Islamic Development Bank: P.O. Box: 5925, Jeddah-21432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Islamic Development Bank: P.O. Box: 5925, Jeddah-21432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Islamic Development Bank: P.O. Box: 5925, Jeddah-21432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Please read the introduction of the programme carefully before filling in the application form.
The Islamic Development Bank Jeddah, in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of the Muslim
Communities in Non-Member Countries around the world and to make meaningful contributions to the
development of their countries, launched its scholarship programme in 1983. The Bank is trying to assist and
develop the potentialities of Muslim students by awarding scholarships to the scholars who are unable to
pursue studies due to financial difficulties. The programme is now in operation in 48 countries.
Objective of the Programme:
The objective of the programme is to provide opportunities for the academically meritorious and
financially needy students to pursue study in professional degree courses in the fields of Medicine,
Engineering, Agriculture and other related fields in order to become competent professionals with dedication
and commitment to the development of the community and the country.
Nature of the Programme:
The scholarship is an interest-free loan (qard-e-hasan) to students. It covers cost of living, clothing, books,
tuition fees and medical expenses (wholly or partly). Recipients are therefore required to refund the
scholarship in easy instalments after expiry of one year of the completion of graduation or after being settled
down in profession whichever is earlier. This is necessary because the scholarship is a grant from the Bank
to the local community to enable it to sustain into the future to benefit deserving students to enjoy the same
educational opportunity.
The scholarship is open to the students who are meritorious but financially needy and have passed SSC
(10+2) examination and are desirous to pursue undergraduate professional studies in session 2010-2011 in
one of the fields of study approved under the programme. The Master Degree Courses and the students
going abroad for study do not fall within the purview of the programme. Students joining Degree Courses
after Diploma will not be considered for scholarship.
To Qualify for Scholarships, Students should meet the following Requirements:
Have secured minimum 60% marks in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics in
SSC (10+2) examination.
Applicants for bachelor courses in Business Administration (BBA) and Law have scored
minimum 60% marks in English and optional/elective subjects in SSC (10+2).
Age not over 24 years and not in receipt of any other scholarship.
Students or his/her parents are financially weak and unable to pay for his/her education.
Students opting for payment seats need not apply.
Students benefiting from this scholarship must undertake to serve his/her community and country
on completion of their studies for a period not less than the duration of the scholarship.
On the completion of Pre-Selection Interviews at all centres, statewise merit list of the candidates interviewed will be
prepared on the basis of the careful assessment of their Academic Achievement, Financial Need (FN) and Islamic
Knowledge & Commitment to their Community. A total of 100 marks will be allocated as follows:
All applications and the lists of Interviews will be submitted to the Office of the Scholarship Programme, IDB,
Jeddah. They will study the application form and interview results before submitting their recommendations to the
Executive Committee of the Scholarship Programme for the final selection.
The selected students will receive in equivalent Indian Rupees a monthly stipend @ 45 US dollar plus 150 U$ dollar
for books and clothes allowances per year from the month in which the IDB finalizes the selection till the final
examination of the course subject to satisfactory performance in each semester/annual examination. No stipend will be
given during the internship period. In turn, the students will have to sign Bond and Agreement documents making
commitment to.
Guidance and Counselling Programme is an integral part of the IDB Scholarship Programme. The aim of the IDB is
not only to assist scholars for pursuing professional studies but also to develop their personality and professional skills
by arranging various programmes so that the scholars may become Competent Muslims and Competent Professionals
and be able to serve the Community and the country.
Therefore, in order to assist MET in implementing the Guidance and Counselling Activities, Twelve Honorary
Students Counselors (HSCs) in 12 regions and one Sr. HSC to supervise and coordinate the activities of all HSCs have
been appointed. It is therefore necessary for the students selected under the programme to remain in touch with the
HSC of their respective zone and comply with his instructions. Non-cooperative attitude with the Guidance and
Counselling Activities may result in suspension or cancellation of scholarship.
Important Notes:
1. Candidates invited for Interview are required to show their call letter & original certificates at the time of
the interview. Students coming without call letter will not be allowed for interview.
2. Giving false information may result in either cancellation of already approved application or termination of
3. As and when, the change in your mailing address occurs, it may please be informed immediately for quick and
timely communication. In case, change in address is not informed or proper and complete address for
correspondence at the Town/City of the study is not provided, Muslim Education Trust will not be responsible
for delay in delivery of letters or missing in post by any reason.
4. All inquiries about the programme should be addressed to Muslim Education Trust,
E-3, Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, India the designated IDB Counterpart for
Scholarship Programme in the country or to the organization or person mentioned in the advertisement of the
5. Last date of submission of application form is 25th August 2010.
IMPORTANT: First three pages about Scholarship Programme may please be detached and kept for information.
Please Affix
Ref No………………………….. Passport Size
(For official use only)
Photograph Here
(do not staple)
FORM – 1
STATE OF DOMICILE _________________
(I) (A) INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICANT: (Please leave one box blank after each complete word)
01. Full Name: (in Block Letters)
04. Nationality _______________ 05. Date of Birth _____________________ 06. Age as on 25th Aug 2010
07. Complete Home Address:
State: Pin:
Email: Tel/Mob:
09. Is any of your brother/sister awarded IDB Scholarship? YES / NO. If yes, his/her ID No. ___________________
10. Is any of your brother/sister also applying IDB Scholarship? His/Her name_______________________________
11. Are you getting scholarship from any other organization? Please specify _________________________________
12. Name __________________________________________ 13. Relation _________________ 14. Age ________
15. Highest Education Obtained ___________________________________________________________________
16. Job & Post ______________________________________ 17. Monthly Family Income Rs. _______________
18. Office Address _______________________________________________________________________________
19. Number of Children ____________ 20. The applicant is the ______st, ______nd, ______rd or _____th child.
Name of the Institution Year Total Marks % age
21. High School (Xth) _________________________________________ ______ _________ _____
22. Senior Secondary (XIIth) _________________________________________ ______ _________ _____
MARKS OF 10+2 OR QUALIFYING EXAMINATION : (Please attach attested copies of marksheet and certificate)
Address : _____________________________________________________________________________________
/ /20______A.D.
3. Attested copy of Birth Certificate if not given in Xth Class documents Yes No
7. Two (2) Passport-size photographs with name & state on its back side Yes No
(put in a transparent plastic pouch)
1. Please ensure that you have clearly mentioned your telephone, mobile number, Email and of your
Father/Guardian at the place provided in the application form.
2. If any of your documents is not in English, please have them translated or describe the contents
briefly in English.
3. Submit 2 set of your application form (one original & other photocopy) along with all the above
required documents to Muslim Education Trust, E-3, Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-
110 025, India before the deadline (25th August2010).
Application form should not be sent directly to IDB, Jeddah.
4. Please remember your Reference No. the office will provide you by email or SMS after receiving
your application form. The status of your application form may be checked and other information
related to interview may be had from our websites or
mentioning your State of Domicile and Reference Number.
5. Applicants shall download his/her interview letter after 25th August 2010 directly from our website.
However, it will also be sent by email and by post.
6. Keep with you a complete set of filled in application form along with the above required
documents attached with the application form.