Master of Science in Ubiquitous Networking and Computing
Master of Science in Ubiquitous Networking and Computing
Master of Science in Ubiquitous Networking and Computing
Ubiquitous Networking
and Computing
Many thanks to Pierre Kornprobst (INRIA) who gave us the permission to use the graphic
charter he designed for the website, brochure and flyer of the Master of Science in
Computational Biology of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis which he coordinates.
Figure : An example visualization of Internet topology produced by Walrus (Courtesy of Young Hyun, CAIDA)
Meet the new challenges of Ubiquitous
Networking and Computing
This Masters program is designed especially for international students and corresponds to the
second year of the Masters studies. Successful completion of this program leads to the award of a
Master of Science degree in France. This degree will enable graduates to pursue a PhD in Europe.
The aim of this program is to provide students with excellent academic or industrial career
opportunities by offering high level coverage of networking principles that will help students to meet
the challenges and make the technological choices of tomorrow in the domains of the Internet,
Telecommunications and Distributed Systems.
The courses in this program provide basic and specialization skills in the area of Network
architectures and protocols and their evolution, Performance evaluation of networks, Networking and
telecommunication algorithms, Peer-to-peer networking, Middleware for ubiquitous computing and
Secure diffuse computing. This program will provide the training for qualified specialists who will be
able to respond to the strong industry demand for software engineers, information system designers,
and technical analysts and advisers. It will also prepare candidates to undertake further investigation
and research into ubiquitous networking and computing.
Bio: Emmanuel Dotaro received an M.S. degree in Bio: Prosper Chemouil is research director on networks
Computer Science from the University of Versailles, and systems at Orange Labs, Orange's R&D center. He
France in 1996. After three years spent in Institut has 30+ years experience in the modeling and control
National des Télécommunications Performance of complex systems and he is currently involved in the
Evaluation lab while holding a teaching position at the design and management of Future Networks. He is very
University of Versailles, he joined in 1999 the Alcatel active in the research community on networking both in
Research and Innovation lab. at Marcoussis, France. France and worldwide. Prosper has got an engineering
Emmanuel is currently Research Director at Bell Labs, degree from Ecole Centrale de Nantes and he obtained
heading the Semantic and Autonomic Technologies a PhD on control theory in 1978. He is an IEEE Fellow
department. His current research interests are Internet and got the Blondel Medal in 1996 for his contribution
of the Future including network design, performance, on adaptive routing and network management.
control plane and self-features.
Sophia Antipolis is a wide scientific park of approximately 1300 corporations and 30.000 jobs
in R&D, mainly focusing on information technology. Nice-Sophia Antipolis University and the
research and training institutes (CNRS, I3S, INRIA, Institut EURECOM, Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Mines and Polytech’Nice Sophia) form a leading competitiveness cluster in
computer science.
INRIA (, the French national institute for research in computer science and
control, operating under the dual authority of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of
Industry, is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication
science and technology (ICST).
CNRS (, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for
Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, the largest fundamental
research organization in Europe, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of
I3S ( is a Joint Research Unit between the University of Nice Sophia
Antipolis (UNS) and the CNRS.
Sophia Antipolis,
25 km from Nice, 15 km from Cannes
at your
your home
Semester1, 1, October-February
October-February-- 30
Transfer System)
of 44ECTS
Semester2, 2, March-August
March-August -- 3030ECTS
6-month paid fulltime internship in one
paid fulltime internship in one of
of the
the research
research tea,
tea, LogNet,
LogNet, Maestro
Maestro and
Planete (INRIA), Mascotte and Oasis (INRIA/I3S), Modalis, Rainbow and Signet
Planete (INRIA), Mascotte and Oasis (INRIA/I3S), Modalis, Rainbow and Signet (I3S) (I3S)
or with
with one
one of
of our
our renowned
renowned industrial
industrial partners
partners Orange
Orange Labs,
Labs, SAP,
Prerequisites: Basic
Basic knowledge
knowledge in
in computer
computer science
science and
and applied
applied mathematics
mathematics or
electrical engineering is mandatory.
electrical engineering is mandatory.
language: English
lessons will
them the
Peer-to-Peer Applications
Teams involved: Mascotte (INRIA/I3S), LogNet and Planete (INRIA)
Since the early days of the Internet, from the email to the Web, the client-server
architecture has been used for data transfer. However, in a few years, the peer-to-
peer architecture has changed our way to share information. At the present time,
peer-to-peer communications account for between 40% to 80% of the Internet
traffic. The goal of this lecture is to present the foundations of the peer-to-peer
architecture focusing on localization and content replication. In particular, we will
give an overview of the notions of Distributed Hash Table (DHT), unstructured
localization, publish subscribe paradigm, and content replication techniques. Then,
we will focus on the BitTorrent protocol in order to give a high level of expertise to
the students in that protocol. In particular, we will describe in details the BitTorrent
core algorithms and protocol, we will demonstrate why BitTorrent is highly efficient,
and we will present various applications of this protocol and their current usages.
Algorithms of Telecommunication
Team involved: Mascotte (INRIA/I3S)
The lectures will present problems arising in the design of telecommunication
networks considered by operators like France Telecom or manufacturers like
Alcatel. There will be two kinds of networks studied including optical WDM
(Wavelength Division Multiplexing) networks with MPLS (Multi Protocol Label
Switching) management and wireless radio networks. In both cases environmental
aspects like minimization of energy will be considered. Examples of such problems
are tunnels in MPLS, multicasting, WiFi access, gathering in radio networks,
placement of access points, fault tolerant on board satellite networks.
For each problem we will show how to give simple models to tackle them. Then we
will introduce algorithmic tools to solve them. All these problems being difficult, we
will emphasize approximation algorithms, dynamic programming and heuristics.
We will also present some powerful theoretical tools in graph theory and
combinatorial optimization.
The scholarship program offers outstanding
students the chance to receive a grant for the
first half of the program (M2S1).The second Contact Information
half (M2S2) will be funded by the employer
(research lab or industry) for every student
who is admitted to the program. Joanna Moulierac
Head of the Master in Ubiquitous Networking and
Procedure Computing
Applicants are encouraged to submit applications Tel.: +33 4 92 38 76 16
early in the year through the MSc website Email: [email protected]
( The department treats
applications as they are received. Therefore,
it is in the applicant’s best interest to submit Walid Dabbous
his/her application during the early stages of
the cycle (i.e., by April 05 if possible in order Chair of the Scientific Committee
to be admitted in the first round). Early Tel.: +33 4 92 38 77 18
application increases the chances of
receiving financial aid. Email: [email protected]
Amber JAN
Several low cost University dormitories in Sophia Officer of International Relations
Antipolis welcome students during the Tel.: +33 4 92 96 51 18
academic year. Antibes and Nice which are Email: [email protected]
nearby cities also have accommodation
possibilities. An information booklet will be
sent to you after confirmation of your Web site: