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Table of Contents 1- i

Section 1


Engine General Information and DTC P0135, P0141, P0155, or P0161 ............. 1A–92 1
Diagnosis ................................................ 1A–1 DTC P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158,
or P0160......................................................... 1A–95
General Description ............................................ 1A–1
DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205,
OBD System Description -
P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267,
Mode $06 Data Definitions............................... 1A–1
P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274,
Schematic and Routing Diagram....................... 1A–4
P0276, or P0277 ............................................ 1A–97
Engine Controls Schematic Icons ...................... 1A–4
DTC P0300-P0306........................................... 1A–99
Engine Controls Schematics .............................. 1A–4
DTC P0324 .................................................... 1A–102
Engine Control Module Connector End Views . 1A–17
DTC P0326, P0327, P0328, P0331, P0332,
Engine Controls Connector End Views ............ 1A–19
or P0333....................................................... 1A–103

Component Location ........................................ 1A–30 DTC P0335, P0336, or P0338 ....................... 1A–105
Engine Controls Component Views ................. 1A–30 DTC P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347,
Diagnostic Information and Procedures......... 1A–38 P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391,
Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Controls ..... 1A–38 P0392, or P0393 .......................................... 1A–107
Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical.... 1A–38 DTC P0420 or P0430..................................... 1A–109
Scan Tool Output Controls - DTC P0442 .................................................... 1A–111
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1A–38 DTC P0443, P0458, or P0459 ....................... 1A–113
Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical. 1A–41 DTC P0446 .................................................... 1A–115
Scan Tool Data List - DTC P0449, P0498, or P0499 ....................... 1A–117
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1A–41 DTC P0451 .................................................... 1A–119
Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical............ 1A–46 DTC P0452 or P0453..................................... 1A–120
Scan Tool Data Definitions - DTC P0455 .................................................... 1A–122
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1A–48 DTC P0496 .................................................... 1A–125
Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Electrical 1A–54 DTC P0506, P0507, or P050A ....................... 1A–127
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type DTC P0560 .................................................... 1A–128
Definitions ...................................................... 1A–55 DTC P0562 .................................................... 1A–129
DTC P0008 or P0009....................................... 1A–56 DTC P0563 .................................................... 1A–130
DTC P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088, DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0605,
P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P0606, P0607, P1600, P1621, P1627,
P2094, or P2095 ............................................ 1A–57 P1680, P1681, P1683, or P2610 ................. 1A–131
DTC P0011, P0014, P0021, or P0024 ............. 1A–59 DTC P0627, P0628, or P0629 ....................... 1A–132
DTC P0016, P0017, P0018, or P0019 ............. 1A–61 DTC P0638, P2100, P2101, or P2119 ........... 1A–134
DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, DTC P0642 or P0643..................................... 1A–136
P0038, P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056, DTC P0650 .................................................... 1A–138
P0057, or P0058 ............................................ 1A–63 DTC P0652 or P0653..................................... 1A–139
DTC P0100, P0102, or P0103 ......................... 1A–66 DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689,
DTC P0101 ...................................................... 1A–68 or P0690....................................................... 1A–140
DTC P0111, P0112 or P0113 .......................... 1A–70 DTC P0698 or P0699..................................... 1A–143
DTC P0116 ...................................................... 1A–72 DTC P0700 .................................................... 1A–144
DTC P0117 or P0118....................................... 1A–75 DTC P0864 .................................................... 1A–144
DTC P0119 ...................................................... 1A–77 DTC P1011-P1014......................................... 1A–145
DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, DTC P1380 .................................................... 1A–146
or P0223 ........................................................ 1A–79 DTC P1551 .................................................... 1A–147
DTC P0125 or P0128....................................... 1A–82 DTC P167D.................................................... 1A–149
DTC P0131 or P0151....................................... 1A–84 DTC P2096 or P2098..................................... 1A–150
DTC P0132 or P0152....................................... 1A–86 DTC P2097 or P2099..................................... 1A–152
DTC P0133 or P0153....................................... 1A–88 DTC P2105 .................................................... 1A–154
DTC P0134 or P0154....................................... 1A–90 DTC P2107 .................................................... 1A–155
1- ii Table of Contents

DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, Special Tools -

or P2138....................................................... 1A–156 Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7).......................... 1B–16
DTC P2176 .................................................... 1A–158
DTC P2177, P2179, P2187, or P2189 ........... 1A–159 Engine Electrical Devices...................... 1C–1
DTC P2178, 2180, P2188, or P2190 ............. 1A–162 Precautions.......................................................... 1C–1
DTC P2227, P2228, or P2229 ....................... 1A–164 Heated Oxygen and Oxygen Sensor Notice ...... 1C–1
DTC P2231 or P2234..................................... 1A–165 Heated Oxygen Sensor Resistance Learn
DTC P2232 or P2235..................................... 1A–166 Reset Notice..................................................... 1C–1
DTC P2270 or P2272..................................... 1A–168 Silicon Contamination of
DTC P2271 or P2273..................................... 1A–170 Heated Oxygen Sensors Notice....................... 1C–1
DTC P2300, P2301, P2303, P2304, P2306, General Description ............................................ 1C–2
P2307, P2309, P2310, P2312, P2313, Air Intake System Description ............................ 1C–2
P2315, or P2316 .......................................... 1A–172 Camshaft Actuator System Description ............. 1C–3
DTC P2636 .................................................... 1A–174 Engine Control Module Description.................... 1C–4
Symptoms - Engine Controls ......................... 1A–175 Knock Sensor (KS) System Description............. 1C–7
Engine Cranks but Does Not Run .................. 1A–177 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Check. 1A–179 Description ....................................................... 1C–7
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) Complete Repair Instructions.............................................. 1C–9
System Set Procedure ................................. 1A–181 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Replacement .................................................... 1C–9
DTC Table.................................................... 1A–182 Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature

Repair Instructions ......................................... 1A–182 Sensor Replacement...................................... 1C–10
Idle Learn ....................................................... 1A–182 Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement -
Specifications.................................................. 1A–183 Bank 1 Sensor 1............................................. 1C–11
Temperature Versus Resistance - Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement -
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor........... 1A–183 Bank 1 Sensor 2............................................. 1C–12
Temperature Versus Resistance - Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement -
Intake Air Temperature Sensor .................... 1A–183 Bank 2 Sensor 1............................................. 1C–14
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure ............. 1A–183 Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement -
Special Tools and Equipment ........................ 1A–184 Bank 2 Sensor 2............................................. 1C–16
Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7). 1A–184 Heated Oxygen Sensor Wiring Repairs ........... 1C–18
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor
Aux. Emission Control Devices ............. 1B–1 Replacement .................................................. 1C–18
Precautions.......................................................... 1B–1 Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement ....... 1C–20
Fuel and Evaporative Emission Hose/ Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement -
Pipe Connection Cleaning Notice .................... 1B–1 Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust .......................... 1C–21
General Description ............................................ 1B–1 Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement -
Evaporative Emission Control System Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake ............................. 1C–22
Description ....................................................... 1B–1 Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement -
Crankcase Ventilation System Description ........ 1B–2 Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust ............................ 1C–23
Schematic and Routing Diagram....................... 1B–3 Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement -
Emission Hose Routing Diagram ....................... 1B–3 Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake................................ 1C–24
Evaporative Emissions Hose Routing Diagram . 1B–4 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Replacement -
Repair Instructions ............................................. 1B–5
Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake ............................. 1C–25
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Valve Replacement .......................................... 1B–5
Solenoid Replacement -
Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid
Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust .......................... 1C–26
Valve Replacement .......................................... 1B–6
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Hose
Solenoid Replacement -
Replacement .................................................... 1B–7
Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake................................ 1C–27
Evaporative Emission Pipe Replacement .......... 1B–8
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Evaporative Emission Canister Replacement .. 1B–12
Solenoid Replacement -
Evaporative Emission Canister Filter
Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust ............................ 1C–28
Replacement .................................................. 1B–14
Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 .............. 1C–29
Evaporative Emission System Cleaning .......... 1B–15
Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 .............. 1C–30
Specifications.................................................... 1B–16 Engine Control Module Replacement .............. 1C–31
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Control Module
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7).......................... 1B–16 Programming and Setup ................................ 1C–33
Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1B–16
Table of Contents 1- iii

Specifications.................................................... 1C–34 Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis........................ 1D–41

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Vibration Analysis - Engine .............................. 1D–42
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1C–34 Vibration Analysis -
Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1C–34 Engine/Accessory Isolation ............................ 1D–44
Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)... 1C–34 Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance ................ 1D–50
Engine Order Classification.............................. 1D–55
Engine Mechanical ................................. 1D–1 Repair Instructions ........................................... 1D–58
Precautions.......................................................... 1D–1 Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement .............. 1D–58
Torque Reaction Against Timing Air Cleaner Element Replacement................... 1D–59
Drive Chain Notice ........................................... 1D–1 Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement ................ 1D–60
General Description ............................................ 1D–1 Throttle Body Assembly Replacement ............. 1D–61
Drive Belt System Description ........................... 1D–1 Throttle Body Service....................................... 1D–62
Engine Component Description ......................... 1D–1 Drive Belt Replacement ................................... 1D–62
Cleanliness and Care......................................... 1D–3 Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement .................. 1D–63
Separating Parts ................................................ 1D–3 Drive Belt Idler Pulley Replacement................. 1D–64
Replacing Engine Gaskets................................. 1D–4 Engine Mount Inspection.................................. 1D–65
Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) Engine Rear Mount Replacement .................... 1D–66
and Anaerobic Sealer ...................................... 1D–4 Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side ......... 1D–66
Schematic and Routing Diagram....................... 1D–6 Engine Mount Bracket Replacement -
Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram Right Side....................................................... 1D–68
(Third Design) .................................................. 1D–6 Engine Mount Strut Replacement -

Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram Right Side....................................................... 1D–70
(Fourth Design) ................................................ 1D–9 Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement -
Component Location ........................................ 1D–12 Right Side....................................................... 1D–71
Disassembled Views ........................................ 1D–12 Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement ........... 1D–72
Crankcase Ventilation Hoses/
Diagnostic Information and Procedures......... 1D–26
Pipes Replacement (Front) ............................ 1D–72
Diagnostic Starting Point -
Crankcase Ventilation Hoses/
Engine Mechanical......................................... 1D–26
Pipes Replacement (Rear)............................. 1D–73
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical ...................... 1D–26
Upper Intake Manifold Replacement................ 1D–73
Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine
Lower Intake Manifold Replacement................ 1D–77
Noises ............................................................ 1D–27
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement .................. 1D–77
Base Engine Misfire with
Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Replacement........... 1D–79
Abnormal Internal Lower Engine Noises........ 1D–28
Camshaft Cover Replacement - Left Side........ 1D–80
Base Engine Misfire with
Camshaft Cover Replacement - Right Side ..... 1D–82
Abnormal Valve Train Noise .......................... 1D–29
Engine Front Cover Replacement.................... 1D–84
Base Engine Misfire with
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Coolant Consumption .................................... 1D–29
Replacement - Left Side................................. 1D–88
Base Engine Misfire with
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Excessive Oil Consumption ........................... 1D–29
Replacement - Right Side .............................. 1D–89
Engine Noise on Start-Up,
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
but Only Lasting a Few Seconds ................... 1D–29
Replacement - Left Side................................. 1D–90
Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Engine Speed ................................................ 1D–30
Replacement - Right Side .............................. 1D–90
Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Engine Speed ................................................ 1D–30
Replacement - Left Side................................. 1D–91
Engine Noise Under Load ................................ 1D–31
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Engine Will Not Crank -
Replacement - Right Side .............................. 1D–92
Crankshaft Will Not Rotate............................. 1D–32
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Coolant in Combustion Chamber ..................... 1D–33
Replacement - Left Side................................. 1D–93
Coolant in Engine Oil ....................................... 1D–33
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Engine Compression Test................................ 1D–34
Replacement - Right Side .............................. 1D–94
Cylinder Leakage Test ..................................... 1D–34
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain and Sprockets
Crankcase Ventilation System
Replacement .................................................. 1D–95
Inspection/Diagnosis...................................... 1D–35
Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and
Sprocket Replacement - Left Side ................. 1D–97
Whine Diagnosis ............................................ 1D–35
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis .. 1D–38
Replacement .................................................. 1D–99
Drive Belt Falls Off and
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Excessive Wear Diagnosis ............................ 1D–40
Replacement - Lower ................................... 1D–100
1- iv Table of Contents

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Replacement - Upper ................................... 1D–100 Removal - Lower (Third Design) .................. 1D–146
Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust .......................... 1D–101 Removal - Lower (Fourth Design) ................ 1D–146
Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust ........................ 1D–104 (Third Design) .............................................. 1D–146
Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake.............................. 1D–104 (Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–146
Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake ........................... 1D–105 Removal - Right Side (Third Design) ........... 1D–147
Setting Camshaft Timing................................ 1D–105 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Camshaft Replacement - Left Side ................ 1D–106 Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) ......... 1D–147
Camshaft Replacement - Right Side.............. 1D–108 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Valve Rocker Arm Replacement - Left Side... 1D–110 Removal - Left Side (Third Design).............. 1D–147
Valve Rocker Arm Replacement - Right Side 1D–110 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Valve Lifter Replacement - Left Side.............. 1D–111 Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)............ 1D–148
Valve Lifter Replacement - Right Side ........... 1D–111 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring Removal - Left Side (Third Design).............. 1D–148
Replacement - Left Side............................... 1D–112 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)............ 1D–149
Replacement - Right Side ............................ 1D–114 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Cylinder Head Replacement - Left Side......... 1D–117 Removal - Left Side (Third Design).............. 1D–149

Cylinder Head Replacement - Right Side ...... 1D–118 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Engine Flywheel Replacement....................... 1D–120 Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)............ 1D–149
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal -
Replacement ................................................ 1D–120 Left Side (Third Design) ............................... 1D–150
Engine Replacement...................................... 1D–121 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal -
Drive Belt Tensioner Removal ....................... 1D–130 Left Side (Fourth Design) ............................. 1D–150
Crankshaft Balancer Removal ....................... 1D–130 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Engine Flywheel Removal.............................. 1D–131 Removal - Left Side (Third Design).............. 1D–150
Intake Manifold Removal................................ 1D–132 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Camshaft Cover Removal - Left Side............. 1D–135 Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)............ 1D–150
Camshaft Cover Removal - Right Side .......... 1D–136 Crankshaft Sprocket Removal
Engine Front Cover Removal (Third Design) . 1D–137 (Third Design) .............................................. 1D–151
Engine Front Cover Removal Crankshaft Sprocket Removal
(Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–139 (Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–151
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Third Design) ........... 1D–141 Left Side Exhaust (Third Design) ................. 1D–151
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) ......... 1D–142 Left Side Exhaust (Fourth Design) ............... 1D–152
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Third Design) ........... 1D–142 Left Side Intake (Third Design) .................... 1D–152
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) ......... 1D–143 Left Side Intake (Fourth Design) .................. 1D–152
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Third Design) ........... 1D–143 Right Side Exhaust (Third Design)............... 1D–153
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) ......... 1D–143 Right Side Exhaust (Fourth Design)............. 1D–153
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Right Side (Third Design)............................. 1D–144 Right Side Intake (Third Design) .................. 1D–153
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)........................... 1D–144 Right Side Intake (Fourth Design)................ 1D–154
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Camshaft Removal - Left Side ....................... 1D–154
Removal (Third Design) ............................... 1D–144 Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Left Side.......... 1D–155
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Valve Lifter Removal - Left Side..................... 1D–155
Removal (Fourth Design) ............................. 1D–145 Cylinder Head Removal - Left Side ................ 1D–156
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Camshaft Removal - Right Side ..................... 1D–156
Removal - Upper (Third Design) .................. 1D–145 Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Right Side ....... 1D–157
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Valve Lifter Removal - Right Side .................. 1D–157
Removal - Upper (Fourth Design) ................ 1D–145 Cylinder Head Removal - Right Side ............. 1D–158
Table of Contents 1- v

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Housing Removal......................................... 1D–158 Right Side Exhaust (Fourth Design)............. 1D–275
Piston, Connecting Rod, and Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Bearing Removal ......................................... 1D–159 Left Side Intake (Third Design) .................... 1D–276
Crankshaft and Bearings Removal ................ 1D–161 Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Engine Block Disassemble ............................ 1D–163 Left Side Intake (Fourth Design) .................. 1D–276
Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection .......... 1D–165 Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Crankshaft and Bearings Left Side Exhaust (Third Design) ................. 1D–278
Cleaning and Inspection .............................. 1D–167 Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Crankshaft Balancer Left Side Exhaust (Fourth Design) ............... 1D–278
Cleaning and Inspection .............................. 1D–170 Crankshaft Sprocket Installation
Engine Flywheel Cleaning and Inspection ..... 1D–170 (Third Design) .............................................. 1D–279
Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble...... 1D–171 Crankshaft Sprocket Installation
Piston, Connecting Rod, and (Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–280
Bearings Cleaning and Inspection ............... 1D–172 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble .......... 1D–175 Installation - Left Side (Third Design)........... 1D–280
Cylinder Head Disassemble........................... 1D–177 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection......... 1D–179 Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)......... 1D–281
Valve Spring Inspection and Measurement ... 1D–182 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Valve and Seat Grinding ................................ 1D–182 Installation - Left Side (Third Design)........... 1D–282
Cylinder Head Assemble ............................... 1D–186 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection ................ 1D–188 Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)......... 1D–284

Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection............ 1D–190 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and Inspection. 1D–191 Installation - Left Side (Third Design)........... 1D–286
Camshaft Timing Drive Components Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Cleaning and Inspection (Third Design)....... 1D–191 Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)......... 1D–286
Camshaft Timing Drive Components Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth Design) .... 1D–197 Installation - Left Side (Third Design)........... 1D–287
Engine Front Cover Disassemble .................. 1D–204 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Engine Front Cover Cleaning and Inspection 1D–205 Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)......... 1D–287
Engine Front Cover Assemble ....................... 1D–206 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Cover Disassemble ....................... 1D–207 Installation - Left Side (Third Design)........... 1D–288
Camshaft Cover Cleaning and Inspection ..... 1D–209 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Cover Assemble ............................ 1D–211 Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)......... 1D–290
Intake Manifold Disassemble ......................... 1D–213 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection ....... 1D–216 Installation - Right Side (Third Design) ........ 1D–293
Intake Manifold Assemble .............................. 1D–218 Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Thread Repair ................................................ 1D–221 Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design) ...... 1D–293
Service Prior to Assembly .............................. 1D–248 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
Engine Block Assemble ................................. 1D–248 (Third Design) .............................................. 1D–294
Crankshaft and Bearings Installation ............. 1D–251 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
Piston, Connecting Rod, and (Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–295
Bearing Installation ...................................... 1D–257 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Installation - Lower (Third Design) ............... 1D–297
Housing Installation...................................... 1D–261 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Cylinder Head Installation - Right Side .......... 1D–263 Installation - Lower (Fourth Design) ............. 1D–297
Valve Lifter Installation - Right Side ............... 1D–264 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side .... 1D–265 Installation - Upper (Third Design) ............... 1D–298
Camshaft Installation - Right Side.................. 1D–265 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Cylinder Head Installation - Left Side............. 1D–267 Installation - Upper (Fourth Design) ............. 1D–298
Valve Lifter Installation - Left Side ................. 1D–268 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Left Side ...... 1D–269 Installation (Third Design) ............................ 1D–299
Camshaft Installation - Left Side .................... 1D–270 Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Installation (Fourth Design) .......................... 1D–302
Right Side Intake (Third Design).................. 1D–272 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Installation - Right Side (Third Design) ........ 1D–305
Right Side Intake (Fourth Design)................ 1D–273 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design) ...... 1D–307
Right Side Exhaust (Third Design)............... 1D–274 Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Right Side (Third Design) ........ 1D–309
1- vi Table of Contents

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection ................... 1E–17
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design) ...... 1D–309 Oil Pump Assemble.......................................... 1E–19
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Oil Filter Adapter Disassemble......................... 1E–20
Installation - Right Side (Third Design) ........ 1D–310 Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection....... 1E–20
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Oil Filter Adapter Assemble ............................. 1E–21
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design) ...... 1D–310 Oil Pan Disassemble ........................................ 1E–22
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection ...................... 1E–23
Installation - Right Side (Third Design) ........ 1D–311 Oil Pump Pipe and Screen
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Cleaning and Inspection................................. 1E–24
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design) ...... 1D–314 Oil Pan Assemble............................................. 1E–24
Engine Front Cover Installation Oil Pump Installation ........................................ 1E–25
(Third Design) .............................................. 1D–316 Oil Pan Installation ........................................... 1E–26
Engine Front Cover Installation Oil Filter Adapter Installation ............................ 1E–27
(Fourth Design) ............................................ 1D–318 Oil Level Indicator and Tube Installation .......... 1E–28
Camshaft Cover Installation - Left Side.......... 1D–321 Specifications .................................................... 1E–29
Camshaft Cover Installation - Right Side ....... 1D–324 Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Intake Manifold Installation............................. 1D–326 Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1E–29
Engine Flywheel Installation........................... 1D–329 Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1E–30
Crankshaft Balancer Installation .................... 1D–330 Tools and Equipment ....................................... 1E–30
Drive Belt Tensioner Installation .................... 1D–331 Special Tools -
Engine Prelubing............................................ 1D–332 Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1E–30

Specifications.................................................. 1D–334
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Cooling System .......................... 1F–1
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)................... 1D–334 General Description ............................................ 1F–1
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Cooling System Description and Operation ....... 1F–1
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)........................ 1D–335 Schematic and Routing Diagram ....................... 1F–3
Engine Mechanical Specifications.................. 1D–335 Engine Cooling Schematics ............................... 1F–4
Sealers, Adhesives, and Lubricants............... 1D–338 Cooling System Connector End Views .............. 1F–5
Thread Repair Specifications ......................... 1D–339 Component Location .......................................... 1F–6
Special Tools and Equipment ........................ 1D–365 Cooling System Component Views .................... 1F–6
Engine Support Fixture .................................. 1D–365 Diagnostic Information and Procedures ........... 1F–7
Tools and Equipment ..................................... 1D–368 Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Cooling ........ 1F–7
Special Tools - Scan Tool Output Controls (3.6L) -
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)................... 1D–368 Engine Cooling................................................. 1F–7
Special Tools - Scan Tool Data List (3.6L) - Engine Cooling ...... 1F–8
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)........................ 1D–373 Scan Tool Data Definitions (3.6L) -
Engine Cooling................................................. 1F–8
Engine Lubrication System.................... 1E–1
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693,
General Description ............................................ 1E–1 or P0694........................................................... 1F–9
Lubrication Description....................................... 1E–1 Symptoms - Engine Cooling............................. 1F–11
Diagnostic Information and Procedures ........... 1E–2 Cooling Fan Always On.................................... 1F–12
Oil Consumption Diagnosis................................ 1E–2 Cooling Fan Inoperative ................................... 1F–13
Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing................... 1E–2 Engine Overheating ......................................... 1F–15
Oil Leak Diagnosis ............................................. 1E–4 Loss of Coolant ................................................ 1F–16
Repair Instructions ............................................. 1E–5 Thermostat Diagnosis ...................................... 1F–18
Oil Level Indicator and Tube Replacement ........ 1E–5 Engine Fails To Reach Normal Operating
Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement ............... 1E–6 Temperature................................................... 1F–19
Oil Filter Adapter Replacement .......................... 1E–6 Pressure Cap Testing ...................................... 1F–19
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor and/or Switch Cooling System Leak Testing .......................... 1F–20
Replacement .................................................... 1E–8 Repair Instructions............................................ 1F–21
Oil Pan Replacement ......................................... 1E–8 Radiator Drain Cock Replacement................... 1F–21
Oil Pump Replacement .................................... 1E–10 Draining and Filling Cooling System
Oil Pump Suction Pipe and Screen Assembly (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)........................................ 1F–21
Replacement .................................................. 1E–11 Draining and Filling Cooling System
Oil Level Indicator and Tube Removal ............. 1E–12 (LY7 Static Fill)............................................... 1F–26
Oil Filter Adapter Removal ............................... 1E–13 Coolant System Flushing ................................. 1F–27
Oil Pan Removal .............................................. 1E–14 Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement ........................ 1F–27
Oil Pump Removal ........................................... 1E–15 Heater Outlet Pipe Replacement ..................... 1F–28
Oil Pump Disassemble..................................... 1E–15 Heater Outlet Hose Replacement .................... 1F–30
Table of Contents 1- vii

Radiator Surge Tank Inlet Hose/ Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis

Pipe Replacement.......................................... 1F–31 (w/ Special Tool) ............................................ 1G–31
Surge Tank Replacement ................................ 1F–32 Repair Instructions ........................................... 1G–32
Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement .................... 1F–33 Fuel Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)........... 1G–32
Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement ................. 1F–34 Fuel Pressure Relief (Without J 34730-1A)...... 1G–33
Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement ............ 1F–35 Fuel Pressure Gage Installation and Removal. 1G–33
Engine Coolant Fan Motor Replacement ......... 1F–38 Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service...... 1G–34
Radiator Replacement ..................................... 1F–41 Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service.... 1G–36
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement........................... 1G–39
Replacement.................................................. 1F–42 Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement ......... 1G–43
Thermostat Replacement................................. 1F–42 Fuel Tank Draining........................................... 1G–45
Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Assembly Filler Tube Replacement .................................. 1G–48
Replacement.................................................. 1F–43 Fuel Tank Replacement (FWD) ....................... 1G–50
Water Outlet Housing Replacement ................ 1F–44 Fuel Tank Replacement (AWD) ....................... 1G–53
Water Pump Replacement ............................... 1F–44 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement ....... 1G–55
Coolant Heater Replacement........................... 1F–46 Primary Fuel Tank Module Replacement......... 1G–56
Coolant Heater Cord Replacement .................. 1F–46 Secondary Fuel Tank Module Replacement .... 1G–58
Water Outlet Removal...................................... 1F–47 Primary Fuel Level Sensor Replacement......... 1G–60
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Removal 1F–48 Fuel Level Sensor Replacement - Secondary.. 1G–60
Water Pump Removal ...................................... 1F–50 Fuel Tank Filler Vent Hose Replacement ........ 1G–61
Water Pump Cleaning and Inspection ............. 1F–51 Fuel System Cleaning ...................................... 1G–62
Water Pump Installation ................................... 1F–52

Specifications.................................................... 1G–62
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Installation...................................................... 1F–52 Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1G–62
Water Outlet Installation................................... 1F–55 Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Specifications.................................................... 1F–56 Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7).......................... 1G–62
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1G–63
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1F–56 Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)... 1G–63
Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Engine Cooling............................................... 1F–56 Ignition System ....................................... 1H–1
Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1F–56 General Description ............................................ 1H–1
Tools and Equipment ....................................... 1F–56 Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description ........ 1H–1
Special Tools - Diagnostic Information and Procedures ........... 1H–2
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1F–57 Electronic Ignition (EI) System Diagnosis .......... 1H–2
Special Tools - Engine Cooling ........................ 1F–57 Repair Instructions ............................................. 1H–3
Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 1.................... 1H–3
Fuel System ............................................ 1G–1
Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 2.................... 1H–4
Precautions.......................................................... 1G–1 Spark Plug Replacement ................................... 1H–5
Fuel Pipe Fitting Caution.................................... 1G–1 Spark Plug Inspection ........................................ 1H–6
Relieving Fuel Pressure Caution ....................... 1G–1
Specifications...................................................... 1H–8
Fuel Rail Notice.................................................. 1G–1
Fastener Tightening Specifications -
General Description ............................................ 1G–2 Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)............................ 1H–8
Fuel System Description .................................... 1G–2 Ignition System Specifications ........................... 1H–8
Diagnostic Information and Procedures........... 1G–8 Special Tools and Equipment ............................ 1H–8
Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Controls ....... 1G–8 Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)..... 1H–8
Scan Tool Output Controls -
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ........................... 1G–8 Starting System ........................................ 1I–1
Scan Tool Data List - General Description ............................................. 1I–1
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1G–10 Starting System Description and Operation ........ 1I–1
Scan Tool Data Definitions -
Schematic and Routing Diagram........................ 1I–1
Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) ......................... 1G–16
Starting and Charging Schematics...................... 1I–1
Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis ............ 1G–22
Engine Electrical Connector End Views.............. 1I–4
Fuel System Diagnosis .................................... 1G–24
Fuel Injector Solenoid Coil Test ....................... 1G–25 Component Location ........................................... 1I–5
Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool ... 1G–26 Engine Electrical Component Views ................... 1I–5
Fuel Injector Balance Test with Tech 2 ............ 1G–28 Diagnostic Information and Procedures ............ 1I–8
Fuel Tank Leak Test ........................................ 1G–29 Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical....... 1I–8
Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical.... 1I–8
(w/o Special Tool) .......................................... 1G–30 Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical............... 1I–8
Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Electrical.. 1I–10
1- viii Table of Contents

DTC P0615 ....................................................... 1I–10 Generator Noise Diagnosis ............................... 1J–36

DTC P0616 ....................................................... 1I–12 Engine Cranks Slowly ....................................... 1J–38
DTC P0617 ....................................................... 1I–13 Battery Inspection/Test ..................................... 1J–38
Symptoms - Engine Electrical ........................... 1I–14 Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test ...... 1J–41
Starter Solenoid Does Not Click........................ 1I–14 Repair Instructions............................................ 1J–43
Starter Solenoid Clicks, Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Engine Does Not Crank .................................. 1I–16 Connection ...................................................... 1J–43
Engine Cranks Slowly ....................................... 1I–16 Battery Current Sensor Replacement ............... 1J–45
Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis .......................... 1I–17 Battery Negative Cable Replacement ............... 1J–46
Repair Instructions ............................................ 1I–18 Battery Positive Cable Replacement................. 1J–48
Starter Motor Replacement ............................... 1I–18 Battery Replacement......................................... 1J–50
Starter Removal ................................................ 1I–19 Battery Tray Replacement ................................ 1J–52
Starter Installation ............................................. 1I–20 Battery Box Replacement ................................. 1J–52
Specifications..................................................... 1I–21 Generator Replacement .................................... 1J–54
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Specifications .................................................... 1J–55
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)...................... 1I–21 Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Electrical ............................................. 1J–55
Engine Electrical ............................................. 1I–21 Battery Usage ................................................... 1J–56
Special Tools and Equipment ........................... 1I–21 Generator Usage............................................... 1J–56
Special Tools - Engine Electrical....................... 1I–21 Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1J–56
Special Tools - Engine Electrical....................... 1J–56

Charging System..................................... 1J–1
Precautions.......................................................... 1J–1 Exhaust System...................................... 1K–1
Battery Disconnect Caution................................. 1J–1 Precautions.......................................................... 1K–1
Batteries Produce Explosive Gases Caution ...... 1J–1 Exhaust Service Caution .................................... 1K–1
General Description ............................................ 1J–2 Hot Exhaust System Caution ............................. 1K–1
Battery Description and Operation ...................... 1J–2 Three-Way Catalytic Converter
Charging System Description and Operation...... 1J–3 Damage Notice ................................................ 1K–1
Electrical Power Management Description and General Description ............................................ 1K–2
Operation .......................................................... 1J–6 Exhaust System Description .............................. 1K–2
Schematic and Routing Diagram....................... 1J–6 Diagnostic Information and Procedures ........... 1K–3
Starting and Charging Schematics...................... 1J–6 Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Exhaust ....... 1K–3
Engine Electrical Connector End Views.............. 1J–9 Symptoms - Engine Exhaust .............................. 1K–3
Component Location ........................................ 1J–10 Restricted Exhaust ............................................. 1K–4
Engine Electrical Component Views ................. 1J–10 Exhaust Leakage ............................................... 1K–6
Diagnostic Information and Procedures ......... 1J–13 Exhaust Noise .................................................... 1K–6
Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical..... 1J–13 Repair Instructions.............................................. 1K–7
Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical.. 1J–13 Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Left Side ........ 1K–7
Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical............. 1J–13 Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Right Side...... 1K–8
Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Electrical.. 1J–15 Exhaust Flexible Pipe Replacement .................. 1K–9
DTC B1325 ....................................................... 1J–15 Catalytic Converter Replacement - Left Side ... 1K–11
DTC B1405 ....................................................... 1J–17 Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side. 1K–13
DTC B1424 ....................................................... 1J–18 Muffler Replacement ........................................ 1K–15
DTC B1516 ....................................................... 1J–19 Catalytic Converter Heat Shield Replacement . 1K–16
DTC B1517 ....................................................... 1J–20 Exhaust Heat Shield Replacement -
DTC B1527 ....................................................... 1J–22 Dash Panel..................................................... 1K–17
DTC P0621 ....................................................... 1J–22 Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement .... 1K–18
DTC P0622 ....................................................... 1J–23 Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement -
DTC P0625 ....................................................... 1J–24 Right Side....................................................... 1K–19
DTC P0626 ....................................................... 1J–26 Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement -
DTC C0899 ....................................................... 1J–27 Left Side ......................................................... 1K–20
DTC C0900 ....................................................... 1J–27 Exhaust Manifold Removal - Left Side ............. 1K–21
Symptoms - Engine Electrical ........................... 1J–28 Exhaust Manifold Removal - Right Side........... 1K–22
Charging System Test....................................... 1J–29 Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Battery Charging ............................................... 1J–32 Left Side ......................................................... 1K–25
Battery Common Causes of Failure .................. 1J–33 Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Jump Starting in Case of Emergency................ 1J–34 Right Side....................................................... 1K–26
Charge Indicator Always On ............................. 1J–35 Exhaust Manifold Installation - Left Side .......... 1K–27
Charge Indicator Inoperative............................. 1J–36 Exhaust Manifold Installation - Right Side........ 1K–28
Table of Contents 1- ix

Specifications.................................................... 1K–32 Special Tools and Equipment .......................... 1K–32

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Tools and Equipment ....................................... 1K–32
Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)..................... 1K–32 Special Tools - Engine Exhaust ....................... 1K–32
Fastener Tightening Specifications -
Engine Exhaust.............................................. 1K–32

1A-1 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Engine General Information and Diagnosis

General Description
OBD System Description - Mode $06 Data Definitions
MODE $06 Data
Self diagnostic Test value
Description Range* Resolution*
test item OBDIMID TID
Rich to Lean Sensor
01 01 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Lean to Rich Sensor
01 02 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Oxygen Sensor
Minimum Sensor Voltage
Monitor Bank 1 01 07 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Sensor 1
Maximum Sensor Voltage
01 08 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Time between sensor
01 09 — —
transitions (calculated)
Rich to Lean Sensor
02 01 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage

Lean to Rich Sensor
Oxygen Sensor 02 02 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Monitor Bank 1
Minimum Sensor Voltage
Sensor 2 02 07 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Maximum Sensor Voltage
02 08 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Rich to Lean Sensor
05 01 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Lean to Rich Sensor
05 02 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Oxygen Sensor
Minimum Sensor Voltage
Monitor Bank 2 05 07 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Sensor 1
Maximum Sensor Voltage
05 08 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Time between sensor
05 09 — —
transitions (calculated)
Rich to Lean Sensor
06 01 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Lean to Rich Sensor
Oxygen Sensor 06 02 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Threshold Voltage
Monitor Bank 2
Minimum Sensor Voltage
Sensor 2 06 07 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
Maximum Sensor Voltage
06 08 0.0000 to 7.9900 V 0.122 mv / bit
21 84 Catalyst Test Bank 1 0.000 to 19.988 counts 0.000305 counts / bit
Catalyst Monitor
22 84 Catalyst Test Bank 2 0.000 to 19.988 counts 0.000305 counts / bit
EVAP Monitor EVPD Weak Vacuum Test - -32768 to +32767
39 80 1 count / bit
(Cap Off) Gross Leak counts
EONV NV 0.020 Test -
EVAP Monitor EWMA = Exponentially
3C 80 0.000 to 1.999 counts 0.0000305 counts / bit
0.020 Weighted Moving Average
EONV = Engine Off Natural
Purge Flow Canister Vent Valve Test - -32768 to +32767
3D 8C 1 count / bit
Monitor Stuck Closed / Restricted counts
Oxygen Sensor
Heater Monitor 41 81 Sensor Element Impedance 0 to 65535 Ohms 1 Ohms / bit
Bank 1 Sensor 1
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-2

Self diagnostic Test value

Description Range* Resolution*
test item OBDIMID TID
Oxygen Sensor
Heater Monitor 42 81 Sensor Element Impedance 0 to 65535 Ohms 1 Ohms / bit
Bank 1 Sensor 2
Oxygen Sensor
Heater Monitor 45 81 Sensor Element Impedance 0 to 65535 Ohms 1 Ohms / bit
Bank 2 Sensor 1
Oxygen Sensor
Heater Monitor 46 81 Sensor Element Impedance 0 to 65535 Ohms 1 Ohms / bit
Bank 2 Sensor 2
Additive Fuel (Offset)
81 80 -327.68 to +327.67 % 0.01 % / bit
Fuel System Correction
Monitor Bank 1 Multiplicative Fuel (Slope)
81 82 0.000 to 1.999 counts 0.0000305 counts / bit
Additive Fuel (Offset)
82 80 -327.68 to +327.67 % 0.01 % / bit
Fuel System Correction
Monitor Bank 2 Multiplicative Fuel (Slope)
82 82 0.000 to 1.999 counts 0.0000305 counts / bit

1A-3 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Self diagnostic Test value

Description Range* Resolution*
test item OBDIMID TID
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A2 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/
A2 0C current driving cycles — —
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A3 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/
A3 0C current driving cycles — —
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A4 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/

A4 0C current driving cycles — —
Misfire Detection
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A5 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/
A5 0C current driving cycles — —
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A6 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/
A6 0C current driving cycles — —
EWMA (Exponential
Weighted Moving Average)
A7 0B — —
misfire counts for last 10
driving cycles (calculated)
Misfire counts for last/
A7 0C current driving cycles — —

* Source information is ISO-15031-5 document

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-4

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Engine Controls Schematic Icons
Icon Icon Definition
The OBD II symbol is used on the circuit diagrams in order to alert the
technician that the circuit is essential for proper OBD II emission
control circuit operation. Any circuit which fails and causes the
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) to turn ON, or causes emissions-
related component damage, is identified as an OBD II circuit.

Twisted-pair wires provide an effective shield that helps protect
sensitive electronic components from electrical interference. If the
wires were covered with shielding, install new shielding.
In order to prevent electrical interference from degrading the

performance of the connected components, you must maintain the
proper specification when making any repairs to the twisted-pair wires
• The wires must be twisted a minimum of 9 turns per 31 cm (12 in) as
measured anywhere along the length of the wires
• The outside diameter of the twisted wires must not exceed 6.0 mm
(0.25 in)

Engine Controls Schematics

1A-5 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Module Power, Ground, and MIL

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-6

5-Volt Reference

1A-7 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Low Reference

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-8

Mass Air Flow and Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

1A-9 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Camshaft Position Sensors and Actuators

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-10

Heated Oxygen Sensors

1A-11 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Throttle Actuator Control and Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-12

Ignition Coils

1A-13 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Knock Sensors and Crank Sensor

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-14

Fuel Injectors and Fuel Pump

1A-15 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Evaporative Emissions and Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor

Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-16

Controlled/Monitored Systems

1A-17 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Engine Control Module Connector End Circuit

Pin Wire Color Function
Views No.
Engine Control Module (ECM) C1 Generator Field Duty
30 GY 23
Cycle Signal
31-32 — — Not Used
Camshaft Position
33 YE 5276
Intake Sensor (2)
Camshaft Position
34 D-GN 5273
Exhaust Sensor (1)
35 YE 573 CKP Sensor [1] Signal
36-38 — — Not Used
39 GY 2701 5-Volt Reference
40 — — Not Used
41 TN 552 Low Reference
42 — — Not Used
43 TN 470 Low Reference
Connector Part Information 44 TN 2761 Low Reference
OEM: 1928404927 45 GY 605 5-Volt Reference.
Service: — 46 TN 452 Low Reference
Description: 96-Way F 1.2 Series Sealed (BK) 47 — — Not Used
Terminal Part Information 48 BN 582 TAC Motor Control - 2

Terminal/Tray: 1928498135/19 Camshaft Phaser
49 OG/BK 5272
Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J Intake Solenoid (2)
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-213/J-35616-64B 50 L-BU/BK 844 Fuel Injector 4 Control
(L-BU) 51 TN 1744 Fuel Injector 1 Control
52 L-GN/BK 1745 Fuel Injector 2 Control
Engine Control Module (ECM) C1 53-54 — — Not Used
Circuit 55 PU 2121 Ignition Control 1
Pin Wire Color Function 56 L-BU 2123 Ignition Control 3
Camshaft Phaser 57 D-GN 2125 Ignition Control 5
1 L-GN 5282 58 — — Not Used
Exhaust Solenoid (1)
Camshaft Phaser 59 D-BU 496 KS 1 Signal
2 PU 5284 60 GY 2303 KS 2 Signal
Intake Solenoid (1)
3 — — Not Used 61-66 — — Not Used
4 YE/BK 846 Fuel Injector 6 Control HO2S Low Signal [-
67 TN 1664
EVAP Canister Purge Bank 1 Sensor 1]
5 D-GN/WH 428 68-69 — — Not Used
Solenoid Control
6 — — Not Used HO2S High Signal [-
70 PU 1666
Camshaft Position Bank 2 Sensor 1]
7 OG 5275 71 — — Not Used
Intake Sensor (1)
8 — — Not Used HO2S Heater Low
Camshaft Position 72 L-GN 3212 Control - Bank 2 Sensor
9 PU 5274 1
Exhaust Sensor (2)
Generator Turn On 73-77 — — Not Used
10 OG 225 78 BN 2129 Low Reference
11-12 — — Not Used 79 OG/WH 2122 Ignition Control 2
13 BN/WH 2130 Low Reference 80 D-GN/WH 2124 Ignition Control 4
14 — — Not Used 81 L-BU/WH 2126 Ignition Control 6
15 GY 705 5-Volt Reference 82 YE 410 ECT Sensor Signal
16 — — Not Used 83 GY 1716 KS 1 Signal
Oil Pressure Switch 84 L-BU 1876 KS 2 Signal
17 TN/BK 231 85-87 — — Not Used
18-23 — — Not Used 88 TN 2752 Low Reference
24 YE 581 TAC Motor Control - 1 89 PU 486 TP Sensor 2 Signal
Camshaft Phaser 90 D-GN 485 TP Sensor 1 Signal
25 WH/BK 5283 91 — — Not Used
Exhaust Solenoid (2)
26 PK/BK 1746 Fuel Injector 3 Control HO2S High Signal [-
92 PU/WH 1665
27 — — Not Used Bank 1 Sensor 1]
28 TN/WH 845 Fuel Injector 5 Control HO2S Low Signal [-
93 TN 1667
29 — — Not Used Bank 2 Sensor 1]
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-18

Circuit Circuit
Pin Wire Color Function Pin Wire Color Function
No. No.
94-95 — — Not Used 16 — — Not Used
HO2S Heater Low 17 OG/BK 1786 Park/Neutral Signal
96 GY/WH 3113 Control - Bank 1 Sensor 18 — — Not Used
1 EVAP Canister Vent
19 WH 1310
Solenoid Control
Engine Control Module (ECM) C2 Heated Oxygen Sensor
20 OG/WH 3223 Heater Low Control
Bank 2 Sensor (2)
21 — — Not Used
22 TN 2760 Low Reference
HO2S Low Signal [-
23 TN/WH 1669
Bank 1 Sensor 2]
HO2S Low Signal [-
24 TN 1671
Bank 2 Sensor 2]
25 L-BU 1162 APP Sensor 2 Signal
26 — — Not Used
Fuel Tank Pressure
27 D-GN 890
Sensor Signal
28-33 — — Not Used

Connector Part Information 34 BN 1271 Low Reference
OEM: 1928404916 35 GY 2700 5-Volt Reference
Service: 19115599 Fuel Level Sensor
36 PU 1589
Description: 58-Way F 2.8 Series Sealed (BK) Signal [- Primary]
Terminal Part Information 37 — — Not Used
Pins: 1, 2, 4, 5 HO2S High Signal [-
38 PU/WH 1668
Terminal/Tray: 1928498058/8 Bank 1 Sensor 2]
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1 A/C Refrigerant
39 OG/BK 380
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A Pressure Sensor Signal
(PU) 40 — — Not Used
Pins: 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 41 BN 4 Accessory Voltage
24, 25, 27, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, High Speed GMLAN
42 TN/BK 2500
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Serial Data Bus+
Terminal/Tray: 1928498135/19 43 — — Not Used
Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J A/C Compressor Clutch
44 D-GN/WH 459
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-213/J-35616-64B Relay Control
(L-BU) High Speed Cooling
45 D-BU 473
Fan Relay Control
Engine Control Module (ECM) C2 Low Speed Cooling Fan
Circuit 46 D-GN 335
Pin Wire Color Function Relay Control
No. 47 PU 1272 Low Reference
1 BK/WH 451 Ground 48 TN 1274 5-Volt Reference
2 BK/WH 451 Ground 49 WH/BK 1164 5-Volt Reference
3 — — Not Used 50 TN 472 IAT Sensor Signal
4 BK/WH 451 Ground HO2S High Signal [-
5 PK/BK 5290 Ignition 1 Voltage 51 PU 1670
Bank 2 Sensor 2]
6 — — Not Used Stop Lamp Switch
HO2S Heater Low 52 WH 17
7 GY/WH 3122 Control [- Bank 2 53 — — Not Used
Sensor 1] 54 PK 439 Ignition 1 Voltage
8 — — Not Used High Speed GMLAN
9 TN 2759 Low Reference 55 TN 2501
Serial Data Bus-
Fuel Pump Relay 56 RD/WH 1540 Battery Positive Voltage
10 D-GN/WH 465
Control [- Primary] Starter Relay Coil
11 TN 5514 Low Reference 57 YE 447
12 BN/WH 419 MIL Control Engine Main Relay Coil
13 YE 492 MAF Sensor Signal 58 BN 5069
14 GY 2709 5-Volt Reference
15 D-BU 1161 APP Sensor 1 Signal
1A-19 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Engine Controls Connector End Views Connector Part Information

Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor OEM: 7283-7526-30
Service: 88988588
Description: 2-Way F (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 7116-4026/11
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15313892/J-35616-18

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 1 Exhaust

Pin Wire Color Function
Powertrain Main Relay
1 PK/BK 5293
Fused Supply (4)
Connector Part Information Camshaft Phaser
2 L-GN 5282
OEM: 15326829 Exhaust Solenoid (1)
Service: 88988944
Description: 6-Way F 150 Sealed (BK) Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 1 Intake
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A

Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor

Pin Wire Color Function
A PU 1272 Low Reference
B L-BU 1162 APP Sensor 2 Signal
C TN 1274 5-Volt Reference
D BN 1271 Low Reference
E D-BU 1161 APP Sensor 1 Signal Connector Part Information
F WH/BK 1164 5-Volt Reference OEM: 7283-7526-30
Service: 88988588
Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 1 Exhaust Description: 2-Way F (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 7116-4026/11
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15313892/J-35616-18

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 1 Intake

Pin Wire Color Function
Powertrain Main Relay
1 PK/BK 5293
Fused Supply (4)
Camshaft Phaser
2 PU 5284
Intake Solenoid (1)
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-20

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 2 Exhaust Connector Part Information

OEM: 7283-7526-30
Service: 88988588
Description: 2-Way F (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 7116-4026/11
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15313892/J-35616-18

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 2 Intake

Pin Wire Color Function
Powertrain Main Relay
1 PK/BK 5293
Connector Part Information Fused Supply (4)
OEM: 7283-7526-30 Camshaft Phaser
2 OG/BK 5272
Service: 88988588 Intake Solenoid (2)
Description: 2-Way F (BK)
Terminal Part Information Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Exhaust
Terminal/Tray: 7116-4026/11
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Release Tool/Test Probe: 15313892/J-35616-18

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 2 Exhaust

Pin Wire Color Function
Powertrain Main Relay
1 PK/BK 5293
Fused Supply (4)
Camshaft Phaser
2 WH/BK 5283
Exhaust Solenoid (2)

Camshaft Position Actuator - Bank 2 Intake Connector Part Information

OEM: 1928403968
Service: 88988595
Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Exhaust

Pin Wire Color Function
1 TN 552 Low Reference
Camshaft Position
2 D-GN 5273
Exhaust Sensor (1)
3 GY 705 5-Volt Reference
1A-21 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Intake Connector Part Information

OEM: 1928403968
Service: 88988595
Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Exhaust

Pin Wire Color Function
Connector Part Information 1 TN 552 Low Reference
OEM: 1928403968 Camshaft Position
2 PU 5274
Service: 88988595 Exhaust Sensor (2)
Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series Sealed 3 GY 705 5-Volt Reference
Terminal Part Information Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Intake
Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Intake

Pin Wire Color Function
1 TN 552 Low Reference
Camshaft Position
2 OG 5275
Intake Sensor (1)
3 GY 705 5-Volt Reference

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Exhaust Connector Part Information

OEM: 1928403968
Service: 88988595
Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Intake

Pin Wire Color Function
1 TN 552 Low Reference
Camshaft Position
2 YE 5276
Intake Sensor (2)
3 GY 705 5-Volt Reference
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-22

Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Pin Wire Color Function
1 YE 410 ECT Sensor Signal
2 TN 2761 Low Reference

Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) Switch

Connector Part Information

OEM: 89047365
Service: 88988337
Description: 3-Way F Sealed (GN)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 33467-0005/23
Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-213/J-35616-64B Connector Part Information
(L-BU) OEM: 12065400
Service: 12126436
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Description: 4-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (GN)
Circuit Terminal Part Information
Pin Wire Color Function
No. Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2
1 TN 452 Low Reference Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
2 YE 573 CKP Sensor [1] Signal Release Tool/Test Probe: 12094429/J-35616-2A
3 GY 605 5-Volt Reference. (GY)

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Engine Oil Pressure Switch

Pin Wire Color Function
Oil Pressure Switch
A TN/BK 231
B TN 470 Low Reference

Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge


Connector Part Information

OEM: 1928403874
Service: 88988963
Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498054/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A
1A-23 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Connector Part Information Fuel Injector 1

OEM: 1928404072
Service: 88988586
Description: 2-Way F (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid

Pin Wire Color Function
Powertrain Main Relay
1 PK/BK 5293
Fused Supply (4) Connector Part Information
EVAP Canister Purge OEM: 15305086
2 D-GN/WH 428
Solenoid Control Service: 15306318
Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK)
Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Canister Vent Terminal Part Information
Solenoid Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit

Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Injector 1
Pin Wire Color No. Function
A WH 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage
B TN 1744 Fuel Injector 1 Control

Fuel Injector 2

Connector Part Information

OEM: 12052643
Service: 12101858
Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit
Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Canister Vent Connector Part Information

Solenoid OEM: 15305086
Circuit Service: 15306318
Pin Wire Color Function Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK)
EVAP Canister Vent Terminal Part Information
A PK 1310 Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Solenoid Control
B WH 2840 Battery Positive Voltage Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit
Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Injector 2
Pin Wire Color Function
A WH 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage
B L-GN/BK 1745 Fuel Injector 2 Control
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-24

Fuel Injector 3 Fuel Injector 5

Connector Part Information Connector Part Information

OEM: 15305086 OEM: 15305086
Service: 15306318 Service: 15306318
Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK) Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK)
Terminal Part Information Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit

Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Injector 3 Fuel Injector 5

Circuit Circuit
Pin Wire Color Function Pin Wire Color Function
No. No.
A WH 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage A WH 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage
B PK/BK 1746 Fuel Injector 3 Control B TN/WH 845 Fuel Injector 5 Control

Fuel Injector 4 Fuel Injector 6

Connector Part Information Connector Part Information

OEM: 15305086 OEM: 15305086
Service: 15306318 Service: 15306318
Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK) Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack Series (BK)
Terminal Part Information Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit
Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Injector 4 Fuel Injector 6

Circuit Circuit
Pin Wire Color Function Pin Wire Color Function
No. No.
A WH 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage A WH 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage
B L-BU/BK 844 Fuel Injector 4 Control B YE/BK 846 Fuel Injector 6 Control
1A-25 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Fuel Pump and Sender Assembly - Primary Connector Part Information

OEM: 12059595
Service: 88986451
Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit
Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit
Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor

Pin Wire Color Function
A BK 2759 Low Reference
Connector Part Information Fuel Tank Pressure
B D-GN 890
OEM: 12162210 Sensor Signal
Service: 12167121 C GY 2709 5-Volt Reference
Description: 6-Way F Metri-Pack 150.2 Series
Sealed (BK) Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) - Bank 1 Sensor
Terminal Part Information 1
Terminal/Tray: See Terminal Repair Kit

Core/Insulation Crimp: See Terminal Repair Kit
Release Tool/Test Probe: See Terminal Repair Kit

Fuel Pump and Sender Assembly - Primary

Pin Wire Color Function
Fuel Pump Supply
A GY 120
B TN 2759 Low Reference
Fuel Level Sensor
C PU 30
Fuel Level Sensor
D PU 1589
Signal [- Primary] Connector Part Information
Fuel Level Sensor OEM: 12160482
E PU 30
Signal Service: 88988598
F BK 850 Ground Description: 4-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series, Sealed
Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 12094429/J-35616-2A

Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 1

Pin Wire Color Function
HO2S Low Signal [-
A TN 1664
Bank 1 Sensor 1]
HO2S High Signal [-
B PU/WH 1665
Bank 1 Sensor 1]
Powertrain Main Relay
C PK/BK 5293
Fused Supply (4)
HO2S Heater Low
D GY/WH 3113 Control - Bank 1 Sensor
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-26

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) - Bank 1 Sensor Connector Part Information

2 OEM: 12160482
Service: 88988598
Description: 4-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series, Sealed
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 12094429/J-35616-2A

Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 1

Pin Wire Color Function
HO2S Low Signal [-
A TN 1667
Connector Part Information Bank 2 Sensor 1]
OEM: 12160825 HO2S High Signal [-
B PU 1666
Service: 15305801 Bank 2 Sensor 1]
Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK) Powertrain Main Relay
C PK/BK 5293
Terminal Part Information Fused Supply (4)
Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2 HO2S Heater Low

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1 D L-GN 3212 Control - Bank 2 Sensor
Release Tool/Test Probe: 12094429/J-35616-3 (GY) 1

Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 2 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) - Bank 2 Sensor
Circuit 2
Pin Wire Color Function
HO2S Low Signal [-
A TN/WH 1669
Bank 1 Sensor 2]
HO2S High Signal [-
B PU/WH 1668
Bank 1 Sensor 2]
Powertrain Main Relay
C PK/BK 5294
Fused Supply (5)
HO2S Heater Low
D GY/WH 3122 Control [- Bank 2
Sensor 1]

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) - Bank 2 Sensor

Connector Part Information
OEM: 12160825
Service: 15305801
Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: 12094429/J-35616-3 (GY)

Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 2

Pin Wire Color Function
HO2S Low Signal [-
A TN 1671
Bank 2 Sensor 2]
HO2S High Signal [-
B PU 1670
Bank 2 Sensor 2]
Powertrain Main Relay
C PK/BK 5294
Fused Supply (5)
Heated Oxygen Sensor
D OG/WH 3223 Heater Low Control
Bank 2 Sensor (2)
1A-27 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Ignition Coil 1 Connector Part Information

OEM: 15466325
Service: 88988737
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D, B, C
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A

Ignition Coil 2
Pin Wire Color Function
Connector Part Information No.
OEM: 15466325 A BK 150 Ground
Service: 88988737 B BN/WH 2130 Low Reference
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK) C OG/WH 2122 Ignition Control 2
Terminal Part Information D PK/BK 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage
Pins: A, D, B, C
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8 Ignition Coil 3

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A

Ignition Coil 1
Pin Wire Color Function
A BK 1550 Ground
B BN 2129 Low Reference
C PU 2121 Ignition Control 1
D PK/BK 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage

Ignition Coil 2 Connector Part Information

OEM: 15466325
Service: 88988737
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D, B, C
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A

Ignition Coil 3
Pin Wire Color Function
A BK 1550 Ground
B BN 2129 Low Reference
C L-BU 2123 Ignition Control 3
D PK/BK 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-28

Ignition Coil 4 Ignition Coil 5

Pin Wire Color Function
A BK 1550 Ground
B BN 2129 Low Reference
C D-GN 2125 Ignition Control 5
D PK/BK 5291 Ignition 1 Voltage

Ignition Coil 6

Connector Part Information

OEM: 15466325
Service: 88988737
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D, B, C
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A Connector Part Information
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A OEM: 15466325
(GY) Service: 88988737
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK)
Ignition Coil 4 Terminal Part Information
Circuit Pins: A, D, B, C
Pin Wire Color Function
No. Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8
A BK 150 Ground Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
B BN/WH 2130 Low Reference Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A
C D-GN/WH 2124 Ignition Control 4 Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A
D PK/BK 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage (GY)

Ignition Coil 5 Ignition Coil 6

Pin Wire Color Function
A BK 150 Ground
B BN/WH 2130 Low Reference
C L-BU/WH 2126 Ignition Control 6
D PK/BK 5292 Ignition 1 Voltage

Knock Sensor (KS) 1

Connector Part Information

OEM: 15466325
Service: 88988737
Description: 4-Way F Global Terminal/150 (BK)
Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D, B, C
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, D - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins B, C - E/A Connector Part Information
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A OEM: 1928403874
(GY) Service: 88988963
Description: 2-Way F Bosch Kompakt ()
1A-29 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Terminal Part Information Connector Part Information

Terminal/Tray: 1928498054/8 OEM: 13520906
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1 Service: 19151493
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A Description: 5-Way F GT 150 Sealed (BK)
(PU) Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B, D, E, C
Knock Sensor (KS) 1 Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8
Circuit Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, B, D, E - E/A
Pin Wire Color Function
No. Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins C - 2/A
1 D-BU 496 KS 1 Signal Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A
2 GY 1716 KS 1 Signal (GY)

Knock Sensor (KS) 2 Mass Air Flow (MAF)/Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
Pin Wire Color Function
A YE 492 MAF Sensor Signal
B PK 1039 Ignition 1 Voltage
C BK/WH 451 Ground
D TN 472 IAT Sensor Signal
E TN 2760 Low Reference

Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module

Connector Part Information

OEM: 1928403874
Service: 88988963
Description: 2-Way F Bosch Kompakt ()
Terminal Part Information
Terminal/Tray: 1928498054/8
Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1
Release Tool/Test Probe: J-38125-561/J-35616- 4A

Knock Sensor (KS) 2 Connector Part Information

Circuit OEM: 15355297
Pin Wire Color Function
No. Service: 19115594
1 L-BU 1876 KS 2 Signal Description: 6-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)
2 GY 2303 KS 2 Signal Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B, C, D, E, F
Mass Air Flow (MAF)/Intake Air Temperature Terminal/Tray: 15326427/5
(IAT) Sensor Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins A, B - 2/A
Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins C, D, E, F - E/A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A

Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module

Pin Wire Color Function
A BN 582 TAC Motor Control - 2
B YE 581 TAC Motor Control - 1
C TN 2752 Low Reference
D D-GN 485 TP Sensor 1 Signal
E GY 2701 5-Volt Reference
F PU 486 TP Sensor 2 Signal
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-30

Component Location
Engine Controls Component Views

Near the Air Cleaner

1. Mass Air Flow (MAF) / Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor 3. Air Cleaner Assembly
2. Cowl
1A-31 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Above the Battery

1. Fuse Block - Underhood 3. Engine Control Module (ECM)
2. LF Strut Tower
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-32

Front of the Engine

1. Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module 5. Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
2. Ignition Coil 2 6. Starter
3. Ignition Coil 4 7. Knock Sensor (KS) 2
4. Ignition Coil 6 8. Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) Switch
1A-33 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Top of the Engine

1. Ignition Coil 5 11. Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid - Intake Bank 2
2. Fuel Injector 5 12. Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor - Intake Bank 2
3. Fuel Injector 6 13. Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor - Intake Bank 1
4. Ignition Coil 6 14. Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid - Intake Bank 1
5. Fuel Injector 4 15. Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid - Exhaust Bank 1
6. Ignition Coil 4 16. Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor - Exhaust Bank 1
7. Fuel Injector 2 17. Fuel Injector 1
8. Ignition Coil 2 18. Ignition Coil 1
9. Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor - Exhaust Bank 2 19. Fuel Injector 3
10. Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid - Exhaust Bank 2 20. Ignition Coil 3
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-34

Rear if the Engine

1. Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Canister Purge Solenoid 5. Knock Sensor (KS) 1
2. Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module 6. Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
3. Ignition Coil 3 7. Ignition Coil 5
4. Ignition Coil 1
1A-35 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Oxygen Sensors

1. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 1 3. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 2 Sensor 2
2. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 2 Sensor 1 4. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 2
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-36

Pedal Assemblies

1. Brake Pedal Position Sensor 2. Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor
1A-37 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Near the Rear Differential

1. Rear Differential Clutch Control Module 4. Fuel Sending Unit
2. Fuel Tank 5. Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor
3. Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-38

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Controls Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical
Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The
Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will provide the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will provide the
following information: following information:
• The identification of the control modules which • The identification of the control modules which
command the system command the system
• The ability of the control modules to communicate • The ability of the control modules to communicate
through the serial data circuit through the serial data circuit
• The identification of any stored DTCs and the codes • The identification of any stored diagnostic trouble
status codes (DTCs) and their status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will
identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system
and where the procedure is located. and where the procedure is located.

Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s)

This function controls the selected camshaft actuator solenoid. The
normal commanded state is NONE. The system will increase or
decrease the angle of the selected camshaft in 5 degree
increments up to 40 crankshaft degrees. The scan tool initiates the
Special Functions/CMP test when the following conditions are met:
Camshaft Actuator • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Actuator System
• The transmission is in park or neutral.
• The engine speed is between 1,000-1,400 RPM.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
This function controls the selected camshaft actuator solenoid. The
normal commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON/OFF,
the ECM turns the camshaft actuator solenoid ON/OFF. The scan
Special Functions/ tool initiates the test when the following conditions are met:
Camshaft Actuator
Engine Control Module/
Solenoid • The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
CMP Actuator System
• No engine speed is detected.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
The Misfire Current and Misfire History parameters may
not increment when using this function.

This function disables the selected fuel injector. The normal

Special Functions/ commanded state is None. The scan tool initiates the test when the
Cylinder Power
Engine Control Module/ following conditions are met:
Fuel System • The engine is operating and the engine idle is stable.
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
• There are no DTCs set for the vehicle speed sensor.
If the fuel injector was disabled for 30 seconds, fuel injector control
is not allowed again on the same fuel injector for 60 seconds.
1A-39 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu

Control Selection(s)
This function controls the idle speed override in 25 RPM, 100 RPM,
and 500 RPM increments, from the base idle speed to 1,400 RPM.
The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
Special Functions/ met:
Engine Speed Control Engine Control Module/
• The transmission is in park or neutral.
Engine Speed/Throttle
• The engine speed is less than 1,000 RPM.
The engine speed will remain in the commanded state until
cancelled by the scan tool.
The EVAP Purge Solenoid Command parameter may
not change states when using this output control.
Special Functions/ This function controls the evaporative emission (EVAP) purge
Engine Control Module/ solenoid valve. The normal commanded state is NONE. The
EVAP Purge Solenoid
Output Controls/EVAP system will increase or decrease the amount of purge by changing
System the duty cycle of the purge valve in 10 percent increments within a
range of 0-100 percent. The system remains in the commanded
state until cancelled by the scan tool or the fuel tank pressure (FTP)
sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).

The EVAP Purge and Vent Solenoid Command
parameters may not change states when using this
output control.
Special Functions/
Engine Control Module/ This function activates both the EVAP purge solenoid valve and
EVAP Purge/Seal
Output Controls/EVAP EVAP vent solenoid to seal the EVAP system. When activated, the
System purge valve is commanded to 0 percent and the vent valve is
commanded ON, Not-venting. The normal commanded state for
both solenoids is None. Both of the solenoids remain in the
commanded state until cancelled by the scan tool or the FTP
sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).
The EVAP Vent Solenoid Command parameter may not
change states when using this output control.

Special Functions/ This function controls the EVAP vent solenoid. The normal
Engine Control Module/ commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON, the vent valve
EVAP Vent Solenoid
Output Controls/EVAP switches to Not-venting. The system remains in the commanded
System state unless one of the following conditions occur:
• Cancelled by the scan tool
• The EVAP canister purge solenoid is more than 0 percent, and
the FTP sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).
This function enables the fuel injector in order to verify the correct
fuel injector flow. The ECM will pulse the selected fuel injector when
the following conditions are met:
Special Functions/ • All instruction on the scan tool is complete.
Fuel Injector Balance Engine Control module/
Fuel System • A fuel injector is selected.
• The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
The selected fuel injector can only be flowed/pulsed once per
ignition cycle.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-40

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu

Control Selection(s)
This function controls the fuel pump relay. The normal commanded
state is NONE. The scan tool initiates the test when the following
conditions are met:
Special Functions/ • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
Engine Control Module/ • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Fuel Pump Relay
Output Controls/Fuel When commanded ON/OFF, the engine control module (ECM)
Pump turns the fuel pump relay ON/OFF. If the engine is running and the
fuel pump relay is commanded OFF, the engine will stall. The
system remains in the commanded state for about 2 seconds or
until cancelled by the scan tool or the ECM detects a vehicle speed.
Special Functions/
This function resets the fuel trim data and the learned values for the
Fuel Trim Reset Engine Control module/
rear heated oxygen sensors.
Fuel System
This function allows the throttle position and the idle speed to be
relearned by the ECM, once the following conditions have been
Special Functions// met.
Idle Learn Reset Engine Control Module/ • The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
Module Setup
• The ECT is between 5-85°C (41-185°F).

• No throttle actuator control (TAC) system DTCs are set.
This function controls the intake manifold runner control (IMRC)
solenoid. The normal commanded state is NONE. When
commanded ON/OFF, the ECM turns the IMRC solenoid ON/OFF.
Special Functions// The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
IMRC Solenoid (If
Engine Control Module/ met:
Output Controls • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
This function controls the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) loop
status. The commanded states include NONE, OPEN, and
Special Functions//
CLOSED. The normal commanded state is NONE. The loop status
Loop Status Engine Control Module/
changes as commanded, OPEN or CLOSED.
Output Controls
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
This function controls the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). The
Special Functions//
Malfunction Indicator normal commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON/OFF,
Engine Control Module/
Lamp the ECM turns the MIL ON/OFF. The system remains in the
Output Controls
commanded state until cancelled by the scan tool.
This function controls the throttle valve in 10 percent increments.
The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
Special Functions/ • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
Throttle Blade Control Engine Control Module/ • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Engine Speed/Throttle • The ignition is ON, with the engine OFF.
• The ECM is not commanding a throttle learn.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
1A-41 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s)
The engine control module (ECM) commands the generator OFF
by removing the 5-volt reference signal from the L-terminal of the
Engine Output Controls GEN L-Terminal
voltage regulator when you select OFF. The generator will then stop
generating an output voltage.
The ECM supplies 12 volts to the starter relay control circuit when
Engine Output Controls Starter Relay Control ON is selected. When OFF is selected, 12 volts is removed from the
control circuit

Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)

The Engine Scan Tool Data List contains all engine related parameters that are available on the scan tool. The list is
arranged in alphabetical order. A parameter may appear in any one of the data lists, and in some cases may appear
more than once, or in more than one data list in order to group certain related parameters together.
Use the Engine Scan Tool Data List only after the following conditions are determined:
• The Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle is completed.
• There are no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs).
• The on-board diagnostics are functioning correctly.
Scan tool values from an engine that is operating correctly may be used for comparison with the engine you are

diagnosing. The Engine Scan Tool Data List represents the values that would be seen on a normal operating engine.

Do not use a scan tool that displays faulty data. The scan tool concern should be reported to the
manufacturer. Use of a faulty scan tool may result in misdiagnosis and unnecessary parts

Only the parameters listed below are referenced in this service information for use in diagnosis. If all values are within
the typical range described below, refer to “Symptoms - Engine Controls” for diagnosis.
The column labeled Data List indicates where a parameter is located on the scan tool. Review the scan tool operating
manual for the exact locations of the data lists. The following is a description of each term listed:
All: The Parameter is in all data lists indicated below.
CH: Cooling/HVAC Data
CMP: CMP Actuator Data
CT: Cruise/Traction Data
Eng: Engine Data
ET: Electrical/Theft Data
FF: Freeze Frame Data
FR: Failure Records
FT: Fuel Trim Data
HO2S: HO2S Data
Ign: Ignition Data
IM: I/M Data
IND: Induction Data
IPC: Instrument Panel Cluster Data
MF: Misfire Data
Trans: Auto Trans Data
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-42

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
5-Volt Reference 1, 2, or 3
Circuit Status
Reason for A/C
A/C Disengage 1-8 History Cooling/HVAC Varies
A/C High Side Pressure Cooling/HVAC 0-5 Volts Varies
A/C High Side Pressure Cooling/HVAC kPa/psi Varies
A/C Off for WOT Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
A/C Pressure Disable Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
A/C Relay Circuit Status Cooling/HVAC OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
A/C Relay Command Eng, TAC, CH, IND, MF On/Off Off
A/C Request Signal Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
Air Flow Calculated g/s --
Air Fuel Ratio ENG, FT, HO2S, IND 14.7:1 Varies
Ambient Air Temperature ENG, EVAP °C/°F Varies
APP Indicated Angle HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, TAC, 0-100% 0%
APP Sensors TAC 0-100% 0%

APP Sensor 1 TAC 0.9-4.5 Volts 1 Volt
APP Sensor 2 TAC 0.40-2.25 Volts 0.4 Volt
APP Sensor 1 and 2 TAC Agree/Disagree Agree
BARO 65-104 kPa (8-16 psi) Varies with altitude
Ign, IM, IND, Trans
BARO IND Volts Varies
Brake Pedal Signal Status CT, Eng, ET, TAC, Trans Valid/Invalid Valid
Calculated ECT - Closed −39 to +40°C (−38 to
CH 40°C (104°F)
Loop Fuel Control +104°F)
Calculated ECT - −39 to +140°C (−38 to
CH 89°C (192°F)
Thermostat Diagnosis +284°F)
Calc. TWC Temp. Bank 1
FT, MF Temperature Varies
and 2 Sensor 1 and 2
Catalytic Converter
FT, HO2S Yes/No No
Protection Active
Catalyst Monitor Complete
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
Catalyst Monitor Enabled
IM Yes/No Varies
this Ignition
CKP Resync Counter Ign Counts 0 Counts
CKP Active Counter Ign Counts 0 Counts
CMP Sensor CMP, IGN, MF RPM Engine idle speed
Cold Startup ENG, EVAP, IM YES/NO Varies
Crank Request Signal ET Yes/No No
Cruise Control Active ENG, TAC Active/Inactive Inactive
Cruise Control Active CT, Eng, IPC, TAC, Yes/No No
Cruise Disengage 1-8
CT Reason Varies
Cruise Inhibited CT Yes/No No
Cruise On/Off Switch CT On/Off Off
Cruise Resume/Accel.
Cruise Set/Coast Switch CT ON/OFF OFF
Cylinder 1-6 IC Circuit
MF OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Cylinder 1-6 Injector Circuit
MF OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Cylinder 1-6 Knock Retard Ign Degree 0 Degrees
Decel. Fuel Cutoff Eng, FT, HO2S Active/Inactive Inactive
1A-43 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
Desired Exh. CMP Bank 1 or
CMP Degree Varies
Desired Idle Speed Eng, EVAP, CMP, CT, IND 0-7,000 RPM 650 RPM
Desired Int. CMP Bank 1 or
CMP Degrees Varies
Distance Since DTC
ENG Miles/Kilometers Varies
DTC Set This Ignition Eng Yes/No No
EC Ignition Relay Command Eng, ET,TAC On/Off On
EC Ignition Relay Circuit
ET OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
EC Ignition Relay Feedback
Eng, TAC, ET 0-25.5 Volts 12.0-14.5 Volts
ECM in VTD Fail Enable ET Yes/No No
−39°C to +140°C (−38°F to
ECT Sensor ALL Varies
25-45% - Idle
Engine Load FR, FT, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, 0-99%
40-60% - 2500 RPM
TAC, Trans

Engine OFF EVAP Test
EVAP Yes/No Varies
Conditions Met
Engine Off Time EVAP, IM 0:00:00 Seconds Varies
Engine Oil Life Remaining CMP, IPC % Varies
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor IPC 1-5 Volts Varies
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor CMP, Eng, ET, IPC, MF, kPa/psi Varies
Engine Oil Temperature
CH, CMP, IPC °C (°F) Varies
Eng, Ign, EVAP, FT, HO2S,
Engine Run Time IM, MF, TAC, CMP, CH, CT, 0:00:00 Varies
IND, Trans
CH, CMP, CT, Eng, ET,
Engine Speed RPM 575-700 RPM
Vacuum/Purge Valve Leak/
EVAP Fault History EVAP Small Leak/Weak Vacuum/ No Test Result
No Test Result
EVAP Monitor Complete
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
EVAP Monitor Enabled This
IM Yes/No Varies
EVAP Purge Solenoid
EVAP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Circuit Status
EVAP Purge Solenoid
Eng, EVAP, FT, H02S 0-100% Varies
EVAP Vent Solenoid Circuit
EVAP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
EVAP Vent Solenoid
Eng, EVAP, FT Venting/Not Venting Venting
Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 CMP Degrees Varies
Exh. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2
CMP, IGN Counts Varies
Active Counter
Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2
CMP 0-99% Varies
Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2
CMP Degrees Varies
Exh. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or
CMP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
2 Circuit Status
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-44

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
FC Relay 1 Circuit Status CH OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit
CH OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
FC Relay 1 Command CH On/Off Varies
FC Relay 2 and 3 Command CH On/Off Varies
Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank
(Secondary) Fuel Level EVAP 0-5 Volts Varies
Sensor Right Tank (Primary)
Fuel Pump Relay Circuit
Eng OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Fuel Pump Relay Command Eng On/Off On
Fuel Tank Level Remaining Eng, EVAP, FT, IM, IPC MF, Liter/Gallon/Percent Varies
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Eng, EVAP in H2O/mm Hg Varies
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor EVAP 0-5 Volts Varies
Fuel Tank Rated Capacity EVAP Liter/Gallon 19.9 Gallons (75.3 Liters)
Fuel Trim Learn FT Enabled/Disabled Enabled
GEN L-Terminal Signal
Generator F-Terminal Signal ET 0-100% Varies

HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, IND 0-1,006 mV Varies 400-700 mV
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 2 Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, IND 0-1,006 mV Varies 400-700 mV
HO2S Heater Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Complete This Ignition
HO2S Heater Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Enabled This Ignition
HO2S Htr. Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor
H02S OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
1 or 2 Circuit Status
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1
HO2S 0-99% Varies
or 2 Heater Command
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1
or 2 Heater Command
HO2S/O2S Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Complete This Ignition
HO2S/O2S Monitor Enabled
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 70-90 Ohms
HO2S Ohms
1 or 2 Sensor 1 Depends on Temperature
HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 20-300 Ohms
HO2S Ohms
1 or 2 Sensor 2 Depends on Temperature
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
IAT Sensor FR, FT, HO2S, Ign, IM, IND, Varies
MF, TAC, Trans
Ignition Off Time ENG, EVAP, IM 0:00:00 Varies
Ignition 0 Signal Eng, ET, Ign, IM, IPC, TAC On/Off On
Ignition 1 Signal ALL Volts B+
Ignition 1 Signal Eng, ET, EVAP On/Off On
IMRC Solenoid Circuit
IND OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
IMRC Solenoid Command IND On/Off Off
Initial Brake Apply Signal CT, Eng, ET, IM, TAC, Trans Applied/Released Released
Injector 1-6 Command FT, MF ms Varies
Injector 1-6 Disabled Due to
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 CMP Degrees Varies
Int. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2
CMP, IGN Counts Varies
Active Counter
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2
CMP Degrees Varies
1A-45 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2
CMP 0-99% Varies
Int. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2
CMP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Circuit Status
Knock Detected Cyl. 1-6 IGN YES/NO NO
Knock Retard Ign Degrees Varies
KS 1 or 2 Signal Ign Volts Varies
Long Term FT Bank 1 or
CMP, ENG, EVAP, FT, HO2S −100 to +100% 7-9%
Bank 2
Eng, EVAP, FF, FR, FT,
Loop Status Bn 1 or 2 Sen. 1 Open Loop/Closed Loop Closed Loop
Eng, EVAP, FF, FR, FT,
Loop Status Bn 1 or 2 Sen. 2 Open Loop/Closed Loop Open Loop
LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Idle/
Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S −100% to +100% 0%
MAF Performance Test IND, TAC OK/Fault OK
MAF Sensor FT, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, 0-655 g/s 3.4-6.3 g/s
TAC, Trans

MAF Sensor IND 0-9999 Hz 28 Hz
MIL Circuit Status Eng, IPC OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
MIL Command Eng, IPC, IM On/Off Off
Mil Requested by DTC FT, IM, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, Yes/No No
TAC, Trans
Mileage Since DTC First
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Mileage Since DTC Last
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Mileage Since MIL
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Misfire Current Cyl. 1-6 MF 0-255 Counts 0
Misfire History Cyl. 1-6 MF 0-65,535 Counts 0
Moderate Brake Apply
CT, TAC Applied/Released Released
PNP Switch Eng Park/Neutral/In Gear P/N
Power Enrichment Eng, FT, HO2S, MF Active/Inactive Inactive
Reduced Engine Power TAC Active/Inactive Inactive
RVS Disable 1-8 History ET None Varies
Short Term FT Bank 1 or Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, FF,
−25% to +25% −3% to +3%
Bank 2 FR
Eng, Ign, FT, HO2S, MF,
Spark −20 to +40 Degrees 2-10 Degrees
Starter Relay Circuit Status ET OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Starter Relay Command CT, ET On/Off Off
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
Start Up ECT CH, EVAP, HO2S, IM Varies
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
Start Up IAT CH, EVAP, HO2S, IM Varies
Stoplamp Pedal Switch CT, ET, IM, TAC Applied/Released Released
Off, Accessory, RAP, Run,
System Power Mode Eng, ET, EVAP, TAC Run
or Crank Request
TAC Forced Engine
TAC Motor TAC Enabled/Disabled Enabled
TAC System Learned
TAC 0-11 Counts 11
TCC Status MF Locked/Unlocked Unlocked
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-46

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
TCM Requested Torque Trans N⋅m/lb ft Varies
TCM Torque Increase CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO
TCS Torque Increase CT, TAC Yes/No NO
TCS Torque Reduction
CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO
TCM Torque Reduction
CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO
TCS Torque Delivered
CT, TAC 0-100% 0%
TCS Torque Request Signal CT, TAC, Trans 0-100% 90-98%
Total Fuel Trim Avg. Bank 1
EVAP, FT, HO2S −100 to +100% Varies
or Bank 2
Total Knock Retard IGN, CH Degrees 0
Total Misfire Count MF Counts 0
TP Desired Angle Eng, EVAP, TAC 0-100% Varies
TP Indicated Angle FF, FR, HO2S, Ign, IND MF, 0-100% Varies
TAC, Trans
TP Performance Test IND, TAC, FT Active/Inactive Inactive

4.5-5.0 Volts
TP Sensor 1 TAC 0.5-4.50 Volts
TP Sensor 1 Learned
TAC 0-5 Volts 0.5-4.50 Volts
TP Sensor 2 TAC 0-5 Volts 5.0-1.0 Volts
TP Sensor 2 Learned
TAC 0-5 Volts 5.0-1.0 Volts
TP Sensors 1 and 2 TAC Agree/Disagree Agree
Traction Control Status TAC, CT Active/Inactive Inactive
Vehicle Speed Sensor All Varies
Eng, Ign, EVAP, FT, HO2S, 5-25% - Idle and at 2,500
Volumetric Efficiency 0-100%
VTD Auto. Learn Timer ET Active/Inactive Inactive
VTD Fuel Disable ET Active/Inactive Inactive
VTD Fuel Enabled ET Yes/No Yes
VTD Fuel Disable Until Ign.
ET Yes/No No
VTD Password learned ET Yes/No Yes
Warm Ups Since DTC
Eng Counts Varies
Wide Open Throttle TAC Yes/No NO

Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical

Body Control Module (BCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Low at Start Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Tested Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Voltage Volts 13.03 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Voltage Volts 13.9 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Voltage High Res. Volts 12.417 Volts
1A-47 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Data Display/ Charging
Parasitic Current Amps 0.0 Amps
Data Display/ Charging
Prev. State of Charge % 90%
Data Display/ Charging
Start Up State of Charge % 80%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge % 85%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge Low Yes/No No

Digital Radio Receiver (DRR)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Engine Control Module (ECM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine OFF
Crank Request Signal Electrical/Theft Data Yes/No No

GEN F-Terminal Signal Electrical/Theft Data % 0%
GEN L-Terminal Signal Command Electrical/Theft Data ON / OFF OFF
Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK
Ignition 1 Signal Electrical/Theft Data Volts Varies
PNP Switch Electrical/Theft Data Park/Neutral/In Gear Park
Starter Relay Command Electrical/Theft Data On/Off Off
Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
Starter Relay Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK

Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Vehicle Theft Deterrent (VTD)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON
Ignition Voltage Signal Data Display Present / Not Present Present
Start Disabled Data Display Yes/No No

Sensing Diagnostic Module (SDM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Signal Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Transmission Control Module (TCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Transmission in Park
Park, Park/Reverse,
Reverse, Reverse/
Neutral, Neutral,
Neutral/Drive 4, Drive
IMS Engine Electrical Park
4, Drive 4/Drive 3, Drive
3, Drive 3/Drive 2, Drive
2, Drive 2/Drive 1, Drive
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-48

Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Air Fuel Ratio: This parameter displays the ratio of air
Controls - 3.6L (LY7) to fuel as calculated by the control module based on
The Scan Tool Data Definitions list contains a brief various sensor inputs. The scan tool will display a
description of all of the engine related parameters that lower air fuel ratio when a richer air to fuel mixture is
are available on the scan tool. The list is arranged in commanded. The scan tool will display a higher air
alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any fuel ratio when a leaner air to fuel mixture is
one of the data lists. In some cases the parameter may commanded. In closed loop operation the air fuel
appear more than once, or in more than one data list in ratio should normally be around 14.2-14.7 to 1.
order to group certain related parameters together. Ambient Air Temperature: This parameter displays
5 Volt Reference 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This the temperature of the ambient air as calculated by
parameter displays the diagnostic state of the output the control module based on the input from the
driver for the 5-volt reference circuit. The scan tool ambient air temperature sensor. The scan tool will
will display OK or Fault. OK indicates that no circuit display a low value when the air temperature is low,
faults are detected during the current test. Fault and a high value when the air temperature is high.
indicates that a short or open circuit/component APP Indicated Angle: This parameter displays the
exists, electronically disconnecting the circuit/ angle of the accelerator pedal position (APP) as
component from the control module. calculated by the control module using the signals
A/C Disengage 1-8 History: The parameter displays from the APP sensors.
the last 8 air conditioning (A/C) compressor APP Sensor 1: This parameter displays the actual
disengages in order from 1 to 8 with 8 being the voltage on the accelerator pedal position (APP)
most recent. There are about 8 possible causes for sensor 1 signal circuit as measured by the control

the A/C compressor to disengage. module.
A/C High Side Pressure: This parameter displays the APP Sensor 2: This parameter displays the actual
voltage from the A/C high side pressure sensor voltage on the accelerator pedal position (APP)
signal circuit to the control module. sensor 2 signal circuit as measured by the control
A/C High Side Pressure: This parameter displays the module.
pressure from the A/C high side pressure sensor APP Sensor 1 and 2: This parameter displays
signal circuit to the control module. Disagree if the control module detects the signal
A/C Off for WOT: This parameter displays whether the voltage from APP sensor 1 is not in correct
control module is commanding the A/C compressor relationship to APP sensor 2. The scan tool displays
clutch relay off for wide open throttle (WOT). Agree under the normal operating conditions.
A/C Pressure Disable: This parameter displays BARO: This parameter displays the barometric
whether the A/C pressure is out of range for normal pressure. The control module uses the barometric
operation as determined by the control module. pressure sensor input for fuel control to compensate
A/C Relay Circuit Status: This parameter displays the for altitude differences.
state of the air conditioning (A/C) clutch relay control BARO: This parameter displays the barometric
circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the A/C clutch pressure sensor voltage.
relay control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or Brake Pedal Signal Status: This parameter displays
shorted to voltage. The parameter displays the serial data message of the brake signal from the
Indeterminate until the circuit has been commanded electronic brake and traction control module
A/C Relay Command: This parameter displays the Calculated ECT - Closed Loop Fuel Control: This
state of the air conditioning (A/C) clutch relay control parameter displays the modeled temperature that
circuit as commanded by the control module. the control module calculates from air entering the
A/C Request Signal: This parameter displays the state engine, coolant temperature, and ambient air
of the A/C request input to the control module from temperature. If the actual engine coolant
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) temperature does not reach this calculated
controls. temperature within a predetermined amount of time,
Air Flow Calculated: This parameter displays the air a DTC will set.
flow of the engine as calculated by the control Calculated ECT - Thermostat Diagnosis: This
module using information from the manifold absolute parameter displays the modeled temperature that
pressure (MAP) sensor. The scan tool will display a the control module calculates from air entering the
range of values indicating a high air flow when MAP engine, coolant temperature, and ambient air
pressure is high and a low air flow when MAP temperature. If the actual engine coolant
pressure is low. This value is listed in grams per temperature does not reach this calculated
second (g/s). temperature within a predetermined amount of time,
a DTC will set.
1A-49 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Calc. TWC Temp. Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter Cylinder 1-6 Injector Circuit Status: This parameter
displays the catalytic converter temperature as displays the state of the fuel injector control circuit.
calculated by the control module. The parameter displays Fault if the fuel injector
Catalytic Converter Protection Active: This control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted
parameter displays if the control module is to voltage.
commanding catalytic converter protection. Cylinder 1-6 Knock Retard: This parameter displays
Catalyst Monitor Complete This Ignition: This the knock retard as commanded by the control
parameter displays the monitor completion status module for cylinders 1-6. Each cylinder is controlled
during the current driving/monitoring cycle. individually based on both knock sensor signal
Catalyst Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This inputs.
parameter displays the monitor enable status during Decel. Fuel Cutoff: This parameter displays the status
the current driving/monitoring cycle. of the operating mode of the control module used to
CKP Resync Counter: This parameter displays the turn off the fuel injectors and the EVAP canister
number of times the control module re-syncs with the purge valve during certain deceleration conditions.
CKP sensor. Desired Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2: This parameter
Clutch Start Switch (If Equipped): This parameter displays the desired exhaust camshaft angle as
displays the state of the clutch pedal as determined commanded by the control module.
by the control module from the clutch start switch. Desired HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1: This parameter
CMP Sensor: This parameter displays the speed of the displays the voltage output from the HO2S to the
engine as calculated by the control module using the control module. A lower voltage indicates a lean
signal from the CMP sensor. The scan tool will exhaust, while a higher voltage indicates a rich
display a higher value as engine speed is increased.

The scan tool will display a lower value as the engine Desired Idle Speed: This parameter displays the
speed is decreased. desired engine idle speed as commanded by the
Cold Start up: This parameter displays the state of the control module.
engine coolant temperature at start up. Desired Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2: This parameter
CPP Switch (If Equipped): This parameter displays displays the desired intake camshaft angle as
the state of the clutch pedal as determined by the commanded by the control module.
control module from the clutch pedal switch. Distance Since DTC Cleared: This parameter displays
Crank Request Signal: This parameter displays the distance accumulated since an emission
whether the ignition switch has been cycled to the diagnostic trouble code was cleared. The scan tool
crank position requesting the control module to will display increasing distance as the vehicle is
activate the starter relay. driven.
Cruise Control Active: This parameter displays the DTC Set This Ignition: This parameter displays Yes if
status of the cruise control system as determined by a DTC set on the current ignition cycle.
the control module. EC Ignition Relay Command: This parameter displays
Cruise Disengage 1-8 History: The parameter the state of the control circuit for control module
displays the last 8 cruise control disengages in order power relay as commanded by the control module.
from 1 to 8, with 8 being the most recent. There are EC Ignition Relay Circuit Status: This parameter
about 33 possible causes for the cruise control to displays the state of the EC Ignition Relay control
disengage. circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the EC
Cruise Inhibited: This parameter displays the status of Ignition Relay control circuit is open, shorted to
the cruise control system as determined by the ground, or shorted to voltage. The parameter
control module. displays Indeterminate until the circuit has been
Cruise On/Off Switch: This parameter displays the commanded ON.
status of the cruise control system as determined by EC Ignition Relay Feedback Signal: This parameter
the control module. displays the voltage available at the EC ignition relay
Cruise Resume/Accel. Switch: This parameter pin of the control module.
displays the status of the cruise control system as ECM in VTD Fail Enable: This parameter indicates
determined by the control module. whether or not the engine control module (ECM) is in
Cruise Set/Coast Switch: This parameter displays the failure enable mode for the vehicle theft deterrent
status of the cruise control system as determined by (VTD) system.
the control module. ECT Sensor: This parameter displays the temperature
Cylinder 1-6 IC Circuit Status: This parameter of the engine coolant based on input to the control
displays the diagnostic state of the output driver for module from the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
the ignition control circuits. The scan tool will display sensor.
OK if the circuit is operating correctly. The scan tool Engine Load: This parameter displays the calculated
will display Short or Open if there is an open, short to engine load in percent based on inputs to the control
ground or a short to voltage on the circuit. module from various engine sensors.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-50

Engine Off EVAP Test Conditions Met: This EVAP Vent Solenoid Command: This parameter
parameter displays Yes if the conditions for running displays the state of the control circuit for
the Engine Off EVAP diagnostic are met. evaporative emission (EVAP) vent solenoid as
Engine Off Time: This parameter displays the amount commanded by the control module.
of time that has elapsed since the engine was last Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2: This parameter displays
cycled OFF. the actual exhaust camshaft position in degrees.
Engine Oil Life Remaining: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2 Active Counter: This
the percent of engine oil life remaining. The parameter displays an incrementing counter when
controller calculates the engine oil life by monitoring the control module receives a signal from the
engine load, coolant temperature, and engine speed. exhaust camshaft position (CMP) sensor.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2 Command: This parameter
the voltage signal received by the control module displays the exhaust camshaft position in percent of
from the engine oil pressure (EOP) sensor. range as commanded by the control module.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 Variance: This
the engine oil pressure. parameter displays in degrees, the difference
Engine Oil Temperature Calculated: This parameter between the desired exhaust camshaft position and
displays the engine oil temperature. the actual exhaust camshaft position.
Engine Run Time: This parameter displays the time Exh. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This
elapsed since the engine was started. parameter displays the state of the exhaust camshaft
EVAP Fault History: This parameter displays the result actuator solenoid control circuit. The parameter
of the evaporative emission (EVAP) system displays Fault if the camshaft actuator solenoid
diagnostic as determined by the control module. The

control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted
scan tool will display various messages, depending to voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate
on the result of the test. until the circuit has been commanded ON.
Engine Speed: This parameter displays the speed of FC Relay 1 Circuit Status: This parameter displays the
the engine crankshaft rotation from information state of the fan relay control circuit. The parameter
received from the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor. displays Fault if the fan relay control circuit is open,
If there is a CKP sensor DTC, the ECM calculates shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The
the engine speed from one of the camshaft position parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has
(CMP) sensors. been commanded ON.
EVAP Monitor Complete This Ignition: This FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit Status: This parameter
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor displays the state of the fan relay control circuit. The
completion status during the current driving/ parameter displays Fault if the fan relay control
monitoring cycle. circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to
EVAP Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This parameter voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until
displays the diagnostic monitor enable status during the relay control circuit has been commanded ON.
the current driving/monitoring cycle. FC Relay 1 Command: This parameter displays the
EVAP Purge Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter control module commanded state of the fan relay
displays the state of the evaporative emission control circuit.
(EVAP) purge solenoid control circuit. The parameter FC Relay 2 and 3 Command: This parameter displays
displays Fault if the EVAP purge solenoid control the control module commanded state of the fan relay
circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to control circuit.
voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank (Secondary) Right Tank
the circuit has been commanded ON. (Primary): This parameter displays the voltage
EVAP Purge Solenoid Command: This parameter signal received by the control module from the fuel
displays the on-time or duty cycle of the EVAP level sensors.
canister purge solenoid commanded by the control Fuel Pump Relay Circuit Status: This parameter
module. Zero percent indicates no purge. One displays the state of the fuel pump relay control
hundred percent indicates full purge. circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the fuel pump
EVAP Vent Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter relay control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or
displays the state of the EVAP vent solenoid control shorted to voltage. The parameter displays
circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the EVAP Indeterminate until the circuit has been commanded
vent solenoid control circuit is open, shorted to ON.
ground, or shorted to voltage. The parameter Fuel Pump Relay Command: This parameter displays
displays Indeterminate until the circuit has been the control modules commanded state of the fuel
commanded ON. This parameter may not change if pump relay control circuit.
the scan tool is used to command the EVAP vent
solenoid ON.
1A-51 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Fuel Tank Level Remaining: This parameter displays HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Heater Command:
the amount of fuel in liters/gallons that remains in the This parameter displays the commanded state of the
fuel tank as determined by the control module from Bank 2 Sensor 1 heater by the control module. The
information received from the left and right fuel level scan tool will display ON when the heater is
sensors. commanded ON. The scan tool will display OFF
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays when the heater is commanded OFF.
the pressure/vacuum inside the fuel tank. A negative HO2S/O2S Monitor Complete This Ignition: This
value indicates a vacuum, while a positive value parameter displays the diagnostic monitor
indicates a pressure. completion status during the current driving/
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays monitoring cycle.
the voltage signal received by the control module HO2S/O2S Heater Monitor Enabled This Ignition:
from the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor. This parameter displays the diagnostic monitor
Fuel Tank Rated Capacity: This parameter displays enable status during the current driving/monitoring
the capacity of the fuel tank in liters or gallons. cycle.
Fuel Trim Learn: This parameter displays Enabled HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2:
when conditions are appropriate for enabling long This parameter displays the resistance of the
term fuel trim corrections. This indicates that the long sensing element within the control module. The front
term fuel trim is adapting continuing amounts of sensors are normally regulated to 80 ohms. The rear
short term fuel trim. If the scan tool displays sensors are normally regulated between 20-300
Disabled, then long term fuel trim will not respond to ohms which depends on temperature.
changes in short term fuel trim. HO2S Sensor 1 module Signal: This parameter
GEN L-Terminal Signal Command: This parameter

displays the voltage of the HO2S control transistor,
displays the control modules commanded state of which is internal to the ECM.
the voltage regulator on the generator. IAT Sensor: This parameter displays the temperature
Generator F-Terminal Signal: This parameter displays of the air entering the air induction system based on
the amount of generator on-time as commanded by input to the control module from the intake air
the control module. The higher the percentage the temperature (IAT) sensor.
greater the generator output. Ignition Off Time: This parameter displays the time
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1: This parameter displays elapsed since the ignition was last turned OFF. The
the voltage output from the HO2S to the control scan tool will display the time in hours, minutes and
module. A lower voltage indicates a lean exhaust, seconds.
while a higher voltage indicates a rich exhaust. Ignition 0 Signal: This parameter displays On when
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 2: This parameter displays the control module detects a voltage at the ignition 0
the voltage output from the HO2S to the control input terminal.
module. A lower voltage indicates a lean exhaust, Ignition 1 Signal: This parameter displays the voltage
while a higher voltage indicates a rich exhaust. measured at the ignition 1 circuit of the control
HO2S Heater Monitor Complete This Ignition: This module. Voltage is applied to the control module
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor when the ignition switch is in the ignition 1 position.
completion status during the current driving/ The scan tool will display a low value when the
monitoring cycle. voltage is low. The scan tool will display a high value,
HO2S Heater Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This such as battery voltage, when the voltage is higher.
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor enable Ignition 1 Signal: This parameter displays On when
status during the current driving/monitoring cycle. the control module detects a voltage at the ignition 1
HO2S Htr. Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Circuit Status: input terminal.
This parameter displays the state of the oxygen IMRC Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter
sensor heater control circuit. The parameter displays displays the state of the intake manifold runner
Fault if the oxygen sensor heater control circuit is control (IMRC) control circuit. The parameter
open, shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The displays Fault if the IMRC control circuit is open,
parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The
been commanded ON. parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Heater Command: been commanded ON.
This parameter displays the commanded state of the IMRC Solenoid Command: This parameter displays
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 by the control the control modules commanded state of the IMRC
module. The scan tool will display a higher value as solenoid.
the heater command is increased, and a lower value Int. Brake Apply Signal: This parameter displays the
if the heater is not commanded ON. state of the brake pedal that is transmitted over the
serial data circuit from the electronic brake control
module (EBCM).
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-52

Injector 1-6 Command: This parameter displays the Loop Status Bn. 1 or 2 Sen. 1: This parameter
amount of fuel injector ON time or pulse width as displays the state of the fuel control system as
commanded by the control module. commanded by the control module. Closed Loop
Injector 1-6 Disabled Due to Misfire: This parameter operation indicates that the control module is
displays the status of the fuel injector driver by the controlling the fuel delivery based off the oxygen
control module. The scan tool will display YES if the sensors input signal. In Open Loop operation the
fuel injector is being disabled due to a misfire control module ignores the oxygen sensor input
detection. The scan tool will display NO if the fuel signal and bases the amount of fuel to be delivered
injector is not being disabled by the control module on other sensor inputs.
due to a misfire. Loop Status Bn. 1 or 2 Sen. 2: This parameter
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2: This parameter displays displays the state of the rear heated oxygen sensors
the actual intake camshaft position in degrees. as commanded by the control module. The rear
Int. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2 Active Counter: This sensors will not go into Closed Loop until the ECM
parameter displays an incrementing counter when determines that the HO2S is ready for operation.
the control module receives a signal from the intake LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Cruise/Accel.: This parameter
camshaft position (CMP) sensor. displays the commanded Long Term Fuel Trim
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 Variance: This parameter correction by the control module for bank 1 or bank 2
displays in degrees, the difference between the for cruise and acceleration conditions.
desired intake camshaft position and the actual LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Idle/Decel.: This parameter
intake camshaft position. displays the commanded Long Term Fuel Trim
Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2 Command: This parameter correction by the control module for bank 1 or bank 2
displays the intake camshaft position in percent of

for idle and deceleration conditions.
range as commanded by the control module. MAF Performance Test: This parameter displays the
Int. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This status of the mass air flow (MAF) performance test
parameter displays the state of the intake camshaft by the control module. The scan tool will display OK
actuator solenoid control circuit. The parameter if no fault is found. The scan tool will display Fault if
displays Fault if the camshaft actuator solenoid the control module detects a fault during the test.
control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted MAF Sensor: This parameter displays the measured
to voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate quantity of air flowing into the engine during all
until the circuit has been commanded ON. This operating conditions.
parameter may not change if the scan tool is used to MAF Sensor: This parameter displays the signal
command the CMP solenoid ON. frequency from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor to
Knock Detected Cyl. 1-6: This parameter displays the the control module.
status of each cylinder for knock detection by the MIL Circuit Status: This parameter displays the state
control module. The scan tool will display YES if a of the MIL control circuit. The parameter displays
knock condition has been detected related to that Fault if the MIL control circuit is open, shorted to
cylinder combustion event. The scan tool will display ground, or shorted to voltage. This parameter
NO if There is no knock condition detected related to displays indeterminate until the circuit is commanded
that cylinder combustion event. ON.
Knock Retard: This parameter indicates the amount of MIL Command: This parameter displays the
spark advance the control module removes from the commanded state of the malfunction indicator lamp
ignition control (IC) spark advance in response to the (MIL) control circuit by the control module.
signal from the knock sensors. Mil Requested by DTC: This parameter indicates the
KS 1 or 2 Signal: This parameters displays the voltage reason the control module illuminated the MIL. The
input to the control module from the knock sensor scan tool will display YES when the MIL is requested
(KS). as a result of an A or B type DTC. The scan tool will
Long Term FT Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter is display NO if the MIL is illuminated for another
calculated by the control module based on the Short reason, such as transmission DTCs.
Term FT value. The Long Term FT is used for the Mileage Since First Failure: This parameter displays
long term correction of the fuel delivery. The scan the mileage that has elapsed since the first emission
tool will display a high value for a large amount of failure.
long term fuel correction, and 0 percent for no long Mileage Since Last Failure: This parameter displays
term fuel trim correction. The scan tool will display a the mileage that has elapsed since the last emission
negative value when fuel system is running too rich failure.
and fuel is being removed from the combustion Mileage Since MIL Requested: This parameter
event. The scan tool will display a positive value if displays the mileage that has elapsed since the
the fuel system is running lean and fuel is being control module has commanded the malfunction
added to the combustion event. indicator lamp (MIL) On.
1A-53 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Misfire Current Cyl. 1-6: The scan tool displays a Start Up ECT: This parameter displays the temperature
range of 0-200 counts. This parameter displays the of the engine coolant on start up based on input to
number of misfires that have been detected during the control module from the ECT sensor.
the last 200 cylinder firing events. The counters may Start Up IAT: This parameter displays the temperature
normally display some activity, but the activity should of the intake air at start in the air induction system
be nearly equal for all of the cylinders, and in low based on input to the control module from the IAT
numbers. sensor.
Misfire History Cyl. 1-6: The scan tool displays a Stop Lamp Pedal Switch: This parameter displays the
range of 0-65,535 counts. The misfire history position of the stop lamp pedal switch input to the
counters display the total level of misfire that has control module.
been detected on each cylinder. The misfire history System Power Mode: This parameter displays the
counters will not update or show any activity until a position of the ignition switch.
misfire DTC P0300 has become active. The misfire TAC Forced Engine Shutdown: This parameter
history counters will update every 200 cylinder firing indicates the status of throttle actuator control (TAC)
events. control by the control module. The scan tool will
Moderate Brake Apply Signal: This parameter display YES if the engine has been shut down due to
displays the state of the brake pedal that is a throttle control fault. The scan tool will display NO if
transmitted over the serial data circuit from the the engine has not been shut down by a throttle
electronic brake control module (EBCM). control fault.
PNP Switch: This parameter displays whether the TAC Motor: This parameter indicates the status of the
transmission range selector is in park or neutral. throttle actuator control (TAC) motor driver by the
Power Enrichment: This parameter displays the status

engine control module (ECM). The scan tool will
of the operating mode of the control module used to display Enabled if TAC motor operation is allowed.
increase fuel delivery during certain acceleration The scan tool will display disabled if the TAC motor
conditions. is disabled.
Reduced Engine Power: This parameter displays TAC System Learned Counts: This parameter
whether the control module is commanding reduced displays the steps counted in learning the throttle
engine power due to a throttle actuator control (TAC) actuator control parameters. The last step learned is
system condition. 11.
RVS Disable 1-8 History: This parameter displays one TCC Status: This parameter displays the commanded
of the last eight reasons that powertrain has disabled status of the torque convertor clutch.
remote vehicle start (RVS). TCM Requested Torque: This parameter displays the
Short Term FT Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter calculated amount torque requested of the controller.
displays the short-term correction to the fuel delivery TCM Torque Increase: This parameter displays
by the control module in response to oxygen sensor whether or not the controller has responded to a
1 or 2. If the oxygen sensor indicates a lean air/fuel request for a torque increase.
mixture, the control module will add fuel increasing TCS Torque Increase: This parameter displays
the short term fuel trim above 0. If the oxygen sensor whether or not the controller has responded to a
indicates a rich air/fuel mixture, the control module request for a torque increase.
will reduce fuel decreasing the short term fuel trim TCM Torque Reduction Active: This parameter
below 0. displays whether the transmission control module
Spark: This parameter displays the amount of spark (TCM) is reducing torque.
advance the control module is commanding on the TCS Torque Reduction Active: This parameter
ignition control circuits. The control module displays whether EBTCM has determined a
determines the desired advance. reduction in torque took place.
Starter Relay Circuit Status: This parameter displays TCS Torque Delivered Signal: This is the calculated
the state of the starter relay control circuit. The torque output from the engine to the transmission
parameter displays Fault if the starter relay control used by the EBTCM for the traction control system
circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to operation.
voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until TCS Torque Request Signal: The EBTCM sends a
the relay control circuit has been commanded ON. Desired Torque Level signal request to the control
This parameter may not change if the scan tool is module. This decreases torque from the powertrain
used to command the relay control circuit ON. in order to reduce wheel slip during acceleration for
Starter Relay Command: This parameter indicates the traction control.
whether the control module is commanding the Total Fuel Trim Avg. Bank 1 or Bank 2: This
starter relay to go on or off. parameter displays the overall fuel trim from the idle/
decel cell and the cruise/accel cell.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-54

Total Knock Retard: This parameter indicates how VTD Auto. Learn Timer: This parameter indicates that
much ignition spark timing is being retarded due to either the auto learn timer (used in the auto learn
all control systems monitored by the control module. procedure to enable VTD password learning) or the
The scan tool will display a high value during seed and key timer (used in the seed and key
extreme conditions such as high temperatures and procedure to enable VTD password learning) is
antilock braking. The scan tool will display a lower active.
value during lighter driving conditions. VTD Fuel Disable: This parameter indicates the VTD
Total Misfire Count: This parameter displays the total system has disabled fuel.
number of cylinder firing events that the control VTD Fuel Enabled: This parameter indicates the VTD
module detected as misfires for the last 200 system has enabled fuel.
crankshaft revolution sample period. VTD Fuel Disable Until Ign. Off: This parameter
TP Desired Angle: This parameter displays the desired indicates the VTD system has disabled fuel for the
TP angle commanded by the control module. remainder of the ignition cycle.
TP Indicated Angle: This parameter displays the VTD Password learned: This indicates learning of the
percent of throttle opening as calculated by the VTD password received from the platform
control module using information from the two TP electronics is enabled. VTD password learning is first
sensors. enabled in assembly plant (prior to the
TP Performance Test: This parameter displays the manufacturer’s enable counter being set to zero)
status of the throttle position (TP) performance test may be re-enabled using 1 of 2 procedures.
by the control module. The scan tool will display OK Warm Ups Since DTC Cleared: This parameter
if no fault is found. The scan tool will display Fault if indicates the number of warm up cycles that have
the control module detects a fault during the test.

occurred Since DTCs were cleared. The scan tool
TP Sensor 1: This parameter displays the actual will display a higher counts as more warm up cycles
voltage on the TP sensor 1 signal circuit as have occurred since the DTCs were cleared.
measured by the control module. Wide Open Throttle: This parameter indicates the
TP Sensor 1 Learned Minimum: This parameter throttle status commanded by the control module.
displays the learned minimum value of throttle The scan tool will display YES is the vehicle throttle
position (TP) sensor 1 as recorded by the control is commanded to wide open. The scan tool will
module during the last learn procedure. display NO if the vehicle throttle is commanded to an
TP Sensor 2: This parameter displays the actual amount less than 100%.
voltage on the TP sensor 2 signal circuit as
measured by the control module. Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine
TP Sensor 2 Learned Minimum: This parameter
displays the learned minimum value of TP sensor 2
Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts. The
as recorded by the control module during the last
scan tool displays the voltage as received by the
learn procedure.
TP Sensor 1 and 2: This parameter displays Disagree
Battery Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20
when the control module detects that TP sensor 1
Volts. The scan tool displays the voltage as received
voltage signal is not within the correct relationship to
by the Module.
TP sensor 2. The scan tool displays Agree under the
Crank Request Signal: The scan tool displays Yes/No.
normal operating conditions.
The scan tool displays No until the ignition is placed
Traction Control Status: This parameter displays
into the START position then Yes is displayed.
Active if the electronic brake and traction control
GEN F-Terminal Signal: The scan tool displays 0-
module (EBTCM) is commanding traction control.
100%. The display indicates the generator F terminal
Vehicle Security Status: This parameter displays the
duty cycle in percent. The scan tool displays 0-5%
status of the vehicle theft deterrent system.
until the engine is running, then the percentage
TWC Temperature Calculated: This parameter
value varies depending on engine or electrical loads.
displays the catalytic converter temperature as
GEN L-Terminal Command: The scan tool displays 0-
calculated by the control module.
100%. The scan tool displays the percentage of the
Vehicle Speed Sensor: This parameter displays the
output voltage of the generator.
speed of the vehicle as calculated by the
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status: The scan tool displays
transmission control module (TCM) from information
Incomplete, Short Gnd / Open, Short to B+, or OK.
received from the vehicle speed sensor (VSS).
The scan tool displays the status of the GEN-L
Volumetric Efficiency: This parameter displays the
Terminal circuit.
calculated volumetric efficiency of the engine as
calculated by the control module.
1A-55 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Ignition 1 Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts. • The control module records the operating conditions
The scan tool displays the voltage as received on the at the time the diagnostic fails. The first time the
Ignition 1 circuit to the module. diagnostic fails, the control module stores this
Ignition Accessory Signal: The scan tool displays ON/ information in the Failure Records. If the diagnostic
OFF. The scan tool displays if the ignition 0 signal is reports a failure on the second consecutive ignition
On or OFF. cycle, the control module records the operating
Ignition Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays conditions at the time of the failure. The control
Present/Not Present. The scan tool displays the module writes the operating conditions to the Freeze
status of the ignition voltage signal on the theft Frame and updates the Failure Records.
deterrent module (TDM). • The following applies to misfire DTCs:
PNP Switch (If Equipped): The scan tool displays
– If the control module detects a low level or an
Park/Neutral or In Gear. The scan tool displays the
emission level misfire condition during 2
position of the transmission setting.
consecutive trips, the control module illuminates
Start Disabled: The scan tool displays YES/NO. The
the MIL.
scan tool displays YES if the TDM has disabled the
starting function. – If the control module detects a high level or catalyst
Starter Relay Command: The scan tool displays ON/ damaging misfire, the control module flashes the
OFF. The scan tool displays Off until the ignition is MIL at a rate of once per second.
placed into the CRANK position, then it reads On. – If the control module detects a misfire during 2 non-
Starter Relay Circuit Status: The scan tool displays consecutive trips, the stored conditions are
Incomplete, Short Gnd/Open, Short to B+, or OK. compared with the current conditions. The control
The scan tool displays the status of the STRTR module illuminates the MIL when the following

relay. conditions occur:
Start Up State of Charge: The scan tool displays 1- – The engine load is within 20 percent of the
100%. The scan tool displays the state of charge at previous test that failed.
initial key up.
– The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
Prev. State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%.
previous test that failed.
The scan tool displays the state of charge from the
previous ignition cycle. – The engine coolant temperature is in the same
State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The range of the previous test that failed.
scan tool displays the present state of charge. • The following applies to fuel trim DTCs:
State of Charge Low: The scan tool displays YES/NO. – If the control module detects a fuel trim condition
The scan tool displays YES if the present state of during 2 consecutive trips, the control module
charge is low. illuminates the MIL.
– If the control module detects a fuel trim condition
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) during 2 non-consecutive trips, the stored
Type Definitions conditions are compared with the current
Emissions Related DTCs conditions. The control module illuminates the MIL
when the following conditions occur:
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Type A
– The engine load is within 20 percent of the
• The control module illuminates the malfunction previous test that failed.
indicator lamp (MIL) when the diagnostic runs and
fails. – The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
previous test that failed.
• The control module records the operating conditions
at the time the diagnostic fails. The control module – The engine coolant temperature is in the same
stores this information in the Freeze Frame/Failure range of the previous test that failed.
Records. Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC - Type A or Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Type B B
• The control module illuminates the MIL on the second • The control module turns OFF the MIL after 4
consecutive ignition cycle that the diagnostic runs and consecutive ignition cycles that the diagnostic runs
fails. and does not fail.
• A current DTC, Last Test Failed, clears when the
diagnostic runs and passes.
• A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive warm-up
cycles, if no failures are reported by this or any other
emission related diagnostic.
• Clear the MIL and the DTC with a scan tool.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-56

Non-Emissions Related DTCs Conditions for Running the DTC

Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Type C • DTCs P0010, P0011, P0013, P0014, P0020, P0021,
• The control module stores the DTC information into P0023, P0024, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347,
memory when the diagnostic runs and fails. P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, P0393,
P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094,
• The MIL will not illuminate.
and P2095 are not set.
• The control module records the operating conditions
• The engine is operating.
at the time the diagnostic fails. The control module
stores this information in the Failure Records. • The ECM has learned the camshaft positions.
• The driver information center, if equipped, may display • DTC P0008 and P0009 run continuously once the
a message. above conditions are met.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC - Type C
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• A current DTC Last Test Failed clears when the
The ECM detects that both camshafts on either bank of
diagnostic runs and passes.
the engine are mis-aligned with the crankshaft for more
• A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive warm-up than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
cycles, if no failures are reported by this or any other
non-emission related diagnostic. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Clear the DTC with a scan tool. DTC P0008 and P0009 are type B DTCs.

DTC P0008 or P0009 Conditions for Clearing the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions DTC P0008 and P0009 are type B DTCs.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic Diagnostic Aids
procedure. • Inspect the engine for any recent engine mechanical
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview repairs. An incorrectly installed secondary timing
of the diagnostic approach. chain can cause this DTC to set.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • A single failed camshaft actuator or actuator solenoid
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of will not cause this DTC to set. This diagnostic
each diagnostic category. algorithm is designed to detect an alignment condition
between a primary intermediate sprocket and the
secondary timing chain, or the alignment between a
DTC Descriptors
primary intermediate sprocket and the crankshaft.
DTC P0008: Engine Position System Performance
Either condition would cause the camshaft timing for
Bank 1
both cams on one bank to be off an equal number of
DTC P0009: Engine Position System Performance
Bank 2
• The presence of DTCs P0008 and P0009 along with
P0016, P0017, P0018, and P0019 indicates a
Circuit/System Description
possible condition with the primary timing chain and
The engine control module (ECM) tests for a
the alignment between both intermediate sprockets
misalignment between both camshafts on one bank of
and the crankshaft. Or, the crankshaft reluctor wheel
the engine and the crankshaft. The misalignment would
has moved and is no longer referenced to top dead
be at an idler sprocket for either bank or at the
center (TDC).
crankshaft. Once the ECM learns the position of both
camshafts on one bank of the engine, the ECM • Observing the desired and actual camshaft angle
compares the learned values to a reference value. The parameters, with a scan tool before a DTC sets, may
ECM will set a DTC if both learned values for one bank help to isolate whether a condition is specific to one
of the engine are exceeding a calibrated threshold in the camshaft, one bank, or caused by a condition with the
same direction. primary crankshaft timing.
1A-57 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Reference Information DTC P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088,

DTC Type Reference P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094,
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type or P2095
Scan Tool Reference
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
Circuit/System Verification each diagnostic category.
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Allow the engine to reach the normal operating DTC Descriptors
temperature. DTC P0010: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
3. Idle the engine for 10 minutes or until a DTC sets. Solenoid Control Circuit Bank 1
Observe the DTC information with a scan tool, DTCs DTC P0013: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
P0008 and P0009 should not set. Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Bank 1
DTC P0020: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
Circuit/System Testing Solenoid Control Circuit Bank 2

DTC P0023: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
1. Inspect the timing chains and tensioners for
Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Bank 2
excessive wear or misalignment.
DTC P2088: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
➢ If you find a condition with the timing chains or Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1
tensioners, repair as necessary. DTC P2089: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
2. Inspect the crankshaft reluctor wheel for being Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 1
mispositioned on the crankshaft. DTC P2090: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
➢ If you find a condition with the crankshaft, repair as Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank
necessary. 1
DTC P2091: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
Repair Instructions Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage Bank
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle 1
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic DTC P2092: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
procedure. Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2
DTC P2093: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
• “Setting Camshaft Timing: ” Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 2
• “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram DTC P2094: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
(Third Design): ” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design): ” 2
• “Camshaft Timing Drive Components Cleaning and DTC P2095: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
Inspection (Third Design): ” “Camshaft Timing Drive Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage Bank
Components Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth 2
Design): ”
• “Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and Inspection: ”
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-58

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088, P2089,
the engine control module (ECM) to change the timing of P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and P2095 are
the camshafts while the engine is operating. The CMP type B DTCs.
actuator solenoid signal from the ECM is pulse width
modulated (PWM). The ECM controls the CMP actuator Diagnostic Aids
solenoid duty cycle by controlling the amount of solenoid If the condition is intermittent, move the related
ON time. The CMP actuator solenoid controls the harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
advance or the retard of each camshaft. The CMP while monitoring the circuit status for the component with
actuator solenoid controls the oil flow that applies the a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes from
pressure to advance or retard the camshafts. OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a condition with
Ignition voltage is supplied directly to the CMP actuator the circuit or a connection.
solenoid. The ECM controls the solenoid by grounding
the control circuit with a solid state device called a driver. Reference Information
The driver is equipped with a feedback circuit that is Schematic Reference
pulled-up to a voltage. The ECM can determine if the “Engine Controls Schematics”
control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a Connector End View Reference
voltage by monitoring the feedback voltage.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
Conditions for Running the DTC • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Description and Operation
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM. “Camshaft Actuator System Description: ”

• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts. Electrical Information Reference
• The ECM has commanded the CMP actuator solenoid • “Circuit Testing: ”
ON and OFF at least once during the ignition cycle. • “Connector Repairs: ”
• DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088, P2089, • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and P2095 run Connections: ”
continuously once the above conditions are met for
more than 1 second. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023
Scan Tool Reference
The ECM detects an open in the CMP actuator solenoid
circuits for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50 • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
seconds, when the solenoid is commanded OFF. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
P2088, P2090, P2092, P2094 (LY7)”
The ECM detects a short to ground in the CMP actuator • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
solenoid circuits for more than 4 seconds or a (LY7)”
cumulative of 50 seconds, when the solenoid is
commanded OFF. Circuit/System Verification
P2089, P2091, P2093, P2095
1. With the engine at normal operating temperature,
The ECM detects a short to voltage in the CMP actuator
raise the engine speed to 2,000 RPM for 10
solenoid circuits for more than 4 seconds or a
seconds. DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023,
cumulative of 50 seconds, when the solenoid is
P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093,
commanded ON.
P2094, or P2095 should not set.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088, P2089, test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and P2095 are for running the DTC. You may also operate the
type B DTCs. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
1A-59 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Testing DTC P0011, P0014, P0021, or P0024

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at Diagnostic Instructions
the appropriate camshaft position (CMP) actuator • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
solenoid. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates procedure.
between the ignition circuit terminal 1 and ground. • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition of the diagnostic approach.
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
ignition circuit fuse is open, test all the components each diagnostic category.
connected to the ignition circuit and replace as
necessary. DTC Descriptors
3. Connect a DMM, set on the diode setting, between DTC P0011: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) System
the control circuit terminal 2 and ground. The voltage Performance Bank 1
should be greater than 2.0 volts. DTC P0014: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) System
➢ If the DMM displays OL, test the control circuit for a Performance Bank 1
short to voltage or an open/high resistance. If the DTC P0021: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) System
circuit/connections test normal, replace the ECM. Performance Bank 2
➢ If less than the specified value, test the control DTC P0024: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) System
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests Performance Bank 2

normal, replace the ECM.
4. Command the CMP actuator solenoid ON and OFF Circuit/System Description
with a scan tool. The DMM should transition from The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables
greater than 2 volts when commanded OFF to less the engine control module (ECM) to change the timing of
than 1 volt, when commanded ON. the camshafts while the engine is operating. The CMP
actuator solenoid signal from the ECM is pulse width
➢ If the circuit voltage does not correspond to the modulated (PWM). The ECM controls the CMP actuator
specified values, replace the ECM. solenoid duty cycle by controlling the amount of solenoid
5. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace ON time. The CMP actuator solenoid controls the
the CMP actuator solenoid. advance or the retard of each camshaft. The CMP
actuator solenoid controls the oil flow that applies the
Component Testing pressure to advance or retard the camshafts.
1. Measure for 7-12 ohms of resistance between the
terminals of the CMP actuator solenoid. Conditions for Running the DTC
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range, • Before the ECM can report DTC P0011, P0014,
replace the CMP actuator solenoid. P0021, or P0024 failed, DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020,
2. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal of P0023, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348,
the CMP actuator solenoid and the CMP actuator P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, P0393, P2088,
solenoid housing. P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and
P2095 must run and pass.
➢ If less than infinite resistance, replace the CMP
actuator solenoid valve. • DTCs P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0335, P0336,
and P0338 are not set.
Repair Instructions • The engine speed is more than 500 RPM.
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • The engine must accelerate such that the CMP
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic actuator system is commanded from the park position
procedure. to the phased position. This is considered a cam
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid control cycle. There must be a total of 4-10 cam
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ” control cycles for at least 2.5 seconds each in the
phased position.
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ” • The engine is operating for more than 2 seconds.
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid • DTCs P0011, P0014, P0021, and P0024 run
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ” continuously once the above conditions are met for
more than 20 seconds.
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-60

Conditions for Setting the DTC Circuit/System Verification

• The ECM detects the difference between the desired
camshaft position and the actual camshaft position
angle is more than 5 degrees. The engine oil level and the oil pressure are
OR critical to the correct operation of the
camshaft position (CMP) actuator system.
• The ECM detects the difference between the actual
Verify that the engine has the correct oil level
camshaft angle and the locked position angle is more
and the correct oil pressure before
than 10 degrees.
continuing with this diagnostic.
• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds.
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
Action Taken When the DTC Sets scan tool. Verify that none of the following DTCs are
DTCs P0011, P0014, P0021, and P0024 are type B set. DTC P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0335,
DTCs. P0336, P0338, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346,
P0347, P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391,
Conditions for Clearing the DTC P0392, P0393, P0521, P0522, or P0523.
DTCs P0011, P0014, P0021, and P0024 are type B ➢ If any of the DTCs are set, refer to “Diagnostic
DTCs. Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ” for further diagnosis.
Reference Information 2. Engine idling, command the suspected camshaft
Schematic Reference actuator from 0 degrees to 40 degrees and back to

“Engine Controls Schematics” zero while observing the appropriate CMP Angle
Connector End View Reference Variance parameters, with a scan tool. The CMP
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” Angle Variance should be less than 2 degrees in
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” each of the commanded states.
Description and Operation 3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
“Camshaft Actuator System Description: ” test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
Electrical Information Reference for running the DTC. You may also operate the
• “Circuit Testing: ” vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Circuit/System Testing
Connections: ”
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
• “Wiring Repairs: ” the appropriate camshaft position (CMP) actuator
DTC Type Reference solenoid.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” NOTE
Scan Tool Reference The test lamp is used to load the circuit and
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” may not illuminate.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 2. Connect a test lamp between the ignition circuit
terminal 1 and the negative terminal of the battery.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 3. Ignition ON, test for less than 0.1 volt between the
Special Tools Required ignition circuit terminal 1 and the positive battery
J 35616-200 Test Lamp Kit terminal.
➢ If greater than 0.1 volt, repair the ignition voltage
Diagnostic Aids circuit for an open/high resistance.
• The engine oil condition has a major impact on the NOTE
camshaft actuator system.
Use the J 35616-200 Test Lamp Kit for this
• A low oil level condition may set this DTC. The engine test. If the J 35616-200 is not available, use a
may require an oil change. Inquire with the customer test lamp that measures more than 20 ohms.
when the last oil change was performed. You may
also monitor the Engine Oil Life parameter with a scan
tool. Advise the customer an oil change may be
• Inspect the engine for any recent engine mechanical
repairs. An incorrectly installed camshaft, camshaft
actuator, or timing chain can cause this DTC to set.
1A-61 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

4. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Repair Instructions

terminal 2 and B+. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
5. Command the appropriate CMP actuator solenoid Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
ON with a scan tool. procedure.
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ”
The voltage must be measured at the control • “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
side of the circuit. Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ”
6. Test for less than 1 volt between the probe of the test • “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
lamp and the ECM housing. Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the control • “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/ Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”
connections test normal, replace the ECM. • “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 1
7. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid. Inspect the (Right Side) Intake: ”
CMP actuator solenoid and mounting area for the • “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 1
following conditions: (Right Side) Exhaust: ”
– For a torn, restricted, mispositioned, or missing • “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
screens at the CMP actuator solenoid (Left Side) Intake: ”
– For engine oil leaks between the oil sealing lands • “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Exhaust: ”

of the CMP actuator solenoid—Inspect the lands
of the CMP actuator solenoid for nicks. • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
– For oil seepage at the CMP actuator solenoid module replacement, setup, and programming
➢ If a condition is found, replace CMP actuator DTC P0016, P0017, P0018, or P0019
solenoid. Diagnostic Instructions
8. Ignition OFF, swap the suspected CMP actuator • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
solenoid with a CMP actuator solenoid that is Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
operating correctly. procedure.
9. Engine idling, command the suspected camshaft • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
actuator from 0 degrees to 40 degrees and back to of the diagnostic approach.
zero while observing the appropriate CMP Angle
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Variance parameters, with a scan tool. The CMP
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
Angle Variance should be less than 2 degrees in
each diagnostic category.
each of the commanded states.
➢ If the CMP Angle Variance is greater than 2 DTC Descriptors
degrees, replace the camshaft position (CMP)
DTC P0016: Crankshaft Position (CKP) - Intake
Camshaft Position (CMP) Correlation Bank 1
10. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace DTC P0017: Crankshaft Position (CKP) - Exhaust
the CMP actuator solenoid. Camshaft Position (CMP) Correlation Bank 1
DTC P0018: Crankshaft Position (CKP) - Intake
Component Testing Camshaft Position (CMP) Correlation Bank 2
1. Measure for 7-12 ohms of resistance between the DTC P0019: Crankshaft Position (CKP) - Exhaust
terminals of the CMP actuator solenoid. Camshaft Position (CMP) Correlation Bank 2
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
replace the CMP actuator solenoid.
2. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal of
the CMP actuator solenoid and the CMP actuator
solenoid housing.
➢ If less than infinite resistance, replace the CMP
actuator solenoid valve.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-62

Circuit/System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables DTCs P0016, P0017, P0018, and P0019 are type B
the engine control module (ECM) to change the timing of DTCs.
the camshafts while the engine is operating. The CMP
actuator solenoid signal from the ECM is pulse width Conditions for Clearing the DTC
modulated (PWM). The ECM controls the CMP actuator DTCs P0016, P0017, P0018, and P0019 are type B
solenoid duty cycle by controlling the amount of solenoid DTCs.
ON time. The CMP actuator solenoid controls the
advance or the retard of each camshaft. The CMP Diagnostic Aids
actuator solenoid controls the oil flow that applies the
• Inspect the engine for any recent engine mechanical
pressure to advance or retard the camshafts.
repairs. An incorrectly installed camshaft, camshaft
Ignition voltage is supplied directly to the CMP actuator
actuator, camshaft sensor, crankshaft sensor, or
solenoid. The ECM controls the solenoid by grounding
timing chain can cause this DTC to set.
the control circuit with a solid state device called a driver.
The ECM compares the camshaft position or the • An actuator that is in the full advance or retard
camshaft angle, to the position of the crankshaft. position can cause this DTC to set.
• The presence of DTCs P0008 and P0009 along with
Conditions for Running the DTC P0016, P0017, P0018, and P0019 indicates a
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0016, P0017, possible condition with the primary timing chain and
P0018, or P0019 failed, DTCs P0010, P0011, P0013, the alignment between both intermediate sprockets
P0014, P0020, P0021, P0023, P0024, P0335, P0336, and the crankshaft. Or, the crankshaft reluctor wheel

P0338, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348, has moved and is no longer referenced to top dead
P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, P0393, P2088, center (TDC).
P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and • Observing the desired and actual camshaft angle
P2095 must run and pass. parameters, with a scan tool before a DTC sets, may
• The engine is operating for more than 50 seconds. help to isolate whether a condition is specific to one
camshaft, one bank, or caused by a condition with the
• The engine coolant temperature is between 0-95°C primary crankshaft timing.
• The calculated engine oil temperature is less than Reference Information
120°C (248°F). Schematic Reference
• DTC P0016, P0017, P0018, and P0019 run “Engine Controls Schematics”
continuously once the above conditions are met for Connector End View Reference
approximately 10 minutes. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Conditions for Setting the DTC Description and Operation
• The ECM detects one of the following conditions: “Camshaft Actuator System Description: ”
– The ECM detects a deviation in the relationship Electrical Information Reference
between a camshaft and the crankshaft. • “Circuit Testing: ”
– A camshaft is more than 14 degrees advanced in • “Connector Repairs: ”
relationship to the crankshaft. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
– A camshaft is more 14 degrees retarded in Connections: ”
relationship to the crankshaft. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
• The ECM detects the difference between an actual DTC Type Reference
intake camshaft angle and the locked position angle is “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
more than 20 degrees. Definitions”
• The ECM detects the difference between an actual Scan Tool Reference
exhaust camshaft angle and the locked position angle • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
is more than 25 degrees. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a (LY7)”
cumulative of 50 seconds. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
1A-63 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Testing – A timing chain that jumped teeth

1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a – A crankshaft reluctor wheel that has moved in
scan tool. Verify that none of the following DTCs are relationship to top dead center (TDC) on the
set. DTC P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P0335, crankshaft
P0336, P0338, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, 3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
P0347, P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
P0392, P0393, P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, for running the DTC. You may also operate the
P2092, P2093, P2094, or P2095. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
➢ If any of the DTCs listed are set refer to “Diagnostic Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ” for further diagnosis. Repair Instructions
2. Idle the engine at normal operating temperature for Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
10 minutes. DTCs P0016, P0017, P0018, or P0019 Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
should not set. procedure.
➢ If a DTC sets, inspect for the following: • “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram
– The correct installation of the camshaft sensors (Third Design): ” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design): ”
– The correct installation of the crankshaft sensor
• “Camshaft Timing Drive Components Cleaning and
– A timing chain tensioner condition Inspection (Third Design): ” “Camshaft Timing Drive
– An incorrectly installed timing chain Components Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth

– Excessive play in the timing chain Design): ”
• “Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and Inspection: ”

DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038, P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056, P0057, or
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0030: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0031: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0032: HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0036: Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0037: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0038: HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0050: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1
DTC P0051: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
DTC P0052: HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
DTC P0056: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2
DTC P0057: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2
DTC P0058: HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0030, P0036, P0030, P0036, P0135, P0141,
Ignition Voltage —
P0050, P0056 P0050, P0056 P0155, P0161
P0030, P0050, P0135, P0141,
HO2S Heater Control Sensor 1 P0031, P0051 P0032, P0052
P0134, P0154 P0155, P0161
P0036, P0056, P0135, P0141,
HO2S Heater Control Sensor 2 P0037, P0057 P0038, P0058
P0140, P0160 P0155, P0161
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-64

Circuit Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) heater reduces the P0030, P0036, P0050, and P0056
time required for the oxygen sensor to reach operating The ECM detects an open in the heater circuits of the
temperature and maintains the operating temperature HO2S when the heater is commanded OFF. The
during extended idle periods. When the ignition is turned condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative
to the ON position, ignition voltage is supplied directly to of 50 seconds.
the sensor heater. The engine control module (ECM) P0031, P0037, P0051, and P0057
controls the heater operation by first modulating the The ECM detects a ground in the heater circuits of the
control circuit to ground when the sensors are cold. This HO2S when the heater is commanded OFF. The
prevents the possibility of thermal shock to the sensor, condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative
from condensation build-up on the sensor, by controlling of 50 seconds.
the sensors rate of heating. After a predetermined P0032, P0038, P0052, and P0058
amount of time, the ECM commands the heaters ON The ECM detects a short to voltage in the heater circuits
continuously. Once the sensor reaches operating of the HO2S when the heater is commanded ON. The
temperature, the ECM may modulate the heater control condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative
circuit to ground, to maintain a desired temperature. of 50 seconds.
The ECM controls the heater by grounding the control
circuit with a solid state device called a driver. The driver Action Taken When the DTC Sets
is equipped with a feedback circuit that is pulled-up to DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038,
voltage. The ECM can determine if the control circuit is P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056, P0057, and P0058 are
open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a voltage by Type B DTCs.

monitoring the feedback voltage.
The HO2S utilizes the following circuits: Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
• A signal circuit DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038,
• A low reference circuit P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056, P0057, and P0058 are
• An ignition voltage circuit Type B DTCs.
• A heater control circuit
Diagnostic Aids
Conditions for Running the DTC • If the condition is intermittent, move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051, P0052 while monitoring the circuit status for the component
• The ignition voltage is between 10.5-18 volts. with a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM. from OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a
• The HO2S heater is commanded ON and OFF at condition with the circuit or a connection.
least once during the ignition cycle. • An open fuse in the HO2S heater circuit may be
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions caused by the heater element in one of the sensors.
are met for 1 second. The condition may not be present until the sensor
operates for a period of time. If no fault is present in
P0036, P0037, P0038, P0056, P0057, P0058
the heater circuit, monitor the amperage of each
• The ignition voltage is between 10.5-18 volts. heater using the DMM to determine if one of the
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM. heater elements is the cause of the open fuse. Inspect
• The HO2S heater is commanded ON and OFF at the sensor pigtail or the harness for contacting the
least once during the ignition cycle. exhaust system.
• The secondary HO2S is at operating temperature.
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met for 1 second.
1A-65 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Reference Information 3. Connect a test lamp between the heater control

Schematic Reference circuit terminal D and B+. The test lamp should not
“Engine Controls Schematics” illuminate.
Connector End View Reference ➢ If the test lamp is always ON, test the control circuit
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” for a short to ground. If the circuit/connections test
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” normal, replace the ECM.
Electrical Information Reference NOTE
• “Circuit Testing: ”
The control circuit for the HO2S heater is
• “Connector Repairs: ” pulled-up to voltage within the ECM, 2.0-3.0
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor volts on the control circuit is normal.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” 4. Idle the engine, and verify the test lamp illuminates
DTC Type Reference or flashes.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type ➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, test the control
Definitions” circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
Scan Tool Reference connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” 5. Ignition ON, test for 2.0-3.0 volts between the control
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L circuit terminal D and ground.
(LY7)” ➢ If not within the specified range, test the control
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/

• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
6. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
Circuit/System Verification the HO2S sensor.
Engine idling at operating temperature for at least 30
seconds. Observe the DTC information, DTCs P0030, Component Testing
P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038, P0050, P0051, 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
P0052, P0056, P0057, and P0058 should not set. the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) sensor.
2. Test the HO2S heater resistance for 3-35 ohms.
Circuit/System Testing ➢ If the resistance is out of the specified range,
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at replace the HO2S sensor.
the appropriate heated oxygen sensor (HO2S).
2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates Repair Instructions
between the ignition circuit terminal C and ground. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
The ignition circuit supplies voltage to other • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
components. Make sure you test all circuits Sensor 1: ”
for a short to ground or test all components
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
for being shorted that share the ignition
Sensor 2: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition Sensor 1: ”
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the Sensor 2: ”
ignition circuit fuse is open, test all the components • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
connected to the ignition circuit and replace as module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-66

DTC P0100, P0102, or P0103

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0100: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit
DTC P0102: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit Low Frequency
DTC P0103: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit High Frequency

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal
Circuit Open
Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
Ignition 1 Voltage P0100 P0100 P0100 — P0101
MAF Sensor Signal P0100 P0102 P0100 P0102 P0101
Low Reference — P0102 P0100 — P0101

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is located in the air P0100
intake duct. The MAF sensor is an airflow meter that
• The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal is 0.0
measures the amount of air that enters the engine. The
MAF sensor uses a hot film that is cooled by air flowing
past the sensing film as air enters the engine. The • The condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative
amount of cooling is proportional to the amount of the air of 50 seconds.
flow. As the air flow increases, more current is required P0102
in order to maintain the hot film at a constant • The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal is less
temperature. The engine control module (ECM) uses the than 1135 Hz.
MAF sensor in order to provide the correct fuel delivery
• The condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative
for all operating conditions.
of 50 seconds.
Conditions for Running the DTC
• The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal is more
• The engine is operating.
than 15,152 Hz.
• The ignition voltage is more than 10.5 volts.
• The condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative
• DTC P0100, P0102 and P0103 run continuously once of 50 seconds.
the above conditions are met for 1 second.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0100, P0102, and P0103 are Type B DTCs.

Conditions for Clearing the DTC

DTCs P0100, P0102, and P0103 are Type B DTCs.
1A-67 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Aids Circuit/System Testing

• Inspect the harness of the MAF sensor to verify that it 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
is not routed too close to the following components: the MAF sensor.
– The secondary ignition wires or coils
– Any solenoids
Do NOT use the low reference circuit in the
– Any relays
component harness connector for this test.
– Any motors Damage to the control module may occur due
• Inspect the hydro-carbon (HC) filter in the air cleaner to excessive current draw.
assembly for ruptures that would leak charcoal into
the air intake, contaminating the sensing element. 2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
• Inspect for any contamination, water intrusion, or between the ignition circuit terminal B and ground.
debris on the sensing elements of the MAF sensor. If ➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition
debris is present, clean the sensor. If the sensor circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
cannot be cleaned, replace the sensor. resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the
• A high resistance may cause a driveability concern ignition circuit fuse is open, test all the components
before this DTC sets. connected to the ignition circuit and replace as
Reference Information 3. Test for less than 5 ohms between the ground circuit
Schematic Reference terminal C and the battery ground.

“Engine Controls Schematics” ➢ If greater than the specified value, repair the
Connector End View Reference ground circuit for an open/high resistance.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” 4. Test for 4.89-5.10 volts between the signal circuit
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” terminal A and the ground circuit terminal C.
Description and Operation ➢ If less than the specified range, test the signal
“Air Intake System Description: ” circuit for an open/high resistance or a short to
Electrical Information Reference ground. If the circuit/connections test normal,
• “Circuit Testing: ” replace the ECM.
• “Connector Repairs: ” ➢ If greater than the specified range, test the signal
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
Connections: ” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Wiring Repairs: ” 5. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
DTC Type Reference MAF sensor.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” Repair Instructions
Scan Tool Reference Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature Sensor
Replacement: ”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Circuit/System Verification
1. Engine idling for 1 minute, observe the DTC
information with a scan tool. DTCs P0100, P0102
and P0103 should not set.
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-68

DTC P0101
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC P0101: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal
Circuit Open
Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
Ignition 1 Voltage P0100 P0100 P0100 — P0101
MAF Sensor Signal P0100 P0102 P0100 P0102 P0101
Low Reference — P0102 P0100 — P0101

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is located in the air • The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal is less
intake duct. The MAF sensor is an airflow meter that than 0.14 g/s or greater than 278 g/s.

measures the amount of air that enters the engine. The
• The condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative
MAF sensor uses a hot film that is cooled by air flowing
of 50 seconds.
past the sensing film as air enters the engine. The
amount of cooling is proportional to the amount of the air
flow. As the air flow increases, more current is required Action Taken When the DTC Sets
in order to maintain the hot film at a constant DTC P0101 is a Type B DTC.
temperature. The engine control module (ECM) uses the
MAF sensor in order to provide the correct fuel delivery Conditions for Clearing the DTC
for all operating conditions. DTC P0101 is a Type B DTC.

Conditions for Running the DTC Diagnostic Aids

• Before the ECM can report DTC P0101 failed, DTCs • Inspect the harness of the MAF sensor to verify that it
P0100, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0121, is not routed too close to the following components:
P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223, P0335, P0336, – The secondary ignition wires or coils
and P0338 must run and pass. – Any solenoids
• DTC P2176 is not set. – Any relays
• The engine is operating for more than 1 second. – Any motors
• The MAF sensor signal is more than 1.39 grams per • Inspect the hydro-carbon (HC) absorber in the air
second. cleaner assembly for ruptures that would leak
• The ignition voltage is more than 10.5 volts. charcoal into the air intake, contaminating the sensing
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is more than element.
10°C (50°F). • Inspect for any contamination, water intrusion, or
• The ECM detects more than 150 revolutions of the debris on the sensing elements of the MAF sensor. If
crankshaft. debris is present, clean the sensor. If the sensor
cannot be cleaned, replace the sensor.
• DTC P0101 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met. • A high resistance may cause a driveability concern
before this DTC sets.
1A-69 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Reference Information 2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at

Schematic Reference the MAF sensor.
“Engine Controls Schematics”
Connector End View Reference ! CAUTION
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” Do NOT use the low reference circuit in the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” component harness connector for this test.
Description and Operation Damage to the control module may occur due
“Air Intake System Description: ” to excessive current draw.
Electrical Information Reference
3. Ignition ON, load test the ignition circuit for B+
• “Circuit Testing: ”
between terminal B and ground.
• “Connector Repairs: ” ➢ If less than the specified value, repair the ignition
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor circuit for an open/high resistance.
Connections: ”
4. Test for less than 5 ohms between the ground circuit
• “Wiring Repairs: ” terminal C and the battery ground.
DTC Type Reference
➢ If greater than the specified value, repair the
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
ground circuit for an open/high resistance.
Scan Tool Reference 5. Test for less than 5.10 volts between the signal
circuit terminal A and ground circuit terminal C.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L

circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
(LY7)” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
6. Test for greater than 3.98 mA between the signal
circuit terminal A and the ground circuit terminal C.
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
Circuit/System Verification
circuit for an open/high resistance or for a short to
1. Engine idling for 1 minute, observe the DTC ground. If the circuit/connections test normal,
information with a scan tool. DTC P0101 should not replace the ECM.
7. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification MAF sensor.
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the Repair Instructions
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Circuit/System Testing
• “Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature Sensor
1. Inspect for the following conditions: Replacement: ”
– An engine vacuum leak • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
– An air leak in the intake air duct between the mass module replacement, setup, and programming
air flow (MAF) sensor and the throttle body
– A plugged or collapsed intake air duct
– Objects that block the MAF sensor air inlet
– An air filter element that is restricted
– The hydro-carbon absorber in the air cleaner
assembly for ruptures or deterioration.
– A restricted throttle plate or for carbon build-up
around the throttle plate
– An unseated engine oil dip stick
– A loose or missing engine oil fill cap
– An over filled crankcase
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-70

DTC P0111, P0112 or P0113

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0111: Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Circuit Performance
DTC P0112: Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0113: Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
IAT Sensor Signal P0112 P0111, P0113 P01131 P0111
Low Reference — P0111, P0113 P01131 P0111
1 Internal ECM or sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Typical Scan Tool Data

IAT Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop.
Parameter Normal Range:−39° to +134°C (−38° to +274°F) Varies with ambient temperature.
IAT Sensor Signal 135°C (275°F) −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
Low Reference — −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
1 Internal ECM or sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Circuit Description P0111 Cruise Test

The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor is an integral • Before the ECM can report DTC P0111 failed, DTC
part of the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. The IAT sensor is P0101 must run and pass.
a variable resistor that measures the temperature of the • DTCs P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119,
intake air. The engine control module (ECM) supplies 5 P0125, and P0128 are not set.
volts to the IAT signal circuit and supplies a ground to the
low reference circuit. • The ECT at engine start is less than 85°C (185°F).
The following table illustrates the difference between • The vehicle speed is more than 40 km/h (25 mph).
temperature, resistance, and voltage: • The MAF is between 11-42 g/s.
IAT Signal • Decel fuel cut-off (DFCO) is not active.
IAT IAT Resistance
Voltage • DTC P0111 runs continuously once the above
Cold High High conditions are met for more than 2 seconds.
Warm Low Low
P0112 and P0113
Conditions for Running the DTC • The engine run time is more than 3 minutes.
P0111 Idle Test • The engine is idling for more than 10 seconds.
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0111 failed, DTC • The DTCs runs continuously once the above
P0101 must run and pass. conditions are met.
• DTCs P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119,
P0125, and P0128 are not set.
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) at engine start
is less than 85°C (185°F).
• The ECT is more than 66°C (151°F).
• The vehicle speed is less than 10 km/h (6 mph).
• DTC P0111 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met for more than 2 seconds.
1A-71 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTC Reference Information

P0111 Schematic Reference
The ECM detects that the IAT remains steady within 2°C “Engine Controls Schematics”
(4°F) during the idle test. The condition exists for a total Connector End View Reference
of 16 seconds. Or, the ECM detects that the IAT • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
decreased less than 2°C (4°F) during the cruise test.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
The condition exists for a total of 28 seconds.
Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects that the intake air temperature is more • “Circuit Testing: ”
than 132°C (270°F) for more than 4 seconds or • “Connector Repairs: ”
cumulative of 50 seconds. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
P0113 Connections: ”
The ECM detects that the intake air temperature is less • “Wiring Repairs: ”
than −42°C (−43.6°F) and remains steady within 3°C DTC Type Reference
(5°F) during an air flow increase of more than 999 “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
grams. The scan tool is limited to −40°C (−40°F), so the Definitions”
diagnostic procedure uses −39°C (−38°F) to determine if Scan Tool Reference
there is an IAT condition. The condition exists for more
than 4 seconds or cumulative of 50 seconds. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Action Taken When the DTC Sets (LY7)”

DTCs P0111, P0112, and P0113 are Type B DTCs. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC Special Tools Required
DTCs P0111, P0112, and P0113 are Type B DTCs. J 35616 Connector Test Adapter Kit

Diagnostic Aids Circuit/System Verification

Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running the
• If the vehicle has sat overnight, the IAT sensor and
DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the
the ECT sensor values should display within 3°C
conditions that you observed from the Freeze Frame/
Failure Records. DTC P0111, P0112, or P0113 should
• High resistance on either the IAT sensor signal circuit not set.
or the IAT sensor low reference circuit could set a
Circuit/System Testing
• Use the J 35616 Connector Test Adapter Kit for any
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the MAF/IAT sensor.
test that requires probing the underhood fuse block
terminals, component wire harness terminals, or the 2. Ignition ON, verify that the IAT sensor parameter is
ECM wire harness connector terminals. at −40°C (−40°F).
➢ If greater than −40°C (−40°F), test the signal circuit
for a short to ground. If the circuit/connections test
normal, replace the engine control module (ECM).
3. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to
circuit terminal C2-56 of the ECM.

