Destiny by T D Jakes PDF

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Instinct Plus Purpose
Equals Destiny
Step beyond Instinct

A s I quietly stepped onto the elevator and gently pushed

the L button to return to the lobby, the incredible blessing
I’d just experienced held me spellbound. On the elevator ride
down, I pondered the glimpse into history just shared with me
by the legendary Mrs. Coretta Scott King during her last days
of health and vitality.
We had enjoyed a lunch in her elegant Atlanta penthouse
suite, where she lived during her elder years with dignity and
class. As we dined, Mrs. King retold many of her amazing expe‑
riences from the bird’s‑eye perspective of her deepest reflec‑
tions. The memories she shared were moments I had witnessed
only through newsreels and history books.
She guided me down a hallway decorated with gripping
images reflecting a life on the edge of death, yet illuminated by
passion and conviction. She shared what it was like during her

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years with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., including
many moments of peril. As she recalled h ­ eart-​­wrenching expe‑
riences, she spoke with the compassion of a ­mother—​­somehow,
everyone’s ­mother—​­and not just the mother of her four enig‑
matic, intriguing progeny.
One of the many topics we discussed that day was a piercing
question I posed, a subject considered taboo by many. I asked
her why she never remarried. Before responding, she looked
at me as if my question was actually rather foolish. Mrs. King
smiled and almost giggled when she responded, “Martin was a
tough act to follow.” Indeed he must have been. Few men have
ever affected the culture, the country, and the world as Dr. King
did. But what she said next took my breath away. “I was called
to be his wife,” she said. “It was my destiny to stand beside him.”
This woman, whose legendary singing voice merited a career
of its own, whose speaking skills and intellect qualified her
for many roles, clearly perceived her destiny. Mrs. King could
have been anything she ­wanted—​­from university president to
­entrepreneur—​­yet she chose to support the civil rights move‑
ment, underscoring the mission and keeping alive the dream of
her martyred husband! She shared so many experiences about
her life, little did I realize she actually was reflecting on them
from the posture of her imminent demise. Only in retrospect
did I consider her small plate of slowly consumed fruits, and
her contentment watching me enjoy the ample offering of culi‑
nary delights prepared for me.
Her contented smile betrayed the gravity of her condition,
which I knew to be a battle with cancer, and one she would
shortly lose. Or did she really lose at all? Her smile taught
me the value of contentment with a life well lived, a life that
had run its course. Coretta Scott King lived comforted by her
belief that despite the turbulence of her journey, she had lived
on course with a destiny far more important than the waves of

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Instinct Plus Purpose Equals Destiny

grief and tumult she experienced in the life and in the murder
of her husband. She was at peace!
If only you and I could replicate her resolve in our own lives.
Could it be that we allow the conditions in our lives to distract
us from the meaning of our lives? Is it possible that we don’t
spend enough time checking the dials and reading the compass
of Destiny and its intrinsic pull on the human soul?
If we are wise we will see the predestined purpose we were
created for and, in our brief life span, find it and do it. It is my
hope that each of us will be free from the purposeless living
that causes so many to stumble aimlessly through life.
Like Mrs. King, we all were created to fulfill some role only
through which we can find the great elixir of contentment and
courage. Whatever the assignment, death loses its license to
threaten those who are certain we have lived before we face its
clutching grasp.
As the elevator descended the ­thirty-​­nine stories to the lobby,
I reflected on the fact that I, too, have lived a life to which I felt
drawn. I have been pulled by a call that has drawn me from
the mundane acquisition of life’s mementos to the far more
rewarding task of doing something with my life that only I
could uniquely accomplish.

Instinct Is Only the First Step

Sometimes we are amazed by what human beings can endure.

Looking at the life of Mrs. King, we wonder how she withstood
the challenges of raising her children practically alone, the
death threats, the bombings, and the relentless FBI probes.
What motivates a person to find contentment in a life of strug‑
gle, as Nelson Mandela did during his nearly ­twenty-​­seven
years in a South African prison?

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When we watch people fully engaged in their purpose, it’s

confirmation that God has given each of us a destiny. How
else could one person be so fascinated by the accuracy of
numbers while another is totally obsessed with the accuracy
of words? What allows you to have great interest in some‑
thing that bores other people to tears? Why are you able to
pick up anything and fix i­t—​­from a clock to an a­ utomobile—​
­ hile other people should be arrested for even picking up a
hammer? Why are you able to devote countless hours to read‑
ing a book while other people will never know the story line if
it’s not on video? The gift or desire that God has wired you to
express is unique to you. Others can’t understand how you do
what you do, but neither can you understand how they act in
their gifts.
Why do you get angry when you see certain things not done
properly? It’s your instinct. You are irritated by the fact that you
know it could be done better.
I remember reading a story about an Olympian who was
charged with a serious crime. After he was released on bond,
the first thing he did was resume his workout routine. As I was
reading his story, I thought, “If I were under the public micro‑
scope for that kind of crime, no way would I be spending my
time working out.” But then I considered the fact that this man
was a champion athlete, and real champions cannot help but do
what they are gifted to do. It is their therapy. It is how they for‑
tify themselves. You are a champion when you overcome adver‑
sity and go back to doing what you were doing before.
The drive to do what you’re good at is instinct. It’s what God
has created you to do. The kind of instinct given to God’s high‑
est creation is not the same as the instinct that causes a sea tur‑
tle to make her way to the ocean shoreline to lay her eggs and
then return to sea. Human instinct in action is a pure joy to
behold. It’s like a work of art in motion, like watching Michael

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Instinct Plus Purpose Equals Destiny

Jordan dunk a basketball or listening to a hypnotic melody

offered by violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman.

Why Is de Elephant “Ova Dere”?

In my previous book, Instinct, we explored how people are

wired. That book became a best seller because a great many
people are searching for a way to tune in to what God has
embedded inside them. I shared my experience of being on an
African safari, attended by a zoologist and a guide. I discovered
that the zoologist knew everything about the biology and hab‑
its of the elephant, but it took the instinct of the safari guide to
tell us, “De elephant is ova dere.” We found the elephant, but no
one on the safari was able to tell us why it was “ova dere.” The
answer lies in God’s purpose and plan for creating elephants.
If you’re like me, you’ve experienced times when you won‑
dered, “Why am I here?” You may have asked the question as
you found yourself in the midst of an amazing, divinely orches‑
trated opportunity, or you may have asked it in reaction to hav‑
ing made the worst mistake of your life. You may wonder why
you are in a chosen position that was sought by dozens of people
with equal or greater qualifications. You may wonder why you
went to college but all of your boys ended up dead or in prison.
You may wonder why all of your g­ oal-​­oriented friends have
slowly pulled away from you, and now all your time is spent
around people who have no goals and don’t want you to have
any, either. You can know the logistics and mechanics of how
you got where you are but still not answer the question why.
Without the why, you can never connect to purpose; through
purpose you connect to Destiny.
Instinct shared how you are wired and gave strategies to
unleash what God has already placed inside you. Instinct is the

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how, but Destiny reveals why you are wired. I felt particularly
compelled to write this book because the “why” is always more
powerful than the “how” of life. I’m excited about this book as
an opportunity to move beyond the how and explore the why.
Both connect to direct you to Destiny.
It’s a powerful life transition to unleash what lies inside you,
but that unleashing only becomes viable when it can be vali‑
dated by the why. We know how babies are made and, as mys‑
tical as the science of procreation can be, we can absorb that
miraculous information much easier than the why of life. Why
are we born? Why were you born?
One of humanity’s central life questions relates to the why
of life. All of us have grappled with the question of a personal
purpose that confirms our destiny: Why am I here? For some
people, the question is little more than a s­hort-​­lived intel‑
lectual pursuit. For others, it is a lifelong quest. Yet the mere
fact that the question has been posed through ceaseless gen‑
erations affirms that there is an internal quest that pricks the
human heart. That quest is fueled by humanity’s need to know
that our efforts and actions are congruent with our passion and
As we follow the instinctive path of our passion molded into
action, we connect to Destiny. As we explore the path to Des‑
tiny, we gain a barometer by which we may measure authentic
purpose, otherwise known as success. One can’t define success
in dollars or cents. It can only be quantified by the accomplish‑
ment of a predestined purpose! This need to answer the why of
life cannot be satiated solely by fame or wealth or notoriety, or
even education, as none of these acquisitions guarantees that
action has aligned with purpose in our lives.
Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our pur‑
pose. That ­push-​­pull is what keeps the sun, moon, and stars
from crashing. It causes the seasons to change from planting

