Lesson Plan g9 PPE
Lesson Plan g9 PPE
Lesson Plan g9 PPE
EIM Grade 9
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
underlying principles in the installation of electrical lighting system, auxiliary
outlets and lighting fixtures.
B. Performance Standard: The learners independently install electrical lighting
system based on the Philippines electrical code (PEC).
C. Learning Competencies: Apply suitable wiring method for specific job.
Learning Code : TLE_IAEL9EL-IIaIVj-2
D. Daily Objective/s:
1. Identify the types of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
2. And Demonstrate proper use of PPE.
II. CONTENT : Personal Protective Equipment.
Cooperation Worked great with Mostly worked well Did not work well
others whole time. with others. with others.
E. Developing Mastery:
- After presenting, Teacher will ask the following question each group.
1. According to the picture, what are the PPE that man wear?
2. Why should we use PPE?
F. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily
- Teacher will ask question that follows;
1. How important for you as EIM student to have idea about PPE?
2. How can you apply your knowledge on PPE in your daily life?
H. Evaluation:
Test I:
- Identify the following PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
1._______________________ 2._______________
Test II:
- Explain how to wear the following PPE that given.
6. Mask
7. Hard Hat
8. Safety boots