Game Mechanics
You have two kinds of statistics: Needs and Attributes. There are a number of romance options they can
interact with. They have three primary statistics: Love Points (LP), Kink Points (KP), and Lesbian Points
(GP). Certain other romance options have additional statistics as noted in their sections.
In Love and Sex, you take actions to do things or move around the game. Actions may cost you time
and/or attributes. You can see what the action will cost you by hovering over the icon. Many actions
have additional requirements, such as specific needs or attributes or characters in the room, or certain
You can play either as a male character (Mike) or female character (Bree). Note that Mike has
significantly more content in the game at this time.
You have 4 needs: Energy, Hunger, Grooming and Fun.
Energy is refilled by either sleeping (my bedroom, faster with the luxury bed bought at the mall), drink a
coffee (kitchen, once per day, free action), taking a break (office, free action) or drinking an energy drink
(bakery, 25$, consumable) You can only drink one coffee per day, taking a break counts as coffee.
Hunger is filled by either have a meal (kitchen), eat a hotdog (mall, 5$), eat a hamburger (pub, 25$) or
eating a pastry (bakery, 25$, consumable).
Grooming can be refilled by taking a shower in the bathroom (at lower level of love points your
housemates will not allow you in the bathroom alongside with them) or eating a mint candy (bakery,
25$, consumable)
Fun can be refilled by watching tv (living room), playing videogames (after buying or being gifted the Z-
box), play a game (arcade, 1$), take a break (office), reading the fun book (bookstore, 25$), watching a
movie (movie theater, 10$), masturbate (living room, free action, requires under yellow fun) and
complimenting/kissing the romance options. Sending texts to all the characters in your contacts is a
good way to increase fun and love points at the same time.
If one of your needs is below 5 it will block a small amount of actions, if your needs are in yellow (3 or
below) they will block most of your actions, if your needs are in red (0) they will block almost everything
except the most basic of actions (sleeping, eating and solving whatever need is in red)
Knowledge increases the amount of money you get from working in the office, the amount of topics you
get to talk about (you start with 2 and you get a new one every 10 levels) and prerequisite for options in
events increase knowledge by: thinking hard (park, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance),
reading a knowledge book (book store, 100$, free action), study (university,3h, 25$), and buying the
knowledge machine (mall,200$, not guaranteed every night) also increased by wearing certain clothes.
Fitness increases your energy level and prerequisite for options in events
increase fitness by: do push-ups (your bedroom, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance),
swim (pool,only spring and summer months, requires bathing suit), go for a run (park, requires sport
clothes), light training (gym, requires sport clothes), heavy training (gym, requires sport clothes) and
buying the fitness machine (mall,200$, not guaranteed every night) also increased by wearing certain
Charm decreases the chance of giving a bad compliment and prerequisite for options in events
increase charm by: practice speech (bathroom, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance),
sunbath (pool,only spring and summer months), get a haircut (mall,50$), party (nightclub(15$),50$),
reading the charm book (bookstore,100$) and buying the charm machine (mall,200$, not guaranteed
every night) also increased by wearing certain clothes.
Morality is a Bree MC specific trait that describes how good or bad your character is. This controls what
actions might be available with certain other characters, positive points will be called morality and
negative points immorality.
Your starting attributes are also raised by your choices in the prologue.
These there are the skills which currently matter in gameplay. All skills are picked at the start of the
game skills, but some skills can be learned as the game progresses. Initial skill choice is detailed in the
Walkthrough section.
Good Skills
Martial arts: need less fitness to win a fight (that one's on me, sorry guys)
Video games: need less knowledge to win the videogame event
No sleep: need 1 hour less sleep
Hung: get +1LP if romance options happen to encounter the trouser python (+1LP if you're in
the bathroom with sasha or bree, first asking you to leave counts), always impregnate a girl
when you cum inside her if she has pregnancy content
Guitar: prerequisite for the band storyline
Cooking: desire gain from eating with Sasha and Bree in the morning (this skill is earnable
ingame) and can affect dialogue with some characters.
Shooting: Has some effect on Aletta’s story.
Dancing: Has minimal effect on current story.
Luck: Starting money boost.
Golf: No current effect.
Skills also influence Daily Passive Love (more on that under 1.5)
Bad Skills
Debt: lose 100$ each week before paying rent
Unlucky: Surprisingly no effect.
Animals Hate Me: No effect.
The Office
For Mike, the only way to reliably get money is to work at the office (you can also roam the streets for a
random event or play vidya but you won't get far that way). Either work hard (4 hours) or work (4
hours), work hard gets you more money and costs more fun but is only available if all your needs are
above 5, work is available if your needs are above 3. You also have random events while working that
can change how much money you get.
Work is only available in day hours and from monday to saturday, this is important because of the next
important! Every monday morning 100$ will be required to pay the rent, if you can't do this then you'll
take a massive relationship hit with your roommates.
At the office you have a promotion bar. When this reaches 100%, you will receive a promotion. This
includes a new office and a salary increase. The more promotions you get, the more your salary
increases. Promotions will also unlock new content.
Mall Jobs
For Bree, or for Mike if he loses or quits his office job, the alternative are mall jobs. Mall jobs pay much
less than the office job and are not very fulfilling, but they will do the trick.
You can purchase items at various shops. There are four types of items you can buy:
Gifts: Gifts are items that are specifically to be given to the romance characters. They can be
flowers, candies, books, clothing and certain sex shop items such as the slave collar.
Consumables: Consumables are items that you buy and use. They include items such as cakes,
mint candies, medicine and condoms.
Clothing: Clothing are items that you can equip for some effect. You have two slots to equip: A
main clothing and an accessory. Each item in the clothes shop describes what it affects.
Plot items: Other items exist for plot purposes, and cannot be used explicitly but may be needed
to make some scenes available. Examples of this are the bicycle or car, which unlocks the beach.
Note that plot items can also be clothing, such as the sport clothes and fancy clothes needed to
unlock the gym and nightclub, respectively.
Each week you're supposed to do certain chores as part of the household. There will be a bar that fills
up to 100% while you are in the house. When you have filled this bar it will go away.
These are best left until sunday as you don't have that much to do during that day.
If you don't do the minimum of 4 chores then you'll lose 10LP with both Bree (or Mike if Bree MC) and
Getting Sick
You have a small chance of getting sick every day.
If you get sick, other characters will comment on it, but it otherwise has minimal effect on the game. If
you buy medicine in the mall, using it will immediately remove the effect.
There are more than 15 romance options in the game, almost all girls, but Scottie can be romanced for
Each romance option has 3 attributes, Love Points (LP), Kink Points (KP), and Lesbian Points (GP). Each
character also has their favourite talk topics, favourite gifts, favourite dates and/or television programs.
Also each character has their own schedule so you'll have to adjust your schedule depending on what
romance you're after.
Love Points
LP represents how much a character likes you, and is on a scale of 0-100. Love Points tend to have a cap
based upon events; once you reach that cap it will often enable the next event in their story chain. As of
this time, many of the characters still have caps below 100, which indicates more story is planned for
them in future versions of the game.
