Idea Bank Government
Idea Bank Government
Idea Bank Government
Vol. 4
in collaboration with
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
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The key to persuading readers not only to read an essay from start to finish, but to engage with
the content is to provide them with concrete and effective ideas that support a strong thesis.
This expression of ideas, moreover, must be presented in a clear, concise, and convincing
The aim of this book is to help writers express strong arguments, solutions, explanations,
descriptions, and so on in a timed situation (i.e., test) by offering a range of ideas about a topic.
By working with keywords, questions, examples and essays, test takers will be prepared for
any question on a topic that appears on a writing test. For those taking a speaking test, these
ideas, vocabulary, and questions can also be used to present verbal description, arguments
and more.
Table of Contents
Keywords .............................................................................................................. 6
Examples .............................................................................................................. 34
Sample Essays..................................................................................................... 38
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
How to Use this E-book
4. Look at the subtopics and the points associated with each. Try to create a variety of
questions about these specific areas, then create a plan to answer them. Think of other
subtopics that might come up.
5. Look over the examples and study their structures and general functionality. Connect
these to the questions to which they may be applicable.
Add your own examples, from your own experiences and knowledge (your own personal
examples will likely be easier to recall on test day).
6. Practice writing full, timed essays every other day.
7. Look over the sample essays. These include high-end vocabulary, varied sentence
structures, transitions and linking devices, and other important elements necessary for
high scores on exam writing sections.
Remember: To pass the test, you must work hard. There are no shortcuts.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
The following groups of words are meant to help you create mental pictures of ideas associated
with Government & Law. By no means should you try to memorize all the words below;
however, these words will help you tap into a large pool of ideas related to all aspects of these
general topics. Your own experiences as a member of society will certainly provide you with
material with which to write a few essays, yet there are many aspects of these fields that you
may have never considered and that may have never been a part of your personal experience.
For example: a government’s role beyond setting a budget or making laws, or a police officer’s
role beyond enforcing traffic laws or driving a cruiser.
Moreover, strong essays use a variety of words. By immersing yourself in these keywords, you
can increase your vocabulary range and thereby your score on language tests that specifically
evaluate this aspect of your language ability.
Parts of Government
technocrat diplomat
President silent majority
Prime Minister illegal alien
aide constituent
citizen migrant
politician radical
lawmaker regent
arbitrator delegate
council proponent
lobbyist advocate
cabinet backer
supporter asylum seeker
undersecretary creed
elites regime
economist shadow cabinet
candidate despot
independent body politic
patriot bailiff
adversary elected official
deputy vice-
chancellor aristocracy
mayor advisor
head of state extremist
incumbent civil servant
pundit deputy
nominee adversary
speaker ally
activist nationalist
the authorities liberal
surrogate conservative
challenger refugee
delegate defector
Ambassador protestor
Elected Representative visionary
revolutionary appointee
heir(ess) opposition / opponent
customs agent -class (middle/lower/upper)
other: Commander-in-Chief (U.S. President)
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Forms of Government
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
fine lashes lax
harsh bail forfeit
penalty criminal record vigilante justice
citation custody vengeance
parole revenge house arrest
life sentence escape jail / prison
death row cell chastise
lethal injection reprimand debar (lawyer)
electric chair retribution revoke license
hanging rehabilitation slap on the wrist
leniency incarceration deterrence
severity corporal punishment minimum/maximum security
judge hooligan bailiff
attorney offender inmate
lawyer traitor criminal
barrister organized crime officer
jury witness agent
thief defendant paralegal
perpetrator serial killer crime boss
hostage repeat offender investigator
police force criminologist bounty hunter
negotiator warden mafia (mob)
assailant guard ringleader
convict detective gang member
accomplice Police Chief litigator
victim casualty vigilante
assassin arsonist murderer
sociopath forger vandal
rapist burglar hacker
con artist Attorney General poacher
Supreme Court young offender secret service
other: juvenile delinquent undercover agent
Types of Crime
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Court Process
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Many people believe that a government’s primary duty is to look after the security and
well-being of its citizens.
The nature of a democracy is such that all citizens have to be actively involved, meaning
that they must fulfil their civic duty by voting, paying taxes, and being engaged in society.
Common Terms & Alternatives
Patriotism generally suggests a love of one’s country, while nationalism involves more of
a political loyalty.
moving abroad
going overseas
resettling in a new host country
quitting their land for a new home
A central feature of a democratic society is the people’s fundamental right to vote for
their leaders.
elect pick
choose determine
select support
cast a ballot for
If the citizens of a country want to change it, they must participate in the democratic
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
The Media
In most Western nations, the media has great power in shaping public opinion.
Although every criminal must pay a price for the harm he or she has caused others and
society at large, not all criminals are bad people.
criminal offender(s)
perpetrator(s) (of a crime)
Anyone who perpetrates a violent crime against others should be put in jail.
Law Enforcement
Police officers are not only responsible for investigating major crimes, they also need to
prevent minor violations of the law and hand out punishments as needed.
