Vijayasri Organicas LTD ENG EXE SUM
Vijayasri Organicas LTD ENG EXE SUM
Vijayasri Organicas LTD ENG EXE SUM
Vijayasri organics Limited a flag ship company of Vijayasri group
promoted by Mr. S.V.J Raju who is a successful 1 s t Generation
entrepreneur who had successfully running 4 different units in IDA
Jeedimetla & IDA Bollaram in Hyderabad. The 5 t h company Vijayasri
Organics Limited is started in 2005 at Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City
(JNPC) Parwada, Visakhapatnam and since from the inception of the
company it has achieved phenomenal growth. The group achieved a
turn over of Rs. 224 crores during the year 2008‐2009. It is reaching
300 crores during the current financial year 2009‐2010.
The Project envisaged is an industrial park with a vision of providing
“Hassle free production environment” for manufacturing of API and
Pharma intermediate industries. It is proposed to establish 22 pharma
and intermediate units as joint ventures with like minded companies
who are ready to be partner with Vijayasri Organics Limited. The
proposed Pharma complex is located in Chittivalasa village of
Ranastalam Mandal of Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh.
This industrial park is to be developed in 100 acres land with facilities
encompassing Common Infrastructure – Roads, Back up Power, Water,
Drainage, steam, storage yards and ware house etc... Environment
Infrastructure – Effluent conveyance system, common Effluent
Treatment Plant, Marine Outfall, Common Hazardous Waste collection,
handling and transport facilities, Forced evaporation system, Solvent
distillation and recovery facilities and Other facilities – Common R &
D laboratory, Training Facilities etc.. And Social Infrastructure –
Bank, canteen and hospital etc in phase manner.
E. 1 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
Salient features of the project
Proposed Location Chittivalasa (V), Ranasthalam
(M),Srikakulam District.,
Andhra Pradesh,
The Pharma complex is proposed to be located in Sy. Nos 13,14,19,23,
24, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 131, 133 of chittivalsa(V), Ranastalam(M),
Srikakulam District. The site is situated between North latitude
18°07’22”: 18°07’48” & between 83°37’33” & 83°38’13”East
E. 2 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
longitude. The land area proposed is 100 acres. The plant is located
at about 2.5 Km away from the NH‐5 in Northern direction.
Pydibhimavaram to Mentada Road is bisecting the site into two halves
ie.. Eastern block and Western block. Chittavalasa village is at about
1.2 KM from the site in North Eastern direction. Sarugudupeta
hamlet is at about 0.5 KM from the site. Kumili Reserve forest is at a
distance of 6 KM from the plant site in Western direction.
Kandivalasagadda is rivulet is on Western boundary of site and
Chittgedda is on North Eastern boundary of the site. Chittigedda
joins with Kandivalsagedda. The rivulet Kandivalasa Gedda
confluence with the Bay of Bengal at a distance of around 7.5 Km.
There are no ecologically sensitive areas like national parks,
sancturaries or migratory birds path within 10 KM radius of the site
Manufacturing Activity:
It is proposed to develop 22 joint venture Pharma companies in the
complex. Chemical synthesis consists of reaction, separation,
purification and drying stage. Various chemicals and solvents are
proposed to be used by individual units. This proposal is for common
infrastructure facilities only. As and when individual units are going
to be established, they will submit EIA studies separately subject to
the loads fixed per unit by the MOEF
The proposed common utilities required for the Pharma complex and
the stage wise development activity is given below
Year No. of DG
No of
Plant s Cooling MEE/ Distillati
Boiler Cumul proposed in
likely Towers ATFD on
in Ton ative each year
to in TR (KLD) Column
(For back up
power only)
1st Year 2 6 6 2x1000 KVA 2000 TR 60 4
2nd Year 2 6 12 ‐‐ 4000 TR 120 3
3rd Year 4 12 24 2x1000 KVA 8000 TR 200 3
4th Year 4 12 36 2x1000KVA 12000 TR 400 4
5th Year 4 6 42 2x1000KVA 16000 TR 700 ‐‐
6th Year 6 18 60 2x1000 KVA 24000 TR 1100 ‐‐
Water requirement and water balance
Water required for the complex is estimated at 2770 m3/day. Out of this the
waste water discharge envisaged is 2355 m3/day. The water requirement is
E. 3 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
proposed to be taken from ground water resources. A detailed hydro
geological survey is carried out for the area to estimate water potential and
included in the report. Out of 2355 m 3 /day of waste water generation, 1100
m3/day will be evaporated in forced evaporation system, 650 m 3 /day of low
TDS effluents are proposed to be treated to marine disposal standards and
discharge into sea through a 7.5 KM long pipeline. Rest of the effluents and
condensate from forced evaporation system will be recycled back into
process. The details of treatment and handling of waste water is given in
chapter 6
Total Water Balance of the complex
S. Activity Water Water Waste Waste Water
No require Requireme Water discharge in
ments nts/ discharge m3/
KLD Acre of KLD acre of
saleable saleable land
1 Process and 1350 35.65 1316 34.76
2 Boiler 444 11.72 21 0.55
3 Cooling tower 338 8.92 40 1.05
4 Other utilities 338 8.92 338 8.92
and uses
5 Domestic 200 5.28 190 5.01
6 Gardening 100 2.64 0 0
7 Forced ‐‐ ‐‐ 450 11.88
TOTAL 2770 73.13 2355 65.10
E. 4 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
Base line Environmental Data
The base line data for ambient air quality, surface and ground water quality,
noise and soil quality was collected and analyzed for various parameters.