Do NOT use a test lamp to test the continuity
of the circuit. Damage to the control module
may occur due to excessive current draw.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-72

4. Test for less than 5 ohms between the low reference Component Testing
circuit terminal E and ground. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
➢ If greater than 5 ohms, test the low reference circuit the IAT sensor.
for an open/high resistance, or for a short to
voltage. If the circuit/connections test normal, NOTE
replace the ECM. A thermometer can be used to test the
5. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to circuit terminal sensor off the vehicle.
C2-56 of the ECM.
2. Test the IAT sensor by varying the sensor
NOTE temperature while monitoring the sensor resistance.
If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the Compare the readings with the “Temperature Versus
signal circuit is shorted to a voltage and the Resistance - Intake Air Temperature Sensor” table
sensor may be damaged. and verify that the resistance is within 5 percent of
the specification.
6. Ignition ON, install a 3A fused jumper wire between ➢ If the Resistance vs Temperature is not within 5
the signal circuit terminal D and ground circuit percent, replace the IAT sensor.
terminal C. Verify the IAT sensor parameter is
greater than 134°C (274°F). Repair Instructions
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
resistance. If the circuit/connections test normal, procedure.

replace the ECM. • “Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature Sensor
7. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace Replacement: ”
the MAF/IAT sensor. • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0116
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC P0116: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
ECT Sensor Signal P0117 P0118, P0119 P0118, P01191 P01161
Low Reference — P0118, P0119 P0118, P01191 P01161
1 Internal ECM or ECT sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop.
Parameter Normal Range:−39°C to +142°C (−38° to +288°F) Varies with coolant temperature.
ECT Sensor Signal 143°C (289°F) −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
Low Reference — −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
1 Internal ECM or ECT sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+
1A-73 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a • The ECM determines the difference between the ECT
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the and IAT at ignition ON is not within 15°C (26°F) of the
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) difference recorded during a previous ignition cycle,
supplies 5 volts to the ECT signal circuit and supplies a when the enable conditions were met.
ground to the low reference circuit. The ECM monitors OR
the mutual performance of the ECT and the intake air
• The ECM determines the IAT at ignition ON is within a
temperature (IAT) signals. The ECM monitors the warm
calibrated range of the ECT and IAT recorded during a
up and cool down behavior of the sensors, after a
previous ignition cycle, but the ECT is not within 15°C
vehicle driven at operating temperature is shut down. If
(26°F) of the calibrated range.
the ECM detects that the ECT is not with in a
predetermined range of IAT after a long soak, or the ECT • The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or
and IAT are not within a range of each other, as cumulative of 50 seconds.
compared to a previous cold start, this DTC sets.
The following table illustrates the difference between Action Taken When the DTC Sets
temperature, resistance, and voltage: DTC P0116 is a Type A/B DTC.
ECT Signal
ECT ECT Resistance Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
Cold High High DTC P0116 is a Type A/B DTC.
Warm Low Low
Diagnostic Aids

Conditions for Running the DTC • Test the ECT and the IAT sensor at various
Condition 1 temperature levels in order to evaluate the possibility
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0116 failed, DTC of a skewed sensor. A skewed sensor can result in a
P0101 must run and pass. DTC or a driveability condition. Refer to “Temperature
Versus Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature
• DTCs P0012, P0013, P0117, P0118, P0119, and
Sensor” and “Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake
P2610 are not set.
Air Temperature Sensor”.
• The engine run time of the previous ignition cycle was
• If the vehicle has sat overnight, the IAT sensor and
more than 10 minutes.
the ECT sensor values should display within 3°C
• The calculated engine cool down of the previous test (5°F).
was more than 50°C (120°F).
• After starting a cold engine, the ECT sensor
• The ignition was OFF for greater than 330 minutes temperature should rise steadily, then stabilize after
after the previous engine shut down. the thermostat opens.
• The accumulated air mass of the previous ignition • High resistance in the circuits of either the ECT or IAT
cycle was more than 6,000 grams sensor could set a DTC.
• DTC P0116 runs once an ignition cycle when the • A short to ground or voltage through a conductive
above conditions are met. material or fluid could set this DTC. Inspect the ECT
Condition 2 sensor for evidence of coolant leaking into the
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0116 failed, DTC connector body.
P0101 must run and pass.
• DTCs P0012, P0013, P0117, P0118, and P0119 are
not set.
• The ECT at the previous engine shut down is more
than 75°C (167°F).
• The block heater is not detected.
• The ignition was OFF for greater than 330 minutes
after the previous engine shut down.
• DTC P0116 runs once an ignition cycle when the
above conditions are met.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-74

Reference Information NOTE

Schematic Reference The control module or the sensor may be
“Engine Controls Schematics” damaged if the circuit is shorted to battery
Connector End View Reference positive voltage.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” 4. Test for less than 5 ohms between the low reference
Electrical Information Reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
• “Circuit Testing: ” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance, or for
• “Connector Repairs: ” a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor the ECM.
Connections: ” 5. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to circuit terminal
• “Wiring Repairs: ” C2-56 of the ECM.
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type NOTE
Definitions” If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
Scan Tool Reference signal circuit is shorted to a voltage and the
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” sensor may be damaged.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 6. Ignition ON, install a 3-amp fused jumper wire
between the signal circuit terminal 1 and the low

• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L reference circuit terminal 2. Verify the ECT sensor
(LY7)” parameter is greater than 142°C (288°F).
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
Circuit/System Verification circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
1. Verify that the following DTCs are not set: P0101, resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
P0117, P0118, and P0119. ECM.
➢ If any of the DTCs are set, refer to “Diagnostic 7. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the ECT
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic sensor.
Information: ”.
2. Inspect the engine coolant level. Verify that the Component Testing
cooling system is operating correctly. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
➢ If you suspect a condition with engine cooling the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
system, refer to “Symptoms - Engine Cooling: ”.
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running
the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the A thermometer can be used to test the
conditions that you observed from the Freeze sensor off the vehicle.
Frame/Failure Records. DTC P0116 should not set.
2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor
Circuit/System Testing temperature while monitoring the sensor resistance.
Compare the readings with the “Temperature Versus
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the ECT sensor. Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”
2. Ignition ON, verify that the ECT sensor parameter is table and verify that the resistance is within 5 percent
at −40°C (−40°F). of the specification.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal ➢ If not within the specified range, replace the ECT
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests sensor.
normal, replace the ECM.
3. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to Repair Instructions
circuit terminal C2-56 of the ECM. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
! CAUTION procedure.
Do NOT use a test lamp to test the continuity • “Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”
of the circuit. Damage to the control module • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
may occur due to excessive current draw. module replacement, setup, and programming
1A-75 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0117 or P0118

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0117: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0118: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
ECT Sensor Signal P0117 P0118, P0119 P0118, P01191 P0116
Low Reference — P0118, P0119 P0118, P01191 P0116
1 Sensor or ECM damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop.
Parameter Normal Range:−39°C to 142°C (−38° to 288°F) Varies with coolant temperature.
ECT Sensor Signal 143°C (289°F) −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
Low Reference — −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
1 Internal ECM or ECT sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Circuit Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a P0117
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the The ECM detects that the ECT is more than 140°C
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) (284°F) for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50
supplies 5 volts to the ECT signal circuit and supplies a seconds.
ground to the low reference circuit. P0118
The following table illustrates the difference between The ECM detects that the ECT is less than −42°C (−
temperature, resistance, and voltage: 43.6°F) for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50
ECT Signal seconds. The scan tool is limited to −40°C (−40°F), so
ECT ECT Resistance the diagnostic procedure uses −39°C (−38°F) to
Cold High High determine if there is an ECT condition.
Warm Low Low
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Conditions for Running the DTC DTC P0117 and P0118 are Type B DTCs.
• The engine is operating. Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
DTC P0117 and P0118 are Type B DTCs.
• The start up intake air temperature (IAT) is less than
72°C (161°F).
OR Diagnostic Aids
• The start up intake air temperature (IAT) is greater • Test the ECT sensor at various temperature levels in
than 72°C (161°F). order to evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor can result in a DTC or a driveability
• The engine run time is more than 59 seconds. condition. Refer to “Temperature Versus Resistance -
• The DTC runs continuously once the above conditions Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”.
are met. • If the vehicle has sat overnight, the IAT sensor and
P0118 the ECT sensor values should display within 3°C
• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. (5°F).
• The DTC runs continuously once the above condition
is met.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-76

• After starting a cold engine, the ECT sensor 3. Test for less than 1 volt between the low reference
temperature should rise steadily, then stabilize after circuit terminal 2 and ground.
the thermostat opens. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
• High resistance in the circuits of either the ECT or IAT reference circuit for a short to B+. If the circuit tests
sensor could set a DTC. normal, replace the ECM.
4. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to
Reference Information circuit terminal C2-56 of the ECM.
Schematic Reference 5. Test for less than 5 ohms between the low reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Connector End View Reference
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
Electrical Information Reference 6. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to circuit terminal
• “Circuit Testing: ” C2-56 of the ECM.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
signal circuit is shorted to a voltage and the
• “Wiring Repairs: ” sensor may be damaged.
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type

7. Ignition ON, connect a 3A fused jumper wire
Definitions” between the signal circuit terminal 1 and the low
Scan Tool Reference reference circuit terminal 2. Verify the ECT sensor
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” parameter is greater than 142°C (288°F).
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
(LY7)” circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
(LY7)” ECM.
8. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the ECT
Circuit/System Verification sensor.
Engine idling for 1 minute. Observe the DTC information
with a scan tool. DTCs P0117 and P0118 should not set. Component Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
Circuit/System Testing the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the ECT sensor.
2. Ignition ON, verify that the ECT sensor parameter is
at −40°C (−40°F). A thermometer can be used to test the
sensor off the vehicle.
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the signal
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests 2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor
normal, replace the ECM. temperature while monitoring the sensor resistance.
Compare the readings with the “Temperature Versus
Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”
Do NOT use a test lamp to test the continuity table and verify that the resistance is within 5 percent
of the circuit. Damage to the control module of the specification.
may occur due to excessive current draw. ➢ If not within the specified range, replace the ECT
The control module or the sensor may be Repair Instructions
damaged if the circuit is shorted to B+. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
1A-77 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0119
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC P0119: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Intermittent

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0116, P0118,
ECT Sensor Signal P0117 P01181, P01191 P01161
P0116, P0118,
Low Reference — P01181, P01191 P01161
1 Internal ECM or sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range:−39°C (−38°F) to +142°C (+288°F) Varies with coolant temperature.
ECT Sensor Signal 143°C (289°F) −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
Low Reference — −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)1
1 Internal ECM or ECT sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a DTC P0119 is a Type B DTC.
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
supplies 5 volts to the ECT signal circuit and supplies a DTC P0119 is a Type B DTC.
ground to the low reference circuit. The ECM monitors
the performance of the ECT sensor. If the ECM detects Diagnostic Aids
excessive noise or rapid fluctuations in the ECT signal,
• Test the ECT sensor at various temperature levels in
this DTC sets.
order to evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
The following table illustrates the difference between
skewed sensor can result in a DTC or a driveability
temperature, resistance, and voltage:
condition. Refer to “Temperature Versus Resistance -
ECT Signal Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”.
ECT ECT Resistance
Cold High High • If the vehicle has sat overnight, the IAT sensor and
Warm Low Low the ECT sensor values should display within 3°C
Conditions for Running the DTC • After starting a cold engine, the ECT sensor
• DTCs P0117, P0118, P0125, and P0128 are not set. temperature should rise steadily, then stabilize after
the thermostat opens.
• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
• High resistance on either the ECT sensor signal
• DTC P0119 runs continuously once the above circuit or the ECT sensor low reference circuit could
conditions are met. set a DTC.

Conditions for Setting the DTC Reference Information

• The ECM detects that the ECT changed more than an Schematic Reference
expected value during a calibrated amount of time. “Engine Controls Schematics”
• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or an Connector End View Reference
accumulation of 50 seconds over time. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-78

• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” 3. Test for less than 1 volt between the low reference
Electrical Information Reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
• “Circuit Testing: ” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
• “Connector Repairs: ” reference circuit for a short to B+. If the circuit tests
normal, replace the ECM.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” 4. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to
circuit terminal C2-56 of the ECM.
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference 5. Test for less than 5 ohms between the low reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Definitions” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
Scan Tool Reference reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L 6. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to circuit terminal
(LY7)” C2-56 of the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L NOTE
If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
signal circuit is shorted to a voltage and the
Circuit/System Verification sensor may be damaged.
1. Observe the engine coolant temperature (ECT)

sensor parameter with a scan tool while moving the 7. Ignition ON, connect a 3A fused jumper wire
ECT sensor connector and the engine control between the signal circuit terminal 1 and the low
module (ECM) connector. The ECT sensor reference circuit terminal 2. Verify the scan tool ECT
parameter should not fluctuate while moving the sensor parameter is greater than 142°C (288°F).
related harnesses and connectors. ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
➢ Repair the suspected harness or connection if the circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
ECT parameter fluctuates more than 3°C (5°F) resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
while moving the related harnesses and ECM.
connectors. 8. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the ECT
2. Inspect the engine coolant level. Verify that the sensor.
cooling system is operating correctly.
➢ If you suspect a condition with engine cooling Component Testing
system, refer to “Symptoms - Engine Cooling: ”. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running the intake air temperature (ECT) sensor.
the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the
conditions that you observed from the Freeze NOTE
Frame/Failure Records. DTC P0119 should not set. A thermometer can be used to test the
sensor off the vehicle.
Circuit/System Testing
2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the engine coolant
temperature while monitoring the sensor resistance.
temperature (ECT) sensor.
Compare the readings with the “Temperature Versus
2. Ignition ON, verify that the ECT sensor parameter is Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”
at −40°C (−40°F). table and verify that the resistance is within 5 percent
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal of the specification.
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests ➢ If not within the specified range, replace the ECT
normal, replace the ECM. sensor.
Repair Instructions
Do NOT use a test lamp to test the continuity Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
of the circuit. Damage to the control module Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
may occur due to excessive current draw. procedure.
• “Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
The control module or the sensor may be module replacement, setup, and programming
damaged if the circuit is shorted to B+.
1A-79 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, or P0223

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0121: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1 Performance
DTC P0122: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0123: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0221: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 2 Performance
DTC P0222: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0223: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0121, P0122,
P0123, P0223,
5-Volt Reference P0122, P0222 P0221, P0222, P0121, P0221

P2101, P2119
P2119, P2101
P0121, P0122, P0121, P0221,
TP Sensor Signal 1 P0122 P0123
P2101, P2119 P2119
P0223, P0638,
TP Sensor Signal 2 P0222 P0221, P0223 P0221
P2128, P2138
P0121, P0123,
Low Reference — P0221, P0223, P0123, P02231 P0121, P0221
P2119, P2100
1 Internal ECM or TP sensor damage may occur if the circuit is shorted to B+

Typical Scan Tool Data

TP Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: The engine is operating in closed loop
Parameter Normal Range: TP Position Sensor 5%/4.2 Volts
113%/TP 1 4.98, TP 2,
5-Volt Reference 124%/0.0 Volts 7%/0.0 Volts
4.50 Volts
TP Sensor Signal 1 4%/0.00 Volts 7%/0.00 Volts 7%/0.00 Volts
TP Sensor Signal 2 4%/0.00 Volts 4%/4.98 Volts 27%/4.98 Volts
Low Reference — 0%/4.98 Volts —
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-80

Circuit/System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The throttle body assembly contains 2 throttle position • DTCs P0121 and P0221 are Type B DTCs.
(TP) sensors. The TP sensors are mounted to the
• DTCs P0122, P0123, P0222, and P0223 are Type A
throttle body assembly and are not serviceable. The TP
sensors provide a signal voltage that changes relative to
throttle blade angle. The engine control module (ECM)
supplies the TP sensors with a common 5-volt reference Conditions for Clearing the DTC
circuit, a common low reference circuit, and two • DTCs P0121 and P0221 are Type B DTCs.
independent signal circuits. The TP sensors have • DTCs P0122, P0123, P0222, and P0223 are Type A
opposite functionality. TP sensor 1 signal voltage DTCs.
increases from below 1 volt at idle to above 4 volts at
wide open throttle (WOT). TP sensor 2 signal voltage Diagnostic Aids
decreases from above 4 volts at idle to below 1 volt at If there is a condition with the TP sensors the ECM
WOT. defaults to reduced power mode for the entire ignition
cycle, even if the condition is corrected.
Conditions for Running the DTC
P0121 Reference Information
• The ignition voltage is more than 7 volts. Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics”
• The TP sensor 1 voltage is between 0.18-4.6 volts.
Connector End View Reference
• DTC P0121 runs continuously once the above
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”

conditions are met.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
P0122, P0123, P0222, and P0223
Electrical Information Reference
• The ignition is ON, with the engine OFF, or the engine
• “Circuit Testing: ”
is operating.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• The ignition voltage is more than 7 volts.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
• DTC P0122 runs continuously once the above
Connections: ”
conditions are met.
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
• The ignition voltage is more than 7 volts. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The TP sensor 2 voltage is between 0.16-4.9 volts. Definitions”
• DTC P0221 runs continuously once the above Scan Tool Reference
conditions are met. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Setting the DTC (LY7)”
P0121 • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
The TP sensor 1 disagrees more than 6 percent from TP (LY7)”
sensor 2 for greater than 0.14 second, and TP sensor 1
disagrees more than 9 percent from the predicted value
for greater than 0.24 second.
The ECM detects the TP sensor 1 signal voltage is less
than 0.18 volt for greater than 0.14 second.
The ECM detects the TP sensor 1 signal voltage is more
than 4.6 volts for greater than 0.14 second.
The TP sensor 1 disagrees more than 6 percent from TP
sensor 2 for greater than 0.14 second, and TP sensor 2
disagrees more than 9 percent from the predicted value
for greater than 0.24 second.
The ECM detects the TP sensor 2 signal voltage is less
than 0.16 volt for greater than 0.14 second.
The ECM detects the TP sensor 2 signal voltage is
greater than 4.9 volts for greater than 0.14 second.
1A-81 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Verification ➢ If less than the specified range, test the 5-volt
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/
scan tool. DTC P0698 or P0699 should not be set. high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace
the ECM.
➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “DTC P0698 or P0699”.
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the 5-volt
2. Clear the DTC Info with a scan tool.
reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit
3. Start the engine, observe the scan tool TP Sensor 1 tests normal, replace the ECM.
and 2 voltage parameters. TP sensor 1 should be
6. Ignition ON, verify that the scan tool TP sensor 1
between 0.17-4.6 volts and TP sensor 2 should be
voltage parameter is less than 0.3 volt.
between 0.15-4.8 volts.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
4. Observe the scan tool TP sensor 1 and 2 parameters
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests
while performing the following tests:
normal, replace the ECM.
– Rapidly depress the accelerator pedal from the
7. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the 5 volt
rest position to the wide open throttle position
reference circuit terminal E and the TP sensor 1
(WOT) and release pedal. Repeat the procedure
signal circuit terminal D. Verify the scan tool TP
several times.
sensor 1 voltage parameter is greater than 4.89
– Slowly depress the accelerator pedal to WOT and volts.
then slowly return the pedal to closed throttle.
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
Repeat the procedure several times.
circuit for an open/high resistance or for a short to
The TP sensor 1 and 2 parameter should display
ground. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.

8. Verify the scan tool TP sensor 2 voltage parameter is
5. Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool. DTCs
greater than 4.97 volts.
P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, and P0223
should not set. ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests
normal, replace the ECM.
Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to NOTE
terminal C2-56 of the ECM. If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
2. Disconnect the throttle body harness connector. signal circuit is shorted to a voltage.
NOTE 9. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the TP
The control module or the sensor may be sensor 2 signal circuit terminal F and the low
damaged if the circuit is shorted to battery reference circuit terminal C. Verify the TP sensor 2
positive voltage. voltage parameter is less than 0.10 volt.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
3. Test for 5 ohms or less between the low reference circuit for an open/high resistance or for a short to
circuit terminal C and ground. voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low 10. If all circuits test normal, replace the throttle body
reference circuit for a short to voltage or an open/ assembly.
high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace
the ECM. Repair Instructions
4. Install fuse that supplies B+ to terminal C2-56 of the Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
ECM. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
5. Ignition ON, load test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the procedure.
test lamp probe connected to the 5-volt reference • “Throttle Body Assembly Replacement: ”
circuit terminal E and ground.
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
NOTE module replacement, setup, and programming
The 5-volt reference circuits are internally
and externally connected at the ECM. Other
component DTCs may be set. If other DTCs
are set, review the electrical schematic and
diagnose the applicable circuits and
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-82

DTC P0125 or P0128 Conditions for Setting the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions P0125
The actual ECT is not within 10°C (18°F) of the
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
calculated ECT after 2-5 minutes, which depends on the
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
amount of air flow into the engine after start-up.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach. • The ECM detects that the actual coolant temperature
is 10°C (18°F) less than the calculated coolant
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. • The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or for a
cumulative of 50 seconds.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0125: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Insufficient for Closed Loop DTCs P0125 and P0128 are Type B DTCs.
DTC P0128: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Below
Thermostat Regulating Temperature Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
DTCs P0125 and P0128 are Type B DTCs.
Circuit Description
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the Diagnostic Aids
temperature of the engine coolant for engine control and An engine that soaks for about 8 hours will help

as an enabling criteria for some diagnostics. The amount diagnosis the condition. After the cold soak, operate the
of air flow into an engine is proportional to the amount of vehicle at highway speeds for 20 minutes while
heat an engine generates. The ECM monitors the monitoring the Calculated ECT - Thermostat parameter
amount of air flow into the engine to calculate engine with a scan tool. If there is a condition, the calculated
coolant temperature (ECT). The ECM uses the temperature will be 10°C (18°F) more then the actual
calculated temperature to determine if the engine has engine coolant temperature.
warmed up to the closed loop temperature or to the
thermostat regulating temperature. If the coolant Reference Information
temperature does not increase normally or does not Schematic Reference
reach the closed loop temperature, diagnostics that use “Engine Controls Schematics”
the ECT as enabling criteria, may not run when Connector End View Reference
expected. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical Information Reference
P0125 • “Circuit Testing: ”
• DTCs P0112, P0113, P0117, P0118, P0480, P0481, • “Connector Repairs: ”
P0691, P0692, P0693, and P0694 are not set.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
• The engine is operating. Connections: ”
P0128 • “Wiring Repairs: ”
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0128 failed, DTC DTC Type Reference
P0117 must run and pass. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, Definitions”
P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0722, or Scan Tool Reference
P0723 are not set. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• The engine speed is more than 960 RPM. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The ECT is less than 71°C (160°F) at start up. (LY7)”
• The calculated ambient air temperature is more than − • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
11°C (−12°F) and less than 70°C (158°F). (LY7)”
• The vehicle speed is more than 15 km/h (9 mph).
• The air flow coming into the engine has accumulated
to more than 3,000 grams.
• DTC P0128 runs continuously once the above
conditions have been met for approximately 15
1A-83 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Verification 3. Ignition ON, using a scan tool verify that the ECT
1. Verify that the engine coolant level is correct. sensor parameter is at −40°C (−40°F).
➢ If the engine coolant is not at the correct level, refer ➢ If greater than −40°C (−40°F), test the signal circuit
to “Loss of Coolant: ”. for a short to ground. If the circuit/connections test
normal, replace the ECM.
2. Verify that the engine coolant temperature is at the
normal operating temperature. NOTE
➢ If the engine coolant temperature is below normal If the fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
operating temperature, refer to “Thermostat signal circuit is shorted to a voltage and the
Diagnosis: ”. ECT sensor may be damaged.
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running
the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the 4. Install a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the signal
conditions that you observed from the Freeze circuit terminal 1and the low reference circuit
Frame/Failure Records. DTC P0125 or P0128 terminal 2. Verify the ECT sensor parameter is
should not set. greater than 142°C (288°F).
4. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions circuit for an open/high resistance or for a short to
for running the DTC. You may also operate the voltage. If the circuit/connections test normal,
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the replace the ECM.
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List. 5. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the ECT

Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at Component Testing
the ECT sensor. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
the ECT sensor.
Do NOT use a test lamp to test the continuity
of the circuit. Damage to the control module A thermometer can be used to the used to
may occur due to excessive current draw. test the sensor off the vehicle.

NOTE 2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor

temperature while monitoring the sensor resistance.
The control module or the sensor may be Compare the readings with the “Temperature Versus
damaged if the circuit is shorted to battery Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor”
positive voltage. table and verify that the resistance is within 5 percent
of the specification.
2. Test for less than 5 ohms of resistance between the
low reference circuit terminal 2 and ground. ➢ If the resistance vs. temperature is not within 5
percent, replace the ECT sensor.
➢ If greater than 5 ohms, test the low reference circuit
for a short to voltage or an open/high resistance. If
Repair Instructions
the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-84

DTC P0131 or P0151

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0131: HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0151: HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0133, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138 P0140
P0153, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158 P0160

P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

HO2S 1 or 2
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 445-450 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 445-480 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel • DTCs P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0201, P0202,
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206 P0261, P0262, P0264,
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274,
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine P0276, and P0277 are not set.
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10.5 volts.
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module • The engine is operating for more than 1 second.
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) during the
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats previous ignition cycle was more than 60°C (140°F).
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- • The ECT at startup is less than 40°C (104°F).
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below • The HO2S heater is active for more than 5 seconds.
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed • The calculated exhaust temperature is less than
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S 800°C (1,472°F).
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S • DTC P0131 and P0151 run continuously once the
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000 conditions above exist.
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a
lean fuel mixture.
The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
1A-85 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTC Circuit/System Testing

• The ECM detects that a primary HO2S voltage is less 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
than 60 mV while the corresponding secondary HO2S the appropriate HO2S sensor.
voltage is greater than 500 mV. 2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S voltage parameter
• The ECM detects that a primary HO2S voltage is less is between 350-500 mV.
than 60 mV after a cold start with the engine coolant ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
temperature (ECT) less than 40°C (104°F). circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit/
• Either condition exists for more than 4 seconds, or a connections test normal, replace the ECM.
cumulative of 50 seconds. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
Action Taken when the DTC Sets connections test normal, replace the ECM.
DTCs P0131 and P0151 are Type B DTCs. 3. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
circuit terminal B and ground. Verify the HO2S
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC voltage parameter is less than 60 mV.
DTCs P0131 and P0151 are Type B DTCs. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
Reference Information connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Schematic Reference
4. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
“Engine Controls Schematics”
circuit terminal B and the low reference circuit
Connector End View Reference
terminal A. Verify the HO2S voltage parameter is

• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” less than 60 mV.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
Electrical Information Reference reference circuit for an open/high resistance or for a
• “Circuit Testing: ” short to voltage. If the circuit/connections test
• “Connector Repairs: ” normal, replace the ECM.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor 5. Verify that the following conditions do not exist:
Connections: ” – Lean fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
• “Wiring Repairs: ” Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
DTC Type Reference Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type – Low fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
Definitions” Diagnosis: ”.
Scan Tool Reference – Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
(LY7)” (w/ Special Tool): ”.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L – Exhaust leaks near the HO2S
(LY7)” – Engine vacuum leaks
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
Circuit/System Verification necessary.
1. Engine idling, observe the HO2S voltage parameter. 6. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
The voltage should fluctuate above and below the HO2S sensor.
range of 350-550 mV.
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification Repair Instructions
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
for running the DTC. You may also operate the Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the procedure.
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Sensor 1: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 1: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-86

DTC P0132 or P0152

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0132: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0152: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0133, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138 P0140
P0153, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158 P0160

P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

HO2S 1 or 2
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 445-450 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 445-480 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel • DTCs P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0201, P0202,
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206 P0261, P0262, P0264,
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274,
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine P0276, and P0277 are not set.
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10.5 volts.
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module • The engine is operating for more than 1 second.
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of • The HO2S heater is active for more than 5 seconds.
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats • The calculated exhaust temperature is less than
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- 800°C (1,472°F).
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below • DTC P0132 and P0152 run continuously once the
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage conditions above exist.
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a
lean fuel mixture.
The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
1A-87 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTC Circuit/System Testing

The ECM detects that a primary HO2S voltage is greater 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
than 1,080 mV for greater than 4 seconds or for a the appropriate HO2S sensor.
cumulative 50 seconds.
2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S voltage parameter
is between 350-500 mV.
Action Taken when the DTC Sets
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
DTCs P0132 and P0152 are Type B DTCs.
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
DTCs P0132 and P0152 are Type B DTCs. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference 3. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
“Engine Controls Schematics” circuit terminal B and ground. Verify the HO2S
voltage parameter is less than 60 mV.
Connector End View Reference
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Electrical Information Reference 4. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
• “Circuit Testing: ” circuit terminal B and the low reference circuit
terminal A. Verify the HO2S voltage parameter is

• “Connector Repairs: ”
less than 60 mV.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance or for a
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
short to voltage. If the circuit/connections test
DTC Type Reference
normal, replace the ECM.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” 5. Verify that the following conditions do not exist:
Scan Tool Reference – Leaking fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
– High fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
Diagnosis: ”.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
– Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
Circuit/System Verification (w/ Special Tool): ”.
1. Engine idling, observe the HO2S voltage parameter. – Restricted exhaust.
The voltage should fluctuate above and below the
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
range of 350-550 mV.
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
6. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
HO2S sensor.
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List. Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Sensor 1: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 1: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-88

DTC P0133 or P0153

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0133: HO2S Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0153: HO2S Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 1

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0133, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138 P0140
P0153, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152

HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158 P0160
P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Circuit Description Conditions for Running the DTCs

The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel • Before the ECM can report that DTC P0133 or P0153
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares failed, DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051,
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the P0052, P0135, and P0155 must run and pass.
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine
• DTCs P0036, P0037, P0038, P0057, P0058, P0137,
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop
P0138, P0140, P0141, P0157, P0158, P0160, P0161,
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while
P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306,
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module
P0442, P0443, P0455, P0458, P0459, P2096, P2097,
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of
P2098, P2099, P2177, P2178, P2179, P2088, P2089,
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats
P2090, P2231, P2232, P2234, P2235, P2270, P2271,
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0-
P2272, and P2273 are not set.
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage • The engine speed is 1,800-2,400 RPM.
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed • The primary HO2S is in closed loop.
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S • The engine load is 40-70 percent.
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S
• The exhaust gas temperature is greater than 350°C
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a • The evaporative purge (EVAP) solenoid is
lean fuel mixture. commanded OFF or ON for greater than 10 seconds.
The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor • DTC P0133 and P0153 run continuously once the
to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This conditions above exist.
allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
1A-89 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTCs Circuit/System Testing

The ECM determines that the length of time for a primary 1. Verify that none of the following conditions exist:
HO2S to switch from lean to rich and back to lean, which
– Lean or rich fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
is called a switching cycle, has exceeded a
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
predetermined threshold. The condition exists for 3
Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
cycles out of a 20 cycle test sample.
– Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector
Action Taken when the DTCs Set – HO2S wiring harness damage
DTCs P0133 and P0153 are Type B DTCs. – Incorrect RTV sealant
– Low or high fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTCs System Diagnosis: ”.
DTCs P0133 and P0153 are Type B DTCs. – Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
Reference Information Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
Schematic Reference (w/ Special Tool): ”.
“Engine Controls Schematics” – Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission
Connector End View Reference (EVAP) canister
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” – Exhaust leaks near the HO2S
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” – Engine vacuum leaks
Electrical Information Reference
– Engine oil consumption

• “Circuit Testing: ”
– Engine coolant consumption
• “Connector Repairs: ”
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor necessary.
Connections: ”
2. If all conditions test normal, replace the appropriate
• “Wiring Repairs: ” HO2S.
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Scan Tool Reference
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” procedure.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
(LY7)” Sensor 1: ”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
(LY7)” Sensor 1: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
Circuit/System Verification module replacement, setup, and programming
1. Verify that other DTCs are not set.
➢ If any other DTCs are set, refer to “Diagnostic
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”.
2. Engine idling, observe the HO2S voltage parameter.
The voltage should fluctuate above and below the
range of 350-550 mV.
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running
the DTC. DTCs P0133 and P0153 should not set.
4. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-90

DTC P0134 or P0154

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0134: HO2S Circuit Insufficient Activity Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0154: HO2S Circuit Insufficient Activity Bank 2 Sensor 1

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0133, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138 P0140
P0153, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158 P0160

P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

Bank 1 or 2 HO2S 1
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 445-450 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 445-480 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description Conditions for Running the DTCs

The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel • DTCs P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0201, P0202,
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264,
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274,
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine P0276, and P0277 are not set.
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10.5 volts.
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module • The engine is operating for more than 1 second.
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of • The HO2S heater is active for more than 25 seconds.
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats • The HO2S is at operating temperature for more than
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- 30 seconds.
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below • The primary HO2S heater duty cycle is greater than
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage 68 percent.
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S • The calculated exhaust temperature is between 600-
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S 800°C (1112-1472°F).
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000 • DTCs P0134 and P0154 run continuously once the
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that conditions above exist for more than 5 seconds.
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a
lean fuel mixture.
The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
1A-91 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTCs Circuit/System Verification

• A primary HO2S voltage is between 400-600 mV. 1. Engine idling, observe the HO2S voltage parameter.
• The calculated internal resistance of a primary HO2S The voltage should fluctuate above and below the
is greater than 20,000 ohms when the calculated range of 350-550 mV.
exhaust temperature is greater than 600°C (1112°F). 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
• A corresponding primary and secondary HO2S are test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
greater than 200 mV during a decel fuel cut-off. for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
• DTC P0134 or P0154 set if any of the conditions
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
above exist for greater than 4 seconds or for a
cumulative of 50 seconds.
Circuit/System Testing
Action Taken when the DTC Sets 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
DTCs P0134 and P0154 are Type B DTCs. the appropriate HO2S.
2. Ignition ON, test for B+ on the HO2S ignition voltage
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC circuit terminal C of the HO2S harness connector.
DTCs P0134 and P0154 are Type B DTCs. ➢ If less than the specified value, repair the ignition
voltage circuit for an open/high resistance.
Reference Information 3. Ignition OFF, connect a test lamp between the heater
Schematic Reference control circuit terminal D and B+.
“Engine Controls Schematics” 4. Idle the engine, and verify the test lamp illuminates

Connector End View Reference or flashes with bright intensity.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” ➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, test the control
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
Electrical Information Reference connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Circuit Testing: ” 5. Ignition ON, verify that the applicable HO2S voltage
• “Connector Repairs: ” parameter is between 350-500 mV.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
Connections: ” circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit/
• “Wiring Repairs: ” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
DTC Type Reference ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
Definitions” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Scan Tool Reference 6. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” circuit terminal B and ground. Verify the HO2S
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L voltage parameter is less than 60 mV.
(LY7)” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
(LY7)” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
7. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
circuit terminal B and the low reference circuit
terminal A. Verify the HO2S voltage parameter is
less than 60 mV.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance or for a
short to voltage. If the circuit/connections test
normal, replace the ECM.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-92

8. Verify that none of the following conditions exist: – Engine vacuum leaks
– The HO2S is loose ➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
– Lean or rich fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector necessary.
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector 9. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
Balance Test with Tech 2: ”. applicable HO2S.
– Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector Repair Instructions
– Low or high fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
System Diagnosis: ”. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
– Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis Sensor 1: ”
(w/ Special Tool): ”. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
– Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission Sensor 1: ”
(EVAP) canister • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
– Exhaust leaks near the HO2S module replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0135, P0141, P0155, or P0161

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.

• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0135: HO2S Heater Performance Bank 1 Sensor 1
DTC P0141: HO2S Heater Performance Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0155: HO2S Heater Performance Bank 2 Sensor 1
DTC P0161: HO2S Heater Performance Bank 2 Sensor 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0010, P0013,
P0023, P0030,
P0031, P0050,
P0030, P0031,
Ignition Voltage Supply - Primary HO2S P0051, P0134, — —
P0050, P0051
P0135, P0154,
P0155, P0458,
P0036, P0037,
P0056, P0057,
P0036, P0037,
Ignition Voltage Supply - Secondary HO2S P0140, P0160, — —
P0056, P0057
P0645, P0646,
P0691, P0693
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Heater Control P0031 P0030, P0134 P0032 P0135
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Heater Control P0037 P0036, P0140 P0038 P0141
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Heater Control P0051 P0050, P0154 P0052 P0155
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Heater Control P0057 P0056, P0160 P0058 P0161
1A-93 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit Description • The engine is operating.

The heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) heater reduces the • The ignition voltage is 10.5-18.1 volts.
time required for the oxygen sensor to reach operating • The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than −30°C
temperature and maintains the operating temperature (−22°F).
during extended idle periods. When the ignition is turned
to the ON position, ignition voltage is supplied directly to • After the previous ignition cycle the engine OFF time
the sensor heater. The engine control module (ECM) was greater than 2 minutes.
controls the heater operation by first modulating the • The calculated exhaust temperature is 360-500°C
control circuit to ground when the sensors are cold. This (680-932°F).
prevents the possibility of thermal shock to the sensor, • The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DFCO).
from condensation build-up on the sensor, by controlling • The internal HO2S resistance is less than 10,000
the sensor's rate of heating. After a predetermined ohms.
amount of time, the ECM commands the heaters ON
• DTCs P0141 and P0161 run continuously once the
continuously. Once the sensor reaches operating
above conditions are met for approximately 100
temperature, the ECM may modulate the heater control
circuit to ground to maintain a desired temperature. The
ECM controls the heater by grounding the control circuit
with a solid state device called a driver. The driver is Conditions for Setting the DTC
equipped with a feedback circuit that is pulled up to The ECM detects that the internal resistance of a
voltage. The ECM can determine if the control circuit is primary or secondary HO2S heater is not within the
open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a voltage by expected range for more than 4 seconds or for a
cumulative of 50 seconds.

monitoring the feedback voltage.

Conditions for Running the DTC Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0135, P0141, P0155, and P0161 are Type B
P0135 or P0155
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0135 or P0155
failed, P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051, and Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
P0052 must run and pass.
DTCs P0135, P0141, P0155, and P0161 are Type B
• DTCs P0131, P0132, P0134, P0151, P0152, and DTCs.
P0154 are not set.
• The engine is operating. Reference Information
• The ignition voltage is 10.5-18.1 volts. Schematic Reference
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than −30°C “Engine Controls Schematics”
(−22°F). Connector End View Reference
• After the previous ignition cycle the engine OFF time • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
was greater than 2 minutes. • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
• The calculated exhaust temperature is less than Electrical Information Reference
500°C (932°F). • “Circuit Testing: ”
• The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DFCO). • “Connector Repairs: ”
• The HO2S is at operating temperature for greater • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
than 10 seconds. Connections: ”
• The internal HO2S resistance is less than 10,000 • “Wiring Repairs: ”
ohms. DTC Type Reference
• DTCs P0135 and P0155 run continuously once the “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
above conditions are met for approximately 100 Definitions”
seconds. Scan Tool Reference
P0141 or P0161 • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0141 or P0161 • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
failed, DTCs P0036, P0037, P0038, P0056, P0057, (LY7)”
and P0058 must run and pass. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• DTCs P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158, or (LY7)”
P0160 are not set.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-94

Circuit/System Verification Component Testing

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
the appropriate HO2S.
It may take up to 8 minutes for the DTC to set.
2. Test the HO2S heater resistance for 3-35 ohms.
1. With the engine at normal operating temperature, ➢ If the resistance is out of the specified range,
operate the engine above 1,200 RPM for 2 minutes replace the HO2S.
and then allow the engine to idle. DTCs P0135,
P0141, P0155, or P0161 should not set. Repair Instructions
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
for running the DTC. You may also operate the procedure.
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List. Sensor 1: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Circuit/System Testing Sensor 2: ”
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
the appropriate HO2S. Sensor 1: ”
2. Ignition ON, test for B+ on the HO2S ignition voltage • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
circuit terminal C of the HO2S harness connector. Sensor 2: ”
➢ If less than the specified value, repair the ignition

• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
voltage circuit of the HO2S heater for a short to module replacement, setup, and programming
ground or an open/high resistance.
3. Ignition OFF, connect a test lamp between the heater
control circuit terminal D and B+.
➢ If test lamp illuminates, test the heater control
circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
4. Idle the engine, and verify the test lamp illuminates
or flashes with bright intensity.
➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, test the control
circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.

The control circuit for the HO2S heater is
pulled-up to voltage within the ECM, 2.0-3.0
volts on the control circuit is normal.

5. Ignition ON, test for 2.0-3.0 volts between the control

circuit terminal D and ground.
➢ If not within the specified range, test the control
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
6. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
the HO2S.
1A-95 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158, or P0160

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0137: HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0138: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0140: HO2S Circuit Insufficient Activity Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P0157: HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2
DTC P0158: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2
DTC P0160: HO2S Circuit Insufficient Activity Bank 2 Sensor 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0133, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132

HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138 P0140
P0153, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158 P0160
P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

Bank 1 or 2 HO2S 2
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop.
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV.
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 400-455 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 400-455 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop Conditions for Running the DTCs
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while P0137 and P0157
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module
• DTCs P0117, P0118, P0125, and P0128 are not set.
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats • The HO2S heater is at operating temperature.
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- • The engine is operating for greater than 1 second.
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below • The ignition voltage is more than 10.5 volts.
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage
• The engine coolant temperature is less than 40°C
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed
(104°F) at start-up and the engine coolant
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S
temperature was more than 60°C (140°F) when the
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S
ignition was turned OFF last ignition cycle.
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that • The calculated exhaust temperature is between 250-
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a 800°C (482-1,472°F) for more than 90 seconds.
lean fuel mixture. • DTCs P0137 and P0157 run continuously once the
above conditions are met.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-96

P0138, P0140, P0158, and P0160 Scan Tool Reference

• The HO2S heater is at operating temperature. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• The engine is operating for greater than 1 second. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The ignition voltage is more than 10.5 volts. (LY7)”
• The calculated exhaust temperature is between 250- • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
800°C (482-1,472°F) for more than 90 seconds. (LY7)”
• DTCs P0138 and P0158 run continuously once the
above conditions are met for greater than 5 seconds. Circuit/System Verification
• DTCs P0140 and P0160 run continuously once the 1. With the engine running, observe the heated oxygen
above conditions are met for greater than 60 seconds. sensor (HO2S) voltage parameter. The reading
should fluctuate above and below the range of 350-
550 mV.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P0137 or P0157 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
The ECM detects that a secondary HO2S signal voltage Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
is less than 60 mV for greater than 4 seconds of for a for running the DTC. You may also operate the
cumulative of 50 seconds. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
P0138 or P0158 Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
The ECM detects that the HO2S signal voltage is more
than 1,080 mV for greater than 4 seconds or for a Circuit/System Testing
cumulative of 50 seconds. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at

P0140 or P0160 the appropriate HO2S.
• The ECM detects that the HO2S voltage is between 2. Ignition ON, verify that the applicable HO2S voltage
401-519 mV. parameter is between 350-500 mV.
• The ECM detects that the measured internal ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
resistance of the HO2S is greater than 40,000 ohms, circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit/
when the calculated exhaust temperature is greater connections test normal, replace the ECM.
than 600°C (1,112°F). ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
• Either condition exists for greater than 4 seconds or circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
for a cumulative of 50 seconds. connections test normal, replace the ECM.
3. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
Action Taken when the DTC Sets circuit terminal B and ground. Verify the HO2S
DTCs P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158, and P0160 voltage parameter is less than 60 mV.
are Type B DTCs. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit/
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC connections test normal, replace the ECM.
DTCs P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158, and P0160 4. Connect a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
are Type B DTCs. circuit terminal B and the low reference circuit
terminal A. Verify the HO2S voltage parameter is
Reference Information less than 60 mV.
Schematic Reference ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low
“Engine Controls Schematics” reference circuit for an open/high resistance or for a
Connector End View Reference short to voltage. If the circuit/connections test
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” normal, replace the ECM.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” 5. Verify that the following conditions do not exist:
Electrical Information Reference – Lean, rich, or leaking fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel
• “Circuit Testing: ” Injector Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel
• “Connector Repairs: ” Injector Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor – A fuel pressure that is too low or too high—Refer
Connections: ” to“Fuel System Diagnosis: ”.
• “Wiring Repairs: ” – Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
DTC Type Reference Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
Definitions” (w/ Special Tool): ”.
– Evidence of water intrusion into the electrical
connector of the HO2S
1A-97 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

– The HO2S is loose Repair Instructions

– Exhaust leaks near the HO2S Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
– Engine vacuum leaks Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
necessary. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Sensor 1: ”
6. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
HO2S sensor. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 2: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268,
P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274, P0276, or P0277
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0201: Injector 1 Control Circuit
DTC P0202: Injector 2 Control Circuit
DTC P0203: Injector 3 Control Circuit
DTC P0204: Injector 4 Control Circuit
DTC P0205: Injector 5 Control Circuit
DTC P0206: Injector 6 Control Circuit
DTC P0261: Injector 1 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0262: Injector 1 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0264: Injector 2 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0265: Injector 2 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0267: Injector 3 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0268: Injector 3 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0270: Injector 4 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0271: Injector 4 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0273: Injector 5 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0274: Injector 5 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0276: Injector 6 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0277: Injector 6 Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0201, P0202, P0201, P0202,
Ignition 1 Voltage P0203, P0204, P0203, P0204, — —
P0205, P0206 P0205, P0206
Injector 1 Control Circuit P0261 P0201 P0262 —
Injector 2 Control Circuit P0264 P0202 P0265 —
Injector 3 Control Circuit P0267 P0203 P0268 —
Injector 4 Control Circuit P0270 P0204 P0271 —
Injector 5 Control Circuit P0273 P0205 P0274 —
Injector 6 Control Circuit P0276 P0206 P0277 —
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-98

Circuit/System Description Reference Information

The control module enables the appropriate fuel injector Schematic Reference
on the intake stroke for each cylinder. Ignition voltage is “Engine Controls Schematics”
supplied directly to the fuel injectors. The control module Connector End View Reference
controls each fuel injector by grounding the control • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
circuit with a solid state device called a driver. The
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
control module monitors the status of each driver. Each
Electrical Information Reference
driver has a feedback voltage circuit which the engine
control module (ECM) monitors. The injector control • “Circuit Testing: ”
circuits are pulled-up to voltage within the ECM. The • “Connector Repairs: ”
ECM can determine if a control circuit is open, shorted to • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the Connections: ”
feedback voltage. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM. Definitions”
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts. Scan Tool Reference
• The injector has been commanded ON and OFF at • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
least once. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions (LY7)”

are met. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, or P0206 Circuit/System Verification
The ECM detects the injector control circuit is open for 1. Observe the Misfire Current Counters with a scan
greater than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 tool. The Misfire Current Counters should not be
seconds. incrementing
P0261, P0264, P0267, P0270, P0273, or P0276
2. Engine operating, observe the DTC information with
The ECM detects the injector control circuit is shorted to
a scan tool. DTCs P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
ground for greater than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of
P0205, P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265,
50 seconds.
P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274,
P0262, P0265, P0268, P0271, P0274, or P0277
P0276, and P0277 should not set.
The ECM detects the injector control circuit is shorted to
voltage for greater than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of
50 seconds. Circuit/System Testing
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Disconnecting the multi-way harness
DTCs P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206,
connector causes DTCs P0201-P0206 fuel
P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270,
injector circuit open DTCs to set.
P0271, P0273, P0274, P0276, and P0277 are Type B
DTCs. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the fuel injector multi-way
harness connector.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
2. Ignition ON, connect a test lamp between the
DTCs P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206,
appropriate ignition voltage supply circuit on the
P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270,
ECM side of the multi-way connector and ground.
P0271, P0273, P0274, P0276, and P0277 are Type B
Verify that the test lamp illuminates.
Diagnostic Aids The ignition voltage circuits supply voltage to
• Performing the fuel injector coil test may help isolate other components. Make sure you test all
an intermittent condition. Refer to “Fuel Injector circuits for a short to ground or test all
Solenoid Coil Test: ”. components for being shorted that share the
• If the condition is intermittent, move the related ignition circuit.
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
while monitoring the circuit status for the component ➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate and the fuse is
with a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes open, repair the appropriate ignition circuit for a
from OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a short to ground between the corresponding fuel
condition with the circuit or a connection. injectors and the fuse. Replace the fuse.
1A-99 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate and the fuse is 13. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
OK, repair the ignition voltage circuit for an open/ the appropriate fuel injector(s).
high resistance between the multi-way connector
and the fuse. Component Testing
3. Connect a test lamp between the appropriate 1. Measure for 12-16 ohms of resistance between the
injector control circuit, ECM side of the multi-way terminals of the fuel injector.
harness connector, and B+. The test lamp should not ➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
illuminate. replace the fuel injector.
➢ If the test lamp illuminates, test the control circuit
for a short to ground. If circuit/connections test Repair Instructions
normal, replace the ECM. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
4. Connect a test lamp between the appropriate Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
injector control circuit, ECM side of the multi-way procedure.
harness connector, and ground. The test lamp • “Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement: ”
should not illuminate.
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
➢ If the test lamp illuminates, test the control circuit module replacement, setup, and programming
for a short to voltage. If circuit/connections test
normal, replace the ECM.
DTC P0300-P0306
5. Ignition ON, test for 2.6-4.6 volts between the
appropriate injector control circuit, ECM side of the Diagnostic Instructions

multi-way connector, and ground. • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
➢ If the voltage is not within the specified range, test Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
the control circuit for an open/high resistance. If the procedure.
circuit/connections test normal, replace the ECM. • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
6. Remove the upper intake manifold. Refer to “Upper of the diagnostic approach.
Intake Manifold Replacement: ”. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
7. Disconnect the fuel injector connectors. Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.
8. Test for continuity between the ignition voltage
circuit(s) and the appropriate fuel injector control
circuit, at the fuel injector side of the multi-way
DTC Descriptors
harness connector, the DMM should display OL. DTC P0300: Engine Misfire Detected
DTC P0301: Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
➢ If less than OL repair the short between the ignition DTC P0302: Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
voltage circuit and the control circuit. DTC P0303: Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
9. Test for less than 1 ohm of resistance in the DTC P0304: Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
appropriate ignition voltage circuit, between the DTC P0305: Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected
injector connector(s) and the multi-way connector. DTC P0306: Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected
➢ If more than 1 ohm repair the open/high resistance
in the ignition voltage circuit. Circuit/System Description
10. Test for less than 1 ohm of resistance in the The engine control module (ECM) uses information from
suspected control circuit, between the injector the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor and the camshaft
connector and the multi-way connector. position (CMP) sensors in order to determine when an
➢ If more than 1 ohm repair the open/high resistance engine misfire is occurring. By monitoring variations in
in the fuel injector control circuit. the crankshaft rotation speed for each cylinder, the ECM
is able to detect individual misfire events. A misfire rate
11. Test for continuity between appropriate fuel injector that is high enough can cause 3-way catalytic converter
control circuit and ground. The DMM should display damage. The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) will flash
OL. ON and OFF when the conditions for catalytic converter
➢ If less than OL repair the short to ground in the fuel damage are present. DTCs P0301 through P0306
injector control circuit. correspond to cylinders 1 through 6. If the ECM is able to
12. Test for continuity between the suspected fuel determine that a specific cylinder is misfiring, the DTC
injector control circuit and all the other control for that cylinder will set.
circuits of the fuel injectors. The DMM should display
➢ If less than OL is measured between any of the
control circuits, repair the wire to wire short
between those circuits.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-100

Conditions for Running the DTC Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223, DTCs P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305,
P0335, P0336, or P0338 are not set. and P0306 are Type A (MIL flashing) or Type B1 DTCs.
• The engine speed is between 420-7,000 RPM and
steady. Diagnostic Aids
• The engine run time is more than 45 seconds. • A misfire DTC could be caused by an excessive
vibration from sources other than the engine. Inspect
• The evaporative emissions (EVAP) leak detection is
for the following possible sources:
not active.
– A tire or wheel that is out of round or out of balance
• The delivered torque signal is more than 10 percent at
idle. – Variable thickness brake rotors
• The delivered torque signal is between 9-30 percent – An unbalanced drive shaft
with the transmission in drive. – Certain rough road conditions
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is more than −30°C – Transmission operation
(−22°F). – A damaged accessory drive component or belt
• The A/C compressor clutch is not changing states. • High resistance in the circuits of the injectors could set
• The torque management is not active. a misfire DTC without setting an injector DTC. Test the
• The antilock brake system/traction control system injector circuits of the affected cylinder(s) for a high
(ABS/TCS) is not active. resistance if you suspect a condition.
• The ECM is not receiving a rough road signal.

Reference Information
• The fuel level is more than 12 percent. Schematic Reference
• The ECM is not in fuel cut-off or decel fuel cut-off “Engine Controls Schematics”
mode. Connector End View Reference
• The throttle angle is steady. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• DTCs P0300 through P0306 run continuously when • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
the above conditions exist for at least 1000 engine Electrical Information Reference
revolutions. • “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P0300 • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
The ECM detects a crankshaft rotation speed variation Connections: ”
indicating a misfire rate sufficient to cause emissions • “Wiring Repairs: ”
levels to exceed a predetermined value for more than 4 DTC Type Reference
seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306 Definitions”
The ECM detects a crankshaft rotation speed variation Scan Tool Reference
indicating a single cylinder misfire rate sufficient to cause • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
emissions levels to exceed mandated standards for • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
more than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds. (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305,
Special Tools Required
and P0306 are Type A (MIL flashing) or Type B1 DTCs.
J 26792 HEI Spark Tester
1A-101 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Verification 4. Remove the fuel pump fuse from the fuse block.
1. Engine idling at the normal operating temperature. 5. Install the J 26792 to the boot of the ignition coil and
➢ If there is an abnormal engine noise, refer to ground.
“Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”. NOTE
2. Verify that DTCs: DTC P0011, P0014, P0021,
An erratic or weak spark is considered a no
P0024, P0201-P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264,
spark condition.
P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273,
P0274, P0276, P0277, P0335, P0336, P0338, 6. Attempt to start the engine and observe the J 26792.
P2088, P2090, P2092, P2094, P2300, P2301, The spark tester should spark.
P2303, P2304, P2306, P2307, P2309, P2310,
➢ If there is no spark, refer to “Electronic Ignition (EI)
P2312, P2313, P2315, or P2316 are not set.
System Diagnosis: ” for diagnosis of the ignition
➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code coil.
(DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
7. Ignition OFF, remove the spark plug from the
3. Observe the Misfire Current Cyl. 1-6 parameters with misfiring cylinder. Verify that the spark plug does not
a scan tool. The Misfire Current Counters should not exhibit the following conditions:
be incrementing.
– Gas, coolant, or oil fouled—refer to “Spark Plug
4. Engine idling, perform the cylinder power balance Inspection: ”.
test with a scan tool to isolate the misfiring cylinder.
– Cracked, worn, incorrectly gapped—refer to
The engine speed should change when each injector
“Ignition System Specifications: ”.
is disabled.

➢ If there is a condition with the spark plug, replace
Circuit/System Testing the spark plug.
1. Verify that the following conditions do not exist: 8. Exchange the suspected spark plug with another
cylinder that is operating correctly.
– Vacuum hose splits, kinks, and incorrect
connections 9. Engine idling, observe the Misfire Current Counters
with a scan tool. The misfire should not follow the
– Engine vacuum leaks spark plug exchange.
– Crankcase ventilation system for vacuum leaks ➢ If the misfire follows the spark plug, replace the
– Fuel pressure that is too low or too high—Refer to spark plug.
“Fuel System Diagnosis: ”. 10. If all conditions test normal, test or inspect for the
– Contaminated Fuel—Refer to “Alcohol/ following:
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special – A lean or rich fuel injector—Refer to “Fuel Injector
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis Solenoid Coil Test: ”.
(w/ Special Tool): ”.
– An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
– Exhaust system restrictions “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
necessary. Repair Instructions
2. Ignition OFF, remove the ignition coil of the misfiring • “Spark Plug Replacement: ”
cylinder, but leave the electrical connector
• “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 1: ”
• “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 2: ”
3. Inspect the ignition coil boot for the following
Repair Verification
– Holes
1. If the customer concern was a flashing malfunction
– Tears
indicator lamp (MIL), refer to “DTC P0420 or P0430”.
– Carbon tracking
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
– Oil contamination
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
– water intrusion
4. Start the engine.
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records.
➢ If the DTC fails this ignition, a misfire still exists.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-102

DTC P0324 Conditions for Setting the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions • The ECM detects an incorrect response to the self
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle tests performed on the internal KS circuitry.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or for a
procedure. cumulative of 50 seconds.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle DTCs P0324 is a Type B DTC.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTCs P0324 is a Type B DTC.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0324: Knock Sensor (KS) Module Performance Reference Information
Description and Operation
Circuit/System Description “Knock Sensor (KS) System Description: ”
The knock sensor (KS) is a piezoelectric device that DTC Type Reference
produces an AC voltage of different amplitude and “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
frequency depending on the level of engine mechanical Definitions”
vibration. The KS system monitors the knock sensor in Scan Tool Reference
order to determine if detonation or spark knock is • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”

present. If the KS system determines that excessive • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
knock is present, the engine control module (ECM) (LY7)”
retards the spark timing based on the signal from the KS • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
system. The KS produces an AC signal when specific (LY7)”
frequencies are detected. The ECM then retards the
timing until knock is controlled.
Circuit/System Verification
The ECM tests the functionality of the internal knock
sensor signal evaluation circuitry. The KS circuitry within NOTE
the ECM is responsible for receiving, amplifying, filtering,
If you can hear an engine knock, repair the
and evaluating the AC voltage and frequency from the
engine mechanical condition before
knock sensors. The ECM performs two tests that
proceeding with this diagnostic. Refer to
determine if the internal circuitry within the ECM is
“Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
functioning correctly.
Test One
1. Observe and record the Freeze Frame/Failure
The ECM internally turns OFF the knock sensor signal
Records for DTC P0324.
circuits. The ECM then applies different test signals to
the internal KS circuitry to verify that each test signal ➢ If DTC P0335, P0336, or P0338 also set, refer to
output response is within range. If the ECM detects that “DTC P0335, P0336, or P0338”.
any of the test signals are not within range, this DTC 2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
sets. 3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
Test Two 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
The ECM internally turns OFF the knock sensor signal Running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
circuits. The ECM then tests for any output response within the conditions that you observed from the
when no test signals are applied. If the ECM detects an Freeze Frame/Failure records. DTC P0324 should
output response, this DTC sets. not set.
Test Three
The ECM internally turns OFF the knock sensor signal ➢ If DTC P0324 failed this ignition, replace the engine
circuits. The ECM generates an internal test pulse and control module (ECM).
monitors the return signal. If the return test pulse is less
than a calibrated threshold, this DTC sets. Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Conditions for Running the DTC Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• The ECM is controlling spark. “Control Module References: ” for engine control module
• The engine coolant temperature is greater than 60°C replacement, setup, and programming
• DTC P0324 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met.
1A-103 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0326, P0327, P0328, P0331, P0332, or Conditions for Running the DTCs
P0333 P0326 and P0331
Diagnostic Instructions • Before the ECM can report DTC P0326 or P0331
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle failed, DTCs P0324, P0335, P0336, and P0338 must
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic run and pass.
procedure. • DTCs P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348,
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, and P0393 are
of the diagnostic approach. not set.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is more
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of than 60°C (140°F).
each diagnostic category. • The engine speed is greater than 2,200 RPM.
• DTCs P0326 and P0331 run continuously once the
DTC Descriptors above conditions are met for approximately 20
DTC P0326: Knock Sensor (KS) System Performance seconds.
Bank 1 P0327, P0328, P0332, and P0333
DTC P0327: Knock Sensor (KS) Circuit Low Voltage
Bank 1 • Before the ECM can report DTC P0327 P0328,
DTC P0328: Knock Sensor (KS) Circuit High Voltage P0332, or P0333 failed, DTCs P0324, P0335, P0336,
Bank 1 and P0338 must run and pass.
DTC P0331: Knock Sensor (KS) System Performance • DTCs P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348,

Bank 2 P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, and P0393 are
DTC P0332: Knock Sensor (KS) Circuit Low Voltage not set.
Bank 2 • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
DTC P0333: Knock Sensor (KS) Circuit High Voltage greater than 60°C (140°F).
Bank 2 • The increase in engine speed is less than a range of
1,500-2,500 RPM per second.
Circuit/System Description • The increase in engine load is less than a range of 50-
The knock sensor (KS) is a piezoelectric device that 100 kPa per second.
produces an AC voltage of different amplitude and
frequency depending on the level of engine mechanical • DTCs P0327, P0328, P0332, and P0332 run
vibration. The KS system monitors the knock sensor in continuously once the above conditions are met for
order to determine if detonation or spark knock is approximately 20 seconds.
present. If the KS system determines that excessive
knock is present, the engine control module (ECM) Conditions for Setting the DTCs
retards the spark timing based on the signal from the KS P0326 and P0331
system. The KS produces an AC signal when specific The ECM detects a KS signal voltage that is not in the
frequencies are detected. The ECM then retards the range of a predetermined engine noise level in 25 of 250
timing until knock is controlled. test samples. The condition exists for greater than 4
In order to differentiate between normal engine noise seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
and spark knock, the ECM samples the KS signal. The P0327 or P0332
ECM samples the KS signal for a certain length of time The ECM detects a KS signal voltage that is less than
under different engine speeds and loads during non- the predetermined minimum engine noise level for
cylinder knock events. This sampling is used to greater than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
determine a range of acceptable normal engine noise. seconds.
P0328 or P0333
The ECM detects the KS signal voltage is greater than
predetermined maximum engine noise level for greater
than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

DTCs P0326, P0327, P0328, P0331, P0332, and P0333
are Type B DTCs.

Conditions for Clearing the DTC

DTCs P0326, P0327, P0328, P0331, P0332, and P0333
are Type B DTCs.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-104

Diagnostic Aids 3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification

• Inspect the KS for physical damage. A KS that is test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
dropped or damaged may cause a DTC to set. for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
• Inspect the KS for proper installation. A KS that is
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
loose or over torqued may cause a DTC to set. The
KS should be free of thread sealant. The KS mounting
surface should be free of burrs, casting flash, and
Circuit/System Testing
foreign material. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
• The KS must be clear of hoses, brackets, and engine the appropriate KS.
electrical wiring. NOTE
• The normal voltage on the KS signal and low If the voltage is not within the specified range
reference circuits is 2.43 volts when the KS is on either circuit, test for a wire to wire short,
disconnected. short to ground or voltage between the KS
• A short to voltage on a signal or low reference circuit circuits.
will cause a KS DTC to set for both banks of the
engine. 2. Ignition ON, test for 2-3 volts between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Reference Information ➢ If less than the specified range, test the signal
Schematic Reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
“Engine Controls Schematics” resistance. If the circuits/connections test normal,

Connector End View Reference replace the ECM.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” ➢ If greater than the specified range, test the signal
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuits/
Description and Operation connections test normal, replace the ECM.
“Knock Sensor (KS) System Description: ” 3. Test for 2-3 volts between the low reference circuit
Electrical Information Reference terminal 2 and ground.
• “Circuit Testing: ” ➢ If less than the specified range, test the low
• “Connector Repairs: ” reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor high resistance. If the circuits/connections test
Connections: ” normal, replace the ECM.
• “Wiring Repairs: ” ➢ If greater than the specified range, test the low
DTC Type Reference reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuits/
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Definitions” 4. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
Scan Tool Reference the KS sensor.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Component Testing
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 1. Connect a DMM set to the AC mV scale, between
the terminals of the KS.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 2. Tap on the engine block with a non-metallic object
near the KS while observing the DMM.
Circuit/System Verification 3. The DMM should display a fluctuating AC voltage
1. Engine at operating temperature, all accessories greater than 30 mV while tapping on the engine
OFF. Engine speed greater than 2,000 RPM, block.
observe the appropriate KS signal voltage parameter ➢ If less than the specified valve, replace the KS.
with a scan tool. The voltage should be greater than
2 volts. Repair Instructions
2. Engine idling, move the related harnesses and Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
connectors for the KS circuits while observing the KS Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
signal voltage parameters with a scan tool. The procedure.
voltage should remain steady with no abrupt • “Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 1: ”
changes. • “Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 2: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
1A-105 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0335, P0336, or P0338

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0335: Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Circuit
DTC P0336: Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Performance
DTC P0338: Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Circuit High Duty Cycle

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0122, P0222,
P0335, P0338, P0336, P0698,
5-Volt Reference P0335, P0698, P0335
P0699 P0699
P0122, P0222,
P0335, P0338, P0336, P0698,
CKP Sensor Signal P0335, P0698, P0335

P0699 P0699
Low Reference P0335 P0335 — P0336

Circuit/System Description P0336

The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is located on the • The ECM re-syncs the engine position 6 or more
rear of bank 1 of the engine block. The CKP sensor is a times during an ignition cycle.
hall effect switch that works in conjunction with a 58X OR
reluctor wheel that is attached to the crankshaft. Each • The ECM detects 14 or more interruptions in the
tooth on the reluctor wheel is spaced 6 degrees apart engine speed signal during an ignition cycle.
with one span having a 12 degree space. The engine
control module (ECM) uses the 12 degree space to • Either condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a
determine top dead center (TDC) for cylinders 1 and 4. cumulative of 50 seconds.
The ECM determines when cylinder 1 is on the P0338
compression stroke by monitoring the CKP sensor and The ECM detects a difference of more than 8 teeth
the camshaft position (CMP) sensors. The ECM can between reference gap position pulses for 4 consecutive
synchronize the ignition timing, fuel injector timing, and crankshaft revolutions in which the same number of
spark knock control based on the CKP sensor and the pulses are detected each crankshaft revolution or a
CMP sensor inputs. cumulative of 50 seconds.

Conditions for Running the DTC Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0335, P0336, and P0338 are Type A DTCs.
• The engine is cranking or operating.
• The ECM has detected more than 12 camshaft Conditions for Clearing the DTC
revolutions. DTCs P0335, P0336, and P0338 are Type A DTCs.
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met for more than 5 seconds. Diagnostic Aids
• The following conditions could also set the DTCs:
Conditions for Setting the DTC
– Physical damage to the CKP sensor or the reluctor
P0335 wheel
• The ECM does not detect a signal from the CKP – Excessive play or looseness of the CKP sensor or
sensor. the reluctor wheel
– Improper installation of the CKP sensor or the
• The ECM detects a CKP signal with out reference reluctor wheel
pulse for more than 3 revolutions.
– Foreign material passing between the CKP sensor
• Either condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a and the reluctor wheel
cumulative of 50 seconds.
– Excessive air gap between the CKP sensor and the
reluctor wheel
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-106

– The ECM uses the camshaft position sensors to 4. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
determine engine speed and position when there is test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
a CKP sensor condition. for running the DTC. You may also operate the
– The engine will operate with a CKP sensor vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
condition only if the ECM has stored the learned Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
reference position of the camshafts in memory.
With a crankshaft position sensor condition the Circuit/System Testing
engine will go into a limp home mode after a restart. 1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to
The ECM then calculates engine speed from one of terminal C2-56 of the ECM.
the camshaft position sensors. 2. Disconnect the harness connector at the crankshaft
– An intermittent condition in the camshaft position position (CKP) sensor.
(CMP) sensor circuits can cause a CKP DTC to set. 3. Test for 5 ohms or less between the low reference
Inspect the CMP sensor, harness connections, and circuit terminal 1 and ground.
related wiring, if you suspect this condition.
➢ If more than the specified value, test the open/high
• Test the current out-put of the signal circuit if you resistance in the low reference circuit of the CKP
suspect high resistance in the circuit. The current out- sensor. If the circuits/connections test normal,
put should be greater than 1 mA when measured on replace the ECM.
the 400 mA scale.
4. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to terminal C2-56 of
the ECM.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference 5. Ignition ON, test for greater than 4.8 volts between

“Engine Controls Schematics” the 5-volt reference circuit terminal 3 and the low
Connector End View Reference reference circuit terminal 1.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” ➢ If less than the specified value, repair the open/high
resistance in the 5-volt reference circuit. If the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
circuits/connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Description and Operation
“Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description: ” 6. Test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the signal circuit
Electrical Information Reference terminal 2 and ground.
• “Circuit Testing: ” ➢ If the voltage is greater than specified range, test
for a short to voltage in the signal circuit of the CMP
• “Connector Repairs: ”
sensor. If circuit/connections test normal, replace
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor the ECM.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” NOTE
DTC Type Reference The signal circuit voltage can be within the
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type specified range with a high resistance in the
Definitions” circuit. If this condition is suspected, refer to
Scan Tool Reference Diagnostic Aids.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
➢ If the voltage is less than the specified range, test
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L for a short to ground or an open/high resistance in
(LY7)” the signal circuit of the CMP sensor. If circuit/
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L connections test normal, replace the ECM.
(LY7)” 7. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
the CKP sensor.
Circuit/System Verification
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a Repair Instructions
scan tool. DTC P0698 or P0699 should not be set. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “DTC P0698 or P0699”. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
2. Clear the DTC Info with a scan tool. Attempt to start procedure.
the engine, observe the DTC information with a scan • “Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement: ”
tool. DTC P0335, P0336, or P0338 should not set. • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
3. Move related harnesses/connectors of the CKP module replacement, setup, and programming
sensor and verify the engine does not stumble, stall,
or change engine speed.
1A-107 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, or
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0341: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Performance Bank 1
DTC P0342: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1
DTC P0343: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1
DTC P0346: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Performance Bank 2
DTC P0347: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2
DTC P0348: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2
DTC P0366: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Performance Bank 1
DTC P0367: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1
DTC P0368: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1
DTC P0391: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Performance Bank 2
DTC P0392: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2

DTC P0393: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0343, P0348, P0341, P0346,
P0368, P0393, P0343, P0348, P0653, P2123, P0366, P0391,
CMP Sensor 5-Volt Reference
P0652, P2122, P0368, P0393 P2138 P0652, P0653,
P2138 P2138
CMP Sensor Signal Intake Bank 1 P0342 P0343 P0343 P0341
CMP Sensor Signal Intake Bank 2 P0347 P0348 P0348 P0346
CMP Sensor Signal Exhaust Bank 1 P0367 P0368 P0368 P0366
CMP Sensor Signal Exhaust Bank 2 P0392 P0393 P0393 P0391
P0343, P0348, P0341, P0346,
Low Reference — —
P0368, P0393 P0366, P0391

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Running the DTC

Each camshaft is equipped with a camshaft position • The engine is operating for more than 1 second.
(CMP) sensor that the engine control module (ECM)
• The DTCs run continuously once the above condition
monitors. The CMP sensor is a hall effect switch that
is met.
works in conjunction with a 4X reluctor wheel. The
reluctor wheels are mounted to the camshaft position
actuators that are mounted to the end of the camshafts. Conditions for Setting the DTC
The ECM uses the CMP sensor signals in order to P0341, P0346, P0366, P0391
determine the position of the camshafts. The ECM • The ECM detects a signal from the CMP sensor, but
supplies 5 volts to the CMP sensors on the 5-volt the number of pulses are less than or more than what
reference circuits, and supplies a ground on the low is expected for one crankshaft revolution.
reference circuits. The CMP sensors provide a signal to OR
the ECM on the signal circuits. If the ECM detects extra • The CMP sensor does NOT correlate to the
or missing CMP sensor signal transitions, or a signal crankshaft position.
voltage that is more or less than the predetermined
range, within a certain number of crankshaft revolutions, • Either condition must exist for more than 4 seconds,
one of these DTCs sets. or cumulative of 50 seconds.
P0342, P0347, P0367, P0392
The CMP sensor signal voltage is always low and the
ECM detects no pulses from the CMP sensor for more
than 4 seconds, or cumulative of 50 seconds.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-108

P0343, P0348, P0368, P0393 Circuit/System Verification

The CMP sensor signal voltage is always high and the 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
ECM detects no pulses from the CMP sensor for more scan tool. DTC P0652 or P0653 should not be set.
than 4 seconds or cumulative of 50 seconds.
➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “DTC P0652 or P0653”.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2. Engine idling, observe the DTC information with a
DTCs P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348, scan tool. DTCs P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346,
P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, and P0393 are P0347, P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391,
Type B DTCs. P0392, and P0393 should not set.
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Conditions for Clearing the DTC test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
DTCs P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347, P0348, for running the DTC. You may also operate the
P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, and P0393 are vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Type B DTCs. Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.

Diagnostic Aids Circuit/System Testing

• Test the current out-put of the signal circuit if you 1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to
suspect high resistance in the circuit. The current out- terminal C2-56 of the ECM.
put should be greater than 1 mA when measured on 2. Disconnect the harness connector at the appropriate
the 400 mA scale. CMP sensor.
• The following conditions can also set the DTC:

– Physical damage to the CMP sensor or the reluctor
The control module or the sensor may be
damaged if the circuit is shorted to B+
– Excessive play or looseness of the CMP sensor or voltage.
the reluctor wheel
– Improper installation of the CMP sensor or the 3. Test for 5 ohms or less between the low reference
reluctor wheel circuit terminal 1 and ground.
– Foreign material passing between the CMP sensor ➢ If greater than 5 ohms, test the low reference circuit
and the reluctor wheel for an open/high resistance or for a short to voltage.
– Excessive air gap between the CMP sensor and If the circuit/connections test normal, replace the
the reluctor wheel ECM.
4. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to terminal C2-56 of
Reference Information the ECM.
Schematic Reference 5. Ignition ON, test for greater than 4.8 volts between
“Engine Controls Schematics” the 5 volt reference circuit terminal 3 and ground.
Connector End View Reference ➢ If less than the specified value, test the 5 volt
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” circuits/connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Description and Operation 6. Test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the signal circuit
“Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description: ” terminal 2 and ground.
Electrical Information Reference ➢ If the voltage is greater than specified range, test
• “Circuit Testing: ” for a short to voltage in the signal circuit of the CMP
• “Connector Repairs: ” sensor. If circuit/connections test normal, replace
the ECM.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” NOTE
• “Wiring Repairs: ” The signal circuit voltage can be within the
DTC Type Reference specified range with a high resistance in the
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type circuit. If this condition is suspected, refer to
Definitions” Diagnostic Aids.
Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” ➢ If the voltage is less than the specified range, test
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L for a short to ground or an open/high resistance in
(LY7)” the signal circuit of the CMP sensor. If circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” 7. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
CMP sensor.
1A-109 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Repair Instructions • The oxygen stored in the catalyst exceeds a

Perform the Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - calibrated threshold, which is determined from the
Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the rear HO2S signal.
diagnostic procedure. • The rear HO2S indicates the catalyst to be completely
• “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 saturated with oxygen, which is determined from the
(Left Side) Exhaust: ” rear HO2S signal.
• “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Intake: ” Conditions for Running the DTC
• “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 • Before the ECM can report DTC P0420 or P0430
(Right Side) Exhaust: ” failed, DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037,
• “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 P0038, P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056, P0057, P0058,
(Right Side) Intake: ” P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0121, P0122, P0123,
P0131, P0132, P0133, P0135, P0137, P0138, P0140,
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control P0141, P0151, P0152, P0153, P0155, P0157, P0158,
module replacement, setup, and programming P0160, P0161, P0221, P0222, P0223, P0335, P0336,
P0338, P2096, P2097, P2098, P2099, P2195, P2196,
DTC P0420 or P0430 P2197, P2198, P2232, P2235, P2237, P2240, P2243,
Diagnostic Instructions P2247, P2251, P2254, P2270, P2271, P2272, P2273,
P2297, P2298, P2626, and P2629 must run and pass.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • DTCs P0010, P0011, P0013, P0014, P0020, P0021,
P0023, P0024, P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051,

P0052, P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0116, P0117,
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
P0118, P0119, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0125, P0131,
of the diagnostic approach.
P0132, P0133, P0135, P0137, P0138, P0140, P0141,
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle P0151, P0152, P0153, P0155, P0157, P0158, P0160,
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of P0161, P0221, P0222, P0223, P0300, P0301-P0306,
each diagnostic category. P0443, P0455, P0458, P0459, P0496, P2088, P2089,
P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, P2095, P2096,
DTC Descriptors P2097, P2098, P2099, P2100, P2101, P2107, P2119,
DTC P0420: Catalyst System Low Efficiency Bank 1 P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138, P2176, P2177,
DTC P0430: Catalyst System Low Efficiency Bank 2 P2178, P2179, P2180, P2187, P2188, P2189, P2190,
P2232, P2235, P2270, P2271, P2272, and P2273 are
Circuit/System Description not set.
In order to maintain a reasonably low emission level of • The engine speed is 1040-2760 RPM.
hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides
• The engine load is 15-50%.
of nitrogen (NOx) a 3-way catalytic converter (TWC) is
used. The catalyst within the converter promotes a • The air flow into the engine is between 5-60 g/s and
chemical reaction that oxidizes the HC and CO present steady.
in the exhaust gas. This reaction converts the gases into • The engine intake air temperature (IAT) at engine
harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide. The catalyst start-up is more than −10°C (14°F).
also reduces the NOx, converting the NOx into nitrogen. • The engine is operating for more than 7 minutes.
The engine control module (ECM) monitors this process • The engine is operating in Closed Loop.
using the post catalyst heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)
signal. The post-catalyst HO2S located in the exhaust • The calculated TWC temperature is between 400-
stream after the TWC, produces an output signal that 850°C (752-1,562°F) and steady.
indicates the oxygen storage capacity of the catalyst. • The above conditions exist for approximately 17
The oxygen storage capacity (OSC) determines the minutes.
ability of the catalyst to convert the exhaust emissions • DTCs P0420 and P0430 run once a drive cycle. The
effectively. If the catalyst is functioning correctly, the ECM will attempt to run this diagnostic up to 3 times a
post-catalyst HO2S signal will be far less active than the drive cycle.
signal produced by the pre-catalyst HO2S.
To determine OSC, the ECM commands a rich air/fuel
mixture until all oxygen is removed from the catalyst.
The ECM then commands a lean air/fuel mixture and
monitors the rear heated oxygen sensors to calculate the
oxygen storage capacity. The catalyst is operated in this
mode until one of the following conditions occur:
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-110

Conditions for Setting the DTC Circuit/System Testing

The ECM determines that the efficiency of the catalyst 1. Verify there are no HO2S or misfire DTCs set.
has degraded below a calibrated threshold for more than
➢ If there is an HO2S or misfire DTC set, refer to
4 seconds.
“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” to diagnosis the
Action Taken When the DTC Sets applicable DTC, before proceeding with this
DTCs P0420 and P0430 are Type A DTCs. diagnostic procedure.
2. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC appropriate catalytic converter:
DTCs P0420 and P0430 are Type A DTCs.
– Dents
Diagnostic Aids – A severe discoloration caused by excessive
Inspect for the following conditions, which may cause a temperatures
catalytic converter to degrade: – Road damage
• An engine misfire – An internal rattle caused by damaged catalyst
• High engine oil or high coolant consumption substrate
• Retarded spark timing – Restrictions
• A weak or poor spark ➢ If a condition is found, replace the appropriate
catalytic converter.
• A lean fuel mixture
3. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
• A rich fuel mixture

exhaust system:
• A damaged oxygen sensor or wiring harness
– Leaks
– Physical damage
Reference Information
Schematic Reference – Loose or missing hardware
“Engine Controls Schematics” – Properly torqued HO2S
Connector End View Reference ➢ If a condition is found, repair the exhaust system.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” 4. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” appropriate HO2S 2:
Electrical Information Reference – A grounded wiring harness
• “Circuit Testing: ” – Damage
• “Connector Repairs: ” ➢ If a condition is found, replace the appropriate
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor HO2S 2.
Connections: ” 5. If no physical condition is detected and the HO2S 2
• “Wiring Repairs: ” is as active as the HO2S 1 after operating the engine
DTC Type Reference at 1,500 RPM for 1 minute and then returning to a
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type stabilized idle, then replace the catalytic converter.
Scan Tool Reference Repair Instructions
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
(LY7)” procedure.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L • “Catalytic Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”
(LY7)” • “Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side: ”
1A-111 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0442 • The fuel volatility is not excessive.

Diagnostic Instructions • The ambient air temperature (AAT) is between 2-32°C
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (35-90°F).
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • The intake air temperature (IAT) is between 2-32°C
procedure. (35-90°F) at start-up.
• “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is less than
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle 42°C (108°F) at start-up.
Diagnostic Information: ” • The ECT and the IAT are within 10°C (18°F) of each
other at engine start-up.
DTC Descriptors • The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than 68
DTC P0442: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System kPa.
Small Leak Detected • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) during the
previous ignition was more than 74°C (165°F).
Circuit Description • The fuel level is between 12-88 percent.
This diagnostic tests the evaporative emission (EVAP)
• The vehicle traveled more than 8 km (5 mi) with
system for a small leak. The diagnostic runs when the
vehicle speed above 2.5 km/h (1.6 mph).
ignition is in the OFF position, and the correct conditions
are met. While the engine is operating, there are sources • The engine run time is more than 10 minutes.
of heat transferred into the fuel tank from the following: • DTC P0442 runs once per engine off cycle when the
• Exhaust heat above conditions have been met prior to engine shut

• Engine heat
• Ambient temperature Conditions for Setting the DTC
When the engine is stopped and the ignition is in the
The control module detects approximately 6 vacuum/
OFF position, a change in the fuel tank vapor
pressure changes significantly less than a calibrated
temperature occurs. This results in a change in the
pressure of the fuel tank vapor space. This change in
pressure is monitored by the control module, using the
fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor input. The EVAP
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
diagnostic detects leaks as small as 0.51 mm (0.02 in). DTC P0442 is a Type A/B DTC.
FTP Sensor Signal
Fuel Tank Pressure Conditions for Clearing the DTC
High, Approximately 1.5 Negative Pressure/ DTC P0442 is a Type A/B DTC.
Volts or More Vacuum
Low, Approximately 1.5 Diagnostic Aids
Positive Pressure
Volts or Less • To improve the visibility of the smoke exiting the EVAP
system, observe the suspected leak area from
Conditions for Running the DTC different angles with the J 41413-SPT High Intensity
White Light.
• To help locate intermittent leaks, use the J 41413-200
The following conditions must be met prior to Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST) to
the ignition OFF test. introduce smoke into the EVAP system. Move all
EVAP components while observing smoke with the J
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, 41413-SPT. Introducing smoke in 15 second intervals
P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0125, P0128, will allow less pressure into the EVAP system. When
P0443, P0446, P0449, P0451, P0452, P0453, P0458, the system is less pressurized, the smoke will
P0459, P0496, P0498, P0499, P0560, P0562, P0563, sometimes escape in a more condensed manner.
P0700, P2227, P2228, and P2229 are not set.
• Observe the Freeze Frame/Failure Records vehicle
• The ignition voltage is more than 10.8 volts. mileage since the diagnostic test last failed may help
• A refueling event is not detected determine how often the condition occurs that caused
the DTC to set. This may assist in diagnosing the
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-112

Reference Information 5. Activate the J 41413-200 and compare the flow

Schematic Reference meter's stable floating indicator position to the red
“Evaporative Emissions Hose Routing Diagram: ” flag. The floating indicator should be below the red
Description and Operation flag.
“Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ” ➢ If the floating indicator is above the red flag, test for
DTC Type Reference a leak in the EVAP system.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 6. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Definitions” Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
Scan Tool Reference for running the DTC. You may also operate the
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Circuit/System Testing
Special tool • You must start with the Circuit/System
J 41413-SPT High Intensity White Light Verification before proceeding with Circuit/
J 41413-VLV EVAP Port Vent Fitting Tool System Testing.
J 41413-200 Evaporative Emissions System Tester
• Ensure that the vehicle underbody
temperature is similar to the ambient
J 41413-300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit

temperature and allow the surrounding air
CH-48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
to stabilize before starting the diagnostic
GE-41415-50 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter
procedure. The system flow will be less
with higher temperatures.
Circuit/System Verification
1. Verify the following conditions do not exist in the 1. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the control panel
EVAP system: to SMOKE.
– Loose, incorrect, missing, or damaged fuel fill cap 2. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a
– Loose, missing, or damaged service port schrader scan tool.
valve 3. Use the remote switch to introduce smoke into the
– A damaged EVAP purge solenoid EVAP system.
– Disconnected, incorrectly routed, kinked, or 4. Use the J 41413-VLV to open the EVAP service port,
damaged EVAP pipes and hoses if equipped. Or, disconnect the EVAP purge pipe
from the purge solenoid. Once smoke is observed,
– A damaged EVAP vent valve or EVAP canister
remove the tool, or reconnect the EVAP purge pipe.
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
necessary. NOTE

NOTE Introduce smoke at 15 second intervals while

testing the system.
Refer to the J 41413-200 operation manual for
detailed instructions. 5. Verify the entire EVAP system with the J 41413-SPT.
Smoke should not be observed.
2. Remove the fuel fill cap. Connect the GE-41415-50
➢ If smoke is observed, repair the condition as
to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect the J 41413-200
to the GE-41415-50.
6. Verify the EVAP system using the EVAP service port.
3. Calibrate the J 41413-200 Flow Meter to the correct
Connect the J 41413-200 nitrogen/smoke supply
leak orifice for the vehicle.
hose to the EVAP service port. Connect the CH-
4. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a 48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool between the
scan tool. EVAP purge solenoid and the EVAP purge pipe, if
NOTE necessary.

Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with

lower fuel levels may require several minutes
for the floating indicator to stabilize.
1A-113 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

7. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a Repair Instructions

scan tool. • “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ”
8. Use the remote switch to introduce smoke into the • “Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
EVAP system. Replacement: ”
9. Verify the entire EVAP system with the J 41413-SPT. • “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
Smoke should not be observed. Replacement: ”
➢ If smoke is observed, repair the condition as • “Evaporative Emission Pipe Replacement: ”
• “Evaporative Emission Canister Replacement: ”
10. Verify the individual EVAP system components for a
leak using the J 41413-300. The EVAP system
Repair Verification
components should not leak.
1. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve to nitrogen.
➢ If a condition is found replace the affected
component. 2. Command the EVAP vent valve closed with a scan
3. Use the remote switch to activate the J 41413-200.
4. Use the remote switch to introduce nitrogen and fill
the EVAP system until the floating indicator
5. Verify the flow meter's stable floating indicator
position is at or below the red flag.

6. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.

DTC P0443, P0458, or P0459

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• The “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0443: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Control Circuit
DTC P0458: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0459: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
Ignition Voltage P0458 P0443 — —
EVAP Canister Purge Valve Control Circuit P0458 P0443 P0459 —

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge valve • The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
is used to purge fuel vapor from the EVAP canister to the
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM.
intake manifold. The EVAP canister purge valve is pulse
width modulated (PWM). Ignition voltage is supplied • The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts.
directly to the EVAP canister purge valve. The engine • The ECM has commanded the EVAP canister purge
control module (ECM) controls the solenoid by valve ON and OFF at least once during the ignition
grounding the control circuit with a solid state device cycle.
called a driver. The driver is equipped with a feedback • The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
circuit that is pulled-up to a voltage. The ECM can are met.
determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the
feedback voltage.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-114

Conditions for Setting the DTC Circuit/System Verification

P0443 1. Ignition ON, command the EVAP purge solenoid to
The ECM detects the EVAP canister purge solenoid 50 % with a scan tool. You should hear an audible
control circuit is open. The condition exists for 4 seconds click.
or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
The ECM detects the EVAP canister purge solenoid
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
control circuit is shorted to ground. The condition exists
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
for 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
The ECM detects the EVAP canister purge solenoid
control circuit is shorted to voltage. The condition exists Circuit/System Testing
for 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50 seconds. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the EVAP purge solenoid.
Diagnostic Aids NOTE
If the condition is intermittent, move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating, The ignition circuit supplies voltage to other
while monitoring the circuit status for the component with components. Make sure you test all circuits
a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes from for a short to ground or test all components
OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a condition with for being shorted that share the ignition
the circuit or a connection. circuit.

2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
Action Taken When the DTC Sets between the ignition voltage circuit terminal 1 and
DTC P0443, P0458 and P0459 are Type B DTCs.
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
DTC P0443, P0458 and P0459 are Type B DTCs.
resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the
ignition voltage circuit fuse is open, test all
Reference Information components connected to the ignition voltage
Schematic Reference circuit and replace as necessary.
“Engine Controls Schematics”
3. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
Connector End View Reference terminal 2 and the ignition voltage circuit terminal 1.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Description and Operation The control circuit for the EVAP purge
“Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ” solenoid is pulled-up to voltage within the
Electrical Information Reference ECM, 2.6-4.6 volts on the control circuit is
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ” 4. Command the EVAP purge solenoid to 50 % and
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor then to 0 % with a scan tool. The test lamp should
Connections: ” illuminate or flash and then go OFF.
• “Wiring Repairs: ” ➢ If the test lamp is always ON, test the control circuit
DTC Type Reference for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal,
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type replace the ECM.
Definitions” ➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, test the control
Scan Tool Reference circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
5. Test for 2.6-4.6 volts between the control circuit
terminal 2 and the ECM housing.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
➢ If the voltage is not within the specified range,
replace the ECM.
6. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the EVAP
purge solenoid.
1A-115 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Component Testing Conditions for Running the DTC

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at • Before the ECM can report DTC P0446 failed, DTCs
the EVAP purge solenoid. Test for 15-20 ohms of P0451, P0452, and P0453 must run and pass.
resistance between the terminals of the EVAP purge • DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112,
solenoid. P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0121, P0122,
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range, P0123, P0125, P0128, P0221, P0222, P0223, P0443,
replace the EVAP purge solenoid. P0449, P0451, P0452, P0453, P0458, P0459, P0496,
2. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal of P0498, P0499, P0560, P0562, P0563, P0722, P0723,
the EVAP purge solenoid and the EVAP purge P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128 and P2138 are not set.
solenoid housing. • The ignition voltage is more than 10.5 volts.
➢ If less than infinite resistance, replace the EVAP • The fuel system is operating in Closed Loop.
purge solenoid. • The engine run time is more than 10 minutes or the
fuel trim is stable.
Repair Instructions • The engine is idling.
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• The FTP is between -18.7 and +7.5 mm Hg (-10.0 and
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
+4.0 in. H2O).
• The ambient air temperature (AAT) is between −7 and
• “Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
32°C (19-90°F).
Replacement: ”
• The ECT and the AAT are within 10°C (18°F) of each
• “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,

other at engine start-up.
setup, and programming
• The fuel level is between 12-88 percent.
DTC P0446 • The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is less than 2 km/h (3
Diagnostic Instructions
• The above conditions exist for more than 5 seconds.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • DTC P0446 will attempt to run up to 10 times or until
procedure. the test completes successfully once per ignition
• “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ”
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Conditions for Setting the DTC
Diagnostic Information: ”
• The FTP is less than -6.0 mm Hg (-3.2 in. H2O).
DTC Descriptor • The condition is present for more than 4 seconds or a
DTC P0446: Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Vent cumulative of 50 seconds.
System Performance
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Circuit/System Description DTC P0446 is a Type B DTC.
A restricted or blocked evaporative emission (EVAP)
vent path is detected by the control module commanding Conditions for Clearing the DTC
the purge valve ON (open) and the vent valve ON DTC P0446 is a Type B DTC.
(closed) allowing a vacuum to be applied to the EVAP
system. Once a calibrated vacuum level has been Diagnostic Aids
reached, the control module commands the purge valve An intermittent condition could be caused by a damaged
OFF (closed) and the vent valve OFF (open) while EVAP vent housing, a temporary blockage at the EVAP
monitoring the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor for a vent valve inlet or a pinched vent hose. A blockage in the
decrease in vacuum. vent system will also cause a poor fuel fill problem.
The following table illustrates the relationship between
the ON and OFF states, and the OPEN or CLOSED
states of the EVAP canister purge and vent valves.
Control Module EVAP Canister EVAP Canister
Command Purge Valve Vent Valve
ON Open Closed
OFF Closed Open
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-116

Reference Information 5. Remove the fuel fill cap and connect the GE-41415-
Schematic Reference 50 to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect the J 41413-
“Evaporative Emissions Hose Routing Diagram: ” 200 to the GE-41415-50.
Description and Operation 6. Ignition ON, seal the EVAP system with a scan tool.
“Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ” 7. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the J 41413-200 to
DTC Type Reference nitrogen.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” NOTE
Scan Tool Reference DO NOT exceed the specified value in this
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” step. Exceeding the specified value may
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L produce incorrect test results.
8. Use the remote switch to activate the J 41413-200
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L and pressurize the fuel tank with nitrogen to 5 inches
(LY7)” H20.
Special tool 9. While observing the FTP sensor parameter with a
J 41413-SPT High Intensity White Light scan tool, command the EVAP vent valve OFF.
J 41413-VLV EVAP Port Vent Fitting Tool Verify the FTP Sensor parameter is 0 inches H2O.
J 41413-200 Evaporative Emissions System Tester ➢ If not at the specified value, test for a blockage or a
(EEST) restriction in the EVAP vent hose, or replace the
J 41413-300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit EVAP vent solenoid valve.

CH-48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
10. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
GE-41415-50 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
Circuit/System Testing vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
1. Verify DTCs P0458, P0459, P0498, P0499, P0452, Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
or P0453 are not set.
➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code Repair Instructions
(DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. • “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
2. Disconnect the purge line from the EVAP purge Replacement: ”
valve. • “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Hose
3. Ignition ON, observe the fuel tank pressure sensor Replacement: ”
parameter with a scan tool. The FTP sensor
parameter should be 0 inches H2O. If the pressure is Repair Verification
not at 0 inches H2O, verify the FTP sensor voltage is
1. Ignition ON, seal the EVAP system with a scan tool.
less than 4.7 volts.
2. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the J 41413-200 to
➢ If the FTP sensor voltage is more than 4.7 volts,
refer to “DTC P0452 or P0453”.
4. Reconnect all previously disconnected EVAP NOTE
hardware. DO NOT exceed the specified value in this
step. Exceeding the specified value may
produce incorrect test results.
Refer to the J 41413-200 Evaporative
Emissions System Tester (EEST) operation 3. Use the remote switch to activate the J 41413-200
manual for detailed instructions. and pressurize the fuel tank with nitrogen to 5 inches
4. While observing the FTP sensor parameter with a
scan tool, command the EVAP vent valve OFF.
5. Verify the FTP Sensor parameter is 0 inches H2O.
1A-117 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0449, P0498, or P0499

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• The “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0449: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0498: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0499: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
Ignition Voltage P0498 P0449 — —
EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve Control
P0498 P0449 P0499 —

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister vent valve is DTC P0449
used for EVAP system diagnostics. The EVAP canister The ECM detects the voltage on the EVAP canister vent
vent valve is a normally open valve. Battery positive valve control circuit is between 2.6-4.6 volts when the
voltage is supplied directly to the EVAP canister vent driver is commanded OFF. The condition exists for 4
valve. The engine control module (ECM) controls the seconds or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
solenoid by grounding the control circuit with a solid DTC P0498
state device called a driver. The driver is equipped with a The ECM detects the voltage on the EVAP canister vent
feedback circuit that is pulled-up to a voltage. The ECM valve control circuit is less than 2.6 volts when the driver
can determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to is commanded OFF. The condition exists for 4 seconds
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
feedback voltage. DTC P0499
The ECM detects the voltage on the EVAP canister vent
Conditions for Running the DTC valve control circuit is more than 4.6 volts when the
• Before the ECM can report DTC P0449, P0498, or driver is commanded ON. The condition exists for 4
P0499 failed, DTC P0451 must run and pass. seconds or a cumulative of 50 seconds.
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts.
• DTC P0449, P0498 and P0499 are Type B DTCs.
• The ECM has commanded the EVAP canister vent
• The EVAP system will only purge during open loop.
valve ON and OFF at least once during the ignition
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
DTC P0449, P0498 and P0499 are Type B DTCs.
are met.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-118

Reference Information 2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates

Schematic Reference between the ignition voltage circuit terminal A and
“Engine Controls Schematics” ground.
Connector End View Reference ➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
ignition voltage circuit fuse is open, test all
Description and Operation
components connected to the ignition voltage
“Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ”
circuit and replace as necessary.
Electrical Information Reference
3. Ignition OFF, connect a test lamp between the
• “Circuit Testing: ” control circuit terminal B and the ignition voltage
• “Connector Repairs: ” circuit terminal A.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor NOTE
Connections: ”
The control circuit for the EVAP vent
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
solenoid valve is pulled-up to voltage within
DTC Type Reference
the ECM, 2.6-4.6 volts on the control circuit is
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Scan Tool Reference 4. Ignition ON, use a scan tool to command the EVAP
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” vent solenoid valve ON and OFF. The test lamp

• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L should turn ON and OFF.
(LY7)” ➢ If the test lamp remains ON all the time, test for a
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L short to ground on the control circuit. If circuit/
(LY7)” connections test normal, replace the ECM.
➢ If the test lamp remains OFF all the time, test for a
Circuit/System Verification short to voltage or an open/high resistance on the
control circuit. If circuit/connections test normal,
1. Command the EVAP vent solenoid valve ON and
replace the ECM.
OFF with the scan tool. An audible click should be
heard when changing between the commanded 5. Test for 2.6-4.6 volts between the control circuit
states. terminal B and ground.
2. Start the engine, observe the DTC information with a ➢ If the voltage is not within the specified range,
scan tool. DTCs P0449, P0498, or P0499 should not replace the ECM.
set. 6. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification the EVAP vent solenoid valve.
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the Component Testing
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the 1. Measure for 20-24 ohms of resistance between the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List. terminals of the EVAP vent solenoid valve.
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
Circuit/System Testing replace the EVAP vent solenoid valve.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at 2. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal of
the EVAP vent solenoid valve. the EVAP vent solenoid valve and the EVAP vent
solenoid valve housing.
➢ If less than infinite resistance, replace the EVAP
The ignition circuit supplies voltage to other vent solenoid valve.
components. Make sure you test all circuits
for a short to ground or test all components
Repair Instructions
for being shorted that share the ignition
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
1A-119 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0451
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC P0451: Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor Performance

Typical Scan Tool Data

FTP Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop at idle
Parameter Normal Range: 0.2-4.8 V
5-Volt Reference Voltage 0V 0V 5V
FTP Sensor Signal 0V 0V 5V
Low Reference — 4.2 V —

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC
The control module monitors the fuel tank pressure • The ECM detects that the FTP is less than −11.9
(FTP) sensor signal in order to detect vacuum decay and inches H2O (−22.2 mm Hg) or more than 6 inches
excess vacuum during the evaporative emission (EVAP) H2O (11.2 mm Hg) for 4 seconds or for a cumulative
diagnostic test. The control module supplies a 5-volt of 50 seconds.
reference and a low reference circuit to the FTP sensor.
• The ECM detects that the FTP sensor signal
This DTC sets if the engine control module (ECM)
oscillates more than 3.26 inches H20 (6.09 mm Hg)
detects one of the following conditions:
from a zero point for 4 seconds, or for a cumulative of
• The FTP sensor signal voltage is not within a 50 seconds. The zero point may vary and the vehicle
calibrated range on a cold start-up. speed must be between 10-30 km/h (6-19 mph) for
• The FTP sensor signal oscillates more than a this test.
calibrated amount when vehicle speed is less than 30
km/h (50 mph). Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The following table illustrates the relationship between DTC P0451 is Type B DTC.
FTP sensor signal voltage and the EVAP system
pressure/vacuum. Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
FTP Sensor Signal DTC P0451 is Type B DTC.
Fuel Tank Pressure
High, Approximately 1.5 Negative Pressure/ Diagnostic Aids
Volts or More Vacuum
• A blocked or clogged EVAP canister vent may set this
Low, Approximately 1.5
Positive Pressure DTC.
Volts or Less
• A large leak in the EVAP system could cause this
Conditions for Running the DTC DTC to set.
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0116, P0117,
P0118, P0119, P0125, P0449, P0498, P0506, P0507,
P0721, P0722, P2227, P2228, and P2229 are not set.
• The engine is operating for greater than 1 second.
• The ambient air temperature is greater than −7°C
• The vehicle speed is between 10-30 km/h (6-19 mph).
• The ECM has commanded the EVAP canister vent
valve open for greater than 3 seconds.
• DTC P0451 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met for approximately 25 seconds.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-120

Reference Information Special Tools Required

Schematic Reference • J 41413-SPT High Intensity White Light
“Engine Controls Schematics” • J 41413-VLV EVAP Port Vent Fitting Tool
Connector End View Reference
• J 41413-200 Evaporative Emissions System Tester
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” (EEST)
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” • J 41413-300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit
Description and Operation
“Fuel System Description: ” • CH-48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
Electrical Information Reference • GE-41415-50 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter
• “Circuit Testing: ”
Circuit/System Testing
• “Connector Repairs: ”
1. Remove the fuel fill cap. Connect the GE-41415-50
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect the J 41413-200
Connections: ”
to the GE-41415-50.
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
2. Seal the system using the Purge Seal function with a
DTC Type Reference
scan tool.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” 3. Pressurize the EVAP system with nitrogen to 5
Scan Tool Reference inches H20. Compare the Fuel Tank Pressure
Sensor parameter to the J 41413-200 pressure/
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
vacuum gage. The FTP sensor should be within 1
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L

inch H20 of the pressure/vacuum gage.
➢ If the FTP is not within 1 inch H20 of the pressure/
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L vacuum gage, replace the FTP sensor.
4. Command the vent solenoid valve OPEN with a scan
➢ If the FTP sensor parameter is not 0 inch H20,
replace the FTP sensor.

Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming

DTC P0452 or P0453

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0452: Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0453: Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0122, P0452,
5-Volt Reference P0452 P0453, P0643 —
FTP Sensor Signal P0452 P0452 P0453 —
Low Reference — P0446 — —
1A-121 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Typical Scan Tool Data

FTP Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop at idle
Parameter Normal Range: 0.2-4.8 V
5-Volt Reference 0V 0V 5V
FTP Sensor Signal 0V 0V 5V
Low Reference — 4.2 V —

Circuit/System Description Diagnostic Aids

The evaporative emission (EVAP) system is used to If a shared 5-volt reference circuit is shorted to ground or
store fuel vapors in order to reduce the amount of fuel shorted to a voltage, other 5-volt reference circuits may
vapors into the atmosphere. The fuel tank pressure be affected.
(FTP) sensor is only used for EVAP system diagnostics.
The FTP sensor is a transducer that varies resistance Reference Information
according to changes in the fuel tank pressure. The Schematic Reference
engine control module (ECM) monitors the FTP sensor “Engine Controls Schematics”
signal in order to detect vacuum decay and excess Connector End View Reference
vacuum during the EVAP system diagnostic test. The • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
ECM supplies a 5-volt reference and a low reference
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”

circuit to the FTP sensor.
Description and Operation
FTP Sensor Signal
Fuel Tank Pressure “Fuel System Description: ”
Electrical Information Reference
High, Approximately 1.5 Negative Pressure/
Volts or More Vacuum • “Circuit Testing: ”
Low, Approximately 1.5 • “Connector Repairs: ”
Positive Pressure
Volts or Less • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Conditions for Running the DTC • “Wiring Repairs: ”
• The engine is operating. DTC Type Reference
• The vehicle speed is 0 mph. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The BARO is greater than 68 kPa. Definitions”
Scan Tool Reference
• The ambient air temperature is greater than −7°C
(19°F). • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• The fuel level is between 12-88 percent. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met for 14 seconds. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P0452 Circuit/System Verification
The ECM detects the FTP sensor signal voltage is less 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
than 0.13 volt for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 scan tool. DTC P0642 or P0643 should not be set.
seconds. ➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “DTC P0642 or P0643”.
P0453 2. Observe the FTP Sensor voltage parameter. The
The ECM detects the FTP sensor signal voltage is more FTP sensor voltage should be between 0.1-4 volts.
than 4.8 volts for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
Action Taken When the DTC Sets vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
DTC P0452 and P0453 are Type B DTCs. Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.

Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC

DTC P0452 and P0453 are Type B DTCs.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-122

Circuit/System Testing Repair Instructions

1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
terminal C2-56 of the ECM. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
2. Disconnect the C-406 harness connector at the rear
of the fuel tank. • “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ”
3. Test for less than 5.0 ohms of resistance between • “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
the low reference circuit terminal G and ground, at setup, and programming
the ECM side of the connector.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the low DTC P0455
reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the DTC Descriptor
circuit/connections test normal, replace the ECM. DTC P0455: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System
4. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to terminal C2-56 of Large Leak Detected
the ECM.
5. Ignition ON, test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the 5-volt Diagnostic Fault Information
reference circuit terminal E and ground, at the ECM Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
side of connector C-406. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
➢ If less than the specified range, test the 5-volt
reference circuit for a short to ground or open/high
resistance. If the circuit/connections test normal, Circuit/System Description
replace the ECM. The control module tests the evaporative emission

(EVAP) system for a large leak. The control module
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the 5-volt
monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor signal to
reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
determine the EVAP system vacuum level. When the
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
conditions for running are met, the control module
6. Verify that the FTP Sensor parameter is less than 4.8 commands the EVAP canister purge valve OPEN and
volts the EVAP vent valve CLOSED. This allows engine
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal vacuum to enter the EVAP system. At a calibrated time,
circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/ or vacuum level, the control module commands the
connections test normal, replace the ECM. EVAP canister purge valve closed, sealing the system,
7. At the ECM side of C-406, install a 3A fused jumper and monitors the FTP sensor input in order to determine
wire between the signal circuit terminal F and the 5- the EVAP system vacuum level.
volt reference circuit terminal E. Verify that the FTP FTP Sensor Signal
Fuel Tank Pressure
Sensor parameter is greater than 4.8 volts. Voltage
➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal High, Approximately 1.5 Negative Pressure/
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high Volts or More Vacuum
resistance. If the circuit/connections test normal, Low, Approximately 1.5
Positive Pressure
replace the ECM. Volts or Less
8. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank The following table illustrates the relationship between
Replacement (FWD): ” “Fuel Tank Replacement the ON and OFF states, and the OPEN or CLOSED
(AWD): ”. states of the EVAP canister purge and vent valves.
9. Disconnect the FTP sensor connector Control Module EVAP Canister EVAP Canister
10. Inspect the FTP sensor circuits in the fuel tank Command Purge Valve Vent Valve
harness, between the FTP sensor connector and C- ON Open Closed
406 for the following conditions, and repair as OFF Closed Open
– Damaged wiring or terminals
– Open circuits
– Short to ground
– Wire to wire short
11. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
the FTP sensor.
1A-123 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Running the DTC Diagnostic Aids

• Before the engine control module (ECM) can report • A fuel fill cap that is left OFF after a fuel fill, will cause
DTC P0455 failed, DTCs P0443, P0451, P0452, this DTC to set.
P0453, P0458, and P0459 must run and pass. • A loose, missing, or damaged fuel fill cap can cause
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, this DTC to set.
P0113, P116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0125, P0443, • A blockage or restriction in the EVAP purge solenoid,
P0446, P0449, P0451, P0452, P0453, P0458, P0459, purge pipe EVAP canister, or vapor pipe, can cause
P0496, P0498, P0499, P0560, P0562, P0563, P0721, this DTC to set.
P0722, P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138, P2227,
• A temporary blockage in the EVAP purge solenoid,
P2228, and P2229 are not set.
purge pipe or EVAP canister could cause an
• The ignition voltage is between 10.5-18 volts. intermittent condition. Inspect and repair any
• The engine run time is more than 10 minutes or the restriction in the EVAP system.
fuel trim is stable. • To help locate intermittent leaks, use the J 41413-200
• The fuel tank pressure is between -10.0 and +4.0 in. Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST) to
H2O (-18.7 and 7.49 mm Hg). introduce smoke into the EVAP system. Move all
• The fuel system is operating in Closed Loop. EVAP components while observing smoke with the J
41413-SPT High Intensity White Light. Introducing
• The engine is idling.
smoke in 15 second intervals will allow less pressure
• The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than 68 into the EVAP system. When the system is less
kPa. pressurized, the smoke will sometimes escape in a

• The fuel level is between 12-88 percent. more condensed manner.
• The calculated ambient air temperature is between 2- • To improve the visibility of the smoke exiting the EVAP
32°C (35-90°F). system, observe the suspected leak area from
• The coolant temperature at engine start is within 10°C different angles with the J 41413-SPT.
(18°F) of the calculated ambient air temperature. • Observe the Freeze Frame/Failure Records vehicle
• The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is less than 3 km/h (2 mileage since the diagnostic test last failed may help
mph). determine how often the condition occurs that caused
• The above conditions are met for more than 11 the DTC to set. This may assist in diagnosing the
seconds. condition.
• DTC P0455 will attempt to run up to 10 times or the
Reference Information
test completes successfully once per ignition cycle.
Schematic Reference
“Evaporative Emissions Hose Routing Diagram: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC Description and Operation
• The ECM detects the EVAP system is not able to “Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ”
achieve or maintain vacuum during the diagnostic DTC Type Reference
test. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds. Definitions”
Scan Tool Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
DTC P0455 is a Type A/B DTC.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
DTC P0455 is a Type A/B DTC.
Special tool
J 41413-SPT High Intensity White Light
J 41413-VLV EVAP Port Vent Fitting Tool
J 41413-200 Evaporative Emissions System Tester
J 41413-300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit
CH-48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
GE-41415-50 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-124

Circuit/System Verification Circuit/System Testing

1. Verify the following conditions do not exist in the Leak Testing
EVAP system:
– Loose, incorrect, missing, or damaged fuel fill cap
– Loose, missing, or damaged service port schrader • You must start with the Circuit/System
valve (if equipped) Verification before proceeding with Circuit/
System Testing.
– Loose or damaged fuel tank pressure (FTP)
sensor. • Ensure that the vehicle underbody
temperature is similar to the ambient
– A damaged EVAP purge solenoid
temperature and allow the surrounding air
– Disconnected, incorrectly routed, kinked, or to stabilize before starting the diagnostic
damaged EVAP pipes and hoses procedure. The system flow will be less
– A damaged EVAP vent valve or EVAP canister with higher temperatures.
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
necessary. 1. Connect the GE-41415-50 to the fuel tank filler neck.
Connect the J 41413-200 to the GE-41415-50.
NOTE 2. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the control panel
Refer to the J 41413-200 operation manual for to SMOKE.
detailed instructions. 3. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a
scan tool.
2. Remove the fuel fill cap. Connect the GE-41415-50

4. Use the remote switch to introduce smoke into the
to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect the J 41413-200
EVAP system.
to the GE-41415-50.
5. Use the J 41413-VLV to open the EVAP service port,
3. Calibrate the J 41413-200 Flow Meter to the correct
if equipped. Or, disconnect the EVAP purge pipe
leak orifice for the vehicle.
from the purge solenoid. Once smoke is observed,
4. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a remove the tool, or reconnect the EVAP purge pipe.
scan tool.
Introduce smoke at 15 second intervals while
Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with testing the system.
lower fuel levels may require several minutes
for the floating indicator to stabilize. 6. Verify that smoke is not exiting the entire EVAP
system with the J 41413-SPT.
5. Activate the J 41413-200 and compare the flow
meter's stable floating indicator position to the red NOTE
flag. The floating indicator should be below the red The fuel tank may need to be lowered to
flag. improve visibility of some of the EVAP
➢ If the floating indicator is above the red flag, test for system components.
a leak in the EVAP system.
➢ If the floating indicator is below the red flag, test for ➢ If smoke is observed, repair the condition as
a blockage or restriction in the EVAP system. necessary.
6. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification 7. Verify the EVAP system using the EVAP service port.
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions Connect the J 41413-200 nitrogen/smoke supply
for running the DTC. You may also operate the hose to the EVAP service port. Connect the CH-
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the 48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool between the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List. EVAP purge solenoid and the EVAP purge pipe, if
8. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a
scan tool.
1A-125 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

9. Use the remote switch to introduce smoke into the Component Testing
EVAP system. 1. Pressurize the EVAP system to 5 inches H20.
NOTE 2. Compare the Fuel Tank Pressure sensor parameter
with a scan tool to the J 41413-200 pressure/vacuum
The fuel tank may need to be lowered to
gage. The scan tool FTP sensor parameter should
improve visibility of some of the EVAP
be within 1 inch H20 of the pressure/vacuum gage.
system components.
3. Command the EVAP vent valve open with a scan
10. Verify that smoke is not exiting the entire EVAP tool.
system with the J 41413-SPT. 4. The scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure parameter should
➢ If smoke is observed, repair the condition as be 0 inches H20.
necessary. ➢ If the FTP sensor parameters do not respond to the
change in pressure, replace the FTP sensor.
The fuel tank may need to be lowered to Repair Instructions
improve visibility of some of the EVAP
• “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ”
system components.
• “Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
11. Verify the individual EVAP system components for a Replacement: ”
leak using the J 41413-300. • “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
➢ If a condition is found replace the affected Replacement: ”

component. • “Evaporative Emission Pipe Replacement: ”
Blockage/Restriction Testing • “Evaporative Emission Canister Replacement: ”
1. Connect the GE-41415-50 to the fuel tank filler neck.
Connect the J 41413-200 to the GE-41415-50. Repair Verification
2. Disconnect the EVAP vent line from the vent 1. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve to nitrogen.
solenoid, and seal it, using the correct plug from the 2. Command the EVAP vent valve closed with a scan
J 41413-300. tool.
3. Pressurize the EVAP system with nitrogen to 5 3. Use the remote switch to activate the J 41413-200.
inches H20. Compare the Fuel Tank Pressure
4. Use the remote switch to introduce nitrogen and fill
Sensor parameter with a scan tool to the J 41413-
the EVAP system until the floating indicator
200 pressure/vacuum gage. The scan tool FTP
sensor parameter should be within 1 inch H20 of the
pressure/vacuum gage. 5. Verify the flow meter's stable floating indicator
position is at or below the red flag.
➢ If the FTP sensor parameter is not within 1 inch
H20 of the pressure/vacuum gage, replace the FTP 6. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
4. Increase the EVAP purge solenoid to 100 percent. DTC P0496
The FTP sensor pressure should drop to less than 1 Diagnostic Instructions
in H2O. • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
➢ If the FTP sensor parameter is greater than 1 in Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
H2O, disconnect the EVAP pipes listed below one procedure.
at a time while observing the FTP sensor • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
parameter with a scan tool. If the FTP sensor of the diagnostic approach.
parameter drops to less than 1 in H2O when a pipe
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
is disconnected, repair the blockage or restriction in
Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each
the one of the following EVAP pipe/hoses:
diagnostic category.
a. EVAP purge vacuum source from the EVAP
purge solenoid
DTC Descriptor
b. EVAP purge pipe from the EVAP purge solenoid DTC P0496: Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) System
c. EVAP purge pipe at the EVAP canister Continuous Purge Flow
d. EVAP vapor pipe at the EVAP canister
5. If you cannot locate a condition with the EVAP
system, refer to Diagnostic Aids for additional
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-126

Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

This DTC tests for continuous intake manifold vacuum DTC P0496 is a Type A/B DTC.
flow to the Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System. The
control module seals the EVAP system by commanding Conditions for Clearing the DTC
the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve Closed and the DTC P0496 is a Type A/B DTC.
EVAP canister vent solenoid valve Closed. The control
module monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor to Diagnostic Aids
determine if a vacuum is being drawn on the EVAP
• Observe the Freeze Frame/Failure Records vehicle
system. If vacuum in the EVAP system is more than a
mileage since the diagnostic test last failed may help
predetermined value within a predetermined time, this
determine how often the condition occurs that caused
DTC sets.
the DTC to set. This may assist in diagnosing the
FTP Sensor Signal condition.
Fuel Tank Pressure
High, Approximately 1.5 Negative Pressure/ • The EVAP system tests run when engine is first
Volts or More Vacuum started and meets The Conditions for Running the
Low, Approximately 1.5 DTC. An intermittent condition could be caused by an
Positive Pressure improperly installed or damaged EVAP canister purge
Volts or Less
solenoid valve, or by a temporary blockage or
Conditions for Running the DTC restriction in the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve.
• Before the engine control module (ECM) can report
Reference Information
DTC P0496 failed, DTCs P0451, P0452, and P0453

Schematic Reference
must run and pass.
“Engine Controls Schematics”
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, Description and Operation
P0113, P116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0125, P0443, “Evaporative Emission Control System Description: ”
P0446, P0449, P0451, P0452, P0453, P0458, P0459, DTC Type Reference
P0496, P0498, P0499, P0560, P0562, P0563, P0721, “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
P0722, P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138, P2227, Definitions”
P2228, and P2229 are not set.
Scan Tool Reference
• The fuel system is in closed loop.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• The engine run time is more than 16 minutes or the
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
long term fuel trim is stable.
• The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is less than 3 km/h (2
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The engine is idling.
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts. Circuit/System Testing
• The FTP is between -18.7 to +7.5 mm Hg (-10.0 to 1. Disconnect the EVAP purge solenoid valve electrical
+4.0 in H2O). harness connector.
• The ambient air temperature is between 2-32°C (36- 2. Start the engine.
3. Command the EVAP vent closed.
• The start-up engine coolant temperature (ECT) is
4. Increase the engine speed to 1,200-1,500 RPM.
within 10°C (18°F) of ambient air temperature
5. Observe the fuel tank pressure sensor inches H2O
• The fuel tank level is between 12-88 percent.
with a scan tool.
• The volumetric efficiency is less than 35 percent.
6. Verify the scan tool FTP sensor H2O parameter is −
• The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than 68 0.5 to +0.5 inches H2O.
➢ If the FTP sensor in H2O parameter is greater than
• The above conditions are met for more than 4 the specified range, replace the EVAP purge
seconds. solenoid valve.
• DTC P0496 will attempt to run up to 10 times or the 7. With the engine OFF and the ignition ON, disconnect
test completes successfully once per ignition cycle. the EVAP purge solenoid valve pipe.
8. Observe the FTP sensor in H2O parameter with a
Conditions for Setting the DTC scan tool.
• The control module detects vacuum during a non- 9. Verify the FTP sensor is −0.5 to +0.5 inches H2O.
purge condition.
➢ If the FTP sensor parameter is greater than the
• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or for a specified range, replace the FTP sensor.
cumulative of 50 seconds.
1A-127 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Repair Instructions Conditions for Running the DTC

Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle P0506 and P0507
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• DTCs P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118,
P0119, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223,
• “Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve P0442, P0443, P0446, P0455, P0458, P0459, P0496,
Replacement: ” P0722, and P0723 are not set.
• “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ” • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control • The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge
module replacement, setup, and programming valve is OFF.
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than −11°C
Repair Verification (+13°F).
1. Start the engine. • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater than
2. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a −11°C (+13°F).
scan tool. • A vehicle speed was detected prior to the diagnostic
3. Increase the engine idle to 1,200-1,500 RPM. running.
4. Observe the FTP sensor in H2O parameter with a • DTC P0506 and P0507 run continuously once the
scan tool. above conditions are met for more than 10 seconds.
5. Verify the FTP sensor parameter is −0.5 to +0.5 P050A
inches H2O. • DTCs P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118,

6. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool. P0119, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223,
P0442, P0443, P0446, P0455, P0458, P0459, P0496,
DTC P0506, P0507, or P050A P0722, and P0723 are not set.
Diagnostic Instructions • The ECT is −10 to +40°C (+14 to +104°F) at cold
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • The engine coolant temperature is less than 80°C
procedure. (176°F) for the duration of the test.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview • DTC P050A runs once an ignition cycle when the
of the diagnostic approach. conditions above have been met for 7 seconds.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of Conditions for Setting the DTC
each diagnostic category. P0506
The actual engine speed is less than the desired idle
speed by at least 100 RPM for 5 seconds or for a
DTC Descriptors
cumulative of 50 seconds.
DTC P0506: Idle Speed Low
DTC P0507: Idle Speed High P0507
DTC P050A: Cold Start Idle Air Control (IAC) System • The actual engine speed is greater than the desired
Performance idle speed by at least 200 RPM for 5 seconds or for a
cumulative of 50 seconds.
Circuit/System Description OR
The throttle actuator control (TAC) motor is a DC motor • The ECM detects 3 fuel cut-offs due to an engine over
that is part of the throttle body assembly. The TAC motor speed condition while the engine is idling.
drives the throttle valve. The engine control module P050A
(ECM) controls the TAC motor based on throttle position The actual engine speed is greater or less than the
sensor input. The idle speed is controlled by the ECM desired idle speed by at least 100 RPM for 7 seconds or
based on various inputs. The ECM commands the TAC for a cumulative of 50 seconds, during a cold start.
motor to open or close the throttle valve in order to
maintain the desired idle speed. If the ECM detects the
actual idle speed and the desired idle speed are not
within a predetermined amount, this DTC sets.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-128

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Circuit/System Testing

DTCs P0506, P0507, and P050A are Type B DTCs. Engine operating, command the engine speed up to
1,400 RPM, down to 600 RPM, up to 1,400 RPM, and
Conditions for Clearing the DTC then exit using the scan tool. The engine speed should
DTCs P0506, P0507, and P050A are Type B DTCs. steadily increase and decrease as commanded.
➢ If the idle does not increase or decrease steadily,
Diagnostic Aids verify that one of the following conditions is not
Inspect for a condition in which the throttle valve may present:
have been held open. For example, ice may have • Vacuum leaks
formed in the throttle bore. • The throttle valve for the correct operation—A throttle
valve that does not close correctly sets this DTC.
Reference Information
• Restricted air intake system
Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” • The throttle body for damage and/or tampering
Connector End View Reference • Incorrect or malfunctioning PCV valve
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” • Excess deposits in the throttle body
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” • A parasitic load on the engine—For example, a
Electrical Information Reference transmission condition, a belt driven accessory
• “Circuit Testing: ” condition
• “Connector Repairs: ” ➢ Repair the condition as necessary.

• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• “Wiring Repairs: ” Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
DTC Type Reference procedure.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Scan Tool Reference DTC P0560
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” Diagnostic Instructions
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
(LY7)” Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7)” • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
Circuit/System Verification • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
1. Observe the DTC information with a scan tool.
each diagnostic category.
➢ If there are any throttle actuator control (TAC),
throttle position (TP) sensor, or accelerator pedal
DTC Descriptor
position (APP) sensor DTCs set, refer to
DTC P0560: System Voltage
“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ”.
Circuit/System Description
2. Operate the engine within the conditions for running
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the system
the DTCs for 1 minute. DTC P0506, P0507, or
voltage to ensure that the voltage stays within the proper
P050A should not set.
range. Damage to components and incorrect data may
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification occur when the voltage is out of range.
test, you may also operate the vehicle within the
conditions that are captured in the Freeze Frame/ Conditions for Running the DTC
Failure Records List.
• The vehicle speed is below 40 km/h(25 mph).
• The system voltage is below 11 volts or above 16
• Engine speed is above 1,500 RPM.

Conditions for Setting the DTC

The ECM detects a system voltage out of range for 2
1A-129 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Action Taken When the DTC Sets DTC P0562

• The ECM will command the charge indicator and or Diagnostic Instructions
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
(DIC), if equipped. procedure.
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
lamp (MIL). of the diagnostic approach.
• The ECM will store conditions, which were present • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
when the DTC set as Fail Records data only. Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• The ECM will command the message OFF after one DTC Descriptor
trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and DTC P0562: System Voltage Low
• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm- Circuit/System Description
up cycles have occurred without a malfunction. The engine control module (ECM) monitors the system
voltage to ensure that the voltage stays within the proper
Reference Information range. Damage to components, and incorrect data may
Schematic Reference occur when the voltage is out of range.
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”

Connector End View Reference Conditions for Running the DTC
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ” • The vehicle speed is above 8 km/h (5 mph).
Description and Operation
• The system voltage is between 9.5-18 volts.
“Charging System Description and Operation: ”
Electrical Information Reference Conditions for Setting the DTC
• “Circuit Testing: ” The ECM detects a system voltage below 10 volts for 5
• “Connector Repairs: ” seconds.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• “Wiring Repairs: ” • The ECM will command the charge indicator and or
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument
Circuit/System Verification panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center
Engine running, observe the scan tool ECM Ignition 1 (DIC), if equipped.
signal parameter. The ignition 1 signal parameter should • The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator
read between 11.5 volts - 15.5 volts. lamp (MIL).
• The ECM will store conditions, which were present
Circuit/System Testing when the DTC set as Failure Records data only.
1. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals and
compare it with the scan tool ECM Ignition 1 signal Conditions for Clearing the DTC
parameter. Verify that battery and Ignition 1 signal • The ECM will command the message OFF after one
readings do not differ more than 1.0 volt. trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the Ignition passed.
1 and ground circuits of the ECM for an open/high • The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
resistance. If the circuits test normal replace the up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
2. Go to “Charging System Test: ”.

Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
“Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-130

Reference Information DTC P0563

Schematic Reference Diagnostic Instructions
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Connector End View Reference
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
Description and Operation
“Charging System Description and Operation: ” • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
Electrical Information Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
• “Circuit Testing: ”
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
• “Connector Repairs: ” each diagnostic category.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” DTC Descriptor
• “Wiring Repairs: ” DTC P0563: System Voltage High
Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Circuit/System Description
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the system
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L voltage to ensure that the voltage stays within the proper
(LY7)” range. Damage to components, and incorrect data may
occur when the voltage is out of range.
Circuit/System Verification

Ignition ON, observe the scan tool ECM Ignition 1 Signal Conditions for Running the DTC
parameter. The Ignition 1 Signal parameter should read
10.5 volts or greater. • The vehicle speed is above 8 km/h (5 mph).
• The system voltage is between 9.5-18 volts.
Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition ON, measure the voltage at the battery
Conditions for Setting the DTC
terminals and compare it with the scan tool ECM The ECM detects a system voltage above 16 volts for
Ignition 1 Signal parameter. Verify that battery less than 1 second.
terminal and ignition 1 signal readings do not differ
more than 1.0 volt. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
➢ If greater than specified value, test the ignition 1 • The ECM will command the charge indicator and or
and ground circuits for open/high resistance. If the warning message to be illuminated on the instrument
circuits test normal, replace the ECM. panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center
(DIC), if equipped.
2. Go to “Charging System Test: ”.
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator
Repair Instructions lamp (MIL).
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • The ECM will store conditions, which were present
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic when the DTC set as Failure Records data only.
“Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement, Conditions for Clearing the DTC
setup, and programming • The ECM will command the message OFF after one
trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and
• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
1A-131 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Reference Information DTC Descriptors

Schematic Reference DTC P0601: Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM)
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ” DTC P0602: Control Module Not Programmed
Connector End View Reference DTC P0603: Control Module Long Term Memory Reset
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ” DTC P0604: Control Module Random Access Memory
Description and Operation (RAM)
“Charging System Description and Operation: ” DTC P0606: Control Module Internal Performance
Electrical Information Reference DTC P2610: Control Module Ignition Off Timer
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ” Circuit/System Description
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor This diagnostic applies to internal microprocessor
Connections: ” integrity conditions within the engine control module
• “Wiring Repairs: ” (ECM). This diagnostic also addresses if the ECM is not
Scan Tool Reference programmed.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Conditions for Running the DTC
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L P0601
(LY7)” The checksum calculation at power down in the last
drive cycle was completely finished. DTC P0601 runs
Circuit/System Verification once an ignition cycle.

1. If the DTC is history, refer to “Charging System Test: P0602
” The ignition is ON, with the engine OFF. DTC P0602
2. Engine running, record the voltage at the battery runs continuously when the ignition is ON for more than
terminals. Observe the scan tool ECM Ignition 1 1 second.
signal parameter. Voltages should not differ by more P0603
than 1 volt. • The ignition is ON.
➢ If greater than the specified value replace the ECM. • The power down calculation in the last drive cycle was
completely finished.
Repair Instructions P0604
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle The read/write test at power down in the last drive cycle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic completely finished. DTC P0604 runs once an ignition
procedure. cycle.
“Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement, P0606
setup, and programming DTC P0606 runs continuously with ignition ON or engine
DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0605, P2610
DTC P2610 runs continuously once the engine is
P0606, P0607, P1600, P1621, P1627, P1680,
operating and the real time clock is active.
P1681, P1683, or P2610
Diagnostic Instructions Conditions for Setting the DTC
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle P0601
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic The ECM detects the incorrect read only memory (ROM)
procedure. checksum.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview P0602
of the diagnostic approach. The ECM detects that programming is incomplete for
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle more than 4 seconds.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of P0603
each diagnostic category. The ECM detects an error during the shut down path
The ECM detects random access memory (RAM) errors.
The ECM detects an internal error.
The ECM detects the engine off timer is not valid for
more than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-132

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Circuit/System Verification

• DTCs P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, and P0606 are 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
Type A DTCs. scan tool. DTC P0602 or P0606 should not set.
• DTC P2610 is a Type B DTC. ➢ If DTC P0602 failed this ignition, program the ECM.
If the DTC resets, replace the ECM.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC ➢ If DTC P0606 failed this ignition, clear the DTCs
• DTCs P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, and P0606 are with a scan tool and verify the DTC does not reset.
Type A DTCs. If DTC resets, replace the ECM.
• DTC P2610 is a Type B DTC. 2. Observe the DTC information with a scan tool. DTC
P0601, P0603, P0604, or P2610 should not set.
Reference Information ➢ If a DTC failed this ignition, replace the ECM.
Description and Operation 3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running
“Engine Control Module Description: ” the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the
DTC Type Reference conditions that you observed in the Freeze Frame/
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Failure Records data.
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic

“Control Module References: ” for engine control module
replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0627, P0628, or P0629

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0627: Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0628: Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0629: Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
Battery Voltage- Relay Switch 1 2 — —
Fuel Pump Supply Voltage 1 2 3 —
Fuel Pump Relay Control P0628 P0627 P0629 —
Fuel Pump Relay Ground — P0627 — —
1. The fuel pump fuse opens and the engine cranks but does not run.
2. The engine cranks but does not run.
3. The fuel pump operates continuously and the battery will discharge.
1A-133 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The engine control module (ECM) provides ignition DTCs P0627 and P0628 are Type C DTCs.
voltage to the coil side of the fuel pump relay whenever DTC P0629 is a type B DTC.
the engine is cranking or running. The control module
enables the fuel pump relay as long as the engine is Diagnostic Aids
cranking or running, and ignition system reference If the condition is intermittent, move the related
pulses are received. If no ignition system reference harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
pulses are received, the control module turns OFF the while monitoring the circuit status for the component with
fuel pump. The fuel pump relay control circuit is a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes from
equipped with a feedback circuit that is pulled up to 2.5 OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a condition with
volts within the ECM. The ECM can determine if the the circuit or a connection.
control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a
voltage by monitoring the feedback voltage. Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC “Engine Controls Schematics”
• The engine speed is greater than 80 RPM. Connector End View Reference
• The ignition voltage is 10-18 volts. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• The ECM has commanded the fuel pump relay ON • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
and OFF at least once during the ignition cycle. Electrical Information Reference
• The above conditions are met for less than 1 second. • “Circuit Testing: ”

• The DTCs runs continuously once the above • “Connector Repairs: ”
conditions are met. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC • “Wiring Repairs: ”
P0627 DTC Type Reference
The ECM detects the voltage on the fuel pump relay “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
control circuit is within a predetermined range when the Definitions”
control circuit is commanded OFF. The condition exists Scan Tool Reference
for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
The ECM detects the fuel pump relay control circuit • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
voltage is less than 2.21 volts when the control circuit is (LY7)”
commanded OFF. The condition exists for a cumulative • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
of 50 seconds. (LY7)”
The ECM detects the fuel pump relay control circuit Circuit/System Verification
voltage is greater than 2.74 volts when the control circuit Ignition ON, command the Fuel Pump Relay ON and
is commanded ON. The condition exists for a cumulative OFF with a scan tool. You should hear or feel a click
of 50 seconds. from the fuel pump relay. Repeat as necessary in order
to verify fuel pump relay operation.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0627 and P0628 are Type C DTCs.
DTC P0629 is a type B DTC.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-134

Circuit/System Testing Component Testing

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the fuel pump relay. 1. Measure for 110-150 ohms of resistance between
2. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit of terminals 1 and 2 of the fuel pump relay.
the fuel pump relay and ground. ➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
3. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump ON and OFF replace the fuel pump relay.
with a scan tool. The test lamp should turn ON and 2. Measure for infinite resistance between the following
OFF as commanded. terminals of the fuel pump relay:
➢ If the test lamp remains OFF all the time, test for a – 3 and 2
short to ground or an open/high resistance on the – 3 and 5
control circuit. If circuit/connections test normal,
– 3 and 1
replace the ECM.
– 1 and 5
➢ If the test lamp remains ON all the time, test for a
short to voltage on the control circuit. If circuit/ ➢ If continuity is detected, replace the fuel pump
connections test normal, replace the ECM. relay.
4. Ignition OFF, connect a test lamp between the fuel 3. Connect a 15 amp fused jumper wire from the
pump relay control circuit and the ground circuit of positive terminal of the battery to relay terminal 1.
the fuel pump relay. Connect a jumper wire from the negative terminal of
the battery to relay terminal 2. Measure for less than
5. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump ON and OFF
2 ohms between terminals 3 and 5 of the relay.
with a scan tool. The test lamp should turn ON and
OFF as commanded. ➢ If the resistance measures more than 2 ohms,

replace the fuel pump relay.
➢ If the test lamp does not turn ON when
commanded, repair the open/high resistance in
ground circuit of the fuel pump relay. Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
6. Ignition ON, test for 2-3 volts on the control circuit of Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
the fuel pump relay. procedure.
➢ If the voltage is not within the specified range, • “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ”
replace the ECM. “Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ”
7. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
the fuel pump relay. module replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0638, P2100, P2101, or P2119

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0638: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Command Performance
DTC P2100: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Motor Control Circuit
DTC P2101: Control Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance
DTC P2119: Throttle Closed Position Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal
Circuit Open
Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
P2100, P2100, P0638,
P2100, P0123,
Motor Control 1 P2101, P2101, P2101,
P2101 P2101
P2119 P2119 P2119
P2100, P2100, P0638,
Motor Control 2 P2101, P2101, P2101 P2101,
P2119 P2119 P2119
1A-135 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description P2100

The engine control module (ECM) controls the throttle The ECM detects the output circuit for the TAC motor is
valve by applying a varying voltage to the control circuits open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a voltage.
of the throttle actuator control (TAC) motor. The ECM P2101
monitors the duty cycle that is required to actuate the • The ECM detects that the difference between the
throttle valve. The ECM monitors the throttle position commanded and the actual throttle plate position is
(TP) sensors 1 and 2 to determine the actual throttle greater than a predetermined value. The value range
valve position. from 4-50 percent depending on the rate of the
commanded change in the throttle position.
Conditions for Running the DTCs
• The condition exists for 0.5 second.
P0638 and P2101 P2119
• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. The ECM determines that the throttle valve did not return
• The ignition voltage is more than 7 volts. to the rest position within 180 milliseconds.
• Throttle position adaptation is not active.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• DTCs P0638 and P2101 run continuously once the
DTCs P0638, P2100, P2101, and P2119 are Type A
above conditions are met for more than 1 second.
• Before the ECM can report DTC P2100 failed, DTC Conditions for Clearing the DTC
P2101 must run and pass. DTCs P0638, P2100, P2101, and P2119 are Type A

• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. DTCs.
• DTC P2100 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met for more than 1 second. Diagnostic Aids
Inspect for a condition in which the throttle valve may
have been held open. For example, ice may have
• The ignition is ON. formed in the throttle bore causing the throttle valve not
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph). to close.
• The engine speed is less than 40 RPM.
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is 5-100°C Reference Information
(41-212°F). Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics”
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is 5-143°C (41-
Connector End View Reference
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• The ignition voltage is more than 10 volts.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
• The accelerator pedal position (APP) is less than 15
Description and Operation
“Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Description: ”
• DTC P2119 runs once per ignition cycle when the Electrical Information Reference
above conditions are met for less than 1 second.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC • “Connector Repairs: ”
P0638 • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
• The ECM detects that the commanded duty cycle for
the range test high is more than 80 percent for more • “Wiring Repairs: ”
than 0.6 second. DTC Type Reference
OR “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The ECM detects that the commanded duty cycle for Scan Tool Reference
the range test low is more than 80 percent for more
than 5 seconds. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Special Tools Required
J 34730-405 Injector Test Lamp
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-136

Circuit/System Verification 2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of

1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a the throttle body. Ignition ON, test for 4.0-4.1 volts
scan tool. Verify DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123, between the TAC motor control 1 circuit terminal B
P0221, P0222, or P0223 are not set. and ground.
➢ If any of the DTCs are set refer to “DTC P0121, ➢ If voltage is greater than the specified range, test
P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, or P0223”. each of the motor control circuits for a short to
voltage. If the circuits tests normal, replace the
2. Verify that TP sensor 1 voltage is between 3.24-3.54
volts, and TP sensor 2 voltage is between 1.36-1.86
volts. ➢ If voltage is less than the specified range, test the
motor control 1 circuit for an open/high resistance.
➢ If either TP sensor voltage is not within the
Test each of the motor control circuits for a short to
specified range refer to “DTC P0121, P0122,
ground. If the circuits tests normal, replace the
P0123, P0221, P0222, or P0223”.
3. Rapidly depress the accelerator pedal from the rest
3. Test for greater than 3.5 volts between TAC motor
position to the wide open throttle position (WOT) and
control 1 circuit terminal B and TAC motor control 2
release the pedal. Repeat the procedure several
circuit terminal A.
times. DTCs P0638, P2111, P2112, or P2119 should
not set. ➢ If the voltage is less than the specified value, test
the motor control 2 circuit for an open/high
➢ If any of the DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221,
resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
P0222, or P0223 set while performing this
procedure refer to “DTC P0121, P0122, P0123,

P0221, P0222, or P0223”. 4. Ignition OFF, connect the J 34730-405 injector test
lamp between the TAC motor control 1 and TAC
4. Slowly depress the accelerator pedal to WOT and
motor control 2 circuits of the throttle body harness
then slowly return the pedal to closed throttle.
connector. Observe the injector test lamp while
Repeat the procedure several times. DTCs P0638,
turning the ignition ON for 5 seconds and then OFF.
P2111, P2112, or P2119 should not set.
Verify the injector test lamp illuminates brightly.
➢ If any of the DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221,
➢ If the injector test lamp does not illuminate, replace
P0222, or P0223 set while performing this
the ECM.
procedure refer to “DTC P0121, P0122, P0123,
P0221, P0222, or P0223”. 5. If all circuits test normal, replace the throttle body.
5. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
Repair Instructions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List. procedure.
• “Throttle Body Assembly Replacement: ”
Circuit/System Testing • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
1. Inspect the throttle body for the following conditions: module replacement, setup, and programming
– A throttle blade that is not in the rest position
– A throttle valve that is binding open or closed
DTC P0642 or P0643
Diagnostic Instructions
– A throttle valve that opens or closes without spring
pressure • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
➢ If a condition is found, replace the throttle body.
NOTE • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
Disconnecting the throttle body harness of the diagnostic approach.
connector causes additional DTCs to set. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0642: 5 Volt Reference 1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0643: 5 Volt Reference 1 Circuit High Voltage
1A-137 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description Circuit/System Verification

The engine control module (ECM) has 3 5-volt reference 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
circuits. The ECM provides the 5-volt reference to scan tool. DTCs P0642 and P0643 should not set.
various sensors. Each reference circuit provides a 5-volt
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
reference for more than one sensor. A short to ground or
test, operate the vehicle within the conditions for
voltage on one of the 5-volt reference circuits will affect
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
all components connected to that 5-volt reference circuit.
within the conditions that are captured in the Freeze
The ECM monitors the voltage on the 5-volt reference
Frame/Failure Records List.
Circuit/System Testing
Conditions for Running the DTC
• The ignition is ON for more than 3 seconds. NOTE
• DTCs P0642 and P0643 run continuously when the Additional DTCs will set when disconnecting
above condition is met. the components.

Conditions for Setting the DTC 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of all
The 5-volt reference 3 voltage is above or below a appropriate sensors for the applicable DTC. Refer to
predetermined threshold for more than 4 seconds. Diagnostic Aids.
2. Ignition ON, measure for 4.6-5.2 volts between one
Action Taken When the DTC Sets of the 5-volt reference circuits and ground.
➢ If the voltage is less than 4.6 volts, test for a short

DTCs P0642 and P0643 are Type A DTCs.
to ground on all the 5-volt reference circuits. If all
Conditions for Clearing the DTC circuits test normal, replace the control module.
DTCs P0642 and P0643 are Type A DTCs. ➢ If the voltage is greater than 5.2 volts, test for a
short to voltage on all the 5-volt reference circuits
Diagnostic Aids for each component associated with the
The 5-volt reference 1 circuit provides 5 volts to the appropriate 5-volt reference circuit. If all circuits test
following sensors: normal, replace the control module.
• The fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor NOTE
• The engine oil pressure (EOP) sensor
A short to voltage on the signal circuit of
certain components may cause this DTC to
Reference Information set.
Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” 3. Connect each component associated with the 5-volt
Connector End View Reference reference 1 circuit one at a time while monitoring the
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” 5-Volt Reference 1 Circuit Status parameter with a
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” scan tool. The parameter should continue to display
Electrical Information Reference OK.
• “Circuit Testing: ” ➢ If the parameter displays Fault when a component
is connected, test the signal circuit of that
• “Connector Repairs: ”
component for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor normal, replace the component.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” Repair Instructions
DTC Type Reference Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Definitions” procedure.
Scan Tool Reference • “Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” • “Engine Oil Pressure Sensor and/or Switch
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L Replacement: ”
(LY7)” • “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-138

DTC P0650
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC P0650: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
MIL Voltage Supply P0650 P0650 — —
MIL Control P0650/MIL ON P0650 P0650 —

Circuit/System Description Diagnostic Aids

The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is located on the If the condition is intermittent, move the related
instrument panel cluster (IPC). The MIL informs the harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
driver that an emission system fault has occurred and while monitoring the circuit status for the component with

that the engine control system requires service. The a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes from
engine control module (ECM) monitors the MIL control OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a condition with
circuit for conditions that are incorrect for the the circuit or a connection.
commanded state of the MIL. For example, a failure
condition exists if the ECM detects low voltage when the Reference Information
MIL is commanded OFF, or high voltage when the MIL is Schematic Reference
commanded ON. “Engine Controls Schematics”
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• The engine speed is more than 80 RPM.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts.
Electrical Information Reference
• The ECM has commanded the MIL ON and OFF at
• “Circuit Testing: ”
least once during the ignition cycle.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• DTC P0650 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
• The ECM detects an open, a short to ground, or a
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
short to voltage on the circuit that controls the MIL.
• The condition exists for at least 4 seconds.
Scan Tool Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
DTC P0650 is a Type B DTC. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Clearing the DTC • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
DTC P0650 is a Type B DTC. (LY7)”

Circuit/System Verification
Ignition ON, command the MIL ON and OFF with a scan
tool. The MIL should turn ON and OFF as commanded.
1A-139 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Testing Conditions for Running the DTC

1. If any other IPC indicators or gages are inoperative, • The ignition is ON for more than 3 seconds.
refer to “Instrument Cluster Gages Inoperative: ”. • DTCs P0652 and P0653 run continuously when the
2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the ECM harness above condition is met.
connectors. Ignition ON, the MIL should not
illuminate. Conditions for Setting the DTC
➢ If the MIL is illuminated, test the MIL control circuit The 5-volt reference 2 voltage is above or below a
for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, predetermined threshold for more than 4 seconds.
replace the IPC.
3. Ignition ON, connect a 3A fused jumper wire Action Taken When the DTC Sets
between the MIL control circuit and ground. The MIL DTCs P0652 and P0653 are Type A DTCs.
should illuminate.
➢ If the MIL does not illuminate, test the MIL control Conditions for Clearing the DTC
circuit for a short to voltage, or an open/high DTCs P0652 and P0653 are Type A DTCs.
resistance. If the circuit test normal, replace the
IPC/bulb. Diagnostic Aids
4. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the The 5-volt reference 2 circuit provides 5 volts to the
ECM. following sensors:
• All four camshaft position (CMP) sensors
Repair Instructions • Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor 1

Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic Reference Information
procedure. Schematic Reference
• “Instrument Cluster Replacement: ” “Engine Controls Schematics”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control Connector End View Reference
module replacement, setup, and programming • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
DTC P0652 or P0653 Electrical Information Reference
Diagnostic Instructions • “Circuit Testing: ”
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle • “Connector Repairs: ”
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
procedure. Connections: ”
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview • “Wiring Repairs: ”
of the diagnostic approach. DTC Type Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of Definitions”
each diagnostic category. Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
DTC Descriptors • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
DTC P0652: 5 Volt Reference 2 Circuit Low Voltage (LY7)”
DTC P0653: 5 Volt Reference 2 Circuit High Voltage • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Circuit/System Description
The engine control module (ECM) has 3 5-volt reference Circuit/System Verification
circuits. The ECM provides the 5-volt reference to
various sensors. Each reference circuit provides a 5-volt 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
reference for more than one sensor. A short to ground or scan tool. DTCs P0652 and P0653 should not set.
voltage on one of the 5-volt reference circuits will affect 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
all components connected to that 5-volt reference circuit. test, operate the vehicle within the conditions for
The ECM monitors the voltage on the 5-volt reference running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
circuits. within the conditions that are captured in the Freeze
Frame/Failure Records List.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-140

Circuit/System Testing 3. Connect each component associated with the 5-volt

reference 2 circuit one at a time while monitoring the
NOTE 5-Volt Reference 2 Circuit Status parameter with a
Additional DTCs will set when disconnecting scan tool. The parameter should continue to display
the components. OK.
➢ If the parameter displays Fault when a component
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of all is connected, test the signal circuit of that
appropriate sensors for the applicable DTC. Refer to component for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests
Diagnostic Aids. normal, replace the component.
2. Ignition ON, measure for 4.6-5.2 volts between one
of the 5-volt reference circuits and ground. Repair Instructions
➢ If the voltage is less than 4.6 volts, test for a short Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
to ground on all the 5-volt reference circuits. If all Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
circuits test normal, replace the control module. procedure.
➢ If the voltage is greater than 5.2 volts, test for a • “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
short to voltage on all the 5-volt reference circuits (Left Side) Exhaust: ”
for each component associated with the • “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
appropriate 5-volt reference circuit. If all circuits test (Left Side) Intake: ”
normal, replace the control module.
• “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
NOTE (Right Side) Exhaust: ”

A short to voltage on the signal circuit of • “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
certain components may cause this DTC to (Right Side) Intake: ”
set. • “Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming

DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, or P0690

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0685: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0686: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0687: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0689: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Feedback Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0690: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Feedback Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal
Circuit Open
Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
B+ Supply Voltage - Coil P0685 P0685 P0685 — —
B+ Supply Voltage - Switch — P0689 P0689 P0690 —
Relay Control Circuit P0686 P0685 P0685 P0687 P0685
Ignition Voltage Circuit — P0689 P0689 P0690 —
1A-141 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC

The engine controls (EC) ignition relay, or powertrain DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, and P0690 are
relay is a normally open relay. The relay switch is held in Type C DTCs.
the open position by spring tension. Battery positive
voltage is supplied directly to the relay coil and the Diagnostic Aids
switch contact at all times. The engine control module • This test procedure requires that the vehicle battery
(ECM) supplies the ground path to the relay coil control has passed a load test and is completely charged.
circuit via an internal integrated circuit called an output Refer to “Battery Inspection/Test: ”.
driver. When the ECM commands the relay ON, ignition
voltage is supplied to the following fuses in the • An open in the relay control circuit will cause no
underhood fuse block: communication with the ECM when the ignition switch
is cycled OFF and ON after the initial failure. The
• ETC/ECM Fuse malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) will flash rapidly and
• EMM DEV 1 Fuse other relays can be heard turning on and off with the
• EMM DEV 2 Fuse ignition ON.
• EVEN COIL/INJ Fuse • When disconnecting electrical connectors or removing
• ODD COIL/INJ Fuse fuses and relays from a fuse block, always inspect the
The ignition voltage that is supplied to the ECM through component electrical terminals for corrosion and the
the ECM fuse, provides power to the internal ECM mating electrical terminals for tightness.
circuits associated with the throttle actuator control • Use the J 35616 Connector Test Adapter Kit for any
(TAC) operation. test that requires probing the underhood fuse block

terminals, component wire harness terminals, or the
Conditions for Running the DTC ECM wire harness connector terminals.
P0685, P0686, and P0687
Reference Information
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts.
Schematic Reference
• The engine speed is greater than 80 RPM. “Engine Controls Schematics”
• The powertrain relay has been commanded ON and Connector End View Reference
OFF. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• The DTCs run continuously once the above condition • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
is met. Electrical Information Reference
P0689 and P0690 • “Circuit Testing: ”
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts. • “Connector Repairs: ”
• The ignition is ON. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
• The DTCs runs continuously once the above condition Connections: ”
is met. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
P0685, P0686, and P0687 Definitions”
The commanded state of the ODM and the actual state Scan Tool Reference
of the control circuit do not match for greater than a • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
cumulative of 50 seconds.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
P0689 and P0690
The ECM detects that powertrain relay feedback voltage
is less than predicted range for greater than 1 second, • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
when the powertrain relay is commanded ON or OFF. (LY7)”
The condition exists for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
Circuit/System Verification
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1. Ignition ON, you should be able to communicate with
DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, and P0690 are the ECM using a scan tool.
Type C DTCs. 2. Ignition ON, view the DTC information with a scan
tool. DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, or P0690
should not be set.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-142

Circuit/System Testing 8. Connect a 15A fused jumper wire between the B+

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the powertrain relay. supply voltage circuit and the ignition voltage circuit
of the powertrain relay.
NOTE 9. Attempt to start the engine. The engine should start.
The test lamp is used to load the circuit and ➢ If the engine does not start, test the ignition voltage
may not illuminate. circuit between the powertrain relay and the ECM
for a short to ground or for an open/high resistance.
2. Connect a test lamp between the B+ supply circuit to If the circuit/connections test normal, replace the
the coil side of the powertrain relay and the negative ECM.
terminal of the battery.
10. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 volt on the ignition
3. Ignition ON, test for less than 0.1 volt between the voltage circuit between the powertrain relay terminal
B+ voltage circuit of the powertrain relay and the in the UBEC and ground.
positive battery terminal.
➢ If greater than the specified value, repair the short
➢ If greater than 0.1 volt, repair the B+ voltage circuit to voltage in the ignition voltage circuit.
to the coil side of the powertrain relay for a short to
11. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace
ground or an open/high resistance.
the powertrain relay.
The test lamp is used to load the circuit and Component Testing
may not illuminate. 1. Measure for 70-110 ohms of resistance between
terminals 85 and 86 of the powertrain relay.

4. Connect a test lamp between the B+ voltage supply ➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
circuit to the switch side of the powertrain relay and replace the powertrain relay.
the negative terminal of the battery.
2. Measure for infinite resistance between the following
5. Ignition ON, test for less than 0.1 volt between the terminals of the powertrain relay:
B+ voltage circuit of the powertrain relay and the
– 30 and 86
positive battery terminal.
– 30 and 87
➢ If greater than 0.1 volt, repair the B+ voltage circuit
to the switch side of the powertrain relay for a short – 30 and 85
to ground or an open/high resistance. – 85 and 87
6. With the ignition OFF, connect a test lamp between ➢ If continuity is detected, replace the powertrain
the control circuit of the powertrain relay and the B+ relay.
voltage supply circuit to the coil side of the 3. Connect a 15A fused jumper wire from the positive
powertrain relay. terminal of the battery to relay terminal 85. Connect
7. Turn ON the ignition. The test lamp should turn ON a jumper wire from the negative terminal of the
when the ignition switch is cycled ON and OFF when battery to relay terminal 86. Measure for less than 2
the ignition switch is cycled OFF. ohms between terminals 30 and 87 of the relay.
➢ If the test lamp remains ON all the time, test for a ➢ If the resistance measures more than 2 ohms,
short to ground on the control circuit. If the circuit/ replace the powertrain relay.
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
➢ If the test lamp remains OFF all the time, test for a Repair Instructions
short to voltage or an open/high resistance on the Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
control circuit. If circuit/connections test normal, Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
replace the ECM. procedure.
• “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ”
“Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ”
The ignition voltage circuit is between the • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
powertrain relay and the ECM. The ignition module replacement, setup, and programming
voltage is a feedback circuit.
1A-143 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P0698 or P0699 Reference Information

Diagnostic Instructions Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics”
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Connector End View Reference
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
of the diagnostic approach. Electrical Information Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • “Circuit Testing: ”
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of • “Connector Repairs: ”
each diagnostic category. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
DTC Descriptors • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC P0698: 5 Volt Reference 3 Circuit Low Voltage DTC Type Reference
DTC P0699: 5 Volt Reference 3 Circuit High Voltage “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Circuit/System Description Scan Tool Reference
The engine control module (ECM) has 3 5-volt reference • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
circuits. The ECM provides the 5-volt reference to
various sensors. Each reference circuit provides a 5-volt • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
reference for more than one sensor. A short to ground or (LY7)”

voltage on one of the 5-volt reference circuits will affect • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
all components connected to that 5-volt reference circuit. (LY7)”
The ECM monitors the voltage on the 5-volt reference
circuits. Circuit/System Verification
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
Conditions for Running the DTC scan tool. DTCs P0698 and P0699 should not set.
• The ignition is ON for more than 3 seconds. 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
• DTCs P0698 and P0699 run continuously when the test, operate the vehicle within the conditions for
above condition is met. running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that are captured in the Freeze
Conditions for Setting the DTC Frame/Failure Records List.
The 5-volt reference 3 voltage is above or below a
predetermined threshold for more than 4 seconds. Circuit/System Testing
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0698 and P0699 are Type A DTCs. Additional DTCs will set when disconnecting
the components.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of all
DTCs P0698 and P0699 are Type A DTCs. appropriate sensors for the applicable DTC. Refer to
Diagnostic Aids.
Diagnostic Aids
2. Ignition ON, measure for 4.6-5.2 volts between one
The 5-volt reference 3 circuit provides 5 volts to the
of the 5-volt reference circuits and ground.
following sensors:
➢ If the voltage is less than 4.6 volts, test for a short
• Throttle position sensor (TPS) 1 and 2
to ground on all the 5-volt reference circuits. If all
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor circuits test normal, replace the control module.
• Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor 2 ➢ If the voltage is greater than 5.2 volts, test for a
• A/C pressure sensor short to voltage on all the 5-volt reference circuits
for each component associated with the
appropriate 5-volt reference circuit. If all circuits test
normal, replace the control module.

A short to voltage on the signal circuit of
certain components may cause this DTC to
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-144

3. Connect each component associated with the 5-volt Conditions for Setting the DTC
reference 3 circuit one at a time while monitoring the The ECM receives a serial data message, from the
5-Volt Reference 3 Circuit Status parameter with a TCM, in order to illuminate the MIL.
scan tool. The parameter should continue to display
OK. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
➢ If the parameter displays Fault when a component DTC P0700 is a Type A DTC.
is connected, test the signal circuit of that
component for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests Conditions for Clearing the DTC
normal, replace the component. DTC P0700 is a Type A DTC.

Repair Instructions Circuit/System Verification

Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic NOTE
procedure. Correct any Engine Controls DTCs before
• “Throttle Body Assembly Replacement: ” diagnosing TCM DTCs.
• “Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement: ”
DTC P0700 is an informational DTC. If there are no
• “Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement: ” Engine Controls DTCs, refer to “Diagnostic Trouble
• “Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” for
Replacement: ” diagnosis of TCM DTCs.
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control

module replacement, setup, and programming DTC P0864
Diagnostic Instructions
DTC P0700 • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Instructions Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle procedure.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
procedure. of the diagnostic approach.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
of the diagnostic approach. Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle each diagnostic category.
Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each
diagnostic category. DTC Descriptor
DTC P0864: TCM Communication Circuit Performance
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0700: Transmission Control Module (TCM) Circuit/System Description
Requested MIL Illumination The transmission control module (TCM) sends vehicle
speed data to the engine control module (ECM). The
Circuit/System Description data is sent to the ECM through a high speed network
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) indicates that an called the GM control area network (CAN). Two circuits
emission related transmission DTC set in the are used to communicate CAN data between the ECM
transmission control module (TCM). The engine control and TCM. A fault in the CAN will not cause DTC P0864
module (ECM) receives the TCM information over the to set by itself. If a CAN fault occurs, other DTCs set
serial data circuit. The ECM turns ON the malfunction before DTC P0864.
indicator lamp (MIL) when the TCM sends a message
over the serial data circuit requesting MIL illumination. Conditions for Running the DTC
The DTC information for the ECM will only display DTC • The ignition is ON for more than 3 seconds.
P0700, but the freeze frame/failure records data will
• The ignition voltage is between 10-18 volts.
display the transmission DTC that set.
• No other CAN errors are present.
Conditions for Running the DTC • DTC P0864 runs continuously once the above
• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. conditions are met.
• DTC P0700 runs continuously.
1A-145 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Setting the DTC DTC P1011-P1014

The ECM receives no valid vehicle speed data from the Diagnostic Instructions
TCM for more than 1 second.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Action Taken When the DTC Sets procedure.
DTC P0864 is a type A DTC.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P0864 is a type A DTC. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.
Reference Information
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type DTC Descriptor
Definitions” DTC P1011: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
Scan Tool Reference Park Position Bank 1
DTC P1012: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” Actuator Park Position Bank 1
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L DTC P1013: Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator
(LY7)” Park Position Bank 2
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L DTC P1014: Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP)
(LY7)” Actuator Park Position Bank 2

Circuit/System Verification Circuit/System Description
The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables
NOTE the engine control module (ECM) to change the
Record all Failure Records before clearing camshaft timing of all 4 camshafts while the engine is
the DTC. Using Clear Info erases the Failure operating. The CMP actuator assembly varies the
Records from the engine control module camshaft position in response to directional changes in
(ECM) and transmission control module oil pressure. The CMP actuator solenoid controls the oil
(TCM). pressure that is applied to advance or retard a camshaft.
The CMP actuator assemblies have an outer housing
1. Ignition ON, record the DTC Freeze Frame/Failure that is driven by the engine timing chain. Inside the CMP
Records. assembly is a wheel with fixed vanes that is attached to
➢ If any TCM Freeze Frame/Failure Records are the camshafts. The CMP actuator assemblies are also
recorded refer to“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) equipped with a locking pin. The locking pin prevents
List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. movement between the outer housing and the wheel
vane assembly on engine start-ups. The CMP actuator is
2. Clear the DTC information with a scan tool.
locked until sufficient oil pressure is available to control
3. Ignition OFF for at least 30 seconds. the CMP actuator. The locking pin is released by oil
4. Engine idling for 1 minute. DTC P0864 should not pressure before any movement in the CMP actuator
set. assembly takes place.
➢ If DTC P0864 sets and no TCM DTCs are present,
replace the ECM. Conditions for Running the DTC
➢ If DTC P0864 and TCM DTCs are set, refer to • DTCs P0010, P0013, P0020, P0023, P2088, P2089,
“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2094, and P2095 are
Diagnostic Information: ” not set.
• The engine is operating for more than 1 second.
Repair Instructions • The ECM completed the CMP actuator solenoid
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle output driver test.
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• The engine speed is more than 1,000 RPM.
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module • DTCs P1011, P1012, P1013, and P1014 only run
replacement, setup, and programming once at engine start-up.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-146

Conditions for Setting the DTC • Start the engine. Verify there is no abnormal engine
The ECM detects that a CMP actuator is not in the noise during start up.
parked position on an engine start-up. • Observe the DTC information with a scan tool. DTCs
P1011, P1012, P1013, and P1014 should not set.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
DTCs P1011, P1012, P1013, and P1014 are type C
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that are captured in the Freeze
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Frame/Failure Records Data List.
DTCs P1011, P1012, P1013, and P1014 are type C
• Inform the customer that the following actions may
cause DTCs P1011, P1012, P1013, or P1014 to set:
Reference Information – Turning the engine OFF while the accelerator pedal
Schematic Reference is pressed
“Engine Controls Schematics” – Turning the engine OFF while driving
Connector End View Reference – Pressing the accelerator pedal to start the engine
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” Circuit/System Testing
Description and Operation Start the engine.
“Camshaft Actuator System Description: ” ➢ If there is an abnormal engine noise, or DTCs

Electrical Information Reference P1011, P1012, P1013, or P1014 set, replace the
• “Circuit Testing: ” appropriate CMP actuator.
• “Connector Repairs: ” ➢ If the customers concern is that the engine is
stalling, refer to “Symptoms - Engine Controls” for
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
further diagnosis.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Repair Instructions
DTC Type Reference
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Scan Tool Reference
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 1
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
(Right Side) Intake: ”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 1
(Right Side) Exhaust: ”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Intake: ”
• “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
Circuit/System Verification
(Left Side) Exhaust: ”
The engine oil level and the oil pressure are DTC P1380
critical to the correct operation of the Diagnostic Instructions
camshaft position (CMP) actuator system. • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Verify that the engine has the correct oil level Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
and the correct oil pressure before procedure.
continuing with this diagnostic. Refer to
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
“Fluid and Lubricant Recommendations: ”
of the diagnostic approach.
and “Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing: ”
for more information. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.

DTC Descriptor
DTC P1380: Misfire Detected - Rough Road Data Not
1A-147 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description DTC P1551

Correct engine misfire detection is dependent on Diagnostic Instructions
whether or not the vehicle is experiencing a rough road
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
condition. A rough road condition causes unexpected
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
crankshaft fluctuations. In order to detect a rough road
condition, the electronic brake control module (EBCM)
communicates a wheel speed signal over the serial data • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
circuit to the engine control module (ECM). The wheel of the diagnostic approach.
speed sensor information allows the ECM to distinguish • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
if the crankshaft speed variations are caused by a rough Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
road condition or are caused by a true misfire. each diagnostic category.

Conditions for Running the DTC DTC Descriptor

• The engine is operating. DTC P1551: Throttle Valve Rest Position Not Reached
During Learn
• DTC P1380 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met for more than 5 seconds.
Circuit/System Description
The engine control module (ECM) controls the throttle
Conditions for Setting the DTC
valve by applying a varying voltage to the control circuits
• The ECM detects an engine misfire while the rough of the throttle actuator control (TAC) motor. The ECM
road signal is unavailable. monitors the duty cycle that is required to actuate the

• The condition exists for more than 4 seconds or a throttle valve. The ECM monitors the throttle position
cumulative of 50 seconds. (TP) sensors 1 and 2 to determine the actual throttle
valve position.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P1380 is a Type C DTCs. Conditions for Running the DTC
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Conditions for Clearing the DTC • The engine speed is less than 40 RPM.
DTC P1380 is a Type C DTCs.
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between 5-
100°C (41-212°F).
Reference Information
DTC Type Reference • The intake air temperature (IAT) is between 5-143°C
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type (41-290°F).
Definitions” • The ignition 1 voltage is more than 10 volts.
• The accelerator pedal position (APP) is less than 15
Circuit/System Testing percent.
Start and idle the engine, observe the DTC information • DTC P1551 runs when the throttle actuator control
with a scan tool. motor is deactivated.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
If any UXXXX DTCs are set, diagnose those The ECM detects the TP sensor angle is less than 10
first. percent or more than 40 percent when the throttle
actuator control motor is deactivated.
➢ If DTC P1380 failed this ignition, refer to
“Diagnostic Starting Point - Antilock Brake System:
”. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P1551 is a type A DTC.
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic DTC P1551 is a type A DTC.
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module
replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-148

Diagnostic Aids Circuit/System Verification

• Operating the throttle valve with the Throttle Position 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
control function of the scan tool may cause additional scan tool. Verify that DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123,
DTCs to set. DO NOT attempt to diagnose DTCs set P0221, P0222, P0223, P2100, P2101, or P2119 are
during this function. not set.
• The scan tool has the ability to operate the throttle ➢ If any of the above DTCs are also set, refer to
actuator control system using Special Functions. This “Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle
function operates the throttle through the entire range Diagnostic Information: ” for further diagnosis.
in order to determine if the throttle body and system 2. Start the engine. Observe the DTC information with a
operate correctly. scan tool for 30 seconds. DTC P1551 should not set.
• Inspect for a condition in which the throttle valve may 3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
have been held open. test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
• Inspect for conditions in which ice may have formed in for running the DTC. You may also operate the
the throttle bore. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
• The throttle valve is spring loaded to a slightly open Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
position. The throttle valve should be open
approximately 30 percent. This is referred to as the Circuit/System Testing
rest position. The throttle valve should not be Ignition OFF, disconnect the air intake duct at the throttle
completely closed, nor should it be open any more body and inspect for the following:
than the specified amount. The throttle valve should • Throttle valve that is NOT in the rest position

move open and to the closed position without binding • Throttle valve that is binding open or closed
under the normal spring pressure. The throttle should
NOT be free to move open or closed WITHOUT • Throttle valve that is free to move open or closed
spring pressure. WITHOUT spring pressure
➢ If a condition is found, replace the throttle body
Reference Information assembly.
Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” Repair Instructions
Connector End View Reference Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” “Throttle Body Assembly Replacement: ”
Description and Operation
“Engine Control Module Description: ”
Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
1A-149 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC P167D Diagnostic Aids

Diagnostic Instructions If the condition is intermittent, move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
while monitoring the circuit status for the component with
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes from
OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a condition with
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview the circuit or a connection.
of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Reference Information
Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each Schematic Reference
diagnostic category. “Engine Controls Schematics”
Connector End View Reference
DTC Descriptors
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
DTC P167D: Ignition Control (IC) Performance
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Circuit/System Description Description and Operation
The ignition system on this engine uses individual “Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description: ”
ignition coils and ignition control (IC) circuits for each Electrical Information Reference
cylinder. Ignition voltage is supplied to each bank of • “Circuit Testing: ”
ignition coils. Each ignition coil, with its control circuit is • “Connector Repairs: ”
connected to a separate ignition driver module within the
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor

engine control module (ECM). The ECM detects faults
Connections: ”
and controls the ignition system operation using this
separate ignition driver module via an SPI bus circuit. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
The ignition driver module controls each coil using the IC DTC Type Reference
circuits. The ignition driver module commands the IC “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
circuit low when a spark event is requested. The ECM Definitions”
monitors the configuration of the ignition driver module Scan Tool Reference
and it ability to communicate with the ECM to determine • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
if a fault exists.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Running the DTC
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The engine is operating. (LY7)”
• The igniting voltage is between 9-18 volts.
• The engine speed is less than 6000 RPM. Circuit/System Verification
• DTC P167D runs continuously once the conditions 1. Idle the engine, view the DTC information with a
above are met. scan tool. DTC P167D should not set.
➢ If DTC P167D failed this ignition, replace the ECM.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
The ECM detects a condition with the integrated circuits test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
of the ignition driver module for greater than 4 seconds for running the DTC. You may also operate the
or for a cumulative of 50 seconds. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P167D is a Type B DTC. Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
DTC P167D is a Type B DTC. procedure.
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module
replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-150

DTC P2096 or P2098

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P2096: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Low Limit Bank 1
DTC P2098: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Low Limit Bank 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132 P0133
P0140, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152 P0153
P0160, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158

P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

HO2S 1 or 2
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 445-450 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 445-480 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine Fuel trim bias is used by the ECM to keep the post
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop catalyst HO2S voltage within a range of 580-665 mV.
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while This allows optimal catalyst efficiency under light load
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module conditions, such as at idle or a steady cruise. The ECM
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of constantly monitors how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats commanded, to determine if the fuel trim bias is greater
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- than a calibrated amount.
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below The HO2S utilizes the following circuits:
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage • A signal circuit
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed • A low reference circuit
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S • An ignition voltage circuit
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000 • A heater control circuit
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a
lean fuel mixture.
1A-151 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Running the DTC Circuit/System Verification

• Before the ECM can report DTC P2096 or P2098 1. Observe the HO2S voltage parameter with the
failed, DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0041, P0050, engine running. The reading should fluctuate above
P0051, P0052, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0135, P0137, and below the range of 350-550 mV.
P0138, P0140, P0141, P0151, P0152, P0153, P0155, 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
P0157, P0158, P0160, P0161, P2177, P2178, P2179, test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
2180, P2187, P2188, P2189, P2190, P2231, P2232, for running the DTC. You may also operate the
P2234, P2235, P2270, P2271, P2272, and P2273 vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
must run and pass. Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0420, P0430,
P0442, P0443, P0455, P0458, and P0459 are not set. Circuit/System Testing
• The engine speed is 1,200-2,920 RPM. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
• The engine load is 17-20 percent and steady. the appropriate HO2S.
• The closed loop fuel control is active for greater than 3 2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
seconds. between 350-500 mV.
• The front and rear HO2S are in Closed Loop. ➢ If less than the specified value, test the signal
• The calculated exhaust gas temperature is greater circuit of the HO2S sensor for a short to ground. If
than 300°C (572°F). the circuit/connections test normal, replace the
• DTCs P2096 and P2098 run continuously when the
conditions above have been met for greater than 200 3. Verify that none of the following conditions exist:

seconds. – Lean fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
Conditions for Setting the DTC Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
The post catalyst fuel trim correction factor is biased – Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector
lean by more than 8 percent of the HO2S signal value for – Low fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
more than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds. Diagnosis: ”.
– Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
Action Taken when the DTC Sets Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
DTCs P2096 and P2098 are Type B DTCs. Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
(w/ Special Tool): ”.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC – Exhaust leaks near the HO2S
DTCs P2096 and P2098 are Type B DTCs.
– Contaminated HO2S - Silicon
Reference Information – Engine vacuum leaks
Schematic Reference ➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
“Engine Controls Schematics” necessary.
Connector End View Reference 4. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” applicable HO2S.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Electrical Information Reference Repair Instructions
• “Circuit Testing: ” Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Connector Repairs: ” procedure.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Connections: ” Sensor 2: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
DTC Type Reference Sensor 2: ”
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions” • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
Scan Tool Reference module replacement, setup, and programming
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-152

DTC P2097 or P2099

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P2097: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System High Limit Bank 1
DTC P2099: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System High Limit Bank 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 1 Signal P0131 P0134, P0135 P0132 P0133
P0140, P2096,
HO2S Bank 1 Sensor 2 Signal P0137 P0140 P0138
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 1 Signal P0151 P0154, P0155 P0152 P0153
P0160, P2098,
HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Signal P0157 P0160 P0158

P0134, P0135,
Low Reference — — —
P0154, P0155

Typical Scan Tool Data

HO2S 1 or 2
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engine operating in Closed Loop
Parameter Normal Range: Fluctuates above and below 350-500 mV
Sensor Signal 0-60 mV 445-450 mV 1275 mV
Low Reference — 445-480 mV 1275 mV

Circuit Description The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the sensor
The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel to bring the sensor up to operating conditions faster. This
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares allows the system to enter Closed Loop earlier and the
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the control module to calculate the air-to-fuel ratio sooner.
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the engine Fuel trim bias is used by the ECM to keep the post
is started, the control module operates in an Open Loop catalyst HO2S voltage within a range of 580-665 mV.
mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage while This allows optimal catalyst efficiency under light load
calculating the air-to-fuel ratio. The control module conditions, such as at idle or a steady cruise. The ECM
supplies the HO2S with a reference, or bias voltage of constantly monitors how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is
about 450 mV. While the engine runs, the HO2S heats commanded, to determine if the fuel trim bias is greater
up and begins to generate a voltage within a range of 0- than a calibrated amount.
1,000 mV. This voltage will fluctuate above and below The HO2S utilizes the following circuits:
the bias voltage. Once sufficient HO2S voltage • A signal circuit
fluctuation is observed by the control module, Closed • A low reference circuit
Loop is entered. The control module uses the HO2S
voltage to determine the air-to-fuel ratio. An HO2S • An ignition voltage circuit
voltage that increases above bias voltage toward 1,000 • A heater control circuit
mV indicates a rich fuel mixture. An HO2S voltage that
decreases below bias voltage toward 0 mV indicates a
lean fuel mixture.
1A-153 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Conditions for Running the DTC Circuit/System Verification

• Before the ECM can report DTC P2096 or P2098 1. Observe the HO2S voltage parameter with the
failed, DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0041, P0050, engine running. The reading should fluctuate above
P0051, P0052, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0135, P0137, and below the range of 350-550 mV.
P0138, P0140, P0141, P0151, P0152, P0153, P0155, 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
P0157, P0158, P0160, P0161, P2177, P2178, P2179, test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
2180, P2187, P2188, P2189, P2190, P2231, P2232, for running the DTC. You may also operate the
P2234, P2235, P2270, P2271, P2272, and P2273 vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
must run and pass. Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
• DTCs P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0420, P0430,
P0442, P0443, P0455, P0458, and P0459 are not set. Circuit/System Testing
• The engine speed is 1200-2920 RPM. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
• The engine load is 17-20 percent and steady. the appropriate HO2S.
• The closed loop fuel control is active for greater than 3 2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
seconds. between 350-500 mV.
• The front and rear HO2S are in Closed Loop. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
• The calculated exhaust gas temperature is greater circuit of the HO2S sensor for a short to voltage. If
than 300°C (572°F). the circuit/connections test normal, replace the
• DTCs P2097 and P2099 run continuously when the
conditions above have been met for greater than 200 3. Verify that none of the following conditions exist:

seconds. – Rich fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
Conditions for Setting the DTC Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
The post catalyst fuel trim correction factor is biased rich – Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector
by more than −8 percent of the HO2S signal value for – High fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
more than 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds. Diagnosis: ”.
– Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
Action Taken when the DTC Sets Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
DTCs P2097 and P2099 are Type B DTCs. Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
(w/ Special Tool): ”.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC – Fuel saturation of the evaporative emissions
DTCs P2097 and P2099 are Type B DTCs. (EVAP) canister
– Restricted exhaust
Reference Information
Schematic Reference – Contaminated HO2S - Silicon
“Engine Controls Schematics” ➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
Connector End View Reference necessary.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” 4. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
applicable HO2S.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Electrical Information Reference Repair Instructions
• “Circuit Testing: ” Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• “Connector Repairs: ” Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor procedure.
Connections: ” • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
• “Wiring Repairs: ” Sensor 2: ”
DTC Type Reference • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Sensor 2: ”
Definitions” • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
Scan Tool Reference module replacement, setup, and programming
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-154

DTC P2105 Conditions for Clearing the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions DTC P2105 is a Type A DTC.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic Diagnostic Aids
procedure. • If DTC P2105 sets, the engine will stall and not restart
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview until the ignition is cycled OFF and then ON.
of the diagnostic approach. • Additional DTCs set when P2105 sets.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • The ignition key will not be able to be removed from
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of the ignition switch until another ignition cycle occurs.
each diagnostic category.
Reference Information
DTC Descriptors Schematic Reference
DTC P2105: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System - “Engine Controls Schematics”
Forced Engine Shutdown Connector End View Reference
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
Circuit/System Description • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
The engine control module (ECM) controls the throttle Description and Operation
valve by applying a varying voltage to the control circuits “Engine Control Module Description: ”
of the throttle actuator control (TAC) motor. The ECM Electrical Information Reference
monitors the duty cycle that is required to actuate the
• “Circuit Testing: ”

throttle valve. The ECM monitors the throttle position
(TP) sensors 1 and 2 to determine the actual throttle • “Connector Repairs: ”
valve position. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Conditions for Running the DTC • “Wiring Repairs: ”
• The ECM power down process in the last drive cycle DTC Type Reference
completely finished. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• DTC P2105 runs continuously once the above
Scan Tool Reference
condition is met.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Conditions for Setting the DTC • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• The ECM detects an incorrect voltage level at the (LY7)”
ignition voltage supply circuits for greater than 4 • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
seconds. (LY7)”
• The ECM detects an internal communication error. Circuit/System Verification
1. Start the engine. Rapidly move the accelerator pedal
Action Taken When the DTC Sets from the rest position, to wide open throttle position,
DTC P2105 is a Type A DTC. back to the rest position. Repeat the procedure a few
times. DTC P2105 should not set.
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
1A-155 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Testing Circuit/System Description

1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies voltage The engine control module (ECM) controls the throttle
to terminals C2-3, C2-5, and C2-6 of the ECM. Verify valve by applying a varying voltage to the throttle
the fuse is OK. actuator control motor. The ECM monitors the actual
throttle valve position using throttle position (TP) sensor
NOTE 1 and 2. The ECM amplifies the TP sensor 1 signal in
This DTC will only set if the fuse is open and order to obtain a more accurate signal. The ECM
the circuits are not grounded. The ignition monitors the TP sensor 1 amplification output whenever
voltage circuits must be tested thoroughly the ignition is ON and a closed throttle test is performed.
for an intermittent short to ground.
Conditions for Running the DTC
➢ If the fuse is open, test the ignition voltage circuit • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
between the open fuse and the ECM for an
• The engine speed is less than 40 RPM.
intermittent short to ground.
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is 5-85°C (41-
2. Install the fuse.
3. Disconnect the harness connector of the ECM.
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is 5-60°C (41-140°F).
Ignition ON, load test for battery voltage on the
ignition circuits at the ECM. • The ignition voltage is more than 10 volts.
➢ If less than B+, repair the ignition circuit for an • The accelerator pedal position (APP) is less than 15
open/high resistance. percent.
• The ECM is performing the closed throttle test with the

4. If all circuits/connections test OK, replace the ECM.
ignition ON and the engine OFF.
Repair Instructions • DTC P2107 runs once the above conditions are met
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle during the throttle actuator control system
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic initialization.
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module Conditions for Setting the DTC
replacement, setup, and programming The ECM detects the internal TP sensor 1 amplification
output does not correlate with the TP sensor 1 signal
DTC P2107 voltage for more than 4 seconds.
Diagnostic Instructions
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle DTC P2107 is a Type C DTC.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview DTC P2107 is a Type C DTC.
of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Circuit/System Verification
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
each diagnostic category.
scan tool for 30 seconds. DTC P2107 should not set.
➢ If DTC P2107 sets, replace the ECM.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2107: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Internal Circuit Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.

Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module
replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-156

DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or P2138

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P2122: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2123: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2127: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2128: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2138: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1-2 Correlation

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal
Circuit Open
Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
P0653, P0652,
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 P0368, P2122,

P2122 P2138, P0653,
5-Volt Reference Circuit P0393, P2138
P2123 P2138
P0122, P0123,
P0222, P0221,
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 P0335, P2127, P0699,
P2127 P0699,
5-Volt Reference Circuit P0642, P2138 P2138,
P0698, P2128,
P0700 P0700
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1
P2122 P2138 P2122 P2123 P2138
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2
P2127 P2138 P2127 P2128 P2138
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 P2123,
— P2123 — P2138
Low Reference P2138
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 P2127,
— P2128 — P2138
Low Reference P2138

Typical Scan Tool Data

APP Sensor
Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: The engine is operating at idle.
Parameter Normal Range: APP Sensor 1 0%/1 Volts
Parameter Normal Range: APP Sensor 2 0%/0.5 Volts
5-Volt Reference 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/4.98 Volts
APP Sensor 1 Signal 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/4.98 Volts
APP Sensor 2 Signal 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/0.00 Volts 0%/4.98 Volts
APP Sensor 1 Low Reference — 0%/4.98 Volts —
APP Sensor 2 Low Reference — 0%/4.98 Volts —
1A-157 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Description Diagnostic Aids

The accelerator pedal assembly contains two Test the current out-put of the 5-volt reference circuits if
accelerator pedal position (APP) sensors. The APP you suspect high resistance in the circuit. The current
sensors are mounted in the pedal assembly and are not out-put should be greater than 80 mA for APP 1 and
serviceable. The APP sensors provide a signal voltage greater than 50 mA for APP 2.
that changes relative to the position of the accelerator
pedal. The engine control module (ECM) supplies a Reference Information
separate 5-volt reference and low reference circuit for Schematic Reference
each of the APP sensors. “Engine Controls Schematics”
The APP sensor 1 signal voltage increases as the pedal Connector End View Reference
is depressed, from approximately 1.0 volt at rest to
approximately 4 volts when fully depressed. The APP • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
sensor 2 signal voltage increases as the pedal is • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
depressed, from approximately 0.5 volt at rest to Description and Operation
approximately 2 volts with the accelerator pedal fully “Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Description: ”
depressed. Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ”
Conditions for Running the DTCs
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
• The ignition voltage is more than 7 volts. Connections: ”
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions

• “Wiring Repairs: ”
are met. DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Conditions for Setting the DTC Definitions”
P2122 Scan Tool Reference
The APP sensor 1 voltage is less than 0.86 volts for
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
more than 200 milliseconds.
P2123 • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
The APP sensor 1 voltage is more than 4.82 volts for (LY7)”
more than 200 milliseconds. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
P2127 (LY7)”
The APP sensor 2 voltage is less than 0.63 volts for
more than 200 milliseconds. Circuit/System Verification
P2128 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
The APP sensor 2 voltage is more than 4.82 volts for scan tool. DTC P0652, P0653, P0698, or P0699
more than 200 milliseconds. should not be set.
P2138 ➢ If a DTC is set, refer to “DTC P0652 or P0653” or
• The ECM detects that the voltage difference between “DTC P0698 or P0699”.
APP sensor 1 and 2 is more than 0.46 volts. 2. Observe the APP Sensor voltage parameters with a
• The ECM detects that the voltage difference between scan tool. Verify both of the APP sensor voltages are
APP sensor 1 and 2 is more than 0.58 volts with a between 0.4-4.5 volts.
partially pressed pedal. 3. Rapidly depress the accelerator pedal from the rest
• The ECM detects that the voltage difference between position to the wide open throttle position (WOT) and
APP sensor 1 and 2 is more than 3.4 volts with a fully release pedal. Repeat the procedure several times.
pressed pedal. DTCs P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or P2138
• Any of the above conditions exist for more than 240 should not set.
milliseconds. 4. Slowly depress the accelerator pedal to WOT and
then slowly return the pedal to closed throttle.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Repeat the procedure several times. DTCs P2122,
DTCs P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, and P2138 are P2123, P2127, P2128, or P2138 should not set.
Type A DTCs. 5. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
Conditions for Clearing the DTC for running the DTC. You may also operate the
DTCs P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, and P2138 are vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Type A DTCs. Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-158

Circuit/System Testing Component Testing

1. Ignition OFF, remove the fuse that supplies B+ to 1. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the 5-volt
terminal C2-56 of the ECM. reference terminal of the applicable APP sensor and
2. Disconnect the harness connector at the accelerator 5 volts. Install a jumper wire between the applicable
pedal assembly. low reference terminal and a ground.
3. Test for less than 5 ohms of resistance between the 2. Sweep the sensor through the entire range while
appropriate low reference circuit of the APP sensor monitoring the voltage between the appropriate
and ground. signal circuit terminal and the low reference terminal
with a DMM. The voltage for APP 1 should vary
➢ If greater than 5 ohms, test the low reference circuit
between 0.90-4.35 volts without any spikes or
of the APP sensor for a short to voltage, or an
dropouts. The voltage for APP 2 should vary
open/high resistance. If the circuit/connections test
between 0.40-2.20 volts without any spikes or
normal, replace the ECM.
4. Install the fuse that supplies B+ to terminal C2-56 of
➢ If the voltage is not within the specified range or is
the ECM.
erratic on either APP sensor, replace the
NOTE accelerator pedal assembly.
The 5-volt reference circuit voltage can be
within the specified range with a high Repair Instructions
resistance in the circuit. If this condition is Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
suspected, refer to Diagnostic Aids. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic

5. Ignition ON, test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the • “Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement: ”
appropriate 5-volt reference circuit of the APP • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
sensor and ground. module replacement, setup, and programming
➢ If less than the specified value, test the 5-volt
reference circuit for a short to ground or open/high DTC P2176
resistance. If the circuit/connections test normal,
replace the ECM. Diagnostic Instructions
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the 5-volt • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
reference circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit/ Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
connections test normal, replace the ECM. procedure.
6. Observe the appropriate APP sensor voltage • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
parameter with a scan tool. Verify the voltage is less of the diagnostic approach.
than 0.3 volt. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
circuit of the applicable APP sensor for a short to each diagnostic category.
voltage. If the circuit/connections test normal,
replace the ECM. DTC Descriptors
DTC P2176: Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned
7. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the
appropriate signal circuit and the 5-volt reference
circuit of the APP sensor. Verify the APP sensor Circuit/System Description
voltage parameter is greater than 4.8 volts. The engine control module (ECM) controls the throttle
valve by applying a varying voltage to the throttle
➢ If less than the specified value, test the appropriate
actuator control (TAC) motor. The ECM monitors the
signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
actual throttle valve position using throttle position (TP)
resistance. If the circuit/connections test normal,
sensor 1 and 2.
replace the ECM.
➢ If both APP sensor voltage parameters display Conditions for Running the DTC
greater than 4.8 volts test the signal circuits of the
APP sensors for a shorted together condition. If the • The engine speed is less than 40 RPM.
circuit/connections test normal, replace the ECM. • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
8. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between 5-
the accelerator pedal assembly. 100°C (41-212°F).
1A-159 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

• The intake air temperature (IAT) is between 5-143°C DTC P2177, P2179, P2187, or P2189
(41-290°F). Diagnostic Instructions
• The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor angle is • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
less than 15 percent. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• The ignition voltage is more than 10 volts. procedure.
• DTC P2176 runs continuously once the above • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
conditions are met for more than 1 second. of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Conditions for Setting the DTC Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
• The ECM detects that the TP sensor 1 voltage is not each diagnostic category.
between 4.1-4.6 volts during the throttle learn
procedure. DTC Descriptors
• The ECM detects that the TP sensor 2 voltage is not DTC P2177: Fuel Trim System Lean at Cruise or Accel
between 0.3-1.0 volts during the throttle learn Bank 1
procedure. DTC P2179: Fuel Trim System Lean at Cruise or Accel
• The minimum throttle position is not learned after an Bank 2
ECM replacement. DTC P2187: Fuel Trim System Lean at Idle Bank 1
DTC P2189: Fuel Trim System Lean at Idle Bank 2
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P2176 is a Type A DTC. Circuit Description

The engine control module (ECM) controls the air/fuel
metering system in order to provide the best possible
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
combination of driveability, fuel economy, and emission
DTC P2176 is a Type A DTC.
control. Fuel delivery is controlled differently during
Open and Closed Loop. During Open Loop, the ECM
Circuit/System Verification determines fuel delivery based on sensor signals without
1. Ignition ON, rapidly depress the accelerator pedal heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) input. During Closed
from the rest position to the wide open throttle Loop, the HO2S inputs are added and used by the ECM
position (WOT) and release the pedal. Repeat the to calculate short and long term fuel delivery
procedure several times. Observe the DTC adjustments. If the HO2S indicate a lean condition, fuel
information with a scan tool. Verify that DTCs P0121, trim values will be above 0 percent. If the HO2S indicate
P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223, P0638, or a rich condition, fuel trim values will be below 0 percent.
P2101 do not set. Short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response to
➢ If any of the above DTCs set, refer to “Diagnostic the HO2S signals. Long term fuel trim makes coarse
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic adjustments in order to maintain an air/fuel ratio of
Information: ” “DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, 14.7:1.
P0222, or P0223”.
2. DTC P2176 is an informational DTC. Perform the Conditions for Running the DTC
idle learn procedure, refer to “Idle Learn”. P2177 or P2179
➢ If DTC P2176 resets after performing the idle learn • Before the ECM can report DTC P2177 or P2179,
procedure, replace the throttle body. failed, DTCs P0008, P0009, P0010, P0011, P0013,
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification P0014, P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0020, P0021,
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions P0023, P0024, P0101, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0133,
for running the DTC. You may also operate the P0153, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206,
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the P0221, P0222, P0223, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265,
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List. P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0300, P0301,
P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0335, P0336,
Repair Instructions P0338, P0443, P0458, P0459, P0461, P0462, P0463,
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle P2068 P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093,
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic P2094, and P2095 must run and pass.
procedure. • The engine speed is between 1,200-3,400 RPM.
“Throttle Body Assembly Replacement: ” • The mass air flow (MAF) is less than 83 grams/
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-160

• The throttle angle is less than 100 percent. Conditions for Setting the DTC
• The engine load is between 17-45 percent. P2177 or P2179
• The fuel system is in closed loop. The Total Fuel Trim Avg. is more than 23 percent for 4
seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
• The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DEFCO). P2187 or P2189
• The long term fuel trim is active. The Total Fuel Trim Avg. is greater than 40 percent, or
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater than the LT FT Idle/Decel is greater than 7 percent. Either
60°C (140°F). condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is less than 61°C seconds.
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
solenoid valve is not enabled. DTCs P2177, P2179, P2187 and P2189 are Type B
• The fuel level is greater than 12 percent.
• The amount of air flow into the engine is greater than Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
7,000 grams. DTCs P2177, P2179, P2187 and P2189 are Type B
• DTC P2177 and P2179 run continuously once the DTCs.
above conditions are met for at least 300 seconds.
P2187 or P2189 Diagnostic Aids
• Before the ECM can report DTC P2187 or P2189, • A fuel system delivery condition causes this DTC to
failed, DTCs P0008, P0009, P0010, P0011, P0013, set. Thoroughly inspect all items that cause a lean

P0014, P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0020, P0021, condition. Refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis: ”.
P0023, P0024, P0101, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0133, • Any un-metered air into the engine causes this DTC to
P0153, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206, set. Thoroughly inspect all areas of the engine for
P0221, P0222, P0223, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, vacuum leaks.
P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0300, P0301,
• A MAF sensor condition can cause this DTC without
P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0335, P0336,
setting a MAF DTC. If there is a MAF sensor
P0338, P0443, P0458, P0459, P0461, P0462, P0463,
condition, the MAF sensor parameters will appear to
P2068 P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093,
be within range.
P2094, and P2095 must run and pass.
• Inspect the PCV valve for being the correct one for
• The engine speed is between 519-1,001 RPM.
this application. Inspect the air filter for being the
• The engine load is between 7-25 percent. correct one for this application. Make sure that the
• The MAF is between 1-7 grams per second. engine oil fill cap is in place and that it is tight. Verify
• The fuel system is in closed loop. that the engine oil dip stick is fully seated.
• The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DEFCO).
Reference Information
• The long term fuel trim is active.
Schematic Reference
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater than “Engine Controls Schematics”
60°C (140°F). Connector End View Reference
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is less than 61°C • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge Electrical Information Reference
solenoid valve is not enabled.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• The fuel level is greater than 12 percent.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• The amount of air flow into the engine is greater than
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
7,000 grams.
Connections: ”
• DTC P2187 and P2189 run continuously once the
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
above conditions are met.
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
1A-161 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Verification – Leaking crankcase ventilation system

1. If there are other DTCs set besides DTC P2177, – The engine control module grounds for being
P2179, P2187, or P2189, refer to “Diagnostic clean, tight, and in the correct locations
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic – A high engine oil level condition—A high engine
Information: ” to diagnosis the applicable DTC. oil level causes oil residue to form on the mass air
2. Ignition ON, observe the barometric pressure flow (MAF) sensor, causing a lean indication. The
(BARO) sensor pressure parameter and compare MAF sensor does not need to be replaced.
the reading on the scan tool to the barometric ➢ If the lean condition is common to only one bank of
pressure table. Refer to “Altitude Versus Barometric the engine, inspect for the following conditions:
Pressure”. – Vacuum leaks that only affect one bank of the
➢ If the BARO sensor pressure is not within the range engine—For example, the intake manifold, the
specified for your altitude, refer to “DTC P2227, injector O-rings.
P2228, or P2229”. – Lean injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector Solenoid
3. Engine at normal operating temperature, observe Coil Test: ”.
the Total Fuel Trim Avg. parameter with a scan tool. – Missing, restricted, or leaking exhaust
The Total Fuel Trim Avg. should be between −22 to components—Refer to “Symptoms - Engine
+23 percent. Exhaust: ”.
– The heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) is installed
Circuit/System Testing
securely and the electrical connector is not
1. Observe the LT FT Bn 1 and Bn 2 Cruise/Accel contacting the exhaust system.

parameters, in order to determine whether the lean
– An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
condition is effecting only one bank of the engine, or
“Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
is common to both banks of the engine.
2. If all conditions test normal, refer to Diagnostic Aids.
➢ If the lean condition is common to both banks,
inspect for the following conditions:
Repair Instructions
– A mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal that is Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
skewed—If the Short Term FT parameters for both Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
banks changes more than 20 percent when the procedure.
MAF sensor is disconnected, refer to “DTC
P0101”. • “Fuel System Cleaning: ”
– The air intake system after the MAF sensor for • “Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement: ”
vacuum leaks • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
– Fuel contamination—Refer to “Alcohol/ Sensor 1: ”
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis Sensor 2: ”
(w/ Special Tool): ”. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
– Splits, kinks, or improper connections at the Sensor 1: ”
vacuum hoses—Refer to “Emission Hose Routing • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Diagram: ”. Sensor 2: ”
– The fuel system is operating lean. Refer to “Fuel
System Diagnosis: ”.
– Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold or throttle
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-162

DTC P2178, 2180, P2188, or P2190 • The fuel system is in closed loop.
Diagnostic Instructions • The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DEFCO).
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle • The long term fuel trim is active.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater than
procedure. 60°C (140°F).
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview • The intake air temperature (IAT) is less than 61°C
of the diagnostic approach. (142°F).
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of solenoid valve is not enabled.
each diagnostic category. • The fuel level is greater than 12 percent.
• The amount of air flow into the engine is greater than
DTC Descriptors
7,000 grams.
DTC P2178: Fuel Trim System Rich at Cruise or Accel
Bank 1 • DTC P2178 and P2180 run continuously once the
DTC P2180: Fuel Trim System Rich at Cruise or Accel above conditions are met for at least 300 seconds.
Bank 2 P2188 or P2190
DTC P2188: Fuel Trim System Rich at Idle Bank 1 • Before the ECM can report DTC P2188 or P2190,
DTC P2190: Fuel Trim System Rich at Idle Bank 2 failed, DTCs P0008, P0009, P0010, P0011, P0013,
P0014, P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0020, P0021,
Circuit Description P0023, P0024, P0101, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0133,

The engine control module (ECM) controls the air/fuel P0153, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206,
metering system in order to provide the best possible P0221, P0222, P0223, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265,
combination of driveability, fuel economy, and emission P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0300, P0301,
control. Fuel delivery is controlled differently during P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0335, P0336,
Open and Closed Loop. During Open Loop, the ECM P0338, P0443, P0458, P0459, P0461, P0462, P0463,
determines fuel delivery based on sensor signals without P2068 P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093,
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) input. During Closed P2094, and P2095 must run and pass.
Loop, the HO2S inputs are added and used by the ECM • The engine speed is between 519-1,001 RPM.
to calculate short and long term fuel trim fuel delivery
• The engine load is between 7-25 percent.
adjustments. If the HO2S indicate a lean condition, fuel
trim values will be above 0 percent. If the O2S indicate a • The MAF is between 1-7 grams per second.
rich condition, fuel trim values will be below 0 percent. • The fuel system is in closed loop.
Short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response to • The engine is not in decel fuel cut-off (DEFCO).
the HO2S signals. Long term fuel trim makes coarse
• The long term fuel trim is active.
adjustments in order to maintain an air/fuel ratio of
14.7:1. • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater than
60°C (140°F).
Conditions for Running the DTC • The intake air temperature (IAT) is less than 61°C
P2178 or P2180
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge
• Before the ECM can report DTC P2178 or P2180,
solenoid valve is not enabled.
failed, DTCs P0008, P0009, P0010, P0011, P0013,
P0014, P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019, P0020, P0021, • The fuel level is greater than 12 percent.
P0023, P0024, P0101, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0133, • The amount of air flow into the engine is greater than
P0153, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206, 7,000 grams.
P0221, P0222, P0223, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, • DTC P2188 and P2190 run continuously once the
P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271, P0273, P0300, P0301, above conditions are met.
P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0335, P0336,
P0338, P0443, P0458, P0459, P0461, P0462, P0463, Conditions for Setting the DTC
P2068 P2088, P2089, P2090, P2091, P2092, P2093, P2178 or P2180
P2094, and P2095 must run and pass. The Total Fuel Trim Avg. is less than −22 percent. The
• The engine speed is between 1,200-3,400 RPM. condition exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
• The mass air flow (MAF) is less than 83 grams/ seconds.
second. P2188 or P2190
• The throttle angle is less than 100 percent. The Total Fuel Trim Avg. is less than −40 percent. The
LT FT Idle/Decel is less than −7 percent. The condition
• The engine load is between 17-45 percent. exists for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
1A-163 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Circuit/System Testing

DTCs P2178, P2180, P2188, and P2190 are Type B 1. Observe the LT FT Bn 1 and Bn 2 Cruise/Accel or
DTCs. Idle/Decel parameters, in order to determine whether
the rich condition is effecting only one bank of the
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC engine, or is common to both banks of the engine.
DTCs P2178, P2180, P2188, and P2190 are Type B ➢ If the rich condition is common to both banks,
DTCs. inspect for the following conditions:
– A mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal that is
Diagnostic Aids skewed. If the Short Term FT parameters for both
• A fuel system delivery condition causes this DTC to banks changes more than 20 percent when the
set. Thoroughly inspect all items that cause a rich MAF sensor is disconnected, refer to “DTC
condition. Refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis: ”. P0101”.
• Review the Freeze Frame/Failure Records with a – A collapsed air intake duct
scan tool. – A restricted air filter element—Refer to “Air
Cleaner Element Replacement: ”.
Reference Information
– The MAF sensor for foreign objects—Refer to
Schematic Reference
“Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature
“Engine Controls Schematics”
Sensor Replacement: ”.
Connector End View Reference
– Excessive fuel in the crankcase—Change the oil
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
as necessary.

• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
– Fuel contamination—Refer to “Alcohol/
Electrical Information Reference
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
• “Circuit Testing: ” Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
• “Connector Repairs: ” (w/ Special Tool): ”.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor – The engine control module grounds for being
Connections: ” clean, tight, and in the correct locations
• “Wiring Repairs: ” – An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
DTC Type Reference “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type ➢ If the rich condition is common to only one bank of
Definitions” the engine, inspect for the following conditions:
Scan Tool Reference
– Rich injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector Solenoid
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” Coil Test: ”.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L – Restricted exhaust system—Refer to “Symptoms -
(LY7)” Engine Exhaust: ”.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L – An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
(LY7)” “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
2. If all conditions test normal, refer to Diagnostic Aids.
Circuit/System Verification
1. If there are other DTCs set besides DTC P2178, Repair Instructions
P2180, P2188, or P2190, refer to “Diagnostic Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Information: ” to diagnosis the applicable DTC. procedure.
2. Ignition ON, observe the barometric pressure • “Fuel System Cleaning: ”
(BARO) sensor pressure parameter and compare
• “Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement: ”
the reading on the scan tool to the barometric
pressure table. Refer to “Altitude Versus Barometric • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Pressure”. Sensor 1: ”
➢ If the BARO sensor pressure is not within the range • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
specified for your altitude, refer to “DTC P2227, Sensor 2: ”
P2228, or P2229”. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
3. Engine at normal operating temperature, observe Sensor 1: ”
the Total Fuel Trim Avg. parameter with a scan tool. • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
The Total Fuel Trim Avg. should be between −22 to Sensor 2: ”
+23 percent.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-164

DTC P2227, P2228, or P2229 Conditions for Setting the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions P2227
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle • The ECM detects that the BARO pressure is less than
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic 50 kPa or greater than 115 kPa.
procedure. • The ECM detects that the BARO pressure changed
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview more than 5 kPa within 20 seconds.
of the diagnostic approach. • The ECM detects that the BARO pressure changed
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle more than 30 kPa since the last ignition cycle.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of • Any of the condition above exist for 4 seconds or for a
each diagnostic category. cumulative of 50 seconds.
DTC Descriptors The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is less
DTC P2227: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor than 0.20 volt for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
Performance seconds.
DTC P2228: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor P2229
Circuit Low Voltage The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is more
DTC P2229: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor than 4.8 volts for 4 seconds or for a cumulative of 50
Circuit High Voltage seconds.

Circuit/System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The barometric pressure (BARO) sensor responds to DTCs P2227, P2228, and P2229 are Type B DTCs.
changes in altitude and atmospheric conditions. This
gives the engine control module (ECM) an indication of Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
barometric pressure. The ECM uses this information to DTCs P2227, P2228, and P2229 are Type B DTCs.
calculate fuel delivery. The BARO sensor is located
within the controller and is not serviced as a separate Reference Information
unit. The BARO sensor provides a voltage signal to the Schematic Reference
ECM relative to the atmospheric pressure changes. The “Engine Controls Schematics”
ECM monitors the BARO sensor signal for a voltage Connector End View Reference
outside of the normal range.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
Conditions for Running the DTC • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• Before the ECM can report DTC P2227 failed, DTCs
P0100, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0121, P0122, P0123, • “Connector Repairs: ”
P0221, P0222, P0223, P2228, and P2229 must run • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
and pass. Connections: ”
• The engine is operating for more than 20 seconds. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
• The mass air flow is more than 11 g/s. DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The difference between the calculated manifold
absolute pressure (MAP) and BARO pressure is less
Scan Tool Reference
than 1.0 kPa for more than 3 seconds.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) leak test is not
enabled. • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
• DTC P2227 runs continuously once the above
conditions are met for 2 seconds. • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
P2228 or P2229
• The engine is operating.
• The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met for 2 seconds.
1A-165 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit/System Verification Circuit Description

1. Start the engine. Observe the DTC information with a The engine control module (ECM) supplies a voltage
scan tool. DTCs P2227, P2228, or P2229 should not near 450 mV between the heated oxygen sensor
set. (HO2S) signal circuit and the low reference circuit. The
HO2S varies the voltage over a range from about 1,000
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
mV when the exhaust is rich, down through about 10 mV
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
when the exhaust is lean. The ECM monitors and stores
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
the HO2S voltage information. The ECM evaluates the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
HO2S voltage samples in order to determine the amount
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
of time that the HO2S voltage was out of range. Or, to
detect if the HO2S signal voltage switches at the same
Circuit/System Testing rate at which the ECM is commanding the heater ON
1. Inspect the atmospheric vent on the ECM case for and OFF.
one of the following conditions:
– Moisture in the vent inlet Conditions for Running the DTC
– Debris in the vent inlet • Before the ECM can report that DTC P2231 or P2234
➢ If a condition exists, attempt to clean or dry the failed, DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051,
atmospheric inlet. P0052, P0133, P0135, P0153, and P0155 must run
and pass.
2. Start the engine. Observe the DTC information with a
scan tool. DTCs P2227, P2228, or P2229 should not • DTCs P0030, P0031, P0032, P0050, P0051, P0052,
set. P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0125, P0133, P0135,

P0153, P0155, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205,
➢ If DTC P2227, P2228, or P2229 sets, replace the
P0206, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268,
P0270, P0271, P0273, P0274, P0276, and P0277 are
not set.
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • The engine is operating.
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic • The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts.
procedure. • The calculated exhaust gas temperature is between
“Control Module References: ” for engine control module 600-800°C (1,112-1,472°F).
replacement, setup, and programming • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) during the
previous ignition cycle was greater than 60°C (140°F).
DTC P2231 or P2234 • The ECT at engine start is less than 40°C (104°F).
Diagnostic Instructions • The HO2S heater control is enabled for greater than 5
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle seconds.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic • DTC P2231 and P2234 run continuously once the
procedure. conditions above exist for greater than 90 seconds.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach. Conditions for Setting the DTC
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle DTC P2231 or P2234 will set when any of the following
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of conditions exist:
each diagnostic category. • The ECM detects that the HO2S signal voltage
increases more than 2 volts in 4 out of 6 HO2S heater
DTC Descriptors switch OFF samples.
DTC P2231: HO2S Signal Circuit Shorted to Heater • The primary HO2S voltage is between 600-1,008 mV
Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 and the corresponding secondary HO2S voltage is
DTC P2234: HO2S Signal Circuit Shorted to Heater less than 100 mV for greater than 4 seconds or for a
Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1 cumulative of 50 seconds.
• The primary HO2S voltage is between 60-400 mV and
the corresponding secondary HO2S voltage is less
than 500 mV for greater than 4 seconds or for a
cumulative of 50 seconds.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-166

Action Taken when the DTC Sets Circuit/System Verification

DTCs P2231 and P2234 are Type B DTCs. 1. Ignition ON, observe the appropriate HO2S voltage
parameter. The HO2S voltage parameter should be
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC less than 1,025 mV.
DTCs P2231 and P2234 are Type B DTCs. 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
Diagnostic Aids for running the DTC. You may also operate the
• The HO2S voltage should be between 350-550 mV vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
with the ignition ON. If the voltage is more than the Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
specified value, there is a condition with the HO2S
circuits. If the voltage does not change after Circuit/System Testing
disconnecting the HO2S, the condition is between the 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
sensor and the ECM. If the voltage is between 350- the appropriate HO2S.
550 mV after disconnecting the sensor, the condition
2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
is with the HO2S.
between 350-500 mV.
• Inspect the HO2S harness connector for water
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the signal
intrusion. Moisture in a connector may cause voltage
circuit of the HO2S sensor for a short to the heater
to bleed to other circuits within the connector.
circuit. If the circuit/connections test normal,
replace the ECM.
Reference Information
3. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the

Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” applicable HO2S.
Connector End View Reference
Repair Instructions
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Electrical Information Reference procedure.
• “Circuit Testing: ” • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
• “Connector Repairs: ” Sensor 1: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Connections: ” Sensor 1: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
DTC Type Reference module replacement, setup, and programming
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
DTC P2232 or P2235
Scan Tool Reference
Diagnostic Instructions
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
(LY7)” of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category.

DTC Descriptors
DTC P2232: HO2S Signal Circuit Shorted to Heater
Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2
DTC P2235: HO2S Signal Circuit Shorted to Heater
Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2
1A-167 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Circuit Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM) supplies a voltage Schematic Reference
near 450 mV between the heated oxygen sensor “Engine Controls Schematics”
(HO2S) signal circuit and the low reference circuit. The Connector End View Reference
HO2S varies the voltage over a range from about 1,000 • “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
mV when the exhaust is rich, down through about 10 mV
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
when the exhaust is lean. The ECM monitors and stores
Electrical Information Reference
the HO2S voltage information. The ECM evaluates the
HO2S voltage samples in order to determine the amount • “Circuit Testing: ”
of time that the HO2S voltage was out of range. Or, to • “Connector Repairs: ”
detect if the HO2S signal voltage switches at the same • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
rate at which the ECM is commanding the heater ON Connections: ”
and OFF. • “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
• The engine is operating. Definitions”
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts. Scan Tool Reference
• The calculated exhaust gas temperature is between • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
250-800°C (482-1,472°F) for greater than 90 • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
seconds. (LY7)”

• The HO2S heater control is enabled for greater than • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
10 seconds. (LY7)”
• DTC P2232 and P2235 run continuously once the
conditions above exist for greater than 10 seconds. Circuit/System Verification
1. Ignition ON, observe the appropriate HO2S voltage
Conditions for Setting the DTC parameter. The HO2S voltage parameter should be
• The ECM detects that the HO2S signal voltage less than 1,050 mV.
increases more than 2 volts within 0.04 second, in 4 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
out of 6 HO2S heater switch OFF samples. Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
• The condition exists for greater than 4 seconds, or for for running the DTC. You may also operate the
a cumulative of 50 seconds. vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
Action Taken when the DTC Sets
DTCs P2232 and P2235 are Type B DTCs. Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC the appropriate HO2S.
DTCs P2232 and P2235 are Type B DTCs. 2. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
between 350-500 mV.
Diagnostic Aids ➢ If more than 500 mV, test the signal circuit of the
• The HO2S voltage should be between 350-550 mV HO2S sensor for a short to the heater circuit. If the
with the ignition ON. If the voltage is more than the circuit/connections test normal, replace the ECM.
specified value, there is a condition with the HO2S 3. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
circuits. If the voltage does not change after applicable HO2S.
disconnecting the HO2S, the condition is between the
sensor and the ECM. If the voltage is between 350- Repair Instructions
550 mV after disconnecting the sensor, the condition Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
is with the HO2S. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• Inspect the HO2S harness connector for water procedure.
intrusion. Moisture in a connector may cause voltage • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
to bleed to other circuits within the connector. Sensor 2: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 2: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-168

DTC P2270 or P2272 Conditions for Running the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions • Before the ECM can report DTC P2270 or P2272
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle failed, DTCs P0036, P0037, P0038, P0056, P0057,
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic P0058, P0137, P0138, P0140, P0141, P0157, P0158,
procedure. P0160, P0161, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347,
P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, P0393,
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
P0443, P0458, and P0459 must run and pass.
of the diagnostic approach.
• DTCs P0461, P0462, P0463, P2066, P2067, and
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
P2068 are not set.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. • The engine is operating.
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts.
DTC Descriptors • The rear HO2S are at operating temperature for more
DTC P2270: HO2S Signal Stuck Lean Bank 1 Sensor 2 than 10 seconds.
DTC P2272: HO2S Signal Stuck Lean Bank 2 Sensor 2 • The long term fuel control is enabled.
• The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is more than 10 g/s.
Circuit Description
The engine control module (ECM) supplies a voltage • The MAF sensor is between 6-33 g/s for more than 3
near 450 mV between the heated oxygen sensor seconds during the intrusive test.
(HO2S) high signal circuit and the low reference circuit. • DTC P2270 and P2272 run continuously once the
The HO2S varies the voltage over a range from about above conditions are met for approximately 10

1,000 mV when the exhaust is rich, down through about minutes when the fuel level is more than 12 percent.
10 mV when the exhaust is lean. The ECM monitors and • DTC P2270 and P2272 run continuously once the
stores the HO2S voltage information. The ECM above conditions are met for approximately 20
evaluates the HO2S voltage samples in order to minutes when the fuel level is less 12 percent.
determine the amount of time that the HO2S voltage was
out of range. The ECM compares the stored HO2S Conditions for Setting the DTC
voltage samples taken within each sample period and The ECM detects that the rear HO2S voltage is less than
determines if the majority of the samples are out of the 650 mV for more than 100 seconds, then an intrusive
operating range. The ECM test for the following test is performed. The ECM will enrich the fuel mixture
conditions: up to 30 percent and then wait for 10 seconds at 30
• The ECM monitors the HO2S voltage to determine if percent. The ECM detects that the HO2S voltage is less
the signal voltage goes above a predetermined than 650 mV during the intrusive test for greater than 4
threshold within a certain amount of time. If the ECM seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds, the DTC
determines that the signal voltage remains below a sets.
threshold, the ECM will command the fuel system rich
to determine if the HO2S signal voltage can be forced Action Taken when the DTC Sets
above the threshold within a certain amount of time. DTCs P2270 and P2272 are Type B DTCs.
• The ECM monitors the HO2S voltage during power
enrichment to ensure that the signal voltage goes Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
above a predetermined threshold during power DTCs P2270 and P2272 are Type B DTCs.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics”
Connector End View Reference
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
1A-169 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

DTC Type Reference 4. Verify that none of the following conditions exist:
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type – Lean fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector
Definitions” Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
Scan Tool Reference Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)” – Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L – Low fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
(LY7)” Diagnosis: ”.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L – Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
(LY7)” Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
Circuit/System Verification (w/ Special Tool): ”.
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a – The vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and proper
scan tool. Verify that DTCs P0137, P0138, P0140, connection
P0157, P0158, or P0160 are not set. – The air intake system after the mass air flow
➢ If any of the listed DTCs are set, refer to (MAF) sensor for vacuum leaks
“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle – Exhaust system leaks
Diagnostic Information: ” for further diagnosis.
– Contaminated HO2S - Silicon
2. Operate the engine above 1,200 RPM for 30
– An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
seconds, observe the HO2S voltage parameter. The
“Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
reading should fluctuate above and below the range

of 350-550 mV. ➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions 5. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
for running the DTC. You may also operate the applicable HO2S.
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List. Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Circuit/System Testing Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
1. Engine operating, move the related HO2S
harnesses for the appropriate rear sensor between • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
the HO2S harness connector and the engine control Sensor 2: ”
module (ECM) while monitoring the appropriate • “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
HO2S voltage parameter. Verify that the HO2S Sensor 2: ”
parameter does not change abruptly while moving • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
the related harnesses. module replacement, setup, and programming
➢ If the HO2S parameter does change abruptly while
moving the related harnesses repair the circuit as
2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
the appropriate HO2S.
3. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
between 350-500 mV.
➢ If less than 350 mV, test the signal circuit of the
HO2S sensor for a short to ground. If the circuit/
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-170

DTC P2271 or P2273 Conditions for Running the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions • Before the ECM can report DTC P2270 or P2272
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle failed, DTCs P0036, P0037, P0038, P0056, P0057,
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic P0058, P0137, P0138, P0140, P0141, P0157, P0158,
procedure. P0160, P0161, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0346, P0347,
P0348, P0366, P0367, P0368, P0391, P0392, P0393,
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
P0443, P0458, and P0459 must run and pass.
of the diagnostic approach.
• DTCs P0461, P0462, P0463, P2066, P2067, and
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
P2068 are not set.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. • The engine is operating.
• The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts.
DTC Descriptors • The rear HO2S are at operating temperature for more
DTC P2271: HO2S Signal Stuck Rich Bank 1 Sensor 2 than 10 seconds.
DTC P2273: HO2S Signal Stuck Rich Bank 2 Sensor 2 • The fuel injectors are enabled.
• The long term fuel control is enabled.
Circuit Description
The engine control module (ECM) supplies a voltage • The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is more than 10 g/s.
near 450 mV between the heated oxygen sensor • The MAF sensor is between 6-33 g/s for more than 3
(HO2S) high signal circuit and the low reference circuit. seconds during the intrusive test.
The HO2S varies the voltage over a range from about • The accumulated air flow into the engine is more than

1,000 mV when the exhaust is rich, down through about 15 grams during the fuel cut-off event.
10 mV when the exhaust is lean. The ECM monitors and • DTC P2271 and P2273 runs continuously once the
stores the HO2S voltage information. The ECM above conditions are met.
evaluates the HO2S voltage samples in order to
determine the amount of time that the HO2S voltage was
Conditions for Setting the DTC
out of range. The ECM compares the stored HO2S
The ECM detects that the rear HO2S voltage is more
voltage samples taken within each sample period and
than 650 mV for more than 100 seconds, then an
determines if the majority of the samples are out of the
intrusive test is performed. The ECM will lean the fuel
operating range. The ECM test for the following
mixture up to −7 percent and then wait for 10 seconds at
−7 percent. If the ECM detects that the HO2S voltage is
• The ECM monitors the HO2S voltage to determine if still more than 650 mV, the ECM then tests the HO2S at
the signal voltage goes below a predetermined the next decel fuel cut-off. If the ECM detects the HO2S
threshold within a certain amount of time. If the ECM voltage is more than 200 mV after 4 seconds or for a
determines that the signal voltage remains above the cumulative of 50 seconds in decel fuel cut-off, the DTC
threshold, the ECM will command the fuel system sets.
lean to determine if the HO2S signal voltage can be
forced below the threshold within a certain amount of Action Taken when the DTC Sets
time. DTCs P2271 and P2273 are Type B DTCs.
• The ECM monitors the HO2S voltage during fuel cut-
off to determine if the signal voltage is more than a Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
predetermined threshold. DTCs P2271 and P2273 are Type B DTCs.
1A-171 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Reference Information Circuit/System Testing

Schematic Reference 1. Engine operating, move the related HO2S
“Engine Controls Schematics” harnesses for the appropriate rear sensor between
Connector End View Reference the HO2S harness connector and the engine control
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” module (ECM) while monitoring the appropriate
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” HO2S voltage parameter. Verify that the HO2S
Electrical Information Reference parameter does not change abruptly while moving
the related harnesses.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
➢ If the HO2S parameter does change abruptly while
• “Connector Repairs: ”
moving the related harnesses repair the circuit as
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor necessary.
Connections: ”
2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
• “Wiring Repairs: ” the appropriate HO2S.
DTC Type Reference
3. Ignition ON, verify that the HO2S parameter is
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
between 350-500 mV.
Scan Tool Reference ➢ If more than 500 mV, test the signal circuit of the
HO2S sensor for a short to voltage. If the circuit/
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
connections test normal, replace the ECM.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
4. Verify that none of the following conditions exist:
– Rich fuel injectors—Refer to “Fuel Injector

• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Balance Test with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector
Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
Circuit/System Verification – Water intrusion in the HO2S harness connector
1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a – High fuel system pressure—Refer to “Fuel System
scan tool. Verify that DTCs P0137, P0138, P0140, Diagnosis: ”.
P0157, P0158, or P0160 are not set. – Fuel that is contaminated—Refer to “Alcohol/
➢ If any of the listed DTCs are set, refer to Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special
“Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis
Diagnostic Information: ” for further diagnosis. (w/ Special Tool): ”.
2. Operate the engine above 1,200 RPM for 30 – A collapsed air intake duct
seconds, observe the HO2S voltage parameter. The – A restricted air filter element
reading should fluctuate above and below the range – Exhaust system restrictions
of 350-550 mV. – Excessive fuel in the crankcase
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification – An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
5. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
applicable HO2S.

Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Sensor 2: ”
• “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 2: ”
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control
module replacement, setup, and programming
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-172

DTC P2300, P2301, P2303, P2304, P2306, P2307, P2309, P2310, P2312, P2313, P2315, or
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P2300: Ignition Coil 1 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2301: Ignition Coil 1 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2303: Ignition Coil 2 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2304: Ignition Coil 2 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2306: Ignition Coil 3 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2307: Ignition Coil 3 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2309: Ignition Coil 4 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2310: Ignition Coil 4 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2312: Ignition Coil 5 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2313: Ignition Coil 5 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2315: Ignition Coil 6 Control Circuit Low Voltage

DTC P2316: Ignition Coil 6 Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
P0300, P0301,
Ignition Voltage - Bank 1 P2300, P2306, P0300-P0306 —
P0303, P0305
P0300, P0302,
Ignition Voltage - Bank 2 P2303, P2309, P0300-P0306 —
P0304, P0306
Ignition Coil 1 Control Circuit P2300 P0301 P2301 P0300, P0301
Ignition Coil 2 Control Circuit P2303 P0302 P2304 P0300, P0302
Ignition Coil 3 Control Circuit P2306 P0303 P2307 P0300, P0303
Ignition Coil 4 Control Circuit P2309 P0304 P2310 P0300, P0304
Ignition Coil 5 Control Circuit P2312 P0305 P2313 P0300, P0305
Ignition Coil 6 Control Circuit P2315 P0306 P2316 P0300, P0306

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The ignition system on this engine uses individual • The engine is operating.
ignition coils and ignition control (IC) circuits for each
• The ignition voltage is between 10.5-18 volts.
cylinder. Ignition voltage is supplied to each bank of
ignition coils. The engine control module (ECM) controls • The engine speed is between 600-5,000 RPM.
the ignition system operation. The ECM controls each • The DTCs run continuously once per crankshaft
coil using the IC circuits. The ECM commands the IC revolution after the above conditions are met for 20
circuit low when a spark event is requested. crankshaft revolutions.
The sequencing and timing are ECM controlled.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
P2300, P2303, P2306, P2309, P2312, or P2315
The ECM detects the ignition control circuit is shorted to
ground for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50
P2301, P2304, P2307, P2310, P2313, or P2316
The ECM detects the ignition control circuit is shorted to
voltage for more than 4 seconds or a cumulative of 50
1A-173 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Circuit/System Testing

DTCs P2300, P2301, P2303, P2304, P2306, P2307, 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
P2309, P2310, P2312, P2313, P2315, and P2316 are the appropriate ignition coil.
Type B DTCs.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC The ignition circuit supplies voltage to other
DTCs P2300, P2301, P2303, P2304, P2306, P2307, components. Make sure you test all circuits
P2309, P2310, P2312, P2313, P2315, and P2316 are for a short to ground or test all components
Type B DTCs. for being shorted that share the ignition
Diagnostic Aids
2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
• Inspect the ignition coils for aftermarket devices. An
between the ignition voltage circuit terminal D and
aftermarket device connected to the ignition coil
circuits, may cause this DTC to set.
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition
• If the condition is intermittent, moving the related
voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the
while monitoring the appropriate Misfire Current
ignition circuit fuse is open, test all the components
Cylinder parameter may help to isolate the condition.
connected to the ignition voltage circuit and replace
as necessary.
Reference Information
3. Crank or start the engine. Test for 200-400 mV

Schematic Reference
“Engine Controls Schematics” between the appropriate IC circuit terminal C and
Connector End View Reference ground.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” ➢ If less than the specified value, test the IC circuit for
a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views” circuit/connection tests normal, replace the ECM.
Description and Operation
“Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description: ” ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the IC circuit
Electrical Information Reference for a short to voltage. If the circuit/connection tests
normal, replace the ECM.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
4. Ignition OFF, test for 5 ohms or less between the low
• “Connector Repairs: ” reference circuit terminal B and the ECM housing.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor ➢ If greater than the specified value, test for an open/
Connections: ” high resistance in the low reference circuit. If the
• “Wiring Repairs: ” circuit/connection tests normal, replace the ECM.
DTC Type Reference 5. Test for 5 ohms or less between the ground circuit
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type terminal A and ground.
Scan Tool Reference ➢ If greater than the specified value, repair the open,
or high resistance in the ground circuit.
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
6. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L ignition coil.
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L Repair Instructions
(LY7)” Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Circuit/System Verification procedure.
1. Operate the engine for 30 seconds. Observe the • “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 1: ”
DTC information with a scan tool. DTCs P2300, • “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 2: ”
P2301, P2303, P2304, P2306, P2307, P2309,
P2310, P2312, P2313, P2315, and P2316 should • “Control Module References: ” for engine control
not set. module replacement, setup, and programming
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records List.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-174

DTC P2636 Action Taken When the DTC Sets

Diagnostic Instructions DTC P2636 is a Type C DTC.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
procedure. DTC P2636 is a Type C DTC.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostic Aids
Depending on the current fuel level, it may be difficult to
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle locate a malfunctioning fuel level sensor. The condition
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of may only occur when the fuel level is full or near empty.
each diagnostic category. The fuel level sensor unit may need to be removed for
further diagnosis. A fuel level sensor that has an
DTC Descriptor intermittent condition causes this DTC to set.
DTC P2636: Fuel Transfer Pump Flow Insufficient
Reference Information
Circuit Description Schematic Reference
The fuel tank on this vehicle is equipped with 2 fuel level “Engine Controls Schematics”
sensors, one for each reservoir of the fuel tank. Fuel is Connector End View Reference
transferred from the left side of the fuel tank to the right
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views”
side of the fuel tank in order to ensure all of the usable
fuel volume is available. The fuel pump supplies a small • “Engine Controls Connector End Views”

amount of pressurized fuel to the siphon jet pump Description and Operation
through the fuel feed pipe. The pressurized fuel creates “Fuel System Description: ”
a venturi action inside the siphon jet pump. The venturi Electrical Information Reference
action causes the fuel to be drawn out of the left side of • “Circuit Testing: ”
the fuel tank. Fuel is then transferred from the left side of • “Connector Repairs: ”
fuel tank to the right side of fuel tank through the internal • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
fuel transfer tube. This diagnostic tests for too large of a Connections: ”
difference in fuel level between the left and right side of
the fuel tank. The DTC sets if the control module • “Wiring Repairs: ”
determines that the right side fuel level is less than a DTC Type Reference
predetermined amount of the left side fuel level. “Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
The following table illustrates the difference between Definitions”
temperature, resistance, and voltage: Scan Tool Reference
Fuel Level • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
Fuel Level-Right Fuel Level
Sensor • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
or Left Sensor Sensor Voltage
Resistance (LY7)”
Empty Low Low • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Full High High (LY7)”

Conditions for Running the DTC Circuit/System Verification

• Before the engine control module (ECM) can report Engine idling for 5 minutes, observe the DTC information
DTC P2636 failed, DTCs P0462, P0463, P2067, and with a scan tool. DTC P2636 should not set.
P2068 must run and pass.
• The engine is operating. Circuit/System Testing
• DTC P2636 runs continuously once the above 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
conditions exist for more than 4 minutes. the left side fuel level sensor.
2. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool Fuel Level Sensor-
Conditions for Setting the DTC Left Tank voltage parameter is at 5.0 volts.
• The ECM detects that the right side fuel level is less ➢ If less than the specified range, test the signal
than 11 percent and the left side fuel level is more circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests
than 23 percent. normal, replace the ECM.
• The above condition is present for greater than 4
seconds or for a cumulative of 50 seconds.
1A-175 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

3. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal Symptoms - Engine Controls
circuit terminal A and ground. Verify the scan tool Diagnostic Instructions
Fuel Level Sensor-Left Tank voltage parameter is at
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
0.0 volts.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the signal procedure.
circuit for a high resistance. If the circuit tests
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
normal, replace the ECM.
of the diagnostic approach.
4. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
circuit terminal A and the low reference circuit
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
terminal D. Verify the scan tool Fuel Level Sensor-
each diagnostic category.
Left Tank voltage parameter is at 0.0 volts.
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the low
Symptoms Description
reference circuit for a high resistance. If the circuit
Driveability symptoms do not set DTCs. The driveability
tests normal, replace the ECM.
symptoms are defined below. Certain conditions can
5. Remove the fuel tank. cause multiple symptoms. These conditions are listed
6. Remove the fuel tank primary and secondary together. Additional conditions that may only cause
modules and inspect for the following conditions: certain symptoms are listed separately. Perform the
– A clogged secondary fuel strainer and pick up Symptoms Testing before using the Additional
Symptoms Tests.
– A clogged or restricted siphon jet pump
– Broken, clogged or restricted flex tubes, primary

Symptoms Definition
fuel tank module
Backfire: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold or in the
– Broken, clogged, disconnected, or restricted fuel exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
transfer tube inside tank Cuts Out, Misses: A steady pulsation or jerking that
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as follows engine speed, which is usually more
necessary. pronounced as the engine load increases. This
7. If all circuits/connections test normal, test or replace condition is not normally felt above 1500 RPM or 48
the left/secondary fuel level sensor. km/h (30 mph). The exhaust has a steady spitting
sound at idle or at low speed.
Component Testing Detonation/Spark Knock: A mild to severe ping which
usually occurs worse while under acceleration. The
1. Ignition OFF, remove the left fuel level sender from engine makes sharp metallic knocks that change
the fuel tank. with throttle opening.
2. Connect a DMM between terminal A and terminal D. Dieseling, Run-On: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold
3. Verify the secondary fuel level sender resistance or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping
remains within 40-250 ohms and changes smoothly noise.
while moving the float arm from stop to stop. Hard Start: Engine cranks OK, but does not start for a
➢ If the resistance is outside the specified range or long time. The vehicle does eventually run, or may
changes erratically while moving the float arm from start but immediately stalls.
stop to stop, replace the fuel level sender. Hesitation, Sag, Stumble: Momentary lack of
response as the accelerator is pushed down. This
condition can occur at any vehicle speed. This
Repair Instructions
condition is usually more pronounced when first
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
trying to make the vehicle move, as from a stop. This
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
condition may cause the engine to stall in severe
• “Fuel Tank Draining: ” Lack of Power, Sluggishness, or Sponginess: The
• “Fuel Tank Replacement (FWD): ” “Fuel Tank engine delivers less than expected power. Little or
Replacement (AWD): ” no increase in speed when the accelerator pedal is
• “Primary Fuel Tank Module Replacement: ” pushed down part way.
Poor Fuel Economy: Fuel economy, as measured by
• “Secondary Fuel Tank Module Replacement: ”
an actual road test, is noticeably lower than
• “Fuel System Cleaning: ” expected. Also, the fuel economy is noticeably lower
• “Control Module References: ” for engine control than it was on this vehicle at one time, as previously
module replacement, setup, and programming shown by an actual road test.
Poor Fuel Fill Quality: Difficulty when refueling the
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-176

Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stalling: The – The operation of the transmission torque
engine runs unevenly at idle. If severe, the engine or converter clutch (TCC)—The scan tool should
the vehicle may shake. Engine idle may vary in indicate an engine speed drop when the TCC is
speed. Either condition may be severe enough to commanded ON.
stall the engine. – The operation of the A/C compressor
Surges/Chuggles: Engine power variation under
– Items that can cause an engine to run lean or
steady throttle or cruise. Feels like the vehicle
rich—Refer to “DTC P2178, 2180, P2188, or
speeds up and slows down with no change in the
accelerator pedal position.
– The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor for the
correct resistance—The CKP sensor resistance
Symptoms Verification
may be out of range after a hot soak. The
• The engine control module (ECM) and the malfunction resistance should be between 700-1200 ohms.
indicator lamp (MIL) are operating correctly.
– The engine for the following mechanical failures—
• There are no DTCs stored. Refer to “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”.
• The scan tool data is within the normal operating – Excessive oil in the combustion chamber or
range. leaking valve seals
• Bulletins are not available for the current symptom. – Incorrect cylinder compression
• The ECM grounds are clean, tight, and in the correct – Sticking or leaking valves
– Worn camshaft lobes
• The vehicle tires are correctly inflated and meet

– Incorrect valve timing
original equipment specifications.
– Broken valve springs
• The air filter element is not restricted.
– Excessive carbon buildup in the combustion
Symptoms Testing chambers—Clean the chambers with top
engine cleaner. Follow the instructions on the
1. Test for the following conditions: can.
– The fuel system for the following: – Incorrect engine parts
– Correct fuel pressure—Refer to “Fuel System – Vacuum hoses for splits or kinks—Verify that the
Diagnosis: ”. routing and connections are as shown on the
– Fuel injectors that are leaking or improper Vehicle Emission Control Information label.
operation—Refer to “Fuel Injector Balance Test – Knock sensor (KS) system for excessive spark
with Special Tool: ” or “Fuel Injector Balance retard activity—Refer to “Knock Sensor (KS)
Test with Tech 2: ”. System Description: ” and “DTC P0326, P0327,
– Contaminated or a poor fuel quality condition— P0328, P0331, P0332, or P0333”.
Refer to “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel – The exhaust system components for the following:
Diagnosis (w/o Special Tool): ” “Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/ Special – Physical damage or possible internal failure
Tool): ”. – The three-way catalytic converters for a
– The ignition system for the following: restriction
For more information, refer to “Symptoms -
– Spark plugs for incorrect heat range or an Engine Exhaust: ”.
abnormal condition—Refer to “Spark Plug
Inspection: ”. – Electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the
reference circuit can cause a misfire condition.
– For diagnosis of coolant or oil fouled spark You can usually detect EMI with a scan tool by
plugs—Refer to “Loss of Coolant: ” or “Oil monitoring the engine speed parameter. A sudden
Consumption Diagnosis: ”. increase in the engine speed parameter with little
– Wet down the secondary ignition system with change in actual engine speed indicates that EMI
water from a spray bottle. Wetting down the is present. Inspect the high voltage components
secondary ignition system may help locate near the ignition control circuit if a condition exists.
damaged or deteriorated components. Look/ – Inspect the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV)
listen for arcing or misfiring as the water is system and all connections for leaks or
applied. restrictions.
– Weak spark using the J 26792 Spark Tester— – Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge
Refer to “Electronic Ignition (EI) System solenoid that is stuck open
Diagnosis: ”.
– The engine cooling system for the following
1A-177 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

– The thermostat is the correct heat range— Poor Fuel Economy

Refer to “Thermostat Diagnosis: ”.
• Heavy loads being carried or towed
– Proper engine coolant level—Refer to “Draining
• Acceleration rate too much or too often
and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill):
” “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 • Inspect for foreign material accumulation in the
Static Fill): ”. throttle bore, and for carbon deposits on the throttle
plate and shaft. Also inspect for throttle body
2. If the above conditions do not address the symptom,
refer to the additional symptoms tests.

Additional Symptoms Tests Engine Cranks but Does Not Run

Detonation/Spark Knock: Test the engine for an Diagnostic Instructions
overheating condition. Refer to “Engine Overheating: • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
”. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Poor Fuel Economy: Inspect for foreign material procedure.
accumulation in the throttle bore, and for carbon • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
deposits on the throttle plate and shaft. Also inspect of the diagnostic approach.
for throttle body tampering.
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stalling: • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Inspect the engine mounts. Refer to “Engine Mount Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
Inspection: ”. each diagnostic category.
Surges/Chuggles: Test the heated oxygen sensors

(HO2S). The HO2S should respond quickly to a Circuit/System Description
change in throttle position. If the HO2S do not This Engine Cranks but Does Not Run diagnostic is an
respond to different throttle positions, inspect for organized approach to identify a condition which causes
contamination from fuel, silicon, or the incorrect use the engine to crank but not start. This diagnostic directs
of RTV sealant. The sensors may have a white the technician to the appropriate system diagnosis.
powdery coating and result in a high, but false,
signal voltage, which gives a rich exhaust indication. Diagnostic Aids
The ECM reduces the amount of fuel delivered to the Inspect for any of the following conditions:
engine, causing a driveability condition. • The engine control module (ECM) uses the camshaft
Hard Start position (CMP) sensors to determine engine speed
• Test the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. and position when there is a crankshaft position
Compare the ECT sensor value to the intake air (CKP) sensor condition.
temperature (IAT) sensor value on a cold engine. The • The engine will operate with a CKP sensor condition
ECT and IAT sensor values should be within ± 3°C only if the ECM has stored the learned reference
(5°F). If the ECT sensor is out of range with the IAT position of the camshafts in memory. With a CKP
sensor, test the resistance of the ECT sensor. Refer to sensor condition in the signal circuit, the engine will go
“Temperature Versus Resistance - Engine Coolant into a limp home mode after a hard restart. The ECM
Temperature Sensor” for resistance specifications. then calculates engine speed from one of the CMP
Replace the ECT sensor if the resistance is not within sensors.
specification. Refer to “Engine Coolant Temperature • Insufficient fuel can cause a no start condition.
Sensor Replacement: ”. If the sensor is within the Thoroughly inspect the fuel delivery system for
specification, test the ECT circuits for a high sufficient fuel volume to the fuel injectors. Inspect the
resistance. fuel supply components for partial blockage or
• Test the fuel pump relay operation. The fuel pump restrictions.
should turn ON for 2 seconds when the ignition is • Fuel injectors with partially blocked and restricted
turned ON. Refer to “Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit nozzles, or a malfunctioning solenoid, can cause a no
Diagnosis: ”. start condition. Refer to “Fuel Injector Solenoid Coil
Hesitation, Sag, Stumble Test: ”, “Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool: ”
• Test the fuel pressure. Refer to “Fuel System or “Fuel Injector Balance Test with Tech 2: ”.
Diagnosis: ”.
• Test the generator. Refer to “Symptoms - Engine
Electrical: ”. Repair the charging system if the
generator output voltage is less than 9 volts or more
than 16 volts.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-178

• There may be fuel spray at the fuel injectors and the Scan Tool Reference
indicated fuel pressure may be correct, yet there may • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)”
not be enough fuel to start the engine. If the fuel
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
injectors and the injector circuit are OK, and fuel spray
is detected, the fuel injector ON time may be
inadequate. If the engine control module (ECM) • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
receives incorrect inputs from the various information (LY7)”
sensors, the fuel delivered by the fuel injectors may Special Tools Required
be inadequate to start the engine. Check all the • J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage
engine data parameters with a scan tool and compare • J 26792 Spark Tester
the values indicated with the expected values or the
values from a known good vehicle. Circuit/System Verification
• Check the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor engine
reference signal with a scan tool. Observe the Engine NOTE
Speed parameter while cranking the engine. The scan This diagnostic assumes the following:
tool should indicate a steady 200-300 RPM while • The battery is completely charged. Refer to
cranking. If erratic values, such as sudden spikes in “Battery Inspection/Test: ”.
the engine speed are displayed, the engine reference
signal is not stable enough for the engine to start and • The engine cranking speed is acceptable.
run properly. Refer to “Engine Cranks Slowly: ”.
• Inspect the engine for good secure electrical grounds. • There is adequate fuel in the fuel tank.

• If the engine almost starts and then stalls, check for 1. Crank or start the engine. Observe the DTC
an open in the ground circuits of the CKP sensor and information with a scan tool. Verify that DTCs P0116,
the camshaft position (CMP) sensor. P0118, P0119, P0201-P0206, P0335, P0336,
• Water or foreign material in the fuel can cause a no P0337, P0338, P0351-P0356, P0601, P0602,
start or engine will not stay running condition. During P0604, P0606, P0627, P0628, P0629, P1629,
freezing weather water can freeze inside the fuel P1631, P1632, or P2105 do not set.
system. The engine may start after 30 minutes in a ➢ If any of the listed DTCs are set, refer to
heated repair shop. The malfunction may not recur “Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle
until parked overnight in freezing temperatures. Diagnostic Information: ”.
Extreme weather conditions can cause contaminated
2. Ignition ON, observe the Theft Deterrent parameter
fuel to prevent the vehicle from starting.
with a scan tool. The parameter should display
• A vehicle that starts and runs after being brought to Disabled.
the repair shop for a no start condition, may have an
➢ If Enabled is displayed, refer to “Diagnostic Trouble
ignition system that is susceptible to moisture. Spray
Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
water on the ignition system components and the
wiring in order to check for an engine starting or will 3. Test the ignition system for spark. Refer to
not stay running concern. “Electronic Ignition (EI) System Diagnosis: ”.
4. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump ON with a scan
Reference Information tool. You should hear the fuel pump turn ON.
Schematic Reference ➢ If the fuel pump does not turn ON, refer to “Fuel
“Engine Controls Schematics” Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis: ”.
Connector End View Reference 5. Ignition OFF, install the J 34730-1A. Refer to “Fuel
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views” Pressure Gage Installation and Removal: ”.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views”
Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ” • The fuel pump may need to be commanded
ON a few times, in order to obtain the
• “Connector Repairs: ”
highest possible fuel pressure.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
• Do NOT start the engine for this test.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
1A-179 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

6. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump ON with a scan Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Check
tool. The fuel pressure should be between 380-410 Diagnostic Instructions
kPa (55-60 psi).
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
➢ If the fuel pressure is not within range, refer to “Fuel Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
System Diagnosis: ”. procedure.
7. Verify that the following conditions do not exist: • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
– Disconnect the MAF sensor. The engine control of the diagnostic approach.
module (ECM) will ignore the MAF sensor and • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
default to the calculated air flow. Diagnostic Information: ” provide an overview of each
➢ If disconnecting the MAF sensor corrects the diagnostic category.
condition and the connections are OK, replace the
MAF sensor. Refer to “Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Description
Air Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”. Several states require that a vehicle pass on-board
– Collapsed air intake duct to the throttle body diagnostic (OBD) system tests and the inspection/
– Restricted air filter element maintenance (I/M) emission inspection in order to renew
license plates. This is accomplished by viewing the I/M
– Spark plugs for being gas or coolant fouled—
System Status display on a scan tool. Using a scan tool,
Refer to “Spark Plug Inspection: ”.
the technician can observe the I/M System Status in
– A skewed engine coolant temperature (ECT) order to verify that the vehicle meets the criteria that
sensor—Refer to “Temperature Versus complies with the local area requirements.
Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature

Conditions for Updating the I/M System Status
– Exhaust system restricted—Refer to “Restricted Each system requires at least one, and sometimes
Exhaust: ”. several, diagnostic tests. The results of these tests are
– Fuel contamination—Refer to “Alcohol/ reported by a diagnostic trouble code (DTC). A system
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/o Special monitor is complete when either all of the DTCs
Tool): ” “Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis comprising the monitor have Run and Passed, or any
(w/ Special Tool): ”. one of the DTCs comprising the monitor have illuminated
– Engine mechanical condition, for example, worn the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). Once all of the
timing chain and gears, low compression—Refer tests are completed, the I/M System Status display will
to “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical: ”. indicate YES in the Completed column.
For example, when the HO2S Heater Status indicates
➢ If you find any of the above conditions, repair as
YES, either all of the oxygen sensor heater tests have
passed or one of the tests has illuminated the MIL. If the
vehicle has four heated oxygen sensors, either all four
Repair Instructions heater circuit tests have passed or one of the heater
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle circuit tests has illuminated the MIL. The I/M System
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic Status will indicate NO under the Completed column
procedure. when any of the required tests for that system have not
run. The following is a list of conditions that would set the
I/M System Status indicator to NO:
• The vehicle is new from the factory and has not yet
been driven through the necessary drive conditions to
complete the tests.
• The battery has been disconnected or discharged
below operating voltage.
• The control module power or ground has been
• The control module has been reprogrammed.
• The control module DTCs have been cleared as part
of a service procedure.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-180

Monitored Emission Control Systems Circuit/System Verification

The OBD II system monitors all emission control Review the I/M System Status indicators. All I/M System
systems that are on-board. Not all vehicles need every Status indicators should report YES.
possible emission control system. For example, a
vehicle may not be equipped with secondary air injection Circuit/System Testing
(AIR) or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The OBD II
regulations require monitoring of the following; if NOTE
equipped: Many DTC related repairs will instruct the
• The air conditioning system technician to clear the DTC information.
• The catalytic converter efficiency Clearing the DTC will reset the I/M System
Status indicators to NO. Performing the I/M
• Comprehensive component monitoring—Emission
Complete System Set Procedure will set each
related inputs and outputs
of the I/M System Status indicators to YES.
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) system
• The fuel delivery system 1. Observe the Engine DTC information with a scan
• Heated catalyst monitoring tool.
• Misfire monitoring ➢ If a DTC is set that would prevent the I/M System
Status tests from completing, diagnose that DTC
• The oxygen sensor system (O2S or HO2S) before continuing. Refer to “Inspection/
• The oxygen sensor heater system (HO2S heater) Maintenance (I/M) System DTC Table”.
For the specific DTCs required for each system, refer to 2. Review applicable service bulletins for software

“Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System DTC Table”. updates that would prevent the I/M System Status
Systems such as fuel delivery, misfire, and tests from completing.
comprehensive components may not be listed in a
system status list. These tests run continuously and do ➢ If a control module re-program or other repair is
not require an I/M System Status indicator. required, perform the “Inspection/Maintenance (I/
M) Complete System Set Procedure”.
Diagnostic Aids 3. Observe the I/M System Status indicators.
The I/M System Status display provides an indication of ➢ If any I/M System Status indicators report NO,
when the control module has completed the required perform the “Inspection/Maintenance (I/M)
tests. This does not necessarily mean that the test has Complete System Set Procedure”.
passed, only that a decision was made. If the diagnostic
fails, a DTC will indicate the failure. If a failure indication
is present for a DTC associated with one of the I/M
regulated systems, it may prevent other required tests
from running. For example, a DTC for the control circuit
of the EVAP purge solenoid may not be listed in the
Inspection/Maintenance System DTC Table because it is
a continuous test. If this DTC is set, the Active Tests for
the EVAP system may not run.
The I/M System Status information may be useful for a
technician to determine if diagnostics have run when
verifying repairs.
1A-181 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) Complete 2. Turn OFF all accessories; HVAC system, other
System Set Procedure electrical loads, including aftermarket/add-on
equipment, etc., and open the hood.
Diagnostic Instructions
3. Set the vehicle parking brake and ensure the vehicle
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
is in park for automatic transmission or neutral for
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
manual transmission.
4. Start and idle the engine for 2 minutes.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach. ! WARNING
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of Refer to “Road Test Caution: ”.
each diagnostic category.
5. Close the hood, release the parking brake and
Description Accelerate at part throttle to 72-80 km/h (45-50 mph)
The purpose of the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) with this speed maintained until the engine reaches
complete system set procedure is to satisfy the enable operating temperature, 8-10 minutes.
criteria necessary to execute all of the I/M readiness 6. Continue operation under these conditions for an
diagnostics and complete the trips for those particular additional 6 minutes.
diagnostics. When all I/M monitored diagnostic tests are 7. Accelerate at part throttle to 90 km/h (55 mph) with
completed, the I/M System Status indicators are set to this speed maintained for 2 minutes.
YES. Perform the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) 8. Release the accelerator pedal for at least 10

Complete System Set Procedure if any I/M System seconds. This will allow the vehicle to enter the decel
Status indicators are set to NO. fuel cut off.

Conditions for Meeting a Cold Start NOTE

• The ignition voltage between 10 and 15 volts. Do NOT touch the accelerator pedal until told
• The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than 75 to do so. A change in TP Sensor angle or an
kPa. increase in engine speed may invalidate this
portion of the test.
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) at start-up is
less than 42°C (108°F). 9. Safely stop the vehicle, with the engine in drive for
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is between 2-32°C automatic or neutral with the clutch pedal depressed
(36-90°F). and parking brake applied for manual. Allow the
• The engine is OFF for greater than 6 hours or the vehicle to idle for 2 minutes.
following conditions must be met: 10. Shift the vehicle to park for automatic and neutral for
– The start-up IAT minus start-up ECT are within manual. Turn OFF the ignition and exit the vehicle.
12°C (22°F). Do NOT disturb the vehicle for 45 minutes.
– The start-up ECT minus start-up IAT are within 11. Observe the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System
50°C (90°F). Status with a scan tool. All of the I/M System Status
• Fuel level is between 25 and 75 percent. indicators should display YES.
➢ If the EVAP I/M System Status indicator displays
Circuit/System Verification NO, turn OFF the ignition, ensure that the vehicle
Review the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Status meets the conditions for a cold start, and repeat
indicators. All I/M System Status indicators should report steps 6-11 three more times, or until the EVAP I/M
YES. System Status indicator transitions to YES. If the
indicator continues to display NO, refer to the
“Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System DTC Table”
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Set
to identify the DTCs that did not run.
➢ If any of the I/M System Status indicators display
1. Ensure that the vehicle meets the conditions for a
NO, refer to the “Inspection/Maintenance (I/M)
cold start listed above.
System DTC Table” for the indicator which did not
➢ If the EVAP I/M System Status indicator displays display YES. The I/M System DTC Table identifies
NO, perform the EVAP Service bay test if the DTCs associated with each I/M System Status
applicable. Indicator.
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-182

Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System DTC Table

System DTCs Required to Set System Status to YES
If an I/M System Status indicator did NOT update to YES during the “Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) System Check”,
review each indicator and reference this table to determine each DTC associated with the I/M System Status
Indicator. Each DTC listed below has specific conditions that must be met for the diagnostic to run. Included within
the conditions are additional DTCs, which if set, may inhibit the DTCs listed below from running. Reviewing and
operating the vehicle within the Conditions for Running for each DTC listed below will allow the I/M System Status
Indicators to transition to YES.
Catalyst “DTC P0420 or P0430”
EVAP “DTC P0442”
“DTC P0446”
“DTC P0455”
“DTC P0496”
Oxygen Sensor “DTC P0131 or P0151”
“DTC P0132 or P0152”
“DTC P0133 or P0153”
“DTC P0137, P0138, P0140, P0157, P0158, or P0160”
“DTC P2096 or P2098”
“DTC P2097 or P2099”
“DTC P2231 or P2234”
“DTC P2232 or P2235”

“DTC P2270 or P2272”
“DTC P2271 or P2273”
Oxygen Sensor Heater “DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038, P0050, P0051, P0052, P0056,
P0057, or P0058”
“DTC P0135, P0141, P0155, or P0161”

Repair Instructions
Idle Learn Idle Learn Procedure
Description NOTE
The engine control module (ECM) learns the idle
position of the throttle body to ensure the correct idle • Ensure the above conditions are met
operation. Anytime the ECM or the throttle body is before proceeding with this procedure.
replaced, the ECM must learn the idle position. The • Do not perform this procedure if a throttle
engine idle may be unstable or a DTC may set if the idle position (TP) sensor or other throttle
position is not learned. actuator control (TAC) system DTCs are
set other than P2176. The ECM will not
Conditions for Running the Idle Learn perform the idle learn procedure with a
Procedure DTC set.
• DTCs P0121, P0122, P0123, P0221, P0222, P0223,
P0638, P2100, P2101, P2105, P2107, and P2119 are 1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
not set. 2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF for 60
• The engine speed is less than 40 RPM. seconds.
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph). 3. Turn OFF the ignition.
• The accelerator pedal position is less than 14.9 4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
percent. 5. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
• The ignition 1 voltage is more than 10 volts.
• The engine coolant temperature is between 5-85°C
• The intake air temperature is between 5-60°C (41-
1A-183 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Temperature Versus Resistance - Engine Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure
Coolant Temperature Sensor Barometric
Resistance Resistance Altitude Altitude Pressure
Temperature Measured in Measured in Measured in
Minimum Maximum
C°/F° Meters (m) Feet (ft) Kilopascals
Ohms Ohms
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) (kPa)
−40/−40 40,490 50,136 Determine your altitude by contacting a local weather
−20/−4 14,096 16,827 station or by using another reference source.
−10/14 8,642 10,152 4 267 14,000 56-64
0/32 5,466 6,326 3 962 13,000 58-66
20/68 2,351 2,649 3 658 12,000 61-69
25/77 1,941 2,173 3 353 11,000 64-72
40/104 1,118 1,231 3 048 10,000 66-74
60/140 573 618 2 743 9,000 69-77
80/176 313 332 2 438 8,000 71-79
100/212 182 191 2 134 7,000 74-82
120/248 109 116 1 829 6,000 77-85
140/284 068 074 1 524 5,000 80-88
1 219 4,000 83-91

914 3,000 87-95
Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air
610 2,000 90-98
Temperature Sensor 305 1,000 94-102
Resistance Resistance 0 0 Sea Level 96-104
Minimum Maximum −305 −1,000 101-105
Ohms Ohms
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
−40/−40 35,140 43,760
−20/−4 12,660 15,120
−10/14 7,943 9,307
0/32 5,119 5,892
20/68 2,290 2,551
25/77 1,900 2,100
40/104 1,096 1,238
60/140 565 654
80/176 312 370
100/212 184 222
120/248 114 141
140/284 74 93
Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-184

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) Illustration Tool Number/Description
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 34730-405
CH 48096 Injector Test Lamp
EVAP Service Access Port

J 35616
GE 41415-50 GM-Approved Terminal

Interrupted Thread Fuel Test Kit
Tank Cap Adapter

J 35616-200
J 26792 Test Light - Probe Kit
HEI Spark Tester

J 41413-200
Evaporative Emission
J 34730-1A System Tester (EEST)
Fuel Pressure Gage
1A-185 Engine General Information and Diagnosis:

Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 41413-300
EVAP Cap and Plug Kit

J 41413-SPT
High Intensity White Light

J 41413-VLV
EVAP Service Port Vent
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-1

Aux. Emission Control Devices

Fuel and Evaporative Emission Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning Notice
Clean all of the following areas before performing any disconnections in order to avoid possible
contamination in the system:
• The fuel pipe connections
• The hose connections
• The areas surrounding the connections

General Description
Evaporative Emission Control System Small Leak Test
Description The engine off natural vacuum, (EONV), diagnostic is

EVAP System Operation the small leak detection diagnostic for the EVAP system.
The EONV diagnostic monitors the EVAP system
The evaporative emission (EVAP) control system limits
pressure or vacuum with the key OFF. The EONV
fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. Fuel
utilizes the temperature changes and the resulting
tank vapors are allowed to move from the fuel tank, due
naturally occurring vacuum or pressure in the fuel tank
to pressure in the tank, through the vapor pipe, into the
immediately following a drive cycle. When the vehicle is
EVAP canister. Carbon in the canister absorbs and
driven, the temperature in the fuel tank rises. When the
stores the fuel vapors. Excess pressure is vented
vehicle is parked with the engine OFF and key OFF, the
through the vent line and EVAP vent valve to
temperature in the fuel tank will continue to rise for a
atmosphere. The EVAP canister stores the fuel vapors
period of time, and then begin to decrease. The EONV
until the engine is able to use them. At an appropriate
diagnostic relies on this temperature change, and the
time, the control module will command the EVAP purge
corresponding pressure change to determine if an EVAP
valve ON, open, allowing engine vacuum to be applied
system leak is present. The EONV diagnostic is
to the EVAP canister. With the EVAP vent valve OFF,
designed to detect leaks as small as 0.51 mm (0.020 in).
open, fresh air will be drawn through the valve and vent
The diagnostic can determine if a small leak is present
line to the EVAP canister. Fresh air is drawn through the
based on vacuum or pressure readings in the EVAP
canister, pulling fuel vapors from the carbon. The air/fuel
system. When the EVAP system is sealed a finite
vapor mixture continues through the EVAP purge pipe
amount of pressure or vacuum will be observed. When a
and EVAP purge valve into the intake manifold to be
0.51 mm (0.020 in) leak is present, little or no pressure
consumed during normal combustion. The control
or vacuum is observed. If the test reports a failing value,
module uses several tests to determine if the EVAP
DTC P0442 will set.
system is leaking.

Large Leak Test Canister Vent Restriction Test

If the EVAP vent system is restricted, fuel vapors will not
This tests for large leaks and blockages in the EVAP
be properly purged from the EVAP canister. The control
system. The control module will command the EVAP
module tests this by commanding the EVAP purge valve
vent valve ON, closed, and command the EVAP purge
ON, open; and commanding the EVAP vent valve OFF,
valve ON, open, with the engine running, allowing
open; and monitoring the FTP sensor for an increase in
engine vacuum into the EVAP system. The control
vacuum. If vacuum increases more than a calibrated
module monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor
value, DTC P0446 sets.
voltage to verify that the system is able to reach a
predetermined level of vacuum within a set amount of
time. The control module then commands the EVAP
purge valve OFF, closed, sealing the system and
monitors the vacuum level for decay. If the control
module does not detect that the predetermined vacuum
level was achieved, or the vacuum decay rate is more
than a calibrated level on 2 consecutive tests, DTC
P0455 sets.
1B-2 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Purge Valve Leak Test Crankcase Ventilation System Description

If the EVAP purge valve does not seal properly, fuel
vapors could enter the engine at an undesired time,
causing driveability concerns. The control module tests
for this by commanding the EVAP purge valve OFF,
closed; and vent valve ON, closed; sealing the system,
and monitoring the FTP for an increase in vacuum. If the
control module detects that EVAP system vacuum
increases above a calibrated value, DTC P0496 sets.

EVAP System Components

The EVAP system consists of the following components:

EVAP Canister
The canister is filled with carbon pellets used to absorb
and store fuel vapors. Fuel vapor is stored in the canister
until the control module determines that the vapor can
be consumed in the normal combustion process.

EVAP Purge Valve A crankcase ventilation system is used to consume

The EVAP purge valve controls the flow of vapors from crankcase vapors created during the combustion

the EVAP system to the intake manifold. This normally process instead of venting them to the atmosphere.
closed valve is pulse width modulated (PWM) by the Fresh air is supplied through a filter to the crankcase, the
control module to precisely control the flow of fuel vapor crankcase mixes the fresh air with the blow-by gases
to the engine. The valve will also be opened during some and then passed through a positive crankcase
portions of the EVAP testing, allowing engine vacuum to ventilation (PCV) or if iced tube into the intake manifold.
enter the EVAP system. The PCV or if iced tube restricts the flow rate of the blow-
by gases using a 3 mm (0.118 in) (a) orifice located at
EVAP Vent Valve the end of the tube. If abnormal operating conditions
The EVAP vent valve controls fresh airflow into the arise, the system is designed to allow excessive
EVAP canister. The valve is normally open. The control amounts of blow-by gases to back flow through the
module will command the valve closed during some crankcase vent tube into the throttle body in order to be
EVAP tests, allowing the system to be tested for leaks. consumed by normal combustion.

Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor

The FTP sensor measures the difference between the
pressure or vacuum in the fuel tank and outside air
pressure. The control module provides a 5-volt reference
and a ground to the FTP sensor. The FTP sensor
provides a signal voltage back to the control module that
can vary between 0.1-4.9 volts. As FTP increases, FTP
sensor voltage decreases, high pressure = low voltage.
As FTP decreases, FTP voltage increases, low pressure
or vacuum = high voltage.
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-3

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Emission Hose Routing Diagram

1. Evaporative Emission Purge Line
2. PCV Hose to Intake Manifold
3. Brake Booster Vacuum Hose
4. Crank Case Fresh Air Inlet
1B-4 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Evaporative Emissions Hose Routing Diagram

1. Secondary Fuel Tank Module 7. Fuel Filler Recirculation Pipe
2. Fuel Feed Pipe 8. Primary Fuel Tank Module and Fuel Limiter Vent Valve (FLVV)
3. Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Canister Purge Pipe 9. EVAP Canister Vapor Recirculation Pipe
4. EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid 10. Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (FTP)
5. EVAP Canister 11. Fuel Feed Pipe
6. EVAP Canister Fresh Air Inlet Pipe
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-5

Repair Instructions
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge
Solenoid Valve Replacement
Removal Procedure

4. Disconnect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (2)

from the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”.
1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel 5. Remove the EVAP purge solenoid bracket bolt (3).
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”. 6. Remove the EVAP purge solenoid.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (4) from the evaporative emission (EVAP) Installation Procedure
purge solenoid.

1. Install the EVAP purge solenoid.

3. Disconnect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (1)
from the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic ! CAUTION
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the EVAP purge solenoid bracket bolt (3).

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
3. Connect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (2) to
the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”.
1B-6 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Evaporative Emission Canister Vent

Solenoid Valve Replacement
Removal Procedure

4. Connect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (1) to

the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”.

1. Remove the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister.
Refer to “Evaporative Emission Canister
2. Rotate the EVAP canister vent valve
counterclockwise to release from the locked position.

5. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (4) to the EVAP purge solenoid.
6. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.

3. Remove the vent valve from the EVAP canister.

Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-7

Installation Procedure Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Hose

Removal Procedure

1. Insert the EVAP canister vent solenoid valve into the

EVAP canister, with the valve aligned to the released

position. 1. Remove the fuel fill tube. Refer to “Filler Tube
Replacement: ”.
2. Remove the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister
vent tube from the fill pipe clips.

Installation Procedure

2. Rotate vent valve clockwise to secure into the locked

3. Install the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement”.

1. Install the EVAP canister vent tube to fill pipe clips.

2. Install the fuel fill tube. Refer to “Filler Tube
Replacement: ”.
1B-8 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Evaporative Emission Pipe Replacement 3. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP) pipe
Removal Procedure quick connect fitting (3) from the EVAP purge
solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect
! WARNING Fitting Service: ”.
4. Cap the fuel and EVAP lines in order to prevent
Do not allow smoking or the use of open
system contamination.
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is
being done on the fuel system, disconnect
the negative battery cable, except for those
tests where battery voltage is required.

Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:
” in Cautions and Notices.

Whenever fuel lines are removed, catch fuel
in an approved container. Container opening
must be a minimum of 300 mm (12 in)

diameter to adequately catch the fluid.

5. Disconnect the rear brake line fittings from the brake
Fuel/Vapor lines cannot be spliced or pressure module.
repaired. The line must be replaced (if 6. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
damaged) with the same type of line. Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
7. Remove the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement”.

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to

“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection: ”. 8. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (2)
from the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
2. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3) Connect Fitting Service: ”.
from the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service: ”. 9. Cap the fuel and EVAP lines in order to prevent
system contamination.
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-9

10. Disconnect the left rear brake line fitting from the 12. Remove the push pin (1) from the underbody side
brake crossover pipe. rail hole.
13. With the aid of an assistant, release the fuel/EVAP/

brake pipe clips (2) from the underbody studs.
14. Place the fuel/EVAP/brake pipe assembly on a clean
work surface.

11. Disconnect the right rear brake line fitting from the
rear brake hose.

15. Remove the EVAP pipe from the fuel/EVAP/brake

pipe assembly clips.
1B-10 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Installation Procedure

1. Install the EVAP feed pipe to the fuel/EVAP/brake
pipe assembly clips. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Connect the right rear brake line fitting to the rear
brake hose.
Tightening torque
Tighten the fitting to 18 N⋅m (13 lb ft).

2. With the aid of an assistant, position and install the

fuel/EVAP/brake pipe clips (2) to the underbody
3. Install the push pin (1) to the underbody side rail
5. Connect the left rear brake line fitting to the brake
crossover pipe.
Tightening torque
Tighten the fitting to 18 N⋅m (13 lb ft).
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-11

6. Remove the caps from the fuel and EVAP lines. 11. Remove the caps from the fuel and EVAP lines.
7. Connect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (2) to 12. Connect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3) to
the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick Connect

Fitting Service: ”. Fitting Service: ”.
8. Install the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative 13. Connect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (3) to
Emission Canister Replacement”. the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar
9. Lower the vehicle. Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”.
14. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
15. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
“Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure): ”
“Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual): ”.
16. Prime the fuel system.
a. Cycle the ignition ON for 5 seconds and then
OFF for 10 seconds. Repeat cycling twice.
b. Crank the engine until it starts. The maximum
starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds.
c. If the engine does not start, repeat the above
17. Run the engine and check the system for leaks.

10. Connect the rear brake line fittings to the brake

pressure module.
Tightening torque
Tighten the fitting to 21 N⋅m (16 lb ft).
1B-12 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Evaporative Emission Canister

Removal Procedure

4. Disconnect the EVAP canister purge hose/pipe (1)

from the EVAP canister.
5. Remove the EVAP canister-to-underbody nuts (3).

6. Lower the EVAP canister.
The EVAP emissions canister is located
under the center of the vehicle. It has 3 EVAP
line connections:
• The EVAP fresh air
• The EVAP vent
• The EVAP purge

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.

Clean all fuel pipe connections and
surrounding areas before disconnecting the
fuel pipes to avoid contamination of the fuel

2. Disconnect the EVAP canister fresh air hose/pipe

from the fuel tank fresh air hose/pipe (2). Refer to 7. Disconnect the EVAP vent solenoid electrical
“Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”. connector (1).
3. Disconnect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe from 8. Remove the EVAP canister (4) from the vehicle.
the EVAP canister. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service: ”.
Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-13

Installation Procedure

5. Connect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe (3) to the

1. Connect the EVAP vent solenoid electrical connector EVAP canister. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
(1). Connect Fitting Service: ”.

2. Install the EVAP canister (4) to the underbody of the 6. Connect the EVAP canister fresh air hose/pipe to the
vehicle. fuel tank fresh air hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service: ”.
7. Lower the vehicle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and

3. Install the EVAP canister-to-underbody nuts (3).

Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 9 N⋅m (80 lb in).
4. Connect the EVAP canister purge hose/pipe (1) to
the EVAP canister.
1B-14 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Evaporative Emission Canister Filter 7. Clean the inside of the EVAP canister filter housing
Replacement with a clean shop towel.
Removal Procedure
Installation Procedure
The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister
filter cover must also be replaced when the
EVAP filter is replaced to ensure proper
operation of the EVAP canister.

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Remove the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement”.

1. Install a NEW filter to the canister filter housing.

Ensure that the seal is properly seated in the
NEW EVAP filter cover.

3. Carefully release the canister filter cover rear

retaining tabs.
4. Carefully release the canister filter cover forward
retaining tabs and remove the cover from the EVAP
5. Discard the EVAP canister filter cover.

2. Install a NEW EVAP filter cover to the EVAP canister.

3. Install the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement”.
4. Lower the vehicle.

6. Remove the filter from the canister and discard the

Aux. Emission Control Devices: 1B-15

Evaporative Emission System Cleaning Cleaning Procedure

Special tool 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
J 41413-200 Evaporative Emission System Tested Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Remove the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Inspection Procedure Emission Canister Replacement”.
3. Turn OFF the main valve on the J 41413-200.
4. Disconnect the hose from the diagnostic station
Refer to Clean, Dry, Low Pressure Gas pressure regulator.
Source Notice. 5. Using a section of vacuum hose, connect one end
onto the EVAP pressure/purge diagnostic station
NOTE pressure regulator.
Proceed with the following procedure only if 6. Connect the other end of the vacuum hose to the
referenced by an evaporative emission canister side of the purge pipe.
(EVAP) diagnostic or repair procedure. 7. Turn ON the main nitrogen cylinder valve and
continue to discharge nitrogen for 15 seconds.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
8. If the nitrogen does not clear the blockage, replace
2. Remove the EVAP canister purge valve. Refer to the purge pipe.
“Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid
9. Return the EVAP pressure/purge diagnostic station
Valve Replacement”.
to the stations original condition.
3. Lightly tap the EVAP canister purge valve on a hard

10. Install a new EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement”.
4. Inspect for carbon particles exiting either of the
11. Lower the vehicle.
vacuum ports.
12. Install a new EVAP canister purge valve. Refer to
– If no carbon particles were detected, but a
“Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid
blockage was detected during a diagnostic
Valve Replacement”.
procedure, install the original EVAP canister purge
valve. Continue with the cleaning procedure. 13. Return to the diagnostic table that sent you here.
– If carbon particles are found during the inspection
procedure, continue with the cleaning procedure.
– If a diagnostic procedure directed you to replace
the EVAP canister purge valve and no carbon
particles were detected, replace the EVAP
canister purge valve. Return to the published
service procedure.
1B-16 Aux. Emission Control Devices:

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Nut 9 N⋅m 80 lb in
Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Bracket Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Left Rear Brake Line Fitting to Brake Crossover Pipe 18 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Rear Brake Line to Rear Brake Hose Fitting 18 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Rear Brake Line Fitting to Brake Pressure Module 21 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Rear Drive Module Propeller Shaft Guard Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 41413-200
Evaporative Emission
System Tester (EEST)

J 41413-300
EVAP Cap and Plug Kit

J 41413-VLV
EVAP Service Port Vent
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-1

Engine Electrical Devices

Heated Oxygen and Oxygen Sensor Notice Heated Oxygen Sensor Resistance Learn
Reset Notice
Do not remove the pigtail from either the ! CAUTION
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) or the oxygen When replacing the HO2S perform the
sensor (O2S). Removing the pigtail or the following:
connector will affect sensor operation. • A code clear with a scan tool, regardless of
Handle the oxygen sensor carefully. Do not whether or not a DTC is set
drop the HO2S. Keep the in-line electrical
connector and the louvered end free of • HO2S heater resistance learn reset with a
grease, dirt, or other contaminants. Do not scan tool, where available
use cleaning solvents of any type. Perform the above in order to reset the HO2S
Do not repair the wiring, connector or resistance learned value and avoid possible
terminals. Replace the oxygen sensor if the HO2S failure.
pigtail wiring, connector, or terminal is
Silicon Contamination of Heated Oxygen

This external clean air reference is obtained
by way of the oxygen sensor signal and Sensors Notice
heater wires. Any attempt to repair the wires,
connectors, or terminals could result in the
obstruction of the air reference and degraded Contamination of the oxygen sensor can
sensor performance. result from the use of an inappropriate RTV
The following guidelines should be used sealant (not oxygen sensor safe) or
when servicing the heated oxygen sensor: excessive engine coolant or oil consumption.
• Do not apply contact cleaner or other Remove the HO2S and visually inspect the
materials to the sensor or vehicle harness portion of the sensor exposed to the exhaust
connectors. These materials may get into stream in order to check for contamination. If
the sensor causing poor performance. contaminated, the portion of the sensor
exposed to the exhaust stream will have a
• Do not damage the sensor pigtail and
white powdery coating. Silicon
harness wires in such a way that the wires
contamination causes a high but false HO2S
inside are exposed. This could provide a
signal voltage (rich exhaust indication). The
path for foreign materials to enter the
control module will then reduce the amount
sensor and cause performance problems.
of fuel delivered to the engine, causing a
• Ensure the sensor or vehicle lead wires are severe driveability problem. Eliminate the
not bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends or source of contamination before replacing the
kinks could block the reference air path oxygen sensor.
through the lead wire.
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen
sensor ground wire, where applicable.
Vehicles that utilize the ground wired
sensor may rely on this ground as the only
ground contact to the sensor. Removal of
the ground wire will cause poor engine
• Ensure that the peripheral seal remains
intact on the vehicle harness connector in
order to prevent damage due to water
intrusion. The engine harness may be
repaired using Packard’s Crimp and Splice
Seals Terminal Repair Kit. Under no
circumstances should repairs be soldered
since this could result in the air reference
being obstructed.
1C-2 Engine Electrical Devices:

General Description
Air Intake System Description
The MAF sensor measures the amount of air coming into the engine. This direct airflow measurement is more
accurate than the calculated airflow information obtained from the other sensor inputs. The MAF sensor also houses
an integrated intake air temperature (IAT) sensor. The MAF sensor uses the following circuits:
• An ignition voltage circuit
• A signal circuit
• A ground circuit
• An IAT signal circuit
• An IAT low reference circuit
The MAF sensor that is used on this vehicle is a hot film type and is used in order to measure the air flow rate. The air
flow through the sensor passes over a temperature sensor, is then heated, and then passes over another temperature
sensor. The difference in air temperature before and after the heater is measured. The air temperature difference is
proportional to the amount of air flow. This air temperature difference also allow for determination of whether the air is
flowing in the forward or reverse directions. As the air flow increases the delta temperature between the two sensors
increases. The MAF sensor converts the temperature difference into a frequency signal that the ECM monitors. The
ECM calculates the air flow based on this signal.
The ECM monitors the MAF sensor signal frequency and can determine if the sensor signal is too low or too high. The
ECM can also detect airflow that is inappropriate for a given operating condition based on the signal frequency.

The scan tool displays the MAF sensor value in grams per second (g/s) and hertz (Hz). Values should change rather
quickly on acceleration, but should remain fairly stable at any given engine speed. If the ECM detects a condition with
the MAF sensor circuits, the following DTCs set:
• P0100 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit
• P0101 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Performance
• P0102 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
• P0103 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-3

Camshaft Actuator System Description

Camshaft Actuator System Overview

1. Camshaft Actuator Vane 9. Engine Oil Pressure Supply
2. Timing Chain Sprocket 10. Engine Oil Drain
3. Engine Oil Pressure-For retarding the camshaft 11. Engine Oil Pressure-For advancing the camshaft
4. Camshaft 12. Camshaft Actuator Rotor
5. Input Signals from Engine Sensors 13. Camshaft Position Sensor Reluctor
6. Engine Control Module (ECM) 14. Camshaft Actuator Lock Pin
7. Camshaft Actuator Solenoid 15. Camshaft Actuator Housing
8. Engine Oil Pump

The camshaft actuator system enables the engine control module (ECM) to change camshaft timing of all 4 camshafts
while the engine is operating. The CMP actuator assembly (15) varies the camshaft position in response to directional
changes in oil pressure. The CMP actuator solenoid valve controls the oil pressure that is applied to advance or retard
a camshaft. Modifying camshaft timing under changing engine demand provides better balance between the following
performance concerns:
• Engine power output
• Fuel economy
• Lower tailpipe emissions
The CMP actuator solenoid valve (7) is controlled by the ECM. The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor and the CMP
sensors are used to monitor changes in camshaft positions. The ECM uses the following information in order to
calculate the desired camshaft positions:
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
• The calculated engine oil temperature (EOT)
• The mass air flow (MAF) sensor
• The throttle position (TP) sensor
• The vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
• The volumetric efficiency
1C-4 Engine Electrical Devices:

Operation Change in
The CMP actuator assembly has an outer housing that is Driving
Camshaft Objective Result
driven by an engine timing chain. Inside the assembly is Condition
a rotor with fixed vanes that is attached to the camshaft. High RPM Retard Improve
Oil pressure that is applied to the fixed vanes will rotate Retard Valve
with Heavy Intake Valve Engine
a specific camshaft in relationship to the crankshaft. The Timing
Load Closing Output
movement of the intake camshafts will advance the
intake valve timing up to a maximum of 50 crankshaft Engine Control Module Description
degrees. The movement of the exhaust camshafts will
retard the exhaust valve timing up to a maximum of 50
crankshaft degrees. When oil pressure is applied to the
return side of the vanes, the camshafts will return to 0
crankshaft degrees, or top dead center (TDC). The CMP
actuator solenoid valve directs the oil flow that controls
the camshaft movement. The ECM commands the CMP
solenoid to move the solenoid plunger and spool valve
until oil flows from the advance passage (11). Oil flowing
thru the CMP actuator assembly from the CMP solenoid
advance passage applies pressure to the advance side
of the vanes in the CMP actuator assembly. When the
camshaft position is retarded, the CMP actuator solenoid

valve directs oil to flow into the CMP actuator assembly
from the retard passage (3). The ECM can also
command the CMP actuator solenoid valve to stop oil
flow from both passages in order to hold the current
camshaft position.
The ECM operates the CMP actuator solenoid valve by
pulse width modulation (PWM) of the solenoid coil. The The engine control module (ECM) interacts with many
higher the PWM duty cycle, the larger the change in more emission related components and systems, and
camshaft timing. The CMP actuator assembly also monitors emission related components and systems for
contains a lock pin (14) that prevents movement deterioration. OBD II diagnostics monitor the system
between the outer housing and the rotor vane assembly. performance and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) sets if
The lock pin is released by oil pressure before any the system performance degrades.
movement in the CMP actuator assembly takes place. The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) operation and the
The ECM is continuously comparing CMP sensor inputs DTC storage are dictated by the DTC type. A DTC is
with CKP sensor input in order to monitor camshaft ranked as a Type A or Type B if the DTC is emissions
position and detect any system malfunctions. If a related. Type C is a non-emissions related DTC.
condition exists in either the intake or exhaust camshaft The ECM is in the engine compartment. The ECM is the
actuator system, the opposite bank, intake or exhaust, control center of the engine controls system. The ECM
camshaft actuator will default to 0 crankshaft degrees. controls the following components:
• The fuel injection system
CMP Actuator System Operation • The ignition system
Change in
Driving • The emission control systems
Camshaft Objective Result
Condition • The on-board diagnostics
Minimize • The A/C and fan systems
Stabilize Idle
Idle No Change Valve • The throttle actuation control (TAC) system
Overlap The ECM constantly monitors the information from
Decrease Stable various sensors and other inputs, and controls the
Light Engine Retard Valve
Valve Engine systems that affect the vehicle performance and the
Load Timing
Overlap Output emissions. The ECM also performs diagnostic tests on
Better Fuel various parts of the system. The ECM can recognize
Medium Advance Economy operational problems and alert the driver via the MIL.
Engine Load Valve Timing with Lower When the ECM detects a malfunction, the ECM stores a
Emissions DTC. The condition area is identified by the particular
Low to DTC that is set. This aids the technician in making
Advance Improve Low
Medium Advance repairs.
Intake Valve to Mid-range
RPM with Valve Timing
Closing Torque
Heavy Load
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-5

ECM Function ECM Service Precautions

The ECM can supply 5 volts or 12 volts to the various The ECM, by design, can withstand the normal current
sensors or switches. This is done through pull-up draws that are associated with the vehicle operations.
resistors to the regulated power supplies within the However, care must be used in order to avoid
ECM. In some cases, even an ordinary shop voltmeter overloading any of these circuits. When testing for opens
will not give an accurate reading because the resistance or shorts, do not ground or apply voltage to any of the
is too low. Therefore, a DMM with at least 10 megaohms ECM circuits unless the diagnostic procedure instructs
input impedance is required in order to ensure accurate you to do so. These circuits should only be tested with a
voltage readings. DMM.
The ECM controls the output circuits by controlling the
ground or the power feed circuit through the transistors Emissions Diagnosis For State I/M Programs
or a device called an output driver module. This OBD II equipped vehicle is designed to diagnose
any conditions that could lead to excessive levels of the
EEPROM following emissions:
The electronically erasable programmable read only • Hydrocarbons (HC)
memory (EEPROM) is a permanent memory that is
• Carbon monoxide (CO)
physically part of the ECM. The EEPROM contains
program and calibration information that the ECM needs • Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
in order to control the powertrain operation. • Evaporative emission (EVAP) system losses
Special equipment, as well as the correct program and Should this vehicles on-board diagnostic system (ECM)
calibration for the vehicle, are required in order to detect a condition that could result in excessive

reprogram the ECM. emissions, the ECM turns ON the MIL and stores a DTC
that is associated with the condition.
Theft Deterrent System Frequency Code
Programming Aftermarket (Add-On) Electrical And Vacuum
This vehicle is equipped with a theft deterrent system Equipment
which interfaces with the ECM. If the ECM is replaced,
program the new ECM with the frequency code of the ! CAUTION
theft deterrent module that is currently on the vehicle. Do not attach add-on vacuum operated
The vehicle will not start until this procedure is equipment to this vehicle. The use of add-on
completed. vacuum equipment may result in damage to
vehicle components or systems.
KS Module
The ECM employs an internal integrated circuit to ! CAUTION
continuously monitor the knock control evaluation circuit.
The knock sensor (KS) module contains the circuitry that Connect any add-on electrically operated
allows the ECM to utilize the knock sensor (KS) signals equipment to the vehicle's electrical system
and diagnose the KS sensors and circuitry. If the ECM at the battery (power and ground) in order to
detects a fault in the ability of the KS module to sample prevent damage to the vehicle.
these signals, a DTC sets.
Aftermarket, add-on, electrical and vacuum equipment is
defined as any equipment installed on a vehicle after
Data Link Connector (DLC)
leaving the factory that connects to the vehicles
The data link connector (DLC) is a 16-pin connector that
electrical or vacuum systems. No allowances have been
provides the technician a means of accessing serial data
made in the vehicle design for this type of equipment.
for aid in the diagnosis. This connector allows the
Add-on electrical equipment, even when installed to
technician to use a scan tool in order to monitor the
these strict guidelines, may still cause the powertrain
various serial data parameters, and display the DTC
system to malfunction. This may also include equipment
information. The DLC is located inside of the drivers
not connected to the vehicle electrical system, such as
compartment, underneath the dash.
portable telephones and radios. Therefore, the first step
in diagnosing any powertrain condition is to eliminate all
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) of the aftermarket electrical equipment from the vehicle.
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is inside of the After this is done, if the problem still exists, the problem
instrument panel cluster (IPC). The MIL is controlled by may be diagnosed in the normal manner.
the ECM and illuminates when the ECM detects a
condition that affects the vehicle emissions.
1C-6 Engine Electrical Devices:

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Damage • Inspect all of the vacuum hoses for correct routing,
pinches, cuts, or disconnects.
• Inspect any hoses that are difficult to see.
In order to prevent possible electrostatic
discharge damage to the ECM, DO NOT touch • Inspect all of the wires in the engine compartment for
the connector pins on the ECM. the following conditions:
– Burned or chafed spots
The electronic components that are used in the control – Pinched wires
systems are often designed to carry very low voltage.
– Contact with sharp edges
The electronic components are susceptible to damage
caused by electrostatic discharge. Less than 100 volts of – Contact with hot exhaust manifolds
static electricity can cause damage to some electronic
components. By comparison, it takes as much as 4,000 Basic Knowledge Required
volts for a person to even feel the zap of a static
There are several ways for a person to become statically Lack of basic knowledge of this powertrain
charged. The most common methods of charging are by when performing diagnostic procedures
friction and by induction. An example of charging by could result in incorrect diagnostic
friction is a person sliding across a car seat. performance or damage to powertrain
Charging by induction occurs when a person with well components. Do not attempt to diagnose a
insulated shoes stands near a highly charged object and powertrain problem without this basic
momentarily touches ground. Charges of the same

polarity are drained off leaving the person highly charged
with the opposite polarity. Static charges can cause A basic understanding of hand tools is necessary in
damage, therefore, it is important to use care when order to effectively use this section of the Service
handling and testing electronic components. Manual.
You must be familiar with some of the basics of engine
Emissions Control Information Label operation and electrical diagnosis in order to use this
The underhood Vehicle Emissions Control Information section of the service manual.
Label contains important emission specifications and • Basic electrical circuits—You should have an
setting procedures. In the upper left corner is the understanding of basic electricity and know the
exhaust emission information. This identifies the year, meaning of voltage (volts), current (amps), and
the manufacturing division of the engine, the resistance (ohms). You should understand what
displacement of the engine in liters, the class of the happens in a circuit with an open or a shorted wire,
vehicle, and type of fuel metering system. There is also and you should be able to identify a shorted or open
an illustrated emission components and vacuum hose circuit by using a DMM. You should be able to read
schematic. and understand a wiring diagram.
This label is located in the engine compartment of this • Use of digital multimeter—You should be familiar with
vehicle. the DMM, particularly the essential tool. You should
be able to use the meter in order to measure the
Underhood Inspection voltage (volts), the resistance (ohms), the current
(amps), intermittents (min/max), and frequency
This inspection is very important and must
• Use of circuit testing tools—You should not use a test
be done carefully and thoroughly.
lamp to diagnose the engine controls system unless
you are specifically instructed to do so. You should
Perform a careful underhood inspection when
know how to the use jumper wires in order to test the
performing any diagnostic procedure or diagnosing the
components and allow the DMM readings without
cause of an emission test failure. This can often lead to
damaging the terminals. You should know how to use
repairing a condition without further steps. Use the
the J 35616 connector test adapter kit and use the kit
following guidelines when performing an inspection:
whenever the diagnostic procedures call for front
probing any connector.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-7

Knock Sensor (KS) System Description The ECM monitors the driver demand for acceleration
You can diagnose all of the sensors and most of the with 2 APP sensors. The APP sensor 1 signal voltage
input circuits with a scan tool. Within this section is a range is from about 0.98-4.16 volts as the accelerator
short description of how to use a scan tool wherever pedal is moved from the rest pedal position to the full
possible to diagnose these circuits. You can also use the pedal travel position. The APP sensor 2 range is from
scan tool to compare the values for an engine that is about 0.49-2.08 volts as the accelerator pedal is moved
running normally with the engine you are diagnosing. from the rest pedal position to the full pedal travel
The knock sensor (KS) system detects engine knocking position. The ECM processes this information along with
or pinging. The ECM will retard the spark timing based other sensor inputs to command the throttle plate to a
on the signals from the KS system. The KS produce an certain position.
AC voltage that is sent to the engine control module The throttle plate is controlled with a direct current motor
(ECM). The amount of the AC voltage produced is called a throttle actuator control motor. The ECM can
proportional to the amount of knock. move this motor in the forward or reverse direction by
The ECM monitors the voltage of the sensors after each controlling battery voltage and/or ground to 2 internal
cylinder has fired. drivers. The throttle plate is held at a 7 percent rest
If knock occurs in any of the cylinders, the ignition will be position using a constant force return spring. This spring
retarded for that particular cylinder. If the knocking then holds the throttle plate to the rest position when there is
stops, the ignition will be restored to what it was before no current flowing to the actuator motor.
in steps. The ECM monitors the throttle plate angle with 2 TP
Should knocking continue in the same cylinder in spite of sensors. The TP sensor 1 signal voltage range is from
the ignition being retarded, the ECM will retard the about 4.86-0.86 volts as the throttle plate is moved from
0 percent to wide open throttle (WOT). The TP sensor 2

ignition an additional steps, and so on, up to a maximum
of 12 degrees of retard. The ignition will also be retarded voltage range is from about 0.82-4.14 volts as the
at high ambient temperatures in order to counteract throttle plate is moved from 0 percent to WOT.
knocking tendencies provoked by high intake air The ECM performs diagnostics that monitor the voltage
temperatures. levels of both APP sensors, both TP sensors, and the
Should either bank 1 or bank 2 sensor fail to work, or throttle actuator control motor circuit. It also monitors the
should an internal circuit problem occur, the ignition spring return rate of both return springs that are housed
timing will then use a default strategy. The default internal to the throttle body assembly. These diagnostics
strategy will retard the ignition the maximum allowed are performed at different times based on whether the
amount to protect the engine from possible damage. engine is running, not running, or whether the ECM is
currently in a throttle body relearn procedure.
Every ignition cycle, the ECM performs a quick throttle
Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System return spring test to make sure the throttle plate can
Description return to the 7 percent rest position from the 0 percent
The throttle actuator control (TAC) system is used to position. This is to ensure that the throttle plate can be
improve emissions, fuel economy, and driveability. The brought to the rest position in case of an actuator motor
TAC system eliminates the mechanical link between the circuit failure. Observe, under cold conditions, the ECM
accelerator pedal and the throttle plate. The TAC system commands the throttle plate to 7 percent with the ignition
eliminates the need for a cruise control module and idle ON and the engine OFF to release any ice that may
air control motor. The following is a list of TAC system have formed on the throttle plate.
• The accelerator pedal assembly includes the following
– The accelerator pedal
– The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor 1
– The APP sensor 2
• The throttle body assembly includes the following
– The throttle position (TP) sensor 1
– The TP sensor 2
– The throttle actuator motor
– The throttle plate
• The engine control module (ECM)
1C-8 Engine Electrical Devices:

Throttle Body Relearn Procedure TAC System Default Actions/Reduce Power

The engine control module (ECM) stores values that Modes
include the lowest possible throttle position (TP) sensor There are 2 reduce power modes that the engine control
positions—0 percent, the rest positions—7 percent, and module (ECM) can default to if an error is detected in the
the return rate of both springs. These values will only be throttle actuator control (TAC) system. If an accelerator
erased or overwritten if the ECM is reprogrammed or if a pedal position (APP) sensor 1 or APP sensor 2 circuit
throttle body relearn procedure is performed. Observe, if fault, throttle position (TP) sensor 2 circuit fault, or if a TP
the battery is disconnected, the ECM will immediately sensor 1 circuit fault is detected with some APP angle,
perform a throttle body relearn procedure when the the ECM goes into one of the 2 reduce power modes. In
ignition is turned ON. this mode, the engine torque is limited so that the vehicle
A throttle body relearn procedure is performed anytime cannot reach speeds of more than 100 km/h (60 mph).
the ignition is turned ON, with the engine OFF for longer The ECM remains in this reduce power mode during the
than 29 seconds when the following conditions have entire ignition cycle even if the fault is corrected.
been met: If there is a condition with the throttle actuator control
• The engine speed is less than 40 RPM. circuits, throttle actuator command vs actual position
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph). fault, return spring check fault, or a TP sensor 1 circuit
fault, the ECM goes into the other reduce engine power
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between 5- mode. In this mode, the engine speed is limited to 2,500
85°C (41-185°F). RPM and the 3-6 fuel injectors are randomly turned OFF.
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is between than 5- At this time the Reduced Power indicator is commanded
60°C (41-140°F). ON. The ECM remains in the reduce power mode during

• The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor angle is the entire ignition cycle even if the fault is corrected.
less than 14.9 percent. Observe, if a TP sensor 1 or throttle actuator control
• The ignition 1 voltage is more than 10 volts. circuit fault is present at the time the vehicle is at idle,
After 29 seconds, the ECM commands the throttle plate with no accelerator pedal angle, the engine may stall.
from the rest position to full closed, then to around 10
percent open. This procedure takes about 6-8 seconds.
If any faults occur in the throttle actuator control (TAC)
system, a DTC sets. At the start of this procedure, the
scan tool TAC Learn Counter parameter should display
0, then count up to 11 after the procedure is completed.
If the counter did not start at 0, or if the counter did not
end at 11, a fault has occurred and a DTC should set.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-9

Repair Instructions
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (4) from the engine coolant temperature
1. Install the ECT sensor.
(ECT) sensor.
Tightening torque
Tighten the sensor to 22 N⋅m (16 lb ft).

2. Remove the ECT sensor.

2. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (4) to the ECT sensor.
1C-10 Engine Electrical Devices:

Mass Airflow Sensor/Intake Air Temperature Installation Procedure

Sensor Replacement
Removal Procedure

1. Install the MAF/IAT sensor seal to the MAF/IAT


1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air 2. Install the MAF/IAT sensor to the air cleaner
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement: ”. assembly.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical ! CAUTION
connector from the mass air flow (MAF)/intake air
temperature (IAT) sensor. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the MAF/IAT sensor screws.

Tightening torque
Tighten the screws to 4 N⋅m (35 lb in).

3. Remove the MAF/IAT sensor screws.

4. Remove the MAF/IAT sensor from the air cleaner
5. Remove the MAF/IAT sensor seal.
4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector to the MAF/IAT sensor.
5. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement: ”.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-11

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank

1 Sensor 1
Removal Procedure
Do not remove the pigtail from either the
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) or the oxygen
sensor (O2S). Removing the pigtail or the
connector will affect sensor operation.
Handle the oxygen sensor carefully. Do not
drop the HO2S. Keep the in-line electrical
connector and the louvered end free of
grease, dirt, or other contaminants. Do not
use cleaning solvents of any type.
Do not repair the wiring, connector or
terminals. Replace the oxygen sensor if the
pigtail wiring, connector, or terminal is
This external clean air reference is obtained 1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.
by way of the oxygen sensor signal and Refer to“Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
heater wires. Any attempt to repair the wires, 2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical

connectors, or terminals could result in the connector (3) from the heated oxygen sensor
obstruction of the air reference and degraded (HO2S) electrical connector (2).
sensor performance. 3. Remove the HO2S electrical connector retainer from
The following guidelines should be used the camshaft cover.
when servicing the heated oxygen sensor:
• Do not apply contact cleaner or other
materials to the sensor or vehicle harness
connectors. These materials may get into
the sensor causing poor performance.
• Do not damage the sensor pigtail and
harness wires in such a way that the wires
inside are exposed. This could provide a
path for foreign materials to enter the
sensor and cause performance problems.
• Ensure the sensor or vehicle lead wires are
not bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends or
kinks could block the reference air path
through the lead wire.
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen
sensor ground wire, where applicable.
Vehicles that utilize the ground wired
sensor may rely on this ground as the only
ground contact to the sensor. Removal of 4. Remove the HO2S (1) from the exhaust manifold.
the ground wire will cause poor engine
• Ensure that the peripheral seal remains
intact on the vehicle harness connector in
order to prevent damage due to water
intrusion. The engine harness may be
repaired using Packard's Crimp and Splice
Seals Terminal Repair Kit. Under no
circumstances should repairs be soldered
since this could result in the air reference
being obstructed.
1C-12 Engine Electrical Devices:

Installation Procedure
A special anti-seize compound is used in the
HO2S threads. The compound consists of
liquid graphite and glass beads. The graphite
tends to burn away, but the glass beads
remain, making the sensor easier to remove.
New, or service replacement sensors already
have the compound applied to the threads. If
the sensor is removed from an exhaust
component and if for any reason the sensor
is to reinstalled, the threads must have anti-
seize compound applied before the

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (3) to the HO2S electrical connector (2).
4. Install the HO2S electrical connector retainer to the

camshaft cover.
5. Install the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.
Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank

1 Sensor 2
Removal Procedure
Do not remove the pigtail from either the
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) or the oxygen
sensor (O2S). Removing the pigtail or the
1. If reinstalling the old sensor, coat the threads with
connector will affect sensor operation.
anti-seize compound GM P/N 12377953, or
Handle the oxygen sensor carefully. Do not
drop the HO2S. Keep the in-line electrical
! CAUTION connector and the louvered end free of
grease, dirt, or other contaminants. Do not
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. use cleaning solvents of any type.
Do not repair the wiring, connector or
2. Install the HO2S (1) to the exhaust manifold. terminals. Replace the oxygen sensor if the
Tightening torque pigtail wiring, connector, or terminal is
Tighten the sensor to 42 N⋅m (31 lb ft). damaged.
This external clean air reference is obtained
by way of the oxygen sensor signal and
heater wires. Any attempt to repair the wires,
connectors, or terminals could result in the
obstruction of the air reference and degraded
sensor performance.
The following guidelines should be used
when servicing the heated oxygen sensor:
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-13

• Do not apply contact cleaner or other

materials to the sensor or vehicle harness
connectors. These materials may get into
the sensor causing poor performance.
• Do not damage the sensor pigtail and
harness wires in such a way that the wires
inside are exposed. This could provide a
path for foreign materials to enter the
sensor and cause performance problems.
• Ensure the sensor or vehicle lead wires are
not bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends or
kinks could block the reference air path
through the lead wire.
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen
sensor ground wire, where applicable.
Vehicles that utilize the ground wired
sensor may rely on this ground as the only
ground contact to the sensor. Removal of
3. Remove the HO2S (2) from the catalytic converter.
the ground wire will cause poor engine
Installation Procedure

• Ensure that the peripheral seal remains
intact on the vehicle harness connector in NOTE
order to prevent damage due to water
A special anti-seize compound is used in the
intrusion. The engine harness may be
HO2S threads. The compound consists of
repaired using Packard's Crimp and Splice
liquid graphite and glass beads. The graphite
Seals Terminal Repair Kit. Under no
tends to burn away, but the glass beads
circumstances should repairs be soldered
remain, making the sensor easier to remove.
since this could result in the air reference
New, or service replacement sensors already
being obstructed.
have the compound applied to the threads. If
the sensor is removed from an exhaust
component and if for any reason the sensor
is to reinstalled, the threads must have anti-
seize compound applied before the

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)
electrical connector (2) from the engine wiring
harness electrical connector.
1. If reinstalling the old sensor, coat the threads with
anti-seize compound GM P/N 12377953, or
1C-14 Engine Electrical Devices:

! CAUTION Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2 Sensor 1
Removal Procedure
2. Install the HO2S (2) to the catalytic converter.
Tightening torque
Do not remove the pigtail from either the
Tighten the sensor to 42 N⋅m (31 lb ft).
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) or the oxygen
sensor (O2S). Removing the pigtail or the
connector will affect sensor operation.
Handle the oxygen sensor carefully. Do not
drop the HO2S. Keep the in-line electrical
connector and the louvered end free of
grease, dirt, or other contaminants. Do not
use cleaning solvents of any type.
Do not repair the wiring, connector or
terminals. Replace the oxygen sensor if the
pigtail wiring, connector, or terminal is
This external clean air reference is obtained
by way of the oxygen sensor signal and
heater wires. Any attempt to repair the wires,

connectors, or terminals could result in the
obstruction of the air reference and degraded
sensor performance.
The following guidelines should be used
3. Connect the HO2S electrical connector (2) to the when servicing the heated oxygen sensor:
engine wiring harness electrical connector. • Do not apply contact cleaner or other
4. Lower the vehicle. materials to the sensor or vehicle harness
connectors. These materials may get into
the sensor causing poor performance.
• Do not damage the sensor pigtail and
harness wires in such a way that the wires
inside are exposed. This could provide a
path for foreign materials to enter the
sensor and cause performance problems.
• Ensure the sensor or vehicle lead wires are
not bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends or
kinks could block the reference air path
through the lead wire.
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen
sensor ground wire, where applicable.
Vehicles that utilize the ground wired
sensor may rely on this ground as the only
ground contact to the sensor. Removal of
the ground wire will cause poor engine
• Ensure that the peripheral seal remains
intact on the vehicle harness connector in
order to prevent damage due to water
intrusion. The engine harness may be
repaired using Packard's Crimp and Splice
Seals Terminal Repair Kit. Under no
circumstances should repairs be soldered
since this could result in the air reference
being obstructed.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-15

is to reinstalled, the threads must have anti-

seize compound applied before the

1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.

Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (3) from the heated oxygen sensor
(HO2S) electrical connector (4). 1. If reinstalling the old sensor, coat the threads with
anti-seize compound GM P/N 12377953, or
3. Remove the HO2S electrical connector retainer (5) equivalent.
from the retainer clip.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the HO2S (1) to the exhaust manifold.

Tightening torque
Tighten the sensor to 42 N⋅m (31 lb ft).

4. Remove the HO2S (1) from the exhaust manifold.

Installation Procedure
A special anti-seize compound is used in the
HO2S threads. The compound consists of
liquid graphite and glass beads. The graphite 3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
tends to burn away, but the glass beads connector (3) to the HO2S electrical connector (4).
remain, making the sensor easier to remove. 4. Install the HO2S electrical connector retainer (5) to
New, or service replacement sensors already the retainer clip.
have the compound applied to the threads. If 5. Install the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.
the sensor is removed from an exhaust Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
component and if for any reason the sensor
1C-16 Engine Electrical Devices:

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank

2 Sensor 2
Removal Procedure
Do not remove the pigtail from either the
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) or the oxygen
sensor (O2S). Removing the pigtail or the
connector will affect sensor operation.
Handle the oxygen sensor carefully. Do not
drop the HO2S. Keep the in-line electrical
connector and the louvered end free of
grease, dirt, or other contaminants. Do not
use cleaning solvents of any type.
Do not repair the wiring, connector or
terminals. Replace the oxygen sensor if the
pigtail wiring, connector, or terminal is
This external clean air reference is obtained 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
by way of the oxygen sensor signal and Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
heater wires. Any attempt to repair the wires, 2. Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)

connectors, or terminals could result in the electrical connector (2) from the engine wiring
obstruction of the air reference and degraded harness electrical connector.
sensor performance.
The following guidelines should be used
when servicing the heated oxygen sensor:
• Do not apply contact cleaner or other
materials to the sensor or vehicle harness
connectors. These materials may get into
the sensor causing poor performance.
• Do not damage the sensor pigtail and
harness wires in such a way that the wires
inside are exposed. This could provide a
path for foreign materials to enter the
sensor and cause performance problems.
• Ensure the sensor or vehicle lead wires are
not bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends or
kinks could block the reference air path
through the lead wire.
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen
sensor ground wire, where applicable.
3. Remove the HO2S (2) from the catalytic converter.
Vehicles that utilize the ground wired
sensor may rely on this ground as the only
ground contact to the sensor. Removal of
the ground wire will cause poor engine
• Ensure that the peripheral seal remains
intact on the vehicle harness connector in
order to prevent damage due to water
intrusion. The engine harness may be
repaired using Packard's Crimp and Splice
Seals Terminal Repair Kit. Under no
circumstances should repairs be soldered
since this could result in the air reference
being obstructed.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-17

Installation Procedure
A special anti-seize compound is used in the
HO2S threads. The compound consists of
liquid graphite and glass beads. The graphite
tends to burn away, but the glass beads
remain, making the sensor easier to remove.
New, or service replacement sensors already
have the compound applied to the threads. If
the sensor is removed from an exhaust
component and if for any reason the sensor
is to reinstalled, the threads must have anti-
seize compound applied before the

3. Connect the HO2S electrical connector (2) to the

engine wiring harness electrical connector.
4. Lower the vehicle.

1. If reinstalling the old sensor, coat the threads with
anti-seize compound GM P/N 12377953, or

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the HO2S (2) to the catalytic converter.

Tightening torque
Tighten the sensor to 42 N⋅m (31 lb ft).
1C-18 Engine Electrical Devices:

Heated Oxygen Sensor Wiring Repairs Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

Special tool Replacement
J-38125 Terminal Repair Kit Removal Procedure

Do not solder repairs under any
circumstances as this could result in the air
reference being obstructed.

If the heated oxygen sensor pigtail wiring, connector, or

terminal is damaged the entire oxygen sensor assembly
must be replaced. Do not attempt to repair the wiring,
connector, or terminals. In order for the sensor to
function properly it must have a clean air reference. This
clean air reference is obtained by way of the oxygen
sensor signal and heater wires. Any attempt to repair the
wires, connectors or terminals could result in the
obstruction of the air reference and degrade oxygen
sensor performance.
The following guidelines should be used when servicing
the heated oxygen sensor:

• Do not apply contact cleaner or other materials to the 1. Remove the instrument panel left lower closeout
sensor or vehicle harness connectors. These panel. Refer to “Instrument Panel Insulator Panel
materials may get into the sensor, causing poor Replacement - Left Side: ”.
performance. Also, the sensor pigtail and harness 2. Remove the driver knee bolster. Refer to “Knee
wires must not be damaged in such a way that the Bolster Replacement: ”.
wires inside are exposed. This could provide a path 3. Remove the connector position assurance (CPA)
for foreign materials to enter the sensor and cause from the accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
performance problems. connector.
• Neither the sensor nor vehicle lead wires should be 4. Disconnect the APP sensor harness connector.
bent sharply or kinked. Sharp bends, kinks, etc., could
block the reference air path through the lead wire. NOTE
• Do not remove or defeat the oxygen sensor ground Due to clearance issues, the upper
wire (where applicable). Vehicles that utilize the attachment bolt cannot be removed from the
ground wire sensor may rely on this ground as the accelerator pedal assembly. Loose then bolt
only ground contact to the sensor. Removal of the completely and leave the bolt in the
ground wire will also cause poor engine performance. component until the assembly is removed
• To prevent damage due to water intrusion, be sure from the vehicle.
that the peripheral seal remains intact on the vehicle
harness connector. 5. Remove the APP assembly attachment bolts.
The engine harness may be repaired using the J-38125.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-19

6. Remove the APP assembly from the vehicle. 4. Connect the APP sensor harness connector. Push
the connector in until the lock position is felt, then
Installation Procedure pull back to confirm engagement.

5. Install the CPA to the APP sensor harness
6. Install the driver knee bolster. Refer to “Knee Bolster
Replacement: ”.
7. Install the instrument panel left lower closeout panel.
Refer to “Instrument Panel Insulator Panel
Replacement - Left Side: ”.

1. Install the upper attachment bolt into the APP

2. Install the APP assembly into the vehicle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the remaining attachment bolts into the APP

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
1C-20 Engine Electrical Devices:

Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Install the crankshaft position sensor.

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. If equipped with all wheel drive (AWD), remove the Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
transfer case. Refer to “Transfer Case Assembly
Replacement: ”. 2. Install the crankshaft position sensor bolt.
3. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical Tightening torque
connector (2) from the crankshaft position (CKP) Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

4. Remove the crankshaft sensor bolt. connector to the CKP sensor.
5. Remove the crankshaft sensor. 4. If equipped with all AWD, install the transfer case.
Refer to“Transfer Case Assembly Replacement: ”.
5. Lower the vehicle.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-21

Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Installation Procedure

Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust
Removal Procedure

1. Install the CMP sensor.

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
2. Install the CMP sensor bolt.
connector (1) from the bank 1 exhaust camshaft
position (CMP) sensor. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP sensor bolt.

4. Remove the CMP sensor. 3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (1) to the bank 1 exhaust CMP sensor.
4. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
1C-22 Engine Electrical Devices:

Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Installation Procedure

Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake
Removal Procedure

1. Install the CMP sensor.

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
2. Install the CMP sensor bolt.
connector (2) from the bank 1 intake camshaft
position (CMP) sensor. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP sensor bolt.

4. Remove the CMP sensor. 3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (2) to the bank 1 intake CMP sensor.
4. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-23

Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Installation Procedure

Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust
Removal Procedure

1. Install the CMP sensor.

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
2. Install the CMP sensor bolt.
connector (6) from the bank 2 exhaust camshaft
position (CMP) sensor. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP sensor bolt.

4. Remove the CMP sensor. 3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (6) to the bank 2 exhaust CMP sensor.
4. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
1C-24 Engine Electrical Devices:

Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Installation Procedure

Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake
Removal Procedure

1. Install the CMP sensor.

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
2. Install the CMP sensor bolt.
connector (8) from the bank 2 intake camshaft
position (CMP) sensor. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP sensor bolt.

4. Remove the CMP sensor. 3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (8) to the bank 2 intake CMP sensor.
4. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-25

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Installation Procedure

Solenoid Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side)
Removal Procedure

1. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for

damage. Replace the seal if necessary.

2. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air ! CAUTION
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
connector (3) from the bank 1 intake camshaft
position (CMP) actuator solenoid valve. 3. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.

4. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
5. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal and 4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
replace as necessary. connector (3) to the bank 1 intake CMP actuator
solenoid valve.
5. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
1C-26 Engine Electrical Devices:

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Installation Procedure

Solenoid Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side)
Removal Procedure

1. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for

damage. Replace the seal if necessary.

2. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air ! CAUTION
Cleaner Assembly Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
connector (5) from the bank 1 exhaust camshaft
position (CMP) actuator solenoid valve. 3. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.

4. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
5. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal and 4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
replace as necessary. connector (5) to the bank 1 exhaust CMP actuator
solenoid valve.
5. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement: ”.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-27

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Installation Procedure

Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)
Removal Procedure

1. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for

damage. Replace the seal if necessary.

2. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
1. Remove the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to ! CAUTION
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
Side: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (2) from the bank 2 intake camshaft 3. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.
position (CMP) actuator solenoid valve. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.

4. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve. 4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
5. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for connector (2) to the bank 2 intake CMP actuator
damage and replace as necessary. solenoid valve.
5. Install the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
Side: ”.
1C-28 Engine Electrical Devices:

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Installation Procedure

Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)
Removal Procedure

1. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for

damage. Replace the seal if necessary.

2. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve.
1. Remove the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to ! CAUTION
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
Side: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (7) from the bank 2 exhaust camshaft 3. Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.
position (CMP) actuator solenoid valve. Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt.

4. Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve. 4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
5. Inspect the CMP actuator solenoid valve seal for connector (7) to the bank 2 exhaust CMP actuator
damage and replace as necessary. solenoid valve.
5. Install the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
Side: ”.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-29

Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 1

Removal Procedure

5. Loosen the knock sensor bolt and remove the knock

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”. Installation Procedure
2. Remove the rear exhaust manifold heat shield bolts
and shield.
3. Remove the right catalytic converter. Refer to
“Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side: ”.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Position the knock sensor and tighten the knock

4. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical sensor bolt.
connector (2) from the bank 1 knock sensor.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
1C-30 Engine Electrical Devices:

Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 2

Removal Procedure

2. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (2) to the bank 1 knock sensor.
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to

“Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (2) from the bank 2 knock sensor.

3. Position the rear exhaust manifold heat shield to the

engine and install the bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
3. Loosen the knock sensor bolt and remove the knock
4. Install the right catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic
Converter Replacement - Right Side: ”.
5. Lower the vehicle.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-31

Installation Procedure Engine Control Module Replacement


• Turn the ignition OFF when installing or

removing the control module connectors
and disconnecting or reconnecting the
power to the control module (battery cable,
powertrain control module (PCM)/engine
control module (ECM)/transaxle control
module (TCM) pigtail, control module fuse,
jumper cables, etc.) in order to prevent
internal control module damage.
• Control module damage may result when
the metal case contacts battery voltage.
DO NOT contact the control module metal
case with battery voltage when servicing a
control module, using battery booster
cables, or when charging the vehicle
! CAUTION • In order to prevent any possible

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. electrostatic discharge damage to the
control module, do no touch the connector
1. Position the knock sensor and tighten the knock pins or the soldered components on the
sensor bolt. circuit board.
• Remove any debris from around the
Tightening torque control module connector surfaces before
Tighten the bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). servicing the control module. Inspect the
control module connector gaskets when
diagnosing or replacing the control
module. Ensure that the gaskets are
installed correctly. The gaskets prevent
contaminant intrusion into the control
• The replacement control module must be

It is necessary to record the remaining
engine oil life. If the replacement module is
not programed with the remaining engine oil
life, the engine oil life will default to 100
percent. If the replacement module is not
programmed with the remaining engine oil
life, the engine oil will need to be changed at
2. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical 5 000 km (3,000 mi) from the last engine oil
connector (2) to the bank 2 knock sensor. change.
3. Lower the vehicle.
1C-32 Engine Electrical Devices:

It is necessary to record the remaining
automatic transmission fluid life. If the
replacement module is not programed with
the remaining automatic transmission fluid
life, the automatic transmission fluid life will
default to 100 percent. If the replacement
module is not programmed with the
remaining automatic transmission fluid life,
the automatic transmission fluid will need to
be changed at 83 000 km (50,000 mi) from the
last automatic transmission fluid change.

Removal Procedure

5. Grasp the ECM retainer and slide the retainer

rearward until the retainer disengages from the 4
clips on the battery cover.

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Using a scan tool, retrieve the percentage of
remaining engine oil and the remaining automatic
transmission fluid life. Record the remaining engine
oil and the remaining automatic transmission fluid
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and 6. Disengage the clips (1) on the ECM retainer from the
Connection: ”. ECM, and slide the ECM out of the retainer.
4. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (2) from the ECM.

In order to prevent any possible electrostatic
discharge damage to the ECM, do not touch
the connector pins.
Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-33

Installation Procedure

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

1. Slide the ECM into the retainer until the clips (1) connector (2) to the ECM.
engage the ECM. 4. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery

Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
5. If a NEW ECM was installed, reprogram the ECM.
Refer to “Engine Control Module Programming and

Engine Control Module Programming and

The following service procedures require either a
programming or a setup event performed for a complete

ECM Replacement
If the engine control module (ECM) is replaced, the
following procedures must be performed:
1. ECM Reprogramming—Refer to “Service
Programming System (SPS): ”.
2. Idle Learn Procedure—Refer to “Idle Learn: ” in
2. Grasp the ECM retainer and slide the retainer Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7).
forward until the retainer locks against the 4 clips on 3. Theft Deterrent—Refer to “Theft Deterrent Control
the battery cover. Module Programming and Setup: ”. The ECM will
learn the incoming fuel continue password
immediately upon receipt of a password message.
Once a password message is received, and a
password is learned, a learn procedure must be
performed to change this password again. An ECM
which has been previously installed in another
vehicle will have learned the other vehicle's fuel
continue password, and will require a learn
procedure after programming to learn the current
vehicle's password.
1C-34 Engine Electrical Devices:

4. Engine Oil Life Remaining—When available, use a ECM Reprogramming

scan tool to reset the Engine Oil Life Remaining • If the ECM needs to be reprogrammed, refer to
back to the original percentage recorded before the “Service Programming System (SPS): ”.
module was replaced.
• Engine Oil Life Remaining—When available, use a
5. Transmission Fluid Life Remaining—When scan tool to reset the Engine Oil Life Remaining back
available, use the scan tool to reset the to the original percentage recorded before the module
Transmission Fluid Life Remaining back to the was reprogrammed.
original percentage recorded before the module was
Setup for Component Replacement
The replacement of some components will require a
setup procedure for complete repair.
If any of the following components are replaced, an Idle
Learn Procedure must be performed. Refer to “Idle
Learn: ” in Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7).
• Throttle body assembly


Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid Valve Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor 22 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) 42 N⋅m 31 lb ft
Ignition Coil Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Knock Sensor Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Mass Air Flow (MAF)/Intake Air Temperature Sensor Screw 4 N⋅m 35 lb in
Rear Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Rear Drive Module Propeller Shaft Guard Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 35616
GM-Approved Terminal
Test Kit
Engine Mechanical: 1D-1

Engine Mechanical
Torque Reaction Against Timing Drive Chain Notice
A wrench must be used on the hex of the camshaft when loosening or tightening in order to prevent
component damage. Failure to prevent the torque reaction against the timing drive chain can lead to
timing drive chain failure.

General Description
Drive Belt System Description Engine Component Description
The drive belt system consists of the following The High Feature V6 VIN Code 7 RPO LY7 is a 3.6L
components: engine incorporating two intake and two exhaust valves
• The drive belt per cylinder. Individual intake and exhaust camshafts
(DOHC) with camshaft position actuators are mounted

• The drive belt tensioner
on each cylinder head. The cylinder bore is 94 mm
• The drive belt idler pulley (3.7008 in) and the piston stroke is 85.6 mm (3.3701 in).
• The crankshaft balancer pulley The cylinders are arranged in two banks of three with a
• The accessory drive component mounting brackets 60 degree included angle. The right bank of cylinders
• The accessory drive components are number 1-3-5 and the left bank of cylinders are 2-4-
6. The engine firing order is 1-2-3-4-5-6.
– The power steering pump, if belt driven
– The generator Crankcase
– The A/C compressor, if equipped The cylinder block is constructed of aluminum alloy by
– The engine cooling fan, if belt driven precision sand-casting with cast in place iron cylinder
liners. Each copper-infiltrated sintered steel main
– The water pump, if belt driven
bearing cap incorporates six bolts bolting the cap into
– The vacuum pump, if equipped the engine block. Along with two outer and two inner
– The air compressor, if equipped bolts, two side bolts are used in the deep skirt block. To
The drive belt system may use 1 belt or 2 belts. The prevent aeration, oil return from the valvetrain and
drive belt is thin so that it can bend backwards and has cylinder heads is channeled away from the rotating and
several ribs to match the grooves in the pulleys. The reciprocating components through oil drain back
drive belts are made of different types of rubbers, passages incorporated into the cylinder heads and
chloroprene or EPDM, and have different layers or plys engine block. Pressure-actuated piston oil cooling jets
containing either fiber cloth or cords for reinforcement. are mounted between opposing cylinders. A knock
Both sides of the drive belt may be used to drive the sensor is located on each side of the exterior of the
different accessory drive components. When the back engine block. The crankshaft position sensor is located
side of the drive belt is used to drive a pulley, the pulley on the right side of the exterior of the engine block.
is smooth.
The drive belt is pulled by the crankshaft balancer pulley Crankshaft
across the accessory drive component pulleys. The The crankshaft is a forged steel design with four main
spring loaded drive belt tensioner keeps constant bearings. Crankshaft thrust is controlled by the number
tension on the drive belt to prevent the drive belt from three main bearing. The crankshaft position reluctor
slipping. The drive belt tensioner arm will move when wheel is pressed onto the rear of the crankshaft in front
loads are applied to the drive belt by the accessory drive of the rear main journal. The crankshaft is internally
components and the crankshaft. balanced with an integral oil pump drive machined into
The drive belt system may have an idler pulley, which is the nose in front of the front main journal.
used to add wrap to the adjacent pulleys. Some systems
use an idler pulley in place of an accessory drive
component when the vehicle is not equipped with the
1D-2 Engine Mechanical:

Connecting Rods and Pistons The fourth design uses IT timing drive components on
The connecting rods are sinterforged steel and have full both the primary and secondary components. NOTE:
floating piston pins. The piston pins are a slip fit in the The pitch of the IT chain has changed therefore third and
bronze bushed connecting rod. Round wire retainers are fourth primary IT components are not interchangeable.
used to retain the piston pin into the piston. The cast The two timing drive system’s individual rotating
aluminum pistons incorporate a polymer-coated skirt to components cannot be mixed. DO NOT mix third design
reduce friction. The piston uses two low tension timing drive chain rotating components with fourth
compression rings and one multi-piece oil control ring. design timing drive chain rotating components.
The top compression ring is plasma sprayed. The The following components are the ONLY components
second compression ring is cast iron napier. The oil that are same between the third and fourth design:
control ring incorporates a steel expander and two • All timing drive tensioners
chrome plated steel rails. • Primary Guides
• Secondary Shoes - Pivoting guides
Camshaft Drive System
The camshaft drive system consists of one primary
timing drive chain driven by the crankshaft sprocket. The Camshaft Position Actuator System
primary timing drive chain drives two intermediate drive The engine incorporates a camshaft position actuator for
shaft sprockets. Each oil pressure fed intermediate drive each intake and exhaust camshaft. Camshaft phasing
shaft sprocket drives separate secondary timing drive changes the inlet and exhaust valve timing within a
chains. Each secondary timing drive chain drives the range of 25 camshaft degrees as engine operating
respective cylinder head's intake and exhaust camshaft conditions vary. Dual camshaft phasing allows the
further optimization of performance, fuel economy and

position actuators.
The primary timing drive chain uses two stationary timing emissions without compromising overall engine
drive chain guides and an oil pressure hydraulically response and driveability. Variable valve timing also
actuated tensioner with built-in shoe. The tensioner contributes to a reduction in exhaust emissions. It
minimizes timing drive chain noise and provides optimizes exhaust and inlet valve overlap and eliminates
accurate valve action by keeping slack out of the timing the need for an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system.
drive chains and continuously adjusting for timing drive The camshaft position actuator is a hydraulic vane-type
chain wear. The tensioner incorporates a plunger that actuator that changes the camshaft lobe timing relative
adjusts out with wear allowing only a minimal amount of to the camshaft drive sprocket. Engine oil is directed by
backlash. The tensioner is equipped with an oiling jet to a camshaft position actuator oil control valve to the
spray oil onto the timing components during engine appropriate passages in the camshaft position actuator.
operation. The secondary timing drive chains use a Oil acting on the vane in the camshaft position actuator,
stationary timing drive chain guide and movable timing rotates the camshaft relative to the sprocket. At idle, both
drive chain shoe. The secondary timing drive chain shoe camshafts are at the default or “home” position. At this
is under tension from an oil pressure hydraulically position, the exhaust camshaft is fully advanced and the
actuated tensioner. All tensioners are sealed to the head intake is fully retarded to minimize valve overlap for
or block using a rubber coated steel gasket. The gasket smooth idle. An internal lock pin locks the inner rotor to
traps an adequate oil reserve to ensure quiet start-up. the outer camshaft position actuator housing at idle and
From the initial production of the High Feature V6 there maintains this position during start-up conditions. Under
have been four timing drive systems. This application other engine operating conditions, the camshaft position
may have been built using the third or fourth design. actuator is controlled by the Engine Control Module
The third design uses an inverted tooth (IT) timing drive (ECM) to deliver optimal intake and exhaust valve timing
chain on the primary timing drive components and roller for performance, driveability and fuel economy. The
timing drive components on the secondary components. camshaft position actuator incorporates an integral
NOTE: The difference between the third design and the trigger wheel, which is sensed by the camshaft position
previous second design is a revised reluctor wheel on sensor mounted in the front cover to accurately
the camshaft position actuators. The reluctor wheels determine the position of each camshaft. Each camshaft
were revised due to revised camshaft position sensors. position actuator has a specific timing drive mark for
The third design primary timing drive chain uses an IT right or left bank application, as the camshaft position
timing drive chain and a crankshaft sprocket with IT actuators are common bank to bank. The exhaust
timing drive chain teeth. The primary timing drive chain camshaft position actuator has a different internal
connects the crankshaft sprocket with the left and right configuration than the intake camshaft position actuator
side intermediate drive shaft sprockets. The third design since the exhaust camshaft position actuator phases in
intermediate drive shaft sprockets incorporate IT primary the opposite direction relative to the inlet camshaft
timing drive chain sprocket teeth and roller timing drive position actuator.
chain secondary timing drive chain sprocket teeth. The
third design actuators incorporate a new reluctor wheel
and cannot be used on earlier designs.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-3

The camshaft position actuator oil control valve (OCV) Right and Left Bank Designation
directs oil from the oil feed in the head to the appropriate Right hand (RH) and left hand (LH) designation through
camshaft position actuator oil passages. There is one the engine mechanical section are viewed from the rear
OCV for each camshaft position actuator. The OCV is of the engine or from inside the vehicle.
sealed and mounted to the front cover. The ported end
of the OCV is inserted into the cylinder head with a
Cleanliness and Care
sliding fit. A filter screen protects each OCV oil port from
An automobile engine is a combination of many of the
any contamination in the oil supply.
following surfaces:
The camshaft front journal has several drilled oil holes to
allow camshaft position actuator control oil to transfer • Machined
from the cylinder head to the camshaft position actuator. • Honed
The center camshaft bolt hole is counterbored to allow • Polished
oil to flow around the camshaft bolt and to the camshaft
• Lapped
position actuator. Oil in this oil passage is used to move
The tolerances of these surfaces are measured in the
the camshaft position actuator to the default or home
ten-thousandths of an inch. When you service any
position. Radially outward from the center of the journal
internal engine part, cleanliness and care are important.
is a set of four drilled camshaft position actuator oil
Apply a liberal coating of engine oil to the friction areas
holes. Oil in this group of oil holes is used to move the
during assembly in order to protect and lubricate the
camshaft from the default position to a specific set
surfaces on initial operation. Throughout this section,
position as determined by the ECM. Seal rings are used
practice proper cleaning and protection procedures to
at the front and rear of the front camshaft journal to
the machined surfaces and to the friction areas.
prevent oil leakage from the camshaft position actuator

hydraulic system. The seal is made from a plastic ! CAUTION
compound that resists wear and has a diagonal end gap
to enhance sealing. The camshaft position actuator is Engine damage may result if an abrasive
mounted to the front end of the camshaft and the timing paper, pad, or motorized wire brush is used
notch in the nose of the camshaft aligns with the dowel to clean any engine gasket surfaces.
pin in the camshaft position actuator to ensure proper
cam timing and camshaft position actuator oil hole Whenever you remove the valve train components, keep
alignment. the components in order. Follow this procedure in order
to install the components in the same locations and with
the same mating surfaces as when removed.
Cylinder Heads
The cylinder heads are semi permanent mold cast ! WARNING
aluminum with powdered metal valve seat inserts and
valve guides. Two 36.96 mm (1.4551 in) intake valves Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution: ”.
and two 30.60 mm (1.2047 in) exhaust valves are
actuated by roller finger followers pivoting on a Disconnect the negative battery cables before you
stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA). Separate perform any major work on the engine.
exhaust and intake camshafts are supported by four
bearings machined into the cylinder head. The front Separating Parts
camshaft bearing cap is used as a thrust control surface In addition to the room temperature vulcanizing (RTV)
for each camshaft. Each spark plug is shielded by a tube sealant's sealing capabilities, the RTV sealants may
that is pressed into the cylinder head. Each spark plug form an adhesive bond between the components. This
ignition coil is also mounted through the spark plug tube. may make the components difficult to remove or to
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is separate. If possible, bump the components sideways
threaded into the left cylinder head. rather than using prying tools in order to remove the
components. This technique prevents damage when the
Induction System bonding strength of the RTV sealant is stronger than the
The intake manifold consists of two cast aluminum component itself. Perform bumping at the bends or at
components. Two short bolts in the lower intake manifold the reinforced areas in order to prevent part distortion.
and four long bolts, that pass through both manifolds,
mount the intake manifold assembly to the cylinder
heads. Additionally two bolts mount the upper intake
manifold to the lower intake manifold. The throttle body,
Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) solenoid and tubes,
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) tubes, and brake
booster hose are mounted to the upper intake manifold.
The fuel injector wiring harness, fuel rail assembly, and
fuel injectors are mounted to the lower intake manifold.
1D-4 Engine Mechanical:

Replacing Engine Gaskets Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing

Gasket Reuse and Applying Sealant (RTV) and Anaerobic Sealer
• Do not reuse any gasket unless specified. Sealant Types
• Gaskets that can be reused will be identified in the NOTE
service procedure.
The correct sealant and amount of sealant
• Do not apply sealant to any gasket or sealing surface
must be used in the proper location to
unless specified in the service procedure.
prevent oil leaks, coolant leaks, or the
loosening of the fasteners. DO NOT
Separating Components interchange the sealants. Use only the
• Use a rubber mallet in order to separate the sealant, or equivalent, as specified in the
components. service procedure.
• Bump the part sideways in order to loosen the
components. The following 2 major types of sealant are commonly
used in engines:
• Bumping of the component should be done at bends
or reinforced areas of the component to prevent • Anaerobic sealant room temperature vulcanizing
distortion of the components. (RTV)
• Anaerobic sealant, which include the following:
Cleaning Gasket Surfaces – Gasket eliminator
• Use care to avoid gouging or scraping the sealing – Pipe

surfaces. – Threadlock
• Use a plastic or wood scraper in order to remove all
the sealant from the components. Anaerobic Type Room Temperature Vulcanizing
Do not use any other method or technique to remove (RTV) Sealant
the sealant or the gasket material from a part. Anaerobic type room temperature vulcanizing (RTV)
• Do not use abrasive pads, sand paper, or power tools sealant cures in the absence of air. This type of sealant
to clean the gasket surfaces. is used where 2 components, such as the intake
– These methods of cleaning can cause damage to manifold and the engine block, are assembled together.
the component sealing surfaces. Use the following information when using RTV sealant:
– Abrasive pads also produce a fine grit that the oil • Do not use RTV sealant in areas where extreme
filter cannot remove from the engine oil. temperatures are expected. These areas include:
This fine grit is an abrasive and can cause internal – The exhaust manifold
engine damage. – The head gasket
– Any other surfaces where a different type of sealant
Assembling Components is specified in the service procedure
• Assemble components using only the sealant (or • Always follow all the safety recommendations and the
equivalent) that is specified in the service procedure. directions that are on the RTV sealant container.
• Sealing surfaces must be clean and free of debris or • Use a plastic or wood scraper in order to remove all
oil. the RTV sealant from the components.
• Specific components such as crankshaft oil seals or
valve stem oil seals may require lubrication during ! CAUTION
assembly. Do not allow the RTV sealant to enter any
• Components requiring lubrication will be identified in blind threaded hole. RTV sealant that is
the service procedure. allowed to enter a blind threaded hole can
• Apply only the amount of sealant specified in the cause hydraulic lock of the fastener when the
service procedure to a component. fastener is tightened. Hydraulic lock of a
• Do not allow the sealant to enter into any blind fastener can lead to damage to the fastener
threaded holes, as the sealant may prevent the and/or the components. Hydraulic lock of a
fastener from clamping properly or cause component fastener can also prevent the proper
damage when tightened. clamping loads to be obtained when the
fastener is tightened. Improper clamping
NOTE loads can prevent proper sealing of the
components allowing leakage to occur.
Do not overtighten the fasteners.
Preventing proper fastener tightening can
• Tighten the fasteners to the proper specifications. allow the components to loosen or separate
leading to extensive engine damage.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-5

• The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. • Do not overtighten the fasteners.
• Use a RTV sealant bead size as specified in the – Apply the gasket eliminator sealant
service procedure. evenly to get a uniform thickness of the
• Apply the RTV sealant bead to the inside of any bolt gasket eliminator sealant on the sealing
holes areas. surface.
– Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if
NOTE specified, and to the proper torque
Do not wait for the RTV sealant to skin over. specifications.
– After properly tightening the fasteners,
• Assemble the components while the RTV sealant is remove the excess gasket eliminator
still wet to the touch, within 3 minutes. sealant from the outside of the joint.
Do not overtighten the fasteners. Anaerobic Type Threadlock Sealant
Anaerobic type threadlock sealant cures in the absence
• Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to of air. This type of sealant is used for threadlocking and
the proper torque specifications. sealing of bolts, fittings, nuts, and studs. This type of
sealant cures only when confined between 2 close fitting
Anaerobic Type Gasket Eliminator Sealant metal surfaces.
Anaerobic type gasket eliminator sealant cures in the Use the following information when using threadlock
absence of air. This type of sealant is used where 2 rigid sealant:

parts, such as castings, are assembled together. When 2 • Always follow all safety recommendations and
rigid parts are disassembled and no sealant or gasket is directions that are on the threadlock sealant container.
readily noticeable, then the 2 parts were probably • The threaded surfaces to be sealed must be clean
assembled using an anaerobic type gasket eliminator and dry.
• Apply the threadlock sealant as specified on the
Use the following information when using gasket
threadlock sealant container.
eliminator sealant:
• Always follow all the safety recommendations and NOTE
directions that are on the gasket eliminator sealant
• Fasteners that are partially torqued and
then the threadlock sealant allowed to cure
• Apply a continuous bead of gasket eliminator sealant more than 5 minutes, may result in
to one flange. incorrect clamp load of assembled
The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. components.
! CAUTION • Do not overtighten the fasteners.
Do not allow the sealant to enter a blind hole. • Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to
The sealant may prevent the fastener from the proper torque specifications.
achieving proper clamp load, cause
component damage when the fastener is Anaerobic Type Pipe Sealant
tightened, or lead to component failure. Anaerobic type pipe sealant cures in the absence of air
and remains pliable when cured. This type of sealant is
NOTE used where 2 parts are assembled together and require
• Gasket eliminator sealed joint fasteners a leak proof joint.
that are partially torqued and the gasket Use the following information when using pipe sealant:
eliminator sealant allowed to cure more • Do not use pipe sealant in areas where extreme
than 5 minutes, may result in incorrect temperatures are expected. These areas include:
shimming and sealing of the joint. – The exhaust manifold
– The head gasket
– Surfaces where a different sealant is specified
• Always follow all the safety recommendations and the
directions that are on the pipe sealant container.
• The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry.
1D-6 Engine Mechanical:

• Use a pipe sealant bead of the size or quantity as • Apply the pipe sealant bead to the inside of any bolt
specified in the service procedure. hole areas.
• Apply a continuous bead of pipe sealant to one
sealing surface.
Do not allow the sealant to enter a blind hole.
The sealant may prevent the fastener from NOTE
achieving proper clamp load, cause Do not overtighten the fasteners.
component damage when the fastener is
tightened, or lead to component failure. • Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to
the proper torque specifications.

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third Design)

Camshaft Position Actuator Timing Marks

1. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Left Side Timing Mark - Circle 4. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Identifier
2. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Right Side Timing Mark - Triangle 5. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Right Side Timing Mark - Triangle
3. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Identifier 6. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Left Side Timing Mark - Circle
Engine Mechanical: 1D-7

Stage One

1. Left Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 10. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Window
for the Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
2. Left Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 11. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain
3. Left Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 12. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Crankshaft Sprocket
4. Left Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 13. Crankshaft Sprocket Timing Mark
5. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain 14. Crankshaft Sprocket
6. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left Primary Camshaft 15. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
7. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark for 16. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right Primary Camshaft
the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
8. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket 17. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark
9. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left
Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
1D-8 Engine Mechanical:

Stage Two

1. Left Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 13. Crankshaft Sprocket Timing Mark
2. Left Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 14. Crankshaft Sprocket
3. Left Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 15. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
4. Left Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 16. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right Primary Camshaft
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
5. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain 17. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark
for the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain
6. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left Primary Camshaft 18. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark/
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Window for the Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
7. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark for 19. Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right
the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
8. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket 20. Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
9. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left 21. Right Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Triangle
Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
10. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Window 22. Right Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
11. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain 23. Right Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
12. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Crankshaft Sprocket 24. Right Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Triangle
Engine Mechanical: 1D-9

Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)

Camshaft Position Actuator Timing Marks

1. Right Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Identifier 5. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Identifier
2. Right Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Right Side Timing Mark - Triangle 6. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Right Side Timing Mark - Triangle
3. Left Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Left Side Timing Mark - Circle 7. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Left Side Timing Mark - Circle
4. Left Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Identifier
1D-10 Engine Mechanical:

Stage One

1. Left Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 10. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Window
for the Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
2. Left Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 11. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain
3. Left Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 12. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Crankshaft Sprocket
4. Left Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 13. Crankshaft Sprocket Timing Mark
5. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain 14. Crankshaft Sprocket
6. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left Primary Camshaft 15. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
7. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark for 16. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right Primary Camshaft
the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
8. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket 17. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark
9. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left
Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
Engine Mechanical: 1D-11

Stage Two

1. Left Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 13. Crankshaft Sprocket Timing Mark
2. Left Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 14. Crankshaft Sprocket
3. Left Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link 15. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
4. Left Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Circle 16. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right Primary Camshaft
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
5. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain 17. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark
for the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain
6. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left Primary Camshaft 18. Right Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark/
Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Window for the Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
7. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Mark for 19. Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Right
the Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
8. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket 20. Right Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
9. Left Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link for the Left 21. Right Exhaust Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Triangle
Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket
10. Left Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Sprocket Timing Window 22. Right Exhaust Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
11. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain 23. Right Intake Secondary Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Timing Link
12. Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Timing Link for the Crankshaft Sprocket 24. Right Intake Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Timing Mark - Triangle
1D-12 Engine Mechanical:

Component Location
Disassembled Views

Engine Covers and Component Assemblies (1 of 2)

3. Engine Assembly 611. Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt
6. Intake Manifold Assembly 621. Right Exhaust Manifold Gasket
9. Left Camshaft Cover Assembly 622. Right Exhaust Manifold
10. Right Camshaft Cover Assembly 623. Exhaust Manifold Nut
14. Engine Front Cover Assembly 624. Exhaust Manifold Stud
15. Oil Pan Assembly 625. Cylinder Head Exhaust Manifold Bolt
140. Engine Flywheel 630. Right Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
141. Engine Flywheel Bolt 631. Right Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt
390. Crankshaft Balancer 704. Ignition Coil
391. Crankshaft Balancer Bolt 705. Ignition Coil Bolt
601. Left Exhaust Manifold Gasket 719. Spark Plug
602. Left Exhaust Manifold 739. Crankshaft Position Sensor Heat Shield
610. Left Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield 764. Crankshaft Position Sensor Heat Shield Bolt - Large
Engine Mechanical: 1D-13

Engine Covers and Component Assemblies (2 of 2)

4. Engine Short Block Assembly 395. Coolant Pipe
7. Left Cylinder Head Assembly 396. Coolant Pipe O-ring
8. Right Cylinder Head Assembly 399. Coolant Pipe Bracket to Thermostat Housing Bolt
13. Oil Pump Assembly 430. Oil Level Indicator
16. Oil Filter Adapter Assembly 431. Oil Level Indicator Tube
19. Timing Drive Assembly 432. Oil Level Indicator Tube O-ring
302. Left Cylinder Head Gasket 433. Oil Level Indicator Tube Bolt
303. Right Cylinder Head Gasket 434. Oil Level Indicator Handle O-ring
365. Engine Cooling Thermostat 495. Water Inlet/Outlet Pipe
366. Engine Cooling Thermostat Gasket 496. Water Inlet/Outlet Pipe O-ring
367. Engine Cooling Thermostat Housing 498. Water Inlet/Outlet Pipe to Thermostat Housing Bolt
368. Engine Cooling Thermostat Housing Bolt 499. Water Inlet/Outlet Pipe Gasket
369. Engine Cooling Thermostat Bolt - Short 720. Crankshaft Position Sensor
377. Water Outlet Seal 721. Crankshaft Position Sensor O-ring
378. Water Outlet O-ring 722. Crankshaft Position Sensor Bolt
379. Water Outlet Bolt 723. Knock Sensor
380. Water Outlet 724. Knock Sensor Bolt
1D-14 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Cover Assembly

250. Left Camshaft Cover 260. Left Camshaft Cover PCV Fitting
251. Left Camshaft Cover Gasket 261. Right Camshaft Cover PCV Fitting Orifice
252. Right Camshaft Cover 262. Oil Fill Tube
253. Right Camshaft Cover Gasket 263. Left Camshaft Cover PCV Fitting O-ring
254. Camshaft Cover Spark Plug Port Seal 265. Left Camshaft Housing Cover Insulator
255. Camshaft Cover Bolt 266. Right Camshaft Housing Cover Insulator
256. Camshaft Cover Bolt Insulator 704. Ignition Coil
257. Ignition Coil Bolt Thread Insert 705. Ignition Coil Bolt
258. Oil Fill Cap 719. Spark Plug
259. Oil Fill O-ring
Engine Mechanical: 1D-15

Camshaft Timing Components - Third Design

150. Crankshaft Sprocket 173. Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe
151. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide 174. Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe Bolt
152. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner 175. Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner
153. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner Bolt 177. Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket
154. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide Bolt 181. Right Secondary Timing Chain Guide
155. Primary Timing Chain 182. Right Secondary Timing Chain Guide Bolt
156. Upper Primary Timing Chain Guide 183. Right Secondary Timing Chain Shoe
161. Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket Bolt 185. Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner
164. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket 187. Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket
165. Left Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket 190. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator
166. Right Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket 191. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator
170. Secondary Timing Chain 192. Camshaft Position Actuator Bolt
171. Left Secondary Timing Chain Guide
1D-16 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Timing Components - Fourth Design

150. Crankshaft Sprocket 173. Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe
151. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide 174. Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe Bolt
152. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner 175. Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner
153. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner Bolt 177. Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket
154. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide Bolt 181. Right Secondary Timing Chain Guide
155. Primary Timing Chain 183. Right Secondary Timing Chain Shoe
156. Upper Primary Timing Chain Guide 185. Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner
161. Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket Bolt 187. Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket
164. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner Gasket 190. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator
165. Left Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket 192. Camshaft Position Actuator Bolt
166. Right Camshaft Intermediate Drive Shaft Sprocket 193. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator
170. Secondary Timing Chain 194. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator
171. Left Secondary Timing Chain Guide
Engine Mechanical: 1D-17

Intake Manifold

283. Dirty PCV Hose 560. Fuel Rail
285. PCV Hose O-ring Outer/Larger 561. Fuel Injector
286. PCV Hose O-ring Inner/Smaller 562. Fuel Injector Retainer
295. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Pipe 563. Fuel Injector Upper Seal
296. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose 564. Fuel Injector Lower Seal
297. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose Clamp 565. Fuel Pressure Service Valve Cap
299. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Bolt 566. Fuel Pressure Service Valve
503. Upper Intake Manifold 594. Fuel Injector Sight Shield Cover Ball Stud
504. Lower Intake Manifold 700. Fuel Injector Wiring Harness
506. Expansion Plug 701. Throttle Body
509. Upper Intake Manifold Bolt - Long 702. Throttle Body Bolt
510. Upper Intake Manifold Bolt - Short 703. Throttle Body Gasket
519. Lower Intake Manifold to Upper Intake Manifold Dowel Pin 744. EVAP Purge Solenoid
521. Upper Intake Manifold Gasket 746. EVAP Purge Solenoid Bolt
522. Lower Intake Manifold Gasket 750. EVAP Purge Solenoid Tube - Intake Manifold to EVAP Solenoid
523. Lower Intake Manifold Bolt 752. EVAP Purge Solenoid Bracket
532. Fuel Rail Bolt
1D-18 Engine Mechanical:

Fuel Rail

532. Fuel Rail Bolt 564. Fuel Injector Lower Seal
560. Fuel Rail 565. Fuel Pressure Service Valve Cap
561. Fuel Injector 566. Fuel Pressure Service Valve
562. Fuel Injector Retainer 700. Fuel Injector Wiring Harness
563. Fuel Injector Upper Seal
Engine Mechanical: 1D-19

Cylinder Head Assemblies

300. Left Cylinder Head 325. Valve Spring
301. Right Cylinder Head 326. Valve Spring Cap
302. Left Cylinder Head Gasket 327. Valve Stem Key
303. Right Cylinder Head Gasket 328. Cylinder Head Camshaft Front Thrust Bearing Cap
310. Cylinder Head Bolt 329. Camshaft Oil Seal Ring
311. Cylinder Head Front Bolt 330. Left Exhaust Camshaft
313. Cylinder Head Coolant Hole Threaded Plug 331. Left Intake Camshaft
318. Spark Plug Sleeve 332. Right Intake Camshaft
319. Cylinder Head Oil Gallery Expansion Plug - 14 mm 333. Right Exhaust Camshaft
320. Exhaust Valve 336. Cylinder Head Camshaft Cap - Intermediate
321. Intake Valve 337. Cylinder Head Camshaft Cap Bolt
322. Valve Rocker Arm Assembly 339. Cylinder Head Oil Gallery Check Valve
323. Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Assembly 711. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
324. Valve Stem Oil Seal
1D-20 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Front Cover

132. Engine Front Cover Locating Pin 364. Water Pump Pulley Bolt
350. Engine Front Cover 390. Crankshaft Balancer
351. Engine Front Cover Gasket 391. Crankshaft Balancer Bolt
352. Engine Front Cover Bolt 725. Camshaft Position Sensor
353. Engine Front Cover Seal 726. Camshaft Position Sensor O-ring
354. Engine Front Cover Deadener 727. Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt
360. Water Pump Assembly 732. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
361. Water Pump Bolt 733. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Bolt
362. Water Pump Gasket 734. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Seal
363. Water Pump Pulley
Engine Mechanical: 1D-21

Oil Pump - Second Design

151. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide 468. Oil Pump Cover Bolt
154. Lower Primary Timing Chain Guide Bolt 470. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Bore Plug
463. Oil Pump Housing 471. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Spring
464. Oil Pump Cover 472. Oil Pressure Relief Valve
465. Oil Pump Driven Gear 474. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Bore Plug Retainer Clip
466. Oil Pump Drive Gear 475. Oil Pump Bolt
1D-22 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Block Assembly

15. Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly 124. Crankshaft Upper Thrust Bearing #3
100. Engine Block 126. Engine Block Oil Gallery Expansion Plug - 14 mm
110. Crankshaft Bearing Cap 127. Engine Block Oil Gallery Threaded Plug - 14 mm
111. Crankshaft Bearing Thrust Cap 128. Engine Block Coolant Drain Threaded Plug - 14 mm
114. Crankshaft Bearing Cap Inboard Bolt 129. Engine Block Oil Gallery Threaded Plug - 20 mm
115. Crankshaft Bearing Cap Outboard Bolt 130. Engine Block Core Coolant Expansion Plug - 34.3 mm
116. Crankshaft Bearing Cap Side Bolt - Short 131. Transaxle Locating Pin
117. Crankshaft Bearing Cap Side Bolt - Long 133. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Assembly
119. Engine Block Oil Gallery Expansion Plug - 10 mm 134. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Assembly Bolt
120. Crankshaft 135. Oil Pan Locating Pin
121. Crankshaft Sprocket Locating Pin 137. Cylinder Head Locating Pin
122. Crankshaft Upper Bearing 490. Piston Oil Nozzle
123. Crankshaft Lower Bearing 491. Piston Oil Nozzle Bolt
Engine Mechanical: 1D-23

Piston, Rings, Bearing and Connecting Rod

200. Connecting Rod 212. Piston Pin Retainer
201. Connecting Rod Bolt 213. Piston Upper Compression Ring
202. Connecting Rod Bushing 214. Piston Lower Compression Ring
203. Connecting Rod Bearing 215. Piston Oil Control Rail Ring
210. Piston 216. Piston Oil Control Ring Spacer
211. Piston Pin
1D-24 Engine Mechanical:

Oil Pan Assembly

400. Oil Pan 411. Oil Pan Baffle Scraper Bolt
405. Oil Pump Suction Pipe 412. Oil Pan Drain Plug
406. Oil Pump Suction Pipe Gasket 413. Oil Pan Drain Plug O-ring
407. Oil Pump Suction Pipe Bolt 420. Oil Pan Bolt
410. Oil Pan Baffle Scraper 422. Oil Pan Bolt - Long
Engine Mechanical: 1D-25

Oil Filter Adapter

440. Oil Filter Adapter 445. Oil Filter Fitting
441. Oil Filter Adapter Gasket 449. Oil Filter
442. Oil Filter Adapter Bolt 728. Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
443. Oil Filter Adapter Bolt - Long 729. Engine Oil Pressure Sensor O-ring.
1D-26 Engine Mechanical:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Visual/Physical Inspection
Mechanical • Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect the
Begin the system diagnosis by reviewing the operation of the Engine. Refer to “Checking
“Disassembled Views”, “Engine Component Aftermarket Accessories: ”.
Description”, “Drive Belt System Description”, • Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
“Lubrication Description: ”. Reviewing the description components for obvious damage or conditions which
and operation information will help you determine the could cause the symptom.
correct symptom diagnostic procedure when a
• Check for the correct oil level, proper oil viscosity, and
malfunction exists. Reviewing the description and
correct filter application.
operation information will also help you determine if the
condition described by the customer is normal operation. • Verify the exact operating conditions under which the
Refer to “Symptoms - Engine Mechanical” in order to concern exists. Note factors such as engine RPM,
identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system ambient temperature, engine temperature, amount of
and where the procedure is located. engine warm-up time, and other specifics.
• Compare the engine sounds, if applicable, to a known
good engine and make sure you are not trying to
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical
correct a normal condition.
Strategy Based Diagnostics
1. Perform a “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Intermittent

Diagnostic Information: ” before using the symptom Test the vehicle under the same conditions that the
tables, if applicable. customer reported in order to verify the system is
2. Review the system operations in order to familiarize operating properly.
yourself with the system functions. Refer to
“Disassembled Views”, “Engine Component Symptom List
Description”, “Drive Belt System Description”, Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
“Lubrication Description: ”. following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
All diagnosis on a vehicle should follow a logical
• “Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine Noises”
process. Strategy based diagnostics is a uniform
approach for repairing all systems. The diagnostic flow • “Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Internal Lower
may always be used in order to resolve a system Engine Noises”
problem. The diagnostic flow is the place to start when • “Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train
repairs are necessary. For a detailed explanation, refer Noise”
to “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ”. • “Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption”
• “Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil
• “Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting a Few
• “Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed”
• “Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed”
• “Engine Noise Under Load”
• “Engine Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate”
• “Engine Compression Test”
• “Oil Consumption Diagnosis: ”
• “Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing: ”
• “Oil Leak Diagnosis: ”
Engine Mechanical: 1D-27

Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine Noises

Cause Correction
Abnormalities, severe cracking, bumps, or missing areas, Replace the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
in the accessory drive belt
Abnormalities in the accessory drive system and/or
components may cause engine RPM variations and lead
to a misfire DTC. A misfire code may be present without
an actual misfire condition.
Worn, damaged, or mis-aligned accessory drive Inspect the components, repair or replace as required.
components or excessive pulley runout and may lead to a
misfire DTC.
A misfire code may be present without an actual misfire
Loose or improperly installed engine flywheel or Repair or replace the flywheel and/or balancer as
crankshaft balancer required. Refer to “Engine Flywheel Replacement” or
A misfire code may be present without an actual misfire “Crankshaft Balancer Replacement”.
Restricted exhaust system Repair or replace as required.
A severe restriction in the exhaust flow can cause
significant loss of engine performance and may set a
DTC. Possible causes of restrictions include collapsed or

dented pipes or plugged mufflers and/or catalytic
Improperly installed or damaged vacuum hoses Repair or replace as required.
Improper sealing between the intake manifold and Replace the intake manifold, plenum duct, gaskets,
cylinder heads, intake manifold and plenum duct, plenum cylinder heads, throttle body and/or pressure relief valve
duct and water crossover, water crossover and throttle as required.
body and/or pressure relief valve and intake manifold.
Improperly installed or damaged MAP sensor and/or seal Repair or replace the MAP sensor as required.
The sealing grommet of the MAP sensor should not be
torn or damaged.
Improperly installed or damaged EVAP purge solenoid Repair or replace the EVAP purge solenoid as required.
and/or O-ring seal
Worn or loose followers, valve rocker arms Replace the followers, valve rocker arms, as required.
The follower, valve rocker arm, roller bearing should be
intact and in the proper position
Stuck valves Repair or replace as required.
Carbon buildup on the valve stem can cause the valve not
to close properly.
Excessively worn or mis-aligned timing chain or chains Replace the timing chain or chains and sprockets as
Worn camshaft lobes Replace the camshaft or camshafts and SHLAs, valve
Excessive oil pressure • Perform an oil pressure test. Refer to “Oil Pressure
A lubrication system with excessive oil pressure may lead Diagnosis and Testing: ”.
to excessive valve lifter pump-up and loss of • Repair or replace the oil pump as required.
Faulty cylinder head gaskets and/or cracking or other • Inspect for spark plugs saturated by coolant. Refer to
damage to the cylinder heads and engine block cooling “Spark Plug Inspection: ” for the 3.6L engine.
system passages. Refer to “Diagnostic Starting Point - • Inspect the cylinder heads, engine block, and/or head
Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. gaskets.
Coolant consumption may or may not cause the engine to
• Repair or replace as required.
1D-28 Engine Mechanical:

Cause Correction
Worn Piston Rings • Inspect the spark plugs for oil deposits. Refer to “Spark
Oil consumption may or may not cause the engine to Plug Inspection: ” for the 3.6L engine.
misfire. • Inspect the cylinders for a loss of compression. Refer
to “Engine Compression Test”.
• Perform cylinder leak down and compression testing to
identify the cause.
• Repair or replace as required.
A damaged crankshaft reluctor wheel Replace the crankshaft as required.
A damaged crankshaft reluctor wheel can result in
different symptoms depending on the severity and
location of the damage.
• Systems with SEVERE reluctor ring damage may
exhibit periodic loss of crankshaft position, stop
delivering a signal, and then re-sync the crankshaft
• Systems with SLIGHT reluctor ring damage may exhibit
no loss of crankshaft position and no misfire may occur.
However, a P0300 DTC may be set.

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Internal Lower Engine Noises
Cause Correction
Abnormalities, severe cracking, bumps or missing areas, Replace the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
in the accessory drive belt
Abnormalities in the accessory drive system and/or
components may cause engine RPM variations, noises
similar to a faulty lower engine and also lead to a misfire
condition. A misfire code may be present without an
actual misfire condition.
Worn, damaged, or mis-aligned accessory drive Inspect the components, repair or replace as required.
components or excessive pulley runout
A misfire code may be present without an actual misfire
Loose or improperly installed engine flywheel or Repair or replace the engine flywheel and/or crankshaft
crankshaft balancer balancer as required.
A misfire code may be present without an actual misfire Refer to “Engine Flywheel Replacement” or “Crankshaft
condition. Balancer Replacement”.
Worn or Broken Piston Rings • Inspect the spark plugs for oil deposits. Refer to “Spark
Oil consumption may or may not cause the engine to Plug Inspection: ” for the 3.6L engine.
misfire. • Inspect the cylinders for a loss of compression. Refer
to “Engine Compression Test”.
• Perform cylinder leak down and compression testing to
determine the cause.
• Repair or replace as required.
Worn Crankshaft Thrust Bearings Replace the crankshaft and bearings as required.
Severely worn thrust surfaces on the crankshaft and/or
thrust bearing may permit fore and aft movement of the
crankshaft and create a DTC without an actual misfire
Engine Mechanical: 1D-29

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train Noise

Cause Correction
Worn or loose followers, valve rocker arms Replace the followers, valve rocker arms, as required.
The follower, valve rocker arm, roller bearing should be
intact and in the proper position.
Stuck valves Repair or replace as required.
Carbon buildup on the valve stem can cause the valve not
to close properly.
Excessively worn or mis-aligned timing chain or chains Replace the timing chain or chains and sprockets as
Worn camshaft lobes Replace the camshaft or camshafts and SHLAs, valve
Sticking SHLAs, lifters Replace the SHLAs as required.

Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption

Cause Correction
Faulty cylinder head gaskets and/or cracking or other • Inspect for spark plugs saturated by coolant. Refer to
damage to the cylinder heads and engine block cooling “Spark Plug Inspection: ” for the 3.6L engine.
system passages. Refer to “Diagnostic Starting Point - • Perform a cylinder leak down test.
Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
• Inspect the cylinder heads and engine block for
Coolant consumption may or may not cause the engine to

damage to the coolant passages and/or a faulty head
• Repair or replace as required.

Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil Consumption

Cause Correction
Worn valves, valve guides and/or valve stem oil seals 1. Inspect the spark plugs for oil deposits. Refer to
“Spark Plug Inspection: ”.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Worn piston rings 1. Inspect the spark plugs for oil deposits. Refer to
Oil consumption may or may not cause the engine to “Spark Plug Inspection: ”.
misfire. 2. Inspect the cylinders for a loss of compression. Refer
to “Engine Compression Test”.
3. Perform cylinder leak down and compression testing
to determine the cause.
4. Repair or replace as required.

Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting a Few Seconds

Cause Correction
Incorrect oil filter without anti-drainback feature Install the correct oil filter.
Incorrect oil viscosity Drain the engine oil and replace with the correct viscosity
High stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA), valve lifter, Replace the SHLAs, valve lifters, as required.
leak down rate
Worn crankshaft thrust bearing • Inspect the thrust bearing and crankshaft.
• Repair or replace as required.
Damaged or faulty oil filter by-pass valve • Inspect the oil filter by-pass valve for proper operation.
• Repair or replace as required.
1D-30 Engine Mechanical:

Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Cause Correction
Low oil pressure 1. Perform an oil pressure test. Refer to “Oil Pressure
Diagnosis and Testing: ”.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Loose and/or worn follower, valve rocker arm 1. Inspect the follower, valve rocker arm.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Improper lubrication to the followers, valve rocker arms Inspect the following components, and repair or replace
as required:
• The follower, valve rocker arm
• The SHLA, valve lifter
• The oil filter bypass valve
• The oil pump and pump screen
• The cylinder head oil galleries
• The engine block oil galleries
Broken valve spring Replace the valve spring.
Worn or dirty stationary hydraulic lash adjusters (SHLAs), Replace the SHLAs, valve lifters.
valve lifters
Stretched or broken timing chain or chains and/or Replace the timing chain or chains and sprockets.

damaged sprocket teeth
Worn timing chain tensioner or tensioners Replace the timing chain tensioner or tensioners as
Worn timing chain shoe or shoes Replace the timing chain shoe or shoes as required.
Worn timing chain guide or guides Replace the timing chain guide or guides as required.
Worn engine camshaft lobes 1. Inspect the engine camshaft lobes.
2. Replace the camshaft or camshafts and SHLAs, valve
lifters, as required.
Worn valve guides or valve stems Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• The valves
• The valve guides
• Stuck valves Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• Carbon on the valve stem or valve seat may cause the • The valves
valve to stay open • The valve guides

Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Cause Correction
Low oil pressure 1. Perform an oil pressure test. Refer to “Oil Pressure
Diagnosis and Testing: ”.
2. Repair or replace damaged components as required.
• Worn accessory drive components 1. Inspect the accessory drive system.
• Abnormalities such as severe cracking, bumps or 2. Repair or replace as required.
missing areas in the accessory drive belt and/or
misalignment of system components.
Loose or damaged crankshaft balancer 1. Inspect the crankshaft balancer.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Detonation or spark knock Verify the correct operation of the ignition controls system.
Refer to “Symptoms - Engine Controls: ”.
Loose torque converter bolts 1. Inspect the torque converter bolts and engine
2. Repair or replace as required.
Loose or damaged engine flywheel Repair or replace the engine flywheel.
• Damaged oil pan, contacting the oil pump screen 1. Inspect the oil pan.
• An oil pan that has been damaged may improperly 2. Inspect the oil pump screen.
position the oil pump screen, preventing proper oil flow 3. Repair or replace as required.
to the oil pump.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-31

Cause Correction
Oil pump screen loose, damaged or restricted 1. Inspect the oil pump screen.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Excessive piston-to-cylinder bore clearance 1. Inspect the piston and cylinder bore.
2. Repair as required.
Excessive piston pin-to-bore clearance 1. Inspect the piston, piston pin, and the connecting rod.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Excessive connecting rod bearing clearance Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• The connecting rod bearings
• The connecting rods
• The crankshaft
• The crankshaft journals
Excessive crankshaft bearing clearance Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• The crankshaft bearings
• The crankshaft journals
• Incorrect piston, piston pin and connecting rod 1. Verify the pistons, piston pins and connecting rods are
installation installed correctly.
• Pistons must be installed with the mark or dimple on 2. Repair as required.
the top of the piston facing the front of the engine.

Piston pins must be centered in the connecting rod pin

Engine Noise Under Load

Cause Correction
Low oil pressure 1. Perform an oil pressure test. Refer to “Oil Pressure
Diagnosis and Testing: ”.
2. Repair or replace as required.
Detonation or spark knock Verify the correct operation of the ignition controls. Refer
to “Symptoms - Engine Controls: ”.
Loose torque converter bolts 1. Inspect the torque converter bolts and engine
2. Repair as required.
Cracked engine flywheel 1. Inspect the engine flywheel and bolts.
2. Repair as required.
Excessive connecting rod bearing clearance Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• The connecting rod bearings
• The connecting rods
• The crankshaft
Excessive crankshaft bearing clearance Inspect the following components, and repair as required:
• The crankshaft bearings
• The crankshaft journals
• The cylinder block crankshaft bearing bore
1D-32 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate

Cause Correction
Seized accessory drive system component 1. Remove the accessory drive belt or belts.
2. Rotate the crankshaft by hand at the crankshaft
balancer or the engine flywheel location.
3. Repair or replace as required.
Hydraulically locked cylinder 1. Remove the spark plugs and check for fluid.
• Coolant/antifreeze in cylinder 2. Inspect for broken head gasket or gaskets.
• Oil in cylinder 3. Inspect for cracked engine block or cylinder head.
• Fuel in cylinder 4. Inspect for a sticking fuel injector.
5. Repair or replace as required.
Seized automatic transmission torque converter 1. Remove the torque converter bolts.
2. Rotate the crankshaft by hand at the crankshaft
balancer or the engine flywheel location.
3. Repair or replace as required.
Material in cylinder 1. Inspect the cylinder for damaged components and/or
• Broken valve foreign materials.
• Piston material 2. Repair or replace as required.
• Foreign material

Seized crankshaft or connecting rod bearings 1. Inspect the crankshaft and the connecting rod
2. Repair as required.
Bent or broken connecting rod 1. Inspect the connecting rods.
2. Repair as required.
Broken crankshaft 1. Inspect the crankshaft.
2. Repair as required.
Seized or broken camshaft 1. Inspect the camshaft or camshafts.
2. Inspect the cylinder head camshaft journals for
3. Repair as required.
Seized or broken balance shaft 1. Inspect the balance shaft.
2. Inspect the block for damaged balance shaft
3. Repair as required.
Seized or broken camshaft timing components 1. Inspect the following sprockets:
– The crankshaft sprocket
– The exhaust sprockets
– The intake sprockets
2. Inspect the following chains:
– The primary camshaft drive chain
– The secondary camshaft drive chains
3. Inspect the following guides:
– The lower primary camshaft drive chain guide
– The upper primary camshaft drive chain guides
4. Inspect the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe.
5. Inspect the following tensioners:
– The primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
– The secondary camshaft drive chain tensioners
6. Repair as required.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-33

Cause Correction
Seized or broken valve train components 1. Inspect the followers, rocker arms.
2. Inspect the lifters.
3. Inspect the valves.
4. Inspect the valve springs.
5. Repair as required.

Coolant in Combustion Chamber

Cause Correction
DEFINITION: Excessive white smoke and/or coolant type odor coming from the exhaust pipe may indicate coolant in
the combustion chamber. Low coolant levels, an inoperative cooling fan, or a faulty thermostat may lead to an
“overtemperature” condition which may cause engine component damage.
1. A slower than normal cranking speed may indicate coolant entering the combustion chamber. Refer to “Engine
Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate”.
2. Remove the spark plugs and inspect for spark plugs saturated by coolant or coolant in the cylinder bore.
3. Inspect by performing a “Cylinder Leakage Test”. During this test, excessive air bubbles within the coolant may
indicate a faulty gasket or damaged component.
4. Inspect by performing a cylinder compression test. Two cylinders “side-by-side” on the engine block, with low
compression, may indicate a failed cylinder head gasket. Refer to “Engine Compression Test”.

Cracked intake manifold or failed gasket Replace the components as required.
Faulty cylinder head gasket Replace the head gasket and components as required.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection” and
“Cylinder Head Replacement - Left Side” or “Cylinder
Head Replacement - Right Side”.
Warped cylinder head Machine the cylinder head to the proper flatness, if
applicable and replace the cylinder head gasket. Refer to
“Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection”.
Cracked cylinder head Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cracked cylinder liner or engine block Replace the components as required.
Cylinder head or engine block porosity Replace the components as required.

Coolant in Engine Oil

Cause Correction
DEFINITION: Foamy or discolored oil or an engine oil “overfill” condition may indicate coolant entering the engine
crankcase. Low coolant levels, an inoperative cooling fan, or a faulty thermostat may lead to an “overtemperature”
condition which may cause engine component damage. Contaminated engine oil and oil filter should be changed.
1. Inspect the oil for excessive foaming or an overfill condition. Oil diluted by coolant may not properly lubricate the
crankshaft bearings and may lead to component damage. Refer to “Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine
2. Inspect by performing a “Cylinder Leakage Test”. During this test, excessive air bubbles within the cooling system
may indicate a faulty gasket or damaged component.
3. Inspect by performing a cylinder compression test. Two cylinders “side-by-side” on the engine block with low
compression may indicate a failed cylinder head gasket. Refer to “Engine Compression Test”.
Faulty external engine oil cooler Replace the components as required.
Faulty cylinder head gasket Replace the head gasket and components as required.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection” and
“Cylinder Head Replacement - Left Side” or “Cylinder
Head Replacement - Right Side”.
Warped cylinder head Machine the cylinder head to proper flatness, if
applicable, and replace the cylinder head gasket. Refer to
“Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection”.
Cracked cylinder head Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cracked cylinder liner or engine block Replace the components as required.
Cylinder head, block, or manifold porosity Replace the components as required.
1D-34 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Compression Test – When low compression is caused by the valves,

the measurement is low on the first stroke and
Special tool does not build up even with the addition of oil.
J 39313 Spark Plug Port Adapter
– Leaking head gaskets will provide the same
A compression pressure test of the engine cylinders results as worn valves but engine coolant may be
determines the condition of the rings, the valves and the identified in the crankcase. In addition, a leaking
head gasket. head gasket will give low readings on paired
1. Run the engine until it reaches normal operating cylinders.
temperature. The battery must be at or near full 11. Remove the block from the throttle plate.
charge. 12. Install the air duct to the throttle body.
2. Turn the engine OFF. 13. Install the spark plugs.
NOTE 14. Install the powertrain control module (PCM).
Remove the powertrain control module 15. Install the ignition fuses to the I/P fuse block.
(PCM) and the ignition fuse from the
instrument panel (I/P) fuse block. Cylinder Leakage Test
3. Disable the ignition. Special tool
J 35667-A Cylinder Head Leakdown Tester
4. Disable the fuel systems.
J 39313 Spark Plug Port Adapter
5. Remove the spark plugs from all cylinders.

6. Remove the air duct from the throttle body.
7. Block the throttle plate in open position. A leakage test may be performed in order to
8. Measure the engine compression, using the measure cylinder/combustion chamber
following procedure: leakage. High cylinder leakage may indicate
one or more of the following:
a. Thread the J 39313 into the spark plug hole.
• Worn or burnt valves
b. Thread the compression gage into the J 39313.
• Broken valve springs
c. Have an assistant crank the engine through, at
least 4 compression strokes, in the testing • Stuck valve lifters
cylinder. • Incorrect valve lash/adjustment
d. Check and record the readings on the gage at • Damaged piston
each stroke. • Worn piston rings
e. Remove the compression gage from the J • Worn or scored cylinder bore
39313. • Damaged cylinder head gasket
f. Remove the J 39313 from the spark plug hole. • Cracked or damaged cylinder head
g. Repeat the compression test for each cylinder. • Cracked or damaged engine block
9. Record the compression readings from all of the
cylinders. ! WARNING
– The lowest reading should not be less than 70
percent of the highest reading. Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution: ”.
– No cylinder reading should be less than 965 kPa
1. Disconnect the battery ground negative cable.
(140 psi).
2. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
10. The following are examples of measurement
Replacement: ”.
3. Rotate the crankshaft to place the piston in the
– When the compression measurement is normal,
cylinder being tested at top dead center (TDC) of the
the compression builds up quickly and evenly to
compression stroke.
specified compression on each cylinder.
4. Thread the J 39313 into the spark plug hole.
– When low compression is caused by the piston
rings, compression is low on the first stroke and 5. Install the J 35667-A or equivalent.
tends to build up on the following strokes, but NOTE
does not reach normal. Compression improves
considerably with the addition of oil. Use It may be necessary to hold the crankshaft
approximately 3 squirts of oil from a plunger-type balancer bolt to prevent the engine from
oiler. rotating.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-35

6. Apply shop air pressure to the J 35667-A and adjust Results of Incorrect Operation
according to the manufacturers instructions. A plugged crankcase ventilation housing or hose may
7. Record the cylinder leakage value. Cylinder leakage contribute to the following conditions:
that exceeds 25 percent is considered excessive • A rough idle
and may require component service. In excessive • Stalling or a slow idle speed
leakage situations, inspect for the following
• Oil leaks
• Oil accumulation in the intake air duct
– Air leakage sounds at the throttle body or air inlet
hose that may indicate a worn or burnt intake • Sludge in the engine
valve or a broken valve spring A leaking housing or hose may contribute to the
following conditions:
– Air leakage sounds at the exhaust system tailpipe
that may indicate a worn or burnt exhaust valve or • A rough idle
a broken valve spring • Stalling
– Air leakage sounds from the crankcase, oil level • Unstable idle speed
indicator tube, or oil fill tube that may indicate
worn piston rings, a damaged piston, a worn or Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine
scored cylinder bore, a damaged engine block or
a damaged cylinder head
Diagnostic Aids
– Air bubbles in the cooling system may indicate a
damaged cylinder head or a damaged cylinder • A chirping or squeal noise may be intermittent due to
moisture on the drive belts or the pulleys. It may be

head gasket.
necessary to spray a small amount of water on the
8. Perform the leakage test on the remaining cylinders
drive belts in order to duplicate the customers
and record the values.
concern. If spraying water on the drive belt duplicates
the symptom, cleaning the belt pulleys may be the
Crankcase Ventilation System Inspection/ probable solution.
Diagnosis • If the noise is intermittent, verify the accessory drive
Crankcase Ventilation (CV) System Inspection components by varying their loads making sure they
• Test for vacuum at the vacuum hose where it are operated to their maximum capacity. An
connects to the crankcase ventilation valve or the overcharged A/C system, power steering system with
cylinder head cover. There should be manifold a pinched hose or wrong fluid, or a generator failing
vacuum present at the hose. If there is no vacuum, are suggested items to inspect.
inspect for a plugged hose, leaking hose or a plugged • A chirping, squeal or whine noise may be caused by a
vent adapter. loose or improper installation of a body or suspension
• Plug the end of the vacuum hose while the engine is component. Other items of the vehicle may also
running. Inspect the hose for any areas that collapse cause the noise.
when the end of the hose is blocked. Replace the • The drive belts will not cause a whine noise.
hose if it collapses when blocked.
• If oil has accumulated in the intake air duct, inspect for Test Description
the following conditions: The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
– Plugged vacuum orifice in the crankcase ventilation diagnostic table.
housing 2.
The noise may not be engine related. This step is to
– Plugged or restricted crankcase ventilation housing
verify that the engine is making the noise. If the engine is
– Excessive crankcase pressure or blow-by, refer to not making the noise do not proceed further with this
“Oil Consumption Diagnosis: ”. table.
• Additional items to inspect: 3.
– Plugged or leaking fresh air vent hose assembly or The noise may be an internal engine noise. Removing
vent adapter the drive belts one at a time and operating the engine for
a brief period will verify the noise is related to the drive
– Plugged or restricted passages in the throttle body
belt. When removing the drive belt the water pump may
– Missing or damaged O-ring seals on the vent not be operating and the engine may overheat. Also
adapter DTCs may set when the engine is operating with the
– Inspect the cam covers, the oil pan gasket, and drive belts removed.
other sealing areas for leaks 4.
Inspect all drive belt pulleys for pilling. Pilling is the small
balls or pills or it can be strings in the drive belt grooves
from the accumulation of rubber dust.
1D-36 Engine Mechanical:

6. 15.
Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from This test is to verify that the drive belt is not too long,
improper mounting of the accessory drive component, which would prevent the drive belt tensioner from
incorrect installation of the accessory drive component working properly. Also if an incorrect length drive belt
pulley, or the pulley bent inward or outward from a was installed, it may not be routed properly and may be
previous repair. Test for a misaligned pulley using a turning an accessory drive component in the wrong
straight edge in the pulley grooves across two or three direction.
pulleys. If a misaligned pulley is found refer to that 16.
accessory drive component for the proper installation Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from
procedure for that pulley. improper mounting of the accessory drive component,
10. incorrect installation of the accessory drive component
Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the possibility pulley, or the pulley bent inward or outward from a
that a wrong bolt, nut, spacer, or washer was installed. previous repair. Test for a misaligned pulley using a
12. straight edge in the pulley grooves across two or three
Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should include pulleys. If a misaligned pulley is found refer to that
inspecting for a dent or other damage to the pulleys that accessory drive component for the proper installation
would prevent the drive belt from not seating properly in procedure for that pulley.
all of the pulley grooves or on the smooth surface of a 17.
pulley when the back side of the belt is used to drive the This test is to verify that the pulleys are the correct
pulley. diameter or width. Using a known good vehicle compare
14. the pulley sizes.
This test is to verify that the drive belt tensioner operates 19.

properly. If the drive belt tensioner is not operating Replacing the drive belt when it is not damaged or there
properly, proper belt tension may not be achieved to is not excessive pilling will only be a temporary repair.
keep the drive belt from slipping which could cause a
squeal noise.
Step Action Yes No
Refer to “Belt Dressing Notice: ”.

DEFINITION: The following items are indications of chirping:

• A high pitched noise that is heard once per revolution of the drive belt or a pulley.
• Chirping may occur on cold damp start-ups and will subside once the vehicle reaches normal operating temp.
DEFINITION: The following items are indications of drive belt squeal:
• A loud screeching noise that is caused by a slipping drive belt. This is unusual for a drive belt with multiple ribs.
• The noise occurs when a heavy load is applied to the drive belt, such as an air conditioning compressor
engagement snapping the throttle, or slipping on a seized pulley or a faulty accessory drive component.
DEFINITION: The following items are indications of drive belt whine:
• A high pitched continuous noise.
• The noise may be caused by an accessory drive component failed bearing.
Did you review the Drive Belt Symptom operation and perform Go to “Symptoms -
1 Go to Step 2
the necessary inspections? Engine Mechanical”
Verify that there is a chirping, squeal or whine noise.
2 Go to Step 3 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Does the engine make the chirping squeal or whine noise?
1. Remove the drive belt.
If the engine has multiple drive belts, remove the belts one
at a time and perform the test below each time a belt is
removed. Go to “Symptoms -
3 Go to Step 4
2. Operate the engine for no longer than 30-40 seconds. Engine Mechanical”
3. Repeat this test if necessary by removing the remaining
Does the chirping, squeal or whine noise still exist?
If diagnosing a chirping noise, inspect for severe pilling
exceeding 1/3 of the belt groove depth.
4 Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
If diagnosing a squeal or whine noise, proceed to step 13.
Do the belt grooves have pilling?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-37

Step Action Yes No

Clean the drive belt pulleys with a suitable wire brush.
5 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 6
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for misalignment of the pulleys.
6 Go to Step 7 Go to Step 8
Are any of the pulleys misaligned?
Replace or repair any misaligned pulleys.
7 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 8
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for bent or cracked brackets.
8 Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Did you find any bent or cracked brackets?
Replace any bent or cracked brackets.
9 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 10
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for improper, loose or missing fasteners.
10 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Did you find the condition?
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

11 1. Tighten any loose fasteners. Refer to “Fastener Tightening Go to Step 20 Go to Step 12

Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7): ”.
2. Replace any improper or missing fasteners.
Did you complete the repair?

Inspect for a bent pulley.
12 Go to Step 18 Go to Step 19
Did you find the condition?
Inspect for an accessory drive component seized bearing or a
faulty accessory drive component.
13 Did you find and correct the condition? Go to Step 20 Go to Step 14
If diagnosing a whine noise and the condition still exist,
proceed to Diagnostic Aids.
Test the drive belt tensioner for proper operation. Refer to
14 “Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis”. Go to Step 20 Go to Step 15
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for the correct drive belt length.
15 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 16
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for misalignment of a pulley.
16 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 17
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for the correct pulley size.
17 Go to Step 20 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the bent pulley.
18 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 19
Did you complete the repair?
Replace the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
19 Go to Step 20 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Did you complete the repair?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
20 System OK Go to Step 3
Did you correct the condition?
1D-38 Engine Mechanical:

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration This test is to verify that one of the drive belts is causing
Diagnosis the rumbling noise or vibration. Rumbling noise may be
confused with an internal engine noise due to the
Diagnostic Aids
similarity in the description. Remove only one drive belt
The accessory drive components can have an affect on
at a time if the vehicle has multiple drive belts. When
engine vibration. Vibration from the engine operating
removing the drive belts the water pump may not be
may cause a body component or another part of the
operating and the engine may overheat. Also DTCs may
vehicle to make rumbling noise. Vibration can be caused
set when the engine is operating with the drive belts
by, but not limited to the A/C system over charged, the
power steering system restricted or the incorrect fluid, or
an extra load on the generator. To help identify an
Inspecting the drive belts is to ensure that they are not
intermittent or an improper condition, vary the loads on
causing the noise. Small cracks across the ribs of the
the accessory drive components.
drive belt will not cause the noise. Belt separation is
The drive belt may have a rumbling condition that can
identified by the plys of the belt separating and may be
not be seen or felt. Sometimes replacing the drive belt
seen at the edge of the belt our felt as a lump in the belt.
may be the only repair for the symptom.
If replacing the drive belt, completing the diagnostic
Small amounts of pilling is normal condition and
table, and the noise is only heard when the drive belts
acceptable. When the pilling is severe the drive belt
are installed, there might be an accessory drive
does not have a smooth surface for proper operation.
component with a failure. Varying the load on the
different accessory drive components may aid in
Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the possibility
identifying which component is causing the rumbling
that the wrong bolt, nut, spacer, or washer was installed.

This step should only be performed if the water pump is
Test Description driven by the drive belt. Inspect the water pump shaft for
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the being bent. Also inspect the water pump bearings for
diagnostic table. smooth operation and excessive play. Compare the
2. water pump with a known good water pump.
This test is to verify that the symptom is present during 12.
diagnosing. Other vehicle components may cause a Accessory drive component brackets that are bent,
similar symptom. cracked, or loose may put extra strain on that accessory
3. component causing it to vibrate.
Step Action Yes No
Refer to “Belt Dressing Notice: ”.

DEFINITION: The following items are indications of drive belt rumbling:

• A low pitch tapping, knocking, or thumping noise heard at or just above idle.
• Heard once per revolution of the drive belt or a pulley.
• Rumbling may be caused from:
– Pilling, the accumulation of rubber dust that forms small balls (pills) or strings in the drive belt pulley groove
– The separation of the drive belt
– A damaged drive belt
DEFINITION: The following items are indications of drive belt vibration:
• The vibration is engine-speed related.
• The vibration may be sensitive to accessory load.
Did you review the Drive Belt Symptom operation and perform Go to “Symptoms -
1 Go to Step 2
the necessary inspections? Engine Mechanical”
Verify that there is a rumbling noise or that the vibration is
2 engine related. Go to Step 3 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Does the engine make the rumbling noise or vibration?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-39

Step Action Yes No

1. Remove the drive belt.
If the engine has multiple drive belts, remove the belts one
at a time and perform the test below each time a belt is Go to “Symptoms -
removed. Engine Mechanical”
3 or Go to Step 4
2. Operate the engine for no longer than 30-40 seconds.
Go to “Vibration
3. Repeat this test if necessary by removing the remaining Analysis - Engine”
Does the rumbling or vibration still exist?
Inspect the drive belts for wear, damage, separation, sections
4 of missing ribs, and debris build-up. Go to Step 7 Go to Step 5
Did you find any of these conditions?
Inspect for severe pilling of more than 1/3 of the drive belt
5 pulley grooves. Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Did you find severe pilling?
1. Clean the drive belt pulleys using a suitable wire brush.
6 2. Reinstall the drive belts. Refer to “Drive Belt Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Did you correct the condition?
Install a new drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
7 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 9
Did you complete the replacement?

Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
8 System OK Go to Step 9
Did you correct the condition?
Inspect for improper, loose or missing fasteners.
9 Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
Did you find any of these conditions?
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

10 1. Tighten any loose fasteners. Refer to “Fastener Tightening Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11

Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7): ”.
2. Replace improper or missing fasteners.
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for a bent water pump shaft. Refer to “Water Pump
11 Replacement: ”. Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for bent or cracked brackets.
12 Go to Step 13 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Did you find and correct the condition?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
13 System OK Go to Step 3
Did you correct the condition?
1D-40 Engine Mechanical:

Drive Belt Falls Off and Excessive Wear straight edge in the pulley grooves across two or three
Diagnosis pulleys. If a misaligned pulley is found refer to that
accessory drive component for the proper installation
Diagnostic Aids
procedure of that pulley.
If the drive belt repeatedly falls off the drive belt pulleys,
this is because of pulley misalignment.
Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should include
An extra load that is quickly applied on released by an
inspecting for a dent or other damage to the pulleys that
accessory drive component may cause the drive belt to
would prevent the drive belt from not seating properly in
fall off the pulleys. Verify the accessory drive
all of the pulley grooves or on the smooth surface of a
components operate properly.
pulley when the back side of the belt is used to drive the
If the drive belt is the incorrect length, the drive belt
tensioner may not keep the proper tension on the drive
Accessory drive component brackets that are bent or
Excessive wear on a drive belt is usually caused by an
cracked will let the drive belt fall off.
incorrect installation or the wrong drive belt for the
Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the possibility
Minor misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will not
that a wrong bolt, nut, spacer, or washer was installed.
cause excessive wear, but will probably cause the drive
Missing. loose, or the wrong fasteners may cause pulley
belt to make a noise or to fall off.
misalignment from the bracket moving under load. Over
Excessive misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will
tightening of the fasteners may cause misalignment of
cause excessive wear but may also make the drive belt
the accessory component bracket.
fall off.

The inspection is to verify the drive belt is correctly
Test Description installed on all of the drive belt pulleys. Wear on the drive
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the belt may be caused by mis-positioning the drive belt by
diagnostic table. one groove on a pulley.
2. 14.
This inspection is to verify the condition of the drive belt. The installation of a drive belt that is two wide or two
Damage may of occurred to the drive belt when the drive narrow will cause wear on the drive belt. The drive belt
belt fell off. The drive belt may of been damaged, which ribs should match all of the grooves on all of the pulleys.
caused the drive belt to fall off. Inspect the belt for cuts, 15.
tears, sections of ribs missing, or damaged belt plys. This inspection is to verify the drive belt is not contacting
4. any parts of the engine or body while the engine is
Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from operating. There should be sufficient clearance when the
improper mounting of the accessory drive component, drive belt accessory drive components load varies. The
incorrect installation of the accessory drive component drive belt should not come in contact with an engine or a
pulley, or the pulley bent inward or outward from a body component when snapping the throttle.
previous repair. Test for a misaligned pulley using a
Step Action Yes No
Refer to “Belt Dressing Notice: ”.

DEFINITION: The drive belt falls off the pulleys or may not ride correctly on the pulleys.
DEFINITION: Wear at the outside ribs of the drive belt due to an incorrectly installed drive belt.
Did you review the Drive Belt Symptom operation and perform Go to “Symptoms -
1 Go to Step 2
the necessary inspections? Engine Mechanical”
If diagnosing excessive wear, proceed to step 13.
If diagnosing a drive belt that falls off, inspect for a damaged
2 Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
drive belt.
Did you find the condition?
Install a new drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
3 Go to Step 4 System OK
Does the drive belt continue to fall off?
Inspect for misalignment of the pulleys.
4 Go to Step 12 Go to Step 5
Did you find and repair the condition?
Inspect for a bent or dented pulley.
5 Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
Did you find and repair the condition?
Inspect for a bent or a cracked bracket.
6 Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
Did you find and repair the condition?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-41

Step Action Yes No

Inspect for improper, loose or missing fasteners.
7 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 9
Did you find loose or missing fasteners?
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

8 1. Tighten any loose fasteners. Refer to “Fastener Tightening Go to Step 9 System OK

Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7): ”.
2. Replace improper or missing fasteners.
Does the drive belt continue to fall off?
Test the drive belt tensioner for operating correctly. Refer to
9 “Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis”. Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Does the drive belt tensioner operate correctly?
Replace the drive belt tensioner. Refer to “Drive Belt Tensioner
10 Replacement”. Go to Step 11 System OK
Does the drive belt continue to fall off?
Inspect for failed drive belt idler and drive belt tensioner pulley
11 bearings. Go to Step 12 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Did you find and repair the condition?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.

12 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?
Inspect the drive belt for the proper installation. Refer to “Drive
13 Belt Replacement”. Go to Step 16 Go to Step 14
Did you find this condition?
Inspect for the proper drive belt.
14 Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
Did you find this condition?
Inspect for the drive belt rubbing against a bracket, hose, or
15 wiring harness. Go to Step 17 Go to Diagnostic Aids
Did you find and repair the condition?
Replace the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement”.
16 Go to Step 17 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
17 System OK —
Did you correct the condition?

Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis

Step Action Yes No
Remove the drive belt and inspect the drive belt tensioner
1 pulley. Go to Step 4 Go to Step 2
Is the drive belt tensioner pulley loose or misaligned?
Rotate the drive belt tensioner.
2 Does the tensioner rotate without any unusual resistance or Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
1. Use a torque wrench in order to measure the torque
required to move the tensioner off of the stop.
2. Use a torque wrench on a known good tensioner in order
3 to measure the torque required to move the tensioner off System OK Go to Step 4
of the stop.
Is the first torque reading within 10% of the second torque
Replace the drive belt tensioner.
4 System OK —
Is the repair complete?
1D-42 Engine Mechanical:

Vibration Analysis - Engine

Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
If powertrain related DTCs are present, there may be a powertrain performance condition present which could be a
contributing cause to the customer's concern.
Making comparisons of the customer's vehicle with an equally equipped, same model year and type, KNOWN GOOD
vehicle will help determine if certain disturbances may be characteristic of a vehicle design.
Step Action Yes No
Refer to Work Stall Test Caution.

Has the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table been Go to “Vibration

1 completed? Go to Step 2 Analysis - Road
Testing: ”
Using a scan tool, determine if any DTCs are set. Go to “Diagnostic
Were any DTCs set? Starting Point -
2 Go to Step 3
Vibration Diagnosis
and Correction: ”

1. Block the front wheels.
2. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
3. With the scan tool and the J 38792-A, Electronic Vibration
Analyzer (EVA) 2, if available, still installed, start the
4. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK.
5. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance is most noticeable.
6. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available. Go to “Vibration
3 7. Place the transmission in DRIVE. Go to Step 4
Diagnostic Aids: ”
8. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance is most noticeable.
9. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.
10. If no frequency data was obtained, or if the J 38792-A, is
not available, place the transmission into REVERSE, then
repeat steps 8 and 9. Reverse-loading of the powertrain
may increase or change the characteristics of the
Were you able to duplicate the customer's concern?
Did the J 38792-A detect a dominant frequency, or was a Go to “Vibration
4 significant vibration present? Analysis - Engine/ Go to Step 5
Accessory Isolation”
Engine Mechanical: 1D-43

Step Action Yes No

Compare the test results of the customer's vehicle to the
results of the same tests run, at the same engine RPM, on an
equally-equipped, same model year and type, KNOWN GOOD
vehicle. Refer to “Vehicle-to-Vehicle Diagnostic Comparison:
”Vehicle-to-Vehicle Diagnostic Comparison.
1. Install a scan tool into the known good vehicle.
2. Install the J 38792-A, if available, into the known good
vehicle; place the sensor in exactly the same location as it
was placed in the customer's vehicle.
3. Block the front wheels.
4. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
5. Start the engine.
6. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK.
7. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the Go to “Vibration
disturbance was most noticeable in the customer's vehicle. Go to “Vibration
5 Analysis - Engine/
Diagnostic Aids: ”
8. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the Accessory Isolation”
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.

9. Place the transmission in DRIVE.
10. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance was most noticeable in the customer's vehicle.
11. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.
12. If no frequency data was obtained, or if the J 38792-A, is
not available, place the transmission into REVERSE, then
repeat steps 10 and 11. Reverse-loading of the powertrain
may increase or change the characteristics of the
Did both of the vehicles exhibit the same characteristics?
1D-44 Engine Mechanical:

Vibration Analysis - Engine/Accessory Non-rotating engine driven accessory component

Isolation systems can no longer produce a unique disturbance.
Test Description
Non-rotating engine driven accessory components can
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
no longer produce a unique disturbance. If a disturbance
diagnostic table.
is still present, but the characteristics have been altered,
it is possible that these component systems are acting
A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective powertrain
as a transfer path for engine firing frequency or a first
insulator and/or bracket may create a transfer path into
order engine disturbance.
the passenger compartment.
If a disturbance is still present, but the characteristics
have NOT been altered, it is NOT likely that these
A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective exhaust
component systems are acting as a transfer path for
system insulator and/or bracket may create a transfer
engine firing frequency or a first order engine
path into the passenger compartment.
Incorrectly seated and/or aligned powertrain
If the mark placed on the face of an engine driven
components and/or exhaust system components may
accessory pulley seems to stand still while running this
create a transfer path into the passenger compartment.
test, then that accessory system is either responding to
When loosening powertrain mounts in order to re-bed
an existing frequency, such as engine firing pulses, or
the powertrain observe the following:
creating a disturbance.
Do not loosen the mount bracket-to-engine bolts/nuts,
do not loosen the mount bracket-to-vehicle frame bolts/
A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective engine

nuts if mount brackets are used.
driven accessory system insulator and/or bracket may
Loosen the mount-to-mount bracket bolts/nuts if mount
create a transfer path into the passenger compartment.
brackets are used, or loosen the mount-to-slotted holes
in vehicle frame bolts/nuts if a direct-mount design is
Removing the engine driven accessory and bracket, or
brackets from the engine allows a thorough inspection to
determine if any conditions are present that may create
a transfer path into the passenger compartment.
Step Action Yes No
Refer to Work Stall Test Caution.

Were you sent here from the Vibration Analysis - Engine Go to “Vibration
1 Go to Step 2
table? Analysis - Engine”
Is the J 38792-A, Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2,
2 Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
1. Using the engine RPM and frequency data recorded for
the customer's vehicle, determine the order of engine
rotation to which the disturbance is related.
2. Determine the possible causes of the disturbance as it
3 relates to a specific order of engine rotation. Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
Refer to “Engine Order Classification”.
Does the Engine Order Classification table indicate that the
disturbance is of the same order as the engine firing
Does the Engine Order Classification table indicate that the
4 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 5
disturbance is likely related to engine driven accessories?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-45

Step Action Yes No

Inspect the powertrain mounts—engine, transmission, transfer
case, and direct-mount drive axle, if equipped—and any
powertrain braces for the following conditions:
• Loose and/or missing fasteners
• Improper alignment
5 • Cracked, dry-rotted, and/or oil-soaked insulators Go to Step 13 Go to Step 6
• Twisted, broken, torn, and/or collapsed insulators
• Bent, twisted, and/or deformed brackets
Realign or replace powertrain mounts as indicated by the
Did you find and correct a condition?
Inspect the exhaust system components for the following:
• Loose and/or missing fasteners
– Heat Shields
– Joints and/or couplings:
Nuts, bolts, studs, clamps, straps
– Bracket and/or insulator mounting
• Inadequate clearance to body and/or chassis components

Inspect with the exhaust system both COLD and HOT; in
6 NEUTRAL, FORWARD and REVERSE gears Go to Step 13 Go to Step 7
• Improper alignment
• Disconnected and/or missing insulators
• Cracked, dry-rotted, and/or oil-soaked insulators
• Stretched, twisted, broken, torn, and/or collapsed insulators
• Bent, twisted, cracked, and/or deformed brackets
Repair, replace, and/or realign exhaust system components as
indicated by the inspection.
Did you find and correct a condition?
Perform the Powertrain Mount Balance Procedure if available
or perform the following procedure to re-bed the powertrain:
1. Loosen, but do not remove, all powertrain mounts and
exhaust system hangers.
2. Ensure that the exhaust flexible coupling, if equipped,
moves freely.
3. Start the engine.
7 Go to Step 13 —
4. Settle the powertrain by shifting the transmission from
5. Place the transmission into NEUTRAL.
6. Turn OFF the ignition.
7. Tighten all of the loosened fasteners with the powertrain in
a relaxed position.
Did you complete the operation?
1D-46 Engine Mechanical:

Step Action Yes No

Do not run the engine for longer than 60 seconds
with the accessory drive belt, or belts removed, or
overheating and/or damage may result.

1. Remove the engine accessory drive belt, or belts.

2. Block the front wheels.
3. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
4. With the scan tool still installed, start the engine.
8 5. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK. Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
6. Increase the engine RPM to the level recorded during
duplication of the disturbance.
7. Allow the engine to idle, then place the transmission in
8. Increase the engine RPM to the level recorded during
duplication of the disturbance.
9. Turn OFF the ignition.
10. Install the engine accessory drive belt, or belts.

Was the disturbance significantly reduced or eliminated?
Were the characteristics of the disturbance altered but still
9 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 15
Engine Mechanical: 1D-47

Step Action Yes No

1. Mark the face of the suspected accessory pulleys,
including any related idler pulleys, near the outer edge
with a paint mark.
2. Install the J 38792-25, Inductive Pickup Timing Light to the
J 38792-A.
For information on the use of the EVA features, refer to
“Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) Description and
Operation: ”.
3. Block the front wheels.
4. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
5. With the scan tool and the J 38792-A, still installed, start
the engine.
6. Select the Smart Strobe feature on the J 38792-A.
7. Enter the recorded frequency of the disturbance as the
initial frequency for strobe operation.
8. Have an assistant place the transmission in NEUTRAL or
9. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level recorded

during duplication of the disturbance, then maintain that
speed. Go to “Vibration
10 Go to Step 11
Diagnostic Aids: ”
10. Using the J 38792-25, check each of the suspected
accessory pulleys to determine if any of them is related to
the frequency of the disturbance.
Check each of the accessory systems, both engaged and
under maximum load and disengaged or under minimum
11. Allow the engine to idle, then place the transmission in
12. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level recorded
during duplication of the disturbance, then maintain that
speed closely.
13. Using the J 38792-25, check each of the suspected
accessory pulleys to determine if any of them is related to
the frequency of the disturbance.
Check each of the accessory systems, both engaged and
under maximum load and disengaged or under minimum
14. Turn OFF the ignition.
Did you identify an engine driven accessory system as being
related to the frequency of the disturbance?
1D-48 Engine Mechanical:

Step Action Yes No

Inspect the components of the engine driven accessory
system for the following:
• Loose and/or missing fasteners
– Heat Shields, if equipped
– Joints and/or couplings:
Nuts, bolts, studs, clamps, straps
– Bracket and/or insulator mounting
• Inadequate clearance to body and/or chassis components
Inspect with the accessory system both under a LOAD and
NOT loaded
11 • Improper alignment Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
• Bent or damaged pulleys
• Disconnected and/or missing insulators
• Cracked, dry-rotted, and/or oil-soaked component
• Stretched, twisted, broken, torn, and/or collapsed
component insulators
• Bent, twisted, cracked and/or deformed component

Repair, replace, and/or realign the engine driven accessory
system components as indicated by the inspection.
Did you find and correct a condition?
1. Remove the engine driven accessory and bracket, or
brackets from the engine.
2. Thoroughly inspect the accessory bracket, or brackets,
bolts/nuts/studs, and the accessory itself for signs of the
12 Bent, twisted, cracked and/or deformed conditions Go to Step 13 Go to Step 17
3. Replace any of the components found to exhibit any of
these conditions.
4. Reinstall the components to the engine.
Did you find and correct a condition?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-49

Step Action Yes No

Check the vehicle to determine if the disturbance is now
significantly reduced or eliminated. Perform the following
1. Install a scan tool into the customer's vehicle.
2. Install the J 38792-A, if available, into the customer's
vehicle; place the sensor in exactly the same location as it
was originally placed in the vehicle.
3. Block the front wheels.
4. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
5. Start the engine.
6. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK.
7. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance was most noticeable.
13 8. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the Go to Step 18 Go to Step 14
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.
9. Place the transmission in DRIVE.
10. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the

disturbance was most noticeable.
11. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.
12. If the disturbance has been significantly reduced or
eliminated, confirm the results by placing the transmission
into REVERSE, then repeat steps 10 and 11. Reverse-
loading of the powertrain may increase or change the
characteristics of the vibration.
Has the disturbance been significantly reduced or eliminated?
Have you investigated powertrain isolation as a possible
14 Go to Step 15 Go to Step 5
cause of the disturbance?
Have you investigated engine driven accessories as a Go to “Vibration
15 possible cause of the disturbance? Analysis - Engine Go to Step 16
Is the J 38792-A available? Go to “Vibration
16 Go to Step 8
Diagnostic Aids: ”
Replace the engine driven accessory component causing the
17 disturbance. Go to Step 18 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Install or connect any components that were removed or
disconnected during diagnosis.
18 2. Perform the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table. Refer Go to Step 2 System OK
to “Vibration Analysis - Road Testing: ”.
Is the disturbance still present?
1D-50 Engine Mechanical:

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance An engine flywheel that has excessive lateral runout,
Test Description when combined with the extra mass of the clutch
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the pressure plate and clutch driven plate, can produce a
diagnostic table. disturbance.
4. 14.
If sufficient clearance exists to separate the transmission The clutch pressure plate and the engine flywheel are
torque converter from the engine flywheel/flexplate, then marked for proper indexing of the heavy-spot of one to
further tests can be used to isolate the transmission from the light-spot of the other. Improper indexing of the
the engine. pressure plate to the flywheel can produce a
5. disturbance.
An engine flywheel/flexplate that has excessive lateral 15.
runout, when combined with the mass of the An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine crankshaft
transmission torque converter, can produce a or that is cracked, damaged and/or missing balance
disturbance. weights; and/or a clutch pressure plate and clutch driven
6. plate that has loose springs, cracks, warpage, damage
An engine flywheel/flexplate that is loose at the engine and/or missing balance weights - can produce a
crankshaft or that is cracked or damaged, when disturbance when their mass is combined.
combined with the mass of the transmission torque 16.
converter, can produce a disturbance. An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine crankshaft
7. or that is cracked, damaged and/or missing balance
This step is designed to isolate the transmission from the weights; and/or a clutch pressure plate and clutch driven
plate that has loose springs, cracks, warpage, damage

engine to determine if the disturbance is related to the
engine ONLY. and/or missing balance weights - can produce a
9. disturbance when their mass is combined.
Re-indexing the transmission torque converter to the 17.
engine flywheel/flexplate alters the balance relationship Re-indexing the pressure plate to the engine flywheel
between the torque converter and the rear of the engine. alters the balance relationship between the pressure
11. plate/flywheel assembly and the rear of the engine.
Placing the J 38792-A sensor onto the underside of the 18.
engine oil pan along the FRONT and the REAR edge An engine flywheel/flexplate that is damaged,
allows for a determination to be made, which will help to misaligned, and/or imbalanced, can produce a
narrow down the cause of the disturbance. disturbance.
13. 19.
An engine crankshaft balancer that is damaged,
misaligned, and/or imbalanced, can produce a
Step Action Yes No
Refer to Work Stall Test Caution.

Were you sent here from the Vibration Analysis - Engine/ Go to “Vibration
1 Accessory Isolation table? Go to Step 2 Analysis - Engine/
Accessory Isolation”
Is the J 38792-A, Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2, Go to “Vibration
2 Go to Step 3
available? Diagnostic Aids: ”
3 Is the vehicle equipped with a manual transmission? Go to Step 11 Go to Step 4
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Remove the flywheel/flexplate-to-torque converter bolts
access cover, if equipped.
3. Determine if sufficient clearance exists to separate the
4 transmission torque converter away from the engine Go to Step 5 Go to Step 11
flywheel/flexplate and safely secure the torque converter
from accidentally engaging with the flywheel/flexplate.
Is there sufficient clearance to separate and safely secure the
transmission torque converter away from the engine flywheel/
Engine Mechanical: 1D-51

Step Action Yes No

1. With the flywheel/flexplate-to-torque converter access
cover still removed, and with the vehicle still raised, mark
the position of the transmission torque converter in relation
to the engine flywheel/flexplate.
2. Disconnect the torque converter and move it away from
the flywheel/flexplate.
3. Secure the transmission torque converter away from the
engine flywheel/flexplate to avoid accidental engagement
with the flywheel/flexplate.
5 4. Lower the vehicle, start the engine and allow the engine to Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
5. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
6. Visually inspect the flywheel/flexplate for excessive lateral
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Turn OFF the ignition.
Did the flywheel/flexplate exhibit excessive lateral runout?
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Inspect the flywheel/flexplate for the following:
6 – Looseness at the engine crankshaft Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
– Cracks and/or damage
– Missing balance weights
Did the flywheel/flexplate exhibit any of the conditions listed?
1. With the transmission torque converter still secured away
from the engine flywheel/flexplate to avoid accidental
engagement with the flywheel/flexplate, lower the vehicle.
2. Block the front wheels.
3. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
4. With the scan tool and the J 38792-A still installed, start
the engine.
7 5. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK. Go to Step 9 Go to Step 11
6. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance is most noticeable.
7. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
8. Turn OFF the ignition.
Has the disturbance been significantly reduced or eliminated?
1. If the flywheel/flexplate is loose at the engine crankshaft,
tighten the flywheel/flexplate mounting bolts in sequence
and to specification.
8 2. If the flywheel/flexplate is cracked, damaged, and/or has Go to Step 20 —
missing balance weights, replace the damaged flywheel/
Did you complete the tightening or replacement?
1D-52 Engine Mechanical:

Step Action Yes No

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Re-index the transmission torque converter to the engine
flywheel/flexplate, 120 degrees from its original position.
3. Reconnect the transmission torque converter to the engine
4. Lower the vehicle.
5. Block the front wheels.
6. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
9 7. With the scan tool and the J 38792-A still installed, start Go to Step 20 Go to Step 10
the engine.
8. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK.
9. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance is most noticeable.
10. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
11. If the disturbance is still noticeable, re-index the torque

converter again to obtain the least amount of disturbance.
Has the disturbance been significantly reduced or eliminated?
Replace the out-of-balance transmission torque converter.
10 Go to Step 20 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Position the J 38792-A sensor onto the underside of the
engine oil pan, along the FRONT edge.
3. Lower the vehicle.
4. Block the front wheels.
5. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
6. With the scan tool and the J 38792-A, still installed, start
the engine.
11 7. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK. Go to Step 19 Go to Step 12
8. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance is most noticeable.
9. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A from the underside of the engine oil pan.
10. Repeat steps 1 through 9, placing the J 38792-A sensor
onto the underside of the engine oil pan, along the REAR
Is the disturbance greater along the FRONT of the engine?
12 Is the vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission? Go to Step 18 Go to Step 13
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Remove the flywheel inspection cover.
13 3. Start the engine. Allow the engine to idle. Go to Step 18 Go to Step 14
4. Visually inspect the engine flywheel clutch surface for
excessive lateral runout.
Does the engine flywheel clutch surface exhibit excessive
lateral runout?
Inspect the clutch pressure plate to engine flywheel mounting
for proper factory indexing.
14 Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
Is the clutch pressure plate properly indexed to the engine
Engine Mechanical: 1D-53

Step Action Yes No

1. Remove the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate
from the engine flywheel.
2. Inspect the engine flywheel for the following:
– Looseness at the engine crankshaft
– Cracks, warpage and/or damage
– Missing balance weights
3. Inspect the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate
15 for the following: Go to Step 18 Go to Step 17
– Loose and/or damaged clutch driven plate damper
– Loose and/or damaged clutch pressure plate diaphragm
– Cracks, warpage and/or damage
– Missing balance weights
Do any of the above conditions exist?
1. Remove the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate
from the engine flywheel.
2. Inspect the engine flywheel for the following:

– Looseness at the engine crankshaft
– Cracks, warpage and/or damage
– Missing balance weights
3. Inspect the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate Go to “Vibration
16 for the following: Go to Step 18
Diagnostic Aids: ”
– Loose and/or damaged clutch driven plate damper
– Loose and/or damaged clutch pressure plate diaphragm
– Cracks, warpage and/or damage
– Missing balance weights
Do any of the above conditions exist?
Re-index the pressure plate to the engine flywheel.
17 Go to Step 20 —
Did you complete the re-indexing?
Replace the engine flywheel/flexplate.
18 Go to Step 20 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the engine crankshaft balancer.
19 Go to Step 20 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1D-54 Engine Mechanical:

Step Action Yes No

Check the vehicle to determine if the disturbance is now
significantly reduced or eliminated. Perform the following
1. Install or connect any components that were removed or
disconnected during diagnosis.
2. Install a scan tool into the customer's vehicle.
3. Install the J 38792-A, if available, into the customer's
vehicle; place the sensor in exactly the same location as it
was originally placed in the vehicle.
4. Block the front wheels.
5. Apply BOTH the service brakes and the park brake.
6. Start the engine.
7. Place the transmission in NEUTRAL or PARK.
8. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance was most noticeable. Go to “Vibration
20 Go to Step 21
Diagnostic Aids: ”
9. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.

10. Place the transmission in DRIVE.
11. Slowly increase the engine RPM to the level at which the
disturbance was most noticeable.
12. Record the engine RPM obtained on the scan tool and the
most dominant frequency reading if obtained on the J
38792-A, if available.
13. If the disturbance has been significantly reduced or
eliminated, confirm the results by placing the transmission
into REVERSE, then repeat steps 11 and 12. Reverse-
loading of the powertrain may increase or change the
characteristics of the vibration.
Has the disturbance been significantly reduced or eliminated?
Perform the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table. Refer to
Go to “Vibration
21 “Vibration Analysis - Road Testing: ”. System OK
Diagnostic Aids: ”
Is the disturbance still present?
Engine Mechanical: 1D-55

Engine Order Classification

Engine First Order Classification
1. Convert the engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM), recorded during duplication of the disturbance into
Hertz, revolutions per second (RPS), by dividing the RPM by 60 seconds. Refer to the following example:
1,200 RPM divided by 60 = 20 Hz (or RPS)
2. Compare the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance with the engine speed just
converted into Hz, to determine if they are related.
3. If the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance and the engine speed, converted
into Hz, ARE related, then an engine FIRST ORDER related disturbance is present. Engine first order
disturbances are usually related to an imbalanced component. Refer to the Engine Order Related Disturbances
4. If the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance and the engine speed, converted
into Hz, are NOT related, then determine if the disturbance is related to the engine's firing frequency. Proceed to
Engine Firing Frequency Classification.

Engine Firing Frequency Classification

Engine firing frequency is a term used to describe the number of firing pulses (one firing pulse = one cylinder firing)
that occur during ONE complete revolution of the crankshaft, multiplied by the number of crankshaft revolutions per
second, Hz.
1. Calculate the engine firing frequency.

– To determine the firing frequency of a 4-stroke engine during ONE complete revolution of the crankshaft,
multiply the engine speed, converted into Hz, by HALF of the total number of cylinders in the engine.
– For example: The engine speed, converted into Hz, was 20 Hz; if the vehicle was equipped with a V8 engine, 4
of the 8 cylinders would actually fire during ONE complete revolution of the crankshaft.
– Multiply the converted engine speed (20 Hz) by 4 cylinders firing.
20 Hz X 4 = 80 Hz
– The engine firing frequency for a V8 engine at the original engine speed of 1,200 RPM, recorded during
duplication of the disturbance, would be 80 Hz.
– In like manner, a 6-cylinder engine would have a firing frequency of 60 Hz at the same engine speed of 1,200
20 Hz X 3 = 60 Hz
2. Compare the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance with the engine firing
frequency in Hz, just calculated, to determine if they are related.
3. If the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing frequency in
Hz, just calculated ARE related, then an engine FIRING FREQUENCY related disturbance is present. Engine
firing frequency disturbances are usually related to improper isolation of a component. Refer to the Engine Order
Related Disturbances table.
4. If the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing frequency in
Hz, just calculated are NOT related, then determine if the disturbance is related to another engine order
classification. Proceed to Other Engine Order Classification.

Other Engine Order Classification

1. Multiply the engine speed, converted into Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance by different possible
order-numbers, other than 1 (first order) or the number used to determine the firing frequency of the engine.
2. Compare the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance with the other possible
engine orders just calculated, to determine if they are related.
3. If the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during duplication of the disturbance and one of the other engine order
frequencies in Hz, just calculated ARE related, then an engine related disturbance of that order is present. If an
engine related disturbance is present that is NOT related to first order or firing frequency, then it could be related to
an engine driven accessory system. Proceed to Engine Driven Accessories Related to Engine Order.
1D-56 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Driven Accessories Related to Engine Order

Engine driven accessory systems can be related to specific engine orders depending upon the relationship of the
accessory pulley diameter to the crankshaft pulley diameter. For example:
• If the crankshaft pulley measured 20 cm (8 in) in diameter and one of the engine driven accessory pulleys
measured 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, then that accessory pulley would rotate 2 times for every one rotation of the
crankshaft pulley. If that accessory system was not isolated properly, or was not operating properly, it would be
identifiable as a 2nd order engine related disturbance.
• In like manner, if an engine driven accessory pulley measured 5 cm (2 in) in diameter, then that accessory pulley
would rotate 4 times for every one rotation of the crankshaft pulley. If that accessory system was not isolated
properly, or was not operating properly, it would be identifiable as a 4th order engine related disturbance.
Engine driven accessories that contribute to, are excited by, or are the sole cause of a disturbance are usually doing
so because of improper isolation that causes a transfer path into the passenger compartment or to another major
component of the vehicle body.
Using the J 38792-VS, Vibrate Software, accurately measuring the diameters of the accessory pulleys and the
crankshaft pulley, and performing the appropriate diagnostic procedures completely will lead to the specific accessory
system which is either contributing to, or causing the customer's concern.

Engine Order Related Disturbances

Engine Arrangement
L4 L4 90 Degree V6
Engine W/O Balance With Balance L5 L6 60 Degree V6 With Balance 90 Degree V8

Order Shaft Shaft Shaft
Abnormal - Abnormal -
Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Likely Single Likely Single Abnormal -
½ Order
Likely Single Likely Single Likely Single Likely Single Cylinder Cylinder Likely Single
Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Misfire and/or Misfire and/or Cylinder
Misfire Misfire Misfire Misfire EGR/Fuel EGR/Fuel Misfire
Variance Variance
Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal - Abnormal -
Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely
1st Order
Component Component Component Component Component Component Component
Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance
Abnormal - Abnormal -
Likely Bank to Likely Bank to
Possible Possible Possible Possible Bank EGR/ Bank EGR/ Possible
1½ Order
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Fuel Variance Fuel Variance Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Possible Possible Accessory
Related Related Related Related Engine Driven Engine Driven Related
Accessory Accessory
Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
of Engine of Engine of Engine
2nd Order Possible Possible Possible Possible
Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement
Non Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
- Possible - Possible - Possible
Torque Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory
Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain
Sensitive Related Related Related Related
Isolation Isolation Isolation
Related Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic
- Possible - Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible Bank EGR/
2nd Order
Powertrain Powertrain Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Fuel Variance
Isolation Isolation Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related Related Related Related
Possible Possible Possible
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related
Engine Mechanical: 1D-57

Engine Arrangement
L4 L4 90 Degree V6
Engine W/O Balance With Balance L5 L6 60 Degree V6 With Balance 90 Degree V8
Order Shaft Shaft Shaft
Possible Possible - Possible Possible Possible Possible Possible
2 ½ Order
Engine Driven Engine Driven Powertrain Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Isolation Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related Related Related Related Related
Engine Driven
Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
Possible Possible Possible - Possible - Possible - Possible Possible
3rd Order

Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Accessory Isolation Isolation Isolation Accessory
Related Related Related Related Related Related Related
Possible Possible Possible
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic
- Minimal - Minimal
Amount - of Amount - of
Engine Engine
Arrangement Arrangement
Possible Possible Possible Possible - Possible
4th Order - Possible - Possible
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Powertrain
Torque Powertrain Powertrain
Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Isolation
Sensitive Isolation Isolation
Related Related Related Related Related
Related Related
Possible Possible Possible
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related
1D-58 Engine Mechanical:

Repair Instructions
Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure

1. Install the air cleaner intake duct to the MAF/IAT
1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel sensor and the throttle body.
Injector Sight Shield Replacement”.
2. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV)
tube from the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Tighten the air cleaner outlet duct clamps at the

throttle body and the MAF/IAT sensor.
Tightening torque
Tighten the clamps to 4 N⋅m (35 lb in).

3. Loosen the air cleaner outlet duct clamps at the

throttle body and the mass air flow (MAF)/intake air
temperature (IAT) sensor.
4. Remove the air cleaner intake duct from the MAF/
IAT sensor and the throttle body.
3. Install the PCV tube to the air cleaner outlet duct.
4. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-59

Air Cleaner Element Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Install the air cleaner element.

1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air 2. Rotate and close the air cleaner upper half.

Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”. 3. Secure the clips (1) on the air cleaner lower half.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector from the mass air flow (MAF)/intake air
temperature (IAT) sensor.

4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector to the MAF/IAT sensor.
5. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
3. Release the clips (1) on the air cleaner lower half. Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”.
4. Open and rotate the air cleaner upper half.
5. Remove the air cleaner element.
1D-60 Engine Mechanical:

Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. If the air cleaner assembly was replaced, install the

1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air MAF/IAT sensor. Refer to “Mass Airflow Sensor/

Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”. Intake Air Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical 2. Install the air cleaner assembly by inserting the two
connector from the mass air flow (MAF)/intake air pins into the front panel.
temperature (IAT) sensor.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the air cleaner bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the air cleaner bolt.

4. Disengage the air cleaner pins from the front panel
and remove the air cleaner assembly.
5. If replacing the air cleaner assembly, remove the
MAF/IAT sensor. Refer to “Mass Airflow Sensor/
Intake Air Temperature Sensor Replacement: ”.
4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector to the MAF/IAT sensor.
5. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-61

Throttle Body Assembly Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Position a NEW throttle body gasket to the upper

1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air intake manifold.

Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”. 2. Position the throttle body to the upper intake
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical manifold.
connector (1) from the throttle actuator control (TAC)
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the throttle body bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the throttle body bolts.

4. Remove the throttle body and gasket. Discard the

4. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (1) to the TAC module.
5. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”.
1D-62 Engine Mechanical:

Throttle Body Service Drive Belt Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Over extended time and mileage, deposits Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
may accumulate on the back of the throttle
valve plate. The source of the deposit is 2. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) gas. Support Fixture”.
Typically these deposits pose no problem. 3. Remove the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
Occasionally the deposit may accumulate to “Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
a point where perceived pedal effort or Side”.
throttle valve movement is effected. This 4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
procedure should not be performed on Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
vehicles with mileage under 80 450 km 5. Remove the engine splash shield. Refer to “Engine
(50,000 mi). Splash Shield Replacement - Right Side: ”.
1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air 6. Remove the right side engine mount bracket. Refer
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”. to “Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right
! WARNING 7. Lower the vehicle.
Turn OFF the ignition before inserting fingers
into the throttle bore. Unexpected movement

of the throttle blade could cause personal

Do not insert any tools into the throttle body
bore in order to avoid damage to the throttle
valve plate.

2. Inspect the throttle body bore and the throttle valve

plate for deposits. You will need to open the throttle
valve in order to inspect all surfaces.

Do not use any solvent that contains Methyl
Ethyl Ketone (MEK). This solvent may
damage fuel system components. 8. Rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise to release
the drive belt tension.
3. Clean the throttle body bore and the throttle valve 9. Slide the drive belt off of the belt idler pulley (1).
plate using a clean shop towel with GM top engine
10. Slowly release the drive belt tensioner.
cleaner, GM P/N 1052626 (Canadian P/N 993026)
or AC-Delco Carburetor Tune-Up Conditioner, P/N 11. Remove the drive belt from the accessory drive
X66-P, or an equivalent product. pulleys.
4. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-63

Installation Procedure Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Install the drive belt to the crankshaft pulley, the

tensioner and the generator. 1. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt

2. Rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise. Replacement”.
3. Install the drive belt to the idler pulley (1). 2. Loosen the idler pulley.
NOTE 3. Remove the tensioner bolts.
4. Remove the tensioner.
Ensure the drive belt is properly aligned and
seated into the grooves of the accessory
drive pulleys. Installation Procedure

4. Slowly release the drive belt tensioner.

5. Raise the vehicle.
6. Install the right side engine mount bracket. Refer to
“Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side”.
7. Install the engine splash shield. Refer to “Engine
Splash Shield Replacement - Right Side: ”.
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Install the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
10. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture”.
11. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.

1. Position the tensioner and install the tensioner bolts.

2. Tighten the idler pulley.
3. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
1D-64 Engine Mechanical:

Drive Belt Idler Pulley Replacement

Removal Procedure

7. Remove the drive belt idler pulley.

1. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Installation Procedure

2. Completely loosen the idler pulley bolt.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection: ”.
4. Disconnect the generator electrical connector (1).

1. Install the drive belt idler pulley.

2. Position generator in place then install the generator

5. Reposition the battery cable boot then disconnect

the battery cable from the generator.
6. Remove the generator bolts and position generator
Engine Mechanical: 1D-65

6. Connect the generator electrical connector (1).

7. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Replacement”.

8. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
3. Tighten the generator and idler pulley bolt in
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
sequence shown.
Tightening torque Engine Mount Inspection
Tighten the generator and drive belt idler pulley
bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft). NOTE
Before replacing any engine mount due to
suspected fluid loss, verify that the source of
the fluid is the engine mount, not the engine
or accessories.

1. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine

Support Fixture”.
2. Observe the engine mount while raising the engine.
Raising the engine removes the weight from the
engine mount and creates slight tension on the
3. Replace the engine mount if the engine mount
exhibits any of the following conditions:
– The hard rubber is covered with heat check
– The rubber is separated from the metal plate of
the engine mount.
4. Install the battery cable. – The rubber is split through the center of the
5. Install the battery cable boot. engine mount.
– The engine mount itself is leaking fluid.
4. For engine mount replacement. Refer to “Engine
Mount Replacement - Right Side”, “Transmission
Rear Mount Replacement (Getrag 760 Transfer
Case): ”, “Transmission Front Mount Replacement: ”
or “Transmission Mount Replacement - Left Side: ”.
1D-66 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Rear Mount Replacement 1. Position engine mount in place and install engine
Removal Procedure mount bracket to engine mount bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).
2. Install the engine mount to frame bolts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the engine mount bolts to 50 N⋅m (38 lb
3. Lower the vehicle.
4. Remove the engine support. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture”.
5. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.

Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air

Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
2. Support the engine. Refer to “Engine Support
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
4. Remove three engine mount bracket bolts (1).
5. Remove engine mount bracket to engine mount bolt.
6. Remove engine mount from vehicle.

Installation Procedure

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air

Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
2. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
3. Support the engine. Refer to “Engine Support
4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
5. Remove three upper engine mount bracket bolts (1).
6. Loosen right upper front engine mount bracket bolt

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and
Engine Mechanical: 1D-67

Installation Procedure

7. Remove the upper engine mount bracket nuts (1).

8. Remove the lower bracket bolts (2). ! CAUTION
9. Remove the ABS connector clip from the frame.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and
10. Remove the mount (3) and the lower bracket (4) Notices.
from the vehicle.
1. Install the engine mount (3) to the lower bracket (4).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).

11. Remove the upper bracket bolt (1) from the bracket.
12. Remove the upper bracket.
13. Remove the engine mount (3) from the lower bracket
(4). 2. Install the engine mount upper bracket and bolt (1) to
the engine. Do not tighten the bolt.
3. Install the ABS connector clip to the bracket.
1D-68 Engine Mechanical:

8. Lower the vehicle.

9. Remove the engine support. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture”.
10. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
11. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.

Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right

Removal Procedure

4. Install the lower bracket bolts (2).

Tightening torque
Tighten the lower bracket bolts to 50 N⋅m (38 lb

5. Install the upper engine mount bracket nuts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the upper engine mount bracket nuts to
50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air

Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
2. Support the engine. Refer to “Engine Support
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
4. Remove three upper engine mount bracket bolts (1).
5. Loosen right upper front bolt (2).

6. Install the upper engine mount bracket bolts (1).

Tightening torque
Tighten the upper engine mount bracket bolts to
50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).
7. Tighten the right upper engine mount bracket bolt (2)
to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Tightening torque
Tighten the right upper engine mount bracket
bolt to 50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-69

6. Remove the ABS connector clip from the frame. 10. Remove the mount (3) and the lower bracket (4)
7. Remove the upper engine mount bracket nuts (1). from the vehicle.
8. Remove the lower bracket bolts (2). 11. Remove the upper bracket.

Installation Procedure

9. Remove the upper bracket bolt (1) from the bracket.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and

1. Install the engine mount (3) and the lower bracket (4)
to the vehicle.
Tightening torque
Tighten the lower bracket bolts to 50 N⋅m (38 lb
2. Install the ABS connector clip to the frame.
3. Install the upper engine mount bracket nuts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the upper engine mount bracket nuts to
50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).
1D-70 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Mount Strut Replacement - Right

Removal Procedure

4. Install the engine mount upper bracket and bolt (1) to

the engine. Do not tighten the bolt.

1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
2. Remove the engine mount strut to bracket bolts (1).
3. Rotate strut (2) vertical then remove engine mount
strut to side rail nuts (3).
4. Remove the strut from vehicle.

Installation Procedure

5. Tighten the right upper engine mount bracket bolt

Tightening torque
Tighten the right upper engine mount bracket
bolt to 50 N⋅m (38 lb ft).
6. Install the upper engine mount bracket bolts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the upper engine mount bracket bolts to
110 N⋅m (81 lb ft).
7. Lower the vehicle. ! CAUTION
8. Remove the engine support. Refer to “Engine Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and
Support Fixture”. Notices.
9. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-71

1. Position the strut (2) to the side rail, then install the Installation Procedure
strut to side rail nuts (3).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 110 N⋅m (81 lb ft).
2. Install the engine mount strut to bracket bolts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
3. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.

Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement -

Right Side
Removal Procedure


Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and

1. Position the engine mount strut bracket.

2. Install the engine mount strut bracket to cylinder
head bolts (2).
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 110 N⋅m (81 lb ft).
3. Install the engine mount strut bracket bolts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (81 lb ft).
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air 4. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Cleaner Assembly Replacement”. Assembly Replacement”.
2. Remove the engine mount strut to bracket bolts (1).
3. Rotate the strut vertical.
4. Remove the engine mount strut bracket to cylinder
head bolts (2).
1D-72 Engine Mechanical:

Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement Crankcase Ventilation Hoses/Pipes

Removal Procedure Replacement (Front)
Removal Procedure

1. Remove the oil fill cap.

2. Lift upward and remove cover from ballstuds. 1. Remove the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector
Sight Shield Replacement”.
Installation Procedure 2. Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation (PVC)
fresh air pipe from the air cleaner duct.
3. Disconnect the PVC air pipe from the valve cover.

Installation Procedure

1. Push downward on cover and lock into place on

2. Install the oil fill cap.

1. Connect the PVC air pipe to the valve cover valve.

2. Connect the PVC fresh air pipe to the air cleaner
3. Install the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight
Shield Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-73

Crankcase Ventilation Hoses/Pipes Upper Intake Manifold Replacement

Replacement (Rear) Removal Procedure
Removal Procedure

1. Remove the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector

1. Remove the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement”.
Sight Shield Replacement”. 2. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct.
2. Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation (PVC) 3. Reposition the fresh air positive crankcase
fresh air pipe from the upper intake manifold. ventilation (PCV) line (1) from the air cleaner inlet
3. Disconnect the PVC foul air pipe from the PVC tube.

Installation Procedure

4. Disconnect the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC)

electrical connector.

1. Connect the PVC foul air pipe to the PVC valve.

2. Connect the PVC fresh air pipe to the upper intake
3. Install the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight
Shield Replacement”.
1D-74 Engine Mechanical:

8. Remove the bleed pipe hose clamp (2).

9. Reposition the bleed pipe.
10. Remove the brake booster vacuum hose from the
intake manifold.

5. Disconnect the PCV line (2) from the top of the

intake manifold and reposition aside.

11. Remove the engine harness retaining clips.

6. Disconnect the evaporative emissions (EVAP)

canister purge line (3) and reposition aside.

12. Remove the upper intake retaining bolts.

13. Remove the upper intake manifold and gasket.
Discard gasket.
14. If replacing the upper intake manifold complete the
following steps:
a. Remove the evaporative emissions (EVAP)
purge solenoid valve. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
Replacement: ”.
b. Remove the throttle body. Refer to “Throttle
Body Assembly Replacement”.

7. Remove the bleed pipe bolts (1).

Engine Mechanical: 1D-75

Installation Procedure

5. Install the engine harness retaining clips.

1. Install the upper intake manifold gaskets to the lower 6. Install the brake booster vacuum hose to the intake
intake manifold and install the fir tree retainers to manifold.

retain the upper intake manifold gasket position. 7. Install the brake booster vacuum hose to the intake
2. Install the upper intake manifold. manifold.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and

3. Apply threadlock to the bolt threads. Refer to

“Sealers, Adhesives, and Lubricants”. Install the
upper intake manifold bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
4. If the upper manifold was replaced, complete the
following steps:
a. Install the throttle body. Refer to “Throttle Body
Assembly Replacement”.
b. Install the EVAP purge solenoid valve. Refer to
“Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid
Valve Replacement: ”.
8. Position the bleed pipe.
9. Install the bleed pipe hose clamp (2).
10. Install the bleed pipe bolts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
11. Connect the coolant hose bleed pipe (4).
1D-76 Engine Mechanical:

12. Connect the EVAP canister purge line (3). 14. Connect the ETC electrical connector.
15. Install the air cleaner outlet duct.

13. Connect the PCV line (2) to the top of the intake
manifold. 16. Install the fresh air PCV line (1) to the air cleaner
inlet duct.
17. Install the engine cover. Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight
Shield Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-77

Lower Intake Manifold Replacement 3. Install the fuel injectors and fuel rail. Refer to “Fuel
Removal Procedure Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement: ”.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement

Special tool
EN 46106 Flywheel Holding Tool
J 38416-2 Crankshaft Button
J 41816 Crankshaft Balancer Remover
J 45059 Angle Meter

Removal Procedure
1. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture”.
2. Remove the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
“Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right
3. Remove the engine mount. Refer to “Engine Mount
1. Remove the fuel injectors and fuel rail. Refer to “Fuel

Replacement - Right Side”.
Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement: ”.
4. Remove the starter. Refer to “Starter Removal: ”.
2. Remove the lower intake manifold bolts (1).
3. Remove the lower intake manifold and gasket from
engine. Discard the gasket.
4. Clean and inspect the intake manifold and the
sealing surfaces. Refer to “Intake Manifold Cleaning
and Inspection”.

Installation Procedure

5. Install the EN 46106 through the starter mounting


1. Install the lower intake manifold gasket.

2. Install the lower intake manifold bolts (1).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1D-78 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure

6. Using engine support fixture, lower engine

approximately two inches. 1. The EN 46106 must be installed onto the flywheel.
7. Remove the crankshaft balancer bolt. 2. Use the J 41998-B, nut, bearing and washer to install

the crankshaft balancer.

8. Install the J 38416-2 in the nose of the crankshaft.

9. Install the J 41816 in order to remove the crankshaft NOTE
Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal
10. Tighten the center bolt of the J 41816 in order to pull or crankshaft balancer sealing surfaces. The
the crankshaft balancer off of the crankshaft. crankshaft balancer is installed into a dry
11. Remove the J 41816 from the crankshaft balancer. seal.

3. Apply lubricant to the inside of the crankshaft

balancer hub bore.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-79

4. Place the crankshaft balancer in position on the 10. Remove the EN 46106.
crankshaft. 11. Install the starter. Refer to “Starter Installation:
5. Thread the J 41998-B in the crankshaft. Ensure you ”Starter Installation.

engage at least 10 threads of the J 41998-B before 12. Using engine support fixture, raise the engine into
pressing the crankshaft balancer in place. position.
6. Push the crankshaft balancer into position by 13. Install the engine mount. Refer to “Engine Mount
tightening the nut on the J 41998-B until the large Replacement - Right Side”.
washer bottoms out on the crankshaft end.
14. Install the engine mount strut bracket. Refer to
7. Remove the J 41998-B. “Engine Mount Strut Bracket Replacement - Right

Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Replacement

Special tool
J 29184 Oil Seal Installer

Removal Procedure

8. Install the crankshaft balancer bolt.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

9. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt.

Tightening torque
1. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to 100 1. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to
N⋅m (74 lb ft). “Crankshaft Balancer Replacement”.
2. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt an 2. Use a flat-bladed tool in order to remove the
additional 150 degrees using the J 45059. crankshaft oil seal. Use care not to damage the
engine front cover or the crankshaft.
1D-80 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure 4. Clean the mating surfaces of the cylinder head and
the camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft Cover
Cleaning and Inspection”.


Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal 5. Install the EN 46101 onto the spark plug tubes of the
or the crankshaft balancer sealing surfaces. left cylinder head.

1. Use the J 29184 or equivalent to install the

Installation Procedure
crankshaft front oil seal.
2. Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to “Crankshaft
Balancer Replacement”.

Camshaft Cover Replacement - Left Side

Special tool
EN 46101 Spark Plug Tube Seal Guide

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the left bank spark plugs. Refer to “Spark
Plug Replacement: ”.

1. Install new camshaft cover bolt grommets prior to

installing the camshaft cover bolts.

2. Remove the left camshaft cover bolts.

3. Remove the left camshaft cover from the left cylinder
Engine Mechanical: 1D-81

2. Place a bead 8 mm (0.3150 in) in diameter by 4 mm 4. Loosely install the left camshaft cover bolts.
(0.1575 in) in height of RTV sealant, GM P/N
12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or equivalent,

on the engine front cover split lines (1).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
3. Place the left camshaft cover into position onto the
left cylinder head. 5. Tighten the left camshaft cover bolts in the sequence
Tightening torque
Tighten the left camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
1D-82 Engine Mechanical:

6. Remove the EN 46101 from the spark plug tubes of 6. Install the EN 46101 onto the spark plug tubes of the
the left cylinder head. left cylinder head.
7. Install NEW spark plugs into the left cylinder head.

Refer to“Spark Plug Replacement: ”. Installation Procedure

Camshaft Cover Replacement - Right Side

Special tool
EN 46101 Spark Plug Tube Seal Guide

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the right bank spark plugs. Refer to “Spark
Plug Replacement: ”.
2. Unbolt the power steering reservoir and position
aside. Refer to “Remote Power Steering Fluid
Reservoir Replacement: ”.

1. Install new camshaft cover bolt grommets prior to

installing the camshaft cover bolts.

3. Remove the right camshaft cover bolts.

4. Remove the right camshaft cover from the right
cylinder head.
5. Clean the mating surfaces of the cylinder head and
the camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft Cover
Cleaning and Inspection”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-83

2. Place a bead 8 mm (0.3150 in) in diameter by 4 mm 4. Loosely install the right camshaft cover bolts.
(0.1575 in) in height of RTV sealant, GM P/N
12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or equivalent,

on the engine front cover split lines (1).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
3. Place the right camshaft cover into position onto the
right cylinder head. 5. Tighten the right camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence shown.
Tightening torque
Tighten the left camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
6. Install the power steering reservoir. Refer to “Remote
Power Steering Fluid Reservoir Replacement: ”.
1D-84 Engine Mechanical:

7. Remove the power steering pump and position

aside. Refer to “Power Steering Pump Replacement:
8. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to
“Crankshaft Balancer Replacement”.
9. Remove the camshaft position actuator valves from
the front cover. Refer to “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”,
“Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Intake: ”, “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ” and
“Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
(Right Side) Intake: ”.
10. Remove the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves from the front cover. Refer to “Camshaft
Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ”,
“Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
7. Remove the EN 46101 from the spark plug tubes of Solenoid Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side)
the right cylinder head. Exhaust: ”, “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
8. Install NEW spark plugs into the right cylinder head. Valve Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)

Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement: ”. Intake: ”, and “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)
Engine Front Cover Replacement Exhaust: ”.
11. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan
Special tool Replacement: ”.
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotational Socket
EN 46109 Guide Pin Set

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
Intake Manifold Replacement”.
2. Remove the camshaft covers. Refer to “Camshaft
Cover Replacement - Left Side” and “Camshaft
Cover Replacement - Right Side”.
3. Drain the engine coolant. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill): ”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill):
4. Remove the water outlet housing assembly. Refer to
“Water Outlet Housing Replacement: ”.
5. Remove the drive belt tensioner. Refer to “Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement”.
12. Remove the engine front cover bolts.
6. Remove the water pump. Refer to “Water Pump
Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-85

13. Loosely install a 10 x 1.5 mm bolt in the “jackscrew” 16. Using the EN 46111, rotate the crankshaft until the
hole (1). left cylinder head camshafts align with the EN
14. Using the pry points (2) located at the edge of the 46105-2 and the right cylinder head camshafts align

front cover and the “jackscrew”, shear the RTV with the EN 46105-1.

17. Install the EN 46105-1 to the right camshafts.

15. Remove the engine front cover.
1D-86 Engine Mechanical:

18. Install the EN 46105-2 to the left camshafts. 2. Install the engine front cover to cylinder block seal.

Installation Procedure

3. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead of RTV sealant, GM P/
N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or
1. Install the 8 mm (0.315 in) guide from the EN 46109 equivalent, on the engine front cover as shown (1).
into the cylinder block positions as shown.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-87

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Tighten the engine front cover bolts in the sequence

Tightening torque
Tighten the engine front cover bolts in sequence
to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
8. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan
Replacement: ”.
9. Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid valves
from the front cover. Refer to “Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ”, “Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ”, “Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
4. Place the engine front cover onto the EN 46109 and
Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”, and “Camshaft Position
slide into position.
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
5. Remove the EN 46109 from the cylinder block. Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”.

10. Install the camshaft position actuator valves from the
front cover. Refer to “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”,
“Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Intake: ”, “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ” and
“Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
(Right Side) Intake: ”.
11. Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to “Crankshaft
Balancer Replacement”.
12. Install the power steering pump and position aside.
Refer to “Power Steering Pump Replacement: ”.
13. Install the water pump. Refer to “Water Pump
Replacement: ”.
14. Install the water outlet housing assembly. Refer to
“Water Outlet Housing Replacement: ”.
15. Install the drive belt tensioner. Refer to “Drive Belt
6. Hand start all the front cover bolts. Tensioner Replacement”.
16. Install the camshaft covers. Refer to “Camshaft
Cover Replacement - Left Side” and “Camshaft
Cover Replacement - Right Side”.
17. Install the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
Intake Manifold Replacement”.
18. Refill the engine coolant. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill): ”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill):
1D-88 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain 9. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
Replacement - Left Side chain. Refer to“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Removal - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Removal Procedure
Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Left Side (Fourth
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/ Design)”.
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
10. Clean and inspect all of the camshaft timing drive
components. Refer to “Camshaft Timing Drive
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Components Cleaning and Inspection (Third
Front Cover Replacement”. Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Components
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth Design)”. Replace
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain components as necessary.
Removal - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Right Side (Fourth Installation Procedure
4. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain. Refer to
“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal (Third
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
(Fourth Design)”.
5. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”

“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
6. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Shoe Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -
Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
7. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Guide Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal - 1. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain.
Left Side (Fourth Design)”. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Installation - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
8. Remove the left bank camshaft intermediate drive
Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Left Side (Fourth
chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Intermediate Drive
Chain Idler Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Removal - 2. Install the left bank camshaft intermediate drive
Left Side (Fourth Design)”. chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Intermediate Drive
Chain Idler Installation - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Installation
- Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Guide Installation - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation
- Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
4. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Shoe Installation - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Installation
- Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
5. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-89

6. Install the primary camshaft drive chain. Refer to 6. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation (Third chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation Removal - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
(Fourth Design)”. Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Right Side (Fourth
7. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive Design)”.
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Installation Procedure
Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Right Side 1. Ensure the stage 1 camshaft timing is correct. Refer
(Fourth Design)”. to “Setting Camshaft Timing”.
8. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
9. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain

Replacement - Right Side
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:

2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”. 2. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
4. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Right Side
Chain Shoe Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
(Fourth Design)”.
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”. 3. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain
guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
5. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
Guide Installation - Right Side (Third Design)”
chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation
Chain Guide Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”. 4. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Shoe Installation - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Installation
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
5. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
6. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
7. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
1D-90 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner 3. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Replacement - Left Side Cover Replacement”.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/ Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement: Replacement - Right Side
”. Removal Procedure
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine 1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
Front Cover Replacement”. engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.

3. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner 3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”. chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Installation Procedure Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.

1. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain

tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-91

Installation Procedure

5. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain

1. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive

Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third
Design)”“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
3. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe

Replacement - Left Side
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
6. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
3. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
4. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Shoe Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -
Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
1D-92 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure ! CAUTION

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
4. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
5. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
6. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.

1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
shoe (2) is being installed. Replacement - Right Side

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:

2. Position the left secondary camshaft drive chain


2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine

Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
4. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Shoe Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-93

Installation Procedure

4. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive

1. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Chain Guide Removal - Left Side (Third Design)”

Shoe Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal -
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Installation Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain Installation Procedure
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
4. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Replacement - Left Side
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
1. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
3. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Guide Installation - Left Side (Third Design)”
Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
4. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
1D-94 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation Procedure

Replacement - Right Side
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.

1. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain

guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain

Guide Installation - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
4. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive 4. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Replacement: ”.
Chain Guide Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-95

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain and

Sprockets Replacement
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
4. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
9. Remove the primary camshaft timing chain. Refer to
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Right
Chain Shoe Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -

Chain Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
5. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Guide Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
6. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Removal - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Right Side (Fourth
7. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Removal (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Removal (Fourth Design)”.
8. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain upper
guide. Refer to“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft
Drive Chain Guide Removal - Upper (Fourth 10. Remove the crankshaft sprocket from the nose of
Design)”. the crankshaft.
1D-96 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure

5. Ensure the crankshaft is in the stage one timing

1. Ensure the crankshaft sprocket is installed with the position with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
timing mark (1) visible. aligned to the stage one timing mark on the oil pump

cover (2) using the EN 46111. Refer to “Camshaft
Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
Diagram (Fourth Design)”.

2. Install the crankshaft sprocket on to the nose of the

3. Align the notch in the crankshaft sprocket with the
pin in the crankshaft.
6. Install the primary camshaft timing chain. Refer to
4. Slide the crankshaft sprocket on the crankshaft nose
“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation (Third
until the crankshaft sprocket contacts the step in the
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
(Fourth Design)”.
7. Install the primary upper camshaft drive chain guide.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary
Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation - Upper
(Fourth Design)”.
8. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Installation (Fourth Design)”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-97

9. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive 4. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Chain Shoe Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Right Side “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Removal -
(Fourth Design)”. Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
10. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain 5. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Guide Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” Chain Guide Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal -
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”. Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
11. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain 6. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Shoe Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” Removal - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Installation Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Right Side (Fourth
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”. Design)”.
12. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain 7. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third Removal (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Chain Tensionser Removal (Fourth Design)”.
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”. 8. Remove the primary upper camshaft drive chain
13. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug guide. Refer to“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Replacement: ”. Removal - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft
14. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front Drive Chain Guide Removal - Upper (Fourth
Cover Replacement”. Design)”.
9. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain. Refer to
Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal (Third
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Sprocket Replacement - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Removal Procedure
10. Remove the right bank camshaft intermediate drive
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/ chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Intermediate Drive
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement: Chain Idler Removal - Right Side (Third Design)”
”. “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Removal -
Right Side (Fourth Design)”.

2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine

Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
1D-98 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure

11. If you are servicing the left bank camshaft

intermediate drive chain idler, perform the following 1. If you are servicing the left bank idler sprocket,
steps: perform the following steps:

a. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive a. Install the left bank camshaft intermediate drive
chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Intermediate
Drive Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side Drive Chain Idler Installation - Left Side (Third
(Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Design)” “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain
Chain Tensioner Removal - Left Side (Fourth Idler Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”].
Design)”. b. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive
b. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Left Side (Third Design)”
Chain Shoe Removal - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation -
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”. c. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive
c. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft
chain guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation - Left Side (Third
Drive Chain Guide Removal - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Guide Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”. d. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive
d. Remove the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
chain. Refer to“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Chain Shoe Installation - Left Side (Third
Removal - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Left Side Shoe Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
(Fourth Design)”. e. Install the left bank secondary camshaft drive
e. Remove the left bank camshaft intermediate chain tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft
drive chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side
Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Removal - Left (Third Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Side (Third Design)” “Camshaft Intermediate Chain Tensioner Installation - Left Side (Fourth
Drive Chain Idler Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-99

9. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain

tensioner. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Third
Design)” “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Tensioner Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
10. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
11. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner

Removal Procedure

2. Install the right bank camshaft intermediate drive

chain idler. Refer to “Camshaft Intermediate Drive
Chain Idler Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)”

“Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Installation
- Right Side (Third Design)”.
3. Install the primary camshaft drive chain. Refer to
“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation (Third
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
(Fourth Design)”.
4. Install the primary upper camshaft drive chain guide.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary
Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation - Upper
(Fourth Design)”.
1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/
5. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Third Design)”“Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Installation (Fourth Design)”. 2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
6. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive
chain. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain NOTE
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
If the entire camshaft timing system is not in
Camshaft Drive Chain Installation - Right Side
Stage 2 (“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
(Fourth Design)”.
Alignment Diagram (Third Design)”
7. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
guide. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Diagram (Fourth Design)”), mark the timing
Guide Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” chain and sprockets in order to ensure
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation proper reassembly.
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
8. Install the right bank secondary camshaft drive chain 3. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
shoe. Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Shoe Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” Removal (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Installation Chain Tensionser Removal (Fourth Design)”.
- Right Side (Fourth Design)”.
1D-100 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure 1. Remove the spark plugs in order to ease crankshaft/

engine rotation. Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement:
2. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine
Front Cover Replacement”.
3. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Removal (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Removal (Fourth Design)”.
4. Remove the primary upper camshaft drive chain
guide. Refer to“Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary Camshaft
Drive Chain Guide Removal - Upper (Fourth

Installation Procedure

1. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.

Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser

Installation (Third Design)”“Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Installation (Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
3. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Replacement - Lower
The primary camshaft drive chain guide is not
serviceable separately. If the guide is worn or damaged,
the guide must be replaced with the oil pump.

1. Install the primary upper camshaft drive chain guide.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Replacement - Upper Installation - Upper (Third Design)” “Primary
Removal Procedure Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Installation - Upper
(Fourth Design)”.
2. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.
Refer to “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Third Design)”“Primary Camshaft Drive
Chain Tensionser Installation (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the engine front cover. Refer to “Engine Front
Cover Replacement”.
4. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-101

Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement -

Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust
Special tool
EN-48313 Timing Chain Retention Tool

Removal Procedure

Ensure that the camshaft timing chain and

the camshaft position actuators are marked
for proper assembly.

6. Use a paint stick to create an alignment mark on one

1. Remove the lower intake manifold with the upper of the timing chain links (2) and the adjacent tooth on
manifold. Refer to “Lower Intake Manifold the exhaust camshaft position actuator (1).
Replacement”. 7. Use a paint stick to create an alignment mark on one
2. Remove the left camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft of the timing chain links (3) and the adjacent tooth on
Cover Replacement - Left Side”. the intake camshaft position actuator (4).
3. Remove the left intake and exhaust camshaft ! CAUTION
position sensors. Refer to “Camshaft Position
Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ” Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
and “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank Drive Chain Notice: ”.
2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”.
8. Use an open end wrench on the hex cast into the left
4. Remove the left intake and exhaust camshaft intake and exhaust camshafts and rotate the
position actuator solenoid. Refer to “Camshaft camshafts toward each other in order to create slack
Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid in the chain between the actuators.
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ” and
“Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust:

Rotate the crankshaft balancer bolt in a
clockwise direction ONLY.

5. Rotate the crankshaft balancer using the balancer

bolt until the camshafts are in a neutral (low tension)
position. The camshafts will be parallel with the
camshaft cover rail (1).

9. Unscrew the EN-48313 so that the legs of the tool

are retracted.
1D-102 Engine Mechanical:

10. Insert the EN-48313 between the camshaft NOTE

actuators, rearward of the timing chain until the Ensure that the foot (1) of the EN-48313 is
bottom line that is scribed in the body of the tool (2) engaged into one of the link pockets to
is adjacent to the top surface of the cylinder head prevent tool slippage during tightening of the
(1). This is the approximate installed position. EN-48313.

15. Hand tighten the EN-48313.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice: ”.

16. Use an open end wrench on the hex cast into the left
intake and exhaust camshafts and rotate the
camshafts toward each other in order to create slack
in the chain between the actuators.

The engine front cover is removed for clarity
in the following graphics, but NOT required
to perform the procedure.

11. Ensure that the feet (4) on the legs of the tool are
facing the front of the engine.
12. Partially expand the legs (1, 3) of the EN-48313 by
turning the T-shaped handle clockwise.
13. Insert the leg of the tool (1) behind the timing chain
guide (2). 17. The EN-48313 is now properly installed to hold the
14. Continue expanding the EN-48313 until the legs (1, timing chain in position.
3) contact the timing chain. Do not tighten at this

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-103

18. Use an open end wrench on the hex cast into the
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
19. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator
20. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator.
When removing the actuator, place the chain on the
engine block side of the actuators.
21. Rotate the actuator in order to align the opening in
the actuator reluctor wheel with the cam sensor boss
in the front cover, to allow actuator removal.
22. If removing both the exhaust and intake camshaft
actuators, the timing chain can be draped over the
EN-48313 once the actuators have been removed.

Installation Procedure

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

5. Tighten the exhaust camshaft position actuator bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 58 N⋅m (43 lb ft).
6. Install the left intake and exhaust camshaft position
actuator solenoids. Refer to “Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ” and “Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement -
Bank 2 (Left Side) Exhaust: ”.
7. Install the left intake and exhaust camshaft position
sensors. Refer to “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ” and
NOTE “Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Exhaust: ”.
Ensure that the camshaft timing chain and
8. Install the left camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft
the camshaft position actuators are marked
Cover Replacement - Left Side”.
for proper assembly.
9. Install the lower intake manifold with the upper
1. Align the exhaust camshaft actuator alignment mark manifold. Refer to “Lower Intake Manifold
(1) to the timing chain alignment mark (2) made Replacement”.
during disassembly.
2. Ensure that the intake camshaft actuator alignment
mark (4) and the timing chain alignment mark (3) are
also aligned.
3. Position the exhaust camshaft actuator to the
camshaft and install the actuator bolt hand tight.
4. Remove the EN-48313.
1D-104 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - 2. Install the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft

Bank 1 (Right Side) Exhaust Replacement - Right Side”.
Removal Procedure
Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement -
! CAUTION Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake
Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing Removal Procedure
Drive Chain Notice”.

1. Remove the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft

Replacement - Right Side”.

1. Remove the left exhaust camshaft actuator. Refer to
“Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Exhaust”.
2. Remove the intake camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the camshaft position actuator from the 3. Remove the left intake camshaft position actuator.
timing chain.
Installation Procedure
Installation Procedure

1. Locate the intake camshaft position actuator to the

1. Install the camshaft position actuator to the timing camshaft and loosely install the bolt.
! CAUTION Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing Drive Chain Notice: ”.
Drive Chain Notice”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-105

NOTE Installation Procedure

Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft hex
to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.

2. Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt. Refer to

“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Left Side
Intake (Third Design)” “Camshaft Position Actuator
Installation - Left Side Intake (Fourth Design)”.
3. Install the left exhaust camshaft actuator. Refer to
“Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 2
(Left Side) Exhaust”.

Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement -

Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake
Removal Procedure

1. Locate the intake camshaft position actuator to the

camshaft and loosely install the bolt.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice: ”.

Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft hex
to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.

2. Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt. Refer to

“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Right Side
Intake (Third Design)” “Camshaft Position Actuator
Installation - Right Side Intake (Fourth Design)”.
1. Remove the right exhaust camshaft actuator. Refer
to “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 3. Install the right exhaust camshaft actuator. Refer to
1 (Right Side) Exhaust: ”. “Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement - Bank 1
(Right Side) Exhaust: ”.
2. Remove the intake camshaft position actuator bolt.
3. Remove the right intake camshaft position actuator.
Setting Camshaft Timing
Setting the camshaft timing is necessary
whenever the camshaft drive system has
been disturbed such that the relationship
between any chain and sprocket has been
lost. Even when only one sprocket is
involved, multiple crankshaft rotations will
not produce conditions where correct timing
can be confirmed.

