Robert (Bob) Day
Robert (Bob) Day
Robert (Bob) Day
Villanova, Pennsylvania
Master of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
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Foundation Engineering: Design and Construction with the 2006 International Building Code,
Sponsored by the International Code Conference (ICC) and the American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE), published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2006, published in Hardcopy and in the Digital
Engineering Library (DEL), 1000pp.
Chapter 14 title “Foundations and Retaining Walls” in Structural Condition Assessment, Sponsored by
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), 2005,
published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 461-494.
Section 6 titled “Soil Mechanics and Foundations” in Building Design and Construction Handbook, Sixth
Edition, Fredrick S. Merrit and Jonathan T. Ricketts, editors, 2001, published by McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 2001, pp. 6.1 to 6.121.
Soil Testing Manual: Procedures, Classification Data, and Sampling Practices, published by McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 2001, published in Hardcopy and in the Digital Library (DEL), 618 pp.
Chapter 16 titled “Structural Foundations and Retaining Walls” in Forensic Structural Engineering
Handbook, Robert T. Ratay, editor, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2000, pp 16.1 to
Geotechnical Engineers Portable Handbook, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2000, 750 pp.
Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering: Design and Construction, published by McGraw-Hill Book
Company 1999, 808 pp.
Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1999,
460 pp.
Mr. Day's experience is widely varied and utilizes the best of two worlds; academic and professional
consulting. As a graduate with advanced graduate degrees, Mr. Day is ideally suited to apply
advanced theoretical geotechnical engineering to real situations.
Examples of research projects include surficial stability of clay slopes, deep sea drilling project testing
of oceanic sediments (important because some properties apply to geotechnical formations commonly
encountered in today’s developments), and liquefaction of reinforced sand.
Mr. Day's consulting experience has been utilized in evaluation of slope stability, landslide analysis,
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Specific geotechnical evaluations have included design of earth retaining structures, landslide
stabilization, geotechnical distress investigations, as well as mass grading for hillside developments.