B&K - Hydrophones
B&K - Hydrophones
B&K - Hydrophones
The Brüel & Kjær range of waterborne-sound transducers consists of the following:
Fig. 3 Hydrophone Type 8105
Hydrophone Type A small, spherical transducer for making absolute
sound measurements over the frequency range 0.1 Hz
to 160 kHz with a receiving sensitivity of −205 dB re
1 V/μPa. It is rugged, being capable of withstanding
pressures of up to 107 Pa (100 atm.; 1000 m (3250 ft.)
ocean depth). This hydrophone has excellent direc-
tional characteristics: at 100 kHz, it is omnidirectional
over 360° in the x-y (radial) plane and 270° in the
x-z (axial) plane. Type 8105 is illustrated in Fig. 3.
The four Brüel & Kjær hydrophones are piezoelectric transducers, that is, they use piezoelectric
ceramics as sensing elements. The piezoelectric sensing element and its internal supporting
structure are permanently bonded into sound-transparent, lead-free, nitrile butadiene rubber.
The support bodies of Hydrophones Types 8103 and 8104 are made from a 70 – 30 Copper-
Nickel alloy. Type 8106’s support body is made of Aluminium-Bronze alloy CuAl10Ni5Fe4
(ISO 428). Both alloys have extremely high corrosion resistance to virtually all hostile envi-
ronments, and very good anti-fouling properties when immersed in seawater. Type 8105 has
no metal parts exposed.
The internal support is mechanically and electrically isolated from the metal housing, being
coupled only by synthetic rubber. This provides vibration isolation of the sensing element.
Except for Type 8106, the hydrophones are equipped with an integral cable, the shield of
which is connected to the internal support/housing, thus providing electrical shielding for the
sensing element. Note that Type 8103 has its internal support and metal housing connected at
the plug end of the cable.
Typical frequency responses of the hydrophones are shown in Fig. 5. These are measured in
a water tank in free-field conditions achieved by means of pulse techniques using a PULSE™
based calibration system (see Fig. 7).
Fig. 5 –200
Typical receiving
characteristics of
Type 8103
Hydrophones Types
8103, 8104, 8105 and –220
2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1 kHz 2 5 10 20 50 100 kHz
8106 (dB re 1 V/μPa)
Type 8104
2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1 kHz 2 5 10 20 50 100 kHz
Type 8105
2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1 kHz 2 5 10 20 50 100 kHz
Type 8106
2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1 kHz 2 5 10 20 50 100 kHz
The hydrophones have very good omnidirectional characteristics. Typical directivity patterns
of the hydrophones in water are shown in Fig. 6. These polar directivity patterns were measured
in free-field conditions achieved by means of gating techniques in a water tank. This method
requires a standard hydrophone as a projector and the unknown hydrophone as the receiver
whose polar directivity pattern is to be determined.
Fig. 6 Typical directivity patterns of Hydrophones Types 8103, 8104, 8105 and 8106
& Kj & Kj
X - Y Plane ær ær
50 kHz 50 kHz
X - Y Plane
X - Z Plane
200 kHz 60 125 kHz
0° ° 30 60
X - Z Plane 0°
X - Y Plane
QP 5
QP 5
125 kHz
X - Z Plane
50 90°
X 50
10 20 30 40
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
40 30 20 10 0
X 50
QP 5
QP 5
100 kHz 10 dB 10 dB
0° X - Z Plane 0°
0° 0°
24 12
24 12
100 kHz
X - Y Plane
8103 & Kj
8104 & Kj
760387/1e 760259/1e
& Kj & Kj
ær ær
X - Y Plane
0° 50 kHz 150 kHz 60
° 30
Z X - Z Plane Z
QP 5
QP 5
90° 90°
50 50
10 20 30 40
40 30 20 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0
10 20 30 40
270° 270°
QP 5
QP 5
10 dB 10 dB
0° 50 kHz 12
0° 12
X - Y Plane 20 kHz
150 kHz X - Z Plane
X - Y Plane
8105 & Kj
8106 & Kj
Brüel Brüel
851492/1e 913453/1e
Hydrophone Calibration System
Fig. 7 Hydrophone calibration system: Set-up for calibration in the 4 kHz to 100 kHz range using PULSE Multi-analyzer System
Type 3560. Optional calibration up to 200 kHz is possible using Frequency Doubler WB-3475
B7/6-'89 K
Hydrophone Calibration System Type 9718
Brüel & Kjær
Interface IEEE-488 Printer
Keyboard Mouse
Part of
Measuring Gate
Projector Receiver
Measured Received Signal Portion
8104 d
Water Tank
Fig. 7 shows a PULSE-based system for calibration of the frequency response of hydrophones.
