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Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts

3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna


SY . 2019-

A Quantitative Research Presented

to the Faculty of St. Ignatius

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements

of the Humanities and Social
Sciences Strand

Gondra, Marian
Lipata, Dhen Kee
Malucon, Lara Jane
Pasahol, Benjie
Tabora, Gennice
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Introduction 1
Theoretical Framework 3
Conceptual Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 7
Statement of Hypotheses 8
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 10
Definition of Terms 11
List of Variables
The Profile of the Respondents 14
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Age 14
Gender 16
Attitudes Towards Teaching English 18
Personality Traits 18
Classroom Management 22
Teaching Method 26
Synthesis of the Study 39
Research Design 40

Research Locale 40

Respondents of the Study 41

Sampling Design 41

Research Instrument and Validation 41

Data Gathering Procedure 42

Statistical Treatment of Data 42


List of Tables
Profile of the Respondents 49
Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Teaching English 50
Impacts on the Students’ Learning Process 58
Difference on Teachers’ Attitudes and
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Respondents’ Profile 64
Difference on Impacts on the Students’ Learning
Process and Respondents’ Profile 67
Relationship between Teachers’ Attitudes
Towards Teaching English 69


Summary of Findings 72
Conclusions 75
Recommendations 76
Letter of Request to the Administration to conduct this Study 80
Validation Letters 82
Letter to the Respondents 85
Sample Questionnaire 86
Editor’s Certification 90
Statistician’s Certification 90
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna




Researchers focused much of their attention in studying the relationship

between the achievements of food beverages services and cookery because of

the thought that these is related to each other. Simply slapping food on a plate

with no rhyme or reason will doom to failure. Great care and professionalism will

help to achieve culinary artistry.

This study also having a knowledge about what is your achievement before

when you are taking food beverage services and also cookery. The researchers

want to know if these two still have a same grades before and after. And also if

what can affect this two subject to the individual.

Telfer (2009) argues that although not at all food is or should be considered

art , there are many meals that are intended from their inception “to be savoured,

appraised, thought about, discussed” in rhe same ways as conventional at, and

may eaters consider them on this way. There is food in this world that is created

to not only nourish the soul and the mind as wil, encouraging us to be mindful

and contemplative about exactly it is that sustains us.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Davis, etc (2018)This chapter focuses on a restaurant feasibility study. It

describes the main parts of a restaurant business plan. The chapter also focuses

on basic understanding of ways that an operation can be financed. It explores

basic knowledge of facility design and layout. A good concept may often

separate success from failure. A key tool to help to reach the decision as to

whether a concept is likely to be a success or not is the feasibility study.

Lockwood, etc (2018) It reviews different opinions and sources that inform a

discussion of these trends. The chapter highlights five key issues across four

main areas – trends in consumer behaviour, trends in the area of sustainability,

trends in business ethics and trends in technology. Developments in technology

affect the industry in many ways, from the involvement of science in the

production and processing of food to the use of information technology in

restaurant operations and the impact of social media on restaurant marketing.

This research objectives is to know the improvement of the H.E Students in

St.Ignatius. This study provides the comparison of food beverage services and

cookery also this relates to the amount of knowledge and achievement that they

gain when they take this subject. To be successful in the food business like

catering services, one must be well-versed in the art of presentation.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Academic achievement represents performance outcome that indicate the

extent to which a person has to accomplished specific goals that were focus of


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the study will also anchored on European

Journal of Developmental Psychology as cited by Google Scholar (2014). This

study adds to the research on theory of mind (ToM) and school achievement by

testing whether the mediating effect of sensitivity to criticism is significant when

considered longitudinally and using an index of academic performance that

incorporates both direct and indirect measures. A group of 49 children was tested

during the last year of kindergarten (Time 1, mean age = 5 years and 6 months),

in Year 1 (Time 2, mean age = 6 years and 5 months) and Year 5 (Time 3, mean

age = 10 years and 2 months) of primary school. Children's ToM and verbal

ability were tested at each time point, sensitivity to criticism at Time 2 and school

achievement at Time 3. Results showed that sensitivity to criticism (as indexed

by self-reported ability rating) mediates the relationship between Time 1 ToM and

