Webapp User Manual EN Rev1.0
Webapp User Manual EN Rev1.0
Webapp User Manual EN Rev1.0
Rev 1.0 (17-03-2017)
Change Control
Rev Date Description
1.0 09-08-2015 Initial revision
Restricted Liability
Electrical equipment should be serviced and maintained only by qualified personnel.
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this manual. This
document is not intended as an instruction manual for untrained persons.
The illustrations, dialog boxes, programming models and examples shown in this manual are intended for exemplary
purposes. As there are installation-specific variables and requirements, Schneider Electric will not be held responsible for
the misuse of the equipment based on the examples herein published.
An inadequate use of the equipment, or misuse by ignoring these specifications, may comprise the system’s security.
It is highly recommendable to backup the application programs frequently using the appropriate storage media to avoid
potential data loss.
The Saitel platform and all its components have been developed in accordance to the requirements for a quality
management system, complying with the ISO 9001 Norm.
Document: FTE-WAT-S856
Revision / Date: Rev 1.0 / 17-03-2017
File: User Manual of webApp_EN_Rev1.0.pdf
Retention period: Permanent throughout its validation period + 3 years after its
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Overview of webApp.................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Home .................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Monitoring and Control ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Diagnostic........................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.6 Settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Chapter 2 - Accessing webApp ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 SAT and RBAC model ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.3 Default Users ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Roles .................................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.5 System Security Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.6 Accessing Saitel via webApp.............................................................................................................................. 2-5
Chapter 3 - Data Consultation and Monitoring Pages ................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Home Page ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Monitoring & Control ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 System Information..................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Data ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-4
Chapter 4 - Diagnostic and Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Diagnostic........................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Events Log ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 System Log ................................................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.3 Cyber Security Log ..................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.1 Clock .......................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.2 Acquisition .................................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Chapter 5 - Advanced Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Users Management ............................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.3 IP Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.4 Software Upgrade .............................................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.5 Configurations Management .............................................................................................................................. 5-6
5.5.1 Saving Configurations ................................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.5.2 Uploading Configurations ........................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.6 Settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 5-9
5.6.1 Protocols and Physical ports Configuration .............................................................................................. 5-10
5.6.2 Synchronization Settings .......................................................................................................................... 5-11
Index of Figures
Figure 1-1 – Disclaimer information.................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Figure 1-2 – Home view ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Figure 1-3 – Monitoring and Control view – System information ........................................................................................ 1-2
Figure 1-4 – Monitoring and Control view – Data ............................................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-5 – Diagnostic view – System log ........................................................................................................................ 1-3
Figure 1-6 – Diagnostic view - SOE ................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-7 – Diagnostic view – Security log ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-8 – Maintenance view – Clock ............................................................................................................................. 1-4
Figure 1-9 – Maintenance view – Acquisition ..................................................................................................................... 1-4
Figure 1-10 – Maintenance view – IP configuration............................................................................................................ 1-4
Figure 1-11 – Maintenance view – Software ...................................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-12 – Maintenance view – Configuration ............................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-13 – Settings view ................................................................................................................................................ 1-6
Figure 2-1 – Security certificate warning ............................................................................................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-2 – Login window ................................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Figure 3-1 – Home page .................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2 – Home page .................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-3 – System status ................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Figure 3-4 – Redundancy status ........................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Figure 3-5 – Power supplies status .................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-6 – Serial communications status ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Figure 3-7 – Data - Status .................................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 4-1 – Event log ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Figure 4-2 – System log ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-3 – Cyber security log .......................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-4 – Date / Time (user with no permissions for change it) ..................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-5 – Date / Time (Auto mode) ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Figure 4-6 – Date / Time (Manual mode) ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-7 – Date / Time (Manual mode) ........................................................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-8 – Calibration of analog points............................................................................................................................ 4-5
Figure 5-1 – Users management ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Figure 5-2 – IP configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Figure 5-3 – Adding or editing a router ............................................................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-4 – Firmware in the RTU ...................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-5 – Firmware upgrade – Step 1............................................................................................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-6 – Firmware upgrade – Step 2............................................................................................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-7 – Firmware upgrade – Step 3............................................................................................................................ 5-5
Figure 5-8 – Firmware upgrade – Step 4............................................................................................................................ 5-5
Figure 5-9 – Firmware upgrade – Step 5............................................................................................................................ 5-5
Figure 5-10 – Firmware upgrade – Step 6.......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-11 – Firmware upgrade – Step 7.......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Index of Tables
Table 2-1. Default users and roles. .................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Table 2-2. Default RBAC model in Saitel. .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Table 2-3. Right for each role ............................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Table 2-4. System Security Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 2-5
Table 3-1. Quality information ............................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Table 4-1. Acquisition status .............................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Manual Contents
I. Scope
This manual provides information about webApp used in a Saitel environment. This tool provides a new HMI for
SM_CPU866e, depending on the release of the Baseline Software. webApp is currently available for SM_CPU866e V1 of
Saitel. All information in this document refers to this CPU.