Follow the left bank secondary camshaft drive chain

replacement procedures to reset the camshaft timing.
Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Replacement - Left Side”.
1D-106 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Replacement - Left Side

Special tool
EN 46108 Timing Chain Retention Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
Intake Manifold Replacement”.
2. Remove the left bank camshaft cover. Refer to
“Camshaft Cover Replacement - Left Side”.
3. Remove the camshaft sensors. Refer to “Camshaft
Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)
Exhaust: ” and “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”.
4. Remove the camshaft position actuator solenoid.
Refer to “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”.
5. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to ! CAUTION
“Crankshaft Balancer Removal”. Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing

Drive Chain Notice”.

• Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft
hex to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.
• DO NOT remove the camshaft position
actuator bolt at this time.

7. Loosen the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Ensure that the tips of the EN 46108 are fully
engaged into the timing chain (3 and 4).

6. Rotate the crankshaft with the EN 46111 until the

camshafts are in a neutral (low tension) position. The
camshaft flats will be parallel with the camshaft cover
rail (1).

8. Install the EN 46108 (1 and 2) in order to retain the

timing chain.
Firmly tighten the EN 46108 nuts.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-107

1. Locate the camshafts to the cylinder head and

assemble the camshaft actuators to the camshafts.
2. Install the camshafts and the camshaft bearing caps.
Refer to“Camshaft Installation - Left Side”.
3. Remove the EN 46108.

Ensure that the camshaft timing chain and

the camshaft position actuators are marked
for proper assembly.

9. Mark the timing chain and the respective locations

on the camshaft position actuators (1-4).
10. Remove the camshaft position actuator bolt. Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.
11. Remove the camshafts. Refer to “Camshaft Removal
- Left Side”.
Installation Procedure Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft hex
to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.

4. Install and tighten the camshaft position actuators.

Refer to“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Left Side Intake (Third Design)” “Camshaft Position
Actuator Installation - Left Side Intake (Fourth
Design)” and “Camshaft Position Actuator
Installation - Left Side Exhaust (Third Design)”
“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Left Side
Exhaust (Fourth Design)”.
5. Install the intake camshaft position actuator solenoid.
Refer to “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”.
6. Install the camshaft sensors. Refer to “Camshaft
Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side)
Exhaust: ” and “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 2 (Left Side) Intake: ”.
7. Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to “Crankshaft
NOTE Balancer Installation”.
8. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft Cover
• Ensure that the marks on the camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.
position actuator and the timing chain (1-4)
9. Install the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
are aligned.
Intake Manifold Replacement”.
• DO NOT tighten the camshaft position
actuator bolt at this time.
1D-108 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Replacement - Right Side

Special tool
EN 46108 Timing Chain Retention Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
Intake Manifold Replacement”.
2. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft
Cover Replacement - Right Side”.
3. Remove the camshaft sensors. Refer to “Camshaft
Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side)
Exhaust: ” and “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ”.
4. Remove the intake camshaft position actuator
solenoid. Refer to “Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve Solenoid Replacement - Bank 1
(Right Side) Intake: ”. ! CAUTION
5. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing

“Crankshaft Balancer Removal”. Drive Chain Notice”.

• Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft
hex to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.
• DO NOT remove the camshaft position
actuator bolt at this time.

7. Loosen the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Ensure that the tips of the EN 46108 are fully
engaged into the timing chain (3 and 4).

6. Rotate the crankshaft with the EN 46111 until the

camshafts are in a neutral (low tension) position. The
camshaft flats will be parallel with the camshaft cover
rail (1).

8. Install the EN 46108 (1 and 2) in order to retain the

timing chain.
Firmly tighten the EN 46108 nuts.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-109

1. Locate the camshafts to the cylinder head and

assemble the camshaft actuators to the camshafts.
2. Install the camshafts and the camshaft bearing caps.
Refer to“Camshaft Installation - Right Side”.
3. Remove the EN 46108.
4. Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to “Crankshaft
Balancer Installation”.

Ensure that the camshaft timing chain and

the camshaft position actuators are marked
for proper assembly.

9. Mark the timing chain and the respective locations

on camshaft position actuators (15-18).
10. Remove the camshaft position actuator bolt.
11. Remove the camshaft bearing caps and the
camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft Removal - Right Side”. Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.
Installation Procedure
Use an open-end wrench at the camshaft hex
to prevent camshaft/engine rotation.

5. Install and tighten the camshaft position actuators.

Refer to“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Right Side Intake (Third Design)” “Camshaft Position
Actuator Installation - Right Side Intake (Fourth
Design)” and “Camshaft Position Actuator
Installation - Right Side Exhaust (Third Design)”
“Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - Right Side
Exhaust (Fourth Design)”.
6. Install the intake camshaft position actuator solenoid.
Refer to “Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake:
7. Install the camshaft sensors. Refer to “Camshaft
Position Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side)
NOTE Exhaust: ” and “Camshaft Position Sensor
Replacement - Bank 1 (Right Side) Intake: ”.
• Ensure that the marks on the camshaft 8. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to “Camshaft Cover
position actuators and the timing chain Replacement - Right Side”.
(15-18) are aligned.
9. Install the lower intake manifold. Refer to “Lower
• DO NOT tighten the camshaft position Intake Manifold Replacement”.
actuator bolt at this time.
1D-110 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Rocker Arm Replacement - Left Side Valve Rocker Arm Replacement - Right Side
Removal Procedure Removal Procedure
1. Remove the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to 1. Remove the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”. “Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.

2. Remove the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker 2. Remove the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker
Arm Removal - Left Side”. Arm Removal - Right Side”.
3. Clean and inspect the camshaft(s) and the rocker 3. Clean and inspect the camshaft(s) and the rocker
arm(s). Repair or replace as necessary. Refer to arm(s). Repair or replace as necessary. Refer to
“Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection” and “Valve “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection” and “Valve
Lifters Cleaning and Inspection”. Lifters Cleaning and Inspection”.

Installation Procedure Installation Procedure

1. Install the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker Arm 1. Install the rocker arms.
Installation - Left Side”. 2. Install the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to “Valve
2. Install the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side”.
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-111

Valve Lifter Replacement - Left Side Valve Lifter Replacement - Right Side
Removal Procedure Removal Procedure
1. Remove the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to 1. Remove the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”. “Camshaft Replacement - Right Side”.
2. Remove the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker 2. Remove the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker
Arm Removal - Left Side”. Arm Removal - Right Side”.

3. Remove the lifters. Refer to “Valve Lifter Removal - 3. Remove the lifters. Refer to “Valve Lifter Removal -
Left Side”. Left Side”.
4. Clean and inspect the camshaft(s), rocker arm(s) 4. Clean and inspect the camshaft(s) and the rocker
and lifter(s). Repair or replace as necessary. Refer to arm(s). Repair or replace as necessary. Refer to
“Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection”, “Valve Lifters “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection” and “Valve
Cleaning and Inspection” and “Valve Lifters Cleaning Lifters Cleaning and Inspection”.
and Inspection”.
Installation Procedure
Installation Procedure

1. Install the lifters. Refer to “Valve Lifter Installation -

1. Install the lifters. Refer to “Valve Lifter Installation - Right Side: ”.
Left Side: ”Valve Lifter Installation - Left Side. 2. Install the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker Arm
2. Install the rocker arms. Refer to “Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side”.
Installation - Left Side”. 3. Install the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to
3. Install the applicable camshaft(s). Refer to “Camshaft Replacement - Right Side”.
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.
1D-112 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring

Replacement - Left Side
Special tool
EN 46106 Flywheel Holding Tool
EN 46110 On-Vehicle Valve Spring Compressor
EN 46116 Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer
J 39313 Spark Plug Port Adapter

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
Replacement: ”.

7. Install the EN 46110 above the applicable cylinder as

8. Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut


If the EN 46106 is not installed, the crankshaft
may rotate. If the crankshaft rotates,
disassembly and reassembly of the entire
camshaft timing system may be required.

2. Install the EN 46106 in order to prevent crankshaft

3. Remove the camshafts and rocker arms. Refer to
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.
9. Remove the valve keepers.
4. Remove the spark plug from the applicable cylinder.
10. Loosen the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut.
Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement: ”.
11. Remove the valve spring retainer.
5. Install the J 39313 to the applicable cylinder.
6. Connect the J 39313 to a compressed air source.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-113

Installation Procedure

12. Remove the valve spring.

1. Use the EN 46116 (1) in order to install the valve
stem seal (2).

13. Use the EN 46116 (1) in order to remove the valve
stem seal (2).
2. Install the valve spring.
3. Install the valve spring retainer.
1D-114 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring

Replacement - Right Side
Special tool
EN 46106 Flywheel Holding Tool
EN 46110 On-Vehicle Valve Spring Compressor
EN 46116 Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer
J 39313 Spark Plug Port Adapter

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
Replacement: ”.

4. Install the EN 46110 above the applicable valve

spring as shown.
Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut


If the EN 46106 is not installed, the crankshaft
may rotate. If the crankshaft rotates,
disassembly and reassembly of the entire
camshaft timing system may be required.

2. Install the EN 46106 in order to prevent crankshaft

3. Remove the camshafts and rocker arms. Refer to
5. Install the valve spring keepers. “Camshaft Replacement - Right Side”.
6. Remove the EN 46110. 4. Remove the spark plug from the applicable cylinder.
Refer to “Spark Plug Replacement: ”.
7. Disconnect the J 39313 from the compressed air
source. 5. Install the J 39313 to the applicable cylinder.
8. Remove the J 39313. 6. Connect the J 39313 to a compressed air source.
9. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
10. Install the rocker arms and camshafts. Refer to
“Camshaft Replacement - Left Side”.
11. Remove the EN 46106 in order to prevent crankshaft
12. Install the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-115

7. Install the EN 46110 above the applicable cylinder as 12. Remove the valve springs.
8. Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut


13. Use the EN 46116 (1) in order to remove the valve

stem seal (2).

9. Remove the valve keepers.

10. Loosen the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut.
11. Remove the valve spring retainer.
1D-116 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure

4. Install the EN 46110 above the applicable valve

1. Use the EN 46116 (1) in order to install the valve spring as shown.
stem seals (2). Tighten the EN 46110 valve spring compressor nut


2. Install the valve spring.

3. Install the valve spring retainer. 5. Install the valve spring keepers.
6. Remove the EN 46110.
7. Disconnect the J 39313 from the compressed air
8. Remove the J 39313.
9. Install the spark plugs. Refer to “Spark Plug
Replacement: ”.
10. Install the rocker arms and camshafts. Refer to
“Camshaft Replacement - Right Side”.
11. Remove the EN 46106.
12. Install the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-117

Cylinder Head Replacement - Left Side

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the left bank secondary timing chain. Refer
to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Replacement -
Left Side”.
2. Remove the oil level indicator. Refer to “Oil Level
Indicator and Tube Replacement: ”.
3. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor electrical

7. Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket.

8. Clean and inspect the cylinder head and the engine
block sealing surfaces. Refer to “Cylinder Head

Cleaning and Inspection” and “Engine Block
Cleaning and Inspection”.
9. If necessary, perform the following steps:
– Remove the exhaust manifold from the cylinder
head. Refer to “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Left
Side: ”.
4. Remove the wiring harness ground from the cylinder – Remove the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft
head. Removal - Left Side”.
5. Remove the catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic – Disassemble the cylinder head. Refer to “Cylinder
Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”. Head Disassemble”.

6. Remove the cylinder head with the exhaust

manifold. Refer to “Cylinder Head Removal - Left
1D-118 Engine Mechanical:

Installation Procedure
1. If necessary, perform the following steps:
– Assemble the cylinder head. Refer to “Cylinder
Head Assemble”.
– Install the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft
Installation - Left Side”.
– Install the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head.
Refer to “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Left Side:

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

6. Install the wiring harness ground to the cylinder
Tightening torque
Tighten the wiring harness ground bolt to 10 N⋅m
(89 lb in).
2. Install a NEW cylinder head gasket. 7. Install the coolant temperature sensor electrical
8. Install the oil level indicator. Refer to “Oil Level
Indicator and Tube Replacement: ”.
9. Install the left bank secondary timing chain. Refer to
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Replacement -
Left Side”.

Cylinder Head Replacement - Right Side

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the engine. Refer to “Engine Replacement”.
2. Remove the right bank secondary timing chain.
Refer to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Replacement - Right Side”.

3. Carefully install the cylinder head with the exhaust

manifold to the engine. Refer to “Cylinder Head
Installation - Left Side”.
4. Install the catalytic converter to the exhaust
manifold. Refer to “Catalytic Converter Replacement
- Left Side: ”.
5. Connect the wiring harness electrical connector
located at the side of the cylinder head.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-119

Installation Procedure
1. If necessary, perform the following steps:
– Assemble the cylinder head. Refer to “Cylinder
Head Assemble”.
– Install the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft
Installation - Right Side”.
– Install the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head.
Refer to “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Right
Side: ”.

3. Remove the cylinder head with the exhaust

manifold. Refer to “Cylinder Head Removal - Right

2. Install a NEW cylinder head gasket.

4. Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket.

5. Clean and inspect the cylinder head and the engine
block sealing surfaces. Refer to “Cylinder Head
Cleaning and Inspection” and “Engine Block
Cleaning and Inspection”.
6. If necessary, perform the following steps:
– Remove the exhaust manifold from the cylinder
head. Refer to “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Right 3. Carefully install the cylinder head with the exhaust
Side: ”. manifold to the engine. Refer to “Cylinder Head
– Remove the camshaft. Refer to “Camshaft Installation - Right Side”.
Removal - Right Side”. 4. Install the right bank secondary timing chain. Refer
– Disassemble the cylinder head. Refer to “Cylinder to “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Replacement -
Head Disassemble”. Right Side”.
5. Install the engine. Refer to “Engine Replacement”.
1D-120 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Flywheel Replacement Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing

Removal Procedure Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the engine flywheel. Refer to “Engine
Flywheel Replacement”.
2. Remove the oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan Replacement:

1. Remove the transmission. Refer to “Transaxle

Replacement: ”.
2. Remove the engine flywheel bolts and flywheel.
Refer to “Engine Flywheel Removal”.
3. Clean and inspect the flywheel. Refer to “Engine
Flywheel Cleaning and Inspection”. If the flywheel 3. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal and housing.
teeth are damaged, inspect the starter for proper Refer to “Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing
operation. Replace the starter if you find excessive Removal”.
wear or damage to the starter drive. Refer to “Starter
Motor Replacement: ”. Installation Procedure

Installation Procedure

1. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal and housing. Refer

to “Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing
1. Install the engine flywheel and bolts. Refer to Installation”.
“Engine Flywheel Installation”. 2. Install the oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan Replacement: ”.
2. Install the transmission. Refer to “Transaxle 3. Install the engine flywheel. Refer to “Engine
Replacement: ”. Flywheel Replacement”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-121

Engine Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery box and carefully set the engine
control module (ECM) on top of the engine. Refer to
“Battery Box Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the ECM connector from the under-hood
fuse block.
3. Disconnect ground wire from frame, near battery
4. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement”.
5. Release the clamp from the brake booster vacuum
hose connection.
6. Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose from the
intake manifold.
7. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement”.
20. Disconnect the transaxle oil cooler lines from the
8. Discharge the fuel system. Refer to “Fuel Pressure transaxle and remove the seals. Refer to “Fluid
Relief (With J 34730-1A): ” “Fuel Pressure Relief Cooler Pipe Seal Replacement: ”.

(Without J 34730-1A): ”.
21. Cap the transaxle oil cooler lines and plug the
9. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP) hose/ transaxle oil cooler line fittings to prevent loss of
pipe from the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve. transmission fluid.
Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
22. Remove the catalytic converters and secure the rear
Service: ”.
half of the exhaust system to the vehicle underbody.
10. Disconnect the engine fuel hose/pipe from the Refer to “Catalytic Converter Replacement - Left
chassis fuel hose/pipe. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick Side: ” and “Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right
Connect Fitting Service: ”. Side: ”.
11. Discharge the air conditioning (A/C) system. Refer to 23. Remove the front tires. Refer to “Tire and Wheel
“Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging: ”. Removal and Installation: ”.
12. Remove the A/C compressor hose assembly from 24. Remove the right and left engine splash shields.
the compressor. Cap or plug the hoses and Refer to “Engine Splash Shield Replacement - Left
compressor to prevent contamination. Refer to Side: ” and “Engine Splash Shield Replacement -
“Compressor Hose Assembly Replacement: ”. Right Side: ”.
13. Disconnect the transaxle shift control cable from the
transaxle. Refer to “Shift Control Cable
Replacement: ”.
14. Drain the engine coolant from the cooling system.
Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7
GE 47716 Fill): ” “Draining and Filling Cooling
System (LY7 Static Fill): ”.
15. Tie the radiator, A/C condenser, and fan module
assembly to the upper radiator support to keep the
assembly with the vehicle when the frame and
drivetrain is removed.
16. Disconnect the heater hoses from the engine. Refer
to “Heater Outlet Hose Replacement: ”.
17. Remove the radiator inlet hose. Refer to “Radiator
Inlet Hose Replacement: ”.
18. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
19. Remove the radiator outlet hose. Refer to “Radiator 25. Remove the steering intermediate shaft pinch bolt
Outlet Hose Replacement: ”. and discard the bolt.
26. Disconnect the steering intermediate shaft from the
steering gear.
1D-122 Engine Mechanical:

27. Remove the right and left outer tie rod ends from the 29. Remove the right and left lower ball joints from the
steering knuckles. Refer to “Rack and Pinion Outer steering knuckles. Refer to “Lower Control Arm
Tie Rod End Replacement: ”. Replacement: ”.

30. On front wheel drive (FWD) models, place a drain
pan under the transaxle then separate the right and
left front wheel drive shafts from the transaxle. Refer
to “Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement (AWD): ”
“Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement (FWD): ”.
31. On all wheel drive (AWD) models, remove the rear
wheel driveshaft. Refer to “Rear Wheel Drive Shaft
Replacement: ”.

28. Remove the right and left stabilizer shaft links from
the stabilizer shaft. Refer to “Stabilizer Shaft Link
Replacement: ”.

32. On all models, place a block of wood (1) between the

frame and the engine oil pan in order to support the
engine once the bolts are removed from the right
engine mount.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-123

Inspect for areas of body to powertrain
contact or entanglement of wires and hoses
while separating the vehicle body and

41. Carefully raise the vehicle body up away from the


33. Lower the vehicle.

34. Remove the bolts (2) that secure the right engine
mount (1) to the engine (3).

Insure the vehicle body is secured to the

35. Raise the vehicle. 42. Disconnect the engine electrical wiring harness from
36. Place a universal frame support fixture or jackstands the following components:
under the frame. – Oxygen sensor (1)
37. Lower the vehicle until the frame contacts the frame – EVAP purge solenoid (2)
support fixture or jackstands. – Ignition coils (3, 4, 10)
38. Disconnect the wiring harness retaining clips near – Ground leads (7, 11)
the right and left shock towers.
– Remove wire harness from retainers (5, 6, 8, 9)
39. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
reinforcement. Refer to “Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Reinforcement Replacement: ”.

43. Disconnect the left and right cylinder head engine

electrical wiring harness from the following
40. Remove the frame-to-body bolts. Discard the bolts.
– Camshaft position sensors (1)
– Camshaft position actuators (2)
1D-124 Engine Mechanical:

44. Disconnect the engine electrical wiring harness from 46. If equipped with an engine coolant heater,
the following components: disconnect the coolant heater cord.
– Generator (1) 47. Remove the throttle body assembly. Refer to

– Retainer clips (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9) “Throttle Body Assembly Replacement”.
– A/C compressor hose (8)
– Oil pressure switch (10)
– A/C compressor (8)

48. Remove the engine-to-transaxle brace bolts (1, 2)

and brace (3).
49. Remove the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
Replacement: ”.
45. Disconnect the engine electrical wiring harness from
the following components:
– Battery cable (1)
– Retainer clips (2, 3)
– Transmission module (4)
Engine Mechanical: 1D-125

Installation Procedure
1. Remove the engine from the engine stand.

50. Remove the torque converter bolts.

51. Install the engine support adapters to the engine.
Refer to “Engine Support Fixture”. 2. Align the engine to the frame and automatic

52. Support the engine weight with an engine hoist. transaxle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the automatic transaxle bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 75 N⋅m (55 lb ft).
4. Place a block of wood between the frame and the
engine oil pan in order to support the engine on the
frame once the engine hoist is removed.
5. Remove the engine hoist and lift chain.
6. Remove the engine support adapters from the
engine. Refer to “Engine Support Fixture”.

53. Remove the automatic transaxle bolts.

54. Separate the automatic transaxle from the engine.
55. Lift the engine away from the frame and the
automatic transaxle.
56. Secure the engine to an engine stand.
57. Remove any additional engine components as
necessary. Refer to appropriate component sections
in manual if needed.

7. Install the torque converter bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 60 N⋅m (44 lb ft).
1D-126 Engine Mechanical:

8. Install the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor

Replacement: ”.

12. Connect the engine electrical wiring harness to the

following components:
9. Install the engine to transaxle brace (3) and bolts (1, – Transmission module (4)

– Retainer clips (3, 2)
Tightening torque – Battery cable (1)
Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
Tightening torque
10. Install the throttle body assembly. Refer to “Throttle Tighten the bolt to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
Body Assembly Replacement”.

13. Connect the engine electrical wiring harness to the

11. If equipped with an engine coolant heater, connect following components:
the coolant heater cord.
– A/C compressor (8)
– Oil pressure switch (10)
– A/C compressor hose (8)
– Retainer clips (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9)
– Generator (1)
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 13 N⋅m (115 lb in).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-127

14. Connect the left and right cylinder head engine 17. Install NEW frame-to-body bolts.
electrical wiring harness to the following
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 155 N⋅m (114 lb ft).

– Camshaft position actuators (2)
18. Install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
– Camshaft position sensors (1)
reinforcement. Refer to “Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Reinforcement Replacement: ”.
19. Raise the vehicle up away from the frame support
fixture or jackstands and remove the support fixture
or jackstands from under the vehicle.
20. Lower the vehicle.

15. Connect the engine electrical wiring harness to the

following components:
– Install wire harness to retainers (5, 6, 8, 9)
– Ground leads (7, 11)
– Ignition coils (3, 4, 10)
– EVAP purge solenoid (2) 21. Install the bolts (2) that secure the right engine
– Oxygen sensor (1) mount (1) to the engine (3).
16. Connect the wiring harness retaining clips near the Tightening torque
right and left shock towers. Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
22. Raise the vehicle.
1D-128 Engine Mechanical:

23. Remove the block of wood (1) between the frame 27. Install the right and left stabilizer shaft links to the
and the engine oil pan used to support the engine stabilizer shaft. Refer to “Stabilizer Shaft Link
while the bolts were removed from the right engine Replacement: ”.

24. On all wheel drive (AWD) models, install the rear
wheel driveshaft. Refer to “Rear Wheel Drive Shaft
Replacement: ”.
25. On front wheel drive models, install the right and left
front wheel drive shafts into the transaxle. Refer to
“Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement (AWD): ”
“Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement (FWD): ”.

28. Install the right and left tie rod ends to the steering
knuckles. Refer to “Rack and Pinion Outer Tie Rod
End Replacement: ”.

26. On all models, install the right and left lower ball
joints to the steering knuckles. Refer to “Lower
Control Arm Replacement: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-129

37. Install the radiator inlet hose. Refer to “Radiator Inlet

Hose Replacement: ”.
38. Connect the heater hoses to the engine. Refer to
“Heater Outlet Hose Replacement: ”.
39. Untie the radiator, AC condenser, and fan module
assembly from the upper radiator support.
40. Connect the transaxle shift control cable to the
transaxle. Refer to “Shift Control Cable
Replacement: ”.
41. Install the AC compressor hose assembly to the
compressor. Refer to “Compressor Hose Assembly
Replacement: ”.

29. Connect the steering intermediate shaft to the

steering gear.
30. Install a NEW pinch bolt to the steering intermediate

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 34 N⋅m (25 lb ft).
31. Install the right and left engine splash shields. Refer
to “Engine Splash Shield Replacement - Left Side: ”
and “Engine Splash Shield Replacement - Right
Side: ”.
32. Install the front tires. Refer to “Tire and Wheel
Removal and Installation: ”.
42. Connect the engine fuel hose/pipe (3) to the chassis
33. Install the catalytic converters. Refer to “Catalytic fuel hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Metal Collar Quick
Converter Replacement - Left Side: ” and “Catalytic Connect Fitting Service: ”.
Converter Replacement - Right Side: ”.
43. Connect the EVAP hose/pipe to the EVAP canister
purge solenoid valve. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service: ”.
44. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to “Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement”.

34. Install new seals and connect the transaxle oil cooler
lines to the transaxle. Refer to “Fluid Cooler Pipe
Seal Replacement: ”.
35. Install the radiator outlet hose. Refer to “Radiator
Outlet Hose Replacement: ”.
36. Lower the vehicle.
1D-130 Engine Mechanical:

Drive Belt Tensioner Removal

45. Connect the brake booster vacuum hose (2) to the

intake manifold. 1. Remove the drive belt tensioner bracket bolts.
46. Position the clamp (1) on the brake booster vacuum 2. Remove the drive belt tensioner assembly.

hose connection.
47. Connect ground wire from frame, near battery box. Crankshaft Balancer Removal
48. Connect the ECM connector to the under-hood fuse Reference: “Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
block. Removal: ”.
49. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel Special tool
Injector Sight Shield Replacement”. EN 46106 Flywheel Holding Tool
50. Install the battery box, battery and ECM. Refer to J 38416-2 Crankshaft Button
“Battery Box Replacement: ”. J 41816 Crankshaft Balancer Remover
51. Fill the engine with engine oil. Refer to “Approximate
Fluid Capacities: ”, “Fluid and Lubricant
Recommendations: ”, and “Maintenance Schedule
(North American Emissions): ”.
52. Fill the engine with coolant. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill): ”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill):
53. Check the transaxle fluid level. Refer to “Sealers,
Adhesives, and Lubricants: ”, “Transmission General
Specifications: ”, and “Fluid Capacity Specifications:
54. Charge the AC system. Refer to “Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging: ”.
55. Prime the fuel system.
a. Cycle the ignition ON for 5 seconds then OFF for
10 seconds. Repeat cycling twice.
b. Crank the engine until it starts. The maximum
1. Install the EN 46106 through the starter mounting
starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds.
c. If the engine does not start, repeat the steps.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-131

Engine Flywheel Removal

Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Removal: ”.
Special tool
EN 46106 Flywheel Holding Tool

2. Remove the crankshaft balancer bolt.

1. Remove the engine flywheel bolts and discard.

3. Install the J 38416-2 in the nose of the crankshaft.

4. Install the J 41816 in order to remove the crankshaft
5. Tighten the center bolt of the J 41816 in order to pull
the crankshaft balancer off of the crankshaft.
2. Remove the engine flywheel from the crankshaft.
6. Remove the J 41816 from the crankshaft balancer.
Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.
1D-132 Engine Mechanical:

3. Remove the EN 46106. 2. Remove the engine coolant air bleed pipe bracket
Reference: “Engine Flywheel Cleaning and Inspection: ”. bolts from the upper intake manifold.

Intake Manifold Removal
Reference: “Engine Flywheel Removal: ”.

3. Remove the fuel injector harness connector from the

engine coolant air bleed pipe bracket.

1. Disconnect and remove the fresh air positive

crankcase ventilation (PCV) hose from the left
camshaft cover fitting.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-133

4. Remove the engine coolant air bleed pipe. 6. Disconnect and remove the intake manifold-to-
solenoid evaporative emissions (EVAP) hose from
the intake manifold and from the EVAP solenoid.

5. Disconnect and remove the dirty air PCV hose from
the intake manifold and the right camshaft cover
fitting. 7. Remove the EVAP solenoid bolt.
1D-134 Engine Mechanical:

8. Remove the EVAP solenoid. 11. Remove the intake manifold assembly.

9. Remove the long intake manifold bolts. 12. Remove and discard the lower intake manifold
Reference: “Intake Manifold Disassemble: ”.

10. Remove the short intake manifold bolts.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-135

Camshaft Cover Removal - Left Side 3. Remove the spark plugs.

Reference: “Intake Manifold Removal: ”.

4. Remove the left camshaft cover bolts.

1. Remove the ignition coil bolts.

5. Remove the left camshaft cover from the left cylinder
2. Remove the ignition coils. head.
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Disassemble: ”.
1D-136 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Cover Removal - Right Side 3. Remove the spark plugs.

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Removal - Left Side: ”.

4. Remove the right camshaft cover bolts.

1. Remove the ignition coil bolts.

5. Remove the right camshaft cover from the right
2. Remove the ignition coils. cylinder head.
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Disassemble: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-137

Engine Front Cover Removal (Third Design)

Reference: “Water Pump Removal: ”.
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

5. Remove the engine front cover bolts that hold the

engine front cover deadener into position.

1. Remove the camshaft position sensor bolts.
2. Remove the camshaft position sensors.

6. Remove the engine front cover deadener.

3. Remove the camshaft position actuator valve bolts.

4. Remove the camshaft position actuator valves from
the front cover.

7. Remove the remaining engine front cover bolts.

1D-138 Engine Mechanical:

11. Using the EN 46111, rotate the crankshaft until the

left cylinder head camshafts align with the EN
Do not pry between the engine front cover 46105-2 and the right cylinder head camshafts align

and the camshaft position sensors or the with the EN 46105-1.
camshaft position actuators in order to shear
the RTV. Use the pry points and a bolt in the
jackscrew hole in order to remove the engine
front cover. Damage to the camshaft position
sensors or the camshaft position actuators
may occur if the camshaft position sensors
or the camshaft position actuators are used
to pry against in order to remove the engine
front cover.

8. Loosely install a 10 x 1.5 mm bolt in the jackscrew

hole (1).
9. Using the pry points (2) located at the edge of the
front cover and the jackscrew, shear the room
temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant.

12. Install the EN 46105-1 to the right camshafts.

10. Remove the engine front cover.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-139

13. Install the EN 46105-2 to the left camshafts. 3. Remove the camshaft position actuator valve bolts.
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Disassemble: ”. 4. Remove the camshaft position actuator valves from
the front cover.

Engine Front Cover Removal (Fourth
Reference: “Water Pump Removal: ”.
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

5. Remove the engine front cover bolts that hold the

engine front cover deadener into position.

1. Remove the camshaft position sensor bolts.

2. Remove the camshaft position sensors.
1D-140 Engine Mechanical:

Do not pry between the engine front cover
and the camshaft position sensors or the
camshaft position actuators in order to shear
the RTV. Use the pry points and a bolt in the
jackscrew hole in order to remove the engine
front cover. Damage to the camshaft position
sensors or the camshaft position actuators
may occur if the camshaft position sensors
or the camshaft position actuators are used
to pry against in order to remove the engine
front cover.

8. Loosely install a 10 x 1.5 mm bolt in the jackscrew

hole (1).
9. Using the pry points (2) located at the edge of the
front cover and the jackscrew, shear the room
temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant.
6. Remove the engine front cover deadener.

10. Remove the engine front cover.
7. Remove the remaining engine front cover bolts.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-141

11. Using the EN 46111, rotate the crankshaft until the Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
left cylinder head camshafts align with the EN Removal - Right Side (Third Design)
46105-2 and the right cylinder head camshafts align Reference: “Engine Front Cover Removal (Third
with the EN 46105-1. Design): ”.

12. Install the EN 46105-1 to the right camshafts. 1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts.
2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain

13. Install the EN 46105-2 to the left camshafts.

Reference: “Engine Front Cover Disassemble: ”.

3. Remove and discard the right secondary camshaft

drive chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the right cylinder
head for burrs or any defects that would degrade the
sealing of the NEW right secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner gasket.
1D-142 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) Removal - Right Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Removal (Fourth Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Design): ”. Removal - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts. shoe bolt.
2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain

2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain

3. Remove and discard the right secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the right cylinder
head for burrs or any defects that would degrade the
sealing of the NEW right secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner gasket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-143

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design) Removal - Right Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”. Removal - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe bolt. guide bolts.
2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.

2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain

guide bolts.
2. Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain
1D-144 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Right Side (Third Design) Removal (Third Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Removal - Right Side (Third Design): ”. - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain from 1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
the right camshaft position actuators and the right bolts.
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler sprocket. 2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal -

Right Side (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.

3. Remove and discard the primary camshaft drive

chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
mounting surface on the engine block for burrs or
any defects that would degrade the sealing of the
Remove the right secondary camshaft drive chain from NEW primary camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.
the right camshaft position actuators and the right
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler sprocket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-145

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal (Fourth Design) Removal - Upper (Third Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
- Right Side (Fourth Design): ”. Removal (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner 1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain upper
bolts. guide bolts.
2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner. 2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain upper

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Removal - Upper (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Removal (Fourth Design): ”.

3. Remove and discard the primary camshaft drive

chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
mounting surface on the engine block for burrs or
any defects that would degrade the sealing of the
NEW primary camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.
1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain upper
guide bolts.
2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain upper
1D-146 Engine Mechanical:

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Removal - Lower (Third Design) (Third Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Upper (Third Design): ”. Removal - Lower (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower Remove the primary camshaft drive chain.
guide bolts.
2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
guide. (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal - Lower (Fourth Design): ”.
Removal - Lower (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Upper (Fourth Design): ”.

Remove the primary camshaft drive chain.

1. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower

guide bolts.
2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower
Engine Mechanical: 1D-147

Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Removal - Right Side (Third Design) Removal - Left Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
(Third Design): ”. Removal - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the right camshaft intermediate drive chain 1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
idler bolt. tensioner bolts.
2. Remove the right camshaft intermediate drive chain 2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
idler. tensioner.

Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler

Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
(Fourth Design): ”.

3. Remove and discard the left secondary camshaft

drive chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the left cylinder head
for burrs or any defects that would degrade the
1. Remove the right camshaft intermediate drive chain sealing of the NEW left secondary camshaft drive
idler bolt. chain tensioner gasket.
2. Remove the right camshaft intermediate drive chain
1D-148 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design) Removal - Left Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Removal - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”. Removal - Left Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts. shoe bolt.
2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain

2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain

3. Remove and discard the left secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner gasket.
4. Inspect the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the left cylinder head
for burrs or any defects that would degrade the
sealing of the NEW left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner gasket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-149

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design) Removal - Left Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”. Removal - Left Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe bolt. guide bolts.
2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.

2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain

guide bolts.
2. Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain
1D-150 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal - Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Left Side (Third Design) Removal - Left Side (Third Design)
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
Removal - Left Side (Third Design): ”. - Left Side (Third Design): ”.

Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain from 1. Remove the left camshaft intermediate drive chain
the left camshaft position actuators and the left camshaft idler bolt.
intermediate drive chain idler sprocket. 2. Remove the left camshaft intermediate drive chain
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal -
Left Side (Fourth Design) Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design)
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”. Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Removal
- Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.

Remove the left secondary camshaft drive chain from

the left camshaft position actuators and the left camshaft 1. Remove the left camshaft intermediate drive chain
intermediate drive chain idler sprocket. idler bolt.
2. Remove the left camshaft intermediate drive chain
Engine Mechanical: 1D-151

Crankshaft Sprocket Removal (Third Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left

Design) Side Exhaust (Third Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Removal (Third
Removal - Left Side (Third Design): ”. Design): ”.

Remove the crankshaft sprocket from the nose of the
Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Crankshaft Sprocket Removal (Fourth Drive Chain Notice”.
Design) 1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
Removal - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”. loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator.

Remove the crankshaft sprocket from the nose of the

1D-152 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left ! CAUTION

Side Exhaust (Fourth Design) Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Removal (Fourth Drive Chain Notice”.
Design): ”.
1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the left intake camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the left intake camshaft position actuator.

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left

Side Intake (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left
Side Exhaust (Fourth Design): ”.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.

1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the

camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the left exhaust camshaft position actuator.

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left ! CAUTION

Side Intake (Third Design) Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left Drive Chain Notice”.
Side Exhaust (Third Design): ”.
1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the left intake camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the left intake camshaft position actuator.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-153

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - ! CAUTION

Right Side Exhaust (Third Design) Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left Drive Chain Notice”.
Side Intake (Third Design): ”.
1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the right exhaust camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the right exhaust camshaft position

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal -

Right Side Intake (Third Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right
Side Exhaust (Third Design): ”.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.

1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the

camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the right exhaust camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the right exhaust camshaft position

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - ! CAUTION

Right Side Exhaust (Fourth Design) Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left Drive Chain Notice”.
Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.
1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the right intake camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the right intake camshaft position actuator.
Reference: “Camshaft Timing Drive Components
Cleaning and Inspection (Third Design): ”.
1D-154 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Camshaft Removal - Left Side

Right Side Intake (Fourth Design) Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right Side Intake (Third Design): ”.
Side Exhaust (Fourth Design): ”. Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Left
Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.
1. Remove the EN 46105-2 from the left camshafts.
1. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the 2. Position the camshaft lobes in a neutral position.
camshaft in order to prevent engine rotation when
loosening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
2. Remove the right intake camshaft position actuator
3. Remove the right intake camshaft position actuator.
Reference: “Camshaft Timing Drive Components
Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth Design): ”.

3. Observe the markings on the bearing caps. Each

bearing cap is marked in order to identify its location.
The markings have the following meanings:
– The raised feature must always be oriented
toward the center of the cylinder head.
– The I indicates the intake camshaft.
– The E indicates the exhaust camshaft.
– The number indicates the journal position from the
front of the engine.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-155

Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Left Side

Reference: “Camshaft Removal - Left Side: ”.

4. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts.

5. Remove the camshaft bearing caps.
Remove the valve rocker arms, camshaft followers, from

the left cylinder head.
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.

Valve Lifter Removal - Left Side

Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Left Side: ”.

6. Remove the camshafts.

7. Replace the camshaft bearing caps and bolts.
Reference: “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

• Do not stroke/cycle the stationary
hydraulic lash adjuster plunger without oil
in the lower pressure chamber.
• Do not allow the stationary hydraulic lash
adjuster to tip over, plunger down, after the
oil fill.

Remove the valve lifters, stationary hydraulic lash

adjuster, (SHLAs) from the left cylinder head.
Reference: “Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
1D-156 Engine Mechanical:

Cylinder Head Removal - Left Side Camshaft Removal - Right Side

Reference: “Valve Lifter Removal - Left Side: ”. Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right
Side Intake (Third Design): ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right
Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool

1. Remove the two front M8 left cylinder head bolts.

2. Remove the left cylinder head bolts.
3. Remove the left cylinder head.

1. Remove the EN 46105-1 from the right camshafts.

2. Position the camshaft lobes in a neutral position.

4. Remove and discard the left cylinder head gasket.

Reference: “Cylinder Head Disassemble: ”.

3. Observe the markings on the bearing caps. Each

bearing cap is marked in order to identify its location.
The markings have the following meanings:
– The raised feature must always be oriented
toward the center of the cylinder head.
– The I indicates the intake camshaft.
– The E indicates the exhaust camshaft.
– The number indicates the journal position from the
front of the engine.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-157

Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Right Side

Reference: “Camshaft Removal - Right Side: ”.

4. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts.

5. Remove the camshaft bearing caps.
Remove the valve rocker arms, camshaft followers, from

the right cylinder head.
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.

Valve Lifter Removal - Right Side

Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Right Side: ”.

6. Remove the camshafts.

7. Replace the camshaft bearing caps and bolts.
Reference: “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

• Do not stroke/cycle the stationary
hydraulic lash adjuster plunger without oil
in the lower pressure chamber.
• Do not allow the stationary hydraulic lash
adjuster to tip over, plunger down, after the
oil fill.

Remove the valve lifters, stationary hydraulic lash

adjuster, (SHLAs) from the right cylinder head.
Reference: “Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
1D-158 Engine Mechanical:

Cylinder Head Removal - Right Side Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing
Reference: “Valve Lifter Removal - Right Side: ”. Removal
Reference: “Oil Pump Removal: ”.

1. Remove the right cylinder head bolts.

2. Remove the right cylinder head. 1. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal housing bolts.

3. Remove and discard the right cylinder head gasket. 2. Using the pry points located at the edge of the
Reference: “Cylinder Head Disassemble: ”. crankshaft rear oil seal housing shear the RTV
Engine Mechanical: 1D-159

e. If the connecting rod width is significantly smaller

than specified and severe wear is present on the
side of the connecting rod, replace the
connecting rod.
f. If the connecting rod width is within specification
and excessive scoring is present on the
crankshaft journals, replace the crankshaft.
2. Using a marker, number each piston face. Draw an
arrow along the centerline of the piston pointing
toward the front of the engine.

Do not use a stamp, punch or any other
method that may distort or stress the
connecting rod or connecting rod cap.
Extensive engine damage may result from a
connecting rod that is distorted or stressed.

3. Remove and discard the crankshaft rear oil seal 3. Mark the cylinder number on the connecting rod and
housing. the connecting rod cap with a scribe, paint stick or
permanent marker.

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
Reference: “Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing
Removal: ”.
Special tool
EN 46121 Connecting Rod Guide Pin Set

• An arrow/dot showing proper piston
orientation is located on the top of the
• If the connecting rod bearings have been
used in a running engine, you must
replace them with NEW connecting rod
bearings for reassembly.

1. Before removing the connecting rods, check the

connecting rod side clearance using the following
procedure: ! CAUTION
a. Tap the connecting rod to one end of the Powdered metal connecting rods have rod
crankshaft journal with a dead-blow or wooden bolts which yield when torqued. If the rod
hammer. bolts are loosened or removed the rod bolts
b. Using feeler gages, measure the clearance must be replaced. Rod bolts that are not
between the crankshaft counterweight and the replaced will not torque to the correct clamp
connecting rod. load and can lead to serious engine damage.
c. The connecting rod side clearance should not
4. Remove the connecting rod bolts.
exceed specifications. Refer to “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”. NOTE
d. If the end play exceeds the specified limits, The connecting rod caps must remain with
measure the width of the crankpin end of the the original connecting rod.
connecting rod. Refer to “Piston, Connecting
Rod, and Bearings Cleaning and Inspection”. 5. Remove the connecting rod cap.
1D-160 Engine Mechanical:

6. Install the EN 46121 into the connecting rod bolt 8. Remove the EN 46121 from the connecting rod bolt
holes. holes.
9. Remove the upper connecting rod bearing from the

connecting rod.

7. Using the EN 46121, push the connecting rod and

piston assembly through the top of the cylinder. DO
NOT scratch the crankshaft journal or cylinder wall 10. Remove the lower connecting rod bearing from the
and DO NOT damage the oil jets when removing the connecting rod cap.
connecting rod and piston assembly.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-161

Crankshaft Removal

11. Reattach the connecting rod cap to the connecting

rod to prevent damage to their mating surfaces. The 1. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap side bolts.
cap and rod are a matched set and must be kept 2. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap outer bolts.

3. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap inner bolts.
Reference: “Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble: ”.

Crankshaft and Bearings Removal

Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
Removal: ”.
Special tool
J 6125-1B Slide Hammer Adapter
J 41818 Crankshaft Bearing Cap Remover

Crankshaft End Play Measurement

1. Place a dial indicator at the crankshaft nose.
2. Gently force the crankshaft to the extreme front and
rear positions with a pry tool while monitoring the
movement of the dial indicator.
3. The crankshaft end play should not exceed
specifications. Refer to “Engine Mechanical
4. If the specifications are exceeded inspect the thrust 4. Remove the crankshaft bearing caps using the J
bearing thrust OD and the crankshaft thrust wall for 6125-1B and J 41818.
wear and/or excessive runout. Refer to “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”.
5. Replace the thrust bearing or crankshaft as
1D-162 Engine Mechanical:

Crankshaft Bearing Removal

1. Prepare a piece of cardboard or equivalent,
numbered 1-4 for bearing identification. Main
bearing journals are numbered from the front of the

5. Using two hands, lift the crankshaft straight up from

the engine block.
6. Place the crankshaft in a secure place.

2. Remove the crankshaft upper bearing halves from
the cylinder block. Note the position of the thrust
bearing (1) at the number 3 journal (2).
3. Place the crankshaft upper bearing halves on the
cardboard in the correct positions. Note that the
number 3 bearing is the thrust bearing.

7. Remove the crankshaft sprocket drive pin from the

nose of the crankshaft, if damaged.

4. Remove the crankshaft lower bearing halves from

the crankshaft bearing caps.
5. Place the crankshaft lower bearing halves in the
correct positions on the cardboard.
Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-163

Engine Block Disassemble

Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Removal: ”.

4. Remove the cylinder block-to-oil pan alignment

1. Remove oil jet bolts.

2. Remove oil jets.

5. Remove the M14 right side oil gallery threaded plug.

3. Remove the right front oil pan rail oil gallery

expansion plug.

6. Remove the M14 right side coolant drain threaded

1D-164 Engine Mechanical:

7. Remove the M14 rear oil gallery threaded plug. 10. Remove the coolant expansion plugs.

8. Remove the M14 left side coolant drain threaded 11. Remove the cylinder block-to-transmission
plug. alignment dowels.

9. Remove the M20 left side oil gallery threaded plug. 12. Remove the front oil gallery expansion plug.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-165

Visual Inspection

13. Remove the cylinder block-to-cylinder head

alignment dowels. 1. Inspect the crankshaft bearings journals for damage
Reference: “Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection: ”. or spun bearings. The crankshaft bearing journals

are not repairable, if the crankshaft bearing journals
Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection are damaged the cylinder block assembly must be
Reference: “Engine Block Disassemble: ”. replaced.
2. Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
Special tool mounting surface on the engine block for burrs or
J 8087 Cylinder Bore Gage any defects that would degrade the sealing of the
J 28410 Gasket Remover NEW primary camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.
3. Inspect all sealing and mating surfaces for damage,
Cleaning Procedure
repair or replace the cylinder block assembly if
1. Remove any old thread sealant, gasket material or necessary.
sealant using J 28410.
4. Inspect all threaded and through holes for damage
2. Clean all the following areas with solvent: or excessive debris.
– Sealing surfaces 5. Inspect all bolts for damage, if damaged replace with
– Cooling passages NEW bolts only.
– Oil passages 6. Inspect the cylinder walls for cracks or damage. The
– Bearing journals cylinder sleeves are not serviced separately, if the
cylinders are damaged the cylinder block assembly
3. Clean all threaded and through holes with solvent.
must be replaced.
! WARNING 7. Inspect the engine block for cracks. Do not repair
any cracks. If cracks are found, the cylinder block
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. assembly must be replaced.
8. Repair any damaged threaded holes. Refer to
4. Dry the engine block with compressed air.
“Thread Repair Specifications” and “Thread Repair”.
1D-166 Engine Mechanical:

Measuring Cylinder Bore Diameter 3. Measure both the thrust and non-thrust cylinder
diameter at 100 mm (3.976 in) below the deck
surface. Record your measurements.
4. Calculate the difference between the 2
measurements. The result will indicate out-of-round
at the lower end of the cylinder.
5. Compare your results with the “Engine Mechanical
Specifications”. If the cylinders exceed these
specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized
to 0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only one size of
oversized pistons and rings available for service.

Deck Flatness Inspection

Measure the cylinder bore diameter 37 mm (1.457 in)

from the deck face using the J 8087.

Compare your results with the “Engine Mechanical
Specifications”. If the cylinder diameter exceeds the
specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized to
0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only one size of oversized
pistons and rings available for service.

Measuring Cylinder Bore Taper

1. Measure the cylinder bore along the thrust surfaces,
perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline, at 10 mm
(0.397 in) below the deck surface and record your
measurement. 1. Ensure the engine block decks are clean and free of
2. Measure the cylinder bore along the thrust surfaces, gasket material.
perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline, at 100 2. Inspect the surface for any imperfections or
mm (3.976 in) below the deck surface and record scratches that could inhibit proper cylinder head
your measurement. gasket sealing.
3. Calculate the difference between the 2 3. Place a straight-edge diagonally across the cylinder
measurements. The result will be the cylinder taper. block deck face surface.
4. Compare your results with the “Engine Mechanical 4. Measure the clearance between the straight-edge
Specifications”. If the cylinders exceed the and the cylinder block deck face using a feeler gage
specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized at 4 points along the straight-edge.
to 0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only one size of 5. If the warpage is less than 0.05 mm (0.002 in), the
oversized pistons and rings available for service. cylinder block deck surface does not require
Measuring Cylinder Bore Out-of-Round
6. If the warpage is between 0.05-0.20 mm (0.002-
1. Measure both the thrust and non-thrust cylinder 0.008 in) or any imperfections or scratches that
diameter at 10 mm (0.397 in) below the deck. could inhibit proper cylinder head gasket sealing are
Record your measurements. present, the cylinder block deck surface requires
2. Calculate the difference between the 2 resurfacing.
measurements. The result will indicate out-of-round 7. If resurfacing is required the maximum amount that
at the upper end of the cylinder. can be removed is 0.25 mm (0.010 in).
8. If the cylinder block deck surface requires more than
0.25 mm (0.010 in) material removal the block must
be replaced.
Reference: “Engine Block Assemble: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-167

Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and – Inspect the crankshaft main journals (5) for
Inspection damage.
Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Removal: ”. – Inspect the crankshaft connecting rod journals (6)
for damage.
Cleaning Procedure – Inspect the crankshaft oil passages (7) for
1. Clean the following components in solvent: obstructions.
– Crankshaft bearings – Inspect the crankshaft main bearing thrust wall
surfaces (8) for damage.
– Connecting rod bearings
– Inspect the crankshaft counterweights (9) for
– Crankshaft journals
– Crankpin journals
– Inspect the crankshaft reluctor ring teeth (10) for
– Crankshaft oil passages damage.
– Crankshaft threaded holes – Inspect the crankshaft rear main oil seal surface
(11) for damage.
– Inspect the crankshaft engine flywheel mounting
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. surface (12) for damage.
– Inspect the crankshaft pilot hole (13) for damage.
2. Dry the following components with compressed air:
– Inspect the crankshaft engine flywheel bolt holes
– Crankshaft bearings (14) for thread damage.

– Connecting rod bearings 2. Repair or replace the crankshaft as necessary.
– Crankshaft journals
– Crankpin journals Crankshaft Bearing Inspection
– Crankshaft oil passages
– Crankshaft threaded holes

Visual Inspection

• All connecting rod and main journal
bearings that have been used in a running
engine must be replaced. Never re-use the
1. Perform the following visual inspections: crankshaft or connecting rod bearings.
– Inspect the crankshaft balancer bolt hole (1) for • The following bearing wear conditions
thread damage. should be used to diagnose engine
– Inspect the crankshaft balancer mounting area (2) operating conditions or root cause of a
for damage. condition.
– Inspect the crankshaft sprocket pin hole (3) for
damage. 1. Inspect for fatigue indicated by craters or pockets.
Flattened sections on the bearing halves also
– Inspect the oil pump drive flats (4) for damage.
indicate fatigue.
1D-168 Engine Mechanical:

2. Inspect for excessive scoring or discoloration on 1. Using a suitable fixture, support the crankshaft.
both front and back of the bearing halves.
3. Inspect the main bearings for dirt embedded into the

bearing material.

2. Install the J 7872.

3. Measure the crankshaft runout using the J 7872.
Refer to “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
4. Inspect for improper seating indicated by bright,
polished sections.

Crankshaft Measurement
Special tool
J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator
Engine Mechanical: 1D-169

4. Measure the crankshaft thrust wall width (1) for wear

using an inside micrometer. Refer to “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”.
5. Measure the crankshaft thrust wall surface (2) for
runout using the J 7872. Refer to “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”.
6. If the crankshaft journals are damaged or worn
beyond specifications, the crankshaft may be ground
0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only 1 size of oversized
main bearings available for service.

10. Measure the main bearing and crankpin journals for

out-of-round using the following procedure:
a. Using an outside micrometer, measure the

journal at the extreme front and rear locations on
the journal. Call these points A and B.
b. Measure the journal in 2 new locations exactly
90 degrees from the first points. Call these points
C and D.
c. Subtract A from C and B from D. The differences
will indicate journal out-of-round.
7. Inspect the crankshaft main journals for undersize,
d. The out-of-round should not exceed 0.004 mm
using an outside micrometer.
(0.00016 in) maximum.
e. If the journals are worn beyond the
specifications, the crankshaft may be ground
0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only 1 size of
oversized crankshaft and connecting rod
bearings available for service.
11. Measure the main bearing and crankpin journals for
taper using the following procedure:
a. Using an outside micrometer, measure the
journal at the extreme front (A) and rear (B) of
the journal parallel to the crankshaft centerline.
b. Subtract the smallest from the largest
measurement. The result will be the journal
c. If the main bearing journal taper exceeds 0.004
mm (0.00016 in), replace the crankshaft.
d. If the journals are worn beyond the
specifications, the crankshaft may be ground
8. Inspect the crankpins for undersize using an outside
0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only 1 size of
oversized crankshaft and connecting rod
9. Compare your measurements with those listed in the bearings available for service.
“Engine Mechanical Specifications”. If the crankpin Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Installation: ”.
journals are worn beyond the specifications, the
crankshaft may be ground 0.25 mm (0.010 in). There
is only 1 size of oversized connecting rod bearings
available for service.
1D-170 Engine Mechanical:

Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and – Worn, chunking or deteriorated rubber between

Inspection the hub and pulley (3)
Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Removal: ”. – Damaged drive belt ribs (4)
– Damaged webs (5)
Cleaning Procedure 2. Repair or replace the crankshaft balancer as
Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Installation: ”.

Engine Flywheel Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Engine Flywheel Removal: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
In order to maintain the proper component
balance, contact surface taper and heat
transfer, manual transmission flywheels are
NOT to be machined.

1. Clean the engine flywheel in solvent.


1. Clean the crankshaft balancer in solvent that is Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.
compatible with the rubber (3).
2. Dry the engine flywheel with compressed air.
Inspection Procedure
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

1. Inspect the engine flywheel for the following

– Stress cracks around the engine flywheel-to-
torque converter mounting bolt hole locations (1)
and/or engine flywheel-to-crankshaft (2, 4)
1. Inspect the crankshaft balancer for the following:
– Worn or damaged hub-to-crankshaft surface (1) NOTE
– Worn, grooved or damaged hub seal surface (2) Do not attempt to repair the welded areas that
A crankshaft balancer hub seal surface with retain the ring gear to the engine flywheel
excessive scoring, grooves, rust or other damage plate. Install a new engine flywheel.
must be replaced.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-171

– Cracks at welded areas that retain the ring gear

onto the engine flywheel (3)
– Damaged or missing ring gear teeth (5)
2. Replace the engine flywheel as necessary.
Reference: “Engine Flywheel Installation: ”.

Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble

Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
Removal: ”.
Special tool
EN-46745 Piston Pin Clip Remover/Installer

• The connecting rod is non-directional and

may be assembled/reassembled to the
piston in either direction.
• DO NOT reuse the piston pin retainers.

2. Using the EN-46745, remove the piston pin retainers

by using the removal access notch (1) in the side of
the piston. Discard the piston pin retainers.

You must use a piston ring expander to
remove and install the piston rings. Only
expand the rings far enough to fit over the
piston lands. If the rings are overexpanded,
the top ring will shatter and the others will

1. Remove the piston rings using a piston ring

expander. Place each ring in a clean shop towel for

3. Slide the piston pin out of the piston. The piston will
disconnect from the connecting rod.
Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearings
Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
1D-172 Engine Mechanical:

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearings Piston Measurement Procedure

Cleaning and Inspection
Reference: “Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
DO NOT wire brush any part of the piston.

1. Clean the piston skirts and the pins with a cleaning

2. Clean the piston ring grooves with a groove cleaner.
Ensure that the oil ring holes and slots are clean.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

3. Dry the piston with compressed air.

1. Measure piston width using the following procedure:
Piston Inspection Procedure
a. Using an outside micrometer, measure the width

of the piston at 30 mm (1.181 in) below the
crown, top (1), at the thrust surfaces of the
piston, perpendicular to the piston pin centerline.
b. Compare the measurement of the piston to its
original cylinder by subtracting the piston width
from the cylinder diameter.
c. Check your measurements with the “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”.
d. If the clearance obtained through measurement
is greater than the provided specifications and
the cylinder bores are within specification,
replace the piston.

1. Inspect the pistons for the following conditions:

– Cracked ring lands, skirts or pin bosses
– Ring grooves for nicks, burrs that may cause
binding (5)
– Warped or worn ring lands (5)
– Piston pin retainer grooves for burrs (2)
– Eroded areas at the top of the piston (1)
– Scuffed or damaged skirt coating (4)
– Worn piston pin bores or worn piston pins (3)
2. Replace pistons that show any signs of damage or
excessive wear.
2. Measure the piston pin bore to piston pin clearances
using the following procedure:
a. Piston pin bores and pins must be free of varnish
or scuffing.
b. Use an outside micrometer to measure the
piston pin in the piston contact areas.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-173

b. Measure the end gap of the piston ring with

feeler gages. Refer to “Engine Mechanical
c. If the clearance exceeds the provided
specifications, the piston rings must be replaced.
d. Repeat the procedure for all the piston rings.

3. Using an inside micrometer, measure the piston pin

bore. Compare your result with the piston pin
diameter and piston pin to piston pin bore clearance

listed in the “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
4. If the clearance is excessive, determine which piece
is out of specification and replace as necessary.
5. You must replace the piston if any of its dimensions 2. Measure the piston ring side clearance using the
are out of specification. following procedure:
6. If the new piston does not meet clearance a. Roll the piston ring entirely around the piston ring
specifications, the cylinder block may need to be groove. If any binding is caused by the ring
oversized to 0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only one groove, dress the groove with a fine file. If any
size of oversized pistons and rings available for binding is caused by a distorted piston ring,
service. replace the ring.
b. With the piston ring on the piston, use feeler
Piston Ring Measurement Procedure gages to check clearance at multiple locations.
c. Compare the measurements with piston ring side
clearance listed in the “Engine Mechanical
d. If the clearance is greater than specifications,
replace the piston rings.

1. Measure the piston ring end gap using the following

a. Place the piston ring in the area of the bore
where the piston ring will travel approximately 25
mm (1 in) down from the deck surface. Ensure
that the ring is square with the cylinder bore by
positioning the ring with the piston head.
1D-174 Engine Mechanical:

3. There is a locating dimple (1) on the compression 5. If the connecting rod bores contain minor scratches
rings near the end for identification. Install the or abrasions, clean the bores in a circular direction
compression rings with the dimple facing up. with a light emery paper.
4. If the new ring does not reduce the clearance to the
proper specification, install a new piston. Connecting Rod Measurement Procedure
5. If the new piston does not meet clearance Piston Pin End
specifications, the cylinder block may need to be
oversized to 0.25 mm (0.010 in). There is only one
size of oversized pistons and rings available for

Connecting Rod Cleaning Procedure

1. Clean the connecting rods in solvent.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the connecting rod using compressed air.

3. Remove the connecting rod cap and clean the

4. Remove the connecting rod bearing and discard.
Never reuse a connecting rod bearing used in a
running engine.
Connecting Rod Visual Inspection Procedure
Measurements of all components should be
taken with the components at normal room

1. Using an outside micrometer, take 2 measurements

of the piston pin in the area of the connecting rod

1. Inspect the piston pin bushing (4) for scoring or

2. Inspect the connecting rod beam (1) for twisting or
3. Inspect the rod cap (2) for any nicks or damage
caused by possible interference.
4. Inspect for scratches or abrasion on the rod bearing 2. Using an inside micrometer, measure the connecting
seating surface. rod piston pin bore.
3. Subtract the piston pin diameter from the piston pin
NOTE bore.
DO NOT scrape the rod or rod cap. 4. Compare the clearance measurements with the
“Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-175

5. If the clearance is excessive, replace the piston pin. Piston and Piston Pin Installation Procedure
If a new pin does not resolve the clearance problem,
replace the connecting rod.
Connecting Rod Crankshaft Bearing End


• The arrow located on top of the piston
must point toward the front of the engine.
• The connecting rod is non-directional and
Measurements of all components should be may be assembled/reassembled to the
taken with the components at normal room piston in either direction.
1. Lubricate the piston pin bores in the piston and the
1. Using an inside micrometer, measure the connecting connecting rod with GM prelube lubricant GM P/N
rod crankshaft bearing bore. 1052367 (Canadian P/N 992869) or equivalent.
2. Compare the bore measurements with the “Engine 2. Assemble the piston and piston pin to the connecting
Mechanical Specifications”. rod. Properly orient the piston when reusing a
3. Replace the connecting rod if the bore is out of marked connecting rod.
specifications. DO NOT recondition the connecting 3. Align the piston pin bore with the connecting rod pin
rod. bore.
Reference: “Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble: ”.
4. Slide the piston pin into the piston and the
connecting rod.
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble
Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearings
Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46121 Connecting Rod Guide Pin Set
EN-46745 Piston Pin Clip Remover/Installer
1D-176 Engine Mechanical:

New piston pin retainers must be used. Never
reuse the piston pin retainers.

5. Install NEW piston pin retainers using the EN-46745.

Align the EN-46745 to the notch (1) in the piston.
6. Ensure that the piston pin retainers are fully seated
in their grooves.
7. Repeat these procedures for the remaining pistons.

Piston Ring Installation Procedure

3. Install the second and top piston rings using the ring
expander. Ensure that you do not overexpand the

1. Properly orient the oil control ring expander as
shown before installation. The ends of the expander
must be facing toward the top of the piston.

4. Once the rings are installed, set the ring gaps for the
oil control, second and top ring as follows. Use the
piston location arrow for reference.
a. Lower oil control ring - position 1
b. Upper oil control ring - position 2
c. Top Ring - position 3
d. Oil control ring expander - position 4
e. Second ring - position 5

2. Using a piston ring expander, install the oil control

ring assembly using the following procedure:
a. Install the expander ring (3).
b. Install the 2 oil scraper rings (4). Expand the
rings only enough to clear the piston diameter.
Overexpanding the piston rings will distort or
crack the rings.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-177

Connecting Rod Bearing Installation Procedure Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
Installation: ”.

Cylinder Head Disassemble

Reference: “Cylinder Head Removal - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Cylinder Head Removal - Right Side: ”.
Special tool
EN 46116 Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer
EN 46117 Valve Stem Key Remover/Installer
EN 46119 Off-Vehicle Valve Spring Compressor
J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor - Head Off


If the connecting rod bearings have been
used in a running engine, you must replace
them with NEW connecting rod bearings for

1. Clean the connecting rod and the connecting rod cap

bearing bore with a lint-free cloth.
2. Clean all the oil from behind the connecting rod
bearing halves.
3. Install new upper connecting rod bearings into
position. Roll the bearing into position so that the
lock tang engages the alignment slot. The bearing NOTE
must fit flush in the connecting rod. Ensure valve heads will not contact anything
4. Install the EN 46121 into the connecting rod bolt during the following step in order to avoid
holes. bending or damage.

1. Using an appropriately sized deep socket and a

plastic hammer, lightly tap on the valve spring
retainer to loosen the valve keepers.

5. Install new lower connecting rod bearings into

position in the connecting rod cap. Roll the bearing
into position so that the lock tang engages the
alignment slot. The bearings must fit flush with the
connecting rod cap.
1D-178 Engine Mechanical:

Compressed valve springs have high tension
against the valve spring compressor. Valve
springs that are not properly compressed by
or released from the valve spring
compressor can be ejected from the valve
spring compressor with intense force. Use
care when compressing or releasing the
valve spring with the valve spring
compressor and when removing or installing
the valve stem keys. Failing to use care may
cause personal injury.

Do not compress the valve springs less than
24.0 mm (0.943 in). Contact between the valve
spring retainer and the valve stem oil seal
can cause potential valve stem oil seal 5. Remove the valve spring retainer.
damage. 6. Remove the valve spring.

2. Compress the valve spring using the J 8062 and the
EN 46119.

7. Remove the valve.

3. Use the magnet of the EN 46117 in order to remove

the valve keepers.
4. Remove the valve spring compressor and the
Engine Mechanical: 1D-179

NOTE Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection

NEVER reuse a valve stem oil seal. Reference: “Cylinder Head Disassemble: ”.
Special tool
8. Remove the valve stem oil seal using the EN 46116
EN 46122 Camshaft Position Actuator Check-Ball
and discard.
Valve Remover/Installer
9. Repeat these procedures for the remaining valves. J 8001 Dial Indicator Set
J 8358 Carbon Removal Brush
J 28410 Gasket Remover
J 42096 Valve Guide Reamer

Cleaning Procedure
1. Remove any old thread sealant, gasket material or
sealant using J 28410.
2. Clean all cylinder head surfaces with non-corrosive

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

3. Blow out all the oil galleries using compressed air.

4. Remove any carbon deposits from the combustion
chambers using the J 8358.
5. Clean any debris or build-up from the lifter pockets.
10. Remove the cylinder head oil gallery expansion
Visual Inspection

11. Remove the cylinder head coolant threaded plugs.

1. Inspect the cylinder head camshaft bearing surfaces
Reference: “Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
for the following conditions:
Reference: “Valve Spring Inspection and Measurement:
”. – Excessive scoring or pitting
Reference: “Valve and Seat Grinding: ”. – Discoloration from overheating
– Deformation from excessive wear
– If the camshaft bearing journals appear to be
scored or damaged, you must replace the cylinder
head. DO NOT machine the camshaft bearing
1D-180 Engine Mechanical:

2. If any of the above conditions exist on the camshaft

bearing surfaces, replace the cylinder head.
3. Inspect the cylinder head for the following:
– Cracks, damage or pitting in the combustion
– Debris in the oil galleries — Continue to clean the
galleries until all debris is removed.
– Coolant leaks or damage to the deck face sealing
surface — If coolant leaks are present, measure
the surface warpage as described under Cylinder
Head Measurement - Deck Flatness Inspection.
– Burrs or any defects that would degrade the
sealing of the NEW secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner gasket
– Damage to any gasket surfaces
– Damage to any threaded bolt holes
– Burnt or eroded areas in the combustion chamber
6. Damaged, restricted or clogged check valves can be
– Cracks in the exhaust ports and combustion replaced using the EN 46122.

– External cracks in the water passages Cylinder Head Measurement
– Restrictions in the intake or exhaust passages Camshaft Journal Clearance
– Restrictions in the cooling system passages 1. Install the camshaft bearing cap in the cylinder head
– Rusted, damaged or leaking core plugs without the camshaft.
4. If the cylinder head is cracked or damaged, it must
be replaced. No welding or patching of the cylinder
head is recommended. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the camshaft cap bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft cap bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb
3. Measure the camshaft bearings using an inside
4. Subtract the camshaft journal diameter from the
camshaft bearing diameter. This will provide the
running clearance. If the running clearance exceeds
specifications and the camshaft journals are within
specification, replace the cylinder head.
Camshaft Journal Alignment
1. Ensure the camshafts are serviceable.
2. Inspect the cylinder head camshaft bearing surfaces
for any imperfections or scratches that could inhibit
proper camshaft clearances. Repair minor
5. Inspect the camshaft position actuator oil feed check
imperfections or scratches.
valves in order to ensure they are properly
positioned in the cylinder head. The camshaft 3. Install the camshafts in the cylinder head.
position actuator oil feed check valve should be flush 4. Install the camshaft bearing caps.
to 2 mm (0.0787 in) below the cylinder head deck 5. Install the camshaft cap bolts.
surface (a).
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft cap bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb
6. Ensure the camshafts spin freely in the cylinder
head. If the camshaft does not run freely, replace the
cylinder head.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-181

Deck Flatness Inspection Valve Guide Measurement

1. Ensure the cylinder head decks are clean and free of 1. Measure the valve stem (1)-to-guide (2) clearance.
gasket material. Excessive valve stem-to-guide clearance may cause

2. Inspect the surface for any imperfections or an excessive oil consumption and may also cause a
scratches that could inhibit proper cylinder head valve to break. Insufficient clearance will result in
gasket sealing. noisy and sticky functioning of the valve and will
disturb the engine assembly smoothness.
3. Place a straight-edge diagonally across the cylinder
head deck face surface. 2. Clamp the J 8001 to the cylinder head at the
camshaft cover rail.
4. Measure the clearance between the straight-edge
and the cylinder head deck face using a feeler gage 3. Locate the dial indicator so that the movement of the
at 4 points along the straight-edge. valve stem from side to side, crossways to the
cylinder head, will cause a direct movement of the
5. If the warpage is less than 0.05 mm (0.002 in), the
indicator stem. The dial indicator stem must contact
cylinder head deck surface does not require
the side of the valve stem just above the valve guide.
4. Drop the valve head about 0.064 mm (0.0025 in) off
6. If the warpage is between 0.05-0.20 mm (0.002-
the valve seat.
0.008 in) or any imperfections or scratches that
could inhibit proper cylinder head gasket sealing are 5. Use light pressure when moving the valve stem from
present, the cylinder head deck surface requires side to side in order to obtain a clearance reading.
resurfacing. Refer to “Engine Mechanical Specifications” for
proper clearance.
7. If resurfacing is required the maximum amount that
can be removed is 0.25 mm (0.010 in). – If the clearance for the valve is greater than
specifications and a new standard diameter valve
8. If the cylinder head deck surface requires more than
stem will not bring the clearance within
0.25 mm (0.010 in) material removal the head must
specifications, the valve guide may be oversized
be replaced.
by 0.075 mm (0.003 in) using the J 42096. There
is 1 size of oversized valve stem available for
– Valve guide wear at the bottom 10 mm (0.390 in)
of the valve guide is not significant to normal
– If oversizing the guide does not bring the
clearance within specifications, replace the
cylinder head.
Reference: “Cylinder Head Assemble: ”.
1D-182 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Spring Inspection and Measurement Valve and Seat Grinding

Reference: “Cylinder Head Disassemble: ”. Reference: “Cylinder Head Disassemble: ”.
Special tool
J 22738-B Valve Spring Tester Valve Cleaning Procedure
1. Use soft bristle wire brush to clean any carbon build-
Inspection Procedure up from the valve head. DO NOT use a wire brush
on any part of the valve stem. The valve stem is
1. Clean the valve springs in solvent.
chrome plated to provide enhanced wear
! WARNING characteristics. Wire brushing the stem could
remove the chrome plating.
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. 2. Thoroughly clean the valve with solvent and wipe
2. Dry the valve springs with compressed air.
3. Inspect the valve springs for broken coils or coil Valve Visual Inspection Procedure

Measurement Procedure

1. Inspect the valve for damage from the head to tip for
the following conditions:
– Pitting in the valve seat area (1)
1. Measure the valve spring tension using the J 22738-
– Lack of valve margin (2)
B. Refer to “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
– Bending in the valve stem (3)
2. If low valve spring load is found, replace the valve
springs. DO NOT use shims to increase spring load. – Pitting or excessive wear in the stem (4)
The use of shims can cause the valve spring to – Worn valve key grooves (5)
bottom out before the camshaft lobe is at peak lift. – Worn valve tip (6)
Reference: “Cylinder Head Assemble: ”.
2. Replace the valve if any of these conditions exist.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-183

Valve Measurement and Reconditioning NOTE

Overview The seat contact area must be at least 0.5 mm
(0.020 in) from the outer diameter (margin) of
the valve. If the contact area is too close to
• Proper valve service is critical to engine the margins, the seat must be reconditioned
performance. Therefore, all detailed to move the contact area away from the
measurement procedures must be margin.
followed to identify components that are
out of specification. 3. Compare your measurements with the specifications
listed in “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
• If the measurement procedures reveal that
the valve or valve seat must be 4. If the seat widths are acceptable, check the valve
reconditioned, it is critical to perform the seat roundness using the Valve Seat Roundness
measurement procedures after Measurement Procedure.
reconditioning. 5. If the seat width is not acceptable, you must grind
the valve seat using the Valve and Seat
Reconditioning Procedure to bring the width back
Valve Seat Width Measurement Procedure
into specification. Proper valve seat width is critical
to providing the correct amount of valve heat

Valve Seat Roundness Measurement Procedure

1. Measure the valve seat roundness using a dial
indicator attached to a tapered pilot installed in the
guide. The pilot should have a slight bind when
installed in the guide.

The correct size pilot must be used. Do not
use adjustable diameter pilots. Adjustable
pilots may damage the valve guides.

2. Compare your measurements with the specifications

listed in “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
3. If the valve seat exceeds the roundness
1. Measure the valve seat width in the cylinder head specification, you must grind the valve and valve
using a proper scale. seat using the Valve and Seat Reconditioning
4. If new valves are being used, the valve seat
roundness must be within 0.05 mm (0.002 in).

2. Measure the seat width on the valve face (1) using a

proper scale.
1D-184 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Margin Measurement Procedure Valve-to-Seat Concentricity Measurement

• Checking the valve-to-seat concentricity
determines whether the valve and seat are
sealing properly.
• You must measure the valve face and the
valve seat to ensure proper valve sealing.

1. Measure the valve margin using an appropriate


2. Reference the specifications in this section for
minimum valve margin and compare them to your
3. If the valve margins are beyond specification,
replace the valves.
4. If the valve margins are within specification and do
not require refacing, test the valve for seat
concentricity using the Valve-to-Seat Concentricity 1. Coat the valve face lightly with blue dye (3).
Measurement Procedure. 2. Install the valve in the cylinder head.
3. Turn the valve against the seat with enough pressure
to wear off the dye.
4. Remove the valve from the cylinder head.
5. Inspect the valve face.
– If the valve face is concentric, providing a proper
seal, with the valve stem, a continuous mark will
be made around the entire face (1).

The wear mark MUST be at least 0.5 mm
(0.020 in) from the outer diameter, the margin,
of the valve. If the wear mark is too close to
the margin, the seat must be reconditioned to
move the contact area away from the margin.

– If the face is not concentric with the stem, the

mark will NOT be continuous around the valve
face. The valve should be refaced or replaced and
the seat must be reconditioned using the Valve
and Seat Reconditioning Procedure.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-185

Valve and Seat Reconditioning Procedure 6. Install the valve in the cylinder head.
– If you are using refaced valves, lap the valves into
the seats with a fine grinding compound. The
refacing and reseating operations should leave
the refinished surfaces smooth and true so that
minimal lapping is required. Excessive lapping will
groove the valve face and prevent a good seat
when hot.

Be sure to clean any remaining lapping
compound from the valve and seat with
solvent and compressed air prior to final

– If you are using new valves, do not lap the valves

under any condition.
7. After obtaining the proper valve seat width in the
cylinder head, you must re-measure the valve stem
height using the Valve Stem Height Measurement
NOTE Procedure.

• If the valve seat width, roundness or 8. If the valve stem height is acceptable, test the seats
concentricity is beyond specifications, you for concentricity using the Valve-to-Seat
must grind the seats in order to ensure Concentricity Measurement Procedure.
proper heat dissipation and prevent the
build up of carbon on the seats. Valve Stem Height Measurement Procedure
• It is necessary to reface the valve if seat
reconditioning is required unless a new
valve is used.

1. Grind the valve seats (2) to the proper angle

specification listed in “Engine Mechanical
2. Using the proper angle specification listed in “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”, grind, relieve, the valve
seats (1) to correctly position the valve seating
surface (2) to the valve.
3. Using the proper angle specification listed in “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”, grind, undercut, the
valve seats (3) to narrow the valve seat widths to the
specifications listed in “Engine Mechanical
4. If the original valve is being used, grind the valve to
the specifications listed in “Engine Mechanical
Specifications”. Measure the valve margin again NOTE
after grinding using the Valve Margin Measurement
Procedure. Replace the valve if the margin is out of To determine the valve stem height
specification. New valves do not require grinding. measurement, measure from the valve spring
seat to the valve spring retainer.
5. When grinding the valves and seats, grind off as little
material as possible. Cutting valve seat results in 1. Install the valve into the valve guide.
lowering the valve spring pressure.
2. Ensure the valve is seated to the cylinder head valve
3. Install the valve stem oil seal.
4. Install the valve spring retainer and valve stem locks.
5. Measure the distance (1) between the cylinder head
to the bottom of the valve spring retainer. Refer to
“Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
1D-186 Engine Mechanical:

6. If the maximum height specification is exceeded, a 1. Install the cylinder head coolant threaded plugs.
new valve should be installed and the valve stem
height re-measured. Tightening torque
Tighten the cylinder head coolant threaded plug
! CAUTION to 31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).
DO NOT grind the valve stem tip. The tip of
the valve is hardened and grinding the tip will
eliminate the hardened surface causing
premature wear and possible engine damage.

DO NOT use shims in order to adjust valve
stem height. The use of shims will cause the
valve spring to bottom out before the
camshaft lobe is at peak lift and engine
damage could result.

7. If the valve stem height still exceeds the maximum

height specification, the cylinder head must be
Reference: “Cylinder Head Assemble: ”.

Cylinder Head Assemble 2. Install the NEW cylinder head oil gallery expansion
Reference: “Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection: ”. plugs.
Reference: “Valve Spring Inspection and Measurement:
Reference: “Valve and Seat Grinding: ”.
Special tool
J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor - Head Off
EN 46116 Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer
EN 46117 Valve Stem Key Remover/Installer
EN 46119 Off-Vehicle Valve Spring Compressor

3. Place the valve stem oil seals onto the guides.

NEVER reuse a valve stem oil seal. Always
use new seals when assembling the cylinder

4. Mount a new valve stem oil seal using the EN 46116.

! CAUTION Force should only be applied to the valve
spring contact area of the new valve stem oil
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. seal during installation.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-187

5. Push and twist the valve stem oil seal into position
on the valve guide until the seal positively locks on
the guide using the EN 46116.
6. Lubricate the valve stem and valve guide ID with
clean engine oil GM P/N 12345501 (Canadian P/N
992704) or equivalent.

Compressed valve springs have high tension

against the valve spring compressor. Valve
springs that are not properly compressed by
or released from the valve spring
compressor can be ejected from the valve
spring compressor with intense force. Use
The valve stem oil seal must not come loose care when compressing or releasing the
from the valve guide when the valve is valve spring with the valve spring
installed. compressor and when removing or installing
the valve stem keys. Failing to use care may
7. Insert the valve into the valve guide until it bottoms cause personal injury.
on the valve seat.
Do not compress the valve springs less than
24.0 mm (0.943 in). Contact between the valve
spring retainer and the valve stem oil seal
can cause potential valve stem oil seal

10. Compress the valve spring using the J 8062 and the
EN 46119.

8. Position the valve spring on the spring seat.

9. Place the valve spring retainer onto the valve spring.
1D-188 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Camshaft Removal - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Removal - Right Side: ”.
Special tool
J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator

Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the camshaft in solvent.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the camshaft with compressed air.

Visual Inspection

Ensure proper directional placement of valve

keepers in the EN 46117. The valve keepers
must be installed with the tapered end
towards the valve stem seal.

11. With the spring compressed, install the valve

keepers into the EN 46117.

1. Inspect the camshaft oil feed holes (1) to the

camshaft position actuator for dirt, debris or
2. Inspect the threaded hole (2) for damage.
3. Inspect the camshaft position actuator locating notch
(3) for damage or wear.
4. Inspect the camshaft sealing grooves (4) for
5. Inspect the camshaft thrust surface (5) for damage.
12. Place the keepers into position by pushing the tool 6. Inspect the camshaft lobes (6) and journals (7) for
downward and releasing tension on the EN 46119 the following conditions:
and the J 8062. – Excessive scoring or pitting
13. Verify that the valve keepers are installed by placing – Discoloration from overheating
a rag over the valve tip and tapping with a dead-blow – Deformation from excessive wear, especially the
hammer. The valve keepers and the spring should camshaft lobes
remain in place.
7. If any of the above conditions exist on the camshaft,
Reference: “Cylinder Head Installation - Right Side: ”.
replace the camshaft.
Reference: “Cylinder Head Installation - Left Side: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-189

Camshaft Measurement

3. Measure the camshaft runout using the J 7872.

1. With the camshaft in a suitable fixture, measure the Refer to “Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
camshaft for wear.

4. Measure the camshaft thrust width for wear using a
2. Measure the camshaft journals for diameter and out- depth micrometer. Refer to “Engine Mechanical
of-round using an outside micrometer. Refer to Specifications”.
“Engine Mechanical Specifications”.
– If the diameter is smaller than specifications,
replace the camshaft.
– If the out-of-round exceeds specifications, replace
the camshaft.
1D-190 Engine Mechanical:

5. Measure the camshaft thrust wall surface for runout 8. Place the J 7872 with the indicator tip on the base
using J 7872. Refer to “Engine Mechanical circle (1) of the camshaft lobe.
Specifications”. a. Place the J 7872 at zero.

6. If the camshaft is damaged or worn beyond b. Rotate the camshaft until the indicator tip is at
specifications, replace the camshaft. No machining the highest point (3) on the lobe. This reading is
of the camshaft is allowed. the lift of the camshaft lobe. Refer to “Engine
Mechanical Specifications”.
c. If the indicated measurement is significantly
lower than these specifications, replace the
camshaft or engine performance will be reduced.
Reference: “Camshaft Installation - Right Side: ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Installation - Left Side: ”.

Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Valve Lifter Removal - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Valve Lifter Removal - Right Side: ”.

7. Measure the camshaft lobes for wear using the J


Refer to Valve Lifter Priming Notice.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-191

1. Inspect the stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA) Camshaft Timing Drive Components
in the following areas: Cleaning and Inspection (Third Design)
– A plugged oil passage (1) Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right
– A scored or worn camshaft follower pivot area (2) Side Intake (Third Design): ”.
– A damaged or broken retainer (3), some
Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean all the following components with solvent:
– A severely scuffed or worn SHLA body (4)
– Crankshaft sprocket
2. Replace the SHLA or SHLAs as necessary.
Reference: “Valve Lifter Installation - Right Side: ”. – Primary timing drive chain
Reference: “Valve Lifter Installation - Left Side: ”. – Primary timing drive chain shoe
– Primary timing drive chain guides
Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and Inspection – Primary timing drive chain tensioner
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Left Side: ”. – Secondary timing drive chains
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Removal - Right Side: ”.
– Secondary timing drive chain shoes
– Secondary timing drive chain guides
– Secondary timing drive chain tensioners
– Timing component fastening bolts
2. Clean each camshaft position actuator's exterior with


Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

3. Dry the timing components with compressed air.

Visual Inspection
Camshaft Position Actuators

1. Inspect the camshaft follower roller (1) for the

– Flat spots
– Excessive scoring and pitting
– Ensure the roller spins freely
2. Inspect the camshaft follower valve tip area (2).
3. Inspect the camshaft follower stationary hydraulic
lash adjuster (SHLA) pivot area (3).
4. Replace the camshaft follower or followers as
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side:
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Left Side: ”.

1. Inspect the front of the exhaust camshaft position

actuators for the following:
– Sprocket damage (1)
– Reluctor/sensor wheel damage (2)
– Camshaft position actuator bolt seating/sealing
inner hub flange damage (3)
1D-192 Engine Mechanical:

2. Inspect the back of the exhaust camshaft position 4. Inspect the back of the intake camshaft position
actuators for the following: actuators for the following:
– Sprocket damage (1) – Sprocket damage (1)

– Camshaft locating pin damage (2) – Camshaft locating pin damage (2)
– Camshaft seating/sealing inner hub flange – Camshaft seating/sealing inner hub flange
damage (3) damage (3)
– Blockage to the oil passages (4) – Blockage to the oil passages (4)
– Loose or missing housing bolts (5) – Loose or missing housing bolts (5)
5. Replace a damaged camshaft position actuator.
Camshaft Position Actuator Oil Control Valves

3. Inspect the front of the intake camshaft position

actuators for the following:
– Sprocket damage (1) 1. Inspect the camshaft position actuator oil control
– Reluctor/sensor wheel damage (2) valves for the following:
– Camshaft position actuator oil control valve bolt – Blockage to the oil passage (1)
seating/sealing inner hub flange damage (3) – Missing or damaged oil screen clip (2)
– Blockage or damage to the oil screen (3)
– Damage to the sealing surface for the camshaft
position actuator oil control valve solenoid oil seal
– Damage to the bracket (5)
Engine Mechanical: 1D-193

– Damage to the wiring harness connection and/or – Damage to the bearing hub-to-engine block
terminals (6) sealing surface (2)
2. Replace a damaged camshaft position actuator oil 3. Replace a damaged left intermediate sprocket.
control valve. Right Intermediate Sprocket with Primary Inverted
Left Intermediate Sprocket with Primary Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain
Tooth (IT) Chain

1. Inspect the front of the right intermediate sprocket for
1. Inspect the front of the left intermediate sprocket for the following:
the following: – Damage to the right secondary camshaft drive
– Damage to the primary camshaft drive chain chain sprocket (1)
sprocket (1) – Damage to the hub bearing (2)—Ensure the hub
– Damage to the hub bearing (2)—Ensure the hub bearing spins freely. If the hub bearing wobbles, is
bearing spins freely. If the hub bearing wobbles, is noisy, or feels rough when rotated, replace the
noisy, or feels rough when rotated, replace the intermediate sprocket.
intermediate sprocket. – Damage to the bolt flange seating/sealing surface
– Damage to the bolt flange seating/sealing surface (3)

2. Inspect the back of the right intermediate sprocket

2. Inspect the back of the intermediate sprocket for the for the following:
following: – Damage to the primary camshaft drive chain
– Damage to the left secondary camshaft drive sprocket (1)
chain sprocket (1) – Damage to the bearing hub-to-engine block
sealing surface (2)
1D-194 Engine Mechanical:

3. Replace a damaged right intermediate sprocket. Primary Timing Chain with Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain
Crankshaft Sprocket with Primary Inverted Tooth (IT)

1. Inspect the primary timing chain for the following:

– Binding or worn links (1)

1. Inspect the crankshaft sprocket for the following: – Loose links (2)
– Sprocket damage (1) – Loose pins (3)
– Bore damage (2) 2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain.
– Keyway damage (3) Primary Timing Chain Upper Guide
2. Replace a damaged crankshaft sprocket.
Secondary Timing Chains with Roller Chain

1. Inspect the primary timing chain upper guide for the

1. Inspect the secondary timing chain for the following: – Worn guide surface (1)
– Binding or worn rollers (1) – Cracked or broken guide surface (2)
– Loose links (2) – Cracked or damaged guide base (3)
– Loose pins (3) 2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain upper
2. Replace a damaged secondary timing chain. guide.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-195

Primary Timing Chain Lower Guide Right Secondary Timing Chain Guide

1. Inspect the primary timing chain lower guide for the 1. Inspect the right secondary timing chain guides for
following: the following:

– Worn guide surface (1) – Worn guide surface (1)
– Cracked or broken guide surface (2) – Cracked or broken guide surface (2)
– Cracked or damaged guide base (3) – Cracked or damaged guide base (3)
2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain lower 2. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain
guide. guide.
Left Secondary Timing Chain Guide Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe

1. Inspect the left secondary timing chain guides for the 1. Inspect the front of the left secondary timing chain
following: shoe for the following:
– Worn guide surface (1) – Worn shoe surface (1)
– Cracked or broken guide surface (2) – Cracked or broken shoe surface (2)
– Cracked or damaged guide base (3) – Cracked or damaged shoe (3)
2. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain
1D-196 Engine Mechanical:

2. Inspect the back of the left secondary timing chain 2. Inspect the back of the right secondary timing chain
shoe for a damaged, worn, or missing left secondary shoe for a damaged, worn, or missing right
timing chain tensioner contact pad (1). secondary timing chain tensioner contact pad (1).

3. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain 3. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain
shoe. shoe.
Right Secondary Timing Chain Shoe Primary Timing Chain Tensioner

1. Inspect the front of the right secondary timing chain 1. Inspect the primary timing chain tensioner for worn
shoe for the following: primary timing chain tensioner shoe surface (1).
– Worn shoe surface (1) 2. Inspect the primary timing chain tensioner for locked
– Cracked or broken shoe surface (2) or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset the plunger
(3) and ensure the plunger moves freely (2) in and
– Cracked or damaged shoe (3)
out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to “Primary
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Installation (Third
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Fourth Design)”.
3. Replace a damaged primary timing chain tensioner.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-197

Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner 2. Inspect the right secondary timing chain tensioner
for locked or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset
the plunger (3) and ensure the plunger moves freely
(2) in and out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Installation - Right
Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Right Side Intake (Third Design): ”.

Camshaft Timing Drive Components

Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Removal - Right
Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.

Cleaning Procedure
1. Inspect the left secondary timing chain tensioner for
damaged plunger-to-shoe contact surface (1). 1. Clean all the following components with solvent:

2. Inspect the left secondary timing chain tensioner for – Crankshaft sprocket
locked or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset the – Primary timing drive chain
plunger (3) and ensure the plunger moves freely (2) – Primary timing drive chain shoe
in and out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to
– Primary timing drive chain guides
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary – Primary timing drive chain tensioner
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Installation - Left – Secondary timing drive chains
Side (Fourth Design)”. – Secondary timing drive chain shoes
3. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain – Secondary timing drive chain guides
– Secondary timing drive chain tensioners
Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner – Timing component fastening bolts
2. Clean each camshaft position actuator's exterior with

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

3. Dry the timing components with compressed air.

1. Inspect the right secondary timing chain tensioner

for damaged plunger-to-shoe contact surface (1).
1D-198 Engine Mechanical:

Visual Inspection
Camshaft Position Actuators

3. Inspect the front of the left intake camshaft position

actuators for the following:
1. Inspect the front of the exhaust camshaft position – Sprocket damage (1)

actuators for the following: – Reluctor/sensor wheel damage (2)
– Sprocket damage (1) – Camshaft position actuator oil control valve bolt
– Reluctor/sensor wheel damage (2) seating/sealing inner hub flange damage (3)
– Camshaft position actuator bolt seating/sealing
inner hub flange damage (3)

4. Inspect the back of the left intake camshaft position

actuators for the following:
2. Inspect the back of the exhaust camshaft position – Sprocket damage (1)
actuators for the following: – Camshaft locating pin damage (2)
– Sprocket damage (1) – Camshaft seating/sealing inner hub flange
– Camshaft locating pin damage (2) damage (3)
– Camshaft seating/sealing inner hub flange – Blockage to the oil passages (4)
damage (3) – Loose or missing housing bolts (5)
– Blockage to the oil passages (4)
– Loose or missing housing bolts (5)
Engine Mechanical: 1D-199

Camshaft Position Actuator Oil Control Valves

5. Inspect the front of the right intake camshaft position

actuators for the following: 1. Inspect the camshaft position actuator oil control
– Sprocket damage (1) valves for the following:

– Reluctor/sensor wheel damage (2) – Blockage to the oil passage (1)
– Camshaft position actuator oil control valve bolt – Missing or damaged oil screen clip (2)
seating/sealing inner hub flange damage (3) – Blockage or damage to the oil screen (3)
– Damage to the sealing surface for the camshaft
position actuator oil control valve solenoid oil seal
– Damage to the bracket (5)
– Damage to the wiring harness connection and/or
terminals (6)
2. Replace a damaged camshaft position actuator oil
control valve.
Left Intermediate Sprocket with Primary and
Secondary Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain

6. Inspect the back of the right intake camshaft position

actuators for the following:
– Sprocket damage (1)
– Camshaft locating pin damage (2)
– Camshaft seating/sealing inner hub flange
damage (3)
– Blockage to the oil passages (4)
– Loose or missing housing bolts (5)
7. Replace a damaged camshaft position actuator.

1. Inspect the front of the left intermediate sprocket for

the following:
– Damage to the primary camshaft drive chain
sprocket (1)
1D-200 Engine Mechanical:

– Damage to the hub bearing (2)—Ensure the hub – Damage to the hub bearing (2)—Ensure the hub
bearing spins freely. If the hub bearing wobbles, is bearing spins freely. If the hub bearing wobbles, is
noisy, or feels rough when rotated, replace the noisy, or feels rough when rotated, replace the
intermediate sprocket. intermediate sprocket.
– Damage to the bolt flange seating/sealing surface – Damage to the bolt flange seating/sealing surface
(3) (3)

2. Inspect the back of the left intermediate sprocket for 2. Inspect the back of the right intermediate sprocket
the following: for the following:
– Damage to the left secondary camshaft drive – Damage to the primary camshaft drive chain
chain sprocket (1) sprocket (1)
– Damage to the bearing hub-to-engine block – Damage to the bearing hub-to-engine block
sealing surface (2) sealing surface (2)
3. Replace a damaged left intermediate sprocket. 3. Replace a damaged right intermediate sprocket.
Right Intermediate Sprocket with Primary and Crankshaft Sprocket with Second Version Primary
Secondary Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain

1. Inspect the front of the right intermediate sprocket for 1. Inspect the crankshaft sprocket for the following:
the following: – Sprocket damage (1)
– Damage to the right secondary camshaft drive – Bore damage (2)
chain sprocket (1)
– Keyway damage (3)
2. Replace a damaged crankshaft sprocket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-201

Secondary Timing Chains with Inverted Tooth (IT) Primary Timing Chain Upper Guide

1. Inspect the primary timing chain upper guide for the

1. Inspect the secondary timing chain for the following: following:

– Binding or worn links (1) – Worn guide surface (1)
– Loose links (2) – Cracked or broken guide surface (2)
– Loose pins (3) – Cracked or damaged guide base (3)
2. Replace a damaged secondary timing chain. 2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain upper
Primary Timing Chain with Inverted Tooth (IT) Chain guide.
Primary Timing Chain Lower Guide

1. Inspect the primary timing chain for the following:

– Binding or worn links (1) 1. Inspect the primary timing chain lower guide for the
– Loose links (2)
– Worn guide surface (1)
– Loose pins (3)
– Cracked or broken guide surface (2)
2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain.
– Cracked or damaged guide base (3)
2. Replace a damaged primary timing chain lower
1D-202 Engine Mechanical:

Left Secondary Timing Chain Guide Left Secondary Timing Chain Shoe

1. Inspect the left secondary timing chain guides for the 1. Inspect the front of the left secondary timing chain
following: shoe for the following:

– Worn guide surface (1) – Worn shoe surface (1)
– Cracked or broken guide surface (2) – Cracked or broken shoe surface (2)
– Cracked or damaged guide base (3) – Cracked or damaged shoe (3)
2. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain
Right Secondary Timing Chain Guide

2. Inspect the back of the left secondary timing chain

shoe for a damaged, worn, or missing left secondary
timing chain tensioner contact pad (1).
1. Inspect the right secondary timing chain guides for 3. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain
the following: shoe.
– Worn guide surface (1)
– Cracked or broken guide surface (2)
– Cracked or damaged guide base (3)
2. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain
Engine Mechanical: 1D-203

Right Secondary Timing Chain Shoe Primary Timing Chain Tensioner

1. Inspect the front of the right secondary timing chain 1. Inspect the primary timing chain tensioner for worn
shoe for the following: primary timing chain tensioner shoe surface (1).

– Worn shoe surface (1) 2. Inspect the primary timing chain tensioner for locked
– Cracked or broken shoe surface (2) or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset the plunger
(3) and ensure the plunger moves freely (2) in and
– Cracked or damaged shoe (3)
out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to “Primary
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Installation (Third
Design)” “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Fourth Design)”.
3. Replace a damaged primary timing chain tensioner.
Left Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner

2. Inspect the back of the right secondary timing chain

shoe for a damaged, worn, or missing right
secondary timing chain tensioner contact pad (1).
3. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain

1. Inspect the left secondary timing chain tensioner for

damaged plunger-to-shoe contact surface (1).
2. Inspect the left secondary timing chain tensioner for
locked or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset the
plunger (3) and ensure the plunger moves freely (2)
in and out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Left Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Installation - Left
Side (Fourth Design)”.
1D-204 Engine Mechanical:

3. Replace a damaged left secondary timing chain Engine Front Cover Disassemble
tensioner. Reference: “Engine Front Cover Removal (Third
Right Secondary Timing Chain Tensioner Design): ”.
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Removal (Fourth
Design): ”.
Special tool
J 45000 Seal Remover

1. Inspect the right secondary timing chain tensioner
for damaged plunger-to-shoe contact surface (1).
2. Inspect the right secondary timing chain tensioner
for locked or binding timing chain tensioner. Reset
the plunger (3) and ensure the plunger moves freely
(2) in and out of the body of the tensioner. Refer to 1. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal from the engine
“Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner front cover using the J 45000.
Installation - Right Side (Third Design)” “Secondary
Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner Installation - Right
Side (Fourth Design)”.
3. Replace a damaged right secondary timing chain
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Right Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.

2. Remove the camshaft position actuator valve oil

seals from the engine front cover.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-205

4. Dry the engine front cover with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

3. Remove the water pump seal from the engine front

4. Discard the water pump seal.

Reference: “Engine Front Cover Cleaning and 1. Inspect the exterior of the engine front cover for the
Inspection: ”. following conditions:
– Damage to the camshaft position actuator valve
Engine Front Cover Cleaning and oil seal bores (1)
Inspection – Damage to the engine front cover bolt holes (2)
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Disassemble: ”. – Damage and/or corrosion to the engine coolant
passage (3)
Special tool
J 28410 Gasket Remover – Dents or damage to the exterior (4)
– Damage to the crankshaft front oil seal bore (5)
Cleaning Procedure – Gouges or damage to the water pump sealing
surfaces (6)
– Damage to the water pump bolt hole threads (7)

1. Remove any RTV sealant (1) from the engine front

cover using J 28410.
2. Clean out debris from the bolt holes. 2. Inspect the interior of the engine front cover for the
3. Clean the engine front cover in solvent. following conditions:
– Damage to the engine front cover bolt holes (1)
– Gouges or damage to the engine front cover
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. sealing surfaces to the engine block (7), oil pan
(5), and/or camshaft covers (2)
1D-206 Engine Mechanical:

– Gouges or damage to the water pump seal area

– Loose or damaged deadener plates (4)
– Damage and/or corrosion to the engine coolant
passage (6)
– Damage to the crankshaft front oil seal bore
– Gouges or damage to the O-ring sealing areas
3. Repair or replace the engine front cover as
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Assemble: ”.

Engine Front Cover Assemble

Reference: “Engine Front Cover Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46103 Camshaft Actuator Valve Seal Remover/
Installer 2. Place the seal into position with the notches (1) in
J 29184 Output Shaft Seal Installer the seal down. The notches (1) will face in board
when properly installed.

3. Install the NEW camshaft position actuator valve oil
Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal seals into the engine front cover using the EN
or crankshaft balancer sealing surfaces. The 46103.
crankshaft balancer is installed into a dry Reference: “Engine Front Cover Installation (Third
seal. Design): ”.
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Installation (Fourth
1. Install the NEW crankshaft front oil seal into the Design): ”.
engine front cover using the J 29184.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-207

Camshaft Cover Disassemble

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Removal - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Removal - Right Side: ”.

Left Camshaft Cover

3. Remove the oil fill cap.

1. Remove and discard the left camshaft cover bolt

Do not reuse the camshaft cover gasket and
spark plug shield tube seals.

4. Remove and discard the left camshaft cover gasket.

2. Remove the fuel injector sight shield ballstud.

1D-208 Engine Mechanical:

5. Remove and discard the left spark plug shield tube NOTE
Do not reuse the camshaft cover gasket and

Right Camshaft Cover spark plug shield tube seals.

2. Remove and discard the right camshaft cover


1. Remove and discard the right camshaft cover bolt

3. Remove and discard the right spark plug shield tube
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-209

Camshaft Cover Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Disassemble: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the camshaft covers in solvent.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the camshaft covers with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure
1. Inspect each camshaft cover for the dents or
damage to the exterior. A dented or damaged
camshaft cover may:
– Leak engine oil
– Effect crankcase ventilation
3. Inspect the interior of the left camshaft cover for the
– Interfere with the camshafts following conditions:
– Interfere with the ignition coil sealing – Gouges or damage to the camshaft cover sealing

– Allow water or condensation to enter the engine groove (1)
– Damaged, loose or missing baffle fasteners (2)
– Damaged, loose or missing baffle (3)
– Gouges or damage to the spark plug shield seal
bore (4)
– Restrictions to the ventilation system (5)

2. Inspect the exterior of the left camshaft cover for the

following conditions:
– Damage to the camshaft cover bolt holes (1)
– Damage to the oil fill hole (2)
– Damage to the mounting holes (3) for the ignition
coil assembly and fuel injector sight shield 4. Inspect the exterior of the right camshaft cover for
ballstud. the following conditions:
– Damage to the positive crankcase ventilation – Damage to the PCV orifice (1)—A damaged PCV
(PCV) hose connector (4)—A damaged PCV hose orifice can be replaced. Refer to PCV Orifice
connector is replaceable. Replacement.
– Damage to the mounting holes (2) for the ignition
coil assembly
– Damage to the camshaft cover bolt holes (3)
1D-210 Engine Mechanical:

5. Inspect the interior of the right camshaft cover for the 2. Apply sealant GM P/N 12378521 (Canadian P/N
following conditions: 88901148) or equivalent to the NEW PCV orifice (1).
– Restrictions to the ventilation system (1)

– Gouges or damage to the spark plug shield seal
bore (2)
– Gouges or damage to the camshaft cover sealing
groove (3)
6. Repair or replace the camshaft cover or covers as

PCV Orifice Replacement

3. Install the NEW PCV orifice into the right camshaft

cover. After insertion, twist the PCV orifice in order to
eliminate any vertical leak paths in the sealant.

If the PCV orifice is damaged or plugged and
cannot be cleaned out, the PCV orifice can be

1. Remove the old PCV orifice by griping the neck of

the orifice with pliers and twisting and pulling out of
the right camshaft cover.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-211

PCV Fitting Replacement

2. Install the NEW left camshaft cover gasket.


If the PCV fitting is damaged or plugged and
cannot be cleaned out, the PCV fitting can be

1. Remove the old PCV fitting.

2. Install the new PCV fitting with a NEW O-ring.
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Assemble: ”.

Camshaft Cover Assemble

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Special tool
J 5590 Bearing and Seal Driver
J-25254-A Oil Seal Installer

Left Camshaft Cover

3. Install the oil fill cap.

1. Install the NEW left spark plug shield tube seals

using the J 5590 (1) and J-25254-A (2).
1D-212 Engine Mechanical:

Right Camshaft Cover

1. Install the NEW right spark plug shield tube coil seals
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. using the J 5590 (1) and J-25254-A (2).

4. Install the fuel injector sight shield cover ballstud.
Tightening torque
Tighten the fuel injector sight shield cover ball
stud to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

2. Install the NEW right camshaft cover gasket.

The camshaft cover bolt grommet must be
installed into the camshaft cover bolt hole
before installing the camshaft cover bolt.

5. Install the NEW left camshaft cover bolt grommets.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-213

The camshaft cover bolt grommet must be
installed into the camshaft cover bolt hole
before installing the camshaft cover bolt.

3. Install the NEW right camshaft cover bolt grommets.

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Installation - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Installation - Right Side: ”.

Intake Manifold Disassemble

Reference: “Intake Manifold Removal: ”.

Upper to Lower Intake Manifold Disassemble


2. Remove the upper intake manifold from the lower

intake manifold.

Do not reuse the upper-to-lower intake
manifold gasket and the intake manifold-to-
cylinder head sealing gaskets.

1. Remove the upper-to-lower intake manifold bolts. 3. Remove and discard the upper-to-lower intake
manifold gaskets.
1D-214 Engine Mechanical:

Upper Intake Manifold Disassemble Procedure

3. Remove and discard the throttle body gasket.

1. Remove the throttle body bolts.

4. Remove and discard the upper intake manifold
2. Remove the throttle body. expansion plugs, if required.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-215

Lower Intake Manifold Disassemble Procedure

3. Remove the fuel injector rail.

1. Disconnect the fuel injector wiring harness
connectors and remove the fuel injector wiring


4. Remove the upper-to-lower intake manifold

alignment pins.
Reference: “Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
2. Remove the fuel injector rail bolts.
1D-216 Engine Mechanical:

Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection – Damage to the engine coolant air bleed pipe
Reference: “Intake Manifold Disassemble: ”. bracket mounting boss (7)

Upper Intake Manifold Cleaning Procedure

1. Remove any remaining gasket and/or gasket
material from the following:
– Throttle body
– Intake manifold
2. Clean the following intake manifold areas in solvent.
– Intake manifold gasket sealing areas
– Intake manifold passages
– Brake booster hose passage
– Evaporative emission (EVAP) solenoid passage
– Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) vacuum
hose passages

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.
2. Inspect the upper intake manifold for the following

3. Dry the upper intake manifold and throttle body with
compressed air. – Damage to the threads and boss for the fuel
injector sight shield ball stud (1)
Inspection Procedure – Damage, debris or restrictions within the intake
manifold passages (2)
– Damage to the engine coolant air bleed pipe
bracket mounting boss (3)
– Damage to the intake manifold bolt bosses (4)
– Damage or corrosion to the intake manifold
expansion plug (5)
– Damage to the throttle body bolt holes (6)

1. Inspect the upper intake manifold for the following

– Damage, debris or restrictions to the PCV system
hose port (1)
– Damage, debris or restrictions to the EVAP purge
solenoid port (2)
– Damage to the intake manifold bolt bosses (3)
– Damage to the EVAP purge solenoid mounting 3. Inspect the upper intake manifold for the following
boss (4) conditions:
– Damage, debris or restrictions to the brake – Gouges or damage to the upper intake manifold
vacuum booster hose port (5) sealing surfaces (1)
– Damage or corrosion to the intake manifold – Damage to the gasket sealing surface (2) for the
expansion plugs (6) throttle body
Engine Mechanical: 1D-217

Inspection Procedure

4. Inspect the upper intake manifold sealing surface for

warpage. 1. Inspect the lower intake manifold for the following
a. Locate a straight edge across the upper-to-lower conditions:

intake manifold sealing surface. – Damage, debris or restrictions to the lower intake
b. Insert a feeler gage between the upper intake manifold ports
manifold and the straight edge. An upper intake – Damage to the fuel rail mounting bolt holes
manifold with warpage in excess of 0.05 mm – Damage to the fuel rail
(0.020 in) must be replaced.
5. Repair or replace the upper intake manifold as

Lower Intake Manifold Cleaning Procedure

1. Remove any remaining gasket and/or gasket
material from the following:
– Upper-to-lower intake manifold sealing surface
– Cylinder head-to-lower intake manifold sealing
2. Clean the following intake manifold areas in solvent.
– Intake manifold gasket sealing surfaces
– Intake manifold passages

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.
2. Inspect the lower intake manifold for the following
3. Dry the intake manifold with compressed air.
– Gouges or damage to the intake manifold sealing
– Damage to the lower intake manifold bolt bosses
– Damage to the fuel injector ports
1D-218 Engine Mechanical:

3. Inspect the lower intake manifold sealing surfaces 2. Install the fuel injector rail.
for warpage.
a. Locate a straight edge across the lower intake

manifold sealing surfaces.
b. Insert a feeler gage between the lower intake
manifold and the straight edge. A lower intake
manifold with warpage in excess of 0.5 mm
(0.020 in) must be replaced.
4. Repair or replace the lower intake manifold as
Reference: “Intake Manifold Assemble: ”.

Intake Manifold Assemble

Reference: “Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

Lower Intake Manifold Assemble Procedure

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the fuel injector rail bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the fuel injector rail bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb

1. Install the upper-to-lower intake manifold alignment

Engine Mechanical: 1D-219

4. Install the fuel injector wiring harness and connect 2. Install the NEW throttle body gasket.
the fuel injector wiring harness connectors.

Upper Intake Manifold Assemble Procedure

3. Install the throttle body.

1. If removed, install the NEW expansion plugs into the

upper intake manifold.
1D-220 Engine Mechanical:

4. Install the throttle body bolts. 2. Install the upper intake manifold to the lower intake
Tightening torque
Tighten the throttle body bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb


Upper to Lower Intake Manifold Assemble


3. Install the upper-to-lower intake manifold bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the upper-to-lower intake manifold bolts
to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Intake Manifold Installation: ”.
Do not reuse the upper-to-lower intake
manifold gasket and the intake manifold-to-
cylinder head sealing gaskets.

1. Install the NEW upper-to-lower intake manifold

Engine Mechanical: 1D-221

Thread Repair It is critical that the drilling, counterboring and tapping of

the hole to be repaired follows the same centerline as
Special tool the original hole.
J 42385-700 High Feature Thread Repair Kit
J 42385-2000 Thread Insert Kit
J 43965 Thread Repair Extension Kit
The thread repair process involves a solid, thin walled,
self-locking, carbon steel, bushing type insert. During the
insert installation process, the installation driver tool
cold-rolls the bottom internal threads and expands the
bottom external threads of the insert into the base
material. This action mechanically locks the insert into

During the drilling and tapping of the hole being repaired
ensure the tooling is consistently machining
perpendicular to the surface of the base material.

The drill bit and counter bore tool from the tool kit J
42385-700 and J 42385-2000 is designed for use with
either a suitable tap wrench or drill motor. Limited access
and larger hole repair may process better using a tap
wrench. An extension from kit J 43965 may also be
necessary to drive the thread repair tooling dependent
on access to the hole being repaired. Use only a tap
wrench when tapping the hole and during installation of
the insert.

If the threaded hole being repaired has a base surface

perpendicular to the hole centerline, tapping guides are
available to aid in tapping the hole.
Tap Tap Tape Tape Tap Tape
Size Guide Size Guide Size Guide
— J 42385- — J 42385- — J 42385-
6 x 1.0 729 10 x 1.5 731 14 x 1.5 736
8 x 1.25 730 12 x 1.5 732 20 x 1.5 737
1D-222 Engine Mechanical:

Standard Thread Repair - Flush Hole

• During the drilling process, it is necessary
to repeatedly remove the drill and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Do NOT drill any further than the original
hole depth.

1. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole.

• M6 inserts require a minimum drill depth of 15
mm (0.59 in).
• M8 inserts require a minimum drill depth of 20
mm (0.79 in).
• M10 inserts require a minimum drill depth of
23.5 mm (0.93 in).


Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N
1052864, (Canadian P/N 992881), WD 40® or
equivalent is recommended when performing
the drilling, counterboring and tapping

When installed to the proper depth, the flange (1) of the

insert will be seated against the counterbore of the
drilled/tapped hole and just below the surface (2) of the
base material.

All chips must be removed from the drilled
hole prior to tapping.

2. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-223

A properly counterbored hole will show a • During the tapping process, it is necessary

slight burnishing on the surface of the base to repeatedly remove the tap and clean
material for 360 degrees around the drilled chips from the hole and the flutes of the
hole. tap.
3. Counterbore the drilled hole to the full depth • Ensure the tap has created full threads at
permitted by the tool (1). least to the depth equal to the insert

5. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of

the drilled hole by hand only.
• M6 inserts require a minimum tap depth of 15
mm (0.59 in).
• M8 inserts require a minimum tap depth of 20
mm (0.79 in).
• M10 inserts require a minimum tap depth of
23.5 mm (0.93 in).

All chips must be removed from the drilled
hole prior to tapping.

4. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

1D-224 Engine Mechanical:

All chips must be removed from the tapped All chips must be removed from the tapped

hole prior to insert installation. hole prior to insert installation.

6. Using compressed air, clean out any chips. 8. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

7. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N NOTE

12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
into the tapped hole. Do not allow oil or other foreign material to
contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

9. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-225

10. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool 12. Install the insert (2) into the tapped hole by hand
(1). only.

11. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,
(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
277® or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2). If the insert will not thread down until the
flange contacts the counterbored surface,
remove the insert immediately with a screw
extracting tool and inspect the tapped hole
for any remaining chips and/or improper

13. Install the insert until the flange (2) of the insert
contacts the counterbored surface.
1D-226 Engine Mechanical:

NOTE 16. Any installed insert that restricts or blocks an oil or

engine coolant passage (3) will need to have the oil
The driver installation tool will tighten up or engine coolant passage drilled out (4) to the

before screwing completely through the original size of the oil or engine coolant passage.
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the After drilling the restriction or blockage, clean out
bottom of the insert are being formed and the any chips and thread the installation driver tool
insert is mechanically locking the insert into through the insert again to remove any burrs caused
the base material threads. by the drilling of the oil or engine coolant passage.
14. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool (1)
through the insert (2).

15. Inspect the insert for proper installation into the

tapped hole. A properly installed insert (1) will be
either flush or slightly below flush with the surface of
the base material (2).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-227

Recessed Thread Repair

! WARNING • During the drilling process, it is necessary

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. to repeatedly remove the drill and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Drill the hole until the stop collar contacts
• The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N the surface of the base material.
1052864, (Canadian P/N 992881), WD 40®
or equivalent is recommended when 2. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole.
performing the drilling, counterboring and
tapping procedures.
• Do NOT remove the original stop collar
from a counterbore drill.

When installed to the proper depth, the flange of the

insert (1) will be seated against the counterbore (2) of
the drilled/tapped hole.

All chips must be removed from the drilled
hole prior to tapping.

3. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

1. Install a stop collar (2) on the counterbore drill (1), if

1D-228 Engine Mechanical:

6. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N

12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
• During the tapping process, it is necessary into the tapped hole.

to repeatedly remove the tap and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Ensure the tap has created full threads at
least to the depth equal to the insert

4. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of

the drilled hole by hand only.

All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.

7. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.

5. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-229

NOTE 10. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,

(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
Do not allow oil or other foreign material to 277® or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2).

contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

8. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).

11. Install the insert (2) into the tapped hole by hand

9. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool

1D-230 Engine Mechanical:

14. Inspect the insert (1) for proper installation (2) into
the tapped hole.
If the insert will not thread down until the

flange contacts the counterbored surface
remove the insert immediately with a screw
extracting tool and inspect the tapped hole
for any remaining chips and/or improper

12. Install the insert until the flange (2) of the insert
contacts the counterbored surface.

15. Any installed insert that restricts or blocks an oil or

engine coolant passage (3) will need to have the oil
or engine coolant passage drilled out (4) to the
original size of the oil or engine coolant passage.
After drilling the restriction or blockage, clean out
any chips and thread the installation driver tool
through the insert again to remove any burrs caused
by the drilling of the oil or engine coolant passage.

The driver installation tool will tighten up
before screwing completely through the
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the
bottom of the insert are being formed and the
insert is mechanically locking the insert into
the base material threads.

13. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool (1)

through the insert (2).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-231

Tapered Pipe Thread Repair NOTE

The thread repair insert for tapered pipe threads is
• During the drilling process, it is necessary
coated with a clear silver zinc coating.
to repeatedly remove the drill and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Drill the hole until the stop collar contacts
the surface of the base material.

1. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N
1052864, (Canadian P/N 992881), WD 40® or NOTE
equivalent is recommended when performing
the drilling, counterboring and tapping All chips must be removed from the drilled
procedures. hole prior to tapping.

When installed to the proper depth, the flange (1) of the 2. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.
insert will be seated against surface (2) of the base
material of the drilled/tapped hole.
1D-232 Engine Mechanical:

• During the tapping process, it is necessary All chips must be removed from the tapped

to repeatedly remove the tap and clean hole prior to insert installation.
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
tap. 5. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.
• Ensure the tap has created full threads at
least to the depth equal to the insert

3. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of

the drilled hole by hand only.

6. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N

12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
into the tapped hole.

4. Tap the drilled hole until the threads at the top of the
tap (2) are down to the surface of the base material.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-233

NOTE 9. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool
All chips must be removed from the tapped

hole prior to insert installation.

7. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

10. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,

(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
277® or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2).

Do not allow oil or other foreign material to
contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

8. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).
1D-234 Engine Mechanical:

11. Install the insert (2) into the tapped hole by hand NOTE
The driver installation tool will tighten up

before screwing completely through the
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the
bottom of the insert are being formed and the
insert is mechanically locking the insert into
the base material threads.

13. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool (1) until

the top of the threaded section (2) is level with the
top of the insert (3).

If the insert will not thread down until the
flange contacts the surface of the base
material remove the insert immediately with a
screw extracting tool and inspect the tapped
hole for any remaining chips and/or improper

12. Install the insert until the flange (2) of the insert
contacts the surface of the base material. 14. Inspect the insert (1) for proper installation (2) into
the tapped hole.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-235

The cylinder head bolt hole thread repair tooling are in

the kits J 42385-2000 and J 42385-700. The cylinder
head bolt hole thread repair components consist of the
• J 42385-723 Drill (1)
• J 42385-724 Tap (2)
• J 42385-725 Installation driver (3)
• J 42385-303 Alignment pin (4)
• J 42385-302 Bushing (5)
• J 42385-733 Bolts (6)
• J 42385-401 Fixture plate (7)

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

15. Any installed insert that restricts or blocks an oil or
• Remove the fixture plate prior to installing
engine coolant passage (3) will need to have the oil
the insert with the installer tool.
or engine coolant passage drilled out (4) to the

original size of the oil or engine coolant passage. • The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N
After drilling the restriction or blockage, clean out 1052864 (Canadian P/N 992881) WD 40®;
any chips and thread the installation driver tool or equivalent is recommended when
through the insert again to remove any burrs caused performing the drilling, counterboring and
by the drilling of the oil or engine coolant passage. tapping procedures.

When installed to the proper depth, the flange of the

Cylinder Head Bolt Hole Thread Repair insert will be seated against the counterbore of the
Special tool drilled/tapped hole.
J 42385-700 High Feature Thread Repair Kit
J 42385-2000 Thread Insert Kit

1. Position the fixture plate (3) with the bushing (1)

installed over the cylinder head bolt hole to be
repaired (4).
2. Loosely install the fixture plate bolts (2) into the
remaining cylinder head bolt holes.
1D-236 Engine Mechanical:

3. Position the alignment pin (1) through the bushing NOTE

and into the cylinder head bolt hole.
All chips must be removed from the drilled
4. With the alignment pin in the desired cylinder head

hole prior to tapping.
bolt hole, tighten the fixture retaining bolts (2).
5. Remove the alignment pin (1) from the cylinder head 7. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.
bolt hole.

• During the tapping process, it is necessary
• During the drilling process, it is necessary to repeatedly remove the tap and clean
to repeatedly remove the drill and clean chips from the hole and the flutes of the
chips from the hole and the flutes of the tap.
drill. • Ensure the tap has created full threads at
• Drill the hole until the stop collar contacts least to the depth equal to the insert
the top of the drill bushing. length.

6. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole. 8. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of
the drilled hole by hand only.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-237

9. In order to tap the new threads for the insert to the NOTE
proper depth, rotate the tap into the cylinder head
bolt hole until the mark (3) on the tap aligns with the All chips must be removed from the tapped

top of the drill bushing (2). hole prior to insert installation.

12. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

Remove the fixture plate prior to installing 13. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N
the insert with the installer tool. 12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
into the tapped hole.
10. Remove the fixture plate bolts (2).
11. Remove the fixture plate (3) and bushing (1).
1D-238 Engine Mechanical:

NOTE 16. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool
All chips must be removed from the tapped

hole prior to insert installation.

14. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

17. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,

(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
277®; or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2).

Do not allow oil or other foreign material to
contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

15. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-239

18. Install the insert and installation driver (1) into the Crankshaft Main Bolt Hole Thread Repair
tapped hole by hand only.
Special tool
19. Start the insert into the threaded hole. J 42385-700 High Feature Thread Repair Kit
NOTE J 42385-2000 Thread Insert Kit

If the insert will not thread down until the

flange contacts the counterbored surface
remove the insert immediately with a screw
extracting tool and inspect the tapped hole
for any remaining chips and/or improper

20. Install the insert until the flange of the insert contacts
the counterbored surface.

The driver installation tool will tighten up
before screwing completely through the
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the
bottom of the insert are being formed and the
insert is mechanically locking the insert into

the base material threads.

21. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool through

the insert.
• In order to repair some crankshaft main
bolt holes it will be necessary to mount the
fixture plate upside down.
• Do NOT remove the fixture plate prior to
installing the insert with the installation
driver. The fixture plate remains in position
throughout the thread repair process.

The crankshaft main bearing bolt hole thread repair

tooling are in the kits J 42385-2000 and J 42385-700.
The crankshaft main bearing bolt hole thread repair
components consist of the following:
• J 42385-702 Drill (1) for outboard holes
• J 42385-703 Tap (2) for outboard holes
• J 42385-704 Installation driver (3) for outboard holes
• J 42385-726 Bushing (4) for outboard holes
• J 42385-727 Alignment pin (5) for outboard holes
22. In order to completely form the new threads in the • J 42385-728 Bolts (6) for outboard holes
insert, rotate the driver installation tool through the • J 42385-720 Drill (7) for inboard holes
insert until the mark (1) on the driver installation tool
• J 42385-721 Tap (8) for inboard holes
aligns with the surface of the engine block deck (2).
• J 42385-722 Installation driver (9) for inboard holes
23. Inspect the insert for proper installation into the
tapped hole. • J 42385-713 Bushing (10)
• J 42385-308 Alignment pin (11)
• J 42385-734 Bolts (12)
• J 42385-712 Fixture plate (13)
1D-240 Engine Mechanical:

Outboard Bolt Holes

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

• Ensure the fixture plate is installed during
the machining and installation processes
of the insert.
• The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N
1052864, (Canadian P/N 992881), WD 40®
or equivalent is recommended when
performing the drilling, counterboring and
tapping procedures.

When installed to the proper depth, the flange of the

insert will be seated against the counterbore of the
drilled/tapped hole. 3. Position the alignment pin (1) through the bushing
and into the crankshaft main cap bolt hole.
4. With the alignment pin in the desired crankshaft

main cap bolt hole, tighten the fixture retaining bolts
5. Remove the alignment pin (1) from the crankshaft
main cap bolt hole.

1. Position the fixture plate (3) with the bushing (2)

installed over the crankshaft main cap bolt hole to be
2. Loosely install the fixture plate bolts (1) into the
remaining crankshaft main cap bolt holes.

• During the drilling process, it is necessary
to repeatedly remove the drill and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Drill the crankshaft main bolt hole until the
mark (1) on the drill aligns with the top of
the drill bushing (2).

6. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-241

NOTE 9. In order to tap the new threads for the insert to the
proper depth, rotate the tap into the crankshaft main
All chips must be removed from the drilled cap bolt hole until the mark (3) on the tap aligns with

hole prior to tapping. the top of the drill bushing (2).
7. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

NOTE All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.
• Do not remove the fixture plate, ensure the
fixture plate is installed during the 10. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.
machining and installation processes of
the insert.
• During the tapping process, it is necessary
to repeatedly remove the tap and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Ensure the tap has created full threads at
least to the depth equal to the insert

8. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of

the drilled hole by hand only.
1D-242 Engine Mechanical:

11. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N NOTE

12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
into the tapped hole. • Do not remove the fixture plate, ensure the

fixture plate is installed during the
installation process of the insert.
• Do not allow oil or other foreign material to
contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

13. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).

All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.

12. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

14. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool
Engine Mechanical: 1D-243

18. Install the insert until the flange of the insert contacts
the counterbored surface.

The driver installation tool will tighten up
before screwing completely through the
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the
bottom of the insert are being formed and the
insert is mechanically locking the insert into
the base material threads.

19. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool through

the insert.

15. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,

(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
277®, or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2).

20. Rotate the driver installation tool until the mark (3) on
the driver installation tool aligns with the top of the
drill bushing (2).
21. Inspect the insert for proper installation into the
tapped hole.

16. Install the insert and installation driver into the

tapped hole by hand only.
17. Start the insert into the threaded hole.

If the insert will not thread down until the
flange contacts the counterbored surface
remove the insert immediately with a screw
extracting tool and inspect the tapped hole
for any remaining chips and/or improper

22. Remove the fixture plate bolts (1).

23. Remove the fixture plate (3) and bushing (2).
1D-244 Engine Mechanical:

Inboard Bolt Holes

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

• Ensure the fixture plate is installed during
the machining and installation processes
of the insert.
• The use of a cutting type fluid GM P/N
1052864, (Canadian P/N 992881), WD 40®
or equivalent is recommended when
performing the drilling, counterboring and
tapping procedures.
When installed to the proper depth, the
flange of the insert will be seated against
the counterbore of the drilled/tapped hole.
3. Position the alignment pin (1) through the bushing
and into the crankshaft main cap bolt hole.
4. With the alignment pin in the desired crankshaft

main cap bolt hole, tighten the fixture retaining bolts
5. Remove the alignment pin (1) from the crankshaft
main cap bolt hole.

1. Position the fixture plate (3) with the bushing (1)

installed over the crankshaft main cap bolt hole to be
2. Loosely install the fixture plate bolts (2) into the
remaining crankshaft main cap bolt holes.

• During the drilling process, it is necessary
to repeatedly remove the drill and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Drill the crankshaft main bolt hole until the
mark (1) on the drill aligns with the top of
the drill bushing (2).

6. Drill out the threads of the damaged hole.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-245

NOTE 9. In order to tap the new threads for the insert to the
proper depth, rotate the tap into the crankshaft main
All chips must be removed from the drilled cap bolt hole until the mark (3) on the tap aligns with

hole prior to tapping. the top of the drill bushing (2).
7. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

NOTE All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.
• Do not remove the fixture plate, ensure the
fixture plate is installed during the 10. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.
machining and installation processes of
the insert.
• During the tapping process, it is necessary
to repeatedly remove the tap and clean
chips from the hole and the flutes of the
• Ensure the tap has created full threads at
least to the depth equal to the insert

8. Using a suitable tapping wrench, tap the threads of

the drilled hole by hand only.
1D-246 Engine Mechanical:

11. Spray cleaner GM P/N 12346139, GM P/N NOTE

12377981 (Canadian P/N 10953463) or equivalent
into the tapped hole. • Do not remove the fixture plate, ensure the

fixture plate is installed during the
installation process of the insert.
• Do not allow oil or other foreign material to
contact the outside diameter (OD) of the

13. Lubricate the threads of the driver installation tool (2)

with the J 42385-110 (1).

All chips must be removed from the tapped
hole prior to insert installation.

12. Using compressed air, clean out any chips.

14. Install the insert (2) onto the driver installation tool
Engine Mechanical: 1D-247

18. Install the insert until the flange of the insert contacts
the counterbored surface.

The driver installation tool will tighten up
before screwing completely through the
insert. This is acceptable. The threads at the
bottom of the insert are being formed and the
insert is mechanically locking the insert into
the base material threads.

19. Continue to rotate the driver installation tool through

the insert.

15. Apply threadlock sealant GM P/N 12345493,

(Canadian P/N 10953488), J 42385-109, LOCTITE
277®, or equivalent (1) to the insert OD threads (2).

20. Rotate the driver installation tool until the mark (3) on
the driver installation tool aligns with the top of the
drill bushing (2).
21. Inspect the insert for proper installation into the
tapped hole.

16. Install the insert and installation driver into the

tapped hole by hand only.
17. Start the insert into the threaded hole.

If the insert will not thread down until the
flange contacts the counterbored surface
remove the insert immediately with a screw
extracting tool and inspect the tapped hole
for any remaining chips and/or improper

22. Remove the fixture plate bolts (2).

23. Remove the fixture plate (3) and bushing (1).
Reference: “Engine Block Assemble: ”.
1D-248 Engine Mechanical:

Service Prior to Assembly 3. Ensure the NEW front oil gallery expansion plug is
• Dirt will cause premature wear of the rebuilt engine. installed to the proper depth.
Clean all the components.
• Use the proper tools to measure the components
when checking for excessive wear. Components not
within the manufacturer's specification must be
repaired or replaced.
• When the components are reinstalled into an engine,
return the components to their original location,
position, and direction.
• During assembly, lubricate all the moving parts with
clean engine oil (unless otherwise specified). This will
provide initial lubrication when the engine is first
Reference: “Engine Block Assemble: ”.

Engine Block Assemble

Reference: “Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

4. Install the cylinder block-to-transmission alignment


1. Install the cylinder block-to-cylinder head alignment


5. Apply the RTV sealant, GM P/N 12378521

(Canadian P/N 88901148) or equivalent on the NEW
coolant expansion plugs.
6. Install the NEW coolant expansion plugs.
7. Ensure the NEW coolant expansion plugs are
installed to the proper depth.

2. Install the NEW front oil gallery expansion plug.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-249

8. Apply thread sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian 12. Apply thread sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian
P/N 10953480) or equivalent on the threads of the P/N 10953480) or equivalent on the threads of the
M20 left side oil gallery threaded plug. M14 rear oil gallery threaded plug.

13. Install the M14 rear oil gallery threaded plug.
Tightening torque
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
Tighten the M14 rear oil gallery threaded plug to
31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).
9. Install the M20 left side oil gallery threaded plug.
Tightening torque
Tighten the M20 left side oil gallery threaded plug
to 31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).

14. Apply thread sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian

P/N 10953480) or equivalent on the threads of the
M14 right side coolant drain threaded plug.
15. Install the M14 right side coolant drain threaded
10. Apply thread sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian plug.
P/N 10953480) or equivalent on the threads of the
M14 left side coolant drain threaded plug. Tightening torque
Tighten the M14 right side coolant drain threaded
11. Install the M14 left side coolant drain threaded plug.
plug to 31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).
Tightening torque
Tighten the M14 left side coolant drain threaded
plug to 31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).
1D-250 Engine Mechanical:

16. Apply thread sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian 19. Install the NEW right front oil pan rail oil gallery
P/N 10953480) or equivalent on the threads of the expansion plug.
M14 right side oil gallery threaded plug. 20. Ensure the NEW right front oil pan rail oil gallery

17. Install the M14 right side oil gallery threaded plug. expansion plug is installed to the proper depth.
Tightening torque
Tighten the M14 right side oil gallery threaded
plug to 31 N⋅m (23 lb ft).

21. Install the oil jets.

22. Install the oil jet bolts.
Tightening torque
18. Install the cylinder block-to-oil pan alignment dowels. Tighten the oil jet bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Installation: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-251

Crankshaft and Bearings Installation 4. Install the new lower crankshaft bearings into
Reference: “Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and position in the main bearing caps. The lower
Inspection: ”. crankshaft bearings are identified by NO grooves or
holes. The bearings must fit flush with the crankshaft
Crankshaft Bearing Installation Procedure bearing caps.

NOTE Crankshaft Installation Procedure

If the crankshaft bearings have been used in
a running engine, you must replace them
with NEW crankshaft bearings for

1. Clean the crankcase crank bore with a lint-free cloth.

2. Clean all the oil from the backside of new bearing

The crankshaft sprocket drive pin must be
set to the proper depth. Installing the
crankshaft sprocket drive pin too deep can
lead to damage to the crankshaft sprocket
and extensive engine damage.

3. Install the new upper crankshaft bearings into 1. If removed, install the crankshaft sprocket drive pin.
position. The thrust bearing belongs in the number 3 Lightly tap the pin in place with a small soft face,
journal. Ensure that the upper bearing insert bronze/plastic, hammer until it bottoms in the hole.
contains the oil transfer hole and groove. Roll the
bearing into position so that the lock tang engages
the crank slot. The bearing must fit flush with the
upper crankcase.

2. Gently lower the crankshaft into position in the

cylinder block.
1D-252 Engine Mechanical:

Crankshaft Bearing Clearance Measurement

Special tool
J 6125-1B Slide Hammer Adapter
J 41818 Crankshaft Bearing Cap Remover
J 45059 Angle Meter

6. Loosely install the original short/inner side main cap

7. Loosely install the original long/outer side main cap


1. Place a length of fresh, room temperature plastic

gaging material all the way across all the crankshaft
bearing journals.
2. Identify the proper order of the main bearing caps.
The main bearing caps are numbered 1 (1) through
4, with the front main bearing cap marked with the
number 1. The arrow (2) is to be oriented to the front
of the engine.

8. Tap the crankshaft main bearing caps with a soft-

faced hammer.
9. Tighten the main caps bolts using the J 45059 in the
following sequence:

3. Install the crankshaft main bearing caps.

4. Loosely install the original inner main cap bolts.
5. Loosely install the original outer main cap bolts.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-253

12. Tighten the short/inner bolts (17-20).

Tightening torque
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
Tighten the short/inner bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb ft)

plus 60 degrees.
10. Tighten the inboard bolts (1-8).
13. Tighten the long/outer bolts (21-24).
Tightening torque
Tighten the inboard bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft) plus Tightening torque
80 degrees. Tighten the long/outer bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb ft)
plus 60 degrees.

Do not rotate the crankshaft.

14. After reaching final torque, allow the assembly to sit

for 2 minutes.

11. Tighten the outboard bolts (9-16).

Tightening torque
Tighten the outboard bolts to 15 N⋅m (11 lb ft)
plus 110 degrees.

15. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap side bolts.

1D-254 Engine Mechanical:

20. Compare your measurements with the “Engine

Mechanical Specifications”. If the new bearings do
not provide the proper crankshaft to bearing
clearance, inspect the following:
a. Re-measure the crankshaft journals for the
correct specified size and ensure the proper new
bearings are being installed. If the crankshaft
journals are incorrectly sized, replace or regrind
the crankshaft. Crankshaft machining is
permitted and undersized bearings are available.
b. Re-measure the engine block crankshaft bearing
bore diameter to ensure proper size. The engine
block crankshaft bearing bore is not machinable
and the block must be replaced if out of
21. Clean the plastic gaging material from the crankshaft
bearing journals with a soft, lint-free cloth.

16. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap outer bolts.

17. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap inner bolts.
18. Remove the crankshaft bearing caps using the J

6125-1B and J 41818.

22. Lift the crankshaft out of the cylinder block.

19. Determine the crankshaft bearing clearance by

comparing the width of the flattened plastic gaging
material at its widest point with the graduation on the
gaging material container.

The crankshaft bearings CAN be reused after
checking the clearance if the bearings have
never been used in a running engine.

23. Apply a liberal amount of crankshaft prelube GM P/N

1052367 (Canadian P/N 992869) or clean engine oil
GM P/N 12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) to the
upper and lower bearing surfaces.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-255

24. Gently lower the crankshaft into position in the 26. Install the crankshaft main bearing caps.
cylinder block. 27. Loosely install the original inner main cap bolts.
28. Loosely install the NEW outer main cap bolts.

25. Identify the proper order of the main bearing caps.
The main bearing caps are numbered 1 (1) through
29. Tap the crankshaft main bearing caps with a soft-
4, with the front main bearing cap marked with the
faced hammer.
number 1. The arrow (2) is to be oriented to the front
of the engine.
1D-256 Engine Mechanical:

NOTE 33. Tighten the outboard bolts (9-16).

The side main cap bolts originally have a Tightening torque

Tighten the outboard bolts to 15 N⋅m (11 lb ft)

sealant on the flange of the bolt head. NEW
bolts must be used. If NEW bolts are not plus 110 degrees.
used, oil can leak from the crankcase past
the bolts.

30. Loosely install the NEW short/inner side main cap

31. Loosely install the NEW long/outer side main cap
32. Tighten the main cap bolts using the J 45059 in the
following sequence:

34. Tighten the short/inner bolts (17-20).

Tightening torque
Tighten the short/inner bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb ft)
plus 60 degrees.
35. Tighten the long/outer bolts (21-24).
Tightening torque
Tighten the long/outer bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb ft)
plus 60 degrees.
Tighten the inboard bolts (1-8). 36. Ensure that the crankshaft turns without binding or
Tightening torque noise.
Tighten the inboard bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft) plus Reference: “Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
80 degrees. Installation: ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-257

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing

Reference: “Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket
EN 46121 Connecting Rod Guide Pin Set
J 8037 Ring Compressor
J 43690 Rod Bearing Clearance Checking Tool
J 43690-100 Rod Bearing Clearance Checking Tool -
Adapter Kit
J 45059 Angle Meter

Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly


If the connecting rod bearings have been

used in a running engine, you must replace
them with NEW connecting rod bearings for

3. Install the connecting rod bearing into the connecting

4. Install the EN 46121 into the connecting rod bolt
5. Compress the piston rings using the J 8037 or

1. Liberally lubricate the cylinder walls, piston rings and

piston skirts with engine oil.

The piston is directional and must be
installed in the engine block in the proper

2. Select the correctly numbered piston/connecting rod

assembly for the cylinder. A dot (1) showing proper
piston orientation is located on the top of the piston.

Extreme care must be used when installing
the piston and connecting rod in order to be
sure the rod does not scrape or nick the
cylinder bore, the oil jets, or the crankshaft
1D-258 Engine Mechanical:

6. Using both hands, slowly guide the piston and

connecting rod assembly into the cylinder from the
top and bottom of the cylinder. DO NOT allow the
connecting rod to contact the cylinder wall.
7. When the J 8037 contacts the deck surface, gently
tap the piston into the cylinder using the handle end
of a dead-blow hammer. Guide the connecting rod
onto the crankshaft bearing journal using the EN
46121 while gently tapping the piston into the
cylinder with a soft-blow hammer.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

Do not lubricate the NEW connecting rod
bolts. The NEW bolts have a pre-applied
graphite lubricant. Applying lubricant to the
connecting rod bolts will effect the clamp
load when the connecting rod bolts are
8. Remove the EN 46121 from the connecting rod bolt
torqued. Improper clamp load can lead to
component failure and extensive engine
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance
Measurement Procedure - Using Plastic Gaging NOTE
NOTE Reuse the old connecting rod bolts ONLY for
Connecting rod bearings that have been run measuring the connecting rod bearing
in an engine should NEVER be reused. clearance.
Before final assembly it is important to check
4. Install the connecting rod bolts into the connecting
the clearance of the new connecting rod
rod cap.
Tightening torque
1. Place a length of fresh, room temperature plastic Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb
gaging material all the way across the connecting ft).
rod bearing journal.
5. Loosen the connecting rod bolts until the torque
2. Install the connecting rod bearing into the connecting
reading is zero.
rod cap.
6. Re-tighten the connecting rod bolts.
NOTE a. First Pass
The connecting rod is non-directional Tightening torque
therefore the connecting rod bearing lock Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 25 N⋅m
tangs can face inboard or outboard. (18 lb ft).
3. Install the connecting rod end cap on its original b. Final Pass
connecting rod and ensure the bearing lock tangs
Tightening torque
are aligned on the same side of the rod.
Tighten the connecting rod bolts an
additional 110 degrees using the J 45059.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-259

7. Allow the assembly to sit for at least 2 minutes.

8. Remove the connecting rod cap bolts.
9. Remove the connecting rod cap.

J 43690 Rod Bearing Clearance Checking Tool

• J 43690-20 Swivel Base (1)
• J 43690-19 Dial Indicator (2)

10. Determine the connecting rod bearing clearance by • J 43690-2 Base (3)
comparing the width of the flattened plastic gaging
• J 43690-5, -6 Handle (4)
material at its widest point with the graduation on the
gaging material container. • J 43690-10, -11 Foot (5)
11. Compare your measurements with the engine • 280307 Screw (6)
mechanical specifications. If the new bearings do not • J 43690-1 Pivot Arm Assembly (7)
provide the proper crankshaft to connecting rod • J 43690-3, -7, -8 Screws (8)
bearing clearance, inspect the following: • 280319 Screw (9)
a. Re-measure the crankshaft connecting rod • 280311 Screw (10)
journals for the correct specified size and ensure
the proper new bearings are being installed. If • J 43690-17, -18 Adapter (11)
the crankshaft connecting rod journals are • 280310 Pin (12)
incorrectly sized, replace or regrind the
crankshaft. Crankshaft machining is permitted
and undersized bearings are available.
b. Re-measure the connecting rod bearing bore
diameter to ensure proper size. The connecting
rod is not machinable and the connecting rod
must be replaced if out of specification.
12. Clean the plastic gaging material from the
connecting rod bearing journals using a soft lint-free

Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance

Measurement Procedure - Using J 43690 and J
The J 43690 and the J 43690-100 have been developed
as a more accurate method to measure connecting rod
bearing clearances. The instructions below provide an
overview of tool set-up and usage. For more detailed
J 43690-100 Rod Bearing Clearance Tool - Adapter Kit
information, refer to the tool instruction sheets as
supplied by the tool manufacturer. • J 43690-104 Spacer (1)
• J 43690-105 Retainer Plate (2)
• 505478 Bolt (3)
• 511341 Bolt (4)
• J 43690-106 Retainer Plate (5)
1D-260 Engine Mechanical:

• J 43690-107 Cap (6) NOTE

• J 43690-102 Foot (7) Reuse the old connecting rod bolts ONLY for
• J 43690-101 Pivot Arm Assembly (8) measuring the connecting rod bearing
• J 43690-103 Adapter (9) clearance.
• 505439 Adapter (10) 3. Install the connecting rod bolts into the connecting
rod cap.
Tightening torque
Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 30 N⋅m (22 lb
4. Loosen the connecting rod bolts until the torque
reading is zero.
5. Re-tighten the connecting rod bolts.
a. First Pass
Tightening torque
Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 25 N⋅m
(18 lb ft).
b. Final Pass

Tightening torque
Tighten the connecting rod bolts an
additional 110 degrees using the J 45059.
NOTE 6. Rotate the crankshaft until the crankshaft journal and
the connecting rod to be measured is in the 12
Connecting rod bearings that have been run
o'clock position.
in an engine should NEVER be reused.
Before final assembly it is important to check NOTE
the clearance of the new connecting rod
The crankshaft must be secure with no
movement or rotation in order to obtain an
1. Install the connecting rod bearing into the connecting accurate reading.
rod cap.
7. Remove the crankshaft main bolts required to install
NOTE the retainer plate J 43690-105.
The connecting rod is non-directional NOTE
therefore the connecting rod bearing lock
Do not allow the J 43690-105 retainer plate
tangs can face inboard or outboard.
screw to contact the reluctor ring.
2. Install the connecting rod end cap on its original
8. Install the J 43690-105 and crankshaft main bolts.
connecting rod and ensure the bearing lock tangs
are aligned on the same side of the rod. 9. Loosen the connecting rod bolts until the torque
reading is zero.
! CAUTION 10. Re-tighten the connecting rod bolts.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. a. First Pass
Tightening torque
! CAUTION Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 25 N⋅m
Do not lubricate the NEW connecting rod (18 lb ft).
bolts. The NEW bolts have a pre-applied b. Final Pass
graphite lubricant. Applying lubricant to the
connecting rod bolts will effect the clamp Tightening torque
load when the connecting rod bolts are Tighten the connecting rod bolts an
torqued. Improper clamp load can lead to additional 110 degrees using the J 45059.
component failure and extensive engine
Engine Mechanical: 1D-261

11. During and after installation, ensure each piston is 5. Install the NEW connecting rod bolts into the
positioned properly in the correct cylinder. The connecting rod cap.
locating arrow on the top of each piston must be
Tightening torque
pointing toward the front of the engine.
Tighten the NEW connecting rod bolts to 30 N⋅m
12. Repeat these procedures for the remaining piston/ (22 lb ft).
connecting rod assemblies using the EN 46111 in
order to rotate the crankshaft. 6. Loosen the connecting rod bolts until the torque
reading is zero.
Connecting Rod Final Assembly Procedure 7. Re-tighten the connecting rod bolts.
1. Guide the connecting rod away from the crankshaft a. First Pass
connecting rod journal in order to lubricate the Tightening torque
crankshaft connecting rod bearing journal. Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 25 N⋅m
2. Apply a liberal amount of crankshaft prelube GM P/N (18 lb ft).
1052367 (Canadian P/N 992869) or clean engine oil
GM P/N 12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) to the b. Final Pass
crankshaft connecting rod bearing journal. Tightening torque
3. Guide the connecting rod to the crankshaft Tighten the connecting rod bolts an
connecting rod journal. additional 110 degrees using the J 45059.
4. Install the connecting rod end cap on its original 8. During and after installation, ensure each piston is
connecting rod and ensure the bearing lock tangs positioned properly in the correct cylinder. The

are aligned on the same side of the rod. locating arrow on the top of each piston must be
pointing toward the front of the engine.
9. Repeat these procedures for the remaining piston/
connecting rod assemblies using the EN 46111 in
order to rotate the crankshaft.
Reference: “Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing
Installation: ”.

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing

Special tool
EN 46109 Guide Pin Set
EN-47839 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation Tool
J 42183 Handle

Do not lubricate the NEW connecting rod
bolts. The NEW bolts have a pre-applied
graphite lubricant. Applying lubricant to the
connecting rod bolts will effect the clamp
load when the connecting rod bolts are
torqued. Improper clamp load can lead to
component failure and extensive engine

DO NOT reuse the old connecting rod bolts.

1. Install the 6 mm (0.236 in) guides from the EN 46109

into the 2 crankshaft rear oil seal housing corner bolt
holes of the engine block.
1D-262 Engine Mechanical:

2. Install the EN-47839 with the J 42183 (1, 2) onto the NOTE
rear of the crankshaft flange.
DO NOT allow any engine oil on the area

where the crankshaft rear oil seal housing is
to be installed.

4. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal housing to the

engine block.

3. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead of RTV sealant, GM P/

N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or
equivalent, to the NEW crankshaft rear oil seal
housing as shown (1).

5. Remove the EN 46109 6 mm (0.236 in) guides from

the engine block.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-263

Cylinder Head Installation - Right Side

Reference: “Cylinder Head Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket
J 45059 Angle Meter

Ensure that the crankshaft is in the timing
drive assembly position using the EN 46111.

1. Ensure the cylinder head locating pins are securely

mounted in the cylinder block deck face.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

6. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal housing bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the crankshaft rear oil seal housing bolts
to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

2. Install a NEW right cylinder head gasket using the

deck face locating pins for retention.

7. Remove the EN-47839 and J 42183 (1, 2) from the

crankshaft flange.
Reference: “Oil Pump Installation: ”.

3. Align the right cylinder head with the deck face

locating pins.
4. Place the right cylinder head in position on the deck
1D-264 Engine Mechanical:

Valve Lifter Installation - Right Side

Reference: “Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

NOTE Do not stroke/cycle the stationary hydraulic
lash adjuster plunger without oil in the lower
DO NOT allow oil on the cylinder head bolt
pressure chamber.
Do not allow the stationary hydraulic lash
DO NOT reuse the old M11 cylinder head
adjuster to tip over, plunger down, after the
oil fill.
5. Install new M11 cylinder head bolts.
1. Fill the stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA) with
Tightening torque clean engine oil GM P/N 12345610 (Canadian P/N
1. Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a first 993193) or equivalent. Take precautions to prevent
pass in sequence to 45 N⋅m (33 lb ft). scratching the pivot sphere area (1) of the SHLA.
2. Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a second 2. Lubricate the SHLA bores in the cylinder head with
pass in sequence an additional 120 degrees clean engine oil GM P/N 12345610 (Canadian P/N
using the J 45059. 993193) or equivalent.

Reference: “Valve Lifter Installation - Right Side: ”.

3. Install the SHLAs in the cylinder head.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-265

4. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N 3. The rounded head end of the follower goes on the
12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to SHLA while the flat end goes on the valve tip.
the SHLA pivot spheres. 4. Clean the camshaft journals and carriers with a
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side: clean, lint-free cloth.
”. Reference: “Camshaft Installation - Right Side: ”.

Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Right Side Camshaft Installation - Right Side
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and Reference: “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

1. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N
12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the pivot pocket (1), roller (2) and valve slot (3) areas 1. Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one timing
of the camshaft followers. drive assembly position using the EN 46111. Refer to
“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram
(Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”.