Common Terms & Alternatives
Note: If you find that your practice essays tend to repeat certain words, or if there are words
you often confuse with other words, write them here and make sure you have synonyms for
them and are aware of every word’s meaning and contextual usage.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Positives: larger workforce; willing to take on low-wage jobs; add to cultural diversity
(multiculturalism, cultural mosaic); more consumers add to economic growth; asylum seekers
and refugees can find safety, stability, humanitarian help; second and third generations contribute
greatly to society; good international reputation to host country
Negatives: competition for jobs; introduce foreign ideas and values; xenophobia, may lead to
racism, nationalism, populism, violence; security concerns; overcrowded cities, traffic; rising
housing costs (competition for affordable housing); need to focus on own citizens’ needs; can be
a financial burden for taxpayers
domestic vs. foreign workers: many citizens of Western countries do not take on low-wage jobs,
or “demeaning” labour (jobs like garbage collector, dishwasher, etc., which have low status
image)—immigrants tend to fill these positions; language concerns—certain sectors become
populated by certain nationalities, making it difficult for others to join (a de facto union); locals
resent foreigners, leading to social disharmony
cons: people will fear what they (themselves) think; less inclination to do things that society might
look down on; people won’t trust each other; paralysis of action; no privacy; reduce individuality;
make everyone the same — no creativity, imagination, innovation (cookie-cutter thinking); very
expensive for taxpayers; gives the monitors too much power (works against democracy); easy to
manipulate public opinion; turns people into product (big data)
Government & Law Subtopics
freedom (choice): how to use our time, money, energies, talents/abilities, affections; can explore
and innovate; mental exercise (have to think for ourselves); respect others as would want their
respect; have to earn what we get, build appreciation; instills a sense of competition, necessitates
cooperation; take responsibility for our thoughts and actions; build skills (decision making, time
management, critical thinking); invent, innovate, challenge old and outdated ideas
forced retirement savings: some people are not good at saving money for later years; government
can use pension plan contributions to invest and build income for citizens to use in old age; poor
elderly people relying on government support are a burden on young taxpayers; adults should be
responsible for themselves, not treated as children
minimum age requirements: government must set minimum ages to drink alcohol, smoke, drive,
vote, join the military, get married, buy property, start a business, etc. to protect inexperienced/
uneducated, immature, and/or desperate young people; parents should decide if their child
is mature enough to handle these things; age does not determine ability or readiness for any
of these actions; can potentially limit intelligent, advanced young people; can help/harm the
economy; smart young people will find ways around the restrictions, while less educated/smart
young people will be protected from themselves
minimum wage: pros: ensure workers are not exploited; ensure a level playing field, giving
everyone an equal chance to get started; ensure men and women get equal pay for equal work;
can set at a level attractive enough to get citizens to take certain jobs rather than recruit foreign
workers; can make a living wage; cons: too much regulation limits free market economics;
companies cannot afford the payroll; higher costs for companies means higher prices for
consumers; reduces competitiveness; less incentive for workers to work harder to advance; more
part-timers; reduced benefits to counter higher payroll
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
national service: military: mandatory service (draft) provides a cohesive bond to citizens; creates
unity; helps young people mature and gain discipline; provides national security; potential to
learn marketable skills (tech, leadership, etc.); disrupts academic/career path for duration of
service; potential for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); civic (volunteer work for those who
cannot serve in the military): provides work experience, skills training, networking; connection
to national interest; disrupts academic career path
(elites, professional politicians vs. average Joe vs. technocrats)
elites— positives: usually higher education; business knowledge (help economy); larger network;
often speak more than one language, can interact with foreign leaders; good negotiators;
negatives: ivory tower (can’t relate to, disconnected from ‘man on the street’); superiority
complex; desensitized; know how to lie, manipulate; self-interested, power hungry, greedy
average not
“tainted” by politics; willing to learn and adapt; can communicate directly with electorate;
negatives: inexperienced in political “games”; needs time and a learning curve to adjust to new
reality; may have limited knowledge of world affairs, negotiating skills, global business
technocrats: positives: experts in various fields; generally, these are bureaucrats and scientists,
not political players; efficient management of various departments using technology; negatives:
hard for population to relate to; need to be assigned rather than elected; less open to change;
less flexible; lack people skills
Media Censorship
for: prevent hate speech; minimize fake news; eliminate criminal activities online; protect children
from viewing violence or other harmful material; do not glorify or sensationalize criminals;
remove bias; can promote gender equality; present a better view of a nation to the outside world
against: reduces freedom of speech; less variety of content, bland expression; limit the potential of
certain members of society (artists, political activists, concerned citizens, etc.); gives government
too much control, power over people’s thoughts; cannot be a check on those in power; builds
mistrust; destroys culture
Government & Law Subtopics
pros: increases economic activity; reduces barriers to trade, thereby increasing production and
creating jobs; lower costs for products, which then become more accessible to more global
consumers; economic ties help all countries increase wealth; more movement of technological
innovation; build a global community that can act together to combat global problems and crises
such as climate change
cons: loss of cultural identity, diversification of ideas and innovation; exploitation of poorer nations
and their labour forces; increase in consumption of consumer goods and natural resources, as well
as increased pollution; certain countries have more control over others (modern colonialism); if
one country struggles, others are affected; shared risk
Budget Spending
A government’s revenue comes mainly from collecting taxes. As such, citizens are concerned
about how this money is spent and what is prioritized. The following areas are a government’s
main expenditures of tax revenues:
health: hospitals; clinics; trained doctors, nurses, technicians, paramedics; medical equipment;
R&D; prescription drugs; elderly care; nursing homes; hospices; disease prevention; education;
awareness campaigns; outreach (to schools, community centers, etc.); border quarantine
economy: job creation; GDP and GNP; foreign investment; interest rates; gold reserves;
exploitation of natural resources; trade; tariffs; competitiveness; tax collection; pensions;
employment insurance; social welfare; banking sector oversight; welfare; student loans and
household credit and debt; markets; economic drivers (stimulus, spending, budget, etc.)
military: personnel; equipment (military, medical, engineering, etc.); training; career soldiers;
maintenance of bases (domestic and overseas); humanitarian missions; foreign intervention/aid;
weapons development; peacekeeping missions; natural catastrophes
infrastructure: roads, bridges, highways; maintenance, repair, construction; public transit; traffic
lights and cameras; public spaces; public parks; community centers; trade facilities (ports, freight
train stations, etc.); government offices; weather factors (plows for snow, flood and fire control,
etc.); emergency services (fire, ambulance, etc.); first responders
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
housing: affordable housing; subsidized housing for low-income families, immigrants; disabled
(wheelchair access, etc.); young adults at beginning of careers; distressed people (abused,
runaways, homeless, etc.); residential vs. commercial; growing populations and urbanization
the arts & sports: subsidize school programs; theaters, cinemas, broadcasting studios, etc.; fair
opportunity (domestic vs. foreign influence); stadiums, arenas, pools, courts, etc.; community
programs; inner-city youths, poor communities that can’t afford these luxuries; can help those
whose academic abilities are limited
R&D: medical equipment; exploration; resources; renewable energy sources and infrastructure;
innovation; technology; efficiencies; space exploration; frontier exploration; cybersecurity;
military advances
crime prevention: law enforcement (police); cruisers; police stations; hotlines (phone, online);
prisons; education campaigns; CCTV (closed-circuit TV); body cameras; legal action; courts;
personnel—prosecutors, public defenders, judges; prison guards; weapons and training; forensic
equipment; crowd dispersal
foreign aid: disaster relief (earthquake, flood, volcano eruption, etc.); post-conflict reconstruction;
peacekeeping; economic development; help
secure better deals on imports from “friendly” countries; enter new markets; make allies
Accountability: means taking responsibility for one’s actions; politicians need to be punished
for wrongdoing; politicians that don’t fear repercussions cannot lead properly; public/national
interests above private interests; punishment should fit the crime; actions have consequences
Transparency: public should have access to all government information that concerns them
(confidential, national security matters excepted); all government financial transactions should
be available for the public/media to view in order to keep decision-makers honest; build public
trust; protect taxpayers’ money; prevent shift to dictatorship / autocracy
Civic duty/Voting: in a democracy, all citizens have a duty to participate in governing by voting
in local, state/provincial, and national elections; apathy to governance gives others power over
individuals; those who do not vote do not have a voice when it comes to leadership and/or
policies (i.e., if didn’t vote, can’t complain); every vote counts; need to contribute somehow
to nation and community; activism—knocking on doors to campaign, raise awareness, go to
protests, send letters to politicians, etc.
