Long Quiz 3rd Grading
Long Quiz 3rd Grading
Long Quiz 3rd Grading
Test I.
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer. There is only one BEST answer for each question.
1. I cannot disagree with your point of view.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
2. His new girlfriend really is pretty ugly.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
3. Give me the fifty dollars you owe me or pay for dinner, it’s the same difference.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
4. If you wish to preserve your secret, wrap it up in frankness.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
5. The student teacher explained how to complete dissertation editing.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
6. He dunked the delicious donut in dairy creamer.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
7. The businessman was so busy that he was attending to a million calls simultaneously
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
8. The CEO of a big tobacco company said he did not smoke.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
9. The ghouls and ghosts greeted the gangly goblins.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
10. The fear of long words is called “Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia.”
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
11. A paper plane passed over my head.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
12. The name of Britain’s biggest dog was “Tiny.”
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
13. The weather was so hot that literally everything was on fire.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
14. Ticktock, ticktock… the sound of the clock was all that could be heard in the hospital waiting room.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
15. That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding a dinosaur.
a. alliteration c. irony
b. onomatopoeia d. hyperbole
16. There had been no rain for months and all the crops were death. Some parts of the farm were begun to look like desert.
a. hyperbole c. personification
b. metaphor d. simile
17. After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollars.
a. hyperbole c. personification
b. metaphor d. simile
18. Everyone wanted Ken on the swim team because he could swim like a fish.
a. hyperbole c. irony
b. metaphor d. simile
19. He has a heart of gold.
a. hyperbole c. irony
b. metaphor d. simile
20. Dale’s smile was as bright as the sun shine.
a. alliteration c. personification
b. metaphor d. simile
21. Life is a journey; travel it well
a. alliteration c. personification
b. metaphor d. simile
22. A wicked whisper came and changed my life.
a. alliteration c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
23. Men's words are bullets that their enemies take up and make use of against them.
a. alliteration c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
24. He roared with the force of a thousand lions.
a. oxymoron c. antithesis
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
25. The theater is his home.
a. oxymoron c. antithesis
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
26. Your comments on politics are not useless.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
27. Your enemy’s friend is your enemy.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
28. Do you have the original copies that we requested?
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
29. A million dollars is no small amount.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
30. Some of the biggest failures I ever had were successes.
a. paradox c. antithesis
b. oxymoron d. litotes
Test II:
DIRECTION: Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence below and write your answer on the space provided at the
right side of the test paper.
___________1. Quack, quack went the ducks as we threw them our stale bread.
___________2. Orwell's Animal Farm
___________3. Boots on the ground—refers to soldiers
___________4. On my first morning on the farm, I was awoken suddenly by the cock-a-doodle-do of the resident rooster.
___________5 Ask for her hand—refers to asking a woman to marry
___________6. The kitchen is coming along nicely
___________7. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.
___________8. We will swear loyalty to the crown.
___________9. Money is the root of all evil: poverty is the fruit of all goodness.
___________10. The white house will be making an announcement around noon today.he white house will be making an
announcement around noon today.
___________11. Speech is silver, but silence is gold
___________12. Blind justice was not on his side.
___________13. The boat was tossed like a cork on the waves.
___________14. Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing
___________15. Death lays its icy hands on kings
___________16. It is an implied comparison between two objects without the use of like or as.
___________17. The description of abstract ideas in terms of characters, figures, or event.
___________18. A figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for something closely associatedwith it
___________19. The substitution of a part for a whole, genus for species, or vice versa.
___________20. A deliberate understatement.
___________21. Using a word which imitates the sound of the real thing.
___________22. Stating one thing while meaning the exact opposite.
___________23. A self-contradictory statement.
___________24. The likening of one thing to another with the use of words as or like.
___________25. This is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of a series of words.
___________26. A purposeful exaggeration or overstatement.
___________27. The the addressing of an absent person as rhetorically personified thing.
___________28. The attribution of personal qualities to something inanimate as it were a person.
___________29. It combines two contradictory words or phrase that creates a rhetorical effect.
___________30. Opposition, or contrast of ideas or words in a balanced or parallel construction.