8.c.i. Philosophy - Final TOS Long

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Lawy High School

Table of Specification
FINAL EXAM: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
1st Semester, S.Y 2018-2019
Test Distribution
No. of No. of
Content Area Hours
% Items
Learning Competencies Easy (60%) Average Difficult
(30%) (10%)
Freedom of the Human Person  Realize that “all actions have consequences.” 9 24% 12 1-6, 41-43
 Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices 25-27
 Realize that: a. Choices have consequences b. Some things are given up
while others are obtained in making choices.
 Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences
of their choices.
Intersubjectivity  Realize that intersubjectivty requires accepting differences and not to 9 28% 12 7-12 38-40 44-46
imposing on others.
 Appreciate the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society and their contributions to society.
 Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are
different from themselves.
The Human Person in Society  Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are 10 24% 14 13-21 28-30 49-50
transformed by societies.
 Compare different forms of societies and individualities (eg. Agrarian,
industrial and virtual).
 Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems.
 Evaluate the transformation of human relationships by social systems and
how societies transform individual human beings.
Human Persons as Oriented  Recognize the meaning of his/her own life. 9 24% 12 22-24,31, 32-37
Towards Their Impending Death  Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to achieve and to define the 47-48
projects he/she really wants to do in his/her life.
 Explain the meaning of life (where will all these lead to)
 Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life.
TOTAL 37 100% 50 30 15 5

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher II Principal I

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