PRJP - 1425
PRJP - 1425
PRJP - 1425
The Solar Energy is produced by the Sunlight is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy
which is free from ecofriendly. Every hour enough sunlight energy reaches the earth to meet the
world’s energy demand for a whole year. In today’s generation we needed Electricity every
hour. This Solar Energy is generated by as per applications like industrial, commercial, and
residential. It cans easily energy drawn from direct sunlight. So it is very efficiency & free
environment pollution for surrounding. In this article, we have reviewed about the Solar Energy
from Sunlight and discussed about their future trends and aspects. distributed solar power
plants, a system energy-saving storage device (ES) is installation system prosped A distinctive
feature of the proposed model is the localization of places for the installation of power active
filter-compensating devices, the use of which allows providing the necessary quality of electric
energy and achieving the minimum energy losses in the elements of the energy supply system.
According to the results of the simulation, the comparison of the energy efficiency of the
traditional energy supply system and Smart Grid has been made.
Nowadays, due to the decreasing amount of renewable energy resources, the last ten years
become more important for per watt cost of solar energy device. It is definitely set to become
economical in the coming years and growing as better technology in terms of both cost and
applications. Everyday earth receives sunlight above (1366W This is an unlimited source of
energy which is available at no cost. The major benefit of solar energy over other conventional
power generators is that the sunlight can be directly converted into solar energy with the use of
smallest photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. There have been a large amount of research activities to
combine the Sun’s energy process by developing solar cells/panels/module with high converting
form. the most advantages of solar energy is that it is free
reachable to common people and available in large quantities of supply compared to that of the
price of various fossil fuels and oils in the past ten years. Moreover, solar energy requires
considerably lower manpower expenses over conventional energy production technology
Structural changes in the electricity market, where the Consumer acquires additional
functionalities and partial energy independence, contributed to the emergence of a new concept
of energy development – Smart Grid. The most significant feature of Smart Grid is the presence
of a bi-directional energy flow in the elements of the energy supply system (ESS) [3, 10].
Operation of the Smart Grid ESS is conditioned by the operation of the industrial network,
renewable energy sources and variable load profiles. In the intelligent ESS with small solar
power plants, the combination of such modes causes some difficulties in implementing an
information management system that would ensure not only high reliability of power supply but
also increase its energy efficiency [11–15]. Therefore, at the pre-design stage, close attention
should be paid to the means of computer simulation to study the work of the smart ESS in
operating and emergency modes.
System Designing: The formed network structure allows implementing separately the energy
supply system of direct current (Fig. 1). The system energy storage is charged from distributed
solar power plants, and in case of full charge, network inverters are switched on, and renewable
sources give energy to the AC network. In offline mode, when the automatic switch in the
beginning of the AC supply lines is open, with the help of a stand-alone inverter, the sinusoidal
voltage is formed with a frequency of 50 Hz and the energy supply of the loads connected to the
microgrid is carried out from the system ES. Independent DC power can be connected by the
appropriate low-power load or electric vehicles, both for recharging onboard batteries and as
additional backup sources. The diversity of the modes of operation of microgrid is provided by
an additional information level , which collects information about the status of each element of
the system and, in accordance with the priority algorithms, control impacts are formed, which are
worked out by power
Semiconductor converters.
The efficiency of solar power plants depends to a The efficiency of solar power plants depends to
a large extent on weather conditions and seasons. Therefore, during the implementation of
microgrid the solar irradiance level in a particular region, which is often presented as a daily
graph for each calendar month, should be taken into account? Also, during the calendar year, the
daily load profile changes. The overlay of these two charts allows predicting the share of
electricity that will be consumed by microgrid objects from the industrial network, taking into
account the generation of alternative sources, and
hence the reduction of the current density in the supply cable and the losses power from its flow.
Figure 2 shows a daily graph of solar insolation (E) for a July day, typical for eastern Ukraine, and a
daily load profile in the fractions of the maximum installed power P* = P/PH, which is typical for
household loading
Solar panel
Maximum power point Tracking(MPPT)
DC-DC Boost converter
DC/AC multilevel inverter
Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)
AC Grid
Non-linear load
implement MPPT algorithms to maximize the power generated by PV systems. The algorithms
control the voltage to ensure that the system operates at “maximum power point” (or peak voltage)
on the power voltage curve, as shown below. MPPT algorithms are typically used in the controller
designs for PV systems. The algorithms account for factors such as variable irradiance (sunlight) and
temperature to ensure that the PV system generates maximum power at all times. Maximum power
point tracking is a technique used commonly with wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) solar systems
to maximize power extraction under all conditions. Although solar power is mainly covered, the
This block models a solar cell as a parallel combination of a current source, two exponential diodes
and a parallel resistor, Rp that are connected in series with a resistance Rs. The output current I is
given by
PV system will continue to produce electricity as long as there is sufficient sunlight to generate and
sufficient load or battery capacity to absorb it. The energy storage system acts as a buffer between
the PV and the load so that the user doesn’t notice any fluctuation in power as a result of unstable
sky conditions. The duration that the energy supply will last is difficult to predict because it is a
function of the amount of sunlight available, the demand of the selected back-up loads and the state
of charge of the battery system at the moment of isolation from the grid.
It is a class of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) containing at least two semiconductors (a diode
and a transistor) and at least one energy storage element: a
Implements a three-phase parallel RLC load. Nominal phase-to-phase voltage 400Vn (VrmsNominal
frequency fn (Hz):50 Inductive reactive Power QL (positive var): Implements a three-phase circuit
breaker. When the external switching time mode is selected, a Simulink logical signal is used to
control the breaker operation. Switching times (s): [4/60 10/60] Breaker resistance Ron (Ohm)
Implements a three-phase parallel RLC load. The block can output the voltages and currents in per unit
values or in volts and amperes. Inductive reactive Power QL (positive var): Active power P (W):100
Inductive reactive Power QL (positive var):
Battery or solar in power systems often stack cells in series to achieve higher voltage. However,
sufficient stacking of cells is not possible in many high voltage applications due to lack of space.
Boost converters can increase the voltage and reduce the number of cells. and boosts the battery
voltage from 202 V to 500 V. Boost converters also power devices at smaller scale applications,
such as portable lighting systems. A white LED typically requires 3.3 V to emit light, and a boost
converter can step up the voltage from a single 1.5 V alkaline cell to power the lamp. An
unregulated boost converter is used as the voltage increase mechanism in the circuit known as the
'Joule thief'. This circuit topology is used with low power battery applications, and is aimed at the
ability of a boost converter to 'steal' the remaining energy in a battery.
The power delivered by a PV cell attains a maximum value at the points The short circuit current is
measured by shorting the output terminals and measuring the terminal current PV cells are made of
semiconductor materials with crystalline and thin films being the dominant materials.
The implementation of microgrid with solar power plants allows increasing the efficiency of the ESS.
The reserve for increasing the efficiency through the implementation of microgrid has two
components, the first one is related to the normalization of the power consumption mode, and the
second one to the optimization of the structure of the network, when the distances between energy
sources and consumers are reduced, and the density of the network energy flow and trunk line
decreases. Moreover, the second component makes a more significant contribution to increasing the
efficiency of the energy supply system. the implementation of microgrid has two components, the first
one is related to the normalization of the power consumption mode, and the second one to the
optimization of the structure of the network, when the distances between energy sources and
consumers are reduced, and the density of the network energy flow and trunk line decreases.
Moreover, the second component makes a more significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of
the energy supply system.
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