Vemmtec-IGTM-Turbine Meter
Vemmtec-IGTM-Turbine Meter
Vemmtec-IGTM-Turbine Meter
General Operation
The vemm tec IGTM (International Gas Turbine Meter) is a The operation of the International Gas Turbine Meter is
highly accurate flow meter, approved for custody transfer based on the measurement of the velocity of gas. The flo-
measurement, equipped with electronic pulse outputs and wing gas is accelerated and conditioned by the meter´s
a mechanical counter. This document explains the dimen- straightening section. The straightening vanes prepare the
sions, ranges, performance, calibration and outputs of the gas flow profile by removing undesired swirl, turbulence
instrument. It details the installation, safety requirements and asymmetry before the gas flows to the turbine wheel.
and material specifications. The dynamic forces of the flowing fluid cause the rotor to
rotate. The turbine wheel is mounted on the main shaft,
The IGTM measures gas volume flowing through an annu- with special high precision, low friction ball bearings. The
lar passage in the meter. The flowing gas volume is totali- turbine wheel has helical blades that have a known angle
sed on a local mechanical counter. In addition, low or high relative to the gas flow. The conditioned and accelerated
frequency pulse signals are generated to infer the gas flow gas drives the turbine wheel with an angular velocity that is
and volume. The indicated gas volume is the actual volume proportional with the gas velocity.
flowing through the meter at the actual temperature and
pressure. The IGTM is available in two models: CT and IM. The rotating turbine wheel drives the index head with the
The IGTM-CT is used for high accuracy and custody transfer eight digit mechanical counter via shafts and gears.
applications. The IGTM-IM is an economically priced meter
with a good accuracy. The volume and flow rate can also be indicated electroni-
cally. A proximity probe generates a signal at each passing
blade of the turbine wheel. With the device-specific K-fac-
tor and the number of pulses the passed volume can be cal-
culated. With the measured frequency the flow rate can be
Sizes, Flow Rate and Flanges Approvals
The available nominal diameter of the IGTM gas turbine The IGTM is specifically designed in accordance with all
meter ranges from 50 mm (2") to 300 mm (12"). Other relevant and published standards, like EC directives, EN
sizes are available on request. 12261, AGA 7, ISO 9951, OIML R6 and R32. Many national
standards and laws are based on the above.
The IGTM can be delivered with G rates ranging from G40
to G4000, which means that IGTMs are available for flow The IGTM-CT meter is approved for custody transfer in all
rates from 8 m3/h to 6500 m3/h. EC (European Community) countries. Metrological appro-
The relationship between G value and flow rate for each vals are also obtained in Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic,
diameter is shown in table 3 on the last page of this bro- Romania, Algeria, Malaysia and China, others may be in
chure. process.
Standard accuracy limits for CT-models are in accordance Non-custody transfer meters can also be calibrated at our
with the EC directives and many foreign regulations: test installation. A Certificate of Conformity will be provi-
± 1% for 0.2 Qmax to Qmax ded.
± 2% for Qmin to 0.2 Qmax
In both cases (initial verification or factory calibration) a cer-
As an option for the CT model the accuracy limits can be tificate with the measured values can be issued.
improved to:
± 0.5% for 0.2 Qmax to Qmax On request we can also take care of a high-pressure calibra-
± 1% for Qmin to 0.2 Qmax tion, performed at a certified installation.
Picture 1
Picture 2 shows this relationship. Pressure Loss
The pressure loss at actual flow and pressure can be calcu-
lated using the values from the table and the following for-
mula. The pressure loss in ambient air is an important
design parameter of the IGTM. The pressure loss is mini-
mized as a result of the design of the internal flow conditio-
= Min. flow rate at actual pressure [m3/h] ner and the shape of the channels upstream and down-
= Min. flow rate as specified (table 3) [m3/h] stream of the turbine wheel.
= Density of air at standard conditions [1.293 kg/m3]
= Gas density at standard conditions (table 1) [kg/m3]
= Atmospheric pressure [1.013 bar]
= Actual pressure at operating conditions [bar abs]
Gas Types
The IGTM in its standard design can be used for all non-
aggressive gases, such as natural gas, methane, propane,
butane, city gas and fabricated gas, air, nitrogen, etc.
For aggressive gases, like sour gas, biogas and oxygen, spe-
cial designs are available with Teflon coating, special lubri-
cation or special purging. See table 1, for detailed require-
ments for different type of gases.
Material of Construction
Operating pressure [bar abs] The materials of construction are listed in the table below.
Index Head
The standard index head can be equipped with the follo- In the index head also one high frequency sensor (HF3) is
wing options: provided as standard. This proximity sensor provides a
· Tropical version with ventilation middle-high frequency signal generated by a rotating
· IP 67 with silica gel impulse-disk. The signal is intrinsically safe in accordance
· High gas temperature version with the NAMUR (EN 50227) standard for intrinsically safe
· Special coating for aggressive environments. signals. A second (similar) sensor (HF4) can be installed in
the index head as an option.
The index head can be turned through 350° without viola-
ting the lead seal. An 8-digit non-resettable display shows By installing optional HF sensors in the meter body, it is pos-
the totalized volume. During the initial verification and cali- sible to sense each passing blade of the turbine wheel (HF1)
bration test the ratio of the adjustment gears is checked and/or of the reference wheel (HF2). The detection is based
and (if necessary) adjusted. on special proximity switches. The signal is intrinsically safe
in accordance with NAMUR (EN 50227). The interface bar-
Dependent on meter size one revolution of the last right riers between hazardous area and safe area must be suita-
hand wheel of the rolls of the index head can represent 0.1, ble for the application and are available on request.
1 or 10 m3. As standard, the index head is equipped with
one low frequency Reed (contact closure) switch (1R1) that The vemm tec IGTM can be equipped with HF1/HF2 sen-
gives one pulse at one revolution of the last wheel of the sors only, without an index head. This option requires an
counter. electronic counter, a flow converter or a flow computer, to
indicate actual and converted volume. For custody transfer
As an option a Reed switch (1R10) can be provided that purposes however, the index head is often a mandatory
gives 10 pulses per one revolution of the last wheel of the requirement.
counter. Every Reed switch is connected in series with a
100.0 Ohm resistance. A maximum of two Reed switches The following options can be offered for pulse outputs.
can be provided per meter.
8 digit mechanical
HF sensor
wheel metering
bearing cartridge
pressure tapping
lubrication system
IGTM Gas Turbine Meter
D E1 G E2 F
A B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 C4
Lubrication System Installation
Each IGTM is standard equipped with a lubrication system. Normally the meters are installed with some straight up-
The oil pump is dimensioned according to the size of the stream pipe lenght. However, the IGTM is equipped with an
meter. internal flow conditioner that takes care that the meter
meets the requirements of EN 12261 and OIML R32. This
To achieve the long life of the IGTM, regular lubrication is allows the meter to be installed with minimum 2D up-
required. Typically, for clean gas applications, a 3-month stream piping. For optimal performance, however,
interval between two lubrication services is recommended. vemm tec recommends that the upstream section is 5D or
Dirty gas requires a more frequent lubrication. more.
As an option the IGTM can be provided with lifetime lubri- Fittings like valves, filters, control valves, reducers, T-pieces,
cated bearings. bends, safety shut off valves in the upstream section should
be preferably 5D or more from the meter inlet. In these
cases the application of an upstream flow conditioner
Surface Treatment and Painting might be considered. This could be a tube bundle straigte-
ner, straightening vanes, or other designs.
Before applying a corrosion-protective layer, each ductile
iron IGTM meter body is shot blasted SA 2.5. Carbon steel The down stream section of the meter should preferably be
bodies are mechanically treated. The standard color of the 3D or longer. The temperature probe should be installed in
meter body is white (RAL 9001). Stainless steel bodies are this section. Optionally a temperature probe can be instal-
supplied without coating. The color of the index head is led in the meter body.
The meter is equipped for horizontal installation as stan-
Alternative surface treatments like other colors, special coa- dard. Meters ≤150mm (6") diameter can also be operated
tings or zinc treatments are possible on request. These spe- vertically. If required, please indicate vertical use on your
cial treatments can improve the protection against corrosi- order.
The gas flow must be free from liquids, dust and particles.
These can damage the delicate bearings and the rotor. Also
Material and Safety Tests when dust collects over time it has an adverse effect on the
metering accuracy. Non-clean gases should be filtered with
All IGTMs are statically tested in accordance with the appro- a 5-micron particle filter.
priate standards and customer requirements
· Hydro test at 1.5 x maximum operating pressure Pulsating gas flow and vibrations should be avoided.
· Air seal test at 1.1 x maximum operating pressure
· Material certificate per EN 10204 3.1.B The meter axis should be identical to the upstream piping
· CE-PED compliance: Directive 97/23/EN axis. Gaskets immediately upstream of the meter should
not protrude.
A certification package can be ordered as an option.
Other tests like MID, TÜV certification, NDT and US testing The meters are preferably installed inside. When installed
and others are available on request. outside, the meter must be protected from direct sunlight
and rain for the best performance.