Government & Law Subtopics
Welfare: should government support people who cannot afford to pay for themselves? For:
people with disabilities (mental or physical) should get government help if no one else can help;
all members of a society should have an equal opportunity for a good life; Against: makes people
lazy and dependent; hard-working people will be discouraged; paid for by taxpayers; social safety
Poverty: it is the government’s responsibility to ensure every child has a roof over his/her
head and food on the table; some think poverty is a social responsibility, others believe it is an
individual’s duty to get out of poverty; poverty is a result of upbringing and education and it is
government’s duty to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity; vicious circle—need money
to make money, need money to get better education and training, which then leads to better
jobs, etc.
Gender Equality: women should receive equal pay for equal work; government should not dictate
to companies how to pay their staff; position and pay should reflect ability only; men should be
able to take time off work to help raise a child (paternity leave); a woman can do anything a man
can do (already in police, army, business, politics, etc.)
prison sentence: pros: loss of freedom is a strong deterrent; removes criminals from society;
controlled environment (established costs, convicts are monitored, localized); creates jobs
(guards, local food manufacturers, linen manufacturers, etc.); cons: taxpayers pay to take care
of criminals; criminals do not come out of jail as “good” citizens; gangs; crime inside the prison;
commit crime to get into jail and receive free board, meals, healthcare, etc.
monetary fine: pros: people lose rewards of hard work; pays for government services and
infrastructure (government revenue); does not cost taxpayers; cons: wealthier people disregard
the law because can afford the fines; desensitizes would-be criminals
corporal punishment (physical punishment, death penalty): for: strong deterrent for criminals;
gives victims and/or their families some sense of relief; cheaper than prison; religious support;
show of strength by authorities; against: two wrongs don’t make a right; some criminals were
abused, so being physically harmed might seem normal to them; psychologically, some criminals
want to be physically punished; suicide by police shootout; some accused are found guilty with
questionable evidence
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
By knowing what to expect, you can prepare for any scenario. These questions are varied enough
to cover many aspects of Government & Law such that you can draw on the ideas you have
prepared to answer these questions and apply them to any that may appear on a test. Also, you
will notice that some of the questions cover similar topics, yet these are presented differently
according to the question type.
Make sure to distinguish among questions that ask for an opinion, those that do not, and those
that are hybrid (combination of both).
Yes / No (don’t forget the why or how questions that may be included)
4. Some people believe that the role of a government is to decide what is best for its citizens.
Should governments have the power to decide what is best for its citizens and how people should
live their lives?
5. Some people believe that every crime should be punished by an equal measure. In other
words, a murderer must be killed, a rapist castrated, and a thief have his possessions taken away.
In your opinion, would this reduce the rate of serious crimes in society?
6. In some countries, governments invest billions of dollars in the creation of new cities. Would it
be better if they spend more money on building more homes in populated cities?
7. Does the government have a duty to protect old heritage buildings or is this the responsibility
of the buildings’ owners?
8. Young offenders are usually punished less severely than adults who commit the same crimes.
Some people believe that these teens’ parents should carry some of the responsibility for their
children’s actions. Would punishing parents of these criminals reduce the crime rate amongst
young people?
9. Since an educated population is more productive and helps the economy, should governments
make higher education free for all high school graduates?
10. The world is becoming more dangerous. Should governments reduce individual freedoms in
order to control their populations and maintain security?
Sample Questions
Agree / Disagree
11. It is the duty of governments to protect children’s health by fighting obesity. The government
should implement laws against sugary drinks and fast food restaurants and take other measures
as well.
12. Governments should do more to support the arts even if this means spending less on the
sciences and Research & Development.
13. Governments have more influence on society than individuals.
14. The world’s developed nations are largely responsible for the environmental damage harming
this planet. Thus, many people think that these nations should pay more for environmental
cleanup projects and to fight global warming.
15. A government should serve as a role model for society. Consequently, governments should
employ an equal number of male and female staff.
16. A government budget should lean more towards defense spending than education.
17. Criminals cost taxpayers money for lodging, food, and healthcare. Some people propose that
instead of spending taxpayers’ money on keeping these criminals alive, these criminals should be
forced to work to earn their costs.
18. Crime will decrease in the future as technology improves and is able to prevent most crimes
from happening.
19. Not knowing the law is never an excuse for breaking it.
20. Many criminal acts are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. Some people
thus argue that by banning alcohol, the government can reduce the crime rate.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
22. Some people argue that keeping a convicted felon alive in prison is a needless waste of
taxpayer money and that these criminals should be put to death or somehow removed from
civilized society. Others counter by pointing out that even criminals have a basic human right to
be taken care of. Discuss both points of view and say which you agree with.
23. Some people believe that a government’s priorities should be health care and education.
Others believe it should be the safety of its citizens. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
24. Some people believe that in order to build a successful nation, governments should concentrate
on improving their education systems. Others believe that the path to success comes from a
strong economy. Compare these views and say which you agree with and why.
25. These days, many citizens are calling for fixed punishments for all crimes, regardless of context,
intent, or result. Legal experts warn that this will greatly punish those who do not deserve it and
26. Some people want their government to increase the pensions paid to retirees, even if this
means that services for the younger members of society are reduced in order to pay for it.
Others think that the young offer more to society and therefore require more support from the
government. Discuss both views and say which you agree with.
27. Business leaders all over the world are asking their governments to invest more heavily in
tourism. They suggest that tourism brings in a lot of foreign cash and creates jobs for the local
inhabitants. Locals argue that tourists destroy local cultures and the financial rewards are not
worth it. Compare and contrast these views of tourism.
