HCl solution with NaOH
millimoles of base used in back titration. This method has two (back titration), whereas only one standard solution (titrant)

Selected titration applications

Sample Comments Reference

Surface water, lagoons, manure, The performance of the diffusion conductivity method and Saha et al., 2012
poultry litters, and colorimetric method is compared with that of the distillation
environmental wastes titration method. Agricultural and environmental samples of various
kinds are analyzed
Milk and milk products Nitrogen content and crude protein calculation by using traditional ISO/TC 34/SC 5,
and block digestion methods with CuSO4 as catalyst and titrimetric 2011
finish with HCl as titrant (steam distillation of ammonia into excess
boric acid)
Cereals and oilseeds Suitability of Dumas combustion method to completely substitute the Beljkas et al., 2010
Kjeldahl method in routine laboratory determination of nitrogen,
evaluating the validation parameters, which are not outlined in the
official method
Corn distillers dried grains and AOAC 990.03 Protein (Crude) in Animal-Feed Combustion and Thiex, 2009
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corn distilled dried grains with AOAC 2001.11 Protein (Crude) in Animal Feed and Pet Food
solubles Copper Catalyst and Steam Distillation into Boric acid can be used
interchangeably to provide accurate and precise protein results.
Animal feeding stuffs Semimicro rapid routine using block digestion, copper catalysts, and ISO, 2009b
distillation into boric acid. In the case of manual or semiautomatic
steam distillation, distillation of the ammonia into an excess of
boric acid solution is followed by titration with hydrochloric acid
solution to a colorimetric end-point
Creatinine and urea Development of two CRMs. The certified values were assigned based Takatsu et al., 2008
on the results of two different methods: acidimetric titration and
nitrogen determination by the Kjeldahl method
Cereal and pulses Digestion with sulfuric acid in the presence of a catalyst trapping, ISO, 2006
then the ammonia distilled into boric acid and using sulfuric acid in
the titration finish
Milk, egg, yogurt, soybean milk, The method of Kjeldahl is more accurate than UV spectrophotometry, Li, 2006
almond isoelectric focusing, biuret reaction, or Commassie Brilliant Blue
Foodstuffs Both the block digestion and Kjeltec Auto Analyzer and the Wang et al., 2004
traditional Kjeldahl methods were used to determine the protein
content of foodstuffs with satisfactory results
Milk, animal feed, forage, grain, Test portions digested, cooled, and diluted, the ammonia distilled, Thiex et al., 2002
and oilseed trapped in a weak boric acid solution, and titrated with hydrochloric
acid (colorimetric end-point detection) (collaborative study)
Blood Flow-injection analysis for the rapid and direct determination of Su et al., 1997
ammonium in Kjeldahl digests, on-line by a bulk acoustic wave
(BAW)-impedance sensor. Results in good agreement with those
obtained by the conventional distillation/titration method
Cheese Boric acid is used as the recipient of the distillate in an interlaboratory Florence and
study carried out to establish precision parameters for a standard Harris, 1987
method for nitrogen in cheese employing copper sulfate as Kjeldahl
Iron(II) ammonium sulfate, Inexpensive trap-de-mister assembly utilizing solid crystalline boric Siemer, 1986
thiourea, ammonium sulfate, acid as ammonia absorbent. Ammonium ion determined by
sulfamic acid . . . acidimetric titration, conductance measurement, or
spectrophotometric measurement after the addition of Nessler’s
(Continued on next page)

