Mid Semister Examination-Sept. 2019 Course: B.Tech in Civil Engineering SEM: III Subject Name: Building Construction Subject Code: BTCVC 305 Max Marks: 20 Marks Date: /09/2019 Duration: 60min. Instructions to the students: 1. All questions are compulsory. LEVEL Q-1 MARKS /CO 1) External corners of the wall are called (a) frogs (b) bats R 1 (c) heartings (d) quoins 2) The brick half piece to its length is called (a) king closer (b) queen closer R 1 (c) stretcher (d) half bat 3) For quality control of Portland cement, the test essentially done is a) setting time b) soundness R 1 c) tensile strength d) all of the above 4) Permissible compressive strength of M 30 concrete grade is a) 15 N/mm2 b) 20 N/mm2 R 1 c) 25 N/mm2 d) 30 N/mm2 5) Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar during transportation, is known a) bleeding b) creeping R 1 c) segregation d) shrinkge 6) A _________ is a horizontal member which is placed across an opening to support the position of the structure above it. a) Door R 1 b) Window c) Sill d) Lintel Q-2 Solve any two of the following. (A) Differentiate English Bond and Flemish Bond R 3 (B) Draw a neat and detail sketch of segmental arch R 3 (C) Explain properties of fresh concrete R 3 Q-3 Solve any one of the following. (A) Explain various admixtures in concrete in detail R 8 (B) Define Lintel. Explain various types of lintel in deail. R 8 *** End *** DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, LONERE Mid Semister Examination-Sept. 2019 Course: B.Tech in Civil Engineering SEM: III Subject Name: Engineering Geology Subject Code: BTCVC 306 Max Marks: 20 Marks Date: /09/2019 Duration: 60min. Instructions to the students: 1. All questions are compulsory. LEVEL Q-1 MARKS /CO 1)People who study about tremors (earthquakes) are known as a) Seismologists b) Terminologists R 1 c) Astrologists d) Geologists 2) Geologists who studies volcanism are known as a) Monologists b) Astrologists R 1 c) Seismologist d) Volcanologist 3) What are the undulations or bends developed in rocks called? a) Faults b) Joints R 1 c) Folds d) Uncomformity 4)Width of outcrop of a bed on the ground depends upon: (a) Thickness of the bed. (b) Dip of the bed. R 1 (c) Slope of the ground. (d) All the three above 5) Naturaly exposed surface on earth is called a) Outcrop b) Dyke R 1 c) Dip d) Strike 6) Suraface of erosion that seperate younger rock formation from older rock is called a) Confirmity R 1 b) Unconfirmity c) Faults d) Joints Q-2 Solve any two of the following. (A) Explain Rock Forming Minerals R 3 (B) Explain Dip and Strike with neat sketch R 3 (C) Explain agents of metamophism R 3 Q-3 Solve any one of the following. (A) Explain Geological action of river in detail R 8 (B) Explain texture and structure of Igneous rock R 8 *** End ***