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to growing to harvest to dormancy. If that divine ­push-​­pull,

known as gravity, accurately sets the galaxies and the seasons
in motion, will the same ­principle—​­the push of instinct and the
pull of ­purpose—​­not set your life in the right motion? What
gravity is to the order of our universe, Destiny is to the mean‑
ing of your life.

Feel the Rhythm of Instinct to Connect to

Your Authentic Self

Walt Disney’s Cool Runnings movie is an entertaining, fiction‑

alized account of a Jamaican bobsled team’s journey to the
Winter Olympics. Their team captain encouraged the novice
bobsledders to follow the methodology of the Swiss, who had
many more years of experience competing. They tried follow‑
ing the techniques of the Swiss team, but it wasn’t working for
them. Their performance couldn’t qualify them for Olympic
competition; that is, until they made the pivotal decision to
bobsled like Jamaicans. Their rallying cry became, “Feel the
rhythm, feel the rhyme. Get on up, it’s bobsled time!” While
the Swiss effectively counted themselves into p ­ osition—“Eins,
zwei, drei”—​­the Jamaican competitors finally figured out their
strategy: “If we walk Jamaican, talk Jamaican, and is Jamaican,
then we sure . . . ​better bobsled Jamaican!”
The Jamaican Olympians had to learn how to function in
their gifts authentically. The problem wasn’t that they had no
talent for bobsledding; they weren’t in touch with their instinct
on the matter. In the same way, people must learn to live genu‑
ine lives that allow them to perform the life tasks they are gifted
to do.
Barbra Streisand and Aretha Franklin are both music icons
with tremendous talent. But what if you went to one of Barbra’s

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rare performances and heard her trying to sing like the Queen
of Soul? You’d know something was wrong. The performance
would not ring authentic.
Entertainers, scholars, preachers, and athletes alike all have
admitted to being influenced by the skill and style of someone
who came before them. Michael Jackson and Prince were clearly
influenced by the performances of the Godfather of Soul, James
Brown. Many preachers a generation ago were influenced by
the oratorical styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Gra‑
ham. Exposure to others who are good at what they do can be
highly motivating and instructional; it helps us understand the
manifestation of our own gifts. Observing others can help us
set the bar of excellence high for ourselves. But there must be a
point where one respects, admires, and learns from others, and
then turns inward to connect to his or her authentic expression
of talent. Robert Frost and Maya Angelou were great poets, but
each had a distinctive style. Your instinct will draw you to the
unique expression of your gifts.
You can prosper effectively only by drawing on what is
authentically in you. The drawing process starts from your
core. You can only be fruitful out of your understanding of and
connection to what is in your core. In the movie Ray, as singer
Ray Charles tries to establish a recording sound, he mimics
the styles of his contemporaries until he hits upon a style that
is uniquely his own. In real life, Charles was criticized for his
innovations in music, but he carved out a new blend in music
and found his authentic sound.
It can be frightening to own your authentic self. What if
other people don’t approve of the authentic you? What if they
criticize or make fun of who you really are? That’s a painful
prospect to consider, especially when disapproval or criticism
comes from the people who mean the most to you. Are you

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prepared to brave the negative reactions, comments, criticisms,

and complaints that may arise from owning your authentic
self? Can you handle it? Some people can’t. They live without
expressing the authenticity of what abides deep within them
because the approval of others is more important to them than
Those who live according to what others expect or accept
because they do not have the courage to be the person their
instinct draws forth from inside are only existing. They really
haven’t learned how to live. Real life means discovering what
God has placed inside you!
God has invested a great deal in you, and for all the Creator
has put in you, there is only one thing God wants to know:
“What will you do with what I gave you?” God expects you to
work excellence at the level given to you. As the late author,
professor, and motivational speaker Leo Buscaglia explained it,
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift
back to God.”

Instinct Must Merge with Purpose to

Find Destiny

Instinct is that inherent aptitude or capacity to use your emer‑

gent ­God-​­given gifts effectively at the appointed time and place.
It’s the urging inside you that tells you to make your move now,
to reach out now, to hold back until later, or to never give up.
Instinct must merge with purpose to give you a life that ful‑
fills your destiny. All gifts must be given a place of expression in
order for Destiny to unfold.
We are most effective when we yield to the allure of destiny!
Every gifted person needs a place to engage the gifts that are

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rooted inside. No matter how gifted you are, you need a place of
expression. That place is Destiny.
Your instinctive gifts are the metal inside you. Your destiny
is the magnet that draws you to its predestined arena. People
who have instinct with no apparent destiny are waiting to be
lifted by something higher than what led them to tune in to
instinct. We must be drawn by something deeper. Destiny pulls
us beyond the familiar toward our future.
Even if you’re not a Bible reader, you’re probably familiar
with the biblical story of Moses at the burning bush. This great
leader of Israel was drawn to a bush burning in the wilderness
because he noticed the leaves did not burn off. Destiny is the
fire that attracts us to come toward her. She ignites our curi‑
osity. Moses’ entire world had been turned upside down. He
was a fugitive who fell from sultan to shepherd. His traumatic
ouster from Egypt helped connect Moses to his instincts. When
he was no longer a pampered prince, he got in touch with the
gifts and abilities that God had given him to survive a wilder‑
ness existence and prosper in a life of hard work caring for a
flock of ­animals—​­exposure that would be essential to Israel’s
survival when God used him to deliver Israel from slavery in
There at the burning bush was the cross point at which
Moses’ former life met his future life. It was the place where the
instinct that pulled him to the burning bush connected with
the destiny that would push him back to Egypt and beyond and
connect to his destiny. Like Moses at the burning bush, we may
not comprehend why we are thrust beyond our familiar sur‑
roundings, but we can trust that we are being drawn by Des‑
tiny. Instinct and purpose often operate like a marriage. It’s not
always a ­fifty-​­fifty proposition. Sometimes you may function
more from a sense of instinct, while at other times the quest


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for purpose may have a ­gale-​­force wind propelling you forward.

But the sometimes unbalanced partners will direct you. When
instinct and purpose connect, their progeny is Destiny.

Move from Intention to Inception

If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the road to

heaven is paved with relentless faith. Faith requires the prenatal
care of dreams, the nourishment of dream makers, and the
feeding of dragon slayers until the abstract becomes concrete.
There are perhaps millions who are sitting on the couch say‑
ing, “I’m gonna . . .” They’ll do it when their finances are per‑
fect, when their children are perfectly grown and stable, when
they’ve achieved seniority on the job or some other life marker.
Your life will never be perfect. Parts of it will be, at times. You
will always be juggling and adjusting in some area of your life.
Step away from the couch sitters who are awaiting the single
perfect day to begin living their dream. You can choose to live
your dream every day if you just take the first step. Every day
will not feel dreamy and some may feel like a nightmare, but if
you never get off your intentions, your vision for your life may
never become a reality. Have enough faith to believe in God
and in yourself and know that together the two of you can do
Increase your capacity to receive what is destined to hap‑
pen if you believe! If you can see the invisible, you can do the
impossible. You may have to stretch yourself or enlarge your
circle of associates. You may have to expose yourself beyond
your comfort zone or speak when you are naturally introverted.
Stretch yourself; it’s worth it!
Understanding this synergistic connection of instinct with


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purpose to give birth to Destiny is important in the life of every

individual. Every person has a destiny to fulfill. It is essential to
craft an environment that facilitates the fulfillment of Destiny.

First Draw Internally

In the account of creation recorded in the Bible, I am fascinated

by a line that most overlook. It says that God created every liv‑
ing thing with a seed inside itself. Wow! Isn’t that how all of life
is formed? It re‑creates from what exists within itself. The seed
to achieve comes from the divine thoughtfulness of God, who
has prewired us to produce. Your creativity is within you. Your
peace and power come from digging beneath your surface and
locating your own core of potential.
Our tendency is to look outside ourselves for comfort, hap‑
piness, or fulfillment. You may look to a new job to feel suc‑
cessful and worthy. You believe a relationship will bring you a
sense of fulfillment and purpose in your life. You buy a new car
or a new house, thinking that will impress others and increase
your social standing. All of these are wonderful, but all of them
depend on people or conditions that are outside of you. Nothing
outside of you can make you who you are. It’s already in you.
God has already implanted in you the raw materials needed
to shape Destiny into reality. You already have what’s needed
to actualize your vision for your life. It is a G
­ od-​­given vision;
otherwise, you would not have it.
Think about the fact that since God created the world,
nothing new has been created. Many, many devices have
been invented, but nothing has been created. Everything that
humankind has developed came from what God had already
put in or on the earth. Every invention and modern conve‑
nience that you enjoy was created out of resources that are


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already on this earth. Someone simply had the vision to bring

it into reality.

Steer toward Destiny

If you think of the human mind as the steering wheel that deter‑
mines the direction of one’s destiny, then we are transform‑
ing our lives by the way we turn our minds. You limit yourself
when you operate only on an intellectual or psychological level
and refuse to pay attention to the spiritual inclinations residing
in you.
You can turn your mind to education, but somewhere along
the line, even a PhD will leave you lacking. You can turn your
mind to logic or reason or common sense or even coincidence
in search of life’s answers, but all of these will leave you lacking.
Tune in to the fact that the instinct pushing out from you and
the purpose pulling at you are a part of God’s larger plan for
you to fulfill your destiny.
Your mind may guide you in what you do, but your heart
affirms your passion to do it, and that leads you to resolve
the why of your life. Within your passion lies the clue to your
deeper ­purpose—​­and ultimately, your destiny. As you stand
back from yourself to see the push of instincts welded with the
pull of purpose that leads you to Destiny, you will know the
events and circumstances in your life equate to more than coin‑
cidences or mere facts. The coming together of all these events
and connections, some seemingly random, are the result of
divine orchestration to empower you to accomplish what God
has placed you here to do.
Destiny is so much bigger than you. Trust that the results are
not in your hands. An encounter with Destiny generally comes
only after intentional exposure and heeding the pull of purpose.


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Think about a girl or guy you wanted to date. You wanted to

impress that person. If you were still in school, you might have
updated your wardrobe and started wearing makeup and heels.
You might have gotten a ­part-​­time job so you could afford to
take her out. You did all of that to get that person’s attention.
You did all of that to show the person you were worthy of get‑
ting close to him or her. Show Destiny that you’re worth getting
close to. Show Destiny that you won’t mess up the opportunity
to travel in the same circles with her. Destiny is a fastidious
companion that is rarely, if ever, stumbled upon. But until you
find her, she will tease and taunt you. She will call out to you as
you endeavor to discover the why of your life.
Destiny will sometimes be elusive and guide you on a circu‑
itous path as you follow her in search of why. But led by instinct
as you pursue purpose, you will discover the why of your life,
and then you will know that fulfillment of Destiny is the great‑
est kind of success you can ever hope to attain.

Destiny Awaits You

Most people have sensed the pull of Destiny’s magnet that

caused them to meet who they’ve met, to go where they’ve
been, or to do what they’ve done. During times of reflection,
most of us are amazed to realize that the greatest moments of
our lives happened only through a series of circumstances that
we ourselves did not initiate. Think about the serendipitous
encounters, the synchronous timing of events, and the chance
meetings in your life. Had you not been in that restaurant, you
never would have met a business contact, a future spouse, or an
employer. If you had not attended that summer camp, your fas‑
cination with wildlife or biology or botany or sports medicine
would have never been spawned.


