Painting Coefficients

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Sl.No Description of Work How Measured Multiplying

1 Panelled or Framed and Measured Flat (not girthed) 1.30 (For
Braced Doors, Windows Each Side)
2 Ledged and Battened or do 1.30 (For
Ledged, Battened and Each Side)
Braced, Doors, Windows
3 Flush Doors do 1.20 (For
Each Side)
4 Partly Panelled and Partly do 1.00 (For
Glazed or Gauzed Doors, Each Side)
5 Fully Glazed or Gauzed do 0.80 (For
Doors, Windows Each Side)
6 Fully Venetioned or do 1.80 (For
Louvered Doors, Each Side)
Windows etc.
7 Trellis (Jaali) Work one Measured Flat overall, no 2.00 (All
way or two way deduction shall be made for Over)
open spaces, supporting
members shall not be
measured separately.
8 Carved or Enriched Work Measured Flat 2.00 (For
Each Side)
9 Weather Boarding Measured Flat (not girthed) 1.20 (For
supporting frame work Each Side)
shall not be measured
10 Wood Single Roofing Measured Flat (not girthed) 1.10 (For
Each Side)
11 Boarding with Cover Fillets do 1.05 (For
and Match Boarding Each Side)
12 Tile and Slate Battening Measured Flat overall, no 0.80 (All
deductions shall be made Over)
for open spaces
13 Plain Sheeted Steel Doors Measured Flat (not girthed) 1.10 (For
or Windows including frame edges etc. Each Side)
14 Fully Glazed or Gauzed do 0.50 (For
Steel Doors or Windows Each Side)
15 Partly Panelled and Partly do 0.80 (For
Glazed or Gauzed Steel Each Side)
Doors, Windows
16 Corrugated Sheeted Steel do 1.25 (For
Doors or Windows Each Side)
17 Collapsible Gates Measured Flat 1.50 (For All
18 Rolling Shutters Measured Flat (Size of 1.10 (For
Opening) all over; jamb Each Side)
guides, bottom rails and
locking arrangement etc.
shall be included in the
item (top cover shall be
measured separately)
19 Expanded Metal, Hard Measured flat overall; no 1 (for
drawn steel wire fabric of deduction shall be made for painting all
approved quality, grill open spaces; supporting over)
works and gratings in guard members shall not be
Bars, balustrades, railings, measured separately.
partitions and MS Bars in
window frames
20 Open Palisade Fencing and do 1 (for paint
Gates including standards, (See Notes Below) all over)
braces, rails stays etc. in
timber or steel.
21 Corrugated Iron Sheeting in Measured Flat (not girthed) 1.14 (for each
Roofs, side cladding etc. side)
22 AC Corrugated sheeting in Do 1.20 (for each
roofs, side cladding etc. side)
23 AC Semi – Corrugated Do 1.10 (for each
sheetings in roofs, side side)
cladding etc. or Nainital
Pattern using plain sheets
24 Wire Gauze shutters Do 1 (for each
including painting of wire side)

Note for Item No.20: For painting open palisade fencing and gates etc., the
height shall be measured from the bottom of the lowest rail, if the palisades do
not go below it, (or from the lower end of the palisades, if they project below the
lowest rail), up to the top of rails or palisades whichever are higher, but not up to
the top of standards, when the latter are higher than the top rails or the palisades.

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