Love Points can be gained and lost through interactions with the characters, giving them gifts, sending
them texts, and through Daily Passive Love (DPL). DPL (Daily Passive Love) are LP that each character
gets based on your attributes, skills and the clothes you wear, these get applied the first time you meet
a romance option that day. For attributes it means that if the DPL attribute is above the LP then you gain
1 LP. Each character’s DPL is also influenced by the clothing you wear more on that in 3.4: clothing.
Characters have favourite gifts. These gifts provide a bonus to love points.
After a certain amount of LP (50) the character will change pose, this is when you know to strike.
Kink Points
If Kink Points are positive, it is a measure of how submissive they are, and the icon is a pair of handcuffs.
If Kink Points go negative, it is a measure of how dominant they are and the icon is a whip. Only certain
characters can go into Dom Points, and this opens up alternative scenes with them.
Kink Points can be raised by giving them “A sex slave’s story” book purchased in the bookstore, or
lowered by giving “Mistress Amanda”.
It can also be raised by spanking, but only once they have reached 10 KP, and cannot be raised past 40.
Watching S&M Porn with characters at home (for characters who do not live at home this can be done
on home dates) will raise KP as well.
Raising Kink Points will open new options, such as piercing, collaring, agreeing to have unprotected sex.
If KP goes negative, certain characters can instead get Dom Points (DP).
Lesbian Points
GP is a measure of how likely it is that a girl will agree to a threesome. Currently threesomes exist only
for a small number of characters.
GP is raised through watching lesbian porn and giving them Yuri Manga.
When you reach at least 20 LP with a romance option, you can then give them gifts. Most gifts will offer
an LP boost, but some will open up story options. Some gifts can only be ever given once. Other gifts can
be given multiple times, but their effects will be reduced in the future, such as the flowers and the
candies. For some characters, the Sexy Underwear or Sexy Swimsuit will allow them to wear a sexier
version of that outfit at appropriate times. For most characters, the slave collar will, given enough KP,
change the character to be your slave.
On Valentine's Day (most characters give just chocolates then, others will pick from their list), Christmas
or the MC's birthday you'll receive a gift if you meet the character that day and have at least 20LP
(birthday) or 25LP (Christmas and Valentine’s)
Each character has a specific list of items to give and if you already have that item they'll skip to the next
one, if they run out they'll give you a cake.
Each character has inherent traits which influences which actions they will like on dates, these dates will
be discoverable when you get enough LP. They'll also influence how much LP you'll gain from the clothes
you wear. Certain characters also have anti-traits, meaning if you do an action they may lose LP.
Both MCs have 2 roommates, one of which is always Sasha. Roommates have more options than other
You can watch TV with the roommates regularly. Each roommate has his or her own chart for programs
they like.
You can cook a meal for the roommates for easy LP, if you have the cooking skill.
Upon reaching a certain LP, and sometimes after clearing specific events, you may ask a character out on
a date. Sometimes these characters will ask you on a date.
If they ask you then a time is automatically chosen. If you do ask, then you can choose the time, either in
the afternoon (only Saturday or Sunday) or evening. This means either 14:00 or 20:00.
If you don't take a character on a date on the day it was agreed upon then you'll lose a whopping 20 LP.
Be careful because some events will cause you to miss the date time.
When the time to go on a date comes, you will get an action icon to take the person on the date. It will
appear only at the hour of the date. If you miss the date due to an event, you can still call and cancel the
date as long as you do it before midnight. After midnight, you will take the hit for missing the date.
On a date, you'll have a bar at the top of the screen, called Date Score (DS). Every action that increases
LP will fill the bar and every action that decreases LP will deplete it, so take care what you do or say. A
full bar means a successful date.
You can also get DS for certain actions, these fill the bar too but don't alter LP.
Dates generally last for 6 hours and it's possible for your date to propose to continue the date either an
evening date location or the nightclub.
If a date is successful, usually with a high enough date bar, you might be able to ask your partner home
for sex. A high morality Bree MC will usually not have sex right away, and some girls may need additional
events to unlock sex.
The MC may purchase clothing in the clothes shop in the mall. The MC can wear one piece of clothing
and one accessory. Most clothes add to traits, but some clothes unlock special locations. Some clothes
also affect the DLP of dates, depending upon their traits. Depending on the traits of the characters, each
piece of clothing and accessory you wear has a chance of adding 1 to your DPL, if multiple traits apply to
the same girl then both will count(for example on sasha the leather jacket has a 40% chance of gaining
1LP and 20% chance of 2 LP)
Some items are for Mike MC, while differently named variations with the same effects are for Bree.
Clothing that unlocks a location does not need to be worn, merely owned.
Fancy clothes/dress 200$ +10 Charm Pacifist, Princess Nightclub, High class
If Mike MC has sex with a girl and cums inside her, there is a 1 in 3 chance she will become pregnant,
unless he has the hung trait, in which case there is a 100% chance she’ll become pregnant.
When a girl becomes pregnant, sometime in the next week she will have a special conversation with MC
where she breaks the news. Some girls do not want children and will want an abortion. Some girls will
want to keep it.
If, at the end of the conversation, she decides or is coerced into keeping the child, after 7 full days her
art will update to the pregnancy version. Not all girls currently support pregnancy.
Booty call
If the MC has > 75= LP, >= 25 KP, you may call the character up and go directly to the post-date sex
If a romance option has at least 30 KP (this number is the same for all characters and all piercings),
during the mall date the MC can take the date to the piercing shop and buy or remove piercings. These
piercings are generally cosmetic in nature only.
Not all characters support all piercings. In particular only a few support lip and eyebrow piercings.
There is a slave collar that can be purchased as a gift. If given to a character, and that character accepts
it, their status will change to sex slave and they will wear the collar. If their KP ever drops below 50, they
will no longer be shown wearing the collar.
Beware: Some characters will be offended by the collar offer and leave. Others will just turn it down.
Collaring status is noted in individual character descriptions.
Some characters can be proposed to. The MC can buy a ring. If they give the ring as a gift, they’ll
propose. Characters who can be married need to have very high love -- this should only be attempted
when LP is at or near max, or they will likely say no.
After the wedding will be a bit of an epilogue, and the game will end. Because of this you should
ALWAYS save before proposing.
For Mike MC, the intro consists of 4 sets of questions, each of the answers give different attributes and
skills. The 4th question only appears if you pick a bad skill.
Question #3: Can you tell us something bad or shameful about you.
Advancing quickly in the game requires getting your attributes up and having a lot of money. As a result,
a good early daily schedule includes working a lot and spending time practicing your skills, while at the
same time increasing LP with your roommates. Here is a good recommended schedule to start with.
06:00: Wake up (set the alarm) and shower, Bree will ask you to leave, this will net you LP with
her if you are hung
07:00: Watch tv or do a chore
08:00: Kitchen with Bree, compliment her (free action, once per day), this will either increase LP
or decrease it but we're going to get it back immediately anyway, talk to her.
09:00: Kitchen with sasha, compliment her (free action, once per day), eat with her, also drink
the coffee (your energy level should be 8 which brings you right back at 10 for free)
10:00: Office, work hard
14:00: Office, work hard
18:00: Text every girl in your contact list that is not at max LP. You should call and chat with the
ones that can gain LP for chatting.