With additional components, the directivity pattern is also included. The system consists of a
front-end with generator and input modules, Power Amplifier Type 2713, Turntable Type 3922,
Turntable Interface Type 5997, Current Probe WB-1490 and a PC with software and Windows®
operating system. The principle is the well-known gating technique, where a tone burst is sent
out from the generator, amplified in the power amplifier and send to the projector (in this case
a Hydrophone Type 8104). The signal received from another hydrophone is amplified and the
time signal is shown on the PC monitor. A delay due to the distance between transmitter and
receiver and a gating period depending on frequency range and tank dimensions is set up in
the analyzer in order to analyse on a stable direct signal without transients or reflections. The
measurements are performed at specified frequencies and a complete calibration chart is printed
out. Directivity patterns can be found with software for the turntable. This system can be used
for reciprocity, comparison and impedance measurements, as well as the projector response.
For the receiving response, both magnitude and relative phase can be measured.
Sensitivity Calibration
Each Brüel & Kjær hydrophone is submitted to an extensive ageing and temperature stabilizing
procedure before being individually calibrated. Individual calibration data and frequency response
curves are supplied with each hydrophone. The receiving sensitivity calibration of the hydrophones
is traceable to international standards (DPLA, NIST, etc.).
A convenient calibration check at low frequencies can be performed using Hydrophone Cal-
ibrator Type 4229 (the sensitivity of a hydrophone is the same in air as in water for low
frequencies). This provides a rapid and easy method for air calibration of sound measuring
systems terminating in Brüel & Kjær hydrophones. Type 4229 is battery powered and can be
used both in the laboratory and in the field.
The principle of operation of Type 4229 is the production of a sound pressure in the coupler
cavity by four pistons which oscillate back and forth in phase. A frequency of 251.2 Hz is
produced which is electronically maintained within ±0.1%.
Fig. 8 shows sectional drawings of the calibrator. The calibrator couplers are shown fitted with
their respective hydrophones. The typical sound pressure levels produced in the coupler volumes
are 166, 162, 151.5 and 152 dB re 1 μPa for Types 8103, 8104, 8105 and 8106, respectively.
Note that the sound pressure level in the coupler volume can be monitored with a ½″ micro-
phone (see inset of Fig. 8), thus enabling the calibration to be traceable to international standards
(DPLA, NIST, etc.).
Note: The coupler for Type 8106, WA-0658, is available separately. The other couplers are
supplied with Type 4229. An Insert Voltage Junction Unit WB-0850 can be used for insert
voltage calibration of Type 8106.
A barometer is supplied with Type 4229 giving the atmospheric pressure correction in dB in
the range 0.65 × 105 to 1.08 × 105 Pa (650 to 1080 hPa), that is, –3.85 to +0.55 dB.
