AquaArm Tufcrete
AquaArm Tufcrete
AquaArm Tufcrete
AquaArm Tufcrete
(Formerly known as MYK TUFCRETE)
Product Description
It is an acrylic polymer, used as a cement modifier when applied provides good bond with masonry/ cement
and thus improves the tensile and flexural strength properties of the mortar
Minor Waterproofing of small terraces, Adhesion strength to the base concrete surface
Toilets, chajjas, masonry surfaces, residential is distinctly improved,
water tanks etc. The tensile and flexural strength increases in
As a bonding agent for old and new concrete / Comparison to the reference mix mortar,
mortar, useful as an additive for making repair Excellent bond to stone work plaster Compatible
mortars/concretes. with all common hydraulic cements.
Economical to use.
Application Method
Surface Preparation:
As Bonding Agent:
The substrate must be sound, surface must be CLEAN
and permit a good surface adhesion so that the material Clean the surface thoroughly of its loose concrete, dust
can bond well into the concrete. Horizontal areas should etc. and prewet with water to an SSD (Saturated
have a rough surface. Smooth surfaces must be Surface Dry) condition. Ensure that there is no standing
mechanically abraded in order to achieve good Bonding. water. Brush apply a single coat over the clean surface,
Clean the surface to remove all loose particles. Repair to allow this coat to become tacky and then apply fresh
be done for all cracks, honeycombs & Blemishes from concrete/mortar. If bond coat is dried, apply another to
the concrete surface. Crack & wall Joints to be treat with ensure effective bonding.
Proper Aso-Joint Tapes to be fix with flexible AquaArm
As Waterproof Coating:
The Surface should be properly prepared and avoid of
any impurities. The surface should be pre-wetted
and no dry areas lefts. Then Apply 1st coat and allow it
to dry for approximately 5 hours. Apply 2nd coat and
allow it to air cure for at least 3 days. Protect the coating
with a mortar screed of 15-25mm thick from damage.
Plaster over Vertical surfaces shall be done when the
2nd coat is tacky to ensure better bond with the surface.
Ver/1/Jun 2018 1 of 2
AquaArm Tufcrete
(Formerly known as MYK TUFCRETE)