The analysis results show that the values are within the prescribed limits for
air and water quality
Identification and quantification of Impacts
The sources of pollution in the proposed project are air emissions from
utilities and processes, liquid effluents from process, utilities and domestic
sources, solid wastes from process and utilities. Also the impacts due on
noise environment due to plants and operations and increased road usage.
The impact assessment report identified various sources of pollution and
quantified the pollution loads and has identified the technologies to be
adopted for the mitigation and control of the same
Impacts on Air quality
The impacts on air quality due to the proposed project is primarily from 10x
6 TPH Coal fired boilers and 10x 1000 KVA DG sets. DG sets are primarily
kept for back up power only. The impacts are quantified using ISC‐AERMOD
model based on ISCST3 algorithm. The results indicates marginal increase
in ambient air quality parameters and predicted concentration are within in
the prescribed limits of CPCB
Impacts on Water
The required water shall be drawn from ground water. The effluents
generated from the process and washings contain high COD and TDS values.
Keeping this in view, all high COD and high TDS streams will be segregated
and evaporated. Other low TDS streams are proposed to be treated along
with domestic effluents and disposed to sea through a pipe line. Detailed
studies are carried out by National Institute of Oceanography,
Visakhapatnam and designed out fall with out impacting marine biology
Impacts on noise quality
The noise quality levels may increase due to the operation of equipments,
DG sets and traffic. All point sources like DG sets will be provided acoustic
enclosures. Also green belt proposed al round the plant and on the road will
dampen the affect of the noise levels
Impacts on Soil
The solid waste generated from process, utilities and effluents treatment
plants may have significant negative impacts if disposed indiscriminately.
E. 5 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
Elaborate EMP is proposed for collection, accounting and disposal of all
hazardous wastes produced to Ramkey facility, Visakhapatnam
Impacts on Ecology:
There are no endangered flora and fauna in the impact area hence there is
no significant impact on Ecology of the area due to the project
Impacts on Socio Economy:
The proposed complex is likely to generate direct employment potential for
about 3000 people over 6 years period and another 5000 people in direct
employment. This is positive impact on the economic development of the
area. As part of corporate social responsibility the VOL proposed a
knowledge center to train un‐employed youth in the area and recruit them
in different operations
Environmental Management Plan
The environmental management plan is drawn in construction with the
project proponents, technical consultants after evaluating a number of
technologies available for mitigation and control of pollution. The
environmental management plan is drawn to address the impacts monitored,
identified and predicted. The environment management plan addresses the
impacts identified during construction which are temporary and the impacts
identified during operation stages
Construction Stage
The construction stage impacts include the increased traffic on the roads,
increased noise level due to construction activity, dust due to construction
activity and handling of soil removed from foundations. Water sprinkling will
be used to suppress dust during construction stage. Soils removed from
foundation will be used for internal road construction purposes. The
facilities like toilets, drinking water and proper shelters for resting for
construction work force are proposed.
Operation Stage
Liquid effluents:
Liquid effluents generated from the manufacturing process cause pollution if
disposed untreated. The Effluents from process will contain high levels of
COD and TDS levels. The estimated effluents streams and characteristics are
given below
E. 6 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
Characteristics of High TDS effluents
Parameter Unit
Quantity KLD 1100
pH ‐‐ 4.5‐10.5
Oil & Grease Mg/l 30‐45
TSS Mg/l 350‐500
TDS Mg/l 30000‐60000
BOD Mg/l 8000‐12000
COD Mg/l 20000‐40000
letting into the guard pond. From the guard pond these effluents are
evaporated in Multiple effect evaporators with stripper and Agitated thin
film drier. This ensures dry sludge and reduces environmental risks.
The low TDS effluents are proposed to be treated biologically and dispose
into sea through a marine out fall
Marine outfall
The marine outfall system would consist of a 7.5 KM on land country
pipeline with approximately 1 K.M running into the sea. The marine
dispersion studies and design of marine out fall is entrusted to an
independent Government of India organization, NIO (National Institute of
oceanography, Visakhapatnam). These studies includes marine bio
environment and the impact of the treated effluent discharge into sea.
Air pollution
The sources of air pollution from the complex is 6 TPH boilers(10Nos.), 1000
KVA DG sets(10 Nos) and distillation columns for solvent distillation. The
process emissions from the individual units will be estimated and their
impact will be assessed before implementation of those projects. It is
proposed bag filters for each coal fired boilers and coal crushers. A 35
meter high stack is proposed for each boiler for safe dispersion of emissions.
Adequate stack height of 12 meters above ground level is designed for
dispersion emissions safely.
The forced evaporation system is proposed with stripper to remove any
volatile organic carbons. The distillation columns are designed in closed loop
and adequate precautions are proposed in EMP for safe operation of
distillation columns.
The coal dust from boilers is proposed to be stored in silos and transferred
to brick manufacturing units which will be established locally
Solvent Use and Re‐cycle
Solvents are used for extraction of products and as reaction medium. The
solvents used are distilled and recycled to maximum extent. It is proposed to
establish 14 distillation columns in the complex for distillation of solvents
over 6 years period. The residues from solvent distillation will be send to JN
Pharma city complex in Visakhapatnam
E. 8 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
Solid wastes
Solid wastes are generated from the process, solvent distillations, salts from
MEE, Sludge from effluent treatment plant, ash from boilers, waste oils from
DG sets and other process equipments, used batteries, small amount of bio‐
medical waste from health center. The hazardous wastes from MEE, solvent
distillation columns, ETP sludge and process wastes will be collected from
individual units and send to JN Pharma City in Visakhpatnam. Mixed solvents
after distillation, waste oils, used batteries etc. will be sold to authorised
re‐cyclers as per the A.P.Pollution Control Board guidelines. Containers and
container liners of hazardous chemicals will be de‐toxified and sold to
authorised recyclers.
Fly ash from boiler is proposed to be used for brick manufacturing. Local
entrepreneurs will be encouraged by providing technology to manufacture
fly ash bricks which will be used for construction purpose in the complex
Noise pollution
Noise is anticipated from Motors, compressors, centrifuges and DG sets. All
individual units will take adequate measures to reduce noise form moving
equipments. Acoustic enclosures are proposed for DG sets to meet ambient
noise standards
Occupational safety and Health
Individual unit level health and safety issues will be discussed at the time of
establishment of those units. As a complex, the potential areas of
occupational health and safety issues anticipated during handling of solvents
in distillation area, MEE and ETP operations. Adequate care will be taken
during design of equipments to avoid exposures of people involved in
operation. All personnel in the plant working in hazardous areas will be
provided with PPE’s. Dedicated health center with occupational specialist
will be established to conduct regular health check ups of employees
Maintenance and operation of pollution control systems
Adequate staffing under environmental cell is created for operation and
maintenance of pollution control systems in the complex. Schedule
maintenance activities will be carried out for upkeep of the equipment.
Use of Solar energy and bio‐energy:
Every alternate street light in the complex will be solar powered. Energy
efficiency measures will be adopted to optimize energy usage in the
complex. Canteen waste generated from the complex will be used to
E. 9 Integrated Management Services
Vijayasri Organics Limited
generate bio‐gas and use the bio‐gas in canteen itself for cooking purpose.
Solar water heaters are proposed for canteen needs
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:
It is the endeavor of the project authorities to increase the yield of the
products through constant research and development activity. An R & D
center is proposed for the complex for continuous process improvements to
increase yields and reduce wastes.
Green Belt Development
It is proposed to develop 22.12 acres of green belt in the complex to
enhance the environmental quality through mitigation of fugitive emissions,
attenuation of noise levels, balancing eco‐environment, consumption of
treated effluents, prevention of soil erosion and creation of aesthetic
environment. 20 meter width green cover all‐round the complex is proposed.
Apart from this green belt is also proposed on eastern and western corners
of the site abutting kandivalasagadda and chitti gadda. All individual units
will be asked to earmark 20% of the land for development of green lawns
Post Project Monitoring and Environment Management cell
A dedicated Environmental Management cell is proposed for the complex to
operate, maintain and monitor the environmental infrastructure. EMP
includes the periodical monitoring protocols for water, air, noise and solid
waste quality surrounding the plant. Frequency of monitoring and
parameters to be monitored will be as guidelines given MOEF by A.P.
Pollution control Board
Capital and Recurring Expenditure for Pollution Control Activity:
Out of total project cost of Rs.30 crores, capital investment earmarked for
pollution control System is 7.35 Crores. The annual recurring cost for
operation, maintenance and monitoring of pollution control System is
estimated at Rs.2.35 Crores.
E. 10 Integrated Management Services