Consumer Brand Preferenceof Laptopsin Madurai District

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Vol.1 No.

3 July 2013 ISSN : 2320-4168


Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University

Branding not only gives separate identity and easy recognition to the product but
it also creates special brand preference and brand loyalty. Branding is a powerful
instrument of demand creation and demand retention. Selective demand for a company's
brand rather than a product; the degree to which consumers prefer one brand over
another. In an attempt to build brand preference advertising, the advertising must
persuade a target audience to consider the advantages of a brand, often by building its
reputation as a long-established and trusted name in the industry. If the advertising is
successful, the target customer will choose the brand over other brands in any category.
With this background, the researcher made an attempt to analyse the brand preference of
Keywords: Brand preference, laptops

Technology has taken a dramatic turn over recent past and laptop manufacturing
companies have gone beyond imagination when it comes to build complete notebook full of
features. Now laptops are good enough for complete office work load, heavy computing
processing power for engineering needs and advance uses, graphical usage or even
entertainment purposes. You name your requirements and you will see every brand of
laptops meeting those needs. The competition between computer manufacturers wasn't as
fierce as today. Now with the innovation in the technology, there are so many
manufacturers who can offer computers with very similar features and quality that it is
harder and harder to pick the best computer. They tend to our best one another because
it's how they survive in the market. They compete in terms of price, features, performance,
design, tech support, value, and software. It's always quality over price.
With endless innovation of laptop computers year after year it contributes to
countless amount options and variety to choose from which making it hard for the consumer
to pick the right brand for us. Researcher will leave five of the best brand of laptops today:
1. Apple
Computers designed by Apple, such as Macs, are very easy to use, portable,
powerful, efficient, and they look very cool. Apple's computers are less vulnerable to
viruses and you don't have to reformat them. Consumer can take them whenever they go
because they are very small, thin, and relatively light. Also, their beautiful design and

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Vol.1 No.3 July 2013 ISSN : 2320-4168

perception of high quality will make the consumer look cool and fashionable. It's the
student's number one choice in the US.
2. Sony
Expensive but another trusted brand is Sony. Its VAIO series are very popular in
terms of assorted designs, premium features and performance. The brand is known for its
durability as well as sturdy designs. Sony is globally recognized for its distinctive
personality and the high end products.
Dell, Incorporated is a computer hardware manufacturer and distributor. The
company is one of the world's largest computer distributors in terms of both quantity of
unit’s sold and gross income, and one of the United States' largest corporations.
No matter what the customer’s social income, taste and preference, there is always
HP laptops available for the customers. Despite the competitions in the market today HP
remains the pioneering computer manufactures of best laptops in the world.
Acer, established in 1976, and with its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, has grown
into one of the top five computer manufacturers in the world, and its laptops are the best
selling brand in Western Europe. Its successful Travel mate, and Aspire, ranges, amongst
others, are renowned for their innovation, reliability and affordability.
This study deals with the analysis of brand preference of laptops. The study of
brand preference of laptops is largely influenced by a number of factors such as
Advertisement, Price, Quality, Performance, After-sales service, and so on. These factors
play a vital role in the decision making process and in the brand preference. Hence an
attempt is made to analyse the brand preference of laptops. For that purpose the
researcher made the following objectives.

Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the brand preference of laptops
2. To evaluate the reasons for choosing the brand

Methods of Sampling
The sampling method used in this study is convenient sampling method. The data
were collected from the various parts of the Madurai District. Further the choice of the
sample is left entirely to the convenient of the researcher. The sample study was confined
to Madurai district 50 respondents were selected on the basis of convenient sampling and
the sample is selected from the respondents of laptop users.

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Vol.1 No.3 July 2013 ISSN : 2320-4168

Users Preference of Brand Laptop

The table reveals the users preference of brand laptop by the respondents.
Table 1 Users Preference of Brand Laptop
Particular Number of Respondent Percentage Analysis The table 1 shows that 32 per cent
Apple 8 16 that is majority of the respondents
Sony 13 26 are prefer to buy only the DELL
DELL 16 32 laptops. And 26 per cent of the
HP 10 20 respondents induce to buy the
Acer 3 6 SONY brand laptops. And next to
Total 50 100 that 20 per cent of HP laptops are
Sources: Primary Data
preferable 16 per cent of the
respondents preferred APPLE and only 6 per cent of the respondents prefer ACER. This
table finally shows that the DELL laptops are more user friendly among the students and
then this brand was preferred for the fashion
purpose also.
BRAND LAPTOP Factors Influencing Brand Preference
Apple There are a number of factors that
have been found to affect the choice of a
16% Sony
20% brand. The major factor influencing the brand
DELL preference of laptops are usage, price,
32% HP maintenance, cost, necessity and mode of
payment and the like. In this part an attempt is
made to analyse the factors influencing brand
preference of laptops.

Analysis the Reasons for Choosing Laptop Brand

Each and every laptop of different companies has some inbuilt features. Hence, in
this study, the factors which are the reasons for choosing the brand laptops have been
analyzed using Garrett’s Ranking Technique. In this analysis, the respondents were asked to
rank the factors which reason mainly motivated them in choosing the laptops. The rank
assigned to each factor by the sample respondents has been converted into per cent
position by using the following formula:
Per cent Position= 100(Rij-0.5)/Nij
Rij- Rank given by the jthrespondent for the ith factor and
Nj- Number of factors ranked by the jth sample respondent.

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Vol.1 No.3 July 2013 ISSN : 2320-4168

Table 2 Rank the Reasons for Choosing Laptop Brand

S.No Factors I II III IV V VI VII VIII Total The per cent of each rank
1 Brand Status 15 7 7 7 2 7 5 - 50
thus obtained was
2 Durability 8 10 8 4 7 7 3 3 50
3 Low Cost 5 6 2 1 4 8 8 16 50 converted into scores by
4 Comfortable 5 7 9 9 9 3 7 1 50 referring to the table given
5 Fashion 6 6 7 5 4 7 6 9 50
6 Memory Capacity 5 7 7 10 8 3 8 2 50
by Garrett (Appendix-II).
7 Warranty Period - 3 2 11 5 10 9 10 50
8 Long Life Battery 6 4 8 3 11 5 4 9 50
Sources: Primary Data

Table 3 Calculated Garret Value

Then the same has
VIII Total
1 Brand Status 1185 469 413 371 92 280 160 - been 2970 multiplied
2 Durability 632 670 472 212 322 280 96 60with the number of
3 Low Cost 395 402 118 53 184 320 256 320 2048 respondents in each
4 Comfortable 395 469 531 477 414 120 224 20 2650
rank for each factor
5 Fashion 474 402 413 265 184 280 192 180 2390
6 Memory Capacity 395 469 413 530 368 120 256 40 2591
and the scores of
7 Warranty Period - 201 118 583 230 400 288 200 2020 all respondents for
8 Long Life Battery 474 268 472 159 506 200 128 180 2387 each factor have
Sources: Primary Data been then added
together and divided by the number of respondents experiencing that particular factor. The
mean scores of each factor were thus divided by the number of respondents experiencing
that particular factor. The mean scores of each factor were thus arrived at and the
corresponding ranks allotted.
Table 4 Garret Score
S.No Factors Total Score Mean Rank The factors which are the reasons to
1 Brand Status 2970/50 59.4 1
motivate the respondents for choosing the
2 Durability 2744/50 54.88 2
3 Low Cost 2048/50 40.96 7 laptop brand and their relationships are
4 Comfortable 2650/50 53 3 discussed in this section. It is seen from
5 Fashion 2390/50 47.8 5
6 Memory Capacity 2591/50 51.82 4 the Table that among the various factors
7 Warranty Period 2020/50 40.4 8 presented, the respondent consider brand
8 Long Life Battery 2387/50 47.74 6
Sources: Primary Data
status, durability and comfortable as the
major reasons for choosing a laptop brand.
Hence first three ranks were awarded to these factors. While Ranks of 1, 2 and 3 were
given in order of preference to the factors mentioned. It is also observed from the Table
that in the main factor which is the reasons for the respondents to choose the laptop brand
is ‘brand status’ because the respondents give 1st rank to the brand status. Then in order
durability, comfortable, memory capacity, fashion, long life battery.

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Vol.1 No.3 July 2013 ISSN : 2320-4168

Purpose of Buying Laptop of the Respondents

The table reveals that the purpose of buying laptops of the respondents.
Table 5 Purpose of Buying Laptop of the Respondents
Table 3.17 shows that the 88 per cent of the
Particular Number of Respondent Per cent
Education 44 88 respondents plays a vital role bought laptops
Work 6 12 for the purpose of Education then 12per cent
Entertainment - -
Others - -
of the respondents use laptops for official
Total 50 100 purpose. Finally in a nutshell, 44 numbers of
Sources: Primary Data respondents are dominating a major role on
buying laptops for the purpose of education.
The researcher has identified the following findings:
• 32 per cent that is majority of the respondents is preferred to buy only the DELL
laptops. Only 6 per cent of the respondents expect to buy ACER.
• The various factors presented, the respondent consider brand status, durability and
comfortable as the major reasons for choosing a laptop brand. Hence first three
ranks were awarded to these factors. While Ranks of 1, 2 and 3 were given in order
of preference to the factors mentioned.
• In a nutshell, 44 of the respondents dominate a major role on buying laptops for the
purpose of education
Most of the respondents in Madurai District are aware of many popular brands of
laptops. They feel that brand name tells them something about product quality, utility,
technology and the like. The manufacturer’s pursuit for excellence has brought competing
designs and models into the world of laptops in different brands. Their ventures in the field
of advertisements have strongly influenced the consumers regarding the excellence of
various brands. Thus the researcher concluded that advertisements have played a vital role
in motivating the respondents of various strata.
1. Cundiff, Still and Govani, Fundamentals of Modern Marketing management,
Prentice- Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. William J. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing, Mac Graw Hill International Book
Company, New Delhi.

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