18:00: Home: either TV with Bree (if you have enough LP with her) or wait for 2 hours (your fun
levels are too low to do anything else)
20:00: Eat with the girls
21:00: TV with Sasha (if you have enough LP with her)
23:00: Sleep
Other good starting choices include (once you’ve worked a bit and built up some cash) buying gym
clothes and going to the gym to train, or buying fancy clothes and going to the nightclub to party (only
available late at night) to build up charm. Going to the university to build up knowledge is also valuable
early. If you want to avoid Kylie (the yandere character), she will not trigger until 7 days played. Kylie
also does not become generally available until after Mike has 50 charm, so raising knowledge to max
first and then raising charm can keep Kylie at bay.
Be warned that starting on the second week, if you go to the street after 22:00 you will encounter
Danny. If you have less than 50 fitness, (or less than 25 fitness with martial arts skill) you will lose 500$,
so do not do this encounter on a Sunday night!
Currently there are 16 romanceable characters in the game of whom 10 are patreon exclusive. There are
also several teaser characters that are not dateable but may be in the future.
Acquisition Immediate
Availability Public, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring Yes (50 KP) If you try without enough KP, she leaves game.
Traits Sportsy, bookworm, playfull, geek
Desire factors Knowledge, video games, books, science fiction, mall, not park
Talk topics Books, food, love, sex, politics, travels, computers, tv
DPL Knowledge skill:video games
Favourite TV SciFi, cartoon
Hated TV Horror, reality, fashion
Marriage Yes (poly with Sasha)
Harems Home
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
When playing as Mike MC, Bree is one of his roommates and one of the first characters he can interact
with. Bree has some of the most content in the game. She is a cute, excitable blonde girl who is into
video games and geekery in general.
If you have the cooking skill, you can make a meal for Bree (and Sasha) in at 08:00 and 20:00 to gain LP.
If you kiss someone in front of Bree, (other than Sasha if the Home Harem is active) you will lose 20 LP
with her.
If you have completed The Interview and had sex with her at least once, she can give you a titty
If KP > 25 she can do it doggy. If she hasn’t done anal, there is a 25% chance she’ll do anal.
She will always do missionary.
Story events
Missing phone
Prerequisites: Living room, Bree present, Bree 10 LP.
Mike’s phone is missing. While looking for it, it turns out Bree had stolen it to play Mike’s video games
on it. If Mike asks her to help look, +5 LP. If Mike demands she look, +5 KP.
Play games in the arcade with Bree. Different text if Mike has video games skill, but the outcome is the
Play on the Z-Box with Bree, and see her bedroom. If you tease her about country music, +5 KP.
Otherwise +5 LP.
Rent troubles
Prerequisites: Mon-Fri, 12:00-18:00, 10% chance, Bree 40 LP.
Bree calls Mike and asks to meet at the coffee shop. She explains that she doesn’t have money for the
rent, but she has a line on a job. Mike agrees to help her out with the job.
If Mike is mean to her, Bree gains KP. If Mike is kind to her, Bree gains LP. Mike can agree to cover her
rent this month, which can be repaid later.
Bree wants Mike to go with her to a video game tournament. At the arcade, there is an encounter with
another girl hogging the video game.
Cooking practice
Prerequisites: 09:00 - 22:00, Hallway or Bree’s Bedroom, Bree in her bedroom, Bree LP 50
Mike asks Bree to cook for him to practice for her upcoming interview. If Mike is mean, KP points are
gained but LP are lost.
Outcome: Bree Love Max set to 60.
Bree asks Mike to sample her cooking the day before her big interview. It’s… not good.
The interview
Prerequisites: 12:00-18:00 Mon-Fri, Street, Done Cooking practice redux, Bree LP 65
Bree has her interview at the Maid Cafe. If Mike paid her rent, she pays him back.
Sasha and Bree confront Mike about sleeping with both of them.
Outcome: If both girls have GP > 50, gain home harem. Otherwise, if Sasha LP > 88, Bree leaves. If Bree
LP > 88, Sasha leaves. If both have < 88 LP, both leave.
Sex events
Pool BJ
Prerequisites: Swimming 09:00-19:00, had sex with Bree, Bree >= 50 KP
Shower BJ
Prerequisites: Had sex with Bree, 20:00-24:00, shower, , Bree >= 75 LP >= 50KP
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Bree LP >= 75, had sex with Bree, watching TV with Bree.
If Mike watches Porn with Bree, she can give him a nice BJ.
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Home Harem, Sasha LP >= 75, Bree LP >= 75 had sex with Bree, watching TV
with both.
If Mike watches Porn with both of them, they will give him a tag team BJ.
Birthday 3BJ
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Home Harem, Living room on Mike’s birthday 14:00-18:00 Sasha LP >= 75, Bree
LP >= 75 had sex with Bree, watching TV with both.
Prerequisites: 20:00-03:00, knock on Bree’s bedroom, 25% chance
Mike can watch Bree masturbate. The scene changes if KP > 25 or Mike has had anal with her.
Fuck at home
Prerequisites: Any room in house 20:00-24:00, Sex with Bree at least twice, Bree LP >= 75
You can ask Bree to have sex at home. If Sasha is in the room and the HomeHarem is active, Sasha will
ask to join in.
Beach fuck
Prerequisites: Beach 14:00-18:00, Bree LP >= 75
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha >= 90 KP, Bree >= 90 KP, Home Harem,
watch TV (both present)
Bitches 2
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha 100 KP, Bree 100 KP, Home Harem, watch
TV (both present)
Mike takes his bitches for a walk, and they give him a double blowjob.
Other events
After the first kiss, Bree will tell Mike to forget it happened.
Talk about breakup
Prerequisites: Bree present, Bree 40 LP
Bree will use a bad metaphor to express sympathy for Mike’s breakup with Alexis.
Get out!
Prerequisites: Bree’s Room or Bathroom, Bree < 70 LP
Bree will ask you to leave her bedroom or step out of the bathroom.
If stepping into the bathroom and Bree is already in there, if LP < 50 she will tell you to get out.
Anal confession
Prerequisites: Had anal with Bree
Bree will confess that she liked anal sex and will try not to be ashamed about it.
Prerequisites: Hall or Bree’s Bedroom 18:00-20:00, at least 21 days played, Bree LP > 50
Bree will show her Bowsette cosplay. If Mike has already had sex with her, she’ll let him fuck her in the
Acquisition Immediate
Availability Public, Bree MC
Pregnancy No
Collaring No
Traits Playful, not family
Desire factors Charm, music, concert, sluts, not underwear, not restaurant, not flowers
Talk topics Love, sex, food, travels, TV, books, computers, music
DPL Charm
Favourite TV SciFi, cartoon
Hated TV Horror, reality, fashion
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Mike is Bree’s roommate, and along with Sasha is one of her primary romance options.
Story events
Shower BJ
Prerequisites: Shower with Mike present, Mike >= 50 LP
Bree will give Mike a BJ in the shower. Choosing to spit or swallow or take a facial affects Bree’s
Shower sex
Prerequisites: Shower with Mike present, had sex with Mike twice, Mike >= 75 LP
Bree can fuck Mike in the shower. Sasha can be asked to join in.