Selected titration applications (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Animal feeds Block digestion followed by steam distillation; collaborative study Noel, 1979
Soils and plant extracts The form of nitrogen under analysis (nitrate, nitrite) is converted to Bremmer and
NH+ 4 , separated by steam distillation, collected in boric acid, and Keeney, 1965
determined by titration with standard acid
Samples with known amounts of Solutions of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS) were shown Rodkey, 1964
TRIS to be a convenient primary standard for Kjeldahl analysis
Milk protein High correlation results between Orange G dye and Kjeldahl methods Castillo et al., 1962
of protein determinations
Petroleum Method employing Kjeldahl distillation and an acidimetric finish by Milner and Zahner,
sulfamic acid as titrant 1960
Pure aromatic nitrocompounds A procedure is described (acidic reduction with Zn in organic Ma et al., 1957
solvents) for the determination of nitrogen in aromatic nitro
compounds by a modified micro Kjeldahl method. Bromocresol
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green as indicator
Ammonia Bromocresol green, new coccine, and p-nitrophenol are used as a Sher, 1955
mixed indicator in Kjeldahl nitrogen titration
Boric acid for trapping ammonia in micro Kjeldahl determination is Yuen and Pollard,
used, describing suitable titration procedure with methylene 1953
blue-metyl red indicator, together with a modified type of
micro-distillation apparatus
Proteins Mercury-containing digest with three types of Kjeldahl analyses: Hiller et al., 1948
macroanalyses, microanalyses with distillation and titration of the
ammonia, and microanalyses with gasometric determination of the
ammonia by hypobromite reaction
Several substances, amphibian Use of potassium biiodate in the micro Kjeldahl determination of Ballentine and
embryos nitrogen (titration of ammonia). Since biiodate simultaneously Gregg, 1947
serves as a iodometric and an acidimetric reagent, the whole method
requires only one standard solution
Benzamide, phthalimide Sample digested with sulfuric acid in the presence of selenium, Ma and Zuazaga,
acetanilide, urea, urotropin . . . copper sulfate, and potassium sulfate. The ammonia is distilled into 1942
boric acid solution and titrated directly with hydrochloric acid,
using a mixed indicator methyl red and bromocresol green
Organic compounds Accuracy of the color matching end-point with methyl red indicator in Wagner, 1940
the titration of ammonia in boric acid solution, and its applicability
to the macro, semimicro, and micro Kjeldahl procedures.
Urine Mixed indicator containing methyl red and tetrabromophenol blue Stover and Sandin,
with good results in boric acid solution 1931
Serum Mixture of methyl red and methylene blue as indicator in the titration Sobel et al., 1937
of bases in boric acid solution
Urea, glycine, uric acid . . . Titration procedure extended to both macro- and microtitrations, with Meeker and
methyl red as indicator, giving a definite and unmistakable Wagner, 1933
end-point without use of special light
Vaccines Accuracy of the “formol titration” method, and especially its Shaw, 1924
application to the estimation of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate
Crops and soil Distillates received in boric acid and titrated with standard sulfuric Scales and
acid, using bromophenol blue as an indicator Harrison, 1920
Use of boric acid in the absorption of ammonia, which has the Winkler, 1913
advantage that only one solution is necessary

