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AquaArm Tufcrete

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AquaArm Tufcrete
(Formerly known as MYK TUFCRETE)

Single component Acrylic based Water

tightening& bonding agent TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

Product Description

It is an acrylic polymer, used as a cement modifier when applied provides good bond with masonry/ cement
and thus improves the tensile and flexural strength properties of the mortar

Uses Features and Benefits

 Minor Waterproofing of small terraces,  Adhesion strength to the base concrete surface
 Toilets, chajjas, masonry surfaces, residential is distinctly improved,
water tanks etc.  The tensile and flexural strength increases in
 As a bonding agent for old and new concrete / Comparison to the reference mix mortar,
mortar, useful as an additive for making repair  Excellent bond to stone work plaster Compatible
mortars/concretes. with all common hydraulic cements.
 Economical to use.

Application Method

Surface Preparation:
As Bonding Agent:
The substrate must be sound, surface must be CLEAN
and permit a good surface adhesion so that the material Clean the surface thoroughly of its loose concrete, dust
can bond well into the concrete. Horizontal areas should etc. and prewet with water to an SSD (Saturated
have a rough surface. Smooth surfaces must be Surface Dry) condition. Ensure that there is no standing
mechanically abraded in order to achieve good Bonding. water. Brush apply a single coat over the clean surface,
Clean the surface to remove all loose particles. Repair to allow this coat to become tacky and then apply fresh
be done for all cracks, honeycombs & Blemishes from concrete/mortar. If bond coat is dried, apply another to
the concrete surface. Crack & wall Joints to be treat with ensure effective bonding.
Proper Aso-Joint Tapes to be fix with flexible AquaArm

Mixing Instructions and Application:

Mix AquaArm Tufcrete as per the ratio mention in

the dosages.


As Waterproof Coating:
The Surface should be properly prepared and avoid of
any impurities. The surface should be pre-wetted
and no dry areas lefts. Then Apply 1st coat and allow it
to dry for approximately 5 hours. Apply 2nd coat and
allow it to air cure for at least 3 days. Protect the coating
with a mortar screed of 15-25mm thick from damage.
Plaster over Vertical surfaces shall be done when the
2nd coat is tacky to ensure better bond with the surface.

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AquaArm Tufcrete
(Formerly known as MYK TUFCRETE)

Two Component Flexible Crack

Bridging Waterproof Coating TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

Packaging Product Categories Available

 20, 50, 100, and 200 Liters

Storage and Shelf Life

Store in cool dry place

12 months from date of manufacturing

Health & Safety

Use of hand gloves is necessary while mixing the Product

In case of contact with skin or eyes, use plenty of water
to wash and obtain medical helps immediately Legal Note

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations

Consumption relating to the application and end-use of MYK Arment
products, are given in good faith based on MYK Arment
current knowledge and experience of the products when
For Waterproofing / Bond Coat - 1 Part (AquaArm properly stored, handled and applied under normal
Tufcrete):2 Part (Cement) conditions in accordance with MYK Arment’s
recommendations. In practice, the difference in materials,
substrates and actual site conditions are such that no
Coverage : warranty in respect of merchant ability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal
TUFCRETE COATING/SLURRY Mix Proportion: relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this
100 kg cement: 50 kg TUFCRETE Polymer information, or from any written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered. the user of the product
MATERIAL 1 coat on 2 coats on must test the product's suitability for the intended
concrete concrete application & purpose. MYK Arment reserves the right to
change the properties of its products. the proprietary
Kg/M2 Kg/M2
rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are
Cement 0.500 0.800 accepted subject to our current terms of sale and
TUFCRETE 0.250 0.400 delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent
Polymer issue of the local product data sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.


8-2-703/A, 3rd Floor, Leela Gopal Towers, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad -500 034
Tel: +91 40 3040 0000 | Email: mykschomburg.com | www.mykschomburg.com
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Verified on:2018

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