webApp can be accessed by a web browser and it is designed responsive and multi browser.
This document is addressed to developers and users of the BaseLine software platform and more specifically to the users
of the web services and front end application.
II. Arrangement
This manual is divided in different chapters. The following lines describe briefly the contents covered by each chapter.
webApp is the local and remote user interface for consulting and monitoring SM_CPU866e V1 operating, maintenance,
and application configuration data. Once the username and password have been entered, all data in the HTML pages can
be viewed simply by clicking on the links in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
Following message is shown previously to access the main menu of the tool:
1.2 Home
Please take into account that the correspondent supervision points must be installed, otherwise, you will see a warning
like the one in the example above (PLC information not available). If RAM or CPU usage information is not available, the
unavailability information will be displayed the following way:
1.4 Diagnostic
This menu is used to view the data logs recorded in real time by the RTU:
• Event log
• System log
• Security log (Security administration rights are required)
All these logs can be exported to “csv” file and download it to the PC.
1.5 Maintenance
This menu helps with maintenance of the SM_CPU866e V1 by supplying the relevant information or by allowing
configuration of the standard RTU applications:
• Clock: Information and configuration of the RTU time.
• Acquisition: Information about I/O modules. All configured modules are displayed in tabs.
• Advanced maintenance:
o IP configuration. Network interfaces can be configured from webApp.
1.6 Settings
From webApp, basic settings can be modified for channels, protocols (Devices) and synchronization. The current Devices
supported are:
• DNP slave
• IEC101 slave
• IEC104 slave
• Modbus master
For security purposes, passwords must be changed during commissioning.
2.4 Roles
Role-based-access-control (RBAC) is a control mechanism that defines roles which have certain privileges. These
privileges are defined by objects and the action that user can do with them.
Following table shows actions allowed for each object type. Depending on the rol of the user logged in webApp, an action
is allowed or not.
You need to connect to the RTU as a SecurityAdmin user to be able to perform the user and role administration
operations described in table below:
Rights Defined For Each Role/User 1
Object Description Action
Read ɣ ɣ ɣ ɣ
CONF_DB Operating with coreDb configuration files.
Write ɣ ɣ
Read ɣ ɣ ɣ
CONF_SYS Operating with system configuration files.
Write ɣ ɣ
View ɣ ɣ ɣ
FIRMWARE Upgrading firmware. Read ɣ ɣ
Write ɣ ɣ
WEBSERVICE Accesing to web server Access ɣ ɣ ɣ ɣ ɣ
SSH Easergy Builder 2, console. Access ɣ ɣ
OS_SHELL Linux shell. Access ɣ
BLMON Accessing to BLMon Access ɣ
Read ɣ ɣ ɣ ɣ
SYS_LOG System and SOE log files
Deletion ɣ ɣ
Read ɣ SAT 3
System security (users, password,
access right)
Write ɣ SAT3
1 It is not possible to modify the rights assigned to a role via webApp. This can only be done via SAT. Refer to
the SAT manual for more information on how to administer the roles and associated rights in the RBAC
2To have full access to read and write a configuration in Easergy Builder, you will need the services "SSH"
and "OS_SHELL". So, only the access Engineer allows this possibility.