28. Some people believe that once a person commits a crime he or she has lost the trust of
society and should never be fully trusted again. Others believe that once that person spent time
in jail or otherwise faced a punishment, he or she should be given a second chance to rejoin
society as an equal. Compare both views and give your own opinion.
Sample Questions
29. Many people argue that governments should not spend their limited budgets on things
such as the arts or other creative enterprises and should spend more on areas such as health,
defense, and research. What are some benefits and drawbacks of funding creative people and
30. A government represents its citizens on the global stage. Therefore, some believe that
politicians should be chosen only from among the elite of society. Would the advantages of doing
this outweigh the disadvantages?
31. Cybersecurity has become a major issue in modern society. Some people argue that
governments need to strictly control all internet activity in order to reduce instances of identity
theft, fraud, and other crimes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?
32. These days, many people are calling on governments to increase the minimum age for a
person to get a driver’s license or to be allowed to drink alcohol. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of raising the minimum age for these activities?
33. In many modern societies, youths under the age of 18 are treated differently than adults
for the crimes they commit. Some people argue that young teens who commit serious crimes
should be punished in the same way as adults. What might some disadvantages of this be?
34. In some countries women are part of the police force and military. Some people think this
is not a good idea, while others see this as a positive step in gender equality. What are some
advantages and disadvantages of having women serve in these roles?
35. In order to reduce traffic congestion in cities, as well as pollution, governments should impose
higher taxes on gas. Do the advantages of this option outweigh the drawbacks?
36. Many people believe that politicians who commit crimes should be punished more severely
than regular citizens because they are role models. What might some disadvantages be to doing
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Open What (cause, reason, effect, solution)? Why? How? Who? When?
37. Scientists largely agree that human beings are the main cause of climate change and it is the
government’s duty to do something to fix this. Do you think it is governments’ responsibility to fight
climate change? What are some measures governments can take to combat this phenomenon?
38. Since all members of a nation are considered equal, governments have an obligation to take
care of everyone, including those with physical and mental challenges. What can a government
do to help these members of society? Who should be responsible for financially supporting these
39. The death penalty is less frequently used as a form of punishment in modern societies against
murderers, rapists, and other serious criminals. Instead, these criminals are increasingly facing
life sentences in prison. What are the advantages of this shift? What are some other forms of
punishment that might deter people from committing these crimes?
40. Studies have shown that criminals who spend a lengthy amount of time in prison often return
to society and commit another crime. Therefore, some people suggest that a better way to deal
with criminals is to educate them and make them better people who can get along in society.
How can criminals be taught to behave well? Do you believe that this approach is better than
41. Many political leaders are judged by what they do in their first 100 days in office. If you were
elected leader of your country, what would you strive to accomplish in the first 100 days?
42. Many criminals, upon their release from prison, return to society and commit further crimes.
Why do they do this? How can the authorities prevent or reduce this phenomenon?
43. Many people blame the violence youths see in the media for the crime rate rising among this
group. Do you agree that the media has this influence on the young? What can the media do to
change this perception?
44. According to voters, today’s political environment has become mean. Politicians use negative
advertising and campaign tricks to harm the image of their opponent rather than focus on their
own personal strengths. What are some causes for this approach to campaigning? Do you think
the voters themselves are to blame for this shift?
45. Sociologists often point to poverty as a major motivation to commit a crime. Why else would
a person commit a crime?
46. Environmental groups do not want the government to pay for pollution cleanup. Instead,
they want a special police force to punish companies that create the waste and pollute the
environment. They believe this will make companies more accountable for their waste production.
Do you think this is a good idea? What are some other ways companies can be encouraged to
reduce their waste production?
Sample Questions
Choice / Preference
47. Governments have a duty to protect their citizens’ well-being. However, this requires large
expenses, which governments are often unable to spend equally on all areas of civic life. Which
of the following areas should a government spend the most on? Why?
Defense (military)
The Arts
The economy
48. Some people believe that governments have a duty to make lifestyle decisions for its citizens,
while others think this is a personal choice for individuals to make freely. Which opinion do you
agree with? Why?
49. Some people think it is the government’s duty to fight obesity among its population,
especially when it comes to children. Others think it is parents’ responsibility to look after their
children’s health. Which opinion do you agree with? Why?
50. In an effort to discourage crime, the legal system has created many forms of punishment.
Which of the following punishments do you think will most likely stop a person from committing
a crime?
Jail time
A financial penalty
Loss of possessions (house, car, etc.)
A public display of the person’s name, picture, crime, and general description of the harm
caused to the victim
51. In some countries army service is mandatory while in others it is voluntary. Which approach
do you think better protects a country?
52. Most wealthy nations provide aid to poorer ones. Is this a good thing, or should these poor
nations learn to rely on themselves?
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Examples are used in all essay types to support an argument or a point made. They should be
concrete, that is, real and specific, not abstract and vague, and they must be relevant to the
context of the essay and especially the paragraph they are in.
It is very important to note that examples can be personal, they can come from related fields
(government examples for a government topic), or even unrelated fields as long as the light they
shed on the argument/point is clear. Test takers should keep in mind that examples must appear
real and true but do not necessarily have to be so. For example, you may reference research that
doesn’t exist, or the results of surveys that were never presented to anyone. The key is to present
the ideas in these “examples” in a way that supports the point made and that has a sense of
authority (i.e., it “sounds” believable, realistic).
Don’t forget to introduce your example:
For example, for instance, to illustrate, in fact, this is idea is supported by, take ____ as an
example; etc.
Scientific Examples
Research conducted at Georgetown University found that older, successful business leaders
greatly appeal to a large segment of the population who believe personal success is a sign of
leadership skills.
According to recent studies released by the Department of Corrections, 65% of convicts released
on early parole for good behaviour were 10 times less likely to commit a repeat offense.
This idea is supported by scientific polls in which participants were asked whether they would
be more likely to vote for a candidate who has held political office before or one who has
pursued a career in a non-political field; only 52% preferred the former.
Criminologists at the University of Pennsylvania, who had studied the effects of religious
education in prisons in the US, contend that this type of program is a more effective rehabilitation
process than corporal punishment.
Personal Examples
To illustrate, take my neighbour; after serving for two years in the military, he was financially
supported by the government in his academic pursuits and was even offered a position at his
city office after he graduated.