Fig. 8 Mounting Hydrophones Types 8103, 8104, 8105 and 8106 in their respective couplers with Calibrator Type 4229. The inset shows
a ½″ microphone inserted into a coupler for monitoring the sound pressure level
Coupler UA-0548
Hydrophone 8103
Plug DB-1936
1/2″ Microphone
Coupler UA-0547
Hydrophone 8104
Coupler WA-0658
Hydrophone 8106
Coupler UA-0546
Hydrophone 8105
Before measurements are taken, the high-impedance output signals from Hydrophones Types
8103, 8104 and 8105 should be routed through a signal-conditioning amplifier. Although the
international standards call for calibration of the hydrophones’ voltage sensitivity (using a
voltage amplifier), it is often more practical to use a charge amplifier, which will result in a
charge sensitivity independent of the actual cable length. Although the entire Brüel & Kjær
range of accelerometer preamplifiers is suitable, Conditioning Amplifier Type 2635, Measuring
Amplifier Type 2525, or one of the NEXUS or PULSE charge input range is recommended.
These amplifiers feature sensitivity adjustment to give convenient output values (for example,
0.1 or 1 V/Unit) and have a wide frequency range, and adjustable low-pass and high-pass
filters. For technical details of these preamplifiers, please refer to their respective product data
When using Type 8104 or 8105 with Measuring Amplifier Type 2525, BNC to TNC Adaptor
JP-0226 must be used. The built-in preamplifier of Hydrophone Type 8106 provides an output
signal which does not require further conditioning. Type 8106 can be directly plugged into
the preamplifier socket of the Brüel & Kjær range of measuring amplifiers and frequency
analyzers, with 7-pin Brüel & Kjær sockets, which supply the necessary voltages. Dual Micro-
phone Supply Type 5935 must be ordered with modification WH-3125 and requires an external
supply. Microphone Multiplexer Type 2822 must be ordered with modification WH-3127.
Use as Projectors
When hydrophones are used as projectors, the driving signal requires power amplification.
Brüel & Kjær Power Amplifier Type 2713 is especially suited for driving Hydrophones Types
8103, 8104 and 8105 as projectors, but is also useful for driving other highly reactive loads.
Type 2713 is a low-noise 100 VA power amplifier with a frequency range extending from
10 Hz up to 200 kHz, and a gain continuously adjustable between 0 and 60 dB over six 10 dB
ranges. It also features selectable maximum output voltage limits, as well as extensive protective
functions to prevent damage to both the amplifier and the transducer.
Measurements in Air
Hydrophones are particularly useful for measurements under extreme environmental conditions
that could damage ordinary microphones or affect their performance, such as very high humidity
and temperature, or polluted atmospheres.
Hydrophones may also be used for measurement of extremely high sound pressure levels.
Please note that Type 8103 is quite sensitive to acceleration (up to 115 dB/ms–2 when vibrated
axially and up to 128 dB/ms–2 when vibrated perpendicular to the hydrophone axis. As always
for hydrophones the dB reference pressure is 1 μPa.
Typical receiving response in air for different hydrophones types are shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10 -170
Typical receiving Type 8106
characteristics in air:
Types 8103, 8104,
8105 and 8106 in the -180
x-y plane
dB re 1 V/μPa
Type 8103
Special care has been taken in the production of Brüel & Kjær hydrophone cables in order to
obtain good electrical shielding. This enables the hydrophones to be used in air and in water
tanks where the electrical potential of the water is different from the ground potential, as well
as in cases of high electromagnetic interference.
Miniature Hydrophone Type 8103 is fitted with 6 m integral double-shielded cable terminated
with a Brüel & Kjær Miniature Plug JP-0056. In cases of high electromagnetic interference, a
metal screen can be clamped onto the metal support. This support is connected internally to
the outer shield of the cable which is in turn connected to the inner shield of the terminating
plug end of the cable.
Hydrophones Types 8104 and 8105 have integral 10 m cables (AC-0034) fulfilling MIL-C-915.
These are fitted with BNC plugs. For use at greater depths (up to 1000 m with Type 8105),
MIL-C-915 standard extension cables of up to 300 m are available to order. These can be fitted
to the hydrophone’s integral cable with Brüel & Kjær Waterproof Connectors JP-0415 (male)
and JJ-0415 (female). Pictorial assembly instructions are provided with each male or female
connector set. We recommend that the male connector (JP-0415) is fitted to the cable on the
hydrophone (Fig. 11).