Acquisition Immediate
Availability Public, Mike MC or Bree MC
Pregnancy Yes (must have >= 50KP or >= 90 LP to keep baby)
Collaring Yes (50 KP) If you try without enough KP, she leaves game.
Traits rebel, dominant, submissive, guitar
Desire factors fitness, guitar, horror, not cooking, not mall
Talk topics tv, fashion, food, love, sex, travels, sports, people
DPL fitness, skill:guitar
Marriage Yes (poly with Bree)
Harems Home, Band
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Sasha is a smaller chested brunette goth girl who is one of the roommates. She is available as a romance
option for both Bree and Mike MC.
She is into music and kinky sex. Sasha is possessive! If you kiss someone in front of Sasha, many events
will no longer trigger. She considers this cheating. Events noted with “not cheated” will not trigger, in
this case, and you cannot recover this state.
If you allow KP to go negative, Sasha gets Dom Points (DP) instead, and this opens up special scenes.
If you have the cooking skill, you can make a meal for Sasha (and Bree) in at 08:00 and 20:00 to gain LP.
If KP > 50 and anal beads have been purchased, Sasha will do bead play. During bead play Mike
can fuck her doggy, missionary, standing, and there’s a spanking option.
If DP > 25, Sasha will fuck Mike with a strapon.
Story events
Moving In
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room 09:00-19:00
The MC can help Sasha unpack. Having energy > 8 or charm > 15 provides additional dialogue options
with more LP possibilities.
Scottie appears
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room, 7 days played, not cheated
Sasha’s ex-boyfriend Scottie appears. With Sasha LP > 25 there are more conversation options that lead
to more KP/DP for Sasha, but you’ll have to move quickly and complete Playing pool ASAP to get this far.
Scottie talk
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Done Scottie appears, Sasha LP < 50
Playing pool
Prerequisites: Pub, Sasha present, not cheated
The MC meets Sasha in The Winchester and admires her playing pool. Can bet with her, can help her
finish moving in, can have dinner with her.
Outcome: Sasha Love Max set to 30 if Mike MC, 100 if Bree MC.
Mike overhears Sasha playing guitar in her bedroom. If Mike asks, and Mike has the guitar skill, she
invites Mike to band practice.
Sasha asks Mike about his family, giving Mike an opportunity to flirt.
Sasha introduces Mike to Anna and Kleio and gets an opportunity to join the band.
Sasha will ask Mike to have a threesome with her and Scottie.
Sasha confronts Mike about how much time he spends with Anna and Kleio.
If Sasha LP < 75 and Sasha GP < 50 she dumps Mike and becomes undateable.
Sasha sees Mike looking at girls in a magazine, and gets irrational about it.
Mike walks in on Sasha in the shower. She asks if Mike likes big or small tits. If he says big, she gets a
breast complex.
Sasha shows off her nice new bigger boobs, and gives Mike a tittyjob.
Sasha catches Mike ogling Bree. If Mike says he likes Blondes, Sasha will be upset but think about that.
Sasha shows off her new blonde hair. If Mike does not like it, 7 days later it will change back to brunette.
Sasha and Bree confront Mike about sleeping with both of them.
Outcome: If both girls have GP > 50, gain home harem. Otherwise, if Sasha LP > 88, Bree leaves. If Bree
LP > 88, Sasha leaves. If both have < 88 LP, both leave.
Sex events
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha LP >= 75, had sex with Sasha, watching TV with Sasha.
If Mike watches Porn with Sasha, she can give him a nice BJ.
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Home Harem, Sasha LP >= 75, Bree LP >= 75 had sex with Bree, watching TV
with both.
If Mike watches Porn with both of them, they will give him a tag team BJ.
Birthday 3BJ
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Home Harem, Living room on Mike’s birthday 14:00-18:00 Sasha LP >= 75, Bree
LP >= 75 had sex with Bree, watching TV with both.
Band Foursome
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living Room 20:00-22:00, Sasha requested foursome
Mike, Sasha, Kleio and Anna have a foursome.
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha >= 90 KP, Bree >= 90 KP, Home Harem,
watch TV (both present)
Bitches 2
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha 100 KP, Bree 100 KP, Home Harem, watch
TV (both present)
Mike takes his bitches for a walk, and they give him a double blowjob.
Shower BJ
Prerequisites: Mike MC, take a shower, 20:00-24:00, Sasha LP >= 75, Sasha KP >= 50, had sex
Fuck at home
Prerequisites: Any room in house 20:00-24:00, Sex with Bree at least twice, Sasha LP >= 75
You can ask Sasha to have sex at home. If Bree is in the room and the HomeHarem is active, Bree will ask
to join in.
Other events
Coffee date
Prerequisites: Coffee shop in mall date, Sasha > 25 LP
Mike takes Sasha to the coffee shop. This date has an opportunity for +/- 10 KP as a method to quickly
raise/lower that stat.
Band practice is interrupted by Sasha having a bad day. Mike follows her and talks to her. Can gain 5 KP
or DP with right conversation options.
Piss off!
Prerequisites: Cheated on sasha
When you try to interact with Sasha, she’ll tell you to piss off.
Nightclub showdown
Prerequisites: Mike MC, had sex with Audrey, had sex with Sasha, nightclub date with Sasha, Audrey
Audrey flirts with mike in front of Sasha. Sasha confronts Mike for cheating on her with Audrey. Sasha
dumps Mike.
Acquisition Street, 10:00-17:00, minimum 7 days played
Availability Public, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes (if you tell her it is Ryan’s she leaves game)
Collaring No
Traits playful, gourmand, family
Desire factors charm, fitness, dance, clothes, underwear, cinema, not restaurant, not shooting
Talk topics travels, people, love, computers, fashion, politics, food
DPL charm, fitness and skill: dancing
Marriage Yes
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Samantha used to be Mike’s roommate, but moved out so she could be with her boyfriend Ryan. Mike
used to have a crush on Samantha (and still does).
Samantha is not initially dateable, and can only be dated depending upon her story progression with her
After a successful date, Samantha can do BJ, titjob, missionary or doggy. If doggy, she has options for
blindfold, dildo and anal beads.
Story events
Prerequisites: Street, 10:00-17:00, > 7 days played
Mike meets Samantha on the street and has a conversation with her to catch up.
Samantha moves
Prerequisites: Bakery, Samantha LP >= 20
Mike runs into Samantha at her job in the Bakery. After chatting, she asks him to help her finish moving
her stuff.
Mike finds Samantha in the park struggling with her homework. He can try to help her. This scene has
different dialogue if knowledge > 25.
This event will start the clock on Samantha’s wedding, which will happen the first Saturday after 7 days
have passed. Intervening events that are not triggered will not happen.
Mike spies Ryan in the nightclub, offering to take a girl elsewhere for sex. He takes photos as proof for
Mike has the opportunity to tell Samantha about Ryan. He can choose not to and let her go through with
Samantha shows up at Mike’s house, drunk and upset. She asks Mike to tell her he loves her; if he says
yes, they’ll have sex.