The follower must be positioned squarely on
the valve tip so that the full width of the roller
2. Ensure that the camshaft sealing rings (1) are in
will completely contact the camshaft lobe. If
place in the camshaft grooves. Camshaft sealing
the followers are being reused you must put
rings must be in place below the surface of the
them back in their original location.
camshaft journal in order to avoid being pinched
2. Place the camshaft followers in position on the valve between the cylinder head and the camshaft caps.
tip and stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA).
1D-266 Engine Mechanical:

3. Select the proper camshaft for the particular 5. Place the right intake and right exhaust camshafts in
installation location. The ring placement is defined as position in the right cylinder head.

a. The number 2 identification ring for the right
exhaust camshaft is machined off (1) - Third
Design, Camshaft Timing Drive System.
b. The number 3 identification ring for the right
intake camshaft is machined off (2) - Third
Design and Fourth, except High Output,
Camshaft Timing Drive System.
c. The number 2 and 5 identification rings for the
right intake camshaft is machined off (3) - Fourth
Design, Camshaft Timing Drive System.
d. The number 1, 4 and 5 identification rings for the
right exhaust camshaft is machined off (4) -
Fourth Design High Output, Camshaft Timing
Drive System.

6. Position the camshaft lobes in a neutral position with

the flats on the back of the camshafts up and parallel
(1) with the right cylinder head camshaft cover rail.

4. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N

12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the camshaft journals and the right cylinder head
camshaft carriers.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-267

7. Observe the markings on the right cylinder head ! CAUTION

camshaft bearing caps. Each bearing cap is marked
in order to identify its location. The markings have Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
the following meanings:
12. Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts in the
– The raised feature must always be oriented
sequence shown.
toward the center of the cylinder head.
– The I indicates the intake camshaft. Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts in
– The E indicates the exhaust camshaft.
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
– The number 1, 3, 5 indicates the cylinder position
from the front of the engine. 13. Loosen the center intake camshaft bearing cap bolts
(1, 2) and the center exhaust camshaft bearing cap
8. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N
bolts (3, 4).
12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the camshaft bearing caps. 14. Retighten the center camshaft bearing cap bolts (1,
2, 3, 4).
Tightening torque
Retighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts to 10
N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Right Side Intake (Third Design): ”.
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Right Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.

Cylinder Head Installation - Left Side

Reference: “Cylinder Head Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket
J 45059 Angle Meter

Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one
9. Install the camshaft bearing thrust caps in the first timing drive assembly position using the EN
journal of the right cylinder head. 46111.
10. Install the remaining bearing caps with their
orientation mark toward the center of the cylinder 1. Ensure the cylinder head locating pins are securely
head. mounted in the cylinder block deck face.
11. Hand start all the camshaft bearing cap bolts.

2. Install a NEW left cylinder head gasket using the

deck face locating pins for retention.
1D-268 Engine Mechanical:

5. Install new M11 cylinder head bolts.

Tightening torque
1. Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a first
pass in sequence to 45 N⋅m (33 lb ft).
2. Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a second
pass in sequence an additional 120 degrees
using the J 45059.
6. Install the 2 front M8 left cylinder head bolts.
Tightening torque
1. Tighten the M8 cylinder head bolts a first
pass to 15 N⋅m (11 lb ft).
2. Tighten the M8 cylinder head bolts a second
pass in sequence an additional 60 degrees
using the J 45059.
Reference: “Valve Lifter Installation - Left Side: ”.
3. Align the left cylinder head with the deck face
locating pins. Valve Lifter Installation - Left Side
4. Place the left cylinder head in position on the deck Reference: “Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection: ”.


! CAUTION Do not stroke/cycle the stationary hydraulic
lash adjuster plunger without oil in the lower
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
pressure chamber.

DO NOT allow oil on the cylinder head bolt Do not allow the stationary hydraulic lash
bosses. adjuster to tip over, plunger down, after the
oil fill.
DO NOT reuse the old M11 cylinder head 1. Fill the stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA) with
bolts. clean engine oil GM P/N 12345610 (Canadian P/N
993193) or equivalent. Take precautions to prevent
scratching the pivot sphere area (1) of the SHLA.
2. Lubricate the SHLA bores in the cylinder head with
clean engine oil GM P/N 12345610 (Canadian P/N
993193) or equivalent.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-269

3. Install the SHLAs in the cylinder head. NOTE

4. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N
The follower must be positioned squarely on
12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to

the valve tip so that the full width of the roller
the SHLA pivot spheres.
will completely contact the camshaft lobe. If
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Left Side: ”.
the followers are being reused you must put
them back in their original location.
Valve Rocker Arm Installation - Left Side
Reference: “Valve Rocker Arms Cleaning and 2. Place the camshaft followers in position on the valve
Inspection: ”. tip and stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA).
3. The rounded head end of the follower goes on the
SHLA while the flat end goes on the valve tip.
4. Clean the camshaft journals and carriers with a
clean, lint-free cloth.
Reference: “Camshaft Installation - Left Side: ”.

1. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N

12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the pivot pocket (1), roller (2) and valve slot (3) areas
of the camshaft followers.
1D-270 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Installation - Left Side

Reference: “Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

3. Select the proper camshaft for the particular

installation location. The ring placement is defined as

a. The number 4 identification ring for the left intake
camshaft is machined off (1) - Third Design,
1. Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one timing Camshaft Timing Drive System.
drive assembly position using the EN 46111. Refer to b. The number 5 identification ring for the left
“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram exhaust camshaft is machined off (2) - Third
(Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Design and Fourth, except High Output,
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”. Camshaft Timing Drive System.
c. The number 3 and 4 identification rings for the
left intake camshaft is machined off (3) - Fourth
Design, Camshaft Timing Drive System.
d. The number 1, 2 and 3 identification rings for the
left exhaust camshaft is machined off (4) - Fourth
Design High Output, Camshaft Timing Drive

2. Ensure that the camshaft sealing rings (1) are in

place in the camshaft grooves. Camshaft sealing
rings must be in place below the surface of the
camshaft journal in order to avoid being pinched
between the cylinder head and the camshaft caps.

4. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N

12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the camshaft journals and the left cylinder head
camshaft carriers.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-271

5. Place the left intake and left exhaust camshafts in 7. Observe the markings on the left cylinder head
position in the left cylinder head. camshaft bearing caps. Each bearing cap is marked
in order to identify its location. The markings have

the following meanings:
– The raised feature must always be oriented
toward the center of the cylinder head.
– The I indicates the intake camshaft.
– The E indicates the exhaust camshaft.
– The number 2, 4, 6 indicates the cylinder position
from the front of the engine.
8. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant GM P/N
12345501 (Canadian P/N 992704) or equivalent to
the camshaft bearing caps.

6. Position the camshaft lobes in a neutral position with

the flats on the back of the camshafts up and parallel
(1) with the left cylinder head camshaft cover rail.

9. Install the camshaft bearing thrust cap in the first

journal of the left cylinder head.
10. Install the remaining bearing caps with their
orientation mark toward the center of the cylinder
11. Hand start all the camshaft bearing cap bolts.
1D-272 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Right Side Intake (Third Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Timing Drive Components
Cleaning and Inspection (Third Design): ”.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

12. Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts in the 1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is
sequence shown. installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
Tightening torque actuator for the “IN” marking (3). The marking is for
Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts in an intake camshaft position actuator.
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in). 2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the
13. Loosen the center intake camshaft bearing cap bolts outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
1, 2 and the center exhaust camshaft bearing cap triangle marking (2). The marking is for alignment to
bolts 3, 4. the highlighted timing chain link on the right side of
the engine.
14. Retighten the center camshaft bearing cap bolts 1, 2,
3, 4. ! CAUTION
Tightening torque Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Retighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts to 10 Drive Chain Notice”.
N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - 3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
Left Side Intake (Third Design): ”. camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.
Left Side Intake (Fourth Design): ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-273

4. Install the right intake camshaft position actuator.

! CAUTION Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. is installed in the correct position. Failure to
install the proper camshaft position actuator
5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt. can effect engine performance and set an
engine code.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58 2. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is
N⋅m (43 lb ft). being installed. The reluctor wheel on the 4th design
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - right intake camshaft position actuator (1) is indexed
Right Side Exhaust (Third Design): ”. in a different position compared to the 4th design left
intake camshaft position actuator (2).
Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Right Side Intake (Fourth Design)
Reference: “Camshaft Timing Drive Components
Cleaning and Inspection (Fourth Design): ”.

3. On the right intake camshaft actuator the edge of the

reluctor wheel (1) lines up with the valley (2) of the
sprocket tooth.

1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is

installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “IN” marking (3). The marking is for
an intake camshaft position actuator.
1D-274 Engine Mechanical:

Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Right Side Exhaust (Fourth Design): ”.

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Right Side Exhaust (Third Design)

4. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the

outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
triangle marking (2). The triangle marking is for

alignment to the highlighted timing chain link on the
right side of the engine.

! CAUTION 1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is

installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing actuator for the “EX” marking (1). The marking is for
Drive Chain Notice”. an exhaust camshaft position actuator.
5. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the 2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the
camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt. triangle marking (2). The marking is for alignment to
the highlighted timing chain link on the right side of
the engine.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.

3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the

camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.

6. Install the right intake camshaft position actuator.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-275

2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the

outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
triangle marking (2). The marking is for alignment to
the highlighted timing chain link on the right side of
the engine.

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.

3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the

camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.

4. Install the right exhaust camshaft position actuator.


Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Third
Design): ”.

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - 4. Install the right exhaust camshaft position actuator.
Right Side Exhaust (Fourth Design) ! CAUTION
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Fourth
Design): ”.

1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is

installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “EX” marking (1). The marking is for
an exhaust camshaft position actuator.
1D-276 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - ! CAUTION

Left Side Intake (Third Design) Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -
Left Side Exhaust (Third Design): ”.

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Left Side Intake (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is

installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “IN” marking (3). The marking is for
an intake camshaft position actuator.
2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the
outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
circle marking (1). The marking is for alignment to
the highlighted timing chain link on the left side of the

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is
Drive Chain Notice”.
installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “IN” marking (3). The marking is for
3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
an intake camshaft position actuator.
camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.

4. Install the left intake camshaft position actuator.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-277

4. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the

outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator circle marking (1). The circle marking is for alignment

is installed in the correct position. Failure to to the highlighted timing chain link on the left side of
install the proper camshaft position actuator the engine.
can effect engine performance and set an
engine code. ! CAUTION
Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
2. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is Drive Chain Notice”.
being installed. The reluctor wheel on the 4th design
right intake camshaft position actuator (1) is indexed 5. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
in a different position compared to the 4th design left camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
intake camshaft position actuator (2). tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.

3. On the left intake camshaft actuator the edge of the 6. Install the left intake camshaft position actuator.
reluctor wheel (1) lines up with the peak (2) of the
sprocket tooth. ! CAUTION
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
1D-278 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation - ! CAUTION

Left Side Exhaust (Third Design) Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Third
Design): ”.

Camshaft Position Actuator Installation -

Left Side Exhaust (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is

installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “EX” marking (1). The marking is for
an exhaust camshaft position actuator.
2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the
outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
circle marking (3). The marking is for alignment to
the highlighted timing chain link on the left side of the

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
1. Ensure the proper camshaft position actuator is
Drive Chain Notice”.
installed. Observe the body of the camshaft position
actuator for the “EX” marking (1). The marking is for
3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the
an exhaust camshaft position actuator.
camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt. 2. Ensure the proper timing mark is used. Observe the
outer ring of the camshaft position actuator for the
circle marking (3). The marking is for alignment to
the highlighted timing chain link on the left side of the

Refer to “Torque Reaction Against Timing
Drive Chain Notice”.

3. Use an open wrench on the hex cast into the

camshaft in order to prevent camshaft rotation when
tightening the camshaft position actuator bolt.

4. Install the left exhaust camshaft position actuator.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-279

4. Install the left exhaust camshaft position actuator. 2. Install the crankshaft sprocket on to the nose of the
3. Align the notch in the crankshaft sprocket with the

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. pin in the crankshaft.
4. Slide the crankshaft sprocket on the crankshaft nose
5. Install the camshaft position actuator bolt. until the crankshaft sprocket contacts the step in the
Tightening torque crankshaft.
Tighten the camshaft position actuator bolt to 58
N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Fourth
Design): ”.

Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Third

Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

5. Ensure the crankshaft is in the stage one timing

position with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
aligned to the stage one timing mark on the oil pump
cover (2) using the EN 46111. Refer to “Camshaft
Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.
Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Installation - Left Side (Third Design): ”.

1. Ensure the crankshaft sprocket is installed with the

timing mark (1) visible.
1D-280 Engine Mechanical:

Crankshaft Sprocket Installation (Fourth

Special tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket

5. Ensure the crankshaft is in the stage one timing

position with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
aligned to the stage one timing mark on the oil pump

cover (2) using the EN 46111. Refer to “Camshaft
Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
1. Ensure the crankshaft sprocket is installed with the Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
timing mark (1) visible. Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.
Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.

Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler

Installation - Left Side (Third Design)

2. Install the crankshaft sprocket on to the nose of the

3. Align the notch in the crankshaft sprocket with the
pin in the crankshaft.
4. Slide the crankshaft sprocket on the crankshaft nose
until the crankshaft sprocket contacts the step in the 1. Ensure that the left camshaft intermediate drive
crankshaft. chain idler (2) is being installed. The recessed hub
(3) and the larger sprocket of the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler is installed outward.
The raised hub and the smaller sprocket of the left
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler is installed
towards the block.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-281

1. Ensure that the left camshaft intermediate drive

chain idler (2) is being installed. The recessed hub
(3) and the larger sprocket of the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler is installed outward.
The raised hub and the smaller sprocket of the left
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler is installed
towards the block.

2. Place the left camshaft intermediate drive chain idler

to the cylinder block.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the camshaft intermediate drive chain idler

bolt. 2. Place the left camshaft intermediate drive chain idler
to the cylinder block.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft intermediate drive chain ! CAUTION
idler bolt to 58 N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Installation - Left Side (Third Design): ”. 3. Install the camshaft intermediate drive chain idler
Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler Tightening torque
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design) Tighten the camshaft intermediate drive chain
idler bolt to 58 N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.
1D-282 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain 3. Ensure the crankshaft is in the stage one timing
Installation - Left Side (Third Design) position with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
aligned to the stage one timing mark on the oil pump
Special tool cover (2) using the EN 46111. Refer to “Camshaft
EN 46105 Camshaft Holding Tool Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.

NOTE 4. Install the left secondary camshaft drive chain.
There should be no need to rotate the
camshaft more than 10 degrees. Using the
hex cast into the camshaft rotate the
camshaft in order to install the EN 46105.

1. Install the EN 46105-1 onto the rear of the left


All camshafts must be locked in place before
installation of any camshaft drive chains.

2. Ensure that the EN 46105-1 is fully seated onto the


5. Place the left secondary camshaft drive chain

around the inner sprocket of the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler with the timing
camshaft drive chain link (1) aligned to the alignment
access hole (2) made in the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler outer sprocket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-283

6. Wrap the secondary camshaft drive chain around 9. Align the left intake camshaft position actuator
both left actuator drive sprockets. sprocket alignment circle mark (1) with the timing
7. Ensure there are 7 links (1) between the timing camshaft drive chain link (2).

camshaft drive chain links for the camshaft position
actuator sprockets.

10. There will be 18 links (1) between the left camshaft

intermediate drive chain idler timing secondary
8. Align the left exhaust camshaft position actuator camshaft drive chain link and each left camshaft
sprocket alignment circle mark (2) with the timing position actuator sprocket timing secondary
camshaft drive chain link (1). camshaft drive chain link.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Left Side (Third Design): ”.
1D-284 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain 3. Ensure the crankshaft is in the stage one timing
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design) position with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
aligned to the stage one timing mark on the oil pump
Special tool cover (2) using the EN 46111. Refer to “Camshaft
EN 46105 Camshaft Holding Tool Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.

NOTE 4. Install the left secondary camshaft drive chain.
There should be no need to rotate the
camshaft more than 10 degrees. Using the
hex cast into the camshaft rotate the
camshaft in order to install the EN 46105.

1. Install the EN 46105-1 onto the rear of the left


All camshafts must be locked in place before
installation of any camshaft drive chains.

2. Ensure that the EN 46105-1 is fully seated onto the


5. Place the left secondary camshaft drive chain

around the inner sprocket of the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler with the timing
camshaft drive chain link (1) aligned to the alignment
access hole (2) made in the left camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler outer sprocket.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-285

6. Wrap the secondary camshaft drive chain around 9. Align the left intake camshaft position actuator
both left actuator drive sprockets. sprocket alignment circle mark (1) with the timing
7. Ensure there are 10 links (1) between the timing camshaft drive chain link (2).

camshaft drive chain links for the camshaft position
actuator sprockets.

10. There will be 22 links (1) between the left camshaft

intermediate drive chain idler timing secondary
8. Align the left exhaust camshaft position actuator camshaft drive chain link and each left camshaft
sprocket alignment circle mark (2) with the timing position actuator sprocket timing secondary
camshaft drive chain link (1). camshaft drive chain link.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.
1D-286 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Left Side (Third Design) Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain

guide (2) is being installed. guide (2) is being installed.

2. Position the left secondary camshaft drive chain 2. Position the left secondary camshaft drive chain
guide. guide.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain guide 3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain guide
bolts. bolts.
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain
guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Installation - Left Side (Third Design): ”. Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-287

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe

Installation - Left Side (Third Design)


1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

shoe (2) is being installed.
3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Left Side (Third Design): ”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe

Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)

2. Position the left secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain

shoe (2) is being installed.
1D-288 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner

Installation - Left Side (Third Design)
Special tool
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
J 45027 Tensioner Tool

2. Position the left secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner (2) is being installed.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain 2. Using the J 45027, reset the left secondary camshaft
shoe bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). drive chain tensioner plunger.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design): ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-289

3. Install the plunger into the left secondary camshaft 6. Install a NEW left secondary camshaft drive chain
drive chain tensioner body. tensioner gasket to the left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner.

7. Install the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts through the left secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner and gasket.
8. Ensure the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the left cylinder head
does not have any burrs or defects that would
degrade the sealing of the NEW left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.

4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the left
secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner by
inserting the EN 46112 into the access hole in the
side of the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner. The left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner should remain
9. Place the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner into position and loosely install the bolts to
the block.
1D-290 Engine Mechanical:

12. Verify the left secondary camshaft drive chain timing

mark alignments (1-6). Also refer to “Camshaft
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third

Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
10. Verify the proper placement of the left secondary Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1). Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
a. First Pass Installation - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

Tightening torque
Tighten the left secondary camshaft drive Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
chain tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in). Installation - Left Side (Fourth Design)
b. Final Pass Special tool
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
Tightening torque J 45027 Tensioner Tool
Tighten the left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).

1. Ensure that the left secondary camshaft drive chain

11. Release the left secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner (2) is being installed.
tensioner by pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking
the tensioner plunger.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-291

2. Using the J 45027, reset the left secondary camshaft 4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the left
drive chain tensioner plunger. secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner by
inserting the EN 46112 into the access hole in the

side of the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner. The left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner should remain

3. Install the plunger into the left secondary camshaft

drive chain tensioner body.

6. Install a NEW left secondary camshaft drive chain

tensioner gasket to the left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner.
7. Install the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts through the left secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner and gasket.
8. Ensure the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the left cylinder head
does not have any burrs or defects that would
degrade the sealing of the NEW left secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.
1D-292 Engine Mechanical:

9. Place the left secondary camshaft drive chain 11. Release the left secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner into position and loosely install the bolts to tensioner by pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking
the block. the tensioner plunger.

12. Verify the left secondary camshaft drive chain timing
mark alignments (1-6). Also refer to “Camshaft
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram (Third
Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment
10. Verify the proper placement of the left secondary Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1). Reference: “Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler
a. First Pass Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.

Tightening torque
Tighten the left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
b. Final Pass
Tightening torque
Tighten the left secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-293

Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler 3. Install the camshaft intermediate drive chain idler
Installation - Right Side (Third Design) bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft intermediate drive chain
idler bolt to 58 N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
(Third Design): ”.

Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Idler

Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure that the right camshaft intermediate drive

chain idler (1) is being installed. The recessed hub
(4) and the smaller sprocket of the right camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler is installed outward.
The raised hub and the larger sprocket of the right
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler is installed
towards the block.

1. Ensure that the right camshaft intermediate drive

chain idler (1) is being installed. The recessed hub
(4) and the smaller sprocket of the right camshaft
intermediate drive chain idler is installed outward.
The raised hub and the larger sprocket of the right
camshaft intermediate drive chain idler is installed
towards the block.

2. Install the right camshaft intermediate drive chain


Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1D-294 Engine Mechanical:

2. Install the right camshaft intermediate drive chain 2. Wrap the primary camshaft drive chain around the
idler. large sprockets of each camshaft intermediate drive
chain idler and the crankshaft sprocket.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the camshaft intermediate drive chain idler

Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft intermediate drive chain
idler bolt to 58 N⋅m (43 lb ft).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation
(Fourth Design): ”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation

(Third Design)

3. The left camshaft intermediate drive chain idler

timing mark (1) will align with a timing camshaft drive
chain link (2).

Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one
timing drive assembly position.

1. Install the primary camshaft drive chain.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-295

4. The right camshaft intermediate drive chain idler 6. Ensure all the timing marks (2, 3, 6) are properly
timing mark (2) will align with a timing camshaft drive aligned with the timing camshaft drive chain links (1,
chain link (1). 4, 5).

Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Lower (Third Design): ”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Installation

(Fourth Design)

5. The crankshaft sprocket timing mark (2) will align

with a timing camshaft drive chain link (1).

Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one
timing drive assembly position.

1. Install the primary camshaft drive chain.

1D-296 Engine Mechanical:

2. Wrap the primary camshaft drive chain around the 4. The right camshaft intermediate drive chain idler
large sprockets of each camshaft intermediate drive timing mark (2) will align with a timing camshaft drive
chain idler and the crankshaft sprocket. chain link (1).

3. The left camshaft intermediate drive chain idler 5. The crankshaft sprocket timing mark (2) will align
timing mark (1) will align with a timing camshaft drive with a timing camshaft drive chain link (1).
chain link (2).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-297

2. Install the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide

Tightening torque
Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain lower
guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Upper (Third Design): ”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Installation - Lower (Fourth Design)

Ensure all the timing marks (2, 3, 6) are properly
aligned with the timing camshaft drive chain links (1,

4, 5).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Lower (Fourth Design): ”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide

Installation - Lower (Third Design)

1. Position the primary camshaft drive chain lower

guide to the oil pump.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide

Tightening torque
Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain lower
guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Upper (Fourth Design): ”.

1. Position the primary camshaft drive chain lower

guide to the oil pump.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1D-298 Engine Mechanical:

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Upper (Third Design) Installation - Upper (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure the upper primary camshaft drive chain guide 1. Ensure the upper primary camshaft drive chain guide

(3) is being installed. (3) is being installed.

2. Install the upper primary camshaft drive chain 2. Install the upper primary camshaft drive chain
guides. guides.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the upper primary camshaft drive chain guide 3. Install the upper primary camshaft drive chain guide
bolts. bolts.
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Tighten the upper primary camshaft drive chain Tighten the upper primary camshaft drive chain
guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser Reference: “Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser
Installation (Third Design): ”. Installation (Fourth Design): ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-299

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser

Installation (Third Design)
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
J 45027 Tensioner Tool

3. Install the plunger into the primary camshaft drive

chain tensioner body.

1. Ensure that the primary camshaft drive chain
tensioner (3) is being installed.

4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the

primary camshaft drive chain tensioner by inserting
the EN 46112 into the access hole in the side of the
primary camshaft drive chain tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the primary camshaft
drive chain tensioner. The primary camshaft drive
chain tensioner should remain compressed.

2. Using the J 45027, reset the primary camshaft drive

chain tensioner plunger.
1D-300 Engine Mechanical:

6. Install a NEW primary camshaft drive chain

tensioner gasket to the primary camshaft drive chain
tensioner. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
bolts through the primary camshaft drive chain 10. Verify the proper placement of the primary camshaft
tensioner and gasket. drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1).
8. Ensure the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner a. First Pass
mounting surface on the engine block does not have Tightening torque
any burrs or defects that would degrade the sealing Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain
of the NEW primary camshaft drive chain tensioner tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
b. Final Pass
Tightening torque
Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).

9. Place the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner

into position and loosely install the bolts to the block.

11. Release the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner

by pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking the
tensioner plunger.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-301

12. Verify the primary and left secondary camshaft drive 14. Using the EN 46111, rotate the crankshaft and
chain timing mark alignments (1-12). Also refer to crankshaft sprocket from the stage 1 alignment
“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram position (1) to the stage 2 alignment position (2), 115

(Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain crankshaft degrees, in order to install the right
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One. secondary camshaft drive chain components.

13. Remove the EN 46105-1 from the rear of the left 15. Install the EN 46105-2 onto the rear of the left
camshafts. camshafts.
1D-302 Engine Mechanical:

16. Install the EN 46105-1 onto the rear of the right 2. Using the J 45027, reset the primary camshaft drive
camshafts. chain tensioner plunger.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain

Installation - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

Primary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensionser

Installation (Fourth Design)
Special tool
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool
EN 46111 Crankshaft Rotation Socket
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
J 45027 Tensioner Tool

3. Install the plunger into the primary camshaft drive

chain tensioner body.

1. Ensure that the primary camshaft drive chain

tensioner (3) is being installed.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-303

4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the 9. Place the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
primary camshaft drive chain tensioner by inserting into position and loosely install the bolts to the block.
the EN 46112 into the access hole in the side of the

primary camshaft drive chain tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the primary camshaft
drive chain tensioner. The primary camshaft drive
chain tensioner should remain compressed.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

10. Verify the proper placement of the primary camshaft

6. Install a NEW primary camshaft drive chain drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1).
tensioner gasket to the primary camshaft drive chain a. First Pass
Tightening torque
7. Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain
bolts through the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
tensioner and gasket.
b. Final Pass
8. Ensure the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
mounting surface on the engine block does not have Tightening torque
any burrs or defects that would degrade the sealing Tighten the primary camshaft drive chain
of the NEW primary camshaft drive chain tensioner tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
1D-304 Engine Mechanical:

11. Release the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner 13. Remove the EN 46105-1 from the rear of the left
by pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking the camshafts.
tensioner plunger.

14. Using the EN 46111, rotate the crankshaft and
12. Verify the primary and left secondary camshaft drive crankshaft sprocket from the stage 1 alignment
chain timing mark alignments (1-12). Also refer to position (1) to the stage 2 alignment position (2), 115
“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram crankshaft degrees, in order to install the right
(Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain secondary camshaft drive chain components.
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage One.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-305

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain

Installation - Right Side (Third Design)

15. Install the EN 46105-2 onto the rear of the left

1. Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage 2 timing

drive assembly position (1).

16. Install the EN 46105-1 onto the rear of the right

Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain 2. Install the right secondary camshaft drive chain.
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.
1D-306 Engine Mechanical:

3. Place the secondary camshaft drive chain around 6. Align the right exhaust camshaft position actuator
the right camshaft intermediate drive chain idler sprocket alignment triangle mark (1) with the timing
outer sprocket, aligning the timing camshaft drive camshaft drive chain link (2).

chain link (1) with the alignment access hole (2)
made in the right camshaft intermediate drive chain
idler inner sprocket.

7. Align the right intake camshaft position actuator

sprocket alignment triangle mark (2) with the timing
camshaft drive chain link (1).
4. Wrap the secondary camshaft drive chain around
both right actuator drive sprockets.
5. Ensure there are 7 links (1) between the timing
camshaft drive chain links for the camshaft position
actuator sprockets.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-307

8. There will be 18 links (1) between the right camshaft 2. Install the right secondary camshaft drive chain.
intermediate drive chain idler timing camshaft drive
chain link and each right camshaft position actuator

sprocket timing camshaft drive chain link.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain

Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)

3. Place the secondary camshaft drive chain around

the right camshaft intermediate drive chain idler
outer sprocket, aligning the timing camshaft drive
chain link (1) with the alignment access hole (2)
made in the right camshaft intermediate drive chain
idler inner sprocket.

1. Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage 2 timing

drive assembly position (1).
1D-308 Engine Mechanical:

4. Wrap the secondary camshaft drive chain around 7. Align the right intake camshaft position actuator
both right actuator drive sprockets. sprocket alignment triangle mark (2) with the timing
5. Ensure there are 10 links (1) between the timing camshaft drive chain link (1).

camshaft drive chain links for the camshaft position
actuator sprockets.

8. There will be 22 links (1) between the right camshaft

intermediate drive chain idler timing camshaft drive
6. Align the right exhaust camshaft position actuator chain link and each right camshaft position actuator
sprocket alignment triangle mark (1) with the timing sprocket timing camshaft drive chain link.
camshaft drive chain link (2). Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-309

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Guide
Installation - Right Side (Third Design) Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)

1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain 1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain

guide (1) is being installed. guide (1) is being installed.

2. Position the right secondary camshaft drive chain 2. Position the right secondary camshaft drive chain
guide. guide.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain guide 3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain guide
bolts. bolts.
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain
guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). guide bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe
Installation - Right Side (Third Design): ”. Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.
1D-310 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe

Installation - Right Side (Third Design)


1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

shoe (1) is being installed.
3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain
shoe bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Right Side (Third Design): ”.

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Shoe

Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)

2. Position the right secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain

shoe (1) is being installed.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-311

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner

Installation - Right Side (Third Design)
Special tool
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
J 45027 Tensioner Tool

2. Position the right secondary camshaft drive chain


1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner (1) is being installed.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the secondary camshaft drive chain shoe bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the secondary camshaft drive chain 2. Using the J 45027, reset the right secondary
shoe bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft). camshaft drive chain tensioner plunger.
Reference: “Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner
Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design): ”.
1D-312 Engine Mechanical:

3. Install the plunger into the right secondary camshaft 6. Install a NEW right secondary camshaft drive chain
drive chain tensioner body. tensioner gasket to the right secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner.

7. Install the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts through the right secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner and gasket.
8. Ensure the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner mounting surface on the right cylinder
head does not have any burrs or defects that would
degrade the sealing of the NEW right secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.

4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the

right secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner by
inserting the EN 46112 into the access hole in the
side of the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the right secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner. The right secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner should remain
9. Place the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner into position and loosely install the bolts to
the block.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-313

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Ensure that all timing chain tensioners are

completely released. A timing chain
10. Verify the proper placement of the right secondary tensioner that is not properly released can
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1). lead to serious engine damage.
a. First Pass
12. Verify all primary and secondary camshaft drive
Tightening torque chain timing mark alignments (1-18). Also refer to
Tighten the right secondary camshaft drive “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram
chain tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in). (Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
b. Final Pass Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage Two.
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Installation (Third
Tightening torque Design): ”.
Tighten the right secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).

11. Release the right camshaft drive chain tensioner by

pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking the tensioner
1D-314 Engine Mechanical:

Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain Tensioner

Installation - Right Side (Fourth Design)
Special tool
EN 46112 Tensioner Retraction Pins
J 45027 Tensioner Tool

3. Install the plunger into the right secondary camshaft

drive chain tensioner body.

1. Ensure that the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner (1) is being installed.

4. Compress the plunger into the body and lock the

right secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner by
inserting the EN 46112 into the access hole in the
side of the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner body.
5. Slowly release pressure on the right secondary
2. Using the J 45027, reset the right secondary camshaft drive chain tensioner. The right secondary
camshaft drive chain tensioner plunger. camshaft drive chain tensioner should remain
Engine Mechanical: 1D-315

6. Install a NEW right secondary camshaft drive chain

tensioner gasket to the right secondary camshaft
drive chain tensioner. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Install the right secondary camshaft drive chain
tensioner bolts through the right secondary camshaft 10. Verify the proper placement of the right secondary
drive chain tensioner and gasket. camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket tab (1).
8. Ensure the right secondary camshaft drive chain a. First Pass
tensioner mounting surface on the right cylinder Tightening torque
head does not have any burrs or defects that would Tighten the right secondary camshaft drive
degrade the sealing of the NEW right secondary chain tensioner bolts to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
camshaft drive chain tensioner gasket.
b. Final Pass
Tightening torque
Tighten the right secondary camshaft drive
chain tensioner bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).

9. Place the right secondary camshaft drive chain

tensioner into position and loosely install the bolts to
the block.

11. Release the right camshaft drive chain tensioner by

pulling out the EN 46112 and unlocking the tensioner
1D-316 Engine Mechanical:

1. Install the 8 mm (0.315 in) guide from the EN 46109

into the cylinder block positions as shown.

Ensure that all timing chain tensioners are 2. Install the NEW engine front cover to cylinder block

completely released. A timing chain seal.
tensioner that is not properly released can
lead to serious engine damage.

12. Verify all primary and secondary camshaft drive

chain timing mark alignments (1-18). Also refer to
“Camshaft Timing Drive Chain Alignment Diagram
(Third Design)” “Camshaft Timing Drive Chain
Alignment Diagram (Fourth Design)”- Stage Two.
Reference: “Engine Front Cover Installation (Fourth
Design): ”.

Engine Front Cover Installation (Third

Reference: “Engine Front Cover Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46109 Guide Pins

3. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead of RTV sealant, GM P/

N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or
equivalent, on the engine front cover as shown (1).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-317

4. Place the engine front cover onto the EN 46109 and

slide into position.
5. Remove the EN 46109 from the cylinder block. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

7. Loosely install the engine front cover bolts to hold
the engine front cover deadener into position.

6. Install the engine front cover deadener.

8. Loosely install the remaining engine front cover

1D-318 Engine Mechanical:

9. Tighten the engine front cover bolts in the sequence 12. Install NEW O-rings on the camshaft position sensor.
shown (1-22). 13. Place the camshaft position sensors in position on
Tightening torque the front cover.

Tighten the engine front cover bolts in the 14. Install the camshaft position sensor bolts.
sequence to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position sensor bolts to 10
N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Water Pump Installation: ”.

Engine Front Cover Installation (Fourth

Reference: “Engine Front Cover Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46109 Guide Pins

10. Place the camshaft position actuator valves in

position on the front cover.
11. Install the camshaft position actuator valve bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator valve
bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

1. Install the 8 mm (0.315 in) guide from the EN 46109

into the cylinder block positions as shown.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-319

2. Install the NEW engine front cover to cylinder block 4. Place the engine front cover onto the EN 46109 and
seal. slide into position.
5. Remove the EN 46109 from the cylinder block.

3. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead of RTV sealant, GM P/
N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or 6. Install the engine front cover deadener.
equivalent, on the engine front cover as shown (1).
1D-320 Engine Mechanical:

9. Tighten the engine front cover bolts in the sequence

shown (1-22).
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”
Tightening torque

Tighten the engine front cover bolts in the
7. Loosely install the engine front cover bolts to hold
sequence to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
the engine front cover deadener into position.

10. Place the camshaft position actuator valves in

8. Loosely install the remaining engine front cover
position on the front cover.
11. Install the camshaft position actuator valve bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position actuator valve
bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-321

12. Install NEW O-rings on the camshaft position sensor. 2. Install the EN 46101 onto the spark plug tubes of the
13. Place the camshaft position sensors in position on left cylinder head.
the front cover.

14. Install the camshaft position sensor bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the camshaft position sensor bolts to 10
N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Water Pump Installation: ”.

Camshaft Cover Installation - Left Side

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46101 Spark Plug Tube Seal Guide
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool

3. Install the camshaft cover bolt grommets prior to

installing the camshaft cover bolts.
4. Wipe the camshaft cover sealing surface on the left
cylinder head with a clean, lint-free cloth.

1. Remove the EN 46105-2 from the rear of the left

1D-322 Engine Mechanical:

5. Place a bead 8 mm (0.3150 in) in diameter by 4 mm 7. Loosely install the left camshaft cover bolts.
(0.1575 in) in height of RTV sealant, GM P/N
12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or equivalent,

on the engine front cover split lines (1).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
6. Place the left camshaft cover into position onto the
left cylinder head. 8. Tighten the left camshaft cover bolts in the sequence
Tightening torque
Tighten the left camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Engine Mechanical: 1D-323

9. Remove the EN 46101 from the spark plug tubes of 11. Install the ignition coils.
the left cylinder head.

12. Install the ignition coil bolts.
10. Install the NEW spark plugs into the left cylinder
Tightening torque
Tighten the ignition coil bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Tightening torque
Reference: “Camshaft Cover Installation - Right Side: ”.
Tighten the spark plugs to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
1D-324 Engine Mechanical:

Camshaft Cover Installation - Right Side

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46101 Spark Plug Tube Seal Guide
EN 46105 Camshaft Locking Tool

3. Install the camshaft cover bolt grommets prior to

installing the camshaft cover bolts.
4. Wipe the camshaft cover sealing surface on the right

cylinder head with a clean, lint-free cloth.

1. Remove the EN 46105-1 from the rear of the right


5. Place a bead 8 mm (0.3150 in) in diameter by 4 mm

(0.1575 in) in height of RTV sealant, GM P/N
12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or equivalent,
on the engine front cover split lines (1).
2. Install the EN 46101 onto the spark plug tubes of the
right cylinder head.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-325

6. Place the right camshaft cover into position onto the

right cylinder head.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

8. Tighten the right camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence shown.
Tightening torque
Tighten the right camshaft cover bolts in the
sequence to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

7. Loosely install the right camshaft cover bolts.

9. Remove the EN 46101 from the spark plug tubes of

the right cylinder head.
1D-326 Engine Mechanical:

10. Install the NEW spark plugs into the right cylinder 12. Install the ignition coil bolts.
Tightening torque
Tightening torque Tighten the ignition coil bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

Tighten the spark plugs to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
Reference: “Intake Manifold Installation: ”.

Intake Manifold Installation

Reference: “Intake Manifold Assemble: ”.

11. Install the ignition coils.

1. Install the NEW lower intake manifold gasket.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-327

2. Install the intake manifold assembly. 4. Loosely install the long intake manifold bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten all of the intake manifold bolts to 23 N⋅m

(17 lb ft).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
5. Install the evaporative emissions (EVAP) solenoid.
3. Loosely install the short intake manifold bolts.
1D-328 Engine Mechanical:

6. Install the EVAP solenoid bolt 8. Install and connect the dirty air positive crankcase
ventilation (PCV) hose to the intake manifold and to
Tightening torque
the right camshaft cover fitting.
Tighten the EVAP solenoid bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb


9. Install the engine coolant air bleed pipe.

7. Install and connect the intake manifold-to-solenoid
EVAP hose to the intake manifold and to the EVAP
Engine Mechanical: 1D-329

10. Install the fuel injector harness connector to the Engine Flywheel Installation
engine coolant air bleed pipe bracket. Reference: “Engine Flywheel Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46106 Engine Flywheel Holding Tool
J 45059 Angle Meter

11. Install the engine coolant air bleed pipe bracket bolts

to the upper intake manifold.
Tightening torque
Tighten the engine coolant air bleed pipe bracket
bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in). 1. Place the engine flywheel in position on the

12. Install and connect the fresh air PCV hose to the left
camshaft cover fitting. 2. Install 2 NEW bolts in location at the top and bottom
Reference: “Engine Flywheel Installation: ”. of the engine flywheel bolt pattern allowing the
engine flywheel to hang in position.
1D-330 Engine Mechanical:

Crankshaft Balancer Installation

Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46106 Engine Flywheel Holding Tool
J 41998-B Crankshaft Balancer Installer
J 45059 Angle Meter

3. Install the EN 46106.

1. The EN 46106 must be installed onto the flywheel.
2. Use the J 41998-B, nut, bearing and washer to install
the crankshaft balancer.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Install the remaining NEW engine flywheel bolts.

Tightening torque
1. Tighten the NEW engine flywheel bolts to 30
N⋅m (22 lb ft).
2. Tighten the NEW engine flywheel bolts an
additional 45 degrees using the J 45059.
Reference: “Crankshaft Balancer Installation: ”.
Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal
or crankshaft balancer sealing surfaces. The
crankshaft balancer is installed into a dry

3. Apply lubricant to the inside of the crankshaft

balancer hub bore.
Engine Mechanical: 1D-331

4. Place the crankshaft balancer in position on the 10. Remove the EN 46106.
crankshaft. Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Installation: ”.
5. Thread the J 41998-B in the crankshaft. Ensure you

engage at least 10 threads of the J 41998-B before Drive Belt Tensioner Installation
pressing the crankshaft balancer in place.
6. Push the crankshaft balancer into position by
tightening the nut on the J 41998-B until the large
washer bottoms out on the crankshaft end.
7. Remove the J 41998-B.

1. Place the left drive belt tensioner assembly in

position to the engine front cover.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
8. Install the crankshaft balancer bolt.
2. Install the left drive belt tensioner bracket bolts.
Tightening torque
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Tighten the left drive belt tensioner bracket bolts
to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
9. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt.
Tightening torque
1. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to 100
N⋅m (74 lb ft).
2. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt an
additional 150 degrees using the J 45059.
1D-332 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Prelubing
Special tool
EN-47971 Oil Pressure Gage Adapter
J 45299 Engine Preluber

3. Install the 1/8 NPT fitting from the J 45299 into the
port on the EN-47971.

Ensure the oil cooler lines are disconnected
and the oil filter adapter oil cooler line ports
are blocked in order to direct the oil from the
engine preluber into the engine.

1. Remove the engine oil filter.

4. Install the J 45299 flexible hose to the fitting.

Special new tool EN 47971 must be used. Due
to the special size and thread pitch of the oil
filter adapter fitting ensure the proper tool is
used or component damage will result.

2. Install the EN-47971 onto the oil filter adapter.

5. Open the valve of the J 45299.

Engine Mechanical: 1D-333

A constant and continuous flow of clean
engine oil is required in order to properly
prime the engine. Use the approved engine
oil as specified in the owner’s manual.

6. Pump the handle of the J 45299 in order to flow a

minimum of 1-1.9 liters (1-2 quarts) of fresh clean
engine oil. Observe the flow of engine oil through the
flexible hose and into the engine assembly.
7. Close the valve of the J 45299.

10. Remove the EN-47971 from the oil filter adapter.


This engine uses a special high performance
oil filter. Use of any other filter may lead to
filter failure and/or severe engine damage.

11. Ensure the NEW oil filter is filled with clean fresh
engine oil.

8. Remove the J 45299 flexible hose.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
9. Remove the fitting from the EN-47971.
12. Install the NEW oil filter.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil filter to 32 N⋅m (24 lb ft).
1D-334 Engine Mechanical:

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Camshaft Position Actuator
Camshaft Bolt 58 N⋅m 43 lb ft
Oil Control Valve Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Camshaft Cap Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Camshaft Cover Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Camshaft Intermediate Drive Sprocket Bolt - Idler Sprocket 58 N⋅m 43 lb ft
Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Connecting Rod Bolt
First Pass 30 N⋅m 22 lb ft
Second Pass - Counterclockwise Back Off to Zero
Third Pass 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Final Pass 110 Degrees
Crankshaft Balancer Bolt
First Pass 100 N⋅m 74 lb ft
Final Pass 150 Degrees
Crankshaft Main Bearing Bolt

First Pass 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Final Pass 80 degrees
First Pass 15 N⋅m 10 lb ft
Final Pass 110 Degrees
First Pass 30 N⋅m 22 lb ft
Final Pass 60 Degrees
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Cylinder Head Bolt - M8
First Pass 15 N⋅m 10 lb ft
Final Pass 60 Degrees
Cylinder Head Bolt - M11
First Pass 45 N⋅m 33 lb ft
Final Pass 120 degrees
Cylinder Head Core Hole Plug 31 N⋅m 23 lb ft
Drive Belt
Idler Pulley Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Tensioner Bracket Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Engine Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Bracket Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor 22 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Engine Flywheel Bolt
First Pass 30 N⋅m 22 lb ft
Final Pass 45 Degrees
Engine Front Cover Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Engine Mount Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Engine Wiring Harness Bracket
Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Nut 13 N⋅m 115 lb in
Evaporative (EVAP) Purge Valve Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Frame-to-Body Bolt 155 N⋅m 114 lb ft
Fuel Rail Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Ignition Coil Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Intake Manifold
Upper-to-Cylinder Head Bolt - Long 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Upper-to-Cylinder Head Bolt - Short 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Upper-to-Lower Intake Manifold Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Engine Mechanical: 1D-335

Metric English
Oil Filter 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Oil Gallery Plug 31 N⋅m 23 lb ft
PCV Tube Bracket Bolt/Ball Stud 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Piston Oil Cooling Nozzle Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Primary Camshaft Drive Chain
Left Lower Guide Bolt - Oil Pump - Second Design 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Tensioner Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Upper Guide Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Secondary Camshaft Drive Chain
Guide Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Shoe Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Tensioner Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Spark Plug 20 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Steering Intermediate Shaft Pinch Bolt 34 N⋅m 25 lb ft
Throttle Body Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Torque Converter Bolt 60 N⋅m 44 lb ft
Brace Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
To Engine Bolt 75 N⋅m 55 lb ft

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Air Cleaner Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Clamp 4 N⋅m 35 lb in
Camshaft Position (CMP) Actuator Solenoid Valve Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Ignition Coil Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Rear Drive Module Propeller Shaft Guard Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Spark Plug 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Throttle Body Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in

Engine Mechanical Specifications

Metric English
Engine Type V-6
Displacement 3.6 Liter 217 cu in
Bore 94 mm 3.7008 in
Stroke 85.6 mm 3.37 in
Compression Ratio 10.2:1
Cranking RPM - at 40° C (104°F) 80 RPM
Idle Speed 600 A/C Off - 700 A/C On
Firing Order 1-2-3-4-5-6
Spark Plug Gap 1.1 mm 0.0433 in
Crankshaft Main Bearing Bore Diameter 72.867-72.881 mm 2.8688-2.8693 in
Cylinder Bore Diameter 93.992-94.008 mm 3.7005-3.7011 in
Cylinder Bore Out-of-Round - Production Max. 0.013 mm 0.0005 in
Camshaft Bearing Inside Diameter - Front Number 1 35.000-35.020 mm 1.3779-1.3787 in
Camshaft Bearing Inside Diameter - Middle and Rear Number 2-
27.000-27.020 mm 1.0630-1.0638 in
Camshaft End Play 0.045-0.215 mm 0.0018-0.0085 in
1D-336 Engine Mechanical:

Metric English
Camshaft Journal Diameter - Front Number 1 34.936-34.960 mm 1.3754-1.3764 in
Camshaft Journal Diameter - Middle and Rear Number 2-4 26.936-26.960 mm 1.0605-1.0614 in
Camshaft Journal Out-of-Round 0.006 mm 0.0002 in
Camshaft Journal to Bore Clearance 0.040-0.084 mm 0.0016-0.0033 in
Camshaft Lobe Duration - Exhaust @ 0.150 mm (0.0059 in) Lift 238 degrees
Camshaft Lobe Duration - Intake @ 0.150 mm (0.0059 in) Lift 237 degrees
Camshaft Lobe Lift - Exhaust 42.425-42.725 mm 1.6703-1.6821 in
Camshaft Lobe Lift - Intake 42.385-42.685 mm 1.6687-1.6805 in
Camshaft Lobe Overlap @ 0.150 mm (0.0059 in) Lift 0 degrees
Camshaft Runout - Front and Rear Number 1 and 4 0.025 mm 0.0010 in
Camshaft Runout - Middle 2 and 3 0.050 mm 0.0020 in
Camshaft Timing @ 0.15 mm (0.0059 in) Lift
Valve Opens - Exhaust −229 degrees BTDC
Valve Opens - Intake 14 degrees BTDC
Centerline - Exhaust 111 degrees BTDC
Centerline - Intake 132 degrees ATDC
Valve Closes - Exhaust 9 degrees ATDC
Valve Closes - Intake 251 degrees ATDC
Valve Lift - Exhaust 10.8 mm 0.4252 in

Valve Lift - Intake 10.8 mm 0.4252 in
Cooling System
Thermostat Full Open Temperature 95°C 203°F
Connecting Rod
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance 0.010-0.070 mm 0.0004-0.0028 in
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter - Bearing End 59.620-59.636 mm 2.3472-2.3479 in
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter - Pin End 24.007-24.021 mm 0.9452-0.9457 in
Connecting Rod Length - Center to Center 150.400 mm 5.9212 in
Connecting Rod Side Clearance 0.095-0.355 mm 0.0374-0.0140 in
Connecting Rod Width - Bearing End
Production 21.775 mm 0.8573 in
Service 21.725-21.825 mm 0.8553-0.8593 in
Connecting Rod Width - Pin End
Production 21.775 mm 0.8573 in
Service 21.725-21.825 mm 0.8553-0.8593 in
Connecting Rod Journal Diameter 55.992-56.008 mm 2.2044-2.2050 in
Connecting Rod Journal Out-of-Round 0.005 mm 0.0002 in
Connecting Rod Journal Taper 0.005 mm 0.0002 in
Connecting Rod Journal Width
Production 22.000 mm 0.8661 in
Service 21.920-22.080 mm 0.8630-0.8693 in
Crankshaft End Play 0.100-0.330 mm 0.0039-0.0130 in
Crankshaft Main Bearing Clearance 0.010-0.060 mm 0.0004-0.0024 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter 67.992-68.008 mm 2.6768-2.6775 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Out-of-Round 0.005 mm 0.0002 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Taper 0.005 mm 0.0002 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Thrust Wall
Runout 0.000-0.040 mm 0.0000-0.0016 in
Square 0.000-0.010 mm 0.0000-0.0004 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Width, #2, 4
Production 24.000 mm 0.9449 in
Service 23.900-24.100 mm 0.9409-0.9488 in
Crankshaft Main Journal Width, #3
Production 24.400 mm 0.9606 in
Service 24.360-24.440 mm 0.9591-0.9622 in
Crankshaft Pilot Bearing Bore Diameter 20.965-20.995 mm 0.8254-0.8266 in
Crankshaft Rear Flange Runout 0.025 mm 0.0010 in
Crankshaft Reluctor Ring Runout - Maximum 1.500 mm 0.0591 in
Engine Mechanical: 1D-337

Metric English
Crankshaft Runout 0.030 mm 0.0012 in
Crankshaft Thrust Bearing Clearance 0.076-0.305 mm 0.0030-0.0120 in
Crankshaft Thrust Surface - Height Diameter 95.000 mm 3.7401 in
Crankshaft Thrust Surface Runout 0.040 mm 0.0016 in
Cylinder Head
Combustion Chamber Volume 53.407 cc 3.259 cu in
Valve Guide Bore - Exhaust 6.000-6.020 mm 0.2362-0.2370 in
Valve Guide Bore - Intake 6.000-6.020 mm 0.2362-0.2370 in
Valve Guide Installed Height 14.050-14.550 mm 0.5531-0.5728 in
Valve Lifter Bore Diameter 12.008-12.030 mm 0.4728-0.4736 in
Lubrication System
Oil Capacity - with New Dry Oil Filter 5.2 Liters 5.5 Quarts
Oil Capacity - without Oil Filter Change 4.8 Liters 5.2 Quarts
Oil Pressure - Minimum @ Idle 69 kPa 10 psi
Oil Pressure - Minimum @ 2,000 RPM 138 kPa 20 psi
Piston Cooling Jet Valve Opening Pressure 1.7-2.3 bar 25-33 psi
Oil Pump
Gear Diameter - Outer 87.095-87.175 mm 3.4289-3.4321 in
Gear Pocket - Depth 15.565-15.600 mm 0.6128-0.6142 in

Gear Pocket - Diameter 87.275-87.325 mm 3.4360-3.4380 in
Gear Thickness - Drive/Driven 15.511-15.536 mm 0.6107-0.6117 in
Gear-to-Cover Clearance - Drive/Driven 0.030-0.085 mm 0.0012-0.0033 in
Gear-to-Housing Clearance - Drive/Driven 0.100-0.230 mm 0.0039-0.0091 in
Inner Gear Tip Clearance 0.075-0.180 mm 0.0030-0.0071 in
Crankshaft Clearance to Housing 0.040-0.130 mm 0.0016-0.0051 in
Inner Gerotor Hub Diameter 53.310-53.335 mm 2.0988-2.0998 in
Housing Hub Diameter 53.380-53.420 mm 2.1016-2.1031 in
Inner Gerotor Hub Clearance to Housing 0.045-0.110 mm 0.0018-0.0043 in
Piston Rings
Piston Ring End Gap
First Compression Ring 0.150-0.300 mm 0.0059-0.0118 in
Second Compression Ring 0.280-0.480 mm 0.0110-0.0189 in
Oil Control Ring 0.150-0.600 mm 0.0059-0.0236 in
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance
First Compression Ring 0.030-0.065 mm 0.0012-0.0026 in
Second Compression Ring 0.015-0.060 mm 0.0006-0.0024 in
Oil Control Ring 0.030-0.170 mm 0.0012-0.0067 in
Piston Ring Thickness
First Compression Ring 1.175-1.190 mm 0.0463-0.0469 in
Second Compression Ring 1.470-1.495 mm 0.0579-0.0589 in
Oil Control Ring 2.360-2.480 mm 0.0929-0.0976 in
Pistons and Pins
Piston Diameter 93.956-93.974 mm 3.6990-3.6998 in
Piston Pin Bore Diameter 24.004-24.009 mm 0.9450-0.9452 in
Piston Ring Groove Width - First Compression Ring 1.220-1.240 mm 0.0480-0.0488 in
Piston Ring Groove Width - Second Compression Ring 1.510-1.530 mm 0.0595-0.0602 in
Piston Ring Groove Width - Oil Control Ring 2.510-2.530 mm 0.0988-0.0996 in
Piston to Bore Clearance 0.026-0.052 mm 0.0010-0.0021 in
Piston Pin Clearance to Connecting Rod Bore 0.007-0.024 mm 0.0003-0.0010 in
Piston Pin Clearance to Piston Pin Bore 0.004-0.012 mm 0.0002-0.0005 in
Piston Pin Diameter 23.997-24.000 mm 0.9448-0.9449 in
Piston Pin Length 60.600-61.100 mm 2.3858-2.4055 in
Valve System
Valve Face Angle 44.25 degrees
Valve Face Runout 0.038 mm 0.0015 in
1D-338 Engine Mechanical:

Metric English
Valve Face Width - Exhaust 2.750 mm 0.1083 in
Valve Face Width - Intake 2.180 mm 0.0858 in
Valve Head Diameter - Exhaust 30.470-30.730 mm 1.1996-1.2098 in
Valve Head Diameter - Intake 36.830-37.090 mm 1.4500-1.4602 in
Valve Installed Height 35.23-36.69 mm 1.3870-1.4445 in
Valve Length - Exhaust 97.110 mm 3.8232 in
Valve Length - Intake 101.230 mm 3.9854 in
Valve Seat Angle - Seating Surface 45 degrees
Valve Seat Angle - Relief Surface 30 degrees
Valve Seat Angle - Undercut Surface 60 degrees
Valve Seat Runout - Maximum 0.050 mm 0.0020 in
Valve Seat Width - Exhaust Seating Surface 1.400-1.800 mm 0.0551-0.0709 in
Valve Seat Width - Exhaust Relief Surface 0.700-0.900 mm 0.0276-0.0354 in
Valve Seat Width - Intake Seating Surface 1.000-1.400 mm 0.0394-0.0551 in
Valve Seat Width - Intake Relief Surface 0.500-0.700 mm 0.0197-0.0276 in
Valve Stem Diameter - Exhaust 5.945-5.965 mm 0.2341-0.2348 in
Valve Stem Diameter - Intake 5.955-5.975 mm 0.2344-0.2352 in
Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance - Exhaust 0.035-0.075 mm 0.0014-0.0030 in
Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance - Intake 0.025-0.065 mm 0.0010-0.0026 in

Valve Lifters
Valve Lifter Diameter 11.489-12.000 mm 0.4523-0.4724 in
Valve Lifter-to-Bore Clearance 0.037-0.041 mm 0.0015-0.0016 in
Rocker Arms
Valve Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 to 1
Valve Rocker Arm Roller Diameter 17.750-17.800 mm 0.6988-0.7008 in
Valve Springs
Valve Spring Coil Thickness 3.250 x 3.900 mm 0.1280 x 0.1535 in
Valve Spring Diameter - Inside Top 12.090-12.590 mm 0.4760-0.4957 in
Valve Spring Diameter - Outside Top 20.140 mm 0.7929 in
Valve Spring Diameter - Inside Bottom 17.950-18.450 mm 0.7067-0.7264 in
Valve Spring Diameter - Outside Bottom 26.000 mm 1.0236 in
Valve Spring Free Length 42.050-44.850 mm 1.6555-1.7657 in
Valve Spring Installed Height - Closed 35.000 mm 1.3779 in
Valve Spring Installed Height - Open 24.000 mm 0.9449 in
Valve Spring Load - Closed 247-273 N 56-61 lb
Valve Spring Load - Open 598-662 N 134-149 lb
Valve Spring Total Number of Coils 7.1

Sealers, Adhesives, and Lubricants

GM Part Number
Application Type of Material
United States Canada
Camshaft Prelube Lubricant 12345501 992704
Coolant and Oil Plug Threads Sealant 12346004 10953480
Crankshaft Prelube Lubricant 1052367 992869
Engine Oil 5W-30 Oil 12345610 993193
Oil Pan, Engine Front Cover, Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
Sealant 12378521 88901148
Housing, Expansion Plugs
Engine Mechanical: 1D-339

Thread Repair Specifications

Left Cylinder Head Camshaft Cover Face

Left Cylinder Head Camshaft Cover Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
0.885 0.708
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 7
2 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
1.122 0.944
3 M6 x 1.0 701 N/A N/A 203 204 205 28.5 24.0
0 9
0.984 0.669
4 M20 x 1.5 715 716 N/A 717 718 719 25.0 17.0
2 3
1D-340 Engine Mechanical:

Left Cylinder Head Front Face

Left Cylinder Head Front Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 THRU THRU
M12 x 1.574 1.279
2 856 857 N/A 858 859 416 40.0 32.5
1.75 8 5
0.708 0.885
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 18.0 22.5
7 8
Engine Mechanical: 1D-341

Left Cylinder Head Intake Face

Left Cylinder Head Intake Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.122 0.905
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1D-342 Engine Mechanical:

Left Cylinder Head Exhaust Face

Left Cylinder Head Exhaust Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
9 0
2 M12 x 1.5 705 706 N/A 707 708 709 27.5 13.0 0.5118
0.885 0.000
3 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 0
1.122 0.905
4 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
Engine Mechanical: 1D-343

Left Cylinder Head Rear Face

Left Cylinder Head Rear Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
9 0
1D-344 Engine Mechanical:

Right Cylinder Head Camshaft Cover Face

Right Cylinder Head Camshaft Cover Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
1.122 0.944
2 M6 x 1.0 701 N/A N/A 203 204 205 28.5 24.0
0 9
0.984 0.669
3 M20 x 1.5 715 716 N/A 717 718 719 25.0 17.0
2 3
0.885 0.708
4 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 7
Engine Mechanical: 1D-345

Right Cylinder Head Front Face

Right Cylinder Head Front Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 THRU THRU
0.888 0.708
2 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
0 7
3 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
1.122 0.905
4 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
M12 x 1.574 1.279
5 856 857 N/A 858 859 416 40.0 32.5
1.75 8 5
1D-346 Engine Mechanical:

Right Cylinder Head Intake Face

Right Cylinder Head Intake Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.122 0.905
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
Engine Mechanical: 1D-347

Right Cylinder Head Exhaust Face

Right Cylinder Head Exhaust Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
0.885 0.000
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 0
1.318 1.063
2 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
9 0
1.122 0.905
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1D-348 Engine Mechanical:

Right Cylinder Head Rear Face

Right Cylinder Head Rear Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
9 0
Engine Mechanical: 1D-349

Engine Block Front

Engine Block Front
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.122 0.905
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1.318 1.063
2 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
9 0
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 THRU 23.0
4 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 THRU THRU
1.102 1.102
5 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 28.0 28.0
4 4
6 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 THRU 20.0
7 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 THRU 28.0
1D-350 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Block Left Side

Engine Block Left Side
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill DepthTap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.122 0.905
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1.181 0.787
2 M20 x 1.5 715 716 N/A 717 718 719 30.0 20.0
0 4
1.319 1.063
3 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
0 0
4 M14 x 1.5 409 410 N/A 411 412 735 THRU 15.0
0.649 0.433
5 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 415 16.5 11.0
6 1
Engine Mechanical: 1D-351

Engine Block Right Side

Engine Block Right Side
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
0.885 0.708
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 7
1.122 0.905
2 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
3 M14 x 1.5 409 410 N/A 411 412 735 THRU 15.0
1.319 1.063
4 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 215 33.5 27.0
0 0
1D-352 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Block Rear

Engine Block Rear
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.319 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
0 0
0.885 0.708
2 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 7
3 M14 x 1.5 409 410 N/A 411 412 735 THRU 15.0
1.555 1.299
4 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 216 39.5 33.0
1 2
5 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 THRU THRU
Engine Mechanical: 1D-353

Engine Block Bottom

Engine Block Bottom
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
2.204 1.929
1 M10 x 2.0 720 N/A N/A 721 722 104 56.0 49.0
7 1
2 M8 x 1.25 702 N/A N/A 703 704 620 46.0 1.8110 40.5
1.122 0.905
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
4 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
1D-354 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Block Left Deck Face

Engine Block Left Deck Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.122 0.905
1 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
4.035 3.700
2 M11 x 2.0 723 N/A N/A 724 725 108 102.5 94.0
4 8
Engine Mechanical: 1D-355

Engine Block Right Deck Face

Engine Block Right Deck Face
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
4.035 3.700
1 M11 x 2.0 723 N/A N/A 724 725 108 102.5 94.0
4 8
1.122 0.905
2 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1D-356 Engine Mechanical:

Engine Front Cover

Engine Front Cover
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
0.846 0.708
2 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 21.5 18.0
5 7
1.122 0.905
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
4 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 THRU THRU
1.318 1.063
5 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
9 0
1.082 0.905
6 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 27.5 23.0
7 5
Engine Mechanical: 1D-357

Upper Intake Manifold - Top

Upper Intake Manifold - Top
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
0.885 0.708
2 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 22.5 18.0
8 7
1D-358 Engine Mechanical:

Upper Intake Manifold - Front

Upper Intake Manifold - Front
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
Engine Mechanical: 1D-359

Lower Intake Manifold - Top

Lower Intake Manifold - Top
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1 M6 x 1.0 201 202 N/A 203 204 205 THRU THRU
2 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 THRU THRU
1D-360 Engine Mechanical:

Oil Pan Front

Oil Pan Front
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
9 0
M12 x 1.555 1.259
2 856 857 N/A 858 859 416 39.5 32.0
1.75 1 8
1.122 0.905
3 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1.476 1.259
4 M8 x 1.25 610 N/A N/A 208 209 620 37.5 32.0
4 8
Engine Mechanical: 1D-361

Oil Pan Left Side

Oil Pan Left Side
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
9 0
1D-362 Engine Mechanical:

Oil Pan Right Side

Oil Pan Right Side
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
M12 x
1 856 857 N/A 858 859 416 THRU THRU
1.122 0.905
2 M8 x 1.25 206 207 N/A 208 209 210 28.5 23.0
0 5
1.318 1.063
3 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
9 0
Engine Mechanical: 1D-363

Oil Pan Rear

Oil Pan Rear
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.318 1.063
1 M10 x 1.5 211 212 N/A 213 214 420 33.5 27.0
9 0
1D-364 Engine Mechanical:

Oil Pan Top

Oil Pan Top
Hole Thread Counter Stop Drill Depth Tap Depth
Drill Tap Driver Insert
Location Size Bore Tool Collar (Maximum) (Minimum)
J 42385- MM (IN) MM (IN)
1.102 0.925
1 M6 x 1.0 701 N/A N/A 203 204 205 28.0 23.5
4 2
Engine Mechanical: 1D-365

Special Tools and Equipment

Engine Support Fixture
Installation Procedure
Special tool
J 28467-B Universal Engine Support Fixture
J-28467-13 Engine Support Fixture Adapters
J 42451-1 Engine Support Adapter
J 36462-A Engine Support Adapter Leg Set
J 28467-7A Bolt Hook
J 28467-34 Lift Hook Wing Nut & Washer

6. Install the engine support bracket J 42451-1 to the


Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel

Injector Sight Shield Replacement”.
2. Pull each end of the hood rear seal away from the
cowl panel flange near both strut towers.
3. Install three J-28467-13 (1) and two J 28467-5 strut
tower adapters (2) to the top of the left and right strut
4. Install a 127 cm (50 in) engine support fixture cross
bar J-28467-B (3) transversely across the vehicle
between both J 28467-5 strut tower adapters (2).
5. Insert safety pins J-28467-10 (4) through the J
28467-5 strut tower adapters (2) and the cross bar
(3) to prevent movement.
7. Remove the alternator bolt (1), then install the
alternator bolt with the engine support bracket J
42451-1 to the engine.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
1D-366 Engine Mechanical:

8. Position two 58 cm (23 in) engine support fixture 11. Install the lift hook and bracket assembly (1) to the
cross bars (1) longitudinally with two J 36462-A leg longitudinal mounted cross bar (2).
assembly (2).

9. Install two J 28467-1A clamp (3) to secure the
longitudinal mounted cross bar to the transverse
mounted cross bar.

12. Position the J 28467-7A lift hook to the rear engine

lift bracket J-42451-1 (2).

10. Assemble the lift hook wing nut J-28467-34 and the
lift hook bracket J-28467-6A to the lift hook J-28467-
Engine Mechanical: 1D-367

13. Assemble the lift hook wing nut J-28467-34 and the 15. Position the J 28467-7A bolt hook (1) to the front
lift hook bracket J-28467-6A to the lift hook J-28467- engine lift bracket J-42451-1 (2).

16. Evenly tighten both wing nuts J-28467-34 (1) until
14. Install the lift hook and bracket assembly (1) to the the engine weight is supported by the engine support
longitudinal mounted cross bar (2). fixture and no longer carried by the engine mounts.
1D-368 Engine Mechanical:

Tools and Equipment Illustration Tool Number/Description

• Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout this
section, with a complete listing at the end of the
section. These tools, or their equivalents, are
designed to quickly and safely accomplish the
operations for which they are intended. The use of
EN 46105
these special tools also minimize possible damage to
Camshaft Locking Tool
engine components. Some precision measuring tools
are required for inspection of certain critical
components. Torque wrenches and a torque angle
meter are necessary for the proper tightening of
various fasteners.
• To properly service the engine assembly, the following
items should be readily available:
– Approved eye protection and safety gloves
– A clean, well-lit, work area
– A suitable component cleaning tank EN 46106
– A compressed air supply Flywheel Holding Tool
– Trays or storage containers to keep components
and fasteners organized

– An adequate set of hand tools
– Approved engine repair stand
– An approved engine lifting device that adequately
supports the weight of the components

Special Tools - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L

(LY7) EN 46108
Timing Chain Retention
Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN 46101
Spark Plug Tube Seal

EN 46109
Engine Front Cover
Installation Guide Pins

EN 46103
Camshaft Actuator Valve
Seal Remover/Installer

EN 46110
On-Vehicle Valve Spring
Engine Mechanical: 1D-369

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN 46111 EN 46121
Crankshaft Rotation Connecting Rod Guide Pin
Socket Set

EN 46122
EN 46112 Camshaft Position
Tensioner Retraction Pins Actuator Check-Ball Valve

EN 46116 EN 46745
Valve Stem Seal Remover/ Piston Pin Clip Remover/
Installer Installer

EN 46117 EN 47839
Valve Stem Key Remover/ Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
Installer Installation Tool

EN 46119
EN 47971
Off-Vehicle Valve Spring
Oil Pressure Gage Adapter
Compressor Adapter
1D-370 Engine Mechanical:

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN 48313
J 8001
Timing Chain Retention
Dial Indicator Set

GE 48326 J 8037
Sealant Dispenser Ring Compressor

J 8062
J 5590
Valve Spring Compressor -
Bearing and Seal Driver
Head Off

J 6125-1B J 8087
Slide Hammer Adapter Cylinder Bore Gage

J 7872
J 8358
Magnetic Base Dial
Carbon Removal Brush
Engine Mechanical: 1D-371

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 22738-B J 28467-7A
Valve Spring Tester Bolt Hook

J 28467-34
J 25254-A
Lift Hook Wing Nut and
Oil Seal Installer

J 28410 J 29184
Gasket Remover Oil Seal Installer

J 28467 J 35667-A
Engine Support Fixture Cylinder Head Leakdown
Adapter Tester

J 28467-B J 36462-A
Universal Engine Support Engine Support Adapter
Fixture Leg Set
1D-372 Engine Mechanical:

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 38416-2 J 42096
Crankshaft Button Valve Guide Reamer

J 39313 J 42183
Spark Plug Port Adapter Handle

J 41816 J 42385-700
Crankshaft Balancer High Feature Thread
Remover Repair Kit

J 41818
J 42385-2000
Crankshaft Bearing Cap
Thread Insert Kit

J 41998-B
J 42451-1
Crankshaft Balancer
Engine Support Fixture
Engine Mechanical: 1D-373

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 43690
J 45059
Rod Bearing Clearance
Angle Meter
Checking Tool

J 43690-100
J 45299
Rod Bearing Clearance
Engine Preluber
Checking Tool - Adapter Kit

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 43965
Thread Repair Extension

J 34730-1A
Fuel Pressure Gage

J 45000
Seal Remover

J 45027
Tensioner Tool
1E-1 Engine Lubrication System:

Engine Lubrication System

General Description
Lubrication Description
A structural diecast aluminum oil pan incorporates an oil suction tube, a baffle, a windage tray and an oil level sensor.
The oil suction tube is bolted into the oil pan and seals to the bottom of the block with O-ring gasket. The baffle is
mounted to the lower portion of the 6-quart capacity oil pan sump and ensures oil supply to the oil suction pickup. The
windage tray is bolted to the upper portion of the oil pan and reduces friction losses at high speed. The oil level sensor
is mounted through the bottom of the oil pan.
A crankshaft driven gerotor oil pump with internal pressure-relief valve is mounted to the front of the engine block and
pulls oil from the oil suction tube through the lower passage in the engine block. The oil pump then directs the flow of
pressurized oil back through the upper passage in the block to the left side of the engine block where the oil filter
adapter is mounted.
An oil filter adapter is mounted with a gasket to the left side of the engine block. The oil filter adapter incorporates a
bottom-access, spin-on oil filter. The oil filter adapter housing incorporates a built-in oil bypass valve and a threaded oil
pressure sending unit. Oil flows through the lower passage in the oil filter adapter to and through the oil filter. Filtered
oil travels back through the upper passage of the oil filter adapter and back into the engine block.
Oil is directed up and across the engine block front through several drilled passages. These front passages feed oil to
each cylinder head, oil to the passage for the main bearings and piston oil jets, oil to the right and left secondary idler
sprockets and oil to the primary timing drive chain tensioner.

Each cylinder head passage directs oil into the cylinder head where it is directed to oiling circuits for the stationary
hydraulic lifter assemblies (SHLAs) and the camshaft bearing journals. Oil is also directed through two passages each
with a spring-loaded check-ball valve to the two chambers where the camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid
valves are mounted. Each chamber contains a camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid valve with built-in oil
filter screen. One camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid valve is used to control the exhaust camshaft position
actuator and one camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid valve is used to control the intake camshaft position
actuator. The engine control module (ECM) electrically controls each camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid
valve. When energized by the ECM the camshaft position actuator oil control solenoid valve directs oil to pass up
through the cylinder head front camshaft bearing cap. Oil passes through the camshaft bearing cap passage into oil
holes drilled into the side of the front camshaft journal and onto the front of the camshaft mounting surface. Oil passes
through to matching passages in the camshaft position actuator. Oil is directed by the camshaft position actuator oil
control solenoid valve to the appropriate passage in the system to pressurize oil on the vanes on the inside of the of
the camshaft position actuator. Oil acting on the vanes rotates the camshaft mounted to the inner camshaft position
actuator rotor relative to the sprocket mounted to the outer camshaft position actuator housing. An internal lock pin
locks the inner rotor to the outer camshaft position actuator housing at idle and maintains the camshaft position
actuator in the home or default position during start-up conditions. Oil pressure directed by the camshaft position
actuator oil control solenoid valve unlocks the pin and allows the camshaft position actuator to function. An additional
passage in the cylinder head also directs oil to the secondary timing drive chain tensioner mounted to each cylinder
The oil passage that supplies oil to the main bearings also supplies oil to pressure-actuated piston-cooling oil jets.
Each oil jet is mounted between opposing cylinder bores and directs oil to the two bores to provide extra cooling and
control piston temperatures.
Oil is directed from the front passages to the front of the block where the right and left secondary idler sprockets and
the primary timing drive chain tensioner are mounted. Each camshaft timing drive chain tensioner relies on a gasket in
order to maintain an oil reserve after the engine is turned OFF. All camshaft timing drive chain tensioners incorporate a
small oil jet to supply an oil spray onto the camshaft timing drive chain components.
Oil returns to the oil pan sump either through the camshaft timing drive chain area or through the cast oil drain back
passages on the outboard walls of the cylinder heads and engine block.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-2

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Oil Consumption Diagnosis
Checks Causes
DEFINITION: Excessive oil consumption (not due to leaks) is the use of 0.946 L (1 qt) or more of engine oil within 3
200 km (2,000 mi).
The causes of excessive oil consumption may include the following conditions:
Preliminary • External oil leaks — Refer to “Oil Leak Diagnosis”.
• Incorrect oil level or improper reading of the oil level indicator
With the vehicle on a level surface, run the engine for a few minutes, allow
adequate drain down time (2-3 minutes) and check for the correct engine oil
• Improper oil viscosity
Refer to the vehicle owners manual and use the recommended SAE grade
and viscosity for the prevailing temperatures.
• Continuous high speed driving and/or severe usage
• Crankcase ventilation system restrictions or malfunctioning components
• Worn valve guides and/or valve stems
• Worn, missing or improperly installed valve stem oil seals

• Piston rings broken, worn, not seated properly
Allow adequate time for the rings to seat.
Replace worn piston rings as necessary.
• Piston and rings improperly installed or miss-fitted to the cylinder bore

Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing

Special tool
EN-47971 Oil Pressure Gage Adapter
J 21867 Pressure Gage
1. With the vehicle on a level surface, run the vehicle
for a few minutes, allow adequate drain down time,
2-3 minutes, and measure the oil level.
2. If required, add the recommended grade engine oil
and fill the crankcase until the oil level measures full
on the oil level indicator.
3. Run the engine briefly, 10-15 seconds, and verify low
or no oil pressure on the vehicle gage or light.
4. Listen for a noisy valve train or a knocking noise.
5. Inspect for the following conditions:
– Oil diluted by water or glycol antifreeze
– Foamy oil
6. Remove the oil filter.
1E-3 Engine Lubrication System:

9. Install the J 21867 flexible hose to the EN-47971.

10. Run the engine and measure the engine oil
Special new tool EN 47971 must be used. Due pressure.

to the special size and thread pitch of the oil
11. Compare the readings to “Engine Mechanical
filter adapter fitting ensure the proper tool is
Specifications: ”.
used or component damage will result.
12. If the engine oil pressure is below specifications,
7. Install the EN-47971 onto the oil filter adapter. inspect the engine for 1 or more of the following
– Oil pump worn or dirty. Refer to “Oil Pump
Replacement”, “Oil Pump Disassemble” and “Oil
Pump Cleaning and Inspection”.
– Oil pump-to-engine block bolts loose. Refer to “Oil
Pump Replacement”.
– Oil pump screen loose, plugged, or damaged.
Refer to “Oil Pump Suction Pipe and Screen
Assembly Replacement” and “Oil Pump Pipe and
Screen Cleaning and Inspection”.
– Oil pump screen O-ring seal missing or damaged.
Refer to “Oil Pump Suction Pipe and Screen
Assembly Replacement” and “Oil Pump Pipe and
Screen Cleaning and Inspection”.
– Oil pump pressure relief valve malfunction. Refer
to “Oil Pump Replacement”.
– Engine bearing clearance excessive. Refer to
8. Install the 1/8 NPT fitting from the J 21867 into the “Crankshaft and Bearings Cleaning and
port on the EN-47971. Inspection: ”, “Crankshaft and Bearings
Installation: ” and “Piston, Connecting Rod, and
Bearing Installation: ”.
– Cracked, porous, or restricted oil galleries.
– Oil gallery plugs missing or incorrectly installed.
Refer to “Engine Block Assemble: ” and “Cylinder
Head Assemble: ”.
– Valve lifters broken. Repair, as necessary. Refer
to “Valve Lifter Replacement - Left Side: ” and/or
“Valve Lifter Replacement - Right Side: ” and
“Valve Lifters Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-4

! CAUTION – Plugged or incorrect oil filter and/or malfunctioning

oil bypass valve. Refer to “Engine Oil and Oil Filter
This engine uses a special high performance Replacement”.
oil filter. Use of any other filter may lead to
– Malfunctioning oil pressure gage or sensor.
filter failure and/or severe engine damage.
Repair, as necessary. Refer to “Engine Oil
Pressure Sensor and/or Switch Replacement”.
13. If the oil pressure reading on the J 21867, or
equivalent, is within specifications, inspect for the
following conditions:

Oil Leak Diagnosis

Checks Action
It is important to correctly identify the source of an oil leak. A power steering fluid leak or spillage can
travel across the valley area of the engine and run out the weep hole, which is located at the back of
the block. Failure to correctly identify the source of an oil leak can lead to the incorrect or
unnecessary replacement of components.

You can repair most fluid leaks by first visually locating the leak, repairing or replacing the component, or by resealing
the gasket surface. Once the leak is identified, determine the cause of the leak. Repair the cause of the leak as well
as the leak itself.

Locating and identifying the leak To determine if the leaking fluid is engine oil, transmission fluid, power steering
fluid, brake fluid, or some other fluid, use the visual inspection method.
Visual Inspection Method 1. Bring the vehicle to normal operating temperature.
2. Park the vehicle over a large sheet of paper, or other clean surface.
3. Wait several minutes, then check for drippings.
4. Identify the type of fluid, and the approximate location of the leak.
5. Visually inspect the suspected area. Use a small mirror to assist in looking
at hard to see areas.
6. Check for leaks at sealing surfaces, fittings, or from cracked or damaged
7. If you cannot locate the leak, do the following:
a. Completely clean the entire engine and surrounding components.
b. Operate the vehicle for several miles at normal operation temperature
and at varying speeds.
c. Park the vehicle over a large sheet of paper, or other clean surface.
d. Wait several minutes, then check for drippings.
e. Identify the type of fluid, and the approximate location of the leak.
f. Visually inspect the suspected area. Use a small mirror to assist in
looking at hard to see areas.
g. See possible causes for leaks.
8. If you still cannot locate the leak, use the powder method or the black light
and dye method.
Powder Method 1. Completely clean the entire engine and surrounding components.
2. Apply an aerosol-type powder (baby powder, foot powder, etc.) to the
suspected area.
3. Operate the vehicle for several miles at normal operation temperature and
at varying speeds.
4. Identify the type of fluid, and the approximate location of the leak, from the
discolorations in the powder surface.
5. Visually inspect the suspected area. Use a small mirror to assist in looking
at hard to see areas.
6. See possible causes for leaks.
1E-5 Engine Lubrication System:

Checks Action
Black Light and Dye Method 1. A dye and light kit is available for finding leaks. Use the J 28428-E High-
Intensity Black Light Kit or equivalent. Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions when using the tool.
2. Visually inspect the suspected area. Use a small mirror to assist in looking
at hard to see areas.
3. See possible causes for leaks.
Possible Causes for Leaks Check for the following conditions:
• Higher than recommended fluid levels
• Higher than recommended fluid pressures
• Plugged or malfunctioning fluid filters or pressure bypass valves
• Plugged or malfunctioning engine ventilation system
• Improperly tightened or damaged fasteners
• Cracked or porous components
• Improper sealants or gaskets where required
• Improper sealant or gasket installation
• Damaged or worn gaskets or seals
• Damaged or worn sealing surfaces

Repair Instructions
Oil Level Indicator and Tube Replacement Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure

1. Install a new seal on the oil level indicator tube.

1. Turn the ignition OFF. 2. Install the oil level indicator tube.
2. Remove the oil level indicator from the oil level
indicator tube.
3. Remove the oil level indicator tube bolt. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
4. Remove the oil level indicator tube up through the
3. Install the oil level indicator tube bolt.
exhaust manifold.
5. If you are replacing only the oil level indicator tube Tightening torque
seal, remove and discard the old seal. Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
4. Install the oil level indicator in the oil level indicator
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-6

Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Lubricate the NEW oil filter gasket with clean engine

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and oil.

Jacking the Vehicle: ”. 2. Tighten the oil filter.
2. Place a drain pan under the oil pan drain plug. Tightening torque
3. Remove the oil pan drain plug (1). Allow the oil to Tighten the filter to 30 N⋅m (22 lb ft).
drain completely.
3. Lower the vehicle.
! CAUTION 4. Fill the engine with oil to the appropriate mark.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. 5. Start the engine and inspect for leaks.

4. Install the oil pan drain plug (1). Oil Filter Adapter Replacement
Tightening torque Removal Procedure
Tighten the drain plug to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).

1. Remove and properly dispose of the oil filter. Refer

5. Place the drain pan under the oil filter. to “Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement”.
6. Remove the oil filter. Allow the oil to drain 2. Disconnect the oil pressure sensor electrical
completely. connector.
3. Remove the oil filter adapter bolts from the engine
1E-7 Engine Lubrication System:

1. Position a NEW oil filter adapter gasket onto the oil

filter adapter.

4. Remove the oil filter adapter.

2. Place the oil filter adapter into position.

5. Remove and discard the oil filter adapter gasket.

Installation Procedure ! CAUTION

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the oil filter adapter bolts. Ensure the longer

bolts (1) is installed in the upper rear position.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil filter adapter bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb
4. Install a NEW oil filter. Refer to “Engine Oil and Oil
Filter Replacement”.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-8

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor and/or Switch Oil Pan Replacement

Replacement Special tool
Removal Procedure EN 46109 Guide Pin Set

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection: ”.
2. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture: ”.
3. Remove the right side engine mount. Refer to
“Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side: ”.
4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
5. Drain the engine oil and remove the oil filter. Refer to
“Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement”.
6. Remove the catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic
Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”.
7. Remove the air conditioning (A/C) compressor.

Refer to “Compressor Replacement: ”.
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the oil pressure sensor electrical
3. Remove the oil pressure sensor (1).

Installation Procedure

8. Remove the oil pan bolts.

9. Remove the oil pan.
10. Clean the oil pan and the engine block gasket
surface. Refer to “Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection”.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Install the oil pressure sensor (1).

Tightening torque
Tighten the oil pressure sensor to 20 N⋅m (15 lb
2. Connect the oil pressure sensor electrical connector.
1E-9 Engine Lubrication System:

Installation Procedure

3. Position the oil pan onto the block.

1. Install the 8 mm (0.315 in) guides from the EN 46109
into the center oil pan rail bolt hole on each side of

the engine block.

4. Remove the EN 46109 8 mm (0.315 in) guides from

the engine block.

2. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead (1) of RTV sealant,

GM P/N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or
equivalent, on the block pan rail and the crankshaft
rear oil seal housing.

5. Loosely install the oil pan bolts.

Engine Lubrication System: 1E-10

Oil Pump Replacement

Removal Procedure

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

6. Tighten the oil pan bolts in sequence shown. Do not remove the left bank idler sprocket.
Tightening torque
1. Remove the primary timing chain. Refer to “Primary
1. Tighten the 8 mm bolts (1-11) to 23 N⋅m (17 lb Camshaft Drive Chain and Sprockets Replacement:
ft). ”.
2. Tighten the 6 mm bolts (12, 13) to 10 N⋅m (89 2. Remove the oil pump bolts and the oil pump. Refer
lb in). to “Oil Pump Removal”.
7. Install the air conditioning (A/C) compressor. Refer to 3. Perform the following steps as necessary:
“Compressor Replacement: ”. – Disassemble the oil pump. Refer to “Oil Pump
8. Install the catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic Disassemble”.
Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”. – Clean and inspect the oil pump. Refer to “Oil
9. Lower the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and Jacking the Pump Cleaning and Inspection”.
Vehicle: ”.
10. Refill the engine oil. Refer to “Engine Oil and Oil
Filter Replacement”.
11. Install the right side engine mount. Refer to “Engine
Mount Replacement - Right Side: ”.
12. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to “Engine
Support Fixture: ”.
13. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
1E-11 Engine Lubrication System:

Installation Procedure

4. Remove the oil suction pipe bolts.

1. Assemble the oil pump as necessary. Refer to “Oil 5. Remove the oil suction pipe.
Pump Assemble”.

2. Install the oil pump. Refer to “Oil Pump Installation”.
3. Install the primary timing chain. Refer to “Primary
Camshaft Drive Chain and Sprockets Replacement:

Oil Pump Suction Pipe and Screen

Assembly Replacement
Removal Procedure

6. Remove the oil suction tube seal from the oil suction
tube. Discard the oil suction tube seal.

1. Remove the oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan Replacement”.

2. Remove the oil pan scraper bolts.
3. Remove the oil pan scraper.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-12

Installation Procedure

4. Install the oil pan scraper.

1. Install a NEW oil suction tube seal onto the oil 5. Install the oil pan scraper bolts.
suction tube. DO NOT reuse the old oil suction tube

seal. Tightening torque
Tighten the oil pan scraper bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb
6. Install the oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan Replacement”.

Oil Level Indicator and Tube Removal

Reference: “Starter Removal: ”.

2. Install the oil suction pipe.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the oil suction pipe bolts.

Tightening torque 1. Remove the oil level indicator tube bracket bolt.
Tighten the oil suction pipe bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb
1E-13 Engine Lubrication System:

Oil Filter Adapter Removal

Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Left Side: ”.

2. Remove the oil level indicator and tube by sliding the

tube out from the lower crankcase hole.
1. Remove and properly dispose of the oil filter.

3. Remove and discard the O-ring from the oil level
indicator tube. 2. Remove the oil filter adapter bolts from the engine
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-14

3. Remove the oil filter adapter. 6. Remove the left knock sensor.
Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Disassemble: ”.

Oil Pan Removal
Reference: “Cylinder Head Removal - Left Side: ”.
Reference: “Cylinder Head Removal - Right Side: ”.

4. Remove and discard the oil filter adapter gasket.

1. Remove the oil pan bolts.

5. Remove the left knock sensor bolt.

1E-15 Engine Lubrication System:

Oil Pump Removal

Reference: “Oil Pan Removal: ”.

2. Using the pry points located at the edge of the oil

pan shear the RTV sealant.
1. Remove the oil pump bolts.

2. Remove the oil pump.
Reference: “Oil Pump Disassemble: ”.

Oil Pump Disassemble

Reference: “Oil Pump Removal: ”.

3. Remove the oil pan from the block.

Reference: “Oil Pan Disassemble: ”.

There are no serviceable components within
the oil pump. Disassemble the pump only to
diagnose an oiling concern. A disassembled
oil pump must not be reused. A
disassembled oil pump must be replaced.

1. Remove the oil pump mounting bolts.

Engine Lubrication System: 1E-16

2. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower 5. Remove the oil pump cover from the oil pump
guide bolts. housing.
3. Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower


6. Remove the inner oil pump drive gear.

7. Remove the outer oil pump driven gear.
4. Remove the bolts holding the oil pump cover to the
oil pump housing.
1E-17 Engine Lubrication System:

There are no serviceable components within
the oil pump. Disassemble the pump only to
diagnose an oiling concern. A disassembled
oil pump must not be reused. A
disassembled oil pump must be replaced.

1. Inspect the oil pump housing for the following:

– Damage, scoring, or debris on the housing
surface for the driven gear (1)
– Damage to the oil pump mounting bosses (2)
– Damage, scoring, or debris on the housing
surface for the drive gear (3)
– Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump relief
valve port (4)
– Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump intake
port (5)
8. Remove the clip, holding the cap, for the oil relief – Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump relief
valve components. valve bore (6)
9. Remove the cap, spring, and plunger from the oil – Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump output

pump housing. port (7)
Reference: “Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection: ”. – Damage to the threads in the oil pump housing for
the oil pump cover bolts (8)
Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection
Reference: “Oil Pump Disassemble: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the oil pump components with non-corrosive

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the oil pump components with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

2. Inspect the oil pump cover for the following

– Damage to the oil pump cover mounting bosses
– Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump cover
oil passages (2)
– Damage to the sealing surface between the oil
pump cover and the oil pump housing (3)
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-18

3. Inspect the inner drive gear for damage. If inner 5. Inspect the oil pump relief valve components for
diameter damage is found, ensure the crankshaft is debris or damage.
also inspected.

6. Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide
4. Inspect the outer driven gear for damage. for damage (1-3).
7. If debris or damage is present within the oil pump,
further inspection of all of the engine components is
Reference: “Oil Pump Assemble: ”.
1E-19 Engine Lubrication System:

Oil Pump Assemble

Reference: “Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

3. Install the inner and the outer rotors in the oil pump
cover in the same orientation as removed.
1. Install the oil pressure relief valve components. 4. The outer rotor has a dimple to indicate the outer

a. Install the oil pressure relief valve. surface.
b. Install the oil pressure relief valve spring.
c. Install the oil pressure relief valve bore plug.
d. Install the oil pressure relief valve bore plug
retainer C-clip.

5. Assemble the oil pump housing and cover.

There are no serviceable components within
the oil pump. Disassemble the pump only to
diagnose an oiling concern. A disassembled
oil pump must be replaced. DO NOT reuse a
disassembled oil pump or a serviceable oil
pump with a primary camshaft drive chain
lower guide that needs to be replaced.

2. The dimpled surface must be face-up in the pump

Engine Lubrication System: 1E-20

2. Remove the oil filter fitting.

Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection:
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. ”.

6. Install the oil pump bolts. Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection
Tightening torque Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Disassemble: ”.
Tighten the oil pump bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Oil Pump Installation: ”. Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the oil filter adapter components with non-
corrosive solvent.
Oil Filter Adapter Disassemble
Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Removal: ”. ! WARNING
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the oil filter adapter components with

compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

1. Remove the oil pressure sender.

1E-21 Engine Lubrication System:

NOTE Oil Filter Adapter Assemble

The internal parts of the oil filter adapter Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection:
housing are not serviced separately. If wear ”.
or damage is noted, replace the entire oil
filter adapter assembly.

1. Inspect the oil filter adapter housing for cracks,

casting imperfections or damage (1).
2. Inspect the threads for the oil pressure sender (2) or
the bracket (6) for damage.
3. Inspect the oil filter sealing surface (3) for damage.
4. Inspect the threads for the oil filter fitting (4) for
5. Inspect the mounting holes (5) for damage.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Install the oil filter fitting.

Tightening torque
Tighten the oil filter fitting to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).

6. Inspect the oil filter adapter housing gasket sealing

surface (1) for damage.
7. Inspect the oil filter adapter housing passages (2) for
damage or blockage.
8. Repair or replace the oil filter adapter housing as
Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Assemble: ”.

2. Install the oil pressure sender.

Tightening torque
Tighten the oil pressure sender to 20 N⋅m (15 lb
Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Installation: ”.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-22

Oil Pan Disassemble

Reference: “Oil Pan Removal: ”.

4. Remove the oil suction pipe bolts.

5. Remove the oil suction pipe.
1. Remove the oil pan drain plug.

6. Remove the oil suction tube seal from the oil suction
2. Remove the oil pan scraper bolts. tube. Discard the oil suction tube seal.
3. Remove the oil pan scraper. Reference: “Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Reference: “Oil Pump Pipe and Screen Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.
1E-23 Engine Lubrication System:

Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Oil Pan Disassemble: ”.
Special tool
J 28410 Gasket Remover

Cleaning Procedure
1. Remove any old thread sealant, gasket material or
sealant using J 28410.
2. Clean the oil pan and oil pan components in solvent.
3. Clean out debris from the bolt holes.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

4. Dry the oil pan and oil pan components with

compressed air.
2. Inspect the exterior of the oil pan for the following
Inspection Procedure conditions:
– Dents, cracks or damage to the exterior (1)

– Damage to the engine mount brace bolt hole
threads (2)
– Damage to the engine front cover bolt hole
threads (3)
– Damage to the A/C compressor mounting bolt
hole threads (4)
– Damage to the oil pan mounting holes (5)

1. Inspect the exterior of the oil pan for the following

– Damage to the drain plug hole threads (1)
– Dents, cracks or damage to the exterior (2)
– Damage to the oil pan mounting holes (3)
– Damage to the transmission mounting bolt hole
threads (4)
– Damage to the bracket bolt hole threads (5).
3. Inspect the interior of the oil pan for the following
– Damage to the oil pan baffle scraper bolt hole
threads (1)
– Damage or gouges to the oil pan sealing surface
– Damage to the oil suction tube mounting upper
bracket bolt hole threads (3)
– Damage to the oil suction tube mounting lower
bracket bolt hole threads (4)
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-24

1. Inspect the mounting surface (1) for possible

leakage paths.
2. Inspect the oil pump pipe tube (2) for cracks,
imperfections and/or damage.
3. Inspect the oil pump pipe support bracket (3) for
cracks or damage.
4. Inspect the oil pump screen (4) for blockage, foreign
material, tears, cracks and/or damage.
Reference: “Oil Pan Assemble: ”.

Oil Pan Assemble

Reference: “Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Reference: “Oil Pump Pipe and Screen Cleaning and
Inspection: ”.

4. Inspect the oil pan baffle scraper for damage.

5. Repair or replace the oil pan and/or oil pan
components as necessary.

Reference: “Oil Pan Assemble: ”.

Oil Pump Pipe and Screen Cleaning and

Reference: “Oil Pan Disassemble: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the oil pump pipe and screen with solvent.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.
1. Install a NEW oil suction tube seal onto the oil
2. Dry the oil pump pipe and screen with compressed suction tube. DO NOT reuse the old oil suction tube
air. seal.

Inspection Procedure

2. Install the oil suction pipe.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1E-25 Engine Lubrication System:

3. Install the oil suction pipe bolts. Oil Pump Installation

Tightening torque Reference: “Oil Pump Assemble: ”.
Tighten the oil suction pipe bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb

1. Align the oil pump generator with the crankshaft flats

and install the oil pump to the engine block.
4. Install the oil pan scraper. 2. Align the pump body with the mounting holes in the
5. Install the oil pan scraper bolts. cylinder block.

Tightening torque ! CAUTION

Tighten the oil pan scraper bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
3. Install the oil pump bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil pump bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
Reference: “Oil Pan Installation: ”.

6. Install the oil pan drain plug and NEW O-ring seal.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil pan drain plug to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
Reference: “Oil Pan Installation: ”.
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-26

Oil Pan Installation

Reference: “Oil Pan Assemble: ”.
Special tool
EN 46109 Guide Pin Set

3. Position the oil pan onto the block.

1. Install the 8 mm (0.315 in) guides from the EN 46109
into the center oil pan rail bolt hole on each side of
the engine block.

4. Remove the EN 46109 8 mm (0.315 in) guides from

the engine block.

2. Place a 3 mm (0.118 in) bead (1) of RTV sealant,

GM P/N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) or
equivalent, on the block pan rail and the crankshaft
rear oil seal housing.

5. Loosely install the oil pan bolts.

1E-27 Engine Lubrication System:

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

6. Tighten the oil pan bolts in sequence shown. 2. Install the knock sensor bolt.
Tightening torque Tightening torque
1. Tighten the 8 mm bolts (1-11) to 23 N⋅m (17 lb Tighten the knock sensor bolt to 23 N⋅m (17 lb ft).
ft). 3. Ensure the knock sensor is oriented with the harness
2. Tighten the 6 mm bolts (12, 13) to 10 N⋅m (89 connector positioned down and slightly to the rear of
lb in). the engine (1).
Reference: “Cylinder Head Installation - Right Side: ”.
Reference: “Cylinder Head Installation - Left Side: ”.

Oil Filter Adapter Installation

Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Assemble: ”.

4. Position a NEW oil filter adapter gasket onto the oil

filter adapter.

1. Position the left knock sensor to the cylinder block as

Engine Lubrication System: 1E-28

5. Place the oil filter adapter into position. 7. Install a NEW oil filter.
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Left Side: ”.

Oil Level Indicator and Tube Installation

6. Install the oil filter adapter bolts. Ensure the longer

bolts (1) is installed in the upper rear position.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil filter adapter bolts to 23 N⋅m (17 lb 1. Install a NEW O-ring on the oil level indicator tube.
1E-29 Engine Lubrication System:

2. Install the oil level indicator and tube by sliding the

tube down through the lower crankcase hole.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the oil level indicator tube bracket bolt.
Tightening torque
Tighten the oil level indicator tube bracket bolt to
10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Right Side: ”.

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Knock Sensor Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Oil Drain Plug 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Oil Filter 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Oil Filter Housing Adapter Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Oil Level Indicator Tube Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Oil Pan
Bolt - Block M8 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Bolt - Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing M6 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Windage Tray Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Oil Pressure Sender 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Oil Pump
Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Cover Bolt 13 N⋅m 115 lb in
Suction Tube Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Suction Screen Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Engine Lubrication System: 1E-30

Special Tools and Equipment

Tools and Equipment Illustration Tool Number/Description
• Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout this
section, with a complete listing at the end of the
section. These tools, or their equivalents, are
designed to quickly and safely accomplish the
operations for which they are intended. The use of
J 21867
these special tools also minimize possible damage to
Pressure Gage
engine components. Some precision measuring tools
are required for inspection of certain critical
components. Torque wrenches and a torque angle
meter are necessary for the proper tightening of
various fasteners.
• To properly service the engine assembly, the following
items should be readily available:
– Approved eye protection and safety gloves
– A clean, well-lit, work area
– A suitable component cleaning tank J 28410
– A compressed air supply Gasket Remover

– Trays or storage containers to keep components
and fasteners organized
– An adequate set of hand tools
– Approved engine repair stand
– An approved engine lifting device that adequately
supports the weight of the components

Special Tools - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L

(LY7) J 28428-E
High Intensity Black Light
Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN 46109
Engine Front Cover
Installation Guide Pins

EN 47971
Oil Pressure Gage Adapter
1F-1 Engine Cooling System:

Engine Cooling System

General Description
Cooling System Description and Operation Coolant Heater
Cooling Fan Control The optional engine coolant heater (RPO K05) operates
The engine cooling fan system consists of 2 cooling fans using 110-volt AC external power and is designed to
and 3 relays. The relays are powered by the battery warm the coolant in the engine block area for improved
positive voltage circuit and controlled by a switched starting in very cold weather −29°C (−20°F). The coolant
ground from the powertrain control module (PCM). heater helps reduce fuel consumption when a cold
During low speed operation, the PCM supplies the engine is warming up. The unit is equipped with a
ground path for the low speed cooling fan relay through detachable AC power cord. A weather shield on the cord
the low speed cooling fan relay control circuit. This is provided to protect the plug when not in use. The
energizes the cooling fan low relay coil, closes the relay power cord has a thermal element in the cord end that
contacts, and supplies battery positive voltage from the does not allow current to the heater until the ambient
COOL FAN LO fuse through the cooling fan motor temperature reaches 0°F or −18°C.
supply voltage circuit to the cooling fan. During high
speed operation the PCM supplies the ground path for Cooling System
the cooling fan low relay through the low speed cooling The cooling system's function is to maintain an efficient
fan relay control circuit. After a 3-second delay, the PCM engine operating temperature during all engine speeds
supplies a ground path for the cooling fan high relay and and operating conditions. The cooling system is

the s/p cooling fan relay through the high speed fan relay designed to remove approximately one-third of the heat
control circuit. produced by the burning of the air-fuel mixture. When
The PCM commands the fan on under the following the engine is cold, the coolant does not flow to the
conditions: radiator until the thermostat opens. This allows the
• Engine coolant temperature exceeds approximately engine to warm quickly.
98°C (208°F) Low Fan Speed Charge Air Cooling System (LSJ Only)
The charge air cooling systems function is to reduce the
• Engine coolant temperature exceeds approximately
temperature of the air charge that is heated during the
102°C (216°F) High Fan Speed
supercharging process which improves the efficiency of
• A/C refrigerant pressure exceeds 361 kPa (52 psi) the supercharging system. The charge air cooling
Low Fan Speed system is a water-to-air system that uses a dedicated
• A/C refrigerant pressure exceeds 2100 kPa (300 psi) electric coolant pump, a modified intake manifold, and a
High Fan Speed separate charge air cooling radiator located between the
• When the engine coolant temperature exceeds 112°C condenser and the radiator to cool the air charge.
(234°F) at key off, the fan high speed will run for up to Cooling Cycle
300 seconds. If within that time frame 102°C (216°F) Coolant flows from the radiator outlet and into the water
is reached then fan speed will change from high to low pump inlet. Some coolant flows from the water pump, to
speed. If within that time frame 99°C (210°F) is the heater core, then back to the water pump. This
reached then fan speed will change from low to off. provides the passenger compartment with heat and
The PCM commands the fan off under the following defrost capability as the coolant warms up.
conditions: Coolant also flows from the water pump outlet and into
the engine block. In the engine block, the coolant
• A/C is requested and engine speed exceeds 6,240
circulates through the water jackets surrounding the
cylinders where it absorbs heat.
• Engine coolant temperature exceeds approximately The coolant then flows through the cylinder head gasket
99°C (210°F) turns the cooling fans from low to off. openings and into the cylinder heads. In the cylinder
heads, the coolant flows through the water jackets
Engine Coolant Indicator(s) surrounding the combustion chambers and valve seats,
LOW COOLANT LEVEL where it absorbs additional heat.
The IPC illuminates the low coolant warning indicator From the cylinder heads, the coolant flows to the
when any of the following occur: thermostat. The flow of coolant will either be stopped at
• The BCM detects a low coolant level condition for at the thermostat until the engine reaches normal operating
least 30 seconds. The IPC receives a class 2 temperature, or it will flow through the thermostat and
message from the BCM requesting illumination. into the radiator where it is cooled. At this point, the
• The IPC performs the displays test at the start of each coolant flow cycle is completed.
ignition cycle. The indicator illuminates for Efficient operation of the cooling system requires proper
approximately 3 seconds. functioning of all cooling system components. The
cooling system consists of the following components:
Engine Cooling System: 1F-2

Coolant Surge Tank

The engine coolant is a solution made up of a 50-50 The surge tank is a plastic tank that the pressure cap
mixture of DEX-COOL and suitable drinking water. The mounts onto. The tank is mounted at a point higher than
coolant solution carries excess heat away from the all other coolant passages. The surge tank provides an
engine to the radiator, where the heat is dissipated to the air space in the cooling system. The air space allows the
atmosphere. coolant to expand and contract. The surge tank also
Radiator provides a coolant fill point and a central air bleed
The radiator is a heat exchanger. It consists of a core location. During vehicle use, the coolant heats and
and two tanks. The aluminum core is a tube and fin expands. The coolant that is displaced by this expansion
crossflow design that extends from the inlet tank to the flows into the surge tank. As the coolant circulates, air is
outlet tank. Fins are placed around the outside of the allowed to exit. This is an advantage to the cooling
tubes to improve heat transfer to the atmosphere. system. Coolant without bubbles absorbs heat much
The inlet and outlet tanks are a molded, high better than coolant with bubbles.
temperature, nylon reinforced plastic material. A high Air Baffles and Seals
temperature rubber gasket seals the tank flange edge to The cooling system uses deflectors, air baffles and air
the aluminum core. The tanks are clamped to the core seals to increase cooling system capability. Deflectors
with clinch tabs. The tabs are part of the aluminum are installed under the vehicle to redirect airflow beneath
header at each end of the core. the vehicle and through the radiator to increase engine
The radiator also has a drain cock located in the bottom cooling. Air baffles are also used to direct airflow through
of the right hand tank. The drain cock unit includes the the radiator and increase cooling capability. Air seals
drain cock and drain cock seal. prevent air from bypassing the radiator and A/C
The radiator removes heat from the coolant passing

condenser, and prevent recirculation of hot air for better
through it. The fins on the core transfer heat from the hot weather cooling and A/C condenser performance.
coolant passing through the tubes. As air passes Water Pump
between the fins, it absorbs heat and cools the coolant. The water pump is a centrifugal vane impeller type
Pressure Cap pump. The pump consists of a housing with coolant inlet
The pressure cap seals the cooling system. It contains a and outlet passages and an impeller. The impeller is
blow off or pressure valve and a vacuum or atmospheric mounted on the pump shaft and consists of a series of
valve. The pressure valve is held against its seat by a flat or curved blades or vanes on a flat plate. When the
spring, which protects the radiator from excessive impeller rotates, the coolant between the vanes is
cooling system pressure. The vacuum valve is held thrown outward by centrifugal force.
against its seat by a spring, which permits opening of the The impeller shaft is supported by one or more sealed
valve to relieve vacuum created in the cooling system as bearings. The sealed bearings never need to be
it cools off. The vacuum, if not relieved, might cause the lubricated. Grease cannot leak out, dirt and water cannot
radiator and/or coolant hoses to collapse. get in as long as the seal is not damaged or worn.
The pressure cap allows cooling system pressure to The purpose of the water pump is to circulate coolant
build up as the temperature increases. As the pressure throughout the cooling system. The water pump is driven
builds, the boiling point of the coolant increases. Engine by the crankshaft via the timing chain.
coolant can be safely run at a temperature much higher Thermostat
than the boiling point of the coolant at atmospheric The thermostat is a coolant flow control component. It's
pressure. The hotter the coolant is, the faster the heat purpose is to help regulate the operating temperature of
transfers from the radiator to the cooler, passing air. the engine. It utilizes a temperature sensitive wax-pellet
The pressure in the cooling system can get too high. element. The element connects to a valve through a
When the cooling system pressure exceeds the rating of small piston. When the element is heated, it expands
the pressure cap, it raises the pressure valve, venting and exerts pressure against the small piston. This
the excess pressure. pressure forces the valve to open. As the element is
As the engine cools down, the temperature of the cooled, it contracts. This contraction allows a spring to
coolant drops and a vacuum is created in the cooling push the valve closed.
system. This vacuum causes the vacuum valve to open,
allowing outside air into the surge tank. This equalizes
the pressure in the cooling system with atmospheric
pressure, preventing the radiator and coolant hoses from
1F-3 Engine Cooling System:

When the coolant temperature is below the rated Transmission Oil Cooler
thermostat opening temperature, the thermostat valve The transmission oil cooler is a heat exchanger. It is
remains closed. This prevents circulation of the coolant located inside the left side end tank of the radiator. The
to the radiator and allows the engine to warm up. After transmission fluid temperature is regulated by the
the coolant temperature reaches the rated thermostat temperature of the engine coolant in the radiator.
opening temperature, the thermostat valve will open. The transmission oil pump, pumps the fluid through the
The coolant is then allowed to circulate through the transmission oil cooler line to the transmission oil cooler.
thermostat to the radiator where the engine heat is The fluid then flows through the cooler where the engine
dissipated to the atmosphere. The thermostat also coolant absorbs heat from the fluid. The fluid is then
provides a restriction in the cooling system, after it has pumped through the transmission oil cooler return line,
opened. This restriction creates a pressure difference to the transmission.
which prevents cavitation at the water pump and forces
coolant to circulate through the engine block.

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Engine Cooling System: 1F-4

Engine Cooling Schematics

1F-5 Engine Cooling System:

Cooling System Connector End Views Cooling Fan - Right

Cooling Fan - Left

Connector Part Information

Connector Part Information OEM: 13517352
OEM: 13517352 Service: 88988506
Service: 88988506 Description: 2-Way F GT 280 Sealed (BK)
Description: 2-Way F GT 280 Sealed (BK) Terminal Part Information
Terminal Part Information Terminal/Tray: 15304720/19
Terminal/Tray: 15304720/19 Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/5 Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-4A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-4A (PU)
Cooling Fan - Right
Cooling Fan - Left Circuit
Circuit Pin Wire Color No. Function
Pin Wire Color No. Function Cooling Fan Motor
A GY 532
Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage
A L-BU 409 Cooling Fan Low
Supply Voltage B WH 504
B BK 1250 Ground Reference
Engine Cooling System: 1F-6

Component Location
Cooling System Component Views

Front of the Engine Compartment

1. Fuse Block - Underhood 3. Cooling Fan - Left
2. Battery 4. Cooling Fan - Right
1F-7 Engine Cooling System:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Cooling
Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle will provide the following information:
• The identification of the control modules which command the system
• The ability of the control modules to communicate through the serial data circuit
• The identification of any stored DTCs and the codes status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and
where the procedure is located.

Scan Tool Output Controls (3.6L) - Engine Cooling

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s) Description
Activates the cooling fan relay 1. The normal commanded state of
the fan relay is NONE. The relay command status can also be
monitored on the scan tool data parameter FC Relay 1 Command.
Special Functions/ The PCM allows cooling fan relay control when the following
Fan Relay 1 Output Control/Cooling conditions are met:
Fan • The ignition is ON or the engine is running

• A/C compressor operation is not requested.
• The engine coolant temperature is less than 106°C (224°F).
Activates the cooling fan relay 2 and relay 3. The normal
commanded state of the fan relays is NONE. The relay command
status can also be monitored on the scan tool data parameter FC
Special Functions/ Relay 2 and 3 Command. The PCM allows cooling fan relay control
Fan Relays 2 and 3 Output Control/Cooling when the following conditions are met:
Fan • The ignition is ON or the engine is running
• A/C compressor operation is not requested.
• The engine coolant temperature is less than 106°C (224°F).
Activates the cooling fan relay 1, relay 2 and relay 3. The normal
commanded state of the fan relays is NONE. The relay command
status can also be monitored on the scan tool data parameters FC
Special Functions/ Relay 1 Command and FC Relay 2 and 3 Command. The PCM
Fan Relays 1, 2 and 3 Output Control/Cooling allows cooling fan relay control when the following conditions are
Fan met:
• The ignition is ON or the engine is running
• A/C compressor operation is not requested.
• The engine coolant temperature is less than 106°C (224°F).
Engine Cooling System: 1F-8

Scan Tool Data List (3.6L) - Engine Cooling All: The Parameter is in all data lists indicated below.
The Engine Scan Tool Data List contains all cooling Eng: Engine Data
Ign: Ignition Data
system related parameters that are available on the scan
tool. The list is arranged in alphabetical order. A EVAP: EVAP Data
FT: Fuel Trim Data
parameter may appear in any one of the data lists, and in
some cases may appear more than once, or in more HO2S: HO2S Data
than one data list in order to group certain related MF: Misfire Data
parameters together. TAC: TAC Data
The column labeled Data List indicates where a CMP: CMP Actuator Data
parameter is located on the scan tool. Review the scan CH: Cooling/HVAC Data
CT: Cruise/Traction Data
tool operating manual for the exact locations of the data
ET: Electrical/Theft Data
lists. The following is a description of each term listed:
Ind: Induction Data
IM: I/M Data
Trans: Transmission Data
FF: Freeze Frame Data
FR: Failure Records Data
Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
Calculated ECT - −39 to +140°C (−38 to
CH 89°C (192°F)

Thermostat Diagnosis +284°F)
−39 to +140°C (−38 to
ECT Sensor ALL Varies
FC Relay 1 Circuit Status CH Fault/Indeterminate/OK Indeterminate
FC Relay 1 Command CH ON/OFF Varies
FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit
CH Fault/Indeterminate/OK Indeterminate
FC Relay 2 and 3 Command CH ON/OFF Varies

Scan Tool Data Definitions (3.6L) - Engine Cooling

The Scan Tool Data Definitions list contains a brief description of all of the cooling system related parameters that are
available on the scan tool. The list is arranged in alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any one of the
data lists. In some cases the parameter may appear more than once, or in more than one data list in order to group
certain related parameters together.
Calculated ECT - Thermostat Diagnosis: This parameter displays the modeled temperature that the control module
calculates from air entering the engine, coolant temperature, and ambient air temperature. If the actual engine
coolant temperature does not reach this calculated temperature within a predetermined amount of time, a DTC will
ECT Sensor: This parameter displays the temperature of the engine coolant based on input to the control module
from the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
FC Relay 1 Circuit Status: This parameter displays the state of the fan relay control circuit. The parameter displays
Indeterminate when no circuit fault is detected when the fans are OFF. The parameter displays OK when no circuit
fault is detected when the fans are ON.
FC Relay 1 Command: This parameter displays the control module commanded state of the fan relay control circuit.
FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit Status: This parameter displays the state of the fan relay control circuit. The parameter
displays Fault if the fan relay control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The parameter
displays Indeterminate when no circuit fault is detected when the fans are OFF. The parameter displays OK when
no circuit fault is detected when the fans are ON.
FC Relay 2 and 3 Command: This parameter displays the control module commanded state of the fan relay control
1F-9 Engine Cooling System:

DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, or P0694

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptors
DTC P0480: Cooling Fan Relay 1 Control Circuit
DTC P0481: Cooling Fan Relay 2 Control Circuit
DTC P0691: Cooling Fan Relay 1 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0692: Cooling Fan Relay 1 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0693: Cooling Fan Relay 2 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0694: Cooling Fan Relay 2 Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Relay Coil Ignition Circuit P0691, P0693 P0480, P0481 — —
Relay Switch Ignition Circuit * * — —

Fan Relay 1 Control Circuit P0691 P0480 P0692 —
Fan Relay 2 and Fan Relay 3 Control Circuit P0693 P0481 P0694 —
Relay Controlled Output Circuit * * ** —
* Fans inoperative without a DTC.
**Fans always ON without a DTC.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Cooling Fan Relay

Circuit Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions:The engine is operating in closed loop
Parameter Normal Operation:FC Relay xx Circuit Status with fans Off: Indeterminate
FC Relay 1 Circuit Status Fault Fault Fault
FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit Status Fault Fault Fault

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The Cooling Fan Relay 1 or the Fan Low Relay, and the P0480
Cooling Fan Relay 3 or the Fan Hi Relay are controlled The ECM detects an open on the low speed cooling fan
by the engine control module (ECM). Battery voltage is relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
supplied to the cooling fan relay coil. The ECM monitors P0481
the voltage on the control circuit of the relay. When the The ECM detects an open circuit on the high speed
relay is OFF, the voltage should be near battery voltage cooling fan relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
on the control circuit of the relay. When the relay is P0691
commanded ON, the voltage will be low on the control The ECM detects a short to ground on the low speed
circuit of the relay. The ECM provides ground on the cooling fan relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
control circuit of the relay using a low side driver. P0692
The ECM detects a short to voltage on the low speed
Conditions for Running the DTC cooling fan relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
• The ignition voltage is between 8-18 volts. P0693
The ECM detects a short to ground on the high speed
• The engine speed is more than 40 RPM. cooling fan relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
• The ECM driver transitions from ON to OFF or from P0694
OFF to ON. The ECM detects a short to voltage on the high speed
cooling fan relay control circuit for more than 1 second.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-10

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Circuit/System Verification

DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and P0694 1. Ignition ON, command the appropriate fan relay ON
are Type B DTCs. and OFF with a scan tool. You should hear or feel
the relay click.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC 2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and P0694 test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
are Type B DTCs. for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the
Diagnostic Aids Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List.
• The ECM has the capability of providing command to
the fan relays even when a scan tool output control is Circuit/System Testing
being used. Always refer to the fan control command P0480, P0691, or P0692
parameters on the scan tool to know which fans are
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the fan relay 1.
being commanded ON by the ECM.
2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
• The following tables illustrate the FAN 1 relay, FAN 2
between the ignition voltage circuit terminal and
relay and the FAN 3 relay terminal locations in the
underhood fuse block:
Cooling FAN 1 Relay Terminal Identification ➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition
B+ - Switch Control voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
Cooling Fan Supply resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the
B+ - Coil ignition voltage circuit fuse is open, test all

Front of Vehicle components connected to the ignition voltage
circuit and replace as necessary.
Cooling FAN 2 Relay Terminal Identification 3. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
Voltage from Left Cooling terminal and the ignition voltage circuit terminal.
Fan 4. Command the fan relay 1 ON and OFF with a scan
Voltage to Right Cooling tool. The test lamp should turn ON and OFF when

Fan changing between the commanded states.
B+ - Coil Ground ➢ If the test lamp is always ON, test the control circuit
Front of Vehicle for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal,
replace the ECM.
Cooling FAN 3 Relay Terminal Identification ➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, test the control
Cooling Fan Supply circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
Voltage resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
B+ - Switch B+ - Coil ECM.
Front of Vehicle
5. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the relay.
Reference Information P0481, P0693, or P0694
Schematic Reference 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect both fan relay 2 and fan
“Engine Cooling Schematics” relay 3.
Connector End View Reference 2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
“Cooling System Connector End Views” between the relay coil ignition circuit of both relays
Description and Operation and ground.
“Cooling System Description and Operation”
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the
Electrical Information Reference
applicable ignition circuit for a short to ground or an
• “Circuit Testing: ” open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal and
• “Connector Repairs: ” the ignition circuit fuse is open, test all components
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor connected to the ignition voltage circuit and replace
Connections: ” as necessary.
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
DTC Type Reference
“Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions: ”
Scan Tool Reference
“Scan Tool Data List (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
“Scan Tool Data Definitions (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
“Scan Tool Output Controls (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
1F-11 Engine Cooling System:

3. Test for 2.6-4.6 volts between the relay coil control Symptoms - Engine Cooling
circuit terminal of both fan relays and ground.
➢ If less than the specified range, test the relay coil NOTE
control circuit for an open/high resistance or for a Review the system operation in order to
short to ground. If the circuits/connections test familiarize yourself with the system
normal, replace the ECM. functions. Refer to the following:
➢ If greater than the specified range, test the relay
“Cooling System Description and Operation”
coil control circuit for a short to voltage. If the
circuits/connections test normal, replace the ECM.
Visual/Physical Inspection
4. Connect a test lamp between the relay coil control
circuit and the relay coil ignition circuit of the HI • Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect the
SPEED Fan Relay. operation of the Cooling System. Refer to “Checking
Aftermarket Accessories: ”.
5. Command the Fan Relays 2 and 3 ON and OFF with
a scan tool. The test lamp should turn ON and OFF • Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
when changing between the commanded states. components for obvious damage or conditions which
could cause the symptom.
➢ If the test lamp is always OFF, replace the ECM.
6. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the relay. Intermittent
Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the cause
Component Testing of intermittent conditions. Refer to “Testing for
1. Measure for 70-110 ohms of resistance between Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”.

terminals 85 and 86 of the relay.
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range, Symptom List
replace the relay. Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
2. Measure for infinite resistance between the following following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
terminals of the relay: • “Cooling Fan Always On”
– 30 and 86 • “Cooling Fan Inoperative”
– 30 and 87 • “Engine Overheating”
– 30 and 85 • “Loss of Coolant”
– 85 and 87 • “Thermostat Diagnosis”
➢ If continuity is detected, replace the relay. • “Engine Fails To Reach Normal Operating
3. Connect a 20-amp fused jumper wire from the Temperature”
positive terminal of the battery to relay terminal 85.
Connect a jumper wire from the negative terminal of
the battery to relay terminal 86. Measure for less
than 2 ohms between terminals 30 and 87 of the
➢ If the resistance measures more than the specified
value, replace the relay.

Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ”
“Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ”
• “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
Engine Cooling System: 1F-12

Cooling Fan Always On Cooling FAN 3 Relay Terminal Identification

Diagnostic Instructions Cooling Fan Supply
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Voltage
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic B+ - Switch B+ - Coil
procedure. Front of Vehicle
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview Reference Information
of the diagnostic approach.
Schematic Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle “Engine Cooling Schematics”
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of Description and Operation
each diagnostic category. “Cooling System Description and Operation”
Connector End View Reference
Circuit/System Description “Cooling System Connector End Views”
The engine control module (ECM) commands the fans Electrical Information Reference
ON in either high speed or low speed, depending on • “Circuit Testing: ”
cooling requirements. In low speed, both fans are turned
• “Connector Repairs: ”
ON at a reduced speed. High speed has both fans
turned ON at full speed. • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
In low speed operation, the ECM applies ground to the Connections: ”
coil side of the cooling fan 1 relay. This energizes the coil • “Wiring Repairs: ”
and applies voltage directly to the left cooling fan Scan Tool Reference

through the switch side of the low relay. The left fan is “Scan Tool Data List (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
connected in series to the right cooling fan through the “Scan Tool Data Definitions (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
normally closed contacts of the fan 2 relay. The series “Scan Tool Output Controls (3.6L) - Engine Cooling”
circuit operates both fans at low speed.
In high speed operation, the ECM applies a ground to Circuit/System Verification
the coil side of the cooling fan 3 relay, the fan 2 relay, 1. Verify that DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692,
and the fan 3 relay. When energized, the fan 3 relay P0693 and P0694 are not set.
applies voltage directly to the right cooling fan through
the switch side of the relay. Simultaneously, the fan 1 ➢ If any cooling system DTCs are set, repair the DTC
relay and the fan 2 relay provide ignition voltage and a first. Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
direct path to ground for the left cooling fan. With both Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
fans connected in a parallel circuit, each fan receives full 2. Ignition ON, verify with a scan tool that the control
voltage and operates at high speed. module is not commanding the fan ON.
3. Observe that the fans are not ON.
Diagnostic Aids 4. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
• The ECM has the capability of providing command to test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
the fan relays even when a scan tool output control is that the concern was detected.
being used. Always refer to the fan control command
parameters on the scan tool to know which fans are Circuit/System Testing
being commanded ON by the ECM. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect each cooling fan relay one
• The following tables illustrate the FAN 1 relay, FAN 2 at a time.
relay and the FAN 3 relay terminal locations in the 2. Ignition ON, observe that the cooling fans are OFF.
underhood fuse block:
➢ If the fans are ON, test for a short to voltage in the
Cooling FAN 1 Relay Terminal Identification relay switch supply circuits.
B+ - Switch Control
Cooling Fan Supply ➢ If the fans are OFF, test or replace the appropriate
B+ - Coil cooling fan relay.
Front of Vehicle

Cooling FAN 2 Relay Terminal Identification

Voltage from Left Cooling
Voltage to Right Cooling

B+ - Coil Ground
Front of Vehicle
1F-13 Engine Cooling System:

Component Testing Circuit/System Description

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the cooling fan relay. The engine control module (ECM) commands the fans
ON in either high speed or low speed, depending on
2. Test for 70-110 ohms of resistance between
cooling requirements. In low speed, both fans are turned
terminals 85 and 86.
ON at a reduced speed. High speed has both fans
➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range, turned ON at full speed.
replace the relay. In low speed operation, the ECM applies ground to the
3. Test for infinite resistance between the following coil side of the cooling fan 1 relay. This energizes the coil
terminals: and applies voltage directly to the left cooling fan
– 30 and 86 through the switch side of the low relay. The left fan is
– 30 and 87 connected in series to the right cooling fan through the
normally closed contacts of the fan 2 relay. The series
– 30 and 85 circuit operates both fans at low speed.
– 85 and 87 In high speed operation, the ECM applies a ground to
➢ If not the specified value, replace the relay. the coil side of the cooling fan 3 relay, the fan 2 relay,
4. Test for less than 2 ohms of resistance between and the fan 3 relay. When energized, the fan 3 relay
terminals 30 and 87A. applies voltage directly to the right cooling fan through
the switch side of the relay. Simultaneously, the fan 1
➢ If greater than the specified value, replace the relay and the fan 2 relay provide ignition voltage and a
relay. direct path to ground for the left cooling fan. With both
5. Install a 20A fused jumper wire between relay fans connected in a parallel circuit, each fan receives full
terminal 85 and 12 volts. Install a jumper wire

voltage and operates at high speed.
between relay terminal 86 and ground. Test for less
than 2 ohms of resistance between terminals 30 and Diagnostic Aids
• The ECM has the capability of providing command to
➢ If greater than the specified value, replace the the fan relays even when a scan tool output control is
relay. being used. Always refer to the fan control command
parameters on the scan tool to know which fans are
Repair Instructions being commanded ON by the ECM.
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • The following tables illustrate the FAN 1 relay, FAN 2
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic relay and the FAN 3 relay terminal locations in the
procedure. underhood fuse block:
• “Engine Coolant Fan Motor Replacement” Cooling FAN 1 Relay Terminal Identification
• “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ” B+ - Switch Control
“Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ” Cooling Fan Supply
B+ - Coil
Cooling Fan Inoperative Front of Vehicle
Diagnostic Instructions
Cooling FAN 2 Relay Terminal Identification
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Voltage from Left Cooling
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic Control
procedure. Voltage to Right Cooling
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview —
of the diagnostic approach. B+ - Coil Ground
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Front of Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. Cooling FAN 3 Relay Terminal Identification
Cooling Fan Supply
B+ - Switch B+ - Coil
Front of Vehicle
Engine Cooling System: 1F-14

Reference Information 4. One at a time, connect a 30A fused jumper between

Schematic Reference the relay switch B+ circuit terminal 30 and the relay
“Engine Cooling Schematics” switch supply circuit terminal 87 of the applicable fan
Connector End View Reference relay. Verify the appropriate fan turns ON.
“Cooling System Connector End Views” ➢ If the appropriate fan does not turn ON, test the
Description and Operation relay switch supply circuit for a short to ground or
“Cooling System Description and Operation” open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, test
Electrical Information Reference the fan ground circuit for open/high resistance. If
• “Circuit Testing: ” the circuit tests normal, replace the fan.
• “Connector Repairs: ” 5. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor appropriate cooling fan relays.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Component Testing
Scan Tool Reference 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the cooling fan relay.
“Scan Tool Data List (3.6L) - Engine Cooling” 2. Test for 70-110 ohms of resistance between
“Scan Tool Data Definitions (3.6L) - Engine Cooling” terminals 85 and 86.
“Scan Tool Output Controls (3.6L) - Engine Cooling” ➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
replace the relay.
Circuit/System Verification 3. Test for infinite resistance between the following
1. Verify that DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, terminals:

P0693 and P0694 are not set. – 30 and 86
➢ If any cooling system DTCs are set, repair the DTC – 30 and 87
first. Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. – 30 and 85
2. Ignition ON, command the appropriate fan relay ON – 85 and 87
and OFF with a scan tool. Verify that the fans turn ➢ If not the specified value, replace the relay.
ON and OFF when changing between the 4. Test for less than 2 ohms of resistance between
commanded states. terminals 30 and 87A.
3. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification ➢ If greater than the specified value, replace the
test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions relay.
that the concern was detected. 5. Install a 20A fused jumper wire between relay
terminal 85 and 12 volts. Install a jumper wire
Circuit/System Testing between relay terminal 86 and ground. Test for less
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the cooling fan relays. than 2 ohms of resistance between terminals 30 and
2. Ignition ON, one at a time, verify that a test lamp 87.
illuminates between the relay switch B+ circuit ➢ If greater than the specified value, replace the
terminal 30 and ground. relay.
➢ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the relay
switch B+ circuit for a short to ground or an open/ Repair Instructions
high resistance. If the circuit tests normal and the Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
relay switch B+ circuit fuse is open, test all Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
components connected to the relay switch B+ procedure.
circuit and replace as necessary. • “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ”
3. Connect a 30A fused jumper between the relay “Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ”
switch B+ circuit terminal 30 and the relay supply • “Engine Coolant Fan Motor Replacement”
circuit terminal 87 at the FAN 2 relay connector. This
will in complete the left side or main fan ground
circuit. Leave this jumper in place for the remainder
of this procedure.
1F-15 Engine Cooling System:

Engine Overheating
Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION: Either of the following conditions indicate a probable engine overheat condition.
• The engine temperature gage is in the red (overheat) zone and/or the engine temperature indicator is ON.
• Hot engine coolant overflows from the coolant recovery reservoir and/or radiator cap onto the ground while the
engine is running.
1. Inspect and fill the cooling system, as necessary. Refer to
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
1 Go to Step 2 —
2. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, as necessary.
3. Repair the cooling system leaks, as necessary.
Has the inspection/repair been performed?
1. Start the engine and allow the engine to run at Go to “Diagnostic
approximately 1,200 RPM. System Check -
2 Go to Step 3
2. Use the Scan Tool in order to verify the overheat condition. Vehicle Diagnostic
Does the Scan Tool verify the engine overheat condition? Information: ”
1. Verify that the cooling fans are operating properly.
3 2. Repair the cooling fan system, as necessary. Go to Step 4 System OK
Does the engine still overheat?
Perform the following inspections:

• Inspect the radiator and the A/C condenser cooling fins for
debris or any other obstruction.
• Inspect the drive belt system and the drive belt tensioner for
proper operation in order to ensure that the coolant pump is
4 rotating properly. Go to Step 5 System OK
• Inspect for loose, damaged and/or missing air deflector(s).
• Check for a pinched or kinked cooling system hose.
• Repair the systems as necessary.
Does the engine still overheat?
Inspect the thermostat for proper operation. Refer to
5 “Thermostat Diagnosis”. Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Is the thermostat operating properly?
Replace the thermostat. Refer to “Thermostat Replacement”.
6 Go to Step 7 System OK
Does the engine still overheat?
Excessive coolant freeze point protection MAY
cause the coolant to boil at low temperatures.

1. Inspect for the proper coolant concentration (mixture).

7 Correct the coolant concentration as necessary. Go to Step 8 Go to Step 9
2. Remove the radiator cap.
3. Start the engine and inspect for a constant flow of air
bubbles in the engine coolant.
Is there a constant flow of air bubbles in the engine coolant?
Engine Cooling System: 1F-16

Step Action Yes No

The probable cause of the engine overheat is combustion
chamber gasses leaking into the cooling system. This
condition is usually caused by the following:
• A worn or damaged cylinder head gasket
• A worn or damaged cylinder head
8 • A worn and/or damaged engine block Go to Step 1 System OK
Verify this condition by inspecting the spark plug electrodes
and porcelain surrounding the spark plug electrode for signs of
coolant. Replace and/or repair the engine internal
component(s), as necessary, in order to repair the engine
internal coolant leak.
Does the engine still overheat?
The engine overheat may be caused by a cooling system
blockage. Flush the cooling system. Refer to “Coolant System
9 Go to Step 10 System OK
Does the engine still overheat?
It is unlikely that the water pump is the cause of
the overheat condition.

10 If NONE of the cooling system passages are restricted, Go to Step 1 System OK
replace the coolant pump. Refer to “Water Pump
Does the engine still overheat?

Loss of Coolant
Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION: The cooling system is losing coolant either internally or externally.
Were you sent here from Symptoms or another diagnostic Go to “Symptoms -
1 Go to Step 2
table? Engine Cooling”
Repair any present DTCs. Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code
2 (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. Go to Step 3 —
Is the action complete?
Inspect the coolant level.
3 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
Is the coolant at the proper level?
Fill the cooling system to the proper level. Refer to “Draining
and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
4 Go to Step 5 —
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Is the action complete?
If the engine is suspected to have a coolant leak into a
5 cylinder, the coolant can hydraulically lock the engine. Go to Step 6 Go to Step 26
Does the engine crankshaft rotate?
Engine overheating can cause a loss of coolant.
6 Go to Step 27 Go to Step 7
Is the engine overheating?
Extended operation with a low coolant level can cause engine
7 internal component failure. Go to Step 29 Go to Step 8
Is the engine knocking?
1. Idle the engine at normal operating temperature.
8 2. Inspect for heavy white smoke coming out of the exhaust Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Is a heavy white smoke present from the exhaust pipe?
Coolant in the exhaust system creates a distinctive, burning
coolant odor in the exhaust.
9 Condensation in the exhaust system can cause an odorless Go to Step 28 Go to Step 10
white smoke during engine warm up.
Does the white smoke have a burning coolant type odor?
1F-17 Engine Cooling System:

Step Action Yes No

With the engine idling, inspect the coolant recovery system.
10 Does the coolant recovery system discharge coolant while the Go to Step 15 Go to Step 11
engine is idling?
Visually inspect the hoses, pipes and hose clamps at the
following locations:
• Coolant surge tank
11 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 12
• Heater core
• Radiator
Are any of the hoses, clamps or pipes leaking?
Visually inspect the following components:
• The coolant pressure cap
• The core plugs
• The cylinder head gaskets
• The engine block
12 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 13
• The intake manifold
• The radiator
• The thermostat housing
• The water pump

Are any of the listed components leaking?
1. Pressure test the cooling system. Refer to “Cooling
System Leak Testing”.
13 2. With the cooling system pressurized, visually inspect the Go to Step 20 Go to Step 14
components listed in steps 11 and 12.
Are any leaks present?
Pressure test the coolant pressure cap. Refer to “Pressure
14 Cap Testing”. Go to Step 16 Go to Step 21
Does the coolant pressure cap hold pressure?
Pressure test the coolant pressure cap. Refer to “Pressure
15 Cap Testing”. Go to Step 30 Go to Step 21
Does the coolant pressure cap hold pressure?
Inspect for the following conditions:
• A coolant smell inside of the vehicle
16 • Coolant in the HVAC module drain tube Go to Step 22 Go to Step 17
• Coolant on the vehicle floor covering near the HVAC
Is coolant present?
Inspect the underside of the engine oil fill cap for a gray/white
17 milky substance. Go to Step 18 Go to Step 19
Is there a milky substance on under the oil fill cap?
Inspect the engine oil fluid level indicator for a gray/white milky
18 Go to Step 28 Go to Step 19
Is there a milky substance on the engine oil fluid level
Inspect the automatic transmission oil fluid level indicator, if
equipped, for a gray/white milky substance.
19 Go to Step 23 Go to Step 31
Is there a milky substance on the automatic transmission fluid
level indicator?
Repair or replace the leaking component. Refer to the
20 appropriate repair. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Replace the coolant pressure cap.
21 Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Replace the heater core. Refer to “Heater Core Replacement:
22 ”. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Engine Cooling System: 1F-18

Step Action Yes No

1. Remove the transmission oil cooler lines from the radiator.
2. Pressure test the cooling system. Refer to “Cooling
23 System Leak Testing”. Go to Step 24 Go to Step 25
3. Inspect the transmission oil cooler for coolant.
Is coolant present?
1. Replace the radiator. Refer to “Radiator Replacement”.
24 2. Service the automatic transmission. Refer to “Engine Go to Step 31 —
Coolant/Water in Transmission: ”.
Is the repair complete?
Install the cooler lines to the radiator.
25 Go to Step 31 —
Is the action complete?
Repair the engine no crank condition. Refer to “Engine Will
26 Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate: ”. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Repair the engine overheating condition.
27 Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Repair the engine internal coolant leak. Refer to “Coolant in
28 Combustion Chamber: ”. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Repair the engine knock. Refer to “Lower Engine Noise,

29 Regardless of Engine Speed: ”. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Repair the combustion pressure in the cooling system
30 problem. Refer to “Cylinder Leakage Test: ”. Go to Step 31 —
Is the repair complete?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
31 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you find and correct the condition?

Thermostat Diagnosis
Special tool
J 24731 188 Tempilstick
J 24731 206 Tempilstick
The coolant thermostat can be tested using a temperature (tempil) stick. The temperature stick is a pencil-like device
which has a wax material containing certain chemicals that melt at a given temperature. Temperature sticks can be
used to determine a thermostat's operating range by rubbing 87°C (188°F) and 97°C (206°F) sticks on the outlet
coolant pipe.
1. Use a tempilstick in order to find the opening and the closing temperatures of the thermostat.
– J 24731 188 tempilstick melts at 87°C (188°F). The thermostat should begin to open at 90°C (194°F).
– J 24731 206 tempilstick melts at 97°C (206°F). The thermostat should be fully open at 107°C (225°F).
2. Replace the thermostat if it does not operate properly between this temperature range.
1F-19 Engine Cooling System:

Engine Fails To Reach Normal Operating Temperature

Step Action Yes No
1. Ensure that the cooling system is full.
2. Allow the engine to cool.
3. Start the engine.
1 Go to Step 2 Go to Step 3
4. Turn the air conditioning system off.
5. Inspect the engine cooling fan(s).
Is the electric cooling fan on?
1. Diagnose and repair the cooling fan system. Refer to
“Cooling Fan Always On”.
2 2. Verify the customer complaint. Go to Step 3 System OK
Does the engine still fail to reach normal operating
Install the Scan Tool to the DLC. Compare the Scan Tool
coolant temperature reading to the I/P cluster coolant
3 temperature. Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
Is the I/P cluster coolant temperature close to the reading on
the Scan Tool?
1. Diagnose and repair the coolant temperature gage

4 2. Verify the customer complaint. Go to Step 5 System OK
Does the engine still fail to reach normal operating
Inspect the thermostat for proper operation. Refer to
5 “Thermostat Diagnosis”. Go to Step 1 Go to Step 6
Is the thermostat operating properly?
1. Replace the thermostat. Refer to “Thermostat
6 2. Verify the customer complaint. Go to Step 1 System OK
Does the engine still fail to reach normal operating

Pressure Cap Testing

Special tool
• J 24460-01 Cooling System Pressure Tester
• J 42401 Radiator Cap/Surge Tank Test Adapter

To avoid being burned, do not remove the
radiator cap or surge tank cap while the
engine is hot. The cooling system will release
scalding fluid and steam under pressure if
radiator cap or surge tank cap is removed
while the engine and radiator are still hot.

1. Remove the pressure cap.

2. Wash the pressure cap sealing surface with water.

3. Use the J 24460-01 (1) with J 42401 (2) in order to

test the pressure cap.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-20

4. Test the pressure cap for the following conditions:

– Pressure release when the J 24460-01 exceeds
the pressure rating of the pressure cap.
– Maintain the rated pressure for at least 10
Note the rate of pressure loss.
5. Replace the pressure cap under the following
– The pressure cap does not release pressure
which exceeds the rated pressure of the cap.
– The pressure cap does not hold the rated

Cooling System Leak Testing

Special tool
J 24460-01 Cooling System Pressure Tester
J 42401 Radiator Cap/Surge Tank Test Adapter 4. Use the J 24460-01 with J 42401 in order to apply
pressure to the cooling system.
– Wet the O-rings on the Surge Tank Pressure Test

Under pressure, the temperature of the Adapter J 42401-2 (insert) with water or clean
solution in the radiator can be considerably coolant and insert into tank.
higher, without boiling. Removing the – Wet the rubber gasket of the cap adapter J 42401-
radiator cap while the engine is hot (pressure 3 (cap) and install on surge tank.
is high), will cause the solution to boil
instantaneously, with explosive force. The NOTE
solution will spew out over the engine, Do not exceed the pressure cap rating.
fenders, and the person removing the cap.
Serious bodily injury may result. Flammable 5. The cooling system should hold the rated pressure
antifreeze, such as alcohol, is not for at least 2 minutes.
recommended for use at any time. Observe the gage for any pressure loss.
Flammable antifreeze could cause a serious
6. Repair any leaks as required.

In order to help avoid being burned, do not
remove the radiator cap while the engine and
the radiator are hot. Scalding fluid and steam
can be blown out under pressure if the cap is
removed too soon.

1. Remove the pressure cap.

2. Test the operation of the pressure cap. Refer to
“Pressure Cap Testing”.
3. Wash the pressure cap mating surface with water.
1F-21 Engine Cooling System:

Repair Instructions
Radiator Drain Cock Replacement Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7
Special tool GE 47716 Fill)
GE-47716 Vac N Fill Coolant Refill Tool Special tool
• J 26568 Coolant and Battery Fluid Tester
Removal Procedure
• GE-47716 Vac N Fill Coolant Refill Tool
• J 42401 Radiator Pressure Adapter

Draining Procedure
In order to avoid personal injury, do not
remove the cap or open the cooling system
drains from a hot system. Allow the system
to cool first.

1. Drain the radiator. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
2. Unscrew the drain plug from the radiator end tank.
3. Remove and discard the O-ring.

Installation Procedure
1. Install the new O-ring.

A 7.6 liter (8 qt) coolant container will be

1. Place the coolant container under the radiator drain

cock located at the bottom of the right radiator end
2. Open the drain valve to start the flow of coolant.
Coolant will drain slowly until the surge tank cap is

2. Install and tighten the drain plug into the end tank
drain hole.
3. Fill the radiator. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-22

Vac-N-Fill Procedure
To avoid being burned, do not remove the
radiator cap or surge tank cap while the
engine is hot. The cooling system will release
scalding fluid and steam under pressure if
radiator cap or surge tank cap is removed
while the engine and radiator are still hot.

To prevent boiling of the coolant/water
mixture in the vehicle’s cooling system, do
not apply vacuum to a cooling system above
49° C (120° F). The tool will not operate
properly when the coolant is boiling.

3. Remove the surge tank cap from the surge tank.

Allow the coolant to drain from the system.
4. Close the drain valve once the coolant has drained

from the radiator.

1. Install J-42401-2 into the surge tank fill neck.

2. Install J-42401-3 to the surge tank fill neck.
3. Attach the Vac N Fill cap to the J-42401-3.

5. Additional coolant can be drained from the engine by

removing the engine block drain plug.
6. Install the engine block drain plug once the coolant
has drained from the engine.
7. Inspect the coolant.
8. Follow the appropriate procedure based on the
condition of the coolant.
– Normal in appearance—follow the filling
– Discolored—follow the flush procedure. Refer to
“Coolant System Flushing”.

4. Attach the vacuum gauge assembly to the Vac N Fill

1F-23 Engine Cooling System:

8. Install the vacuum tank on the graduated reservoir

with the fill hose routed through the cut-out area in
the vacuum tank.

5. Attach the fill hose to the barb fitting on the vacuum

gauge assembly.
Ensure that the valve is closed.

9. Attach the venturi assembly to the vacuum tank.

10. Attach a shop air hose to the venturi assembly.
Use a 50/50 mixture of DEX-COOL antifreeze Ensure the valve on the venturi assembly is closed.
and clean, drinkable water.
Always use more coolant than necessary.
This will eliminate air from being drawn into
the cooling system.

6. Pour the coolant mixture into the graduated

7. Place the fill hose in the graduated reservoir.

Prior to installing the vacuum tank onto the
graduated reservoir, ensure that the drain
valve located on the bottom of the tank is
Engine Cooling System: 1F-24

11. Attach the vacuum hose to the vacuum gauge 13. Continue to draw vacuum until the needle stops
assembly and the vacuum tank. rising. This should be 610-660 mm Hg (24-26 in Hg).
Cooling hoses may start to collapse. This is normal

due to vacuum draw.
14. To aid in the fill process, position the graduated
reservoir above the surge tank.

12. Open the valve on the venturi assembly. The

vacuum gauge will begin to rise and a hissing noise
will be present.

15. Slowly open the valve on the vacuum gauge

assembly. When the coolant reaches the top of the
fill hose, close the valve. This will eliminate air from
the fill hose.
16. Close the valve on the venturi assembly.
17. If there is a suspected leak in the cooling system,
allow the system to stabilize under vacuum and
monitor for vacuum loss.
If vacuum loss is observed, refer to “Loss of
18. Open the valve on the vacuum gauge assembly. The
vacuum gauge will drop as coolant is drawn into the
1F-25 Engine Cooling System:

19. Once the vacuum gauge reaches zero, close the 26. Open the valve on the venturi assembly to start a
valve on the vacuum gauge assembly and repeat vacuum draw.
steps 12-18.

27. Use the extraction hose to draw out coolant to the
20. Detach the Vac N Fill cap from the J-42401-3. proper level.
21. Remove J-42401-2 from the surge tank fill neck. 28. The vacuum tank has a drain valve on the bottom of
22. Add coolant to the system as necessary. the tank. Open the valve to drain coolant from the
vacuum tank into a suitable container for disposal.
23. Inspect the concentration of the coolant mixture
using J 26568.

After filling the cooling system, the extraction
hose can be used to remove excess coolant
to achieve the proper coolant level.

24. Detach the vacuum hose from the vacuum gauge

25. Attach the extraction hose to the vacuum hose.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-26

Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7

Static Fill)
Draining Procedure
In order to avoid personal injury, do not
remove the cap or open the cooling system
drains from a hot system. Allow the system
to cool first.

3. If necessary drain the engine block.

4. Inspect the coolant.
5. Follow the appropriate procedure based on the

condition of the coolant.
– Normal in appearance—follow the filling
– Discolored—follow the flush procedure. Refer to
“Coolant System Flushing”.

Filling Procedure
A 7.6 liter (8 qt) coolant container will be
All entrapped air must be purged from the
powertrain cooling system before the final
1. Place the coolant container under the radiator drain coolant level can be determined. Proper
cock. coolant level is critical to avoid engine

The vehicle must be level when filling the
cooling system.

1. Slowly add a mixture of 50/50 DEX-COOL antifreeze

and clean water to the coolant surge tank.
2. Start the engine and check for leaks.
3. Run the engine and cycle the vehicle from idle to
3,000 RPM in 30 second intervals until the engine
cooling fan comes ON, the engine cooling fan turns
ON at approximately 102°C (216°F). Repeat this
process twice before the engine is turned OFF.
4. Return the engine to idle, and idle for 30 seconds,
then turn the engine OFF.
5. Allow the vehicle to cool, before adding additional
2. Remove the surge tank cap from the surge tank and
the coolant will drain from the system. NOTE
The level in the surge tank will return into the
cold fill range once the vehicle cools.
1F-27 Engine Cooling System:

6. Add additional coolant to the surge tank until the Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement
level is approximately 13 mm (0.5 in) above the Removal Procedure
surge tank seam.
7. Install the coolant surge tank cap.

Coolant System Flushing

Do not use a chemical flush.
Store used coolant in the proper manner,
such as in a used engine coolant holding
tank. Do not pour used coolant down a drain.
Ethylene glycol antifreeze is a very toxic
chemical. Do not dispose of coolant into the
sewer system or ground water. This is illegal
and ecologically unsound.
Various methods and equipment can be used
to flush the cooling system. If special
equipment is used, such as a back flusher,
follow the manufacturer's instruction. Always 1. Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining

remove the thermostat before flushing the and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
cooling system. “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
When the cooling system becomes contaminated, the 2. Remove the heater pipe inlet hose (1) from the
cooling system should be flushed thoroughly to remove heater inlet pipe.
the contaminants before the engine is seriously
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
2. Remove the surge tank. Refer to “Surge Tank
3. Clean and flush the surge tank with clean, drinkable
4. Install the surge tank. Refer to “Surge Tank
5. Follow the drain and fill procedure using only clean,
drinkable water. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
6. Run the engine for 20 minutes.
7. Stop the engine. 3. Remove the heater inlet pipe housing bolts (1).
8. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and 4. Remove the housing.
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” 5. Remove the heater inlet pipe housing seal. Discard
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static seal.
9. Repeat the procedure if necessary, until the fluid is
nearly colorless.
10. Fill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-28

Installation Procedure Heater Outlet Pipe Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Install a NEW heater inlet pipe housing seal.

1. Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining

and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
2. Install the heater inlet pipe housing bolts (1). 2. Remove the heater pipe outlet hose (1) from the
Tightening torque heater outlet pipe.
Tighten the heater inlet housing bolts to 10 N⋅m 3. Remove the heater inlet pipe. Refer to “Heater Inlet
(89 lb in). Pipe Replacement”.

