Silent Death Season 1-Overkill
Silent Death Season 1-Overkill
Silent Death Season 1-Overkill
The Ptolemean Wars
What was planned as lightning blows to rid the Empire of House Ptolemus, has ground
to a war of attrition. What happened? Where did things go wrong? Thus begins,
Overkill: The Ptolemean Wars.
Mixed units from the 4th Black Plague fighter wing (Dneprodzerkutsk) on full
combat release in the opening days of the war.
Dneprodzerkutsk victory!
Shortly into the opening moves Ptolemus, loses many of it’s fighters by torpedo
attacks from Dneprodzerkutsk.
During the initial attempt to take Far Station(Ptolemus 231X), the 89th Heavy
Interceptor Group engage pilots from 102nd the Ptolemean Carrier Wing.
Dneprodzerkutsk victory!
The young, inexperienced pilots of the 102nd were no match for the 89th. In a
flash of crossing fire, both Death Winds are destroyed by torpedo hits.
Dneprodzerkutsk ships have surrounded Far Station. Infantry troops are taking
control of the factory complexes.
Dneprodzerkutsk victory!
Dneprodzerkutsk fighters are attempting to clear a path for their strike fighters.
The target: The Ptolemean Carrior Bold Horizon.
Dneprodzerkutsk minor victory!
By turn 3, the four Thunderbirds were destroyed along with the pit viper A and
Death Wind fighters. By turn 10, with only 7 mark 50 torpedoes left
Dneprodzerkutsk only cripples the Bold Horizon.
House Colos enters the battle, nine days after Dneprodzerkutsk attacks. Colosian
capital ships send elements of the 20th strike fighter wing ahead.
Ptolemean marginal victory!
Ptolemus Death Wind fighters escaped with more than 7 damage remaining.
Meanwhile, Colos 3 Hellbenders were damaged or destroyed along with 1 Kosmos
destroyed. The remaining Kosmos had 1 damage left.
Dneprodzerkutsk want to make this moon a beachhead for the battle of Knesets
Dneprodzerkutsk forces have taken control of the Progeny, White Star, and Virnak
systems. While 2 days ago Colos forces began landing forces in Lebanstar. Now
Colos fights at Ascension. A lone Colos TMAC approaches a Ptolemean supply
facility near Konrad.
Ptolemean Victory!
Ptolemean ships were sent out to scout for the Colos fighter. The first to find it
was a Blizzard, which couldn’t damage the Colos enemy. Another Blizzard who
waited for backup from an Epping, which made short work of the Colos TMAC.
The Virnak system was one of the first systems Dneprodzerkutsk captured. By the
end of tomorrow, House Ptolemus will have it back.
What was to be a quick fight, has lasted almost 20 days and many recent
Ptolemean victories, the Emperor, who in the beginning quietly supported House
Colos, has to intervene. By tomorrow, House Ptolemus will have Imperial support
and backing, something the Emperor wanted to avoid.
Ptolemean minor victory!
Ptolemean forces have learned that Helmut Buchholz, a Colosian triple ace and
hero, is leading the fight for Hexad II. Ptolemean fighters are sent to kill Helmut
at all costs. By now Ptolemean forces have full Imperial support.
Colos victory!
Ptolemean suffered heavy casualties. Helmut escaped to fight another day.
Within two days he met his fate, but he was instrumental in taking the Hexad