The IGTM gas turbine meter comes with an installation,
operation and maintenance manual. An installation card is
attached to each meter. We recommend that this card stays
with the meter. Calibration certificates and material certifi-
cates can be provided as an option.
Depending on the order and the meter chosen, the optio-
nally ordered certification package contains:
· 3.1.B certificate with declaration of conformity
· Material certificates for pressure containing parts
· Welding test certificates (when applicable)
· Pressure test certificate
· Calibration certificates (as ordered)
· EEx certificates of the HF pulse transmitters
Additional Instrumentation Systems
The indicated volume will often be converted to volume at Vemm tec has many years of experience with metering
base conditions. Parameters for these conversions might be: skids such as provers or pressure reduction stations. At your
request we will be happy to offer meter runs and integrated
• Pressure systems.
A pressure tapping enables the measurement of the static
pressure near the turbine wheel. The pressure measurement
point Pr (pressure at metering conditions), designated Pm in Ordering Information
the latest standards, is located on the meter housing and is
marked. The bore is 3 mm and perpendicular to the wall. In order to quickly process your enquiry, we need the follo-
Connection with 6 mm stainless (standard) tubing or larger wing information for adequate pricing and sizing:
is recommended.
· Nominal pipe size in mm or inches for installing the meter
• Temperature
The temperature measurement should preferably be located · Model: High accurate custody transfer type (CT) or indus-
within 3 D downstream of the meter. No pressure reducing trial model (IM)
parts should be located between the temperature device
and the meter. The temperature should be measured within · Body material: Ductile iron, carbon steel or stainless steel
the center third of the pipe.
· Flow rate: Maximum, minimum (actual or standard cubic
• Actual density meter per hour, please specify); or G-size.
When an actual density meter is used, the requirements for
the pressure and temperature should be followed for the · Pressure: Maximum, minimum and normal operating
location of the density meter. The Pr point is the source of pressure
the gas sample for a density meter that should be located
3-5 diameters downstream of the gas turbine meter. · Temperature: Maximum, minimum and normal operating
No devices that can influence the pressure or the tempera-
ture of the gas should be installed between a gas meter · Gas type, composition or analysis (if available)
and the applicable temperature sensor and/or density
meter. · Relative density or base density (standard conditions)
Vemm tec can provide you with flow converting devices, · Installation conditions (Indoor-Outdoor, ambient conditi-
ranging from a converter with only basic features, to a ons)
sophisticated computer with features such as curve correc-
tion, valve control, gas chromatograph read-out and other · Flow direction horizontal (left-right; right-left) or vertical
customer specified functions. (up-down; down-up)
We can also provide you with the additional equipment · Optional services and additional equipment required (cali-
such as IS-barriers, F/I-converters, transmitters, filters, brations, barriers, flow correctors, filters, meter tubes)
straightening vanes and meter tubes.
Alternatively you can ask for our IGTM questionnaire.
We will be happy to send you any further information.
Table 1
Gas type
Table 2.1
Dimensions and weights
Table 2.2
Dimensions and weights
Gas - Measurement
Gartenstrasse 20
E mail: [email protected]
vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH
Nominal Size Qmax Qmin Pressure Rotating Max. Max. Max. k-factor k-factor k-factor
diameter rating loss in speed Turbine wheel frequency frequency frequency
Table 3
ambient air turbine wheel HF1/HF2 HF3/HF4 1R1 HF1/HF2 HF3/HF4 1R1
[mm] G [m3/h] [m3/h] @ Qmax @ Qmax blade number approx. approx. Reed approx. approx. Reed
[inch] [mbar] [min-1] angle of blades [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Imp/m3] [Imp/m3] [Imp/m3]
DN 50 40 65 13 20 10500 45 16 2800 80 0,18 155000 4400 10
(2”) 65 100 10 22 16100 45 16 4300 120 0,28 155000 4400 10
DN 80 100 160 16 14 7000 45 16 1900 50 0,04 42200 1200 1
(3”) 160 250 13 16 11000 45 16 2900 80 0,07 42200 1200 1
250 400 20 16 10000 30 16 2600 70 0,11 23500 670 1
DN 100 160 250 13 10 4400 45 16 1200 60 0,07 17000 800 1
(4”) 250 400 20 12 7100 45 16 1900 90 0,11 17000 800 1
400 650 32 12 7000 30 16 1700 80 0,18 9400 440 1
DN 150 400 650 32 11 3400 45 20 1100 70 0,18 6280 360 1
(6”) 650 1000 50 13 5200 45 20 1700 100 0,28 6280 360 1
1000 1600 80 25 4800 30 20 1600 60 0,04 3570 135 0,1
IGTM gas turbine meter: technical specifications