3. Install the heater inlet hose (1) to the heater inlet 4. Remove the heater outlet pipe (1).
pipe. 5. Remove the heater outlet pipe O-ring (2). Discard O-
4. Refill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and ring.
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
1F-29 Engine Cooling System:

Installation Procedure

1. Install a NEW heater inlet pipe O-ring.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the heater outlet pipe (1).

3. Install the heater outlet hose (1) to the heater outlet

4. Install the heater inlet pipe. Refer to “Heater Inlet
Pipe Replacement”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-30

Heater Outlet Hose Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
2. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp from the heater core.
3. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp from the engine.
4. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp from the auxiliary heater pipe.
5. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp from the surge tank.
Outlet heater hose.
1 Tip: The replacement hose is shipped as an assembly including hose connections, clamps and
assembly lubricant to be applied upon installation.
1F-31 Engine Cooling System:

Radiator Surge Tank Inlet Hose/Pipe Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
1 Surge Tank Inlet Hose Clamps (Qty: 2)
2 Surge Tank Inlet Hose
Engine Cooling System: 1F-32

Surge Tank Replacement Installation Procedure

Special tool
GE-47716 1617 Vac N Fill Coolant Refill Tool

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the engine coolant. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static

1. Install the heater outlet hose to the surge tank.

2. Install the surge tank to the vehicle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the surge tank bolts to the surge tank.

Tightening torque
2. Remove the surge tank inlet hose clamp from the Tighten the bolts to 9 N⋅m (80 lb in).
surge tank.
3. Disconnect the surge tank inlet hose from the surge

4. Connect the surge tank inlet hose to the surge tank.

5. Install the surge tank inlet hose clamp to the surge
4. Remove the surge tank bolts from the surge tank. 6. Fill the engine coolant. Refer to “Draining and Filling
5. Lift the surge tank to gain access to the heater outlet Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
hose. Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
6. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp from the surge
7. Remove the heater outlet hose from the surge tank.
8. Remove the surge tank from the vehicle.
1F-33 Engine Cooling System:

Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
1 Radiator Inlet Hose Clamps
2 Radiator Inlet Hose
Engine Cooling System: 1F-34

Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
2. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
1 Radiator Outlet Hose Clamps
2 Radiator Outlet Hose
1F-35 Engine Cooling System:

Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement

Special tool
GE-47716 1617 Vac N Fill Coolant Refill Tool

Removal Procedure

8. Remove the CRFM mounting bracket bolts from the

radiator support.
9. Remove the CRFM mounting brackets from the

radiator support.

1. Remove the front fascia. Refer to “Front Bumper

Fascia Replacement: ”.
2. Drain the coolant. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
3. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the fan
4. Unclip the wire harness from the fan assembly.

10. Remove the radiator inlet hose clamp from the

radiator (1).
11. Remove the radiator inlet hose from the radiator (2)

5. Remove the condenser radiator fan module (CRFM)

closeout panel retainers from the condenser.
6. Remove the CRFM closeout panel from the
7. Remove the front impact bar. Refer to “Front Bumper
Impact Bar Replacement: ”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-36

Installation Procedure
1. Install the fan assembly to the vehicle.
2. Return the condenser and radiator assembly to the
mounted position.

12. Disconnect the transmission cooler lines from the

13. Unclip the transmission cooler lines from the fan

3. Install the fan assembly to the radiator by guiding the
lower tabs into the corresponding hooks on the

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Install the fan assembly bolts to the radiator.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 9 N⋅m (80 lb in).

14. Remove the fan assembly bolts from the radiator.

15. Remove the fan assembly from the radiator.
16. Position the condenser and radiator assembly
forward of the right hand front impact bar bracket.
17. Remove the fan assembly from the vehicle.

5. Install the radiator inlet hose to the radiator (2).

6. Install the radiator inlet hose clamp to the radiator
1F-37 Engine Cooling System:

7. Clip the transmission cooler lines to the fan 12. Install the CRFM closeout panel to the condenser.
assembly. 13. Install the CRFM closeout panel retainers to the
8. Connect the transmission cooler lines to the radiator. condenser.

9. Install the CRFM mounting brackets to the radiator 14. Clip the engine wire harness to fan assembly.
10. Install the CRFM mounting bracket bolts to the
radiator support. Refer to Compressor Hose Clearance to the
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Pipe
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
11. Install the front impact bar. Refer to “Front Bumper 15. Install the electrical connectors to the fan motors.
Impact Bar Replacement: ”. 16. Install the front fascia. Refer to “Front Bumper
Fascia Replacement: ”.
17. Fill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-38

Engine Coolant Fan Motor Replacement

Special tool
GE-47827 Socket

Hold the fan blade to prevent rotation.

This vehicle is equipped with counter-rotating engine 2. Using GE-47827 or equivalent, turn the fan motor
cooling fans. The right hand fan will require the use of drive plate in the opposite direction of the arrow
GE-47827 or equivalent for fan blade removal. The left stamped on the fan blade.
hand fan blade can be removed using a normal six point 3. Remove and discard the fan blade.

Removal Procedure
An electric fan under the hood can start up
even when the engine is not running and can
injure you. Keep hands, clothing and tools
away from any underhood electric fan.

To help avoid personal injury or damage to
the vehicle, a bent, cracked, or damaged fan
blade or housing should always be replaced.

Before servicing any electrical component,
the ignition and start switch must be in the
OFF or LOCK position and all electrical loads Prior to center punching and drilling out
must be OFF, unless instructed otherwise in rivets, support the fan motor and shroud by
these procedures. If a tool or equipment placing a block of wood or other solid object
could easily come in contact with a live under the fan motor. Failure to support the
exposed electrical terminal, also disconnect fan motor while drilling may result in a
the negative battery cable. Failure to follow cracked fan shroud.
these precautions may cause personal injury
and/or damage to the vehicle or its ! CAUTION
Failure to tape off all of the entry points to the
1. Remove the fan shroud assembly from the vehicle. cooling fan motor(s) will allow debris to enter
Refer to “Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement”. and damage the motor(s).
1F-39 Engine Cooling System:

NOTE Installation Procedure

When reusing the fan motor(s) tape off the
front and rear entry points of the fan motor(s)
before drilling the rivets. Support the fan
motor(s) and shroud prior to center punching
the rivets.

4. Center punch each of the rivets (1) from the rear of

the motor.
5. Drill the head of the rivets (1) from the fan motor
using a 6.35 mm (0.25 in) drill bit.

1. Install the engine cooling fan motor to the fan


6. Tap the rivets out of the fan shroud.

Position the fan motor to the fan shroud and
insert the bolts from the front side.

2. Install the cooling fan motor bolts.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
7. Remove the fan motor from the fan shroud.
3. Install the cooling fan motor nuts.
NOTE Tightening torque
Blow off any excess debris from the fan Tighten the nuts to 6 N⋅m (53 lb in).

8. Remove the tape covering the entry points from the

fan motor.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-40

Failure to heat the fan hub in hot tap water

before installation will result in cooling fan
failure due to cracking. Allowing the heated
fan to cool for more than one minute prior to
installation will also result in failure due to

Using hot tap water at a minimum of 49°C
(120°F), hold the new fan blade hub under the
running water for a minimum of 60 seconds
to heat the fan blade to the temperature of the
Immediately after heating, position the fan
blade on the fan motor drive plate.

4. Install the new engine cooling fan blade.

5. Using the GE-47827, or equivalent turn the fan
motor drive plate in the same direction of the arrow
on the fan blade until the fan motor drive plate
engages to the fan blade.
6. Rotate the cooling fan blade to ensure proper
7. Install the fan shroud assembly to the vehicle. Refer
to “Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement”.
1F-41 Engine Cooling System:

Radiator Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
2. Raise and suitably support the vehicle as necessary. Refer to “Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
3. Remove front fascia support. Refer to “Front Bumper Fascia Support Replacement: ”.
4. Remove the front bumper impact bar. Refer to “Front Bumper Impact Bar Replacement: ”.
5. Remove radiator closeout panel.
6. Disconnect the compressor hose/pipe from clip at bottom of fan shroud
7. Remove mounting bolts from condenser using care with the upper left bolt to clear the compressor hose/pipe,
reposition and support the condenser.
8. Remove radiator hose inlet. Refer to “Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement”.
9. Remove radiator hose outlet. Refer to “Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement”.
10. Disconnect transmission oil cooler lines from attaching clips on radiator.
11. Remove fan shroud bolts (Qty: 2) and reposition.
1 Radiator Support Bolts (Qty: 2)
2 Radiator Support Clips (Qty: 2)
3 Radiator
Engine Cooling System: 1F-42

Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing 1. Install the thermostat housing bolts.

Replacement Tightening torque
Removal Procedure Tighten the thermostat housing bolts to 10 N⋅m
(89 lb in).
2. Install the heater inlet and outlet pipes. Refer to
“Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement” and “Heater Outlet
Pipe Replacement”.
3. Fill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.

Thermostat Replacement
Removal Procedure

1. Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining
and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
2. Remove the heater inlet and outlet pipes. Refer to
“Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement” and “Heater Outlet
Pipe Replacement”.
3. Remove the thermostat housing bolts (1).
4. Remove the housing.

Installation Procedure
1. Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining
and Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
2. Remove the heater inlet and outlet pipes. Refer to
“Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement” and “Heater Outlet
Pipe Replacement”.
3. Remove the thermostat housing bolts (1).
4. Remove the housing.
5. Remove the thermostat (3) and discard the
thermostat seal (4).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1F-43 Engine Cooling System:

Installation Procedure 1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
2. Remove the surge tank inlet hose. Refer to “Radiator
Surge Tank Inlet Hose/Pipe Replacement”.
3. Reposition the coolant air bleed hose clamp (1) at
the coolant air bleed hose.
4. Remove the coolant air bleed pipe from the coolant
air bleed hose (2).
5. Remove the coolant air bleed pipe bolts (3) from the
upper intake manifold.
6. Remove the coolant air bleed pipe from the engine.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the thermostat with a NEW thermostat seal.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the thermostat housing bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the thermostat housing bolts to 10 N⋅m
(89 lb in).
3. Install the heater inlet and outlet pipes. Refer to
“Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement” and “Heater Outlet
Pipe Replacement”.
4. Fill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling 1. Install the coolant air bleed pipe to the engine.
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Assembly
2. Install the coolant air bleed pipe bolts (3) to the
upper intake manifold.
Removal Procedure
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
3. Install the coolant air bleed hose (2) to the coolant air
bleed pipe.
4. Position the coolant air bleed hose clamp (1) at the
coolant air bleed hose.
5. Install the surge tank inlet hose. Refer to “Radiator
Surge Tank Inlet Hose/Pipe Replacement”.
6. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-44

Water Outlet Housing Replacement 4. Install the radiator outlet hose. Refer to “Radiator
Removal Procedure Outlet Hose Replacement”.

Water Pump Replacement

Special tool
EN 46104 Water Pump Pulley Holding Tool

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
2. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
Replacement: ”.

1. Remove the radiator outlet hose. Refer to “Radiator

Outlet Hose Replacement”.
2. Remove the water outlet housing bolts (1).
3. Remove the housing.
4. Remove the water outlet housing O-ring seal (2).
5. Remove the water outlet housing seal (3). Discard

Installation Procedure

3. Use the EN 46104 in order to retain the water pump


1. Install a NEW water outlet housing seal (3).

2. Install a NEW water outlet housing O-ring seal (2).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
4. Remove the water pump pulley bolts.
3. Install the water outlet housing bolts (1). 5. Remove the water pump pulley.
Tightening torque
Tighten the water outlet housing bolts to 10 N⋅m
(89 lb in).
1F-45 Engine Cooling System:

6. Remove the water pump bolts. 4. Install the water pump pulley and the water pump
7. Remove the water pump. pulley bolts.
8. Remove and DISCARD the water pump seal.

9. Carefully clean the water pump sealing surfaces.

Installation Procedure

5. Use the EN 46104 in order to retain the water pump

6. Install the water pump pulley bolts.
Tightening torque
1. Install a NEW water pump seal. Tighten the water pump pulley bolts to 10 N⋅m
2. Install the water pump. (89 lb in).
7. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
! CAUTION Replacement: ”.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. 8. Fill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and Filling
Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)” “Draining and
3. Install the water pump bolts. Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static Fill)”.
Tightening torque
Tighten the water pump bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Engine Cooling System: 1F-46

Coolant Heater Replacement 4. Refill the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and
Removal Procedure Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Drain the cooling system. Refer to “Draining and
Filling Cooling System (LY7 GE 47716 Fill)”
“Draining and Filling Cooling System (LY7 Static
Coolant Heater Cord Replacement
Fill)”. Removal Procedure
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
4. Disconnect the coolant heater cord from the coolant

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Disconnect the coolant heater power supply cord
from the coolant heater (1).
5. Remove the coolant heater. 3. Disconnect the coolant heater cord clip (2) from the
coolant heater cord.
Installation Procedure 4. Lower the vehicle.
5. Disconnect the coolant heater cord clips (3, 4) from
the engine wiring harness conduit.

1. Install the coolant heater.

2. Connect the coolant heater cord to the coolant
heater. 6. Remove the coolant heater cord clip (1) from the air
3. Lower the vehicle. cleaner assembly.
7. Remove the coolant heater cord clip (2) from the
fender panel.
8. Remove the coolant heater cord from the vehicle.
1F-47 Engine Cooling System:

Installation Procedure Water Outlet Removal

Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Right Side: ”.

1. Position the coolant heater power supply cord to the

fender panel and air cleaner assembly. 1. Disconnect the engine coolant air bleed hose (1)

2. Install the coolant heater cord clip (2) remove the to from the water outlet.
the fender panel.
3. Install the coolant heater cord clip (1) to the air
cleaner assembly.

2. Remove the water outlet bolts.

4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
5. Route the coolant heater cord along the engine
wiring harness conduit.
6. Connect the coolant heater cord to the coolant
heater (1).
7. Secure the coolant heater cord clip (2) to the coolant
heater cord.
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Secure the coolant heater cord clips (3, 4) to the
engine wiring harness conduit
Engine Cooling System: 1F-48

Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing

Reference: “Water Outlet Removal: ”.

3. Remove the water outlet.

1. Remove the heater inlet/outlet pipe assembly bolts.

4. Remove and discard the water outlet gasket and O-


2. Remove the heater inlet/outlet pipe assembly.

1F-49 Engine Cooling System:

3. Remove and discard the heater inlet/outlet pipe 6. Remove and discard the coolant pipe O-ring.
gasket and O-ring.

7. Remove the thermostat housing bolts.
4. Remove the coolant pipe bolt.

8. Remove the thermostat housing.

5. Remove the coolant pipe.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-50

9. Remove and discard the thermostat housing gasket. 2. Remove the water pump pulley bolts.
3. Remove the water pump pulley.
Water Pump Removal

Reference: “Camshaft Cover Removal - Right Side: ”.
Special tool
EN 46104 Water Pump Pulley Holding Tool

4. Remove the water pump bolts.

5. Remove the water pump from the front cover.
6. Remove the water pump gasket.
Reference: “Water Pump Cleaning and Inspection: ”.

1. Install the EN 46104 (1) onto the water pump pulley.

1F-51 Engine Cooling System:

Water Pump Cleaning and Inspection

Reference: “Water Pump Removal: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
Do not immerse the water pump in solvent.
The solvent may enter the water pump's
permanently lubricated bearings and cause
premature bearing failure.

1. Remove the old gasket material from the water

pump sealing surfaces.
2. Clean all excess dirt and debris from the water pump

Inspection Procedure
3. Examine the water pump shaft (1) and the weep hole
reservoir (2) in the water pump body for signs of
leakage. If coolant leakage is evident, replace the

water pump.

1. Rotate the water pump hub (1). The water pump hub
and impeller should turn straight and smoothly. If the
hub wobbles, is noisy, or feels rough when rotated,
replace the water pump.
2. Inspect the exterior of the water pump for the 4. Inspect the interior of the water pump for the
following: following:
– Damage to the water pump hub bolt threads (2) – Damage to the water pump gasket sealing surface
for the water pump pulley (1)
– Damage to the water pump bolt holes (3) – Damage, corrosion or restrictions to the water
pump impeller (2)
– Damage, corrosion or restrictions to the coolant
passages (3)
5. Repair or replace the water pump as necessary.
Reference: “Water Pump Installation: ”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-52

Water Pump Installation

Reference: “Water Pump Cleaning and Inspection: ”.
Special tool
EN 46104 Water Pump Pulley Holding Tool

7. Install the EN 46104 (1) onto the water pump pulley.

Tightening torque
Tighten the water pump pulley bolts to 10 N⋅m

(89 lb in).

1. Ensure that the engine front cover and water pump Reference: “Camshaft Cover Installation - Left Side: ”.
are clear of old gasket material.
2. Place a new water pump gasket on the water pump. Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
3. Place the water pump in position on the front cover. Installation
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Install the water pump bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the water pump bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

1. Install a NEW gasket onto the thermostat housing.

5. Install the water pump pulley.

6. Loosely install the water pump pulley bolts.
1F-53 Engine Cooling System:

2. Install the thermostat housing. 4. Install a NEW O-ring onto the coolant pipe.

5. Install the coolant pipe.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the thermostat housing bolts. Ensure to install

the short bolts (1) and the long bolt (2) in the proper
Tightening torque
Tighten the thermostat housing bolts to 10 N⋅m
(89 lb in).
Engine Cooling System: 1F-54

6. Install the coolant pipe bolt. 8. Install the heater inlet/outlet pipe assembly.
Tightening torque
Tighten the coolant pipe bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

9. Install the heater inlet/outlet pipe assembly bolts.
Tightening torque
7. Install a NEW gasket and O-ring onto the heater Tighten the heater inlet/outlet pipe assembly
inlet/outlet pipe assembly. bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Water Outlet Installation: ”.
1F-55 Engine Cooling System:

Water Outlet Installation

1. Install a NEW gasket and O-ring onto the water
outlet. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the water outlet bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the water outlet bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

2. Install the water outlet.

4. Connect the engine coolant air bleed hose (1) to the

water outlet.
Reference: “Starter Installation: ”.
Engine Cooling System: 1F-56

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Coolant Pipe Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Engine Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Bracket Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Heater Inlet/Outlet Pipe Assembly Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Thermostat Housing Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Water Outlet Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Water Pump
Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Pulley Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Cooling

Metric English
Condenser to Radiator Bolts 9 N⋅m 80 lb in
Cooling Fan Motor Bolts 9 N⋅m 80 lb in
Cooling Fan Motor Nuts 6 N⋅m 53 lb in

CRFM Bracket Bolts 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Fan Shroud to Radiator Bolts 9 N⋅m 80 lb in
Heater Inlet Housing Bolts 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Surge Tank to Body Bolts 9 N⋅m 80 lb in
Thermostat Housing Bolts 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Water Outlet Housing Bolts 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Water Pump Bolts 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Water Pump Pulley Bolts 10 N⋅m 89 lb in

Special Tools and Equipment

Tools and Equipment
• Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout this section, with a complete listing at the end of the section.
These tools, or their equivalents, are designed to quickly and safely accomplish the operations for which they are
intended. The use of these special tools also minimize possible damage to engine components. Some precision
measuring tools are required for inspection of certain critical components. Torque wrenches and a torque angle
meter are necessary for the proper tightening of various fasteners.
• To properly service the engine assembly, the following items should be readily available:
– Approved eye protection and safety gloves
– A clean, well-lit, work area
– A suitable component cleaning tank
– A compressed air supply
– Trays or storage containers to keep components and fasteners organized
– An adequate set of hand tools
– Approved engine repair stand
– An approved engine lifting device that adequately supports the weight of the components
1F-57 Engine Cooling System:

Special Tools - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L Tool Number /

(LY7) Description
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 24460-01
EN 46104 Cooling System Pressure
Water Pump Pulley Tester
Holding Tool

Special Tools - Engine Cooling

Tool Number /
Description J 24731
Tempil Stick

GE 47716
Vac N Fill Coolant Refill

J 26568
Coolant and Battery Fluid

GE 47827

J 39914
Serpentine Belt Tensioner

J 21882
Oil Suction Pipe Installer

J 42401
Radiator Cap/Surge Tank
Test Adapter
Fuel System: 1G-1

Fuel System
Fuel Pipe Fitting Caution
Always apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male pipe ends before connecting the fuel pipe
fittings in order to reduce the risk of fire and personal injury. This will ensure proper reconnection and
prevent a possible fuel leak. During normal operation, the O-rings located in the female connector will
swell and may prevent proper reconnection if not lubricated.

Relieving Fuel Pressure Caution

Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the fuel system pressure before servicing the fuel system in
order to reduce the risk of personal injury. After you relieve the fuel system pressure, a small amount
of fuel may be released when servicing the fuel lines, the fuel injection pump, or the connections. In
order to reduce the risk of personal injury, cover the fuel system components with a shop towel before

disconnection. This will catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the towel in an approved container
when the disconnection is complete.

Fuel Rail Notice


• Use care when servicing the fuel system components, especially the fuel injector electrical
connectors, the fuel injector tips, and the injector O-rings. Plug the inlet and the outlet ports of the
fuel rail in order to prevent contamination.
• Do not use compressed air to clean the fuel rail assembly as this may damage the fuel rail
• Do not immerse the fuel rail assembly in a solvent bath in order to prevent damage to the fuel rail
1G-2 Fuel System:

General Description
Fuel System Description Fuel Fill Pipe
Fuel System Overview
This vehicle utilizes a returnless design Fuel System.
The fuel pressure regulator is a part of the primary fuel
tank module, eliminating the need for a return pipe from
the engine. A returnless Fuel System reduces the
internal temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot
fuel from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the
internal temperature of the fuel tank results in lower
evaporative emissions.

Fuel Tank

In order to prevent refueling with leaded fuel, the fuel
filler pipe has a built-in restrictor and a deflector. The
opening in the restrictor will accept only the smaller
unleaded gasoline fuel nozzle which must be fully
inserted in order to bypass the deflector. The tank is
vented during filling by an external vent tube that runs
along side of the filler pipe.

Fuel Filler Cap

The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. The fuel tank is
located in the rear of the vehicle. The fuel tank is held in
place by 2 metal straps that attach to the under body of
the vehicle. The fuel tank is molded from high-density
In order to provide space for a driveshaft though the
center area of the tank, the fuel tank is a saddle
configuration. Because of the saddle shape of the tank,
two fuel tank modules are required. The primary fuel
tank module is located on the right side of the tank. The
secondary fuel tank module is located on the left side of
the tank.

1. Fuel Tank Filler Cap

2. Fuel Tank Filler Pipe
3. Fuel Filler Door
Fuel System: 1G-3

! CAUTION Secondary Fuel Tank Module

If a fuel tank filler cap requires replacement,
use only a fuel tank filler cap with the same
features. Failure to use the correct fuel tank
filler cap can result in a serious malfunction
of the fuel and EVAP system.

The fuel tank filler pipe is equipped with a turn to vent

screw on the type cap which incorporates a ratchet
action in order to prevent over-tightening. The turn to
vent feature allows the fuel tank pressure relief prior to
removal. Instructions for proper use are imprinted on the
cap cover. A vacuum safety relief valve is incorporated
into this cap. To install the cap, turn the cap clockwise
until you hear audible clicks. This indicates that the cap
is correctly torqued and fully seated. A fuel filler cap that
is not fully seated may cause a malfunction in the
Emission System.

Primary Fuel Tank Module The secondary fuel tank module is located inside of the
left side of the fuel tank. The secondary fuel tank module

consists of the following major components:
• The fuel level sensor (1)
• The fuel pick-up (2)

Fuel Pump

The primary fuel tank module is located inside of the

right side of the fuel tank and contains a reverse flow
check valve. The check valve and the fuel pressure
regulator maintain fuel pressure in the fuel feed pipe and
the fuel rail in order to prevent long cranking times. The
primary fuel tank module also consists of the following
major components: An electric turbine style fuel pump (2) attaches to the
• The fuel level sensor (4) primary fuel tank module inside the fuel tank. The fuel
• The fuel pump and reservoir assembly pump supplies high pressure fuel through the fuel filter
(1), past the fuel pressure regulator, and through the fuel
• The fuel strainer
feed pipe to the Fuel Injection System. The fuel pump
• The primary jet pump delivers a constant flow of fuel to the engine even during
• The secondary jet pump low fuel conditions and aggressive vehicle maneuvers.
• The fill limiter vent valve (6) The control module controls the electric fuel pump
• The fuel tank pressure sensor (1) operation through a fuel pump relay.
• The fuel filter (3)
• The fuel pressure regulator (5)
• The fuel transfer pipe (2)
1G-4 Fuel System:

Primary and Secondary Jet Pumps Fuel stoppage at the strainer indicates that the fuel tank
contains an abnormal amount of sediment or water.
Therefore, the fuel tank will need to be removed and
cleaned, and the filter strainer should be replaced.

Fuel Filter

The primary jet pump (1) is located in the primary fuel

tank module. Fuel pump flow loss, caused by vapor

expulsion in the pump inlet chamber, is diverted to the
primary jet pump and the secondary jet pump (2)
through a restrictive orifice located on the pump cover.
The primary jet pump fills the reservoir of the primary The fuel filter (1) is located in the primary fuel tank
fuel tank module. module. The paper filter element traps particles in the
fuel that may damage the fuel injection system. The filter
housing is made to withstand maximum fuel system
pressure, exposure to fuel additives, and changes in

Fuel Pressure Regulator

The fuel pressure regulator is integrated into the fuel
filter cover on the primary fuel tank module. The fuel
pressure regulator is a diaphragm-operated relief valve
and uses a spring with a preset tension and a stainless
steel ball inserted into a precision ground seat in order to
regulate fuel pressure. The fuel pressure regulator also
has a T-joint that diverts the needed fuel to the fuel rail
with the unused fuel dropping back into the reservoir of
the primary fuel tank module. A software bias
compensates the injector on-time because the fuel
pressure regulator is not referenced to manifold vacuum.
The injector pulse width varies with the signal from the
The secondary jet pump (1) creates a venturi action mass air flow (MAF)/intake air temperature (IAT) sensor.
which causes the fuel to be drawn from the secondary This type of fuel pressure regulator is not serviceable.
side of the fuel tank, through the transfer pipe, to the With the engine running at idle, the system fuel pressure
primary side of the fuel tank. at the pressure test connection should be between 380-
410 kPa (55-60 psi). With the system pressurized and
Fuel Sender Strainers the pump OFF the pressure should stabilize and hold. If
The strainers act as a coarse filter to perform the the pressure regulator supplies a fuel pressure which is
following functions: too low or too high, a driveability condition will result.
• Filter contaminants
• Separate water from fuel
• Provide a wicking action that helps draw fuel into the
fuel pump
Fuel System: 1G-5

On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) EVAP Lines and Hoses

System The EVAP line extends from the fuel tank vent valve to
The on-board refueling vapor recovery (ORVR) system the EVAP canister and into the engine compartment.
is an on-board vehicle system to recover fuel vapors The EVAP line is made of nylon and connects to the
during the vehicle refueling operation. The flow of liquid EVAP canister with a quick connect fitting.
fuel down to the fuel tank filler neck provides a liquid
seal. The purpose of ORVR is to prevent refueling vapor Fuel Rail
from exiting the fuel tank filler neck. The ORVR The fuel rail consists of 3 parts:
components are listed below, with a brief description of • The pipe that carries fuel to each injector
their operation:
• The fuel pressure test port
• The fuel tank—The fuel tank contains two modular
• Six individual fuel injectors
fuel sender assemblies.
The fuel rail is mounted on the intake manifold and
• The fuel filler pipe—The fuel filler pipe carries fuel distributes the fuel to each cylinder through the individual
from the fuel nozzle to the fuel tank. injectors.
• The evaporative emission (EVAP) canister—The
EVAP canister receives refueling vapor from the fuel Fuel Injectors
system, stores the vapor, and releases the vapor to
the engine upon demand.
• The vapor lines—The vapor lines transport fuel vapor
from the tank assembly to the EVAP canister.

• The check valve—The check valve limits fuel spit-
back from the fuel tank during the refueling operation
by allowing fuel flow only into the fuel tank. The check
valve is located at the bottom of the fuel filler pipe.
• The modular fuel sender assembly—The modular fuel
sender assembly pumps fuel to the engine from the
fuel tank.
• The fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor is located on top
of the modular fuel sender assembly.
• The FLVV—The FLVV acts as a shut-off valve. The
FLVV is located in the modular fuel sender assembly.
This valve has the following functions:
– Controlling the fuel tank fill level by closing the
primary vent from the fuel tank The fuel injector is a solenoid device that is controlled by
– Preventing fuel from exiting the fuel tank via the the ECM. When the ECM energizes the injector coil (4),
vapor line to the canister a normally closed ball valve (1) opens, allowing the fuel
– Providing fuel spillage protection in the event of a to flow past a director plate (3) to the injector outlet. The
vehicle rollover by closing the vapor path from the director plate has holes that control the fuel flow,
tank to the engine generating a dual conical spray pattern of finely
atomized fuel at the injector outlet (2). The fuel from the
• The pressure vacuum relief valve—The pressure
outlet is directed at both of the intake valves, causing the
vacuum relief valve provides venting of excessive fuel
fuel to become further vaporized before entering the
tank pressure and vacuum. The valve is located in the
combustion chamber.
fuel fill cap.
The fuel injectors will cause various driveability
• The vapor recirculation line—The vapor recirculation conditions if the following conditions occur:
line is used to transport vapor from the fuel tank to the
• If the injectors will not open
top of the fill pipe during refueling to reduce vapor
loading to the EVAP canister. • If the injectors are stuck open
• If the injectors are leaking
• If the injectors have a low coil resistance
1G-6 Fuel System:

Fuel Pump Relay Sequential Fuel Injection (SFI)

The fuel pump relay allows the ECM to energize the fuel The ECM controls the fuel injectors based on information
pump. The ECM enables the fuel pump whenever the that the ECM receives from several information sensors.
crankshaft position (CKP) sensor pulses are detected. Each injector is fired individually in the engine firing
order, which is called sequential fuel injection. This
Engine Fueling allows precise fuel metering to each cylinder and
The engine is fueled by six individual injectors, one for improves the driveability under all of the driving
each cylinder, that are controlled by the ECM. The ECM conditions.
controls each injector by energizing the injector coil for a The ECM has several operating modes for fuel control,
brief period once every other engine revolution. The depending on the information that has been received
length of this brief period, or pulse, is carefully calculated from the sensors.
by the ECM to deliver the correct amount of fuel for
proper driveability and emissions control. The period of Starting Mode
time when the injector is energized is called the pulse When the ECM detects reference pulses from the CKP
width and is measured in milliseconds, thousandths of a sensor, the ECM will enable the fuel pump. The fuel
second. pump runs and builds up pressure in the fuel system.
While the engine is running, the ECM is constantly The ECM then monitors the MAF, IAT, engine coolant
monitoring the inputs and recalculating the appropriate temperature (ECT), and the throttle position (TP) sensor
pulse width for each injector. The pulse width calculation signal in order to determine the required injector pulse
is based on the injector flow rate, mass of fuel the width for starting.
energized injector will pass per unit of time, the desired

air/fuel ratio, and actual air mass in each cylinder and is Clear Flood Mode
adjusted for battery voltage, short term, and long term If the engine is flooded with fuel during starting and will
fuel trim. The calculated pulse is timed to occur as each not start, the Clear Flood Mode can be manually
cylinders intake valves are closing to attain largest selected. To select Clear Flood Mode, push the
duration and most vaporization. accelerator to wide open throttle (WOT). With this signal,
Fueling during a crank is slightly different than fueling the ECM will completely turn OFF the injectors and will
during an engine run. As the engine begins to turn, a maintain this stage as long as the ECM indicates a WOT
prime pulse may be injected to speed starting. As soon condition with engine speed below 1,000 RPM.
as the ECM can determine where in the firing order the
engine is, the ECM begins pulsing the injectors. The Run Mode
pulse width during the crank is based on the coolant The Run Mode has 2 conditions: Open Loop operation
temperature and the engine load. and Closed Loop operation. When the engine is first
The fueling system has several automatic adjustments in started and the engine speed is above 480 RPM, the
order to compensate for the differences in the fuel system goes into Open Loop operation. In Open Loop
system hardware, the driving conditions, the fuel used, operation, the ECM ignores the signals from the oxygen
and the vehicle aging. The basis for the fuel control is sensors and calculates the required injector pulse width
the pulse width calculation that is described above. based primarily on inputs from the MAF, IAT and ECT
Included in this calculation are an adjustment for the sensors.
battery voltage, the short term fuel trim, and the long In Closed Loop, the ECM adjusts the calculated injector
term fuel trim. The battery voltage adjustment is pulse width for each bank of injectors based on the
necessary since the changes in the voltage across the signals from each oxygen sensor.
injector affect the injector flow rate. The short term and
the long term fuel trims are fine and gross adjustments to
Acceleration Mode
the pulse width that are designed in order to maximize
The ECM monitors the changes in the TP and the MAF
the driveability and emissions control. These fuel trims
sensor signals in order to determine when the vehicle is
are based on the feedback from the oxygen sensors in
being accelerated. The ECM will then increase the
the exhaust stream and are only used when the fuel
injector pulse width in order to provide more fuel for
control system is in a Closed Loop operation.
improved performance.
Under certain conditions, the fueling system will turn
OFF the injectors for a period of time. This is referred to
as fuel shut-off. Fuel shut-off is used in order to improve Deceleration Mode
traction, save fuel, improve emissions, and protect the The ECM monitors changes in TP and MAF sensor
vehicle under certain extreme or abusive conditions. signals to determine when the vehicle is being
In case of a major internal problem, the ECM may be decelerated. The ECM will then decrease injector pulse
able to use a back-up fuel strategy for limp in mode that width or even shut OFF injectors for short periods to
will run the engine until service can be performed. reduce exhaust emissions, and for better (engine
braking) deceleration.
Fuel System: 1G-7

Battery Voltage Correction Mode

The ECM can compensate in order to maintain
acceptable vehicle driveability when the ECM sees a low
battery voltage condition. The ECM compensates by
performing the following functions:
• Increasing the injector pulse width in order to maintain
the proper amount of fuel being delivered
• Increasing the idle speed to increase the generator

Fuel Shut-Off Mode

The ECM has the ability to completely turn OFF all of the
injectors or selectively turn OFF some of the injectors
when certain conditions are met. These fuel shut-off
modes allow the ECM to protect the engine from
damage and also to improve the vehicles driveability.
The ECM will disable all of the six injectors under the
following conditions:
• Ignition OFF—Prevents engine run-on
• Ignition ON but no CKP signal—Prevents flooding or

• A high engine speed—Above the red line
• A high vehicle speed—Above the rated tire speed
• Closed throttle coast down—Reduces the emissions
and increases engine braking.
The ECM will selectively disable the injectors under the
following conditions:
• The torque management enabled—Transmission
shifts or abusive maneuvers.
• The traction control enabled—In conjunction with the
front brakes applying
1G-8 Fuel System:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Controls
Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle will provide the following information:
• The identification of the control modules which command the system
• The ability of the control modules to communicate through the serial data circuit
• The identification of any stored DTCs and the codes status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and
where the procedure is located.

Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s)
This function controls the selected camshaft actuator solenoid. The
normal commanded state is NONE. The system will increase or
decrease the angle of the selected camshaft in 5 degree
increments up to 40 crankshaft degrees. The scan tool initiates the
Special Functions/CMP test when the following conditions are met:
Camshaft Actuator • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).

Actuator System
• The transmission is in park or neutral.
• The engine speed is between 1,000-1,400 RPM.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
This function controls the selected camshaft actuator solenoid. The
normal commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON/OFF,
the ECM turns the camshaft actuator solenoid ON/OFF. The scan
Special Functions/ tool initiates the test when the following conditions are met:
Camshaft Actuator
Engine Control Module/
Solenoid • The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
CMP Actuator System
• No engine speed is detected.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
The Misfire Current and Misfire History parameters may
not increment when using this function.

This function disables the selected fuel injector. The normal

Special Functions/ commanded state is None. The scan tool initiates the test when the
Cylinder Power
Engine Control Module/ following conditions are met:
Fuel System • The engine is operating and the engine idle is stable.
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
• There are no DTCs set for the vehicle speed sensor.
If the fuel injector was disabled for 30 seconds, fuel injector control
is not allowed again on the same fuel injector for 60 seconds.
This function controls the idle speed override in 25 RPM, 100 RPM,
and 500 RPM increments, from the base idle speed to 1,400 RPM.
The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
Special Functions/ met:
Engine Speed Control Engine Control Module/
• The transmission is in park or neutral.
Engine Speed/Throttle
• The engine speed is less than 1,000 RPM.
The engine speed will remain in the commanded state until
cancelled by the scan tool.
Fuel System: 1G-9

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu

Control Selection(s)
The EVAP Purge Solenoid Command parameter may
not change states when using this output control.
Special Functions/ This function controls the evaporative emission (EVAP) purge
Engine Control Module/ solenoid valve. The normal commanded state is NONE. The
EVAP Purge Solenoid
Output Controls/EVAP system will increase or decrease the amount of purge by changing
System the duty cycle of the purge valve in 10 percent increments within a
range of 0-100 percent. The system remains in the commanded
state until cancelled by the scan tool or the fuel tank pressure (FTP)
sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).
The EVAP Purge and Vent Solenoid Command
parameters may not change states when using this
output control.
Special Functions/
Engine Control Module/ This function activates both the EVAP purge solenoid valve and
EVAP Purge/Seal
Output Controls/EVAP EVAP vent solenoid to seal the EVAP system. When activated, the

System purge valve is commanded to 0 percent and the vent valve is
commanded ON, Not-venting. The normal commanded state for
both solenoids is None. Both of the solenoids remain in the
commanded state until cancelled by the scan tool or the FTP
sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).
The EVAP Vent Solenoid Command parameter may not
change states when using this output control.

Special Functions/ This function controls the EVAP vent solenoid. The normal
Engine Control Module/ commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON, the vent valve
EVAP Vent Solenoid
Output Controls/EVAP switches to Not-venting. The system remains in the commanded
System state unless one of the following conditions occur:
• Cancelled by the scan tool
• The EVAP canister purge solenoid is more than 0 percent, and
the FTP sensor exceeds −24 mm Hg (−12 inch H20).
This function enables the fuel injector in order to verify the correct
fuel injector flow. The ECM will pulse the selected fuel injector when
the following conditions are met:
Special Functions/ • All instruction on the scan tool is complete.
Fuel Injector Balance Engine Control module/
Fuel System • A fuel injector is selected.
• The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
The selected fuel injector can only be flowed/pulsed once per
ignition cycle.
This function controls the fuel pump relay. The normal commanded
state is NONE. The scan tool initiates the test when the following
conditions are met:
Special Functions/ • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
Engine Control Module/ • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Fuel Pump Relay
Output Controls/Fuel When commanded ON/OFF, the engine control module (ECM)
Pump turns the fuel pump relay ON/OFF. If the engine is running and the
fuel pump relay is commanded OFF, the engine will stall. The
system remains in the commanded state for about 2 seconds or
until cancelled by the scan tool or the ECM detects a vehicle speed.
1G-10 Fuel System:

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu

Control Selection(s)
Special Functions/
This function resets the fuel trim data and the learned values for the
Fuel Trim Reset Engine Control module/
rear heated oxygen sensors.
Fuel System
This function allows the throttle position and the idle speed to be
relearned by the ECM, once the following conditions have been
Special Functions// met.
Idle Learn Reset Engine Control Module/ • The ignition is ON with the engine OFF.
Module Setup
• The ECT is between 5-85°C (41-185°F).
• No throttle actuator control (TAC) system DTCs are set.
This function controls the intake manifold runner control (IMRC)
solenoid. The normal commanded state is NONE. When
commanded ON/OFF, the ECM turns the IMRC solenoid ON/OFF.
Special Functions// The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
IMRC Solenoid (If
Engine Control Module/ met:
Output Controls • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
• The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.

This function controls the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) loop
status. The commanded states include NONE, OPEN, and
Special Functions//
CLOSED. The normal commanded state is NONE. The loop status
Loop Status Engine Control Module/
changes as commanded, OPEN or CLOSED.
Output Controls
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.
This function controls the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). The
Special Functions//
Malfunction Indicator normal commanded state is NONE. When commanded ON/OFF,
Engine Control Module/
Lamp the ECM turns the MIL ON/OFF. The system remains in the
Output Controls
commanded state until cancelled by the scan tool.
This function controls the throttle valve in 10 percent increments.
The scan tool initiates the test when the following conditions are
Special Functions/ • There are no vehicle speed sensor DTCs set.
Throttle Blade Control Engine Control Module/ • The vehicle speed is 0 km/h (0 mph).
Engine Speed/Throttle • The ignition is ON, with the engine OFF.
• The ECM is not commanding a throttle learn.
The system remains in the commanded state until cancelled by the
scan tool.

Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L Scan tool values from an engine that is operating
(LY7) correctly may be used for comparison with the engine
The Engine Scan Tool Data List contains all engine you are diagnosing. The Engine Scan Tool Data List
related parameters that are available on the scan tool. represents the values that would be seen on a normal
The list is arranged in alphabetical order. A parameter operating engine.
may appear in any one of the data lists, and in some NOTE
cases may appear more than once, or in more than one
data list in order to group certain related parameters Do not use a scan tool that displays faulty
together. data. The scan tool concern should be
Use the Engine Scan Tool Data List only after the reported to the manufacturer. Use of a faulty
following conditions are determined: scan tool may result in misdiagnosis and
unnecessary parts replacement.
• The Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle is completed.
• There are no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs).
• The on-board diagnostics are functioning correctly.
Fuel System: 1G-11

Only the parameters listed below are referenced in this ET: Electrical/Theft Data
service information for use in diagnosis. If all values are EVAP: EVAP Data
within the typical range described below, refer to FF: Freeze Frame Data
“Symptoms - Engine Controls: ”. FR: Failure Records
The column labeled Data List indicates where a FT: Fuel Trim Data
parameter is located on the scan tool. Review the scan HO2S: HO2S Data
tool operating manual for the exact locations of the data Ign: Ignition Data
lists. The following is a description of each term listed: IM: I/M Data
All: The Parameter is in all data lists indicated below. IND: Induction Data
CH: Cooling/HVAC Data IPC: Instrument Panel Cluster Data
CMP: CMP Actuator Data MF: Misfire Data
CT: Cruise/Traction Data TAC: TAC Data
Eng: Engine Data Trans: Auto Trans Data
Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
5-Volt Reference 1, 2, or 3
Circuit Status
Reason for A/C
A/C Disengage 1-8 History Cooling/HVAC Varies
A/C High Side Pressure Cooling/HVAC 0-5 Volts Varies
A/C High Side Pressure Cooling/HVAC kPa/psi Varies

A/C Off for WOT Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
A/C Pressure Disable Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
A/C Relay Circuit Status Cooling/HVAC OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
A/C Relay Command Eng, TAC, CH, IND, MF On/Off Off
A/C Request Signal Cooling/HVAC Yes/No No
Air Flow Calculated g/s --
Air Fuel Ratio ENG, FT, HO2S, IND 14.7:1 Varies
Ambient Air Temperature ENG, EVAP °C/°F Varies
APP Indicated Angle HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, TAC, 0-100% 0%
APP Sensors TAC 0-100% 0%
APP Sensor 1 TAC 0.9-4.5 Volts 1 Volt
APP Sensor 2 TAC 0.40-2.25 Volts 0.4 Volt
APP Sensor 1 and 2 TAC Agree/Disagree Agree
BARO 65-104 kPa (8-16 psi) Varies with altitude
Ign, IM, IND, Trans
BARO IND Volts Varies
Brake Pedal Signal Status CT, Eng, ET, TAC, Trans Valid/Invalid Valid
Calculated ECT - Closed −39 to +40°C (−38 to
CH 40°C (104°F)
Loop Fuel Control +104°F)
Calculated ECT - −39 to +140°C (−38 to
CH 89°C (192°F)
Thermostat Diagnosis +284°F)
Calc. TWC Temp. Bank 1
FT, MF Temperature Varies
and 2 Sensor 1 and 2
Catalytic Converter
FT, HO2S Yes/No No
Protection Active
Catalyst Monitor Complete
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
Catalyst Monitor Enabled
IM Yes/No Varies
this Ignition
CKP Resync Counter Ign Counts 0 Counts
CKP Active Counter Ign Counts 0 Counts
CMP Sensor CMP, IGN, MF RPM Engine idle speed
Cold Startup ENG, EVAP, IM YES/NO Varies
Crank Request Signal ET Yes/No No
Cruise Control Active ENG, TAC Active/Inactive Inactive
Cruise Control Active CT, Eng, IPC, TAC, Yes/No No
1G-12 Fuel System:

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
Cruise Disengage 1-8
CT Reason Varies
Cruise Inhibited CT Yes/No No
Cruise On/Off Switch CT On/Off Off
Cruise Resume/Accel.
Cruise Set/Coast Switch CT ON/OFF OFF
Cylinder 1-6 IC Circuit
MF OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Cylinder 1-6 Injector Circuit
MF OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Cylinder 1-6 Knock Retard Ign Degree 0 Degrees
Decel. Fuel Cutoff Eng, FT, HO2S Active/Inactive Inactive
Desired Exh. CMP Bank 1 or
CMP Degree Varies
Desired Idle Speed Eng, EVAP, CMP, CT, IND 0-7,000 RPM 650 RPM
Desired Int. CMP Bank 1 or
CMP Degrees Varies
Distance Since DTC
ENG Miles/Kilometers Varies

DTC Set This Ignition Eng Yes/No No
EC Ignition Relay Command Eng, ET,TAC On/Off On
EC Ignition Relay Circuit
ET OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
EC Ignition Relay Feedback
Eng, TAC, ET 0-25.5 Volts 12.0-14.5 Volts
ECM in VTD Fail Enable ET Yes/No No
−39°C to +140°C (−38°F to
ECT Sensor ALL Varies
25-45% - Idle
Engine Load FR, FT, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, 0-99%
40-60% - 2500 RPM
TAC, Trans
Engine OFF EVAP Test
EVAP Yes/No Varies
Conditions Met
Engine Off Time EVAP, IM 0:00:00 Seconds Varies
Engine Oil Life Remaining CMP, IPC % Varies
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor IPC 1-5 Volts Varies
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor CMP, Eng, ET, IPC, MF, kPa/psi Varies
Engine Oil Temperature
CH, CMP, IPC °C (°F) Varies
Eng, Ign, EVAP, FT, HO2S,
Engine Run Time IM, MF, TAC, CMP, CH, CT, 0:00:00 Varies
IND, Trans
CH, CMP, CT, Eng, ET,
Engine Speed RPM 575-700 RPM
Vacuum/Purge Valve Leak/
EVAP Fault History EVAP Small Leak/Weak Vacuum/ No Test Result
No Test Result
EVAP Monitor Complete
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
EVAP Monitor Enabled This
IM Yes/No Varies
EVAP Purge Solenoid
EVAP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Circuit Status
EVAP Purge Solenoid
Eng, EVAP, FT, H02S 0-100% Varies
Fuel System: 1G-13

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
EVAP Vent Solenoid Circuit
EVAP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
EVAP Vent Solenoid
Eng, EVAP, FT Venting/Not Venting Venting
Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 CMP Degrees Varies
Exh. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2
CMP, IGN Counts Varies
Active Counter
Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2
CMP 0-99% Varies
Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2
CMP Degrees Varies
Exh. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or
CMP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
2 Circuit Status
FC Relay 1 Circuit Status CH OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit
CH OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
FC Relay 1 Command CH On/Off Varies
FC Relay 2 and 3 Command CH On/Off Varies
Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank

(Secondary) Fuel Level EVAP 0-5 Volts Varies
Sensor Right Tank (Primary)
Fuel Pump Relay Circuit
Eng OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Fuel Pump Relay Command Eng On/Off On
Fuel Tank Level Remaining Eng, EVAP, FT, IM, IPC MF, Liter/Gallon/Percent Varies
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Eng, EVAP in H2O/mm Hg Varies
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor EVAP 0-5 Volts Varies
Fuel Tank Rated Capacity EVAP Liter/Gallon 19.9 Gallons (75.3 Liters)
Fuel Trim Learn FT Enabled/Disabled Enabled
GEN L-Terminal Signal
Generator F-Terminal Signal ET 0-100% Varies
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, IND 0-1,006 mV Varies 400-700 mV
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 2 Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, IND 0-1,006 mV Varies 400-700 mV
HO2S Heater Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Complete This Ignition
HO2S Heater Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Enabled This Ignition
HO2S Htr. Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor
H02S OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
1 or 2 Circuit Status
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1
HO2S 0-99% Varies
or 2 Heater Command
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1
or 2 Heater Command
HO2S/O2S Monitor
IM Yes/No Varies
Complete This Ignition
HO2S/O2S Monitor Enabled
IM Yes/No Varies
This Ignition
HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 70-90 Ohms
HO2S Ohms
1 or 2 Sensor 1 Depends on Temperature
HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 20-300 Ohms
HO2S Ohms
1 or 2 Sensor 2 Depends on Temperature
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
IAT Sensor FR, FT, HO2S, Ign, IM, IND, Varies
MF, TAC, Trans
Ignition Off Time ENG, EVAP, IM 0:00:00 Varies
Ignition 0 Signal Eng, ET, Ign, IM, IPC, TAC On/Off On
Ignition 1 Signal ALL Volts B+
1G-14 Fuel System:

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
Ignition 1 Signal Eng, ET, EVAP On/Off On
IMRC Solenoid Circuit
IND OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
IMRC Solenoid Command IND On/Off Off
Initial Brake Apply Signal CT, Eng, ET, IM, TAC, Trans Applied/Released Released
Injector 1-6 Command FT, MF ms Varies
Injector 1-6 Disabled Due to
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 CMP Degrees Varies
Int. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2
CMP, IGN Counts Varies
Active Counter
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2
CMP Degrees Varies
Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2
CMP 0-99% Varies
Int. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2
CMP OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Circuit Status
Knock Detected Cyl. 1-6 IGN YES/NO NO
Knock Retard Ign Degrees Varies

KS 1 or 2 Signal Ign Volts Varies
Long Term FT Bank 1 or
CMP, ENG, EVAP, FT, HO2S −100 to +100% 7-9%
Bank 2
Eng, EVAP, FF, FR, FT,
Loop Status Bn 1 or 2 Sen. 1 Open Loop/Closed Loop Closed Loop
Eng, EVAP, FF, FR, FT,
Loop Status Bn 1 or 2 Sen. 2 Open Loop/Closed Loop Open Loop
LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Idle/
Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S −100% to +100% 0%
MAF Performance Test IND, TAC OK/Fault OK
MAF Sensor FT, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, 0-655 g/s 3.4-6.3 g/s
TAC, Trans
MAF Sensor IND 0-9999 Hz 28 Hz
MIL Circuit Status Eng, IPC OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
MIL Command Eng, IPC, IM On/Off Off
Mil Requested by DTC FT, IM, HO2S, Ign, IND, MF, Yes/No No
TAC, Trans
Mileage Since DTC First
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Mileage Since DTC Last
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Mileage Since MIL
FF, FR km - miles Varies
Misfire Current Cyl. 1-6 MF 0-255 Counts 0
Misfire History Cyl. 1-6 MF 0-65,535 Counts 0
Moderate Brake Apply
CT, TAC Applied/Released Released
PNP Switch Eng Park/Neutral/In Gear P/N
Power Enrichment Eng, FT, HO2S, MF Active/Inactive Inactive
Reduced Engine Power TAC Active/Inactive Inactive
RVS Disable 1-8 History ET None Varies
Short Term FT Bank 1 or Eng, EVAP, FT, HO2S, FF,
−25% to +25% −3% to +3%
Bank 2 FR
Eng, Ign, FT, HO2S, MF,
Spark −20 to +40 Degrees 2-10 Degrees
Starter Relay Circuit Status ET OK/Fault/Indeterminate OK
Starter Relay Command CT, ET On/Off Off
Fuel System: 1G-15

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Parameter Range/Units Typical Data Values
Operating Conditions: Engine Idling/Radiator Hose Hot/Park or Neutral/Closed Loop/Accessories Off
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
Start Up ECT CH, EVAP, HO2S, IM Varies
−39° to +140°C (−38° to
Start Up IAT CH, EVAP, HO2S, IM Varies
Stoplamp Pedal Switch CT, ET, IM, TAC Applied/Released Released
Off, Accessory, RAP, Run,
System Power Mode Eng, ET, EVAP, TAC Run
or Crank Request
TAC Forced Engine
TAC Motor TAC Enabled/Disabled Enabled
TAC System Learned
TAC 0-11 Counts 11
TCC Status MF Locked/Unlocked Unlocked
TCM Requested Torque Trans N⋅m/lb ft Varies
TCM Torque Increase CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO
TCS Torque Increase CT, TAC Yes/No NO
TCS Torque Reduction
CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO
TCM Torque Reduction
CT, TAC, Trans Yes/No NO

TCS Torque Delivered
CT, TAC 0-100% 0%
TCS Torque Request Signal CT, TAC, Trans 0-100% 90-98%
Total Fuel Trim Avg. Bank 1
EVAP, FT, HO2S −100 to +100% Varies
or Bank 2
Total Knock Retard IGN, CH Degrees 0
Total Misfire Count MF Counts 0
TP Desired Angle Eng, EVAP, TAC 0-100% Varies
TP Indicated Angle FF, FR, HO2S, Ign, IND MF, 0-100% Varies
TAC, Trans
TP Performance Test IND, TAC, FT Active/Inactive Inactive
4.5-5.0 Volts
TP Sensor 1 TAC 0.5-4.50 Volts
TP Sensor 1 Learned
TAC 0-5 Volts 0.5-4.50 Volts
TP Sensor 2 TAC 0-5 Volts 5.0-1.0 Volts
TP Sensor 2 Learned
TAC 0-5 Volts 5.0-1.0 Volts
TP Sensors 1 and 2 TAC Agree/Disagree Agree
Traction Control Status TAC, CT Active/Inactive Inactive
Vehicle Speed Sensor All Varies
Eng, Ign, EVAP, FT, HO2S, 5-25% - Idle and at 2,500
Volumetric Efficiency 0-100%
VTD Auto. Learn Timer ET Active/Inactive Inactive
VTD Fuel Disable ET Active/Inactive Inactive
VTD Fuel Enabled ET Yes/No Yes
VTD Fuel Disable Until Ign.
ET Yes/No No
VTD Password learned ET Yes/No Yes
Warm Ups Since DTC
Eng Counts Varies
Wide Open Throttle TAC Yes/No NO
1G-16 Fuel System:

Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Air Fuel Ratio: This parameter displays the ratio of air
Controls - 3.6L (LY7) to fuel as calculated by the control module based on
The Scan Tool Data Definitions list contains a brief various sensor inputs. The scan tool will display a
description of all of the engine related parameters that lower air fuel ratio when a richer air to fuel mixture is
are available on the scan tool. The list is arranged in commanded. The scan tool will display a higher air
alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any fuel ratio when a leaner air to fuel mixture is
one of the data lists. In some cases the parameter may commanded. In closed loop operation the air fuel
appear more than once, or in more than one data list in ratio should normally be around 14.2-14.7 to 1.
order to group certain related parameters together. Ambient Air Temperature: This parameter displays
5 Volt Reference 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This the temperature of the ambient air as calculated by
parameter displays the diagnostic state of the output the control module based on the input from the
driver for the 5-volt reference circuit. The scan tool ambient air temperature sensor. The scan tool will
will display OK or Fault. OK indicates that no circuit display a low value when the air temperature is low,
faults are detected during the current test. Fault and a high value when the air temperature is high.
indicates that a short or open circuit/component APP Indicated Angle: This parameter displays the
exists, electronically disconnecting the circuit/ angle of the accelerator pedal position (APP) as
component from the control module. calculated by the control module using the signals
A/C Disengage 1-8 History: The parameter displays from the APP sensors.
the last 8 air conditioning (A/C) compressor APP Sensor 1: This parameter displays the actual
disengages in order from 1 to 8 with 8 being the voltage on the accelerator pedal position (APP)
most recent. There are about 8 possible causes for sensor 1 signal circuit as measured by the control

the A/C compressor to disengage. module.
A/C High Side Pressure: This parameter displays the APP Sensor 2: This parameter displays the actual
voltage from the A/C high side pressure sensor voltage on the accelerator pedal position (APP)
signal circuit to the control module. sensor 2 signal circuit as measured by the control
A/C High Side Pressure: This parameter displays the module.
pressure from the A/C high side pressure sensor APP Sensor 1 and 2: This parameter displays
signal circuit to the control module. Disagree if the control module detects the signal
A/C Off for WOT: This parameter displays whether the voltage from APP sensor 1 is not in correct
control module is commanding the A/C compressor relationship to APP sensor 2. The scan tool displays
clutch relay off for wide open throttle (WOT). Agree under the normal operating conditions.
A/C Pressure Disable: This parameter displays BARO: This parameter displays the barometric
whether the A/C pressure is out of range for normal pressure. The control module uses the barometric
operation as determined by the control module. pressure sensor input for fuel control to compensate
A/C Relay Circuit Status: This parameter displays the for altitude differences.
state of the air conditioning (A/C) clutch relay control BARO: This parameter displays the barometric
circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the A/C clutch pressure sensor voltage.
relay control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or Brake Pedal Signal Status: This parameter displays
shorted to voltage. The parameter displays the serial data message of the brake signal from the
Indeterminate until the circuit has been commanded electronic brake and traction control module
A/C Relay Command: This parameter displays the Calculated ECT - Closed Loop Fuel Control: This
state of the air conditioning (A/C) clutch relay control parameter displays the modeled temperature that
circuit as commanded by the control module. the control module calculates from air entering the
A/C Request Signal: This parameter displays the state engine, coolant temperature, and ambient air
of the A/C request input to the control module from temperature. If the actual engine coolant
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) temperature does not reach this calculated
controls. temperature within a predetermined amount of time,
Air Flow Calculated: This parameter displays the air a DTC will set.
flow of the engine as calculated by the control Calculated ECT - Thermostat Diagnosis: This
module using information from the manifold absolute parameter displays the modeled temperature that
pressure (MAP) sensor. The scan tool will display a the control module calculates from air entering the
range of values indicating a high air flow when MAP engine, coolant temperature, and ambient air
pressure is high and a low air flow when MAP temperature. If the actual engine coolant
pressure is low. This value is listed in grams per temperature does not reach this calculated
second (g/s). temperature within a predetermined amount of time,
a DTC will set.
Fuel System: 1G-17

Calc. TWC Temp. Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter Cylinder 1-6 Injector Circuit Status: This parameter
displays the catalytic converter temperature as displays the state of the fuel injector control circuit.
calculated by the control module. The parameter displays Fault if the fuel injector
Catalytic Converter Protection Active: This control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted
parameter displays if the control module is to voltage.
commanding catalytic converter protection. Cylinder 1-6 Knock Retard: This parameter displays
Catalyst Monitor Complete This Ignition: This the knock retard as commanded by the control
parameter displays the monitor completion status module for cylinders 1-6. Each cylinder is controlled
during the current driving/monitoring cycle. individually based on both knock sensor signal
Catalyst Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This inputs.
parameter displays the monitor enable status during Decel. Fuel Cutoff: This parameter displays the status
the current driving/monitoring cycle. of the operating mode of the control module used to
CKP Resync Counter: This parameter displays the turn off the fuel injectors and the EVAP canister
number of times the control module re-syncs with the purge valve during certain deceleration conditions.
CKP sensor. Desired Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2: This parameter
Clutch Start Switch (If Equipped): This parameter displays the desired exhaust camshaft angle as
displays the state of the clutch pedal as determined commanded by the control module.
by the control module from the clutch start switch. Desired HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1: This parameter
CMP Sensor: This parameter displays the speed of the displays the voltage output from the HO2S to the
engine as calculated by the control module using the control module. A lower voltage indicates a lean
signal from the CMP sensor. The scan tool will exhaust, while a higher voltage indicates a rich
display a higher value as engine speed is increased. exhaust.

The scan tool will display a lower value as the engine Desired Idle Speed: This parameter displays the
speed is decreased. desired engine idle speed as commanded by the
Cold Start up: This parameter displays the state of the control module.
engine coolant temperature at start up. Desired Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2: This parameter
CPP Switch (If Equipped): This parameter displays displays the desired intake camshaft angle as
the state of the clutch pedal as determined by the commanded by the control module.
control module from the clutch pedal switch. Distance Since DTC Cleared: This parameter displays
Crank Request Signal: This parameter displays the distance accumulated since an emission
whether the ignition switch has been cycled to the diagnostic trouble code was cleared. The scan tool
crank position requesting the control module to will display increasing distance as the vehicle is
activate the starter relay. driven.
Cruise Control Active: This parameter displays the DTC Set This Ignition: This parameter displays Yes if
status of the cruise control system as determined by a DTC set on the current ignition cycle.
the control module. EC Ignition Relay Command: This parameter displays
Cruise Disengage 1-8 History: The parameter the state of the control circuit for control module
displays the last 8 cruise control disengages in order power relay as commanded by the control module.
from 1 to 8, with 8 being the most recent. There are EC Ignition Relay Circuit Status: This parameter
about 33 possible causes for the cruise control to displays the state of the EC Ignition Relay control
disengage. circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the EC
Cruise Inhibited: This parameter displays the status of Ignition Relay control circuit is open, shorted to
the cruise control system as determined by the ground, or shorted to voltage. The parameter
control module. displays Indeterminate until the circuit has been
Cruise On/Off Switch: This parameter displays the commanded ON.
status of the cruise control system as determined by EC Ignition Relay Feedback Signal: This parameter
the control module. displays the voltage available at the EC ignition relay
Cruise Resume/Accel. Switch: This parameter pin of the control module.
displays the status of the cruise control system as ECM in VTD Fail Enable: This parameter indicates
determined by the control module. whether or not the engine control module (ECM) is in
Cruise Set/Coast Switch: This parameter displays the failure enable mode for the vehicle theft deterrent
status of the cruise control system as determined by (VTD) system.
the control module. ECT Sensor: This parameter displays the temperature
Cylinder 1-6 IC Circuit Status: This parameter of the engine coolant based on input to the control
displays the diagnostic state of the output driver for module from the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
the ignition control circuits. The scan tool will display sensor.
OK if the circuit is operating correctly. The scan tool Engine Load: This parameter displays the calculated
will display Short or Open if there is an open, short to engine load in percent based on inputs to the control
ground or a short to voltage on the circuit. module from various engine sensors.
1G-18 Fuel System:

Engine Off EVAP Test Conditions Met: This EVAP Vent Solenoid Command: This parameter
parameter displays Yes if the conditions for running displays the state of the control circuit for
the Engine Off EVAP diagnostic are met. evaporative emission (EVAP) vent solenoid as
Engine Off Time: This parameter displays the amount commanded by the control module.
of time that has elapsed since the engine was last Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2: This parameter displays
cycled OFF. the actual exhaust camshaft position in degrees.
Engine Oil Life Remaining: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2 Active Counter: This
the percent of engine oil life remaining. The parameter displays an incrementing counter when
controller calculates the engine oil life by monitoring the control module receives a signal from the
engine load, coolant temperature, and engine speed. exhaust camshaft position (CMP) sensor.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Bank 1 or 2 Command: This parameter
the voltage signal received by the control module displays the exhaust camshaft position in percent of
from the engine oil pressure (EOP) sensor. range as commanded by the control module.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays Exh. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 Variance: This
the engine oil pressure. parameter displays in degrees, the difference
Engine Oil Temperature Calculated: This parameter between the desired exhaust camshaft position and
displays the engine oil temperature. the actual exhaust camshaft position.
Engine Run Time: This parameter displays the time Exh. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This
elapsed since the engine was started. parameter displays the state of the exhaust camshaft
EVAP Fault History: This parameter displays the result actuator solenoid control circuit. The parameter
of the evaporative emission (EVAP) system displays Fault if the camshaft actuator solenoid
diagnostic as determined by the control module. The control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted

scan tool will display various messages, depending to voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate
on the result of the test. until the circuit has been commanded ON.
Engine Speed: This parameter displays the speed of FC Relay 1 Circuit Status: This parameter displays the
the engine crankshaft rotation from information state of the fan relay control circuit. The parameter
received from the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor. displays Fault if the fan relay control circuit is open,
If there is a CKP sensor DTC, the ECM calculates shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The
the engine speed from one of the camshaft position parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has
(CMP) sensors. been commanded ON.
EVAP Monitor Complete This Ignition: This FC Relay 2 and 3 Circuit Status: This parameter
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor displays the state of the fan relay control circuit. The
completion status during the current driving/ parameter displays Fault if the fan relay control
monitoring cycle. circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to
EVAP Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This parameter voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until
displays the diagnostic monitor enable status during the relay control circuit has been commanded ON.
the current driving/monitoring cycle. FC Relay 1 Command: This parameter displays the
EVAP Purge Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter control module commanded state of the fan relay
displays the state of the evaporative emission control circuit.
(EVAP) purge solenoid control circuit. The parameter FC Relay 2 and 3 Command: This parameter displays
displays Fault if the EVAP purge solenoid control the control module commanded state of the fan relay
circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to control circuit.
voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank (Secondary) Right Tank
the circuit has been commanded ON. (Primary): This parameter displays the voltage
EVAP Purge Solenoid Command: This parameter signal received by the control module from the fuel
displays the on-time or duty cycle of the EVAP level sensors.
canister purge solenoid commanded by the control Fuel Pump Relay Circuit Status: This parameter
module. Zero percent indicates no purge. One displays the state of the fuel pump relay control
hundred percent indicates full purge. circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the fuel pump
EVAP Vent Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter relay control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or
displays the state of the EVAP vent solenoid control shorted to voltage. The parameter displays
circuit. The parameter displays Fault if the EVAP Indeterminate until the circuit has been commanded
vent solenoid control circuit is open, shorted to ON.
ground, or shorted to voltage. The parameter Fuel Pump Relay Command: This parameter displays
displays Indeterminate until the circuit has been the control modules commanded state of the fuel
commanded ON. This parameter may not change if pump relay control circuit.
the scan tool is used to command the EVAP vent
solenoid ON.
Fuel System: 1G-19

Fuel Tank Level Remaining: This parameter displays HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Heater Command:
the amount of fuel in liters/gallons that remains in the This parameter displays the commanded state of the
fuel tank as determined by the control module from Bank 2 Sensor 1 heater by the control module. The
information received from the left and right fuel level scan tool will display ON when the heater is
sensors. commanded ON. The scan tool will display OFF
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays when the heater is commanded OFF.
the pressure/vacuum inside the fuel tank. A negative HO2S/O2S Monitor Complete This Ignition: This
value indicates a vacuum, while a positive value parameter displays the diagnostic monitor
indicates a pressure. completion status during the current driving/
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor: This parameter displays monitoring cycle.
the voltage signal received by the control module HO2S/O2S Heater Monitor Enabled This Ignition:
from the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor. This parameter displays the diagnostic monitor
Fuel Tank Rated Capacity: This parameter displays enable status during the current driving/monitoring
the capacity of the fuel tank in liters or gallons. cycle.
Fuel Trim Learn: This parameter displays Enabled HO2S Sensing Element Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2:
when conditions are appropriate for enabling long This parameter displays the resistance of the
term fuel trim corrections. This indicates that the long sensing element within the control module. The front
term fuel trim is adapting continuing amounts of sensors are normally regulated to 80 ohms. The rear
short term fuel trim. If the scan tool displays sensors are normally regulated between 20-300
Disabled, then long term fuel trim will not respond to ohms which depends on temperature.
changes in short term fuel trim. HO2S Sensor 1 module Signal: This parameter
GEN L-Terminal Signal Command: This parameter displays the voltage of the HO2S control transistor,

displays the control modules commanded state of which is internal to the ECM.
the voltage regulator on the generator. IAT Sensor: This parameter displays the temperature
Generator F-Terminal Signal: This parameter displays of the air entering the air induction system based on
the amount of generator on-time as commanded by input to the control module from the intake air
the control module. The higher the percentage the temperature (IAT) sensor.
greater the generator output. Ignition Off Time: This parameter displays the time
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1: This parameter displays elapsed since the ignition was last turned OFF. The
the voltage output from the HO2S to the control scan tool will display the time in hours, minutes and
module. A lower voltage indicates a lean exhaust, seconds.
while a higher voltage indicates a rich exhaust. Ignition 0 Signal: This parameter displays On when
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 2: This parameter displays the control module detects a voltage at the ignition 0
the voltage output from the HO2S to the control input terminal.
module. A lower voltage indicates a lean exhaust, Ignition 1 Signal: This parameter displays the voltage
while a higher voltage indicates a rich exhaust. measured at the ignition 1 circuit of the control
HO2S Heater Monitor Complete This Ignition: This module. Voltage is applied to the control module
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor when the ignition switch is in the ignition 1 position.
completion status during the current driving/ The scan tool will display a low value when the
monitoring cycle. voltage is low. The scan tool will display a high value,
HO2S Heater Monitor Enabled This Ignition: This such as battery voltage, when the voltage is higher.
parameter displays the diagnostic monitor enable Ignition 1 Signal: This parameter displays On when
status during the current driving/monitoring cycle. the control module detects a voltage at the ignition 1
HO2S Htr. Bn. 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Circuit Status: input terminal.
This parameter displays the state of the oxygen IMRC Solenoid Circuit Status: This parameter
sensor heater control circuit. The parameter displays displays the state of the intake manifold runner
Fault if the oxygen sensor heater control circuit is control (IMRC) control circuit. The parameter
open, shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The displays Fault if the IMRC control circuit is open,
parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has shorted to ground, or shorted to voltage. The
been commanded ON. parameter displays Indeterminate until the circuit has
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 Heater Command: been commanded ON.
This parameter displays the commanded state of the IMRC Solenoid Command: This parameter displays
HO2S Bank 1 or 2 Sensor 1 or 2 by the control the control modules commanded state of the IMRC
module. The scan tool will display a higher value as solenoid.
the heater command is increased, and a lower value Int. Brake Apply Signal: This parameter displays the
if the heater is not commanded ON. state of the brake pedal that is transmitted over the
serial data circuit from the electronic brake control
module (EBCM).
1G-20 Fuel System:

Injector 1-6 Command: This parameter displays the Loop Status Bn. 1 or 2 Sen. 1: This parameter
amount of fuel injector ON time or pulse width as displays the state of the fuel control system as
commanded by the control module. commanded by the control module. Closed Loop
Injector 1-6 Disabled Due to Misfire: This parameter operation indicates that the control module is
displays the status of the fuel injector driver by the controlling the fuel delivery based off the oxygen
control module. The scan tool will display YES if the sensors input signal. In Open Loop operation the
fuel injector is being disabled due to a misfire control module ignores the oxygen sensor input
detection. The scan tool will display NO if the fuel signal and bases the amount of fuel to be delivered
injector is not being disabled by the control module on other sensor inputs.
due to a misfire. Loop Status Bn. 1 or 2 Sen. 2: This parameter
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2: This parameter displays displays the state of the rear heated oxygen sensors
the actual intake camshaft position in degrees. as commanded by the control module. The rear
Int. CMP Bank 1 or Bank 2 Active Counter: This sensors will not go into Closed Loop until the ECM
parameter displays an incrementing counter when determines that the HO2S is ready for operation.
the control module receives a signal from the intake LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Cruise/Accel.: This parameter
camshaft position (CMP) sensor. displays the commanded Long Term Fuel Trim
Int. CMP Angle Bank 1 or 2 Variance: This parameter correction by the control module for bank 1 or bank 2
displays in degrees, the difference between the for cruise and acceleration conditions.
desired intake camshaft position and the actual LT FT Bn. 1 or Bn. 2 Idle/Decel.: This parameter
intake camshaft position. displays the commanded Long Term Fuel Trim
Int. CMP Bank 1 or 2 Command: This parameter correction by the control module for bank 1 or bank 2
displays the intake camshaft position in percent of for idle and deceleration conditions.

range as commanded by the control module. MAF Performance Test: This parameter displays the
Int. CMP Solenoid Bn. 1 or 2 Circuit Status: This status of the mass air flow (MAF) performance test
parameter displays the state of the intake camshaft by the control module. The scan tool will display OK
actuator solenoid control circuit. The parameter if no fault is found. The scan tool will display Fault if
displays Fault if the camshaft actuator solenoid the control module detects a fault during the test.
control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted MAF Sensor: This parameter displays the measured
to voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate quantity of air flowing into the engine during all
until the circuit has been commanded ON. This operating conditions.
parameter may not change if the scan tool is used to MAF Sensor: This parameter displays the signal
command the CMP solenoid ON. frequency from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor to
Knock Detected Cyl. 1-6: This parameter displays the the control module.
status of each cylinder for knock detection by the MIL Circuit Status: This parameter displays the state
control module. The scan tool will display YES if a of the MIL control circuit. The parameter displays
knock condition has been detected related to that Fault if the MIL control circuit is open, shorted to
cylinder combustion event. The scan tool will display ground, or shorted to voltage. This parameter
NO if There is no knock condition detected related to displays indeterminate until the circuit is commanded
that cylinder combustion event. ON.
Knock Retard: This parameter indicates the amount of MIL Command: This parameter displays the
spark advance the control module removes from the commanded state of the malfunction indicator lamp
ignition control (IC) spark advance in response to the (MIL) control circuit by the control module.
signal from the knock sensors. Mil Requested by DTC: This parameter indicates the
KS 1 or 2 Signal: This parameters displays the voltage reason the control module illuminated the MIL. The
input to the control module from the knock sensor scan tool will display YES when the MIL is requested
(KS). as a result of an A or B type DTC. The scan tool will
Long Term FT Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter is display NO if the MIL is illuminated for another
calculated by the control module based on the Short reason, such as transmission DTCs.
Term FT value. The Long Term FT is used for the Mileage Since First Failure: This parameter displays
long term correction of the fuel delivery. The scan the mileage that has elapsed since the first emission
tool will display a high value for a large amount of failure.
long term fuel correction, and 0 percent for no long Mileage Since Last Failure: This parameter displays
term fuel trim correction. The scan tool will display a the mileage that has elapsed since the last emission
negative value when fuel system is running too rich failure.
and fuel is being removed from the combustion Mileage Since MIL Requested: This parameter
event. The scan tool will display a positive value if displays the mileage that has elapsed since the
the fuel system is running lean and fuel is being control module has commanded the malfunction
added to the combustion event. indicator lamp (MIL) On.
Fuel System: 1G-21

Misfire Current Cyl. 1-6: The scan tool displays a Start Up ECT: This parameter displays the temperature
range of 0-200 counts. This parameter displays the of the engine coolant on start up based on input to
number of misfires that have been detected during the control module from the ECT sensor.
the last 200 cylinder firing events. The counters may Start Up IAT: This parameter displays the temperature
normally display some activity, but the activity should of the intake air at start in the air induction system
be nearly equal for all of the cylinders, and in low based on input to the control module from the IAT
numbers. sensor.
Misfire History Cyl. 1-6: The scan tool displays a Stop Lamp Pedal Switch: This parameter displays the
range of 0-65,535 counts. The misfire history position of the stop lamp pedal switch input to the
counters display the total level of misfire that has control module.
been detected on each cylinder. The misfire history System Power Mode: This parameter displays the
counters will not update or show any activity until a position of the ignition switch.
misfire DTC P0300 has become active. The misfire TAC Forced Engine Shutdown: This parameter
history counters will update every 200 cylinder firing indicates the status of throttle actuator control (TAC)
events. control by the control module. The scan tool will
Moderate Brake Apply Signal: This parameter display YES if the engine has been shut down due to
displays the state of the brake pedal that is a throttle control fault. The scan tool will display NO if
transmitted over the serial data circuit from the the engine has not been shut down by a throttle
electronic brake control module (EBCM). control fault.
PNP Switch: This parameter displays whether the TAC Motor: This parameter indicates the status of the
transmission range selector is in park or neutral. throttle actuator control (TAC) motor driver by the
Power Enrichment: This parameter displays the status

engine control module (ECM). The scan tool will
of the operating mode of the control module used to display Enabled if TAC motor operation is allowed.
increase fuel delivery during certain acceleration The scan tool will display disabled if the TAC motor
conditions. is disabled.
Reduced Engine Power: This parameter displays TAC System Learned Counts: This parameter
whether the control module is commanding reduced displays the steps counted in learning the throttle
engine power due to a throttle actuator control (TAC) actuator control parameters. The last step learned is
system condition. 11.
RVS Disable 1-8 History: This parameter displays one TCC Status: This parameter displays the commanded
of the last eight reasons that powertrain has disabled status of the torque convertor clutch.
remote vehicle start (RVS). TCM Requested Torque: This parameter displays the
Short Term FT Bank 1 or Bank 2: This parameter calculated amount torque requested of the controller.
displays the short-term correction to the fuel delivery TCM Torque Increase: This parameter displays
by the control module in response to oxygen sensor whether or not the controller has responded to a
1 or 2. If the oxygen sensor indicates a lean air/fuel request for a torque increase.
mixture, the control module will add fuel increasing TCS Torque Increase: This parameter displays
the short term fuel trim above 0. If the oxygen sensor whether or not the controller has responded to a
indicates a rich air/fuel mixture, the control module request for a torque increase.
will reduce fuel decreasing the short term fuel trim TCM Torque Reduction Active: This parameter
below 0. displays whether the transmission control module
Spark: This parameter displays the amount of spark (TCM) is reducing torque.
advance the control module is commanding on the TCS Torque Reduction Active: This parameter
ignition control circuits. The control module displays whether EBTCM has determined a
determines the desired advance. reduction in torque took place.
Starter Relay Circuit Status: This parameter displays TCS Torque Delivered Signal: This is the calculated
the state of the starter relay control circuit. The torque output from the engine to the transmission
parameter displays Fault if the starter relay control used by the EBTCM for the traction control system
circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to operation.
voltage. The parameter displays Indeterminate until TCS Torque Request Signal: The EBTCM sends a
the relay control circuit has been commanded ON. Desired Torque Level signal request to the control
This parameter may not change if the scan tool is module. This decreases torque from the powertrain
used to command the relay control circuit ON. in order to reduce wheel slip during acceleration for
Starter Relay Command: This parameter indicates the traction control.
whether the control module is commanding the
starter relay to go on or off.
1G-22 Fuel System:

Total Fuel Trim Avg. Bank 1 or Bank 2: This VTD Auto. Learn Timer: This parameter indicates that
parameter displays the overall fuel trim from the idle/ either the auto learn timer (used in the auto learn
decel cell and the cruise/accel cell. procedure to enable VTD password learning) or the
Total Knock Retard: This parameter indicates how seed and key timer (used in the seed and key
much ignition spark timing is being retarded due to procedure to enable VTD password learning) is
all control systems monitored by the control module. active.
The scan tool will display a high value during VTD Fuel Disable: This parameter indicates the VTD
extreme conditions such as high temperatures and system has disabled fuel.
antilock braking. The scan tool will display a lower VTD Fuel Enabled: This parameter indicates the VTD
value during lighter driving conditions. system has enabled fuel.
Total Misfire Count: This parameter displays the total VTD Fuel Disable Until Ign. Off: This parameter
number of cylinder firing events that the control indicates the VTD system has disabled fuel for the
module detected as misfires for the last 200 remainder of the ignition cycle.
crankshaft revolution sample period. VTD Password learned: This indicates learning of the
TP Desired Angle: This parameter displays the desired VTD password received from the platform
TP angle commanded by the control module. electronics is enabled. VTD password learning is first
TP Indicated Angle: This parameter displays the enabled in assembly plant (prior to the
percent of throttle opening as calculated by the manufacturer’s enable counter being set to zero)
control module using information from the two TP may be re-enabled using 1 of 2 procedures.
sensors. Warm Ups Since DTC Cleared: This parameter
TP Performance Test: This parameter displays the indicates the number of warm up cycles that have
status of the throttle position (TP) performance test occurred Since DTCs were cleared. The scan tool

by the control module. The scan tool will display OK will display a higher counts as more warm up cycles
if no fault is found. The scan tool will display Fault if have occurred since the DTCs were cleared.
the control module detects a fault during the test. Wide Open Throttle: This parameter indicates the
TP Sensor 1: This parameter displays the actual throttle status commanded by the control module.
voltage on the TP sensor 1 signal circuit as The scan tool will display YES is the vehicle throttle
measured by the control module. is commanded to wide open. The scan tool will
TP Sensor 1 Learned Minimum: This parameter display NO if the vehicle throttle is commanded to an
displays the learned minimum value of throttle amount less than 100%.
position (TP) sensor 1 as recorded by the control
module during the last learn procedure. Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis
TP Sensor 2: This parameter displays the actual
voltage on the TP sensor 2 signal circuit as
Diagnostic Instructions
measured by the control module. • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
TP Sensor 2 Learned Minimum: This parameter Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
displays the learned minimum value of TP sensor 2 procedure.
as recorded by the control module during the last • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
learn procedure. of the diagnostic approach.
TP Sensor 1 and 2: This parameter displays Disagree • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
when the control module detects that TP sensor 1 Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
voltage signal is not within the correct relationship to each diagnostic category.
TP sensor 2. The scan tool displays Agree under the
normal operating conditions.
Circuit/System Description
Traction Control Status: This parameter displays
The engine control module (ECM) provides a voltage to
Active if the electronic brake and traction control
the coil side of the fuel pump relay. When the ignition
module (EBTCM) is commanding traction control.
switch is first turned ON, the ECM turns ON the fuel
Vehicle Security Status: This parameter displays the
pump relay, which applies power to the fuel pump. The
status of the vehicle theft deterrent system.
ECM enables the fuel pump relay as long as the engine
TWC Temperature Calculated: This parameter
is cranking or running, and crankshaft reference pulses
displays the catalytic converter temperature as
are received. If no crankshaft reference pulses are
calculated by the control module.
received, the ECM turns OFF the fuel pump relay after
Vehicle Speed Sensor: This parameter displays the
about 3 seconds.
speed of the vehicle as calculated by the
transmission control module (TCM) from information
received from the vehicle speed sensor (VSS).
Volumetric Efficiency: This parameter displays the
calculated volumetric efficiency of the engine as
calculated by the control module.
Fuel System: 1G-23

Diagnostic Aids ➢ If the fuel pump fuse is open, test for a short to
The following conditions may cause the fuel pump fuse ground in the supply voltage circuit of the fuel
to open: pump. If the circuit/connections test normal, replace
• The fuse is faulty. the fuel pump.
• There is an intermittent short to ground in the supply 3. Ignition OFF, remove the fuel pump relay from the
voltage circuit of the fuel pump. electrical center.
• The fuel pump has an intermittent internal condition. 4. Ignition ON, test for battery voltage between the B+
voltage circuit of the fuel pump relay and ground.
• If the condition is intermittent, move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating, ➢ If less than B+, repair the B+ voltage circuit of the
while monitoring the circuit status for the component fuel pump relay for an open/high resistance.
with a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes 5. Connect a 15-amp fused jumper wire between the
from OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a B+ circuit of the fuel pump relay and the supply
condition with the circuit or a connection. voltage circuit of the fuel pump. The fuel pump
should operate.
Reference Information ➢ If the fuel pump does not operate, test for the
Schematic Reference following conditions:
“Engine Controls Schematics: ” – An open/high resistance in the supply voltage
Connector End View Reference circuit of the fuel pump
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views: ” – An open/high resistance in the ground circuit of
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views: ” the fuel pump

Description and Operation ➢ If the above circuit/connections test normal, replace
“Fuel System Description” the fuel pump.
Electrical Information Reference
6. If all circuit/connections test normal, test or replace
• “Circuit Testing: ” the fuel pump relay.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Component Testing
Connections: ” 1. Measure for 110-150 ohms of resistance between
• “Wiring Repairs: ” terminals 1 and 2 of the fuel pump relay.
Scan Tool Reference ➢ If the resistance is not within the specified range,
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7): ” replace the fuel pump relay.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L 2. Measure for infinite resistance between the following
(LY7): ” terminals of the fuel pump relay:
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L – 3 and 2
(LY7): ” – 3 and 5
Special Tools Required – 3 and 1
J 43244 Relay Puller Pliers
– 1 and 5
Circuit/System Verification ➢ If continuity is detected, replace the fuel pump
1. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump relay ON with a
scan tool. You should hear the fuel pump operate for 3. Connect a 15 amp fused jumper wire from the
3-5 seconds and then turn OFF. positive terminal of the battery to relay terminal 1.
Connect a jumper wire from the negative terminal of
2. If the vehicle passes the Circuit/System Verification
the battery to relay terminal 2. Measure for less than
Test, then operate the vehicle within the conditions
2 ohms between terminals 3 and 5 of the relay.
for running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that are captured in the ➢ If the resistance measures more than 2 ohms,
Freeze Frame/Failure Records Data List. replace the fuel pump relay.

Circuit/System Testing Repair Instructions

Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
1. Ignition OFF, the fuel pump should not be operating.
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
➢ If the fuel pump operates continuously, test for a procedure.
short to voltage in supply voltage circuit of the fuel
• “Primary Fuel Tank Module Replacement”
pump. If the circuit/connections test normal, replace
the fuel pump relay. • “Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center): ”
“Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire Harness): ”
2. Test the fuel pump fuse. The fuse should not be
1G-24 Fuel System:

Fuel System Diagnosis • A vehicle that runs out of fuel above empty may be
Diagnostic Instructions caused by an inaccurate fuel level sender. Inspect the
float arm for binding, or obstructions.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Reference Information
Description and Operation
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview “Fuel System Description”
of the diagnostic approach. Electrical Information Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle • “Circuit Testing: ”
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. • “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Circuit/System Description Connections: ”
The control module enables the fuel pump relay when • “Wiring Repairs: ”
the ignition switch is turned ON. The control module will Scan Tool Reference
disable the fuel pump relay within 2 seconds unless the • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7): ”
control module detects ignition reference pulses. The • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
control module continues to enable the fuel pump relay (LY7): ”
as long as ignition reference pulses are detected. The
control module disables the fuel pump relay within 2 • “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
seconds if ignition reference pulses cease to be (LY7): ”
Special Tools Required

detected and the ignition remains ON.
The fuel system is a returnless on-demand design. The • J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage
fuel pressure regulator is a part of the primary fuel tank • J 37287 Fuel Line Shut-Off Adapters
module, eliminating the need for a return pipe from the
engine. A returnless fuel system reduces the internal Circuit/System Verification
temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot fuel
from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the internal NOTE
temperature of the fuel tank results in lower evaporative
• Inspect the fuel system for damage or
external leaks before proceeding.
An electric turbine style fuel pump attaches to the
primary fuel tank module inside the fuel tank. The fuel • Verify that adequate fuel is in the fuel tank
pump supplies high pressure fuel through the fuel filter, before proceeding.
past the fuel pressure regulator, and through the fuel • The fuel pump relay may need to be
feed pipe to the fuel injection system. The fuel pressure commanded ON a few times in order to
regulator has a T-joint that diverts the needed fuel to the obtain the highest possible fuel pressure.
fuel rail with the unused fuel dropping back into the • DO NOT start the engine.
reservoir of the primary fuel tank module. The primary
fuel tank module contains a reverse flow check valve. 1. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump relay ON with a
The check valve and the fuel pressure regulator maintain scan tool. You should hear the fuel pump turn ON
fuel pressure in the fuel feed pipe and the fuel rail in and OFF for 3-5 seconds.
order to prevent long cranking times. ➢ If the fuel pump does not operate, refer to “Fuel
The primary fuel tank module also contains a primary jet Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis”.
pump and a secondary jet pump. Fuel pump flow loss,
2. Ignition OFF, all accessories OFF, install the J 37287
caused by vapor expulsion in the pump inlet chamber, is
and J 34730-1A. Refer to “Fuel Pressure Gage
diverted to the primary jet pump and the secondary jet
Installation and Removal”.
pump through a restrictive orifice located on the pump
cover. The primary jet pump fills the reservoir of the 3. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump relay ON with a
primary fuel tank module. The secondary jet pump scan tool. Verify the fuel pressure is between 380-
creates a venturi action which causes the fuel to be 410 kPa (55-60 psi) and remains steady for 5
drawn from the secondary side of the fuel tank, through minutes.
the fuel transfer pipe, to the primary side of the fuel tank. 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions of the
customers concern while monitoring fuel related
Diagnostic Aids parameters with a scan tool.
• A vehicle that runs out of fuel above empty may ➢ If the scan tool parameters do not indicate a lean
indicate a condition with the siphon jet pump, or condition, refer to “Symptoms - Engine Controls: ”.
transfer lines between the fuel tanks. Inspect for
blockage, foreign objects or restrictions in all related
Fuel System: 1G-25

Circuit/System Testing 4. Remove the J 37287 and J 34730-1A. Refer to “Fuel

1. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump relay ON with a Pressure Gage Installation and Removal”.
scan tool and observe the fuel pressure while the 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions of the
fuel pump is operating. Verify the fuel pressure is customer concern while monitoring fuel related
between 380-410 kPa (55-60 psi). parameters with a scan tool.
➢ If the fuel pressure is more than the specified ➢ If the scan tool parameters indicate a lean
range, replace the fuel pump. condition, test/inspect for the following:
➢ If the fuel pressure is less than the specified range, – Restricted fuel feed pipe
remove the fuel tank and test/inspect for the – Restricted fuel filter
following: – Restricted siphon jet pump
– Restricted fuel feed pipe – Restricted transfer lines between fuel tanks
– Restricted or plugged fuel filter – Faulty fuel pressure regulator
– Restricted or plugged strainer – Poor connections at the harness connectors and
– Stuck or binding fuel level float ground circuits of the fuel pump
– Restricted siphon jet pump ➢ If all components test normal and the scan tool
– Restricted transfer lines between fuel tanks parameters indicate a lean condition, replace the
– Faulty fuel pressure regulator fuel pump.
– Poor connections at the harness connectors and
ground circuits of the fuel pump
Repair Instructions

Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
➢ If you find a condition, repair as necessary. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
➢ If all components test normal, replace the fuel procedure.
pump. • “Primary Fuel Tank Module Replacement”
NOTE • “Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement”
The fuel pressure may vary slightly when the
fuel pump stops operating. After the fuel Fuel Injector Solenoid Coil Test
pump stops operating, the fuel pressure Diagnostic Instructions
should stabilize and remain constant. • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
2. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease more
than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 minute.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
➢ If the fuel pressure decreases more than the
of the diagnostic approach.
specified value, perform the following procedure:
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
a. Ignition OFF, relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
“Fuel Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel
each diagnostic category.
Pressure Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.
b. Install the J 37287 between the fuel feed pipe
Circuit/System Description
and the fuel rail.
The control module enables the appropriate fuel injector
c. Open the valve on the J 37287. pulse for each cylinder. The ignition voltage is supplied
d. Bleed the air from the fuel pressure gage. directly to the fuel injectors. The control module controls
e. Close the valve on the J 37287. each fuel injector by grounding the control circuit via a
solid state device called a driver. A fuel injector coil
f. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease
winding resistance that is too high or too low will affect
more than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 minute.
the engine driveability. A fuel injector control circuit DTC
➢ If the fuel pressure remains constant, replace the may not set, but a misfire may be apparent. The fuel
fuel pump. injector coil windings are affected by temperature. The
➢ If the fuel pressure drops, locate and replace the resistance of the fuel injector coil windings will increase
leaking fuel injector. as the temperature of the fuel injector increases.
3. Relieve the fuel pressure to 69 kPa (10 psi). Verify
that the fuel pressure does not decrease more than
14 kPa (2 psi) in 5 minutes.
➢ If the fuel pressure decreases more than the
specified value, replace the fuel pump.
1G-26 Fuel System:

Diagnostic Aids Component Testing

• Monitoring the misfire current counters, or misfire Verify the resistance of each fuel injector with one of the
graph, may help to isolate the fuel injector that is following methods:
causing the condition. • If the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
• Operating the vehicle over a wide temperature range between 10-32°C (50-90°F), the resistance of each
may help isolate the fuel injector that is causing the fuel injector should be 11-14 ohms.
condition. ➢ If the resistance of any fuel injector is not 11-14
• Perform the fuel injector coil test within the conditions ohms, replace the fuel injector.
of the customers concern. A fuel injector condition • If the ECT sensor is not between 10-32°C (50-90°F),
may only be apparent at a certain temperature, or measure and record the resistance of each fuel
under certain conditions. injector with a DMM. Subtract the lowest resistance
• If the condition is intermittent, move the related value from the highest resistance value. The
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating, difference between the lowest value and the highest
while monitoring the circuit status for the component value should be equal to or less than 3 ohms.
with a scan tool. The circuit status parameter changes ➢ If the difference is equal to or less than 3 ohms,
from OK or Indeterminate to Fault if there is a refer to “Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special
condition with the circuit or a connection. Tool” or “Fuel Injector Balance Test with Tech 2” for
further diagnosis of the fuel injectors.
Reference Information ➢ If the difference is more than 3 ohms, add all of the
Schematic Reference fuel injector resistance values to obtain a total

“Engine Controls Schematics: ” resistance value. Divide the total resistance value
Electrical Information Reference by the number of fuel injectors to obtain an average
• “Circuit Testing: ” resistance value. Subtract the lowest, and the
• “Connector Repairs: ” highest, individual fuel injector resistance values
from the average resistance value. Replace the fuel
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor injector that displays the greatest resistance
Connections: ” difference above or below the average.
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
“Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool”

Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

Diagnostic Fault Information

Fuel Injector Balance Test Example

Cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 6
360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52
First Reading
psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Second 195 kPa (28 138 kPa (20 195 kPa (28 195 kPa (28 235 kPa (34 195 kPa (28
Reading psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Amount Of 166 kPa (24 222 kPa (32 166 kPa (24 166 kPa (24 125 kPa (18 166 kPa (24
Drop psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Fuel Injector - Faulty Injector -
Range: 156-
Injector OK Too Much Injector OK Injector OK Too Little Injector OK
176 kPa (22.5-
Pressure Drop Pressure Drop
25.5 psi)
Fuel System: 1G-27

Circuit/System Description 4. Monitor the fuel pressure gage for 1 minute. Verify
The scan tool is first used to energize the fuel pump that the fuel pressure does not drop more than 34
relay. The fuel injector tester is then used to pulse each kPa (5 psi).
injector for a precise amount of time, allowing a ➢ If the fuel pressure decreases more than 34 kPa (5
measured amount of fuel into the manifold. This causes psi) refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis” for further
a drop in system fuel pressure that can be recorded and diagnosis of the fuel system.
used to compare each injector.
Diagnostic Aids Do Not repeat any portion of this test before
• Monitoring the misfire current counters, or misfire running the engine in order to prevent the
graph, may help to isolate the fuel injector that is engine from flooding.
causing the condition.
• Operating the vehicle over a wide temperature range 5. Connect the J 39021, J 39021-210, and EL-39021-
may help isolate the fuel injector that is causing the 460 to the multi-way connector of the fuel injectors,
condition. with the amperage supply selector switch set to the
0.5-2.5 amp position. If the upper intake manifold
• Perform the fuel injector balance test within the
has been removed, use J 44602 in place of J 39021-
conditions of the customers concern. A fuel injector
210 and EL-39021-460, and connect directly to a
condition may only be apparent at a certain
fuel injector.
temperature, or under certain conditions.
6. Command the fuel pump relay ON with a scan tool
and record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel

Reference Information
pressure gage after the fuel pressure stabilizes. This
Connector End View Reference
is the first pressure reading.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views: ”
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views: ” NOTE
Scan Tool Reference • Repeat this step for each fuel injector in
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7): ” order to obtain a pressure drop value for
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L each fuel injector.
(LY7): ” • The fuel pressure may rise after the fuel
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L injector stops pulsing. Record the fuel
(LY7): ” pressure value immediately after the fuel
Special Tools Required injector stops pulsing. DO NOT record the
• J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage higher fuel pressure value.
• J 39021 Fuel Injector Coil and Balance Tester 7. Energize a fuel injector by depressing the Push to
• J 39021-210 Injector Selector Switch Box Start Test button on the fuel injector tester. Record
• EL-39021-460 Fuel Injector Test Adapter the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel pressure gage
after the fuel injector has stopped pulsing. This is the
• J 44602 Injector Test Adapter
second pressure reading.
Component Testing 8. Add all of the individual pressure drop values in
order to calculate the total pressure drop. Divide the
Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool total pressure drop by the number of fuel injectors in
1. Ignition ON, with a scan tool verify that the engine order to calculate the average pressure drop. The
coolant temperature (ECT) is less than 94°C difference between any individual pressure drop and
(201°F). the average pressure drop should not be more than
➢ If the ECT is greater than 94°C (201°F) allow the 20 kPa (3 psi).
engine to cool before proceeding. ➢ If the difference between any individual pressure
2. Ignition OFF, install the fuel pressure gage. Refer to drop and the average pressure drop is more than
“Fuel Pressure Gage Installation and Removal”. 20 kPa (3 psi), replace the fuel injector.
3. Ignition ON, verify the fuel pressure is within 380-410
kPa (55-60 psi). Repair Instructions
➢ If the fuel pressure is not within the specified range Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis” for further Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
diagnosis of the fuel system. procedure.
“Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement”
1G-28 Fuel System:

Fuel Injector Balance Test with Tech 2

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

Diagnostic Fault Information

Fuel Injector Balance Test Example

Cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 6
360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52 360 kPa (52
First Reading
psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Second 195 kPa (28 138 kPa (20 195 kPa (28 195 kPa (28 235 kPa (34 195 kPa (28
Reading psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Amount Of 166 kPa (24 222 kPa (32 166 kPa (24 166 kPa (24 125 kPa (18 166 kPa (24
Drop psi) psi) psi) psi) psi) psi)
Fuel Injector - Faulty Injector -
Range: 156-
Injector OK Too Much Injector OK Injector OK Too Little Injector OK
176 kPa (22.5-
Pressure Drop Pressure Drop

25.5 psi)

Circuit/System Description Component Testing

The scan tool first energizes the fuel pump and then the Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool
injectors for a precise amount of time allowing a
1. Ignition ON, with a scan tool verify that the engine
measured amount of fuel into the manifold. This causes
coolant temperature (ECT) is less than 94°C
a drop in system fuel pressure that can be recorded and
used to compare each injector.
➢ If the ECT is greater than 94°C (201°F) allow the
Diagnostic Aids engine to cool before proceeding.
2. Ignition OFF, install the fuel pressure gage. Refer to
• Monitoring the misfire current counters, or misfire
“Fuel Pressure Gage Installation and Removal”.
graph, may help to isolate the fuel injector that is
causing the condition. 3. Ignition ON, verify the fuel pressure is within 380-410
kPa (55-60 psi).
• Operating the vehicle over a wide temperature range
may help isolate the fuel injector that is causing the ➢ If the fuel pressure is not within the specified range
condition. refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis” for further
diagnosis of the fuel system.
• Perform the fuel injector balance test within the
conditions of the customers concern. A fuel injector 4. Monitor the fuel pressure gage for 1 minute. Verify
condition may only be apparent at a certain that the fuel pressure does not drop more than 34
temperature, or under certain conditions. kPa (5 psi).
➢ If the fuel pressure decreases more than 34 kPa (5
Reference Information psi) refer to “Fuel System Diagnosis” for further
Connector End View Reference diagnosis of the fuel system.
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views: ” ! CAUTION
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views: ”
Scan Tool Reference Do Not repeat any portion of this test before
running the engine in order to prevent the
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7): ” engine from flooding.
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7): ”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7): ”
Special Tools Required
J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage
Fuel System: 1G-29

5. With a scan tool, select the Fuel Injector Balance Fuel Tank Leak Test
Test function, within the Special Functions menu. Diagnostic Instructions
Select a fuel injector to be tested and press Enter in
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
order to prime the fuel system. Record the fuel
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
pressure indicated by the fuel pressure gage after
the fuel pressure stabilizes. This is the 1st pressure
reading. • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
NOTE • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
• Repeat this step for each fuel injector in Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
order to obtain a pressure drop value for each diagnostic category.
each fuel injector.
• The fuel pressure may rise after the fuel Circuit/System Description
injector stops pulsing. Record the fuel The fuel tank leak test is used to locate any fuel or fuel
pressure value immediately after the fuel vapor escaping the fuel tank area. Fuel vapors escaping
injector stops pulsing. DO NOT record the above the fuel level will be detected when the
higher fuel pressure value. evaporative emission (EVAP) leak diagnostic completes
one test cycle. The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) will
6. Energize the fuel injector by depressing the Pulse illuminate after the EVAP leak diagnostic completes 2
Injector button on the scan tool. This will energize test cycles for a large leak or up to 8 test cycles for a
the fuel injector and decrease the fuel pressure. small leak, only when a condition is detected.

Record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel
pressure gage after the fuel injector has stopped Diagnostic Aids
pulsing. This is the 2nd pressure reading. • Operate the vehicle under the condition of the
7. Press Enter to return to the Select Injector screen. customer concern. Under high temperature conditions
8. Add all of the individual pressure drop values in fuel vapors may increase to the point of EVAP
order to calculate the total pressure drop. Divide the canister vapor saturation. Fuel vapors would then be
total pressure drop by the number of fuel injectors in released into the atmosphere. Once the engine is
order to calculate the average pressure drop. The running and the EVAP purge is enabled, all fuel vapor
difference between any individual pressure drop and release would be eliminated.
the average pressure drop should not be more than • Movement of the EVAP pipes or the fuel pipes may
20 kPa (3 psi). help find an intermittent condition.
➢ If the difference between any individual pressure • If the fuel level is low, a liquid fuel leak may not be
drop and the average pressure drop is more than evident.
20 kPa (3 psi), replace the fuel injector.
Reference Information
Repair Instructions Special Tools Required
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • J 41413-200 Evaporative Emissions System Tester
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic (EEST)
• GE-41415-50 Interrupted Thread Cap Adapter
“Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement”
1G-30 Fuel System:

Circuit/System Verification Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis

(w/o Special Tool)
Diagnostic Instructions
Place a dry chemical (Class B) fire • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
extinguisher near the area before performing Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
a Fuel Tank Leak Check. Before removing the procedure.
fuel tank for a suspected leak, make sure that
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
the fuel pipes or the tubes are not leaking
of the diagnostic approach.
onto the tank. Once removed, make sure that
the fuel is not leaking around the fuel sender • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
O-ring. Failure to follow these precautions Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
may result in personal injury. each diagnostic category.

1. Verify that the fuel tank and the fuel pipes are not Description
damage or leaking. Water contamination in the fuel system may cause
driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling, no
➢ If you located a condition, repair as necessary.
start, or misfires in one or more cylinders. Water may
2. Ignition ON, command the fuel pump relay ON with a collect near a single fuel injector at the lowest point in
scan tool. Verify that the fuel pipes are not leaking. the fuel rail, and cause a misfire in that cylinder. If the
➢ If you located a condition, repair as necessary. fuel system is contaminated with water, inspect the fuel
system components for rust, or deterioration.

Alcohol concentrations more than 10 percent in the fuel
Refer to the J 41413-200 Evaporative can be detrimental to fuel system components. Alcohol
Emissions System Tester (EEST) operation contamination may cause fuel system corrosion,
manual for detailed instructions. deterioration of rubber components, and subsequent fuel
filter restriction. Fuel contaminated with alcohol may
3. Ignition OFF, install the J 41413-200 and the GE- cause driveability conditions such as hesitation, lack of
41415-50 to the fuel filler pipe. power, stalling, or no start. Some types of alcohol are
4. Command the EVAP vent solenoid closed with a more detrimental to fuel system components than
scan tool. others.
5. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve to Nitrogen and verify
that there is no liquid fuel leak while the system is Alcohol in Fuel Testing Procedure
under pressure. The fuel sample should be drawn from the bottom of the
➢ If a leak is located, repair as necessary. tank so that any water present in the tank will be
detected. The sample should be bright and clear. If
NOTE alcohol contamination is suspected then use the
It may be necessary to partially lower the fuel following procedure to test the fuel quality.
tank. 1. Using a 100 ml (3.38 oz) specified cylinder with 1 ml
(0.34 oz) graduation marks, fill the cylinder with fuel
6. Using the J 41413-200 introduce smoke into the to the 90 ml (3.04 oz) mark.
EVAP system. Verify that there are no vapor leaks in 2. Add 10 ml (0.34 oz) of water in order to bring the
any of the following locations: total fluid volume to 100 ml (3.38 oz) and install a
– The fuel tank, the fill limiter vent valve, the stopper.
pressure relief valve, and the grade vent valves 3. Shake the cylinder vigorously for 10-15 seconds.
– The fuel sender housing, the fuel sender seal, the 4. Carefully loosen the stopper in order to release the
fuel pipe, and the EVAP pipes pressure.
– The fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor seal 5. Re-install the stopper and shake the cylinder
– The fuel fill pipe and hose vigorously again for 10-15 seconds.
➢ If a leak is observed, repair as necessary. 6. Put the cylinder on a level surface for approximately
5 minutes in order to allow adequate liquid
Fuel System: 1G-31

If alcohol is present in the fuel, the volume of the lower Particulate Contaminants in Fuel Testing
layer, that now contains both alcohol and water, will be Procedure
more than 10 ml (0.37 oz). For example, if the volume of The fuel sample should be drawn from the bottom of the
the lower layer is increased to 15 ml (0.51 oz), this tank so that any contaminants present in the tank will be
indicates at least 5 percent alcohol in the fuel. The actual detected. The sample should be bright and clear. If the
amount of alcohol may be somewhat more because this sample appears cloudy or contaminated with water as
procedure does not extract all of the alcohol from the indicated by a water layer at the bottom of the sample,
fuel. use the following procedure to diagnose the fuel.
1. Using an approved fuel container, draw
approximately 0.5 liter (0.53 qt) of fuel.
2. Place the cylinder on a level surface for
approximately 5 minutes in order to allow settling of
the particulate contamination.
Particulate contamination will show up in various shapes
and colors. Sand will typically be identified by a white or
light brown crystals. Rubber will appear as black and
irregular particles. If particles are found, clean the entire
fuel system thoroughly. Refer to “Fuel System Cleaning”.

Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis (w/ Special Tool)

Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

Water contamination in the fuel system may cause driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling, no start, or
misfires in one or more cylinders. Water may collect near a single fuel injector at the lowest point in the fuel injection
system, and cause a misfire in that cylinder. If the fuel system is contaminated with water, inspect the fuel system
components for rust or deterioration.
Ethanol concentrations of greater than 10 percent can cause driveability conditions and fuel system deterioration. Fuel
with more than 10 percent ethanol could result in driveability conditions such as hesitation, lack of power, stalling, or
no start. Excessive concentrations of ethanol used in vehicles not designed for it may cause fuel system corrosion,
deterioration of rubber components, and fuel filter restriction.

Test Procedure
1. Test the fuel composition using J 44175 Fuel Composition Tester and J44175-3 Instruction Manual.
2. If water appears in the fuel sample clean the fuel system, refer to “Fuel System Cleaning”.
3. Subtract 50 from the reading on the DMM in order to obtain the percentage of alcohol in the fuel sample. Refer to
the examples in the Fuel Composition Test Examples table.
4. If the fuel sample contains more than 15 percent ethanol, add fresh, regular gasoline to the vehicle's fuel tank.
5. Test the fuel composition.
6. If testing shows the ethanol percentage is still more than 15 percent, replace the fuel in the vehicle. Refer to “Fuel
Tank Draining”.

Fuel Composition Test Examples

— Frequency (Hz) Subtract 50 Ethanol Percent
Example A 50 Hz -50 0
Example B 65 Hz -50 15
Example C 129 Hz -50 79
1G-32 Fuel System:

Repair Instructions
Fuel Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A) 3. Remove the fuel rail service port cap.
Special tool ! WARNING
J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage
Wrap a shop towel around the fuel pressure
! WARNING connection in order to reduce the risk of fire
and personal injury. The towel will absorb
Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution: any fuel leakage that occurs during the
”. connection of the fuel pressure gage. Place
the towel in an approved container when the
! WARNING connection of the fuel pressure gage is
Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the fuel
system pressure before servicing the fuel 4. Wrap a shop towel around the fuel rail service port.
system in order to reduce the risk of personal
injury. After you relieve the fuel system 5. Connect the J 34730-1A to the fuel rail service port.
pressure, a small amount of fuel may be 6. Place the hose on the J 34730-1A into an approved
released when servicing the fuel lines, the gasoline container.
fuel injection pump, or the connections. In 7. Open the valve on the J 34730-1A in order to bleed
order to reduce the risk of personal injury, any fuel from the fuel rail.

cover the fuel system components with a 8. Close the valve on the J 34730-1A.
shop towel before disconnection. This will
catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the 9. Remove the hose on the J 34730-1A from the
towel in an approved container when the approved gasoline container.
disconnection is complete. ! CAUTION
Clean all of the following areas before
performing any disconnections in order to
avoid possible contamination in the system:
• The fuel pipe connections
• The hose connections
• The areas surrounding the connections

If relieving the fuel pressure for the fuel
pressure gage installation and removal, it is
NOT necessary to proceed with the following

10. Disconnect the J 34730-1A from the fuel rail service

11. Remove the shop towel from around the fuel rail
service port, and place in an approved gasoline
1. Remove the engine cover, if required. container.
2. Loosen the fuel fill cap in order to relieve the fuel 12. Install the fuel rail service port cap.
tank vapor pressure. 13. Install the engine cover, if required.
14. Tighten the fuel fill cap.
Fuel System: 1G-33

Fuel Pressure Relief (Without J 34730-1A) Fuel Pressure Gage Installation and
Special tool
Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution: J 34730-1A Fuel Pressure Gage
Installation Procedure
Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the fuel
system pressure before servicing the fuel Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:
system in order to reduce the risk of personal ”.
injury. After you relieve the fuel system
pressure, a small amount of fuel may be ! WARNING
released when servicing the fuel lines, the
fuel injection pump, or the connections. In Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the fuel
order to reduce the risk of personal injury, system pressure before servicing the fuel
cover the fuel system components with a system in order to reduce the risk of personal
shop towel before disconnection. This will injury. After you relieve the fuel system
catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the pressure, a small amount of fuel may be
towel in an approved container when the released when servicing the fuel lines, the
disconnection is complete. fuel injection pump, or the connections. In

order to reduce the risk of personal injury,
1. Loosen the fuel fill cap in order to relieve the fuel cover the fuel system components with a
tank vapor pressure. shop towel before disconnection. This will
catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the
2. Remove the engine cover, if required.
towel in an approved container when the
3. Remove the fuel rail service port cap. disconnection is complete.
4. Wrap a shop towel around the fuel rail service port
and using a small flat bladed tool, depress (open)
the fuel rail test port valve.
5. Remove the shop towel from around the fuel rail
service port, and place in an approved gasoline
6. Install the fuel rail service port cap.
7. Install the engine cover, if required.
8. Tighten the fuel fill cap.

1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to “Fuel

Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.
2. Remove the shop towel from around the fuel rail
service port, and place in an approved gasoline
3. Perform any tests and/or diagnostics as needed. For
the proper usage of the J 34730-1A, refer to the
manufacture's directions.
1G-34 Fuel System:

Removal Procedure 2. Disconnect the J 34730-1A from the fuel rail service
3. Install the fuel rail service port cap.
4. Tighten the fuel fill cap.

Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service

Special tool
J 37088-A Fuel Line Disconnect Tool Set

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:

1. Relieve the fuel system pressure, if required.

Perform the following steps:

Wrap a shop towel around the fuel pressure
connection in order to reduce the risk of fire
and personal injury. The towel will absorb
any fuel leakage that occurs during the
connection of the fuel pressure gage. Place
the towel in an approved container when the
connection of the fuel pressure gage is

a. Wrap a shop towel around the fuel rail service

b. Place the hose on the J 34730-1A into an 1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to the “Fuel
approved gasoline container. Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
c. Open the valve on the J 34730-1A in order to Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.
bleed any fuel from the fuel rail. 2. Remove the fuel feed line quick connect fitting
d. Close the valve on the J 34730-1A. retainer.
e. Remove the hose on the J 34730-1A from the
approved gasoline container.
f. Remove the shop towel from around the fuel rail
service port, and place in an approved gasoline

Clean all of the following areas before
performing any disconnections in order to
avoid possible contamination in the system:
• The fuel pipe connections
• The hose connections
• The areas surrounding the connections
Fuel System: 1G-35

Refer to “Fuel and Evaporative Emission Refer to “Relieving Fuel Pressure Caution”.

Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning Notice: ”.
5. Pull the connection apart.
! WARNING 6. Use a clean shop towel in order to wipe off the male
pipe end.
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.
7. Inspect both ends of the fitting for dirt and burrs.
Clean or replace the components as required.
3. Blow dirt out of the fitting using compressed air.
Installation Procedure

4. Choose the correct tool from the J 37088-A for the

size of the fitting. Insert the tool into the female
connector, then push inward in order to release the ! WARNING
locking tabs.
Refer to “Fuel Pipe Fitting Caution”.

1. Apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male

pipe end.
1G-36 Fuel System:

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:

2. Push both sides of the fitting together in order to

snap the retaining tabs into place.

There are several types of plastic collar fuel
and evaporative emission quick connect
fittings used on this vehicle.
• Bartholomew (1)
• Q Release (2)
• Squeeze to Release (3)
• Sliding Retainer (4)
The following instructions apply to all of
these types of plastic collar quick connect
fittings except where indicated.
3. Once installed, pull on both sides of the fitting in
order to make sure the connection is secure. 1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to the “Fuel
Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.

4. Install the retainer to the quick-connect fitting.

Fuel System: 1G-37

4. This step applies to Q Release style connectors

! WARNING ONLY. Release the fitting by Pushing the tab toward
Refer to “Fuel and Evaporative Emission the other side of the slot in the fitting.

Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning Notice: ”.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Using compressed air, blow any dirt out of the quick-

connect fitting.

5. This step applies to Squeeze to Release style

connectors ONLY. Squeeze where indicated by
arrows on both sides of the plastic ring surrounding
the quick connect fitting.

3. This step applies to Bartholomew style connectors

ONLY. Squeeze the plastic quick connect fitting
release tabs.
1G-38 Fuel System:

Installation Procedure

6. This step applies to Sliding Retainer style connectors

ONLY. Release the fitting by pressing on one side of
the release tab causing it to push in slightly. If the tab ! WARNING

doesn't move try pressing the tab in from the Refer to “Fuel Pipe Fitting Caution”.
opposite side. The tab will only move in one direction
1. Apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male
connection end.

Refer to “Relieving Fuel Pressure Caution”. 2. Push both sides of the quick-connect fitting together
in order to cause the retaining feature to snap into
7. Pull the connection apart. place.
Fuel System: 1G-39

3. Once installed, pull on both sides of the quick- 1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
connect fitting in order to make sure the connection “Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
is secure. Connection: ”.

2. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3)
Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement from the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick
Removal Procedure Connect Fitting Service”.
3. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP) pipe
! WARNING quick connect fitting (3) from the EVAP purge
solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Do not allow smoking or the use of open
Fitting Service”.
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is 4. Cap the fuel and EVAP lines in order to prevent
being done on the fuel system, disconnect system contamination.
the negative battery cable, except for those
tests where battery voltage is required.

Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:
” in Cautions and Notices.

Whenever fuel lines are removed, catch fuel
in an approved container. Container opening
must be a minimum of 300 mm (12 in)
diameter to adequately catch the fluid.

Fuel/Vapor lines cannot be spliced or
repaired. The line must be replaced (if 5. Disconnect the rear brake line fittings from the brake
damaged) with the same type of line. pressure module.
6. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
7. Remove the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative
Emission Canister Replacement: ”.
1G-40 Fuel System:

8. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (2) 11. Disconnect the right rear brake line fitting from the
from the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick rear brake hose.
Connect Fitting Service”.

9. Cap the fuel and EVAP lines in order to prevent
system contamination.

12. Remove the push pin (1) from the underbody side
rail hole.
13. With the aid of an assistant, release the fuel/EVAP/
10. Disconnect the left rear brake line fitting from the brake pipe clips (2) from the underbody studs.
brake crossover pipe. 14. Place the fuel/EVAP/brake pipe assembly on a clean
work surface.
Fuel System: 1G-41

15. Remove the fuel feed pipe from the fuel/EVAP/brake 2. With the aid of an assistant, position and install the
pipe assembly clips. fuel/EVAP/brake pipe clips (2) to the underbody

Installation Procedure 3. Install the push pin (1) to the underbody side rail

1. Install the fuel feed pipe to the fuel/EVAP/brake pipe

assembly clips.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Connect the right rear brake line fitting to the rear

brake hose.
Tightening torque
Tighten the fitting to 18 N⋅m (13 lb ft).
1G-42 Fuel System:

5. Connect the left rear brake line fitting to the brake 10. Connect the rear brake line fittings to the brake
crossover pipe. pressure module.
Tightening torque Tightening torque

Tighten the fitting to 18 N⋅m (13 lb ft). Tighten the fitting to 21 N⋅m (16 lb ft).

6. Remove the caps from the fuel and EVAP lines. 11. Remove the caps from the fuel and EVAP lines.
7. Connect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (2) to 12. Connect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3) to
the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service”. Fitting Service”.
8. Install the EVAP canister. Refer to “Evaporative 13. Connect the EVAP pipe quick connect fitting (3) to
Emission Canister Replacement: ”. the EVAP purge solenoid. Refer to “Plastic Collar
9. Lower the vehicle. Quick Connect Fitting Service”.
14. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
15. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to
“Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure): ”
“Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual): ”.
Fuel System: 1G-43

16. Prime the fuel system.

a. Cycle the ignition ON for 5 seconds and then
OFF for 10 seconds. Repeat cycling twice.
b. Crank the engine until it starts. The maximum
starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds.
c. If the engine does not start, repeat the above
17. Run the engine and check the system for leaks.

Fuel Injector and Fuel Rail Replacement

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Caution:

4. Remove the fuel rail bolts.


• Remove the fuel rail assembly carefully in
order to prevent damage to the injector
electrical connector terminals and the
injector spray tips. Support the fuel rail
after the fuel rail is removed in order to
avoid damaging the fuel rail components.
• Cap the fittings and plug the holes when
servicing the fuel system in order to
prevent dirt and other contaminants from
entering open pipes and passages.

5. Remove the fuel rail with fuel injectors from the lower
intake manifold.

1. Remove the upper intake manifold. Refer to “Upper

Intake Manifold Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3)
from the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service”.

Refer to “Safety Glasses and Compressed
Air Caution: ”.

3. Use compressed air in order to remove any debris

from the around the area where the fuel injectors
enter the lower intake manifold.

6. Disengage the fuel injector electrical connector lock.

1G-44 Fuel System:

Installation Procedure

7. Disconnect the fuel injector electrical connector.

1. Install NEW fuel injector seals.
2. Install the fuel injector.

8. Remove the fuel injector retainer clip.

3. Install the fuel injector retainer clip.

9. Remove the fuel injector.

10. Remove and discard the fuel injector seals.
Fuel System: 1G-45

4. Install the fuel injector electrical connector. Fuel Tank Draining

5. Engage the fuel injector electrical connector lock.
Special tool
J 34730-262 Fuel Pressure/Test Gage Adapter
J 42960-2 Fuel Flapper Door Holder
J 45004 Fuel Tank Drain Hose
For any operation requiring removal of the fuel tank,
there should be no more than 11.4 L (3 gal) of fuel
remaining. This minimizes the weight of the fuel tank and
eases handling. The fuel level can be determined by
reading the fuel level gage. A reading below 1/4 full
indicates that no more than 11.4 L (3 gal) are remaining.

Using The Fuel Pump

Do not allow smoking or the use of open
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is
being done on the fuel system, disconnect
6. Install the fuel rail with fuel injectors to the lower the negative battery cable, except for those

intake manifold. tests where battery voltage is required.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
Never drain or store fuel in an open container
7. Install the fuel rail bolts. due to the possibility of fire or explosion.
Tightening torque
Using the fuel pump to drain the tank is the easiest
Tighten the bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
procedure if the pump is operable. The fuel can be
pumped out with the vehicle on the ground or on the

On The Ground
Fuel supply lines will remain pressurized for
long periods of time after the engine is
shutdown. This pressure must be relieved
before servicing the fuel system.

1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to “Fuel

Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.

Whenever fuel line fittings are loosened or
8. Connect the fuel feed pipe quick connect fitting (3) to removed, wrap a shop cloth around the fitting
the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick Connect and have an approved container available to
Fitting Service”. collect any fuel.
9. Install the upper intake manifold. Refer to “Upper
Intake Manifold Replacement: ”.
1G-46 Fuel System:

2. Disconnect the fuel feed line quick connect fitting at

the fuel rail. Refer to “Metal Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service”.
3. Install the 3/8 x 1/4 in quick connect fitting from the J
34730-262 into the fuel feed line.
4. Connect a suitable drain hose to the other end of the
adapter and connect the drain hose into a certified
fuel handling cart.
5. Connect a scan tool to the vehicle and turn the
ignition ON.
6. Energize the fuel pump using the scan tool. Refer to
“Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis”.
7. Pump out the fuel until no more than 1/4 tank

On The Hoist
Fuel supply lines will remain pressurized for
long periods of time after the engine is Whenever fuel line fittings are loosened or

shutdown. This pressure must be relieved removed, wrap a shop cloth around the fitting
before servicing the fuel system. and have an approved container available to
collect any fuel.
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle diagnostic
connector and turn the ignition ON. 4. Disconnect the chassis fuel feed line quick connect
2. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to “Fuel fitting at the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure Connect Fitting Service”.
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”. 5. Install the 3/8 x 1/4 in quick connect fitting adapter
(1) from the J 34730-262 onto the fuel feed line.
! WARNING 6. Connect a suitable drain hose to the other end of the
Ensure that the vehicle is properly supported adapter, and connect the drain hose to a certified
and squarely positioned. To help avoid fuel handling cart.
personal injury when a vehicle is on a hoist, 7. Energize the fuel pump using the scan tool. Refer to
provide additional support for the vehicle on “Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit Diagnosis”.
the opposite end from which the components 8. Pump out the fuel until no more than 1/4 tank
are being removed. remains.

3. Raise the vehicle on a hoist to a comfortable working Siphoning The Fuel Tank
height, keeping the scan tool outside of the vehicle
and accessible from under the car. ! WARNING
Do not allow smoking or the use of open
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is
being done on the fuel system, disconnect
the negative battery cable, except for those
tests where battery voltage is required.

If the fuel pump is inoperative, the tank can be drained

by siphoning from the tank. A suitable means is through
the fuel fill pipe with the correct type and stiffness of
tubing as used with the J 45004.
Fuel System: 1G-47

3. Insert the J 42960-2 into the fuel fill pipe.

Do not allow smoking or the use of open
flames in the area where work on the fuel or The siphon hose will reach the bottom of the
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is tank, on the primary side only, within about
being done on the fuel system, disconnect 25.4 cm (10 in) of the end fitting and tag.
the negative battery cable, except for those When connecting the siphon hose to another
tests where battery voltage is required. length of hose connected to the fuel drain
tanker, DO NOT insert the siphon hose into
the fill pipe funnel past the tag at the fitting
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
end. If inserted too far, the upper portion of
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
the siphon hose may pass through the check
Connection: ”.
valve cage and then jam on attempted
2. Open the fuel fill door and remove the gas cap. removal.

4. Insert the J 45004 into the guide funnel and into the
fuel fill pipe. Some resistance may be encountered
when the tip of the siphon hose reaches the inlet
check valve. Repeated probing may be necessary to
slide the hose tip through the check valve cage.


Whenever fuel lines are removed, catch fuel
in an approved container. Container opening
must be a minimum of 300 mm (12 in)
diameter to adequately catch the fluid.

The fuel flow rate from the siphon hose will
range from 1.1 L/min (0.3 gal/min) up to 3.8 L/
min (1 gal/min), depending on whether it is
gravity siphoned or with an air-powered
! CAUTION pump.
Do not attempt to insert any other type of
siphon hose or tube into the fuel filler pipe. 5. Begin the fuel siphoning process. Place the fuel into
The design of the inlet check valve at the end an approved fuel container.
of the fuel filler tube restricts the insertion of 6. Remove the siphon hose and the fuel flapper door
a hose and, most importantly, prevents the holder from the fuel fill pipe after draining is
removal of this hose. See Fuel Inlet Check complete.
Valve in this section. If the siphon hose
becomes stuck in the check valve, the fuel
filler pipe will not be able to be removed from
the fuel tank without damage to the fill pipe
or fuel tank.
1G-48 Fuel System:

Filler Tube Replacement

Removal Procedure
Replacement fuel filler tube hoses do not
come equipped with hose clamps. Obtain
replacement hose clamps prior to beginning
this service procedure.

Do not allow smoking or the use of open
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is
being done on the fuel system, disconnect
the negative battery cable, except for those
tests where battery voltage is required.

1. Ensure that the fuel level in the tank is less than 1/4 8. Remove the fuel fill tube bracket bolts (2).
full. If necessary, drain the fuel tank to at least this
level. Refer to “Fuel Tank Draining”.

2. Remove the fuel fill cap.
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
4. Remove the right rear wheel and tire. Refer to “Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation: ”.
5. Remove the right rear wheelhouse inner liner. Refer
to “Rear Wheelhouse Liner Panel Replacement: ”.

9. Remove the fuel fill tube (1) from the vehicle.

6. Loosen the fuel fill tube hose clamp.

7. Disconnect the fuel fill tube, the fuel fill vent tube,
and the fresh air hose from the fuel tank.

10. Remove the closeout grommet.

Fuel System: 1G-49

11. Separate the fuel tank fill vent hose from the fuel fill 2. Install the closeout grommet.

Installation Procedure

3. Position the fuel fill tube (1) to the vehicle.

1. Attach the fuel tank fill vent hose to the fuel fill tube.
1G-50 Fuel System:

6. Position the fill tube-to-fuel tank connecting hose and

hose clamp.
Tightening torque
Tighten the clamp to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
7. Connect the fuel fill vent tube and fresh air hose.
8. Install the inner wheelhouse liner. Refer to “Rear
Wheelhouse Liner Panel Replacement: ”.
9. Install the wheel and tire. Refer to “Tire and Wheel
Removal and Installation: ”.
10. Lower the vehicle from the hoist.
11. Install the fuel fill cap.
12. Perform the Service Bay Diagnostic Test for the
EVAP emission system using the scan tool. This test
will verify the integrity of the vapor handling areas of
the fuel system.
13. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
4. Position the fuel fill tube to the closeout grommet (1). Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.

Fuel Tank Replacement (FWD)

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. Removal Procedure
5. Install the fuel fill tube bracket bolts (2). ! WARNING
Tightening torque Do not allow smoking or the use of open
Tighten the bolt to 12 N⋅m (106 lb in). flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is
being done on the fuel system, disconnect
the negative battery cable, except for those
tests where battery voltage is required.

Fuel supply lines will remain pressurized for
long periods of time after the engine is
shutdown. This pressure must be relieved
before servicing the fuel system.

Ensure that the fuel fill tube connecting hose
is installed until it touches the fuel tank body.
The hose clamp should be located within 13
mm (1/2 in) of the end of the connecting
Fuel System: 1G-51

1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to “Fuel

Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.
2. Ensure that the fuel level in the tank is less than 1/4
full. If necessary, drain the fuel tank to at least this
level. Refer to “Fuel Tank Draining”.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection: ”.
4. Remove the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler
Replacement: ”.
5. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP)
canister fresh air hose/pipe from the fuel tank fresh
air hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service”.
6. Disconnect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe from
the EVAP canister (1). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service”.
Do not bend the fuel tank straps. Bending the

Clean all fuel pipe connections and fuel tank straps may cause damage to the
surrounding areas before disconnecting the straps.
fuel pipes to avoid contamination of the fuel
system. NOTE
Do not lower the rear frame. It is not
! WARNING necessary to lower the rear frame for fuel
Whenever fuel lines are removed, catch fuel tank removal.
in an approved container. Container opening
10. Support the fuel tank.
must be a minimum of 300 mm (12 in)
diameter to adequately catch the fluid. 11. Remove the fuel tank strap bolts and fuel tank
7. Disconnect the chassis fuel feed line quick connect 12. Lower the fuel tank from the underbody of the
fitting from the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar vehicle.
Quick Connect Fitting Service”. 13. If replacing the fuel tank, remove the fuel tank
module assemblies. Refer to “Primary Fuel Tank
Module Replacement” and “Secondary Fuel Tank
Module Replacement”.

8. Disconnect the fuel fill tube, EVAP vent hose, and

fresh air hose from the fuel tank.
9. Disconnect the fuel tank electrical connector and
remove the electrical connector retainer from the
rear frame.
1G-52 Fuel System:

Installation Procedure 6. Connect the fuel fill tube to the fuel tank.
1. If previously removed, install the fuel tank module Tightening torque
assemblies. Refer to “Primary Fuel Tank Module Tighten the clamp to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
Replacement” and “Secondary Fuel Tank Module

7. Connect the chassis fuel feed line quick connect
fitting to the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
2. Install the fuel tank heat shield and fuel tank Connect Fitting Service”.
assembly to the vehicle.
8. Connect the EVAP canister fresh air hose/pipe to the
! CAUTION fuel tank fresh air hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service”.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
9. Connect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe to the
EVAP canister (1). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
3. Install the fuel tank straps and the fuel tank strap-to-
Connect Fitting Service”.
body bolts.
10. Install the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler
Tightening torque Replacement: ”.
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline.
13. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
14. Tighten the fuel fill cap.
15. Prime the fuel system:
a. Cycle the ignition ON for 5 seconds and then
OFF for 10 seconds.
b. Repeat the previous step twice.
c. Crank the engine until it starts. The maximum
starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds.
d. If the engine does not start, repeat steps 15.1-
16. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.

4. Connect the fuel tank electrical connector and install

the electrical connector retainer to the rear frame.
5. Connect the EVAP vent, and fresh air hoses to the
fuel tank.
Fuel System: 1G-53

Fuel Tank Replacement (AWD) 5. Remove the propeller shaft. Refer to “Propeller Shaft
Removal Procedure Replacement: ”Propeller Shaft Replacement.
6. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP)
! WARNING canister fresh air hose/pipe from the fuel tank fresh
air hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Do not allow smoking or the use of open
Connect Fitting Service”.
flames in the area where work on the fuel or
EVAP system is taking place. Anytime work is 7. Disconnect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe from
being done on the fuel system, disconnect the EVAP canister (1). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
the negative battery cable, except for those Connect Fitting Service”.
tests where battery voltage is required.
Clean all fuel pipe connections and
surrounding areas before disconnecting the
Fuel supply lines will remain pressurized for fuel pipes to avoid contamination of the fuel
long periods of time after the engine is system.
shutdown. This pressure must be relieved
before servicing the fuel system. ! WARNING
Whenever fuel lines are removed, catch fuel
in an approved container. Container opening
must be a minimum of 300 mm (12 in)

diameter to adequately catch the fluid.

8. Disconnect the chassis fuel feed line quick connect

fitting from the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service”.

1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to “Fuel

Pressure Relief (With J 34730-1A)” “Fuel Pressure
Relief (Without J 34730-1A)”.
2. Ensure that the fuel level in the tank is less than 1/4
full. If necessary, drain the fuel tank to at least this
level. Refer to “Fuel Tank Draining”.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and 9. Disconnect the fuel fill tube, EVAP vent hose, and
Connection: ”. fresh air hose from the fuel tank.
4. Remove the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler 10. Disconnect the fuel tank electrical connector and
Replacement: ”. remove the electrical connector retainer from the
rear frame.
1G-54 Fuel System:

2. Install the fuel tank heat shield and fuel tank

assembly to the vehicle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ” in Cautions and

3. Install the fuel tank straps and the fuel tank strap-to-
body bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).

Do not bend the fuel tank straps. Bending the

fuel tank straps may cause damage to the

11. Support the fuel tank.

12. Remove the fuel tank strap bolts and fuel tank
13. Lower the fuel tank and heat shield from the
underbody of the vehicle.
14. If replacing the fuel tank, remove the fuel tank 4. Connect the fuel tank electrical connector and install
module assemblies. Refer to “Primary Fuel Tank the electrical connector retainer to the rear frame.
Module Replacement” and “Secondary Fuel Tank 5. Connect the EVAP vent, and fresh air hoses to the
Module Replacement”. fuel tank.
6. Connect the fuel fill tube to the fuel tank.
Installation Procedure
1. If previously removed, install the fuel tank module Tightening torque
assemblies. Refer to “Primary Fuel Tank Module Tighten the clamp to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
Replacement” and “Secondary Fuel Tank Module
Fuel System: 1G-55

Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement

Removal Procedure

7. Connect the chassis fuel feed line quick connect

fitting to the fuel tank. Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service”. 1. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank

8. Connect the EVAP canister fresh air hose/pipe to the Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement
fuel tank fresh air hose/pipe (2). Refer to “Plastic (AWD)”.
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service”. 2. Disconnect the fuel pump module harness electrical
9. Connect the EVAP canister vent hose/pipe to the connector from the fuel tank pressure sensor.
EVAP canister (1). Refer to “Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service”.
10. Install the propeller shaft. Refer to “Propeller Shaft
Replacement: ”Propeller Shaft Replacement.
11. Install the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler
Replacement: ”.
12. Lower the vehicle.
13. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline.
14. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
15. Tighten the fuel fill cap.
16. Prime the fuel system:
a. Cycle the ignition ON for 5 seconds and then
OFF for 10 seconds.
b. Repeat the previous step twice.
c. Crank the engine until it starts. The maximum
starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds. 3. Position 2 flat-bladed screwdrivers, one on each side
d. If the engine does not start, repeat steps 16.1- of the sensor, near the vacuum port.
16.3. 4. Carefully use the screwdrivers to lift and release the
17. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel sensor from the fuel pump module.
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
1G-56 Fuel System:

Installation Procedure Primary Fuel Tank Module Replacement

Special tool
J 45722 Fuel Sender Lock Ring Wrench

Removal Procedure
NEW fuel tank module seals are necessary
each time the fuel tank module is serviced.
Obtain NEW seals for both the primary and
secondary modules prior to beginning this
service procedure.

Whenever fuel line fittings are loosened or
removed, wrap a shop cloth around the fitting
and have an approved container available to
collect any fuel.
1. Install the fuel tank pressure sensor to the fuel pump
module assembly. Ensure that the sensor grommet

is fully seated to the pump module.
Clean all fuel pipe and hose connections and
surrounding areas before disassembling to
avoid possible contamination of the fuel
system. Spray the fuel pump module cam-
lock ring tang with penetrating oil prior to
attempting removal.

1. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank

Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement

2. Connect the pump module electrical connector to the

fuel tank pressure sensor.
3. Install the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank
Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement

2. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the

primary fuel pump module (1) and fuel tank pressure
Fuel System: 1G-57

5. Remove the primary fuel pump module assembly.

Always replace the fuel pump module-to-tank
seal, O-ring, when the fuel pump module is

6. Discard the fuel pump module-to-tank seal.

7. If the fuel level sending unit is being replaced,
remove the fuel level sender. Refer to “Primary Fuel
Level Sensor Replacement”.

Avoid damaging the lock ring. Use only J-

45722 to prevent damage to the lock ring.

Do Not handle the fuel sender assembly by
the fuel pipes. The amount of leverage
generated by handling the fuel pipes could
damage the joints.

Do NOT use impact tools. Significant force • Some lock ring were manufactured with
will be required to release the lock ring. The DO NOT REUSE stamped into them. These
use of a hammer and screwdriver is not lock rings may be reused if they are not
recommended. Secure the fuel tank in order damaged or warped.
to prevent fuel tank rotation. • Inspect the lock ring for damage due to
improper removal or installation
3. Use the J 45722 and a long breaker-bar in order to procedures. If damage is found, install a
unlock the fuel sender lock ring. Turn the fuel sender NEW lock ring.
lock ring in a counterclockwise direction.
• Check the lock ring for flatness.
4. Disconnect the fuel feed and vent lines from the fuel
tank. 8. Place the lock ring on a flat surface. Measure the
clearance between to lock ring and the flat surface
using a feeler gage at 7 points.
To prevent bending of the sending unit float 9. If the warpage is less than 0.41 mm (0.016 in), the
arm during removal, lift the pump module up lock ring does not require replacement.
slightly to disengage the orientation tabs in
10. If the warpage is greater than 0.41 mm (0.016 in),
the tank and rotate the module 45 degrees.
the lock ring must be replaced.
1G-58 Fuel System:

Installation Procedure 4. Connect the wiring harness to the primary fuel pump
module and fuel tank pressure sensor.
5. Install the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank
Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement

Secondary Fuel Tank Module Replacement

Special tool
J39765-A Fuel Sender Lock Ring Tool

Removal Procedure
A NEW fuel tank module seal is necessary
each time the fuel tank module is serviced.
Obtain a NEW seal prior to beginning this
service procedure.

1. If the fuel level sending unit is being replaced, install ! WARNING

the fuel level sending unit onto the new fuel pump.

Refer to “Primary Fuel Level Sensor Replacement”. Whenever fuel line fittings are loosened or
removed, wrap a shop cloth around the fitting
2. Insert the new primary fuel pump module assembly and have an approved container available to
(1) with the level sender and the new fuel pump-to- collect any fuel.
tank seal. Ensure the orientation tabs are aligned.
Clean all fuel pipe and hose connections and
surrounding areas before disassembling to
avoid possible contamination of the fuel
system. Spray the fuel pump module cam-
lock ring tang with penetrating oil prior to
attempting removal.

1. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank

Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement
2. Disconnect the EVAP vent line quick connect. Refer
to “Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service”.

Always replace the fuel sender seal when
installing the fuel sender assembly. Replace
the lock ring if necessary. Do not apply any
type of lubrication in the seal groove.
Ensure the lock ring is installed with the
correct side facing upward. A correctly
installed lock ring will only turn in a
clockwise direction.

3. Use the J 45722 in order to install the fuel sender

lock ring. Turn the fuel sender lock ring in a
clockwise direction.
Fuel System: 1G-59

! CAUTION Installation Procedure

To prevent retainer damage, do not attempt to 1. If the fuel level sending unit is being replaced, install
remove the retainer with a 12 in. or shorter the fuel level sending unit into the new fuel pump.
ratchet/breaker bar. Refer to “Fuel Level Sensor Replacement -
3. Use the J39765-A and remove the secondary fuel
pump module (2) retaining ring.

2. Connect the suction port (1).

4. Disconnect the secondary level sensor electrical

5. Disconnect the suction port attaching tube by
pressing down on the tab (1).

To prevent bending of the sending unit float
arm during removal, lift the pump module up
slightly to disengage the orientation tabs in
the tank and rotate the module 45 degrees.

6. Remove the secondary fuel pump module.

Always replace the fuel pump module-to-tank
seal, O-ring, when the fuel pump module is
3. Insert the new secondary fuel pump module (2) with
7. Discard the fuel pump module-to-tank seal. the level sender and new fuel pump-to-tank seal.
Ensure the orientation tabs are aligned.
8. If the fuel level sending unit is being replaced as
well, remove the fuel level sender. Refer to “Fuel 4. Use the J39765-A to install the fuel pump lock ring.
Level Sensor Replacement - Secondary”. 5. Connect the EVAP line quick connect. Refer to
“Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service”.
6. Install the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank
Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement
1G-60 Fuel System:

Primary Fuel Level Sensor Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure
NEW fuel tank module seals are necessary
each time the fuel tank module is serviced.
Obtain NEW seals for both the primary and
secondary modules prior to beginning this
service procedure.

1. Install the fuel level sender unit and float onto the
fuel pump module. Make sure that the sender cap

snaps into place (1, 2).
2. Connect the fuel level sender unit and float electrical
3. Install the fuel pump module. Refer to “Primary Fuel
Tank Module Replacement”.

Fuel Level Sensor Replacement -

There are 2 fuel level sender unit and float Removal Procedure
assemblies in the fuel tank. There is 1 located
on each fuel pump module. The fuel level NOTE
sender unit and float is NOT the same for A NEW fuel tank module seal is necessary
each of the fuel pump modules. each time the fuel tank module is serviced.
Obtain a NEW seal prior to beginning this
1. Remove the fuel pump module. Refer to “Primary
service procedure.
Fuel Tank Module Replacement”.
2. Disconnect the fuel level sender unit and float
electrical connector from the underside of the top of
the pump module.
3. Release the retaining tabs (1, 2) and remove the
level sensor by sliding up.
Fuel System: 1G-61

NOTE Fuel Tank Filler Vent Hose Replacement

There are 2 fuel level sender unit and float Removal Procedure
assemblies in the fuel tank. There is 1 located
on each fuel pump module. The fuel level
sender unit and float is NOT the same for
each of the fuel pump modules.

1. Remove the fuel pump module. Refer to “Secondary

Fuel Tank Module Replacement”.
2. Disconnect the fuel level sender unit and the float
electrical connector.
3. Release the retaining tabs and remove the level
sensor by sliding up.

Installation Procedure

1. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank

Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement
2. Remove the fuel tank fill vent line from the retaining
feature built into the tank.
3. Remove the fuel tank fill vent line from the fuel tank

Installation Procedure

1. Install the fuel level sender unit and float onto the
fuel pump module. Make sure that the sender cap
snaps into place.
2. Connect the fuel level sender unit and the float
electrical connector.
3. Install the fuel pump module into the fuel tank. Refer
to “Secondary Fuel Tank Module Replacement”.

1. Install the fuel tank fill vent line to the fuel tank clips.
2. Install the fuel tank fill vent line to the retaining
feature built into the tank.
3. Install the fuel tank. Refer to “Fuel Tank
Replacement (FWD)” “Fuel Tank Replacement
1G-62 Fuel System:

Fuel System Cleaning NOTE

When flushing the fuel tank, handle the fuel
and water mixture as a hazardous material.
Only use oil free compressed air to blow out Handle the fuel and water in accordance with
fuel pipes. If the fuel filter is plugged, the fuel all applicable local, state, and federal laws
tank should be inspected internally and and regulations.
cleaned if necessary.
4. Flush the fuel tank with hot water.
1. Remove the fuel tank module. Refer to “Primary Fuel 5. Pour the water out of the fuel sender assembly
Tank Module Replacement”. opening in the fuel tank. Rock the fuel tank in order
2. Inspect the fuel sender strainer. Replace a to be sure that the removal of the water from the fuel
contaminated strainer and inspect the fuel pump. tank is complete.
3. Inspect the fuel pump inlet for dirt and debris. 6. Install the fuel tank module. Refer to “Primary Fuel
Replace the fuel pump if you find dirt or debris in the Tank Module Replacement”.
fuel pump inlet.

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)

Metric English
Fuel Rail Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)

Metric English
Fuel Fill Tube Clamp 5 N⋅m 44 lb in
Fuel Fill Tube Bracket Bolt 12 N⋅m 106 lb in
Fuel Rail Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Fuel Tank Strap Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Rear Brake Line to Rear Brake Hose Fitting 18 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Rear Brake Line Fitting to Brake Pressure Module 21 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Rear Drive Module Propeller Shaft Guard Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Fuel System: 1G-63

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7) Illustration Tool Number/Description
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 37088-A
Fuel Line Disconnect Tool
EL 39021-460 Set
Fuel Injector Test Adapter

J 37287
GE 41415-50 Fuel Line Shut-Off

Interrupted Thread Fuel Adapters
Tank Cap Adapter

J 39021
Fuel Injector Coil and
J 34730-1A Balance Test
Fuel Pressure Gage

J 39021-210
J 34730-262 Injector Selector Switch
Fuel Pressure Test Gage Box
1G-64 Fuel System:

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 39765-A
J 44602
Fuel Sender Lock Ring
Injector Test Adapter

J 41413-200
J 45004
Evaporative Emission
Fuel Tank Drain Hose
System Tester (EEST)

J 45722
J 42960-02
Fuel Sender Lock Ring
Fuel Flapper Door Holder

J 43244
Relay Puller Pliers

J 44175
Fuel Composition Tester
Ignition System: 1H-1

Ignition System
General Description
Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
The electronic ignition (EI) system produces and This engine uses 4 camshaft position (CMP) sensors,
controls a high-energy secondary spark. This spark is one for each camshaft. The CMP sensor signals are a
used to ignite the compressed air/fuel mixture at digital ON/OFF pulse, output 4 times per revolution of
precisely the correct time. This provides optimal the camshaft. The CMP sensor does not directly affect
performance, fuel economy, and control of exhaust the operation of the ignition system. The CMP sensor
emissions. This ignition system uses an individual coil information is used by the engine control module (ECM)
for each cylinder. The ignition coils are mounted in the to determine the position of the 4 camshafts relative to
center of each camshaft cover with short integrated the crankshaft position. By monitoring the CMP and
boots connecting the coils to the spark plugs. The driver crankshaft position (CKP) signals the ECM can
modules within each ignition coil are commanded ON/ accurately time the operation of the fuel injectors. The
OFF by the engine control module (ECM). The ECM ECM supplies the CMP sensor with a 5-volt reference
primarily uses engine speed, the MAF sensor signal, and circuit and a low reference circuit. The CMP sensor
position information from the crankshaft position (CKP) signals are an input to the ECM. These signals are also
and the camshaft position (CMP) sensors. This controls used to detect camshaft alignment with the crankshaft.
the sequence, dwell, and timing of the spark. The EI
system consists of the following components: Ignition Coils

Each ignition coil contains a solid state driver module as
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor its primary element. The engine control module (ECM)
The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor works in signals the coil driver to initiate a firing event by applying
conjunction with a 58 tooth reluctor wheel on the ignition control (IC) circuit voltage for the appropriate
crankshaft. The engine control module (ECM) monitors time, or dwell. When the voltage is removed the coil fires
the voltage frequency on the CKP sensor signal circuit. the spark plug. The ignition coils use the following
As each reluctor wheel tooth rotates past the sensor, the circuits:
sensor creates a digital ON/OFF pulse. This digital • An ignition voltage supply circuit
signal is processed by the ECM. The reluctor wheel • An IC circuit
teeth are 6 degrees apart. Having only 58 teeth leaves a
12 degree span that is uncut. This creates a signature • Two ground circuits
pattern that enables the ECM to determine the CKP. The
ECM uses the signal to determine which pair of cylinders Engine Control Module (ECM)
is approaching top dead center based on the CKP signal The engine control module (ECM) controls all ignition
alone. The camshaft position (CMP) sensor signals are system functions, and constantly corrects the spark
used in order to determine which of these 2 cylinders is timing. The ECM monitors information from various
on a firing stroke, and which is on the exhaust stroke. sensor inputs that include the following components:
The ECM uses this to properly synchronize the ignition • The throttle position (TP) sensor
system, the fuel injectors, and the knock control. This • The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
sensor is also used in order to detect misfire. The CKP
• The mass air flow (MAF) sensor
sensor uses the following circuits:
• The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
• A 5-volt reference circuit
• The vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
• A signal circuit
• The transmission gear position or range information
• A low reference circuit
• The engine knock sensors (KS)
• Ambient pressure sensor (BARO)
1H-2 Ignition System:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Electronic Ignition (EI) System Diagnosis Special Tools Required
Diagnostic Instructions • J 26792 Spark Tester
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle • J 43244 Relay Puller Pliers
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. Circuit/System Testing
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Do not perform this diagnostic procedure if
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of you were not sent here from a misfire DTC or
each diagnostic category. the Engine Cranks but Does Not Run
Circuit/System Description 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector of
The ignition system on this engine uses individual the ignition coil.
ignition coils and ignition control (IC) circuits for each
2. Ignition ON, load test for battery voltage between the
cylinder. Ignition voltage is supplied to each bank of
ignition voltage circuit terminal D and ground.
ignition coils. The engine control module (ECM) controls
the ignition system operation. The ECM controls each ➢ If less than B+, test the ignition voltage circuit for a
coil using the IC circuits. The ECM commands the IC short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the

circuit low when a spark event is requested. The circuit tests normal and the ignition circuit fuse is
sequencing and timing are controlled by the ECM. open, test all the components connected to the
ignition voltage circuit and replace as necessary.
Diagnostic Aids 3. Crank or start the engine. Test for 200-400 mV
• The ignition coils for each bank are fused separately. between the appropriate IC circuit terminal C and
If a fuse opens or the ignition voltage circuit opens ground.
between the fuse and the splice, all the ignition coils ➢ If less than the specified value, test the IC circuit for
for one bank of the engine would be inoperative. If the a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the
ground circuit opens at the engine block, the ignition circuit/connection tests normal, replace the ECM.
coils would be inoperative for one bank of the engine. ➢ If greater than the specified value, test the IC circuit
• Inspect the ignition coils for aftermarket devices. An for a short to voltage. If the circuit/connection tests
aftermarket device connected to the ignition coil normal, replace the ECM.
circuits, may cause a condition with the ignition coils. 4. Ignition OFF, test for 5 ohms or less between the low
reference circuit terminal B and the ECM housing.
Reference Information ➢ If greater than the specified value, test for an open/
Schematic Reference high resistance in the low reference circuit. If the
“Engine Controls Schematics: ” circuit/connection tests normal, replace the ECM.
Connector End View Reference 5. Test for 5 ohms or less between the ground circuit
• “Engine Control Module Connector End Views: ” terminal A and ground.
• “Engine Controls Connector End Views: ” ➢ If greater than the specified value, repair the open,
Description and Operation or high resistance in the ground circuit.
“Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description” 6. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
Electrical Information Reference ignition coil.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ” Repair Instructions
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Connections: ” Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• “Wiring Repairs: ” procedure.
Scan Tool Reference • “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 1”
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7): ” • “Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 2”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7): ”
• “Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7): ”
Ignition System: 1H-3

Repair Instructions
Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 1 Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure

1. Install the ignition coil(s).
1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
connector(s) (1) from the ignition coil(s).
2. Install the ignition coil bolt(s).
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt(s) to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the ignition coil bolt(s).

