AinP The Owl and The Pussycat
AinP The Owl and The Pussycat
AinP The Owl and The Pussycat
They sit down back to back on the honey-pot, then look around.
PUSSYCAT: It’s ever so dark.
OWL: Don’t worry about the dark. Ah, Pussy. (He puts a wing round her.) At last we’re on
our own. A moving beam of light appears from off stage. Just you and I, and there
are so …
PUSSYCAT: (seeing the beam of light and jumping up) Aaah.
OWL: (not realizing) Don’t worry, Pussy; there’s no need to be frightened of the dark.
PUSSYCAT: It’s not that. (Pointing.) Look.
OWL: Really, Pussy, you are …(He sees the beam of light.) Aaah. Oh, oh, I say. (He jumps
up, his wings starting to flap, but he tries to be brave.) Just your imagination.
PUSSYCAT: Then why are your wings flapping? You know your wings only flap when
you’re nervous.
OWL: Well, I, er — I’m not exactly nervous — just — The noise of loud, bitter sobbing is
heard from where the light is coming. (Hearing the sobs.) — terrified! Let’s move to
the trees.