3 "SAT" means that this user/role cannot access the Web server, but has the rights assigned via the SAT only.
webApp User Manual 2-3
Rev 1.0 (17-03-2017)
Parameter Description
Rights activation Options for activating user rights:
• Cybersecurity rights (Default)
• Generic rights
High security banner Not available
Medium security banner Not available
Low security banner Not available
Table 2-4. System Security Parameters
https://[RTU’s IP]
If a security warning is shown, ignore the warning and go to the web page, for example, in Internet Explorer select
“Continue to this website”
From the login page, the language can be set (currently available: Spanish, English and French). Only RBAC users are
allowed to log in webApp.
• Factory Information: This zone shows the manufacturer, model and the version of the software loaded on the
SM_CPU866e module. Using button “Edit” next to the text “Factory Information”, it is also possible to include an
image of the particular RTU or CPU for identification purposes.
The image must be in JPG, PNG or JPEG format and with a maximum size of 100 KB.
For example, if RAM usage information is not available, the unavailability information will be displayed the following way:
In following paragraphs, each signal is indicated on the picture into a blue square. Please, consult the Easergy Builder
manual for more information about supervision points.
The second block shows information relative to redundancy:
Power supplies
The third one show information related to power supplies:
Serial communications
An extra block may be shown if SM_SER are configured. It will show the state of the correspondent SM_SER:
3.2.2 Data
There are 4 pages in the SM_CPU866e Web server for viewing status and measurement data or for sending commands.
• Status page: For viewing the status of the digital data.
• Command page: For sending change of state commands based on the digital data.
For example, following picture shows the first page of the status points.
For all point types, each page has the same format, with the following information displayed on the screen:
Refresh period
Number of Points
The number of point on each page can be set between 10, 20 and 50.
Filtering information
It’s possible to set a filter to display data by Source or Destination to limit the amount of data displayed on screen.
Only devices used as Source and Destination will be shown in the filter.
Point information
The description of a data item is displayed over 3 columns:
• Point name: Internal name of the data item in coreDb.
• Description: Detailed description.
• Value: Point’s value in coreDb.
By clicking the button associated with the Value field, you can manually edit the state or value of a Command or
Setpoint data item.
Similarly, for a Status or Analog data item, you can force its status or value. However, this type of data is only processed
in read mode; forcing is only applied in simulation. To do this, the actual data item must first be locked by clicking the
Locking option.
Once the data is locked, the “Edit” button associated with the Value field then becomes accessible and can be used to
change its status or value in simulation mode.
The modified value also impacts the remote retransmission. This allows you, for instance, to simulate the state of a
variable and to test its retransmission, without affecting the actual equipment operation.
Disabling the Locking option cancels the simulation and returns to the actual status or value of the data item.
Quality Information
Two icons displayed in the Quality column provide an indication of the data processing quality. The quality of a data item
can give an indication of the validity of the status or value entered on the Web server page.
This quality is indicated for the following 2 sources:
• Local source: Reflects the quality of the data item from the viewpoint of its processing at the SM_CPU866e end.
• Remote source: Reflects the quality of the data item sent by the information source (device) processing the
of a data item. To do this you must first lock the data item using the Locking option. Then click the button associated
with the Quality field. The possible choices for the local and remote source quality are then displayed on screen.
Disabling the Locking option cancels the simulation and returns to the actual quality of the data item.
The table below shows the correspondence of the different quality types that can be simulated after having locked a data
item. Note that this also gives an indication of the different quality types that can be obtained in actual operation.
4.2 Diagnostic
4.2.1 Events Log
Diagnostic Events
Please, take into account that clearing events, not only clear the table. This action deletes the content of the SOE files
in the file system. Events couldn’t be recovered after confirming deletion.