Plug JP-0717 is available for direct connection to the preamplifier socket of older Brüel & Kjær
measuring amplifiers and frequency analyzers. For connection to PULSE™ or NEXUS™, an
additional conversion cable WL-1260 should be used. The Connecting Plug JP-0735 fits the
7-pin female connector (corresponding to the Jupiter connector series 10 M) which is an
integrated part of the hydrophone’s bronze support.
For use of Type 8106 at depths greater than 10 m, Hydrophone Cable AC-0101 can be supplied
in continuous lengths of up to 300 m. This cable is a screened, 4-core cable with built-in
Kevlar® reinforcement. AC-0101 can tolerate high loads – 1300 N in service, with a breaking
load of 2600 N. This makes the cable strong enough to be self-supporting for measurements
at ocean depths of 1000 m. Despite the strength of the cables, we recommend the use of some
form of strain release for long cables or in cases where there is risk of cable movement.
Water Air
Hydrophone Connector Cable Connector Cable Connector
8103 or 8103-V - AC-0043 - x
8103 10-32 UNF
AO-1431 JP-0108
8104 - W-001* AO-1432
JP-0415 JJ-0415 AC-0034 JP-0415 JJ-0415
8105 or 8105-V - AC-0034 - x
8105 BNC
AO-1431 JP-0108
8105 - W-001* AO-1432
JP-0415 JJ-0415 AC-0034 JP-0415 JJ-0415
AO-1433 AO-0390
8106 B & K 7-pin
AC-0101 AC-0101
JP-0735 JJ-0738 JP-0735 JP-0717
* 10 m 951173/2
Specifications – Hydrophones Types 8103, 8104, 8105 and 8106
Type 8103 8104 8105 8106
Sensitivitya −211dB re 1 V/μPa ±2dB −205 dB re 1 V/μPa ±2 dB −173 dB re 1 V/μPa ±3 dB
Nominal Voltage Sensitivity 29 μV/Pa 56 μV/Pa 2.24 mV/Pa
Nominal Charge Sensitivitya 0.1 pC/Pa 0.44 pC/Pa 0.41 pC/Pa N/A
3700 pF 7800 pF 7250 pF N/A
(incl. standard cable)
0.1 Hz to 20 kHz 0.1 Hz to 10 kHz 10 Hz to 10 kHz
+1/–1.5 dB ±1.5 dB +0.5/−3.0 dB
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz
+1/−6.5 dB
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz 0.1 Hz to 80 kHz 7 Hz to 30 kHz
Frequency Responsea (re 250 Hz)
+1.5/−6.0 dB ±4.0 dB +0.5/−6.0 dB
0.1 Hz to 160 kHz
+3.5/−10.0 dB
0.1 Hz to 180 kHz 0.1 Hz to 120 kHz 3 Hz to 80 kHz
+3.5/−12.5 dB +4/−12.0 dB +6/−10.0 dB
Horizontal Directivityb
±2 dB at 100 kHz ±2 dB at 20 kHz
(radial xy plane)
±2 dB
Vertical Directivity
±4 dB at 100 kHz ±2 dB at 50 kHz over 270° at 80 kHz ±3 dB at 20 kHz
(axial xz plane)
±2.5 dB at 100 kHz
Leakage Resistancea (at 20 °C) >2500 MΩ
Operating Temperature Range:
Short-term −30°C to +120°C
Continuous −30°C to +80°C −10°C to +60°C
Sensitivity Change Charge 0 to +0.03 dB/°C 0 to +0.03 dB/°C 0 to +0.03 dB/°C –
with Temperature: Voltage 0 to −0.03 dB/°C 0 to −0.04 dB/°C 0 to −0.03 dB/°C 0 to +0.01 dB/°C
Max. Operating Static Pressure 252 dB = 4 ×106 Pa = 40 atm. = 400 m ocean depth 260 dB = 9.8 × 106 Pa = 100 atm. = 1000 m ocean depth
Sensitivity Change with Static 0 to 1 × 10–7 dB/Pa
0 to –3 × 10–7 dB/Pa (0 to −0.03 dB/atm.)
