Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Preparation to Teach
Unit Theme Genetics: Inheritance
(Where within the unit
is your lesson?)
Content Standard(s): -HS-LS3-3: Apply concepts of statistics and probability to explain the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a population.
ELD Standards: Bridging: Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, sustaining conversations on a variety of age and
grade-appropriate academic topics by following turn-taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on topic questions, affirming others, and
providing coherent and well-articulated comments and additional information.
Learning Goal(s) or -Students will be able to apply their knowledge of alleles and traits to create different Punnett squares and find the probability of the traits
Objective(s): being passed on to an offspring.
Materials, Resources, Chromebook, PowerPoint, Interactive notebook, Paper, Markers, and Pencil
or Tools:
Class Funds of Students’ knowledge of traits and how traits get passed on to each generation.
Knowledge used in the
Technology Chromebooks will be used to reference activities during class. Projector will be used to show information to the students.
Universal Design for Learning Students will be applying background knowledge of traits, by representing each student's
Lesson Components individual traits and using different tools to be able to find the probability of these traits.
Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge
Instructional Strategies
The students will come in with instructions on the board to take out their interactive notebook on the next available page. Students will
also be instructed to be ready for the teaching assistant to stamp the next pages in their notebook. Lastly, students will be given a prompt
to do a quick write on. The quick write will be to pick a trait that was on their trait survey and write if they think that trait is codominance,
sex-linked, or incomplete dominance and why. Teacher will give them 5 minutes to write their thoughts down. Teacher will then instruct
the students to talk with their shoulder partner to share their thoughts. Teacher will then open up the conversation to students who would
like to share their ideas.
Informal Assessment
Teacher will be walking around and listening to students' conversation.
Student Grouping
Individual. Partner. Class.
Time Estimate
10 minutes
Instructional Input
Instructional Strategies
Once discussion is over, the teacher will continue on the PowerPoint that was started the day before. Students will write notes on the
information given and write the examples given. These notes are a continuation of different kinds of Punnett squares and will vary in time
to complete based on students' understanding. At the end of the PowerPoint teacher will go over specific examples for students to work on
with the teacher. Once the note taking is over, students will be given practice problems to work on. These problems will focus on
codominance and incomplete dominance since these are the most common types of problems. Students will then be given time to work on
these problems. They will be allowed to work in pairs if they would like to. Teacher will walk around and help students and making
clarification when needed.
Informal/ formal
Assessment Teacher will be walking around the class listening to conversations and checking how the students are doing on the problems. Students
will be working on a worksheet with Punnett square worksheet.
Student Grouping
Individual or group.
Instructional Strategies Students will finish the worksheet given to them. This worksheet will be turned in at the end of the period. At the end of class
students will be required to turn in an exit ticket. Students will pick a trait on their traits survey and create a possible Punnett square of that
trait based on their parents possible traits. They will then calculate what is the possibility of their own traits. This will then be turned into
the turn in basket. Students will then be called by table to turn in computers and clean up.
Formal Assessment
Worksheet will be graded based on completion and accuracy. This will show if the students understand the concepts of Punnett squares.