The system log is presented the same way as SOE events and they can be exported to csv too, but not cleared.
Only users with SECADM authorization can access this information.
The cyber security logs are presented the same way as SOE events and they can be exported to csv but not cleared.
Security administration rights are required in order to access this page.
4.3 Maintenance
4.3.1 Clock
Maintenance Clock
Using this page, the RTU time can be modified. This change can be done automatically (will set the PC time as RTU time)
or manually. If the user doesn’t have the proper permissions, the current RTU time only is shown for informational
purposes only as follow:
Figure 4-4 – Date / Time (user with no permissions for change it)
If the user can change the system time, this page is like as follow:
Pressing the green button, the date/time of the PC is sent to the RTU.
If the date/time of the RTU must be set manually, change the switch in this page to “Manual” mode.
Select the correct date / time and press the green button. This new date/time will be sent to the RTU.
4.3.2 Acquisition
Maintenance Acquisition
This page is depending on the I/O modules installed and configured in the RTU. For example:
Acquisition Status
Each configured acquisition module is shown in a tab, with its name and two icons showing the current status:
Icon Meaning
Communications are OK
Communications error
Analog Calibration
Modules that contain AI (SM_AI16 / SM_AI8AO4) and AO (SM_A8AO4) show a table with the correspondent signals. If
the permissions set for the user allows it, these points can be calibrated.
For example, following picture shows a tab corresponding to a SM_AI8AO4 module. All of its signals are displayed with
the value and quality information.
To start the calibration of an analog input or output, just click on the “Calibrate” button for the signal to calibrate. A window
will pop with the instructions that the user must follow. Please take into account that if the point has no good quality or it is
blocked, calibration will not start:
• To assign or remove a role from a user, simply check or uncheck the box next to the specific role in the list.
Several roles can be assigned to a single user, but there must be at least one role per user.
• Once the user roles have been modified, click the button to save the changes.
• It is also possible to delete the user by clicking the button . Confirmation is requested to avoid a potential
operator error
• Click the button “Change password” to change the user password. The new password must be entered twice to
confirm it for security reasons. Password creation rules are defined in the SAT. By default, the password must
contain the following:
o At least 1 character
o Valid characters: ASCII code [33,122]
• By clicking button “Add user” , it is also possible to create a new user in addition to the default users. This opens
a new window, requesting entry of the password and definition of the roles for this user. Click “OK” to confirm
creation of this user.
webApp User Manual 5-1
Rev 1.0 (17-03-2017)
It is possible to lock an existing user by enabling the lock.
The user will then no longer be able to connect using their login (username and password).
It is possible to assign cybersecurity administrator rights to a predefined user other than SecurityAdmin. This other user
can then perform the same role and password administration tasks for all other users, except their own
5.3 IP Configuration
Maintenance IP configuration
For each ETH port, the user can set IP address, Subnet Mask and Disable/Enable this interface. IP address can be set as
Fixed or Automatic (using DHCP):
Only if ETH1 and ETH2 devices aren’t configured with a IP address, PRP1 device is enabled to be configured.
• Subnet IP: IP address of the auxiliary network that wants to access the RTU.
• Subnet Mask: Used to define the usable IP address range on the auxiliary network and limit the possible number
of hosts.
• Router IP: Address of the IP network gateway to which the RTU is connected.
It is possible to define a default route through which communication will be automatically routed by the router when a
connection is established.
To do this, simply configure the router parameters as follows:
• Subnet IP:
• Subnet Mask:
• Router IP: IP address of the default gateway through which traffic is directed.
The current versions of the firmware embedded in the SM_CPU866e module is displayed in the Software page:
Step 1 / Select
Using the green button “Install new firmware” the firmware can be upgraded. A window appears on screen showing the
firmware upgrade procedure, which involves several steps:
Click the button “Select file” and select the compress file or drag it on the square. This file (“.tar.gz” extension) must be
available on the PC connected to the Web server. Contact Schneider Electric technical support to obtain this file.