is required in the titration with HCl solution of the ammonia 1982). The method has been applied to nitrogen in foods, hu-
trapped in H3 BO3 . However, the two options considered from a man milk, and foodstuffs, and the results obtained agree with
theoretical viewpoint provide good results (Michałowski et al., the usual Kjeldahl method.
in press) of analyses if the pH value at the end-point is close Ammonia may also be oxidized to nitrogen in alkaline so-
to 5.2. Sulfuric acid may also be used instead of hydrochloric lution with an excess of hypobromite solution (Adams and
acid for trapping ammonia in the first case or for direct titration Spaulding, 1955; Osborn and Wilkie, 1935):
when ammonia is trapped into boric acid. When a strong acid is
2NH3 + 3NaBrO = 3NaBr + N2 + 3H2 O
employed for trapping ammonia it is necessary to know before-
hand the approximate amount of ammonia to be absorbed, so Potassium iodide is then added and the iodine formed titrated
that the proper quantity of acid could be taken in order to obtain with sodium thiosulfate. This is a reaction with a dual role
satisfactory results (Hendricks and Thomas, 1942). When boric (Schuette and Oppen, 1935), because the nitrogen evolved may
acid is used for trapping ammonia, large excess is present and also be determined gasometrically.
room temperature is not exceeded in order to avoid instability Willard and Cake (1920) appear to be the first to apply the
of ammonium borate solutions. above reaction to the Kjeldahl process. As hypobromite solu-
tions are not very stable, arsenite-hypochlorite titration in mildly
KJELDAHL WITHOUT DISTILLATION WITH alkaline solution with tartrazine as visual indicator has been pro-
TITRIMETRIC FINISH posed (Cohen and Connors, 1965). The reaction of ammonia
In the Kjeldahl process, some means could be devised of with hypochlorite is not affected by large amounts of sodium
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estimating the ammonia formed, which would render distilla- sulfate formed in the neutralization of the digest. A hypobromite
tion unnecessary, saving considerable time and attention (Shaw, method (Bosch and Querol, 1947) employing brominating mix-
1924). Some approaches have been applied for this purpose. ture and potassium tetraborate has been proposed, which has
L. Legler in Germany used the condensation reaction of am- been modified and used for the determination of organic nitrogen
monia with formaldehyde to form hexamethylenetetramine for on both the micro and the semimicro scales (Ashraf et al., 1968).
the alkalimetric assays of formalin solutions in 1883 (Laitinen Accurate results are also obtained when potassium bromate is
and Ewing, 1977). The early history of this reaction is shown replaced with potassium permanganate or dichromate (Sidiqui
with detail in the review of Schuette and Oppen (1935). The et al., 1970). The difficulties associated with the conservation of
displacement reaction, known as “formol titration” (Kolthoff, hypochlorite and hypobromite solutions (Kolthoff et al., 1957)
1921; Marcali and Rieman, 1946, 1948; Shaw, 1924; Sörensen, do not arise when bromate, permanganate, or dichromate is used
1907), occurs with the liberation of acid equivalent to the nitro- in the presence of potassium bromide.
gen present as ammonium salt, once the free sulfuric acid of the Coulometric titration methods offer several advantages over
Kjeldahl digest is neutralized: standard volumetric procedures; they don’t require standard so-
lutions, and the only volumetric measurement needed is the sam-
4NH+ +
4 + 6HCHO = (CH2 )6 N4 + 4H + 6H2 O ple measurement (Christian et al., 1965; Kaltenborn and Hütter,
The digest is sufficiently diluted and carefully neutralized, 1992; Lengerken et al., 1982). The elimination of the preparation
formaldehyde is added, and the acid formed titrated with stan- and storage of standard solutions avoids the inherent volumetric
dard alkali. Further information relating to formol titration is error and danger of atmospheric and other contamination. Anal-
found in Taylor (1957). The theoretical bases of the analytical ysis of nitrogen immediately after the decomposition is possible,
reaction between ammonium and formaldehyde, including its and the expensive distillation step of the original Kjeldahl pro-
kinetics and the optimum conditions for the reaction, have been cedure can be avoided. The hypobromite reaction has found an
recently considered (Tur’yam, 2010). Principles of realizing an application in coulometric titrations of ammonia nitrogen and
equivalent amount of acid in reaction of ammonium salts with in amperometric titrations. The manufacturer Mitsubishi uses
formaldehyde have recently been applied to the determination the diluted digest for a direct coulometric titration (Pansu et al.,
of crude protein in maize, corn powder, and corn lees (Wang, 2001).
2010). The formaldehyde method has also been applied to the Selected applications of titrimetric methods in Kjeldahl with-
rapid determination of ammonia nitrogen in high-concentration out distillation, both including visual indicator and coulometric
ammoniated wastewater in the ammonia industry and urban methods, are summarized in Table 9.
sewage (Huang et al., 2003).
A simple and rapid method for determining the ammonia CONCLUDING REMARKS
content in the Kjeldahl digest by differential pulse polarogra- The early history of nitrogen determination methods ranging
phy on the basis of the formol reaction has been devised. The from the Dumas, Will and Varrentrapp, and Wanklyn methods
hexamethylenetetramine produced by the ammonia contained to the Kjeldahl method has been outlined. Protein analysis has
in the digest and formaldehyde reaction in acetate buffer was legal, nutritional, health, safety, and economic implications for
determined electrochemically at −0.824 V (He et al., 2005), the food industry (Owusu-Apenten, 2002), for example, wheat
−0.9 V (Me and He, 2000), or −1.04 V (Fosdick and Pike, quality is significant for its purchasing, storage, processing, and

Selected applications without ammonia distillation

Sample Comments Reference

Coulometric Titrations
Pure di- and tripeptides, The total procedure for analysis of nitrogen represents in combination Kaltenborn and
aminoacids of digestion and electrochemical analysis a physical method, which Hütter, 1992
is absolutely adjustable and does not need any chemical calibration.
The titration was done in a cell consisting of two chambers, which
were filled with carbonate buffer and the reactive element
Animal feed A comparison of the hypobromite coulometric procedure analysis and Lengerken et al.,
the original Kjeldahl procedure 1982
Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks Coulometric titration with OBr− and bioamperometric end-point Müller et al., 1976
detection. The technique is superior to the conventional Kjeldahl
Nitrogen in organic compounds A rapid coulometric method based on the hypobromite reaction Boström et al.,
allows performing 20–30 nitrogen determinations per hour 1974
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Serum (non-protein nitrogen) The digest from an aliquot of the protein-free filtrate is titrated with Christian and Jung,
electrogenerated hypobromite after adjusting the pH to 8.6 1966
Human serum samples A coulometric procedure for the titration of ammonia formed from Christian et al.,
protein nitrogen following micro Kjeldahl digestion. A method is 1965
described for the direct titration of the ammonia in the digest.
Results are compared with standard macro and micro Kjeldahl
Spiked solutions similar to Titration with electrolytically generated bromine of microgram Arcand and Swift,
Kjeldahl digests quantities of ammonia in solution with a pH of 8.5. Neither copper 1956
sulfate nor mercuric nitrate affects the accuracy of ammonia
Amperometric Titrations
Soils, fertilizers Titration with NaBrO in the presence of Na2 B4 O7 and NaBr buffer Tsap et al., 1968
solution with end-point determined amperometrically
Organic compounds Current voltage curves of sodium hypobromite solution at a rotating Kolthoff et al., 1953
platinum electrode as indicator were determined. This is used in the
amperometric titration of ammonia and of nitrogen after Kjeldahl
Visual Indicator Titrations
Maize, corn protein powder, corn Formol titration is applied after H2 SO4 -H2 O2 digestion Wang, 2010
Wheat, rice, graham, peas, milk, Nitrogen converted into ammonium sulfate by Kjeldahl digestion. Siddiqui et al., 1970
blood, tea leaves, meat Potassium bromate and bromide were added in excess, and the
ammonium sulfate reacts quantitatively with the hypobromite
produced; the unutilized potassium bromate was determined
Serum Nitrogen is determined by oxidation of the resultant ammonium Ashraf et al., 1968
sulfate with hypobromite produced in situ by the addition of an
excess of potassium bromate
Nitrogen-containing organic Ammonia is oxidized in a basic medium with hypobromite (generated Cohen and
compound by adding an excess of bromide to the hypochlorite), then an excess Connors, 1965
of standard arsenious oxide is added and the titration completed
with hypochlorite with tartrazine as indicator
Blood Elimination of interference from the mercury catalyst. Complexation Crane and Smith,
of mercury, followed by precipitation of ammonium 1964
tetraphenylborate in the resulting solution
(Continued on next page)

Selected applications without ammonia distillation (Continued)

Sample Comments Reference

Nitrogenous compounds (leucine, Method for the determination of nitrogen that does not involve any Hashmi et al., 1962
glutamic acid, tyrosine . . .) temperature and pH control. Mercury has been found to be the best
catalyst as it does not necessitate any filtration
Nitro, nitroso, and azo compounds Compounds reduced with glucose or zinc in methanol and Ashraf et al., 1961
hydrochloric acid. The ammonium sulfate produced after the usual
digestion determined by hypochlorite-arsenite titration
Some pure organic compounds Titration of ammonium salts with hypochlorite (Kolthoff and Stenger Belcher and Bhatty,
method) with mercury as catalyst (other catalysts interfered in the 1956
titration) and without prereduction; both in the micro and
semimicro scale
Pure organic compounds Modification of the nondistillation method of Marcali and Rieman so Adams and
that selenium may be used as the catalyst by the elimination of the Spaulding, 1955
interference of selenium
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Pure organic compounds and dried A procedure is described that eliminates the interference of phosphate Marcali and
blood and that due to the precipitation of sulfates of calcium and barium Rieman, 1948
and of hydroxides of iron and aluminum
11 organic compounds The ammonium ion is directly titrated with standard sodium Marcali and
hydroxide in the presence of formaldehyde with phenolphthalein as Rieman, 1946
indicator, so that the reaction to form hexamethylenetetramine goes
rapidly, with previous neutralization and addition of sodium
Oxidation of ammonia by an excess of hypobromite; addition of Haanappel, 1938
iodate plus iodide and titration of iodine with sodium thiosulfate
Oxidation of ammonia by hypobromite and formation of iodine by the Teorell, 1928
addition of iodide and iodate, which is titrated with sodium
Nitrogenous substances Neutral hemamethylene tetramine if formed by the reaction of Shaw, 1924
ammonium salts with formaldehyde with the liberation of acid
equivalent to the nitrogen present (formol reaction)
Alanine, acetanilid, wheat flour, Sulfuric acid is added to the sample and heated until the organic Willard and Cake,
sawdust, egg albumen . . . matter is completely charred. It is cooled, and solid potassium 1920
persulfate free from ammonium salts is added to the dark solution
through a thistle tube. Ammonia is treated with hypobromite