To support this idea, I need only look as far as my aunt. After she was diagnosed with breast
cancer, she had to leave her job and receive treatment. This, of course, was a financial hardship,
but the government’s employment insurance program helped her get by until she could return
to work.
My cousin is a perfect example of this. The university near her home was small and did not have
sufficient funding for an Arts department. Luckily, the government offered scholarships to gifted
students, funded by the Ministry of Education, and my cousin was able to go to another city for
two years to study her craft.
My own experience with this is a perfect example. Not long after my eighteenth birthday there
was a local election in my district. I registered to vote and was so proud when I stuffed the ballot
in the box, thereby officially making my first consequential choice as an adult.
(Note: None of the examples above are true. The schools named in these examples may or may not have conducted
the research cited. These examples are presented to illustrate ways to present supporting evidence in your essays.)
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Edward Snowden: A computer scientist who leaked NSA (National Security Agency) documents.
This made him a whistleblower, someone who reveals the wrongdoings of his employer, in this
case the government of the US in cooperation with other governments. He is now considered a
criminal by the US government.
Charles Manson: A serial killer and cult leader. He is infamous for leading a group of young
followers on a killing spree in the 1970s in California. His victims included a pregnant Hollywood
actress. He became a cultural pop legend, famous in songs and movies. He may be considered
a role model for other would-be criminals who want to be famous.
Body camera: More and more police districts are incorporating miniature cameras as part of
their officers’ uniforms. This is to protect the officer, but also to protect the people they deal
with, both criminals and everyday people. The main motive is to minimize police abuse/brutality.
Major wars and genocides of the 20th century: WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq-Iran,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syrian civil war; Nazi Europe (holocaust), Cambodia, USSR, Rwanda, Bosnia,
Nanking, Armenia
International cooperation: ISS (international Space Station), NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty),
Kyoto Protocol, Geneva Convention
Gallup: company polls
internationally and is trusted by major political parties and candidates.
To illustrate, consider a man who robs a liquor store in order to feed his starving children. This
person may have been affected by a bad economy, a physical or mental disability, or any other
reason beyond his control. It would be irresponsible to suggest that his punishment should
be of equal severity to the university educated businessman who used his intellect to defraud
people of their hard-earned money for no reason other than greed.
Take for instance a senior citizen who is not quite familiar with proper online safety and who
consequently does not properly protect his or her identity. This type of person is an easy target
for criminals who know how to manipulate technology.
For example, in many state elections in which no candidate wins 50% of the votes a runoff is
required. In other words, every vote does count when no clear favourite emerges in a race.
As of the end of 2016, 97 out of 167 countries (58%) with populations of at least 500,000 were
democracies, and only 21 (13%) were autocracies, both post-World War II records.
Half of the world’s prison population of about nine million is held in the US, China or Russia.
Prison rates in the US are the world’s highest, at 724 people per 100,000. In Russia the rate is
Of the five countries with the highest violent death rates in 2016 – Syria, El Salvador, Venezuela,
Honduras, and Afghanistan – only two had armed conflicts that year.
The starting salary for a rookie cop in the NYPD (New York Police Department) is $42,500. The
starting salary for a police constable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is between £19,971
(about US$25,000) and £23,124 (about USD$30,000).
1.56 million people applied to take China’s five-hour civil service exam in 2017. There were
fewer than 30,000 government positions available.
Checks and balances — in constitutional governments, different branches have the power to
make sure other branches do not exceed their authority. This is meant to prevent a government
branch or even a single person (e.g., the President) from assuming too much power.
The fourth estate — the press. This term suggests the media is outside the realm of politics but
still has influence over it. The media is considered a part of the system of checks and balances
mentioned above. The media ensures politicians are transparent and accountable to the public
for their actions.
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” (John F.
Kennedy, JFK): President Kennedy made this demand to the people of the United States during
his inaugural address. It suggests that altruism (doing for others, not for oneself) is the greatest
“The buck stops here.” — Harry Truman: this famous expression is a response to the idiom
pass the buck. The second idiom means not to take responsibility and let someone else do
it. President Truman suggested that the President has no one to pass responsibility to and
therefore he, as P resident, will take full responsibility for the government’s actions.
To rest one’s case: in a court trial, both prosecutor and defense lawyers have the opportunity
to present their case before the judge and/or jury. When they are done with their presentation,
they inform the court that they rest their case. This expression has become widely used to
emphasize that one has made his/her point convincingly and has no more to add.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
In many countries there has been growing demand over the last few years for government
action to protect the environment and combat climate change. Governments argue that the
costs would be too high and it would hurt the economy, which most people do not want.
How can the government protect the environment while creating revenues for the nation?
Do you agree that most people would rather have a strong economy than a healthy
The above suggestions, however, depend heavily on a willing and cooperative populace.
Unfortunately, history has shown that once people are personally affected by government
policy, especially when it affects their finances, they become less supportive of the moves
in question. Moreover, when a person has to provide for his family, any immediate threat
to that provision outweighs any long-term considerations. As such, to effectively combat
climate change, governments will have to look at corporations and other organizations to
take a leading role, especially when it comes to shouldering the costs.
In conclusion, the battle to protect the environment is not hopeless. Governments can and
should act, though they should not rely too greatly on individuals but rather on those sectors
of society that can afford to take action.
Sample Essays
No country is perfect; each has its good points and bad. If you were in a position to change
something about your country, what would you change?
Canada is a great country; it is peaceful, full of natural beauty, wealth, and it is a place where
people can truly chase and fulfill their dreams. That being said, Canada also has some faults.
Among them are the status of the indigenous peoples, the political system, and innovation.
If I were in power here, I would work toward solving these three issues.
Firstly, I would improve relations with the native peoples of Canada, namely the First Nations
people, the Inuit, and the Métis. Years of neglect and successive governments’ failures to
include aboriginals in their everyday decision-making processes have greatly harmed these
groups, isolating them in their own lands and subjecting them to severe struggles. In fact,
suicide and alcoholism rates in these communities are significantly higher than the national
average. A powerful leader ought to change perceptions of these population segments in the
public eye, thereby drawing all Canadians closer to each other.
