Assignment 1

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Institute of Information Technology and Management, New Delhi-58.

Assignment No-1

Programme: MCA Semester: IV Paper Code: MCA 204 Academic Year: 2019-20

Max. Marks:20
Course Objectives: At the end of the course students will able to:

1. To provide students with in-depth knowledge, advanced skills and understanding in the
areas of Data Warehousing and Data Mining and to develop them into professional s in the areas of
Information Management, ‘Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems’, potentially working
in a wide range of application areas. (Knowledge Based Learning)
2. To provide underpinning knowledge understanding and skills in the areas of data mining
algorithms which underpin the Knowledge Discovery enterprise.(Analytical and application based
3. To provide students with high level analytical and operational skills in the use of state of
the art software for KD/DM and DW/DSS, based on understanding of basic principles and the use of
real world case studies.(Comprehension and application based learning)
4. To provide students with independent exploratory and research skills, linked with
abilities to synthesise, integrate and critically analyse and compare all features of the KD/BI/DW area.
(Synthesis and evolution based learning)

Course Outcomes:

1. Understanding design , modeling techniques and architectures for building, deploying and
managing data warehouses, data mining, data visualisation and Data mining technologies
(Achieve course objective 1 and 3)
2. Analyse, design, build and deploy data warehousing systems using a variety of current
application technologies and architectures (Achieve course objective 2 and 4)
3. Critically evaluate existing and emerging technologies in terms of their suitability for DW
software development purposes. (Achieve course objective 2 and 4)
4. Plan, design and deploy the necessary data mining technologies to support a software
system. (Achieve course objective 3 and 4)
5. Abstract essential information from unstructured sources to understand the technology at
a sufficient level to be able to keep themselves up to date and converse with computing
professionals. (Achieve course objective 3 and 4)

S. No. Questions Course
Name at least five pioneer organizations in dataware house industry
1. CO1

Enumerate the popular dataware house products available and being used in
2. CO1
Do we have open source products available for the same, if so name them
3. CO2

You are the IT Director of a nationwide insurance company. Write a memo to the
4. Executive Vice President explaining the types of opportunities that can be realized CO1 & CO2
with readily available strategic information.
For an airlines company, how can strategic information increase the number of
5. frequent flyers? Discuss giving specific details. CO1& CO3

You are a Senior Analyst in the IT department of a company manufacturing auto-

mobile parts. The marketing VP is complaining about the poor response by IT in
providing strategic information. Draft a proposal to him explaining the reasons for
6. CO3 & CO5
the problems and why a data warehouse would be the only viable solution.

Last Date for Submission:06/02/2020

Guidelines for submission

 All assignments should legibly handwritten.
 For hand written assignments make sure pages are securely fastened, preferably with a staple in the
top left-hand corner and placed in a folder.
The following information should appear on the cover page of the assignment:
o Assignment No
o Submitted to
o Submitted by (Name & Enroll No)
o Date of submission

Assessment Criterion for Written Assignment

Topic Unacceptable Marginal Acceptable Exceptional

(weight) (1) (2) (3) (4)
Knowledge of Minimal Some knowledge Moderate Advance knowledge
fundamental knowledge attained knowledge attained attained
concept attained
Mere observation Devising questions Developing Performing the tests,
based on their hypotheses and Analyzing and drawing
Enquiry Based
observations, formulating conclusions and
strategies for testing Communicating their
their theories, findings to others
No General Moderate Advance
understanding/Cr understanding/Critic understanding/Critic understanding/Analytical
itical Thinking al Thinking al Skills
Thinking of
Knowledge does Little application of Strong, good, Excellent, outstanding,
not meet learned concepts comprehensive comprehensive
minimum and ability to solve knowledge and its knowledge and its
Application of requirements. problems application in application in solution of
theory solution of complex complex practical
practical problems. problems

Total Points 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

* Changes are subjected with respect to the course requirements.

Note: Student can earn 80 points in total across 4 parameters (20 each in Knowledge of fundamentals, Enquiry
Based Learning, Understanding/ Critical Thinking and Appl. Of Theory) which will be divided by 4. For example,
if a student earns 64 points then his assignment marks will be 64/4=16 out of 20.

(Signature of the Faculty)

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