consumption. In spite of the fact that Kjeldahl’s nitrogen deter- and to inorganic matrices as well. These facts have led to im-
mination method was developed nearly 130 years ago, it is still provements in safety, speed, and applicability of the method; the
widely used, as shown in the introductory part of the article. Al- analytical procedure is also simplified in this way (Persson et al.,
though the technique and apparatus have been modified over the 2008; Thiex et al., 2001, 2002). Kjeldahl’s process, as originally
years, the basic principles introduced by Johan Kjeldahl still re- devised, had the disadvantage of being very slow. The most im-
main unchanged (Belcher, 1976; Egli, 2008; McKenzie, 1994). portant and fundamental aspect of the Kjeldahl method is the
In Kjeldahl’s original method of nitrogen analysis, sulfuric acid digestion of nitrogen compounds with hot concentrated sulfuric
alone was used as a digestion medium; the digestion in boiling acid (Morita, 1968). An alternative to save time is the use of de-
H2 SO4 converts organic nitrogen into NH+ 4. vices that allow the digestion of many samples simultaneously,
The Kjeldahl method has been the subject of more studies as well as the use of mechanically automated techniques, e.g.,
than many other methods in analytical chemistry (Chen et al., Kjeltec (Barbarino and Lourenço, 2009; FOSS, 2009; Watkins
1988) due to the usefulness of the method; the need for im- et al. 1987). Other elements may also be determined in the digest
provement, e.g., the search for catalyst to speed up the digestion prepared without catalyst (Özer and Güçer, 2011). It should be
process; and applications to nearly all forms of organic nitrogen noted that the critical temperature for decomposition is as high

as 373◦ C. The Kjeldahl method does not recover fraction species digestion procedures and the chemical analysis (Asuero et al.,
like nitrite and nitrate and not all organic nitrogen is recovered, 1988; CITAC, 2002; Gonzalez et al., 2005; Herrador et al.,
i.e., all those compounds in the molecules in which a nitrogen 2005).
atom is linked to an oxygen atom or to a second nitrogen atom. In spite of all the recent advances in instrumentation, the
The ease of digestion varies with the nature of the sample. Thus, development of commercial sample digestion systems has been
aromatic compounds are all difficult to digest; also, removing relatively slow, requiring further impetus (Flores et al., 2007).
heterocyclic nitrogen is even more difficult and entails break- Kjeldahl microwave digestion is considered as a worthy al-
ing every molecular bond in the compound (Amin and Flowers, ternative to overcome the drawbacks related to the use of a
2004; Schöniger, 1960; Suard et al., 1997). catalyst, since H2 O2 has been used for complete decomposi-
Many systematic studies on the efficiency of various catalysts tion of organic compounds. Some other advantages of Kjeldahl
have been made, mercury, selenium, and copper being the cata- microwave digestion are decrease of the digestion time and
lysts of choice. For certain applications titanium has also found improved precision. Chemometrics offers a sound theoretical
some usage. Mercury is the most efficient catalyst. The use basis for the optimization of chemical systems and processes
of mercury has several disadvantages, including its high cost, (Feinberg, 1996; Wernimont and Spendley, 1985) and has been
disposal problems arising from its toxicity, and the requirement employed to optimize microwave analytical methods, especially
that it should be completely precipitated as a sulfide. Alternative with regards to the saving of resources (time, reagents, exper-
catalysts were investigated because of environmental concern. imental work). Chemometrics can assess the statistical signifi-
The use of copper as catalyst is becoming more common, as it cance of the independent variable effects being investigated as
Downloaded by [RMIT University] at 02:10 25 July 2013

