8.c.i. Philosophy - Final TOS Long
8.c.i. Philosophy - Final TOS Long
8.c.i. Philosophy - Final TOS Long
Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Lawy High School
Table of Specification
FINAL EXAM: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
1st Semester, S.Y 2018-2019
Test Distribution
No. of No. of
Content Area Hours
% Items
Learning Competencies Easy (60%) Average Difficult
(30%) (10%)
Freedom of the Human Person Realize that “all actions have consequences.” 9 24% 12 1-6, 41-43
Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices 25-27
Realize that: a. Choices have consequences b. Some things are given up
while others are obtained in making choices.
Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences
of their choices.
Intersubjectivity Realize that intersubjectivty requires accepting differences and not to 9 28% 12 7-12 38-40 44-46
imposing on others.
Appreciate the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society and their contributions to society.
Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are
different from themselves.
The Human Person in Society Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are 10 24% 14 13-21 28-30 49-50
transformed by societies.
Compare different forms of societies and individualities (eg. Agrarian,
industrial and virtual).
Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems.
Evaluate the transformation of human relationships by social systems and
how societies transform individual human beings.
Human Persons as Oriented Recognize the meaning of his/her own life. 9 24% 12 22-24,31, 32-37
Towards Their Impending Death Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to achieve and to define the 47-48
projects he/she really wants to do in his/her life.
Explain the meaning of life (where will all these lead to)
Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life.
TOTAL 37 100% 50 30 15 5