Secondly, I would change the political system. Currently, a citizen cannot vote for his
preferred prime ministerial candidate. He can only vote for the local representative of his or
her party. In other words, if a person wants a particular person as PM, but doesn’t want the
local representative, he must decide on the lesser of two evils: choose the preferred local
candidate even if it means voting against the preferred PM’s party, or vice versa. This hardly
seems a democratic choice.
Lastly, I would encourage more innovation in Canadian R&D. At present, Canada’s vast
resources are not exploited to their full potential because there are not enough experts
in this country who can do it. To illustrate, Canada is mineral-rich, yet these resources are
untapped because we lack the technology and know-how to extract them from the earth. As
leader, I would invest more in education and promote, even subsidize, schools that create
the minds that can make Canada one of the richest countries in the world.
In conclusion, though a wonderful place to live, there is much that can be improved about
Canada. From our relations with our native peoples to our governance and economy, we can
make this one of the most powerful nations on the planet.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Is the world better when it is managed by one superpower or by two or more superpowers?
Over the course of history, many empires controlled large areas of the globe, shaping the
world as we know it. However, one has to wonder what our world would be like today had
there been a counterbalance in play during these superpowers’ reigns. I tend to believe that
for the sake of stability and fairness, it is better to have two equally strong nations exerting
influence over the world rather than having one nation do it alone.
Power is a dangerous thing. Whether concentrated in one person or a group, there is little
to stop those with power from using it for their own self-interest; as the expression states,
“absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Nations with too much control over other nations will,
almost certainly, use that power to help their own citizens at others’ expense. Even today,
rich countries exploit the cheap labour of poor countries, or make trade deals that are one-
sided because the weaker nation fears the consequences of refusing. In the long run this
creates tension, hatred, and inequalities, all of which create a world where people feel they
have nothing to lose by fighting against those who abuse them and treat them unfairly.
One way to counter this, however, is to distribute power amongst at least two groups. While
“manage” the world, they have natural checks in place, such as the fact that other nations
have an option of whom to align with, thereby making them less susceptible to bullying.
During the Cold War, for instance, the U.S. and U.S.S.R., though bitter enemies, managed
to make alliances that benefitted more nations than is the case with only one superpower
calling the shots. While a cold war is not an ideal scenario, it is probably better than a world
that fears and bows down to the whims of one government.
To conclude, even though a world in which everyone gets along and shares the Earth is a
wonderful dream, reality suggests that power will always find its way into the hands of some
and not others. In this case, better that this power is somewhat distributed so as to ensure
that no one nation rules the world.
Sample Essays
Anyone who breaks the law is a criminal and should be punished severely.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Laws are a tool that society creates to maintain safety and harmony among its members. Thus,
while I agree that any member of society who breaks the law is technically acting against it and
is a criminal, I do not agree that all crimes are a result of evil intent and not all deserve heavy
Undoubtedly, a person who commits a violent crime, such as murder or rape, is not worthy of
membership in any civilized community. Moreover, society has not only the right but the duty
to chastise this person and administer discipline accordingly. However, not all crimes are violent
and many are a result of desperation more so than any psychological defect, such as greed, hate,
or any other negative impulse.
Accordingly, one must remember that a nation has an incredibly vast number of laws, including
those that regulate how fast one can drive or at what age one can consume alcohol. It is doubtful
anyone would argue that violating these laws can be considered a crime in the same way robbery
can. Thus, to suggest that a teenager’s drinking some beer at a weekend party is equivalent to
a Wall Street banker’s willful embezzlement of millions of dollars from his clients is ridiculous.
With this in mind, lawyers and judges should carefully weigh the circumstances surrounding
an accused’s actions. For example, a poor person who steals some milk for his hungry children
should be given some leniency. A repeat offender, on the other hand, who has proven his lack of
regard for the law should be punished as severely as necessary to rehabilitate him once and for
To conclude, the law is designed as a guide for all members of society to follow. Harsh punishment,
then, should be reserved for those who show a complete disregard for their fellows.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Many people believe that all violent crimes should be punishable by death. They argue that
this would give the victim’s family a sense of justice. Others argue that capital punishment
only adds to the cycle of violence and is not effective in stopping future criminals. Discuss
both views and state your own opinion.
Since the earliest civilizations, the concept of “an eye for an eye” has dominated legal debate.
On the one hand, many argue that the threat of the death penalty is a powerful deterrent
to would-be killers and rapists and offers relief to victims’ relatives; on the other, history
has shown that this is not the case. While it is easy to see the merits of both sides of the
discussion, I have to agree with the latter.
Violent crimes have been part of human history since the literal dawn of mankind, at least
according to the Bible. Even for those who do not subscribe to religious ideologies, there is
no doubting historical accounts of violence throughout antiquity to today, and in all corners
of the world. In other words, violence seems to be an inherent part of the human condition
and no amount of retribution is likely to change that. Moreover, seeking justice against
criminals by the very means they used to commit their criminal acts is merely supporting the
Nevertheless, there is certainly an argument to be made for the psychological comfort the
death penalty may offer the families of innocent victims of homicides and other violent acts.
While this may be true, there is also sufficient evidence to suggest that this revenge simply
fuels a cycle of violence that ends in more deaths and more anger, not less. For example, if a
person murdered my wife, and I in turn murdered his, it is unlikely he will lay down his arms;
rather, he will seek to avenge her and kill another person close to me. Ultimately, we would
both grieve while attending more and more funerals.
Thus, the most effective deterrent, in my view, is imprisonment and fines. Since a sociopath
will not change his behavior, because he fundamentally cannot, the best thing to do is to
isolate him and remove his access to society at large. Furthermore, he should be made to
compensate the victim and/or his kin for their loss and suffering, especially in cases in which
the casualty was a main breadwinner. In this way, not only would the perpetrator receive his
punishment, but those affected by his actions may feel justice has been served.
In conclusion, no corporal action will turn back the clock to undo an act of violence. Thus,
better forms of punishment need to be established.
Sample Essays
Many of the world’s problems these days can only be solved with the involvement and
cooperation of the international community.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
(You can remove one of the three problem areas, slightly expand on the other two, and have a four-paragraph essay
that’s a little shorter)
To begin with, there are the problems of climate change and environmental degradation.
While the causes are debatable, the solutions required to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint
and preserve its natural resources and landscapes will involve many nations taking action.
If one country, for instance, decides to ban the use of coal, the result would be meaningless
if its neighbours continue to utilize this highly polluting fossil fuel. Thus, when it comes to
tackling greenhouse emissions, all nations must work in unison if this fight has any chance
of success.