is recognized to be more environmentally friendly. Today, sele- well as evaluate their interaction effects by employing multivari-
nium and copper are used as catalysts in more than 90% of the ate optimization designs by which the levels of all the variables
Kjeldahl digestions being performed all over the word (Persson are changed simultaneously (Domini et al., 2009; Korn et al.,
et al., 2008). 2005; Ramon et al., 2005; Wang, 2005).
The determination of ammonia by means of microdiffusion To avoid influence on the variation of the result obtained
has proved to be a useful and time-honored method. Not only during the Kjeldahl analysis because of the determination of
do the physical and chemical properties of ammonia lend them- the ammonium content in the digestion solution, the approved
selves well to its separation by diffusion, but also ammonia itself distillation/titration as the determination method is taken up as
can be quantitatively isolated in a designated solution. the reference method (Thiex and Manson, 2002). The ammonia
Kjeldahl analysis gives accurate protein results, no mat- distilled may be trapped in standardized acid, and then back
ter what the physical state of the sample (Owusu-Apenten, titration with standardized sodium hydroxide is carried out. It
2002). This technique has approved status and is the reference may be also received in boric acid solution; there is no back
method adopted by many national and international organiza- titration as the ammonia in the boric acid is titrated directly, and
tions (Möller, 2010a; Moore et al., 2010). The method is the the need to standardize one reagent is eliminated. In order to im-
basis for routine nitrogen assays and is used in many cases for prove both laboratory efficiency and the quality of the data, most
the calibration of modern instruments used for rapid protein laboratories today implement quality assurance/quality control
measurement, e.g., the Milkoscan for milk protein, and mid- procedures (Holcombe et al., 1986; Möller, 2005; Thiex et al.,
and near-infrared instruments (Hughes and Gray, n.d.). Nitro- 2002). To support this improvement, however, it is important
gen determination with the Kjeldahl method does not require that officially approved methods are updated so that available
expensive devices or specialized techniques and is precise and technology can be used in the laboratory (Möller, 2009; Thiex
accurate. Proper sampling and sample handling are crucial to et al., 2002).
successful analysis and must be addressed individually by type The advances in microwave digestion and methods for de-
of material (Lynch and Barbano, 1999). The traditional macro termination of the ammonium bisulfate generated will ensure
(manual) Kjeldahl method is seldom performed in modern com- the future of the Kjeldahl method (McKenzie, 1994). It will
mercial laboratories because the numbers of samples per analy- be complemented by use of automated combustion methods
sis are too large. On the other hand, laboratory health and safety for some purposes, given the improvement in dry combustion
regulations are becoming severe, and the use of hazardous and nitrogen analyzer technology (Krotz and Giazzi, 2011). More
potentially toxic chemicals in Kjeldahl analysis is creating some sophisticated equipment than the Kjeldahl method is required
concern (Owusu-Apenten, 2002). Several steps, from sampling in this later case, and thus may be beyond the capacity of many
in the field to the final analysis report, may have influence on laboratories, especially those that carry out only intermittent
the quality: sampling procedure, physical pretreatment (drying, analyses. Several alternatives to the classical approach for total
sieving, milling, or grinding), digestion procedures, chemical nitrogen have been suggested, including the alkaline persul-
analysis, and calculations (Carter and Gregorich, 2006; Mc- fate digestion technique, which oxidizes all the nitrogen in the
Donald, 1977; Wickstrøm et al., 2004). The heightened focus sample to nitrate as the sole product, using potassium persul-
on quality and the accreditation of laboratory systems have con- fate in a strongly alkaline environment (Kowalenko and Babuin,
tributed to increased knowledge about the uncertainty in the 2003; Maher et al., 2002) under high pressure and temperature.

However, the Kjeldahl method is still the primary reference Alvarado, J.; Márquez, M.; León, L. E. Determination of Organic Ni-
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