4. Remove the ignition coil(s).

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector(s) (1) to the ignition coil(s).
4. Install the fuel injector sight shield. Refer to “Fuel
Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
1H-4 Ignition System:

Ignition Coil Replacement - Bank 2 Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Install the ignition coil(s).

1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air

Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
connector(s) (5) from the ignition coil(s).
2. Install the ignition coil bolt(s).
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolt(s) to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

3. Remove the ignition coil bolt(s).

4. Remove the ignition coil(s).

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector(s) (5) to the ignition coil(s).
4. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to “Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement: ”.
Ignition System: 1H-5

Spark Plug Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the ignition coil(s). Refer to “Ignition Coil

Replacement - Bank 1” and/or “Ignition Coil Use only the spark plugs specified for use in
Replacement - Bank 2”. the vehicle. Do not install spark plugs that
are either hotter or colder than those
! WARNING specified for the vehicle. Installing spark
plugs of another type can severely damage
Refer to “Safety Glasses and Compressed the engine.
Air Caution: ”.
Check the gap of all new and reconditioned
Clean the spark plug recess area before spark plugs before installation. The pre-set
removing the spark plug. Failure to do so gaps may have changed during handling.
could result in engine damage because of Use a round feeler gage to ensure an
dirt or foreign material entering the cylinder accurate check. Installing the spark plugs
head, or by the contamination of the cylinder with the wrong gap can cause poor engine
head threads. The contaminated threads may performance and may even damage the
prevent the proper seating of the new plug. engine.
Use a thread chaser to clean the threads of
any contamination. 1. Ensure that the spark plug gap is equivalent to the
spark plug gap specification. Refer to “Ignition
2. Use compressed air in order to remove debris from System Specifications”.
the spark plug cavity.
Be sure that the spark plug threads smoothly
Allow the engine to cool before removing the into the cylinder head and the spark plug is
spark plugs. Attempting to remove the spark fully seated. Use a thread chaser, if
plugs from a hot engine may cause the plug necessary, to clean threads in the cylinder
threads to seize, causing damage to cylinder head. Cross-threading or failing to fully seat
head threads. the spark plug can cause overheating of the
plug, exhaust blow-by, or thread damage.
3. Remove the spark plug.
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1H-6 Ignition System:

2. Install the spark plug.

Tightening torque
Tighten the spark plug to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
3. Install the ignition coil(s). Refer to “Ignition Coil
Replacement - Bank 1” and/or “Ignition Coil
Replacement - Bank 2”.

Spark Plug Inspection

Spark Plug Usage
• Ensure that the correct spark plug is installed. An
incorrect spark plug causes driveability conditions.
Refer to “Ignition System Specifications” for the
correct spark plug.
• Ensure that the spark plug has the correct heat range.
An incorrect heat range causes the following
– Spark plug fouling—Colder plug • Inspect the insulator (2) for flashover or carbon
– Pre-ignition causing spark plug and/or engine tracking, soot. This is caused by the electrical charge
damage—Hotter plug traveling across the insulator (2) between the terminal

post (1) and ground. Inspect for the following
Spark Plug Inspection conditions:
– Inspect the spark plug boot for damage.
– Inspect the spark plug recess area of the cylinder
head for moisture, such as oil, coolant, or water. A
spark plug boot that is saturated causes arcing to

• Inspect the terminal post (1) for damage.

– Inspect for a bent or broken terminal post (1).
– Test for a loose terminal post (1) by twisting and
pulling the post. The terminal post (1) should NOT
• Inspect the insulator (2) for cracks. All or part of the
electrical charge may arc through the crack instead of
the electrodes (3, 4).
Ignition System: 1H-7

Spark Plug Visual Inspection

• Normal operation—Brown to grayish-tan with small
amounts of white powdery deposits are normal
combustion by-products from fuels with additives.
• Carbon fouled—Dry, fluffy, black carbon or soot
caused by the following conditions:
– Rich fuel mixtures
– Leaking fuel injectors
– Excessive fuel pressure
– Restricted air filter element
– Incorrect combustion
– Reduced ignition system voltage output
– Weak coils
– Worn ignition wires
– Incorrect spark plug gap
– Excessive idling or slow speeds under light loads
• Inspect for evidence of improper arcing.
can keep spark plug temperatures so low that
– Measure the gap between the center electrode (4) normal combustion deposits may not burn off.
and the side electrode (3) terminals. Refer to

• Deposit fouling—Oil, coolant, or additives that include
“Ignition System Specifications”. An excessively
substances such as silicone, very white coating,
wide electrode gap can prevent correct spark plug
reduces the spark intensity. Most powdery deposits
will not effect spark intensity unless they form into a
– Inspect for the correct spark plug torque. Refer to glazing over the electrode.
“Ignition System Specifications”. Insufficient torque
can prevent correct spark plug operation. An over
torqued spark plug, causes the insulator (2) to
– Inspect for signs of tracking that occurred near the
insulator tip instead of the center electrode (4).
– Inspect for a broken or worn side electrode (3).
– Inspect for a broken, worn, or loose center
electrode (4) by shaking the spark plug.
– A rattling sound indicates internal damage.
– A loose center electrode (4) reduces the spark
– Inspect for bridged electrodes (3, 4). Deposits on
the electrodes (3, 4) reduce or eliminates the gap.
– Inspect for worn or missing platinum pads on the
electrodes (3, 4), if equipped.
– Inspect for excessive fouling.
• Inspect the spark plug recess area of the cylinder
head for debris. Dirty or damaged threads can cause
the spark plug not to seat correctly during installation.
1H-8 Ignition System:

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Ignition Coil Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Rear Drive Module Propeller Shaft Guard Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Spark Plug 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft

Ignition System Specifications

Metric English
Firing Order 1-2-3-4-5-6
Spark Plug Gap (non-adjustable) 1.10 mm 0.044 in
Spark Plug Torque 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Spark Plug Type AC 41-990

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Controls - 3.6L (LY7)
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 26792
HEI Spark Tester

J 43244
Relay Puller Pliers
Starting System: 1I-1

Starting System
General Description
Starting System Description and Operation
The starter motors are non-repairable starter motors. They have pole pieces that are arranged around the armature.
Both solenoid windings are energized. The pull-in winding circuit is completed to the ground through the starter motor.
The windings work together magnetically to pull and hold in the plunger. The plunger moves the shift lever. This action
causes the starter drive assembly to rotate on the armature shaft spline as it engages with the flywheel ring gear on
the engine. Moving at the same time, the plunger also closes the solenoid switch contacts in the starter solenoid. Full
battery voltage is applied directly to the starter motor and it cranks the engine.
As soon as the solenoid switch contacts close, current stops flowing thorough the pull-in winding because battery
voltage is applied to both ends of the windings. The hold-in winding remains energized. Its magnetic field is strong
enough to hold the plunger, shift lever, starter drive assembly, and solenoid switch contacts in place to continue
cranking the engine. When the engine starts, pinion overrun protects the armature from excessive speed until the
switch is opened.
When the ignition switch is released from the START position, the START relay opens and battery voltage is removed
from the starter solenoid S terminal. Current flows from the motor contacts through both windings to the ground at the
end of the hold-in winding. However, the direction of the current flow through the pull-in winding is now opposite the
direction of the current flow when the winding was first energized.
The magnetic fields of the pull-in and hold-in windings now oppose one another. This action of the windings, along with

the help of the return spring, causes the starter drive assembly to disengage and the solenoid switch contacts to open
simultaneously. As soon as the contacts open, the starter circuit is turned off.

Circuit Description (Key Start)

When the ignition switch is placed in the Start position, a discrete signal is supplied to the body control module (BCM)
notifying it that the ignition is in the Start position. The BCM then sends a message to the engine control module
(ECM) notifying it that CRANK has been requested. The ECM verifies that the transmission is in Park or Neutral. If it is,
the ECM then supplies 12 volts to the control circuit of the crank relay. When this occurs, battery positive voltage is
supplied through the switch side of the crank relay to the S terminal of the starter solenoid.

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Starting and Charging Schematics
1I-2 Starting System:


Starting System: 1I-3


1I-4 Starting System:

Engine Electrical Connector End Views Generator

Battery Current Sensor

Connector Part Information

Connector Part Information OEM: 12186308
OEM: 13519047 Service: 89046837
Service: — Description: 2-Way F JPT, Sealed (BK)
Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Sealed (BK) Terminal Part Information
Terminal Part Information Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8 Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A Release Tool/Test Probe: 12093647/J-35616-4A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A (PU)
Battery Current Sensor Circuit
Pin Wire Color Function
Circuit No.
Pin Wire Color Function Generator Turn On
No. 1 OG 225
Current Sensor Supply Signal
A PK 5076 Generator Field Duty
Voltage 2 GY 23
Current Sensor Low Cycle Signal
B BN 5077
Seat Position Switch
C WH 5075
Low Reference
Starting System: 1I-5

Component Location
Engine Electrical Component Views

Front of the Engine Compartment

1. Fuse Block - Underhood 3. Cooling Fan - Left
2. Battery 4. Cooling Fan - Right
1I-6 Starting System:

Bottom Front of the Engine

1. Generator 3. A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
2. Starter 4. A/C Compressor Clutch
Starting System: 1I-7

LF of the Engine Compartment

1. LF Strut Tower 3. Windshield Washer Fluid Pump
2. G103 4. Battery Current Sensor
1I-8 Starting System:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical
Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle will provide the following information:
• The identification of the control modules which command the system
• The ability of the control modules to communicate through the serial data circuit
• The identification of any stored diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and their status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and
where the procedure is located.

Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s)
The engine control module (ECM) commands the generator OFF
by removing the 5-volt reference signal from the L-terminal of the
Engine Output Controls GEN L-Terminal
voltage regulator when you select OFF. The generator will then stop
generating an output voltage.
The ECM supplies 12 volts to the starter relay control circuit when
Engine Output Controls Starter Relay Control ON is selected. When OFF is selected, 12 volts is removed from the

control circuit

Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical

Body Control Module (BCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Low at Start Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Tested Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Voltage Volts 13.03 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Voltage Volts 13.9 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Voltage High Res. Volts 12.417 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Parasitic Current Amps 0.0 Amps
Data Display/ Charging
Prev. State of Charge % 90%
Data Display/ Charging
Start Up State of Charge % 80%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge % 85%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge Low Yes/No No
Starting System: 1I-9

Digital Radio Receiver (DRR)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Engine Control Module (ECM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine OFF
Crank Request Signal Electrical/Theft Data Yes/No No
GEN F-Terminal Signal Electrical/Theft Data % 0%
GEN L-Terminal Signal Command Electrical/Theft Data ON / OFF OFF
Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK
Ignition 1 Signal Electrical/Theft Data Volts Varies
PNP Switch Electrical/Theft Data Park/Neutral/In Gear Park
Starter Relay Command Electrical/Theft Data On/Off Off
Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
Starter Relay Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK

Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value

Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Vehicle Theft Deterrent (VTD)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON
Ignition Voltage Signal Data Display Present / Not Present Present
Start Disabled Data Display Yes/No No

Sensing Diagnostic Module (SDM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Signal Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Transmission Control Module (TCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Transmission in Park
Park, Park/Reverse,
Reverse, Reverse/
Neutral, Neutral,
Neutral/Drive 4, Drive
IMS Engine Electrical Park
4, Drive 4/Drive 3, Drive
3, Drive 3/Drive 2, Drive
2, Drive 2/Drive 1, Drive
1I-10 Starting System:

Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine DTC P0615

Electrical Circuit Description
Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts. The The engine control module (ECM) supplies 12 volts to
scan tool displays the voltage as received by the the control circuit of the crank relay when start enable
Module. has been requested. The ECM monitors this circuit for
Battery Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20 conditions that are incorrect for the commanded state. If
Volts. The scan tool displays the voltage as received the ECM detects an improper circuit condition, crank
by the Module. relay DTC P0615 will set.
Crank Request Signal: The scan tool displays Yes/No.
The scan tool displays No until the ignition is placed DTC Descriptor
into the START position then Yes is displayed. This diagnostic procedure supports the following DTC:
GEN F-Terminal Signal: The scan tool displays 0- DTC P0615 Starter Relay Control Circuit
100%. The display indicates the generator F terminal
duty cycle in percent. The scan tool displays 0-5% Conditions for Running the DTC
until the engine is running, then the percentage System voltage is between 9-16 volts.
value varies depending on engine or electrical loads.
GEN L-Terminal Command: The scan tool displays 0-
Conditions for Setting the DTC
100%. The scan tool displays the percentage of the
output voltage of the generator. • The ECM detects an improper voltage level on the
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status: The scan tool displays control circuit that controls the crank relay.
Incomplete, Short Gnd / Open, Short to B+, or OK. • The condition exists for at least 2 seconds.

The scan tool displays the status of the GEN-L
Terminal circuit. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Ignition 1 Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts. • The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator
The scan tool displays the voltage as received on the lamp (MIL).
Ignition 1 circuit to the module.
Ignition Accessory Signal: The scan tool displays ON/ • The ECM will store the conditions present when the
OFF. The scan tool displays if the ignition 0 signal is DTC set as Failure Records data only.
On or OFF.
Ignition Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
Present/Not Present. The scan tool displays the • The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
status of the ignition voltage signal on the theft up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
deterrent module (TDM). • The DTC can be cleared by using the scan tool Clear
PNP Switch (If Equipped): The scan tool displays DTC Information function.
Park/Neutral or In Gear. The scan tool displays the
position of the transmission setting. Diagnostic Aids
Start Disabled: The scan tool displays YES/NO. The Ignition system DTCs set with the ignition switch in the
scan tool displays YES if the TDM has disabled the START position if the crank relay or the starter is
starting function. inoperative. When the ECM enables starter operation,
Starter Relay Command: The scan tool displays ON/ the ECM also initiates the diagnostic test routines for
OFF. The scan tool displays Off until the ignition is other DTCs. If a condition exists which prevents the
placed into the CRANK position, then it reads On. engine from cranking, the ECM will not receive signal
Starter Relay Circuit Status: The scan tool displays input from the crankshaft position (CKP) and camshaft
Incomplete, Short Gnd/Open, Short to B+, or OK. position (CMP) sensors, and the DTCs will set.
The scan tool displays the status of the STRTR Reviewing the Failure Records vehicle mileage since the
relay. diagnostic test last failed may assist in diagnosing the
Start Up State of Charge: The scan tool displays 1- condition. The information may help determine how
100%. The scan tool displays the state of charge at often the condition that set the DTC occurs.
initial key up.
Prev. State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%.
The scan tool displays the state of charge from the
previous ignition cycle.
State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The
scan tool displays the present state of charge.
State of Charge Low: The scan tool displays YES/NO.
The scan tool displays YES if the present state of
charge is low.
Starting System: 1I-11

Test Description This step tests the ground circuit of the crank relay.
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the 4.
diagnostic table. This step verifies that the ECM is providing 12 volts to
2. the control circuit of crank relay.
Listen for an audible click when the crank relay operates. 5.
Turn the ignition switch back and forth from the ON to This step tests for an open in the control circuit to the
START positions. Repeat this as necessary. crank relay.
Step Action Yes No
Schematic Reference:
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Power and Grounding Connector End Views: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 Go to Step 2
Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. Go to “Starter
2 3. Turn the ignition back and forth from the ON to START Go to Step 3 Solenoid Does Not
positions. Click”
Does the crank relay click with each command?

1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the crank relay.
3 3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
4. Test the ground circuit of the crank relay with a test lamp
that is connected to battery positive.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
1. Connect a test lamp between the crank relay control circuit
and the crank relay ground circuit of the crank relay.
4 2. Turn the ignition back and forth from the ON to START Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Does the test lamp turn ON and OFF with each command?
Test the control circuit of the crank relay for an open or a high
5 resistance. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”. Go to Step 11 Go to Step 7
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the starter relay. Refer to
“Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”
6 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the engine control module
(ECM). Refer to “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
7 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Repair the ground circuit of the crank relay. Refer to
8 “Connector Repairs: ”. Go to Step 11 —
Did you complete the repair?
Replace the crank relay.
9 Go to Step 11 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the ECM. Refer to “Control Module References: ” for
10 replacement, setup, and programming. Go to Step 11 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Review and record the scan tool Failure Records data.
2. Clear the DTCs.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Failure Records conditions
11 as noted. Go to Step 2 System OK
4. Using a scan tool, monitor the Specific DTC Information for
DTC P0615.
Does the scan tool indicate DTC P0615 failed this ignition?
1I-12 Starting System:

DTC P0616 Conditions for Setting the DTC

Circuit Description • The ECM detects an improper voltage level on the
The engine control module (ECM) supplies 12 volts for output circuit that controls the starter relay.
the starter relay when start enable has been requested. • The condition exists for at least 2 seconds.
The ECM monitors this control circuit for conditions that
are incorrect for the commanded state. If the ECM Action Taken When the DTC Sets
detects an improper circuit condition, starter relay DTC
P0616 will set. • The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator
lamp (MIL).
DTC Descriptor • The ECM will store the conditions present when the
This diagnostic procedure supports the following DTC: DTC set as Fail Records data only.
DTC P0616 Starter Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC • The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
• System voltage is between 8-16 volts. up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
• The engine is running. • The DTC can be cleared by using the scan tool Clear
DTC Information function.
Step Action Yes No
Schematic Reference:“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic

System Check -
Vehicle Diagnostic
1 Go to Step 2
Information: ” in
Vehicle DTC
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for running the Go to “Testing for
DTC. Intermittent
2 3. Using the scan tool, observe the specific DTC information Conditions and Poor Go to Step 3
for DTC P0616 until the test runs. Connections: ” in
Does the scan tool indicate that DTC P0616 has passed this Wiring Systems
ignition cycle?
Test the control circuit of the Starter relay for a short to ground.
Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ” in Wiring
3 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the engine control module
(ECM). Refer to “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
4 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ” in Wiring Systems.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the ECM. Refer to “Control Module References: ” in
Computer/Integrating Systems for replacement, setup, and
5 Go to Step 6 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Review and record the scan tool Fail Records data.
2. Use the scan tool in order to clear the DTC.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the
6 DTC as specified in the supporting text. Go to Step 2 System OK
4. Using the scan tool, observe the Specific DTC Information
for DTC P0616 until the test runs.
Does the scan tool indicate that DTC P0616 failed this
Starting System: 1I-13

DTC P0617 Conditions for Setting the DTC

Circuit Description • The ECM detects an improper voltage level on the
The engine control module (ECM) supplies 12 volts for output circuit that controls the starter relay.
the starter relay when start enable has been requested. • The condition exists for at least 2 seconds.
The ECM monitors this control circuit for conditions that
are incorrect for the commanded state. If the ECM Action Taken When the DTC Sets
detects an improper circuit condition, starter relay DTC
P0617 will set. • The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator
lamp (MIL).
DTC Descriptor • The ECM will store the conditions present when the
This diagnostic procedure supports the following DTC: DTC set as Fail Records data only.
DTC P0617 Starter Relay Control Circuit High Voltage
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC • The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
• System voltage is between 8-16 volts. up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
• The engine is running. • The DTC can be cleared by using the scan tool Clear
DTC Information function.
Step Action Yes No
Schematic Reference:“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic

System Check -
Vehicle Diagnostic
1 Go to Step 2
Information: ” in
Vehicle DTC
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the Go to “Testing for
DTC. Intermittent
2 3. Using the scan tool, observe the specific DTC information Conditions and Poor Go to Step 3
for DTC P0617 until the test runs. Connections: ” in
Does the scan tool indicate that DTC P0617 has passed this Wiring Systems
ignition cycle?
Test the control circuit of the Starter relay for a short to battery.
Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ” in Wiring
3 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the engine control module
(ECM). Refer to “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
4 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ” in Wiring Systems.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the ECM. Refer to “Control Module References: ” in
Computer/Integrating Systems for replacement, setup, and
5 Go to Step 6 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Review and record the scan tool Fail Records data.
2. Use the scan tool in order to clear the DTC.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the
6 DTC. Go to Step 2 System OK
4. Using the scan tool, observe the specific DTC information
for DTC P0617 until the test runs.
Does the scan tool indicate that DTC P0617 failed this
1I-14 Starting System:

Symptoms - Engine Electrical Visual/Physical Inspection

• Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect the
operation of the starting and charging systems. Refer
The following steps must be completed to “Checking Aftermarket Accessories: ”.
before using the symptom tables. • Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
components for obvious damage or conditions which
• Perform “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
could cause the symptom.
Diagnostic Information: ” before using the Symptom
Tables in order to verify that all of the following are
true: Intermittent
Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the cause
– There are no DTCs set.
of intermittent conditions. Refer to “Testing for
– The control modules can communicate via the Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”.
serial data link.
• Review the system descriptions and operations in Symptom List
order to familiarize yourself with the system functions. Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
Refer to one of the following system operations: following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
– “Battery Description and Operation: ” • “Starter Solenoid Does Not Click”
– “Charging System Description and Operation: ” • “Starter Solenoid Clicks, Engine Does Not Crank”
– “Electrical Power Management Description and • “Engine Cranks Slowly: ”
Operation: ” • “Charge Indicator Always On: ”

– “Starting System Description and Operation” • “Charge Indicator Inoperative: ”
• “Battery Inspection/Test: ”
• “Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test: ”
• “Battery Common Causes of Failure: ”
• “Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis”
• “Charging System Test: ”
• “Generator Noise Diagnosis: ”

Starter Solenoid Does Not Click

Step Action Yes No
Schematic Reference:“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Power and Grounding Connector End Views: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 Go to Step 2
Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”
Turn the ignition switch to the start position. Go to “Testing for
Does the engine crank? Intermittent
2 Go to Step 3
Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3 3. With a scan tool, observe the starter relay Command Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
parameter in the engine control module (ECM) data list.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the start position.
Does the scan tool display ON?
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. Go to “Diagnostic
2. Verify that the transmission is in Park or Neutral. Trouble Code (DTC)
4 3. With a scan tool, observe the PNP switch parameter in the Go to Step 6 List - Vehicle
engine control module (ECM) data list. Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display Park/Neutral? Information: ”
Turn the ignition switch to the start position.
5 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
Did the crank relay click?
Starting System: 1I-15

Step Action Yes No

1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the crank relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
6 4. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit of the Go to Step 7 Go to Step 15
crank relay coil and a good ground.
5. Turn the ignition switch to the start position.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
1. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit of the
crank relay coil and the ground circuit of the crank relay.
7 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 12
2. Turn the ignition switch to the start position.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
1. Turn ON the ignition.
2. Connect a test lamp between the battery positive voltage
8 circuit of the crank relay switch circuit and a good ground. Go to Step 9 Go to Step 17
3. Turn the ignition switch to the start position.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Ensure the parking brake is applied and the

transmission is in park equipped with an
automatic transmission or neutral on a manual
9 Go to Step 13 Go to Step 10
Connect a 30-amp fused jumper between the battery positive
voltage circuit of the crank relay switch circuit and the supply
voltage circuit of the starter solenoid.
Does the engine crank?
10 Does the fuse in the jumper open? Go to Step 18 Go to Step 11
Test the supply voltage circuit of the starter solenoid for a high
resistance or open. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring
11 Go to Step 22 Go to Step 14
Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Repair the ground circuit of the crank relay. Refer to “Wiring
12 Repairs: ”. Go to Step 22 —
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for poor connections at the crank relay. Refer to
“Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”
13 Go to Step 22 Go to Step 19
and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the starter solenoid. Refer to
“Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”
14 Go to Step 22 Go to Step 20
and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Repair an open or high resistance in the control circuit of the
15 crank relay coil. Refer to “Wiring Repairs: ”. Go to Step 22 Go to Step 16
Did you complete the repair?
Inspect for poor connections at the harness connector of the
ECM. Refer to “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
16 Go to Step 22 Go to Step 21
Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Repair the open or high resistance in the battery positive
voltage circuit of the crank relay switch. Refer to “Wiring
17 Go to Step 22 —
Repairs: ”.
Did you complete the repair?
Repair the short to ground in the supply voltage circuit of the
18 starter solenoid. Refer to “Wiring Repairs: ”. Go to Step 22 —
Did you complete the repair?
1I-16 Starting System:

Step Action Yes No

Replace the crank relay.
19 Go to Step 22 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
20 Replacement”. Go to Step 22 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the ECM. Refer to “Control Module References: ” for
21 replacement, setup, and programming. Go to Step 22 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
22 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?

Starter Solenoid Clicks, Engine Does Not Crank

Step Action Yes No
Schematic Reference:“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Master Electrical Component List: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 Go to Step 2
Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”
Turn the Ignition to the START position. Go to “Starter

2 Did the starter solenoid click? Go to Step 3 Solenoid Does Not
Inspect the engine and belt drive system for mechanical “Engine Will Not
3 binding, seized engine, or seized generator. Go to Step 4 Crank - Crankshaft
Does the engine move freely? Will Not Rotate: ”
Test the battery positive cable between the battery and the
starter solenoid for high resistance. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ”
4 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 5
and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Test the ground circuit between the battery and the starter
motor for a high resistance. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and
5 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
“Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the starter. Refer to “Testing for
Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ” and
6 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
“Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the starter. Refer to “Starter Motor Replacement”.
7 Go to Step 8 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system for which the symptom occurred.
8 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?

Engine Cranks Slowly

Inspect the following items:
• Battery—Perform the Battery Inspection/Test. Refer to “Battery Inspection/Test: ”.
• Wiring—Inspect the wiring for damage. Inspect all connections to the starter motor, the solenoid, the battery, and all
ground connections. Refer to:
– “Circuit Testing: ”
– “Wiring Repairs: ”
– “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”
– “Connector Repairs: ”
• Engine—Verify that the engine is not seized.
If the battery, the wiring, and the engine are functioning properly, and the engine continues to crank slowly, replace the
starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor Replacement”.
Starting System: 1I-17

Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis

Diagnostic Aids
Inspect the flywheel ring gear for damage or unusual wear.

Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the diagnostic table.
A starter motor that remains engaged after engine start up can be cause by a starter relay that hangs up or a low
current short to B+ on the starter solenoid crank voltage circuit. Verify the integrity of the starter solenoid crank voltage
circuit before replacing the starter motor.
Step Action Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 Go to Step 2
Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”
Start the engine. Go to “Testing for
Does the starter operate normally? Intermittent
2 Go to Step 3
Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
Start the engine while listening to the starter motor turn.
Is there a loud “whoop”, that may sound like a siren if the

3 Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
engine is revved while the starter is engaged, after the engine
starts, but while the starter is still held in the engaged position?
Do you hear a “rumble”, a “growl”, or, in some cases, a “knock”
4 as the starter is coasting down to a stop after starting the Go to Step 7 Go to Step 5
This is often diagnosed as a starter drive gear
hang-in or a weak solenoid.
5 Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
When the engine is cranked, do you hear a high-pitched whine
after the engine cranks and starts normally?
Inspect the flywheel ring gear for the following:
• Chipped gear teeth
6 • Missing gear teeth Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
• Milled teeth
Is the flywheel bent, or does it have damaged teeth?
1. Remove the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
7 2. Inspect the starter motor bushings and clutch gear. Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Does the clutch gear have chipped or milled teeth or worn
Replace the flywheel. Refer to “Engine Flywheel
8 Replacement: ”. Go to Step 10 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor
9 Replacement”. Go to Step 10 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
10 System OK Go to Step 3
Did you correct the condition?
1I-18 Starting System:

Repair Instructions
Starter Motor Replacement
Removal Procedure

6. Remove the starter bolts and starter.

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to Installation Procedure
“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection: ”.
2. Raise the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and Jacking the
Vehicle: ”.
3. Remove the front catalytic convertor. Refer to
“Catalytic Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”.
4. Remove the starter solenoid BAT terminal nut.

1. Position the starter motor in the engine block.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the starter bolts.

Tightening torque
5. Disconnect the engine harness electrical connector. Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
Starting System: 1I-19

Starter Removal
Reference: “Drive Belt Tensioner Removal: ”.

3. Connect the engine harness electrical connector to

the starter.
1. Remove the starter motor bolts.

4. Install the starter solenoid BAT terminal nut.
Tightening torque 2. Remove the starter motor.
Tighten the bolts/nuts to 13 N⋅m (115 lb in).
5. Install the front catalytic convertor. Refer to “Catalytic
Converter Replacement - Left Side: ”.
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection: ”.
1I-20 Starting System:

Starter Installation

1. Install the starter motor.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the starter motor bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the starter motor bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb
Reference: “Drive Belt Tensioner Installation: ”.
Starting System: 1I-21

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Starter Motor Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Electrical

Metric English
Starter Solenoid Positive Battery Terminal Nut 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Starter Solenoid S Terminal Nut 3 N⋅m 27 lb in
Starter-to-Engine Bolt 43 N⋅m 32 lb ft
Torque Converter Shield Bolt 8 N⋅m 71 lb in
UHFB Connector Bolt 4 N⋅m 35 lb in
Under Hood Fuse Block (UHFB) Battery Positive Terminal Nut 15 N⋅m 11 lb ft

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Electrical
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 42000
Battery Tester
1J-1 Charging System:

Charging System
Battery Disconnect Caution
Before servicing any electrical component, the ignition and start switch must be in the OFF or LOCK
position and all electrical loads must be OFF, unless instructed otherwise in these procedures. If a tool
or equipment could easily come in contact with a live exposed electrical terminal, also disconnect the
negative battery cable. Failure to follow these precautions may cause personal injury and/or damage
to the vehicle or its components.

Batteries Produce Explosive Gases Caution

Batteries produce explosive gases. Batteries contain corrosive acid. Batteries supply levels of
electrical current high enough to cause burns. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of personal injury
while working near a battery, observe the following guidelines:

• Always shield your eyes.
• Avoid leaning over the battery whenever possible.
• Do not expose the battery to open flames or sparks.
• Do not allow battery acid to contact the eyes or the skin.
– Flush any contacted areas with water immediately and thoroughly.
– Get medical help.
Charging System: 1J-2

General Description
Battery Description and Operation

Batteries produce explosive gases, contain corrosive acid, and supply levels of electrical current high
enough to cause burns. Therefore, to reduce the risk of personal injury when working near a battery:
• Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning over the battery whenever possible.
• Do not expose the battery to open flames or sparks.
• Do not allow the battery electrolyte to contact the eyes or the skin. Flush immediately and
thoroughly any contacted areas with water and get medical help.
• Follow each step of the jump starting procedure in order.
• Treat both the booster and the discharged batteries carefully when using the jumper cables.

Because of the materials used in the manufacture of automotive lead-acid batteries, dealers and
service shops that handle them are subject to various regulations issued by OSHA, EPA, DOT, and
various state or local agencies. Other regulations may also apply in other locations. Always know and
follow these regulations when handling batteries.

Batteries that are no longer wanted must be disposed of by an approved battery recycler and must never be thrown in
the trash or sent to a landfill.
Batteries that are not part of the vehicle itself, not the battery under the hood, must only be transported on public
streets for business purposes via approved hazardous material transportation procedures.
Battery storage, charging, and testing facilities in repair shops must meet various requirements for ventilation, safety
equipment, material segregation, etc.
The maintenance-free battery is standard. There are no vent plugs in the cover. The battery is completely sealed
except for 2 small vent holes in the side. These vent holes allow the small amount of gas that is produced in the
battery to escape.
The battery has 3 functions as a major source of energy:
• Engine cranking
• Voltage stabilizer
• Alternate source of energy with generator overload
1J-3 Charging System:

The battery specification label, example below, contains information about the following:
• The test ratings
• The original equipment catalog number
• The recommended replacement model number

Battery Ratings Charging System Description and
A battery may have 3 ratings: Operation
• Amp hour Electrical Power Management (EPM) Overview
• Reserve capacity The electrical power management (EPM) system is
• Cold cranking amperage designed to monitor and control the charging system and
When a battery is replaced, use a battery with similar send diagnostic messages to alert the driver of possible
ratings. Refer to the battery specification label on the problems with the battery and generator. This EPM
original battery or refer to “Battery Usage”. system primarily utilizes existing on-board computer
capability to maximize the effectiveness of the generator,
to manage the load, improve battery state-of-charge and
Amp Hour
life, and minimize the system's impact on fuel economy.
The amp hour rating of a battery is the amount of time it
The EPM system performs 3 functions:
takes a fully charged battery, being discharged at a
constant rate of 1 amperes and a constant temperature • It monitors the battery voltage and estimates the
of 27°C (80°F), to reach a terminal voltage of 10.5 volts. battery condition.
Refer to “Battery Usage” for the amp hour rating of the • It takes corrective actions by boosting idle speeds,
original equipment battery. and adjusting the regulated voltage.
• It performs diagnostics and driver notification.
Reserve Capacity The battery condition is estimated during ignition-off and
Reserve capacity is the amount of time in minutes it during ignition-on. During ignition-off the state-of-charge
takes a fully charged battery, being discharged at a (SOC) of the battery is determined by measuring the
constant rate of 25 amperes and a constant temperature open-circuit voltage. The SOC is a function of the acid
of 27°C (80°F), to reach a terminal voltage of 10.5 volts. concentration and the internal resistance of the battery,
Refer to “Battery Usage” for the reserve capacity rating and is estimated by reading the battery open circuit
of the original equipment battery. voltage when the battery has been at rest for several
Cold Cranking Amperage The SOC can be used as a diagnostic tool to tell the
The cold cranking amperage is an indication of the ability customer or the dealer the condition of the battery.
of the battery to crank the engine at cold temperatures. Throughout ignition-on, the algorithm continuously
The cold cranking amperage rating is the minimum estimates SOC based on adjusted net amp hours,
amperage the battery must maintain for 30 seconds at − battery capacity, initial SOC, and temperature.
18°C (0°F) while maintaining at least 7.2 volts. Refer to While running, the battery degree of discharge is
“Battery Usage” for the cold cranking amperage rating primarily determined by a battery current sensor, which
for this vehicle. is integrated to obtain net amp hours.
Charging System: 1J-4

In addition, the EPM function is designed to perform Engine Control Module (ECM)
regulated voltage control (RVC) to improve battery SOC, The ECM directly controls the generator field control
battery life, and fuel economy. This is accomplished by circuit input to the generator. The ECM receives control
using knowledge of the battery SOC and temperature to decisions based on messages from the BCM. It monitors
set the charging voltage to an optimum battery voltage the generators generator field duty cycle signal circuit
level for recharging without detriment to battery life. and sends the information to the BCM.
The Charging System Description and Operation is Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC)
divided into 3 sections. The first section describes the The IPC provides a means of customer notification in
charging system components and their integration into case of a failure and a voltmeter. There are 2 means of
the EPM. The second section describes charging notification, a charge indicator and a driver information
system operation. The third section describes the center (DIC) message of SERVICE BATTERY
instrument panel cluster (IPC) operation of the charge CHARGING SYSTEM.
indicator, driver information center (DIC) messages, and
voltmeter operation. Charging System Operation
The purpose of the charging system is to maintain the
Charging System Components battery charge and vehicle loads. There are 6 modes of
Generator operation and they include:
The generator is a serviceable component. If there is a • Battery Sulfation Mode
diagnosed failure of the generator it must be replaced as
• Charge Mode
an assembly. The engine drive belt drives the generator.
When the rotor is spun it induces an alternating current • Fuel Economy Mode

(AC) into the stator windings. The AC voltage is then • Headlamp Mode
sent through a series of diodes for rectification. The • Start Up Mode
rectified voltage has been converted into a direct current
• Voltage Reduction Mode
(DC) for use by the vehicles electrical system to maintain
The engine control module (ECM) controls the generator
electrical loads and the battery charge. The voltage
through the generator field control circuit. It monitors the
regulator integral to the generator controls the output of
generator performance though the generator field duty
the generator. It is not serviceable. The voltage regulator
cycle signal circuit. The ECM controls the generator
controls the amount of current provided to the rotor. If
through the generator field control circuit. The signal is a
the generator has field control circuit failure, the
5-volt pulse width modulation (PWM) signal of 128 Hz
generator defaults to an output voltage of 13.8 volts.
with a duty cycle of 0-100 percent. Normal duty cycle is
Body Control Module (BCM)
between 5-95 percent. Between 0-5 percent and 95-100
The body control module (BCM) is a GMLAN device. It
percent are for diagnostic purposes. The following table
communicates with the engine control module (ECM)
shows the commanded duty cycle and output voltage of
and the instrument panel cluster (IPC) for electrical
the generator:
power management (EPM) operation. The BCM
determines the output of the generator and sends the Generator Output
information to the ECM for control of the generator field Commanded Duty Cycle Voltage
control circuit. It monitors the generator field duty cycle 10% 11 V
signal circuit information sent from the ECM for control of 20% 11.56 V
the generator. It monitors a battery current sensor, the 30% 12.12 V
battery positive voltage circuit, and estimated battery 40% 12.68 V
temperature to determine battery state of charge (SOC). 50% 13.25 V
The BCM performs idle boost. 60% 13.81 V
Battery Current Sensor 70% 14.37 V
The battery current sensor is a serviceable component 80% 14.94 V
that is connected to the negative battery cable at the 90% 15.5 V
battery. The battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect
The generator provides a feedback signal of the
current sensor. The battery current sensor monitors the
generator voltage output through the generator field duty
battery current. It directly inputs to the BCM. It creates a
cycle signal circuit to the ECM. This information is sent
5-volt pulse width modulation (PWM) signal of 128 Hz
to the body control module (BCM). The signal is a 5-volt
with a duty cycle of 0-100 percent. Normal duty cycle is
PWM signal of 128 Hz with a duty cycle of 0-100
between 5-95 percent. Between 0-5 percent and 95-100
percent. Normal duty cycle is between 5-99 percent.
percent are for diagnostic purposes.
Between 0-5 percent and 100 percent are for diagnostic
1J-5 Charging System:

Battery Sulfation Mode Start Up Mode

The BCM will enter this mode when the interpreted When the engine is started the BCM sets a targeted
generator output voltage is less than 13.2 volts for 45 generator output voltage of 14.5 volts for 30 seconds.
minutes.When this condition exists the BCM will enter
Charge Mode for 2-3 minutes. The BCM will then Voltage Reduction Mode
determine which mode to enter depending on voltage The BCM will enter Voltage Reduction Mode when the
requirements. calculated ambient air temperature is above 0°C (32°F).
The calculated battery current is less than 1 ampere and
Charge Mode greater than −7 amperes, and the generator field duty
The BCM will enter Charge Mode when ever one of the cycle is less than 99 percent. Its targeted generator
following conditions are met. output voltage is 12.9 volts. The BCM will exit this mode
• The wipers are ON for than 3 seconds. once the criteria are met for Charge Mode.
• GMLAN (Climate Control Voltage Boost Mode
Request) is true, as sensed by the HVAC control Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Operation
head. High speed cooling fan, rear defogger and Charge Indicator Operation
HVAC high speed blower operation can cause the The instrument panel cluster (IPC) illuminates the
BCM to enter the Charge Mode. charge indicator and displays a warning message in the
driver information center (DIC) when the one or more of
• The estimated battery temperature is less than 0°C
the following occurs:
• The engine control module (ECM) detects that the
• Battery State of Charge is less than 80%.
generator output is less than 11 volts or greater than

• Vehicle Speed is greater than 145 kph (90MPH) 16 volts. The IPC receives a GMLAN message from
• Current Sensor Fault Exists the ECM requesting illumination.
• System Voltage was determined to be below 12.56 • The IPC determines that the system voltage is less
Volts than 11 volts or greater than 16 volts for more than 30
When any one of these conditions is met, the system will seconds. The IPC receives a GMLAN message from
set targeted generator output voltage to a charging the body control module (BCM) indicating there is a
voltage between 13.9V and 15.5V, depending on the system voltage range concern.
battery state of charge and estimated battery • The IPC performs the displays test at the start of each
temperature. ignition cycle. The indicator illuminates for
approximately 3 seconds.
Fuel Economy Mode • The ignition is ON, with the engine OFF.
The BCM will enter Fuel Economy Mode when the Battery Voltage
estimated battery temperature is at least 0°C (32°F) but The IPC displays the system voltage as received from
less than or equal to 80°C (176°F), the calculated battery the BCM over the GMLAN serial data circuit. If there is
current is less than 15 ampers and greater than − 8 no communication with the BCM then the display will
ampers, and the battery SOC is greater than or equal to read all dashes until communication is restored.
80%.It's targeted generator output voltage is the open SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM
circuit voltage of the battery and can be between 12.5 The BCM and the ECM will send a GMLAN message to
and 13. 1 volts. The BCM will exit this mode and enter the DIC for the SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING
Charge Mode when any of the conditions described SYSTEM message to be displayed. It is commanded ON
above are present. when a charging system DTC is a current DTC. The
message is turned OFF when the conditions for clearing
Headlamp Mode the DTC have been met.
The BCM will enter Headlamp Mode when ever the
headlamps are ON (high or low beams). Voltage will be
regulated between 13.9 and 14.5 volts
Charging System: 1J-6

Electrical Power Management Description and Operation

Electrical Power Management
The electrical power management (EPM) is used to monitor and control the charging system and alert the driver of
possible problems within the charging system. The EPM system makes the most efficient use of the generator output,
improves the battery state of charge (SOC), extends battery life.
The idle boost operation is a means of improving generator performance during a low voltage or low battery SOC
Idle boost is activated in incremental steps, idle boost 1 must be active before idle boost 2 can be active. The criteria
used by the body control module (BCM) to regulate EPM are outlined below:
Battery Temperature Battery Voltage Amp-hour
Function Action Taken
Calculation Calculation Calculation
Less Than −15°C First level Idle boost
Idle Boost 1 Start Less Than 13 V —
(5°F) requested
Battery has a net loss First level Idle boost
Idle Boost 1 Start — —
greater than 0.6 AH requested
First level Idle boost
Idle Boost 1 Start — Less Than 11 V —
Greater Than −15°C Battery has a net loss First level Idle boost
Idle Boost 1 End Greater Than 12 V
(5°F) less than 0.2 AH request cancelled
Battery has a net loss Second level Idle
Idle Boost 2 Start — —
greater than 1.6 AH boost requested

Second level Idle
Idle Boost 2 Start — Less Than 11 V —
boost requested
Second level Idle
Battery has a net loss
Idle Boost 2 End — Greater Than 12 V boost request
less than 0.8 AH
Battery has a net loss Third level Idle boost
Idle Boost 3 Start — —
of 10 AH requested
Third level Idle boost
Idle Boost 3 Start — Less Than 11 V —
Battery has a net loss Third level Idle boost
Idle Boost 3 End — Greater Than 12 V
of less than 6 AH request cancelled

Schematic and Routing Diagram

Starting and Charging Schematics
1J-7 Charging System:


Charging System: 1J-8


1J-9 Charging System:

Engine Electrical Connector End Views Generator

Battery Current Sensor

Connector Part Information

Connector Part Information OEM: 12186308
OEM: 13519047 Service: 89046837
Service: — Description: 2-Way F JPT, Sealed (BK)
Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Sealed (BK) Terminal Part Information
Terminal Part Information Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16
Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8 Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A Release Tool/Test Probe: 12093647/J-35616-4A
Release Tool/Test Probe: 15315247/J-35616-2A (PU)
Battery Current Sensor Circuit
Pin Wire Color Function
Circuit No.
Pin Wire Color Function Generator Turn On
No. 1 OG 225
Current Sensor Supply Signal
A PK 5076 Generator Field Duty
Voltage 2 GY 23
Current Sensor Low Cycle Signal
B BN 5077
Seat Position Switch
C WH 5075
Low Reference
Charging System: 1J-10

Component Location
Engine Electrical Component Views

Front of the Engine Compartment

1. Fuse Block - Underhood 3. Cooling Fan - Left
2. Battery 4. Cooling Fan - Right
1J-11 Charging System:

Bottom Front of the Engine

1. Generator 3. A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
2. Starter 4. A/C Compressor Clutch
Charging System: 1J-12

LF of the Engine Compartment

1. LF Strut Tower 3. Windshield Washer Fluid Pump
2. G103 4. Battery Current Sensor
1J-13 Charging System:

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Electrical
Begin the system diagnosis with “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”. The Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle will provide the following information:
• The identification of the control modules which command the system
• The ability of the control modules to communicate through the serial data circuit
• The identification of any stored diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and their status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle will identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and
where the procedure is located.

Scan Tool Output Controls - Engine Electrical

Scan Tool Output Additional Menu
Control Selection(s)
The engine control module (ECM) commands the generator OFF
by removing the 5-volt reference signal from the L-terminal of the
Engine Output Controls GEN L-Terminal
voltage regulator when you select OFF. The generator will then stop
generating an output voltage.
The ECM supplies 12 volts to the starter relay control circuit when
Engine Output Controls Starter Relay Control ON is selected. When OFF is selected, 12 volts is removed from the

control circuit

Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical

Body Control Module (BCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Low at Start Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Tested Yes/No No
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Open Ckt. Voltage Volts 13.03 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Battery Voltage Volts 13.9 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Batt. Voltage High Res. Volts 12.417 Volts
Data Display/ Charging
Parasitic Current Amps 0.0 Amps
Data Display/ Charging
Prev. State of Charge % 90%
Data Display/ Charging
Start Up State of Charge % 80%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge % 85%
Data Display/ Charging
State of Charge Low Yes/No No
Charging System: 1J-14

Digital Radio Receiver (DRR)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Engine Control Module (ECM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine OFF
Crank Request Signal Electrical/Theft Data Yes/No No
GEN F-Terminal Signal Electrical/Theft Data % 0%
GEN L-Terminal Signal Command Electrical/Theft Data ON / OFF OFF
Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK
Ignition 1 Signal Electrical/Theft Data Volts Varies
PNP Switch Electrical/Theft Data Park/Neutral/In Gear Park

Starter Relay Command Electrical/Theft Data On/Off Off

Incomplete/Short Gnd/
Electrical/Theft Data
Starter Relay Circuit Status Open/Short to B+/OK OK

Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Vehicle Theft Deterrent (VTD)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON
Ignition Voltage Signal Data Display Present / Not Present Present
Start Disabled Data Display Yes/No No

Sensing Diagnostic Module (SDM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Engine Running
Battery Voltage Signal Data Display Volts 13.9 Volts

Transmission Control Module (TCM)

Scan Tool Parameter Data List Units Displayed Typical Data Value
Ignition ON/Transmission in Park
Park, Park/Reverse,
Reverse, Reverse/
Neutral, Neutral,
Neutral/Drive 4, Drive
IMS Engine Electrical Park
4, Drive 4/Drive 3, Drive
3, Drive 3/Drive 2, Drive
2, Drive 2/Drive 1, Drive
1J-15 Charging System:

Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine DTC B1325

Electrical Circuit Description
Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts. The The control modules on this vehicle monitor the battery
scan tool displays the voltage as received by the voltage through the battery positive voltage circuits. This
Module. vehicle has multiple modules that will set this DTC. For
Battery Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20 more information on which modules, refer to “Diagnostic
Volts. The scan tool displays the voltage as received Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle Diagnostic
by the Module. Information: ”.
Crank Request Signal: The scan tool displays Yes/No.
The scan tool displays No until the ignition is placed DTC Descriptor
into the START position then Yes is displayed. This diagnostic procedure supports the following DTC:
GEN F-Terminal Signal: The scan tool displays 0- DTC B1325 Device Power Circuit
100%. The display indicates the generator F terminal This vehicle has DTCs which include DTC Symptoms.
duty cycle in percent. The scan tool displays 0-5% For more information on DTC Symptoms, refer to “DTC
until the engine is running, then the percentage Symptom Description - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
value varies depending on engine or electrical loads. DTC Symptom DTC Symptom Descriptor
GEN L-Terminal Command: The scan tool displays 0- 03 Voltage Below Threshold
100%. The scan tool displays the percentage of the 07 Voltage Above Threshold
output voltage of the generator.
GEN L-Terminal Circuit Status: The scan tool displays Conditions for Running the DTC
Incomplete, Short Gnd / Open, Short to B+, or OK. The voltage supplied to the control modules are in the

The scan tool displays the status of the GEN-L range of 7-26 volts.
Terminal circuit.
Ignition 1 Signal: The scan tool displays 0-20 Volts.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
The scan tool displays the voltage as received on the
Ignition 1 circuit to the module. B1325 03
Ignition Accessory Signal: The scan tool displays ON/ • The control module detects a system voltage below
OFF. The scan tool displays if the ignition 0 signal is the calibrated value usually 9 volts.
On or OFF. • The above condition is present at least 5 seconds.
Ignition Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays
B1325 07
Present/Not Present. The scan tool displays the
status of the ignition voltage signal on the theft • The control module detects a system voltage above
deterrent module (TDM). the calibrated value usually 18 volts.
PNP Switch (If Equipped): The scan tool displays • The above condition is present at least 5 seconds.
Park/Neutral or In Gear. The scan tool displays the
position of the transmission setting. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Start Disabled: The scan tool displays YES/NO. The • The control module immediately disables all outputs
scan tool displays YES if the TDM has disabled the when a out of range voltage condition has been
starting function. detected, with the exception of GMLAN and Run/
Starter Relay Command: The scan tool displays ON/ Crank relay that are disabled after a 3 minute delay.
OFF. The scan tool displays Off until the ignition is
• The setting of other DTCs is inhibited.
placed into the CRANK position, then it reads On.
Starter Relay Circuit Status: The scan tool displays
Incomplete, Short Gnd/Open, Short to B+, or OK. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The scan tool displays the status of the STRTR • A current DTC clears when the malfunction is no
relay. longer present.
Start Up State of Charge: The scan tool displays 1- • A history DTC clears when the module ignition cycle
100%. The scan tool displays the state of charge at counter reaches the reset threshold, without a repeat
initial key up. of the malfunction.
Prev. State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%.
The scan tool displays the state of charge from the
previous ignition cycle.
State of Charge: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The
scan tool displays the present state of charge.
State of Charge Low: The scan tool displays YES/NO.
The scan tool displays YES if the present state of
charge is low.
Charging System: 1J-16

Step Action Values Yes No

Schematic Reference:“Control Module References: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Go to
Vehicle? “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 — Go to Step 2
Information: ”
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. With a scan tool, observe the Battery Voltage Signal
2 parameter in the data list of the module setting the 9-18 V Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
Is the Battery Voltage Signal parameter displayed in the
specified range?
Is the DTC set as a current DTC? Go to “Testing for
3 — Go to Step 7 Conditions and
Connections: ”
1. Disconnect the harness connector of the module

setting the DTC.
4 2. Measure the voltage between the battery positive 9-18 V Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
voltage circuit at the module harness connector and
a good ground.
Is the measured value in the specified range?
Test the battery positive voltage circuit for the following:
• A short to ground
• An open Go to “Charging
5 — Go to Step 9
• A high resistance System Test”
Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Test the all of ground circuits of the module for an open
or high resistance. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and
6 — Go to Step 9 Go to Step 7
“Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the harness connector
of the affected module. Refer to “Testing for Intermittent
7 Conditions and Poor Connections: ” and “Connector — Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the affected module Refer to “Control Module
References: ” for replacement, setup, and
8 — Go to Step 9 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
9 — System OK Go to Step 2
Did you find and correct the condition?
1J-17 Charging System:

DTC B1405
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC B1405: Device Voltage Reference Output 2 Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
Battery Current Sensor Supply Voltage
B1405 B1405 — —
Battery Current Sensor Signal Circuit B1405 B1405 — —
Battery Current Sensor Low Reference
— B1405 — —

Circuit/System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect current The driver information center (DIC) displays the
sensor. The battery current sensor monitors the battery SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM warning
current. It directly inputs to the body control module message.
(BCM). It creates a 5-volt pulse width modulation (PWM)
signal of 128 Hz with a duty cycle of 0-100 percent. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Normal duty cycle is between 5-95 percent. Between 0-5 The DTC clears as current status when the battery
percent and 95-100 percent are for diagnostic purposes. sensed current returns to normal range for more than 5
Conditions for Running the DTC
• The ignition is ON. Reference Information
• The engine is running. Schematic Reference
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
The BCM detects a duty cycle of PWM input signal is
Description and Operation
less than 4 percent or more than 96 percent for more 33
“Charging System Description and Operation”
Electrical Information Reference
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Charging System: 1J-18

Circuit/System Testing Conditions for Running the DTC

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at The ignition must be ON for this code to set.
the battery current sensor.
2. Ignition OFF, test for less than 1.0 ohm of resistance Conditions for Setting the DTC
between the low reference circuit terminal B and Module battery voltage between low voltage limits 6-9
ground. volts for a minimum of 2 seconds and serial data voltage
is greater than normal low voltage 9 volts.
➢ If the greater than the specified range, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
circuit tests normal replace the BCM. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Security telltale ON.
3. Ignition ON, test for 4.8- 5.2 volts between the
battery current sensor supply voltage circuit terminal
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
A and ground.
Module battery voltage is greater than normal voltage
➢ If less than the specified range, test the supply low limit 9 volts.
voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. If the circuit test normal replace the
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
➢ If greater than specified range, test the supply “Immobilizer Schematics: ”
voltage circuit for a short to voltage. Connector End View Reference
4. Ignition ON, test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the battery “Immobilizer Connector End Views: ”
current sensor signal circuit terminal C and ground. Description and Operation

➢ If less than the specified range, test the signal “Immobilizer Description and Operation: ”
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high Electrical Information Reference
resistance. If the circuit test normal replace the • “Circuit Testing: ”
• “Connector Repairs: ”
➢ If greater than specified range, test the signal circuit
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
for a short to voltage.
Connections: ”
5. If all circuits test normal test or replace the battery
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
current sensor.
Circuit/System Testing
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic the theft deterrent module (TDM).
procedure. 2. Ignition OFF, test for less than 1.0 ohm of resistance
• “Control Module References: ” for BCM replacement, between the ground circuit terminal 3 and ground.
setup, and programming ➢ If greater than the specified range, test the ground
• “Battery Current Sensor Replacement” circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit
tests normal replace the TDM.
DTC B1424 3. Measure and record the voltage at the battery
terminals. Ignition ON, measure the voltage between
Diagnostic Instructions the ignition voltage circuit terminal 2 and ground.
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Verify that the voltage readings do not differ more
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic than 1 volt.
procedure. ➢ If greater than specified value, test the ignition
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
of the diagnostic approach. resistance. If the circuits test normal, replace the
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle TDM.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of 4. Refer to “Charging System Test”.
each diagnostic category.
Repair Instructions
DTC Descriptor Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
DTC B1424: Device 1 Voltage Low Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Circuit/System Description “Control Module References: ” for TDM replacement,
Voltage at theft deterrent module is lower than the setup, and programming
voltage being reported on the serial data line.
1J-19 Charging System:

DTC B1516
Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of each diagnostic

DTC Descriptor
DTC B1516 08: Battery Current Sensor Signal Invalid
DTC B1516 66: Battery Current Sensor Wrong Mounting Position

Diagnostic Fault Information

Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
Short to Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Voltage
Ground Resistance Performance
Battery Current Sensor Supply Voltage B1516 08 B1516 08 — —
Battery Current Sensor Signal Circuit B1516 08 B1516 08 — —
Battery Current Sensor Low Reference
— B1516 08 — —

Circuit/System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect current The charge indicator illuminates in the instrument panel
sensor. The battery current sensor monitors the battery cluster (IPC) and the SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING
current. It directly inputs to the body control module SYSTEM warning message will be displayed in the
(BCM). It creates a 5-volt pulse width modulation (PWM) driver information center (DIC) if equipped.
signal of 128 Hz with a duty cycle of 0-100 percent.
Normal duty cycle is between 5-95 percent. Between 0-5 Conditions for Clearing the DTC
percent and 95-100 percent are for diagnostic purposes. The DTC clears as current status when the battery
sensed current returns to normal range for more than 5
Conditions for Running the DTC seconds.
• The ignition is ON.
• The engine is running. Reference Information
Schematic Reference
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Connector End View Reference
B1516 08
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
The BCM detects a duty cycle of PWM input signal is
Description and Operation
less than 4 percent or more than 96 percent for more 33
“Charging System Description and Operation”
B1516 66 Electrical Information Reference
The BCM detects the battery current sensor is • “Circuit Testing: ”
improperly installed. • “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Charging System: 1J-20

Circuit/System Testing This vehicle has DTCs which include DTC symptoms.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at For more information, refer to “DTC Symptom
the battery current sensor. Description - Vehicle Diagnostic Information: ”.
2. Ignition OFF, test for less than 1.0 ohm of resistance DTC Symptom DTC Symptom Descriptor
between the low reference circuit terminal B and 03 Voltage Below Threshold
ground. 07 Voltage Above Threshold
5A Battery Voltage Plausibility Failure
➢ If the greater than the specified range, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
Conditions for Running the DTC
circuit tests normal replace the BCM.
This DTC shall run only if the BCM has power, ground,
3. Ignition ON, test for 4.8- 5.2 volts between the and the ignition is not in START mode. This DTC shall
battery current sensor supply voltage circuit terminal execute regardless of the battery voltage.
A and ground.
➢ If less than the specified range, test the supply Conditions for Setting the DTC
voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high • The battery voltage falls below 11 volts, engine speed
resistance. If the circuit test normal replace the greater than 1,100 RPM for 15 seconds.
• The battery voltage is greater 16 volts, engine speed
➢ If greater than specified range, test the supply greater than 1,100 RPM for 15 seconds.
voltage circuit for a short to voltage.
• The battery voltage differs by 2 volts on the BCM
4. Test for 4.8-5.2 volts between the battery current battery sense circuits for 10 seconds.
sensor signal circuit terminal C and ground.

➢ If less than the specified range, test the signal Action Taken When the DTC Sets
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high B1517 03
resistance. If the circuit test normal replace the The Battery indicator turns ON, the driver information
BCM. center (DIC) displays the BATTERY NOT CHARGING
➢ If greater than specified range, test the signal circuit SERVICE CHARGING SYSTEM Message.
for a short to voltage. B1517 07
5. If all circuits test normal test or replace the battery The Battery indicator turns ON, the DIC displays the
B1517 5A
Repair Instructions The Battery indicator turns ON, the DIC displays the
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle SERVICE VEHICLE SOON Message.
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
procedure. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• “Control Module References: ” for BCM replacement, • The DTC will clear current status when the fault is no
setup, and programming longer present.
• “Battery Current Sensor Replacement” • A history DTC will clear after 50 consecutive ignition
cycles if the condition for the malfunction is no longer
DTC B1517
• Use a scan tool.
Circuit Description
The body control module (BCM) has designated circuits
for monitoring vehicle system voltage. The BCM Test Description
monitors the system voltage to ensure that the voltage The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
stays within the proper range. Damage to components, diagnostic table.
and incorrect data may occur when the voltage is out of 3.
range. The BCM monitors the system voltage over an This step tests for the proper voltage at battery positive
extended length of time. If the BCM detects the system voltage sense circuits of the BCM. If voltages are not
voltage is outside an expected range for the calibrated within the proper operating range, the voltage sense
length of time, or the BCM battery sense circuits differ by circuits needs to be tested.
2 volts DTC B1517 will set. Other modules also monitor 4.
system voltage the system voltage message is sent to This step tests the ground sense circuit of the BCM.
the other modules and will default to 12.9 volts. 5.
This step tests for the proper voltage of the battery
sense circuits to the BCM. If voltage is not within the
DTC Descriptor
proper operating range, the battery positive voltage and
This diagnostic procedure supports the following DTC:
ground circuits of the BCM need to be tested.
DTC B1517 Battery Voltage
1J-21 Charging System:

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Schematic Reference:“Starting and Charging Schematics: ” or “Power Distribution Schematics: ” and “Body Control
System Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference:“Master Electrical Component List: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Go to
Vehicle? “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 — Go to Step 2
Information: ”
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. With a scan tool, observe the Battery Voltage
2 parameters in the body control module (BCM) data 2V Go to Step 5 Go to Step 3
Do any of the voltages differ more than the specified
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BCM harness connectors.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3 2V Go to Step 9 Go to Step 4

4. Measure the voltage between the battery positive
voltage circuits of the BCM and the ground circuits of
the BCM.
Do the voltages differ more than the specified value?
Measure the voltage from the battery positive voltage
4 circuits of the BCM and a good ground. 2V Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Do the voltages differ more than the specified value?
1. Turn ON the ignition.
2. Measure the voltage between the battery positive
5 voltage circuits of the BCM and the ground circuits of 10.5-15.5 V Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
the BCM.
Does the voltage measure within the specified range?
Measure the voltage between the battery positive
6 voltage circuits of BCM and a good ground. 10.5-15.5 V Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Does the voltage measure within the specified range?
Test the battery positive voltage circuits of BCM for a
high resistance or an open. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ”
7 — Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Test the ground circuits of the BCM for a high resistance
or an open. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring
8 — Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the harness connector of
the BCM. Refer to “Testing for Intermittent Conditions
9 — Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
and Poor Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the module BCM. Refer to “Control Module
10 References: ” for replacement, setup, and programming. — Go to Step 11 —
Did you complete the replacement?
1. Use the scan tool in order to clear the DTCs.
11 2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for — Go to Step 2 System OK
Running the DTC as specified in the supporting text.
Does the DTC reset?
Charging System: 1J-22

DTC B1527 Reference Information

Diagnostic Instructions Schematic Reference
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Connector End View Reference
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
Description and Operation
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview “Charging System Description and Operation”
of the diagnostic approach.
Electrical Information Reference
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
• “Circuit Testing: ”
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
each diagnostic category. • “Connector Repairs: ”
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
DTC Descriptor Connections: ”
DTC B1527: High Parasitic Load Detected • “Wiring Repairs: ”
Scan Tool Reference
Circuit/System Description • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical: ”
The body control module (BCM) monitors the state of
charge (SOC) of the electrical system. If the BCM • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
senses that the SOC at key-on is 30 percent lower than (LY7): ”
what it was when the engine was running, DTC B1527
will set. Circuit/System Verification

Ignition ON, compare the scan tool Prev. State of Charge
Conditions for Running the DTC and Start Up State of Charge parameters. The readings
The ignition must be in Accessory or Run mode for this should not differ by more than 30%.
code to set. ➢ If the readings differ by more than 30%, refer to
“Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test”.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
The SOC at key-on is 30 percent lower than when the DTC P0621
engine was running and battery drain is more than 2 Diagnostic Instructions
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Action Taken When the DTC Sets procedure.
There is no battery telltale illuminated or DIC message
displayed. • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
of the diagnostic approach.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
• The DTC will clear if the fault does not return after 50
each diagnostic category.
consecutive ignition cycles.
• The DTC will clear when run SOC is greater than or DTC Descriptor
equal to 80 percent. DTC P0621: Generator L-Terminal Circuit

Circuit/System Description
The engine control module (ECM) uses the generator
turn on signal circuit to control the load of the generator
on the engine. A high side driver in the ECM applies a
voltage to the voltage regulator. This signals the voltage
regulator to turn the field circuit ON and OFF. The ECM
monitors the state of the generator turn on signal circuit.
The ECM should detect low voltage on generator turn on
signal circuit when the ignition is ON and the engine is
OFF, or when the charging system malfunctions. With
the engine running, the ECM should detect high voltage
on the generator turn on signal circuit. The ECM
performs key ON and RUN tests to determine the status
of the generator turn on signal circuit.
1J-23 Charging System:

Conditions for Running the DTC Circuit/System Testing

Key ON Test 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
• No generator, crankshaft position (CKP) sensors, or the generator.
camshaft position (CMP) sensor DTCs are set. 2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 volt between the
• The ignition is in RUN position. generator turn on signal and ground.
• The engine is not running. ➢ If greater than the specified range, test the
generator turn on signal circuit for a short to
Run Test
voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
• No generator, CKP sensors, CMP sensor DTCs are
3. Engine Running, test for greater than 3.5 volts
between the generator turn on signal and ground.
• The engine is running.
➢ If less than the specified range, test the generator
turn on signal circuit for a short to ground, or an
Conditions for Setting the DTC open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal,
• During the key ON test, the ECM detects high voltage replace the ECM.
on the generator turn on signal circuit for at least 5 4. If circuit tests normal during the Ignition ON / RUN
seconds. tests, replace the generator.
• During the RUN test, the ECM detects low voltage on
the generator turn on signal circuit for at least 15 Repair Instructions
seconds. Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic

Action Taken When the DTC Sets procedure.
• The ECM will command the charge indicator and or “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument setup, and programming
panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center “Generator Replacement”
(DIC), if equipped.
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator DTC P0622
lamp (MIL). Diagnostic Instructions
• The ECM will store conditions, which were present • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
when the DTC set as Failure Records data only. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
Conditions for Clearing the DTC • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
• The ECM will command the message OFF after one of the diagnostic approach.
trip in which the diagnostic has been run and passed. • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm- Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
up cycles have occurred without a malfunction. each diagnostic category.

Reference Information DTC Descriptor

Schematic Reference DTC P0622: Generator F-Terminal Circuit
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference Circuit/System Description
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ” The engine control module (ECM) uses the generator
Description and Operation field duty cycle signal circuit to monitor the duty cycle of
“Charging System Description and Operation” the generator. The generator field duty cycle signal
Electrical Information Reference circuit connects to high side of the field windings in the
• “Circuit Testing: ” generator. A pulse width modulated (PWM) high side
driver in the voltage regulator turns the field windings ON
• “Connector Repairs: ”
and OFF. The ECM uses the PWM signal input to
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor determine the generator load on the engine. This allows
Connections: ” the ECM to adjust the idle speed to compensate for high
• “Wiring Repairs: ” electrical loads. The ECM monitors the status of the
Scan Tool Reference generator field duty cycle signal circuit. When the key is
in the RUN position and the engine is OFF, the ECM
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical: ”
should detect a duty cycle near 0 percent. However,
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L when the engine is running, the duty cycle should be
(LY7): ” between 5-95 percent.
Charging System: 1J-24

Conditions for Running the DTC Circuit/System Verification

• The vehicle speed is above 8 km/h (5 mph). Engine running, observe the scan tool ECM GEN-F
Terminal Signal parameter. The parameter should read
• The system voltage is between 9.5-18 volts.
between 5-95 percent.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Circuit/System Testing
• The ECM detects an out of range PWM signal during
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the KEY ON test.
the generator.
• The ECM detects a PWM signal greater than 65
2. Ignition ON, engine OFF, connect a test lamp to
percent for at least 5 seconds
battery positive voltage and repeatedly probe the
• The ECM detects a PWM signal less than 5 percent generator field duty cycle circuit, harness side while
for at least 15 seconds during the RUN test. monitoring the GEN-F Terminal Signal Parameter in
the ECM data list. It should change from 0 percent to
Action Taken When the DTC Sets above 95 percent.
• The ECM will command the charge indicator and or ➢ If the parameter was not affected by the test lamp,
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument test the signal circuit for a short to voltage, short to
panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit
(DIC), if equipped. tests normal, replace the ECM.
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator 3. If the circuit tests normal during the Ignition ON /
lamp (MIL). RUN tests, and the ECM parameter changed from 0

• The ECM will store conditions, which were present percent to above 95 percent, replace the generator.
when the DTC set as Failure Records data only.
Repair Instructions
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
• The ECM will command the message OFF after one Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and procedure.
passed. “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
“Generator Replacement”
up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.

Reference Information DTC P0625

Schematic Reference Diagnostic Instructions
“Starting and Charging Schematics: ” • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Connector End View Reference Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ” procedure.
Description and Operation • Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
“Charging System Description and Operation” of the diagnostic approach.
Electrical Information Reference • “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
• “Circuit Testing: ” Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
• “Connector Repairs: ” each diagnostic category.
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
Connections: ” DTC Descriptor
DTC P0625: Generator F-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Scan Tool Reference
• “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical: ”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
(LY7): ”
1J-25 Charging System:

Circuit/System Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM) uses the generator Schematic Reference
field duty cycle signal circuit to monitor the duty cycle of “Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
the generator and fault indication. The generator field Connector End View Reference
duty cycle signal circuit connects to the high side of the “Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
field winding in the generator. A pulse width modulated Description and Operation
(PWM) high side driver in the voltage regulator turns the “Charging System Description and Operation”
field winding ON and OFF. The ECM uses the PWM Electrical Information Reference
signal input to determine the generator load on the
• “Circuit Testing: ”
engine. This allows the ECM to adjust the idle speed to
compensate for high electrical loads. • “Connector Repairs: ”
The ECM monitors the state of the generator field duty • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
cycle signal circuit. When the engine is running, the Connections: ”
ECM should detect a duty cycle that varies up to 100 • “Wiring Repairs: ”
percent. The ECM monitors the PWM signal using a key
Scan Tool Reference
ON test and a RUN test. During the tests, if the ECM
detects an out of range PWM signal, a DTC will set. • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical: ”
• “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
Conditions for Running the DTC (LY7): ”
• The vehicle speed is above 8 km/h (5 mph).
Circuit/System Verification
• The engine speed is less than 3,000 RPM.

Engine running, observe the scan tool GEN-F Terminal
Signal parameter. The GEN-F Terminal Signal
Conditions for Setting the DTC parameter should read between 5-95 percent.
The ECM detects a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal
less than 5 percent for at least 15 seconds. Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
the generator.
• The ECM will command the charge indicator and or
2. Ignition ON, engine OFF, observe the scan tool
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument
GEN-F Terminal Signal parameter, while repeatedly
panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center
probing the generator field duty cycle circuit with a
(DIC), if equipped.
test lamp connected to battery positive voltage. The
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator parameter should change from 0 percent to above
lamp (MIL). 95 percent.
• The ECM will store conditions, which were present ➢ If the parameter was not affected by the test lamp,
when the DTC set as Failure Records data only. test the circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC ECM.
• The ECM will command the message OFF after one 3.
trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and If the circuit tested normal and the ECM parameter
passed. changed from 0 percent to above 95 percent,
• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm- replace the generator.
up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
Repair Instructions
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
“Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
“Generator Replacement” for generator replacement.
Charging System: 1J-26

DTC P0626 Conditions for Clearing the DTC

Diagnostic Instructions • The ECM will command the message OFF after one
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle trip in which the diagnostic test has been run and
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic passed.
procedure. • The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm-
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview up cycles have occurred without a malfunction.
of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle Reference Information
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of Schematic Reference
each diagnostic category. “Starting and Charging Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference
“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
DTC Descriptor
Description and Operation
DTC P0626: Generator F-Terminal Circuit High Voltage
“Charging System Description and Operation”
Circuit/System Description Electrical Information Reference
The engine control module (ECM) uses the generator • “Circuit Testing: ”
field duty cycle signal circuit to monitor the duty cycle of • “Connector Repairs: ”
the generator and fault indication. The generator field • “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
duty cycle signal circuit connects to the high side of the Connections: ”
field winding in the generator. A pulse width modulated
• “Wiring Repairs: ”

(PWM) high side driver in the voltage regulator turns the
field winding ON and OFF. The ECM uses the PWM Scan Tool Reference
signal input to determine the generator load on the • “Scan Tool Data List - Engine Electrical: ”
engine. This allows the ECM to adjust the idle speed to • “Scan Tool Data Definitions - Engine Controls - 3.6L
compensate for high electrical loads. (LY7): ”
The ECM monitors the state of the generator field duty
cycle signal circuit. When the engine is running, the Circuit/System Verification
ECM should detect a duty cycle that varies up to 100
Ignition ON, engine running, observe the scan tool ECM
percent. The ECM monitors the PWM signal using a
GEN-F Terminal Signal parameter. The GEN-F Terminal
Ignition ON test and a RUN test. During the tests, if the
Signal parameter should read between 5-95 percent.
ECM detects an out of range PWM signal, a DTC will
Circuit/System Testing
Conditions for Running the DTC 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the generator.
• The engine is not running.
2. Ignition ON, engine OFF, observe the scan tool ECM
• The ignition is in the ON position.
GEN-F Terminal Signal parameter. It should display
less than 10 percent.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
➢ If the GEN-F Terminal Signal parameter was not
The ECM detects a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal
affected by the disconnected generator harness,
greater than 65 percent for at least 15 seconds.
test the GEN-F Terminal Signal circuit for a short to
voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the ECM.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
➢ If the circuit tested normal and the ECM parameter
• The ECM will command the charge indicator and or changed from above 65 percent to less than 10
warning message to be illuminated on the instrument percent, replace the generator.
panel cluster (IPC) and the driver information center
(DIC), if equipped.
Repair Instructions
• The ECM will not illuminate the malfunction indicator Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
lamp (MIL). Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
• The ECM will store conditions, which were present procedure.
when the DTC set as Failure Records data only. “Control Module References: ” for ECM replacement,
setup, and programming
“Generator Replacement”
1J-27 Charging System:

DTC C0899 Circuit/System Testing

Diagnostic Instructions 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
• Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle the EBCM.
Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic 2. Ignition OFF, test for less than 1.0 ohm of resistance
procedure. between the ground circuit and ground.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview ➢ If the greater than the specified range, test the
of the diagnostic approach. ground circuit for an open/high resistance. If the
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle circuit tests normal replace the EBCM.
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of 3. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals.
each diagnostic category. 4. Ignition ON, observe the scan tool EBCM ignition
voltage parameter. Verify that battery terminal
DTC Descriptor voltage and ignition voltage readings do not differ
DTC C0899: Device Voltage Low more than 1-volt.
➢ If greater than the specified value, test the ignition
Circuit/System Description voltage circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
The electronic brake control module (EBCM) monitors resistance. If the circuit tests normal replace the
the voltage level available for system operation. A low EBCM.
voltage condition prevents the system from operating 5. Go to “Charging System Test”
Repair Instructions

Conditions for Running the DTC Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle
Ignition is ON. Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
Conditions for Setting the DTC “Control Module References: ” for EBCM replacement,
This fault will be set if the ignition voltage to EBCM is setup and programming.
less than 9 volts for 100 msec.
DTC C0900
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Diagnostic Instructions
• Traction Control System (TCS) and Vehicle Stability
Enhancement System (VSES) for the duration of the • Perform the “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
ignition cycle. Diagnostic Information: ” prior to using this diagnostic
• The TCS indicator turns ON.
• Review “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ” for an overview
• The DIC displays the Service Stability System of the diagnostic approach.
• “Diagnostic Procedure Instructions - Vehicle
Diagnostic Information: ” provides an overview of
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
each diagnostic category.
• The condition for the DTC is no longer present.
• The EBCM automatically clears the history DTC when DTC Descriptor
a current DTC is not detected in 100 consecutive drive DTC C0900: Device Voltage High
Circuit/System Description
Reference Information The electronic brake control module (EBCM) monitors
Schematic Reference the ignition voltage. If the voltage level is too high,
“Antilock Brake System Schematics: ” damage may result in the system. When a high voltage
Connector End View Reference condition is detected the EBCM turns OFF the system
“Antilock Brake System Connector End Views: ” relay which removes battery voltage from the solenoid
Description and Operation valves and pump motor.
“ABS Description and Operation: ”
Electrical Information Reference Conditions for Running the DTC
• “Circuit Testing: ” Engine running.
• “Connector Repairs: ”
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
The system voltage is greater than 16 volts for 100
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ”
Charging System: 1J-28

Action Taken When the DTC Sets Symptoms - Engine Electrical

• Traction Control System (TCS) and Vehicle Stability
Enhancement System (VSES) disabled for the
duration of the ignition cycle. The following steps must be completed
• ABS disabled if ignition voltage exceeds 19.5 volts. before using the symptom tables.
• The TCS indicator turns ON. • Perform “Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
• The Antilock Brake System (ABS) indicator turns ON Diagnostic Information: ” before using the Symptom
if voltage exceeds 19.5 volts. Tables in order to verify that all of the following are
• The driver information center (DIC) displays the true:
Service Stability System message, if equipped. – There are no DTCs set.
– The control modules can communicate via the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC serial data link.
• The condition for the DTC is no longer present. • Review the system descriptions and operations in
• The EBCM automatically clears the history DTC when order to familiarize yourself with the system functions.
a current DTC is not detected in 100 consecutive drive Refer to one of the following system operations:
cycles. – “Battery Description and Operation”
– “Charging System Description and Operation”
Reference Information – “Electrical Power Management Description and
Schematic Reference Operation”

“Antilock Brake System Schematics: ”
Connector End View Reference – “Starting System Description and Operation: ”
“Antilock Brake System Connector End Views: ”
Description and Operation Visual/Physical Inspection
“ABS Description and Operation: ” • Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect the
Electrical Information Reference operation of the starting and charging systems. Refer
to “Checking Aftermarket Accessories: ”.
• “Circuit Testing: ”
• Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
• “Connector Repairs: ”
components for obvious damage or conditions which
• “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor could cause the symptom.
Connections: ”
• “Wiring Repairs: ” Intermittent
Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the cause
Diagnostic Aids of intermittent conditions. Refer to “Testing for
• A possible cause of this DTC could be overcharging Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”.
with a battery charger or jump starting.
• A high voltage value in multiple modules indicates a Symptom List
concern in the charging system. Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
Circuit/System Verification • “Starter Solenoid Does Not Click: ”
1. Verify DTC C0900 is set as current. • “Starter Solenoid Clicks, Engine Does Not Crank: ”
➢ If the DTC is history, refer to “Charging System • “Engine Cranks Slowly: ”
Test” • “Charge Indicator Always On”
2. Start the engine, record the voltage at the battery • “Charge Indicator Inoperative”
terminals. Observe the scan tool EBCM battery • “Battery Inspection/Test”
voltage signal parameter. Voltages should not differ
• “Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test”
by more than 1 volt.
• “Battery Common Causes of Failure”
➢ If greater than 1 volt, replace the EBCM.
• “Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis: ”
Repair Instructions • “Charging System Test”
Perform the “Diagnostic Repair Verification - Vehicle • “Generator Noise Diagnosis”
Diagnostic Information: ” after completing the diagnostic
“Control Module References: ” for EBCM replacement,
setup and programming.
1J-29 Charging System:

Charging System Test

Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Go to
Vehicle? “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 — Go to Step 2
Information: ”
The battery must be above a 70 percent state
Go to “Battery
2 of charge. Refer to “Battery Charging”. — Go to Step 3
Did you perform the Battery/Inspection Test?
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Start the engine.
3 3. With a scan tool, command the GEN-L Terminal — Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
OFF and ON.
4. Observe the Ignition 1 Signal parameter.
Does the voltage change with each command?
1. Turn ON the following accessories:

– Headlights (high beams)
– A/C on Max
– Blower fan (on high)
4 – Heated seats (if equipped) 12.0-15.5 V Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
2. With a scan tool, observe the Ignition 1 Signal
parameter in the engine data list.
3. Increase engine speed to 2,500 RPM.
Is the voltage within the specified value?
Charging System: 1J-30

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn OFF all accessories.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.

Make sure that the load is completely turned
off before connecting or disconnecting a
carbon pile load tester to the battery.
Otherwise, sparking could ignite battery
gasses which are extremely flammable and
may explode violently.

3. Connect a carbon pile tester to the vehicle.

5 — Generator OK Go to Step 7
When measuring generator output current,
be sure the inductive probe encircles the
generator output wire.

4. Connect an inductive ammeter probe to the output

circuit of the generator.

5. Start the engine.
6. With a scan tool, command the GEN-L Terminal
7. Increase engine speed to 2,500 RPM.
8. Adjust the carbon pile as necessary in order to
obtain the maximum current output.
Is the generator output greater than or equal to the load
test value as specified in “Generator Usage”?
6 Is the voltage measured greater than 15.5 volts? — Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
1. Leave the vehicle accessories ON or maintain load
test value.
2. Maintain engine speed at 2,500 RPM.
7 3. Measure the voltage of the battery. — Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
4. Measure the voltage between the generator output
terminal and the generator metal housing.
Is the voltage measured of the generator within 0.2 volts
of the battery voltage?
1. Turn the engine OFF. disconnect the generator
harness connector
2. Start the engine.
3. Measure the voltage between the generator turn on 4.7 V
8 signal circuit and ground. Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
4. With a scan tool, command the GEN-L Terminal ON
and OFF.
Does the voltage measure greater than the first value
ON and near the second value OFF?
1. Maintain the engine speed at 2,500 RPM and
continue to operate the generator at the load test
9 2. Measure the voltage drop from the battery negative 0.5 V Go to Step 10 Go to Step 15
terminal to the metal housing of the generator. Refer
to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Is the voltage measured less than the specified value?
1J-31 Charging System:

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Maintain the engine speed at 2,500 RPM and
continue to operate the generator at the load test
10 2. Measure the voltage drop from the output terminal 0.2 V Go to Step 14 Go to Step 16
of the generator to the positive terminal on the
battery. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring
Repairs: ”.
Is the voltage measured less than the specified value?
Test the generator turn on signal circuit for a short or an
11 open. Refer to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”. — Go to Step 19 Go to Step 13
Did you find and correct the condition?
Test the generator battery voltage sense circuit, if
equipped, for an open or high resistance. Refer to
12 — Go to Step 19 Go to Step 14
“Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the harness connector
of the engine control module (ECM). Refer to “Testing
13 for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ” and — Go to Step 19 Go to Step 17
“Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?

Inspect for poor connections at the generator. Refer to
“Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor
14 — Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
Connections: ” and “Connector Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Repair the high resistance or open in the ground circuit
15 of the generator. Refer to “Wiring Repairs: ”. — Go to Step 19 —
Did you complete the repair?
Repair the high resistance or open in the generator
16 output circuit. Refer to “Wiring Repairs: ”. — Go to Step 19 —
Did you complete the repair?
Replace the ECM. Refer to “Control Module
References: ” for replacement, setup, and
17 — Go to Step 19 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the generator. Refer to “Generator
18 Replacement”. — Go to Step 19 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the vehicle in order to verify the repair.
19 — Generator OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?
Charging System: 1J-32

Battery Charging
Special tool
J 42000 Battery Tester
• For best results, use an automatic taper-rate battery charger with a voltage capability of 16 volts.
• The charging area should be well ventilated.
• Do not charge a battery that appears to be frozen. Allow the battery to warm to room temperature and test it using
the J 42000 before charging.

Battery State of Charge

Using voltage to determine the batteries state of charge (SOC) is only accurate after the battery has
been at rest for 24 hours. This is enough time for the acid in each cell to equalize. If the battery has
been charged or discharged in the past 24 hours, the battery SOC will only be an estimate.

The maintenance-free batteries SOC is estimated by reading the voltage of the battery across the battery terminals.
Because the voltage is affected by current flow into or out of the battery, the engine must be stopped and all electrical
loads turned OFF, including parasitic loads, when checking the voltage. The voltage can also be affected if the battery
has just been charged or discharged, so it is important to consider what has happened to the battery in the time just
before testing. Use the following procedure to determine the batteries SOC:

1. Be sure all electrical loads are turned OFF.
2. Determine whether the battery has been used in a vehicle or charged within the past 12 hours.
– If the answer is no, the terminal voltage will be stabilized and no action is necessary before reading the voltage.
Skip to step 3.
– If the answer is yes, terminal voltage will not be stabilized and you should wait 12 hours since the last time the
battery was used.
3. Estimate the battery temperature by determining the average temperature to which the battery has been exposed
for the past 12 hours.

The table is accurate to 10 percent only after the battery has been at rest for 12 hours.

4. Measure the battery voltage at the battery terminals. Refer to the following table to determine the SOC according
to the estimated battery temperature:
Battery Voltage % Charge at 0°C (32°F) % Charge at 25°C (75°F)
12.75 V 100% 100%
12.7 V 100% 90%
12.6 V 90% 75%
12.45 V 75% 65%
12.2 V 65% 45%
12.0 V 40% 20%

Use the SOC information as follows:

• A battery with a SOC that is below 65 percent must always be recharged before returning it to service or continuing
• A battery with a SOC that is 65 percent or greater is generally considered to be charged enough in order to be
returned to normal service or in order to continue storage. However, if the battery is being used in slow traffic or with
short drive times, or if the temperature is very hot or very cold, the battery should be fully charged, to at least 90
percent, before returning it to service or continuing storage.

Charging Time Required • The SOC of the battery—A completely discharged

The time required to charge a battery will vary battery requires more than twice as much charging
depending upon the following factors: time as a half charged battery. In a discharged battery
• The battery charger capacity—The higher the charger with a voltage below 11 volts, the battery has a very
amperage, the less time it will take to charge the high internal resistance and may only accept a very
battery. low current at first. Later, as the charging current
causes the acid content to increase in the electrolyte,
1J-33 Charging System:

the charging current will increase. Extremely 5. Turn ON the charger and set to the highest setting
discharged batteries may not activate the reversed for normal charging.
voltage protection in some chargers. Refer to the 6. Inspect the battery every half hour after starting the
manufacturer's instructions for operating this circuitry. battery charger.
• The temperature of the battery—The colder the – Charge the battery until the taper-rate charger
battery is, the more time it takes to recharge the indicates that the battery is fully charged.
battery. The charging current accepted by a cold
– Estimate the battery temperature by feeling the
battery is very low at first. As the battery warms, the
side of the battery. If it feels hot to the touch or its
charging current will increase.
temperature is over 45°C (125°F), discontinue
charging and allow the battery to cool before
Charging Procedure resuming charging.
! CAUTION 7. After charging, test the battery. Refer to “Battery
Turn OFF the ignition when connecting or
disconnecting the battery cables, the battery
charger or the jumper cables. Failure to do so Battery Common Causes of Failure
may damage the ECM/PCM or other A battery is not designed to last forever. With proper
electronic components. care, however, the battery will provide years of good
service. If the battery tests good but still fails to perform
well, the following are some of the more common

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. • A vehicle accessory was left on overnight.
• The driving speeds have been slow with frequent
When charging side-terminal batteries with the battery
stops, stop-and-go driving, with many electrical
cables connected, connect the charger to the positive
accessories in use, particularly air conditioning,
cable bolt and to a ground located away from the battery.
headlights, wipers, heated rear window, cellular
When charging side-terminal batteries with the battery
telephone, etc.
cables disconnected, install the battery side terminal
adapters and connect the charger to the adapters. • The electrical load has exceeded the generator
output, particularly with the addition of aftermarket
Tightening torque equipment.
Tighten the battery side terminal adapters to 15 N⋅m
• Existing conditions in the charging system, including
(11 lb ft).
the following possibilities:
Use the following procedure to charge the battery: – A slipping belt
1. Turn OFF the charger. – A bad generator
2. Ensure that all of the battery terminal connections • The battery has not been properly maintained,
are clean and tight. including a loose battery hold down or missing battery
3. Connect the charger positive lead to the battery insulator if used.
positive terminal on the battery or the remote jumper • There are mechanical conditions in the electrical
stud underhood. system, such as a short or a pinched wire, attributing
to power failure. Refer to “General Electrical
Diagnosis: ”.
Do not connect the negative charger lead to
the housings of other vehicle electrical Electrolyte Freezing
accessories or equipment. The action of the The freezing point of electrolyte depends on its specific
battery charger may damage such gravity. A fully charged battery will not freeze until the
equipment. ambient temperature gets below −54°C (−65°F).
However, a battery with a low state of charge may freeze
4. Connect the negative charger lead to a solid engine at temperatures as high as −7°C (+20°F). Since freezing
ground or to a ground stud in the engine may ruin a battery, the battery should be protected
compartment that is connected directly to the battery against freezing by keeping it properly charged. As long
negative terminal, but away from the battery. If the as the green eye is visible in the hydrometer, the
negative battery cable is disconnected and a freezing point of the battery will be somewhere below −
terminal adapter is being used, connect directly to 32°C (−25°F).
the adapter.
Charging System: 1J-34

Battery Protection During Vehicle Storage 1. Position the vehicle with the booster battery so that
Certain devices on the vehicle maintain a small the jumper cables will reach.
continuous current drain, parasitic load, on the battery. A – Do not let the 2 vehicles touch.
battery that is not used for an extended period of time
will discharge. Eventually permanent damage will result. – Make sure that the jumper cables do not have
Discharged batteries will also freeze in cold weather. loose ends, or missing insulation.
Refer to “Battery Inspection/Test”. 2. Place an automatic transmission in PARK. If
In order to maintain the battery state of charge while equipped with a manual transmission, place in
storing the vehicle for more than 30 days: NEUTRAL and block the wheels.
1. Ensure that the green dot is visible in the built-in 3. Turn OFF all electrical loads on both vehicles that
hydrometer. are not needed.
4. Turn OFF the ignition on both vehicles.
Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution”.

2. Disconnect the battery ground cable to protect the

battery from discharge by parasitic current drains.
When the battery cannot be disconnected:
1. Maintain a high state of charge.
2. Establish a regular schedule for recharging the

battery every 20-45 days.
A battery that has remained in a discharged state for a
long period of time is difficult to recharge or may be
permanently damaged.

Jump Starting in Case of Emergency

Batteries produce explosive gases. Batteries
contain corrosive acid. Batteries supply 5. Connect the red positive (+) cable to the battery
levels of electrical current high enough to positive (+) terminal (2) of the vehicle with the
cause burns. Therefore, in order to reduce discharged battery.
the risk of personal injury while working near Use a remote positive (+) terminal if the vehicle has
a battery, observe the following guidelines: one.
• Always shield your eyes. 6. Connect the red positive (+) cable to the positive (+)
terminal (1) of the booster battery.
• Avoid leaning over the battery whenever
Use a remote positive (+) terminal if the vehicle has
• Do not expose the battery to open flames
7. Connect the black negative (-) cable to the negative
or sparks.
(-) terminal (3) of the booster battery.
• Do not allow battery acid to contact the
eyes or the skin. ! WARNING
– Flush any contacted areas with water
Do not connect a jumper cable directly to the
immediately and thoroughly.
negative terminal of a discharged battery to
– Get medical help. prevent sparking and possible explosion of
battery gases.
This vehicle has a 12 volt, negative ground
electrical system. Make sure the vehicle or
equipment being used to jump start the
engine is also 12 volt, negative ground. Use
of any other type of system will damage the
vehicle's electrical components.
1J-35 Charging System:

8. The final connection is made to a heavy, unpainted 11. The black negative (-) cable must be first
metal engine part (4) of the vehicle with the disconnected from the vehicle that was boosted (4).
discharged battery. 12. Disconnect the black negative (-) cable from the
This final attachment must be at least 46 cm (18 in) negative (-) terminal (3) of the booster battery.
away from the dead battery.
9. Start the engine of the vehicle that is providing the ! CAUTION
boost. Do not let the cable end touch any metal.
Damage to the battery and other components
may result.
Never operate the starter motor more than 15
seconds at a time without pausing in order to 13. Disconnect the red positive (+) cable from the
allow it to cool for at least 2 minutes. positive (+) terminal (1) of the booster battery.
Overheating will damage the starter motor. 14. Disconnect the red positive (+) cable from the
remote positive (+) terminal (2) of the vehicle with
10. Crank the engine of the vehicle with the discharged the discharged battery.

Charge Indicator Always On

Step Action Values Yes No
Schematic Reference: “Starting and Charging Schematics: ”

Connector End View Reference:“Engine Electrical Connector End Views: ”
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Go to
Vehicle? “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 — Go to Step 2
Information: ”
1. Start the engine. Go to “Testing for
2. Turn OFF all accessories. Intermittent
2 Does the battery charge indicator remain illuminated? — Go to Step 3 Conditions and
Connections: ”
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Start the engine.
3. Turn OFF all accessories.
4. Increase engine speed to 1,500 RPM.
3 5. With a scan tool, observe the Battery Voltage 0.9-1.1 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
parameter in the body control module (BCM) data
list, engine control module (ECM) and the
instrument panel cluster (IPC) data list.
6. Compare the voltages.
Are all of the voltages within the specified range?
Are the voltages displayed within the specified range? Go to “Charging
4 12.8-15.5 V Go to Step 5
System Test”
Test the battery positive voltage and ground circuits of
the affected module for a high resistance or open. Refer
5 — Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
to “Circuit Testing: ” and “Wiring Repairs: ”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Inspect for poor connections at the harness connector
6 of the affected module. Refer to “Connector Repairs: ”. — Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the affected module. Refer to “Control Module
References: ” for replacement, setup, and
7 — Go to Step 8 —
Did you complete the replacement?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
8 — System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?
Charging System: 1J-36

Charge Indicator Inoperative

Step Action Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle? Go to “Diagnostic
System Check -
1 Go to Step 2
Vehicle Diagnostic
Information: ”
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. Go to “Testing for
3. Observe the battery charge indicator on the instrument cluster Intermittent
2 Go to Step 3
(IPC) during the bulb check. Conditions and Poor
Does the battery charge indicator illuminate during the bulb Connections: ”
Replace the IPC. Refer to “Control Module References: ” for
3 replacement, setup, and programming. Go to Step 4 —
Did you complete the repair?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
4 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?

Generator Noise Diagnosis

Diagnostic Aids

Noise from a generator may be due to electrical or mechanical noise. Electrical noise or magnetic whine usually varies
with the electrical load placed on the generator and is a normal operating characteristic of all generators. When
diagnosing a noisy generator, it is important to remember that loose or misaligned components around the generator
may transmit the noise into the passenger compartment and that replacing the generator may not solve the problem.
Step Action Yes No
Test the generator for proper operation using the Generator
1 Tester. Refer to “Charging System Test”. Go to Step 2 Go to Step 11
Is the generator operating properly?
1. Start the engine. Verify that the noise can be heard.
2. Turn OFF all accessories.
3. Turn OFF the Ignition.

Make sure that the load is completely turned off
before connecting or disconnecting a carbon pile
load tester to the battery. Otherwise, sparking
could ignite battery gasses which are extremely
flammable and may explode violently.
2 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 3
4. Connect a carbon pile tester to the vehicle.
5. Connect an inductive ammeter probe to the output circuit
of the generator.
6. Start the engine.
7. Increase engine speed to 1,500 RPM.
8. Increase and decrease the amount of load placed upon
the generator.
9. Listen for the noise.
Does the noise increase and decrease with the amount of load
placed upon the generator by the carbonpile tester?
1. Turn OFF the engine.
2. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement:
3 Go to Step 4 Go to Step 11
3. Spin the generator pulley by hand.
Does the generator shaft spin smoothly and without any
roughness or grinding noise?
1J-37 Charging System:

Step Action Yes No

Inspect the generator for a loose pulley and/or pulley nut.
4 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Is the generator pulley or pulley nut loose?
1. Loosen all of the generator mounting bolts.
2. Tighten the generator mounting bolts to specifications and
in the proper sequence, if necessary. Refer to “Generator
5 Replacement”. System OK Go to Step 6
3. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Replacement: ”.
4. Start the engine.
Has the noise decreased or stopped?
Inspect the generator for the following conditions:
• Strained or stretched electrical connections
• Hoses or other vehicle equipment resting on the generator,
6 which may cause the noise to be transmitted into the Go to Step 7 Go to Step 8
passenger compartment
Are any electrical connections pulling on the generator or are
any hoses, etc. resting on the generator?
1. Reroute the electrical connections to relieve the tension.
2. Reroute the hoses, etc. away from the generator.
7 System OK Go to Step 8
3. Start the engine.

Has the noise decreased or stopped?
Inspect the drive belt for proper tension. Refer to “Drive Belt
8 Tensioner Diagnosis: ”. Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Is the drive belt loose?
1. Replace the drive belt tensioner. Refer to “Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement: ”.
9 System OK Go to Step 11
2. Start the engine.
Has the noise decreased or stopped?
Compare the vehicle with a known good vehicle.
10 System OK Go to Step 11
Do both vehicles make the same noise?
If no definite generator problems were found, be
sure that all other possible sources of
objectionable noise are eliminated before
replacing the generator. Replacing the generator
11 may not change the noise level if the noise is a Go to Step 12 —
normal characteristic of the generator or the
generator mounting.

Replace the generator. Refer to “Generator Replacement”.

Has the noise decreased or stopped?
Operate the system in order to verify the repair.
12 System OK Go to Step 2
Did you correct the condition?
Charging System: 1J-38

Engine Cranks Slowly

Inspect the following items:
• Battery—Perform the Battery Inspection/Test. Refer to “Battery Inspection/Test”.
• Wiring—Inspect the wiring for damage. Inspect all connections to the starter motor, the solenoid, the battery, and all
ground connections. Refer to:
– “Circuit Testing: ”
– “Wiring Repairs: ”
– “Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections: ”
– “Connector Repairs: ”
• Engine—Verify that the engine is not seized.
If the battery, the wiring, and the engine are functioning properly, and the engine continues to crank slowly, replace the
starter motor. Refer to “Starter Motor Replacement: ”.

Battery Inspection/Test
Special tool
J 42000 Battery Tester

Diagnostic Aids

• Failure to properly understand the battery and its function could lead to a misdiagnosis and
unneeded repairs. Refer to “Battery Description and Operation” and “Battery Common Causes of
Failure” for more information.
• If testing an AGM battery with the J 42000, add 100 to the CCA rating of the battery and enter that
amount into the tester when prompted for the CCA rating. For instance, if the AGM batteries CCA
rating is 500 amps, enter 600 into the J 42000. Perform this modification only if the J 42000 does not
ask if you are testing an AGM battery. If these instructions are not followed when testing an AGM
battery, an invalid test result and invalid test code will be obtained on the J 42000.
• The battery test using the J 42000 requires correct connections to the battery terminals. A failure to
obtain the correct connections during the test may result in a failed test on a good battery.
• When the J 42000 inquires “has the battery been charged”, answer yes only if the battery has been
charged on this visit to the dealership.

Follow these instructions in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis because of connections:

• If testing the vehicle with the battery cables still connected, wiggle the J 42000 clips on the terminal bolt. This may
cut through any coating or through any oxidation that may be present on the bolt.
Even new bolts contain a protective coating that may insulate or cause a resistance in the test circuit.
• If correct connections to the battery terminal bolts in the vehicle are in doubt, perform the following steps:
a. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
b. Disconnect the positive battery cable.
c. Install the test adapters on the terminals.
d. Follow the instructions for an Out-of-Vehicle test.
• If the tester displays a REPLACE BATTERY or BAD CELL-REPLACE result for a battery tested in the vehicle with
the battery cables connected, perform the following steps:
a. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
b. Disconnect the positive battery cable.
c. Install the tester adapters.
d. Follow the instructions for an Out-of-Vehicle test.
e. Replace the battery only if the Out-of-Vehicle test shows a REPLACE BATTERY or BAD CELL-REPLACE
result. This prevents battery replacements that are due only to faulty battery cable connections.
1J-39 Charging System:

• Use the correct terminal adapters.

Do not use any common bolts or a combination of bolts, nuts, and or washers as adapters when testing the battery.
Use the test adapters that are provided with the J 42000 or P/N 12303040 terminal adapters. If the adapters that are
provided with the J 42000 require replacement, use P/N 12303040. Any other adapter may not contact the correct
areas of the battery terminal, causing a resistance that may result in an invalid battery test result.
Step Action Values Yes No
Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution”.

Always write the test code displayed by the tester on the repair order for any warranty purposes. The
number is a unique code that describes the test data for a particular battery at a particular time. The
test code may occasionally repeat when you retest the same battery. More often, each test will result
in a different code. If the battery is replaced due to failing the test, only an Out-of-Vehicle test code is
valid for warranty purposes.

Inspect the battery for a cracked, broken, or damaged

1 case, which may be indicated by battery acid leakage. — Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
Is the battery OK?
Compare the cold cranking amperage (CCA), and

reserve capacity (RC) and/or amp hour (AH) rating of
2 the battery to the original battery or original equipment — Go to Step 3 Go to Step 15
(OE) specification. Refer to“Battery Usage”.
Does the battery meet or exceed the specifications?
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
3 2. Attempt to rotate the negative battery cable — Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
connector clockwise with light finger pressure.
Does the negative connector rotate?
Use a torque wrench in order to verify the torque to
10 N⋅m (89 lb
4 loosen the negative battery terminal bolt. Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Is the torque above the specified value?
Attempt to rotate the positive battery cable connector
5 clockwise with light finger pressure. — Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Does the positive connector rotate?
Ensure that all of the electrical loads are
turned OFF.

1. Install the J 42000 Battery Tester.

6 2. Follow the directions supplied with the tester for an — Go to Step 14 Go to Step 8
In-Vehicle test.
3. Follow any directions displayed on the tester.
4. If the tester calls for charging the battery, refer to
“Battery Charging”.
Did the tester pass the battery?
Use a torque wrench in order to verify the torque to
10 N⋅m (89 lb
7 loosen the positive battery terminal bolt. Go to Step 10 Go to Step 8
Is the torque above the specified value?
Charging System: 1J-40

Step Action Values Yes No

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Disconnect the positive battery cable.
3. Clean and wire brush the lead face of both battery
terminals and the metal contact rings in both cable
8 4. Remove the bolts from the cable connectors in — Go to Step 11 —
order to provide access to the connector rings as
5. If either of the battery terminals or the cable rings
are excessively damaged or corroded, replace as
Did you complete the repair?
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Inspect for the following conditions and repair as
– The cable bolt is too long or deformed at the end.
9 – There is foreign material present inside the nut in Go to Step 10 —
the battery terminal.

– Damage to the battery terminal face or cable
connector ring
Did you complete the repair?
1. Disconnect the positive battery cable.
2. Inspect for the following conditions and repair as
– The cable bolt is too long or deformed at the end.
10 – There is foreign material present inside the nut in — Go to Step 11 —
the battery terminal.
– Damage to the battery terminal face or cable
connector ring
Did you complete the repair?
Ensure that both battery cables are
disconnected and proper adapters are
installed in the battery terminals.

1. Install the J 42000.

11 2. Follow the directions supplied with the tester for an — Go to Step 12 Go to Step 15
Out-of-Vehicle test.
3. Follow any directions displayed on the tester.
4. If the tester calls for charging the battery, refer to
“Battery Charging”.
Did the tester pass the battery?
1. Press the CODE button on the J 42000.
12 2. For warranty purposes, write the displayed code on Go to Step 13 —
the repair order.
Did you complete this action?
1J-41 Charging System:

Step Action Values Yes No

1. Connect the positive battery cable to the batteries
positive terminal.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Tighten the positive battery cable bolt to the 17 N⋅m (13 lb

13 Battery OK —
specified value. ft)
3. Connect the negative battery cable to the battery
negative terminal.
4. Tighten the negative battery cable bolt to the
specified value.
Are the cable bolts properly tightened?
1. Press the CODE button on the J 42000.
14 2. For warranty purposes, write the displayed code on Battery OK —
the repair order.
Did you complete the replacement?
Replace the battery. Refer to “Battery Replacement”.
15 — Battery OK —
Did you complete the replacement?

Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test • Some systems and modules such as theft, or remote
keyless entry (RKE) will wake up due to an outside
Special tool input. Refer to “Control Module References: ” for the
J 38758 Parasitic Draw Test Switch system or modules description and operation.

Diagnostic Aids NOTE

• Rule out any possible obvious influences, such as The battery specification listed below is a
customer error or aftermarket equipment. generic specification. Refer to chart when
• Check customer driving habits, such as regular short testing the battery.
trips. This does not allow enough time to properly
• The battery run down time will vary depending on cold
charge the battery. Refer to “Battery Description and
cranking amperage (CCA) and reserve capacity (RC).
If the CCA and RC are higher, then the battery run
• Verify that the battery and charging system are in down time would be longer. If the CCA and RC are
proper working order. Refer to “Battery Charging” and lower, then the battery run down time would be
“Charging System Test”. shorter. The graph below indicates roughly how many
• A battery discharging for no apparent reason while the days a 690 CCA battery with at 110 min. RC (60.5 AH)
vehicle is parked can be caused by an intermittent starting at 80 percent state of charge will last with a
draw, such as a module waking up, or a continuous constant current draw until it reaches 50 percent state
draw, such as a dome light or stuck relay. of charge. Differences in battery rating and
• Some systems and modules such as OnStar®, and temperature will affect the results.
regulated voltage control (RVC), if equipped, are Current Drain Days
designed to wake-up, perform a task, and go back 25 mA 30.5
asleep at regular intervals. Refer to “Control Module 50 mA 16.5
References: ” for the system or modules description 75 mA 11
and operation. 100 mA 8.25
250 mA 3.3
500 mA 1.65
750 mA 1
1A 0.8
2A 0.4
Charging System: 1J-42

Load Test 10. Wait 1 minute. If the fuse blows, install an inductive
ammeter and go to step 20.
! CAUTION 11. Remove the fused jumper wire.
Do not turn the parasitic draw test switch to 12. Set a digital multimeter to the 10A scale.
the OFF position with the engine running. 13. Connect the digital multimeter to the test switch tool
Damage will occur to the vehicle's electrical terminals.
14. Turn the J 38758 knob to the OFF position. The
current flows now through the digital multimeter.
15. Wait 1 minute. Inspect and record the current
The test switch must be in the ON position reading.
when removing the fuses in order to maintain a. When there is a current reading on 2A or less,
continuity in the electrical system. This turn the J 38758 knob to the ON position. The
avoids damaging the digital multimeter due electrical current will now pass through the
to accidental overloading, such as a door switch.
being opened to change a fuse.
b. Then switch the digital multimeter down to the 2A
scale for a more accurate reading when the J
38758 knob is turned OFF.
The switch knob on the J 38758 is marked ON 16. Turn the J 38758 knob to the OFF position. Wait 15
and OFF. When the switch knob is in the ON minutes for most vehicles.
position, the circuit is closed and electrical

current will pass through the switch. When 17. Inspect and record the current reading.
the switch knob is in the OFF position, the 18. Note the battery Reserve Capacity (Amp Hour
circuit is open and electrical current will not rating). Refer to “Battery Usage”.
pass through the switch. a. Divide the reserve capacity by 4 (Amp hour
rating by 2.4).
! WARNING b. Compare this to the multimeter milliamp reading
taken in the previous step. The parasitic current
Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution”.
drain should not exceed this number. Example: If
a battery has a reserve capacity of 100 minutes,
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the
(60 A/H) the current drain should not exceed 25
battery negative terminal.
2. Install the male end of the J 38758 to the battery
19. If excessive current drain is not found at this time
ground terminal.
and there are no other apparent causes, complete
3. Turn the J 38758 knob to the OFF position. the following:
4. Install the battery negative cable to the female end of a. Using the MIN/MAX function of the digital
the J 38758. multimeter, monitor the parasitic drain overnight
5. Turn the J 38758 knob to the ON position. or during the day. This will determine if
6. Road test the vehicle and activate ALL of the something has been activated during that time
accessories, including the radio and air conditioning frame.
(A/C). This may take up to 30 minutes.
NOTE The test switch must be in the ON position
Leaving the key in the ignition on some when removing the fuses in order to maintain
vehicles may cause a parasitic drain that is continuity in the electrical system. This
above the recommended amount. Refer to avoids damaging the digital multimeter due
“Body Control System Description and to accidental overloading, such as a door
Operation: ”. being opened to change a fuse.

7. Park the vehicle. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF NOTE
position and remove the ignition switch key.
Removing fuses, relays, and connectors to
8. Connect a 10-amp fused jumper wire to the test determine the failure area may wake up
switch tool terminals. modules. You must wait for these modules to
9. Turn the J 38758 knob to the OFF position. The go to sleep or use the sleep function on the
current now flows through the jumper wire. scan tool.
1J-43 Charging System:

b. When the vehicle has an unacceptable amount c. Repeat the parasitic current drain test procedure
of parasitic current drain, remove each fuse one after any repair has been completed to make
at a time until the current drain falls to an sure that the parasitic current drain is at an
acceptable level. This will indicate which circuit is acceptable level.
causing the drain. Refer to “Power Distribution d. When the cause of the excessive current drain
Schematics: ” to diagnose exactly which part of has been located and repaired, remove the J
the suspect circuit is causing the parasitic drain. 38758.
In some cases a non-fused circuit or component,
20. Connect the battery negative cable to the battery
such as a relay, is the cause of excessive
negative terminal.
parasitic current drain. If it has been determined
that the OnStar® system is the source of
parasitic load.

Repair Instructions
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Removal Procedure

Refer to “Battery Disconnect Caution”.

5. Release the side snap retainers (1).

6. Remove the battery box cover (3) from the retaining
tabs (2).
7. Remove the battery box cover (3).

1. Record all of the customers radio station presets.

2. Turn OFF all the lamps and accessories.
3. Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF position.
4. Grasp the engine control module (ECM) and slide
the retainer rearward until the retainer disengages
from the 4 clips on the battery cover. Reposition the
ECM out of the way.
Charging System: 1J-44

8. Loosen the battery negative cable terminal bolt. 2. Insert the battery box cover (3) into the retaining (2).
9. Remove the battery negative cable from the battery. 3. Lock the side snap retainers (1).

Installation Procedure

4. Grasp the ECM retainer and slide the retainer

forward until the retainer locks against the 4 clips on
the battery cover.
5. Program all of the customer's radio station presets
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. and set the radio clock to the current time.

Clean any existing corrosion from the battery
terminal bolt flange and the battery cable

1. Install the battery negative cable to the battery.

Tightening torque
Tighten the battery negative cable terminal bolt
to 17 N⋅m (13 lb ft).
1J-45 Charging System:

Battery Current Sensor Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. Squeeze the negative battery cable branches

1. Remove the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery together.

Negative Cable Replacement”.
2. Mark the location of the battery current sensor on the
Ensure the battery current sensor is installed
battery cable with tape for reference during
in the correct direction and location on the
negative battery cable.
3. Remove the tape securing the battery current sensor
to the negative battery cable. 2. Slide the NEW battery current sensor (1) up onto the
4. Mark the location of the negative battery cable clips negative battery cable to the location previously
and remove the clip from the cable. marked during removal.
5. Squeeze the negative battery cable branches 3. Wrap electrical tape around the battery current
together. sensor leg in order to secure the sensor to the
negative battery cable.
4. Install the negative battery cable clip to the cable to
Note the orientation of the battery current the locations previously marked during removal.
sensor prior to removal. 5. Install the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Replacement”.
6. Slide the battery current sensor (1) off of the
negative battery cable.
Charging System: 1J-46

Battery Negative Cable Replacement

Removal Procedure
• Always use replacement cables that are of
the same type, diameter and length of the
cables that you are replacing.
• Always route the replacement cable the
same way as the original cable.

6. Remove the negative battery cable ground terminal

nut from the wheelhouse stud.
7. Remove the negative battery cable ground terminal

from the wheelhouse stud.

1. Remove the battery box. Refer to “Battery Box

2. Disconnect the positive and negative battery cable
clip (3) from the battery tray support bracket.
3. Disconnect the positive and negative battery cable
clip on the side of the battery tray support bracket.

8. Remove the negative battery cable ground terminal

nut (2) from the transaxle stud.
9. Remove the negative battery cable ground terminal
(1) from the transaxle stud.
10. Cut the tape and remove the negative battery cable
from the wiring loom.

4. Disconnect the negative battery cable electrical

connector (7) from the body wiring harness electrical
connector (2).
5. Disconnect the body wiring harness electrical
connector (4) from the battery current sensor (5).
1J-47 Charging System:

Installation Procedure

6. Connect the body wiring harness electrical

1. Install the negative battery cable to the wiring loom connector (4) to the battery current sensor (5).
and re-tape the loom. 7. Connect the negative battery cable electrical

2. Install the negative battery cable ground terminal (1) connector (7) to the body wiring harness electrical
to the transaxle stud. connector (2).

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the negative battery cable ground terminal nut

(2) to the transaxle stud.
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 45 N⋅m (33 lb ft).

8. Connect the positive and negative battery cable clip

(3) to the battery tray support bracket.
9. Connect the positive and negative battery cable clip
to the side of the battery tray support bracket.
10. Install the battery box. Refer to “Battery Box

4. Install the negative battery cable ground terminal to

the wheelhouse stud.
5. Install the negative battery cable ground terminal nut
to the wheelhouse stud.
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 12 N⋅m (106 lb in).
Charging System: 1J-48

Battery Positive Cable Replacement

Removal Procedure
• Always use replacement cables that are of
the same type, diameter and length of the
cables that you are replacing.
• Always route the replacement cable the
same way as the original cable.

5. Remove the battery box. Refer to “Battery Box

6. Disconnect the positive and negative battery cable

clip (3) from the battery tray support bracket.
7. Disconnect the positive and negative battery cable
clip on the side of the battery tray support bracket.
8. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.

1. Remove the battery. Refer to “Battery Replacement”.

2. Remove the underhood bussed electrical center
(UBEC) cover.

9. Remove the positive battery cable terminal to starter

solenoid nut (6).
10. Remove the positive battery cable from the engine
wiring harness clip (3).
11. Remove the positive battery cable (4) lead from the
3. Remove the positive battery cable terminal nut (1) starter solenoid.
from the UBEC stud.
12. Cut the tape and remove the positive battery cable
4. Remove the positive battery cable terminal (2) from from the wire loom.
the UBEC stud.
1J-49 Charging System:

Installation Procedure 8. Install the battery box. Refer to “Battery Box


1. Install the positive battery cable to the wire loom and

re-tape the loom. 9. Install the positive battery cable terminal (2) to the

2. Install the positive battery cable (4) lead to the starter UBEC stud.
solenoid. 10. Install the positive battery cable terminal nut (1) to
3. Install the positive battery cable to the engine wiring the UBEC stud.
harness clip (3). Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 15 N⋅m (11 lb ft).
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Install the positive battery cable terminal to starter

solenoid nut (6).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
5. Lower the vehicle.

11. Install the UBEC cover.

12. Install the battery. Refer to “Battery Replacement”.

6. Connect the positive and negative battery cable clip

(3) to the battery tray support bracket.
7. Connect the positive and negative battery cable clip
to the side of the battery tray support bracket.
Charging System: 1J-50

Battery Replacement
Removal Procedure

5. Disconnect the positive and negative battery cables.

Refer to “Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
1. Remove the powertrain control module (PCM) (2) Connection”.

from the battery box cover (1) and relocate to the

6. Remove the battery hold down bolt (5), battery hold

down (4), and washer (3).
2. Release the locking tab (1) on the side of the battery 7. Remove the battery (1).
3. Release the alignment tabs (2) on the front of the
battery box.
4. Remove the battery box lid (3).
1J-51 Charging System:

Installation Procedure

5. Position the battery lid (3) so that the alignment tabs

1. Position the battery (1) in the battery box (2). (2) are in position.
2. Install the washer (3) and battery hold down (4). 6. Lock the locking tabs (1) on the side of the battery

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

3. Install the hold down bolt (5).

Tightening torque
Tighten the hold down bolt to 15 N⋅m (11 lb ft).

7. Install the PCM (2) on the battery box cover (1).

4. Install the positive and negative battery cables. Refer

to “Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Charging System: 1J-52

Battery Tray Replacement

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedure

Remove the battery box assembly. Refer to “Battery Box Replacement”.
Battery Tray Upper Bolt (Qty: 2)

1 Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
Battery Tray Lower Bolt (Qty: 2)
2 Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
3 Battery Tray

Battery Box Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery. Refer to “Battery Negative
Cable Disconnection and Connection”.

3. Release the locking clips (2) from the battery vent

tube (1).
4. Remove the battery vent tube (1) from the upper
radiator air deflector (3).
2. Remove the battery vent tube from the battery box.
1J-53 Charging System:

5. Remove the battery box mounting bolts. 3. Install the battery vent tube from the battery box.
6. Remove the battery box. 4. Install the battery. Refer to “Battery Negative Cable
Disconnection and Connection”.

Installation Procedure

5. Lock clips (2) from the battery vent tube (1).

1. Position the battery box on the battery tray. 6. Install the battery vent tube (1) to the upper radiator
air deflector (3).
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the battery box mounting bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
Charging System: 1J-54

Generator Replacement
Removal Procedure

7. Remove the idler pulley. Refer to “Drive Belt Idler

Pulley Replacement: ”.
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to 8. Remove the generator bolts.

“Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
2. Reposition the positive battery cable boot at the When removing the generator from the
generator terminal. vehicle, it may be necessary to maneuver the
generator to remove it from the vehicle.
3. Remove the positive battery cable nut at the
generator. 9. Remove the generator.
4. Remove the positive battery cable terminal from the
generator. Installation Procedure

5. Disconnect the engine harness electrical connector 1. Position the generator to the engine.
from the generator.
2. Loosely install the generator bolts.
6. Remove the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt
3. Install the idler pulley. Refer to “Drive Belt Idler
Replacement: ”.
Pulley Replacement: ”.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
1J-55 Charging System:

4. Tighten the generator bolts in the sequence shown.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).

7. Install the positive battery cable terminal to the

8. Install the positive battery cable nut at the generator.

5. Install the drive belt. Refer to “Drive Belt Tightening torque
Replacement: ”. Tighten the nut to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
6. Connect the engine harness electrical connector to
9. Position the positive battery cable boot at the
the generator.
generator terminal.
10. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to “Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection”.

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Electrical
Metric English
Air Conditioning (A/C) Evaporator Line to Battery Tray Nut 15 N⋅m 11 lb ft
Battery Tray Bolt 15 N⋅m 11 lb ft
Battery Hold Down Bolt 15 N⋅m 11 lb ft
Battery Negative Cable Terminal Bolt 17 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Battery Positive Cable Terminal Bolt 17 N⋅m 13 lb ft
Battery Tray Support Bracket Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Coolant Surge Tank Bolt 6 N⋅m 53 lb in
Generator Battery Positive Terminal Nut 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Generator Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Generator Bracket Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Negative Battery Cable to Inner Fender Bolt 12 N⋅m 106 lb in
Negative Battery Cable to Transaxle Nut 45 N⋅m 33 lb ft
Remote Battery Terminal Nut 17 N⋅m 13 lb ft
UHFB Connector Bolt 4 N⋅m 35 lb in
Under Hood Fuse Block (UHFB) Battery Positive Terminal Nut 15 N⋅m 11 lb ft
Charging System: 1J-56

Battery Usage Generator Usage

Application Specification Application Specification
Cold Cranking Amperage Generator Model SC2
650 A
(CCA) Rated Output 150 Amps
Amp Hours 60 A/H Load Test Output 105 Amps
Reserve Capacity 100 Minutes
Replacement Model

Special Tools and Equipment

Special Tools - Engine Electrical Illustration Tool Number/Description
Illustration Tool Number/Description

J 45681
J 38758 Jumper Harness

Parasitic Draw Test Switch

J 41450-B
Universal CS Generator
Tester Harness

J 42000
Battery Tester
1K-1 Exhaust System:

Exhaust System
Exhaust Service Caution
In order to avoid being burned, do not service the exhaust system while it is still hot. Service the
system when it is cool.

Hot Exhaust System Caution

While engine is operating, the exhaust system will become extremely hot. To prevent burns avoid
contacting a hot exhaust system.

Three-Way Catalytic Converter Damage Notice

In order to avoid damaging the replacement three-way catalytic converter, correct the engine misfire or
mechanical fault before replacing the three-way catalytic converter.
Exhaust System: 1K-2

General Description
Exhaust System Description
Use of non-OEM parts may cause driveability concerns.

The exhaust system carries exhaust gases, treated by the catalytic converter, through a resonator, if applicable and
into the exhaust muffler where exhaust noise is lessened.
In order to secure the exhaust pipe to the exhaust manifold, a flange and seal-joint coupling is utilized. The exhaust
system may utilize a slip-joint coupling design with a clamp and a U-bolt or a flange connection with a gasket.
Exhaust hangers and rubber insulators help to support the weight of the exhaust pipe along with insulating any
exhaust system vibration, rattle, or noise.
Exhaust hangers also space the exhaust system away from the underbody of the vehicle and allows the exhaust
system to expand as the exhaust system warms up.
Exhaust heat shields are used to protect the body and other components from damage due to the heat from the
exhaust system.
The exhaust system may be comprised of the following components:
• Exhaust manifold
• Exhaust pipes

• Catalytic converters
• Exhaust muffler
• Exhaust resonator, if equipped
• Exhaust tail pipe, if equipped
• Exhaust hangers
• Exhaust heat shields
1K-3 Exhaust System:

Some exhaust systems are equipped with a resonator. The resonator, located either before or after the muffler, allows
the use of mufflers with less back pressure. Resonators are used when vehicle characteristics require specific exhaust

Catalytic Converter
The catalytic converter is an emission control device used to reduce hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) pollutants from the exhaust gas.
The catalytic converter is comprised of a ceramic monolith substrate, supported in insulation and housed within a
sheet metal shell. The substrate may be washcoated with 3 noble metals:
• Platium (Pt)
• Palladium (Pd)
• Rhodium (Rh)
The catalyst in the catalytic converter is not serviceable.

The exhaust muffler reduces the noise levels of the engine exhaust by the use of tuning tubes. The tuning tubes
create channels inside the exhaust muffler that lower the sound levels created by the combustion of the engine.

Exhaust System: 1K-4

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Diagnostic Starting Point - Engine Exhaust
Begin the system diagnosis by reviewing the exhaust system description. Reviewing the exhaust system description
information will help familiarize you with the components of the exhaust system and the components intended
function. Refer to “Exhaust System Description”. Also reviewing the engine exhaust symptoms information will help
you determine if the condition described by the customer is normal operation or if a malfunction exists. Refer to
“Symptoms - Engine Exhaust” in order to identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and where the
diagnostic procedure is located.

Symptoms - Engine Exhaust

• Review the exhaust system description in order to familiarize yourself with the exhaust system components and the
intended function of the components. Refer to “Exhaust System Description”.
• All diagnostics on a vehicle should follow a logical process. Strategy Based Diagnostics is a uniform approach for
repairing all systems. The diagnostic flow is the place to start when repairs are necessary and may always be used
in order to resolve a system problem. For a detailed explanation, refer to “Strategy Based Diagnosis: ”.

Visual/Physical Inspection
• Inspect for aftermarket or non-OEM devices such as, but not limited to; tailpipe extensions, headers, and exhaust
cutouts. Any aftermarket exhaust system devices could affect the operation and proper performance of the exhaust

• Verify the exact operating conditions under which the concern exists. Note factors such as engine RPM, engine
temperature, engine load, and frequency of concern.
• Inspect the easily accessible or visible system components for obvious damage or conditions which could cause
any symptom.

Test the vehicle under the same conditions that the customer reported in order to verify the system is operating as

Symptom List
Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
• Loss of power
Refer to “Restricted Exhaust”
• Poor acceleration
Refer to “Restricted Exhaust”
• Poor fuel economy
Refer to “Restricted Exhaust”
• Excessive smoke diesel
Refer to “Restricted Exhaust”
• Exhaust hissing noise
Refer to “Exhaust Leakage”
• Exhaust popping noise
Refer to “Exhaust Leakage”
• Exhaust rattle noise
Refer to “Exhaust Noise”
• Loud exhaust noise
Refer to “Exhaust Noise”
• Exhaust buzz, groan, humm noise
Refer to “Exhaust Noise”
1K-5 Exhaust System:

Restricted Exhaust
Special tool
J 35314-A Exhaust Back Pressure Gage

Diagnostic Aids
Refer to “Hot Exhaust System Caution”.

For dual exhaust systems a quick check of exhaust flow will help determine which side of the exhaust system is
restricted. The side that has less exhaust flow is the side that will be suspect, and diagnosis should begin there.

Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
The exhaust system has very low back pressure under normal conditions. If the exhaust system is restricted, a
significant increase in the exhaust pressure is noticed on the J 35314-A.
Removing the HO2S sensor may set a DTC. When finishing this diagnostic table, be sure to clear all codes.
This step will isolate the catalytic converter from the remainder of the exhaust system.

Confirming that the condition has been fixed is essential. If the symptom still exists and the vehicle has a dual exhaust
system, proceed to step 2 and repeat diagnostic procedure on the opposite exhaust pipe.
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1 Did you verify the customers complaint? — Go to Step 2 —
Did you review the exhaust symptoms diagnostic Go to
2 information and perform the necessary inspections? — Go to Step 3 “Symptoms -
Engine Exhaust”
Is the system equipped with dual exhaust? Go to
3 — Go to Step 4
Diagnostic Aids
1. Remove the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) that is in
front of the catalytic converter. Refer to the
appropriate procedure. Refer to “Heated Oxygen
Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 Sensor 1: ” or
“Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 1: ”.
2. Install the J 35314-A Exhaust Back Pressure Gage
4 in place of the HO2S sensor. 9 kPa (1.25 psi) Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
3. Start the engine.
4. Increase and monitor the engine speed at 2,500
5. Observe the exhaust system back pressure reading
on the gage.
Does the reading exceed the specified value?
Exhaust System: 1K-6

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the engine OFF and place the ignition in the
lock position.
2. Remove the J 35314-A.
3. Reinstall the HO2S sensor. Refer to “Heated Oxygen
Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 Sensor 1: ” or
“Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2
Sensor 1: ”.
4. Remove the post-catalyst HO2S sensor. Refer to the
appropriate procedure. Refer to “Heated Oxygen
Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 Sensor 2: ” or
5 “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 9 kPa (1.25 psi) Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Sensor 2: ”.
5. Install the J 35314-A in place of the post HO2S
6. Start the engine.
7. Increase and monitor the engine speed at 2,500
8. Observe the exhaust system back pressure reading
on the gage.

Does the reading exceed the specified value?
Inspect the exhaust system for the following conditions:
• Damage in the exhaust pipe
• Debris in the exhaust pipe
6 — Go to Step 8 —
• Muffler or resonator internal failure
• Two-layer exhaust pipe separation
Did you find and correct the condition?
Replace the catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic
Converter Replacement - Left Side” or “Catalytic
7 — Go to Step 8 —
Converter Replacement - Right Side”.
Did you find and correct the condition?
1. Remove the J 35314-A.
2. Reinstall the applicable HO2S sensor. Refer to
“Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1
Sensor 2: ” or “Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement
8 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: ”. — System OK Go to Step 2
3. Clear any codes.
4. Road test the vehicle in order to verify the repair.
Did you correct the condition?
1K-7 Exhaust System:

Exhaust Leakage
Condition Action
Refer to “Hot Exhaust System Caution”.

DEFINITION: An exhaust leak may show stains at the area of the leak. The leak may be felt by holding a hand close
to the suspected areas or using a smoke pencil. The leak may make a popping or hissing noise.
Refer to “Symptoms - Engine Exhaust” prior to beginning this table.
Misaligned or improperly installed • Align and tighten the exhaust system components to the specifications. Refer
exhaust system components to “Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Exhaust”.
• Ensure the exhaust hangers are in the proper locations and not loose.
Exhaust leaks at the following Tighten the components to the specifications. Refer to “Fastener Tightening
connections: Specifications - Engine Exhaust”.
• Exhaust manifold to pipe
• Flanges
• Pipe clamps
Seals or gaskets leaking; Replace the leaking seal or gasket. Refer to the affected components procedure
• Exhaust manifold to cylinder for service.

• Exhaust pipes to exhaust
• Catalytic converter connection
Irregularities at the mating surfaces Repair as required or replace the affected component. Refer to the affected
on the flange connections components procedure for service.
Exhaust manifold cracked or broken Replace the exhaust manifold. Refer to “Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Left
Side” or “Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Right Side”.
Exhaust system component Replace the leaking component. Refer to the affected component's procedure
connection welds leaking for service.
Muffler or resonator, if equipped, Replace the affected muffler or resonator, if equipped. Refer to “Muffler
damaged or leaking at the seams Replacement”.

Exhaust Noise
Condition Action
Refer to “Hot Exhaust System Caution”.

DEFINITION: An audible or physical noise due to a faulty component or damaged components causing a loose or
misaligned exhaust system resulting in a rattle or vibration noise, i.e. buzz, groan, hum.
Refer to “Symptoms - Engine Exhaust” prior to beginning this table.
Popping or hissing noise Exhaust leak - Refer to “Exhaust Leakage”.
Loud exhaust 1. Compare to a known good vehicle.
2. Inspect for a damaged or failed muffler or resonator, if equipped.
3. Replace the faulty muffler or resonator (if equipped). Refer to “Muffler
External rattle or vibration noise 1. Inspect for a bent or loose hanger, loose heat shield, or loose clamp.
2. Inspect for a exhaust pipe causing interference.
3. Repair or replace the affected component. Refer to the affected
component's service procedure.
Internal rattle 1. Test the components by tapping with a rubber mallet to confirm a rattle.
2. Replace the faulty catalytic converter, resonator, if equipped, or muffler.
Refer to “Muffler Replacement”.
Exhaust System: 1K-8

Repair Instructions
Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Left Side 4. Remove the exhaust manifold bolts (1).
Removal Procedure NOTE
! WARNING Do not reuse the gasket.

Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”. 5. Remove the exhaust manifold and gasket. Discard
the gasket.
Installation Procedure
Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

1. Install one exhaust manifold bolt to the exhaust
2. Install the NEW exhaust manifold gasket onto the
1. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
cylinder head and bolt.
“Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Left
Side”. 3. Install the exhaust manifold (with gasket) to the
catalytic converter and the cylinder head.
2. Remove the oil level indicator. Refer to “Oil Level
Indicator and Tube Replacement: ”. ! CAUTION
3. Remove the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
nuts (1).
4. Install the remaining exhaust manifold bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
1K-9 Exhaust System:

5. Install the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold 1. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
nuts (1). “Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Right
Tightening torque

Tighten the nuts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft). 2. Remove the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold
nuts (1).
6. Install the oil level indicator. Refer to “Oil Level
3. Remove the right catalytic converter. Refer to
Indicator and Tube Replacement: ”.
“Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side”.
7. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
“Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Left

Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Right Side

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”.

Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

4. Remove the exhaust manifold bolts.

Do not reuse the gasket.

5. Remove the exhaust manifold and gasket out from

vehicle. Discard the gasket.
Exhaust System: 1K-10

Installation Procedure 7. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to

“Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Right

Exhaust Flexible Pipe Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Install one exhaust manifold bolt to the exhaust


2. Install the NEW exhaust manifold gasket onto the
cylinder head and bolt.
3. Install the exhaust manifold (with gasket) to the
catalytic converter and the cylinder head. 1. Remove the right and left catalytic converter to
exhaust flexible pipe bolts and nuts.
2. Remove the flexible pipe insulator from the pipe
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. hanger.

4. Install the exhaust manifold bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 20 N⋅m (15 lb ft).
5. Install the right catalytic converter. Refer to “Catalytic
Converter Replacement - Right Side”.

3. Loosen the exhaust muffler clamps.

6. Install the catalytic converter nuts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
1K-11 Exhaust System:

4. Separate the exhaust flexible pipe from the catalytic

5. Remove the exhaust flexible pipe from the muffler. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

6. Remove and discard the catalytic converter to
4. Tighten the exhaust muffler clamps.
flexible pipe gaskets.
Tightening torque
Installation Procedure Tighten the clamps to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).

1. Install the exhaust flexible pipe to the muffler. 5. Install the flexible pipe insulator to the pipe hanger.
2. Insert NEW catalytic converter to flexible pipe 6. Install the right and left catalytic converter to exhaust
gaskets between the catalytic converters and the flexible pipe bolts.
exhaust flexible pipe. Tightening torque
3. Install the exhaust flexible pipe to the catalytic Tighten the bolts to 22 N⋅m (16 lb ft).
Exhaust System: 1K-12

Catalytic Converter Replacement - Left Side

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”.

Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

5. Remove the left catalytic converter to exhaust

flexible pipe bolts.

1. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
“Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Left
2. Remove the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold
nuts (1).
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.

6. Remove the catalytic converter from the vehicle.

7. Remove and discard the catalytic converter to
exhaust manifold gasket (2).
8. Remove and discard the catalytic converter to
exhaust flexible pipe gasket (1).

4. Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)

electrical connector (2) from the engine wiring
harness electrical connector.
1K-13 Exhaust System:

Installation Procedure

5. Connect the HO2S electrical connector (2) to the

1. Install a NEW catalytic converter to exhaust manifold engine wiring harness electrical connector.
gasket (2) onto the catalytic converter. 6. Lower the vehicle.

2. Install the catalytic converter to the vehicle.
3. Install a NEW catalytic converter to exhaust flexible
pipe gasket (1) between the converter and the
flexible pipe.

7. Install the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold

nuts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
! CAUTION 8. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. “Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Left
4. Install the left catalytic converter to exhaust flexible
pipe bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 22 N⋅m (16 lb ft).
Exhaust System: 1K-14

Catalytic Converter Replacement - Right

Removal Procedure
Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”.

Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

5. Remove the right catalytic converter to exhaust

flexible pipe nuts.

1. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
“Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Right
2. Remove the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold
nuts (1).
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
6. Remove the catalytic converter from the vehicle.
7. Remove and discard the catalytic converter to
exhaust manifold gasket (1).
8. Remove and discard the catalytic converter to
exhaust flexible pipe gasket (2).

4. Disconnect heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) electrical

connector (2) from the engine wiring harness
electrical connector.
1K-15 Exhaust System:

Installation Procedure

5. Connect the HO2S electrical connector (2) to the

1. Install a NEW catalytic converter to exhaust manifold engine wiring harness electrical connector.
gasket (1) onto the catalytic converter. 6. Lower the vehicle.

2. Install the catalytic converter to the vehicle.
3. Install a NEW catalytic converter to exhaust flexible
pipe gasket (2) between the converter and the
flexible pipe.

7. Install the catalytic converter to exhaust manifold

nuts (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
! CAUTION 8. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. “Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement - Right
4. Install the right catalytic converter to exhaust flexible
pipe nuts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the nuts to 22 N⋅m (16 lb ft).
Exhaust System: 1K-16

Muffler Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure

1. With the aid of an assistant, install the muffler

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and assembly to the vehicle and the exhaust flexible

Jacking the Vehicle: ”. pipe.
2. Loosen the exhaust muffler clamps. 2. With the aid of an assistant, install the exhaust pipe
hangers to the rubber insulators.

3. With the aid of an assistant, separate the rubber

insulators from the exhaust pipe hangers. ! CAUTION
4. With the aid of an assistant, remove the muffler
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.
assembly from exhaust flexible pipe and the vehicle.
3. Tighten the exhaust muffler clamps.
Tightening torque
Tighten the clamps to 5 N⋅m (44 lb in).
4. Lower the vehicle.
1K-17 Exhaust System:

Catalytic Converter Heat Shield

Removal Procedure

The heat shields at the dash panel and the

catalytic converter overlap and utilizing
1. Remove the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler common rivet attachment points.
2. If the vehicle is equipped with all wheel drive (AWD) 4. Drill out the rivets.
remove the propeller shaft underbody guard loop 5. Remove the catalytic converter heat shield.
bolts and guard loop.
Installation Procedure

1. Position the catalytic converter heat shield, and
Support the fuel tank prior to removing the
insert the catalytic converter heat shield between the
fuel tank strap bolt.
underbody and the dash panel heat shield.
3. Remove the right fuel tank strap bolt, which also 2. Install the NEW rivets.
secures the rear of the catalytic converter heat shield
to the underbody.
Exhaust System: 1K-18

Exhaust Heat Shield Replacement - Dash

Removal Procedure

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and
3. Install the fuel tank strap bolt.
Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
Tightening torque 2. Remove the dash panel heat shield nut.
Tighten the bolt to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
The heat shields at the dash panel and the
catalytic converter overlap and utilizing
common rivet attachment points.

3. Drill out the dash panel heat shield rivets.

4. Remove the dash panel heat shield.

4. If the vehicle is equipped with AWD, install the

propeller shaft underbody guard loop and bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).
5. Install the muffler assembly. Refer to “Muffler
1K-19 Exhaust System:

Installation Procedure Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Position the dash panel heat shield to the

underbody, installing the shield over the stud. 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to “Lifting and

Jacking the Vehicle: ”.
2. Remove the rear exhaust manifold heat shield bolts
Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”. and shield.

2. Install the dash panel heat shield nut.

Installation Procedure
Tightening torque
Tighten the nut to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
3. Install NEW rivets.
4. Lower the vehicle.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

1. Position the rear exhaust manifold heat shield to the

engine and install the bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the bolts to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
2. Lower the vehicle.
Exhaust System: 1K-20

Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement 5. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield, sliding the
- Right Side shield up over the HO2S pigtail.
Removal Procedure
Installation Procedure
Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”.

Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

1. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield, sliding the
shield down over the HO2S pigtail.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.

Tightening torque
1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary. Tighten the bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Refer to“Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (3) from the heated oxygen sensor
(HO2S) electrical connector (2).
3. Remove the HO2S electrical connector retainer from
the camshaft cover.

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (3) to the HO2S electrical connector (2).
4. Install the HO2S electrical connector retainer to the
camshaft cover.
5. Install the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.
Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
4. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.
1K-21 Exhaust System:

Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement 5. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield, sliding the
- Left Side shield up over the HO2S pigtail.
Removal Procedure
Installation Procedure
Refer to “Exhaust Service Caution”.

Refer to “Protective Goggles and Glove
Caution: ”.

1. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield, sliding the
shield down over the HO2S pigtail.

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

2. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.

Tightening torque
1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary. Tighten the bolts to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Refer to“Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
2. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical
connector (3) from the heated oxygen sensor
(HO2S) electrical connector (4).
3. Remove the HO2S electrical connector retainer (5)
from the retainer clip.

3. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical

connector (3) to the HO2S electrical connector (4).
4. Install the HO2S electrical connector retainer (5) to
the retainer clip.
5. Install the fuel injector sight shield, if necessary.
Refer to “Fuel Injector Sight Shield Replacement: ”.
4. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.
Exhaust System: 1K-22

Exhaust Manifold Removal - Left Side 3. Remove the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
Reference: “Oil Level Indicator and Tube Removal: ”. sensor.

1. Remove the left exhaust manifold heat shield bolts. 4. Remove the left exhaust manifold lower bolts from

the left cylinder head.

2. Remove the left exhaust manifold heat shield.

5. Remove the left exhaust manifold upper bolts from
the left cylinder head.
1K-23 Exhaust System:

Exhaust Manifold Removal - Right Side

Reference: “Oil Filter Adapter Removal: ”.

6. Remove the left exhaust manifold.

1. Remove the right exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.

7. Remove and discard the left exhaust manifold
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection - 2. Remove the right exhaust manifold heat shield.
Left Side: ”.
Exhaust System: 1K-24

3. Remove the right exhaust manifold bolts from the 6. Remove and discard the right exhaust manifold
right cylinder head. gasket.

4. Remove the right exhaust manifold nuts from the 7. Remove the studs from the right cylinder head.
studs in the right cylinder head.

8. Remove the right knock sensor heat shield bolts.

5. Remove the right exhaust manifold.
1K-25 Exhaust System:

9. Remove the right knock sensor heat shield. 12. Remove the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor bolt.

10. Remove the right knock sensor bolt. 13. Remove the CKP sensor.

11. Remove the right knock sensor. 14. Remove and discard the CKP sensor O-ring.
Exhaust System: 1K-26

– Damage to the exhaust manifold mounting holes

– Damage to the threaded holes (3) for the heat
– Damage to the exhaust manifold flange bolt holes
– Damage to the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)
hole threads (5)

15. Remove the engine block heater, if equipped.

Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Right Side: ”.

Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Left Side
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Left Side: ”.

Cleaning Procedure 2. Inspect the left exhaust manifold for the following:
1. Clean the exhaust manifold in solvent. – Damage to the gasket sealing surfaces (1)
– Damage or restrictions within the exhaust
! WARNING passages (2)
Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”. 3. Repair or replace the left exhaust manifold and/or
components as necessary.
2. Dry the exhaust manifold with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

4. Measure the alignment or surface flatness of the

exhaust manifold flanges, using a straight edge and
a feeler gage. Exhaust manifold surface flatness
1. Inspect the left exhaust manifold for the following: must not exceed 0.254 mm (0.010 in).
– Damage or excessive corrosion to the exhaust 5. If the surface flatness is not within specifications, the
manifold exterior (1) exhaust manifold is warped and must be replaced.
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Left Side: ”.
1K-27 Exhaust System:

Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -

Right Side
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Removal - Right Side: ”.

Cleaning Procedure
1. Clean the exhaust manifold in solvent.

Refer to “Safety Glasses Caution: ”.

2. Dry the exhaust manifold with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

2. Inspect the right exhaust manifold for the following:

– Damage to the gasket sealing surfaces (1)
– Damage or restrictions within the exhaust

passages (2)
3. Repair or replace the right exhaust manifold and/or
components as necessary.

1. Inspect the right exhaust manifold for the following:

– Damage or excessive corrosion to the exhaust
manifold exterior (1)
– Damage to the exhaust manifold mounting holes
– Damage to the threaded holes (3) for the heat
– Damage to the exhaust manifold flange bolt holes
– Damage to the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S)
4. Measure the alignment or surface flatness of the
hole threads (5)
exhaust manifold flanges, using a straight edge and
a feeler gage. Exhaust manifold surface flatness
must not exceed 0.254 mm (0.010 in).
5. If the surface flatness is not within specifications, the
exhaust manifold is warped and must be replaced.
Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Installation - Right Side: ”.
Exhaust System: 1K-28

Exhaust Manifold Installation - Left Side

Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Left Side: ”.

3. Loosely install the left exhaust manifold upper bolts

into the left cylinder head.

1. Install a NEW left exhaust manifold gasket.


2. Install the left exhaust manifold. Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Loosely install the left exhaust manifold lower bolts

into the left cylinder head.
5. Tighten the left exhaust manifold bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the left exhaust manifold bolts to 25 N⋅m
(18 lb ft).
1K-29 Exhaust System:

6. Install the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. 8. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Tighten the ECT sensor to 22 N⋅m (16 lb ft). Tighten the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts to

10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Oil Level Indicator and Tube Installation: ”.

Exhaust Manifold Installation - Right Side

Reference: “Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection -
Right Side: ”.

7. Place the left exhaust manifold heat shield in


1. Install the engine block heater, if equipped.

Exhaust System: 1K-30

Refer to “Fastener Notice: ”.

4. Install the CKP sensor bolt.

Tightening torque
Tighten the CKP sensor bolt to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

2. Install a NEW crankshaft position (CKP) sensor O-


5. Install the right knock sensor.

3. Install the CKP sensor.

6. Install the right knock sensor bolt. Ensure the knock

sensor is oriented with the harness connector
positioned to the front on the right side (1).
Tightening torque
Tighten the right knock sensor bolt to 23 N⋅m (17
lb ft).
1K-31 Exhaust System:

7. Install the right knock sensor heat shield. 9. Install the studs into the right cylinder head.
Tightening torque
Tighten the studs to 10 N⋅m (89 lb in).

8. Install the right knock sensor heat shield bolts.
Tightening torque
Tighten the right knock sensor heat shield bolts 10. Install a NEW right exhaust manifold gasket.
to 50 N⋅m (37 lb ft).
Exhaust System: 1K-32

14. Tighten the right exhaust manifold nuts and bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the right exhaust manifold nuts and bolts
to 25 N⋅m (18 lb ft).

11. Install the right exhaust manifold.

15. Place the right exhaust manifold heat shield in

12. Loosely install the right exhaust manifold nuts onto

the studs in the right cylinder head.

16. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts.

Tightening torque
Tighten the exhaust manifold heat shield bolts to
10 N⋅m (89 lb in).
Reference: “Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Installation: ”.

13. Loosely install the right exhaust manifold bolts into

the right cylinder head.
1K-33 Exhaust System:

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Mechanical - 3.6L (LY7)
Metric English
Crankshaft Position Sensor Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Crankshaft Position Sensor/Right Exhaust Manifold Lower Heat Shield
Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor 22 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Exhaust Manifold
Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Heat Shield Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Studs 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Knock Sensor Bolt 23 N⋅m 17 lb ft
Oxygen Sensor
Pump Converter Pipe 40 N⋅m 30 lb ft

Fastener Tightening Specifications - Engine Exhaust

Metric English

Catalytic Converter to Exhaust Flexible Pipe Nut 22 N⋅m 16 lb ft
Catalytic Converter to Exhaust Manifold Nut 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Catalytic Converter Nut 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft
Dash Panel Heat Shield 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt 10 N⋅m 89 lb in
Exhaust Manifold Bolt 20 N⋅m 15 lb ft
Exhaust Muffler Clamp 5 N⋅m 44 lb in
Fuel Tank Strap Bolt 25 N⋅m 18 lb ft
Rear Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt 50 N⋅m 37 lb ft

Special Tools and Equipment

Tools and Equipment – An adequate set of hand tools
• Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout this – Approved engine repair stand
section, with a complete listing at the end of the – An approved engine lifting device that adequately
section. These tools, or their equivalents, are supports the weight of the components
designed to quickly and safely accomplish the
operations for which they are intended. The use of
Special Tools - Engine Exhaust
these special tools also minimize possible damage to
engine components. Some precision measuring tools Tool Number/
are required for inspection of certain critical Description
components. Torque wrenches and a torque angle
meter are necessary for the proper tightening of
various fasteners.
• To properly service the engine assembly, the following
items should be readily available: J 35314-A
Exhaust Back Pressure
– Approved eye protection and safety gloves
– A clean, well-lit, work area
– A suitable component cleaning tank
– A compressed air supply
– Trays or storage containers to keep components
and fasteners organized

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