Another peril the world faces is the threat of foreign terrorism and other security risks.
Nations, however, can protect themselves from infiltrators by knowing who these criminals
might be, how their ideology guides them, and what their aims are. The only way to acquire
this information is by having national security apparatuses share intelligence and viable
threat details before catastrophes strike.
Lastly, there are the risks posed by increasing global economic inequality, which is a byproduct
of globalization. As the rich get richer and the poor become poorer, the growing discontent
among the masses can eventually turn into violent revolutions. While these income disparities
might seem a national concern, the international community can work together to increase
opportunities for everyone, through fair trade, comparable wages paid by multinationals,
and other efforts to ensure that wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a plutocracy.
To conclude, many of the world’s problems belong to everyone, and as such it will take
nations and peoples working together to resolve them.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Each year, the number of fatal traffic accidents caused by distracted drivers is increasing.
Many police officials are now asking governments to implement stronger laws to deter
drivers from texting and driving. For example, they should lose their license on a first
offence, or even go to jail after a second offence. Are these penalties too strong? What
other policies can governments adopt to discourage distracted driving?
TOEFL version
As the numbers of cars on today’s roads increase, so too do occurrences of tragic deaths
caused by inattentive drivers. Unfortunately, current laws aimed at deterring people from
texting while driving are too lax, thus ineffective. As such, treating distracted drivers as lethal
threats and punishing them severely is not only reasonable, governments need to do even
more to tackle this dangerous phenomenon.
Distracted drivers are selfish. They do not seem to care for the welfare of those around them
as evidenced by the fact that they will prioritize a text message over ensuring the safety of
those with whom they share the road. Moreover, police statistics show that many drivers
who have been penalized for using hand-held devices while operating motorized vehicles are
repeat either do lenient
on them.
With this in mind, the only way police are going to effect a change on city roads is by making
punishments for rule breakers tougher. For example, many people consider a fine of $150 an
annoyance rather than a punishment. On the other hand, raising the firstoffence penalty to
have a substantial impact on a person’s wallet, perhaps $500 or more, will surely deter most
people from committing the offence. Even better would be to implement a zero-tolerance
policy, whereby a first-time offender faces a hefty fine as well as a short suspension of his
or her license. A second offence should include a fine, a longer suspension, and a driver
retraining program. Only when drivers realize there is a real cost to this action will they
change their behavior.
In addition, police need to reach out to young drivers early, especially those of the modern
generation who barely ever put down their mobile gadgets. By initiating educational programs
in high schools targeting those who will soon acquire a driver’s license, police can establish
a mindset among future drivers that the road is not theirs alone and that they need to put
safety above all else.
To sum up, road safety needs to be every driver’s top priority. Those who are too selfish to
care about others should be punished severely for putting those others at risk, and they
should, moreover, be thoroughly educated about the rules of the road.
Sample Essays
Each year, the number of fatal traffic accidents caused by distracted drivers is increasing.
Many police officials are now asking governments to implement stronger laws to deter
drivers from texting and driving. For example, they should lose their license on a first
offence, or even go to jail after a second offence. Are these penalties too strong? What
other policies can governments adopt to discourage distracted driving?
IELTS version
As the numbers of cars on today’s roads increase, so too do occurrences of tragic deaths
caused by inattentive drivers. Unfortunately, current laws aimed at deterring people from
texting while driving are too lax, thus ineffective. As such, treating distracted drivers as lethal
threats is not only reasonable, but even more needs to be done.
Distracted drivers are selfish. They do not care for the welfare of those around them as
evidenced by the fact that they will prioritize a text message over the safety of those
around them. Moreover, statistics show that many of these drivers are repeat offenders,
suggesting that they either do not care, or that the laws treat them too leniently. Thus,
severe punishments are certainly warranted.
That being said, the only way to truly effect a change on city roads is through education and by
making punishments for rule breakers even tougher. Firstly, by educating high schoolers who
will soon acquire driver’s licenses, police can establish a mindset that the road is not theirs
alone and that safety comes first. Furthermore, penalties need to be stronger. For example,
a $150 fine will not be as effective as a $500 fine, and the latter option will surely deter
most people from committing the offence. Lastly, police should implement a zerotolerance
policy, whereby a first offence includes a hefty fine and a suspension of one’s license. A
second offence would include a fine, a suspension, and a driver retraining program. Only
when drivers realize a real cost will they change their behavior.
To sum up, road safety needs to be every driver’s top priority. Those too selfish to care about
others should be punished severely for putting those others at risk; moreover, they should
be thoroughly educated about the rules of the road.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Many people believe their governments should invest more heavily in alternative, renewable,
safe energy projects such as wind farms and solar panels. Others agree but want their leaders
to develop or expand nuclear energy sources.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches to clean energy and say
which you prefer.
Climate change, currently a source of great debate, has many activists calling for increased
funding for clean, safe, alternative energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric.
Others, however, want more nuclear reactors built to supply this energy. While both sides
present convincing arguments, I believe that nonnuclear options are better as they carry
fewer risks.
First and foremost, we must consider clean energy’s ecological impact. While greenhouse
gases produced by burning fossil fuels are certainly harmful, the potential disaster a nuclear
accident poses could be several times greater. Thus, simply swapping one harmful source
for another is not only counterproductive, it is also potentially more dangerous. Some might
disagree by pointing to Chernobyl and Fukushima, examples of nuclear accidents, and claim
the reach of this threat. Furthermore, unlike solar and wind farms, nuclear plants produce
radioactive waste, which poses an even greater risk than toxic emissions.
However, the potential for harm can be minimized, even eliminated, by relying more on
solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams. These producers do not leave waste,
have unlimited potential, and can be cost effective if implemented properly. Of course,
there is a downside: unlike nuclear reactors, wind and solar projects need vast swaths of
land to house enough equipment to produce equivalent levels of electricity. As well, many
people find them unaesthetic, depriving the surrounding landscape of its natural beauty.
Nevertheless, one could hardly argue that these drawbacks outweigh the need to protect
those very landscapes, nor that the world is too small to spare some land for the greater
good. Ultimately, there are very few reasons not to take advantage of nature’s power to help
protect that very nature.
In conclusion, while nuclear power is a viable option as an energy source, the risks involved
as well as the superficial arguments against wind and solar power make the latter alternatives
the clear choice for mankind’s future.
