Landbank V Atlanta
Landbank V Atlanta
Landbank V Atlanta
whether or not the SLA between the Land Bank and the City
Government of Iligan is an executive agreement similar to Loan
Agreement No. 4833- PH such that the procurement of water
pipes by the BAC of the City Government of Iligan should be
deemed exempt from the application of RA 9184? Yes
Land Bank entered into an SLA with the City Government of Iligan
to finance the development and expansion of the city's water supply
system, which had two (2) components, namely: (a) the procurement
of civil works; and (b) the procurement of goods for the supply and
delivery of various sizes of PE 100 HDPE pipes and fittings. The
SLA expressly provided that the goods, works, and services to be
financed out of the proceeds of the loan with Land Bank were to be
"procured in accordance with the provisions of Section I of the
'Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits' . . .,
and with the provisions of [the] Schedule 4." Accordingly, the City
Government of Iligan, through its Boards and Awards Committee
(BAC), conducted a public bidding for the supply and delivery of
various sizes of PE 100 HDPE pipes and fittings using the IBRD
Procurement Guidelines.
Respondent Atlanta Industries, Inc. (Atlanta) participated in the said
bidding and came up with the second to the lowest bid in the amount
of P193,959,354.34. However, in a letter, the BAC informed Atlanta
that the bidding was declared a failure upon the recommendation of
Land Bank due to the IBRD's non- concurrence with the Bid
Evaluation Report. Moreover, in a letter, the BAC informed Atlanta
of its disqualification from the bidding because it lacked several
documentary requirements.
In response, Atlanta, through a letter, sought to correct the BAC's
erroneous assumption that it failed to submit the necessary
documents and to have its disqualification reconsidered. It expressed
its objection against the BAC's declaration of a failure of bidding,
asserting that had it not been improperly disqualified there would
have also been no need to declare the bidding a failure because its
tender would be the sole responsive bid necessary to save the bid