Collegial Model Task 3
Collegial Model Task 3
Collegial Model Task 3
Assessment 1
Task3: The collegial model
Asma Abdalla
EDU 4103
Managing Innovation and Change
Asma Abdalla H00298183
Highlight the definition of collegial models on page 72 of Bush and discuss it for
a few minutes by contrasting it with a bureaucratic model. Can you see any
advantages it might offer to primary school teachers and principals?
Collegial model assume that organizations determine policy and make decisions through a
process of discussion leading to consensus. Based on this approach power is shared among some
or all members of the organization who are thought to have a shared understanding about the aims
of the institution. However, bureaucratic model is limited shared with certain number of people.
In my opinion, I certainly agree with Collegial model because there are advantages that might
offer to primary school teachers and principals which is all primary teachers and principals will
have equal voice in sitting the curriculum. For example, all of them define the curriculum, make
decisions, meeting and get knowledge from each other.
Continue with pages 73-75 of Bush and summarise the major features of
collegial models.
4- The size of decision making groups is an important element in collegial management . They
have to be sufficiently small to enable everyone to be heard. This may mean that collegiality
works better in primary schools than secondary schools and colleges.
5- Collegial models assume that decisions are reached by consensus than division or conflict.
The belief that there are common values and shared objectives lead to the view that it is both
desirable and possible to resolve problem by agreement.
Bush describes the suitability of the collegial model for primary schools on
pages 79-80
Read these pages and then discuss how a decision might be made in such a
school, for example, to introduce a new Reading scheme. You need to think in
terms of a sequence of actions and the people involved in each of these. Draw
some kind of diagram (e.g. a time line or a flow chart) to represent the
So how would you now define the concepts collegial (adj.) and collegiality
(n.)? What do they mean?
Do you think it is easier for a primary school to adopt this kind of decision-
making process than it is for a secondary school? Give reasons.
Yes, because when students getting older it’s become harder for teachers to be flexible
Finally, although collegial models are seen as the most progressive for schools
nowadays, there is often a gulf between the theory and the practice. Just
because a certain school describes itself as embracing a collegial approach, it
doesn’t necessarily mean that it is collegial in practice.
Define the following terms and differentiate between them in your own words:
Partial or restricted collegiality: All members should have equal voices in the
process of determining policy .
Pure or genuine collegiality: This means that leaders must be truly courageous
to give power to a democratic form of decision-making.