Sample Essays
Some people believe that a government should only be an administrative body that oversees
the everyday business of running a country and should not get involved in making lifestyle
decisions for its people.
To what extent do you agree with this belief?
As the world’s population grows, many question the function of government. While some
believe a government’s duty is to play the part of parent to its citizens, I wholeheartedly
agree that a ruling authority should be nothing more than a technocratic overseer ensuring
its citizens’ security and efficiently managing national revenues.
A government is essentially a group of people who make policy decisions for the entire nation,
chief among which are laws that provide security to every member of the public. To ask these
politicians to engage in the distribution of beliefs is to invite a lack of security to those who
do not share them. In other words, once we allow politicians to decide what is right or wrong
in terms of religious traditions, sexual preferences, or any other deeply personal approach
to life, then we create a situation in which some people control others. As such, a person
who does not believe in god, for example, can be harassed by those whom the government
has deemed morally acceptable because they follow the scriptures of a certain religion. Thus
the government is not only intruding on the individual’s right to choose for himself, it is also
putting this person in danger.
Thus, the role of a governing body should rather be to establish an evironment in which
every citizen has a chance to succeed. One way to do this is to properly manage the income
it receives through taxation and to fund institutions such as schools, hospitals, emergency
services, and so on. This will give every member of the public the opportunity to decide their
own way, while feeling secure in their choices based on personal worldviews, as opposed to
being pushed along a certain path. Ultimately, every citizen must take responsibility for his
or her life and the government should only be a means to facilitate this.
In conclusion, governments should not tell people how to live other than to make sure that
they do not harm others. Moreover, a government should make it possible for every citizen
to succeed regardless of their lifestyle choices.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
Many people believe that they have no influence on government policies and actions and
that their vote, therefore, is of little significance; consequently, they believe that voting
during elections is a waste of time and energy.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this belief?
Many people nowadays, especially the young, have become apathetic towards governments
they consider themselves powerless to change. Consequently, many see voting as a waste
of time. While I agree for the most part that no individual can make a great impact through
one vote, I also believe that mobilizing an entire segment of the population can make all the
difference in the world and is therefore worthwhile.
With this in mind, one may consider fringe movements that, although not in positions of
official power, do nevertheless influence governments by virtue of grassroots activism and
an ability to draw people to polling stations. These groups’ powers thus lie in their ability to
effect change by making their voices heard, even if the individual votes are inconsequential
in terms of electing leaders. By making their existence known, these groups force officials
to take their demands into account if only to avoid a growing sense of disenfranchisement.
Similarly, these groups are aware that legitimacy requires every vote.
To conclude, no one vote on its own can change the status quo; however, every single vote
can add to a pool and garner a powerful tool to make politicians listen and act.
Sample Essays
It is the government’s responsibility to save people from themselves, for example by banning
smoking or enforcing helmet use for motorcyclists.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
TOEFL version
A government has many duties toward its citizens. Chief among these, some say, is the duty
to enforce rules that ensure the safety and well-being of those who elected it. When it comes
to personal choices, however, I counter that a government should be limited in its authority
over a person’s right to decide what is best for him or herself. The reason for this is that
allowing the government to make critical decisions regarding people’s actions will deprive
them not only of their individual freedoms, but also of their sense of personal responsibility.
When we allow others to decide for us, even if those decisions are in our best interests, we
forfeit our individuality. History has shown repeatedly that once a government is given too
much authority, it continues to expand that authority to all areas of life. George Orwell, in his
novel 1984, demonstrated clearly how a leadership with excessive influence over its people
will eventually dictate even how one should think. Telling a person he cannot smoke or that
he must wear a helmet, while well-intentioned, is nevertheless a choice that should be left
to the individual. Ultimately, most people understand what is good or bad for themselves;
allowing others to decide this will inevitably lead to their judging what is morally wrong and
right as well.
This power to judge, moreover, will negate the essential purpose of government. Most
democratically elected governments are chosen by their adult citizens. Those who vote
in a government, then, are trusted to make this decision by virtue of their being rational,
responsible, and informed members of society. As such, they should also be trusted to make
personal life decisions. Removing this ability, even in the area of personal safety, will lead
people to deny any sense of responsibility for or to face the consequences of their actions. As
a result, governments will gain sole authority to make decisions about their own powers, and
individuals may ignore their responsibilities to each other. A person involved in a car accident,
for example, may not feel obligated to help the victims because he may be accustomed to his
government’s doing this on his behalf.
In conclusion, a government must take care of its citizens in a way that does not diminish
the power of the individual to decide for himself and to take responsibility for his decisions.
Otherwise, a society faces the danger of its members acting without fear of consequences.
THE WRITE IDEA - Government & Law
It is the government’s responsibility to save people from themselves, for example by banning
smoking or enforcing helmet use for motorcyclists.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
IELTS version
Of a government’s many duties, the primary one is ensuring the well-being of its citizens.
While some say this ought to give the authorities decision-making powers over others, I
disagree and argue that a government’s authority should be limited to national concerns, not
individuals. Otherwise, we risk not only personal freedoms, but also personal responsibilities.
By permitting others to decide for us, we forfeit our individuality. History has shown that
governments granted excessive authority tend to exercise it in all areas of life. George Orwell’s
1984 demonstrated clearly how a leadership with unchecked influence will eventually dictate
even how one should think. Thus, telling a person he cannot smoke, while well-intentioned,
is nevertheless an attack on personal choice. Moreover, as most people understand what is
good or bad for themselves, giving others the power to decide this may devolve into their
Furthermore, eliminating one’s freedom to choose will negate the essential purpose of
government. Democratic governments are elected by their adult citizens, who are trusted
to base their votes on rational, responsible, and informed decisions. Thus, removing these
deliberating powers, even regarding personal safety, will lead some members of society
to deny responsibility for their actions and blame the government for their misdeeds.
Consequently, governments will need to seize sole authority to decide their own powers,
and citizens will become apathetic towards government and other members of society. To
illustrate, a person witnessing a car accident might not help the victims because he will rely
on his government to do so.
In conclusion, governments must care for their citizens in a way that does not diminish the
power of the individual to decide for himself and to take responsibility for his decisions.
Otherwise, society faces the danger of its members acting without fear of consequences.
Sample Essays
Did you discover some new vocabulary in this book?
Write these new words below. Practice using them in sentences: