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ME5360: Planar Multibody Dynamics

Homework Assignment 2

Problem 3

Problem 1

Problem 2
Problem 4

1. Two bodies, i and j, can translate and rotate in

the plane. Describe the necessary constraints to tegrate to obtain the position constraints. Deter-
keep point P on body i in contact with the flat mine the Jacobian matrix and the right-hand side
surface of body j (shown as a line). Assume that of the acceleration constraint.
this surface (line) extends without limit from ei-
ther end. 5. Derive the constraint equation for a belt connect-
ing two discs that are attached to a third body
2. The mechanism shown has to be modeled by the by pin joints. Determine the Jacobian matrix and
body-coordinate formulation. Determine the min- the right-hand side of the acceleration constraint.
imum number of bodies, coordinates, and con-
straint equations that are needed if:
6. For the single pendulum shown, construct the
(a) Only revolute and translational joint con- equations of motion. The following constant data
straints are available are provided: rA 0 A 0
0 = {0.1 0.3} , s
1 = {0.11 0} ,
(b) Revolute, translational, revolute-revolute, m1 = 0.2, and J1 = 0.03 (SI units). Evaluate
and revolute-translational joints are all avail- the variable elements of the equations of motion
able for formulation

3. A Circular disc i and a flat surface j can translate

and rotate in the plane. Describe the necessary
constraints to keep the disc i rolling without slip-
ping on the flat surface j. Determine the Jacobian
and the right-hand side array of the acceleration

4. Derive the constraints for two rolling discs (no-

slip) that are pinned to a third moving body. De-
rive the constraints for the velocites first then in- Problem 5

Problem 8

Problem 6

Problem 7
Problem 9

for the following coordinates and velocities: c1 =

{0.15 0.20 120◦ }0 and ċ1 = {−0.10 −0.11 −2.0◦ }0 . acts on the system. The following data are pro-
vided: m1 = 4.0, J1 = 0.8, m2 = m3 = 1.5,
J2 = J3 == 0.15 (SI units)
7. Two rods are pinned to the ground as shown. The Construct the equations of motion for this system.
lengths of the rods are 1.5 and 2.0 units respec-
tively. A spring-damper-actuator element is con-
nected between the free ends of the rods having
the following characteristics: k = 100, 0 l = 2,
dc = 200, (a) f = 30. In the shown configuration,
the angular velocities of the two bodies are, re-
spectively, 1 rad/sec, CW, and 2.5 rad/sec, CCW.
Construct the equations of motion for this sys-
tem. Assume m1 = 0.8, J1 = 0.15, m2 = 1.2, and
J2 = 0.40.

8. The multibody system shown consists of two mov-

ing links, a revolute joint, a sliding joint, and a
spring. Gravity acts on the system. The follow-
ing data are given: m1 = 5.0, J1 = 0.5, m2 = 3.0,
J2 = 0.4, k = 20, 0 l = 2.0
Construct the equations of motion for the system.

9. The multibody system shown is a slight variation

of the system described in the previous problem
and is represented by the same set of data. Con-
struct the equations of motion for the system.

10. The multibody system shown consists of three

moving links and three revolute joints. Gravity Problem 10

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