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Instinct Plus Purpose Equals Destiny

What orders our steps? To the faithful, it is God alone. The

secular may interject words like fate or luck. Whatever the
name, all of us are left drawn by the pull of Destiny’s allure.
Ride the wave of life with a sense of guidance to something
beyond ­self-​­gratification. It adds meaning to life. Do not halt at
the rest stop of distraction nor succumb to the indulgent lux‑
ury of ­self-​­pity. The problems and challenges we face could be
merely distractions from the greater force of the destiny that
draws us from where we started to where we will accomplish
what we were meant to do. If you sense that there is an order to
your steps, a guidance that has corrected you when you were off
course and nudged you when you sat in a holding pattern too
long, then read on.
Destiny awaits. It is always an adventure. It drives us past the
pain of life to the purpose of living. There’s more going on in
your life than just you.
At moments that I felt the least adept, I have known there is a
force beneath my wings for which I could take no credit. There
was a perfect timing I could not explain. There was a person I
could never have schemed to meet. There was an opportunity I
could never have orchestrated on my own.
As I waited on the sidewalk of Mrs. King’s ­high-​­rise devel‑
opment for my car, I remembered that I had spoken at Carl‑
ton Pearson’s Azusa meeting. I had been a guest speaker at
that ministerial conference many years ago, but the sequence
of events that surrounded that single invitation to speak still
amazes me. After Azusa had ended that year, Pastor Pearson
had decided to air clips of the t­ hree-​­day event featuring three
preachers. I was only one of the clips he broadcast on his weekly
television program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. The
network’s founder, Paul Crouch, happened to be watching. The
clip of my sermon addressed the vulnerability of showing your
wounds to help others with their own. Crouch was writing a


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book titled I Had No Father but God. What I said during that
clip inspired him to share aspects of his story that he had wres‑
tled with taking public.
As I stepped into my car to leave Mrs. King’s building,
I thought that if the late Paul Crouch had walked away from
the TV to get a ham sandwich, he never would have seen that
brief video clip that moved him to invite me to appear on TBN,
and later inspired him to offer me a network time slot. With‑
out owning a camera and with only one person on staff, I was
about to broadcast on the world’s largest Christian television
network and be drawn more deeply into my destiny. All of this
was thrust upon me without me ever inquiring about a tele‑
vision show or passing a business card to anyone. You have a
purpose and a destiny.
Maybe your destiny is being birthed through a failed busi‑
ness or bankruptcy. Perhaps the downsizing of a company
was really meant to shake you free to a life of purpose. It is not
always the best or joyous moments that direct us to Destiny.
Sometimes deep pain and torturous emotions later help to
maneuver, mold, and position you into your life’s purpose.
The overarching pull of Destiny helps you accept events and
circumstances that, examined in isolation, may look like fail‑
ure. Upon deeper reflection, however, those seeming tragedies
are the catalysts that shift you into your place of destiny. The
Bible rightly says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that God
causes everything to work together for the good of those who
love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” The
things that are working together may not feel good. They may
not even seem fair. But if you allow them to, they can usher you
into arenas and opportunities that shift your life into a pattern
of focus and purpose that work together for your good and the
good of humanity. Perhaps we all can lessen Destiny’s learning


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curve and say, like Mrs. King so eloquently stated, “I was called
to play this role in life!”
Find the destiny your Creator has designed for you. Have the
courage to live with a consummate decision to say yes to what
Destiny invites you to. Instincts are the internal guidance sys‑
tem that will empower you, and Destiny is the course that you
will run, ignoring distractions that could divert you. Destiny
gently pulls us through wandering mediocrity.
It is the destiny of this preacher from the hills of West Vir‑
ginia to help you discover your destiny. Reflect on your own
life. If you have ever sensed the pull of Destiny aligning you
with people, places, and things, I will help you find your way.


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