Samantha told Ryan about what happened and asks Mike on a date. There are several options with very
different dialogue.
Outcome: Samantha Love Max set to 75; Samantha is datable, and no longer engaged to Ryan. End of
Path A.
If Mike knew about the cheating and didn’t tell, he can go for a walk. Samantha will have caught
Ryan fucking Natalie in the bathroom and will offer to fuck Mike in revenge. This opens path D,
which is not yet implemented.
Mike can go to the bathroom and catch Ryan cheating with Natalie (the bridesmaid).
Mike runs into Samantha. Her marriage isn’t what she hoped for, so she hangs out with Mike. They go
shopping and then Sam goes home with Mike. Eventually Ryan texts Samantha and she leaves.
Samantha had a talk with Ryan about their marriage not working, and in response he disappeared. She
looks for comfort and then sex.
Afterward, Mike has the opportunity to tell her Ryan cheated, if he knows.
If Mike tells her, Sam asks why Mike waited so long. If he says Sam isn’t much better, she leaves, and
this opens path D. If he apologizes, this opens path E.
If Mike doesn’t tell her about the cheating, she suggests a threesome with Ryan (path C).
Sam’s pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is.
Sam calls Mike and asks personal questions about his sex life.
Sam tells Mike that she’s dumping Ryan. Ryan shows up very angry and there can potentially be a fight.
Mike leaves with Samantha.
Other events
Samantha forgot her money. Mike can offer to pay her bar tab for 1 LP.
Samantha wants a dress but can’t afford it. Mike can buy it for her for a couple of LP.
Sam and Bree will chat. This is repeatable and can change depending on where in Sam’s storyline she is.
Aletta is Mike’s boss at the office. She can have Dom Points (DP).
After a date, Aletta has cowgirl sex. With > 75 KP, she can have anal cowgirl.
Story events
Aletta’s Introduction
Prerequisites: Charm >= 30, coffee break at office
Mike sees Aletta smoking at the office and has several options about it that all leads to a minor KP or LP
A disgruntled employee calls Aletta a bitch. Mike can stand up for her or not. Afterward, Mike can offer
or suggest a massage.
Mike and Aletta flirt a little in the office. Mike has the opportunity to touch her, which she likes a little.
Aletta gets frustrated at the office and Mike gives her a foot massage, and then later gives her oral.
Outcome: Aletta Max LP set to 40
Aletta’s motorcycle
Prerequisites: Charm >= 55, Street Sat-Sun 12:00-18:00, Aletta >= 25 LP
Aletta sees Mike on the street and offers him a ride on her motorcycle. If he accepts he gets to feel her
up a bit while they ride.
Aletta invites Mike to go to the firing range, and they do a little target practice.
Aletta invites Mike to go to the firing range, and they do a little target practice. Aletta gives Mike a BJ
and Mike fingers Aletta.
Acquisition When Studio opens
Availability Public, Mike MC
Pregnancy No
Collaring No
Traits submissive, playful
Desire factors charm, music, concert, not underwear, not restaurant
Talk topics Love, Music, Travels, Sex (>60 LP)
DPL charm,
Marriage No
Harems Band
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
After a date, Anna will reveal her tattoo that says “Anal whore”. She’ll do cowgirl sex either vaginally or
anally, and with charm > 50 or anal beads, can do ass play during vaginal sex for +10 KP.
If Mike did not take the guitar skill, after Anna is introduced she can give him the guitar book to learn
the skill.
Story events
Anna drunk dials Mike, who goes to hang out with her. They get drunk together and eventually Mike
helps Anna get somewhere safe to sleep.
Anna has a bad day at practice and the rest of the bad gets upset with her. Mike gets to mediate.
Kleio and Anna confront Mike about sleeping with both of them.
If they both have lesbian >=50 and LP >= 75, this will trigger the Band Harem.
Outcome: Band Harem, or girls who did not have enough qualifications leave Mike.
Kleio and Anna arrange a date with Mike, which leads to a threesome.
Acquisition Buy a gym membership
Availability Public, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring Yes (50 KP)
Traits Rebel, sportsy
Desire factors fitness, park, waterpark, not nightclub
Talk topics love, sex, food, travels, sport, fashion, politics, tv, books, people, computers
DPL fitness
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Hanna is a serious fitness buff, and her father owns the gym. She is shy and extremely well built.
If Hanna has sex after a date, she’ll do the cowgirl position. She will require a condom unless LP >= 90.
Story events
Hanna’s introduction
Prerequisites: Gym 10:00-17:00, >7 days played, Fitness >= 20, Train or Train Hard
Hanna masturbates
Prerequisites: Gym 10:00-17:00, Fitness >= 30, Train or Train Hard, done Hanna’s introduction
Mike, while taking a shower, watches Hanna masturbate without knowing who she is.
Meet Hanna
Prerequisites: Renew gym membership, Fitness >= 40
Mike is introduced to Hanna. He finds out her dad owns the gym, and sometimes she works there.
Hanna boldly asks to join Mike in the shower. If accepted, she gives Mike a BJ.
Acquisition 7 days in
Availability Public, Bree MC
Pregnancy No
Collaring No
Traits Rebel, submissive, bitchy
Desire factors Charm, not home
Talk topics Travels, fashion
DPL charm
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Scottie is Sasha’s ex-boyfriend. For Mike MC he can appear in a couple of scenes, and Sasha can ask
Mike to include him in a threesome that is not implemented.
After a date, Scottie can spoon with Bree. He can fuck her anally or vaginally. With low enough morality,
Bree can clean his dick after anal sex.
Story events
Scottie’s introduction
Prerequisites: Living room, days played > 7
Scottie storms out of Sasha’s bedroom after she dumps him. Bree can flirt with him. If she does, Scottie
becomes a dateable character.
Acquisition 7 days in
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring Yes
Traits Princess, submissive, rebel, flirty
Desire factors Fitness, charm, martial arts, money, purse, clothes, sextoy, waterpark, not home
Talk topics love, sex, food, travels, sport, fashion
DPL fitness, charm, martial arts, money
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Audrey is Mike’s coworker. She is a masochist and likes pain. She flirts with Mike in a way that pisses
him off, as she is trying to get him to be hard on her. She isn’t very detail oriented and makes a lot of
mistakes at work, but some of these are on purpose in order to get punished.
In the office, Audrey will occasionally come to Mike asking for help after she’s made a mistake. If
accepted, Mike spends 2 hours and gains 1 LP with Audrey. If refused LP is lost.
Story events
Mike sees Audrey being threatened by Danny. Mike can choose to help her. If Mike chooses not to help,
Audrey does not become available.
If you do help, you can choose to say she’s your toy (she’ll tease you about that later), or fight Danny or
intimidate him. If you fight him you must have 75 fitness or 50 fitness + martial arts skill.
Mike spots Audrey in the gym and stares at her for awhile. If he goes over to her, she slaps him in order
to provoke him.
