CL Ibm Blockchain Chaincode Development Using Golang PDF
CL Ibm Blockchain Chaincode Development Using Golang PDF
CL Ibm Blockchain Chaincode Development Using Golang PDF
Learn how to develop chaincode using Golang for a blockchain network based on Hyperledger
Fabric v0.6. This deep-dive tutorial covers the fundamentals, such as the APIs for interacting
with the Fabric, as well as advanced topics like data modeling, access control, and events.
Abundant sample code demonstrates a home loan and purchase contract process on
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In this tutorial, learn how to develop chaincode using Golang for a blockchain network based on
Hyperledger Fabric v0.6. I cover the fundamentals, such as the role of chaincode and the APIs
for interacting with the underlying Fabric, as well as advanced topics like data modeling, access
control, and events. Abundant code examples demonstrate a home loan and purchase contract
process on blockchain. (See "Downloadable resources" at the end of this tutorial to download the
entire sample chaincode.)
This tutorial is the first of a series; follow-on tutorials will cover how to unit test your chaincode and
develop client applications that can invoke your deployed chaincode.
What is chaincode?
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Chaincode, also called the smart contract, is essentially the business logic that governs how the
different entities or parties in a blockchain network interact or transact with each other. Simply put,
the chaincode is the encapsulation of business network transactions in code. Invocations of the
chaincode result in sets and gets of the ledger or world state.
At the time of publishing this tutorial, Hyperledger supports writing chaincode in Golang or the
Java™ language, which eventually runs inside a docker container. Because chaincode support for
Java is still in beta, I'll focus on Go in this tutorial.
Follow the steps in the IBM Cloud documentation starting at "Setting up the development
environment." When you reach the section titled "Set up your development pipeline," stop there;
you are now ready to start developing chaincode in Go.
Chaincode structure
Let's take a close look at chaincode structure. As mentioned, the sample chaincode in Listing
1 and throughout this tutorial, as well as the architecture discussed, strictly conform to the v0.6
preview of the Hyperledger Fabric.
Line 4 of Listing 1 imports the shim package into your chaincode. The shim package provides
APIs that let your chaincode interact with the underlying blockchain network to access state
variables, transaction context, caller certificates and attributes, and to invoke other chaincodes,
among other operations.
import "fmt"
import ""
func main() {
err := shim.Start(new(SampleChaincode))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not start SampleChaincode")
} else {
fmt.Println("SampleChaincode successfully started")
Main function
The starting point for any Go program is the main function, and hence it's used for bootstrapping/
starting the chaincode. When the peer deploys its instance of the chaincode, the main function
gets executed.
Listing 2. Main()
func main() {
err := shim.Start(new(SampleChaincode))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not start SampleChaincode")
} else {
fmt.Println("SampleChaincode successfully started")
The SampleChaincode is the struct that is required to implement the shim.Chaincode interface,
which has three methods — Init, Query, and Invoke — for it to be considered a valid Chaincode
type by the shim package. Let's look at each of the three methods.
Init method
The Init method is called when the chaincode is first deployed onto the blockchain network and
will be executed by each peer that deploys its own instance of the chaincode. This method can be
used for any tasks related to initialization, bootstrapping, or setup.
Listing 3. Init()
func (t *SampleChaincode) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, function string, args []string) ([]byte,
error) {
return nil, nil
Query method
The Query method is invoked whenever any read/get/query operation needs to be performed
on the blockchain state. Depending upon the complexity of the chaincode, this method can hold
your read/get/query logic, or it could be outsourced to separate methods that can be invoked from
within the Query method.
The Query method is not intended to change the state of the underlying blockchain, and hence
does not run within a transactional context. If you try to modify the state of the blockchain within
the Query method, an error will complain about the lack of a transactional context. Also, because
this method is only for reading the state of the blockchain, its invocations are not recorded on the
Listing 4. Query()
func (t *SampleChaincode) Query(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, function string, args []string) ([]byte,
error) {
return nil, nil
Invoke method
The Invoke method is invoked whenever the state of the blockchain is to be modified. Simply
put, all create, update, and delete operations should be encapsulated within the Invoke method.
Because this method will modify the state of the blockchain, the blockchain Fabric code will
automatically create a transaction context inside which this method will get executed. All
invocations of this method are recorded on the blockchain as transactions, which ultimately get
written into blocks.
Listing 5. Invoke()
func (t *SampleChaincode) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, function string, args []string) ([]byte,
error) {
return nil, nil
1. World state, which is stored in a key value store. This key value store is powered by the
RocksDB. This key value store takes in a byte array as the value, which can be used to store
a serialized JSON structure. Essentially this key value store can be used to store any custom
data model/schema required by your smart contract to function.
2. Blockchain, which consists of a series of blocks each containing a number of transactions.
Each block contains the hash of the world state and is also linked to the previous block.
Blockchain is append-only.
Listing 6 shows how to create custom data models/schemas. It defines data models required for a
home loan application. The primary model is called LoanApplication, which in turn has primitive
and complex data types, namely Personal and Financial Info.
Since our key value store stores data as JSON, these data models would eventually need to
be converted into a JSON string. The annotation for each field, for example, json:"id" acts like
metadata for the marshal/unmarshal API, which will use these annotations to map each field with
its corresponding json string equivalent representation.
On line 9, the loan application Id value, which would be used as the key to store the actual loan
application object, is retrieved.
On line 10, the actual loan application content is retrieved in the form of a JSON string. For
{"firstname":"Varun","lastname":"Ojha","dob":"dob","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"99999999"},"finan
Line 12 is where the stub.PutState method is invoked to store the loan application id and the
actual loan application JSON content as a key value pair into the blockchain ledger. Note that the
value being stored in the key value store must always be a byte array. Hence the loan application
JSON string is first converted to a byte array before storing it into the ledger.
if len(args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Invalid number of args")
return nil, errors.New("Expected at least two arguments for loan application creation")
On line 9, the loan application Id value, which would be used as the key to retrieve the actual loan
application object from the ledger, is retrieved.
Line 10 is where the stub.GetState method is invoked to retrieve the loan application JSON
content in the form of a byte array by passing in the loanApplicationId key. Note that the value
being stored in the key value store must always be a byte array. Hence the loan application JSON
string is first converted to a byte array before storing it into the ledger.
if len(args) < 1 {
fmt.Println("Invalid number of arguments")
return nil, errors.New("Missing loan application ID")
Note: There is also a way to deal with data using traditional relational data models. For example,
ChaincodeStubInterface has a way to create tables and deal with rows and columns. But this
is only a logical abstraction, and the data will be stored as a key value pair in RocksDB. At the
time of this writing, version 1.0 of Hyperledger Fabric is under development and has deprecated
the table data structure. Hence this tutorial doesn't discuss it in order to minimize the changes a
chaincode developer would need to make from v0.6 to v1.0.
Listing 9 shows how to marshal a struct into a JSON string byte array that can then be stored in
the ledger. Line 2 creates an instance of the PersonalInfo object. Line 3 uses the json package
to marshal the object into a JSON string and return the byte array for the same.
The json package can be imported by including "encoding/json" in the import block at the top.
This byte array can then be stored in the ledger using the stub.PutState method demonstrated in
Listing 7.
Listing 10 shows how to unmarshal a struct from a byte array into a populated struct. Line 1
fetches the PersonalInfo JSON string bytes from the ledger using the associated key. Line 3
unmarshals the bytes retrieved in line 1 into the PersonalInfo object referenced by the variable
Now you can access and modify the personalInfo object using the dot notation as shown in line 4.
Listing 10. Code to unmarshal a struct from a byte array into a populated
piBytes, err := stub.GetState("la1")
var personalInfo PersonalInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(piBytes, &personalInfo)
Membership services
The Membership services component in the Hyperledger plays a pivotal role in enabling security
and permissions within the blockchain network. It's responsible for issuing Enrollment and
Transaction certificates to users in response to registration and enrollment.
• Enrollment certificate: The certificate authority in the membership services will issue an
enrollment certificate to a user that wants to transact on blockchain as a proof of identity.
• Transaction certificate: The transaction certificate is supposed to be used as a one-time
token that is passed along each invocation request of the chaincode by the invoker/invoking
application. The transaction certificates are mathematically derived from the parent enrollment
certificate, and hence a theoretically unlimited number of transaction certificates can be
generated from the parent enrollment certificate. The transaction certificate can be used to
sign and encrypt the transaction data when it is stored in the blockchain. This ensures that
only the user with the transaction certificate or a regulator/auditor etc. who has the parent
certificate can actually view the contents of the transaction once they have been written.
• Attributes: Each transaction certificate can hold a number of user-defined attributes.
These can be mentioned as a part of the registration request to the certificate authority from
the client application. Follow-on tutorials in this series will deal with this in detail from the
perspective of developing the client application.
Listing 11 shows how the attributes can be retrieved from the transaction certificate of the caller.
As mentioned earlier, the user or the client application will need to pass in the user’s certificate
as a part of each chaincode invocation request so as to authenticate with the target peer on the
blockchain network. The HFC SDK takes care of passing the certificate as a part of the request
The Invoke function at line 11 of Listing 11 has been modified to check for the input function name
and delegate the call to the appropriate handler function. In addition, the Invoke function also
validates the access and role of the caller who has sent the CreateLoanApplication invocation
request. The Invoke function calls the custom GetCertAttribute function to retrieve a particular
attribute from the transaction certificate of the caller.
The GetCertAttribute function fetches the attribute value by passing in the attribute name on line
Line 15 checks whether the caller has the role of a Bank Admin and can invoke the
CreateLoanApplication function. If the caller does not have the required role, an appropriate error
is returned. In this way, attribute-based access control can be implemented in the chaincode.
The ChaincodeStubInterface has some utility functions that deal with attributes, such as
ReadCertAttribute, VerifyAttribute, and VerifyAttributes. All of these methods rely on the package to create and use the
AttributeHandlerImpl that handles attributes.
In the version of Hyperledger Fabric that is currently under development (v1.0), these utility
functions have been removed from the ChaincodeStubInterface. Hence in v1.0, the chaincode
developer would need to use the AttributeHandlerImpl directly to work with attributes.
Listing 11. Retrieving attributes from the transaction certificate of the caller
func GetCertAttribute(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, attributeName string) (string, error) {
fmt.Println("Entering GetCertAttribute")
attr, err := stub.ReadCertAttribute(attributeName)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("Couldn't get attribute " + attributeName + ". Error: " + err.Error())
attrString := string(attr)
return attrString, nil
return nil, nil
In addition to custom events, some of the predefined internal events that are part of the
Hyperledger are:
• Block events
• Chaincode events
• Rejection events
• Register events
The code in Listing 12 shows how to create and publish a custom event.
Lines 1-4 define a custom event object containing type and description fields.
The CreateLoanApplication function starts on line 6 and has been modified to include the event
creation on successful creation of loan application.
Line 23 creates the instance of the customEvent object and fills in appropriate event details.
Line 24 marshals the event object to a JSON string byte array as explained earlier.
Line 28 sets the custom event. The stub.SetEvent method takes two arguments: the event name
and payload. The client application can subscribe to the same event name/topic to receive events
as and when they are generated by the chaincode.
if len(args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Invalid number of args")
return nil, errors.New("Expected at least two arguments for loan application creation")
Handling logging
Logging can be handled in the chaincode either by using the standard fmt package and print
statements or by using the ChaincodeLogger type in the shim package.
//Log statements
myLogger.Info("Info Message")
myLogger.Critical("Critical Message")
myLogger.Warning("Warning Message")
myLogger.Error("Error Message")
myLogger.Notice("Notice Message")
myLogger.Debug("Debug Message")
• Store all files/objects as base64-encoded strings. The client application would convert the
file/object into a base64-encoded string and send it as an input parameter to a chaincode
function. The chaincode in turn can store it as a byte array in the key/value store.
• Store the actual file/object contents outside of blockchain; for example, in IBM Cloud Object
Storage service. Store only the link/reference/ID of the file/object on blockchain along with the
hash of the file/object. Storing the hash ensures that any tampering with the file/object outside
of blockchain can be detected by concerned parties/entities.
How can I avoid disclosing private business logic/contract details to all peers
in the network?
This question came up in a supply chain scenario where an end consumer of the blockchain
solution was not comfortable sharing private business logic/contract information (such as different
negotiated rates with different vendors) in the smart contract visible to all peers. In v0.6, this
situation can be solved using external system integration.
The solution: The business logic/rules/contract that the peer wants to keep private can be run
as a set of business rules in an external application like a service. The chaincode itself has the
ability to make outbound calls. So the chaincode could make REST API calls, for example, to the
business rules/logic service and fetch the results, thus keeping the logic hidden from the actual
It is possible to integrate with systems external to blockchain from within the chaincode. For
example, the chaincode can be used to talk to external databases, APIs, etc. But it is important to
make sure that interaction with these systems does not make the chaincode non-deterministic.
• The business rules service can be modified without knowledge of the remaining peers, since
it is running outside of blockchain. Depending on the type of business interaction among the
different participants in the blockchain network, this could lead to trust issues.
• The business rules service must be available to all peers in the blockchain network who will
run the smart contract/chaincode.
• The solution can lead to chaincode becoming non-deterministic. Chaincode MUST be
deterministic. In a nutshell, if the same function in the chaincode is invoked with the same
parameters by multiple parties, the results should be the same. For example, if you use a
timestamp or a counter in your chaincode functions that are tied to the response, invocations
of the chaincode by multiple peers will lead to different results. This will lead to an inconsistent
ledger state among the different peers in the blockchain network.
Remember that each invocation of the chaincode causes all the peers that are part of the
consensus network to invoke the chaincode on their local copies of the ledger.
Note: In v1.0 of the Hyperledger Fabric that is currently under development, this problem has been
solved organically via changes to the architecture itself.
This tutorial began with the fundamentals of chaincode and then dove into the building blocks
and different APIs available for performing important tasks in the chaincode, such as access
control, data modeling, and event management. Download the consolidated code snippets in the
SampleChaincode.go file.
Part 2 of this series covers test-driven development of chaincode. The final part will show how
to develop Node.js client applications that can talk to the blockchain network and complete the
development story.
Downloadable resources
Description Name Size
Sample chaincode in Go 1.6KB
Related topics
• Part 2 of this series
• Blockchain Developer Center
• Hyperledger Fabric
• Hyperledger community
• Hyperledger discussion channels
• IBM Blockchain 101: Quick-start guide for developers
• IBM Blockchain service on IBM Cloud (free)
• IBM Blockchain courses for developers (free)
• IBM Blockchain videos on developerWorks TV