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Project: Basurahan

A Project-based Concept Paper

Presented to the

Far Eastern University – High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Ampal, Shawn Nerri

Angot, Graham Russel

Baltazar, Raja Allen

Manoy, Earl Wayne

11-STEM 16
February 2020

I. Project Rationale

People in this world have a lots of trashes everyday. Most of them just throw it anywhere
they like for it is convenient for them. Some keep small pieces of trash inside their pockets, like
candy-wrappers. Improper disposal of trash has been a problem in many communities, including
ours, for a long time. One of the causes of this problem is the absence of trash cans available for
public use in the first place. Many people do not deliberately just throw their trash anywhere. The
problem is that it is difficult for them to look for trash cans in the streets. It may feel uncomfortable
carrying trash around when it should be immediately disposed of.
Improper disposal of trash is one of the leading causes of pollution around the world.
Despite the many warnings and lectures about trash disposal, it is still a big problem. I noticed that
there is a large volume of waste in my community. Every day, piles of trash would be seen on the
corners of the streets to be taken by the garbage collectors. Apart from those bags of trash are small
pieces of trash that one would see scattered along sidewalks. A lot of trash can also be seen in the
nearby creek. Trash is a big problem; it is bad for the environment and it also ruins the
community’s image. I think that having trash cans available for public use would be really helpful
in maintaining the cleanliness of our surroundings.

II. Project Description

i. Project Overview
The proponents present the project entitled “Project Basurahan.” This project aims
to serve the citizens that live in Manila, where the improper trash disposal is most
evident. This project will start with covering a certain area in Manila, known as San
Andres, Malate, where I am from. Large volumes of scattered trash can be noticed in
the streets of this area on a daily basis. It will be implemented as soon as the required
funds to buy the trash cans is raised. A very general description of this project is that it
is a project for environmental care.
This project will be permanently implemented in the community as soon as the
trash cans are provided. There will be three trash cans placed in the corners of the streets
of San Andres with each trash can labeled as biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and
non-recyclable plastics will also be separated for proper segregation. These will enable
people to dispose of their trash properly in order to keep the environment clean. Strict
rules will be implemented and there would be corresponding fines for those caught

ii. Project Objectives

“This project proposal aims to achieve the following matters will be beneficial to the community,
its residents, and the commuters who pass by the streets:
 To keep the environment clean;
 To lessen the pollution caused by the improper disposal of trash, especially in bodies of
 To enhance the people’s self-discipline regarding cleanliness.”
iii. Significance of the Project

“It is assumed by the proponents that this program will sustain the following advantages to the
respective beneficiaries:
(1) Residents
 Lives of the residents will improve with their surroundings being cleaner.
 They will no longer have to deal with the foul smells caused by the trash.
 Their self-discipline will also be improved since they will be more responsible for
disposing their trash properly.
(2) Commuters and Passers-by
 Office-workers and students who pass by these streets daily will not have to smell trash
whenever they pass by. Streets will also be more pleasing to look at since they are
iv. Methodology
a. Pre-implementation Plan
Large piles of trash can be bothersome to the residents of the community.
These can cause the spread of foul smells and it also causes the surroundings to
look unpleasant. Implementers of this project do not need any kind of training.
The participants of this project can be anyone; residents, students, or office-
workers will be participants. All the participants have to do is to throw their trash
properly. For funding, this project will be proposed to government personnel,
possibly the barangay captain for a certain community. Donations will also be
accepted for the purchase of the trash cans. These do not need testing, since they
are trash cans.
b. Schedule of Activities/Policy
On the day the trash cans are purchased, the trash cans will be delivered to
the community via truck. Labels will be placed on each trash can indicating if
they are for non-recyclable, recyclable, or biodegradable waste. Garbage
collectors will be the only people allowed to tamper with the trash cans.
Vandalism will not be tolerated, there will be corresponding fines to be paid.
c. Post-implementation Plan
Barangay officials will check whether the community’s cleanliness has
improved since the implementation of the project. Some residents will also be
interviewed about their opinion on the project, if the image of the community has
improved for them
v. Gantt Chart

III. Project Needs and Cost

i. Personnel
Committee Purpose Person-in-charge
1. Documentation  This group will  Person A
Committee handle the
of the whole
process of
placing trash
cans in the
2. Finance  This group will  Person B
Committee be responsible
for the project’s
3. Utility Group  This group will  Person C
be the ones in
charge of where
to place the
trash cans.

ii. Equipment
Item Purpose
1. Truck  This will transport the trash
2. Trash can  This is the project.

iii. Cost
Equipment Cost
1. Orocan Trash can with wheels 2,500.00 php
(set of 3s, 8 sets)
2. 10-Wheeler Wing Van Rental 8,000.00 php
Total: 28,000.00 php

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