Waterpark meetup
Prerequisites: Waterpark, Summer, Sat 12:00-16:00, done Audrey in the gym, Audrey LP >= 40
Mike meets Audrey at the waterpark. They do some kissing, and if Mike tries to feel her up can increase
Audrey invites Mike to a date at the high class restaurant. While there, she gives him a hand job and
once he’s made a mess, leaves.
Audrey’s punishment
Prerequisites: Charm >= 50, work or work hard, done Audrey’s restaurant handjob, Audrey LP >= 50
Audrey reappears in the office, and Mike is angry. If he does not restrain himself, he fucks her right
there on his desk. Audrey loves it.
Photocopied butt
Prerequisites: Charm >= 60, work or work hard, done Audrey’s punishment, Audrey LP >= 60
Mike finds a photocopy of a butt, and Lavish is there. Can use it to flirt with Lavish for 10 KP. Mike can
then accuse Aletta, Shiori or Audrey of leaving the photo for him.
Audrey’s HR threat
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Spank Shiori, Audrey >= 45 LP, Audrey >= 25 KP
Audrey comes to Mike and threatens to go to HR because he’s a perv. If he “Accepts” her proposal she’ll
come back.
Audrey gets caught
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Audrey >= 55 LP, Audrey >= 50 KP, done Audrey’s HR threat
Aletta catches Audrey shredding some important documents, and brings her to Mike. Mike has the
option to let Aletta stay and watch, which increases Aletta’s LP and KP.
Audrey makes even more “mistakes”. Mike calls her on it and spanks her again, this time fingering her
Acquisition Band practice OR Sasha’s gig
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes (88 LP required to keep)
Collaring Yes
Traits Rebel, guitar, music
Desire factors Fitness, knowledge, guitar, pub, not mall
Talk topics love, sex(>25charm), food (cooking), politics, travel, fashion, books(>25 charm), music
DPL fitness, knowledge, guitar
Marriage No
Harems Band
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
After date, she can give BJ, do doggy and missionary. Mike needs 50 fitness to do more than BJ. She
requires 90 LP or to be drunk (at least 3 drinks) to have sex without a condom. With 50 KP she will do
Story events
Kleio calls Mike up and offers to hang out at the mall. She’ll ask Kleio a few questions, and if she’s
satisfied with his answers she’ll talk about how she broke up with her girlfriend.
Kleio calls Mike and asks him to go with her while she gets a tattoo. She asks Mike a few questions,
including which tattoo to get. If Mike answers appropriately, she says she had fun.
Outcome: Kleio Max LP set to 50
Kleio wakes Mike up with a call, and asks him to go out. She raises a bunch of hell. If Mike asks no
questions and goes along with, she is flirtatious.
Sasha gets upset and walks out of band practice. Mike can comfort her, but Sasha sends him back.
Kleio and Anna confront Mike about sleeping with both of them.
If they both have lesbian >=50 and LP >= 75, this will trigger the Band Harem.
Outcome: Band Harem, or girls who did not have enough qualifications leave Mike.
Kleio and Anna arrange a date with Mike, which leads to a threesome.
Acquisition Night time alley encounter, 7 days in
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring No
Traits Slutty, dumb, trashy, poor, lazy
Desire factors Fitness, knowledge, guitar, pub, not waterpark
Talk topics love(>25LP), sex, food, tv, fashion
DPL fitness, knowledge, guitar
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Lexi is a trailer park trash, drug addicted prostitute. She isn’t smart, but she can be sweet. Her initial
encounters can cost Mike money.
After a date, Lexi can do BJ and standing positions. Mike can give her drugs to change the experience a
little. This has different dialogue if she is pregnant.
Story events
Alley encounter
Prerequisites: Street 22:00-04:00, 7 days played, > 250$
Mike runs into Lexi in an alley on the street. While interacting with her, he is jumped by the thug Danny.
Lexi suddenly asks Danny for help, and there is a fight.
Mike can win this fight with 50 fitness, or 25 fitness + Martial Arts skill. If Mike has already defeated
Danny (in Audrey’s scene) Danny will not attack, and instead defer to Mike.
If Mike loses the fight, he also loses $500 (or all his money if he has less).
Nightclub BJ
Prerequisites: Nightclub, done Alley encounter
Mike meets Lexi in the nightclub, who offers him a BJ in the bathroom. If this BJ is not accepted, Lexi
leaves the game.
Mike gets a phone call from Lexi, who is right outside the house. She talks her way into being invited in
and gets some sexy time in the pool.
Mike and Lexi meet Jack at the mall, who pervs on her a bit.
Jack calls up Mike and asks if he’s serious about Lexi. If he says no, he offers money for Lexi. Mike can
accept for 500$.
Mike tells Lexi he’s pimping her out, and he’ll give her half of the 500$. She agrees for a mere 10 LP lost.
Lexi prostitution
Prerequisites: Street, 15:00-17:00, done Mike pimps Lexi
Lexi and Jack meet up, and Jack gets what he paid for.
Mike catches Lexi in the park, still dealing drugs even after he told her not to.
If Sasha has agreed to be Mike’s slave, she is meek and asks if Lexi pleases him.
While talking to Lexi, she offers herself to Mike. Mike can accept or refuse her request to become his
Nightclub fun
Prerequisites: Nightclub, Lexi present or on date, sex with Lexi at least twice, Lexi > 37 LP, Lexi > 25 KP
At the nightclub, Mike can ask Lexi for a BJ from the interact menu.
Acquisition University, 7 days in
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC or Bree MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring Yes
Traits Yandere, submissive, playful
Desire factors Fitness, charm, knowledge, beach
Talk topics
DPL Fitness, charm, knowledge
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Kylie is the 18 year old younger sister Alexis (Mike’s ex-girlfriend). She has a special stat called Yandere,
which represents how her jealousy can make her violent. Yandere is primarily raised when Kylie
witnesses Mike interacting with other girls, such as kissing them while she is there. There are also
random events on dates with Kylie that can raise Yandere, and during her events Yandere can increase
dramatically depending on Mike’s choices. Once raised, Yandere cannot be lowered except in the rare
case where Kylie gives Mike her cookies.
Kylie can appear for Bree MC, but not as a romance option.
Kylie can have post-date sex in missionary, cowgirl and doggy positions. She can do all positions if LP >=
90, but she is currently capped at 50. For cowgirl, KP <= 50. For missionary, KP between 25 and 75. And
for doggy, KP >= 50.
Mike events
Kylie’s introduction
Prerequisites: University 10:00-17:00, >= 7 days played
Kylie sees Mike at the university and re-introduces herself. The last time Mike knew Kylie, she was a
little girl, but now she is a very attractive adult. Mike is conflicted about her, but she is cute and bubbly.
Kylie’s crush
Prerequisites: University Fri, Charm >= 50, done Kylie’s introduction
Mike meets Kylie at the university, where she admits that she had a crush on him all the way back when
he was dating Alexis.
Mike calls Kylie (must click her icon in menu) and Kylie masturbates while he’s on the phone with her.
Kylie sees Mike chatting with another girl. She confronts him about it.
Mike can say she’s just a friend, or tell Kylie he likes the other girl, causing her to go down the violently
jealous path.
Note: Alexis is only unlocked after getting promoted three times at work.