Time 3 school achievement. Practical implications of this pattern of associations

are discussed.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study is presented in Figure 1 which show the

relationship between the independent variables which include the demographic profile

of the respondents as age and gender as well as the assess of achievement which is

cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The dependent variables are the relationship

between the achievements of food beverage services and cookery.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

The demographic profile

of the respondens:

 Age
 Gender

Achievements between Food

Beverage Services and Cookery
Respondents assess the
achievements with
regards to;

 Cognitive
 Affective
 Psychomotor
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the relationship between achievements of beverage

services and cookery of te selected G12 H.E students who these two major subject.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What I the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. How do the respondents assess the relationship between achievements of

FBS and Cookery with regards to;

2.1 Cognitive

2.2 Affective

2.3 Psychomotor

3. Is there a difference of respondents assessments in terms of study

achievement when grouped according to profile variables?

4. Is there a significant relationship between achievements of food beverage

services and cookery.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna


The following will test in will hypothesis.

HO1 There is no differences of respondents assessments in terms of study

achievement when grouped according to profile variables.

HO2 There is no significant relationship between achievements of food beverage

services and cookery.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this research study would be beneficial to the


H.E Students. This study will benefits to all students who wants to know what is

the relationship between the achievements of Food Beverage Services and


Parents or Guardians. It can help the parents of the students who having an

achievements on this study to know what is comparison and the similarities of the

two subject and how they can help their son on the academic.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Future Researchers. This study will serve a baseline and framework for the

future studies regarding the relationship between achievements of FBS and


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the relationship between the achievements of

Food Beverage Services and Cookery of a selected G12 H.E Students of


The study utilize the descriptive type of research which only included 50 G12

H.E students of St.Ignatius Colleges.

The respondents of the study were selected through random sampling. The

survey questionnaire was the main tool used in the study.

The questionnaire is in the form of checklist and utilizes the structured-type of

question to gather data.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Definition of Terms

Achievement. It is something that has been done or achieved through effort or a

result of hard work.

Appraised. Assess the value or quality of.

Beverage. Something you can drink, a liquid for dringking

Cookery. The art or activity of cooking food.

Contemplative. It is expressing or involving prolonged thought.

Conventional. It is used and accepted by most people, usual or traditional

Food. The things that people and animals eat and particular king of food.

Framework. The basic structure of something, a set of ideas or facts that provide

support for something.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna



Food Beverage and Services

Wen-Hwa Ko, (2012). This study was to evaluate the relationships between

effective learning, professional competence and effective learning. According to

Vao-Fen Wang (2001), This study as explored the important influential factors of

food and beverages employee's career success in international tourists Hotels

and identified the relationships among these factors from contextual perspeefives

Keith Waller (2009), The food and beverage aspect of Hotel operation is the most

difficult area to control effectively, but it plays a crucial role in to show how to

success fulcatering operations.

According to Yeong Gumkim (2010), the concept of Food - related

personality traits to hospitality and identifies relationships between personality,

satisfaction, and loyalty. The 4 latent constructs (foodneophobia food

involvement satisfaction and loyalty) were measured using structural equation

modeling. According to Sylvia Smith, (2009), twenty seven culinary event

attributes items were analyzed from an international culinary event. Cheryl

Baldwin, (2011), this information was then used to develop a sustainability

standard and certification program to do this, as a restaurant and food service

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

operations model was developed by grouping the operational activities into four

subsystem, food procurement, food storage, food preparation and cooking and


Food Beverages is a process of preparing, presenting- and serving of a food

beverages to the costumers through restaurants, food stalls etc. It also includes

all the companies are involved in processing raw food materials, packaging and

distributing them, This include fresh prepared food as well as packaged foods

and alcohol and alcoholic drinks.

A sustainability standard for restaurants and food services was developed to

include these preferable practices. This study presents an overview of the main

environmental impacts from the operation of a restaurant or food service.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Gilligan,(2019) The chapter also reflects on the importance of building

relationships with industry, and considers the possibilities for culinary education

in the future. The author has included extracts from interviews with current

culinary teachers, industry based alumni and culinary department management.

The importance of setting down a strong foundation in classical cooking

technique is discussed, along with examining the benefits of teaching

contemporary techniques and methods such as molecular gastronomy. The

Chapter also includes a case study which investigates the Institute’s highly

successful Great Chefs Program.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Faizan Ali (2015), this study aims to assess service quality as determinant

of guests satisfaction and behavioural intentions. It is also revealed that better

perception of hotel, ambience and staff courtesy, food and beverage products,

stuff performance and knowledge. The customer satisfaction whish was in turn,

more likely result in positive.

Bandura,(2009) A comprehensive theory of morality must explain how

moral reasoning, in conjunction with other psychosocial factors, governs moral

conduct. Social cog nitive theory adopts a cognitive interactionist perspective to

moral phenomena. Within this conceptual framework, personal factors in the form

of moral thought and affective self-reactions, moral conduct, and environmental

factors all operate as interacting determinants that influence each other

bidirectionally. Moral think ing is a process in which multidimensional rules or

standards are used to judge conduct. Situations with moral implications contain

many decisional ingredients that may be given lesser or greater weight

depending upon the standards by which they are cognitively processed and the

particular constellations of events in given moral predicaments. There are some

culturally universal features to the developmental changes of standards of

conduct and the locus of moral agency

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Ivan KW Lai (2015), this study is to evaluate the rules of perceived value,

customer satisfaction and affective commitment as they mediate the effect of service

quality on customer loyalty.

In this paper I reflect on the concept of affective atmospheres in the context of

the distinction between affect and emotion that has emerged in recent work on emotion,

space and society. The concept of atmosphere is interesting because it holds a series

of opposites -- presence and absence, materiality and ideality, definite and indefinite,

singularity and generality -- in a relation of tension. To develop this account of

atmosphere I juxtapose Marx's materialist imagination with a phenomenology attentive

to singular affective qualities.

Synthetic of the Study

The foreign , local literature and studies discussed about the research topic in the

three main variables such as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The present

investigation is similar to those reviewed since it also done with the achievements

between of food beverage services and cookery utilizing the descriptive method of

research . The search is similar from the aforementioned investigation because it

specifically dealt with the achievements between food beverage services and cookery.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna



This chapter includes, the specific procedures or techniques used to identify,

select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the

methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and


Research Design

The researchers will use descriptive method. Descriptive method is used to

describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. The description

is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.

Research Locale

The researchers will gather data at St. Ignatius, 3rd Floor Tan Gana Bldg Old

National High-way Balibago City of Santa Rosa Laguna

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will use survey questionnaire. This study limits its coverage on

the G12 H.E Students who taked the cookery and food beverage services subject last

SY: 2018-2019 of St. Ignatius (3rd Floor Tan Gana Bldg Old National High-way Balibago

City of Santa Rosa Laguna)

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a letter for the approval to conduct the study at St.

Ignatius Colleges. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents after securing

the permit. Copies of the approved questionnaire were distributed in order to gather the

relevant data. The instruments were retrieved after they were finished answering.

Sampling Design

Sampling design can be very simple or very complex. In the simplest, one stage

sample design where there is no explicit stratification and a member of the population is

chosen at random, each unit has the probability. To know the result of the informations

that the researchers gathered.

Statistical Treatment Data

Statistical treatment of data is essential in all experiments, whether social, scientific

or any other form. Statistical treatment of data greatly depends on the kind of

experiment and the desired result from the experiment.

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

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