Step 2 / Upload
Click the “Upload” button to upload the file.
Step 3 / Check
After uploading the file, it will be checked. If fail, a red cross is shown next to the text “NewBspVer”
If the checking process is successful, press the new green button “Install new firmware”. The rest of the process is
Step 4 / Install
During this process it is very important not to close the browser nor navigate in another tab, the tracking of this process
will be lost and you will be unable to log in until the new firmware is fully installed.
Step 5 / Reboot
Step 6 / Login
After reboot the login will be prompted and you will be redirected to the home page.
The initial configuration of the RTU should be completed in Easergy Builder to carry out the following operations:
• Configure protocols and Devices
• Configure device synchronization
• Configure the SOE
• etc.
Once the configuration has been finalized, it is uploaded to the RTU via Easergy Builder or saved to PC as a backup file
for subsequent import into the RTU via the Web server.
Refer to the “Easergy Builder Manual” and “Configuration & Startup of Saitel DP Manual“ for more information on these
configuration operations.
On commissioning, the configuration can be changed via webApp. Once the configuration parameters have been set, the
new configuration should be saved in the device memory (slot) and to an external backup device, or imported into Easergy
Builder to create an archive.
These saved configuration files are compatible with Easergy Builder and can be imported and stored in the tool.
Before any changes are made to the RTU configuration, it is recommended that a restore point is systematically created,
i.e. that the current RTU configuration is saved before being stored to create a configuration archive.
For security reasons, it is advisable to regularly back up the active configuration to an external device, in addition to the
local backups in the memory slots. An external backup can be used to retain the configuration even if the SM_CPU866e
module is replaced.
The webApp can store up to 3 different configurations (besides the active one).
• Define a name for the backup ("conf" proposed by default), then select the destination for the file by clicking one
of the following:
o Your device: Saves the configuration to an external backup device (e.g. hard disk, USB flash drive, etc.). A
*.tar.gz compressed configuration file will be automatically saved to the PC in the normal location for web
browser downloads.
o Slot #1, #2, or #3: Saves the configuration in slots 1, 2, or 3. The date and name of the backup in the slot will
be updated with the current date and time once the backup is complete.
• Click “Save” and a progress bar informs of the process:
• Click button “Download configuration” for the slot from which you want to download the configuration.
• A *.tar.gz compressed configuration file is automatically saved to the PC in the normal location for web browser
downloads. Then, the backup is complete.
• Click “Save to slot #X” to confirm the save to the selected slot. A progress bar indicates the progress of the save
to slot operation.
• The date and name of the backup are updated in the slot once the save is complete. The configuration upload is
5.6 Settings
Setting SM_CPU866e
From webApp, basic settings can be modified for the module SM_CPU866e:
• SCADA protocols (Slave protocols).
• Master protocols
• Physical ports (Channels)
• Synchronization
Refer to the User Manual for the protocol in question for more information on parameter settings.
Easergy Builder is used for the advanced protocol configuration and SCADA addressing.
If a channel is assigned to a protocol, then its settings will be accessed from the protocol’s settings. For example:
In the example above, the channel Chan1SER1 is accessed by clicking on DNP Slave, then the Session, Link and finally
the channel. Please note that some settings cannot be changed from webApp, in this example we can see that the name
of the channel and the mode cannot be changed. It also cannot be changed to other than TCP.
If a change is done in any parameter, the color is changed in order to inform the user that current values aren’t be saved.
Then, the user can click “Save” and changes are saved or the user can click “Reset” and changes are ignored.
webApp is only used to view the application parameters associated with these sources. However, some specific
parameters can be changed:
• Timeout (s): Time delay before the active device is declared to be in error mode and the switch is made to
another device. Default value: 30 s (Configuration range: 1 – 4294967295).
• Local time Zone
• Summer Time
BaseLine Schneider Electric software platform for Saitel.
DB DataBase.
EN English language.
IP Internet Protocol
PC Personal Computer
Rev Revision
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Saitel Team