Kylie runs into Mike and asks him for help with her studies. If he accepts they go and he gives her some
pointers. If they refuse, she gains yandere and storms off. Alexis shows up and offers some advice on
dealing with her.
Mike tries to get some work done late at night, and discovers Kylie peeping on him. He can let her in or
not, and either way she acts creepy.
Then he discovers it’s Bree’s head. Mike responds poorly, and Kylie murders Mike.
Bree MC events
Bree sees Mike chatting with Kylie. Kylie gets jealous and rude. Bree has the option of putting Kylie in
her place, but it generates yandere.
Acquisition Promoted three times
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes
Collaring Yes
Traits Money, fitness, not home, not park
Desire factors Fitness, charm, knowledge, beach
Talk topics LP>25: Sex love, food, travels, books, people. LP<25: politics, fashion,
DPL Fitness, charm, knowledge
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Alexis is Mike’s ex-girlfriend, who he left after he found she was cheating on him. Once Mike achieves
financial success, Alexis will suddenly return to his life, but her cheating ways have not been left behind.
Alexis rings Mike up and wants to reconnect. She invites him to dinner. He can refuse or accept, but
either way she will call him later for dinner.
Alexis rings up Mike for their planned dinner date. Against his better judgment, Mike goes.
While at dinner, another man flirts with Alexis in front of Mike. Mike can object if he has fitness >= 25
and charm >= 25. If he does, the man leaves and the meal ends.
If Mike does not object, Alexis goes to the bathroom and spends a long time there. If Mike goes to check
on her, he sees her banging that dude in the bathroom, and he can either watch or leave and stick Alexis
with the check.
Mike approaches Alexis to talk about her dinner. If he told the guy off, he can apologize for being
possessive even though they weren’t on a date, or he can tell her off.
If he witnessed the cheating, he can tell her off and she leaves the game.
Alexis calls and rants about being humiliated over being stiffed.
Mike can tell her to go away and she leaves the game, or he can lay some ground rules and she will stay.
Acquisition Mall 14:00-18:00, > 10 days played
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy No
Collaring No
Traits Princess, bitchy, submissive
Desire factors Charm, dance, nightclub, flowers, sweets, not home
Talk topics Travels, sports, people, food, love (LP >= 40) sex (LP >= 20)
DPL Charm
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Palla is a model and Audrey’s best friend. She is a confusing mix of bitchy and sweet, difficult to get to
After date sex with Palla, she will fuck in the doggy position. Anal sex will increase her KP rapidly.
Story events
Palla’s introduction
Prerequisites: Mall 14:00-18:00, > 10 days played
Mike sees Audrey talking to a cute redhead in the mall, and Audrey introduces her best friend, Palla.
Palla sees Mike in the clothes shop and demands he buy her a dress she wants. Mike can pay or refuse.
Either way she goes to try the dress on and taunts him about following her.
If Mike follows her, they have anal sex while Palla pretends not to want it.
Outcome: Palla becomes available. Palla Max LP set to 20, Palla Max KP set to 60.
Palla confronts Mike in the coffee shop to discuss what happened. If Mike paid for the dress and did not
accost her, she offers to pay him back. If they had sex, she berates him.
Either way she vacillates between being mean and sweet, and eventually leaves awkwardly.
Palla rings Mike up in the middle of the night and demands Mike go and dance with her.
If he accepts, they dance. If Mike has dancing skill, Palla is impressed, otherwise she is not. Then she
goes to the bathroom and tells Mike not to follow her in a way that suggests Mike really should follow
If he does, they make out a bit until they are interrupted. Palla then runs off, leaving Mike hanging.
If Mike does not follow her, Palla’s storyline will be prevented from progressing.
Outcome: Palla Max LP set to 60 if he followed her, Palla will allow being kissed.
Palla approaches Mike the next time she sees him, and thanks him for coming when she really needed
They kiss, then she tries to pull away. Mike can let her for LP gain, or not let her for KP gain.
Palla rings Mike up late at night and asks him to come to the restaurant with her. Mike can refuse, and
she’ll try again. But she will only try 3 times. If he refuses all 3 times, Palla’s story will not progress
They have a nice date, and it ends with Palla giving Mike a BJ under the table.
Palla approaches Mike and assumes Mike is going to dump her now that they’ve slept together.
If Mike chooses not to dump her, they talk about their relationship.
Note: Palla needs >= 50 KP in order to increase Palla Max KP to 70. This is needed to progress her
storyline further.
With Palla firmly in love with Mike, she calls to ask if Mike is okay with her dating other people.
Mike sees Palla go into the VIP with someone else. He can try to follow but will be prevented. He has no
idea who this mysterious person is.
Mike asks Palla about Shawn and she comes completely unglued.
Shawn meets Mike in the street and angrily confronts him about what Mike did to hurt Palla. They can
fight, but Shawn will always lose.
Shawn reveals he was not actually dating Palla, but instead is her roommate, and she’s having trouble
paying the rent. Mike can cover her rent by buying weed from Shawn.
Palla returns
Prerequisites: Living room 20:00-24:00, 7 days after Shawn confronts Mike about Palla
Palla shows up at Mike’s doorstep, clearly upset. She admits that she’s been lying to Mike about her
financial well-being, and apologizes.
Mike can take Palla on a shopping spree, and they can have sex in the changing room.
Palla/Audrey threesome
Prerequisites: Palla restaurant date, Palla GP >= 50, Palla LP >= 80, Audrey LP >= 70, Audrey GP >= 50,
done Palla establishes boundaries
While on a date with Palla, Palla gives Mike a BJ. However, Audrey shows up and sits down. She makes a
scene when she discovers Palla under the table, and they are kicked out of the restaurant.
Eventually it turns out Palla and Audrey set this up in advance, and they both agree they should be
Mike can spank either or both of them, and then there is a threesome scene.
Acquisition First promotion
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes (Shiori leaves if you tell her to abort)
Collaring Yes
Traits Submissive, family, slutty
Desire factors Charm, fitness, money, livingroom, not park
Talk topics Love, sex, travels, people
DPL Charm, fitness
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Shiori is introduced as Mike’s new secretary, though her competence is questionable at best. She makes
up for her competence in her absolute devotion to her boss.
Story events
Shiori’s introduction
Prerequisites: Personal office, work hard
After his first promotion, Mike gets his own office. When he works, he is introduced to his new
secretary, Shiori.
Shiori scolding
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 10 LP
Shiori gets coffee for Mike. He can take it black or milky. Milky leads to… milk fun, later.
Shiori scolding 2
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 40 LP, done Shiori scolding
Mike scolds Shiori for poor performance as a secretary again, this time threatening severe punishment if
it happens again.
Shiori scolding 3
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 30 LP, done Shiori scolding 2
Mike has had enough of Shiori’s poor performance, and this time he spanks her.
Shiori scolding 4
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 40 LP, done Shiori scolding 3
Mike spanks Shiori again. She seems not to be learning her lesson.
Shiori scolding 5
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 50 LP, done Shiori scolding 4
Mike spanks Shiori again. She still isn’t learning her lesson. Or is she?