Pressure 0 to 0.01 dB/atm.
Allowable Total Radiation Dose 5 × 107 Rad.
Dimensions: Length 50 mm (1.97″) 120 mm (4.73″) 93 mm (3.66″) 182 mm (7.17″)
Body dia. 9.5 mm (0.37″) 21 mm (0.83″) 22 mm (0.87″) 32 mm (1.26″)
170 g (0.37 lb.) 1.6 kg (3.5 lb.) 382 g (0.84 lb.)
(including integral cable)
6 m waterproof low-noise
double-shielded teflon 10 m waterblocked low-noise shielded cable to
Integral Cable
cable with standard MIL–C–915 with BNC plug
miniature coaxial plug
a. Nominal value, each hydrophone is supplied with its own calibration data
b. See polar directivity given in Fig. 6
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all values are valid at 23°C (73°F)
20 Hz to 20 kHz: 70 dB 50 Se
12 V supply: 182 dB re 1 μPa 30
Compliance with Standards
CE-mark indicates compliance with: EMC Directive and Low Voltage Directive.
, C-Tick mark indicates compliance with the EMC requirements of Australia and New Zealand.
Safety EN/IEC 61010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
EN/IEC 61000–6–3: Generic emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61000–6–4: Generic emission standard for industrial environments.
EMC Emission
CISPR 22: Radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment. Class B Limits.
FCC Rules, Part 15: Complies with the limits for a Class B digital device.
EN/IEC61000–6–1: Generic standards – Immunity for residential, commercial and light industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61000–6–2: Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61326: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements.
EMC Immunity Note 1: The above is only guaranteed using accessories listed in this Product Data sheet.
Note 2: Susceptibility when exposed to levels specified in EN 61000–6–2.
Conducted RF: <30 mV
Radiated RF: <120 mV
IEC 60068–2–1 & IEC 60068–2–2: Environmental Testing. Cold and Dry Heat.
Temperature Operating Temperature: See specifications
Storage Temperature: As for continuous operation, see specifications
IEC 60068–2–6: Vibration: 0.3 mm, 20 m/s2, 10–500 Hz
IEC 60068–2–27: Shock: 1000 m/s2
IEC60068–2–29: Bump: 3000 bumps at 250 m/s2
Ordering Information
Optional Accessories JP-0744 Male underwater connector for Extension Cable AC-0038
JP-0735 Male underwater connector (for extension cable)
TYPES 8104 AND 8105 JJ-0738 Female underwater connector (for underwater
AO-1431 Extension cable comprising AC-0034, JP-0415 and extension cable)
AC-0034 Waterblocked low-noise shielded extension cable to ADAPTORS
MIL–C–915 available to any length up to 300 m JP-0145 10–32 UNF to BNC
JP-0415 Male underwater connector (for integral cable) JP-0226 BNC to TNC
Rosendahls Bogtrykkeri
JJ-0415 Female underwater connector (for extension cable) JP-0162 10–32 UNF to TNC
JP-0108 BNC connector for extension cable JJ-2617 10–32 UNF to 1/2″ mic. amp
WL-1260 7-pin B&K to 7-pin LEMO for connection to PULSE or
AO-1433 Extension cable comprising AC-0101, JP-0735 and
WB-0850 Insert-voltage Junction Unit Type 4229a Hydrophone Calibrator
AC-0101 Watertight, shielded 4-core cable, Kevlar reinforced. Cables See Fig. 11
Any length up to 300 m
AO-0390 10 m of AC-0101, with JP-0735 and JP-0717
JP-0717 7-pin Brüel & Kjær input connector a. Type 8106 requires Adaptor WA-0658, available separately
BP 0317 – 20
Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
Brüel & Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice
HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Nærum · Denmark · Telephone: +45 4580 0500 · Fax: +45 4580 1405
www.bksv.com · [email protected]