Shiori coffee 2
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 55 LP, done Shiori coffee, requested “milky”
Shiori provides Mike with coffee, creamed with her own breast milk while Mike watches.
Shiori office BJ
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori >= 60 LP, done Shiori scolding 5
Mike rewards Shiori with his cock. Aletta enters Mike’s office while she’s under the desk, and Mike
manages not to let on to Aletta what’s going on.
Acquisition Office party
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes (currently will not keep baby as max LP too low)
Collaring Yes
Traits Spoiled, princess, playful, dominant
Desire factors Dance, charm, fitness, beach, flowers, sweets, not home, not park
Talk topics Sex, food, fashion
DPL Charm, fitness
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Cassidy is the daughter of Dwayne, the company CEO. She is a bored, spoiled rich girl who decides to toy
with Mike. She can learn her lesson...or Mike can learn his.
Cassidy can have Dom Points (DP) if Mike agrees to become her slave.
Upon Cassidy’s introduction, Mike will be under investigation. Once the investigation begins, he has 7
days to collect enough information to clear his name, or he risks consequences.
If Cassidy becomes Mike’s pet, and Mike plays with her too much while her LP is low, she’ll get so
humiliated she will leave. The easy way to deal with this is to get her LP > 60.
Story events
Office party
Prerequisites: Promoted twice, invited to party by Aletta, Friday 20:00-22:00
Mike is investigated
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, 7 days after Cassidy bursts onto the scene
Aletta comes into Mike’s office and informs him that he’s under investigation for embezzling from the
company. This prevents work and work hard options.
Once the investigation starts, Mike has 7 days to get 100 investigation points.
If Aletta > 50 LP when she informs Mike about the investigation, she gives him a folder of
information for 20 points.
Mike can hack Aletta’s computer every day when she is not there, either at 08:00 or 17:00. This
is worth up to 10 points each, scaled by Mike’s Knowledge.
Mike can talk to Aletta, Lavish, Audrey and Shiori and ask them to help with the investigation.
They will call back 2 days later, so this must be done early. Lavish and Aletta provide helpful
information. Shiori will lose points. Audrey provides no value.
A couple of days into the investigation, Cassidy will call Mike and ask for a midnight meeting.
Mike can go to the electronics shop and buy a spy camera. If he installs the camera in his office,
he can record Cassidy. This is critical to getting the best ending.
Mike can ask Cassidy 3 questions during the midnight meeting if he set up the spy camera. For
maximum points they should be: “What do you know about the investigation?”, “Who are you
working with?”, and “Where is the money?”
If Mike asked who Cassidy is working with, Mike will have the option to call the accountant from
his office.
7 days after the investigation is complete, Aletta will call Mike into the office. Cassidy will talk to him in
the office beforehand.
If Mike gets 100% investigation points and recorded Cassidy, Mike presents his case to Cassidy. She
agrees to become his pet in order to prevent Dwayne from being fired.
If Mike gets 100% investigation points but did not record Cassidy, she believes Dwayne will beat the rap.
She is wrong; Dwayne gets fired, Cassidy leaves the game.
If Mike does not get 100% investigation points, but did record Cassidy, she will give Mike a tittyjob, then
take the evidence and leave the game.
If Mike does not get 100% investigation points and did not record Cassidy, Cassidy asks him to be her
slave. If he refuses, Mike is fired, and loses all access to the office and working. He’ll have to get a job at
the mall.
If Cassidy is still around after the investigation, Aletta introduces her to Mike as his new personal
If Cassidy agreed to be his slave, Mike can play with her in the office. If Mike agreed to be Cassidy’s
slave, occasionally he has to give her oral.
Cassidy talks a bit about the fight. She reveals Cherie, Dwayne’s wife, is her stepmother and they hate
each other. But with Dwayne cheating on her, she’s starting to wonder what actually happened to her
own mother.
Dwayne visits and tells Mike he does not approve of how Mike is treating his daughter. Mike makes it
clear he can fuck off or Dwayne will be ruined.
Mike encounters Aletta and Cassidy fighting. Mike learns that Dwayne has been using Aletta for sex; SHE
is the one Dwayne was cheating with.
Cassidy shows up and tells Mike that she found her Mom. She learned that Dwayne paid her to leave,
and a lot of her childhood has been a lie.
Note: Mike can get rid of her; if he does this ends Cassidy’s story.
Cassidy and Aletta come together and work on a plan to punish Dwayne. Mike agrees to help.
Acquisition Office party
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy No
Collaring No
Traits Submissive, innocent, workaholic
Desire factors Knowledge, charm, career, clothes, cinema
Talk topics Love, travels, food, politics, TV, fashion
DPL Knowledge, charm
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Lavish is the new office intern. She is young, driven and somewhat innocent. She is determined to
succeed and will work for it.
After a date, Lavish will have sex in the missionary position. She will force condom usage unless she has
>= 75 KP and > 62 LP.
Story events
Office party
Prerequisites: Promoted twice, invited to party by Aletta, Friday 20:00-22:00
Lavish’s introduction
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Office Party
Acquisition Cinema date
Availability Patreon only, Mike MC
Pregnancy Yes (but currently not enough LP available)
Collaring Yes
Traits Rebel, music
Desire factors Fitness, knowledge, pub, not mall
Talk topics Special
DPL Fitness, knowledge
Marriage No
Harems None
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Mike knew Morgan in school, but he thought she was a boy, even though she clearly is not.
Morgan has a special statistic, “Masculine”. This statistic can be adjusted by choosing weaker or more
feminine options for her in various chat dialogues. As her masculine trait goes down, her outfits change:
After a date, Morgan will do sex in the missionary position. She’ll require a condom if LP < 75. She has
different sex dialogue depending upon how masculine she is.
Story events
Morgan’s introduction
Prerequisites: Cinema date with anyone
Mike sees Morgan, who he remembers from school, and has weird feelings because he thinks she’s a
Morgan is a girl?!
Prerequisites: Pub, done Morgan’s introduction
Mike meets Jack and Morgan and learns that Morgan is a girl.
Acquisition Nightclub, 7 days played
Availability Teaser, Bree MC
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Story events
Nightclub firefight
Prerequisites: Nightclub, > 7 days played
Acquisition Samantha’s wedding
Availability Teaser, Mike MC
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Acquisition Church
Availability Teaser, Mike MC
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Story events
While attending mass, Mike sees a girl so hot he has to masturbate. If he doesn’t wait, she catches him
in the act. It’s awkward.
Mike runs into Harmony again. They talk awkwardly. Eventually she decides he needs some Godly help
and invites him to private Bible study.
Acquisition Not available
Availability Teaser, Mike MC
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Ayesha is an extremely muscular woman of color, who Mike meets at the gym.
Story events
Ayesha’s introduction
Prerequisites: Gym, > 3 days played, Hanna present.
Ayesha’s show
Prerequisites: 14:00-18:00 > 7 days played, Bree in game, done Ayesha’s introduction
Acquisition Not available
Availability Teaser
Status Events in this section are complete up to v19.12
Emma is a manic pixie dream girl that Mike can dream about.
Story events
Dreams of Emma
Prerequisite: Sleep, Fun >= 10